Mystery Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikzTY...
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Business Inquiries: JoshuaDTV1@gmail.com
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Up Angles Shirts & Phone Cases, Be Nice to People Shirts, #Swerve Snapbacks, and much more!
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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. I'm also a Singer, Husband, Triple Espresso over Ice Connoisseur, Actor, and Momma's Boy. Be Nice to People.
- Damaris Channer: I would like to eat smore icecream like I ran out this is so tragic
- LashelleLoren: He told her not to get her hopes up! Haha.
- Sophia Testani: The s'more the s'merrier
- Megan Muench: What's a s'more without the chocolate or the marshmallow? Just a cracker because the inside is no s'more. Like no more haha I'm so funny
- Kennedi The Small Kid: you guys are cool
- Holly Ann Smith: this is a scary world with scary people and you never know what people are going to do or say with private information
- Queent Chicken: Josh is going to be an amazing dad😘😘
- Summie: What movie are they referencing in the beginning?
- Valeria olvera: I want some one to look at me the way Josh looks at rebecca
- LPS Tigger: Mum: what do u want for lunch? Kid: S'mores. mum: some more of the lovely cabbage?! Kid: WAIT N-..mum: ok ! I'm so glad you like it. Ehh this joke is so bad ..
- Jaila Bosket: Why do they call them Smore's because you always want smore
- James Dahlke: In e snore joke hahahahaha
- Jordan Purrington: Joshua I love you
- britt 123: I have a shirt that says I love you smore
- Brit: can we have s'more slays and zamolo
- James Tecson: Why do you add some s'more butter
- Brian Zook: I'd like to see you Rebecca on this channel s'more! Boom!!
- Trisha Langrehr: That looks s'more much fun
- Camy George: Haha! Josh please get a dog!!!!😘😂
- Jonathan Monaghan: I want s'more yummy nummies videos.
- Storkie Girl: Never mind
- Rebekah B: I have no friends i need to make s'more
- Shea Lily: It's my birthday when this was posted!
- Fiona Luke: have a s"moretasic day
- N A: Rebecca your hair looks SOOO good and healthy 😍
- ChelsyB09: The campfire is so s'more
- Anna the pig girl Barrett: I want s'more booty
- mi sun lee: Can I having smore smores
- Sara Steingruber: ZOOLANDER
- Sophie Wallen: Waina Wiperi Thats not nice how would u like it if someone said that your a awful person!!
- Brooklyn Robertson: it so smore
- Callie: Someone is gonna figure out where you live, you shouldn't of done that.
- Corinne Young: What's the movie? 😂
- Marie Aydin: CAN I have snore candy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Briana Bailey: Will you please vlog s'more?😂✌
- Allie Giancarlo: At least the Zoolander reference made up for the taste?
- Caroline Quinzada: What's the difference between a bitten s'more and a not bitten one? The bitten one is not a s'more it's a s' less. Get it? JAJAJ I laugh at my own jokes. I'm such a loser. 😂😂
- Paige Kuerze: Let's have s'more dog talk
- Naomi Thornhill: what did the smores say to the other smores?
- KK Peil: you guys can be soooo innapropriate! LOLOLOL jk
- MeghanTalks: You should do s'more food tasting videos with Canadian restaurant foods like Swiss Chalet!!
- Eliza Hargett: my grandma got me 1 of those so awesome
- Carolina 717: Do you want to have s'more fun?
- Elixcon15: Rachel (Colleen's sister) says some more instead of s'more
- Caroline Quinzada: They seem so... so yummy😂😂 JAJAJAJAJJA Dad! put me on your snapchat
- Mackey Roberson: I have s'mores yummy nummies at my house
- Sophie Hollingsworth: I loooovveeee your hat Josh!
- Tia Desai: Why is Colleen and u never together anymore in videos??
- Kaitlin M: I want your shirt! lol I'm obsessed with cameras. where did you get it?
- rachel ballinger_#1fan: you should make s'more yummy nummies
- Brigita Mizicova: I want s'more of these videos
- Angelina H: he said slays at matt
- Lyndsay Moore: ZOOLANDER +joshuaDTV
- ParsaTY ParsaTY: Can you make a video of the pie face challenge
- katie venter: can I have Some'more please
- Potato Potato: ZOOLANDER OMG
- Hayden hall: I think you need S'more water back wash
- Heyit'sReeka: IM SO EARLY!
- Alex O'Brien: I have no smore jokes because Rebecca took them all
- Corinn Flanagan: Ps love his shirt👌😂
- Lily Zorian: 700th comment
- Avery Peterson: You should make s'more jokes or puns
- Katreena Phillips: you can get smore smores
- Emily Smith: OMG!!! at 5:53 Josh sounded like lightning McQueen from cars
- Ang Luck: I want smore smores
- Tiffany Au: I tried it the only thing that was good is the cracker and I marshmallow taste weird and powdery, the chocolate tastes so bad
- De'Ajah tv: I want to watch s'more
- Kalea Cropper: Can u make s'more of these yummie nummies videos
- Darren Kapelus: Why didn't you guys eat s'more
- Caitlyn Vinson: Let's have smore
- Mia Houle: Zoolander
- Amber Gonzalez: u should do the akinator game
- Aubrielle Robinson: The fact that I know what Rebecca & Josh were saying about " snow"😂🙄🤔💀💀‼️
- Lillianna Puppel: zoolander
- emily: omg that reference was from the first zoolander
- ces lilly: She did the intro wrong!
- Jordan Lamb: Zoolander
- Bren Steel: S'morevwa
- Rebekah B: After one joke, ask if anyone wants to tell s'more cause I can't think of any
- 8ay8ee: I have the feeling, that yummi nummies is making their money only because youtubers need something funny to film.
- Rennie Van: Josh you should do a q and a
- Anna_Grace25 25: Can I have Smore Smore's
- Aneesa Joy: Directioner I love your name and your profile pic.
- KM Davis: 7 veiws
- Grace Moore: Ily
- McKenna Bailey: Give me s'more time to make my s'mores
- Directioner: I honestly thought that this was nerdy nummies by Rosanna pansino
- Taj-Aliah Brown: is you a camp fire because you hot and I want s-more
- Andrew Gonzales: Can you do smore of theese Yummy Nummies
- Victoria Cardenas: it is so smore
- Lenny D'Arensbourg: you guys need S'MORE fire!!
- Ava Reece: can I see a more videos
- Jessica Charania: Hey can I have s'more
- Vanessa Broughton: did you guys know you should do some smore yummy nummies
- Will Lombardo: +MEEPISMEEPTASTIC Colleen does not have a baby
- Sophie Wallen: HelloXRyan yes😅😅😅
- Annie McEwen: I want s'more s'mores
- Jemily MSP: rebeca we have same nail polish :D
- Brie: I know another challenge you should do
- 4444444е: Snow with gelatin? Ya right! 😁
- Natalie Martens: Do more yummy nummies please
- Lazy Test out's: Marshmallow looks like Cu*
- yamor Uludag: lets make s'more s'mores
- sandy: there's this guy at my school that reminds me of joshua has the same colored eyes and haircut, right when i saw him it was like i knew him from somewhere
- ur mom: happy birthday!! also my grandma's bday
- Liz Carveth: I want s'more videos by josh
- Alina Smith: bro why being so sarcastic
- kiera froelich: Josh said nerdy nummies.
- my self: Happy birthday
- Destiny Davie: yall need to make s'more collages. I am so very sorry for that...
- Serenity McGlade: you should try an easy name oven😃😃
- Emily Blaylock: Your vids need s'more fun
- Sandy Underwood: I am your biggest fan
- Josette Borg: can u give me s'more of those s'mores
- Marissa Thompson: Tell me s'more about how you didn't like the Yummy Nummies today ;)
- Kylie Quigley: I want s'more videos
- Nik_Nak_ Nikki: You guys should do s'more video's together
- Amee Wright: Is the movie zoolander?
- Charlaine Wong: Ok, I really need to see a Joshleen reunation vlog.
- Ella B: you need s'more backwash
- anna sakranan: i need to see s'more yummy nummies vids josh
- Mini Cooper: 0.51 i get what film their talking about 😂😂😂 zoolander😂😂
- brooke cailder: a Smoke Daddy smoker jokes
- Katherine Levy: Would you like uhh s'more or some more
- Emily Zhang: +Gabby Blackmon I meant Colleen ballinger
- Lilly Grace: Do smor'e collage with rebecca
- Emily Rodriguez: the movie is zoolander
- Alyssa Finch: IMG_9337.jpe
- Kasey Chen: Love you Josh!
- Little brat: make s'more videos
- Jennifer Jewell: Hi Joshua
- Evelyn Mireles /cupcake chic 101: I love you guys smore
- Sarah Kitchens: Josh and Becca should do s'more yummy nummies😂❤️😭
- Angelina Lahti: Why do you not do videos whit collen
- Emilie Capobianco: love😜🤗 y'all
- Princess: do s'more collabs
- Mia P: can I get s'more s'mores
- Coffee Girl 22: Dat zoolander reference tho 😂👌🏼❤️
- Alexia Martinez: you guys should make smore video
- thicc kermit: you should make S'MORE videos like this!
- mark shaffer: yes
- Poppy Holwell: We will make those and eat snore Than you
- TheMinecraftPhenoix 10: I need s'more sauce
- BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Hey It's Emily ya I get it
- Nicole Money: I love you guys!!!
- Jocelyn Brooks: wow early
- Gabby Ferrara: Smores are yummy, in my tummy
- Nandana Sojin: You can't stop eating smores cause you always want s'more
- Hailey Rineer: I want someore
- Nora Nora: Can you make s'more videos
- Gabriella Becker: please give us smore videos
- Samantha Carpenter: Rebecca’s married ding dong
- josie pellerito: I need s'more collabs with you too I'm sorry I'll leave I have s'more to say
- Samantha Simone: CAN I BE ON UR SNAPCHAT!??
- Holly Ann Smith: YESSSSSS you know what's up
- Katie Miller: I want s'more of these yummy nummy videos ;)
- Kletus Creep: you're s'more-kin' HAWT! .... bcus of the fire.
- Zoei Jenkins: Do Smore yummie nummie videos
- Brandon Davids: Can I get s'more likes 🤣
- Jessie Blucher: Lol
- lílч αndєrѕσn: Do s'more yummy nummies videos
- EmRose: Well my uncle calls me smoore cause my last name is Moore
- Kate Filosa: Name your dog Rocket
- Camry Granacha: Gauva jucie do a video to this too
- Fluffy Pancakes: my dad tried his first smore yesterday, he said it was good, i told him if u want some more I could get u some
- Katherine Castillo: When the She said What dose it remand You of. And he ment to say sperm
- Kimberly Clark: Rebecca with the puns!! LOL!
- Lizbeth Mendoza: Want S'Mores vídeos
- Gracen Stein: I watched the live.ly of you guys making this and it was so fun. I watched it on Rebecca's musical.ly
- Abby's Room: Plz do another vid with colleen
- T Brown: I want to watch s'more videos
- Esther S.: "Slays...." "YEAH!!"
- its._.strangerthings: It's...snow....mixed with....gelatin. Same!!!
- Lexi Weiss: zoolander
- Fluffymayshay: I wish that you would do s'more yummy nummies
- 7thButera: Did you guys SEE THE WAY JOSHAU was LOOKING AT REBECA at the beginning of the video?!?!!?! OMG Their OBVIOUSLY SO IN LOVE and dating..... poor collen.....
- Local koalabear: I feel like if you made real smores, you'd have more, and it would be better, and faster, but I have made them, and not is very fun 😉
- Abigail Inglis: Josh I need S'More vlogs
- Angela Castruita: +Magical Megan I have no s'more.
- Joshua Martinez: might i have s'more smores
- Hey It's Emily: I need s'more of these collabs... see what I did there, see what I- never mind
- Erin Kiple: My dingleberry life will be fulfilled if I was on Josh's snapchat!😆💙
- Saoirse Hislop: Put this on snapchat ❤️
- L.A. Girls: Can I have s'more s'mores?
- Abby The Alpaca: Lol
- Graciegrace O.: 3:51 "This is so hard how is this for kids?!" Well Rebeca its for smart kids so you need to go to school s'more
- annette lopez: Hey Joshua make S'MORE vedeos like this, 😃
- Kitty Kat: I want to see s'more of those baseball caps
- Leah Silva: U should make s'more yummy nummies
- The diamond Miner: Eat them and want s'more
- jada phillips: are u still with Collen
- brianna: I wanna go buy one of those now, the Japanese version. I forgot what it was called, but I want it.
- Ella Roof: I need s'more collages
- Sarah Jordan: Zoo lander
- Nora. Trembley: Please sir I want s'more. ~Oliver twist reference!
- PrincxssAdrii: I'm s'more late than I thoughf😂😯
- madelynss: Yo what ghram crackin snapchat?
- Kaylee Vawter: Josh needs to be on snapchat s'more.
- Kathleen Healy: how often to the YouTubeers comment on their own videos
- Odd Sisters: I want s'more s'mores
- Precious Oyelakin: all these jokes are s'moring
- Kelly Duckett: can u guys do smore videos like these
- Deirdre Begley: great videa
- Rebecca Zamolo: All I can think about is you getting a dog and having s'more fun!
- Χρύσα Μυλωνά: and maybe the one and only video that josh didnt do the hand thing in the end
- Olivia awesomeness: I love having s'more fun!!😂
- Cooper Wyatt: I put that comment :39 seconds in
- Cooper Wyatt: Why are they called s'mores because you always want some more
- Jaylin: 😍😎💩
- love life: Josh said at the beginning i done yummy nummy but they never woked but when josh was cutting the plates rebecca asked have u ever done yummy nummys
- Brittany: What is that white creamy stuff remind you of Josh? 😏😏 Thank you Josh for not answering the right answer. I'm dead..
- Natasha and Curt Curtis: U need s'more fire
- Lily Anderson: Zoolander woop woop
- halana mcpherson: are they gross
- Hunter Dale: she is dating Matt slaves
- ack: my problem of this is that it is a rip off of a Chinese version ;-;
- Valerie Liu: Maybe yummy nummies should work on s'more on this kid toy
- maya maya: the way josh looking at rebecca at the very beginning. please no 😩
- Leah R: Just from the 330- I know you live in Ohio. I would take this down before somebody bad sees
- A Person: make s'more cool vids for s'more subs and likes
- Trying 2 Hard: When Rebecca said "what does this white stuff remind you of josh" my mom walked in and shit got awkward😂💯
- Azia Noin: Oh my josh
- xx BlushyHerron xx: Will you vlog s'more
- twice booty: Want to eat s'more?
- Nicole Hogan: S'more
- Pranto Chowdhury: You half to make s'more videos
- Sonya Hill: 30 seconds in and I swear to god if they're any smore puns I'm going to melt
- elma: cracker me up ?
- Lexi Hoskey: I want you to do s'more videos with her
- Ava Wilson: Caroline Quinzada I don think u r a loser I think it is a good joke!!Don't doubt ur self😊
- ska uwu: Why wont josh reply to me?😭
- Lauren Tedeschi: This video slays my life. 😂😂
- Velvet Penguin: Zoolander reference FTW!!!!!!
- Emily Marks: Who else thought when josh said " there's a dog staring at me" that he got a dog!!!!
- howtodiva forever: rebeccas joke is funny
- Jessica Gray: i had smore fun watching this voindo
- Jazmyn Moroz14: this video made me smile :)
- Percy CHAN: LOL
- Brianna Popovic: Please sir, may I have s'more???
- Lulu Dre: I legitimately saw this a few days ago at Toys R Us!😂 You guys are so funny! Love you!😍😎💩
- Jasmine Cruz: Rebecca smorelo
- Sydney Wuensch: S'more yummy nummies videos are not needed on YouTube
- Adriana Trujillo: i want s'mores joke haj!!!!!
- Terri Fenwick: I love the moment when the s'more goes in the mouth and the facial expressions happen
- Emily Roglieri: I've done this one and I said the same thing as Rebeca in the first minute
- Beautie Ave: Josh and Rebecca should do some s'more videos
- sienna gonzales: I want to know smore about you
- Zoe Adams: Josh don't do that again
- Gabby Keith: some more is a term from girl scouts
- Leondra Vincent: you should do s'more nummie yummies
- TotallyTori101: i think you have to come up with S'more jokes rebecca 😂
- Zahin Khan: fuck
- fatniss everbean: snow that has been mixed with gelatin lmao
- kayleigh bergold: I want josh to vlog s'more
- Dipdip Dulidu: Did he and colleen brake up??
- Brit29 B: I wish you would snapchat the comments s'more! Love you Joshua!
- Becca: I camp believe you wanted me to make puns
- Angelica Cruz: popin cookin is actually pretty good .. especially the sushi one
- Natasha Gaming: really you want s'more jokes
- Cathryn Goodrich: You guys should google dingleberries it's weird I wonder if he knows what it means?
- Hannah Gardner: Do u know s'more jokes
- Nadia Owen: Hey josh guess what I love your videos. So upload s'more of them.
- Chelsea Jones: o
- Ava's Vlogs: I am doing this wall watching
- Kamia Johnson: 4 yummy mummies at 1 time
- Olivia& Addi: awesomeness
- Duke Elf: Hi josh your the best you inspire me everyday
- Tasha Shuck: notification squad what up
- minipolaroids: s'more snow that has been mixed with gelatin please
- Colleen Slays: I need s'more videos from you Josh, I mean we could always use s'more vlogging. Does anyone have s'more
- Brianna Beland: it's from zoolander
- Jaclyn Bridges: I need S'more chocolate
- Sarah-Jane Happy: Can I have s'more likes
- RainbowCat5683 AJ: There s'more hope in Rebecca still, but not for the yummy nummies s'mores
- Something iconic: I got yummynummies for christmas... the soda machine didn't taste good BUT IT IS SUPER FUN AND COOL AND NOW THIS YEAR I WANT ANOTHER ONE
- Johnny Nguyen: I want some smores
- Haley Rayfield: you should do s'more videos with Rebecca
- Morgan The Crazy Mexican: Ha ha ha
- Basic: I cant wait to watch s'more lol
- Jeanette Chavez: why did you call us dingleberries
- Kawaii Mermaid: You need s'more videos
- Marissa Lee: Zoolander 😁
- Victoria Regalado: hoping for this to be on snap, if you know what i mean!! 😉😉
- Ava Casillas: if it's good then have smore
- Naghoriツ: Do you have mor joke
- russell vlogs: 71st
- Avery Bousquet: i want a s'more or s'more
- Caitlyn Jeansonne: I saw her live.ly
- Kawaii Mermaid: I need s'more fun
- Kira Oconnell: lol I love this video
- Livvie Liv: Don't smorether me with your humor
- Lily nation: Do you want s'more?!
- mustang 123: I wish I had s'more josh vids a week and vlogs we love u josh go get that dog🐶🐶🐕🐕
- Maria Catalan: I want S'more videos with you and rebecca
- Todd Anderson: love the Zoolander reference!!
- Ellie Beder: This video is s'more better with these corny jokes
- jackie ortiz: I want "S'More" COLLABS of you and Rebecca ;))
- Megan Muench: So sno'more
- XdarcieisabellaX: Did you get a dog
- Avve :}: When I am finished eating yum i.e. Nummies, I always think: wow such a long proses for a two second treat.
- Jolene Seah: nice
- Mary Ann Whitaker-Ramos: I got this for Christmas this same exact one
- Brooke Bullock: hey hey hey
- Myah Stadnyk: Zoo lander love the movie it's hillarious
- Gabby Blackmon: Yes.
- Saoirse 5th: I would love to see s'more
- Potato Potato: Please do s'more yummy nummies videos
- jnbg61584: with the s'more jokes, the best one I can think of is the lines from The Sandlot movie. 90s kids know what I'm talking about
- SiMpLyMiRaCuLoUs: the camp fire is s'mor-ller(smaller) than u
- Holly Ann Smith: +Angela Castruita HA
- I don’t even know Don’t even know: I hope you make s'more vidios
- Chloe Carrick: Let do some s'more
- Lily DeLeon: zoolander rules!!!!!!!
- Harkology: This is the earliest that I have ever been!
- annaya roane: Hi omg I love ur vids!!! 1 in a million is my fav song keep working hard
- lily khachatryan: i want s'more s'mores
- Gretta L. Gonzalez: ikr
- Aubrey Grace: Are you a campfire? Cause you're hot and I want s'more
- gracie green: I want to cook s'more
- Ella Hamilton: Your so amazing I want smore😍😍
- Sherry Hesser: Alex O'Brien
- Elise Weber: I just ate one but i want s'more
- Sophie Wallen: Alex O'Brien your amazing
- Vanessaaa Romanelli: Whoever is gonna be the child of joshleen is going to be the luckiest child on earth
- Kaylee Vawter: I need to meet Rebecca s'more.
- Laura Sahyouni: Can you do s'more yummie nummie videos? See what I did there.....ok I'll shut up now........
- Doraa Kk: I bet dog's name is going to be Zeus 😏 are you snapping the comments??❤️
- your favorite: i loved that when he whispers slays and he answered
- Kalia Williams: I bet u want s'more yummy nummies!!!
- Valerie Quijada: I WANT S'MORE VIDEOS.
- Cristopher Villanueva: Hey josh love this video
- Carolyne Wintersteen: Hey I'm from snapchat lysm❤️
- Ellie Johnson: Omg can you please make s'more of these videos?!
- Precious Oyelakin: I want s'more s'mores
- Kianna Lea: Snapchat fam here!! I love this video 💕 Rebecca's puns 💁🏼 can you make s'more videos you the best at them.!!
- Gaby Aguado: Your teeth are brighter than my future :,D
- Alexa Moore: may I have s'more please, mom?
- Dulce Cedillo: I'm early Here's a joke
- Brie: I just created a challenge its the YummyNummie challenge but blind folded
- Sydney Gilmore: When u want more vids with Colleen
- Lorna Dawes: S'mores ?
- SomeOneWhoLikesDogs 27: Dang I found a lot of s'more puns there a lot s'more puns than I thought 🙃😐
- Georgia Kermode: Black Jack was so cute just staring at Josh!
- Katelyn Cathers: Are you a fire? bc your hot and i want S'more
- maik wonder: I wish that you would be gay josh😔
- jabulile hazel nkosi: I wanna se s' more yummy nummie videos
- Sammie Lummas: Mom can I have s'more? Haha
- Andrew Leiva: Can you make s'more yummy nummies
- Summer Stafford: Josh needs to do s'more jokes
- Korsha Korse: Would you please do S'MORE yummy nummies????
- Crafty Cuties: I would love s'more yummy nummies videos together
- Stephanie Windom: Want s'more
- Olivia awesomeness: Alex O'Brien so they should vlog s'more!😁
- xBruhItsKarissa: i need s'more yummy mummies videos
- Emma: Are you a campfire? Cause your hot and I want s'more
- Issy Fraser: I want somore videos of you guys doing Yummy Nummi's
- Olivia awesomeness: Hey It's Emily LOL!!!!!!!!😊😂😅
- MChannel: I wish I had s'more time before school starts
- G T: Could Rebecca be any s'more cringey?
- Rachel Killoran: Do more nummie nummie
- sarah stevens: Can you do s'more of these videos with rebecca
- Kaylee Vawter: I need to meet Josh s'more.
- Honey Bee: Give is s'more of these vids!
- Tim De Leij: do smore video's with Rebecca
- Stefany Miranda: why are s'mores called s'mores because you always want s'more
- Rogue Jump: yall not gonna last
- Abbey Frushay: You should do smore videos with Erin and colleen They have smore funny content than televison I tried to do puns and failed smore than usual
- Jordyn Green: Really late but do you want s'mores or s'lesses.
- Schuck: I came to this vid for all the puns
- Itzyagurl Madds: Do s'more videos of yummie nummies
- Paola Meza: I have the same microwave as you guys
- Joshua's Corner: let's make some more!!😂😂😂
- Prettypetal 01: I WANT S'MORE S'MORES!!!🍞🍫🍦🍞. Why don't they have a s'more emoji!?!?
- Sunday Tully: ZOOLANDER!!!!!!!!!!
- Amiyah Davis: let's make smore smores
- Honey Bee: i like to s'more at night
- Maryn James: HE GOT THE DOG!!!
- Emma: +Kayla Nielsen omg I would of done the same how did I not notice!!
- BonnieJess _: Oh that was smore than I expected
- Duke Elf: Hi josh your the best you inspire me everyday
- Josie Anderson: josh you need to collab with rebecca s'more
- Maya Gordon: no your not that funny
- Aimless Vloggers: Is the movie 'Zoolander' when they were saying to write the movie in the comment the below?
- Taylor Clarke - Royal Orchard MS (1483): Sperm lol
- Graciegrace O.: Can you please vlog s'more
- PlanetExplorer: The fire is so S'morel!!!
- Cameron Slide: +Bella Marie my best friend... how could you insult him?!1!1! 😭 blockedt
- Chloe Bounds: do you want smore
- Ava Wilson: I am very chocoLATE but I am still S'more early then others. See what I did there,see what...Oh never mind
- Erma Kacprowicz: YAY SNAPCHAT
- Weird Girl: I have this and its awful
- xana irigoien: Zoolander is the movie
- Sydney Lynn: Give me s'more s'mores
- Lou Avila: r u cheating on. coleen
- Leah Madeline: Rebecca looks gorgeous in this 😍❤️
- Sasha Ramirez-Robles: i dont know the movie but i know s'more
- Ashley W: Yes i know the movie Please do s'more of the collabs... I love you guys!!! :*
- Ava Reece: can I have s more videos
- reviewing toys: I want smore smores
- stranger_things _addict: Let's have some smore of These Collabs 😙😅
- Katie Lee: When arranging the s'mores supplies on the table, bring out the chocolate last and ask "What candy is never on time? Choco-late" When heating the marshmellows, you can say that the marshmellows are ready when they look "goo-d." For those who are watching their waistlines, you bought "gram crackers."
- Devyn Garrettbey: Do you s’more
- Manjit Singh: A smore is a smore until you fart on it
- Aubrey Cope: I love you s,more. ( the s,more part is for more)
- SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
- Maddi’s world: Does anyone want s'more
- Julimar Surillo: Yummy nummies are bad
- kylie !!: are you a camp fire? cuz your hot and I want s'more😏🔥❤️
- Emma Kuncl: Omg I laughed so hard😂😂😂
- Sandra Thompsen: give me s'more
- Dayla L.: I am still hungry so i need to eat s'more
- Aidan Henri: Joshua S'more dog Info
- Gretta L. Gonzalez: yes he did
- Kelsi M: after lots of uploads this week, I'm hoping for s'more! okay that was lame I'm sorry
- Zoe Heavner: zoolander!!
- krystal p: summer needs to last s'more !!!!!
- Sophie Wallen: HeyIt'sEmily lol😘😄😄😄😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅
- Dilara Diamond: Lmao IKR xD
- supa dupa: I want s'more s'mores
- Lillie Boo and Lizzy Lou: I want s'more please
- Kylee Souza: OMG I love josh so much ❤️
- Nicole332 1: I would LOVE to have smore s'mores
- jasmine_virginia _11: let's make s'more.
- Sara khudairi: Do want smore ice cream hahahahaha
- Bella Diva: No s’more s’more jokes
- Abi Cornthwaite: give me s'more cookies!! tehehe :-)
- yamor Uludag: can you say s'more puns please
- Shelby TaylorSwizzy: i loved this video y'all should make smore ;)😂 (im so cheesy)
- Sarah Gregory: I know I don't feel alone anymore
- greenyhailey: I love Rebecca so much xD
- Holly Massey: If you know S'more s'more jokes, put them in the comments.
- Jalynn Peters: I bet Josh and t be a have more videos than Josh and colleen
- Blo Op: I want some s'more s'mores
- Heather Skye: I don't think you should do yummy nummies any s'more
- Teara Cammon: i want smore money
- Addison Evans: I got that 4 x-mas it tastes awesome 😁😁
- Emma N Corey George: (some s'more
- Madison L: Thank you for entertaining me today!
- Emily Rose: Do you want smort
- Isabella Gutierrez: Joshua try the blue ribbon yummy nummies
- avery crank: wish we had smore teachers like u
- jayemarie1979: let's make s'more memories
- Skylar Lindley: love u
- Shelby TaylorSwizzy: love you
- Sarah Jane Hall: You need to try the cupcake one...if you haven't already, it tastes like real chocolate cupcakes you can make at home or but at a store
- Brylee Ball: Rebecca lol nice one
- Indie Weafs: Boi you mean mystic awwww silly typos
- squishy marshmallow LPS: I hope you have s'more fun in 2017 🎁🎂🎉🎊😃😄🐒🐵💌
- Kya Mai: Rebecca Z-smore-lo lol
- Valerie Harris: Hi
- Ansley Osborne: Yay I love this channel
- Choco KpopLovezy: the movie is "Ant Farm"
- Valerie Crystal Suarez: u want smore s'mores
- Hannah McCowan: ZOOLANDER! The funniest movie I've ever seen
- Camryn's Corner: Yup Zoolander!! LOVE THAT MOVIE!!
- Kaylee Vawter: Can you do s'more shows?
- kamthecreator: PLEASE SIR I WANT "S'MORE"
- Camy George: +Gretta L. Gonzalez yep
- Judy Stokes: Can you guys do s'more yummy nummies?
- Rosanna Pansino: I have a joke Donald trump😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Carl Menkins: K
- Ava Grace: How did s'mores get their name? Bc when they ate it, they all wanted s'more :)
- Reginald Archer: you got s'more s'mores
- Shaylee Hofner: Cherryl Hernandez what?
- Kaitlyn Finch: I want s'more chocolate
- Lizzy Santos: Question:why is s"more's called s"mores Answer:because you just have to have smore
- ςαѵαηηαհ: Haha Rebecca that was a roast!😜
- Arely Martinez: PLEASE PLEASE put this on Snapchat!!!!
- Hannah Genevieve: You and Rebecca need to collaborate s'more
- Cameron Slide: put meh on your snapchat
- Ansley Osborne: I'm the 11th comment
- Quaking Memes: I always do double what they say cuz, it's always so hard to divide
- guava juice: what do you call something that you want more but you can't say more right?ssssmooree
- Ava Wilson: ps.i am realy bad at jokes😂😂 what do you call a S'more that has been eaten?? A no'more hehe no eh it was worth a shot
- Ayriana Baker: White creamy stuff😂😂😂😂
- Sabina Zahiri: Same
- Amber Billups: can you make some more vids please :)
- jane haviland: I love josh and Rebecca together!!!!!
- Katherine Castillo: When the She said What dose it remand You of. And he ment to say sperm
- Erma Kacprowicz: SNAPCHAT HI
- Bella Collins: It looks so smoredellious
- Marcy Hermann: I got rosted
- Χρύσα Μυλωνά: well this is hilarious
- Haileys Kawaii: HEY SMORE! I'm going to ROAST you!!! (that's my joke😂😂)
- tuquan Freeman: when I sleep I smore
- TangoMango: can u makw s'more videos with rebecca
- Mackenzie Collins: is the movie sandlot I love that movie
- russell vlogs: Hi! Can I be on snapchat? I have a S'more joke: wait.... no i don't
- Hope Huyser: josh: slays matt: YEAHHH i laughed way to much at that
- C Henson: Ant-man
- Jennifer Costa: gramcracers are smorelishous
- Celeste story: I would like s'more videos
- Txeyoonii: People stop making fun of teams, Team Instinct is a fantastic team, it may be small but its a good team. Where I live team Instinct owns almost all the gyms there is
- Hannah Watson: post s'more videos like this😏😂 (I'm not funny wowwww)
- Kayla03 Ahern: Can you make s'more video's
- Jolene Seah: nice
- Gabby Ferrara: QUESARITO
- Megan Muench: Do you have s'more jokes?
- Cristina Medeiros: Looks like someone needs s'more hugs
- Katy Welch: *sitting around campfire*Jimmy: Hey Paul do you want a s'more Paul: How can I have S'more if I haven't had any yet
- Nora. Trembley: "Please sir I want" s'more. ~Oliver twist reference!
- Krishna Patel: Josh u need to become a dad u would be the best dad in the world
- Nicole Petersen: When she said u couldn't go wrong with a s'more I was like "u just wait"
- Kate McLaughlin: Zoolander OBVI lol
- Krystelle Diaz: add some sugar... 😂
- Ava Marie: can u collab with Josh s'more
- Lily_ Simon: I need s'more friends
- Rebekah Link: For s'more similar fun head over to Rachel's channel where she makes s more cookies
- Mads & Kai: I want smore vids
- SH00KETH: I would live to see s'more yummy nummie videos again ha ha ha ha ha
- Haley Rayfield: i'm not creative but put me on snapchat anyway
- Ejenn14: You know why they call theme s'mores you just gotta have s more
- Ariana Dos Santos: gimme s'more
- Jace koczan: Awesome vid
- Jessicaa Keimm: im.dying.
- Chloe Redman: He's been kinda negative lately. I know he's probably joking ...just a little observation
- delaneyirishdances: I wish you could put s'more comments on your snapchat like mine💕😂
- CuteCam Cutz: I have one of those
- JO JO: Rebecca is such a bae stealer
- Coffee Logs: we have the same microwave
- ASMR Morgan: Excited for the dog
- Dangbri Squad: Liz Ogilby I agree
- Frizzy_frog _amazing: Rebecca Zamolo iii
- sweetbabygurl34: I agree Rebecca I love s'mores and can't go wrong yum
- robloxian mya: Do s'more videos
- Yasmine B: I don't know what to say...I just want to be on his snapchat 😞😅👀
- shane dawsons left eyebrow: feed me s'more
- kate johnson: I love her shirt
- REVANITE VEILFARR: Can u make s'more vids
- Kenzie: Wanna s'more , s'more what? Seriously
- Rennie F: I love you S'more
- Kirsten Thomas: I want s'more videos
- Lara Cormack: +Maya Cordova your probably not either
- Caroline Lawrence: oh REBECCA I love you smores
- Kylee Alexa: I'm gonna regret this, but someone text me😂 I'm bored and in a car for another 12 hours. My number is 330-440-1581
- Lauren K: I need to do smore work
- Jenn a: no there still married
- romina eguiluz: Liz Ogilby Rebecca is married
- guava juice: get it ssmmoorree sore hahaha
- Emma Boss: I wish i had s'more time with u 😉😂
- Soila Mercado: do u want s'more
- Alexa Moore: please make s'more collabs with colleen! ilysm
- Taylor Helm: I need s'more Collabs with Josh and Rebecca!!😂
- Ben Wass: I don't know the movie
- Kyra Costanzo: You should do S'more yummy nummies!
- Adrianna Cortez: how can you have smore if you haven't had any yet
- Hannah Rose: smorons
- Drpuppielover: That was so not smoreing 😂❤️
- Casey Driscoll: be nice to people and "s'morevwa"
- Brit: came from snapchat can I be on your snapchat
- Ruby and Jemima: Your not early your on time
- Erica Martinez: I went to your joshleen tour!!! can I be on your Snapchat!?!💙💩
- Malia Hayes: That joke was so terrible but so funny at the same time😂
- Formz: its zoolander
- gabgab smooth: I wish I had s'more friends like you
- BB&J Bonanza: That campfire is so s'more (Small)
- mimi msp: Jemima K it was a joke.
- Kathryn The horse girl: We can't have smores if we don't have Smore Fire
- Sage Productions: I just watched a funny video and laughed and I laughed s'more at this video!
- adam mac: Zoolander!! NICE!
- Jimin's Toothbrush: I want S'more food plz
- Nawaf Rafee: I'm early let me think of a joke Team valor
- grace konchan: I'm. Sorry. For. Not. Doing. An. Up. Angle.
- Macie Graber: Can I have s'more s'mores please
- Zoe Sharafinski: Are you putting comment on snapchat? If so I LUUUVVVVVV YOOOUUUUUUU💙
- Brookiecookie 123: Do they have a popcorn yummy nummies
- Kayla Nielsen: +Colleen is Bae what?
- Meowissa Plays Roblox: after you have one s'more your just gonna want s'more XD
- Sabina O: A little birdie told me that if I get here early enough he might reply...
- Zulema Camacho: my cousin's name is Josh
- Rainier Christian: honey I shrunk the kids
- Vanessa Pinke: I don't have Iney s'more
- Lily M: Are you related to the girl from BF vs GF
- Eva Spaid: Ikr
- AE Sadistic: Did he get the dog
- Kota Tyler: I would LOVE to see S'more videos with Rebecca😝
- Rylee 05: You guys need to make s'more videos together
- Maya Dilts: Id love s'more chocolate for my smore please😝
- Victoria Regalado: i really would likes S'MORE of videos with yummy nummies!!
- Abby Danielle: aww your vloggy shirt is cute, is the maker of it gonna make s'more?!
- Quincy Krauz: oops you should do the yummy nummies candy sushi
- Phoebe Cobb: A couple weeks ago I did the cup cake yummy nummy and it tasted really good
- Aidan Henri: Blackjack needs S'more attention
- Remi M: The world needs to spread smore love
- Charly Adie: Rebecca and Josh's videos at the same time!!!!! Which to watch first???????? TWO SIDED SCREEN PLEASE!!!!
- carly nikbakht: The sandlot
- Nyla: Not jokes. They are puns. I am smort ! Killed it. 🙃
- cassandra: Give me more = give me s'more
- Vanessa Pinke: You need to do s'more videos with rabeca
- Random Cast: i need s'more Zoolander references...
- Libbi and Tori: I love their friendship
- Cerys O'Sullivan: I want S'more S'mores
- MooTelevision: I LOVE THAT HAT
- Clare Sandy: Josh iF you don't like yummy nummies then you should call them yucky nummies
- SilverBow FTW: HBD
- Sydnies Way: i cant wait for s'more collabs
- Kaede Farrell: I would like s'more videos
- JustCuz: You should make s'more yummy nummies
- inlovewithJLT: Zoolander
- Mya Nunez: Do you want some s'more chocolateon on your Smore
- Mara Speranza: hahah Rebecca
- Angie Goes Bannanas: will you please do smore vids like this
- TheMagentaPuppy: Because it stands for "Some more"
- Monte 154: well I'm going yo go have real smore's now...
- Tiffany Munoz: You should do s'more challenges.
- Erick Martinez: Be Nice to People.....and S'Morevwa xD
- Annalisa Sandoval: smoreress
- Quintin L'MINGGIO: plz do s"more smores plz see cool right lol
- Laura S: the dog was 2 cute.... props to u guys ingesting that stuff lol!
- G T: I'm totally kidding. I love Rebecca.
- Jennifer Costa: rebbeca whyed you say whats up dingleberries
- James Thirkill: anyone figure out she was talking about sperm
- Jackies Life: What dose the white stuff look like Answer:Cum
- catherine: Joshua go back to vlogging I prefer your natural everyday videos these are just so basic
- Sonya Hill: The end was a bit of a stretch I know 😂😂
- oof: who else saw this on musically first?
- trash bird: same
- Immy -: I'm sorry Rebecca but his a married man😂
- Carol Chavez: hi
- Brenlee Jenkins: This isn't a s'more joke it's a pickup line: hey girl, are you a fire, cause ur smokin hot, and I want s'more😂😂😂
- Leilani alford: is there s more comments
- Peppermint Packjack: I love s'more of these fun videos
- J Do: I'm eating s'mores poptarts while watching this
- A K: How can I have s'more if I haven't had any yet?
- Brit: I can't wait to hear s'more of you getting the dog
- Nhcdcm _Lord: 40 comment
- Daisy shea: HEYY EARLY FAM
- Lindell McKinlay: S'mores are so bad for me but the is always room for one S'MORE
- Maiya Adams: you need s'more smores
- Sydney: Will someone explain the joke it is about 3:45 with the white stuff is it suppose to be a sexual joke
- KerraNicole 9601: I want to see s'more of this video 😂
- Stella G: I love Rebecca's face
- Stranger Things Fan 011: I want s'more videos
- angelfromheaven good person: Joshua can u send me one
- kate johnson: I need s'more Rebecca and josh collabs!
- Isabella Volkl: Rebecca Zamolo I want Smore smores
- Angela Castruita: Let's not do that no smore.
- Morgan Krawchuk: U should really make s'more videos about smores
- Ashley Caminiti: i want to watch S'more of your videos
- Alena Noelle: I'm going to watch s'more of of ur videos
- Liz Ogilby: Who thinks Rebecca secretly has a crush on josh
- Elli Hughes: what??????????????????????
- Queen Reem: Quick make a joke Uh.. no.
- layla and lexi sullivan: we need s'more
- Kaia Natelise: I want that water
- yojoe Whitley: agree
- KC Rosales Calunod: I want s'more Cookies
- Kat Joy Isaacs: Blackjack wants s'more of Josh's attention ...😂
- Wendie 123: I need s'more candy
- Olivia Hannah: How much s'more of this do I have to listen to?
- SKEERRTTT: I want some more smores
- Natalie Ferguson: I'm your biggest fan! I met you when you were in Tacoma and I met Rabecca and Tim! Best day of my life!💕
- Samantha Simone: if u ever said I love u sam! I would die literally
- Victoria Balli: Please no smore jokes
- starstruckgurlus: How can I have S'more of something when I haven't even had anything yet? Also name that movie!
- Kariberry77: I drink the same alkaline water haha!
- natalie sanchez: Is that his wife ??
- Just Claudia: hey you're hot and i want s'more ;)
- Dovecc: We Need S'more Youtubers Like You!
- asif: THUMBS UP IF YOU THINK JOSHUA IS GONNA BE THE BEST DAD EVER!! p.s. anyone want to support each other's channel?
- Alina leer: Why is S'Mores named S'Mores? Because u always want S'More!! Hahahahah I'm so funny
- Kaylee Vawter: Y'all need to do s'more videos.
- Erma Kacprowicz: THIRD
- Joy Stansell: once u try them, you'll want s'more it's not a chore to eat a s'more. Plz put my s'more pun on ur sc😊😂 ILYSM
- Destiny Dobbs: Rebecca Zamolo I'm bored today tomorrow I want to have Smore fun
- Ruby connolly: I want to see S'more videos with u 2
- Abbie for sure: you should make s'more of these videos
- Sabryna Wilkerson: why was the s'more on fire because it was smoking
- SURVIVING LIFE: Am I the only one who think Rebecca and josh would make a good couple I love COLLEEN but it's a thought I keep having
- eli herrera: This Video Is FIRE!😂🔥Worst Joke Ever!
- Storkie Girl: Is josh wearing a trixin hat
- LastKings Bun: You have to have some smore
- Fatimeto Awane: I'm in 2017
- jenna vallance: can i have s'more of that chocolate
- Ayriana Baker: WHAT???!!!! NO DINGLE BERRIES?????😢😢😢
- Pusheen and laurdiy Lover!: Your smoking
- Ariana McArthur: The grinch and I Lear s'more everyday
- Heyit'sReeka: luv your prfile pic btw
- Coco Sammons: You deserve s'more subscribers
- Ruby Alice: +cclara go team instinct
- Alyanna Payne: C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG
- Lanie Wilson: Are you a campfire? Because your hot and I want s'more
- Brooke Renee: Hi josh
- clara: team instinct?
- Channel675: what movie is that from? anyone know?
- Ally Kat: Woah I'm early. Ily guys!
- Ashlyn Turner: I want s'more yummy nummies
- QUEEN OF HEARTS: I just need s'more
- Amy Lee Bogle: I think you should to s'more collabs
- Baby Ella: same
- Creative Casey: i love you s'more
- Rachael Vlogs: HI 😍can you do s'mor videos.i😍💋you
- Alaya Taylor: Can we get s'more jokes
- Zoe K.: s'more videos together would be awesome! ;-)
- Angeles Pelaez: Happy Holidays and so much s'more
- it’s ya girl: I have no s'more jokes :(
- Abby: If Oliver was at a campfire--- "please sir, can I have s'more?"
- Alexis Pfau: I got here before my notification
- Jasmine Davidson: you know why they call it s'mors cause you just got to have s'more😂😂😂
- Mourin Youssef: Rebecca is so pretty!!
- Jeni Triana: They're in more videos together than him and Colleen
- Katie Vinson: I laugh when I see people measuring yummie nummies bc all I can think about is Shane Dawson just dumping one in the other and hoping for the best.
- Kate Benedict: YOOOOO literally love Josh's videos
- Angel Nation: Oh good your doing s'more Yummy Nummi vids ... I know very corny 😂
- Victoria Regalado: I REALLY WANT JOSH TO GET THAT DOG!! he is ready, he is ready!!!
- jyo: Mirand's bae sitting too close to a girl..that's practically porn
- Cheyenne D'Algol: Rebecca Zamolo what movie
- Lisa Rader: no no I don't
- Amy Becker: You just need to know you are an amazing person
- Marcos Nava: Why did the s'more cross the road..... to get eaten!!!! Ohhhh
- Emma Sloan: Will u put this on snapchat 😄
- sienna gonzales: I want to know smore about you
- Samia Shormi: Snap chat fam
- Nicole Campbell: Why don't you think of s'more puns
- RainbowKitkatSprinkles: they are divorcing
- Ally R: Is it Zoolander?!?
- Cadence Banks: i want s'more s'mores
- Aundrea Rodriguez: i wnat some more s'mores
- Gretta L. Gonzalez: Hey Josh, are you a campfire? Because you're hot and I want S'more!
- Naomi Thornhill: do you want s'more chocolate!
- Sofie Taylor: What does this show creamy stuff remind you of josh? Snow slightly melted with gelatin😂😂😂🙌🏻🙌🏻
- Wykhia Toombs: Make s'more videos
- Flor.a_qqq: +Will Lombardo yea, they do
- Fashion Tori: Conversations*
- Rebekah Behind My Mind: Wow I am so early
- Ava: When Rebecca was like "what does that white creamy stuff remind u of josh??" Give me s'more of those jokes
- Xx Alexa xX: can we have s'more yummy nummies
- Lorraine Horovenko: Ava Casillas gy
- Kitty Roblox & Msp: Miss you Josh, bring back s'more videos soon, I can't wait til tomorrow!
- Brandi aka Loser: Looks delicious!!! Jkjk and I love his fake laugh!! Love you guys so much!
- Queen Reem: I wanna watch ~s'more~ of these videos! ^U^ eh? eh? Okay.... they should have ~s'more~ subscribers, ~s'more~ views, ~s'more~ likes and -S'less- dislikes. >.< okay I'll stop.
- HeyitsMeh X: she already used that
- ariel.brooklyn: Me:knock knock! You:who's there? Me:s'mores! You:snores who? Me:would you like s'more! 😂😂-the crowd breaks out into laughter-...just kidding I know that sucked...
- Rennie Van: Beutiful
- Tegan Sanford: Me- Sissy do you know any s'more jokes? Sissy-Um, I know a few but there horrible Me- Well you need to know s'more!!!!!! (Sits there like a crazy person laughing) Sissy- Cricket cricket
- lored made ham: can I have smore
- Zenith Vanstone: What's smore fun than camping
- SavyThe Savage: Josh did you ever get the puppy
- Corey Rubenstein: Question: Why didn't the s'more go into the freezer? Awnser: It was already Burrrrrr'nt
- Kaylee Vawter: I need s'more videos from Josh.
- BrittanyMae_xoxo: The sounds once you two ate it.... Ew😂
- it’s ya girl: I wan't s'more of these yummy nummies videos please
- jesselen: I'm so early I love you
- Lynnzie .Mirfanda: Zoolander references 😂😂
- Alex Shuster: you hot and i want s'more
- melissa brandt: I love when they're together it's so funny
- Elizabeth Cotton: can I please be on your Snapchat?!? I love you!!
- Tamara Russell: You sure you don't want s'more
- Ellie Vlogz: Do s'more videos with Joshua
- Sabina O: A little birdie told me if I get here early I might get on snapchat...
- Lilly Rabe: I want Rebecca to be in s'more of your videos :))))
- Twenty øne crybabies At the phandøm disco: I need s'more views will u subscribe to me
- Mercede Reese: i would like to have s'more s'mores
- Fergy328: First
- Jeannie Owens: When I eat one s'more I want s'more s'mores.
- Emily Neumann: Yes you can go wrong with s'mores
- Karen Gorry: i want smore
- LiamMcfarlane13: That marshmallow did not look like marshmallow... it look like sometime s'more dirty.
- K V: I have it
- Olivia Rushing: You guys need to make 's more callable videos together. Make us laugh. I'd love to see s' more smiles.
- Tulip Tobbal: ❤️❤️
- Ashley Tiller: can you make a more vidioes
- Ashton Bailey: I feel a bit chocoLATE. Sorry I dont have any s'more.
- alexandra coger: I need smore of Colleen
- Christina1989: check ebay theres a smores microwave maker i used it years ago it works great
- Kaia Natelise: aw rebeccas so cute at 0:23
- Abby Smithen: I was laughing this whole video
- Reese McKinney: Oh my god josh😂😂😂😂🤣
- Aphmau_Lover Funneh_Lover MC: I want S'more smores
- Naoise White: U could literally buy a chocolate bar marshmallows and biscuits and melt marshmallows on a bbq 😂😂
- the water guardian: i want to give u smore hugs
- Aisha Ali: Yum these are delicious, can I please have s'more?
- Annie Prado: Did anyone else know that Josh was being sarcastic the whole time
- Melissa Tran: Bring sm-ore
- Brooklyn Scott: Ha very funny
- Jessalynn: Directioner sammmmme
- Anya Michalewski: omg we need s'more zoolander references!!
- Emma N Corey George: I'm really bad at this so give s'more
- Sophie Ritz: They should do s'more collabs there hilarious together
- gary pountney: I think you need s'more chocolate
- Becca: You guys looked SMOKING in this video
- Michele Tribble: It seems like Josh is in a creative rut or something... these videos are starting to seem repetitive.
- Cara Gillespie: you know why they call them smores because you just need s'more
- PoisoniOSGamer: Do s'more yummy mummies
- Izzy B.: "I always like cocaine on my chocolate." -Josh 2016
- Traci Kalish: i got the smores maker and it was NASTY
- Yaritza Castillo: I need s'more collabes
- TheUnicornQueen: Woah Rebecca children!!!! 😂
- Elisa soemopawiro: smore means Some more😂😂😂😂
- Valeria Huerta: So much s'more
- ivan online: you guys should make s'more videos like this
- Isabella Rosario: I want s'more of these videos 😊 😒😒
- Allison Gurevitch: checkout fapadik
- Quincy Krauz: you should d k
- BJ Jackson: Do S'more yummy nummy challenges
- Maria Cruz: and do not s'more get to be nice to people.(10 years old)
- Diane4mail: Spinal Tap? Fun video, guys!
- Poppy Grace: I need s'more videos on your channel
- Francesca Orentas: They need to have s'more collaborations!!! Lol Hahahaha
- Giselle Amezcua: Who else saw this in a musical.ly
- Melanie Cevallos: I want s'more videos
- Maddie McCarty: the white creamy stuff is either cream?.... oooooooor custard
- Sarah Dyer: This video seemed very mellow... - Marsh Mellow! :D - Yea ok... I tried...
- S. LeGaspi: I can't use that one but I will think of s'more 😅
- Maya Kandola: Your hot and I want smore
- Unicorn Diy: Smore tastic. That was a bad bad joke 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Eve Rose: Joshua, you should do s'more Yummy Nummies! 😏😏
- marsyiii.melon !: what does s'mores says when nobody wants to eat it.........I need s'mores mouth
- sara mite: Lol
- Nicola Marcotte: are you a campfire? because you're hot and i want s'more
- Joel Feiock: we need smore nice people
- Emma Boss: Hahha the 1st 30 second 😂
- Xadea Green: They r so cute together, like siblings. They were meant to be brothers and sisters! 😂
- Lucy Jardine: ZOOLANDER
- Madison Devine: Hiiiii
- Vap3 G0d: I want to eat s'more and s'more
- BigCat 39: Make smore videos
- Emma Davis: This video should get s'more likes!!
- sam: Want s'more? Or s'less?
- Becca: I have so many s'more, should I keep going?
- Becca: You guys cracker me up
- Maya Elizabeth: I want s'more colabs with them!
- AbbySalzVlogs: Make S'more videos like this
- BonnieJess _: "What does this white,creamy stuff remind you of Josh? " 😶
- emily kontrimite: i wanna se S'MORE vids of u guys! get it?
- Zainab A17: Could I have s'more good plz
- Savy Wolf: There called s'mores because you want some more Smore's
- lexi s.h.e.p: im smore happy
- Fashion Tori: Be careful around the fire it might lead to some heated convorsations;)
- Chiko Ezeagwuna: im so freakin chocoLATE plus my battery is marshmalLOW and i know i cant really CRACKer jokes so ill stop even though i still have s'more
- faith jabert: Happy birthday!!!
- Jax The wolf: Oh my gosh this video is so s'moreing jk
- Callum Barnett: please sir, can I have s'more
- Puppies SAUL: I want s'more s'more's
- Aidan Henri: i want s'more vlogs
- Kavya •Ms. Flawless•: Uploaded on my birthday!!😆😄👑🎁🎂🎈🎉
- Tatum Sevy: the campfire needs s'more wood
- claudio toscano: Hello
- Micha Hagen: "What is this? A school for ants??" ZOOLANDER YESS
- Hero Of The Moon: ikr
- BERNISHA CHERISIER: I hate you but now I hate you some s'more
- Rachel X: Josh sounds like Owen Wilson🤔🤔
- Kylie Konton: Can I do some s'more jokes hehehe do u get it I am bad at this
- Alex O'Brien: I want you to vlog s'more! 😉
- Samantha Ingersoll: If anyone is looking for a daily vlogger to watch you should try watching Jerry Colindres. I know you guys like daily vlogs and probably miss Josh's. Sorry for promoting here but he works really hard on his vlogs and I'm just trying to help him get his name out there.
- Alex O'Brien: *clock is at :51* "7 more seconds" *stops it at :41*
- dogs101o: zoolander!
- Imma Pierre: who else was at Rebecca live.ly and new about this
- LpsBlaze: Josh I wish you were my cousin.
- Vivian Pelayo: I like when they tried the smores and joshua looked at the chocolate on his finger and it looked like his was about to lick it off but then he tried the smore
- gianna arnold: #iwhatmore smore
- Brookiecookie 123: I wish I was this popular I only have 9 subscribers
- Idk Anymore: If you guys had real food then it would be good
- Jordyn Burns: Can I have s'more
- Ava Gonzalez: +TwiSted SyStah exactly lol
- Autumn Smith: What did the s’mores say to the kids you eat me I eat you
- Katie Taylor: I'm going to watch s'more videos😉
- Keren Aybar: I need s'more smores
- Gretta L. Gonzalez: he has one now
- Just random Stuff: you should do s'more challenges together
- Brookelyn McNulty: No
- The best of you Seriyah: Is, is show s'mores
- natalie sanchez: How many calls did u get😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Ashlyn Turner: I want to see S'more Yummy Nummies
- Alyna Mama: I love this video make smore
- Myeesha Provin: The fire is so s'morll
- Ansley Osborne: Yay I love this channel
- Sakuramochi Studios: i want s'more of these s'mores
- CeCe P.: Rebecca I literally love ur dress so much where did u get it😍
- Audrey Grimm: Zoo lander is the movie
- Willya Pillya: You should do s'more Yummy Nummies!
- Karen Natalia: I need s'more food
- Emily Daedelow: Camping is s'more fun
- Lauren Silver: S'more tastic
- Emma Kuncl: Omg i love you so much can i have a snapchat shoutout?
- Colleen Slays: can I s'more Joshleen pls
- shelbertLemon: zoolander reference for the win!
- Chloe Rudicil: Can I possibly be on your snap chat???😊😊😊😊😊
- Ash Disney: Can I have s'more s'mores?
- AnniePinkSox: What do you call a s'more one with has a a lot of marshmallow and one with less? The one with more is a amazing s'more and the other was a little s'less yummier
- Isabel Freitas: i can only think of 5 jokes i need s’more 1. How can I have s'more if I haven't had any yet 2. spread s'more love 3. It Takes Three S’Mores To Make A Night Of Happy S’mores (S’Nores) 4. Ham: Hey, Smalls, You Wanna S’More? Smalls: Some More Of What? Ham: No, Do You Wanna S’More? Smalls: I Haven’T Had Anything Yet, So How Can I Have Some More Of Nothing? 5. anyone wants to tell s'more jokes
- Clout Doppl: I hope you get s'more views and subs
- Sammie Lummas: Mom can I have s'more? Haha
- Sophie Chaitovitz: ILYSM💗💗
- How do I Do YouTube?!: HelloXRyan nope he can't be for a while
- Kacie Manahan: At 1:02 when he says "I have a dog..........." For a hot second I thought he was going to tell us that he got the puppy! Very disappointed.
- Alyson Critcher: I have that microwave lol
- Corinn Flanagan: I'd like every youtuber that love to make s'more videos...I'm clever aren't I😂👌😉
- Marie Tupou: What is their relationship ?
- Alyssa Rach: At 1:15 josh said the f word!!
- Rachel Richards: Can I get on your snapchat Josh???❤️❤️❤️❤️
- FiTEmEinTHecoMmEnTS: you guys need S'More help with yummy nummies
- Viola Chasety: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYS'MORE😂
- Mariah Charles: its so snore get is so small hahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Tess Chlōe Lizza: I love u s'more and more every bid I watch
- Samantha Ingersoll: +Gabby Ferrara rude
- Lyndsey Bella: All I want is smore josh
- Alana S: i think you should do s'more yummy nummy videos
- Emily Zhang: +Gabby Blackmon it's not his wife it's his friend his Colleen ballon get also known as Miranda without lipstick!
- Sammy Mumbauer: No it's his friend
- Karina Tapia: make smore
- Emily's Journey: I have Rebecca's shirt
- Joshua Zamarripa: make s'more yummie nummies
- Paige Kelly: SHE looks like a blonde Anna Kendrick
- Bree Zee: Lol
- Kasey Chen: FAV COLLAB EVER. Can't wait for S'More videos with you two <3 ps: I hope that everyone has a lovely day! Don't forget that you are an amazing human being :) Smile lots and make the most out of every moment! Also, I'm a small youtuber in Hungary trying to improve my channel... it would make my day if you could help me out by giving some tips! TYSM <3
- Erma Kacprowicz: I WANNA BE ON SNAPCHAT
- Chelsea Jones: it's so s,more cool
- Holly Ann Smith: yeah dog you might wanna take this down asap
- Payton Dykstra: Have you send the smovie trolls
- Alex Potter: I want to watch s'more of you channel
- Lauren Charlotte: can we have s'more yummy mummies vid
- britt 123: im watching this on 1/4/17
- Darrah Gardner: josh and Rebecca, you should do s'more of these yummie nummies collabs!
- It’s Valerie Nicole: i need s'more vids. like this
- Aja Warner: hahahaha yes zoolander! "campfire for ants"
- brittany moore: OMG Rebecca did that intro wrong..D: LOL
- Dustie Rose: You just got roasted
- Shayla Jones: hey
- hailey irwin: I was watching the live.ly while you made this video!!❤️❤️
- Reagan Fucik: Can I have s'more s'mores. It's supposed to be can I have some more s'mores
- Lily Blue bell: I want s'more of those yummy nummies 😘
- Samantha Grimes: Blocked****
- Emily Tuba: Everyones talking about S'mores and all i want are s'more s'mores in my life.
- Kelsey Springsteen: Disappointed that no one said "subscribe for s'more videos!" 😔
- Hayley Dolan: The dog was staring at him😂😂😂
- Lillie Boo and Lizzy Lou: 😄😂
- Claire Felipe: you took out the part when Rebecca said the chocolate looked like a dingleberry😂😂😂
- isabella Mock: Has anyone else have smores for dinner
- Awkward Is My Favorite Color: I want s'more videos I'd make s'more jokes but I have none
- Amanda Musona: ya killin me smalls
- Maya Barbarush: +Will Lombardo it's not a baby, it's a puppy. Joshua made a video called : I'm a daddy! The video was about how Colleen and him got a dog. He meant a puppy daddy.
- Erin Hurley: not funny
- Grace Neps: PLEASE READ THIS!!! How did I escape Iraq? Answer: Iran Why does Peter Pan always flies? Answer: He Neverlands I hope you like them😊
- Potato Layla's: I thought I was chocoLATE🍫 but I still YAM🍠(or sweet potato because I do not discriminate things like yams
- alexis: This world needs s'more happiness
- Steven Adjalle: hahaha
- Rebecca D.: Uhmmmm excuse me copying Bella Marie's jokes
- Isaiah Amos: I want s'more juice
- Kristal Guzman: you really deserve smore subscribers
- Megan Smith: Hey I'm early hey josh ilysmmmmmm ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
- SilverBow FTW: If you listen closely at 6:07, Joshua is blinking in the s'more code saying "Help Me"... Whoops, Wrong Video
- randomins: I've never tried S'mores before! I make the mistake of having a cup of tea with me when I've been in the mood to make them
- Nicole332 1: Ilysm
- Jay Jay 4 Kray Kray: can I have s'more
- Ash’s Crazy World: My dad s’mores a lot
- The Fifth Wheel: Emma Savino oh no😱
- Rebecca Koszkulics: Do you want s'more marshmallows?
- ashley hallak: i was shocked it only made 2, it should've made s'more! ayyyyeeeeeeee
- EasyEmilie Slime Fun: We need s'more books
- Cristine Paredes: I love you smore get it?
- Zoe Alter: You mean instinct
- Brooklyn Marie: Write a random comment that says " why is it a table? " to confuse everyone if you see this
- Makayla Landry: I was a little chocoLATE to watch this video. I think I should go on YouTube S'MORE often
- Food_ Owner: Do S'more yummy nummies with joshua
- K Pal: Look at becca at 5:42
- Liberio Gonzalez: like your hair Rebecca
- Awkward Is My Favorite Color: lol
- Alejandro Alemán Alemán: good video!:-)
- subtomefornoreason: Joshua would be such a great dad. It would be so cute!
- Alyssa williams vlogs: can you make s'more videos please
- Kaylee Siau: I've never been so early!
- Rachel Everett: I only know a few smore jokes I guess I should think of s'more !! B
- London Stella: post s'more plz
- Yamiyo Kato: I like S'mores.. haha. What a good joke..
- jessica-anne williams: You're killin me smalls...
- Frerosia Jackson: Thang you ate all the apple your at the core so s'more you later
- Aaliyah Patel: You want s'more of me
- Holly Collingbourne: I wish I know somore jokes but I don't
- maia dejkanovic: You need to film s'more videos with eachother
- Angela Castruita: I thought I was chocoLATE, but I guess I'm early!
- Esther Akande: Hope u guys have a amazing day
- Ava Reece: would you like s'more smores
- Sophia Cowell: Hey this a cool video I want s'more videos like this
- Mia Groff: I want to learn s'more jokes
- trina baskin: Please make s'more videos like this
- Aidan Henri: brb i S'more S'mores
- Aubs: Napoleon dynamite!!!!!!!!! Put this on ur snapchat u r my favorite person ever
- Megan Lee: let's read smore books
- ALISHAS LAUGH: Did he adopt the dog???
- Francis and Davis: Rebecca is married 🙄
- Olivia's Tutorials: Can we eat smore(it's a smore joke)😀
- Kylee's Kingdom: I didn't think you wanted s'more
- Athea Wiley: It's So Smore
- naela Karmustaji: Ily
- Anna_Grace25 25: Oops sorry bad at spelling s'more
- Nicole Money: I love you guys!!!
- Worst Gamer ever: I like how they eat their food
- Gabriela: Please do S'more yummy nummies
- Maria Hernandez: you want some more
- Claire Ashcraft: Ily!
- Garrett Jordan: "Ive done yummy nummies before and they never turn out right" "Have tou done yummy nummies before" Yes rebecca i just said that😂😂😂
- Erin Haus: No more s'more! It fell on the floor! then and flew out the door! - you want s'more!? Sorry there's no more! 😂😂
- QueenPuffball 20: Hahaha Rebecca I love that joke! XD
- Lexie M_S: there is no smore smore jokes
- Victoria Nguyen: Zoolander
- Brian Akers: there are samore oreos
- Pika Chu: Same-zies
- Gabby Ferrara: Spread s'more love haha I'm funny
- Bailey Giorgi: I would like to see s'more of your yummy nummy videos.
- Lauren Cat: Please please vlog s'more we need you to and you know you want to vlog s'more...
- nishashamaz YT: I need s'more of yummy nummy video......See that!!!! Hate my jokes
- Kaylee Vawter: Josh should sing s'more.
- LiLyMoOnCaKeSxo: I laughed at Rebecca's puns! 😂
- bobo taaning: omg, love the videoes you make together 😍😄😄😄
- The Whatnot Spot: ZOOLANDER!
- Hyounis 101: I want to go to the shop and ask for s'more sweets
- Maddie T: you guys should cook smore
- cealagh currie: CAN I PLZ BE ON YOUR S NAPCHAT
- Elna: joshuas hat is goals
- Jim Waters: can't you do anything.. always crap .. your own wife left you.
- just us for now: um I think I'll need smore joke ideas😅
- Kelly Benson: Make s'more vlogs josh
- Victoria Regalado: maybe Josh will do S'MORE videos, if he gets a dog!!
- Jordyn Nadler: Can I have s'more
- randomins: "How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?" Zoolander!
- Maria Bubp: You should do s'more yummy nummies
- Julia Allen: honey i shrunk the kids
- Kayla Plays: you should do s'more of these😅
- Ariana Grande Is da best: romina eguiluz, she is married to Matt Slays
- Trisha Langrehr: That looks s'more much fun
- Leah Terk: can I have s,more
- Claire K: Joshua you need to do s'more videos like this one.
- Nevaeh Ford: get the PUPPY PLZ
- itz ivanna: its whats up internet hey dingle berries
- Jess in king: your commercial voice was hilarious
- Jacob: Can you make s'more of these yummy nummies videos?
- Sarah Curnutt: Did you get the dog yet?????
- Shay K: Did you know, ' Dingleberries ' means, ' dry poop '
- Brooke Cavasas: I know s'more yummy nummies
- Michael Connolly: Does anyone know what movie they were talking about?
- Brittany Porter: So many sexual and drug references
- Cassie Maslin: Snapchat please josh ! I really want your Tshirt were did u get it 😍😱🔥
- Ciara Castiglione: we need s'more collabs
- Aidan Henri: i need s'more snow mixed with gelatin slighty
- Amani purnell: Can I have s'more
- Aubrey Tina: What do s'mores poop ? Gram crapper
- Ashlyn Watson: Looks like they wait s'more 😂😂😂 when she made that joke I laughed so hard idk why
- Emilia Hudson: Zoolander !!!!!!!!!!
- Hey GirliePops: I got another one Its lit
- Fattie Thao: rebecca do you like Josh a little bit also he said that you guys sure sister and bruther
- Daph vlogs: All these comments are filled with jokes, can't want to see s'more ;)
- Jenna Neufeldt: JOSH ILY
- Jayci Sappingtom: I hate yummy nummys
- PrincxssAdrii: thought**
- Pandora’s Box: ya'll are cool
- N Jeanne R: I don't know the movie
- Kitty Haart: Rebecca: "how can you go wrong?" she learned real quick xD
- grace: Loved this hahaha
- 123 Banana: Whoever eats s'more gets s'more😂😂😂😂 Ok that was terrible😬
- madelynss: Spread s'more kindness 😉 snapchat??
- Danica Halls: I want a s'more videos with Rebecca
- Elizabeth Ramnath: can you please go follow me on musica.ly acount its @princesslizzy27
- Nathan Rodriguez: Same
- Jessica Townes: +Bella Marie when he says meh it's basically saying me. it's just kinda a slang term for saying me
- Sarah muna Sarah Mohamed: I want to mores
- Samantha Grimes: DO YOU WANT S'MORE CAKE
- Megan Arntz: What's a campfire without s'morke though? That's awful😂😂😂
- its._.strangerthings: I wanna see s'more videos with u and Colleen
- Nicole Hogan: Can I have smore
- AmyMcJ: Love this
- Kata 101: Zoolander is the movie😂👍
- Julia Sohoski: I love you s'more
- I deleted this: I hurt my foot and now it's very smore
- Kenna Evelyn: Rebecca's so freaking cute omg I love her
- Dixie Degeyter: More somre
- Christopher Hovden: How can you have s'more when you haven't had any?
- Emma Scrowcroft: The movie is Honey I Shrunk The Kids
- JacobOfTheElite ,Bruh don’t question: Hey stop smorimg hahahahahahaha
- Cool Ninetynine: I love you a little s,more every day.
- Chloe Louise x: Why are S'Mores called S'Mores? Because u always want S'More Lolololollllll I'm so funnyyy (not) 😂💖
- Addison M: What do you use to edit your videos?
- Oof ._. Giaaa: YASS
- alexis: I wish josh would make s'more yummy nummies
- kaylynn betts: GET THE DOG!!!😂😂😂 lol this was funny!! Love you Josh!!❤️❤️❤️
- Moose & Squirrel: You're killing me smalls
- Crafty Cuties: Can you do s'more yummy nummies
- Jordyn Burns: You should do toe art challenge with Colleen or Rebecca
- Kelsey Wynne: I need s'more s'mores
- Makenzie Castorena: what's his meaning of dingleberrys
- Sara Yergey: I would love to see Smore videos from you soon😘😂
- Georgia CASSIDY: What are s'mores
- HelloXRyan: joshua is gonna be such a cool dad oh my god
- Carys Cymraeg: Really you're doing S'more yummy nummies
- Rebecca Le101: Let's eat some more get what I done there
- Karina Lizet: yay you got the puppy I'm so happy you are going to be a good dad
- brooke cailder: a Smoke Daddy smoker jokes
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Yummy Nummies S'Mores Maker // How To Make A S'More! (w/Rebecca Zamolo) | |
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People & Blogs | Upload TimePublished on 3 Aug 2016 |
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