I'M OFFICIALLY A DADDY!!! - joss stone new bond 007 video game

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 3, 2019


  1. DuhItsAndi 123: Dingle berry or buddy berry
  2. Julia Leopoldino: What's his name
  3. Nicole Itzel Hernandez: Call him buddy
  4. Kaitlyn and Mina: Name him Dobby 😘 from Harry Potter
  5. isabella marie: Well i mean she still is really small😘😂😂😂😂
  6. Nicole Little: Omg he looks like my Dixie! 😍😍😍😍
  7. Emma Danowski: Name him Joey
  8. Veronica Butt: Does this mean Colleen gets a cat??
  9. Sarahnessoyeah: Name him Timberlake. Timber/Tim for short!
  10. Holly Neill: +mashleyfan1 Aww! x :D
  11. Avery Smith: Uno (like ONE in a million) or Daxton (Dax for short)
  12. Awesome and awesomer: he has gray in his beard
  13. Cassie ODaniel: Diesel😍
  14. Be cool plz: Dingle or berr
  15. Lara Gillan: the name for the dog
  16. kenna hope: Name him bubba
  17. Amelia Nomura: That was too cute
  18. Becky Weger: He's adorable! We have 3 "little" guys! lol They are Great Danes!
  19. Kayla Donovan: So much love!!! He's so cute!!
  20. Hermione Granger: He is so cute 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  21. KelseyTheKhaleesi: So many people are going to tell you you're raising him wrong and that you're an awful pet parent. Dog people are crazy, just like internet trolls sometimes. The only thing I'd like to tell you is, take him to a puppy school, if you teach him now he won't be a bad dog when he's an adult. He's a cutie, I'm so happy for you Josh!! I grew up with dogs so it makes me happy to see anyone getting one for the first time <3
  22. clara: name him peanut butter
  23. Hannah Joy: +ThatYoutubeLife I feel like Coco is more of a girl dogs name. Also, buddy is a real name.
  24. Kayelah Campbell: cool..
  25. Nicole Christiansen: You should name him prince
  26. _ izabella _: ❤️Name him Buster❤️
  27. sophia r: You should name him orivua or how ever you spell it and call him orvi or vv
  28. Helen Elgie: What breed of dog is he?
  29. Trinity Greer: Dusty
  30. KatieandBella: NAME HIM ROBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  31. Jessica Laguna: Call him berry or dingle
  32. Coby Moore: You should name him after your cat that passed away, Buster!
  33. Hailz_2004: Buddy is a real name! Do you know how many dogs are called Buddy?
  34. Hayleigh Bug: Name him Red!!
  35. Mimi Paige: or name him bro
  36. celeste Paquette: romeo would be so cute or caleb
  37. Nathan Smith: Prince is a great name
  38. Baylie Dell: Name him Rafael after the ninja turtle
  39. Stacie75: infinity thumbs up!!!!
  40. Hannah Brady: I think buddy is a good name for him
  41. Kayla Hall: What kind of dog is it
  42. Iloveyou13222 27474647382: Shadow
  43. Joey McCauley: Name him mojo
  44. Amber Dickerson: Call him Milo or Marlow they both suit him
  45. Everything Grace: Name him Buddy!!!!!
  46. Maggie Morse: name him Cooper!
  47. Amy keen: Or ziggy milo buddy joey
  48. Sofia Raikow: Name him moose!!!!!!
  49. Tyler Greene: you should name him roscoe....idk why....just because i like that name.
  50. Chané-Louise Bornman: not anymore😢 Colleen decided to get a divorce because she felt like she "couldn't make him happy"😢😢
  51. Libby Massman: Name him Gary
  52. Tilly Michelle: He looks like an Oliver
  53. Eden :3: Yassssss
  54. Rachel Stefany: Name him dingleberry
  55. Carla Van Staden: how about babby or snuffles 😍
  56. XxkatiexX: You should name him dingle berry
  57. Andrea Cook: yoy should nane him bandana
  58. Dorina Kelemen: congrats
  59. Cathryn Goodrich: I have ideas D-O-G MJ BB Dood Buddy
  60. Kirsten Woodring: I think you should name him buddy
  61. nhu luong: Hope you bought training pee pads especially under his food trays
  62. Hannah Joelle: Congratulations guys! He is precious!
  63. Kristina valencia: Duce!
  64. Clara Payan: Name him bandana!!
  65. curlygirl grace: Because I think she would like a cat
  66. Lucy West: Name him Jersey or Dax those are cute names.🐶💜
  67. Lalove dolphins: Smores
  68. Amanda Sims: I think you should name him junior 👍🏽
  69. kelseylovesbffs: i like the name Buba for him like Colleen said :)
  70. meow kitty im so cute: what bout tv
  72. Stephanie Swegard: you should of named him Wolf
  73. Gabriella Baccari: Exactky
  74. Abby Vu: you should name him Bear or Leo or Chip!!! too cute tho! you got a furbaby!!
  75. Chloe Colegate: Buddy
  76. Caroline Colella: Top 3: 1:tucker 2:bandana 3:KALE
  77. Pixel Princess: OR TEDDY
  78. Jenna Smith: WHY are you a dad and this puppy wasn't gotten together with Colleen so you both are parents?  Just adds to add the speculation....  Married people don't go get a pet and call themselves the daddy and show their wife when she comes home.
  79. Chloe Durand: Storm I like storm
  80. Anns and Livia05: What about the name dingleberrie
  81. Bjander06: Name the dog Dingle Berry
  82. Ferrets4Life: Brownie call him brownie
  83. Kaylie Does: kale kale kale kkkkaaaaaalllllleeeee
  84. JessMadd32: Just name him Buddy
  85. th0ughtlesslife: CALL HIM DINGLEBERRY OMG😍😍
  86. Mikaela Alvarado: Name him, Luke!!
  87. Abby Davis: Call him MACON!!!
  88. Bethany Quimby: To give Josh some help just some things i learned while having 4 dogs is they chew on things and are hyper and may not be fully potty trianed till they like 2. Also to be safe u might want to take the coller off the puppy when in his kinal cause it could cause him to get stuck or chocked. Constantly repeat things like go outside as a way to get the puppy use to knowing when u say that it means to go out to potty. We also say mommy and daddy alot and we constatly say mommy and daddy love you to our animals. Another thing our dogs do dont know if u would like it but i think its cute is when we say give us kisses they lick our face. Like i said as time goes on it will become natural and it will be just a daily rutin. But anyways thought i would give u some tips and hope these help. Good luck!
  89. Ellie Ziemer: James is a perfect name!💗
  90. re re: name him bro, dude or "orevwa"  I like orevwa
  91. Zoe Fairweather: Fred or gorege
  92. Koree Jennifer: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM COOKIE!
  93. pink glitter forever: name him tobby
  94. Neve Kaitlin: Awh its so cute!! 😍 He is so lucky to have you. 😂😝
  95. Amber Healy: You should name him mojo. It fits a small dog
  96. Shayne Andrade: that should be his,name
  97. Drama Tenor: He's so cute
  98. Mariah Garcia: I don't recommend buying pets from pet stores..majority of the time they're from puppy mills
  99. CV Atia: Max is a very cute name
  100. Claire Shi: He actually named the puppy Shadow😂
  101. Cynthia Richardson: Your dog has the same collar as my dog
  102. ASHLIN CUMMINS: Name it snickers
  103. Unique & Styles: what type of dog do you have Joshua
  104. maddy: Or s'mores
  105. Jenna Someone: Don't take him to dog parks
  106. taeoyo: Call him Walffe or Oreo xD
  107. average female: Hope is a great name for him because there is so much hope in his life.
  108. Nick Rice: when are you going to do a house tour??
  109. Jillian:): U should name him Nugget
  110. Ellen Tomlins: Barry is a cool name
  111. Daniel A: Diesel, Rocky, or spark.
  112. Hannah Flogstad: Teddy!
  113. caris swann: Dingle
  114. Courtney Hendrix: I really think Junior is a good name for the lil pup nugget 💕
  115. Martin Cs: Your new puppy is a Durable
  116. Kawaii Unicorn: Or bubba
  117. Polish Princess: leah lorraine cause obviously they were separated already...? No one decides to divorce over night, they've been going trough the process for a long time
  118. Florence Barahona: He is the cutest thing❤️
  119. Emma ruddick: Call him buddy
  120. Katie Lewis: Call him max
  121. Hannah Panek: I was thinking the same thing!
  122. Lydia: Idk why but I lost it when the dog peed in his food 😂
  123. Luke Mellor: You can't call him Kale but you can call him Kalyan
  124. Lauren Bledsoe: You may not have cried, but I sure did.
  125. Pari Parikh: Fluffy or pepper
  126. Regina Weiners: Yess, Josh please call him dingleberry
  127. Miss Scary Kary: Coming from Shane's conspiracy video because puppy
  128. Skye Faulds: call him Barney
  129. maura eloise: Does anyone think that's Gigi's dog rati
  130. KM: why were there so many cameras in the pet store?
  131. laurajoymarie99: Dont stress about the name, when i first adopted my cat, she had 3 different names until we found one that stuck. congrats on the new puppy! he is so stinkin cute!
  132. LilyGoat Gamer: NAME IT SNOOPY!!
  133. Jess 1: Max!!!!!
  134. Victoria Monroy: I like the name rocky like if u agree
  135. Livvi Elizabeth: Name him Dingleberry!
  136. Rhiannon Hall: Toby or max
  137. Skylar Welchman: Reese because he looks like a Reese's peanut butter cup
  138. Gabriella Baccari: And it's not click bait
  139. Grace Steffen: I don't like how strangers watch you and take their phone out and video tape 😒
  140. Qui Lon Ging: He looks like a Brody.
  141. Ella D: How about Jake? My grandparents had a dog that looked a lot like that and he lasted 16 years. I think it will suit him perfectly as well :)
  142. popsicle short: Call him Dexter or buddy
  143. kylie gonzales: You should call him StarBucky
  144. Rida El-Jobouri: A normal cute name for a normal cute dog. I think the name Ra's Al Ghul is pretty fitting!
  145. Stephanie Rose: Jackson! In honor of MJ
  146. Bailey Adkins: maybe parker or cooper?? :)
  147. Kaylin Bibbee: perfect name: buddy its my dogs name
  148. Mamabean: THANK YOU FOR ADOPTING!! He is so cute!!
  149. BRYONY_ MAI: I think you should call him buddy ❤❤❤
  150. Abby Lyman: you should name him Bentley
  151. Lizzie G: Snoopy would be a great name for him
  152. Simone C: And Colleens name for him: Bubba
  153. Morgan: Name him Andy idk y but he looks like an Andy
  154. leah gabrielle: youre already SUCH an amazing dad!!!
  155. GAMERGRACEGN: call him ding for dingle berry
  156. glorzy waterz: call him swiper
  157. Kate: +ThatYoutubeLife its a boy
  158. Brooklyn Marie: MILES SO YOU CAN SAY YOU JUST WALKED MILES!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
  159. reid deckert: Popches
  160. Chisme: Name ideas : Leo Lenny Mickey Louis Louie Lennard Bobby sam sammie felix
  161. the greater zari zari: that dude kept glancing over and over again lol
  162. Bridget Paul: Welcome to pet ownership. LOL But he is an awfully cute puppy.
  163. Sarah: I made a fan account for your dog on Instagram 😂😂 it's @joshs.new.dog.fanpage
  164. Natalie Traficante: Name him 'Dingle' like dingleberries ??
  165. Jodie Ewers: you could call him Kaleb ......get it Kale-b 😏😏
  166. Anna Frey: Name him chippy!
  167. Heather O'Day: nice Jekyll & Hyde ;) congratulations on your new forever baby friend!!!
  168. Teen Cooks: The second I saw him I thought of the name Rosco I don't know why but that just clicked
  169. Samantha Pacheco: Name him SNOOPY IR BUDDY
  170. jesey oldham: Name him dingilberry
  171. Megan :o: Name him rocky!!
  172. Niamh Macleod: call him Milo it would be perfect
  173. Frankie Zamek: go watch zoellas video about dog basics i might help u xx he's really cute btw xx
  174. Destiny Hill: Freddy
  175. Morgan Flannery: Name him jack or yubba
  176. Haha: Adopt me daddy. Pls
  177. Cameran Rae: Max or rocky
  178. Louise Sayer: how bout just leave him name buddy if u keep calling him it u might as well coz he'll get used to it quicker xx ❤
  179. Linoy: +Maci The Fangirl What "no"? It's her opinion!
  180. Amy Clifton: Name him Dug like from Up.
  181. shinydiamond515: Bill
  182. Halloween Kid: Name him Toby!!!
  183. Hatty: I think you should call him buddy cos it's so cute and he looks like a buddy
  184. Paola Vicente: How about Oreos ? 🤔
  185. Ashlynn Skettls: Taylor, cooper or grant, Noah and others
  186. Kevin Paw patrol: Call him Jonny
  187. kennerthewinner: I like the name Otto!
  188. Jazmyn Peterson: Name him berry for dingle berry
  189. Ali Cheerś: omg I call my dog bubba
  190. Eliza: I like JT
  191. Samantha Terry: Yah call him Buddy
  192. Kayla Salinas: he looks like a Jonah!
  193. Anxiety Itself: Name your doggy Berryton. xD I like that name. :P
  194. evalise pamias: call him dude u always call him dude
  195. Emily Lickey: Name him Resse
  196. Skitzoid Fenrir: U should name him bobo
  197. DE TV: Rocky
  198. mel ·: I thought Coleen was pregnant I never clicked on a video so fast
  199. Emily Rose: If you haven't named him yet, you should name him "Squirt" since he's your "little dude" just like the turtles from Finding Nemo. :) he's so freaking cute.
  200. Erin Margaret: Bukley
  201. Jessierose Dutton: Tictac
  202. me: Name him BRO
  204. Do not Need to know pedophiles: my dog barks at everything. so we have a bug zapper and when we pick it up he will start barking. he is a protected dog
  205. Mik Mik: Name him Kiel! I have a friend name Kiel and he owns 3 beagles and his bunny recently passed away. (p.s His name is actually named Kiel)
  206. Seyi A: OMG guys I didn't know that he wanted to name the dog shadow it is just that MY dog is called shadow
  207. Roomy Door: Name him buddy, pretzel or cookie
  208. Cambree Clifford: OMG O HAVE A CHOCOLATE LAB!!!!!!!!!!! They are so sweet!
  209. ashley m: Name him cannoli !! :))
  210. Carys Lindsay: Can you name him Boomer or Buddy
  211. eimear: +Leah . Marie WHY WOULD HE CALL HIS SUBSCRIBERS DINGLEBERRIES THEN?😂😂 are we all boys areas?😂
  212. Aurora's Outlet: i this you should name him buddy
  213. Karina Lizet: the part where all three of them where together I was in tears, Matt is such an amazing friend to be there for you ahh I love him... well Josh I'm beyond happy for you and Ik you're going to be a great father... can I be in your snapchat
  214. Jovan Popovic: Dingalbery
  215. Lindsay Kris: Name him coco
  216. Joelle Bouwman: Name him Toby! I love that name and I think it really suits him
  217. Marisol Rios: name him Ginger!!!
  218. Darcy Carey: Name it buddy
  219. Megan Shelley: Name him bandana
  220. Sisters For Life: S'more
  221. Zoey: Wait name him bandana!!!!
  222. Eve Walker: Plzzzzzzzz
  223. samsoccer 8: Hey josh its Samantha here maybe you should name him buddy does he respond to that name? or maybe even bud
  224. Grace Anderson: You should name him Bandana
  225. Bailey Robbins: Name him Tux❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼❤️
  226. Melissa Reichheld: I went there, what's so funny?
  227. abby: what kind of dog is he
  228. Emma Threlfall: you could name him boo?
  229. Taylah Anderson: I would call him buddy or shadow
  230. Marissa Baynes: You could name him max that's my dogs name and I think it fit your dog
  231. Eliana Brown: you could also call him Jake or Jakey --as an idea
  232. Cassandra Hernandez: Can you name him rosco
  233. Caeli McMahon: Yesss!!!!!!!!
  234. Danielle Locker Lopes: You should name him Dallas😊
  235. melissa olguin: Call him bubba or Charlie 😊💕
  236. Isabella Marcelin: He looks like a milo or an Oliver to me, soooo cute congrats on your growing family!😍
  237. Addyson 321: YYYYAAAAAASSSSS
  238. My life as Jessica: You should name him a Disney name like goofy or stitch
  239. Taylor Marie: Name him Buddy or Bubba
  240. Nieves Huaman: He looks like a Buddy to me
  241. unicornsrock 32: name him bruno
  242. TBNR Jake: Can him rustle
  243. Gabby H: I love your dog
  244. Leana Roberts: Joshleen
  245. Megan K: Hey Josh. I own a small dog as well. I suggest to use pee pads as little as possible. Only use them if he is peeing in one specific spot in the house. This is cause he'll be confused if you're telling him to go go outside but not in the house, and only in certain spots in the house
  246. Emma M.: I think you should keep the name sponky so he doesn't have to learn a new name because he already knows the name sponky
  247. Dylaniza: Name him buddy😀
  248. Tamra S: Blake
  249. Ella Fraser: What about pepper
  250. Skye DeLuia: ah ur dog is so cute u should call him wolf
  251. Emma Hyphen Lee: u should call him kid
  252. Raisa T.: He is the cutest dog ever
  253. Ihavenovideos!: Call him kale
  254. Aline Denise: I think his name should be bubbu
  255. Liv Scroggs: Shawnie
  256. Willow Chim: He's sooooo cute!
  257. riley ramos: I think his name should either be max or danny 👍🏼
  258. Abby lmb: Call him Bandana 😂 or Dingle
  259. Tara Stewart: I think he looks like a Koda.
  260. Emma Hensley: My mom says frankenwennie
  261. Johnny Peters: I legit cried of joy😂😂😢😭👅
  262. Debby Austin: Name him Dalton it would be so cute
  263. Valentina Betancur: I have three dogs, i got my Chihuahua almost 5 years ago, the second is a Yorkie/ poodle 2 years ago, and my boxer a couple months ago
  264. JelloowB: Omg my dog is also 5 months old! What kind of dog is it? I have a French Shepherd (aka Beauceron) ☺️
  265. Izzy Bignell: are you still married to Colleen?
  266. marleen videos: shadow is a good name
  267. AshAnn: You should name him Brady or Calvin
  268. Nikita Stod: moose
  269. Jackie Aguilar: Has anyone notice josh's beard
  270. Thekatelopez: +ObviouslyMatthew yea Timberlake
  271. Kari Douglas: Call him Million ..aka Mill :) he looks like a million !! 😀😀😀😀
  272. Ally Schmitz: what about George, or Georgie bc you grew up in Georgia??
  273. Cassie Rogers: A good name could be Jake or Buddy
  274. Carleigh Macy: Max or lucky💞
  276. Lily .M: his name should be peanut
  277. Bella Ella: yesterday I got the same dog but his name is bobby.john short name is Billy
  278. Mercy the Magical Unicørn: +KatieLady ikr
  279. Lissy Shields: I'm so happy for you
  280. shahar bookai: He's looking like a Joey dog
  281. Ryan Curry: Please please please name your new dog joshleen
  282. kris moore: Joshua junior
  283. Halee stoob: Name him scout
  284. Stampy AJ: NAME HIM BUGG
  285. KATHERINE HARDING: name him mozart! idk why i just think that is a cool name and it ties into you and colleens love for music.
  286. austin raymer: OMG😍😍😍😍
  288. Rebecca Dowe: MY HEART !! Love you josh
  289. funky gal: +Lucky Monkey I knew
  290. Abigail Stanwood: Happy you finally got a dog! You will be a good owner to it as always!
  291. Anna Colletto: I love the name Toby!
  292. Grace Valentine: Jackson because you love Michael Jackson!!!!
  293. Randomness With Casey: DingleBerry
  294. wow emily: What about Austin
  295. Carter Johnson: Buddy or Toby..!!
  296. Ashley Elliott: I'm soooo happy for you 😀😍
  297. C Mcintosh: name him dingle berry or dingle or berry
  298. ellie mitchell: Good for you for adopting!!! Name him rosco or something!
  299. Isla G: Call him Pickles
  300. Selma!: How about rocko!
  301. Kendall Harvey: Name him Smokey
  302. Callum Thibodeau: name him cookie
  303. Nicole Misiewicz: Buddy
  304. MaryDenise: name him buddy
  305. Cam Lingo: Moose is an adorable name!! ❤️
  306. natalie marie: I had a dog that looked so much like him. We named it Twist because of mix of colors ☺️
  307. Samantha Brooks: coco
  308. blanca.sanxez 6: You should name him Toby ( that's the name of my dog) like if you agree
  309. Emma Jade: I have the same kind of dog😘😂😊
  310. James Cameron: Name him hunter I think it suits the dog a lot
  311. Garcia monkey: call the dog buddy
  312. Katie: Finnegan 😊
  313. Madison Telfer: you should name him shadow or little dude or dingleberry LOL JK
  314. Celeste Cornejo: name the dog nugget
  315. K8 Gibson: My puppy is 5 months too!! We just called her "sweetheart" for like a week so 😂
  316. Kylie Konton: Name him chocolate because he looks like a light and a dark chocolate and he it's soooo cuteawwwww
  317. TeamCap Buckybarnes: Name him Meeko or Pascal or Max!!
  318. Zoya: I like fudge.
  319. Maria Styles: notification squad we got tricked I thought colleen was pregnant 😢😢😢
  320. Elizabeth Hostetter: Henry!!!
  321. Anna Beavans: What show is he talking about?? I'm kinda new here lol
  322. Shep Shep: Name him: Dozer
  323. Esmeralda Aguilar: what about joshie
  324. savvygirl 34: Dingle mingle
  325. Alexandra Parr: Cookie
  326. Wendy Llerenas: buddy
  327. Mya Khan: Either Toby or Teddy sounds good!!
  328. Cadence Brooks: Cooper
  329. We Btshook: name him what you think is best. my opinion is Buddy since you kept calling him buddy!❤❤😁
  330. jp rheinfrank: +Pugs are bæ love ur name😂
  331. Ella Desmond: U HAVE THE SAME DOG AS ME!!!!
  332. Shely: What about Castiel?
  333. Giselle Ramirez: hello
  334. Blustery Sine: Name him brownie
  335. Type1d2012: Clickbait
  336. Rigoberto Rodriguez: yes
  337. Breigh Williams: I think naming him moose is cute!
  338. Meredith Faith: Name him Snickers that would be so cute!!!
  339. Chloe Page: How does Coleen feel about him
  340. Penexlopi: u guys are gonna be grate perants
  341. Jessica Stanczak: Call him Toby because he likes oaks like my dog and my dog is named toby
  342. the piya show irving: why did u do that to collen
  343. Roberto Mazzella: What show
  344. Noam: He sooooooo cuteeeee
  345. Madison Reynolds: Name him Rocky, Harley, or Cody
  346. Ally Fricke: What show?!?
  347. Uween: Call him Jackson!!! After Michael Jackson of course!
  348. Savannah Foeller: You should name him shadow! Your dog is so CUTE😍😋
  349. Christina Lopez: You should name him Ben. Like the snowman figure that you and coleen bought a while a go because it was by himself and was lonely and you guy "rescued" that cute snowman. So I think the name Ben would be really good and it would have a great meaning to it.
  350. Jackie Aguilar: +Shiny Iron or Sam
  351. karen michele: Dingleberry
  353. Irelynd L: Oliver!! And then for a nickname you could call him Ollie! (Like if you agree)
  355. Ella Grace: Some cool dog names I like are Max, Buster, Bear, Sammy, Baxter, Milo, and Henry!! Anyone of those would be perfect!
  356. CutiePie forever: and ik Rocky and Rambo are the same person but in different movies
  357. Metzli Gonzalez: Name him chip
  358. Melissa B: YAY FOR CUTENESS
  359. H_ Jade: I think you could call him buddy because that's what he called him when he held him first
  360. Ameliagworrall: Call him buddy cuz he might be getting used to u calling him buddy 😂 plus, it's a really cute name😍😍😱
  361. UniqueDiversion: You should name him Ash
  362. Queent Chicken: first!!!!
  363. Lily Cooksey: Million would be amazing for him 😍😍😍😍😍😱😱😱
  364. Tori Nehls: What about Jackson for a name?
  365. anna puertas: Name your dog shadow
  366. emily v: Buddy
  367. spaghet spaghote: or zane
  368. Ziska Schneider: HE IS SO CUTE OMG Name him Muffin, Chocolate or sugar, bc he is soooo adoarble or maybe Sam(my),burfy, bear, teddy idk
  369. InanimateFreakshow: You should name him Little Dude!!!
  370. Stardust Cosmos: How about Roscoe? 😁🐶🐕
  371. KraftyKizzy: Spotty
  372. Jose Rodriguez: Name it Harley or Winston or Reward because he was a reward just like they said
  373. Bella Prichard: Billy
  374. Rolando Andres: But his cute 😏😏😏😏😍😍😍😘
  375. Tespo yahoo: either ziggy or peanut
  376. Elizabeth Detwiler: U could call him LD for little dude
  377. Derek 22: name him Buddy!!
  378. Morgan M: +tyler greene they weren't even being rude to you
  379. Little Nae Nae: how about rosco? that was my dogs name
  380. Chris Burgess: Name your puppy Brownie! He has the same colors has a brownie!
  382. Paige Pitt: I think he would suit the name Prince
  383. Madeline Jennings: You should name the puppy Dingle!
  384. Brie Ruggiero: my heart cant handle this video😍❤️😭
  385. Ellie S.: name him Kragle 😁😁
  386. Sarah St Jean: you should name him Bubba like if you agree!
  387. Madi Christensen: You should name him Oliver
  388. Jordansperspective: NAME HIM KENRI😍😍😍
  389. Asia Lyon: Charley
  390. Monserrat Santillan: Otis, prince, jasper, bear, cooper, Cody, max, Mickey, Donald, diesel, tucker, Tyson, Oliver, Luke, Chesnut, Chester or Chance hope you pick one of these love you josh❤️❤️ and he's adorable😍
  391. Michelle Velcich: Name him duke or Marley
  392. lilmonsterproductions: Oscar would be a cute name
  393. Paris1604: +pets and more my name is Paris
  394. jade Aitken: name him max
  395. Lucinda Hanna: Name him bug
  396. Abby Hernandez: @joshuaDTV i have 2 dog if you need tips let me know
  397. Ayeee itz emma: Kyle it's close to kale but it's cute😂
  398. iLittleHammy: I have the exact same breed! It comes from my country, Czech. My dog's called Endy❤️❤️
  399. LangleyNicholas666#lol: Name him dingle berry
  400. sarriah ok: The other guy reminds me of Marcus butler
  401. Rubi's musically: hey name him shadow
  402. Elle Littlejohn: congratulations
  403. Marian Sanchez: I've been looking for this comment
  404. William Emert: Name him DingleBerry
  405. Khadiga Taher: Name him buddy or something that represents u and Colleen
  406. ThatGirl Rose: name him buddy cause u keep calling him that :) it also just sounds cute
  407. Landry Coday: PLEASE NAME HIM DINGLE BERRY!!!!! It'd be literally perfect
  408. Grace Reyes: You should name him Charlie or Fudge.
  409. Dance Lover: Or wolf
  410. rdidri: Obviously, name it BUDDY.
  411. Garfield: i just think he looks like a rockey bandit ace otto or dale❤✌
  412. Melani: Joshua thank you so much for adopting (many youtubers buy dogs and they inspire people to buy that dog.....And their fans want the same dog that they want so........) Thank you so so so so much.........(ps better for him is a harness)
  413. Ruth Eckhart: i think Zeke
  414. Austin Tayler: Name him Timberlake!
  415. Brooke Gillum: Josh, you're beard looks so good on you. And oh my gosh you got a freaking puppy 😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
  416. Emma Diles: what kind of dog is he?
  417. sydney: Name him peanut!!!❤️
  418. Kaylyn Osborne: I think you should name him what your Grampas name is
  419. Chicken: What about Julian... I don't know that's just what came to mind when you said we could help with names
  420. nayelli Acosta: I am so happy for you
  421. Up a mini riot: You should name it dingle berry
  422. Julie Daignault: You have to know that onions, blueberries and chocolate are some of the "human" food that isnt good for dogs!! :)
  423. Manuel Ruiz Rodriguez: you should name him duke!
  424. Kahlia Hernandez: Buddy or Sparky
  425. Ben Blahitka: I like the names Jaxon, Trigger, Remmi, and Buddy Just suggestions
  426. Elise Paduveris: Maestro
  427. Erin xo: Call him Woody❤️
  428. Chuchu: My dogs name was Milo
  429. Evelyn Mesa: Name his Joshua jr
  430. Jamie Campbell: mike
  431. Elen Xo: York or Yorkie because you and Colleen first met in New York so it will be a cute name :)
  432. Aisling O Malley: Does Colleen know? oh and Cosh because its your name and colleens names together.❤
  433. Kya Mai: hahahahahha!!!!!!! he peed in his foodd!!! good luck joshua!!!😄😄😄 you should name him Angel or Cosmo. Cosmo from fairly off parents. his your fairy that granted your wish of an life long animal companionship!!
  434. Ayano S: I'm so happy for you Joshua💞
  435. Lps Candie TV: Name him Buddy!!!😍
  437. Payton Panzeri: Dingleberry
  438. Alannah Osborne: What's his breed ??????
  439. Ellie K: I think u should call him dude because u always call him dude
  440. Charlotte Xx: Call him berry X like if you agree
  441. Deanna Nutt: What if u name him Bo like Obama's dog
  442. oceanblue 10123: shadow
  443. Jenna Pluimer: ollie!
  444. ItsJustkelsy: Name him Buddy or lucky
  445. Denise Nguyen: Name him Cocoa
  446. Chloe Desrosiers: I like the names Casper and Buddy for him
  447. Bangtannie_yeontannie: i agree name him buddy
  448. Brandan Contreras: Bud/Buddy
  449. Zaydi Ozuna: NAME HIM SNOOPY!!😭
  450. Kiersten Marie: He looks like a Rowden 😍
  451. Ally R: Call him buddy (maybe) NOT kale that's a horrible name!
  452. Carlos Salazar102: I say berry as in dingle berry
  453. Delaney Sue: Dingleberry
  454. just alexisss: oscar,ricky,or jr
  455. Nora K: Oh also, when me and my mom went to go pick out our 2nd dog, there were two that we wanted and she let me choose and I started crying. 😊❤️😂
  456. k k: OMG NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!🙏🏼🐶
  457. Modernity has failed us: Name him KALE EVANS!!! Who agrees?
  458. Jaylee Goodine: Name Him Bug
  459. Đorđe Gajić: Congrats! I just hope you don't get disappointed when he grows up. It is better to adopt grown up dog so you know what are you dealing with.
  460. Maura Griffin: or Bubba
  461. Sofia_c 123: i like henry. he is so cute good luck with him he is in good hands!
  462. Ethan Dry: name him McNally
  463. Eryn Kian&JC: Drake, dingleberry, cj( josh & Coleen.
  464. sillytime b: call him laffy taffy
  465. Bella Matter: Name him landon
  466. Joslyn Scibelli: Name him Oliver. When I saw him that was the first name that popped in my head and I think it fits him!
  467. Marie Hannon: Call him Buddy
  468. Liza Walker: You could name him Murray!!
  469. Amy: Kinda obsessed with chip as a name or pixel
  470. Alyssa Isetta: Name him Calvin
  471. Hadlee Campbell: Name him Peanut!
  472. Alysa Costumbre: are you going to get him dog clothes???
  473. Ko Koh: Max or Cookie or Damian!
  474. Mia Kulomar: Call him Buddy
  475. Melina: YOU LITERALLY BOUGHT MY DOG. THEY LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!!! Mine is about 6 months old now!
  476. Scarlett Jean: My dog looks exactly like that!
  477. Ali Podjan: what does colleen think
  478. Charlotte Cyr: You should name him cooper
  479. Jimins Mangaetok: name it rylo
  480. DeeDeeMarie09: Call him CJ...both your and Colleen's initials ;o)
  481. rene driscoll: Name that cute little buddy dingle
  482. Abigail Gillan: call him buddy caiits cute 🐶🐶
  483. Kassidy: Or dingle
  484. lifetime essentials: He looks like an Oscar
  485. Taia Bissias: You should name him Charlie, or Reginald (Reggie)
  486. Garry Hall: peanut
  487. Melissa Dube: How about espresso or Dingleberry?
  488. Lydia Newsom: name it Oliver
  489. Rabia Nadeem: Just name him Buddy 😀
  490. Lauren Darsow: I like bubba but Bruno would be cute
  491. Christina Hoang: Or buster
  492. bella: I have a really fluffy puupy and i love dogs soooooooooooooooooo much
  493. Alison: I think you should make him Jonas.
  494. srejon: Juniper
  495. Madison Leiva: spot
  496. Keeley: Did you know that when you clap a pet it lowers your blood pressure and makes you happy
  497. em h.: Evans
  498. SingerSiobhan: Name him David
  499. shadow claw199: talk to jojo about the dog because she is awesome with dogs
  500. Cecilia Monteiro: You should name him max and his nick name would be max a " million "
  502. curlygirl grace: Or Bon Bon
  503. Sarah Coomer: I think Uno like 1 in a million I think Thats adorable
  504. Joy Justine: Bubba's cute! After seeing his demenor I like Bug or Bagheera. Bagheera is my rescue dog & we call her Gira for short. You could call your boy Gear for short.
  505. Happy Pandas: you should name him swerve... ya know because he's swerve
  506. iiFrenchfryGirl Addy: OR NAME HIM BUDDY
  507. Eli Haafkens: I'm so happy for you! Having a dog is one of the best experiences I've ever had, it really changes your life, so I'm excited to see it in your vlogs!
  508. Carly Williams: most dogs hate cars
  509. Jacqueline Dazzo: Dingleberry
  510. YO ITS VIL: Awww he's so cute
  511. Abby: Bandana ❤️
  512. Jessie B: hes so cute 😭❤
  513. Jovan Popovic: Dingalbery
  514. Niclas Van Hoeck: i tought he 's gonna be a real father
  515. Hannah Joy: I think Buddy is a really cute name, and you've already been calling him that:)
  516. Chidaalu Frosch: I already know from Snapchat haha
  517. Sarah Connolly: She's comin
  518. GeorgelineVlogs: Name him Dingleberrie!!!!
  519. Ellie-may Valentine: rex rex rex rex
  520. Abby Dolgos: Name him buddy because he looks like buddy from my secret life of pets
  521. Mackenzie Ling: name him giraffe
  522. Brooklyn Marie: Name him kid so you have a kid!!
  523. Sarah S.: You should name him Jackson after Michel Jackson
  524. Raych: aww beautiful! so happy for you all x
  525. #Unicorn Puppy378: Name him Buddy! Or Flash
  526. Alex Andrews: Awhhhhh!! I'm so happy you got him! 🐶💗💗💗
  527. Maeve .Twomey: name him gizmo
  528. Ariana Milo: I vote that you name him Lafayette (and yes that is a Hamilton reference don't judge me)
  529. Kathy Quillian: Fraggle would be so cute omg😍😂
  530. Hayley Rose: +Taryn Graham thats a good name for a German shepherd
  531. Erin O'Connor: Josh can u PLEASE name ur puppy SMORES!!!!?????? I think that name is so cute and matches his fur color!😍😘☺️🐶
  532. Anna Frey: Chippy (chip for short) or ely just like that name
  533. Dr. Who: my dogs name is peanut
  534. Elice Martin: Or Evans x
  535. Lena Huang: name it joleen
  536. Gabrielle Daigle: Name him brownieeee
  538. Sozomico 101: toby
  539. xxjessicaxxvlogs Vlogs: Declan or Perry
  540. Stephanie Jewer: Comet, Echo, Buddy, Willow, Bandit
  541. Kayla Ting: Name him Buster Jr.!!!
  542. Emma Rowan: Kody would be a perfect name
  543. Mini Aphmau: How about Reese for his name?
  544. achapoz: Name him Bambi
  545. izzyokee: name him Pasco!
  546. Abby: Name him berry so you can call him Dingle Berry in private
  547. nay nay 2142 Caraballo: Also u can call him oreo or joshy ,love u and your cutey doggy.
  548. Sam: Tiny! Name him tiny❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊😊😊
  549. caylee yates: or bandit
  550. Gina Smith: TEDDY!!! NAME HIM TEDDY
  551. Elaine Curtis: You should name him Dingleberry or dude!!😍💖💩
  552. Giselle Ramirez: name him dude since you keep on calling it dude
  553. karina murison: how bout britches
  554. Elise Weber: Name him snoopy
  555. lauren baldarelli: u should name him kiko!💜
  556. Nicole Mattheyer: slaze
  557. Kawiwi KOALA: Please name him Tuffy
  558. Megan is Awsome: call him Rio
  559. Emma Pettigrew: How about berry❤️
  560. Rice Menace: Why not Dingleberry?
  561. Jamee and Mariah: Name him brownie
  562. William Truckle: Johnny the Puppy
  563. Jasmine Tales: Shadow
  564. Queen Wolf: His name should be Reese's
  565. _Valll _Palll: I also really like buddy like if you agree
  566. Olivia Rainho: Name him Drogo
  567. SarahBear: What Show are they filming for?
  568. MJ Lequin: August 10, 2016🎉🎉will🎉🎉forever🎉🎉be🎉🎉remembered🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
  569. Taylor: Midnight Jinx Binx  Dracula Love You Guys Have Fun With Your New Dog
  570. Gabbie: Death threats are something Colleen and josh deal with off camera, we have no idea how he reacts to those
  571. Hong Thao: Or how about the name Buddy?
  572. Makenna Sexton: or call him bro
  573. Morgan Rutledge: Bear
  574. Crumble Cake: I like the name Peanut!
  575. kristinasoof: NAME HIM DINGLE BERRY
  576. emilie gymnastics: Name him DB standing for dingleberrys
  577. bella bee: name him berry or rubert
  578. Nina Aldrighi: Maybe you should name him Twix ❤️❤️❤️ ily and your whole family God bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  579. Allison Couchot: You were already my daddy
  580. Sarah Hirschensohn: "Bando" short for bandana!!!!
  581. Angelica S: Call him MJ Joshua please☺️❤️😂
  582. Hailey Mock: shadow or chance
  583. DPObseser: I'm so late, but I'm so happy for you! :D This is so cute!
  584. Kaylee: berry
  585. Nastos Senpai: OMG name him Buddy!!!
  586. Kendal Depoti: Chip
  587. Sad Duck: What breed of dog is it
  588. Maddy McDonald: Name him bandana or kale
  589. Mel Beaudry11: alex, casper, cooper, tiger, sheldon,
  590. Nikki Liv Casta Basas: THIS IS THE MOMENT THIS IS THE DAAAY
  591. Li-Fen Correale: Named it Buddy
  592. Kristi Forsman: DRAKE!
  593. kaitlyn ebach: Joshua jr
  594. MoJae: Name him dingle or Barry/berry
  595. mr butterfly: you should name him sausages or bacon
  596. Aaminah Eir: Awhh 😍😍
  597. morgan krieger: I agree
  598. Hannah_AkaBanana S: U should name him Oliver for buddy
  599. annabanana: He should name him berry
  600. Samantha G: I like rascal or buddy
  601. Catitlin Gordon: You should name him Ace,or Thunder
  602. Grace Hardel: Are you going to get a cat
  603. XxJazziMalkin xX: You should call him buddy because you were calling him that towards the end of the vlog😍
  604. bayareaa. gurly: U Should Name Him Jroopy That Was My Dogs Name RIP My Pup U were The Most Respectful Dog In The World
  605. Mishamouse 123: You could name him buddy
  606. JennaNunziato: Ok I just. This is so freaking sweet and I loved every second of this. Also, he looks like a Milo to me :3
  607. Kodi Dobrowolski: You should name him Ozzy
  608. SimplySlimeLogical s: PLEASE CALL HIM BUDDY
  609. Jasmin Adame: u could call em Caleb♥
  610. Abby Dyke: You should name him Buddy🤗
  611. Eric Cartman: +Cookie Dragon he is a fucking dog! OMG. lets call you fudge/sprinkles/cookie, how about that? dogs are not your toys! nobody should treat them like toys and name them donut/fudge it is just stupid and disrespectful towards them nor you should buy them all of these fancy ass clothes and shoes. they are dogs, they just want to be goofing and running around.
  612. Alexandra George: Buster
  613. Eric Padilla: Name him hightops
  614. Maddison Flint: you should name him LITTLE D
  615. brianna castillo: When you have a puppy you always wanna put a little bit of water in their bowl because there teething and once they are older you can stop with that and never let the dog when you take him on walks go in front of you have him either at your side or behind you to show that you are the leader... Just a couple of tips on puppy life and if his gonna be big pick him up as much as you can cause you definitely won't be able too if they get really big👌🐶
  616. Salty Savages Friend Company: Name him Xavier ! Or name him Buddy ! Those are perfect names!
  617. Pheebs11399: Name him Rio because the olympics
  618. Ava Bowdren: Name him dingleberry
  619. Fiona Luke: Ya ur going to be a wonderful dad u should name it buddie
  620. Captain Alex: Name him Wolf...
  621. Jaynie: GET SIMPLY NOURISH!!! I worked at petsmart for a while and I can recommend you a buuunch of foods
  622. Brenna may: bandana would be a good name
  623. karlie lytle: Please name him Mochi like Mocha!!
  624. Ellie Duffy: Name him cooper please
  625. Cinnamon ._.: Just call him buddy ☺️
  626. A: is it the same dog as the previous vlog?
  627. Melanie Gonzalez: Name him russle
  628. Weslea Kirkpatrick: Name him lucky because he's lucky he got such a good home 😊
  629. Rainbow Farts: Name him Ace.
  630. Madi Senger: You should name your dog alabaster or KO
  631. Erica G: He looks like a Clive
  632. Sunny S.: Simba if cute
  633. JesusLover1967: Omg!!! You should name him Ace!
  634. Gaidian: OMGG
  635. Phoebe Baisch: Ollie, Oliver or Olive! He's so cute!
  636. Cece: You should name it bandit since you love bandanas also you should get together with Jenna and Julian and have peach, Kermit, and marbles meet him!!!
  637. Eviertz: U should name him Cooper
  638. Sierra Omerzo: Buh Buh is so cute!!!!
  639. The Girl With Anxiety: You should name him JT or Justin.
  640. Molly Andrews: I think Max is a cute name. It's a human and pup name!
  641. Samantha Calvillo: Maximillion!
  642. ASHLIN CUMMINS: Or bubba
  643. aubrey: "im officially a daddy" ...... you're all ready a daddy 😏😏😏😏
  644. Brook Harris: He is so precious. Name him Bentley!!!
  645. Abby Moe: name him norm :)
  646. Oreo Jackets: Milak is a cool name try it +JoshuaDTV it's what I would call my dog
  647. Dina Zappler: Call him Oliver
  648. Eric Cepeda: Fizzy
  649. Catherine D17: he looks like black Jack
  650. Brianna Notermann: My heart ❤️
  651. Gabby Nixon: Reecie
  652. Jill Barkley: does colleen know
  653. Mya K: Omg I was waiting so long for this because Colleen had it on sc
  654. Hailey K: This is so cute! I'm so happy for you!!
  655. de bestest EBER: Shrek Bruh yes he goes HEY DINGLE BERRIES
  656. Sophie Jones: Or Max
  657. _belle _fabi: Think of what you like about him and think of the things that you like I was thinking like.... Truffle maybe that's a cute name
  658. Angela Castruita: OMG YOU SHOULD NAME HIM "JET" (the westside story, the gang from the jets!)
  659. Hannah Stone: Name him JC Evans j as in your name and c as in Colleen JC Evans
  660. Amber Melissa: Was I the only one who caught the jekyll and hyde reference?
  661. Amelia: What were they recording for?
  662. Emie _Tuesday: I'm shooting for Oscar, he looks like an Oscar to me. lol that's my suggestion! Good luck from me and my puppy Winston! welcome to the crazy world that is puppy parenthood!
  663. Samantha lee: This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
  664. Captain Alex: Name him Dreamer, because he likes to sleep.
  665. Blaire Gray: I just got a little puppy yesterday
  666. Aaniyah Archibald: josh its ok ive hade at least 7 dogs in my life and right now i have two so ill give u 4 tips that i have learned so far as a 14 year old #1 to keep him from peeing in the house get little dogie pads that u can sit on the floor in this little area and teach him to pee on that and when he pees on it u can just pick it right up and its a easy clean up. #2 make him feel welcome let him follow u dont keep him locked up all day as a puppy let him know that this is he home and he is safe and welcome #3 if u want to train him to do anything like sit go outside or to get in his cage now is a good time because hes still a puppy so if u teach him now hell all ready know when hes older #4 be nice to him dont yell at him like if he pees in the house tell him no but dont hit him for some ression its bad for a dog if u hit it, but just be a loving nice father i know u and colleen will be awesome parents to ur dog just take care of him do reaserch and DONT GIVE HIM CHOCOLATE. and try not to give him tabel food...... but good luck and ........ btw love ur vids :)
  667. Elvie's world: name him ollie
  668. Leanne Dolan: the heck why is there one dislike?! haha the only one dislike is forever alone
  669. Azaan: Call him buddy or ty
  670. Kenzie M: Name him bandit
  671. mel ·: I thought Colleen was pregnant I never clicked on a video so fast 😂
  672. Edna Arredondo: little dude or bro is a great name for him!!!
  673. Sebastian gamerzz: call the dog lucky or million
  674. Summy B: why don't you call the dog Ashley
  675. Jakob Costello: name him Oli
  676. Ella Miller: Who else couldn't stop laughing when he peed in his food!!!!!!!
  677. Tulip Tobbal: You should name the dog lucky
  678. GalaxyGamer GG: 3 names that are amazing for that pup :COCO COOPER S'mores!!
  679. guineagirl 128: OOh! How bout Rascal?
  680. Sugar Lumps 42: Yes just yes
  681. Emox: Spike he looks like he would rock a spike collar x
  682. Lori Anzaldua: what breed is he?
  683. liz c: OMG so cute, reminds me of my dog that passed away. Colleen and you will make wonderful parents. Keep doing a wonderful job.
  684. Taylor Cothran: Name him Chocolate or Dude
  685. Mary Austin Andrews: Call him pippin !!!!
  686. Hanna Wilson: iLL
  687. Lexie B: Name him Cooper please!!!
  688. Amy cute Love: Best dog dad ever
  689. Bram v.d. Warrenburg: Call the dog buddy
  690. fluteloops22: +Kara Peak ohhhh I like Oscar!!
  691. Kiya Kemmer: OMG. that's puppy looks exactly like mine I swear to god.
  692. jennifer Gonzalez: +Emma Rodgers i thought of rocky too
  693. Madelynn Dutzle: You should name the dog Bug!! (if you do please give me a shoutout!! Thanks!!)
  694. Katherine Gonzalez: Buddy because you said you would call him that already
  695. Gnarley Marleigh: Bandana
  696. H Weeny: Name it Chipotle
  697. Bee 15: Cooper
  698. Rikki is awesome Panther: Put a bandanu as a collor he would look really cute
  699. Lara Cormack: What is this little guys going to think of Miranda
  700. Study Ash: I think Colleen wants a cat more xD but oh well :)
  701. Raelyn Burkhammet: name him alpha I had a dog that looked just like that and he was fun and cozy and his name was alpha
  702. Sadie Sease: Name the puppy Moe
  703. Kaylan Richardson: You should name him Buddy!
  704. Francesca Tozer: I mean charlie
  705. Mia Ryanne: some name suggestions are... Buddy, Teddy, Oliver, Pal, Rocky or Jack
  706. Robert Loos: How about "Berry" as a little homage to the dingleberries
  707. Nicole Ferretti: name him snoopy!!
  708. July Emoji: What about dingle berry
  709. arissa turner: Name him buddy
  711. Aviva Davis: name him Leo! dogs respond better to two syllable names
  712. ray ray dimond: you should name him bubby
  713. Heather C: oh ok thx!
  714. Chair Is Daddy: I think his name should be hulk
  715. Holl S-B: call him buddy as that's what u keep calling him already
  716. Kendall Williams: Call him scotter
  717. Julez0: SO CUTEEEE AWWWW
  718. Michaela Tweet: Name him Teddy!!!!🐶🐻
  719. Greta Weber: My brother Charlie
  720. Lizzie Mae: Call him kyd
  721. Charlotte Wirth: Maybe you should name him Scout!
  722. Renee Ste. Marie: Name him Buddy
  723. kady thompson: what show is he talking about
  724. Sage Crummett Smith: I also think that it's appropriate because to me I feel like the song relates to him, because he was alone and didn't have a permanent home but now he does have a sweet loving home with amazing people! Love you guys!!!💜💜💜
  725. Adriana: mochi, brownie, or mocha
  726. Em H: You should name him Boomer
  727. Klayre Nohlechek: Go with Colleen and name him Bo. I had a dog named Bo and we called him BoBo and he was the worlds best dog. Lol.
  728. Vanessa Concepcion: dude, it's a male.
  729. Samara Koshiol: James
  730. Anna -: I already commented this on Colleens instagram but my dog looks just like him! We got him this december but he already was 2 or 3 years old back then (he was a stray in romania) Its so cute to see how he probably looked like when he was a pup ^-^
  731. Kate Jackson: moses
  732. Isabelle McCarthy: Name him snoopy!!!
  733. Sarah DePasquale: You should name him bear!!!
  734. Megan Blanco: This was so freaking cute ❤️ this video makes me so happy 💜
  735. Dimitris Koupas: ΝΑ ΣΑΣ ΖΗΣΕΙ
  736. the pokey puppy: Name him Koda!
  737. Beverley Wasike: Name Jim Charlie or ollie
  738. dschackkk_: miranda sings tour
  739. Afsana Islam: i find it strange that colleen wasnt there when josh got the dog
  740. Num Love: I'm am mrianda fan and his to and all of mrianda baes
  741. Emma Affeldt: What breed of do is that.... It's driving me crazy!!!
  742. Kate.Abby.Lauryn 219: You should name him Harley
  743. Katie Smith: I think he should just go with Buddy, i know its a common dog name but it suits them :D
  744. Madi Rose: I just got a puppy last Friday as well! I have a Tip for him sleeping every few minutes and waking up- put a fan in the room where he sleeps and the white noise will help him stay asleep. That has really helped me!
  745. crazyhorsegirl 059: name in munchkin
  746. Rita Hamstring: I have a husky
  747. Neelee Wallace: Name him S'mores
  748. Libby J: Was it just me that cried
  749. Amy O'Hair: Name him lucky🐶
  750. Alicia Goodman: What about Bandit?? (kinda like bandana)
  751. MCR-TOP-P!ATD Megs S.: name him moo or pig or turtle
  752. Gloria: you should name him billy😀
  753. nay nay 2142 Caraballo: i think u should call him cookie or coco
  754. Joon: What breed is this dog?
  755. Elizabeth Fahrmeier: ok no joke my dog look almost exactly the same and my dog is at a kennel right now so i miss her. this made me so happy
  756. jenna&stella: I kinda wish he got the sweet pit bull used as a bait dog
  757. Clare Rice: Every time When he starts to pee just take him outside. Even if doesn't have to. Then he'll learn to wait till you take him outside. Just some advice so you don't have to keep cleaning up his pee 😊
  758. William Clark: I have a dog that's 3 and it looks EXACTLY the same breed!!!!😍🙂
  759. Awkwardgirl_ 54: Why not call him buddy
  760. Caroline Wood: FUDGE
  761. Migi Calalo: love your new dog 😍
  762. Diamond sisters: Plz call him chip
  763. jojo Olivos: hunter
  764. Kami Sheanin: Yaaaaaas
  765. Colleen Slays: Peanut Butter
  766. Andrea Fortner: you should name him buddy
  767. kenzie brooke: gizmo is cute, it's my sisters dogs name too!
  768. Pusheen xx: Okay dats just creepy xD
  769. Megan Stewart: REESES
  770. Katelyn Halleck: Name him peanut💕
  771. Mayflower 101: Buddy name it buddy
  773. Kyle Hanna: You should name him ace
  774. Riley Carver: Name him dude
  775. Sara Jackson: Bandana
  776. abbeygirl2002: bubby
  777. Felicia Hawk: wait... Colleen is back with him?
  778. Guinny Nunes: you need to get the dog a bandana coat or even a neck thing, or even better a bandana coat or neck thing with 'be nice to people' on the back...or on the belly so when you rub his belly you can see it...OMG IM SO EXCITED
  779. It's me Millie: Buddy!!!!!
  780. Joy McCreary: He should name it buddy based on the ending (also that's my dog's name so it's my favorite)
  781. GrandeCraftTV GrandeCraftTV: call it Kid its a cute name
  782. Jordan Purrington: I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU❤❤
  783. Sara Shaylor: Awwwwww
  784. Joseph Uglialoro: Name him Buddy
  785. kylee: Name him teddy
  786. Simone Misop: BUDY
  787. Oscar Mendoza: Name him Rocky!!!!!
  788. Pow line: Banjo should be the name of every puppy!
  789. Eric Cartman: guys stop suggesting him some stupid names. he is a dog, not a toy. give him a realistic name like jeff or joe
  790. Eric Buchheim: Give him one of your shirts to sleep with so he gets used to your sent and associates it with safety, also if he does not want to sleep in his crate wrap one of your shirts around a warm bag of rice so that it is like you are sleeping with him!😄🐶
  791. Beth Robbins: MILLER SUCH A CUTE NAME PLS
  792. Ian Nee: Name him King. In honor of King dingleberry
  793. Shauna McKey: +Kristin D Omg thank you!! I just thought it would be cute 😘
  794. Hatty: Also at Christmas it would be so cute cos of elf the movie🌲
  795. Christy Pham: CODY
  796. Rosevania Goncalves: 😍😍😘😘😚💋💋❤💓💕💖
  797. Mariam Punjani: Name him Oreo!😍
  798. Regan Marie: You should name him Scuffy!!!!! 😂😂
  799. Jayleen Santos: or bro
  800. Karly Ray: name him parker!!!!!!!!!!!
  801. Isabelle Jennifer: Or Comet or Buddy
  802. Odilia Goldsworthy: He's such a George I don't know why but AAAH adorable
  803. Maria Vazquez: Name him Dingleberry
  804. Georgia Gooding: buddy max or Charlie I thought Thomas before too but I just didn't think it fitted but you kept calling him buddy SOOOOOO maybe that
  806. Alana S: yess
  807. Ali & Enzo: You can name him Melvin (Mel) Bubba or Buddy!
  808. Lila Fulton: Name him Bandit🐶
  809. Lauren Hunter: What about the names: Simba Bae (because of like Miranda and your relationship with the dog 😂) Bubba Buddy Eli Emmet Lilo Addie/Addy Eddie/Eddy Barkley Kian Idk they're pretty random names but i think they suit your little one- hope they help 💗X
  810. olivia ray: Name him Milo! I think its so cute cx
  811. Cassie Walters: I think fraggle is cute
  812. feitocomfruta: Buddy would be cute. CJ for your initials?
  813. Mackenzie Blackman: Toby would be so cute
  814. Sarah Martin: Sparky. It's really a cute name for the doggie. It also fits him
  815. Grace H: Name him Bentley!!!!!
  816. Lindsay H: Topper, like high tops.
  817. Brooke Bullock: I'm so glad you decided to get the little guy:)
  818. Mara: Honestly this makes me so happy
  819. Sarah Conn: You should name him cooper or milo❤️
  820. morg douglas: you could name him Riley🐶
  821. Jenny DIY: Name him Jackie I just think that is a perfect dog name.
  822. Cutie Seniz: What bout buffy?
  823. Flufferx: I think MJ would be perfect <3 He's adorable!
  824. Meghan Sanchez: I think he should be named bandana or dingleberry
  825. Candy Cake: Please please name him Bean 😜
  826. Kiara Garcia: Coco??
  827. Lauren s: OMG YAY
  828. Ramona: I love that dog already! You should call him Bob :) Or just stick with Buddy! :D
  829. Rainbow Farts: Hercules
  830. Hannah Slankard: You should name him Petey
  831. Katey Mae: Two names are Zipp and romeo
  832. Kyky Carr: Name the dog sparky
  833. Emeley Reyes: 10:15 it's like "did you just call me bubu?😐" lol
  835. Grace Wood: what about Harley
  836. Cathy Matthews: NAME HIM OLIVER!!!!!!!!!
  837. blurryangelus: YASSSS
  838. Ainsley Aycock: Name him Charley
  839. Isabella Simon: Name him Toby!
  840. sydney: Nevermind
  841. Jonathan Monaghan: Dingle!
  842. avery dayton: shave dude
  843. M Shann: How many people were close to tears of happiness for josh and Colleen
  844. Brianna Murray: I don't get why people like the name kale I think it's Wierd for a dogs name. I got this from another comment but you should name him berry for dingleberry
  845. Lexy: ooh Cody
  846. WenDay P: Oscar or Cooper!
  847. Britt: He looks just like my dog!
  849. Color Coded: He looks like his name should be peanut!
  850. Alliii Bearrr: you should either name him brownie, Brady, or brandy
  851. cassie trudell: you should call him budy
  852. hqishere7: Please check out Zak George's YouTube channel, it has such amazing videos on positive reward based training, and where to start with dog training. Helped me so much when I adopted my dog last year!
  853. Sophia Soldier: you should name him M&M
  854. Ivy Lueck: he is cute
  855. Maddie Roberts: Name him didi
  856. Hailee Dunn: but for real i like coco,Ollie, Max, and king
  857. Bailey Cousino: trust me josh, he's going to bark at every thing. I have a yorkie and every little thing he hears or see's he barks at. other than that we love him and you should name him... 1. Jake 2.Lucky 3. Luke or Lucas
  858. Kate Neidermeyer: I screamed
  859. maisie forsyth: I like the name Archie. For a puppy
  860. Ich bin Mariposa: maybe Cookie?
  861. Hshhxhxhc Xjdjjdxndndjxnmsmsjs: Name him hunter
  862. annie mcdonut: You should name him Zip
  863. Rk 2001: My cat name is Milo 😍
  864. SKEERRTTT: or coco or Jake Blake Josh Jr Harry Ethan Tyler Kaleb Flip
  865. Rhode Mulamba: NAME HIM BUSTER LIKE YOUR DADS AND MOMS CAT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  866. Henchy Silbberstein: +joshuaDTV name him buddy because he's your buddy
  867. Srishti Brahmbhatt: He decided to name him Shadow ❤️
  868. Poppy Robinson: Tip: if a dog is liking their lips or yawning,they're either anxious or stressed. Try and calm them down by speaking calmly and messaging them from their shoulders to their tail or stroking their back. 💖🙃
  869. Sarah Alison: Jingle Berry Evans (cuz you and Colleen always write little jingles)
  870. Taylor Thompson: His name should be max
  871. Rainbow Farts: Jasper.
  872. Ariana Vargas: you should name him brownie
  873. Holly Neill: Aww he is so sweet! 😍🐶 I have 4 name suggestions 1. Cosmo 2. Buddy 3. Patch 4. Blue Hole you like them xxx
  874. Savannah P: Since he is humping and peeing I think after about a month or two of getting used to you and the house, he should probly get neutered, I don't believe in doing it unless there is a reason, and I think that it will help you guys out a bit! Also a good idea is to get him microchipped! After about a year or two you guys can always get him a buddy (another dog), probly a female so he has a sister, that would be cute! I can't wait to watch him grow and learn!
  875. Allie Mowry: Name him Rocky after the guy you adopted him from! <3
  876. Madi Senger: Like ok backwards
  877. Mikey_kill _zzz: Who is here after he called Miranda a dick on her vid
  878. Jordan Purrington: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR A FATHER
  879. maddie lafuente: Name him Gizmo.<3 <3
  880. x.princesa.x 17: you should call him tucker
  881. Sky Storm: Josh....my life is changing aswell because I'm such a big dog lover and such a big fan of u and aggghh im just soo happy when I saw this video I screamed😘😘😘😍😍😍😍
  882. Jorden Smith: I just got a Jack Russell terrier and we named her Sadie.
  883. Lori Fahan: Name him bandana
  884. Lullu and family: You are amazing! So glad you adopted that little guy❤️
  885. Shannon Burns: how about Max??
  886. Boog and Babe: Name him Buster
  887. Jessica Niermeyer: luca
  888. Carlyle Shaw: OMG... I can't... That cuteness... I just can't...
  889. Joey McCauley: Bandanna would be such a cute name!!
  890. CheerTastic 234: I think the dogs name should be Bailey or Max because I think that would be a cute name for the dog🐶 ILY JOSH ❤😀😁
  891. Vanessa Valdes: I won't you to name him fluffy
  892. Chloe Charlton: Bandana!
  893. Jaynie: Sorry for the comment blast... but now colleen needs a cat...
  894. Psycho kittens: Or Will, Liam, and bud.
  895. Zoe. per: U should name him cookie or peanut
  896. jesswells Lol: U need to get colleen to do a Miranda video with the dog😂😂😂
  897. laura: Guys does anyone know what show he was shooting for? Thx!
  898. Teagan H.: Are you and Colleen still married
  899. Avengers Assemble please: U should name him dude or bro 👌👌👌👌😎😎😎😎
  900. Isabella Davis: You and Caleen will be great dad and mom
  901. Anna Kathryn Fleenor: Bandana
  902. Mallory Mayo: OR BRO
  903. Katie Brooks: CONGRATSSS!
  904. Saman W.: Josh, when dogs pee just a little bit like a sprinkle, it means they are marking their territory
  905. Maddie May: when we adopted my puppy he cried the entire car ride home
  906. Catherine Yu: So cute
  907. Phoebe Levitt: chase or casper
  908. Eimear Glynn: Oreo
  909. Sarah Elizabeth: You should name him bandit because it sounds kinda like bandanna 😂
  910. Big Chungus: Max
  911. Subscribe to PewDiePie: or babybro
  912. Nigger Club: lol true
  913. Luīze Strada: Kong .
  914. Nayeska Aleman: Jackson is a good name
  915. amelia&lydia: you should name him LuLu!!!😍
  916. Gediminas Venslovaitis: Name him Buddy!
  917. Michelle Broers: +Diana R lol
  918. KA M: When I commented the names I wanted Josh to name him, I had like a list and there was Milo.. And I was trying to find my comment and I saw like 2 comments saying "OMG YOU SHOULD CALL HIM MILO" I'm like DF..
  919. Natalie Schultz: Aggie or Ollie
  920. Tiffany Ford: I think you should name him a very human name. like Bruce, Carlos , Edward, or Joe
  921. Olivia Seifert: I'm so excited for puppy vlogs!!!!
  922. Tatum Finlayson: I think He looks like a Flash
  923. Earls Family Vlogs: Being a puppy parent is so fun but lots to learn!! I have two pups and love them more than anything!
  924. Amanda Tyrrell: You should name him Buddy!!!! <3
  925. NM Flagger Girl: Blue berry
  926. maddie kane: Or I really love timber!!!
  927. Ellie Kay: Josh hang a little bell on the door when before you put him out, lift his nose into it so it rings. it works wonders for us with our two dogs! they ring the bell whenever they need to go out
  928. Joana Torres: Name him Cookie 🍪😂😊
  929. Isabella Beany: I like the name December for some reason. Yes it's a season but I like it😂
  930. Madi Beckley: A cute name for him would be gizmo! It sounds pretty cool and he looks like a gizmo :P (just a thought!)
  931. Maddy Donar: aww im so happy for you guys!!!!!
  932. Becca44lyfe: I think buddy is a good name for him
  933. Kyra Liefers: I really like the name Noah :)
  934. Jocelyn Brooks: you should name him Redick
  935. Allison Betz: Name him Deven for David Evans!
  936. Mia Pesina: 4:11 this is what it feels like to be a dad!
  937. Emma Janse: I think Colleen is becoming a dog person now!😂❤️👍🏼
  938. Atlas Pain Institute, LLC: I meant to say ceeping not creeping!lol
  939. emily m: Call him moose
  940. Tracy Ford: call him buddy !!!
  941. Isabel: name him buddy since you were already calling him buddy
  942. Jay Slays: When you get a late notification... BUT YAY JOSH I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU 😊😍🙌🏽🐶
  943. Maya Shetty: I love the name Oliver for him!
  944. Macey Geistweidt: yayyyyyyyyy
  945. Second dad: Tucker, Milo, or maybe Toby would be so cute
  946. Anna O'Donnell: I don't know how i thought of this but i sorta like this, Mazo? idk, its sorta cute i guess
  947. marielephant1: What breed is he? :)
  948. Emma Carey: Or twix
  949. Mary Bella Betts: MY HEART
  950. Hannah Aversa: Nam him one of the n'sync members😂
  951. Doris Lopez: +Faith Kathryn it's a suggestion. At the end of the day it's not up to you. It's up to Josh.
  952. Holland Hathaway: Name him Bruno
  953. Olivia Grace05: Bandana, Caleb, Osher
  954. stephanie viramontes: Name him FREDDY! Like if u agree!!
  955. georgia •: +Lucy Robb he already named him Shadow
  956. Abi rose Duncan: Call him Toby
  957. Braelyn Matthews: name him mikey please that sounds like a nice name for a puppy
  958. Kritiii Dutta: What breed ???
  959. Sophie Vincent: Name him teacow
  960. Tryinglittleleg: BUDDY EVANS!
  961. Ella's Toy review: Name him Max
  962. Jennifer Burgess: Young Matt Damon!
  963. Margret R.: Name him Dingleberry!
  964. Mieke Parish: shadow
  965. Lucy Baker: U should name him Max!
  966. Mackayla Burnett: i just got a new puppy to his nameis keller
  967. Cally Ebony: Call him bandanna
  968. Goddess A woman: Name your bames. Bames is an cermet named James with a B
  969. KiimPossible: YES NAME HIM SNOOPY❤️🐶
  970. Lila Kale: my last name is kale
  971. Og. Bai: Name it Ollie 😊
  972. Gabi N: Coco❤️❤️
  973. Give Hope to a Dog Foundation: it's so beautiful!
  974. Hannah Cahill: Name home Charlie😍
  975. Chloe Fitzgerald: Magee or Magoo is a cute name
  976. jenna.h32: yes name him milly!
  977. Jessica Smith: He looks like a Buster.
  978. Hailey Hulsey: Yaaaasssss ! DOGY ?!!! Spark / sparkie DUDE guys ) perl Hershey holly frachel. Girls. )
  979. Cat Squared: I like Roscoe for him
  980. Holli Siemonsma: I think you should name him Turner! Btw congrats!
  981. mia's life everyday: the name should be Evan
  982. Beth Maxted: Bandan- like bandana ❤️
  983. Avert Jenniferkins: Name him s'mores
  984. cheyenne landgraf: name him Buddy
  985. Malissa Key: you should name him scooby
  986. Larissa Amber: Congratulations!!! He's SOOO cute :)
  987. Ellis Scott: Minnie or kallum
  988. Daniel Wessel: did u get Coleens permision of the puppy? by the way, he or she is adorable!
  990. Ms2cat1: I have 4 rescue dogs! So proud of you Josh! He's adorable! Thanks for saving a life.
  991. Maddy B: I met to put buddy
  992. Callie H: Name him Blue or Coco
  993. Shawn vlogs: name him josh jr
  994. Yo Teej: name him D Town
  995. roberto rojo: name him Doo
  996. Benji Tutorials: How cute!!! Make sure you get him at least 3 rounds of vaccine, distemper and parvo aren't fun :( but he found a great loving home. Congrats!!!
  997. Zoe. per: Or u can call him bubu
  998. • Me: Buster
  999. Alyssa: He's soo sweet! He's so little he reminds me of Chip from Beauty and the Beast... that'd be a cute name!
  1000. Alli Cullen: You should name him Bandit.
  1001. Carrie Howell: justname him little dude
  1002. mberglund: what type of dog is he? he looks like my dog did as a puppy!
  1003. Kenna Evelyn: what kind of dog is it??
  1004. XxGamingGirlxX: Rocky Sroo Sroo joe dude donut sonny carmel
  1005. potato girl: your dog is soooooooooo cute
  1006. Lolo Bell: Or name him Jackson as in Michael Jackson
  1007. Macy McKinney: The show!?!?
  1008. hailey ray: Name him Charlie, or Max
  1009. srejon: Mr.Adorable
  1010. Mini Winner: you should name him buddy
  1011. molly sandweiss: He's so cute! You should name him Freddy!
  1012. Bobbie Stoltz: I'm confused why Colleen keeps saying its "Josh's dog" not her dog. They're a married couple. Isn't 50/50....?
  1013. katie mitchell: don't worry I just got a new dog. we've had him for a couple of months and it gets better. I feel you Josh I got you fam <3
  1014. Captain Swan: +Electric Motivation that's EXACTLY what I thought!
  1015. taeyong's face is beautiful: just name him Buddy
  1016. Meggy G808: Bandana or Stripe. It looks like he has a little white stripe on his neck.
  1017. Kirsten Heidinger: the dog tried to drink his pee
  1018. Briana Sharee: Congrats Josh!! you're gonna do great! Just gotta be very patient :) He's such a cutie ♡♡♡♡ you could name him Justin Timberbark 😂😂😂😂
  1019. puffyloop ftw: Haha name him Presley, Bear, or Bowser jr😂👍🏽
  1020. The Weissbards: My old dogs name was Spunky!
  1021. YouTube Online: NAME HIM BUDDY!!! (Since you keep calling him that) :D
  1022. Helen Marie: Name him Buddy!!!!!
  1023. Trlr: He looks like a brownie :) You should name him that!
  1024. Alexis E: name him bambam or scrapy...not because that's the name of my old dogs but yeah
  1025. Briana C: you should name him Reagan or trouble
  1026. Agnethas left sock: +RatGurlTay or goose or loose
  1027. twelge15: I'm so excited Colleen had a puppy!!! 😒
  1028. Lynsey Renee: I feel like the whole time he's like, what are this...
  1029. Lauren s: rocko
  1030. Georgia Evola: I feel like alto would be a good name since you and Colleen are both singers and Colleen is psychosoprano. Idk I just like it
  1031. Ashlin Larson: name him rocky idk why just do it
  1032. Liv Mc: What about buddy
  1033. Sarah Claire: Mickey 💜💙💛💚 lol
  1034. rachel ventour: Do a dog tag
  1035. Valentina Alberti: The dogs name should be Amigo🐶
  1036. macy a: Call him Jimmy Or Johnny Or Mojo Or Gypsy
  1037. Cristina Quijada: Just a quick note, he's shaking because he's probably nervous/anxious. This transition will be very hard for him and he might "act out". Also, he's a puppy which makes it easier for him to be scared. But the way you are reassuring him helps him. He's so young so he is going to be very eager to learn. I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to be a great daddy to that wonderful boy. I would also suggest not to give him your old stuff to chew on such as shoes, shirts, pillows. He's too young to know the difference between what's yours and what's his. Just a little tip. :) Enjoy being a new dad Joshua!!
  1038. Jeanette Portocarrero: Thank you Josh for being such a good daddy" Thank you for adopting our Spunk" Welcome to the family!!! Watch out,you have met your match!...he is a little rascal,don't let him fool you :) ...keep blogging...God Bless"
  1039. Haley Greening: maybe you would like eddie
  1040. Kennedy Darensbourg: King Kong
  1041. Emily H: I know getting a dog is a big deal. but it's not THAT BIG OF A DEAL. like chill josh it's a only a dog. it's kind of annoying. crying over a dog is really over dramatic
  1042. Mia Klok: u should name him peanut
  1043. Kim Lockett: we're is colleen
  1044. Team Internet: Name him Bandit, Oliver, or Jelly Bean!!
  1045. Brooklynn White: I had a Dunkin and a donut now I have trio and double. I think Kale would be just fine. lol
  1046. Rhea Manani: buttercup
  1047. abbie brown: call him buddy❤❤❤❤
  1048. Rihanna Hasanzadeh: NO WE WON'T!!!!!!!!!!😐😐😐😐😐
  1049. walk_trot_canter11 Victor: You could name him buddy 🐶
  1050. Amahd Lopes: Jj joshua junior
  1051. Destiny Hill: Freddie
  1052. Heicam 1234: ik buddy is perfect
  1053. Lacy Dunlap: So many feeeeeeels!!! So freaking adorable!!!!!
  1054. Sonya Bokor: Name him Buddy! It fits him so much!
  1055. Mell Kue: balu, Sirius,lupin, Sam, Pippin? 😂 sorry potterhead and lotr-fan Alarm.
  1056. Anonymous Person: Name him Ziggy! That would totally suit his personality!
  1057. missbrittneyann: YASSS THE PUPPY VLOG!
  1058. em j: Hey josh name him arlo
  1059. Engrid Tuzan: Why don't u just provide a few names and call a name. see which one he responsds to.
  1060. Graham Murray: name him dingle Berry
  1061. kritika krishnakumar: name him naked so that every time you walk him say ' "I m walking naked down the streets"
  1062. bethany yes that bethany: Name him Sir Floppy Ears the First
  1063. Marcy bay50: U should name him lucky❤️❤️
  1064. Skylar Alexis: Omg Colleen said they wanted a chocolate lab and I just got a chocolate lab puppy named Baylor ☺️ she's 3 1/2 months old!
  1065. DeAshya Antoine: he is so cute omg
  1066. Haylee Taylor: Call him MJ!
  1067. Sarah Zakreski: Buddy!!!! Name him Buddy!!
  1068. Sloan Campbell: Jd that should be his name
  1069. Holo Cat: train the dog first
  1071. fluffy floffles: King Berry:))
  1072. Fiorella Adrianzen: Desmond!
  1073. mally cat: Rocky yes 👏🏽👌🏽👍🏽
  1074. Luke Probert: name him justin (like justin timberlake)
  1075. Kylie DeVall: I saw your snapchat and I've been waiting for this all day 😍😍😍😍
  1076. Curtis Griffin: I came here because im over negativity and needed some be nice to people..
  1077. Elizabeth Applegate: Aw, how sweet! He reminds me of a s'more, with his coloring:)
  1078. emma haag: His name should be MAX!
  1079. f a i t h: What kind of dog is he?
  1080. Sarahnessoyeah: Pick up after your dog. Don't wanna see, smell, or step on any log
  1081. AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: dingle
  1082. Antonella Merucci Walshe: He's beautiful. congratulations xxx
  1083. Sarah TakeTheL: Name him brownie
  1084. Kayla Chan: name him max
  1085. Steph19: "Shocker" 😂❤️
  1086. Vanessa Hunter: You should name him Thor
  1087. anditspaganpoetry: Buying a puppy means you're kind of paying for a new dog to be born and profits go to whoever bred the dog, where as adopting means you're taking in a dog that is already in the world and needs a home. There is an overpopulation of dogs and so many up for adoption that need homes, and when they don't find a home in a short amount of time they're usually put down in most cases. So adopting is good because it helps with that problem.
  1088. Abby Lymburner: My dog had the same leash
  1089. Lindsey: Name him Zues
  1090. Erika Spiteri Bailey: He looks like a Max to me! ☺️❤️
  1092. jelly bean: you should name him dingle berry
  1093. Olivia: Can someone explain what they were filming for?
  1094. Mashantee Jones: Or tyler
  1095. Pink Unicornz: At first I did not see the thumb nail and it said IM OFFICIALLY A DADDY! I thought Colleen was pregnant! xD
  1096. Olivia Broderick: you should name him cooper!
  1097. Abbey O_O: I thought dingleberry
  1098. MyLifeAsEmily: Josh
  1099. Frederric Kelada: maybe his name should be buddy. My heart melted when I saw his face. I think in the car he was shevering because all the dogs I know in my life r scared of the way the car feels when you r in it so ya. love u, colleen and that little furball of happiness
  1100. Maryn James: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!
  1101. Feemailgamer: Dogs sometimes shake due to excitement I have a yorkiepoo that shakes insanely bad when someone comes over mainly my fiancé 😂
  1102. Lola V: My dogs name is bandit but a call him prump which stands for premature puppy lol
  1103. Khoa Truong: ya name him cj
  1104. Litzy Salazar: Same Thing happened to me
  1105. Emily: Joey
  1106. Hannah Cahill: Him*
  1107. Nina Stamler: Or indigo (like the color) but could be indy for short. :D Best of luck with your new puppy!!! bro tip from a dog walker, dont let your pup chew your fingers and if they start to chew, hand them a toy or rag or something to take the place, so that way it trains them that when they go to chew, they chew the toys more over anything of value or people. <3
  1108. Sofia Sweets: Who disliked this video?? Why would you dislike it?
  1109. Whitley Luoma: Name him bandana! It would be so cute
  1110. Lizzie B: The best way to get to know a dog is to sit next to him and don't be with him to the point of annoyance intro goes best with treats
  1111. Juniper: +ThatYoutubeLife coco is a sucky name why do you all like it?
  1112. Hailey Brock: Josh:"You can pee on mommas leg though" Colleen:"yeah that's fine" ❤️😂🔥
  1113. Grandma Mills: Coco!
  1114. Kelly Gibson: Name him kale!!
  1115. TheGrandeTop10: CONGRATS!
  1116. safalafagins: Why is there a camera team recording him getting the puppy? is this for a show?
  1117. Lexi Meeker: Name him buddy!!!!!!
  1118. Artist_ Guru: You should name him Shiloh
  1119. Kenzie Hardin: What breed is he?
  1120. Gabbyrella Munguia: name em chip
  1121. Scarlett Campbell: How about Charlie?
  1122. Sirera: u should name him bud or buddy he is just so cute and sweet😄
  1123. Lizzie Mae: Call him kyd
  1124. Julia Hawkins: hope that helps 😊probly not
  1125. Cheyenne Ramjit: you should name him dingleberrie fraggle or david
  1126. Jhovana Ventura: awwww
  1127. Sophia Fang: name him buddy
  1128. Olivia: puppies are so hard to train!!! just don't be afraid to scold him when he does something wrong/bad. also make sure right we he eats or drinks, send him right outside so he doesn't have an accident!!!
  1129. Danielle Pragdat: I like JT for him
  1130. Ally Bryant: Duke is also a really good name for him!
  1131. Kayla Brumbaugh: You should call him Tim like tinny Tim!!!
  1132. Zoe Berghorn: So cute
  1133. Selena De Leon: Name him tramp
  1134. sdv 101: You should call him spiky
  1135. lpsmissfun time: I saw it on snap chat
  1136. Campbell Casillo: Name him Rosco!
  1137. Sally Swift: I think you should name him Timber or Buddy
  1138. misty lopez: name him jj
  1139. Caislee and Alexa: It should be dude
  1140. Mikaela Ary: The puppy is probably gonna grow larger because dogs don't stop growing until they're two years
  1141. Brandi Humann: so Flipping excited for you two I mean 3, the new addition is WAY ADORABLE! He kind of looks like a Maddox or a Joey can't wait to see him grow with you and yours growing as well (: FINALLY
  1142. Coco Zim: cookies!!!! name him cookies!
  1143. Jacqueline Emily: NAME HIM BUDDY
  1144. Megan Matias: you should name him Timberlake
  1145. Bianca Jillion: Chip
  1146. Lauryn B: his name is dingle berry
  1147. Jaden orona: Josh should name the puppy bandanna
  1148. Alyssa Johnson: You should name him buddy
  1149. Blythe McCracken: bubba, buster or buddy
  1150. Amina Hussain: I won't be surprised if you call the dog dingleberry 😂😂
  1151. Ruby Atarah: im sORRY ILL GO I SWEAR
  1152. goodgirlxo: Mickey? Berry? Ming?
  1153. Paris: Name him biscuit
  1154. Trinity Johnson: YEAH
  1155. Dance Songs: I think he looks like a Champ (as his name) but most people will probably think that's stupid. But I like it.
  1156. Random Person: You should've gotten the puppy with Colleen!
  1157. RDJ in a bunny suit: I think you should name him little dude
  1158. mikayla: This is the best thing on YouTube to happen in a long time
  1159. Rachel Blades: what breed is he ??
  1160. Bailey Fuller: Name him Cola!
  1161. Jenny Johantges: WJAT A DAD
  1162. Emma Aarbakke: Buddy Kale Evans
  1163. Ashley McConville: You should name him Buddy :)
  1164. Madison Noelle: NAME HIM MILO I LOVE THAT NAME
  1165. Jokes on you cuz u can't get to my video Hah: Butterscotch
  1166. Kayla Skye: Snoopy or snoop cause that's your nick name
  1167. pancakebbys: COLLEENS A MOM!!!?!!?!??!
  1168. heidi G: NAME HIM TUBER!!! like Youtuber😏 or buddy cuz that's cute
  1169. Emma Lynn: What kind of dog is he?
  1170. Ceciliazal: tonino
  1171. Nadia Snyman: you should call him buddy
  1172. Grace K: S'mores is a good name and gongrats
  1173. LifeAsNikki: Call him dingleberry
  1174. Cool Candy86: Name him. Joy... Because he was such a beautiful joyful thing
  1175. Hannah Dickie: Name him buddy❤️👌🏼
  1176. Shandra: I have a minpin mix. Best dogs ever.
  1177. J: "Why don't we go on a shopping spree,with your money" lmao
  1178. Sander Hoefsloot: Call him Nice. (Be nice to people XD)
  1179. Musically Sisters: Dingle berry
  1180. Vitica Ranga: omg I like autumn so much! but he doesn't look like an autumn to me :|
  1181. Mar1a Anastas1a: He should call it toffee #1cuz it looks like a burned toffee #2 my guinea pig looks like the dog and she's called toffee
  1182. Ilmi Rahman: His name should just be buddy
  1183. Alexia Miraya: Harry is a good name
  1184. BigCat Caper: Name him Dingle or Berry or Dingle Berry <3
  1185. Laksh Kirt: THANKS FOR ADOPTING!!!!!!
  1186. Katie Mcmanus: Alice Emerson not anymore
  1187. Olivia B: awww so cute!
  1188. Gracee Sewell: I got a chocolate lab and he's such a good dog
  1189. DuhShey G.: Name that dog chocolate?? Because he kind looks like chocolate..?😂👌🏼
  1190. Jessica Berglund: you should name him little MJ!
  1191. Bethany Cross: You should name him Trevor
  1192. Greerjelly p00: NAME HIM PRINCE
  1193. Abbey O-O: Can u do a haul
  1194. Katie Graham: you should name him Jackson!! (Michael Jackson)
  1195. Anna Siqueiros: yeah coco
  1196. Maci Anderson: no
  1197. sam spam: my cats name is teddy 😂 it's a great name
  1198. Marina Boshra: name him Rocky!!!
  1199. Anja Woolverton: What happened to getting cats in june?🙄
  1200. Gifty Mane: what breed is he ?
  1201. Gracie11: Grover. Name him gover
  1202. Lexie B: +Maddie Smith yessss cooper please☺️❤️
  1203. Erin Kiple: this is such an adorable vlog. this makes me so happy oh my goodness.
  1204. Lea J: Name the dog Milo!!
  1205. Ashleigh B: Name it bandit thats my dogs name and your puppy looks exactly like my dog
  1206. Cara Logan: Oh yeah
  1207. chelsey oliver: Even Kris Jenners twin acts like her 😂 @ 3:24
  1208. Prince patrick: i thought you had a baby with colleen...
  1209. Sydney Do: I have 3 dogs!!!!
  1210. Brooke Christieson: no no dingle 🔔
  1211. Jillian Arnold: Name him Toby!
  1212. Poniies: You should name him something like Lee or Bandana... just A thought
  1213. _ corgi_ lover: name him buddy I think he looks like a buddy!🐶🐕
  1214. Lindsey Kap: Lol. That dog looks so much like my dog and when Colleen said they should name him Bubba. I was like omg that's my dog
  1215. AbbyP*VIP: Name him Jackson since you love Michael Jackson
  1216. Atlas Pain Institute, LLC: my dog had puppies like 7 weeks ago and we are giving them away and we have 2 left and are dog had ten puppies and the new owners are coming to take the puppies to there new homes tomorrow and we have a new dog also because we are creeping one and we named him Flynn!! - I am a girl on my dad's account! :)
  1217. Kristen Rumsey: You should name him Bandit or Ranger
  1218. Eva B: danni
  1219. MarsTheGamer702 2701: called him Jerry
  1220. Rainbow Farts: or Abram
  1221. Brandy Newell: Hemi or rocky
  1222. Emily Evans: I almost started crying watching this😂
  1223. Daisy Oliver: he's so cute! same age as my little puppy:)) she's called Ziggy so if that's any inspiration I reckon the name is pretty unisex if not more towards the male side!❤❤
  1224. Grace S: UR DOG IS SO CUTTTEEEE!!!❤️😍 I just got one like a month ago. IT'S THE BEST FEELING❤️ I wish u luck on ur doggy adventure! :)
  1225. PaladinTeatime: Name him or pasta or pastry or skip add
  1226. Ethan Berkeley-Garcia: He looks like a s'more!! like if you think it's a good name!
  1227. ___: You should just name him Buddy :)
  1228. Sydnee Hart: Name him snoopy
  1229. Bec: What a cute little fella! Happy adventures with your puppy . ☺
  1230. Joenchey Stark: bear
  1231. Tara McCorkhill: name him MJ :D happy for you!
  1232. Anything Chocolate: name him Alderaan
  1233. Nicole Ambrico: HUNTERRRR
  1234. lexi: Teddy is really cute or bro/babybro. My dad wanted to name our dog uh. Like, "Uh, come here!" I don't know. Anything would be cute for a dog that looks like that☺️
  1235. miranda pettigrew: name him kiko or Colby
  1236. emily v: Yes I agree Sally, Josh should name him S'more
  1237. serena deluca: Name him either Buddy or Cooper!
  1238. Angelina Ruscitti: Name him Buddy!!!
  1239. Marios POS: CALL HIM BERRY !!!
  1240. Isabella Davis: Kody
  1241. Samantha Trammell: Ace (The Bat Hound)? Indiana (Jones)? Chip (just cuz its cute)?
  1242. Mia Averie: AWWW I'm so happy for them 😍
  1243. NatureAG: +Bex5833 I miss Caleb 💜🆑 #celebratelife
  1244. Ruby Atarah: you should name him ruby
  1245. LDelaney Mcmahon: Name him spice
  1246. Dean Ferguson: name him shadow
  1247. Anna Buchanan: Kodak! Because that's a type of camera and you are a you tuber so it's cute
  1248. Peyton Smith: Josh congrats on the puppy and I think you should name home dinglepup
  1249. Madison Stinson: you should name him Wolf or Bubba or TC for tea cow😂😂
  1250. Marie Steinum: You could name him Moon.
  1251. poppy gibson: name him barker
  1252. Aspie Answers: Congrats on adopting a dog as your own there Josh as goes to show you have a loving heart and that there are a lot of animals that needs or love and care.
  1253. Casey B: bandit!!!!!!
  1254. Cassidy DeYoung: Name him Cooper, coco, dingleberry, or berry
  1255. TitoSilver: Good luck Josh! Also I thought u weren't getting a dog
  1256. Emma Nelson: Name him Bogie. Such a cute name!!
  1257. Regan Rose: Name him Todd
  1258. EllieMariex: Josh get puppy pads for the puppy it will make him pee on that pad and outside but no where else i got it for my new puppy to
  1259. Bonnie Hicks: Or Rex or Sam IDK
  1260. Chavis O'Connor: Name him duke
  1261. Rayney Bug: You should call him Berry
  1262. Rainbow Farts: Odey or Odis
  1263. Kawiwi KOALA: Hears some advice when u give your dog a bath if your inside with him it helps him
  1264. Hailz_2004: Call him Buddy!
  1265. Mollie and Laura: Rosco
  1266. JennieM17: You could name him Bandana or Bandit :)
  1267. erin: You should name him Tucker
  1268. Mimi Paige: Name him Axel baby
  1269. rachel: name him dude
  1270. Trash Person: awesome.
  1271. Demi Taylor: For anyone who doesn't know, the video starts at 0:00. Always glad to help!
  1272. Janna Daya: Mars is cute??
  1273. Ritchie: FariyFlys Studios the person who bought the dog xD
  1274. Ruby Gaughan: Lil dude
  1275. Rebekah Fidler: Moose is Amy's dads dogs name
  1276. Jay White: Batroviuse (Ba-true-v-us)
  1277. Amber Ballard: brithday
  1278. uniquebeauty233: I agree with some comments, little dude is a good name
  1279. Larissa McDonald: Cocoa
  1280. Eimear Dempsey: +I Know Best I don't think so..
  1281. Kc11101 !: Finally a video about his dog!!!🐶
  1282. #Donut: name him buddy
  1283. Cute Dog: Berry!!!!!
  1284. Maddy Austin: love em all
  1285. jameshang: Pepper
  1286. faeirydancer: I have little dogs too, and obviously they terrifyingly dangerous so maybe Cerberus for a name? Cerb for short
  1287. Tiffany Cope: You should name your dog coco because it is a cute dog name
  1288. Davis Benecke: You should name him Togi. It's cute😊
  1289. Girly But Nerdy: shadow
  1290. aEsThEtiC mEmE: It's a nice name.....but it sounds kinda wrong xD
  1291. b33: Bosco!
  1292. Janelle Halliday: he might be cold that might be why he was shivering you should get him a little puppy coat for him
  1293. Afrah Mohideen: Cool😎
  1294. Something iconic: Me over here
  1295. Mason Hagen: Name him Million
  1296. Ella Back: You should name him milo :)
  1297. Melanie Gangi: Jake?
  1298. Monster Mash: BEFORE 100 VIEWS!!!!!
  1299. Ella: He's adorable!!❤️❤️❤️
  1300. Catherine O Connell: How about the name Jesse
  1301. olivia kellogg: oH MY GOD JUST SO CUTE!
  1302. Allison Couchot: You should name him buddy or bubba
  1303. Aphmau 2: Just call him buddy now u have a baby that looks like my baby expected my baby doesn't have white on his chest
  1304. Ella Fraser: As a name or maybe Jason or jacob
  1305. Brenda Baez: U should call him joshleen <3
  1306. Jessie B: Katy O'Hanlon because he wanted it to be HIS dog. even though they're divorced now, they still would have shared the pup, it would just be Josh's.
  1307. Gennesis Echeverry: Call him happy
  1308. Lexi Petrey: Name him Roscoe! <3
  1309. Katelyn Soltis: ON MY DAMN BIRTHDAY AHH YAY
  1310. funkypopsicle: Name him zorro
  1311. Andrea Gozdick: i have two same suggestions: Starsky and Zues
  1312. Paola Vicente: Or brownies
  1313. Crystal Zebra: Comment the names that you like! 1: Bryan 2:Aspen 3:Julius 4: Fremlin
  1314. KerraNicole 9601: Ahhhhhhhhhh COLLEEN LET YOU GET IT . Ilysm and you should name him Shocker 🐶🐶
  1315. Joslyn Rushing: Bc he was homeless you could name him soldier for being so strong.
  1316. Julia xx: +JennyFur Au Revoir is how it is spelt, orevwa is how you spell the pronunciation.
  1317. Rebecca Ballier: Rocco
  1318. Holly Bower: BUDDY IS THE CUTEST NAME
  1319. Lucy Chambers: Can I be on your snapchat
  1320. Emily Molino: Name him vloggie so he's vloggie doggie
  1321. Makenna Pratt: Name him Reese !!!
  1322. Jayla Brown: name him pixel
  1323. Window Waffle: I have a chocolate lab named daisy
  1325. iHeartyChicken: I think you should call him Olive! I used to have a dog named Olive who looked alot like him, so, i think you should name him Olive
  1326. Litty kitty: Name him lightning, or something that sounds like vlog, or Desil
  1327. Dana Born a Psycho: Maybe muffin or whiskers
  1328. Neve Plews: Like if u agree
  1329. Ella: Name him Ed because why not😂😂
  1330. Amirah Coleman: name him Buddy
  1331. Ruby Joachim-delpoio: Call him luv bug
  1332. Alyssa Crossfield: Make him an Instagram page! Id love to be able to see him everyday on instagram! Good idea, or what???
  1333. Lydia Lenae: my dog looks just like him. his name is Chief. and I call him chieferdoggy lol
  1334. A Steyn: Romeo Chip****♡♡♡♡ Buddy Coda(That's my dogs name:)♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Mickey (That's my other dogs name:)♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Honestly I like all the names but any name would be cute. The dog is absolutely adorable!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  1335. Awsome Weirdo: I like Henry to
  1336. Ira Emmerling: You should name him Chocolate Chip whatever your last name is. Or Max Buddy whatever your last name is
  1337. Grace Smyth: Spike or shadow
  1338. Rachel Bobst: What type of dog is he?
  1339. Lydia DeFazio: The puppy's name should be cooper!
  1340. Kendal Is ABSOLUTELY a person: 50th view!!!!!🙋
  1341. Bri Bri: Cookie
  1342. Back it 'n Cake it: name him marley it suits him
  1343. Scarlett CC: I suggest putting a blanket under his bowl of water to prevent spillage
  1344. Pyrate Artemisia: name him Cusco 👊🐶🐕👊
  1345. kingfin: FRAGGLE
  1346. Dave Ray: name him jasper
  1347. twelge15: You could start a new channel -JoshuaDogTV
  1348. Jeff Tuttle: You have a dog that is so cute and I have four cute dogs
  1349. Janella Marie: What type of dog is he?
  1350. Euan: Name him 'Kid'
  1351. Tyler Greene: +Morgan M a little
  1352. Ashlyn Jones: You should name the dog rover
  1353. Kendall Williams: Or chipmunk
  1354. XxEmma 123: Josh, it is so good to adopt from a shelter. I congratulate you from adopting from a shelter. Never get rid of your dog, even if he/she really gets on your nerves. Live through the nipping, the potty training, and teething. Love the dog forever. And of course, Good Luck!!
  1355. Kay_e55: Name him hersey bc colleen lives chocolate and u love colleen☺
  1356. Vanessa Rangel: Awe :)
  1357. Gia Xoxo: He is so cute!!!
  1358. Fre Sha Voca Do: F UUUUU I've been on a trip for 2 weeks and no internet and I come back to see this video posted and I'm losing my shit cause I thought you got Miranda pregnant damn it. But no, you got a dog 😂😂😂 you son of a dingleberry you
  1359. Beth: Cory
  1360. Sheba Sediqi: i like marley as a name
  1361. steve b: He is not the father of the dog. He is a human being, so therefore he can not be the father. He is the new owner of the dog, not the father. Say whatever you want, but he is not the "father".
  1362. Michelle Roberts: Yes! That is a great idea!!
  1363. lilikoi porter: Omg I've been waiting for this vlog
  1364. Katie Romo: Yeah a dog owner has to wait awhile to spay/neuter them. My dog died from cancer because we didn't know and neutered him too early. Please spread the message because I don't want that to happen to anyone else
  1365. Kelci A: What breed is the pup?
  1366. Fanoflalonyxx c:: how about brownie?
  1367. Megan Schulz: He's name should be Lennon :)
  1368. Ellie Butler: You could name him YouTube
  1369. Elena Garro: name it Matthew
  1370. Janica Aira: Name him KALEb.
  1371. korky-choreographer: You should name him buddy
  1372. Hanna's Channel: Or max
  1373. Isabella Marie: I like the names Winsten, Cody, or Tucker
  1374. Brian Culbertson: He's adorable
  1375. hannah: I like the name Pooky Josh
  1376. Francesca R.: name him Josh
  1377. fluteloops22: +Kylee Beasley He is, thanks! Just gets bursts of energy and turns into crazy man sometimes running back and forth lol
  1378. eimear: Call him Dingle, because like dingleberries? 😂❤️
  1379. Sarah Olson: Buddy, Rudy, Remy, Toby. You could also name him after your favorite artist or something music related.
  1380. Elz :D: Name it dingleberry!
  1381. Kim Dinh: You should name him tookie!
  1382. Naomy Jaquez: cooper
  1383. Lindsey K: good luck with potty training and teething lol
  1384. Gaby Cruz: Charlie?
  1385. Jaica Clark: My hound mix is named Roscoe
  1386. Ethan Dry: digger
  1387. mberglund: +Mallory Silva thats what i thought at first but he doesn't seem as long as a dachshund unless its different as a puppy?
  1388. Natalie Thoss: Plz name him Franklin plz
  1389. Vivianna Villalpando: I have been waiting for this since Colleen showed us the dog stuff on Snapchat
  1390. Lucy Sullivan: Call him Cooper please!!❤️
  1391. Saskia Shields: Berry Single Cookie Buddy
  1392. Mackenzie Wyrobeck: Name Him Dingle Berry!!! like if you agrer
  1393. Roxanne Alford: Name him Roscoe! He's adorable!
  1394. Katie T: I think Buddy is a good name for him. :)
  1395. Audrey Glaser: You should call him Jackson
  1396. Leah . Marie: +Eimear Lally that is like a nick name it is not really thought to be a boys area...but naming someone that as Their real name is kind of meanish because it has no sentimental meaning to Josh...only that he calls us that...but that's kind of already taken by us but imagine naming your dog a word that has the meaning of a boys private part
  1397. Alex Smith: Josh...You were always a Daddy...My Daddy.
  1398. Peyton Sroga: Name him buddy
  1399. Sophie Manley: a cute name is rocky
  1400. Summer Redmond: Name him shadow as he is a black dog and follows u and Coleen around and won't leave u alone
  1401. CourtneyMarieSmith: Bubba
  1402. f a i t h: A nickname....not a real name😐
  1403. Amy Myles: I don't know y but I feel like he looks like a Charlie
  1404. YouTube Fan Girl: Thx😂😂😂
  1405. Cocoa cat Lps: my dog barks at everything
  1406. missmerry xoxo: I HAVENT SEEN THEM FOR 4WEEKS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
  1407. Rhonda Baker: so much cuteness!
  1408. Erin Kiple: HI I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️
  1409. Makenna Smith: Name him dingleberry
  1410. Bella Vanillo: That's my rats name lol. And my dogs name is Wolfe
  1411. Minerva R: you should name him Blackie
  1412. curlygirl grace: Oliver
  1413. Briana: he adopted it
  1414. ellz bellz: Call him Jackson he suits it
  1415. Leana Roberts: Ollie
  1416. Cassidy Matt: My dogs name is bubba and his brothers name is moose haha
  1417. Emily: I think Lance is a good name
  1418. Kaylathe._.bumblebee: what breed??????
  1419. FL011: biscuit? buddy? HOW ABOUT DINGLEBERRY? :O
  1420. nicole: I like those names as well! I also like Buddy :)
  1421. Mehak Dutta: I thought collen was pregnant
  1422. Bippyness: Erin!! Name the puppy Erin!!
  1423. joycelyn palmtree: I think Buddy is a cute name for him. He will settle down soon it's just a big change for him that's all.
  1424. liz hanlon: Name him Kale!!!
  1425. Razan Aldasht: Toby
  1426. Mspfan: Rocky or Dex
  1427. Lindsey Holmwood: Crackle
  1428. Mylei Rodriguez: Name him pebbles
  1429. Cat Lover: Mame him Raulph
  1430. pennylane7 starfish: Name your dog Bradley
  1431. No No: Name him boomer
  1432. Leanna Ravenhill: Hi, Josh ! Your new baby is adorable. Congratulations ! You keep calling him Buddy, which I think is a great name for him ! Also, Opie is cute. I love his ears. 🐶
  1433. Laci B: Yo Josh! Growing out that beard I see?
  1434. Jen W: We put a deposit on a puppy the other day but got it back because it was a puppy mill puppy. Going to adopt a rescue instead. I was so sad but I can't support puppy mills...
  1435. Emily Danielle: You could just name him buddy? And i think Rigby is a cute name, or maybe Charlie?
  1436. pussy crack moms clip: to cute
  1437. Madison Leeth: Name him dude
  1439. Jenna Hendrix: I went through the same thing he is with a Australian cattle dog named poncho
  1440. Monique Van Der Valk: Name him Buster, idk i think it's a cute name😍😍❤️
  1441. Talon Jade: Josh looks daddy af with a beard
  1442. ċѧʟʟ мє ɱơơŋყ: Beard*
  1443. Esther S.: You could name the puppy Bandit, short for Bandanna if you want.... I don't know....
  1444. alyce frantz: Henry is a good name
  1445. Meghan McGorty: Name him Happiness!
  1446. Diana R: Omg yes and if he bites Josh or Colleen then they can say "Charlie bit my finger" 😂 I hate myself
  1448. Queen Reem: Soon-no-IN THE FUTURE he will have a video with the same name ^>^
  1449. Samantha lee: You should call him jc which means Josh and Colleen it suits him
  1450. Branden: If only it was a girl...you could name her Miranda 😂😂😂...
  1451. larki miller: CALL HIM REESE'S cause he is black and brown
  1452. Tori Paone: Idk if you're doing it yet, or at all but if you are can I be on snapchat;)
  1453. Tamzin Bailey: Call him brownie
  1454. isaac Collings: +Faith Kathryn on every comment you say no
  1455. Cameran Amphlett: Name him dude
  1456. Brynn Moss: Name him Buddy!!!!
  1457. Grace Whalen: Roscoe
  1458. F Rubino: Name him Buddy?
  1459. AMS Dancer: Sparkles or Oscar
  1460. Lali Arambula: name him bear pleeeszzzz bear bear bear bear bear bear bear
  1461. Beth: Name him do dingle or berry
  1462. Kayla Dunson: Call him s'mores
  1463. Claire Jordan: Name him dinglebarry
  1464. Sandra Lenth: name him buddy
  1465. Bernadette Woodcock: name him milo
  1466. Anna Miller: Aw yay! Congrats! I think you should call him Buddy since that's what you keep calling him. Plus, he's your little buddy now and I think he looks like a Buddy:)
  1467. Melissa Orsini: This is so beautiful ❤️
  1468. Seyi A: name him shadow
  1469. Harmony D: Happy
  1470. KlubPranksGt: I just read joshleen fanfic and it makes me feel different when i see josh
  1471. Lynna Bui: maybe he was shivering cause he was scared you would leave him idk maybe name him chocolate or butterscotch or even nutella
  1472. Random Stuff: Buddy!
  1473. Amaris Yeager: You should name him Rocky or Shadow. 🐶
  1474. Jordan McKee: Call the dog buddy. Also hi snapchat form Northern Ireland
  1475. Erica Michaud: Name him bandy for a bandana
  1476. Emily Birk: So cute! I adopted a cat about a year ago and his original name was Logan and I wasn't a fan of that. So I was going to change it but I couldn't come up with a good name. So I called him Buddy while I was coming up with a name. And now his name is Buddy because it just felt right.
  1477. Mrs. Gittens: to train him to go outside you have to take him out every 2hours so he learns to only go outside n not go in the house
  1478. Kiara Aguilera: Name him peanut👌🏽
  1479. Camila Torres Murillo: Where is Colleen?
  1480. jaide lehnert: Cooper !! Or jax! Or max or duke
  1481. Lydia Beth: MUFFIN
  1482. Lanelle perez: or bro
  1483. Mia Meister: Cooper or Snoopy! If u name him snoopy his nickname could be snoop dawg
  1484. Ghost: I was thinking of Barry (or Berry) bc u always call us Dibgleberries, so it's like he's become a family? I guess
  1485. Emily Herrmann: My friend has the same dog breed and his last name is bell so they named their dog Taco Bell. You should name your dog taco
  1486. Abby Lee: You should either name him buddy,bear or jake
  1487. Julie Gray: as the name
  1488. Joceline Portillo: Yayyyyyyyyyy omg this is so amazing
  1489. Melanie Thondike: Call the dog buddy
  1490. Priscilla m: i like the name mayo
  1491. Brianna 2018: name your baby/puppie bandit
  1492. thatssochelsea: so happy for you josh!! he is so cute i cant
  1493. Rebecca Vizcarrondo: NAME HIM WOLF PLEASE
  1494. Kensington Evdokimoff: Name the puppy scooter
  1495. stephanie contreras: or cooper
  1496. Whitney Jackson: Name him Max.
  1497. Singer Kat: I thought he was talking about Collen
  1498. Scianna Scott: How about Max? I think that would be a cute name for a cute puppy!
  1499. ella pemberton: you should name him Reggie or buster. Maybe even Little Ty
  1500. Lilly Gonzalez: YAY😍😍😍
  1501. Libby: Damn josh turning hella gray
  1502. mc-dullingerne prut: Call him jc for Josh and Colleen 💕💕
  1503. Sabrina Zarate: Bandit
  1504. Hannah E.S.: I have a name for the dog. How about wolf. He is soooo cute by the way
  1505. Mirah Vlogs: name him million
  1506. purple enderman: name him fido
  1507. Madilyn Schultz: Does Colleen know?
  1508. Ari Fors: I thought Collen was pregnant
  1509. Andrew Jordan: Cuddles
  1510. Oof 420: Name him rider,moose or ranger. They're absolutely adorable names
  1511. Noelia G: Name him Kale!😏
  1512. jaidyn withyman: Ace, Bandit, or just Buddy
  1513. Jackson Rhodes: Hope Colleen likes the dog
  1514. Adventures With Joshua: Snickers
  1515. Dorcas Makenge: Berny -Huggy(hug)-Newhou(new and Youhou) can be greats names .♥
  1516. QTY H: name him Toby! 🐶💕
  1517. Raeann Gavin: Love love love him😭😭😭
  1518. Andrew Flash: Congrats Josh! i saw that lil pup on Snapchat and he looks a lot like my rescue pup Anakin (dachusand/husky mix)
  1519. Amy K: Name him Buddy or Max!!
  1520. Caramel Captain: Dodge
  1521. ellie: Noah the puppyyy 😂😂🐶🐶🙏🏼
  1522. Connor King: or little Josh
  1523. beanie boos club: call him bob,Charlie , or buddy or million
  1524. Vritika Bhunjun: Dingle or berry or berrie
  1525. Sweettazz S: Get a little squirt gun or a spray bottle with a stream option. Use it to spray him when he does something you are trying to train him not to do. It's a great way to keep them from barking or scratching at stuff you don't want them to ruin or peeing or even just training him to stay in an area. Also Petsmart has Banfield pet insurance. It is a great thing to have especially if he is still a puppy and needs all of his shots and stuff.
  1526. Cera Lee: OMG!! this video made me sooo emotional 😭 I'm so happy you decided to get a dog. you have no idea how wonderful they are. i have 5 of my own & they just light up my life every single day!! 🐶❤ Being a parent to them is the best thing ever!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  1527. halle balusek: YOU NEED TO NAME HIM KID, OR ERNIE
  1528. Payton C: Name him Dingle Berry
  1529. Brook Hampton: Dexter
  1530. Marie Fara: Just call him Buddy!
  1531. Quirrell: Name him Milo! I just think it's a really cute name for a dog and he looks like a Milo. Also congratulations on getting a dog!!
  1532. Emily Bry: SMORES!!
  1533. Anna L: Name suggestions: Jackson Marley and idk
  1534. Maribel Morales: call him Dude
  1535. Audrey Maxwell: You should name him peanut!
  1536. Kendall Fillat: Cody
  1537. x G_L_I x: u should nsme it kayla or dj or barky or barry or bark
  1538. m marie herm: What about Owen? I love that name for a dog so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
  1539. Masha Lupinsky: the first thing my dog did when we brought her in was poop in her bed…. you're lucky
  1540. AllieSandler: Rocky
  1541. Gaby Camacho: "Why don't we go for a shopping spree...with your money"😂
  1542. Emma Marie: Henry? Or Charlie??
  1543. Robyn Deschampe: Eric or Jake
  1544. kay's vlogs: shadow
  1545. Hannah Coppins: He should be called dingleberry
  1546. Mya Rosales: omg he got a dog😱
  1547. Jenna Elizabeth: I just got a new puppy, too! So I know what you're going through with puppy training! It's hard work! I've had my puppy for about 3 weeks now and she is still learning that she has to pee and poop outside and not on the floor 🙄😂
  1548. Kaylee C: Name him bandanna!!!!
  1549. ava beaudoux: name him Dude or Bro!
  1550. Maddie Estes: yeah!!
  1551. Emily Fowler: Pickles
  1552. Amanda Seitz: You should call him kibble cause he peed in his kibble!
  1553. Zoe Himmelberg: Where is Colleen
  1554. Abby Healy: And if he is scared you should rub his heart
  1555. Las Ninas: or buddy!
  1556. Mouse: 3:29-3:31 the women! NO NO NO!
  1557. Dobre Queen: call him dberry
  1558. victoria hernandez: so cute
  1559. That Vlog Channel 123: name hime duke
  1560. m c: I think a name could be brownie or spud
  1561. Sister Daniel: or berry
  1562. hanna: name him poppy
  1563. Rebekah Fidler: Oscar the grouch
  1564. lachiquilla01: Omgsh I can't believe you got the dog!!! He's so cute!!! I think this is the perfect way to prepare for your first actual child too :P. Thank you for adopting, Josh!!! Good luck with potty training him though. It takes A LOT of patience. It took us almost 3 months to train ours - he was just 6 weeks old when we got him. Careful with letting shoes, or anything for that matter, accessible to him that he can chew on. It's normal but could be upsetting when your slippers are chew up lol. You'll be a great dad!! :)
  1565. Kayla Chanel Bee: What's up with him and Colleen?
  1566. Erin Bush: Name him cosh or bear
  1567. Anick Leclerc: so cute
  1568. Shea Boultenhouse: Yay josh!!! So happy for you and Colleen!!!
  1569. kylee D: Omg please name him Buddy!! That's so cute
  1570. Allison jenkins: Congratulations Josh!! He's so cute!!!
  1571. love on the brain: he looks exactly like my dog!! mine is a girl let's say and her name is Irma :)
  1572. Cara Walker: Name him buddy
  1573. Cutecumber: How about like Harley or cooper?
  1574. Humility K: I mean him
  1575. Makayla: You could name him Rocky or Wolf
  1576. Sarah: Buddy would be a good name 😊
  1577. Sophie Westbrook: Or jake,bandana,chocolate chip or love
  1578. The Tumbling Twins: name him duck! it fit him well!
  1579. leah grenier: His name should be "Buddy". I think that's cute for that type of dog. ;) <3
  1580. cassandra: James
  1581. Searr Marae: You've been a daddy , MINE DUHHH
  1582. Destiney Bell: Name him buddy
  1583. Marlena R.: Buggy
  1584. jnbg61584: Peach, Kermit, and Marbles have a new cousin! Can't wait for Julien and Jenna to meet him!
  1585. luchyponce: all I got to say is be patient. I remember when I first got my dog and he was 4 months old. JUST BE PATIENT! eventually little by little he will get the hang of being trained. after maybe 4 or 5 months what ever you trained him will be learned.
  1586. Leah: The name Felix represents joy and happiness. Which you are always giving me happiness with your amazing vlogs and videos. I literally searched and searched for the perfect name that represents something that you are always doing. And you're always spreading happiness, so what better of a name than one that makes you happy
  1587. Family Of Hope Vlogs: GASP*** What will Miranda think?? ;)
  1588. Jerry Knife: Name him Blackie the short from Backberry) I thunk it really suits him)
  1589. A Agosti: Love bug
  1590. Lila Stelter: Call him Toby
  1591. PrisKillaRiot: Name him Kopa or Bubba?
  1592. Avocado Queen: You should name him Gizmo!!!
  1593. Daniel A: Diesel, Rocky or spark
  1594. Brynn Hill: the name bear has sentimental value because it represents the moment that josh got him. Bears are big and scary and josh was scared when he got him and it was a big moment for both of them.
  1595. Laila Taylor: Dang befor the thumbnail I thought she was pregnant
  1596. Lolly Beichner: hey looks like a Jackson
  1597. CrazyPsycho_x_: Call him million because he is one in a million to u
  1598. The Alex Show: Name it Winston and wine for short😊
  1599. sarah erickson: Dogs normally pee in the house for the first 4 to 5 months
  1600. Wife Life: Lolly Pop🍭
  1601. _squishy_sarcasm_: You should call him ottie because I think it would suit him and it would be really cute!!!
  1602. Miranda Peterson: Oliver
  1603. Shanyn Wolfe: +coolwolfx lps your welcome it was my pleasure😊
  1605. Nut Casey: Call him kale
  1606. Jordyn Sayre: You should name him trigger,Tyson,or guss
  1607. Aka The Unicorn: Name him Beding
  1608. Sco Nola: Name him Ben😭😭
  1609. Wife Life: Jasper
  1610. Heather Taylor: I like the name max or drake
  1611. Tayler Ellis: What about Cooper
  1612. Issa Patricia: dingle call the puupy dingle
  1613. Madison Edens: He looks like a max
  1614. Emma Sorgi: Name him Toby I love that name always wanted to name something that.
  1615. A M: name him bandana
  1616. Kelly Gibson: Charlie
  1617. i want to diEeeE: U should name him Kiko
  1618. aryana art: name him kale😀😀😀😀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1619. Rachel Deller: Name him JT since you love NSYNC and Justin Timberlake so much!
  1620. The Kindred Witch: how about Alfie
  1621. Sarah Claire: Buddy is a good one too because it'll be his buddy. 😊
  1622. Katie Bryant: Bandana would be perfect
  1623. Rita Hamstring: I have a husky
  1624. Haunted Chicken Nugget: Haha i thought it was baby but then the thumbnail came up and i was like 😍😍he got a puppy😆😆
  1625. Queen Reem: Omg Joshua! The internet is a big part of your life and so is this puppy! I just thought of a puppy name that has to do with the internet!!!!!! Okay.... here goes.... BROWSER! I know! It think it is perfect.... <3 I would I don't know..... I WOULD BE SO HAPPY IF YOU CHOSE THIS!
  1626. Steph Meissner: Buddy
  1627. Trishelle Walker: So happy for u guys. When i first got my dog i had no idea what i was doing but i got the hang of it trust me its easy. Love u and the new dog (and colleen)
  1628. Jade Copley: My sister had a dog named Oscar and he looked like him 😍😍 he is so freaking adorable
  1629. Trisha: Cosmo is a cute name 💕
  1630. Alejandro Alemán Alemán: good video
  1631. Cashflow Tv: I think you should name him buddy
  1632. Jenna Aldellizzi: You should name him Harvey! It's a cute name for a puppy!
  1633. Error Try again later: lil dude
  1634. VeryBlondeJ: You should name him cookie
  1635. Sophie Radley: Joshua when I first saw that lovely puppy I was crying because I had a dog like that it was called Mary. I had lots of moment with Mary!! Joshua having a dog can change your life for the better and I know that you are going to be the perfect Dady for the puppy!😀 oh Joshua I thought of a great name for the lovely puppy Mark or Lewis
  1636. sydney: Colleen, I call my dog bubba too! idk why that's not even her name lol
  1637. Abbie Trombly: He feels like a Jack to me :) When he gets totally 100% comfortable with you and his surroundings and he's totally settled in and everything you should have him and Peach meet! 😍😍😍
  1638. Emily Sward: +Dumb but fun sorry I was going through the comments before they said it was a little dog. I seen the thumbnail and thought it was a Rottweiler... nobody's perfect.
  1639. Emma Andre: This is a petition to name the new dog dinggle berry❤️🍇
  1641. sav: Name him dude
  1642. Shari Smith: i say tucker or buddy or teddy or dexter
  1643. Super Squishys: Name him sawyer pleaseeeeeee
  1644. thatgirl 264: Or bubba
  1645. Nicole Xoxo: You could totally name him Buddy! That's a very good dog name!
  1646. James Cameron: +ohfishalpanduh oh ok thx
  1647. Payton Olson: What kind of dog is it?
  1648. Jake Reineking: Why didn't he just name home Buddy
  1649. Megan Spencer: Cooper Evans... Sounds perfect!
  1650. ava bundschuh: You should name him dingleberry,stitch,or my favorite Timberlake
  1651. rosemarie serrano: Spot
  1652. Claire Alviar: I love you!!
  1653. Georgie Parker: Why not Buddy? That all you were calling him through out the vid lol
  1654. Anna & Alise: oliver
  1655. Frankie Lentine: adorable
  1656. lilly Hoop: rudy pls
  1657. Lipa S: +Melea Elisabeth Okay,everybody has their own choices,but for me that is ridiculous,1.dogs and every other animal needs their own space,and it's unnatural for them to live in hause(flat),they feel like they are in trap.Scientifically proven,2.You can call your dog son,but isn't that also ridiculous😃But again everybody has their own choices.Don't get me wrong,I love dogs,but isn't that little strange?
  1658. Logan Cope: Name him bud or dude unless you already chose a name
  1659. Kinsley Rollins: That is the same type of dog I have
  1660. sara mite: Prince
  1661. Brooke Anderson: You should name him Snoopy!!!
  1662. Rojan Naimi: i think buba or baba or however you spell it is a cute name
  1663. Nicole Hogan: Josh u should really call him trey!! Btw love him and Ik u will be a good dad to him!!
  1664. Max2971 Aj: Name him Cuddles
  1665. Mandee Masino: Name him Oscar or snicker
  1666. Jaynie: well dog for dog is an alright brand too
  1667. bri romine: Name him bandana
  1668. Melody Salinas: black jack
  1669. alisse bobber: Don't take him to public places yet. He doesn't have all his shots and he could get parvo really easily
  1670. Scarlett Coker: Rocky I like rocky 😘
  1671. HariUpVideos: I LIKE HARLEY
  1672. Casey: Omg I'm crying he is so cute
  1673. Leah Walker: You should name him max
  1674. Ibby Z: You should name him 'Buddy' because he's your little buddy
  1675. Bianca Productions: You should name him Barry after dingle barry
  1676. Owen Murphy: call him Bruno
  1677. Itsliz 23: Name him Buster!! he looks like a Buster!
  1678. DollarSignParis: name him Buddy
  1679. Izzy Antcliff: Bahndana like Bahndana pants
  1680. maddie: Name him dojo
  1681. PinkFluffyUnicorn22: How bout brownie
  1682. uilani lia: Name him Mr. Darcy.
  1683. Delaney Elliott: name him dingleberry or something around there that would be cute😍
  1684. Gabbyrella Munguia: like a chocolate chip
  1685. Janel Rozenblit: Sprout, as in Brussel! 😍
  1686. Cookie gaming101: you should call him ralph or ralphy
  1687. Chloe's Show: Chip
  1688. Samantha Meehan: You should name him Bambam. That's my cats name. Or what about Diesel? He is adorable!!!
  1689. malikapeach: Name it Cosmo! The reason why is because it suits his color
  1690. Liberty And Elana: You should call him chop because it's a big name for a little dog and that would be cute
  1691. Charlotte: call him justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1692. Emily: Yoda
  1693. Amanda Le: I know I spelled it wrong
  1694. Leslie Spinosa: call him Little Dude or just Dude
  1695. Julie Duffell: Alice Cooper.
  1696. BasicSwan: Name him barnabus
  1697. Josette Borg: name him braidy
  1698. Rihannai: i love it O_O
  1699. Gracie Maxwell: Or even teddt
  1700. Jayleen Santos: or toffee
  1701. Abbie Axon: He DEFINITELY looks like an oscar!
  1702. Fsockey2003: wat is cantha
  1703. Abbey Shoo: What kind is he?
  1704. Heather Mitchell: He looks like a rascal
  1705. John Jonglur: +RaucousRat it is puppy though and it looks like a dog with a possibility to get big
  1706. C M: You should name him toby
  1707. Gamer Becky: Brownie? Cuz he kinda looks like one..
  1708. Kailey Nelson: You should name it s'mores cuz of his colors
  1709. Grace Miller: you look like a dad
  1710. John Jonglur: I'm not sure exactly what breed he is but he is not a small breed he will get much bigger
  1711. Y S: Jj = josh junior
  1712. goforpbear: Everybody says to call him Dingle for dingleberry but why not just call him Barry? I love giving dogs people names
  1713. Anna Goose: Name him berry
  1714. Ari Alpha Wolf: u should name him bubby cause he is ur buddy
  1715. Brandi Thompson: I like buddy
  1716. Chloe Cannon: Name him Trevor plz
  1717. Liana Friedel: Yesssss!!!
  1718. Natasha S: okay I died when he peed on the food, watched it over and over
  1719. Laura Cooper: call him Stanley x
  1720. TheName'sDanae !: name him Oxford. I find it such a cute name
  1721. Rina Aaliyah: Name him pete or Petey! That was my old dogs name. He had the same colors but he's so cute you're gonna be a awesome dad josh!!😍🐶
  1722. herpsenderpsen: You've always been a daddy in my eyes
  1723. Abby Balfanz: Name it joshleen
  1724. Liv Springer: Name it Meatloaf!
  1725. Melinda Henneberry: Jackson
  1726. Briana Thompson: Josh, it's sad that you're not supporting your wife in her success and being completely absent in promoting her Netflix show.
  1727. Thomas Giovanniello: Call him murphy
  1728. Joslynn Renee: sneek like sneeker
  1729. klowee: Aw josh is Gonna be a great dad ❤️
  1730. Shanyn Wolfe: I was so early but I want him to be named dude because Josh has called him dude so many times
  1731. Wendy Llerenas: buddy
  1732. Alyssa Walin: name him chocolate
  1733. Sydney R: He put a picture of the dog in the thumbnail. He is clearly talking about a dog so it's not really click bait.
  1734. Dawn Q: To Josh you should name him DingleBerry
  1735. Glitter critter: if he is a girl name her Minnie if he is a boy name him Mickey l
  1736. Cambree Clifford: Call him buddy, dingleberry or Reese's because he is the color of resses candy!
  1737. Marione Manalo: CALL HIM KHYLE
  1738. Paige Margolias: Chance or buddy :)
  1739. BOsborne: Kale 😂😂 omg.
  1740. GalaxyTurtles: My heart, right away, melted the second you got to see your new puppy. I just know you're going to take care of him so well, and I'm excited to see your new journey progress with your new lil' best friend :)
  1741. Jord 4c: Name suggestions: - Woody - Buddy/Bud - Junior - Snoop - Chip Hope these help! Also congrats on getting a puppy! :)
  1743. Grace Kallensee: Omg I have a chocolate lab
  1744. ya girl: Can you name him 'Little Dude'? I think thats a cute name, since thats what you called him when you first saw him.
  1745. TheBigGymnast Gymnastics: I'm getting a puppy so your Video kinda helped me!!
  1746. Diana A Wizard: You should name him Lil Dude!!
  1747. Savannah P: and get one from a puppy!
  1748. OkeySarah _: Name him doom!!
  1749. Chloe크로이: then just keep calling him buddy
  1750. sam W: you should name him dingle
  1751. Louis Catania: How about the name Oliver? Or maybe Lee? He should have a human, distinguished name.
  1752. trendyteenzvlogs: Name him Rio
  1753. Erin Morgan: Name him Carmel
  1754. crafty DIY diva: i think you should name him rocky
  1755. Caramel Captain: Captain
  1756. LPS SummerPineapple Offcial: Name him Buddy or Chocolate Chip Cause he is Black and Brown!! I have a dog and she is A min pin like him!!!! I am so happy for you!! love you!!!
  1757. Dunya: Please name him Buddy😍❤
  1758. Gabriela Carrillo: he is so cute the dog not Joshua ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆♡♡♡◇
  1759. Ashlee Testerman: You should name him Tobey or Caz
  1760. LunaMoon: Hi Josh! I'm not a dog expert, but I've had dogs all my life. A big tip that I've learned when I've gotten a new puppy is, they are just like human babies in that basically all they do is poop, pee, and sleep! Haha So, every time he wakes up from a nap, automatically take him outside! It's helped a lot with my dogs learning the potty is outside. Hope you take my bit of advice into consideration! :)
  1761. Nanndini Rai: Name him joshleen😂
  1762. I'm Simply Katie: He's so cute! Do they know how big he is going to get?
  1763. ċѧʟʟ мє ɱơơŋყ: Is it me or does his bread look like it has white hair
  1764. JulKat grizz: I think it does cost money to adopt, and they do not check your home.
  1765. Marah: The gray hairs in josh's beard make him so sexy lol.
  1766. Destiny Erick: Name him Nicely, off of your slogan "be nice to people"
  1767. Makayla D: Congrats guys :) You're finally a doggie daddy!!
  1768. [Michelle Chia]: Instead of naming him kale, why don't you name him Chip? Also, I came from snapchat!
  1769. MoPro Lack of Uploads: +Charlotte Martin yeah true.🙃
  1770. Katie E: Since you like Michael Jackson, name him Mikey. Or since you also like the Beatles name him Lennon
  1771. Mallory Mayo: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM DUDE
  1772. Maddie Lowe: Dude
  1773. Serena 4252: Awwwwwww
  1774. Kyle Dickodd: Call him Buddy
  1775. Kelly Lares: Name him Bubba!
  1776. Allison Betz: Plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss
  1777. Renae Siler: I don't know why but he reminds me of a Charlie. You should name him Charlie.
  1778. Missa B: He should name his puppy Berry
  1779. Jenna Williams: Buddy was obvi the first name you were drawn to.. why not name him Buddy?
  1780. Deirdre Begley: that puppy is so cute
  1781. Caramel Captain: Mouse
  1782. okay tiff: Milo?
  1783. GalaxyGamer GG: SAME BRO THATS WHAT I WAS SAYIN finally someone you is good at giving dogs name
  1784. Aly T-Morin: Name him Alvin or Onyx !!! :)
  1785. Gemma Hanly: I think u should call him Joe joe
  1786. Elisa Garciacano: name him Buddy that is such a cute name for him
  1787. chanise kane: what about koby?
  1788. xpoeticdreamz: Think of your childhood. Ninja turtles, xmen.... some great names there.
  1789. cringey kid: ..don't tease me like that Josh
  1790. Madison Stinson: Taco
  1791. Clout Doppl: I got my dog in 2008 and when she was 0 yrs old she was sooooo small and cute and she's a pug
  1792. Linoy: NAME HIM BUDDY!
  1793. Riley 14442: Omg😭😭😭🐶🐶🐶
  1794. Carly MacLaughlin: Omg your beard is graying
  1795. Living Life Doggie: Aww he's so so cute!!! Reminds me of my dog Maggie, different ears though. Also for help with training look up Susan Garrett she is an amazing dog trainer in everything!! Crate games with Susan are helpful with everything! And here a few name ideas 😊 Epic, Secret, Taser, Syke, Risk, Fame, Marvel, Karma, Magic, Sailor, Star, Super and Reign
  1796. Flowerddox: Name him Joshy Jr 😂 jk I like the name coco. (plz don't name him josh Jr. lol)
  1797. Madison Downey: you should name him rascal
  1798. Kick Phlip: You were already a daddy❤️
  1799. Abigail Molstad: Mike
  1800. Davon Miller: I know exactly how you feel Josh. I'm more of a cat person if anything and here is how I met my cat Broly. I had a cat prior named spikey and he ran away from home and was never found. It took a while to trust or thrust upon a thought of having another cat. So my mom said one day, it was a no choice matter we have to adopt a new cat. So we went to the ASPCA and they showed us many tabby kittens and some were sick. But this very adorable kitten just kept reaching his paw out at me and mom, like he kept saying take me, take me. So they open up his kennel and let us hold him. He just let us hold him with no problem. So we adopted him and the first night home just like your pup, he jumped on my bed. Then laid on my lap and he just took a cat nap while I was playing video games. That is when I felt the love from him and learned to trust this cat. Ever since then he has grown to this beautiful cat and he loves me to death and the bond is untouchable. By the way his former name before I named him Broly was Popeye.
  1801. Pilar Mautone: Or oliver!! Olie for short
  1802. Lo & Ab: name him ollie! or otto, that's my min pins name!
  1803. Savannah Baker: NAME HIM TED
  1804. Emily DeCoene: You should name him reese or reeses beacause he's dark brown like chocolate and ligth brown like the peanut butter
  1805. KC Films: My dog's name is Silver- cuz he's a husky :)
  1806. iiFrenchfryGirl Addy: You Guys should name him Dunkin😀😀😀pls name him that he looks like a Dunkin LOL
  1807. Maria Tanski: This was just a month ago.. I don't get how things changed so fast for a divorce to happen
  1808. - Naomi -: Name him Petey!!!!!!!!!! Or name him Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️😭😘😍💗
  1809. Becca Esten: I have a chocolate lab.
  1810. Adrianne Okeefe: YES!!!!
  1811. Diana Ochoa: A name suggestion is ZIGGY !
  1812. Grace Equine: I was thinking that too
  1813. Brynn Hill: his name should be bear
  1814. Septic Ssiu: NAME HIM MINI DINGLE BERRY!!! 😂
  1815. Cyndi_Sigyn: Awwww congrats on a new puppy, Josh! :D I loved when Colleen called him Kid, i think you should name him Kid. <3 Kidd if you wanna get fanceh. lol
  1816. Elise Blevens: if u keep just calling him buddy maybe that should be his name!!!!! :)
  1817. Salma Nimry: Rocky
  1818. Madison Thai: Who else was waiting for this video after watching Colleen's story😂
  1819. natalie: what's the breed of this little guy?
  1820. Mk: His name should be duke
  1821. maisie forsyth: I have a nine week old puppy, and he HATES my phone😂 (obviously we have only had him a week)
  1822. Millie Jones: Maybe Zephyr
  1823. Kevin Valladares: nyla and bambo
  1824. Kylie Savino: Omg you should name the dog dingle!! Thumbs up if you agree
  1825. Simsimmer 123: Name him buddy please😅
  1826. Caitlin Wright: For a name!!🐶🐶
  1827. Katie Brooks: Nugget
  1828. allfalldown MaeWright: Lux
  1829. Charlie Hills: Sort of click bait!!
  1830. Tracy tran: You should name your dog Oreo
  1831. alien invasion: what about dragon. it represents that he is strong and there a magical connection between you all.
  1832. Zeus Themistocles: You should name him Apollo, he looks one. And congratulations on being a doggy daddy, it's a lot of fun to have a dog! Best of luck :)
  1833. madi fo fanny: HI
  1834. Kennna: Or BUDDY
  1835. Anna Nguen: Maybe Berry? Cause like dingleberries?ok maybe not...
  1836. Anya Gommeren: Name him Nutella
  1837. Clare MacCarthy: Name him Duke
  1838. Wip Na na: Buddy
  1839. MadeOutHell: When i saw the title i thought Colleen was pregnant...
  1840. Bre E: Cooper or million
  1841. Lily woodside: Name him Chein it means dog in french
  1842. Alyssa Mariah M: Call him Barry or Bandana
  1843. Emily Poveromo: Josh how about Melvin and Mel for short
  1844. Priya Bhatt: Name him "Cujo" :)
  1845. Talia Grace: Allen
  1846. Queen Bella12: Name the dog rocko
  1847. Eimear Dempsey: +Anonymous Person ohhh I feel so dumb 😂
  1848. sandy: what if you name him camo? I met the cutest dog named camo a few years ago he was so sweet and beautiful and as soon as I saw your dog he reminded me of that one dog.
  1849. Reighly Balogh: Josh be prepared for when the dog get to the stage everything it see the dog just tears apart
  1850. blurryangelus: I'm gonna get a puppy🐶
  1851. Nicole Kowbel: Benzy
  1852. Carter Evelyn: Bandit
  1853. Jizelle Carrillo: +julia flynn yea shadow is a really cute name
  1854. Emma Cooper: Call him KALEn.... So Kalen💕🙈
  1855. CICI VALLE: Call him Zues
  1856. Paige Haskell: Call him hope
  1858. Harmony D: Baba
  1859. Emily Garcia: Or berry
  1860. Dulce Cedillo: NAME HIM KIBBLE
  1861. NoXinEspecially: NAME THE DOG CHARLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1862. Alexis Oman: Name him buddy please
  1863. It's me _1178: Name the dog Harley
  1864. Malia Leah: Buddy or chocolate
  1865. Lola V: My dogs name is bandit
  1866. Olivia Raquel: He is so cute ! He I shaking cause he is nervous I have two labs one chocolate and one yellow they were like that two when i got them. Call him buddy ! It suits him ❤️
  1867. kayla: aw you I'm so happy for u
  1868. Rachael Van Vleck: there's this super cool French name for dogs, it's gender neutral, and it's 'bijou' (it's kinda pronounced like 'bee-shoe', but not a harsh SH, more of a "flowy", French sounding j noise) . I think it's really cute and he'd be a neat bijou (:
  1869. Avaline Duguay: +Adrianne okeefe milly can ba a boys name
  1870. Maya Russo: You should name him Junior, who agrees?
  1871. Shook Sissy: you could call him oreo cause he is so sweet and the colour of his fur
  1872. Ben Gregory: I have names 1. Joshleen 2. Scruffy 3. S'more 4. Jay Jay 5. Jay jr. 6. Spy 7. Spike I put too much already soooo there.
  1873. Rachel Williams: Does it cost money to adopt? And if so, is it as much as buying a puppy from a breeder? Also do they check out your home etc before letting you adopt, like if you were to adopt a child? Obviously probably not quite as thorough as for children
  1874. Abby Danielle: Name him Hershey
  1875. Raquel Calderon: SHAVE YOUR FACE! LOL
  1876. Caitlyn Lloyd: His face at 10:18 was so adorable,e
  1877. grandeluvr: You should name him buddy!!!!
  1878. It's Not Daisy: Call him bobbin ❤️
  1879. Nathan Creek: and jenna's dogs obviously
  1880. anna powell: Brows he has cute little eyebrows that's pretty unique
  1881. Kayla Slone: I think Levi would be a cute name for him
  1882. Alayna's World: Name him popcorn. I think that wood be a cute name for him since he seemed really well... spunky
  1883. ToxicVenom324: I think he looks like a Hercules. 😊🐶
  1884. Jillian H: Name him Huck!!!
  1885. Camille Elizabeth: You should name him kid ☺️
  1886. jelle schutte: Maybe 'Snickers' 😂💞💞
  1887. Lillian Pitner: I got my Doberman puppy when he was 5 weeks old
  1888. Ale Micheli: Name him Milo !!!! 😍😍
  1889. Siena Braaf: Hercules,jet,pip,or spike
  1890. Nicole Fargason: Yasssssss
  1891. Anna Brundage: Roco I luv that name
  1892. vinnimann: Call him Benitope - that's the first two letters of "be nice to people" 😅✌ So your dog would symbolize your lifestyle aswell 😉
  1893. Molly P: you should name him Jackson after Michael Jackson🐶🐶
  1894. swint kids: What kind of dog is it?
  1895. Roberto Saravia: And Colleen thought he was small, mine is like the size of my foot lol she's so small (chihuahua)
  1896. Kylee: +Tovi Phan she's on her European Summer Camp tour!
  1897. Jenny Reardon: You should name him mojo
  1898. EJ Pickle: name him rocky or rex
  1899. Jazmin Rocha: Call him happy!
  1900. Hannah Whitenight: Name Him Rockefeller (A big name for a little dog, it will make him feel big!)
  1901. clw 05: what about pippin
  1902. Dezh22: Dog For Dog is such an awesome company. I got some peanut butter from them and my pup loves it! Plus, every time you purchase something from them, they send one to a pup in need!
  1903. mayely merlos: chase
  1904. Maya Kennedy: I think ether cooper or dingleberry!🐶🐶
  1905. anna anuby ruby: SO HAPPY YOU ADOPTED
  1906. ALISHAS LAUGH: Name him Charlie or Toby!!!
  1907. Julianna Loves animals: Max
  1908. Aisha Ali: It was nice watching this since my cat died two days ago😢☺
  1909. Mariama Bah: Jacob
  1910. Dolan Madness: My grandmas dog's name is roscoe
  1911. Demi Bella: Name him Oscar!
  1912. Wild_Wolf 7: this makes my heart happy
  1913. lakshay puri: yes Josh is a doggy daddy
  1914. Ann Fam: You should call him little dude
  1915. Joyah: dude buddy reminds me of air bud i love dude
  1916. curlygirl grace: Or bruiser or felisha
  1917. Kylee Souza: What kind of dog is it josh! Btw I love u ❤️
  1918. Emily Pater: Name him Theodore/Theo
  1919. C l a r a: name him cookie or penut or oreo or tiny or flop
  1920. Hailey: a chocolate lab and two boston terriers
  1921. Tori Beary: You could call him rastcle
  1922. Saoirse Mc carra: call him alfie
  1923. Lori Fahan: I cried
  1924. Dania Castaneda: Call him dingleberry ! 🙄💓
  1925. Canadian Friend: You should name him Jasper or Copper
  1926. Rachel Dickson: Cooper, he looks like a cooper to me and it's a cute name, a cute name for a cute dog 🐶 (like if you agree)
  1927. Cupcake Hunter01: Call HIM Shadow!!
  1928. SYFY 44: you should name him oliver
  1929. Mmd David: Name him buddy
  1930. Layla and Charles: I like erkleen better than you
  1931. Alexa Varela: I vote mikey, it's a cute name, it fits the dog, and you like Micheal jackson.
  1932. Izzy Bach: Name him Bandit! ❤️
  1933. Happy Pandas: woah beard is swerve 👍👍
  1934. Katie Pierce: name the puppy "Moose" IT SUITS HIM SO WELL!!!
  1935. Siena Hajer: Berry
  1936. Kayla Runnlas: DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!!!!😂💗💗💗
  1937. Monica Vargas: Name it Zack
  1938. Isabelle Rawlings: You could call him Bruno
  1939. Nati: Moose or Ollie!
  1940. Emily HannDawg: I would name him Hannon
  1941. ClevverNikki: You should name him bandana 👍👍👍👍👍
  1942. Revitalise Studios: Call him Rex (like is u agree)
  1943. Zoe: He has small paws so I'd say miniature pincher x kelpie
  1944. tippitytiptap: JOSH NAME THE DOG BUG
  1945. Zoë Kleithal: Bozly
  1946. Laura S: congrants "dad"😀
  1947. Samantha McCartney: what about bradley or BENTLY
  1948. You're Art Okay: Hello, instead of saying 'no,' you should say 'eh.' (You say It as Aye or Ah) It seems less harsh, my dog doesn't like no. Puppies have really small bladders, so take him out every 15-25 minutes. After a nap, take him out immediately. When you put him in a crate/when you leave him alone, leave a shirt with your scent on it with him, or simply a 'cuddle buddy' (stuffed animals or puppy toys in shapes of animals) so he song have separation anxiety. These helped with my recent puppy and my dog I've had for a longer amount of time. Also, does anyone know the breed? He looks like a chiweenie. Chiweenies and normally stubborn dogs who don't like learning and get really hyper after having them for a while. I know because my dog is a chiweenie. Best of luck, he's gonna be a great dog, hopefully.
  1949. Elizabeth R.: So happy for you!!
  1950. Bunny J6: Bubba
  1951. Kelly Pearson: penut or Kory
  1952. Lauren Holland: I'd let the name come natural. We had a name picked out for one of our dogs we got her and her name ended up being something completely different.
  1953. allisonE28: What happened to getting a cat!?
  1954. PinkFluffyUnicorn22: Or bobo
  1955. Chloe Crotts: You could name him Taco because you and Colleen like Taco Bell so much XP. Or Percy. Or Poco because it's Spanish for little.
  1956. Rhiannon Giles: AWWWWWWWW IT WAS SO CUTE
  1957. Shannon Ravenclaw: Name him cookie!🍪😍🍪
  1958. Megan Blanco: 😍😍
  1959. Taylor Roswell: What a bout Eddie?
  1960. Mia Jackson: I adopted a dog 4 years ago, he used to be beat and mistreated. Til this day he still shakes and gets scared fast. it's kind of sad.
  1961. Jessica Tolento: Spade Kale Evans
  1962. Elise Weber: You should call him s'mores
  1963. Andi Pankow: dingle berry!!!!
  1964. Alyssa Byram: Definitely a max or Ollie😍😍
  1965. Zeus Themistocles: If you got a cat you should of named it PURanda sings
  1966. Anna’s Edits: Name him cookie
  1967. Amber Gonzalez: you should name him brownie
  1968. Zerma Virus: Call him jojo please I love you bye
  1969. Kylee S. A Fan: Imagine your wife saying "hey buddy!!!"
  1970. Coca cola: Youtube i u tom
  1971. Tanu Parmar: Buddy
  1972. Landyn Howard: Name him dingleberry!
  1973. Georgia Sab: Name him dingleberry
  1974. emily brennan: I like milo
  1975. DeMarques25 Johnston: Call him dingy because it's combined with dingle and berry
  1976. Carrie Cavallo: Omg he needs to name him Brody!!!
  1977. Freya Reed: Call him max
  1978. Morgan Mcintyre 0_0: Chill
  1979. Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hand: YESSS
  1980. cecilia garzon: Spencer
  1981. Golden Vlogs: Name him leo
  1982. caylee yates: +Mallory Silva he's too big.
  1983. srgbeauty rocks: i thought colleen was having a baby
  1984. djepic Vlogs: Call him Dingleberry or Buddy
  1985. eimear: +KatieWellington Yes Toby! Thats my dogs name😂❤️
  1986. hannah guisinger: who is he married to
  1987. Cora Voyles: Josh I believe you should name you dog Pongo.
  1988. Maddie N' Gracie: U should name him Red Baron
  1989. Maria Fanelli: +horselover 123 I think he said 5 monthd
  1990. Pinki3_Ells: Call him Matey!!! ❤️
  1991. Landry Leggett: Name him Dingle Berry
  1992. Audrey Hudson: I like Jackson! it suits him!
  1993. Aryandra Izabelle: name him Bently
  1994. Emma Jarvinen: name him bandana
  1995. Lucinda Haynes: Buddy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  1996. Caroline Shaw: OMG I just thought the perfect name.... DUDE! You already called him little dude plus it really suits him:)
  1997. Riley Mosley: I have that kind of dog and she is so bad and I think you should name him Max or Buddy they are both so cute!!! If you choose this please give me a shoutout
  1998. f.u.google: So refreshing to see someone rescue, kudos josh you changed that puppy's life!
  1999. Dannie Marie: name him Buddy lmao .or Goober lol
  2000. Terri Siferd: name him max
  2001. Brooklyn Marie: Name him a food like muffin or cookie
  2002. Julie Turman: His name should be Joshie
  2003. emily v: Snoopy
  2004. The finest Byme: Name him Cookie
  2005. Brookescouter Gaming: Name him BUDDY!!!!!
  2006. Ghost: +Eimear Dempsey she's talking about the show, Friends. Don't worry, I was confused, too
  2007. littaly: It's like the same as mine 😊
  2008. Ben Tran: Name him beast so Colleen can be Bell and he can be the beast.
  2009. Victoria Powers: i thought collen was pregnant 😠😤
  2010. Brenna may: how's Miranda going to react😂
  2011. Katie DeBois: Cooper the Pooper
  2012. Jake Stow: Name him Bubba
  2013. Autumn Claypool: NAME HIM TEA COW XD
  2014. Seamus McKenna: Idk about everyone else, but I think he looks like a Cooper.
  2015. Miss Msp: name the dog joey! :)
  2016. Faith Hagen: Brinkley or scout
  2017. Allison H.: My dogs name is blue. When I first got her I didn't know she was pooping so she pooped on my leg lol. You should name him Wilson 🐶🐶
  2018. Lauren Zayonc: he looks like a martin
  2019. tia_num 1: +Abby lmb no prob
  2020. Sarah Ottesen: Smart idea, all my friends have done that for their dogs. The only reason I didn't is because our dog already had her own way of letting us know she had to go out!
  2021. stephanie hale: Cuddlebug
  2022. Oreo Cookie: what about the name Rocky since he helped you so much?!
  2023. peter anderson: Name him dingleberry!
  2024. Kaylee Vawter: Name him happiness.
  2025. Awesomecherry 34: Name him bandana
  2026. Sabrina Elizabeth: Name him ace or Kenny
  2027. Leylani Comfort: name it gizmo
  2028. Stephanie Sheline: I can't wait to look back on these vlogs in two years and see him when he was a puppy again! He's so cute :)
  2029. Lisette Ochoa: call him snoopy :)
  2030. Dancer_ Lele: Rocky
  2031. Emily: Gus
  2032. soph karps: Josh! use Pee Pads to help train him! thats what i did with my little dog. (you obviously train him not to get in the habit of peeing inside) BUT if he does end up going to the bathroom inside, he goes on the pee pad. What i would do is set him beside the pee pads and point at and and say "Pee." or something to let him know that its okay to pee or poop there. BUT thats just whats worked for me! i ant to cry cause you lol pupper is so cute! you'll treat him well and with so much love i have NO doubt!
  2033. dine loves: tbh i think Buddy would be perfect for him =) i mean ya already call him like that all the time so thats like the first name you think of when ya see him =)  i think that would be cute
  2034. georgia ritchie: Bourbon idk why I kinda like it though and he also kinda looks like a jack Daniels bottle idk 😂😂
  2035. Beotch Queen: You should name him Charlie lol
  2036. Mary Vonderheide: Rocko
  2037. Sabrina T: Brownie
  2038. ava roberts: deisel
  2039. Jaden Mansfield: Sooooooo cute!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
  2040. Abby Firman: you should name him gizmo
  2041. Jamie Campbell: harry
  2042. Aly Shackle: name him Petri from Land Before Time
  2043. Sierra Mack: NAME HIM "MOOSE" I personally think it's the cutest name .. Ever
  2044. Caitlin Domino: huey, louie, or dewey....
  2045. mberglund: +Caylee Yates no he's definitely not too big hes really small i just dont think hes long enough
  2046. Bartelle 25: Name him dingleberry
  2047. AddyJ: my vote is backster
  2048. Yuh: Ermergerd! I'm died of cuteness!!!!!
  2049. avery glick: NAME HIM MJ!! (FOR MICHEAL JACKSON)
  2050. Marie Matey: You should name him either Milo or Winston.
  2051. marley wilson: Name him bandit
  2052. rama shahin: Name him Pedro
  2053. Beauty and Food tutorials: Name him CJ for Coleen and Josh
  2054. EpicKunkaPlays //kunkaEKP: i think cookie will be a good name for the puppy
  2055. Braylen Feist: Legend
  2056. Abby Creates: You should name him chip because he kinda is the color of a chocolate chip
  2057. Cecilie Meyer: something that has "y" in te ending. Cody Jerry Beary Berry Terry
  2058. Guchabanas: You should name him Woody
  2059. Amanda Louise: I really like the name Banter. Don't know why. Just do.
  2060. XxDragon HeartxX: I think U should name him buddy
  2061. Ariana Leiner: Congratulations! I just became a rescue mommy for the first time a little over a month ago. It is an amazing feeling! <3 Thank you for sharing this experience with us! =}
  2062. Aliyah Flores: name your puppy rocket
  2063. Esther Jessica: +
  2064. Olivia Corder: Or Baxter
  2065. Bonnie Hicks: Name him izzy
  2066. Peyton Lightsey: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY
  2067. Jacqueline Moreno: Dingle (like dingle berries)
  2068. hey its kk: name him Toby or flash or jack
  2069. The Brunette Duo: Love the dog josh! You should name him bandana:)
  2070. Livy Sunday: You should name him teddy😊 btw he's the most adorable thing ever😍
  2071. Charley King: Name it cat
  2072. makenzie .2803: What kind of dog is he
  2073. Ereace: I like this name!
  2074. Ava Underwood: Your face is RED!! And btw its so CUTE!!!
  2075. Naba K: I wish he got a cat since Colleen loves cats
  2076. Ross IsSilly: I think he's had it for months/years haha
  2077. Delaney Tierney: Berry as in Diggle berry
  2078. EPICNESS IN MC: Name him Dingle after Dingle Berry
  2079. Age Restricted: OH MY GOD FINALLY YAAAAAY!😍😍😍😍
  2080. Olivia: you should name him teddy? :3
  2081. Kaye Baby: Awwww omg you should call him Tedi
  2082. Aly B: You should call him Bubba 😂😂
  2084. Asha Smith: he looks like my dog! my dog's name is Primus.
  2085. Carley Parsons: He's my FAVORITE!!!! He's so cute💗💗💗
  2086. i'm fine: Name him Buddy! :)
  2087. Xitlalyistrash: Call him bear it's adorable name🐶💗
  2088. Kate Samec: Spatz
  2089. clara: name him muffin or lucky or miranda barks
  2090. Katherine Gonzalez: Berry
  2091. Samantha's Life: 467
  2092. Stevie Jimenez: My advice to you dont take him to a dog park because he can pick up things and get sick. thought I would tell u that.
  2093. hrd03: Name him Dingleberry
  2094. KorinaKina: Joshua.... you look ridiculously handsome with that facial hair. Lordy.
  2095. MoPro Lack of Uploads: Lol
  2096. asanti g: kale
  2097. Jonathan Monaghan: +Gaby Estrada DONT BRINH IT UP ILL GET EMOTIONAL!!
  2098. tori: name him dingleberrie
  2099. Samantha Padilla: I saw the dog on your snapchat but I thought it belonged to Rebecca
  2100. Orville Helton: 2:16 HE WAS ON TV NO JOKE IT IS A RESCUE TV SHOW
  2101. Karis Cowan: Cocoa or teddy
  2102. Mer Edith: He never barks or jumps, and very rarely acts out, and is still a puppy. Best thing I could have done. Okay. I'm done now ✌🏼️
  2103. Study Ash: Can you do a haul?
  2104. Alexandria Lee: Here are some name ideas Fraggle Chip Kale chip (oops you just said not to do that) Chip Johnny Dewdrop Snuggles Bear Cuddles
  2105. Flexmeister: Im hoping to adopt one this weekend too
  2106. Kelsi Seiter: Teddy!😊
  2107. kae stewart: name him tucker 😘
  2108. Lanelle perez: buddy or miranda lol
  2109. Faith Alexa: Loki or Kylo
  2110. thousand fantasies: He looks like an Oliver
  2112. Madison Ashley: I just had to laugh when he peed in the food 😂 and how much does Colleen know about this 😂 lol
  2113. Cuckooalice: TIMBER
  2114. Erica Durbin: Emily Whary but they're getting a divorce 😔
  2115. ZOE LOVE: You should call him berry
  2116. RAT: u and ricky bolth have a new dog
  2117. Christarn Koleeyan: Since you keep calling him buddy, you should name him Buddy 🐶
  2118. øhsnapitzyen: i wanted to see colleens reaction
  2119. agfangirly36: I like Jack or Pip
  2120. Aviva Schwartz: JOSHHHUUUAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Name him "Million' !!!!!! Cuz like, why not!
  2121. Luna !: +jennifer Gonzalez yes he look like a teddy!!!
  2122. carolann mathieu: You should name him sparky
  2123. Jenelly Leon: prince
  2124. sydney: Does Colleen know about this!? Lol
  2125. Morgan Scott: Name him Jackson or Mason!!!!
  2126. audrey hoffend: Name him Gus!!!
  2127. Damaris Channer: HE'S SO CUTE AW
  2128. Pretty Little Dancers: name him Kale
  2129. Lesedi Ntuli: Yeah Buddy if you want
  2130. Alexa Moore: or Paco. Idk
  2131. Ariana Tellez: name him dude i think that name suites him i hope u choose to name him dude
  2132. alexia castricone: Name him chip or chocolate chip or peanut
  2133. Scarlett Jean: Aww josh is a big boy now! Finally!
  2134. Micah Gayle: Or buddy
  2135. The savage Life: Name him browser
  2136. CWKVIDEOMONTAGE: Name him turner
  2137. Jada Ghee: Name him bandit then give him a bandana collar
  2138. ZoeOliviia: Bubba is a cute name
  2139. Sarah Hall: "I'm happy you're feeling this way because it means you have a good heart" IMMEDIATE TEARS. Always adopt!
  2140. Eden G: awwww you should name it emmett
  2141. Abby Faith: timmy like justin timberlake!!
  2142. Hush Puppy: I think Rosco the puppy
  2143. Liz Queen: Name him Bubbles!!!!
  2144. Devon Skiviat: Zear that what you should call him.🐶
  2145. Shari Friendly: I'm so happy 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  2146. MissJane777: Awe now you know how we all feel when we get to see/meet you.. strangely, I know LOL! Congrats!!!! 🐶❤🐕
  2147. Talula Zies: His name should be buddy
  2149. Basically Crystal: If he acts like this when getting a dog, I wonder what he would be like qhen Colleen has a baby.
  2150. JohnG500: Your dog is sooo cute. Love it!!!
  2151. Missy M: i actually think the name "buddy" is an awesome name. he seems to respond well to that name.....congrats xo
  2152. Three Terrific Triplets: You should name him Finn because you say hey dingleberries in every video. Dingleberries are kind of like huckleberries and it reminded me of Huckleberry Finn
  2153. Audrey Mcgill: call him midnight
  2154. Beate Ozola: Call him Dollar 💸
  2155. Nicole H: I think his name should start with a B. So maybe he could be called: Buddy Beans Baxter Bono Barkley Bandit Boomer Booster Buster Buzz :)
  2156. Jules Sarnelli: He's so cute ohmy, he looks like a jack or a Henry lol
  2158. Briley Pratt: he reminds me of a brownie
  2159. Taylor Daniels: It's in the thumbnail + if it was I'm very sure Colleen would be seen preggo lmao
  2160. Phil's eyelash: I thought Coleen was pregnant!
  2161. Holy heck it’s Beth: Name him red like Miranda's lips
  2163. Katelyn N: Are they going to get a cat too?
  2164. Elizabeth W: Name him bud
  2165. Jaxon Luxe: I wish I was that dog. he got so many kisses.
  2166. Emily M: You should name him buddy :)
  2167. Ang M: +LoveDove what?
  2168. Danny Vega: peanutttttt
  2169. Olivia Urie: I think Buddy really suits! It's cute but tough, and he's kinda used to it if you keep calling him it. It's perfect I think. Good luck joshuaaaa! You'll be an amazing daddy x
  2170. Curto Family: I thought that this video was going to say Colleens pregnant😂
  2171. Victoria Cisneros: Just name him buddy
  2172. Michael Daniels: That dog is gonna get huge, large paws
  2173. Caitlin Wright: What about Monty or Rolo!! ❤️❤️
  2174. Dark Thunder858: yea name him buddy click like to name him buddy :)
  2175. Lilly Brown: Name the dog Buddy
  2176. Adriana Inokio: Just imagine him with his babies
  2177. Princess Sorcha: brow☺
  2178. Laura Kloosterman: Tommy or tobby!
  2179. Hannah B: I. AM. SO. HAPPY. AAAHHHH YAYY
  2180. Erin McBride: Maybe puddin ?? 👍🏻😏
  2181. Amy Herberg: Did you even watch the video?
  2182. Payton Scharl: Teacow or dude
  2183. Fashion Tori: That's what I was thinking!! Lol
  2184. Mckenzie Allen: name the dog Hercules
  2185. Random Person: Just name him Buddy and call him Bud for short.
  2186. Kat'n' Rainbows: that would be so cute
  2187. Bienna Watts: LOL
  2188. Avery Licata: Macho
  2189. Courtney Cottrell: call he Boss!!!
  2190. James Earl: Colleens last appearance on this channel.
  2191. Leah Campbell: Joey
  2192. Rachel Sewell: Call him Jordan because u know the shoes Jordan's
  2193. Rachel Griffin: SHAVE THE BEARD PLEASE
  2194. Sophie Westbrook: Name him Maranda sings
  2195. SRTS: What breed is he ???
  2196. Isabelle Del toro: Name him Nike or Dingelpup
  2197. Sherr Bear: name him bandana
  2198. Karoline: Name him Gus! Please!!!!!!!!
  2199. Alyssa Kurt: Who the hell is the lady at the pet shop trying to barge into Joshua's vlog
  2200. Julia Conlan: Now i want a puppy
  2201. John Fullerton: Can you name him Mickey plz!!! That name means a lot to me and a friend of mine 🤗🐭
  2202. Jay vasquez: How about naming the puppy "Red"?
  2203. Random G: Call him Ben
  2204. Rosemary Deleon: call him buddy
  2205. Melanie Johnson: Name him buddy
  2206. Lauren Blakely: Personally I like the name Tas ( Tasmanian ) or Milo
  2207. Petra Subakti: I miss the old josh
  2208. Kellie Griffin: I think King is a nice name. King Evans 😂👌🏽
  2209. Nina Colegrove: Noel bc you and colleen love christmas sm
  2210. palebluetroye-: +Kyle Woolridge Grant I didn't see the thumbnail I just got the notification
  2211. cj davis: cute dog 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕😍😍😍😍😻😻😻😻😻
  2212. Neat Monster: I watch Save Our Shelter every Saturday morning! I can't wait to see Joshua's episode!! So happy for little Shadow
  2213. Hannah Fiveash: I have a puppy too she's 7 months
  2214. AmazingAladdin: Name him Ranger☺️
  2215. RatGurlTay: yes thats adorable
  2216. Andrea Garza: call him bubu
  2217. Catie Orr: What are you going to name him
  2218. Monica Vargas: Name it Justin
  2219. Coran The Gorgeous Man: call him sparky
  2220. AannW Rootbeer: He looks like Roscoe and DeSoto from Oliver and Company. #90'sDisneyMovie
  2221. Megan Lentz: POTTY TRAINING TIPS!! When you take him out to go to the bathroom always use the same door. Put bells on the door and before you take him out take his paw and make him hit the bells so that way he knows that when he feels like he has to go to the bathroom he will go to the door and ring the bells. This actually works if you really enforce it. It only took my dog 2 weeks to get potty trained and I was a new dog owner too! Also don't be afraid to yell at him if he goes in the house
  2222. lisset alvarez: U can call him buddy
  2223. Gina: Oh wow, he cocked his leg on his food. He´s marking. That is REALLY bad, you need to get him to stop that ASAP because if you don´t, he´ll mark EVERYTHING in your house (including you guys)...seriously, everything will smell of pee. Is he fixed? (if not, get on that). My male rescue had that habbit and it was a NIGHTMARE. He´d mark everything and anything and my entire house smelled terrible, not to mention the oily yellow stains that it leaves on everything. Get some pee repelant spray and use it. Also, watch him like a hawk, if he starts sniffing at something, clap your hands, distract him and take him outside. Marking is a nasty habbit that can really ruin the experience, because the smell in your house (due to pee on EVERYTHING) can get really bad. My eyes used to sting in certain places around my house! Also, once they have their scent on everything, they go back and pee over and over again, it´s a vicious circle. My male is 4 years old now and we cannot leave him unatended anywhere in the house, the marking is a habbit we have not been able to break (we have tried EVERYTHING). He has to come with us wherever we go or we have to leave him in the bathroom with puppy pads everywhere (and he´ll still pee wall to wall in there while we´re gone!). Good luck with that! This is actually one of the #1 reasons so many males are abandoned. People fail to fix them (or do it too late) and then wonder why they cock their leg on everything. I volunteer at 2 shelters and 80% of the dogs are males and 90% off those dogs are left there because "They pee everywhere!" :(
  2224. Kaley Pettenger: Buster or Baxter!
  2225. __lalyx: Did you not see the thumbnail
  2226. weirdos are us: Name the puppy kipper
  2227. Taylor Cothran: Can you please name him Chocolate, Peanut Butter, or Lamont. I have a dog named Lamont and he looks like your dog. It would make me happy if it could be named one of those names.
  2228. russell vlogs: If you can't stop calling him Buddy, name him Buddy!
  2229. Tara Panagos: Name him Dingle
  2230. Hannah Mairead: Name him kale!
  2231. JennyOrdinary: Samson? Sammy for short...or for another name option
  2232. emmabel daysenberg: Rocky!!
  2233. S G: where's collleen???
  2235. Cake Peterson: he looks like a Henry! Or maybe Harris!
  2236. Lexus Sabotka: Call him Jordan
  2237. MariaB2ze: I'm so happy for you Josh!
  2238. Ashantae _: My dogs name is rucus
  2239. Kelly Carr: name him bubu or buby
  2240. Bri Bri: Or Buddy
  2241. KRAZY H: Name him teddy pleaseeeeee!!!??!?????!!!
  2242. Danielle Hilgenberg: you should name him sneezy
  2243. Zuly C.: he is soo cute😍
  2244. Bless O: I have no idea what show was filming wtf??? Also I think you should name him fraggle
  2245. Jesus Bartholomew: Name him nugget that's what I named my dog and he look just like him
  2246. Kaylee Marie: You should name it teddy or Ted!
  2247. Daniel Salvadora: Name him the name ypu dream of to be your name.
  2248. Brittany Dickson: Arlo 💜
  2249. I Lover 26: I think shadow it is a cute name🐶🐶🐶🐶
  2250. GalaxyyGall xox: Name him 1. buddy 2. Teddy 3. Rocky 4. Bud
  2251. Samantha Stowell: How about Dingle~
  2252. Jordan Purrington: YOUR A DAS
  2253. Addy_ Rosie: I love Buddy because he's already calling him that so it's a perfect name! 😄
  2254. Legit Lorion: *scent
  2255. Harry Krinkle: Josh: You can pee on Mama's legs, though! Colleen: Yeah, that's fine. I love you guys.
  2256. Zahra 0407: You could name the puppy Brownie
  2257. Aysa Bautista: Junior
  2258. Kylie Savino: He's so freaking cute omg!! Congrats on getting a puppy finally lol
  2259. itz_stevejr: Name him Russell or buddy
  2260. nat gillies: you should call him zoomie
  2261. Esther jennanda: Ayeeee you're gonna keep vlogging, i'm so happy!
  2262. Aberrant Artist: So Colleen got a cat and u got a dog
  2263. Patricia Rodriguez: Name him Spencer
  2264. Jordan Purrington: YAYAYAY!!!!
  2265. Cydney Xoxo: how about Toby like if you agree <3
  2266. Shawn Lansing: Name him Barry
  2267. navialindquist: Omg he's gonna b such a good dad when him and Coleen have kids
  2268. yolo girl: Name him dingleberry
  2269. Allison Davis: Name it Mason
  2270. Layne Elizabeth: Omg take him to meet the iggys and Mr. Marbles!!!:))
  2271. Lauren Elise: Name him max
  2272. Natasha Tomlinson: Name him Dingo, sounds like dingle..berry?
  2273. Mac Morgan: Where's Colleen
  2274. PokemonKid: OMFG THAT DOG IS SO CUTE
  2275. Erin Wright: I don't like this dog. He's friggin adorable but he seems kind of lame and unplayful. He acts like he doesn't love his new family and his new home...
  2276. but your dad just calls me katya: Name him Buddy or Dingle xD
  2278. LOVE PEACE AND POSITIVITY: I watched that TV show
  2279. Amelia & Helen: so happy for you this is cute
  2280. cortlyn_lou: I think Bandy for bandana
  2281. rosie 8th: Name him Bo!
  2282. Lily Davis: Josh you should call ur puppy Charlie
  2283. william marinelli: You should name him Bruce or moose! Good luck! He's so cute!
  2284. Kylee: +fluteloops22 he is thank you! I hope yours is doing well too!
  2285. Beccagui: "spunky" is so adorable, i was dying through this entire video. also, Timberlake is a good name too..
  2286. Qt Queen: Chaco
  2287. Eveline Martens: +Hannah Tilton yas
  2288. Adela San: Lucas
  2289. Alexis Nestor: or maybe Drake
  2290. Diana R: Joshleen !!!!!
  2291. Bela Hernandez: digleberry
  2292. Morgan Hubert: CONGRATS ON BECOMING PARENTS!!!!
  2293. LifeWithPfeifs: It's so cute!!! Omg!!!!! He's so cute! Sponkey is cute but it does need a new name!
  2294. Lauren Kirscht: you should name him dingleberry!
  2295. Ella Weinert: Buster... Or bandana ... Or tanner
  2296. the summer way: BRO😑
  2297. evelyn r.: woah i'm early
  2298. bruh. bruh: name him little dingle
  2299. Anyia Wass: CHOCO! XX
  2300. Hilda Gomes: OMG I am so happy for u ❤ u must feel rly happy
  2301. Kaitlyn B: Amigo ❤️upj should name him amigo.
  2302. Maya Grace: Name him Oliver!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
  2303. Ellen Williams: What kind of breed is he??
  2304. BrittneyGentile: Name him Max's
  2305. Wendi Bouma: Name him Max
  2306. dead account: Bandana
  2307. VeganVintageGeek: Good job Joshua talking to your dog in a calm voice and telling/letting your dog know what's going on. Buddy is an excellent name.
  2308. Jordan Evans: Rocky
  2309. Neoud Haile: CraziiChloe Simmer yeah
  2310. Jackie Aguilar: Name him Troy
  2311. Natasha Service: max... u should name him max or zues
  2312. Kylee S. A Fan: LITTLE BUDDY!!!!!!!!
  2313. Bethany Walters: He looks like a Charlie or an Oliver😍🐶
  2314. Louella L: how about king Kong,or Godzilla.
  2315. Hayley Roberts: Bubba is a cute name♥️
  2316. Lilmonster !: i have a dog just like that his name is tito and i got both of my dogs off the streets of puerto rico
  2317. Brianna Hong: Name him Wolefy or buddy
  2318. Gracie Hadlich: What does Colleen say at 10:14?
  2319. Zoe Rau: I like the name oliver
  2320. PandaR00: Bosh
  2321. sweetheartcastle: He is so cute!
  2322. Mia Hutson: Josh you should call the puppy dingle berry
  2324. Annalise Bowman: I think that a good name for the little adorable dog is Drake or Blake. My dogs name us Shadow and She was just like this when we brought her home.
  2325. Yaxeliss Alvarado: how about the name rage
  2326. snoopy brown: what is your p.o. box?
  2328. thetruthdotcom100 !!!: josh might be gay like bruce jenner
  2329. Sara Guilmette: What about the name Romeo cause it seems to me he stole y'alls heart
  2330. de bestest EBER: Slime Queens xo aww yes
  2331. Loly: I think Benji is a really cute name. 🐶
  2332. Isabel Jaimes: he was mainly like that because he is tramatized. Petsmart got him from a bad place where they treated him badly. He is very cute, but the best way to get him to stop barking is to do some training. I would look for Cesar Millon on YouTube. He is a professional dog trainer. I have a dog just like you do, and we did not train and she went bazerk. I am working on training her right now based on what Cesar Millon says.
  2333. kaylee rose: Dingell Barry
  2334. Chanie Mitchell: This puppy is so cute
  2335. Sydney Lewinski: Gilbert
  2336. Liza Walker: You should name him Teddy!! It's such a cute name and it fits him! 🐶
  2337. Gina: Call him Kale!!! :D
  2338. karina dupuiyo: YES NAME HIM SNOOPY
  2339. Kelly Workman: Call him Colin, the guy version of Colleen
  2340. Jacob Hernandez: name him shadow
  2341. Charlotte Godfrey: name it sparky or spark
  2342. Alicia Shand: Dingleberry is the best thing ,name him dingleberry Josh plz
  2343. ItsJamie: Call him Zebe
  2344. Taylor: Name him.. Sparker
  2346. Franziska: i know you are new to this but please do not buy food from places like petsmart,all these commercial brands are so bad and full of chemicals and other things i dont even want to mention. i know you are all about healthy eating,i think our animals deserve the same. congratulations on the cutie though, hes adorable!
  2347. billie anne: +Grace Gibbons my name is Billie
  2348. RainOtter: Dewey - beloved, Finn - kind, Kota - good. All are good for someone who lives by "Be nice to people." 😊
  2349. Ruby D: NAME HIM ALFIE!!!
  2350. Abbie Reagan: You should name him snoopy!!!💕💕🐶🐶
  2351. Amelia Händeland: what kind of dog is it?
  2352. Katie Konareski: I had a chocolate lab and he was amazing
  2353. Art Happens: I like the name Ollie!
  2354. farley6691: Bandana!
  2355. Carly W: aww my kittens name is Rocky.
  2356. Charley Anne: what about Marley?
  2358. Tryinglittleleg: Buddy
  2359. FLORES 24: Name him Roober
  2360. Emily Sward: It looks like a Rottweiler, but not 100% sure
  2362. Lauren Collins: He should have an Instagram (the dog)
  2363. Kendall Wiberley: Name him shadow
  2364. Emma Fitzsimmons: Dobby cos of the ears 👌🏼👌🏼maybe?
  2365. Jayleen Santos: or pal
  2366. AddiB videos: I recommend doing potty treats, like after he goes potty outside say heres a potty treat. And we have a bell that hangs from the door, and every time you take him outside hit the bell with his paw so he knows to do that. Also you might want to take him out like every 30 minutes or so, so he knows to go potty. And like after his naps make sure to take him out. Also if he wakes up in the middle of the night to go potty take him out and dont cheer for him after he goes potty because he will think its play time, I learned that the hard way. But best of luck to you! You're going to be a great dad to him! I still think you should name him snoopy
  2367. 81batman Classic81: That is such a cute dog
  2368. jordan ricciardi: That's what my dog looks like!! It's a rare breed
  2369. Megan Golomb: Name him Bentley
  2370. Maya Perez: Name him Kobey or Hercules
  2371. Ashlie atm1996: can you please get matching bandanas?
  2372. Allison Couchot: As in fuck me harder daddy
  2373. gymnastdancerstuff: Name him Berry or Bubba! SOOOO CUTEEE
  2374. Aka The Unicorn: I meant B-ding
  2375. TieganSwift: My dog is a male and he only pees in the garden. He doesn't ever pee on walks but I think he's just picky 😂
  2376. Kelly Gibson: +Artemio Cabiling without the thumbnail it's gonna get you! It does fool you though!
  2377. MPD: I say name him Nibbles
  2378. Hong Thao: Joshua please read : I think the name of your dog can be cooper
  2379. Tala Tala: Call him blu 😍😍
  2380. clara: Name him Crunchy. Or Squitchy. jk
  2381. katie borders: I feel like when Colleen actually does get pregnant everyone is gonna think it's click bait
  2382. Hannah Vucina: You should name him Tyson or smith. Lol but love your vids!!💞
  2383. Devina.: awwwee....josh i like "buddy" ☺ that's perfect for him. Your little buddy.
  2384. Jack Neely: i have 5 name suggestions 1.) bubba 2.) jacob 3.) dex 4.) peanut 5.) crunch i dont know why i did what i did on the last one tbh, oh well:)
  2385. Domestic Goddess: Kale. Duh.
  2386. Em is Coolio: I have 2 they are the best
  2387. Sianna Biem: Name him smokey
  2388. Ellie Bunny: Name him Buddy. You keep calling him that anyway
  2389. Melody Salinas: coco
  2390. Taylor Hamilton: I like the name max 💕💕
  2391. Ava and Jaxi: Moose
  2392. Letizia Mauriello: The dog is so cute
  2393. Layla !: You should call him buddy
  2394. Britney Smith: Those are all different names btw not 1😂
  2395. Aubrey Hudson: Buddy
  2396. Grace Valentine: Yes I love the name bandit I used to have a dog named bandit that looked like Josh's dog
  2397. Some Random ass name: +Sara Marshal thnks its the damn auto correct
  2398. Just Maddi: Dingle berry
  2399. Ryann Morken: You should name him SPOT!!!!
  2400. Emma Roach: ya buddy
  2401. Rowyn Sharkey: tie a bell to a string on your doorknob, making sure the bell is at his level, and jingle it every time you take him out to go to the bathroom, and if you are consistent, he will learn to jingle it with his nose to tell you when he has to go
  2402. Gracie Lyons: This might be too random and weird, but I find it absolutely hilarious when people name their animals after other animals
  2403. Jessica Boniface: I liked when Colleen called him Kid or Rocky or something like that? Maybe something a little alternative like Skooter :)
  2404. Brianna Wilkerson: Harley
  2405. Taylor37b: Name him zip
  2406. Jimena Gracia: NAME HIM DUDE
  2407. ASTRID Recio: Fluffy
  2408. Tamara Pascall: Name the dog max or milo I
  2409. Paolo: Maybe you could call him Bubble (since it's the "happy word" and you guys are all about spreading happiness and such :P)? And Colleen did call him something similar (Bubba? lol idk)
  2410. Figueroa Pictures: Name him LANDO!!
  2411. Ava Hillman: FINN please name him Finn!
  2412. wierdo 101: name him marlen
  2413. Mei: NAME IT BACON!!! I mean you should considering Miranda loves meat 😂
  2414. Kimberly Crouch: Please call him million Bc he is one in a million to you that would be so cute
  2415. Channing Guffey: duke name him duke ❤️❤️
  2416. The Headphone Gamer: Name him dingle berry
  2417. llenque 렌케 문효진: KIBBLE IS SO PERFECT
  2418. Sky Blue: Donut would be perfect!!
  2419. TitoSilver: Name him buster in memory of ur cat buster
  2420. Fluffy Pancakes: lol name him Jacob
  2421. Noushin: what if you name him berry? its cute and its like dingle berry
  2422. Sara Jane: Hank!!!
  2423. Eloise Reese: Aw he's soo cute 🐶
  2424. Erika Ma: lol i thought actual baby
  2425. Syd & Gill: U should just name him Buddy 😂 it's really cute in my opinion
  2426. Kasey Barnette: NAME HIM DINGLE
  2427. B N: Under 60 club woot woot
  2428. Amanda Escalante: Congrats on being a Father to a Furbaby! :) I have Two Dogs Named Buddie and Chester! <3
  2429. HoneyBeeMel: Hi can you please call the dog Riley
  2430. Emily Brianna: Name him Copper or Tucker!
  2431. Shelby R.: Dexter
  2432. Lily E: Name him Squirt, like the turtle from finding nemo!
  2433. Serafina The Rainbow: +Maci The Fangirl Yas
  2434. Danika Boissonneault: My dog shivers all the time it's maybe because he is scared or cold I think it's always cold in my house so ya
  2435. Darlene U: Call him Bubba
  2436. B Olofsen: Dazzle
  2438. Evy: hes soooooooo cute! my dogs name is skipper
  2439. _ corgi_ lover: name him buddy
  2440. Alana S: call him toby or benny
  2441. Eva Emory: Omg name him buddy 😍😍😍
  2442. Adnarim Films: He is adorable!
  2443. Izzy Joyce: I think that you should call him buddy because that is a what you have been calling him a lot. Also, my friends dog had a litter of puppies and one of them is called buddy😍😄
  2444. Kutie _Abby: thoughts dogs got big
  2445. iisupergirlii Leila: Jay!!!
  2446. Hailz_2004: Rebecca's dog is called Peanut.
  2447. Jaynie: YAY you went to a petsmart X))))
  2448. Alice Nunn: Name him Brian
  2449. Danielle Faith: Brody? Shadow? Bubba? Toby? Sammy?
  2450. Rugby Lover823: Name him CJ which stands for Colleen and Josh
  2451. Lydia Craig: OMG CONGRATS
  2452. Trix Farrar: I could not be happier with the pair of miniature poodles that I adopted, at 7 months old, many years ago. Rescue dogs are awesome!
  2453. Sam Brown: you should name him dude
  2454. Emily McMurray: What kind of dog is he?? He's sooo cute! I have a puppy German shepherd and he is 5 months old I remember I was sooo nervous to get him also.. It's hard work but totally worth it ! I'm SOOOO glad he is potty trained! It gets so frustrating but stay with it! Dogs are amazing!
  2455. Allison Galindo: BANDY SHORT FOR BANDANA
  2456. brooke searfoss: August
  2457. Jackie Flores: Name him buddy
  2458. ShadowMini- Gamer: name the dog dingle berry
  2459. lily louise: Call him dale David and kale easy
  2460. Jaylyn Elioza: max by jaylyn
  2461. Lulu Dre: Ahhhh! Congrats!😍😎💩 Love you!! 🎤This is the moment🎤 Here are a few names you cold name your puppy: Justin (or JT), JC, Lance, Chris, Joey, Buddy, Bubba, or Coco:D
  2462. Gaby Rodriguez-Felix: Name him loki or kaleb
  2463. Gillian Riley: RILEY*
  2464. Abby Jesus: My friends dog just passed away and she would love it if u called him taz
  2465. alizia lagando: Reggie
  2466. mylifeasjosh: Buddy!!!
  2467. Serrie Jacksman: You should totally call him Carlos
  2468. Samantha Barajas: Toasted marshmallow
  2469. katarina rose: Oh or drake!!! So cute
  2470. Ticki 118: Name him The FONZ
  2471. Samantha Masselli: Name him Rocky
  2472. Lily Dues: Have you seen the disney movie Tangled you could name your new puppy Eugene after the main character
  2473. Sofia.S: Jackson would be a cute name! (After Michael Jackson)
  2474. Tara Panagos: I'm so happy for you and Colleen
  2475. Jordan Meek: It sounded like Colleen called him bubba, and I'm all for it 👍🏻
  2476. Nara Narwal: Name him turbo
  2477. Rachel Allen: Name him Teddy and his nickname could be Teddy Bear or u could name him Brownie
  2478. Emily Whittle: He is so beautiful. He needs to meet Jenna and Juliens dogs. I think they'll be friends. Where he will hr bigger its good to introduce him to playmates young.
  2479. Maggie Freitag: You should name him Cookie since Colleen loves cookies so much and he looks like one.
  2480. Hailey Bean: Or lil dude or buddy
  2481. Amber Octaviano: You should name him Cocoa
  2482. Aylin Apaydin: Also u shud name him Justin kale Evans
  2483. casey nicole: put a bunch of names on pieces of paper and put them outside. whichever one he pees on is his name!🐶❤️
  2484. lisa: Twitter squad where you at?
  2485. RileyNicole711: If you name him bubble then you could never say his name angrily
  2486. annarose: If he is a terrier he will shake it's natural
  2487. Glerysbet Bravo: For some reason I thought Max....I don't know why
  2488. Esha Mathur: Henry is a cute name for your dog🐶🐕
  2489. Lauryn Hauler: And Caleb
  2490. Quin Jamin: chip, bubbles, Bullet, Titan...
  2491. Aidan Walsh: August, Oscar or Lance! SOOOOOO CUTE!
  2492. Maddie Salgado: Name him buddy😀😀🐶🐶
  2493. Ella G: Max Charlie Zeus
  2494. julia flynn: +Jizelle Carrillo that's ok they are cute names too 😊😊
  2495. NC Equine: You should name him Bo or Bandanna
  2496. Dominic Pacheco: He has the daddy beard to go with it.
  2497. zariah johnston: buddy
  2498. Rita Hamstring: You should call him max
  2499. caroll bellini: You should name him chocolate
  2500. Rainbow Farts: Hayes.
  2501. KillerQueen87: I kinda loved how Colleen called him "Bug" in her vlog, that seems like a perfectly awesome name to me ^_^
  2502. Grace Wright: I have a dog named Dave if that's any consolation.
  2503. sockandlisa: name him Kiddo
  2504. Devlin Ella: Banner is a cute name!
  2505. Silly String: I like the name MACON.
  2506. Katherine Havens: U should name him bud
  2507. Elizabeth Garcia: You should name him Max I think it's a great name for a dog🐶
  2508. Josie Gargour: fraggle
  2509. Lana Pudic: Call him HAPPY😁🍀
  2510. alpacalypse _: NAME HIM KALE!!!!!!!
  2511. Alida Fabiano: +Veronica Lopez Ikr that makes no sense, why would Colleen be pregnant if there was a dog in the thumbnail
  2512. Morgan Mahoney: Logan or Max
  2513. Shelby W: Name him Dingleberry!😊
  2514. Haley Driver: Please name him either Wolfie or Alphie! They fit him so well! <3
  2515. Kelsi Bills: Shadow
  2516. Tess Mollah: Buddy Brady Bruno Arlo Charlie
  2517. Madison Greenway: Yes please bandit!!! He looks like a bandit!!!
  2518. Beth Jewitt: He said that he thinks he will cry but he was already crying
  2519. Jabbachan: Name him snoopy
  2520. abby: please name him ben after the michael jackson song
  2521. Joyful Jordan: you should name him Dude or Coco
  2522. Jasmine Vlogs: What about spotty💕🐶
  2523. Samara Smith: Or scout
  2524. Maryanna G: Name him buddy since you keep calling him that
  2525. Jasmine Snow: What about Captain or dusty???
  2526. sara mite: Prince
  2527. Leah Marie: I really feel deep in my heart his name would be magic or Honey
  2528. Nathan vela: u should name him sponnkey
  2529. maria clara tn: name him Lucky since he is so lucky to be with you <3
  2530. Dee God ιѕ мy everyтнιng: High top 😊
  2531. ashlee koury: name the puppy louis
  2532. Juan Kilograno: I found 4 names I thought fit the adorable lil' guy. :) 1. Comet 2.Diesel 3.Pebbles 4.Tucker Just some suggestions! :D
  2533. Nic Mason: brownny x
  2534. ÇRĮŠTĮNÂ G: He's so CUTE I love him
  2535. Lolo Bell: Its weird but maybe the name Kale, Bandana or Ixtapa (Because you and colleen went on a honeymoon there) :)
  2536. S Overland: Name him Buddy😍
  2537. Katrina Michael: Chester!!!
  2538. Brooke Rose: You should name him Ken!!🐶🐶
  2539. Morgan Aubel: +Liz Palumbo at some pet stores they have an adoption section where local shelters bring in animals. At least they do in my area...
  2540. Harmony Elizabeth: Name him bear🐻
  2541. bella roach: the first like 30 seconds i luv joshs eyes so freckin much
  2542. The Riggins: u should name him toobey
  2543. Catherine Schlize: You should name him max
  2544. AmusedAwkward Penguin: He Goregous 🐶, I've got 2 name suggestions Milo or Oatis
  2545. Melissa Vincelette: He kind of looks like his name could be Franklin... But, whatever you choose to name him will be perfect!
  2546. Mayah Williams: I like the name Alex or Sam for him
  2547. Sofia Porras: Name him Zinger or Alfie.
  2548. Bryanna Harris: I think you should name him Ryder!
  2549. The Brandon Experience: name him JD
  2550. Rhiannon Finn: You should call him Winston or Harley xx
  2552. Kristie Keller: Chase
  2553. Panda Universe: THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY DOG :O Except mines more little and its a girl c:
  2554. Maroonlive 3695: U should name him Bruno
  2555. Cait: Toby
  2556. Moe B.: NAME HIM WINSTON
  2557. Sophia Alexandra: Name him Teddy! ❤️❤️
  2558. iinfinitydolans: AHH this is so exciting!!!! Feeling all giddy even though this isn't my dog lol. My dogs name is Lila. See pics on Insta @lila_jane10 (gotta get that self promo 😂😂😏😏 haha)
  2559. Mallory Stump: He probably peed in his food because he doesn't like it.. I have done a lot of research on dog and cat food with being a veterinary technician and I honestly think you should look into Hill's Science Diet or Royal Canin.
  2560. Vivian Nartey: Name him smore's!!
  2561. Emily Woods: Also if he's this adorable with a dog I wonder how he's gonna be with his actual kids omg
  2562. Aylin Apaydin: Oh. My. Goooooooddddd. Yes.
  2563. Shelby Wilson: NAME HIM KALE OMG no I'm sorry, please don't
  2564. Sara Rhoz: maybe name him andy?
  2565. Zach: please call him Little Dude
  2566. Mikayla Dunning: You should name him Titus
  2567. Denia Morris: You should name him Caramel.
  2568. Lillie Perdue: Pickles
  2569. _ia_: Yeah, although Buddy isn't really a name... I also think Coco sounds cute and it suits the doggy.
  2570. Abby Riordan: You can name him rocky😘😘😘💖💖💖 and congrats on the new puppy
  2571. MADGIRLS Adams: you should name him simba but whatever you choose make sure you love it because you have to stick with it
  2572. Leila Allen: this is a series lol
  2573. Mischa Meyer: What about cash? (Like if agreed)
  2574. allyhosza !!: you should name him Triple and call him Trip in honor of your espresso
  2575. ellie oloughlin: Awwww he looks like a Reggie or a Rupert ❤️
  2576. Mariah 0415: ROCKO!!
  2577. Bubbles De Bubbles: did anyone else shed a tear or two when he held him for the first time?
  2578. Strange Gabby: I like the name peanut because he's a little dog and peanuts are small, and when he gets bigger his name will remind you that even though he's big, he'll always be a little peanut :)
  2579. Mae Polzine: Your puppy is so cute! He reminds me of my puppy when I first got her.
  2580. Jeynaliz caban: +Fancy Cookie 😌😢
  2581. Erin xo: Kind of makes me sad Colleen and Josh didn't make the big step together, I know Colleen's busy and all but this is a monumental decision as a family 😂
  2582. Isabella Gunn: Name him Zeus
  2583. twelge15: How about Pugsley.
  2584. TinkerbellKat: I would very much like it if you name him Dingleberry. Or Dingle.
  2585. Brooke Kelly: +Emily Hatcher thank u and I agree❤️❤️
  2586. Drama Tenor: Name him Owen
  2587. Jennifer Hughes: You should name him Brock, or Dax.
  2588. Owen Wright: Make puppy vlogs!!!!!!!
  2589. Keira carnes: You should name him Ressess as in the candy
  2590. Gabriela Giron: Marty
  2591. Grace O Brien: Call him Evan
  2592. Rose Ruzic: Call him JAX!!!! Plz plz
  2593. Kylie NotJenner: you should name him dingle or berry or DB or something like that!!💖💖💖
  2594. Simran Taak: Call him coco 😂
  2595. Tyler Greene: they weren't being rude have you ever heard joshes motto "be nice to people"
  2596. Emily: call him liam or louis
  2597. sreedevi ch: Name him cookie!!!!
  2598. Fary: Lol fasho but his name is most likely going to be shadow now, which is still dope :)
  2599. Ruth Gubbins: Name him DingleBerry 😂😂😂😂
  2600. hiraani adams: TRUFFLES
  2601. Natasha Ovington: call him ryder it lovely for that type of dog 💜
  2602. EmJMars: Ooooohh!!! Name him Oscar!!!!!
  2603. Abbey O_O: My dogs Charlie
  2604. Nicole Montana: yes!!!
  2605. Erick Martinez: You should call him Shadow, Dash, or Cooper. 😊
  2606. Phoebe Lettington: he seems like an oliver
  2607. Caitlin Jaques: hes a jack russell and i have a jack russell and hes only 3 months old
  2608. Ava Aleixo: Name him Oscar!
  2609. CatieBVB1419: Jackson for Michael Jackson, Timberlake for Justin Timberlake or Fraggle bc duh
  2610. Sophonie Compas: as in Justin Timberlake
  2611. bailey: if kale is a no go how about spinach?😂😂 jk
  2612. Sadie Benavente: Name him Dustin idk it's hard to come up with names haha
  2613. Abigail Porter: RASCAL OMG PLEASE NAME HIM RASCAL!!!!😆😆😆
  2614. Bea Wang: jhon,caspar
  2615. Nikki Tellz: Name him SKY BECAUSE HE BRIGHTENS YOUR DAY? Yeah that makes sense😂
  2616. Sadie Silent fall: Name?????
  2617. Maisy Abigail: Please can you name him boo it would amaze balls cause my dog died that looked so much like him so when I saw him I was like omg boo
  2618. Maya Kelly: You should name the dog chase
  2619. Makayla Verburgt: NAME HIM KALE OR BANDANA!!!!!!
  2620. Blue Sky: I think you should get a real kid bc you are young now and you can't waste more time 😄👍🏻
  2621. Susana Pereira: anyone know what type of dog it is?
  2622. Aye ItsKJ Edits: Call him boy it's from just in case when I get a puppy I will call him boy
  2623. Emma TV: They should name it joshleen
  2624. Social Regect: How a bout Shivers.
  2625. Simtaysia: Fangirling!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
  2626. tae hiatt: SQUIRT
  2627. luvmylab29: Congrats Josh! The first few months are hard with a puppy but I promise the hard work pays off! Exercise helps a ton, a sleepy puppy is a good puppy :)
  2628. Presley LeAnn: Congrats
  2629. Jokes on you cuz u can't get to my video Hah: Or cookie!!
  2630. MJ Lequin: ❤️💛💚💙💜Btw I think Buddy would be the best name for him!!!!!!!!!!!❤️💛💚💙💜
  2631. itsrenesworld: I like the name kyle
  2632. bella_mochikook jungkook is a living meme: at my house we have to dogs of u dogs breed but our two dogs are big one female -dalala male-smoky ,,funny thing when they had they first puppy I called their puppy demokee (deh-Moke-ee)
  2633. sksksksk aakakaka: Yes u could
  2634. gisela camacho: yaayy im so happy
  2635. Anna Frey: Name him rascal
  2636. Elyah Thomason: Call him MILO
  2637. Analiese Schirmer: You should name the dog Malik
  2638. SCheesepuff: When I got my puppy my parents made me read like 3 dog books😂
  2639. Squishy Slime11: Name him max ahhahaha
  2640. RJ Murray: Came here when it was posted 2 minutes prior
  2641. hols g: I think that you should call him buddy because when he peed in his food you were like 'Buddy!'. I just think it would be really cute😆😍
  2642. Joey Graceffa is life: max, moe, bandana
  2643. cycy 93: call him million <3
  2644. Kara: What kind of dog is he?? He's so cute! (He looks like a chiweenie (dachshund and chihuahua mix) but I'm not sure..? Anyone know?
  2645. maiah: but you were always daddy???
  2646. Sami Chilia: name him Scooter
  2647. Kristin: This was the sweetest thing!! Josh- you and Colleen are going to be amazing doggy parents!! You should name him sparky 😊
  2648. Lily Roberts: Yeah doggie dingle berry
  2649. Jaylin: That dog is going to have an amazing life!!! He has such great owners!!!
  2650. JKL: Omg he is the cutest thing EVER!
  2651. Allie Yoder: U should name him little dude
  2652. M C: name him hicut
  2653. Elizabeth Olney: Omg his name is Miranda sings
  2654. Katie Glenn: this is the cutest thing EVER
  2655. bloomism: I miss you josh
  2656. Arely Martinez: You should name him bandana!!😍😍
  2657. Aly Shackle: name him Petri from Land Before Time
  2658. Rowyn Sharkey: also, buttons is the cutest name ever
  2659. Kenzie Laurel: Buddy or Toby is cute.
  2660. TTxoxo Miller: I'm not used to hearing barking Hahahaha congrats!!!!!!
  2661. Amy Gamez: I love the Dog it's adorable
  2662. jacqui jones: what about Jip
  2663. Oliver Wood: Call him Trooper, that was the name of the same type of dog my dads boss had, he broke his leg and they had to put him down.
  2664. Kyle Davis: Yea yea yea yea yea yea yea!!
  2665. Olivia Knowler: Barney
  2666. Jayleen Santos: or buddy
  2667. WolfieTheWolf 0100: You would name your new dog Jack
  2668. Jackson Oehler: Bea
  2669. Jadyn Richardson: Name him Otto or Chewy
  2670. Ella Hernandez: I think you should just name him buddy because you keep calling him buddy , and you should just listen to your heart .
  2671. Mya Gregory: Name him CJ! For colleen and josh :)
  2672. ciara fox: Berry for dingleberry or milo cause he looks like a milo
  2673. KendallMarie: Journey
  2674. Eleanor Defoe: Joey
  2675. abbey white: call him Geo
  2676. Adrianne Okeefe: +Izzykatt it is a boy
  2677. Vanessa Rivas: can u please name him Dingle its my birthday
  2678. kayleigh montague: Oreo or smores or poochie or buddy or Joshua Jr
  2679. Natascha Neergaard: Name him Million , he is clearly one in a Million! :-)
  2680. Logan Orr: His name should be Otis or Mickie
  2681. Grace Gibbons: My dogs names are buddy and billie
  2682. Pinkflower 0912: I think you should name him spiral, buster , or rascal
  2683. cait: his name should be little dude that's cute 😂 or kale that's pretty great
  2684. Maya Luna: Name him Bear! He is so cute!!!!
  2685. Anthony Ugalde: You should name him Luke(:
  2686. SarahMusicxxx: name him Dingle! haha
  2687. Tiffany Yanez: I think you should name him Charlie 🐶🐕
  2688. Kimberly Crouch: Call him million
  2689. Awesome 1119: NAME HIM PRINCE
  2690. Sophtastic Nation: name him bounce (dingleberry bounce)
  2691. Kiana Eiserloh: Cocoa is what his name should be
  2692. Brisa G: *Name him cupid*
  2693. Emily Jackson: CHANCE
  2694. Kestyn Hudson: Buddy is a good name❤️❤️
  2695. Chloe Bilby: You should name him Buster after the cat Buster!
  2696. Trish Rowland: Such a cute puppy.
  2697. Julie Ellis: name him micky
  2698. yourdadz: sameee
  2699. Alli Schmeeckle: Harley or mocha!
  2700. Mercy the Magical Unicørn: Name him little dude! or dude! or Joey! OMG NAME HIM JOEY!!!!
  2701. Puppy Lover: Teddy
  2702. Piper North: Snoopy
  2703. Eleanor: CALL HIM BUDDY
  2704. Jill Jules: Pumpkin or cheesecake
  2705. Payton Oliviarose: He looks like a cookie
  2706. Holly Wood: I'm rescuing a puppy too and we get to pick him up on August 26th! We are naming him Arlo!
  2707. Cecilie Meyer: +Courtney Lynne OMG THAT IS SO CUTE! how did I forget about that?😂
  2708. Briana Bailey: Name him Chip!!
  2709. vanessa chan: HIS NAME SHOULD BE BUDDY!!
  2710. Brooke Ashley: Name him Timber!!
  2711. elvis 2003: I usely watch your videos but I haven't had wife for awhile o what going on heres some questions.1: do you have your own show 2: wheres collen 3:you and collen are still together right 4: whats going on please answer!
  2712. Lindy Slocum: Drew
  2714. Remi M: please not charlie....my cat just died called charlie😭😭😭
  2715. Emily Bowman: Because my past dog was named Lou
  2717. Jayde Quick: CJ!! Colleen and Josh
  2718. Sophie Enright: omg call him dingleberry
  2719. marcya: you should name him bond!
  2720. helloimtalia: You should make a be nice to people shirt for him
  2721. Marica Pasciullo: oh my God 😀💜💜💜
  2722. dinkdink946: YAY!!! OMG Please do all playdates! CONGRATS I feel Buddy is actually a good name for him at the moment hehe :D
  2723. chrisi m: +Natalie Gonzalez awww!! that's adorble!
  2724. Dakota 7: I think you should name him Dakota
  2725. Rowan Willis: Kai!!!!!!!!!!!
  2726. Madi Skinner: how about Dude
  2727. Dionne: U got a Dog?! OMG congrats and u will be a great dad and I tho u should call him ruffles or rufus love ya xoxo Dionne 💙💜💜💙🐶
  2728. Oliver Byrne: Archie, fozzy, Charlie, Louis, trip, scamp/scampy, homer
  2729. Isabella 444: U should name him s'more
  2730. Kelly Rodriguez: Is it Colleen's too??😍💩👐🏼🐶
  2731. clear bear100: Name him John
  2732. Rebecca Garcia: LMAO he says "why don't we go on a shopping spree....with your money" -pointing to Josh, poor Josh he doesn't know that being a dog owner is expensive
  2733. Sandra G: I think you should name the dog dinglberry 😂😂😂💕
  2734. caitlyn maureen: Bentley
  2735. jnetlife: Where is Colleen? He is getting a dog without his wife?
  2736. tia_num 1: Name him Conrad
  2737. HUMA J: This makes me want a dog...
  2738. Nattie Vang: Miranda Has To Met Shadow Lol I Can Imagine Her Reaction
  2739. Zoe Kay: Your dogs name could be buddy like what you have been calling him
  2740. Eric Buchheim: Lol I am guessing you got though the rest of the video😂😂😂😂😂 but Kole or Cole would be a good name! It's close to that but different!!!
  2741. Vivian Stewart: Little dude that is the best name
  2742. Kate O'Brien: Brody and you could call him bro
  2743. Kate demuth: NAME HIM SQUIRT (like the little turtle in finding nemo)
  2745. Emma Holt: I like the name Jack. He looks like a Jack
  2746. Claudia Garfinkel: I think he could be a Ben or Benny
  2747. Sarahfae Bedelia: Please make sure you neuter that sweet pup!!
  2748. Sarah: I want a dog!!
  2749. Piggie Sparklez: Name him Rocket
  2750. Quinn Corbin: Name him bubble because Colleen calls him bubbub
  2751. Jess 1: Stonewall!!! for the puppy
  2752. heather doyle: um 0:44 😂
  2753. jackson thao: can u make the dog collen
  2754. Madeline B: He's so cute!!!!!! 🐶
  2755. dead already craziness: name him little man
  2756. Kristen Whittle: Jordan!!
  2757. Nell Madigan: We have six puppys
  2758. harley572: Harley
  2760. Rachelle Comeau: I felt that outro in my soul.
  2761. Kristen Quarless: Name him Bandit after bandana man
  2762. Alexis Miller: OMG I LOVE YOUR HAIR
  2763. funky gal: Call him....... Ark because he seems like he likes to run around and play and sometimes be calm like an ark in a storm but then the storm ends
  2764. Subscribe to PewDiePie: call him lightning or midnight or shadow
  2765. Chasity Carrera: Jordan
  2766. Eve Walker: Buddy!!!!!
  2767. Lucy Tentoglou: Buey!!!
  2768. jibooty is here: call him Bruno that's a rare name for a dog
  2769. Ally Bryant: You should name him Oscar or roscoe. I love these names for dogs 😍😍😍
  2770. Sabrina Zapata: name him Carter 😩❤️
  2771. Bella Jones: Name him rocky.
  2772. Amanda Worthy: Name him dingle berry????
  2773. Bridget Dale: You should name him Leo or Oliver. He's so cute!
  2774. Ravvelll !: Name him Tango! :D
  2775. Liz P.: Congratulations...he is soo cute 💕🐶
  2776. Alyssa Morgan: name him junior
  2777. Emma Keller: u will learn as u go on.. buy puppy pads to train him them tryout side.. i have a 5 cats and a dog.
  2778. Ryan Franco: You should name him Dextor or Flash
  2779. Kritter: Since everyone wants kale, maybe instead of kale, his name can be Kyle! Does anyone else agree?
  2780. Christy Vineis: Do you know how big he'll get?
  2782. Bff Emma is Yoda's: +AJ Fox thank you so much!
  2783. andy twigg: okay 1.dave 2.noah 3. if your name is joshua THEN call him joshy ye good good name si si
  2784. Bippyness: YES
  2785. Hannah Reitman: You should name him Bandana!!
  2786. Gg .03: Name him buddy
  2787. Brianna Lynn: Name him max he looks like a max
  2788. Little Nae Nae: name him butter cup or peanut! that would be cute
  2789. Kevser Bukvic: That beard at the beggining
  2790. Lucy Pinnock: Name him Ozzie!!!!!!
  2791. Livi DeTrolio: Name him Bandana!!
  2792. Matty Howroyd: moose or cookie
  2793. McKenzie W: He looks like a younger version of Jc Caylens dog Wishbone!
  2794. Carrie Salmond: I found a couple of good names for the pup: Hunter, Oscar, Milo
  2795. haleyloves it: name him Louis
  2796. Kate-Lyn Hughes: He is shining so much with happiness- it just makes me so happy
  2797. AnnaG Elias: Name him Toby!!!
  2798. carter morris: anyone know what kind of dog shadow is?
  2799. Anya Lawrence: Bandana!
  2800. Kate Harquail: I always like the name Rigby for a dog. Scout is also a classic, and I think he looks like a Scamp :) also some advice, start training immediately. Take him outside periodically, and try to wait until he does his business before you bring him back inside, and praise him like you've never praised anyone before when he pees outside! I'm talking treats, pets, the most excited voice saying "good boy!" Praise goes such a long way. The training phase is really tough and really tiring, and there will be times you'll wonder what you were thinking getting a dog. But the look of appreciation and pure love they give you makes everything worth while, and you'll end up with an amazing dog. You're going to do great, Josh!
  2801. Steven Williams: Rocky cool name 😀😀😎😎
  2802. Maria Jowitt: Name him ranger
  2803. seh-jini moon: Is that Chase Gilroy giving u that sweetest tiny l'il pupper? Dunno who's cuter? Lol.. Lez be real here: Chase be hot
  2804. Moe Carry: YAY YAASSSSS
  2805. Lauryn Hauler: Call him Jt
  2806. Gab and Fab: You should name him Buddy
  2807. ItsJustkelsy: cayse he is lucky he got you
  2808. tori soccerstar: You should name him wilder
  2809. lexi Fank: A cute name for the puppy could be rocky 🐶🐶
  2810. Anitza Saune: name him max or Daniel
  2811. Joyah: wolf because he's small but ferocious
  2812. Panda Paige: Call him rocky!!
  2813. Ella Finzer: Where's Coleen
  2814. Olivia Pero: you should name him Max
  2815. Azure Mind: Thanks for adopting <3
  2816. Annie B: Name him Phil or Eddie!!
  2817. Treazure: Nugget
  2818. Ashley: What kind of dog is he?
  2819. EmmaIbex: Please name him Milo 💖
  2820. Crystal Coy: Hudson, Harley, Carter, Oreo
  2821. Alecia Kichton: Name him dingleberry 😝
  2822. Grace Eveligh: Lexi The Vamp What breed is she?
  2823. angelika huibers: Name him buddy I think it suits him
  2824. Aydin Laughridge: Milo
  2825. Talaysia Jackson: Shadow, buddy, smokey, prince, etc
  2826. Anna Layton: Murphy is such a cute name
  2827. Joe Is KEISHA: coco
  2828. Meredith Owens: It should be Miranda's new pet call him snuggles
  2829. Lachlan Hadley: Please name him little dude
  2830. Natalie Rich: Rocket
  2831. Everyday Emma: name him Jax or Berkley !!!!
  2832. Ingrit Diaz: Call him yoshi
  2833. Jordan Purrington: DAD
  2834. Ciara Mccullagh: I think you should name him Rocco
  2835. Julianna Tijerina: I have the exact same dog food bowl
  2836. Alison Patronick: HUNTER!!!!!!❤️💕💋🙊
  2837. Monster Mya: snoopi! i think he should be called snoopie
  2838. Lydia E: Josh, you will be a great father and you shouldn't be worried about being a good daddy.
  2839. Allysin Skola: Please name him Ken.
  2840. jenna.h32: OMG😭😭😭IM SO HAPPY
  2841. Elie: Name him timmy short for tim hortons
  2842. Katie McHugh: I feel like Bentley would be a cute name 😊☺️
  2843. Rebekah Watson: Name him cookie!!
  2844. Mary Potter: I vote Snoop Dogg
  2845. Ruby Logic: call him dingle berry
  2846. Mara Kreinke: You should legit name him buddy!!!
  2847. The Vampire Diaries is life: It's a minature pinture I think
  2848. Bethany Raddin: You should name him Moose!
  2849. Lillian Bittle: Name him dude
  2850. Sofía Vázquez: You should call the dog dude
  2852. K & A Sisters Forever: You should name him Teddy Like if you agree with the name ! 👍🏼
  2853. Dezi Sparkles: Name him chip
  2854. Katie Rees17: name him Baxter
  2855. KM Davis: YAAAYYY!!!!!
  2856. Chloe Sam: NAME HIM HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!:)
  2857. Rosie Bosler: Plz name him bear I had a dog that looked like that dog and we named him bear but he ran away but still plz name him bear
  2858. Mia Ruminski: Charlie
  2859. Brooke McDade: Name him buddy
  2860. Angelina Rose: Name him Tucker
  2861. Jinan Kookaburra: Chocolate
  2862. AngelaR Izz: Name him bandana!!
  2863. 。艾云: Name him D.B😱. dingle berrys...
  2864. Oliver Marukelli: What kind of dog is he
  2865. Jocelyn Shand: The dog is so freaking cute 😭😍
  2866. Catherine O' Donnell: That beard does not suit you.
  2867. RedneckParadise yeeyee!!: I thought u meant a baby lol
  2868. Holly Neill: +alwayshaley325 I love the name! :D
  2869. Vanessaaa Romanelli: IMAGINE WHEN HE GETS A BABY😭😭😆😆😃😃
  2870. Elise Is Shook: Mabey u should call him delgoto I love that and I think it will suit him
  2871. A: U should name him diamond
  2872. J Clan Mega Channel: Henry
  2873. Ariana Salcido: You should name the dog Michael after Michael Jackson!😆💖
  2874. hailey irwin: what about buttercup! that's my dogs name!☺️
  2875. KEZIAH: You should just call him Buddy..... It's cute af
  2876. Emily Bry: Tiny
  2877. tracksuit jesus: Dude buddy duke spot astro Bruce rover rex
  2878. Jasmine Mua: YASSSSSSSS!!!!!😍😍😍😇😇😇😇
  2879. Missing Vibe: Name him cooper, berry or buddy
  2880. Alessandra Hurtado: Cookie short for cookie monster
  2881. Greg Roads: Call him rocko
  2882. NaSheka_: u should tell colleen to have a baby.....👶
  2883. Branden: Oml!!! I thought I was the only one 😂😂 not that's it's a big deal 😂😂 it just looks really light
  2884. Madi Christensen: What kind of dog is he??? He is so cute! He looks like my dog!!💖💖 you should name him Oliver
  2886. Susannah Kumming: Reese's
  2887. Ella Paige: I think you should call him buddy. Its a really cute name and I think it suits him
  2888. Lilly_: Charlie would be a cute name <3 you guys!
  2889. Nena Mercado: I saw you on dog for dog that time
  2890. Madison Roberts: Call him 'ruff' pronounced 'rough' like dogs who go ruff
  2891. cmb renee: If you're nervous about this, I can't wait to see your vlog of when Colleen is in labor, haha.
  2892. Taylor Williams: U should call him Little Dude or Dude
  2893. Ally Faber: What is that massive camera crew for?
  2894. em h.: +Cecilie Meyer no
  2895. Nadia Janousek: There's probably one person in the comments like: 'Omg I thought you and Colleen were having a baby click bait how dare you I'm unsubscribing'
  2896. julia arrigo: I think you should name him berry
  2897. Angela Castruita: You should call him "Baylor"
  2898. Emma Corcoran: "Olli"- as in one and milli-on
  2899. Vicky Vincelette: Where is Colleen ?
  2900. Dora Bla: blacky
  2901. shelbertLemon: Josh, going to an early puppy school can be helpful. I took my dog when he was a puppy to a puppy school that was hosted by a vet clinic and I found them very informative, it wasn't just teaching obeying skills but also owner know-hows. Puppies tend to have to go to the toilet 15 minutes after eating or drinking so heads up to bring him to his toilet pad during that time and also if he accidentally pees elsewhere bring his poop or a bit of his pee on toilet paper and put it on his toilet pad so he knows :) (Also never let your dog see you clean up his mess when its not at his toilet location because he'll think its ok to toilet in that location) Also, get your dog accustomed to noises in car rides by making sure music is playing during. Introducing different sounds as he grows up will help with anxiety and noise sensitivity . I personally took care of my dog since puppy years by myself so If you want to know more I could go on and on :)
  2902. Noelle Caminiti: PLEASE NAME HIM BANDANA!!!!
  2903. Paige Smith: WINIEEEEE like winnie the pooh idk
  2904. Friday'sWithKelii: What about jacob or freddy or fred or jake rojer
  2905. It's _ Becca: Just a tip when he pees in your home immediately show him tap his but not hard tell him bad in a firm voice bad! take him outside in reward him for the first few weeks for potting outside we did this with our boxer and never had have a problem with it since he was a pup.
  2906. Lindy Slocum: Name him Chewy! Like Chewbacca
  2907. haileyyy pená: name him bug😍
  2908. Carley Mills: yay aw the pup is so cute
  2909. kate wilkes: Bubba
  2910. Kiwi of the Bird: ROGER
  2911. Kirsten Dedmon: bear or ollie
  2912. wayne myers: Peanut
  2913. nhu luong: You should name the dog Albert or Wally
  2914. jasmine barlow: U should name him Dude, Buddy or Jake
  2915. Tiffany Stevens: Bentley
  2916. Sam Kozlowski: FIRST COMMENT!!!
  2917. cammi: Name the dog Elliot
  2918. Trishelle Walker: Bentley
  2919. Ellie Strums: Lol you actually look like a dad right now. Name him Joey? Lol I'd name him "Grind" because he shake like he had a lot of that morning grind (Coffee).
  2920. Katie Vinson: Bryan would be a very cute name.
  2921. Khdj Mhsn: when is he gonna be a real dad, like a real baby
  2922. Molly Cox: Awwww Josh! He's so cute congrats on getting a puppy!!! Although I thought you were more of a cat man... (Hahaha I met you while you were in the cats pajamas...) I'm so punny!
  2923. Emilee Bridgwater: Max, Jackson, or Cooper
  2924. PinkStar Gaming: I'm getting a puppy soon. I'm going to see her on 7th September
  2925. Kylee S. A Fan: Or maybe he can be Kyle
  2926. Mia Mueller: name him a human name!! i think human names for animals are way better that stupid names like "fluffy" or "sparky" stuff like that
  2927. Bridget O’Neil: A good name is also Finley like if you agree
  2928. Alexia Wicking: Reece because he looks like a peanut butter cup. Btw if you desex males, they won't mark their territory as much and they won't mate with objects when they're older. Good luck Josh😊
  2929. Katie Beattie: Call him Bruno!!🐶❤️
  2930. Alina B.: I think you should name him Rudy 👍🏽
  2931. Ayesha: u should name him buddy or snoopy
  2932. Amanda Sings: I wonder how he'll react when/if Colleen and him have a human baby 😂
  2933. kerensa smith: I have three dogs and looking after them is still like looking after three puppies. they don't change much...just get bigger
  2934. Jamie Warren: Be careful Rachel might steal the dog
  2935. Dana Grace Nelson: You should name it woody!! It's so cute!!😍😍😍😍
  2936. Jonah Lindhé: Oliver, chip or buddy
  2937. Leslie Tehuitzil: You should name him Dingle 😂😂😂
  2938. Alton Dunn: Name him shadow
  2939. Lily Ito: Joshua I have a little dog to and he's not afraid all little dogs shiver it's nothing to do with fear
  2940. I like Brad Pitt: You could name him Maximus that's my chihuahuas name
  2941. Laura Vanderlip: I like the name Vixen.
  2942. Sparce TV: call him denzel
  2943. this ain’t it chief: Congrats josh!
  2944. Savannah Ferraris: You should name him nox (Harry potter fans know)
  2945. Captain Alex: Name him Chocolate, because his fur looks very similar to chocolate
  2946. Sarah Tiktin: The thumbnail wasn't loading so the title made me think Colleen was pregnant :/
  2947. Mya Kwiatkowski: Name him Red because the YouTube symbol is red outlining the word tube
  2948. Julie jade: u should name him what u would ever name ur child
  2949. 3bodeez: +Mikayla Bender That's a pretty cool name too!
  2950. Amy Pantoja: skippy
  2951. Dina Benoit: Name him rocky because you adopted him from rocky
  2952. a8bit8of8everything: so much buildup... I hope the puppy wasn't freaked out by all the lights and cameras
  2953. I Don't Care: Call Him Kip! I don't know why but he's just so small and cute and I think Kip would be a nice name for him
  2954. Adri J2194: I like Jake for some reason, or Nico
  2955. Funny Panda: Call him BUDDY because hes your littel dude aka your buddy
  2956. Michael Cross: Hmm Name him cal (short for California) since it's where u met both the pup and Colleen?!???
  2957. Summer Stafford: Bubba or buddy
  2958. Cambree Clifford: What the dog did is completely normal. That happens when you get a new puppy
  2959. Jackaplier away: can you name him Beastie
  2960. EJ Pickle: name him bear!!
  2961. Liberty Reffell: Dude
  2962. Thomas Gaming: snoopy
  2963. Charlie Lloyd: name him shadow or lightning
  2964. Sarah Wolf: You should name him Duke☺️
  2965. Jacqueline Dazzo: You should name him Dingleberry
  2966. sksksksk aakakaka: +Melea Elisabeth yea I do that to my birds
  2967. Alex Hoffmann: Name him buddy!!
  2968. camilla purdy: you should call him harley :))))
  2969. Msp Alice: I think he's name should be called spotty
  2970. Cathryn Goodrich: MJ like Michael Jackson or like variations or bandana dog
  2971. Madison Hess: Yes it is the real Coleen
  2972. Coolbean 55: What breed is he
  2973. DANA ASTUDILLO: name him Rodger
  2974. jackie ortiz: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY
  2975. Elizabeth Wood: Toby
  2976. Grace Herrmann: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
  2977. Chewbacca Chura: J.DT.V
  2978. N Jeanne R: Aww
  2979. isobel dent: teddy 🐶🐶🐶
  2980. MaraJo: Blu or blue lol I love that name
  2981. The Aquarian Podcast: I'm so happy for u.❤️❤️❤️ I recently adopted a dog from a shelter and I love her to death. you guys will be so happy
  2982. Anabel Marie: name him bandanna +JoshuaDTV
  2983. The A club: colleen was pregnant? WAIT WHAT
  2984. Jaime Barbieri: MUGSEY
  2985. Jill Blackberry: Why wasn't Colleen there?
  2986. Andy Llewellyn: Joshua Jr.
  2987. Michaela P: Mikey like Michael Jackson
  2988. Mackenzie Caldwell: Moe
  2989. Jacquelinexwells: First thing House train the dog
  2990. Aleeyah Shaheedah: name him teacow
  2991. Alyssa D: You should name the dog Swurve!! Because he is looking Swurve !
  2992. Kaylyn Abbott: Also, I got a puppy about a year ago now, and I have a few pointers. Get a good dog trainer, the one I used was super good, you can look up some of his online stuff since you live not in my area (thriving canine is the name of the trainer). Use a harness instead of a collar until he gets better at walks. Don't use pee pads, it makes training them to go outside harder. Get a bell that hangs on the door that he can use to alert you if he needs to go to the bathroom so you don't have to cut a whole in your door and put in a dog door... I think we got ours on Amazon.... Anyway yeah hope that helps.
  2993. Riley: I like the name Marley
  2994. LeahEllen: Please don't ever let your doggie walk outside without a leash where it's open and he can get hurt because my first dog laney got hit by a car and my moms bfs dog Lucy got hit but Lucy is still alive but she lost a leg and also laney died so please keep your dog safe
  2995. TheWorstLana: Name it Statz!!!!!!!!!! 🦄
  2996. Emma Leary: U should name him Buddy
  2997. Mason Rofii: Andrei Mallari shes pregnant now lol
  2998. Katie K: Every time I get a new dog they always poop in the main living space. Every single one! Only once. I was told it was their way of claiming their space. So take it as a way of him saying he likes the new home lol.
  2999. Cristabel Delgadillo: You can name him.. Mars, because he is out of this world, Bear, because he is fierce like one, or.. Orion, Orion means hunter
  3000. Lara Gillan: wander
  3001. Ali xo: Name him blue
  3002. Tori Sanders: Cookie
  3003. Sophia Simoni: Maybe instead of naming him Kale, you can name him Kyle? Kyle is a cute name
  3004. the truth hurts: bubba
  3005. Lana Pudic: He is sooooooo adorable😍😍😍😍😍😍 I have 2 dogs😄😄😄
  3006. nevaeh ann: where did you get your puppy from???😍😘He's so adorable😊😇😜😝😳
  3007. Katt M.: What about Kaleb ?? It's got kale in it but its still super cute!
  3008. Bean & Moose: how about poco
  3009. maya: NAME HIM OLLIE
  3010. CeCe P.: (btw my username changed from "Everything" to CeCe P. just an FYI) while he was anticipating getting the dog in the pet store my heart was litterally pounding (that happens when I'm nervous And excited lol) and then when he got the dog I just felt so good inside lol❤️❤️❤️
  3011. Rebecca Salazar: I have the same exact dog
  3012. Lauren: Name him flash!
  3013. Maja Popovic: name him cupcake
  3014. Lena Morales: Call him shadow
  3015. Matthew Teal: call him dingle Barry
  3016. Nancy Madrigal: Maybe name him Cookie! 🐶
  3018. Grace Nelson: Name him bandana
  3019. Princess Sorcha: buddy ☺
  3020. Nina Stamler: Lazlo :) (laah-zlow)
  3021. Alli E: Name his Vash.
  3022. Naty Rose: Omg so cute!!!!
  3023. Kendall Fillat: Harley
  3024. kaitlin elizabeth: Name him buddy!!! That would be sooooo cute!!!
  3025. zulia markley: Yes, he did
  3026. Lauren Munar: You can name him buddy :) haha
  3027. Mietra Damee: CALL HIM BUD!!!!!
  3028. Angela Gardella: Name him dingleberry
  3029. Kidgett: his name should be buba
  3030. Shalalalawna: So cute! From my experience sometimes a dog that I have recently adopted gets nervous in a car for the first couple of weeks because they relate being in a car with being moved to a different place with different people and it confuses them. But they eventually learn that even though they are in a car they know at the end of the day they will be home with you. Good luck!
  3031. Roxy Korth: sounds like you have already named him Buddy :)
  3032. Raelynn Lee: Name him Emoji Bandana Or rascal
  3033. Kel C: U should call him Buddie
  3034. Sarah Park: Plz call him pepper and then get a white dog and name it salt
  3035. Guitarbuddah1: You will make a great daddy! You have a HUGE heart, I just love U. Name him Prince, Hashtag, MJ, JT or Snoopy
  3036. Emma Leary: I got a new puppy three days ago and I named him Buddy
  3037. Abigail Olson: you should call him bubba
  3038. Abigail Ward: I like buddy too
  3039. Valerie Harrah: Name him Boomer or Cooper.
  3040. Samantha Richardson: Cooper??
  3041. A Olson: Today you need to shave.
  3042. Millie rippon: Name him sunny cause he brightens up your day!?
  3043. Natasha Weird: OMG HE IS SO CUTE IM DYING OMG XXXXXXXXXXX and he does look like a cooper Kai or a Ben xxxxxxx
  3044. Armau J.: also since he is a puppy he wil stain something so there is a spray that will get rid of the sent and the stain
  3046. sacredbanana: Keep Spunky! That's from Rocko's Modern Life!
  3047. Esmeralda Guevara: call him buddy since you call already him buddy and it goes really well with so why don't you call him buddy
  3048. Felicia louisiana girl: the funny thing is they actually don't know what type of dog they got and it's rellitively big it's a black and tan coonhoond
  3049. Mia Garnett: that's a girls name
  3050. meet the robinsons: plz name the dog simba after my dog that was brave but he past away the 2 day of 2016
  3051. Rennie Van: u should name him lil dude, blackie,dagger,or Loco my favorite is lil dude
  3052. Tirsa Herrera: Just name him Buddy
  3053. Leah Madeline: Oml s'mores is such a cute name🙌🏼😍
  3054. Tabi Etten: I agree with the bandana and you should name him Million.
  3055. Amy Clifton: Or Michael or Justin like Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake.
  3056. Serafina The Rainbow: +H Gruenbaum LDshadowladys cat is named buddy
  3057. Ailin Patricia: call him DUDE.
  3058. BecomingLina: Aww! Congrats! He's seriously going to bring so much joy to your life. My puppy did when I first got her. :) It's going to be a challenge at first but so rewarding. :D
  3059. 80lynn: Or name him trooper
  3060. Saralynn Myers: joshleen
  3061. Erin_Pearce04: Joey
  3062. Caroline !!: Name him Murphy, Bernie, Bentley, cooper, or Jackson!
  3063. Geekyo: Name it snoopy
  3064. dissydogs: Name him tony
  3065. Kathy Haynes Peters: I cried so much. I love rescues. I have a dog just like him, his names Toby unless he's in trouble, then it's Toby Joe. As you get to know him you'll know what his name is. I have a beagle named Charlie we call Car Car Binks, not the sharpest tool in the shed, that's what makes hm special, lol. My daughter just got a puppy that's being trained for an emotional support dog, she has anxiety and the dog calms her when she gets anxious. He's Rory Alexander. You'll make a great puppy daddy.
  3066. Olivia Lucas: Name the dog milo
  3067. DeXx PlayZz: Josh JR
  3068. Caitlin Nadler: Oliver is a good name
  3069. Kayla Rawle: Name him charlie
  3070. Brittney Williams: My puppy I have just turned 5 months. His name is Zeus. Spunky looks like an Oliver
  3071. Rachel Hunter: name him Jackson after Michael :)
  3072. Ella Boardman: Dingle cause of dingle berries
  3073. More Zoella: Dingleberry should be his name
  3074. Asal AghaAmiri: What dog breed is he?
  3075. Lucy Downes: Call him cj
  3076. Rainbow Farts: Titus
  3077. Hannah Cathryn: Name him Jackson
  3078. Lou Dec: Does Josh have white hairs on his chin?
  3079. Mary Lade: Name the puppy Buddy
  3080. ᗰIᖇᗩᑎᗪᗩ Has Been Added To Your Pokedex: Name him Dude u and Colleen kept calling him Dude
  3081. Velzy Browning: I like the name Henry.
  3082. Wolfsbane: Call him malteezer
  3083. Emma and Carley: I like the name Buddy
  3084. Jolene Seah: this is a puppy not a kid
  3085. Emma Rodgers: Or rocky
  3086. Dance Lover: Or buddy
  3087. It's Ruby: Pluto is a good name
  3088. Andie King: This is so cute!! I'm getting a second dog and it's going to be a rescue dog! It makes me so happy!
  3089. Lalove dolphins: 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  3090. A Zouain: Name him s'mores
  3091. Flexi809: YAY! CONGRATSSSS!!
  3092. Smiley Sophia: Keep calling him Buddy
  3093. Abby: He looks like a baby version of my dog. SOOOO CUTE😍
  3094. kate oconnor: name him max or maxy
  3095. Brye World: The puppy looks like a Logan🤔
  3096. Alexa Varela: I love that!!
  3097. Adrianna Gebhart: I personally don't like adopting from big chain pet companies like pet smart. they get their dogs from puppy mills, which basically breeds dogs to be perfect, and if there's something wrong, they either auction off the dog in the back of a truck, or worse, kill them. Please rescue animals from your local animal shelter. I have a Jack Russell that we rescued from one (puppy mill), and is now permanently mentally scared. they didn't want her because of a very small underbite.
  3098. Kara Peak: Also, he looks like an Oscar to me.
  3099. Bethany Walters: He is from an adoption center but they brought him there so the show can help him get stuff for the puppy that he will need
  3100. lilmonsterproductions: pet names: Zeus, Orion, theo, Theodore I hope you find a wonderful name that suits him <3
  3101. Amy Rabun: Name him Jackson since you like Michael Jackson!
  3102. Lea Hodgson: Name him bud
  3103. Israel Lopez: dogs pew as much as babies!!! take him out every hr once
  3104. Hannah Lopez: name him Jackson after Micheal jackson
  3105. MJ Jordan: name him peanut
  3106. Mir B: What's the difference between adopting and buying? I always hear people say that adopting is so much better and this guy was so happy about it.
  3107. Dylan G: He looks like a Buddy or Milo
  3108. Emily Cummings: Josh the grey in your beard looks so good 👌🏼👌🏼
  3109. Paola Jaramillo: Colleen: "look at the camera kid" 😂😂😂 idk why that was hilarious to me lol
  3110. Caroline Poe: Rocket name him rocket
  3111. brianna: I have a Chihuahua and I love him so much! I couldnt imagine a life without him, he always makes me happy and smile~ ♥
  3112. Holly Clifford: Name him King
  3113. Carter Johnson: Bubba or Coco
  3114. Aimee Gomez: Name him dollar
  3115. Emily: Dexter
  3116. Savannah Foeller: Who is watching this in 2017
  3117. Kellie Griffin: I died laughing when he peed in his food😂
  3118. Kaitlin M: I think you should name him Milo or Buddy.
  3119. Caylee Schott: The color looks like a Rottweiler. But his body structure doesn't. I have 3 Rottweilers and my cousin breeds them and has puppies 24/7 😍😍
  3120. Abbey Quenby: Call him bronko
  3121. Chloe Goff: Or Jax!
  3122. Rachael Cowie: You should call him David
  3123. Bella Smith: NAme him LEo!
  3124. prettynerdygirl: If you name him Dingleberry, you can call him DB for short. Or Gary. I like Gary.
  3125. Eric Padilla: Hightops
  3126. Coca cola: Ns nnmk(kfkfjr
  3127. Alana Gallagher: Peanut is my dogs name and he looks like this 🐶 literally
  3128. Haleigh Middleton: names-bacan, brownie, Ginger, Jeremiah, Caden, PopTart
  3129. buck Buxton: name him snoopy
  3130. horsegirl07: He is so cute!!! Just remember Jish, he's a little puppy. Take him outside to go potty often and when he does praise him a ton and give him treats. At night cut off his water say maybe an hour before bed time she can go pee and hopefully sleep with no accidents. You'll learn what he does when he has to go potty. You got this!!
  3131. Not Rachel: Name him either bro or berry
  3132. Itz me: name him journey
  3133. r jennings: The dogs name should be -Oreo -Scrappy -Scamper -Harley
  3134. Lara Cormack: Dude or cooper
  3135. Itzbeyondvanessa ItzBeyondvanessa: name him buddy or Josh2 So wich means Josh number 2 or Jack or Rudolph or Jacob or juno PLS PICK MINE
  3136. gigigym01: Or bandit
  3137. Stacey Wood: Diesel
  3138. talia krista: you want to know why the dog was scared because he is from a dog mill pet Mart gets dogs from dog mills when you support buy a dog it supports dog mills
  3139. Sally McNuget: Josh, you should name him Ed.
  3140. Daanaa 019: when colleen is pregnant, you should name the vlog "another dog to our family"
  3141. Shookus Pookus: You should name him Donald!!😍❤️
  3142. Audrey Chestnut: Yay!!!!
  3143. Drewoz: What breed is it.
  3144. Lacey Hickey: my puppy has the same KONG collar in purple!!!
  3145. Marina Lopez: Name the dog blacky
  3146. Grace Avery: Name him Oliver!!
  3147. Hannah Osborn: because Arlo hatched from the biggest egg but was the smallest dinosaur, kinda like how you and Colleen expected to have a big dog but ended up with a small one
  3148. Lucy Robb: You should name him PJ
  3149. A and J: name him happy josh!!!!!
  3150. aquenita27: I teared up with you lol and as someone that works for a dog & cat rescue, this is so amazing to see. Thank you for adopting. **definitely get him trained and do some research, it'll all pay off :)
  3151. talia krista: you want to know why he was so scared
  3152. Emma Boss: OMG YES JOSH
  3154. Carly_Q: You need to name him Kale😂
  3155. Madelyn Neff: Lil dude
  3156. lauren: HES SO CUTE
  3157. Amy Rothwell: call him dax
  3158. Abby Syer: I think its hilarious that people keep saying that they think you should name him Kale
  3159. Tess mumm: He should call him dingleberry tweet josh if you want him to call him dingleberry
  3160. M A N I k: awe I just got a puppy too
  3161. Mind Beattie: Wolfy! Name him Wolfy
  3162. Kendal Depoti: Peanutbutter
  3163. Katy Smale: Drake
  3164. Wolfe Chan: Josh name him copper
  3165. 34Demet34: Duke is a cute name
  3166. Wuilber Segovia: Call him Rex
  3167. Casianna Phillips: call him Timothy
  3168. Briana Carroll: I think since you're already calling him Buddy, that should be his name.
  3170. Fran Torrealba: idk why but i think he looks like a gorge
  3171. Samantha Masselli: Name him Rocky
  3172. Liliana Mandel: Name him Geo
  3173. Jordan Garza: You should name him rowdy
  3174. simone faith: you should make this beautiful dog Munchie
  3175. Sarai Guerrero: Congrats on your first furbaby!!!❤️
  3176. AlbinoMexican99: NAME HIM DANNY!
  3177. Zack Baker: Name the little guy Rover or Ralf
  3178. hannah kim: Buddy
  3179. Katelyn McLean: Brownie
  3180. Emma LPS: Fail #1: He wore a lack shirt to petsmart 😂
  3181. Claire Smidt: CALL HIM BUDDY OR CJ (Colleen & Josh)
  3182. wtf.lesl1e: name him oreo :)
  3183. Joshua Zamarripa: please name him Oliver
  3185. Dana Duckworth: Name him drake
  3186. Anastasia Simo: This is the cutest thing ever 😍😍😍
  3187. i watch vines for a living: I thought Colleen was pregnant....
  3188. Hannah Whitenight: Also here are some tips for a small dog: I have a small dog, when I say small that means 4 pounds kind of small. When these kind of dogs don't get the attention they want they will start peeing, and if you have hardwood yo need to clean that stuff up fast! If not your floor will start to warp. You don't want that. Don't ket him jump off high things, it can break his little legs. BUSH HIS TEATH!!! This is one main thing that it really important, my brother and I didn't brush my dogs death for a while, so his death started to rot... (gross right?) So always brush his teeth. I love your dog to pieces! I hope you and Colleen enjoy your new puppy!! Love you!!
  3189. slab slayers Babygirl: OMG !!!!!
  3190. sHoOk: What type of dog is it??
  3191. Rachael H: I really like the name "Tiger" ; And i think it would suit him. I also think he looks like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ; so something like the name Resses would be cute.
  3192. Maryn Towers: Name him Baxter
  3193. piper wise: I thought he meant with a baby!! Lol :P
  3194. roni tarnovski: dinged berry.... call him dinged berry
  3195. Aneela Desai: I wish he had taken colleen that would be so cute
  3196. Christy Pham: Cody sounds cute!!
  3197. kyliethewhite: A show? Is he in a show? I am new😂
  3198. Kenlie Jewell: name him boog
  3199. Rene Muzo: Name him cookie
  3200. GCmonkey: You should name him Buddy.
  3201. keira cooke: shady u cold call him
  3202. sam: Omg name him bandana
  3203. Kelly Strickland: name him dingleberry
  3204. Clarissa Fox: Definitely
  3205. Ko Koh: Name him Ko Koh! XD
  3206. Kira Newmark: i have a dog named shadow who looks like him
  3207. Abbie Bain: ROCKYYYY!!! 😍❤️
  3208. Just Kaitie: Name him Dingleberry!!
  3209. Sydney Taylor: NAME HIM BANDANA
  3210. Paper Cat: This is bromance 🐶
  3211. dead account: Bandana
  3212. Scott Dickerson: Dixon
  3213. Olivia Schlichter: Name him Joshleen
  3214. Alexandra Banana: What about Colleen?
  3215. Debra Muller: I also like bubba
  3216. Hatersbackoff: call him buddy
  3217. Alyssa Win: That moment when you didn't see Josh's vlog from last week and the thumbnail hasn't  loaded in yet and you just see the title....
  3218. remsey: Name him Shocker!! @0:43
  3219. lilychesesteak: You should name him digilberry.
  3220. Bean Bun: and your beard looks a little gray on the bottom! Hehehe
  3221. Amber Ballard: this was three days before my brothday
  3222. Maryam S: Name the dog dingleberry
  3223. Mya Graceffa: Aw I thought you adopted him from a shelter...
  3224. letsallcrywhoop 2: I thought u said my wife is changing
  3225. Lydia: I say name him Beau
  3226. Simply-scarlet: Name his Dexter in think it's a really nice name x
  3227. Laila Precious: So cute!! 😻❤️
  3229. HerBeauty`sInsideOut: he is so cute what kind of dog is he? He looks like Charlie.
  3230. meow: If you're planning to get a cat too, I recommend an exotic shorthair. They're really great affectionate cats that are the best option if you have other pets, including a dog. I think you should recommend getting that breed of cat <3
  3231. Ashley N: Oliver Ollie for short
  3232. rachel fernandez: thats the cutest dog ive ever seen😩❤️
  3233. Rachel Richards: I think you should call him Bandana but he looks like a Bandit
  3234. It's Shawnieboyy: He's so cute 🐶 Guess no for a cat now! :(
  3235. Band Cuties: Buddy or Rocco
  3236. 0_.tess._0: He looks like a Clyde
  3237. Emma Poyhonen: I missed the last couple vlogs.... What is the show that's being filmed?
  3238. iEdd Gaming: name him hopper
  3239. Sarah Farmer: Honestly Buddy isn't a bad name
  3240. Emily Woods: Snoopy!!
  3241. abigail: This comment is not going to get any likes😔
  3242. Ayana Hibbert: you could name him fluffy
  3243. Bryam Molina: I have Labrador Retriever I wonder how Miranda is going to react to that
  3244. Jenna Barg: +Kaylin Hutson if he names him Barry it's not as bad...
  3245. Jenna Hartwick: Buddy or cooper
  3246. Maddie Rivers: You should name him Darrel
  3247. destiny sears: You should name it Pablo
  3248. Happypieluke Luke: Name him buddy
  3249. Amber Randall: I think you should call him Scooby !!
  3250. Rainbow Farts: Blaze. Cause he is lit
  3251. brynn alyssa: How about bandi or brandi
  3252. Sabrina T: Or berry
  3253. sarah linton: He should have a play date with kermet, peach and marbles!!
  3254. Peyton Elizabeth: You should name him Spock
  3255. Kaitlyn Harris: Buddy🐶
  3256. Sophie Crisafulli: HE PEED IN THIS FOOD OMG LMAO
  3257. TheWorstLana: Or Rovi!!!!!!! 🦄
  3258. anthony fracalanza: Name him Jack after MJ!
  3259. Lance Stoffel: I'm awesome
  3260. Fia Nufio: Name him Joseph
  3261. Jazzy Jackx: Name him Doug!!!!
  3262. Bryndis Tinna: +Christina Choi thanks
  3263. VaneWillRiseUp: Name Options: -Shadow -Buddy -Bubba -Max -Charlie -Jude
  3264. Loes Does Things: omggggg he's so cutee!!! 030
  3265. Melody Salinas: peanut butter
  3266. Sparkling Silver Curls: Crap, I forgot the 3-3-3 rule. Don't introduce him to anyone outside of your family unit who will be in the house for the first 3 days. It will confuse them and make them feel insecure. It will take 3 weeks AT LEAST for him to accommodate to your routine. Be patient with him as it's all brand new. After 3 months, you'll see him truly relax as he knows he's home, and his full personality will come out. I didn't know about this 3-3-3 rule when I adopted by babies, and I did the absolute wrong thing by taking them to my mom's and sister's right away. They should be home in a quiet environment. Dog park so soon is not good at all, way too much stimulation and also, he's so young, he may not have the immune system to fight off diseases....or understand the dynamic of a large group of dogs, and could get hurt. Ok, I'll stop being a crazy helicopter dog-mom.... ☺🐶
  3267. judith alnz: LIKE*
  3268. Molly McNamara: name him buddy!!!!
  3269. Austyn Jayde: The puppy looks like my dog except smaller
  3270. kayleigh bergold: You should name him chance
  3271. Kylie Wakulat: Bear for short!
  3272. Natalie Gregg: Name him penut butter or fig Newton!!!! Please
  3273. Taylor Markgraf: *bandanna
  3274. Kelly Smith: What kind of dog is it?
  3275. emily v: S'more
  3276. Bobbi X: You should call him jack or jake 🐶
  3277. Nicole Lanzo: you should name him buddy
  3278. ElleNoelle: I thought Colleen wanted a cat?😂
  3279. Clare O'Connor: ryder
  3280. Kylee: My dog's name is Kale and when Josh said he wasn't going to name the dog Kale my dog perked up and jumped on the couch with me 😂
  3281. Abby Lambourn: He looks like my old dog who passed away. His name was buddy.
  3282. Marjorie Polson: Your dog is soooooooooooooo fricking cute
  3283. Katie Elizabeth: I used to have two chocolate labs they both died when I was young one of the collapsed in front of me when I was five
  3284. Lewis W: Call him toffee
  3285. Jake Ritchie: Name him Dylan ... Why ... Idk ... JUST DO IT... I like dots
  3286. Gracie: Lord internet
  3287. Cain's World: Call him Brownie
  3288. Kristey Rut Konráðsdóttir: If you keep calling him Buddy then you should just name him Buddy :)
  3289. Emma Aherne: U kept calling hime buddy, so call him buddy, and he will be your best buddy!! 💕
  3290. DoodleBugTV: Josh, you should call him Happy ^-^ Or maybe Koda c:
  3291. Kayla Moyer: name him ollie
  3292. gary lacroix: you can name your dog caleb
  3293. Lily sparks: you should name him kinder. Kind is in the name😊 He looks like a kinder. its pronounced Kin-der
  3295. Alanna Dible: You should call him dingle berry 😀😀😀
  3296. Brody King: Bandana
  3297. Lilac Lover 22: You should name him ACE!!
  3298. Oh Riley Grace: You should name it Joel
  3300. Mia !: NAME HIM ZERO
  3301. Silver Rose: Name him Cookie
  3302. Erica Taylor: +Erica Taylor on*** a television show**
  3303. Sophie: Henry or James
  3304. Helen Dobbs: Name him bandana pup
  3305. Beauty and Food tutorials: Name him Snickers
  3306. Tami Norton: Charley!
  3307. Grace Valentine: +Fairly Local Dreamer! At The Disco no Erin is the girl spelling Aaron is the guy spelling Sam name just spelt differently
  3308. Kylie Wakulat: +YuneePup no it's a book thing
  3309. Rebecca Ayres: sooty!
  3310. Bryndis Tinna: *breed
  3311. Deenster S: Or Champ
  3312. Ellie Bradshaw: COCOA is a perfect name
  3313. Kari Alysia: Name him Dinglepup
  3314. 01FireWolf: maybe name him bandit, Luke, or Logan
  3315. Nayeska Aleman: Or jack for short
  3316. Gaby_ SW: Bo or buster
  3317. Brianna Maddux: He looks like a Buddy, if you like it... when you seen him, you said hi buddy over and over! It's very fitting
  3318. Kathryn Lee: a) this is actually the cutest puppy I've ever seen b) I think he looks like a Drake (or something else starting with "d")
  3319. ally Rekowski: I think u should name him Ryder or Buddy
  3320. Tamar Alexander: name him Berry for Dingle Berry
  3321. Nadia Janousek: This ain't clickbait
  3322. Kaitlyn Smith: name him teddy!!
  3323. ariel visser: You should name him max😍💕He's so so so so cute! Congrats!!!!!
  3324. Keneddie Serrano: Mikey, tucker, Reeses!! because of his color hahahaha or kennedy!!!! Choose ONE JOSHHHHH
  3325. JennyFur: It's normally au revoir but Josh says orevwa
  3326. Mally Maxwell: You can also call him Murphy
  3327. kayleigh bobeck: name him dingleberry!! lmaooo
  3328. Becky Austin: I have been watching your channel for a long time and the way he chills with you too you should call him Chile
  3329. Amethyst Lover: I thought it was his wife that had a kid 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 (Colleen)
  3330. Gabi N: what about Oscar?
  3331. Kaylee Christian: You should name him cookie!!!
  3332. Ashlyn: I just commented that 😂😂 simba is a good name
  3333. Abby Riordan: You can name him rocky😘😘😘💖💖💖 and congrats on the new puppy
  3334. Britty Boo: What about Rocco?
  3335. Gavin Con: Name hom Reece
  3336. Justdietho 1: gizmo
  3337. Marco Iaboni: shadow
  3338. Brittnee Spindler: CJ, Buddy, Charlie, Kale, Bandit, Goals
  3339. KerraNicole 9601: Or berry for Dingle Berry
  3340. Every Other Person: U should call him cookie or chocolate
  3341. Amelia Brady: you should name him sparky he looks like a sparky
  3342. Leslie Tehuitzil: I am so happy that you guys are parents now!!! Congrats!!! 😭😭😭
  3344. Rocky Kanaka: This is awesome. You can tell he already loves you guys so much! PS him peeing on the food bowl. hahaha. OMG
  3345. TJ: I'm legit driving to the store to buy more tissues. I am SO HAPPY for you guys!!! Love you +Psycosoprano & +JoshuaDTV
  3346. Marcie Finney: Bruce lee
  3347. Mackenzie Paton: Jackson like Michael Jackson
  3348. Sisi: Yay
  3349. Shayne Andrade: buddy😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
  3350. fiona byrne: Call him cooper! Please! Also you awsome
  3351. Elena Sta. Maria: Call him Cookie or Forrest!
  3352. Van Vanduzee: Name him Pepper!!
  3353. Micah Gayle: Call him Dexter
  3354. Hayley Balzar: +Tara A i understand I myself have 4 personally adopted dogs that I love and spoil to death but I just came to share some tips about potty training
  3355. Sarah: UAYAUYAAYA
  3356. kate wilkes: Tony, Tommy, or Toby. As you can see I like T names.
  3357. Kendall Fillat: Coby
  3358. Jordan Nurney: Awwww Josh!! I'm so happy for you brother:)! This brought back all the feelings of when I met my dog.
  3359. Kelly Workman: Name him Miranda!!!
  3360. Patty Brunnette: Names: Buster, Buddy, Shep, Oli or litlle Bro.
  3361. Haley Melvin: idk how big he'll get, but he looks like the kind of dog who would have a name that doesn't match. Like, if he's growing to around that size, name him Hercules or Bruiser .
  3362. Grace Zodrow: Name him Marly!!!!!!!!!!
  3363. marisa schuldes: Name him Kale 😂
  3364. Alysa Garcia: You should name him Finn!❤️
  3365. Asha Lad: Name him Blackjack🐶❤️
  3366. Rachael 1023: Yeah. Henry is a really cute name
  3367. Mae Gray: Omg when I click on this video I thought Colleen had a kid 😂
  3368. Wilma B.Loqvist: Or Gonzo
  3369. Meghan Ramon: I think that journey is a good name for your cute adorable puppy
  3370. YeYe Doggies: He is marking his teratory
  3371. Psycho kittens: Name him Owen!
  3372. Swim_is_life Charles: u should name him crunch or peanut
  3373. Park Jiminion: Name him dude
  3374. Molly: Call him Pistachio?!
  3375. neyda vega: You should call him Buddy
  3376. Madeline Scholma: Oreo
  3377. Dog Lover: What is type of dog is he?? I need to know!!!
  3378. Laura Bennett: I think it's an amazing thing, what you're doing! You truly have a heart of gold :) Why not simply call him Buddy? :D xx
  3379. why tho: Tucker, Buddy or Cuddles
  3380. Kitty Haart: what a sweeties! !!
  3381. Shristi Anand: How about Mikey because you love Michael Jackson. (Different spelling of course) Jace Ace Apollo Callaway Cody Comet Cooper (name of my dog. Twinsies!!)
  3382. Casey Neill: dingleberry??
  3383. Joceana Bailey: How about Mr. Peabody? It fits him since he had that hilariously awkward moment the first day (the peeing-in-the-food incident) and who knows, maybe he'll turn out to be a really smart dog (in reference to the movie, Mr. Peabody and Sherman).
  3384. Glitter Girl: Name him Toby It suits him.
  3385. Marlin Saravia: what kind/type of dog is the one that josh got? ps. the puppy is cute
  3386. ErinofTheCoast: Name him Ben
  3387. DIY randomness: name him buddy
  3388. shelbertLemon: yes!! i saw snapchats and having been waiting for the video :D
  3389. Emorej Hunter: You should name him Hero!!!🐶🐕
  3390. AveryAna Rose: Name him coco
  3391. John Scrimshaw: Call him berry
  3392. Emma Pacheco: Name him espresso😂💘👑☕️
  3393. Reagan Lee: Shadow
  3394. Kyla Matan: after seeing this I want them to have babies SO MUCH MORE
  3395. enewman 55: Call it buddy or basil or ace
  3396. Cathy Campos: +sparkles19711 ^ ps i have a jack Russell
  3397. Jessica Barr: brownie
  3398. Mashantee Jones: He should name him max
  3399. KitKat Kiden: You should either name him LITTLE DUDE or ANDY so it's like MirANDa/Dingle BerrY
  3400. Katie Samuels: Call him Buddy!! - such a perfect little name for a perfect little dog❤️
  3401. Jillian Gallagher: Dude or Buddy
  3402. LauraLittlePony: Thank you for adopting, Josh; I am so proud of you and Colleen!! I have no name suggestions because I am BAWLING with happiness! (Maybe "Tears" or "Snots"? Lol!)
  3403. Sarah arvizu: Why don't you just call him buddy?
  3404. Madison Gamble: What kind of dog is it?
  3405. curlygirl grace: He should get puppy pads
  3406. Joe Auger: Aw! Cute lil poop!
  3407. Adagio Dazzle is the best: CALL HIM BUDDY
  3408. Ash And the internet: Or bro
  3409. Olivia Vizza: Max!
  3410. Chloe Beach: Name him Junior. That was the name of my old dog who got put down a couple years ago
  3412. Kiara Colegrove: I think you and Colleen should just choose a name for him.
  3413. Leah . Marie: +Eimear Lally because dingle berry is a boys area
  3414. MissRWilson 7: Please call him either buddy or million
  3415. Alexa Lynn Contreras: name him joshi
  3416. Jayleen Santos: or bobo
  3417. YasminSquared: spike
  3418. Bekka Jay: You should name him Jack
  3419. Nina: why dont you just name him buddy its a great name for a great dog
  3420. anditspaganpoetry: Thanks for adopting, Josh! Sets a really good example to your viewers. That's going to be one happy puppy. :)
  3421. Emily Rae: Name him BANDANA!!!💖💖 He's soooooooo cute!!
  3422. adelen forrest: he looks like a Robert
  3423. Its Lamazing: Buddy
  3424. Eoin Delaney: because he is brown
  3425. Audrey Lee: lucas, coco
  3426. Abigail Courtenay: Jordan. Jordan. Jordan
  3427. Isabelle ubilla: black Labrador
  3428. Maddie E: Name him cookie dough or cookie!
  3429. Alyssa & Sarah: Name him Jake
  3430. Natalie Ampole: Idk why but i like the name zigg or ziggy🐶😂
  3431. Thebluetdm: BUDDY PLZ
  3432. helloimtalia: Coco
  3433. larrylasser: His teeth are so long
  3434. Sophie Burchill: He looks like a Flick or Odie.
  3435. Ally R: name him ben
  3436. Lexi Baiz: So cute 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  3437. christopher payne: Call him buddy
  3438. Phoebe Levitt: tank
  3439. Kate: Yay!
  3440. Bethany Russell: You should definitely invest in some puppy pee pads so when he does have an accident he knows where to go. And it's good to train them to do this, use the pads, for when you take the little guy to hotels.
  3441. Kpop Savage: Name it BUDDY
  3442. Leah S: I gained even more respect for you for rescuing a dog! I have a rescue (boxer shepherd mix) and it's the best decision I ever made!!!
  3443. Lalove dolphins: Gram like if you agree!!!!!
  3444. Rachel Mathes: ROCCO
  3445. Alana S: name him coco
  3446. Julie Gray: what about rocky or kane
  3447. Hailey Dohrn: Name him oddie (pronounced like oh d)
  3449. Tabi Girl101: Name him James
  3450. Java Bain: Name him I-shit-on-the-rug.
  3451. CutiePie forever: Rocky or Rambo are really good names for him
  3452. Gracie Herrity: His name should be Buddy🐶🐶🐶
  3453. Pardon?: I'm literally crying rn
  3454. marshmellow tv: berry
  3455. Clout Doppl: 🐶 dogs for life 🐶
  3456. Lexy Baker: Name him Buddy or Cooper
  3457. Malusi Mtshali: Josh is getting gray😱😱😱
  3458. star light: Wait what about his wife !!?!?!!!?!?
  3459. Tab A: He looks like a rocky
  3460. CHEZZ: Buddy
  3461. EDucating Shanny: Maybe "Duke"?
  3462. Hanna Anglin: You should name him Milli short for million
  3463. Wolf Lover: You should name him papi
  3464. Guy Metz: Oliver
  3465. Sam: Like if agree!! 👍
  3466. Maya Smith: aaaaaw teddy would be so so adorable!!!! but its totally up to you!
  3467. Jessica Myers: Call him dingle! Like dingleberry
  3468. FGAngelx: name it Bandana o.o or Bandon
  3469. Ava Stafford: my dog barks at everything too and she's four lol
  3470. Emily Bowman: Just imagine how he'll react to a real baby. 😂 😂
  3471. Roxanne Morrow: Munchkin
  3472. Claire Felipe: aw this made me cry
  3473. Julio DONE: What kind of dog is it
  3474. Vexin: omg actually not click bait?? lol jk
  3475. Katie Romo: Name him Disney or something related to that. like if you agree! <3
  3476. abby decker: I'm early and excited and happy for you JOSHHHHUUUUAAAAA!!!!❤️❤️❤️
  3477. Arianna Shevlin: Rocky is so cute
  3478. Samantha Combest: u shouldname him gibbs
  3479. Carley V: I like Ollie!!
  3480. Rainbow Unicorn: Call him spot like if u agree 👍
  3481. amy r: I think max is a good name
  3482. Sophia M.: i think Rookie because ur a rookie at buying a dog and owning it
  3483. Lucy Bland: What breed is he?
  3484. ThatGuitarChick01: Finally got him! I knew you'd end up adopting him.
  3485. claudia olivarez: name him ranger
  3486. crankthatdawson: His name should be Buddy or Chip
  3487. Hartley Bell: Name him berry like from dingleberry
  3488. Kaylee Alcantara: Just don't give him chocolate
  3489. Ciera V.: Name him dingleberry
  3490. syd 77: You should name him ChanceBecause you gave him a chance at life
  3491. Forever Hobs: call him buddy
  3492. josh urias: name him petey
  3493. Lieke vg: call him piper or buddy or king
  3494. Gavin Rippstein: Name him Buster
  3495. Jaimee Lewis: Call him buddy
  3496. Simone C: I love the name Buddy!
  3497. gabriel_cpda02: just like a baby pees and poops everywhere
  3498. AnnaBelle Worth: you should name him s'mores or baba
  3499. L i n h: or even name him buddy
  3500. that1chick92: I died laughing when the puppy peed on food. Out of all my experiences with dogs (I have a lot) I've never seen a dog do that before.
  3501. Page LH8: Name him buddy
  3502. fluteloops22: +Kylee Beasley I guess it is popular, I never thought it would be that much though!! Hope your kitty is doing good! :)
  3503. Angela Duhamell: Oreo cuz he looks like a black and white Oreo or milkshake
  3504. Sarah Wolf: Yay! I'm so happy for you josh!❤️😂
  3505. Aubryana Arevalo: dragon
  3506. Vinyl Scratch XXX: Jerry Mr Brown
  3507. Joe: omg Daddy I just got a little brother, I love you papi
  3508. maddie gebhart: they said so many times they adopted him. In a vlog, he actually showed him going into the shelter and meeting him. Did you even watch the video?
  3509. Rachael Wingard: Name him Oscar!!!!
  3510. Tanner Davies: Name it Cyber Corn Girl
  3511. fERvID: Name your dog Dingleberry!
  3512. Shayla Roberts: black shadow that's right that you should name your dog which I know you didn't name him but Shadows I saw the video where his name is black shadow
  3513. Gracie B: Kale!!
  3514. Lauren Secrest: Toby
  3515. Brooke Kelly: Name him joshy😂😂💋
  3516. Taylor Coe: Name him shotty espresso evans
  3517. Lauren: Or blue clues lol idk
  3518. Sara Hantveit: Omg your dog is soooo cute😍😍😍 I got one myself, and I promise you, it will bring so much love into the family🐶
  3519. Tams: I think that you should call the little bro Blue cause that's a chill name.
  3520. Scarlett's Web: Charli
  3521. Olivia Lindley: you should name him bubbles because his personality is very bubbly ( :
  3522. Caitlin Salmonsen: Brownie should be his name
  3523. RileyNicole711: Dingleberry
  3524. Dezh22: Snickers!
  3525. Sally Well: Name him S'more PLZZZZZZ
  3526. Hater Today: Strange to do a life altering thing without your wife Well, at least there's a camera crew to make more money Very bizarre; all of it
  3527. Addison Korevec: For potty training ur pup i suggest using bells and you hang them on the door you let him out of then make him touch the bells so when he gets used to it he will ring them when he needs to go out it worked for my dog and my friends
  3528. Clout Potato: i want a dog so bad
  3529. Gigii: I like bandit
  3530. Heather Mackie: Skeeter.
  3531. KyKyEllis: Name him Cory
  3532. Tuckalicious: Name him dodger!!
  3533. Lesliee Gonzalez: Why I'm I crying though!!! 😭😭😍😍😍😍
  3534. GallatinGirl13: maybe Rover? Buddy? or Dani?
  3535. Ava Costa: Bandana
  3536. julia flynn: his name is shadow
  3537. Anick Leclerc: i think you should name him pine!!!!
  3538. Pretty Boy Forzese: Call him smores
  3539. Jennifer Combe: Can you name him DingleBerry
  3540. Ima Boss: He lookalike a Charles to me idk
  3541. brooke love: NAME HIM KOSTAS!!
  3542. Bloem de Haas: Charlie Brown! I'm getting my puppy in December and we're naming him/her Charlie Brown or Peanut :)
  3543. ItsJames_ Mc: Im so Excited
  3544. Saskia Shields: *Dingle
  3545. Holly Ware: I KNEW IT !!!
  3546. Paige Everingham: How about Phoenix? It's gender neutral and a super cute name. (In my opinion, anyway)
  3547. Potato_Shmo: Or buddy
  3548. Anna Marie: I think Berry would be cute like dingle berry
  3549. Little Potato: Name him dumpling or eclair
  3550. Jennifer Draper: Josh 2
  3551. Kristin D: OMG Snoopy is so cute!!😍
  3552. miriam lopez: buy a puppy kit!!!!
  3553. Ghala Ismail: I thought colleen was pregnat
  3554. Andrei Mallari: joshua: today, im going to be a daddy me: oh my god, colleen's pregnant (joshua talking bout a dog) aw, I really thought coleen was pregnant
  3555. Lauren: Name it moe or snoopy!
  3556. Melissa Carter: How about the name Pip x
  3557. Archie Thomas: Kane or cookie
  3558. Jennica Gloria: Name him DINGLEBERRY
  3559. TeamGelato: Dollar
  3560. Grace M: name him dingle-berry
  3561. Michelle W: Name him Beansy
  3562. Anisa Salihu: I love your dog,I had a dog kind of like your doggie but he is not here anymore i missed him so much😢😢
  3563. Maddie Lowe: Name him DUDE
  3564. Ava Grillo: berry? peanut? Parker? Jacob?
  3565. Amanda Nicole: I have that kind of dog
  3566. Brye World: You should name him Logan
  3567. Rocio Tavera: i have 5 dogs
  3568. Virginia Phelps: I love ya.Good luck.I am so sorry.
  3569. Marisa Crowley: how about buddy i just got a new dog and he is named Buddy
  3570. Adopt Don't Shop!: "River" (The River Jordan) Congratulations!
  3571. asanti g: call him rocko or jordan
  3572. Awen-: Name him little dude
  3573. Jack Peter: +Jillian Sevcik I just haven't had a good experience with shelters. I love the dog and josh and Colleen just not the people with that tv show
  3574. Chloe Smith: Derry like dingleberry
  3575. DIY Mode: Name him Akito😍😍😍
  3576. Gibl 006: Frequent pupdates please
  3577. marlo condict: Colleen's daddy too
  3578. Valorie Papp: Name it Joshleen😂 Btw he's so cute😊🐶
  3579. Lexie Pollon: What type puppy did you get 😍🐶
  3580. - iWebz -: Call him Buddy! Or pancakes
  3581. The Foremans: you should call your dog Eric Bob graham dino or ash
  3582. Emory Gaines: I think buddy is a good name for him
  3583. Micah Panaligan: you should name him Charlie
  3584. Kiwifruit04: Cj C-collen J-josh
  3585. Cheesy Enchilada: Peanut!
  3586. doris g: NAME HIM BROWNIE OR S'MORE
  3587. Madeline Sam: You should name him bandana or woody!!
  3588. Cameran Rae: And I agree with Emma
  3589. Mackenzie barr: You should name him jake
  3590. Eli Fraser: Congratulations!!!! He is so sweet!!
  3591. Sarah S.: He was marking his Territory on his food
  3592. girl please: I think Louie, or Lenny might be a nice name :) He's adorable! He's also In a good home!
  3593. Kawaii_girl66 Gee: Name him Rusty
  3594. Emily Bry: PEANUT BUTTER
  3595. leolaluna: Name him Oliver
  3596. Bella Amato: NAME THE PUPPY BUDDY!
  3597. Emily Orecchio: This is so cute
  3598. Gracie: My pets names are Austin and Lucy
  3599. Lucy Elizabeth: I think you should call him buddy or dude
  3600. aria: -_- I thought...You were becoming...A daddy to a...HUMAN BEING!!!! But dogs are adorable and even better than babies so WHO CARES :DD
  3601. Emily Kay: what kind of dog is he?
  3602. Ana Chavira: What about Kaleb? 👀🙂
  3603. Hayleigh Tanksley: Dingleberry
  3604. Kate Gehlhausen: Name your dog jack please
  3605. Bridget Packey: What type of dog is he? Cuz I think I need to go out and get myself the same one.
  3606. Katya Luzarraga: He's so cute! Josh congrats!!!!!
  3607. Kara Peak: It's 6:30am, I haven't been able to fall asleep yet, and I just had to get back on here because I had a sleep deprived induced moment of genius. You could name him Jackson as a tribute to Michael Jackson since he's one of your favorite artist and performers!
  3608. Sexy Penelope: Name him taco
  3609. The life of kk: Name it joshleean
  3610. S Gill: Barkley
  3611. Dwight Turner: I can see that it was love at first sight.
  3612. Kaylin Drag: I think you should name him Jackson or jack jack
  3613. Rhino's VOLG: You should name him Peanut
  3614. Svetlana Golik: I personally think he's a copper
  3615. Samantha Mae: You should name him Samson! I had a dog named Samson that looked just liked him ❤️❤️💖
  3616. J V: Call him Milo ❤️
  3617. Emma Woody: You should call him Michael after Michael Jackson
  3618. kira_: Call him Bracken!
  3619. Sage Crummett Smith: I think that Ben is a cute name for him. Also because that's your and Colleens little Christmas wooden snowman. And it's also from the Michael Jackson song!!! I love your guy's little family it's amazing!!!💜💜💜
  3620. s731s: also this is a connection to the time when Josh did the shadow tour 😃👍
  3621. Linoy: he should name him buddy
  3622. Grace Buckley: Dogs are so fun!! Congrats❤️❤️
  3623. Julia and Chloe: I hope he ends up getting merch like marbles and Kermit Bc I would totally buy
  3624. Emily Kane: Name him buddy
  3625. Amber Randall: my hamster is called peanut !!!
  3626. Emily Chernikh: You should name him buddy
  3627. Annie: Or buddy Xxxxxxxxxxxx
  3628. the robotic creator: what is his breed?
  3629. Love Princess Nya: Name him like Ollie he looks like an Ollie. Anyway congrats on you guys becoming a mother and father
  3630. adriana hammer: name him buddy
  3631. Lucy S: You should name him Jack :D
  3632. Sydney Williams: That's my dogs name☺️
  3633. Kawaii Unicorn: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM BUBBLES
  3634. Sarah Sansom: Name him Bandana!!
  3635. Natalie Frederiksen: Or just Dude
  3636. Olivia F: Name him mylo or ki
  3637. Sarah Jo: So cute !!!! I feel like you needed this Josh. You seem so lonely when Colleen is out working or on tour. I feel like you needed a little buddy to keep you company. And the puppy seems like a little sweetheart
  3638. jenny chan: Call him spark or paws Spark cause he's always running around and paws because it's just cuteee
  3639. Mallory Crawford: you should name him Winston or Duke
  3640. shortassjaidan: Name it Cosmo because it is mostly black and if you look in his eyes they look like cosmos... 😄 Also, Milo...
  3641. LuLu Jackson: We are the DINGLE BERRYS
  3642. Kelly Ann Day Caron: Hashtag or donut
  3643. Charley McCann: +vargas rachel I'm getting a dog on Sunday from the pound and his name is Buddy!🐶😀
  3644. Savannah P: +onedirectioner123432 I will! And like you said, you don't have to do it too early, every dog owner has a difforent opinion on this topic, I usually wait a while to decide, and if I choose not to i be very careful, not everyone HAS to do it either! I will try to spread the word I will have to find people with dogs to do it though, which won't be hard because I'm a big animal lover!!!!!
  3645. Tea spilled sis: How?
  3646. Yeşim /: Name hım dingleberry
  3647. Paige Werden: Omg 😱
  3648. sadie a: OMG I AM DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3649. Annie Counihan: its likemy dog
  3650. Ambri Devan: I saw Colleen's snap story
  3651. Mia Hutner: +Hannah Tilton I was just gonna say name him dingle😂 +Rebecca Zamolo tell him to name the dog dingle
  3652. Amberr Michelle: Name him Cosmo
  3653. Joey Zuck: Maybe you shade name him Denali it comes from the Native American word for Great One !!!🤔
  3654. Brooke E. Johnson: My kitten is named Pippin from lord of the rings coz my whole family likes that movie, so maybe try thinking of movies/shows you like and then name him off of a characters name! Just a suggestion! Btw he's soooo cute, love you❤️
  3655. lindsey jensen: I think Rudy is a good name for him
  3656. itzjustlaurenmsp: Name him peanut butter cuz it's just cute
  3657. Rebecca :3: Call him Rocko or Rolo
  3658. Niamh Potter: I think some good names for him are: •Marley •Rosco •Rascal •Sebastian •Fernando •Bear •Bailey 💗💗 he's adoreable!
  3659. HoneyBeeMel: Where's colleen?
  3660. Pixel Princess: I LOVE THAT NAME TUCKER
  3661. Kaiya Steyskal: yaaaaa
  3662. Julia: Dingleberry
  3663. Sofia Prendiville: Call him moose its sooo cuuuuuuute!!!
  3664. Space Cat: You should name him Bucky
  3665. Karlee Barlows: That's what I do for my dog :)
  3666. Giuls Gocht: puddles? because he's pees everywhere! 😂
  3667. YuneePug: +Kylie Wakulat ya I dont get it.. lol is it bad??
  3668. Rebecca Power: Omg yes
  3669. Maiya Carter: Joey, Sammy, Jerry, Frankie, Ben or Dougie would be cute names for the lil guy
  3670. e m: Call him Chip or Buddy!! You've been calling him buddy for most of the video!!❤️❤️
  3671. madeline_ the_amazing: Buddy
  3672. C M: Josh what kind of dog is heeee
  3673. Lolo Bell: Oops I commented that before he said i'm not gonna name him kale lel
  3674. Hey It's Hay Hay!: Josh, i think you should name your puppy Brownie.
  3675. Allie Giammona: Awwww he's so happy!💕❤️💗
  3676. Abbey O_O: That's a girls name
  3677. Leila: Joshua Jr.
  3678. Katie Muller: MJ or Jackson
  3679. Lucy Robb: Or Charlie or Checkers
  3680. Bella Haines: Name him buddy or kale or chewy
  3681. Abbey Mcclay: That's my puppy's name
  3682. Glitter4ever17 Rocks: NAME HIM ESPRESSO
  3683. Lane Murphy: i wish that if i clicked the like button a thousand times it would count as a thousand likes
  3684. Alinkaa: I loved the part "lets go on a shopping spree"... With your money 😂😂✌
  3685. Choccoblock MinecraftGirl: Name him biscuit because he look like a biscuit like a little chocolate one
  3686. Charles Pelletier: Name the dog buddy
  3687. coco Roberts: here's a tip to help house train him take him out every 3 or so hours and when he goes to the bathroom outside give him a treat
  3688. Nate. Fun: Nick Luke or Alan
  3689. Samantha Camryn: Omg he should get the dog high top booties😂😂😂
  3690. Hung Pham: Can you name it Eddie, Vincent, or Matt please?
  3691. Prisy: Name him buddy
  3692. Katie Cookie: You should name him peanut because my first dog's name was peanut
  3693. Allie Giammona: +Joseph N 😂😂😂
  3694. Strawberry0676: OMG My parents just got a puppy too. :D And I'm sitting here crying and laughing cause its awesome and funny. :D
  3695. lbsoccer: Maybe name him Trevor or Bubba
  3696. Gabby K: Rascal or Ollie
  3698. Lina Norman: NAME THE DOG FELIX
  3699. Kat Roes: 10 like
  3700. Tryinglittleleg: YES
  3701. ThatRandomCheeseBall YouFindOnTheStreets: You should name him Milo 🐶
  3702. Ashlynn Skettls: i think he's name should be brownie or spencer
  3703. Rachel Xo: Zeuse
  3704. ItsHillary: name him Buddy❤️
  3705. Concetta Gagliano: Coco or buddy or max or mat or matti
  3706. Rachel Johnson: Name him Snickers!!!! The colors fit! :D
  3707. Brooke schwartz: I think a good name would be Charlie
  3708. Madeline B: Congrats Josh!!!!!
  3709. AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: dingle berry or berry dingle.....DINGLE
  3710. Denise van Tol: Call him EmJay, as in MJ as in Michael Jackson😏 or Jackson, so his nickname could be Jackie😍
  3711. hadley ROWLAND: dakota
  3712. Cute Cupcak2004: yassssssss
  3713. Harriet JordanWillis: Bubba
  3714. Lizzie Peach: Aw what a lil' cutie!! You should call him Ben 😊
  3715. lauren hussie: Name him dingleberry
  3716. abigail stiles: SNOOPY IS A GREAT NAME
  3717. Rheanna Clark: I like ranger,bubba,buddy,or snoopy
  3718. Vanessa C: I could not stop laughing when I saw him peeing in his food and you had no idea what he was doing at first. I spotted that right away! your reaction!! 😄😄😄😄
  3719. Alayna Barth: I think you should name him Dude
  3720. Lolly Beichner: getting him a doggy T-shirt might help with the shaking when you go places! it will make him feel more contained and safe!
  3721. halley goben: You should name him South, I think it's a really cute dog name
  3722. Paige Dougher: I think his name should be Bubba!
  3723. 65malcy: U should call him dude
  3724. McKenzie Stowe: You should call him Milo
  3725. Lucinda does Everything: PUPPY!!!!!!🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
  3726. Lily Zorian: Buster or Buddy is cute
  3727. Anjlie Singh: Lighting or junior
  3728. Henry Rahe: why do you call your fans dingleberries? ...just asking
  3729. Megan Magic: I think you should name him buddy
  3730. Alexa Gonzalez: You should call him berry short for dingleberry😊
  3731. Phyll Z: You should name him Mikey😂❤️
  3732. Eoin Delaney: his name should be twix
  3733. Eric Buchheim: Name Him Cooper!!!!!!! He looks like a Cooper! That would be the perfect name!
  3734. Lauren Troudt: Name him Shadow❤️
  3735. Juliana Guarin: name him buddy
  3736. J W: Ralf or ralfie
  3737. Billy O Brien: +Ldbeans my dog is buddy
  3738. Reagan Means: What is his name?
  3739. tia_num 1: +tia_num 1 no problem
  3740. Tryinglittleleg: You should name him Barney!
  3741. Danielle D: Buster, Rocky, Duke
  3742. Jaeden Barlett: You should name him August and for short call him Guss because he looks like a Guss :)
  3743. Jordana McCloy: NAME HIM SNOOPY
  3744. Kaye Baby: Or Spooky
  3745. lefmlm99: Sparky
  3746. Sahnha Kim: Dog names: Cosmo Lucky Kory
  3747. Yun Anna: this dog is so lucky
  3748. Melissa Foley: OMG OMG OMG I HAVE THE SAME EXACT DOG!!!!!!!!
  3749. ktrsmom: Name him Buddy. He will ALWAYS be your buddy. :) Congrats!
  3750. Jayden Miracle: ozzie or Ollie 😊
  3751. Kelly: I like the beard
  3752. christina nachtmann: oh my good he is so cute!!!!
  3753. ddarcy Cook: Call him snoopy 😻😻😻😂
  3754. aiswarya raja: Name it brownie or pepper the puppy is so cute!!❤️
  3755. Claire Elsbury: Here are some cute names I thought of: Toby, Max (you could call him Maxie if you wanted), Banjo, Columbus, Ziggy, Finn, Moose, and Oscar.
  3756. Coconut: They should've brought out a stuff dog that looks like his dog hha
  3757. pancakebbys: u should name him duke cause u called him dude like 30 times
  3758. Raylee Gilbert: i think that u should name him chase
  3759. Mia Hutson: NO!
  3760. Neoud Haile: +Rick Grimes Bread? alright then. Thanks for bread
  3761. AudreyLeigh: Maybe just name him buddy 😊
  3762. Maddy Hill: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM CHIP!!!!! i mean... his eyebrows... how can u not!? its a easy name to say so the three kids(Jacob Parker Bailey) can easily say his name!!!!!
  3763. eva dawson: Toby
  3764. BeckhamBelieves: Name him Bandana!
  3765. Hannah Maston: Names I saw in the comments; Dingleberry Kale Chip Uno Chip Snoopy Names I like; Sleepy Max Murphy
  3766. LPS Lauren: Or toco🌮🌮😂😂😘😘😍😍
  3767. Kaitlyn Kim: Yes!
  3768. Paigee K.: Dachshund
  3769. Lara Zwayne: Keegan McCarthy WHAT WHEN DID THEY ANNOUNCE THAT?!!!
  3770. Luis G Cruz Sierra: You should name it JOSHI
  3771. Emily Paige Essick: kibble
  3772. Millie Bennett: u should name him buddy !!
  3773. bookworm753: what tv show is he talking about?
  3774. Kaiya Steyskal: +Fluffy Unicorn123 they BETTER HAVE KIDS REAL SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3775. Rachel Smith: KALEb
  3776. Selene Sanchez: Snickers
  3777. Victoria: His name should be buddy
  3778. Katie Noel: Congratulations Josh! It's an adventure for sure, but it's so incredible to see them grow up.
  3779. Maggie Speight: 😂😍😱🐶
  3780. Abby Williams: Rocco or rocky
  3781. i quit life: If Rachel was there she would make a plan to steal that cute puppy
  3782. Hannah Linehan: Baylee , I love that name for a dog ❤️❤️
  3783. Hello ._.: You could name him Internet
  3784. Niclas Van Hoeck: name him james
  3785. Stella Vianzon: You should name him Sebastian of Sebi for short
  3786. allie bee: Name him Jordan. After the shoes. Or Cookie. After Colleen's cookies!!
  3787. Sofie Taylor: I can't wait till they have kids I will literally cry❣
  3788. Steph Provchy: Smore or buddy
  3789. Nancy Zuniga: A name for him could be Willie I think it's cute for him
  3790. uilani lia: He looks almost exactly like my puppy, only mine has darker brown. When i saw Colleen post about it I was like why does she have my dog, lol.
  3791. Jesse Bulakites: wuz up Snapchat
  3792. unicorn girl: he already named him shadow watch one of his newest vlogs
  3793. NannyCam: 2 syllable names are good. Jackson may be good since you love MJ so much. Or Dingle. 😏 I rescued my girl 7 years ago. Best decision ever. Congrats pup daddy!!!!!!
  3794. Paris Haque: WOOO. I got a puppy last month. Make sure you give him lots of toys or he will chew on your things. Oh and he will most likely take your socks because they love sweat😂😂
  3795. 5sos trash: You should name him teddy
  3796. Cookie Monster: CALL HIM BUDDY JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a cute name and you call him Buddy
  3797. Panda Bear: Tell Coleen MIRANDA VS DOG
  3798. Emma Porter: You should call him Dog, pronounced dee-oh-gee
  3799. maddy: Name him million
  3800. KerraNicole 9601: Or BuhBuh
  3801. Maktastic: Josh don't worry that kind of dog shivers a lot but finally he'll get used to you❤️
  3802. Equine X: What about Gray or Baxter. Bear possibly?
  3803. just_ranma23: jey jey
  3804. shannon_m _2003: Marley or Ollie
  3805. Kayla McLintock: Call Him buddy or dingleberry
  3806. Kaylee Newmancoville: king
  3807. curlygirl grace: What is colleens opinion on this dog
  3808. Stacy Jackson: name hime dinngle
  3809. Rachel Peltier: CoCo Puff!
  3810. Alyssa D: Or you should call him Swurve because you love him and he is/has swag
  3811. Jessica Borg: i love your dog you are great
  3812. Pablo Moonicoracina: Ken
  3813. Emilee Wren: Name him Bandana or Dinglepup
  3814. Cate Brassard: Name him chill dog
  3815. Cheesy potato: U should name him Buster, Rex or Alfie! I think they r good named for a dog.
  3816. Neon People: Name him Dani
  3817. Brooklyn Renee: Shadow is a good name for him
  3818. Rojan Naimi: bubba is soooo cute
  3819. Care Tap: Hi Josh! I've loved animals my whole life. I have leaned that if you would like to praise him, or make him feel comfortable and safe, talk in a slow calming high-ish voice. Also pick a name that you feel comfortable with and really reflects his personality. I'm sure you will do amazingly well with the new pup. Best of luck, Caroline💜
  3820. georgia Hughes: call him buddy
  3821. ju_tmbr: Mike
  3822. Emmalee Porter: you should name him Reese's cuz he's chocolate black and peanut butter Orange
  3823. Noelia G: Darn it😭😂
  3824. Sharlene Rankin: Name him smokey
  3825. NikkiTime: Idk but he looks like a Mickey to me
  3826. Tovi Phan: +Leila Allen wait where is Colleen?
  3827. Klondike Bar: I have two dogs Benny and auggie
  3828. Hailey Young: If you want him to not bark in his cage, don't give him any attention when he does. It's hard but don't give him eye contact or any sweet voices. Because he will learn that when he barks, he gets something. If he doesn't get anything good out of barking, he will eventually stop. For potty training, it will be harder because he's a boy. He will want to mark around your house. Reward him as much as possible when he goes outside, and punish him in some way when he goes inside. Make sure he knows you are the leader. Also, watch the Dog Whisperer by Caesar Milan. He's a GREAT trainer!!
  3829. jenna&stella: Or Steve
  3830. Averie _ Lopez: His name should be poppy
  3831. dAfoodie101: reece
  3832. chrisi m: +Claire Shi oh okay :D
  3833. MrMarkymark005: Given he's only 5 months, will he continue to grow?
  3834. Sydnee Dallam: I thought that too!!!
  3835. Annalyn Bui: I'm so happy for you and Colleen 😊
  3836. Cheeky Bean 1998: Name him after your family cat that died
  3837. Katie Arnold: charlie
  3839. • Brand-name •: I feel like a fitting name for him could be Cookie. It's just the colour of his fur that makes me think this name. Also, Colleen likes cookies😋🍪🍪
  3840. Olivialoves Reborns: Name him brownie 🐶
  3841. Kellie Griffin: You should call him dingleberry
  3842. Melissa Atteberry: you could name him snoopy! or buster 😂
  3843. Chloe & Cassidy: Im so happy he adopted
  3844. Brianna Peacock: I think you should name him Jake <3 Hes so cute
  3845. Paige Dougher: Or buddy
  3846. Ainsizzle Mynizzle: Bentley
  3847. Ellie Patterson: You should name him Caramel, or Car for short, or Coco, like +ThatYoutubeLife suggested!
  3848. Elite King: Copper
  3849. Sophonie Compas: name him Justin!
  3850. Rosa Newman: call him buddy
  3851. Jill Petty: You should name him Harvey or Leo and his nickname should be wild man
  3852. Eliana Lawrence: You should name him buster!
  3853. Cecilie Meyer: +MJMoonwalks my dog is Called Cody😂
  3854. Lili Austin: Or Rocket:)
  3855. Harry Krinkle: Congratulations, my friend. I've been waiting for this for some time.
  3856. BSmith: name him boopy 😀😀
  3857. Grace CurrFlynn: OMHHHH
  3858. MGS_is_a_UNICORN Lover: Bubby
  3859. Sofia Royale: Bandit would be a good name
  3860. Hannah Panek: You should name him Buddy. That's what have been calling him.
  3861. Addi Flynn: What about Patch? Because he has a little patch under his Chin? Or Gabe 😂😂 That would be Cute!!
  3862. Lindsay Neubeck: Scrappy!
  3863. S S: Name him shadow
  3864. Charlotte Haselroither: Name him dusty
  3865. emmalewrocks: Swerve
  3866. Hal Castrø: Name him bubba😭❤️
  3867. fatniss everbean: all these youtubers are getting new pets and I LOVE IT
  3868. Armau J.: namehim rocky :D also i saw this on snapchat
  3869. Abigail Courtenay: You should have named it Jordan
  3870. Lily Roberts: +Spoinge Bub yey
  3871. Jayde Boucher: Puddles or buttons
  3872. Jizzy Wizzy: U said I love u Lil Buddy.... An dogs are man's best friend. Name him Buddy.
  3873. Txeyoonii: You should name him tank <33
  3874. Super sophie: Who saw Josh's snapchat
  3875. Bailey Gruver: How about buddy #buddy for days
  3876. Avengers Assemble please: Sharon Mcmanus he said u WERE
  3877. sara schultz: He's so cute!!😍 You should name him either bear or cookie
  3878. Maddie Gagalski: josh name him River
  3879. Simran Mangat: Name him Blue
  3880. Mallory Carver: name him bandanna
  3881. Chloe Smith: Peanut
  3882. Hannah Fiveash: Buddy
  3883. Tara Joy: 9,000th comment
  3884. Angel lianna: Bruhh you tricked me😂😭😭😭😭😭😭
  3885. Hannah Harker: MILO!!!! I was gonna name my puppy milo but then I got a female puppy
  3886. Eva Gronewold: Gizmo
  3887. CutiePieIBV: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM gram
  3888. Emily Hatcher: Winston would be adorable
  3889. Abby Campbell: FINLEY (DAILY BUMPS)
  3890. Ruth Ames: Teddy is my dogs name! Haha I dont think he looks like a teddy!
  3891. Lisa Nygaard: You should call him Berry like Dingleberry!!!!!
  3892. Latasha Hedgepeth: Name he Jacob
  3893. Amber Cicilian: I think you should name him either Bandit, Bandana, or buddy 💟🐶💟
  3894. Jk Cooking: Name him buddy
  3895. Stephanie Creel: Name him Blacki please
  3896. Camilla: I think he looks like a Dexter
  3897. Christine Reinelt: Duncan would be a nice name for the puppy
  3898. alyssa x: Terry would be cute!😊❤️❤️
  3900. xGarden of Edenx: teddy
  3901. Abby Bourgeois: Oliver or Oscar???
  3902. Jordan Purnell: OMG name him "bro"
  3903. Just Cheyanne: Charlie, Max, Teddy, or Coco are cute♡But it's whatever you want :))
  3904. Niki: Hey Josh, I'm super happy for you. You seem to be the perfect daddy to this cute lil pup. You're doing an amazing job. People like you need to exist. Loads to love to you, collen and the lil pup. <3
  3905. Kristall_xoxo: Bandana!
  3906. Billy O Brien: CJ!!!! ( Coleen & Josh )
  3907. margo walden: Name him Jet please
  3908. Emily Robertson: NAME HIM KALE CHIP JOSH OH MY GOSH
  3909. claire: Name him Spud or Charlie or Something he's just so cute!!!!!!!!!
  3910. Niki Newtown: Or Joey
  3911. Ophelia C.: Awwwwww, the dog is so adorable!
  3912. Sunshine Sunny: Congrats Josh and Colleen 🐶
  3913. f.u.google: Name him chance
  3914. Abigail Zuniga: Name him rocky
  3916. Niki Vudang: My dog looks exactly the same as your dog but my dogs name is rover
  3917. Mallory Santamaria: FAGGLE
  3918. Aaliyah Tudor: Call him hmm 🤔 how about Blake
  3919. Grace Dix: calvin, max, buddy
  3920. Slytherclaw Gal: How old is he????
  3921. hi hi: tubey
  3922. Paytin Taylor: Beu
  3923. Gabrielle Durnbaugh: do you see the gray hair
  3924. Mackenzie Alonso: NAME HIM JAY!!!! Jay would suit him so much!!! I love you!!!! JAY JAY JAY JAY!!! Please name him Jay!!!!!!!!
  3925. Morgan Mcintyre 0_0: Rockey
  3926. Katie Taylor: Maybe name him Buddy??🐶
  3927. M. Rigsby: bubba is such a cute name
  3928. Lauren Weaver: DOG NAME IDEAS: Otis Bandit Baxter Bubba Boomer Oscar Max Harley Dude Romeo Buddy Jackson
  3929. Gabrielle Dobkin: name him puddin
  3930. Dolan Madness: Since you keep calling him buddy name him buddy
  3931. Ninja Warrior: Name him buddy
  3932. Lilja R: yoy sould name him buddy🐶😍👌🏼❤️
  3933. pilgrim: hahahaha lesson one, barking means take me to pee every 3 minutes
  3934. Lexy: name him Bandit 😍
  3935. Charlie Langlan: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY
  3936. Katelyn Cavazos: name him flash
  3937. Sophia lewis: I dont know if you've named him yet. But I think the cutest name for a male dog is Strider. You could also name him after your favorite tv show character or something. I named by puppy Daisy, after Daisy from Agents of shield
  3938. Johnny P: I love pippin
  3939. Oonagh O Ferrall: Don't give out to him for peeing in the house because then he will think that he can't pee at all and he will get an infection
  3940. Jordan Purrington: YAYAYAYA
  3941. MelyndaLB: Veteran dog lady here and my number one piece of advice is baby gates - just lean them against the door frame to keep him in whatever room you're in :)
  3942. Adita27: What abt the name Milquetoast?
  3943. Emma ruddick: Or buddie
  3944. Kailee Marie: You should name home Henry
  3945. Giuls Gocht: or max
  3946. Cecilie Meyer: +Emily Hockenberry why?- that is my opinion...
  3947. Kyla Dunlav: Name him berry like dingleberry
  3948. Kyle James: Name him max or Kyle
  3949. JadaForever: Cooper!!
  3950. Emma Collins: CALL HIM BUDDY OR HAPPY
  3951. Morgan: josh, the biggest mistake anyone can ever make about adopting a dog is getting the dog a shock collar. don't do that the dog is not trained and only listens when it has the collar on.
  3952. Amelia: Also, I know a lot about dog behavior. FYI - peeing on his food is a way for him to mark his territory. You did the right thing, by saying no while he was doing the act. :)
  3953. Madison Reynolds: +Amber Sophia Sings I have a Rottweiler, if it was a Rottweiler it would be much much bigger by 5 months. It is a jack Russell terrier and beagle mix.
  3954. Queenie Williams: Name him Max
  3955. Annessa Dimkoff: +Faith Kathryn your seriously just commenting on all of people's post for no reason, they more than likely don't care.
  3956. Maly Carlos: Since Josh likes bandanas he should name the little guy Bandy or Bandit! It'd be so cute!
  3957. Mehak Dutta: name the dog JOY cuz he bought a joy to ur life
  3958. Keegan McCarthy: Is that a Manchester Terrier Mix? Because I just got one last week !!
  3959. Rachel Randhir: Max would be good
  3960. Bratic arrow: U should name him Tanner
  3961. Melea Elisabeth: I got my dog 6 years ago he was born on the ninth of August and was just old enough to come home
  3962. Britney Smith: Stitch, ringo, lucky Bc he's lucky he has you, sunny
  3963. lps triplethreat: Yea I'm so excited for you
  3964. Susan Anderson: you should name him pip
  3965. Jeynaliz caban: +Fancy Cookie i had a dog but he died hes name was toby
  3966. RL2389: I have so many name ideas - Cody - Watson - Pavlov :) - Max - Darwin
  3967. Julia Bezouska: what show is he on?????????????
  3968. kaylee medez: Name him the month you and your wife got married. Or name him Tarzan.
  3969. paris pagano: You should name him cookie because he is brow and black
  3970. Alexander Naumchik: Name him paw paw
  3971. Megan Stewart: YES SNOOPY JUNIOR
  3972. Tirzah Doud: that dog is more famous than I am :(
  3973. Cayla Mason: those people at that petsmart seem so nice.
  3974. Lachlan Hadley: Please name him little dude
  3975. Q and A Industry: You should name him Max!!
  3976. Scarlett CC: Call him vidson or bud
  3977. Lucy Brennan: your a mummy and daddy now you got a baby lol he looks adorable !!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
  3978. Taryn Graham: my German Shepherd was named Roscoe
  3979. Ryan Nicely: Name him Marley
  3980. Cotton Hearts: Jack or Jimmy or Jazzy
  3981. Serafina The Rainbow: +Leana Roberts nah
  3982. Just Claudia: NAME HIM CLAUDIA
  3983. The Gorls: What about Fragle after Colleen!
  3984. Skylar Moucheron: you should name him ollie
  3985. Every Other Person: I'm literally dying
  3986. aryann clasby: Fragile
  3987. Frosty: Jerry is a good name....
  3988. fluteloops22: So weird. I've had a Duke and a Roscoe!
  3989. Emma Walker: Foxy
  3990. Rakai Gibbs: Buttercup
  3991. Syeda Akthar: Maybe you should actually name him buddy because that's a cute name. Also you should have a play date with Rebecca's dogs
  3992. SquishyEclipse: I think Charlie suits him
  3993. Catherine B: Name him DingleBerry!
  3994. Mer Edith: Before I got my dog (first pet) I read Be The Pack Leader by Cesar Milan and it helped EXPONENTIALLY in training him. I get compliments all the time how he's the best dog someone has met. I highly recommend it!!
  3995. MX. BÖWŁËGG: cooper is a good name
  3996. Estefania Gonzalez: How does Buddy sound?
  3997. Rachel Millar: Name him Sammy, it's such a cute name that will suit his little heart. Bless your soul Josh
  3998. Shopatimage Display: u should name him cookie
  3999. Kennna: Max would be a perfect name! Or Milo:)
  4000. Kelsey D: I like that you said "hey dingleberries" and looked down hahahaaaa
  4001. Elton Strother: name him Rachel
  4002. Ash: I absolutely love that you got a dog but I kinda bugs me when mat said he's going to the right place unlike some people, I mean animal shelters are overflowing and sadly many people don't even think to go to one. I'm not saying that josh should have not gotten the dog. It would just be better if more people looked at a shelter first
  4003. Raina Luing: Call him Pancake!!!!
  4004. Mariana González: Name him Max!!!
  4005. claire horn: name him bandit
  4006. Jenniferx3Nguyen: Cooper!!!!
  4007. Leoni Ellis: you could name him million?!
  4008. Emily Ann: Rascal
  4009. Rockstar Sara: buddy its the cutest
  4010. Liliana Mandel: or name his Milton
  4011. Rosie 37: he is so cute, I think chief would be a cute name for him! 😍🐶
  4012. Riky G: NAME HIM BUDDY
  4013. sillytime b: I'm so happy for you yaszssss Josh yass
  4014. sara xx: He's 100% a buddy x
  4015. Louis DeFilippi: Astroal
  4016. ahtziri soltero: name him bubba
  4017. Merslaydez/Mercedez Benz: Name him fraggle so he can remind u of Colleen, or Snoopy, LOVE U JOSHUAAA
  4018. Kim Parker: name him copper
  4019. Blessing Watts: Fraggle
  4020. Nicole Piro: Name him MAX
  4021. Amanda Dirpes: Name him J-dog! Like Joshua=J and he's a dog
  4022. Kameryn Trejo: you should name him "Ace" so people can nickname him "Aceypoo" and cute stuff like that!!😍
  4023. Jennifer Parra: I have a mix of Chihuahua and and Yorkie
  4024. Sarah Everett: gozell had her baby
  4025. Adrianna Bieber: My puppy's called Toby😇❤️❤️
  4026. Kylie Wakulat: +H Gruenbaum ROWAELIN?!?!?!
  4027. Shanika Adams: Name him Blake
  4028. Emily: Chris
  4029. Julie El-Deiry: Call him buddy, cuz he'll still answer to bud or bubba or things similar to that(I have a dog names Rudy. We call him ri, wushy, rude, dish, wish, dish, wishy woo,etc.)
  4030. Emily N: THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT ASWELL because of dingleBERRY
  4031. Ok Hayhay: name him owen , binks , Fenton
  4032. Lyndsee Hope: I'm so glad you guys got a dog ❤️😘😍😁 I can't wait for the adventures with your new family ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you guys
  4033. rena cliiifforrdd: Duncan, Leo, orrrrr, Jaspar. <3 He's so adorable Josh <3
  4034. TheUglySweaterBOOKS: Bandana and call him dani
  4035. Sally McNuget: Yeah, I love that. It reminds me of good people.
  4036. Harriet JordanWillis: Buddy
  4037. Kameron Sauve: WHAT TIPE OF DOG IS THAT?
  4038. Lashanti Nyakambangwe: Cute
  4039. Kaeli Davies: you should name him kid 😂😂
  4040. Angela Duhamell: Black brown white Oreo or milkshake they fit him
  4041. -Th3Jiggl3r: What kind of doggie is it? What breed? Looks like a Rottweiler ❤️
  4042. Lucy Thompson: What about rocky or j
  4043. Grace Smith: Bosco is a great name just consider it that's what my dogs name was he was a great dog and he lived a great life and helped all our family through so much and then he past away when he was 12 and he lost feeling in 3 legs
  4044. dan: 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏🐕🐶
  4045. Simply Aimee: +Makenna Smith yes
  4046. Adventures With Joshua: You should name him snickers
  4047. Julia Hawkins: he should be named Fudge , Minnie J(Minnie Josh),or Kodey
  4048. Fish Forever11: you should name him Charlie
  4049. Krazy_ rayray: Reese's
  4050. Margarita Venskytė: you should name him Snupy
  4051. Emily Soverns: What breed?!? It looks like a min pin (Mini Pinscher)
  4052. Brooke: I CRIED THRU THE WHOLE VIDEO😭😭 I freaked out when Colleen said you guys originally liked chocolate labs. I love labs but any breed of dog is amazing !!!
  4053. Nessa _Vanessa: I think you should name him buddy 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  4054. Triona Cogan: name him Kayne or Kane
  4055. muazana.raymond: buddy or tiddles
  4056. Michelle Zoey: Name Suggestions: Cody, Ollie, Oliver, Finn
  4057. abrook22: Name him snickers
  4058. Emily Cross: Or Moose. I love them both❤️ and I am so happy for you guys!
  4059. my self: name him jev?
  4060. Takiya Williams: Blues clues💀
  4061. Vivian Browne: NAME HIM AUGUSTUS
  4062. Simone: Georgie is a good name. Or Piggy.
  4063. Alexandra Nounna: Call him BANDANA
  4064. AG Sprinkles: Name him Murphy
  4065. Sarah Flowers: So happy
  4066. x: i legit cried😍😍😍
  4067. Manami Ellison: What about joshelln sorry if I spelled that wrong
  4068. Jordyn Burns: You should call him shadow
  4069. ryleah herrington: Hey josh! He looks like a Sam❤️
  4070. Hannah Dalmolin: Bandit❤️💙
  4071. Grace Anderson: NAME HIM BANDANA
  4072. Annie B: How old is he?
  4073. **Unknown**: buddy?
  4074. MARIE JACKSON: call him shadow
  4075. Junior Langlais: YES
  4076. Gracie Menezes: name him kobi
  4077. Camilla K: Name him Dingleberry
  4078. D3 Tv: Josh.. do not bring him to a dog park. alot of puppies die from parvo which is a very deadly disease and can be carried by adults but they won't be affected. Please leave the dog close to home away from older dogs because he can get the disease and die
  4079. Kaiya Steyskal: whoever the heck of the 47 peeps who disliked this video u are crazy cra
  4080. Charley McCann: +Raylee Gilbert I'm getting a dog from the pound on Sunday called buddy!
  4081. maddie thibodea: You should name him berr like dingleberry
  4082. leah lorraine: this was such a big decision, and Colleen had no part in it whatsoever...?
  4083. Anna Meraz: bro
  4084. Sophie S: Joey or Willie.
  4085. Mvvk28: YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4086. Danisnotonchairs 101: You should name him Boris ♥️♥️♥️
  4087. Kaylyn Abbott: Name him scout.
  4088. Ashlee Testerman: You should name him Tobey
  4089. Gabriela Rodriguez: That's perfect!
  4090. tornadoeful: Name your puppy Jackson or bubba!!
  4091. Gerardo S: DADDY
  4092. Jaden Hendren: You tube nick name tube
  4093. dangermouse716: I think you should name hime vloggie 🐕🐶📷📷
  4094. 123_mıa_321: u should name him....Aron?
  4095. taylor ☼: Omg Toby would be great
  4096. Unicorn Sparkles: He look's like a Teddy or Timmy to me HE'S SO CUTE!😊
  4097. Derek Cunningham: First and foremost, thanks for your music/covers. I also appreciate JoshuaDTV promoting itself as a place where I can be myself and be accepted for it. Secondly, as a person who grew up with pets of all kinds including a dog, and as a husband and an actual father of three (kids, as in three human kids), I will never understand how anyone can try to equate having a pet to having an actual child, or saying that you are becoming a father by adopting a pet. It's ridiculous, really. And you say in this video that you feel like you're in the hospital in the waiting room...? That's just silly, immature and ignorant. I'm saying this from the perspective of having been in both the waiting and delivery room as an expecting parent, as well as a medical professional. Don't get me wrong, God bless you for loving an animal and adopting it as your pet. But a father and child you two are not. I'm sure we have respectfully differing opinions on the matter, and this is mine.
  4098. Zeus and Illyanna: Me and my husband adopted a German Shepard in May of 2014. Two month after we moved into our apartment. 4 months later we found out we were pregnant with our first child. Now we have a beautiful baby girl and a sweet fur baby.
  4099. BSmith: or doug
  4100. Danis Art: Peanut or bandan/bandana
  4101. Hannah Neill: Butternut
  4102. Olivia Thomas: Max
  4103. CatieBVB1419: how about Fraggle or Jackson or Timberlake
  4104. Marie T: You should name him Dingleberry 😂😂
  4105. Emily Cowley: I would name him dodger.
  4106. CJ Bauer: Name him, Jacob😊
  4107. Soren Isobel: Why don't u call him buddy I mean it kinda works since that's what you've always called the lil guy
  4108. Abi rose Duncan: +Abi rose Duncan mister
  4109. Cherryl Hernandez: he grew a beard in a weak cool
  4110. Rosabell Younan: I think you should name him Mickey!!!!
  4111. American Horror Story: Apocalypse: i have four dogs, two of which are shar pei's and are mother and son, the mum is 9 and her name is bella. her son is 7 and his name is george, she had a litter of 6 in 2009 and in 2013 we got piglet, he's a cross between a pug and a king charles cavalier, he's 3 and bert is almost 2, we got him in late 2014 n i hope bella pulls through her cancer removing surgery tomorrow, *Bella, Geroge, Piglet and Bert love you, go rescue a dog*
  4112. Olivia Vizza: I have a Black lab named ruby, and if we got another dog we would name it Max (get it? max and Ruby? Like the show?)
  4113. Sarah Burgen: Name him Sammy!
  4114. alex Cano: tell Colleen to check her po. box
  4115. Anon Ymous: He looks like a Carl
  4116. Jaime Barbieri: Brownie,chicken nugget, max, lolo, lala,cookie
  4117. kassie Thompson: NEVER BEEN EARLY
  4118. ANDREA JONESS: how about Lil' Buddy
  4119. Emily And Dona: my dog daisey looks like him but she is all white and she can grow really fuzzy hair but we shaved her for the summer they have the same little face😍
  4120. Derpy Sister's: you should call him Jr. Josh
  4121. Riley McDaniel: Woah, last time I was this early Jared Leto was still emo.
  4122. gio: Name him Otis! OMG that would be beautiful
  4123. sarahstuff music: I AM SO HAPPY AWWWWW
  4124. Morgan Aubel: no
  4125. Jean Park: Does anyone have a good idea for a name for a pug that is a girl?
  4126. Alexandra Young: you should name him sneaker!
  4127. Jezz: Call him buster or buddy
  4128. Tori Grace: Rocky!
  4129. WhatsHerNamex3: Name him Dale!
  4130. Emily Reetz 23: I think you should name him (Lucky)!!🐶
  4131. Kaylans1: Name him jack for your love for Michael Jackson!
  4132. Jessica Smith: Michelangelo is a good name cause he seems like a goofy and playful dog
  4133. Audrey Grace: You can name him Barry because we are you're dingleberries
  4134. Anonymous Person: Ziggy is a cute name too!
  4135. Malia Paulino: name him bug omg
  4136. Cameron Lebbon: Toby
  4137. Anonymous A: Why does your beard have white in it
  4138. Alyssa Crossfield: I have a feeling you should name him Sparky (you've probably named him by now bc I'm late) because he's shaking (that doesn't nessesarly mean he's energetic but hey, it's a nice name) and because it's a cute name and it suits his look. Or name him Simba???
  4139. Mia’s Stans: Milo
  4140. Deborah Gonzalez: name him dunkin
  4141. Thatequinegirl: Name him sandy
  4142. Dance Lover: Or cookie
  4143. Bridgette Tauro: Name him ranger or wrangler ps ilysm❤️
  4144. Flannel Acres: Tip: Every time (EVERY TIME) while he pees or poops, say to him, "Go Potty" or "Do your business" and then when he gets older he will go on command. Comes in handy when you are short on time and need the dog to go potty before you go somewhere.
  4145. Chidaalu Frosch: Kennedy!
  4146. m o o n a e s t h e t i c: CALL HIM dingle berry
  4147. Salaheddin Iraki: I thought a baby from colloen
  4148. Study Ash: Call him Buddy!!!
  4149. alisha Sharma: hey tyler :)
  4150. fluteloops22: Awwwww Josh you made me cry!! I just adopted our new kitten from PetSmart Charities 4 days ago. Rescuing an animal is such a selfless thing to do. Congrats to you and Colleen!! ❤️❤️
  4151. Deria Yavora Asenova: Name him Dingo
  4152. Mary Colomaio: Henry!
  4153. Emily H: Name him kale!
  4154. Channel Elle: I think you should name him Evan or Bandana
  4155. Donna Marie: Thank you for adopting!!
  4156. Lauryn H.: name him coco?
  4157. Aniela Aragon: I have three dogs there names are ginger, cinnamon and mudd
  4158. Zoe: You should name him shark
  4159. Lxnely Mxxnlight: Cooper is a nice dogs name!!!
  4161. Mallorie Mae: Yay!!!!!!!
  4162. yrb. lex: Where is colleen?
  4163. Terri Fenwick: Totally made me tear up ... such a sweet meeting and moment.  Congrats on the new addition to the Evans family.  Awwww :)
  4164. Evelyn Mae: since you always end your videos with "Au Revior" which is french, you should name him Ami (a way of saying friend in french)
  4165. Eva Katherine: Aw he's adorable! Congratulations!
  4166. siahna newland: rex, buddy or socks
  4167. Fangirl3: Name him buddy!!!
  4168. 235 Giraffes: I thought he was going to say that Colleen is pregnant
  4169. Ol’IronKidneys: is that grey I spot in his beard
  4170. Harriet JordanWillis: Pico
  4171. Leilanee Reyes: Yay you got a puppy EAK !!!!
  4172. sksksksk aakakaka: +Keeze OMG lol I, dying rn
  4173. Izzy Bzzy: James😂😂😂❤️😍📱
  4174. Natalie Wells: y'all should name the dog lovebug. That would be so cute!! :)
  4175. Jackie Garcia: name him rosco!!!
  4176. madilynn cox: My dog has the same harness
  4177. Alexspaingames: Adorable
  4178. Olivia M: He looks like a chip or a scout to me <3
  4179. Ruth Hamill-stewart: I'm not really good on names but I'm thinking Chester
  4180. Sami Underwood: Eliot
  4181. Melissa: buddy would be a nice name :D
  4182. MoPro Lack of Uploads: Name him Kale!!!!!
  4183. Jennifer Blouin: Auk should name him August and Auggie for short because you got him in August LIKE IF YOU AGREE!!!
  4184. Tanner Tot: AWWWW
  4185. Regina Sanchez: You should name him chow main
  4186. christopher payne: Why is there no sound at the end ????
  4187. Greta Chase: tucker!!!
  4188. Allison Meredith: How about Julian? It's kind of like July, the month Josh and Colleen got married!
  4189. Jack Peter: Omg he adopted a dog like it's not a big deal. Just love the dog and shut the fuck up
  4190. Mckenna Lyn: cooper
  4191. Rebecca Noemi Downey: shadow
  4192. Americas Harrington: name him joshleen
  4193. morgan krieger: name him rocky
  4194. Aleksandra Dzierzak: Name him Snoopy!
  4195. Bianca Roberts: what about Rocky or Chewbacca and call him Chewie because he's a dog.
  4196. Jess Guariglia: Name him Peanut!
  4197. Natalie: omg when u said shocker 😂😂😂😂
  4198. Niya Salters: jo🐪🐶🐕
  4199. Kacey Hardy: Awww congratulations Joshua! You are officially a father to your puppy! Your puppy looks absolutely cute and adorable!😍😍❤️
  4200. Queent Chicken: +JennyFur THANK YOU...
  4201. MindTalker: he lookes just like my dog but mine is way smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4202. Kayleigh X: Did he name him shadow after him julien and arnold xD
  4203. superflyriri: You should name him Berry (Dingle Berry), Milo (1 in a million), or Fraggle or Snoopy!!
  4204. Audrie Minecraft: dogs like to lick jeans
  4205. Abby 99: Yessssss
  4206. Madison Clarke: Name him Dingle!!! like if u agree!!!!!!!
  4207. Lia Y: Also taking him on normal car rides often are good. :)
  4208. PENNYWISE IT: If your dog is a boy you can name him Bobby and if it's a girl you can name it Cloe
  4209. Skylar Reich: Name him Dale cause it rhymes with kale
  4210. Michaela Johnson: name him buddy
  4211. Lizzi Luminate: Idk why but he looks like an Oliver to me. Or Otis!
  4212. Christian Cora: Name him Buddy
  4213. Crystal bh10: congrats josh
  4214. Mackenzie Rogers: Max
  4215. Karrea Matson: You need to get him neutered
  4216. To0c0OLFOY0u: He looks like a Max to me!
  4217. Samantha Smith: one HUGE TIP is that the puppy will want to run and play. i learned the hard way that the best way to get them tired is to take them on a walk. and how i got my puppies to learn their names was to call them from a foot away to come. it will take a while but they will learn their name
  4218. Esther jennanda: The lil puppy is gonna have the best home!
  4219. btw. its.hallie: Why don't you name him buddy, I think that would quite suit Him
  4220. Chris Morales: Your old
  4221. Emily Gettman: Name him Buddy
  4222. Dayna _Dances: I like Charley since it's your best friends name
  4223. Steph: awwww do you have any idea the breed/s he is?
  4224. nearlyhuman: He looks like a Rosco ;) I just have the urge to unload all of my puppy knowledge on you as I have had many pups over the years and every time I see someone with a puppy I just want to give them very piece of information as I can. So Ill list a handful of things I feel is important for you to know as a new dog owner! - Never let him out of your sight and ALWAYS be suspicious as to what he's eating and whats hes doing when you don't immediately see him. Our trainer has said its a good idea to tether your puppy to you with a leash or thin rope at all times so you never loose him and if he does something naughty you can say no and give the lead a gentle pop so he knows that what he did right then was wrong (if you can't see him and he's being bad like eating a shoe he won't get that correction so he won't know its wrong you have to correct him in the moment because afterwards it won't teach him anything) -puppies need to go outside 24/7. After a nap (even 5 minutes) he needs to go out, after play time he needs to go out, if he just drank a lot of water he will need to go out very very shortly, if he whimpers take him out. Kenneling him while you're away/unable to watch him will keep him from getting in trouble and peeing all over the house. An accident in the crate is much easier than anywhere else, he will eventually learn that he doesn't want to potty in his space. And I know having him in your bed seems like the best idea ever and I'm not saying you can't but I DO NOT recommend letting him sleep in your bed or be in your bed for extended periods because he WILL pee and poop there. Sometimes the simple motion of being lifted onto the bed will make him pee upon being set down. Wait until he can consistently hold his bladder for several hours before letting him sleep with you, which will be a couple of months. Keep him in a kennel at night. - Keep your floor clean of debris! If you have lots and lots of toys and bones and such for your dog all over the floor, but also have your clothes, shoes, random wires, gear and whatever else on the floor as well he won't be able to distinguish between what he can have and what he can't. "That sock is on the floor too, right by my stuffed squirrel, that means its for me too!" Watch out for stuffed animals sometimes they try to ingest the stuffing and that can be fatal. Earlier this week my 2 year old spitz had picked up a tie tab from the bread that had fallen on the floor and was choking on it, I had to put my hand in her throat to pull it out and it had cut her gums and we ended up at the emergency vet because i was scared she had cut the inside of her throat. - Harnesses are a no no. They do not help a dog that pulls. It only encourages them to pull harder. Think of huskies pulling a sled, the harnesses HELP the husky to pull not to keep from doing so. Teach him right away that pulling is never the right idea, if you start teaching him from the moment of his first walk you will save yourself so much trouble I promise from the bottom of my heart! Also discourage any and all barking as soon as it happens because once this habit sets in it is very hard to get them to stop later on and can become a very serious issue. - I know you got him from a friend at petsmart, but I just don't care for their training methods. I strongly encourage you to seek outside training as soon as you have your shots. We have used Astro Kennels ever since our first puppy. Now I volunteer there weekly. If there is one near you I recommend them to the highest degree, but there are lots of great dog trainers who will make your money worth it. - Do not coddle him when he is barking or is scared, that only encourages him to act that way. Tell him no or make that 'at at' sound, then praise him when he is calm. DO NOT pick him up either. This is the biggest mistake that small dog owners make, it makes the dog feel bigger and in more control, that is not what you want. Use sit as a correction once he knows it and praise him when he does. - And remember this is a dog. He is not human. He thinks like a dog, acts like a dog, and IS a dog. While he is your baby and you want to treat him as so, just remember he is overall an animal and cannot be expected to act any other way. Remember the three F's of training: Be FUN! Be FAIR! Be FORGIVING! Be consistent too! This is all I can think of right this moment but have fun with your puppy! I hope any of this helps you or anybody else! I can answer any questions as well! I am not a professional but I am very experienced.
  4225. Anna Elise: I have a felling no one is going to like this name but he looks like a guppie to me. I rescued a dog and his name was gunner and he already knew t so we couldn't change it and that's one of his nick names but that dog looks like an actual guppie to me
  4226. Burnt Marshmallow: How about Brownie? I've always liked that name.
  4227. Aóibh _: I have a chocolate Labrador!! :D
  4228. Mack Faith: Just saying my half brothers name is kale so...yup
  4229. Gigi M.: I swear if colleen has a daughter he is going to be the best dad 💓💓
  4230. Shaniya Gilbert: I think you should call him buddy
  4231. LottieB123: You should call him Brody or 'bro' for short seen as that's what you called him the entire vlog. He's so cute!
  4232. Mikey_kill _zzz: Call him Noah becuz you wanted to name your children Noah and Lilly
  4233. Tedi Pajeva: I think s'mores is a really cute name. 😂
  4234. Jazmin: Omg call him Drake I thought you called him drake but you said drink and now I think he should be called drake 😂😂
  4235. Hazel O'brian: Bring him to pet smart training classes...I'm bringing my dog to the classes,it is sooooooooo worth every penny
  4236. Minaj Nicki: Name him Jackson
  4237. Rachel Larson: name him Roscoe
  4238. Jazzy1357901: is it a doberman cuz I I have one and it looks exactly the same
  4239. The Sammy Show: So happy you guys got a pet to add to your family!!
  4240. _ia_: Coco.
  4241. Trash: what about Jack
  4242. Annalina: He looks like my dog ruby
  4243. Skaisy: name him Alphonso or Wilbur if u want
  4244. Catherine D17: or baba😀
  4245. Anja Dundov: A husband that is holding back tears over a dog... no words... perfection
  4246. Lyndsay Hathaway: name him Dingle berry or buddy
  4247. Reyna Morales: I have a chocolate lab named twix! he's my pop pops
  4248. NikkiTime: That's my suggestion for a name!!
  4249. Loki Masetlwa: Josh Jr.
  4250. Melanie Rousseau: Awwwwwww so cute!!!! I think a good name would be Bandana man or Dingleberry.
  4251. Pixel Princess: NAME HIM TUCKER
  4252. nicholas wilbur: Shadow is s great name. Also my puppy is named Shadow and his sisters name is Luna.
  4253. TheMagentaPuppy: Erin and Aaron is not the same thing. Aaron is pronounced Air-in, and Erin is pronounced Eh-rin.
  4254. Madison Hadley: What breed is he?
  4255. Carrie Jones: Yayyyyyy ❤️💕😍
  4256. emily belkey: EVERYONE LIKE THIS SO JOSH SEES IT // Hey, if he has a smol blatter,, get puppy pads
  4257. Chidaalu Frosch: Taz, Luke, or Ken
  4258. emily: name him shadow!! copied it form someone else's comment but it's a great name!!!!
  4259. funky gal: Or CP because is black like coca and a light brown like peanut butter
  4261. Alia Elsemary: Name him buddy 😄 since colleen calls him bubba
  4262. Spongeykitten MC: What about colleen does she agree
  4263. a bowl of clam chowder: Name him Bandit!!!! Cuz he stole your heart! Not my idea BTW.
  4264. Hannah Ramsey: NAME HIM FRAGGLE
  4265. Abbey Shoo: You should name him Grey or Greyson
  4266. Alyssa Davy: Name him Buddy
  4267. sara kendall: you should name him mouse!
  4268. Eshla DAY: Call him Kid! Or Buddy!
  4269. Avery Licata: Name him macho
  4270. Veronica Lopez: But there's a dog in the thumbnail?
  4271. Vishal Ramdhani: I think he likes Colleen more than you Josh. 😭
  4272. Princess Rarity: When I saw the title I thought that Coleen is pregment 😂😂😂😂
  4273. Samantha Mattox: Journey
  4274. Eva Paterson: Name him buddy!!
  4275. Emily Weiss: I can't wait to see your reaction when you do have kids!! 😌😍
  4276. Vanessa Amaral: Get a cat for Colleen birthday
  4277. George Borba: You should name him Caden/ Kaden/ Cade/ Kade
  4278. Anabel Fitzgerald: Name him Conner because he looks like a Conner
  4279. Jess I-/: Name him Dingleberry!!!!
  4280. max: You should name him archy
  4281. Gabs x: +Sam Fuerbringer my cats name is teddy as well
  4282. Cierra N: Bandanna
  4283. pll PLL: I want a puppy so bad😩😭😭
  4284. Tori Booth: name him moose. or rocko
  4285. Catie Orr: Call him Cocoa
  4286. Emma: you know i saw glitter on you face
  4287. Zoe B: Name him Max
  4288. roro Letourneau: Name him bubba ❤️❤️
  4289. julia manzeke: I thought when he said he was going to be a father he was gonna have a baby
  4290. Nouha Ghattas: Name him cookie🐾
  4291. Kelly Rodriguez: Name him Toby or Tommy
  4292. Stationary girl: name him buster.
  4293. Hannah Ramsey: FRAGGLE
  4294. Anya Wagoner: Name him "Little Dude" <3
  4295. Jasmine Villarreal: Call him. " ROCKO"
  4296. Mallory Santamaria: FAGGLE
  4297. Hannah123: Or rocky
  4298. Havana Elephant: I think he should be called jojo because I always think jojo is such a cute name for a small dog
  4299. Emilyss Ruiz: dark chocolate if you agree
  4300. Caralyn Calabrese: Ya!
  4301. Monica Parmer: his beard tho
  4302. sarah elizabeth: you should name him pumba from the lion King
  4303. Maddie Bell: Macks
  4304. Pedro Barboza-Soto: Or orewa
  4305. Saracha: He looks like a toby
  4306. Breanna Lake: I've been waiting for this video for a long time😂❤️
  4307. Rachh xo: I think you should name him Max
  4308. TheUnicornQueen: You may have named him but I've been at camp all week so I haven't seen this name him Beaux that was my cabin name
  4309. Lemila Vids: MILLION OR MILO
  4310. livvy Jaynes: Orrrrr Jackson
  4311. Samantha Schwartz: Name him Buddy!!!!!!!! BUDDY
  4312. Ashlyn: simba
  4313. Abagail Byrne: You and Colleen will be amazing parents when you have children 💙 I love you both 💜💋
  4314. Takota Grace: he should name him Jackson since his favourite singer is Michael Jackson 😊😊
  4315. Ashley 4 Eva: toby
  4316. leah seyfried: I think the dog should be Rex
  4317. Yailin Rosa: buddy is a nice name tho
  4318. Ethxreal Edits: name him Bandit =)
  4319. Sage: I legit cried the whole time
  4320. Madison Stinson: Snoop or Fraggle
  4321. Elizabeth Napier: Name him Smokey!!!!!!🐶🐶 Or Shadow!!!!! 🐶🐶
  4322. Chris Edmonds: name him shadow
  4323. Katie A: You should name him Miles!
  4324. Caroline Pochat: Bandana
  4325. Chrissy S: Breed??
  4326. mallory: OMG YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! What does Colleen think about this!
  4327. chxrlished: NEIL!1! CALL IT NEIL PLEASEESESEES
  4328. O H: Awwwww!!!! I have a dog and he is a black and white cockapoo named phoenix he is the most adorable thing in the world!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I spoil that dog like there is no tomorrow!!! Feel free to contact me with any questions❤️❤️❤️
  4329. Amanda Mitchell: +Lucypopstar32 Just because its so cute!! Everytime I see a dog I just fall in love lol wasnt meant to be mean 😂
  4330. Maya DiMino: Cooper, oscar, or milo
  4331. Kedist Beyene: Jacob or Parker or Joshua Jr. or Chris
  4332. Avery Ziegelbein: Name him berry as in dingleberries
  4333. LOL THESSE: How about lil'dude?
  4334. Amy Lewis: I'm getting a puppy called buddy or copper what do you thinks better for a labradoodle
  4335. Morgan Olsen: How does colleen feel about him? :)
  4336. Joceline Portillo: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️💛💛💙💙💜💙❣💕💓💟💟💘💗💖💝💟💓💕❣💚❤️💙💜
  4337. Victoria Monroy: I also like the name max like if u agree
  4338. funneh and the krews biggest fan: lucky
  4339. Haha: Name him Oreo
  4340. Sully G: Please name him Toby 😌
  4341. Angharad Long: I think max would be a great name for him josh
  4342. Karina Schumm: Name him Jynx or Little Bit
  4343. Dori Crawford: Name him justin
  4344. Taylor Jeurissen: My mom likes Pepé!
  4345. Christine James: Name your dog Oliver!!! Or Cadence!!!
  4346. Reese M: Name him nike like the brand
  4347. Genesis McGruder: Omg the good is so cute!!!😍😍😍
  4348. mounika khan: you should name him Otis!!
  4349. Samantha Jane: You should name him Dingle'Barry' and the nickname Barry??? or DJ for Dingleberry Jr.
  4350. alison aj: you should name him kid or kidd
  4351. Isabel Freitas: name um dingleberry
  4352. anya bulch: What kind of dog is he?
  4353. Allie Giammona: I like joey❤️
  4354. Kaitlyn: Oscar
  4355. L Schachner: Jake
  4356. Ashley Denny: Oowewwwwwwww he's so cute!!!
  4357. Rajesh Mathura: 🤕😭😭😭😭🙃😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  4358. Audrey Glaser: Or Marcus
  4359. carolyn Downey: BRODY
  4360. Kia Stephens: Name him buddy since you always call him that and it's a cute name
  4361. Hailey Anderson: Name him Peanut bc he looks like a peanut butter cup please please please
  4362. Ella Hensell: name him dude or buddy because that what you kept saying to him, " Hey dude", "Hey buddy."
  4363. Americas Harrington: or name him millon
  4364. Heather C: Josh looks chubbier
  4365. Freya Dahlgren: you should name him Charlie!
  4366. Betsy Winky: You should name him berry for dingleberry 😀😀
  4367. Joey Adamson: Name him Joey. I just had to try...
  4368. Dylan Seba: Name him Oreo or Cookie
  4369. Maisy Towner: Coco , Louis, Archie , Kieran , Benji , Blake , chip , lucky , Chase , Seb (Sebastian)
  4370. Monica Parmer: NAME HIM THUNDER
  4371. Suzanne G: OMG! Adorable!! Congratulations on your new puppy!
  4372. Esmeralda Fernandez: Skinner
  4373. laur sharpe: KFBDJCVSJWVWIAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I WANT HIMMM!!!!
  4374. Nicole Mongan: Name him Scott,Buddy or Max
  4375. Lizzie Mae: Call him kyd
  4376. llCakeloverll 2999: Could you name him Brownie?
  4377. AJ Fox: oh my gosh, im so sorry! I know how u feel. my dog died a year ago and he had cancer. he was 10 and a carin terrier. he was my little buddy, my tough guy, my best friend, and brother all rolled into one. Mans best friend? how about girls best friend!
  4378. Lana Pudic: YEAH😁😁 Lucky or Happy😄
  4379. Lillian Rosario: Zion. Jasper. Milo. Roman. Beau. Nico. Ezra. Mowgli. Aslan. Hunter. Rover. It's so rare that I comment on channels BUT I am extremely passionate about dogs.. This dog is making me melt.. And my heart would explode knowing I helped inspire you guys in naming your pup! :D
  4381. Money: he looks like a jake
  4382. Scarley Warley: Call him Buddy since u have been calling him that loads and it really suits him💖😍
  4383. Ava Diaz: Gizmo
  4384. pizza,wifi, then i'm good: he is so cute!!!!!🐕
  4385. brooklyn labelle: he might sleep bark
  4386. Remy James: I've always heard Remy was a pretty sweet name for a dog. Not just saying that because it's my name, I'm say that because people are always like " Remy? Isn't that a dogs name?" NO ITS GAMBIT FROM THE XMENS NAME!!
  4387. Mindy Flood: I think you should call him Bubba
  4388. Rebecca Spurgeon: I think its cute you call him Buddy because that is actaully my dog's name
  4389. ChocolateCake: Call him Sneakers!!! <3   <3   <3
  4390. Irene Ramos: I like the name bingo , rock, or rocket
  4392. Annie Belle: YES!!!!!!!
  4393. Allison Marie: call him Baba or Buddy
  4394. Freya Morgan: you should call him buddy
  4395. shaikha al thabbahi: Franky or hunter
  4396. Marina Scott: He was cold not scared when he was in the car
  4397. Emma Sinfield: Buddy
  4398. Liv Scroggs: Ziggy
  4399. Rebecca Smith: Josh why not call him Bobby because it a cool 😎 and nice name
  4400. Kylie Atkinson: CHARLIE
  4401. Quin Jamin: some names are Little Dude, Spike, Dexter, Hot Dog, chocolate, chief
  4402. Nora. Trembley: Buddy or Bandit.
  4403. Peep: name him milo or toby
  4404. Krista Mitchell: what type of dog is he?!!
  4405. Scarlett CC: Or russel or ruscle
  4406. dschackkk_: btw don't give him rawhide, it makes the dog acquire a taste for leather, so if you have any leather in your house.. he will eat it
  4407. Maddie Smith: yes!
  4408. Sierra Voyles: aww a cute name for him I think would be rascal
  4409. instatube 112: you should call him Jordan
  4410. Rian Grassi: i think buddy is a great name for him! you kept calling him that anyway so i think it's a good fit 😂
  4411. TEA Spilling: you should call him dingleberry
  4412. Tori Balestrino: DINGLEBERRY!!!!!
  4413. Kawaii Unicorn: Michael Jackson
  4414. Ashley Elliott-Rowe: Name him cooper or Coco he's soooo cute congrats
  4415. Brye World: Name him Logan
  4416. Kim Car: Josh
  4417. Bekah !: Name him CoCo
  4418. Sara Gustafson: This is late but I have a couple name Bubba,Misty,Cooper,Charlie,Olive
  4419. Big Chungus: Bowser
  4420. lauren: you should name him shaq
  4421. Brianna Mykail: I see him and Rocky is the first name to comes to mind. Like the boxer ❤️ Started from the bottom, now he's home
  4422. keeva milo: you could call him Gizmo ( i love that name haha ) xx hes sooo cute !!!!!!!!!!!
  4423. rubymimosa: Oh! If you go to rescueme.org you'll find a lab rescue in LA. Take Kaleb with you and meet an adult house trained chocolate lab!! I've been doing rescue for 30 years and I personally think puppies learn house training easiest from a trained dog. I'm so happy for y'all!! Giiiiiii! Mua!
  4424. Kristin Goetz: rocket
  4425. penelope edwards: It might be just me but I kinda like Leo as a name for him 😊
  4426. Dejsha Williams: Peanut
  4427. Makenzie Williams: IM SOO EARLY YAS
  4428. Bella Caruso: you should name him Cal as in California
  4429. Angelina Leal: Joshua be cautious of your dog since u got one your dog will probably go through your trash and or poop/pee somewhere my dog pooped in my room once
  4430. Staceylwolf: He is a min pin mix.
  4431. Kiana hidalgo: NAME HIM FLASH PLZ
  4432. susan Gravell: Buddy is a good name
  4433. Em.gilmartin: Well you kept on saying Bubby so maybe buddy or Bobby
  4434. Meredith Lubs: name him MAX!! He's SOOOOO CUTE!!😍😍
  4435. Brittany Lima: ¢αℓℓ нιм ρєαиυт вυттєя
  4436. audrey bates: you should name him bandit - short for bandana 😂💜
  4437. super dragonite sibblimgs: Shrek Bruh it's an old thing
  4438. nicky j.s: Rescue puppy's are the best!!!
  4439. Daddy. Destiny: you can call him jacob
  4440. crazy bonkers: name him peppa
  4441. Grace Callahan: you should name him Coco (as in Colleen)
  4442. Jordan Weljkovic: Name him Killian!!! From ouat!
  4443. 80lynn: Name him Titian
  4444. Matilda barrett-wilt: you should name him toby. he just looks like a toby
  4445. Allison Selman: But like. What if he named him Bear. Like short for BERry and spelled differently obviously. I think Bear would suit him!
  4446. Aej 18: So happy for you Josh my puppy is named Oreo. You could name him Runner 💙🐶
  4447. Paige Rossman: Teddy
  4448. Kat: Roscoe!
  4449. Chloe XxDasherZoeyxX: Name him Munchy. He so adorable I have three dogs of my own and ones a puppy I can tell what your feeling about getting a dog.
  4450. blurryangelus: OMG name him JOSH JR.!!
  4451. Radika Samlall Lall: My puppy name is Lucky i saw him on the street homeless and i took him in and made him apart of my family. Where i live lots of dogs and cats are stray and many die in crashes and fights and sickness theyre just on the road homeless. I love this little puppy.
  4452. Rocky Kanaka: Can't thank you enough for coming on our show! Looking forward to working with you and your new little guy!
  4453. Julia Sullivan: This is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. 😍😭💕
  4454. Destiny Renne: Idk I actually like the name little buddy 😭 , or buddy
  4455. madilynn cox: 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  4456. Salty Tea: plzz Name him Coco love u and be nice to people
  4457. Yasmine B: Name him Max, or Oliver
  4458. Hannah's Vlogs: NAME HIM NUGGET
  4459. Caitlyn B: Taz
  4460. anna w: I have a dog that looks just like that
  4461. Braci Swisshelm: Bernie
  4462. Mega L: Tucker seems like a cute name🐶
  4463. Chelsea Yun: +Chelsea Y of course it wouldnt happen
  4464. Alicia Ramos: HIS NAME SHOULD BE RECESS
  4465. Morgan E: 😬😬
  4466. H8trt Girl: Josh if I were that dog I would be happy bc you and Colleen are my Parents :D Like if you agree!
  4467. Bella Prichard: Archie
  4468. Anna McDaniel: Hey Josh!! Just wanted to comment on here and say that adopting from a shelter is one of the best things that you could've done!! My mom is the director at the shelter here in my town and so I see first hand what it means for a dog to get adopted and find their forever home!! Thank you so much for getting the word out into the world that you should always ADOPT!!!
  4469. Anonymous A: +JoshuaDtv you should get what joey graceffa has in his yard like a little area for the dog too poop like a little patch of turf so yoI don't always have to tak him for a walk to poop
  4470. Two best friends: I like the name sushi🐶🍣
  4471. mari oyler: Dee
  4473. Saylor_ Addison: Or Buddy
  4474. Aafreen Momin: Barky
  4475. Faith yoho: What kind of dog is he
  4476. Cory Burkhart: He looks like a "Nico" to me. 😋
  4477. _ia_: I was thinking Coco.
  4478. Carrill McClellan: I don't understand the dingle berry thing all I know is I hate it
  4479. Mahle: Yessassssssss I've been waiting for this video
  4480. Chloe Sibrel: Aww he is soy cewt Ahhh I'm crying 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  4481. Caroline Conway: You should name him Kyle. Or Gus Gus (it's the little fat mouse from Cinderella)
  4482. Aaliyah Dublin: What type of dog is it?
  4483. MikeyTake1: OMG GREY HAIR. GRAN DADDY
  4484. Brennien Gregory: Josh shave
  4485. aria w: I think you should name him Oscar. BTW HE IS SO CUTEEEE!! ♥♥
  4486. Buffy Murphy: name him perry
  4487. Avery B: What kind of dog?
  4489. Leapin' Laylz: Winnie
  4490. Hayley Avery 134: call him hunter or Bruno
  4491. Claire Haines: Ozzie. I think it fits him.
  4492. Macy Bratcher: Yep. Bandana it shall be. And Dani for short :)
  4493. hailey irwin: OMG JOSH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  4494. Isabel Pumphrey: Is it a puppy or a small adult dog?
  4495. Amelia & Helen: JOSH THIS IS SO CUTE
  4496. Wolfgang Beck: OH MY GOD SO FREAKING CUTE !!!!!!
  4497. Abby Mackin: Cho cho
  4498. Audieboo Life: Little Dude!!!!!!!!
  4499. Lily Cox: jj for josh jr
  4500. Daniel B: Name him Sully!!
  4501. Maeg R: Really the shocker sign? U and Colleen?!??
  4502. Dana O'Donnell: Or chip
  4503. Jayna G: Rover
  4504. alex_ english: Call him Dingle
  4505. Romilly Smith: i think that something like Denver would be cute for him
  4506. Kitty PH: What breed is he?
  4507. coffeeoverdose: You've always been a Daddy to me, Josh. 😘😉
  4508. eryn_55: call him Dude
  4509. mimi_ 3913: Call him bandana or bandit or bana as you love bandanas so much love you josh xx what breed is the dog as well
  4510. the greater zari zari: a name should be tiny or lovey
  4511. Melanie Vega: Bentley all the way for his name. Like if you agree.
  4512. Olivia M: Aww uno is cute. I also like scout or chip
  4513. livvy Jaynes: He looks like a Joey to me 😁❤️
  4514. Monique Navares: Berry
  4515. Sarah Shipley: Or maybe even Chester😱😍
  4516. Samantha McCartney: or reese
  4517. Anna Sophia Seavey: Barker d dog or dean or bean
  4518. Ayleen Jimenez: Awe this is soooo cool happy for you josh🤗
  4519. Jackie Carson: I peed watching this! So funny welcome to your new life as a dog daddy, love your vids x
  4520. Karen Crosby: Peanut or Jackson. While he's a puppy, he seems like a Peanut, but if he's gonna get bigger, he looks like a Jackson.
  4521. Sandra: thank you for adopting <3
  4522. Lilac Spring: You found his name...BUDDY!
  4523. Jess Emma Rowe: buster is a cute name
  4524. Fre Sha Voca Do: Or dingle... Or berry.... Or dingleberry..... 😂
  4525. Lily Do: Name him Timmy.
  4526. Maddy B: call him brown
  4527. Samantha lee: 🍞
  4528. Lindsey Rosette: honestly dude is really cute!!
  4529. Ava Hintz: what about Haunz
  4530. Lauren A: You should name him Kidd. He just looks like a Kidd.
  4531. Galilea Ravelero: Or just dingleberry 😊😊😊
  4532. jenna&stella: Name him Henry
  4533. Eric Padilla: Hightops
  4534. Emma E Norton !: Name him JewJew
  4535. danielle attackattack: Awww so cute
  4536. Sara Hantveit: That's cute!
  4537. Lauren Zidzik: name him remington
  4538. brandy gould: His name should be buddy
  4539. Alex X: Call him dingo 🐶
  4540. princessxabbym: maybe he is scared because your holding a camera in front of him
  4541. SweetHeart Xoxo15: Smokey
  4542. skinny legend: Name him Dingle Mingle or DM😂
  4543. Veronic Limwanich: You should tire him in the daytime a lot but not toooo much so he sleeps quietly at night
  4544. jenna wells: Name him luke
  4545. Maggie R: Make sure that you let him out about every two hours to potty and get exercise if you can't ( like your gone) make sure to let him out the second you get back. Make sure that every day you teach him new things, he's not going to listen to you right away Bc he's a puppy but if try to teach him new things eEVErY DAY he will Learn and you'll be able to teach him mORE things. You could call him jacks as in (Michael Jackson)
  4546. Yadira ponce: hes so cute
  4547. lucy heather meg & bay: Name him drake
  4548. Charlotte Emma: Name him snoopy
  4549. Courtland Leigh: Just keep calling him Buddy! Buddy is an adorable name!
  4550. Elena Garro: I love dogs
  4551. Lidia Le Maire: my dogs name is teddy!!
  4552. åñgęłįñå’s wørłd: Shadow
  4553. _ia_: What about Coco?
  4554. Julie Abitbol: Name him Sam
  4555. Elle Reese: You could name him Felix (which means happy) or Leo (lion) Quinn (leader) or Rocky or Abbott. He is so cute!
  4556. Elizabeth Dunn: Now you must get 7 cats
  4557. Adrianna Rae: EmmaTV 1 does anyone know what breed shadow is?
  4558. Joselyne Bello: Dingleberry should be the dogs name😋😋
  4559. Kristie Keller: Chase👌👌😇😇
  4560. KraftyKizzy: Wowwww
  4561. Queen Kayla: I think you should name him kane
  4562. Gianna_ 15: Name the cute little doggy Hope
  4563. Carleigh Macy: Henry😂❤️
  4564. Sydnee Dallam: Name him bandit :) since josh loves bandana patterns
  4565. Omy's Alicea: mirando is a good name hahahahah is a joke.. maybe batman? lol
  4566. Marla K: He's adorable!! Thank you so much for adopting.. I can't wait to watch him grow up
  4567. Haley Melvin: Samson, Bruce, Goliath, just a name that doesn't match lol
  4568. mackenzie gelbard: name him rocky
  4569. Rixt Mintz: CJ for Colleen and Josh
  4570. Katie Boran: Name him ned
  4571. Wild_Wolf 7: I have a chocolate lab named Guinness he is the dog in my profile picture
  4572. Wilma B.Loqvist: Name him Martini
  4573. s731s: +Nathan Creek yes! I can't wait for this puppy to meet Paesch, Cermit and the Meebles 🐶🐶🐶 🐕
  4574. Izabel Kvist: Next time the dog pees inside, whipe it up with a newspaper. Then put the newspaper outside and put a little dirt over it, then i can almost guarantee that he will pee there everytime you take him outside! You can't yell or be mad when he pees or poops inside either!
  4575. Syd Lynn: Call him bubba or dizzy
  4576. Michelle: Thanks for adopting!
  4577. Melanie C: He looks like a Jack
  4578. Rhianna Mackay: Call him buddy! Xx
  4579. Sanderella k: Charlie!!!!!!
  4580. Meg: I think u should name him Reese's bc he kind of has the color of the Reese's peanut butter cup!!😍😘
  4581. Danny Tanner: CJ!!!
  4582. Emily p: name him buddy
  4583. _ia_: I think you should name the puppy Coco.
  4584. Anthony Schwab: I think you should name him Taylor or Henry
  4585. Ultra_Cake123: Oh u just peed in ur food oh oh
  4586. Stephanie BAez: give him a mixture of your name and collens
  4587. Evie Aviles: I like the name Buster
  4588. Breanna Bowen: My dog is called spunky
  4589. Rhonda Bernard: out when he wakes, out after he eats, out after he drinks. pretty soon he will tell you. THANK YOU FROM HIM. JOSH. CONGRATULATIONS
  4590. Katie Foster: simba
  4591. angelina: you should name him buddy or winnie
  4592. Luis Rivera: Roscoe
  4594. eleanor leishman: Dingleberry
  4595. Andrea Dal Bello: Whoever disliked this video has no heart😫❤️
  4596. Jayme Green: Biscuit
  4597. Lexie Sloper: Joe
  4598. Gymnast33 33: Name him Joey 🐶
  4599. COOLKENZIEVLOGS: Call him alfie
  4600. Pixel Princess: NAME HIM RANGER OR BEAR
  4601. bridget cooke: How about Kaleb??
  4602. Gemini_pearl -_-: name him Joshleen😘😘😘💙💙💙💙
  4603. Kelly Marie: Name him Oz
  4604. Lauren Trainor: Name him berry because you call us dingleberries😂😂😂
  4605. ChelsyB09: +Eric Cartman but it's the person who suggested it who likes the name and you shouldn't be rude about their opinion. I think donut suits him and he looks like a dog named donut
  4606. shay: you should name him Acer or Griffin Or whatever you like have fun.
  4607. Madeline Pagnier: call him Buddy I think u are already calling him that so why stop and Buddy is a super cute name love u Josh😙
  4608. Kat Guise: *Slays*
  4609. Where The Music Lies: Name him Choco
  4610. Max O Neill: You should call him Junior🐶
  4611. Liv Flanagan: +serena deluca that's not the real colleen
  4612. Sophia Liventsov: duke
  4613. lakshay puri: I have a dog u guys were cat ppl so don't treat it like a cat
  4614. Nikki Leendertsen: Finallyyy!! ❤️❤️
  4615. Ashley Palmer: OMG! So cute! Kinda weird bc it's a Dog not a child but... It's practice for one day right!😁yeah?
  4616. Sydney Como: You should name him SPARKY!!!!! I think it's cute
  4617. Claire Alviar: I met you in Tacoma and I couldn't talk! And could only say "oh my god!" Do you remember?
  4618. Cameron Marchetti: NAME HIM LEO
  4619. Elizabeth Workman: name him bro
  4620. Mini Winner: or Tinie
  4621. Chloe Smith: Bandit ( bandana ) pickles or peanut
  4622. Mattie patch: Moose
  4623. Cups R Pretty: mabe name him OREO🍩
  4624. Vivian Stewart: Same i was so sad but like joyful
  4625. princess J-R: or buddy
  4626. Teagan Chisholm-Godshalk: You should name him dingle berry
  4627. rita. right. now: Guys pls check out Home For Good Dogs! Amazing dog rescuing place and they save thousands of dogs and let people foster the dogs until they get adopted. 🙏🏼
  4628. Melanie Posthuma: Teddy!!!!!
  4629. Charles Leung: Stop at 6:06
  4630. Jorja Diamond: carl
  4631. Leah Kemper: Or dude because you keep calling him dude
  4632. Jadine Abasta: A boy RO a girl?
  4633. Danielle 12326: Name him TIMBERLAKE
  4634. Nida Zubair: Can u name him after Buster??😭❤️😍🙏🏽
  4635. spaghet spaghote: how about zyler
  4636. Nicola Hendrickson: I cried!!! so happy for Josh and Colleen!!!
  4637. Jody Smith: Name him Rocky!
  4638. Donlad C: Just name him Stitch or Stitchy, and give him a number 626, and that will be perfect.
  4639. Cory Elder: Randy
  4640. Nicoline Munk: Name him Luke. I think it's cute
  4641. Rachael: name him Caleb because its a normal name but also an homage to kale
  4642. Olivia Jean: Brownie 🐕🐕🐕💛💛💛
  4643. Liv Carter: Milo is an adorable name for an adorable dog 😊
  4644. Alexa Mace: You should call him dude
  4645. McKenna Clements: You should name him Dexter
  4646. Fiona Qt: Name him dingle or tele
  4647. Megan Wilbs: NAME HIM PORKCHOP
  4648. Keiko Kitten: Name the dog Rocky :D
  4649. Amy keen: Ziggy buddy or milo is also cute
  4650. Toya Dragonmaster: name them coco
  4651. Beauty and Food tutorials: Name him snickers
  4652. Steph Meissner: Buddy
  4653. Akkad Sisje: Name him coco
  4654. Lindsey Piper: My dog looks exactly like that!!
  4655. coco bourget: Also, his name should be Dingleberrie
  4656. Maya K: Freddie is the cutest name ever! 🐶
  4657. nadia saeed: buddy would be cute name
  4658. taylor ☼: Name Him Toby❤️ or Dinglepup😂
  4659. Olivia White: You should name him buddy 💖
  4660. Monster Mash: HERE!!!!!!!!
  4661. Isla Atkins: I think you should name it berry as in dingleberry!!!!
  4662. Pretty Little Flyer: 4 sum reason i want his name to be oscar
  4663. karamarinara: Josh, you haven't mentioned what breed he is! And is that as big as he'll get? My apologies if it's obvious, I don't know anything about dog breeds. As far as names, my favorite thing to do is look up words in other languages that remind or describe the pets appearance or personality. I usually find a word that has a piece of it I like. It's the best way to get unique names and avoid common and over-used names. Have fun! :)
  4665. Leah Hood: Name him bandana
  4666. Nicole: Kevin or Rocky
  4667. PIPOCA THE UNICORN: +Ashton McMullen Au Revoir
  4668. Captain_ Swan: name him Arnold lol
  4669. lexi gibson: NAME HIM COOPER!
  4670. Aylin Hernandez: Buddy Coco
  4671. Heather Smith: How about Dingle Berry. For a short version call him Dink.
  4672. Okfilinkon: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM "DANNY" !!
  4673. Carrie Howell: omg he's sooooo cute!!!! im dying
  4674. supitzRiley _: cooper or buddy
  4675. Marisel Pinto: Call him BANDANA DOG!!
  4676. Kaydin Fredinburg: sir nips a lot bahahaha just making a joke that was not even funny (:
  4677. Jordan Purrington: OMG
  4678. jave renshaw: Name him dingleberry or prince kale
  4679. Sophie Stokes: you should name him buddy because should keep calling him buddy!!!
  4680. Bella Prichard: Dave
  4681. Victoria R.: I wish I was that dog
  4682. Jaklynn Johnson: you should name him Jay or Joey
  4683. Sarah 9725: +Andrea Tapia heart*
  4684. maddie kane: Josh I think Toby would be a good name❤️ and he is adorable!
  4685. Eleanor Smythe: Call him buddy
  4686. Sarcastically_me: I'm OBSESSED with the new puppy! Keep up the snapchats and the vlogs!
  4687. Real Seamus: What. About Junior
  4688. Ashley Arnold: You could name him peanut butter or just peanut!
  4689. DancerChickKay: Snickers!
  4690. Ashley Aviles: I think his name should be Abner! hes so cute!
  4691. Trinity Whitford: There is a new Dingleberry. I love the name Moose!
  4692. Meghann Cleary: Why did you pee in your food? Honestly laughing so hard. I have an almost 6 year old Wiener dog and I totally remember him being just like this little guy when we 1st got him.
  4693. TheLitleostars: You should name him Rocco
  4694. Sophie Ritz: Call him Charlie or bubba
  4695. BrookeMarie333: frankie,or sammi or milo
  4696. Isabelle Farr: Oscar or max
  4697. 2GirlsWorld: I'd say buddy or lil' dude
  4698. josie badgley: Name him dingleberry. Jk
  4699. KendallMarie: Rocky or rocko good luck on ur dog jou
  4700. Alyssa McVey: Awwwww, yayaayayayayayayayaayay!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
  4701. Todd Johnston: name him sushi
  4702. Ashlyn Cox: Yay congrats! Your going to be a great father!! Love ya!!
  4703. lilly lane: Name him berry!
  4704. Allies Channel: His name should be buddy!!
  4705. Ariel Matula: Michael😍😂
  4706. yuka a: SO HAPPY
  4707. laurbrin: Yeah It's called "Reacting to Joshleen's wedding" or something like that.
  4708. Deijah Vasquez: Name him bud or buddy
  4709. Sarah Luzzi: Maybe Max or Theodore? (Theo for short) :)
  4710. emma haag: or CoCo
  4711. Rainbow Farts: Zane or Zeus
  4712. melissa olguin: Lucy Robb I like PJ
  4713. AtomicMrX: I think you found your own name for him.... Buddy. It's perfect because he's your lil' buddy and will be by your side always. Congrats!
  4714. Ellie Beder: Name him Donny
  4715. Sophia Elisabeth: You can name him swaggy from love swag poop
  4716. AE Sadistic: Imagine he names the dog YouTube
  4717. Sarah Snake: name him ONE IN A MILLION
  4718. sarah mitchell: Name it bandana
  4719. Monte 154: name him berry
  4720. Melea Elisabeth: I say I'm my dogs mom and I call him my baby boy
  4721. Lilly Taubert: Name him dingleberry
  4722. SimplySarah: NAME HIM REMY!!!
  4723. Life_w_ Thema: name him Peanut Please.👐💖👍
  4724. Reese Baas: lucky
  4725. O. Holdeman: Name him peewe😂
  4726. Deahna Wall: what breed is he lol i think we have the same type of dog
  4727. Adan Saqib: when you are adopting a dog do you get the dog for free or do you have to pay becomes i want to adopt a dog if it is free please tell me 😊
  4728. Aurora Tripp: I think you should name him Charlie. Because it seems like it would fit him really good. 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 He is so cute!!!!! 😍 Was Miranda Sings in this video? nah I'm just kidding I know she was in this video I saw her. She look exactly like Miranda sings except different hair and different makeup.
  4729. burnthisguitar: He looks like a Max to me
  4730. k Dickens: oh your new puppy is so sweet.
  4731. Mia Antonucci: U should just call him Buddy
  4732. Agh!Sky: Rocky would fit him I think
  4733. Kaylin Hutson: I was thinking the same thing! Except it's sort of girly...
  4734. Julie jade: who thought omg collens pregnet
  4735. sydney fleming: name your little dude Rudy!!
  4736. Candace Gilpin: You are so caring you will be a great dad
  4737. RatGurlTay: i like toby or bubba
  4738. emmalewrocks: HE WAS SMILING OMG AHHHH IM IN LOVE
  4739. Game Of Horses & Riding Zee: you can name the dog drogo
  4740. Emily Smith: Adopting is the right choice in my opinion, buying dogs is a stupid decision. Everyone have there own opinions though. Please if you considering getting a dog, adopt. Also there most likely to be trained if you adopt :)
  4741. iVona: Call him Dingle 😂
  4742. Tina Graham: +Electric Motivation ikr
  4743. Naomi Rose: adventure as a name
  4744. Chloe Beach: And he looks like Junior did when he was a puppy
  4745. Taylor37b: Or moe
  4746. Courtney k: name him Gus
  4747. Zoe Toohey: I think you should name him Rocko!!!!
  4748. pandabear 52 !: Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should be his name 💙💙💙💞💕🐕🏰🎼🎬
  4749. Ellie Ryan: Call him august
  4750. Taylor Hale: charlie
  4751. Concepcion Flores: ashon
  4752. Maira Mendes: Call him Rocky
  4753. Elizabeth Melton: Ive got tears....
  4754. Kelsey and Sandra: Maybe Ricky. That might be cute!
  4755. Chelsea Yun: Name him little dude 😂😂😂😂
  4756. PuppyLover: He looks like a Milo
  4757. Dancing Narwhales: NAME HIM JOEY
  4759. vanessa bradshaw: I CANT STOP HE LOOKS LIKE A TIMBERLAKE
  4760. Emma Horton: Name him Cooper!
  4761. miner girlgames: he is sooo cute love him
  4762. Music and Mansions: 😂 on his food
  4763. Deirdre was_here: I feel like his name should start with a T. Like Tyler
  4764. Rachel Humphries: Name him Thor
  4765. Amy C: U should name the dog buddy or Dixie
  4766. nadaddy: I really like Danni or Buddy (bc he keeps calling it that)
  4767. Ella Boe: Joshua-"You can pee on Mommas legs though." Colleen-"yeah that's fine." 😂👌🏼❤️
  4768. Bella 13: name him mogli or chip
  4769. wijdan addi: He looks like a Dax
  4770. Abby Campbell: Frankie or frank
  4771. Layla Felice: OMG I thought you were talking about a baby ugh.
  4772. Rebekah Fidler: Yeah it's very obvious duh doy
  4773. Jenna: I have a chocolate lab 😄
  4774. Lauren Martin: Call him milo 😋😋
  4775. Audrey Swanson: Bubba
  4776. Isabella Hsieh: TOBY
  4777. Lozzeebug 567: Coco I like that name
  4778. Sophie C.: you should name him carlos😂
  4779. Lexi Billingly: Bubby
  4780. Samantha Shanks: meico
  4781. Katie: What about buddy
  4782. JKARMY: I love how dogs always make people happy
  4783. Lisa Nguyen: He is just too adorable!!! I really want a puppy
  4784. Emily Baarsch: ❤️❤️the best video except for the wedding one!!! Name him piper ❤️❤️ that's the name of my dead dog and I miss him so much!! I started watching your videos when he died.
  4785. Noelhp Hp: He's way to cute congratulation s :)
  4786. Hannah Kehoe: Name him kid
  4787. Maria Franco: U should name him Timmy
  4788. Lonley Child: HE HAS WHITE HAIRS IN HIS BEARD!
  4789. Holly Emma: I saw it on coleens snap chat so happy for yous it's gorgeous it's like me mine a bit hope you have great fun
  4790. Sarah: Name him Joey
  4791. Gurjaan Jagat: Name him Barry or Berry because of dingle berry or Barry I'm not smart
  4792. Bienna Watts: please call him buddy it's such a cute name
  4793. Tina: you can name him buster or max
  4794. Kar G: You could just call him Buddy if you want. My cat's name was Buddy
  4795. N.R: Chewie?
  4796. Faith Alexa: Or buddy!!!!
  4797. Beth Ellis: Paws?
  4798. Starsting Wolf: You should name him King ^•^
  4799. Joslynn Renee: bandanna (Dani)
  4800. CharleighRichards x: Bubby then you can call him bub for short
  4801. Mia Meister: Toby, scooby, buddy, or cooper are some cute names for your dog
  4802. Abbey Fraser: I think u should name him Coparol
  4803. Lauren: I think you should call him rusty or dusty he looks exactly like my dogs he's so cuuuuuuutee
  4804. Ariana Amazing: Colleen will be very happy
  4805. natalie: do you mind if I ask what's the breed of this cute little pup? thanks <3
  4806. Lola Seiler: His name should be bubba or buddy
  4807. nerual 789: lol you should name him crevice
  4808. Lauren A.: name him Hunter
  4809. Winterbreeze332: Will u call him buddy?
  4810. Mangle GAMEING: Finleigh Welsh yes
  4811. Catrine Comeau: my friend has a great dane named diesel lol!!
  4812. Laura Serrano: U can call him buddy
  4813. Kezzia Dee: YAS GURL xx
  4814. Jordyn kueneman: @TheDaisyForce yes bandana would be soooooo cute
  4815. Peyton Wilson: I know
  4816. Bethany Barnhill: James or Sampson
  4817. Kaylynn Lee: dark chocolate should be his name
  4818. Ellie Rose: Name him Dingleberry
  4819. Grace CharlotteRuth: Name him Benji... Sorry I just think it's perfect for the little guy
  4820. Leah Begley: you should name him slipper or nibbles
  4821. Miss Marie: name him Oliver.
  4822. leah bonebright: name him Duke❤️
  4823. Kyla Wright: Michael but call him MJ for short
  4824. Ysabella Gilbert: Name him Dingleberry or something to show he's apart of the Dingleberries!❤️
  4825. tea party: Awwww
  4826. Layla Leininger: What breed is it oml I need it
  4827. Rebekah Link: my bffs dog is called rocky, that's a cool name...
  4828. funky gal: +Faith Kathryn you just hating on everyone
  4829. Jadyn A: You can't name him without colleen
  4830. Danielle Akiva: JOSH CALL THE DOG NUGGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4831. Joslyn Hintz: you should name him Kaleb
  4832. holly stans loona™️: Please call him Caramel, Toffee, Fudge or Sprinkle.
  4833. Catherine Morales: I HAD A CHOCOLATE LAB!!😭❤️❤️ OMG MY LIFE CHANGED FOREVER!😂❤️
  4834. Hayley Balzar: my family owns a lab greeting facility and id like to tell you that in order to minimize the poop and pee when ur not home you should keep the size of the crate as big as the dog becuase dogs will not go to the bathroom on there bed or in sleeping area but when the cage is much bigger they can poop and pee on one side sleep on the other like no big deal. also when he gets out of the cage pick him up and take him straight outside to potty. p.s. you should call him beau
  4835. Janis Ballard: that's their friends cats name
  4836. bree williams: Wait. Filming for what show?!
  4837. Ashley Vandersteen: he's the color of a snickers bar so maybe snickers?
  4838. callum O'reilly: name him dingleberry
  4839. jade strayer: Call him Toby or gus
  4840. Imanwon: Please call him Buddy
  4841. Emma Rodgers: Name him teddy. Get him a cool jacket too lol
  4842. Shawnay Taylor: Get. Pet Insurance. Thanks!
  4843. Jillian Eldredge: what type of dog is he? how big is he going to get?
  4844. Ashley Hebb: You should have called him dingle berry😂❤️
  4845. Parkie Lu: Bandit
  4846. Sarah: Thank you for adopting!
  4847. Janine Boylan: Name him Peanut. It fits him perfectly.
  4848. Kiana hidalgo: Named him rocket or buddy or flash
  4849. LucyMN: yaaaaaaaaay
  4850. Angella Morgan: Awwwww what a sweet baby!
  4851. Abi Belle: i saw on colleen snapchat!
  4852. JordanLeary_: You should name him Charlie 😂😂😂
  4853. Katie Is awesome: Name him cookie😍🍪
  4854. angel orgil: me too :(
  4855. Elizabeth Does: You should name him JJ (josh Jr. )
  4856. olivia m: Name him "Nate" I love that name😍
  4857. Caitlyn Bennett: Are you going to puppy pad train him or outside train him, or both?
  4858. GuardedHeart: Name him Ollie 😊😊
  4859. meggie stevens: Name him smudge I think that is a really cute name.
  4860. Felisha: u should name the new dog Henry or david
  4861. Nadia Owen: Name him snoopy please!
  4862. blue Xfight: I thought colleen was pregnant that misleading title
  4863. Kelli Iutzwig: Buddy
  4864. s731s: exactly! !! this dog breed is known to "take over the house" if you aren't firm and guide him into respecting who is boss. I've seen a few who think they run the show and call the shots lol. 🐶💖
  4865. Sophia lewis: I know so many people who've gotten puppies this year. It's crazy! Anyone else?
  4866. lucyeloise: name him dingle😂
  4867. Linda Carney: Name ideas: Duncan, Ace, Bubba
  4868. Celeste Cornejo: nugget
  4869. Elizabeth Wright: you should name him sneakers or jordan
  4871. Ariana Tellez: name him dude i think that name suites him i hope u choose to name him dude
  4872. April Cooper: Name him Macho!❤️
  4873. Fredito Martinez: You should call him buddy
  4874. Sophia Testani: NAME HIM APOLLO
  4875. Keaton Silver: Snoop for short
  4876. Megan Phillips: Your new dog is so adorable!!!!! Lol he peed on the floor! You should name him Buddy, Rocky, Chip, Reese, Trouble, or Sunny
  4877. Diana Hernandez: max evans or coco evand
  4878. Jaylin: 😍😎💩
  4879. Katherine Hickey: He looks like an Ernie! 🐶
  4880. Zoe and Chloe Twinz: Who else thought that Colleen and josh would get a cat first? I feel so happy for josh! I love dogs and this puppy is so freaking cute!
  4881. Catherine Beckerle: I was waiting for this!
  4882. Ryan1972410: I love him
  4883. JellyBellySchmelly Show: LOVE LOVE LOVE!! We adopt and foster for rescues!!! Yeahhhh!!! And thank you for adopting!!!!!! And for bringing awareness!!!
  4884. Daniella LaGraff: Chance
  4885. lorena b: Call him Michael!!
  4886. Maddie Loveland: Call him muffin or milo
  4887. Emily Love: Can you name him Max
  4888. LPS Flower Girl: you should name him buddy or duke. :33
  4889. Codi Blevins: I'm with you
  4890. Marc Marshall: Yes! My aunts dog is named Cooper and it's the perfect dog name.
  4891. Lashanti Nyakambangwe: Yeh
  4892. Unicorn LLama: Name him Murry (:
  4894. Rebecca Bailey: u should name him Muggs
  4895. miranda pettigrew: or ren like kilo ren from star wars
  4896. Grace: How about Marty?? I had a dog that looked like him named Marigold
  4897. Hoshahnia Kumaran: Josh needs to add "father" to his youtube description now
  4898. Rachel Wilson: I think buddy or charley/Charlie will be nice .....ot jake
  4899. courtney giebler: kane
  4900. Jessie Canavan: Snoopy!!!
  4901. Peyton Sroga: Cooper chief duke
  4902. Andie Wilson: call him dingleberry
  4903. Alex Zee: Call him Danny
  4904. Vic: Beautiful! :D
  4905. Emily Weiss: That dog is gonna be SO LOVED ❤️❤️
  4906. Jolie Jaffe: Aww❤️
  4907. Gracie Clifford: odie, bear
  4908. Rachael H: First of all CONGRATULATIONS on getting a little puppy, and also I thinks it's great that you adopted. :) Ok so I have a couple name ideas that I think would be very cute and suit him well. - Tiger ; Because of his colour - Snicker or Snickers ; Once again because of his colour And my personal favourite - CJ ; Standing for Josh and Colleen
  4909. Emily Okrzesik: If you tie a dirty sock to the dog crate, he will be more comfortable in the house (the puppy will learn to recognize your scent)!
  4910. Teagan Schmidt: He not scared he is a chuwawa he's supposed to shiver.
  4911. Kassidy: You should name him berry because of dingleBERRY
  4912. eLIZAbeth: Name him Kale
  4913. November Moon: my brother's name is Kale.
  4914. Jordansperspective: NAME HIM SKETTIO😍😍😍
  4915. s731s: great ideas. my vote is on Reeces :)
  4916. MB: BUDDY!!!!!😍😍😍😘😘😘👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
  4917. eve bremner: Name him fraggle!!! Xxx
  4918. Korinne Kiefer: his name is shadow :)
  4919. Kelly Pearson: penut or Kory
  4920. Madison Jacobs: name him bandit please
  4921. Celeste Catalan: Your should name him mirando
  4922. Maggie smit: i like the name Kaous but do you guys like it?☺
  4923. ktlynmariesmith: What kind of dog is he? Congrats on being a dog father :)
  4924. chloe dutton: *I not J
  4925. Graces Group: I had to give my dog away because people have been complaining so we have to give my little boy away😢😢😭😭
  4926. Lolo Cute: name him buster
  4927. Sister Squad: i love the name buddy
  4928. Vanessa Rivas: u should call him Dingle
  4929. Sydney Walker: I like Timber! Short for Timberlake and I'm sure he'll run into things and make them fall down! Plus he looks like a rough and tumble little guy
  4931. Heiso TJMF: I think Spunky should be renamed Joey so you two can be Josh and Joey
  4932. Ted Zamora: Name ur dog snuggles
  4933. Jennifer Taylor: Sneakers! or Charlie
  4934. Emily Berg: Shadow
  4935. Hannah Beckerson: That's soooooo amazing josh that u adopted!! I adopted my puppy about six months ago and it's sooo amazing!!! I love this video it made me so happy and emotional!! Truly amazing!❤️
  4936. ema b: +Joshua Garner not click bait
  4937. Koona: Name Idea: Melvin
  4938. Christina S.: JIM name you doggy Jim. Y'all can be Josh and Jim
  4939. Isaac digiamberdine: You've always been a daddy in my view
  4940. LifeAsSisters: what about Tater Tot?😂😍
  4941. s731s: +Allison Couchot oh boy
  4942. Ava Hurley: I love the name buddy
  4943. Caden The Girl: I clicked on this so fast and I thought it was a baby ☹️☹️
  4944. Evelina G: Name him chippy
  4945. bella simpson: You call him buddy anyway so why not name him buddy!! 🐕🐶
  4946. Sawyer Smith: Or name him sync for n-sync
  4947. Ash And the internet: How about dude
  4948. LarsHeat: My current roommate has a dog. He was already 2,5 years old when we got him so we stuck with his name Miro although we had picked the name Jumper beforehand. maybe Jumper then? If I ever get a dog myself I was thinking of naming him something like Scott or Stiles (derives from Teen Wolf). Maybe you could look into dog movies for name inspiration? Charlie? Tramp? Or name him after your favourite author! Or another animal. Sheep. Or another breed. Pitbull. Anyway, he's soooo cute.
  4949. EVELYN MAHENDRAN: name him simba
  4950. Trent Moody: You should name him buddy!
  4951. Rebecca Dowe: I think he looks like a Cooper !!!!
  4952. Kayla Lee: You should name him Charley that's my dog name and she is spoiled rotten
  4953. Houalai Vang: PUPPY!!!!
  4954. softballgirl10: OREO
  4955. Puglover Porter: Name him Reese
  4957. Lindy Slocum: Bailey
  4958. kc: That literally is a clone of my dog. Markings and all. You should name him max or buddy.
  4959. Cynthia Howard: you should name the dog dingleberry
  4960. Heidi Flores: so happy for you guys
  4961. Hannah Whitenight: Rockefeller?
  4962. Janeece Goldade: Lucky booty I want a doggie so bad!!!!
  4963. Kylie Wakulat: Dingleberry!!!!!
  4964. Lily Rowe: I think bug would be a nice name
  4965. alicia: NAME HIM BUDDY
  4966. Lee Uh: Name him Miles or Milo :)
  4967. Rachael Elizabeth: You should name him Ben! Like the MJ song
  4968. Hannah Whitenight: Here are some tips for a small dog: I have a small dog, when I say small that means 4 pounds kind of small. When these kind of dogs don't get the attention they want they will start peeing, and if you have hardwood yo need to clean that stuff up fast! If not your floor will start to warp. You don't want that. Don't ket him jump off high things, it can break his little legs. BUSH HIS TEATH!!! This is one main thing that it really important, my brother and I didn't brush my dogs death for a while, so his death started to rot... (gross right?) So always brush his teeth. I love your dog to pieces! I hope you and Colleen enjoy your new puppy!! Love you!!
  4969. f a i t h: No
  4970. The Girl is Hart: name him "max"
  4971. gg gg: The guy: let's go to a shopping spring Josh:ok The guy:with your money🤑 Thelm boiii u really want money
  4972. Aalorious A: YAY! At first I thought Colleen was pregs but I LOVE PUPPIEESSSSS!!!
  4973. C dog: Name him Sully!!!
  4974. tippitytiptap: Or name the dog little dude!
  4975. Abby Blue: Name it buddy
  4976. Mishawaka Post: You could name him Barry Dingle. Other suggestions: Mirf (short for Mirfanda) or TC (for Teacow).
  4977. Charlotte: You should name him either Jack, Bobby, Fudge or Charley!!! They would be cute!!!!
  4978. Hannah Michaela: Just name him Buddy
  4979. Ariana Osorio: coleen said you were getting the dog on snapchat
  4980. Alexa Moore: maybe name him timmy (short for Timberlake) because you love boybands?
  4981. Juliette Kim: Spike
  4982. Maxine Tuckey: He looks like a mini Rottweiler
  4983. Grace K: Max
  4984. Cheyenne Bishop: Cooper or Max
  4985. Cindy Collazo: Shadow
  4986. Imogen Chance: Call the dog Leo
  4987. Jaime Kash: Hi Josh you prob won't see this but your dog might throw up a lot since he is still adapting to his new environment he also will bark when you put the dog in the crate you just need to ignore him because then he will realize it wont work to bark and he will stop and make sure he isn't eating anything outside because he will def do that I got a dog in march when he bites make sure you say no bites and shove a toy in his mouth and make sure he is being fed the right food and make sure he gets the flea treatment you might want to wait until he is 6 months to get him neutered unless he already is and make sure he is being watched 24/7 good luck and don't doubt yourself or get scared it only makes it worse and he might sleep all the time let him and don't bother him ok good luck and remember to stay positive
  4988. Eva Robichaux: Zuess Ezra
  4989. Anna Frey: Rascal!!
  4990. Lucy Healy: Call him reggie
  4991. alwayshaley325: Cosmo is an adorable name
  4992. Lizzie Tupper: You should name him Mocha
  4993. Amelia de Groot: Is he a mix?
  4994. CrazyNinja Kidz: That's what u should name him 👇
  4995. Emma Collins: 'You can learn with me' josh I've got a husky, it's 6 and huge so yeah your learning on your own.
  4996. nayelli Acosta: he is so adorable but u should name him chip
  4997. Sierra Foged: You could name him Zeus, Nico, or Jasper. you could also name him after a character you really like from a movie, TV show, or book.
  4998. Liv C: Name him bear!
  4999. Angela: My dog is legit the most spoiled dog in the world
  5000. Hailey Baker: Some good names are: Tiny, Bandit, Alf, Cruise, Griffon (Griff or Griffy for short), puck, cookie, or meatball
  5001. buck Buxton: I luv dinglepup
  5002. Eric Buchheim: Name him Cooper! I think that would be the perfect name!
  5003. Elizabeth And Julie: i thought joshleen
  5004. Jordana McCloy: I just got a puppy a week ago! We can help eachother❤️🐶
  5005. um OK!: Name him buddy or bubba
  5006. Jacalyn Ann: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM MAX!!🐶
  5007. Imogen Butler: Sparky or peter plz zx please pick sparky Coz it'd close to spunky do it's not a big change
  5008. Jamie Kinteris: We have a chocolate lab and we adore him. Im so glad you got a dog, they are great companions and Joshua, you are the perfect guy to do the job!
  5009. Tycee Driggs: Ok I love that name!!'
  5010. Kas Ann: Awwwwwww❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5011. Janette Hunt: I like Buddy for the name because he's your little buddy.
  5012. Friohija: Name him Reeces, peanut or butterscotch
  5013. Shea K: what kind of doggie is he?//
  5014. AR: NAME HIM ROLO!
  5015. Beth Puckett: Please call him Dingleberry
  5016. allisonsk8: You should name him Michael or Jordan!😂
  5017. LilyRoseTulipDaisy: Names: Toby, Michael Jackson (MJ), Dingleberry, Buster II, timberlake, Nsync, etc.
  5018. lane catherine: name him peanut!!! his colors look like a Reeses :p
  5019. Briana Sok: Ben
  5020. DropItLikeGomez: I think you should name him Elvis or Oscar. I think it's really fitting. 😍😍😍
  5021. Nayely Guzman: How about bandi or bandie sorta like short for bandana cause bandana isn't really like a name but then again it should something that you and Colleen like as well
  5022. Guy Lemaster: name him josh
  5023. Taylor Myers: I think you should name him Charlie
  5024. MsLoriGold: Congrats on your beautiful puppy Joshua! He is PRECIOUS!! My Golden Retriever Kula is my everything! Your duet with your sister was truly touching! I wish I could do a duet with you - even though I'm an old bag LOL! I have some of my own original music and some very dated music videos on my channel and doggy videos, which is just a place for me to store memories. My Golden weighed 18 pounds at 7.5 weeks old and I wondered how big he would get, but he's just right, around 80 pounds and thinks he's a lap dog. You'll find your dog will be attuned to your emotions and really bring you joy, and I think you are so deserving of joy. May you and your pup have a long and happy journey together! God Bless!
  5025. Katie Evans: Kale kale kale kale kale
  5026. dead account: Please please please please please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5027. Uncle Shaun: Name him milo!!! Or nemo!!!!!
  5028. Maggie: Joshy Jr.💙
  5029. Eleanor Hey: Bailey Rocky Buddy Buster Duke Harley Lucky Murphy Sam .... ❤️❤️
  5030. Esther jennanda: CUTEST FAMILY IN THE WORLD
  5031. Mia Lemasson: name him million
  5032. loqman22: you are over emotional about everything.. even Colleen doesn't cry as much as you do ..
  5033. Mckenzie Gumbleton: Where is Colleen
  5034. Aleyna Eyub: Whr is Colleen?
  5035. Scarlett Kassab: call him Murphy!
  5036. Calicat96: This was a while ago but you can call him mr. Swerve or mr.dingleberry
  5037. bonnie K: That'd be cute if he named him snoopy b/c that's what Colleen and Josh's thing is. Snoopy and fraggle
  5038. Tatiana Olivo: o my god that's so cute
  5039. WilliamL 137: Or name him Timberlake after Justin Timberlake!
  5040. maneylorbid: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!!!!
  5041. Kirsten Heidinger: I like bubba
  5042. clare: snowball and charlie
  5043. Balistic Emily: Name him buddy
  5044. Becca Jo: shadow
  5045. Cookie Monster: You should name him buddy
  5046. Jayanna Hamilton: Tristan
  5047. Charmaine Elysa R. Sy: I cant imagine josh's reaction if he will have a child😁
  5048. alexalovesnatalie: Name him Dingle? Short for dingle berry.
  5049. Alexia Gutierrez: or Buddy
  5050. Bitch-y: NAME HIM MAX
  5051. Niamh farquhar: Here are some name options that I think you will love- Latte, Mocha, Snickers, Kopi, Olly, Toffee or kibble🐶 I hope you have so much fun being a new dad!💖 xxx
  5052. Keegan McCarthy: Lara Zwaynw Almost a year ago
  5053. Hong Thao: Or Lynx ?
  5055. Marni Hicks: What about MJ? After Michael Jackson?
  5056. Yes Indeed: Name him Cookie! He's the colors of a cookie.
  5057. Chané-Louise Bornman: that won't work because Colleen is divorcing him because she feels that she "can't make him happy"😒😢
  5058. Alyssa Blasko: Squirt bc he pees so much
  5059. Falpal714 C: Awww he's so cute josh! What kind of dog is he? ❤️
  5060. Latavia Linga: what's his name
  5061. Kylee Freeman: MJ!!
  5062. Sarah Ball: I like buddy 😍😍
  5063. Country Boi that I love: the baby voices
  5064. t0m daig1e: i had marley and me flashbacks
  5065. gigigym01: Name him Joey!!!!
  5066. Ava Pacheco: Fudge
  5067. sibleyma: Shouldn't Colleen be there when you get a dog?
  5068. Layla Leininger: Name him buddy it's cute easy and YAAAAASSSSS
  5069. Carlyn Robertson: Lucy Robb my cats name is pj
  5070. peacelovetennis10: He is so cute!! Do you know what kind of dog he is? I'm guessing some kind of mutt
  5071. Claudia Hernandez: Can you please name him buddy after my dog that passed away it would mean the world to me
  5072. Molly Martin: If your natural inclination is to call him buddy, then why not buddy?
  5073. Alison Benavides: joshleen😁
  5074. Chanelle Lopez: why not brownie
  5075. Angel lianna: I have a suggestion or help I guess... So when you feed him don't leave it out all day so he can keep eating put it on the counter and wait 10 minutes after he eats and drinks so he can go to the bathroom. After around 6-8 pm you should probably stop feeding him for the night so he won't have an accident😊
  5076. Hanna's Channel: How about rocky
  5077. Lisa Poier: His name should be bobo
  5078. CheeseCake Factory: i thought colleen was pregnant so i was so freaked out
  5079. Chaitra M: everything about this entire video is adorable <3 <3 <3
  5080. Just Victoria: Name him Gerald
  5081. Evelyn Stavinoha: Stop at 7:37
  5082. summer brown: Yayayayay you got a dog!!!!!
  5083. Kris Light: You should name him Jasper
  5084. Bella Perry: Bandit!!!!!
  5085. Stingray Productions: What kind of dog is he?
  5086. kayla aka spacey princess: adoption is the way to go! 💕👍
  5087. Brylee Huntoon: I say Bandana or Bubba❤️
  5088. bella bitch: OMG yaws!!!!!Just name his "buddy" that's the perfect name 4 him!🙂👏🏻🐶
  5089. Christina Marie: Cute little puppy!!!! Get used to the peeing/pooping around the house, take him out every hour and when he goes to the bathroom outside praise him, don't always go to treats but use "good boy" "good job" etc
  5090. Karoline: What show?
  5091. Jillian Jaros: shadow is great
  5092. Cecilia Veliz: No she wants to have babies
  5093. Trinity Baxter: His name should be marco or max
  5094. Alexandra cuevas: Snoopy
  5095. Layla Laporte: name him shadow
  5096. Emily Xoxo: You should name him snoopy!!! 😂
  5097. ALYSSA: You can name him Lobo! Means Wolf in Spanish
  5098. Lucia Bileta: Call him Buddy :))
  5099. Laney 태양 Aguiluz: omg for a sec I thought he got colleen pregnant or something or adopted an actual child xD
  5100. hailey mcdermott: You should name him Million or Dinglepup
  5101. Mia Brisbin: he looks like a max too
  5102. Brye World: You should name him Logan, or Lil'l bit
  5103. sarah castañeda: DUDE!!! You should name him dude!!!!! 🙌🏼
  5104. Anna Stein: His name could be Goliath
  5105. hello: call him bro
  5106. iwilltickleyou: We used to have dog named Willie who looked just like him but a lot smaller. Willie would be cool but my favorite suggestion is cookie
  5107. NerdyMusicals: Name him Batman :)
  5108. JeanLouise: BANDINO!!!!!
  5109. Allison jenkins: Kaden
  5110. Happy Pandas: 1 month later: colleen comes home from work: "why is our dog round?". Josh: oh.. you know those treats... he was hungry
  5111. Kristie Keller: Chase
  5112. Anna Kenny xox: Call him junior
  5113. samantha avila: Bandit is a cute name❤️😍
  5114. Audrey Gruver: I don't know but I've always liked the name Cozmo, I think it would suite him!!!
  5115. B !: Name him Scout!
  5116. Kassadie Manukas: Name him chase
  5117. Annessa Dimkoff: you should name him bear❤
  5118. Bienna Watts: HE'S SO CUTE
  5119. MARIE JACKSON: shadow
  5120. Melissa Gabbert: +sophie crow Riley is cute
  5121. Kcenya Chr: Otti
  5122. rae !!: I said the same thing!! I think that name would suit him well 😊
  5123. TheStarGirls Xox: You should name him CJ it stands for Colleen and Josh xxx
  5124. Lindsey Arnold: Name him Jackson for MJ. Or Justin for Justin Timberlake
  5125. Gabriella Pacheco: You should name him Berry, like dingleberry.
  5126. Jadah Dream: I like the name S'more he's brown skin is the gram cracker and the black is the chocolate name him S'more
  5127. Zulma Martinez: Do a certain routine for potty training, take him to a certain place, thats what i did to my dog and it helped
  5128. Lindsay Marie: you should name him Peanut!
  5129. Abbyhseal: I think you should name him Koda, Cooper or Max!
  5130. Kelsey D: Mine too, except mine is all black!! But that face is identical!
  5131. Angelica Rizzo: Name him dingleberry 😊
  5132. Faith yoho: What about Parker or Jacob after your nephews
  5133. Katherine Castro: Name him Dingle or berry or dingleberry. I think it would be a cool name🐶
  5134. Erin TV: what about Buzz or Henry for a name
  5135. allie morris: OMG I'M AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU I AM CRYING💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
  5137. Railey Smith: name him Buddy
  5138. Bethany Raddin: Or Buzz! Or Jojo!
  5139. Taylor Davis: HES SO FREAKIN CUTE I CANT
  5140. Rayrayop: Name him Michael or Jackson
  5141. ju_tmbr: Dylan
  5142. Amber lowery: Hid name should be buddy it will me a cool name
  5143. Meghan Ahrens: Name him buddy
  5144. Milly Baños: Name it "Puppy"
  5145. Jade Lusk: name him Bandana
  5146. faye powell: You should call him Harry or Buddy ❤️
  5147. candylover yay: that puppy is so lucky
  5148. Give Hope to a Dog Foundation: Aww, well done Josh!
  5149. Mikayla Fox: Name the dog Spike .What is Miranda gonna think
  5150. Claudine Eng: Spotty
  5151. ruby Mae: Call him buddy❤️
  5152. Tabitha Osborne: They do sometimes check your home depends on what adoption place you get the animal And it does usually cost but that's because they will normally go ahead and get as many shots for the cat or dog that they can and they get them neutered if they are of age so the money helps go towards that
  5153. wern: Josh, you should name him Finn, because Finn is a great name
  5154. Jaylynn Griffin: I think I have a kinda weird name :Hemi (him-e) it's cute
  5155. Stacy Leighty: Jackson should be his name
  5156. Daniel B: So sweet <3
  5157. Lauren Baylea: Jack
  5158. ju_tmbr: How about the name Harry or Charlie
  5159. L Armstrong: this whole video made my heart so happy :))))))))
  5160. rat kid: Name him Mercury.
  5161. alyssa R lake: name him axle that's my dogs name
  5162. syd: Name him dude since u keep calling him lil' dude
  5163. Arlene Caraballo: Or bubba
  5164. Teela Marlena: is it just me or has his eye color changed
  5165. Gavin G: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM Jarmuż (yar-moos). It's Polish for Kale
  5166. Natalie Gonzalez: I have a dog named Romeo and he look just like Josh's puppy
  5167. Kaylee Marie: Name him Autumn! Because he has brown on him like an Autumn color. And its almost Autumn!
  5168. Rachel Murdock: What about Oliver or Milo,
  5169. Ellie Wilbanks: i was thinking buddy, max, rufus, or dude. like if you agree to any of these names
  5170. Petra Ražov: You should call him Dingie
  5171. Ella Medeiros: So adorable❤️
  5172. Elliesta: Maybe max or cooper
  5173. LocalPhaggot: He reminds me of my old dog Sampson He looks just like him and they seem to have the same personality He's so precious😭
  5174. Ashley Reeves: You should name him Rocky
  5175. Tracy Tran: He looks like my friends dogs and they are part dachshund so he's probably part dachshund :)
  5176. Kenzie Hardin: Devin
  5177. Sierra Higgins: I think dude because you always said lil dude
  5178. s731s: oh good one. totally matches Josh and Colleens love for Disney 😊
  5179. Zoey: I mean keep the name!!
  5180. amaandaa145: please don't name him something stupid like kale don't embarrass the dog :/
  5181. Rhino's VOLG: Or buba
  5182. FadedCanine AJ: Call him Buddy or Max I think you should call him buddy BC he's a very friendly pup and you should call him Max BC he looks like a Max
  5183. Princess Emily: Name him berry like dingle berry
  5184. Snozonator: Some name ideas-Dodger,luka,sammy,tristan,levi,pippin,bobby.
  5185. Caitlyn Pollard: Call him either bro since he said I'm gonna see bro or something or dude since the first thing you could him was dude!!!!
  5186. Brock Withers: Josh, you two are my brotp, you're both so adorable
  5187. Karli Pochiro: the first thing josh does is shake the dogs hand 😂
  5188. Melody: Kale
  5189. Jacob S: Name him LEO!!
  5190. EmmaOR: Buddy
  5191. Samara Magnuson: Name him buddy😀
  5192. Erin Marie: Name him Ozzie!!
  5193. Bryan Smith: Name him Mikey
  5194. Kimberly Brant: Please name him Murphy! Congrats you will be a good daddy.
  5195. Emily Sward: Hunter or Beau (Bo)
  5196. Emma Broome: I like the names buddy or Bruno. I was going to name my dog Bruno is she was a boy
  5197. Josh Hernandez: I saw the title and I'm like DONT SAY THAT UR GONNA REGRET IT
  5199. Caitlin Moore: You should name him MARLEY or MAX !!! 🐶
  5200. Kitty Kit: u should name him bro or little dude
  5201. Chloe Taylor: Dingle!! Call him dingle!! 😁😁😁
  5202. bizz snitch: Maybe you could call him Tuffy or Lucky
  5203. Leanne Dolan: I think a good name for the pup is buddy :D
  5204. Savvie Banana: Cookie
  5205. soph: OMG he's so cute! I think you should name him Bob :)
  5206. Cailin Louise: what about Dingle
  5207. Night Owl Slimes: dingleberry
  5208. DonkeySocks: or Rey (it's the name of a Pittbull at my animal shelter and he just got adopted and I love him)
  5209. Zoe Sharafinski: Name him dingleberry!!
  5210. The IICONICS: You should name him cooper
  5211. Eva ford: NAME HIM TOBBY! OR PRINCE
  5212. Vintage Lana: Name him Cookie (for Colleen and he also looks like a cookie.) If you have any dog training questions please ask me! I'm a veterinary technician. Normally when you bring a dog home, you need to take them directly to their bathroom, but since you didn't, just make sure he's familiar with the area and that when he makes an accident, you pick him up and take him to it. Never scold your dog. You may have been joking when you said ''bad dog," but in general, dogs won't know what you are talking about when you are yelling at them. They may give you what is called "whale eye" where they will show a large part of the whites in their eyes. This is what they do when they feel threatened and don't know what you will do next. If you see this, do not approach them, or pet them calmly on their back. If you yell at them or scold them, you could create a bad relationship with your puppy. Also, never rub their nose in their urine. It will teach them to eat it. Love you Josh and Colleen.
  5213. Yashii Night: omg his beard is gray!
  5214. Derek Martinez: Name him dingleberry
  5215. Taylor Ellis: A tv show filming him?
  5216. Hannah123: Name it josheen
  5217. veljko V: Whats the breed of his dog?
  5218. Taylor Grove: his name should be dingy (din-g)
  5219. ChloeMaree: Name - luka??
  5220. Claire Kelm: ollie
  5221. Kirsten Garcia: u should name him marley
  5225. Micah Ruhe: Name the dog boomer
  5226. Laura Rosa: Awwww
  5227. Lxuren: You should name him Charlie 😃
  5228. Fluffy koala: Name him roscoe
  5229. Halle Tiffany Blue: you should name the puppy Esco
  5230. Taylor Osborne: You should name him CJ for Colleen and Josh❤️
  5231. Heather Miller: Name him Snoopy, Fraggle or High Top! 😍
  5232. Karen Garcia: name him dingleberry
  5233. Skye Ireland: Call it Buddy or Prince
  5234. NatRambo18: you should name him boomer ! (:
  5235. Mattie McNeill: My dog is named that 😝
  5236. Melanie Rodgers: Dude!! Dude Evans!
  5237. The Olivia Channel: Chili
  5238. Angel lianna: Just name him buddy
  5239. Emily Jackson: Name him sparky
  5240. Kristin Nunez: He seems like a "Buddy" but when I saw him the first name that came to me was "Roscoe". Not sure why. But "Buddy" seems to fit him better.
  5241. Awkwardettes: if you want the dog to be more comfortable with you take him everywhere you go, and to make your life easier get a doggy door so you don't have to open the door for the dog, and so you don't always have to go on walks just for the bathroom.
  5242. Shon Shi: name him Harley !!!!!!!
  5243. morgan Dominguez: name him dengleberry
  5244. JustJustin P: Name him legendary
  5245. Liam Zac: Bruno would be a good name for him :)
  5246. paige: name him bandit like bandana
  5247. gweenkookie823: plz plz plz
  5248. addie collier: you should name it Henry
  5249. Oh Riley Grace: Or s'more because he looks like a s'more
  5250. Haylee Basting: Bandit would be a cute name
  5251. Emma Williams: Name him quest!
  5252. Anna Elise: NAME HIM GUPPIE
  5253. Nima Isa: You should name him Tea Cow😝
  5254. Gladys GGV: name him ELI!
  5255. Julie El-Deiry: Omg when he was in Colleen's arms, it looked like he was smiling
  5256. Kayla B: Marshall
  5257. katrina kat: Thank you for adopting!!!!!
  5258. Annie Nash: His name should be dude but you call him lil' dude
  5259. Claire Reidy: does colleen know about this
  5260. ;; quintnn: i think gater because he just looks like a gater
  5261. Elizabeth S: JoshuaDtv Jr. 😂😂😂😂😂
  5262. Carly Gauthier: Awhhhh! The cutest pup! Congrats on becoming a dad, Josh! You're gonna do great🐶❤️
  5263. that one girl with the poofy hair: My puppy just turned 5 months old! Also, you should name him Buddy
  5264. liv rosie: Well, it seems like you and colleen are calling him ' Dude ' or ' Buddy ' as a nickname, so I think it would be kinda cute to vall him Dude or Buddy. Don't you think?
  5265. Liz Palumbo: are you getting your dog from a pet store because you really shouldnt pet stores get their dogs from puppy mills and dont treat them that well
  5266. SassyyGrande: My aunties dog is called teddy #TeddyRules 😂😂👏🏻
  5267. lizzy shores: He is the only reason why josh will do down angles love it
  5268. Esmeralda Linares: Name him Romeo
  5269. Bethany Eustace: what about Dinglebaby or Dinglebug xx like if you agree xx
  5270. Nea Hochman: +Neon Puppycorn Cookie sorry Ravi!!!!
  5271. Faith Gaines: I would call him bo
  5272. Allison Yacano: Name him Jordan! After your iconic red j's😍
  5273. TeAnna Vail: You should name it Skyler
  5274. Samantha Wasson: So cute owwmmyygawwdd! How about the name Java?
  5275. Ellen McGuire: What about Baxter?
  5276. Elia Fatin: call him buddyyyyyyy
  5277. Molly Garton: jabba
  5278. ju_tmbr: *d
  5279. Courtnee Sensibaugh: Name it Dingle Berry
  5280. Brisa G: Me him cupid
  5281. Jasmine Qin: JOSH SO HAPPY FOR YOU AHH!!! This dog will be the happiest part of your life soon enough. Try not to bring him out to dog parks and stuff yet unless he has his vaccinations donE!!!
  5282. Brooke Roe: Name him Charlie
  5284. DepressoEspresso: Just name hit Buddy It's a cute name :))
  5286. Lexus Montez: You should either name him buddy or kid
  5287. Jennie S. Regan: haha I'm just going to make sure no one eats this food Dad!! He needs a safe harness for the car. I've gotten one from Sleepypod. Crash tested and super safe. Thanks for adopting!!!!
  5288. Emalyne Grace: Awe!!!
  5290. hannah kim: what about colleen?
  5291. Max Knight: HENNY BEARD SHAVE IT NOW
  5292. Game Builder: Lucky name him lucky because he is so lucky to have you
  5293. Luis Rivera: Leo
  5294. Emma Lou: theo
  5295. Colorguardgirl000: you should just call him little dude i mean you called him that so much during the video
  5296. Christina leshak: call him dingleberry!!
  5297. Gustavo Rodriguez: Hiii
  5298. Brooklin.B: you should name him buddy because I have a yellow lab named buddy
  5299. Taylor Markgraf: You should name him bandana
  5300. Savannah Fairbairn: name him chill!!!!!!!
  5301. Lia Y: Anyone sing THIS IS THE MOMMENNT!! Your'e going to make a awesome baby daddy! :)
  5302. Evy: I HAVE A CHOCOLATE LAB!!!!!!!!!
  5303. LegitimatelyAlex: You should name him.. Million.. Like one in a million.
  5304. bankonbecky 4hw: You should call it flash
  5305. De'Ajah tv: happy
  5306. tyler 09: +Mashantee Jones hahaha well thanks😄 lmao
  5307. russell vlogs: You should name him biscuit
  5308. Jake Stow: Or just buddy since you're already calling him that
  5309. Em Goldman: you should name him either mickey, scout or cooper!
  5310. Caroline Downing: I love the name Finn for a dog!!
  5311. Jay: Some names for him jake, jack ,Cody ,Dakota, buddy ,Cory ,coco ,buster ,Rickey
  5312. Pumkin 287: omg
  5313. DerpxGirl Plays: I thought it would be a baby! 😭😭😭
  5314. Trishelle Walker: Buddy😝
  5315. Sarina Donahue: Call him reccess cup
  5316. René Blissett: Name him Timberlake
  5317. Allison Pineo: We need footage with Cermet, Marpel, and Paesh!!
  5318. Emma Hensley: Or josh junior
  5319. Natalie Golder: U should call the dog buddy!!!!!
  5320. RobinTriesVlogs: Is he a min pin?
  5321. Ali Vozzo: Peanut Butter
  5322. Sarah Ottesen: Percy Elvis Iggy Buster Lars
  5323. Aaron Butler: Name him josh jr
  5324. Zack Baker: Who else sees Josh's grey hairs in his beard
  5325. Annikas Makeup: Name him little dude
  5326. Ashley Aleman: Dinggelberry
  5327. Gianna .Kfoury.: name the dog Jet
  5328. paige matthews: name him flash
  5329. julesv0: Jetty?
  5330. Jillian Arnold: Olivier or oscar
  5331. Kiera jelle: it should be Marty like if u agree!
  5332. Powerful Puffball: Name him collshua colleen and Joshua :)
  5334. Caroline: Ollie
  5335. yozypost: Rosco! That seems like a good name for him :D
  5336. Pics4 pooches: or Ozwald (ozzie for short)
  5337. Makenzie Baxley: name him Bentley
  5338. Nell Madigan: Call him DB for dingle berrys
  5339. dschackkk_: name him tootsie roll!!! or "tootsie" because you love to talk about poop and that candy looks like a turd 😂😂
  5340. Rainbow Farts: Leo
  5341. Sophie Jones: Dont say no to him, say something else if he is doing something that you dont want him to do because he will think its okay to do😘 congratulations Josh and i love the name Theo
  5342. Erin Son: Name him Buddy!!!!! He is sooo cute!!!!
  5343. Cutie Jinjin: You should name him Saint!!! cuz he is so cute!!😘😘
  5344. Amelia Ringholz: Rocco
  5345. Alexis H: Buddy, Dude, Jack, Dingleberry, Garth, Chewwy
  5346. Colin Hirschman: Who else agrees that the man who walked out with the dog looked a lot like RomanatWood
  5347. Amit Lal: Name him Dahbi, Skippy, or Bubba Ray.
  5348. Eliana Brown: He kinda looks like a Coda or a Zeek, but just so you know, when we picked my dogs name, (we already knew what it was gonna be before we even got him,) but we learned from someone that supposedly dogs respond better to a name that ends in an 'e' sound, so something like Buddy would work if you think that theory is legitimate. But good luck with him, I know you guys will be a great family!
  5349. Caroline Burke: He looks like such a Bentley:)
  5350. Linda Clark: Name him Dude.
  5351. Sawyer Haugerud: Josh u are so sweet!!! I think I should name him something cool and fun but something that means something to u
  5352. Nicole Sapp: name him fraggle
  5353. Lisa McIntyre: One of my Pomeranians still pees by his food. I think it's so other dogs will not go near it. He will realize no other dogs are around soon and should stop.
  5354. Grace Czebatol: When I saw the thumbnail I almost died!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
  5355. AbbeyRenèe: What kind of dog is it? Does anyone know?
  5356. scarlett Mcdowell: name him josh
  5357. Sara DiMeglio: What kind of dog is he???
  5358. Sam: Name him Josh plz!!!!
  5359. Olivia Jauregui: Name him Brownie
  5360. Luis Rivera: Ollie
  5361. Jillian Lightfoot: coda Arthur and griffin
  5362. my channel !!!!: shadow
  5363. Lydia Rudnick: Cookie
  5364. ItsDestiel: can't wait to see him grow up like Wolfie did!
  5365. Another Otaku: Name him BUDDY!!!!!!!🐶🐶🐶🐶
  5366. Briana: why would you get a small dog they're so lame
  5367. Jamie Wellborn: name him dingle berry or dingle
  5368. lucy dyer: baryy !!!!!!!!!
  5369. Maya Zach: I think shadow
  5370. Mimi Paige: I think that be a good name
  5371. Melissa Pineapples: Name him Buddy!
  5372. Camille Borja: When you go to a shelter it's very hard to come back empty handed.
  5373. ariya nath: NAME HIM OLIVER
  5374. Anna G. De Leon-Oca: NAME HIM KALEB! IT SOUNDS LIKE A REAL NAME WITH A KALE TWIST! 💚💚🐶🐶😉😉 @joshuadtv
  5375. Rayya Carelle: For him I like the name Kaile or Friday
  5376. Spidey Sykes: Call him Cooper. Ps congrats on becoming parents
  5377. Dawn S: I had to crate train my lab, she wouldn't sleep without it. It was crazy but she loves it.
  5378. Caroline Poe: Like this so he can see it
  5379. Ally Flagg: you should name him mark (:
  5380. Susie Lynn: CALL HIM MAMBO
  5381. Brianna Lambert: Name him Buddy!! It seems like such a sweet name for a sweet dog and what kind of dog is it?
  5382. Alex 24-01: Name him Joey
  5383. Louise Fogarty: Name it moose it is a really cute name please for all your fans
  5384. Ignas Ščesnulevičius: You should name him Bro :D
  5385. adam moore: Dingle berry
  5386. Tatum Dean: You should name him Dingle and then, if you guys get another dog in the future, name that one Berry, so you'll have Dingle and Berry
  5387. Samantha Perry: rocky
  5388. A Ollie: +xCountingStarsx1 I have a female dog and she marks her territory everywhere
  5389. Isabella: brownie would be a cute game
  5390. GlitterGirl: One thing you need to do is give him lots of attention, i have a dog and she always needs to have attention. Also, i think you should name him Dingleberry or Buster.
  5391. Kai Nugent: shadow
  5392. Katiee: HES SO CUTE!
  5393. DeadParrot27: You should get him puppy training mats or newspaper to put on the floor. They're like disposable mats that soak up their pee. And you can train him to do his toilet stuff on the mat instead of the floor
  5394. Jordyn Salvatore: Well he kept calling him buddy towards the end why not just name him buddy? I think it fits him
  5395. Pilar Mautone: Barry as in "dingleberry"!!
  5396. Isabella DeAngelis: What kind of dog is it?
  5397. Josh The Ford Boy: That's hilarious how he went to the bathroom on his food and really gross. I think his name should be Buddy or Bud.
  5398. Kara GX: There is Nala Martha And now Josh's dog
  5399. Bethy Boo: I like the name "Ozzy"
  5400. KyndleMidd d: Reese
  5401. Bijou Loveless: im sure they named him but they should just name him Bro
  5402. Angel A: You should Name him buddy since you keep calling him buddy
  5403. Jaden Piggott: Call him buddy or buba, HES ADORABLE OMGGGGG
  5404. Kris Hag: Bentley 💕💕💕💕💕🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
  5405. Baby_Unicorn_Dancer Love: +Emma LPS that's my cats name. Lol. I like cocoa!
  5406. Brody Fickey: Name him Benedict Cumberbach
  5407. Daniel B: Such an unlucky dog. He will have to live with Miranda
  5408. Carina Chan: Dingleberry
  5409. Kami Sheanin: Name him bandit!!!! ( like bandana)
  5410. Samantha Acab: Am I the only one who thinks he should name the puppy DingleBerry?
  5411. Jessica Marino: He looks just like my dog, just smaller.
  5412. Lydia._. Xoxo: You should call him dingle berry or buddy!
  5413. EmilyMMeade Meade: Dooooooooddd he was smiling the hole time he met Coleen to the end of the video
  5414. unicorn pony: hunter
  5415. Alexys Slifer: plz plz plz plz i love you so much
  5416. Jamee and Mariah: Name him brownie
  5417. Maddie Clemens: What type of dog is he?
  5418. Harmony D: Name him million because he is 1 in a million to you
  5419. Amber W: You should name him BNTP (Be Nice To People) or buddy
  5420. Taylor Bradfute: Buba!!!!
  5421. Dorthe Willgohs Iversen: ROCKY!❤️
  5422. Donovan Dursa: name him bandana
  5423. matthew knapp: yes!! Timberlake would be the perfect name! ❤️
  5424. A Johnson: Who's watching after Colleen got a cat.
  5425. Caroline Dickenson: Treasure every moment Josh. I had to put my best mate down today because he had organ failure. I adopted him 7 years ago from the shelter, a day before he was due to be put to sleep. We had so many beautiful moments together, ones that I'll never forget. I hope your journey as a fur-parent is an eventful and love filled one ❤️
  5426. TheDaisyForce: Or Bandit
  5427. Lauren Linkvis: I think he already named in Shadow
  5428. emily: either that or keep the name spunky!!! I love that name too
  5429. Sara Adams: bubba bc Colleen called him that and I like it
  5430. xSevenDevilsx: Potty training actually wasn't too hard for my dog but teething is a different story lol.
  5431. Beth Robbins: What breed is he? Anyone know?
  5432. Brooke Seidel: You should get the puppy a bandana so you two can match!!! 😁😍
  5433. Gabby Orourke: NAME HIM COCOOOOO
  5434. Lane Thimmesch: Name him Ollie!!
  5435. Lilliana Harris: Colleen IS A MOMMY!!...... I think I'm gonna cry😅😅😅😅😆😂😂
  5436. KNG KRS: What does Coleen think of this
  5437. Slytherclaw Gal: NAME HIM WIDDLE!! I love you josh! You have an amazing heart
  5438. Mia Lanemann: buddy or bubba
  5439. Summer Watts: Esther
  5440. Kaitlyn: you should name him Rider!!!!
  5441. coco bourget: What's his freekin name!!
  5442. AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: Dingle
  5443. Paige Sleepystreet: Name him roscoe
  5444. Piper North: Name him buddy
  5445. Emily Rain: Or rocky
  5446. Cara Boyd: MARLO OR COLBY PERFECT PUPPY NAMES suits the little guy :)
  5447. Taelin Walton: Name is Buddy!!!!!❤️❤️😘😍😍😍
  5448. Hannah Osborn: You should name him Arlo because he's so small, like Arlo from the good dinosaur
  5449. beverley bennett: +Isabella Hearts I hope that doesn't happen to my little pup :( well I say little XD
  5450. Angelica: Little Friend? Percy. Will?
  5451. Snowy 05: What's the dogs breed?
  5452. Jaz Royale: Aweee my baby sister is turning 6 months on the 20th
  5453. KK&A: name him buddy
  5454. Danielle: You should name him mocha! or esprresso? he looks like coffee and hes very hyper
  5455. Becky Mahoney: name him swag
  5456. Emma A: awwwwwww im soooo happy for you josh!!!!! he is going to be your best friend ever trust me!! he is just a puppy but he will learn.
  5457. Katie Slear: How about Peanut
  5458. Mrs. Mcnair: You should name him buddy I mean it would help when u keep calling him buddy you dint have to stop and say hey buddy oh I mean max or whatever u know what I meanz
  5459. Minna Fridell: Charles would be a great name :)
  5460. Siri A.: Name him dodger or taco
  5461. Kylee S. A Fan: Kyle is a good name for him
  5462. N Jeanne R: How dose Colleen feel about this
  5463. LaynaLovesBooks: I love how you talk about getting a dog and it's a big decision for you and my family spontaneously got both of our cats, and our bunnies.
  5464. Ava Brenneman: Uno? Like one in a million!
  5465. Olivia Vizza: Max would be a great name. Like this comment of you think Joshua should name his new buddy Max!
  5466. Lane Madison: Dinglepup
  5467. Wizmo B: I think you should call him Gizmo!
  5468. Christian Roe: name him dtv
  5469. Patti Bueno: Sargent or Dixon those names just popped in my head when I saw him lol
  5470. # AmyDiy: butterscotch that is my aunts dog you should also name it that... BTW same dog
  5471. George Louise: Name Him Shadow! Like the Shadow Tour? xx
  5473. Quinn Sahutske: This video nearly made me cry I'm so happy right now. I adopted just last summer and it is an eye opening experience. I'm so glad that more people are choosing to adopt shelter animals. I really hope that your experience with this little guy inspires other people much like it inspired me. I think I good name for your little buddy is either chance because you gave this little guy another chance at life. Sparks or sparky or something along those lines, because this little guy changed your life today and there was a sparkle In Josh's eyes whenever he looked at him. Good luck training and caring for your new friend. I hope to be with you every step of the way. Much love! Xoxo
  5474. Holly Dangerfield: He is adorable!! You should name him Archie Like if u agree
  5475. roberto m: Lol me tooo 😂😂
  5476. Time4T: What kind of dog is Buddy
  5477. Tessa Ann: bug
  5479. Jess V: Name him Fraggle!
  5480. ellie snead: you should name him Marco. he looks like a Marco.😄
  5481. Carlie M: Charlie
  5482. caroline r: He looks like a Brody and he is so cute! I love the new addition to the family!
  5483. hissyfit4711: He's so cute! You'll make a good dad, Josh. I hope you vlog it when he meets Peach, Kermit and Marbles!
  5484. peyton richards: He looks just like my dog
  5485. Fifth Harmony 1: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 😄😄😄😄
  5486. Sarah: I love you josh
  5487. Itz Casey: Rascal
  5488. Madison Hadley: Thank god you won't name him kale
  5489. Brileigh Kocanjer: he is sooooooooooooo cute,how does colleen feel about this
  5490. Dani W: Bubba would actually be a cute name! I am feeling a strong B vibe so like Ben? Bosco? Buster (that may not be good because of buster but maybe in memory of?) Benji? Bruce? Bandit? Baloo (like from jungle book)? Ah so many names, so many options!!
  5491. Poppy Mitchell: I think you should call him Buddy
  5492. Taylor Kearin: NAME HIM SNOOPY! 😍😍
  5493. Abby French: name him Cooper! that's my chocolate labs name
  5494. Jillian Sciaraffo: He looks just like my dog named Vito! Name him Rocco, that's what my dogs name was before we got him.
  5496. Ryann Nolan: Bandana Buddy <3
  5497. gabriella berman: name him Martin!
  5498. Tyler Gilfillan: Aw so cute
  5499. Robin Terese: Harley
  5500. Diega MacDougall: Name him Bandit!
  5501. Michelle M.: Call him Stanley
  5502. clear bear100: Josh and John
  5503. Abby Fischer: Name him MILES
  5504. Chloe T: It's so funny how he treats the dog as it's his son.
  5505. Sabrina: +Veronica Lopez Pregnant with a dog 😂
  5506. Nathan Creek: do a puppy party with beans and goose
  5507. Melina: Paigee K. That dog is NOT a dachshund lol
  5508. Amena Shukairy: What kind of dog
  5509. Victoria: Don't worry about the baby they are so loving and kind it all worth it
  5510. Ella Gallagher: UGGGHHHH YAAASSS
  5511. Mia Jesh: Name him rascal
  5512. KatyMarie📷: He's adorable! Congrats on being becoming a daddy (:
  5513. Angela Pepe: Oliver Evans aka ollie💕🐶 literally the cutest puppy ever
  5514. Ariana F. 800: Name him Rex!!!!!!
  5515. Very such SP00PY: "Imma keep calling him buddy" What if his name turns into buddy?
  5516. Kaidyn Pile: Rosco is a perfect name for your little buddy!
  5517. Jesus Aracena: Stacy plays would be happy
  5518. marisa schuldes: Oops I commented before he said he wouldn't name him Kale 😂
  5519. Darragh's Dream: cookie
  5520. rama shahin: NAME PEDRO
  5521. Lucy Christine: NAME HIM LEVI
  5522. Emily Medina: Just name him Buddy
  5523. Rose Russo: Lol I can tell josh has no idea what to do
  5524. Ava Laufersky: Name him JD for Joshua DTV
  5525. Aniyah Wilson: Chesnut
  5526. Mikayla Carleo: Kory
  5527. AbbySalzVlogs: Call him Rockie, it seems like Josh likes the dog more than Colleen. I'm sorry
  5528. Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hand: What kind of dog is it?? It looks just like my dog and she's chihuahua mix
  5529. Ciara.: What about Nugget because Colleen called him a little Nugget in her vid 😝!!
  5530. NinnjaDragon357: Bany
  5531. Ella Bee: You should name him drake so its like drake and josh
  5532. Abby: Bandanna
  5533. klwl: How about naming him "Bandana"? =)
  5534. Alana Riemenschneider: Henry would be perfect!!
  5535. Marissa Loveberry: call him buddy or pepper
  5536. Marissa Luna: hmmm names that I've come up with so far: Bubba, Buddy, Spud, or Jeb lol until you name him im gonna keep helping out
  5537. Madison Hanna: I just got a new dog to. She is 4-5 months old. She is half lab half Australian Shepherd. I was scared, excited, nervous just like you. BTW I thing a good Name for y oh dog is Buckeye!
  5538. Devlin Ella: And it's unique :)
  5539. Isabella Schragel: You should name him bandana
  5540. Cassandra Wister: I know you love him but hugging dogs causes them stress and anxiety. I know how you feel if I got a dog I wouldn't keep my hands off him!!! Also keep dogs in the back seat, they are like children even when they grow up because if you get in a car crash, they can die easily in the front seat. Have fun with your new dog!!!! Treat him right, I know you will! I think a great name would be Max, Mark, or Sam.
  5541. Kdkdkdjldkdn Ndndodkcn: name him Milo pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee
  5542. Samantha Tomasi: Name him Buddy!!!
  5543. Samantha Marie: You should name him Cookie or Kid
  5545. Caligha Ellis: Josh name him buddy cause he is ur lil bro
  5546. Holly Dowler: What about Dana?
  5547. Liv Mercedes: Congratulations!!!!!
  5548. Haley Jane: Name it kid!
  5549. Hayley Bowles: He looks like a Koda :-)
  5550. Alexis McInnis: Glozell has a baby, now you have a dog, Such happiness C:
  5551. nhu luong: Congratulations!!!!! You got your first child!!!!!!
  5552. Cheyanne Jack: Bud/buddy's cool! and you's are gonna be great at raising buddy. he is so cute!! much luv xoxo muah xoxo
  5553. Kylie Gibson: name him toby
  5554. Bean Bun: i think your dog likes Colleen better.
  5555. 2youtubers 2002: you should name him chip
  5556. Teddy Bear in Russian {Mishka}: Name him Moose!!!
  5557. Morgan Ratliff: I laughed so hard when he peed in his food.
  5558. Samaria Reyna: sparcle
  5559. Paris: Name him cookie🍪🐶
  5560. Roberto Saravia: My mom surprised me with a puppy the other week and I fell In love with her first second I saw her and we actually saved her because the owner didn't want her and tbh I cried ( of joy )
  5561. Katie Vinson: OR LOGAN
  5562. Brianna Noviello: Make sure you make him know when he's doing something bad, AND when he's doing something good. After you get him a little more comfortable and training starts, if he pees or poops somewhere other than a puppy pad say "bad dog" and when he goes to the bathroom outside make sure you say a few times "good boy!" It works.
  5563. Kenzie Kitten: Name it shadow
  5564. Sarah Elizabeth: Natures Miracle is great for cleaning up little accidents
  5565. Layne Pepper: I seriously recommend taking him to a training class so he can get used to other dogs. I did with my first dog, and she's great, and then when I got my second dog I thought she would pick it up from my other dog ... But she didn't. She's a nightmare with other dogs, they come within ten feet of her and she starts screaming because she thinks she's being attacked. Nevertheless, she's a great dog. Do what you want with lil sonny. But from a dog owner of ten years, I highly recommend if you want him to be able to interact well. HAVE FUN BEING A DADDY!!!!
  5566. grace: You should name him Dude or Little Dude!!!
  5567. Payton pavlov: name him dude
  5568. Vicky Droz: What kind of dog is he?
  5569. Hazel Stoyka: Name him snoopy!
  5570. charlotte kirk: jojiopjo
  5571. Abbey O_O: That's kinda rude
  5572. Amber Chambers: Name him Dingle! Little dogs shake all the time!
  5573. Luna !: Name him teddy
  5574. Katfrin: what about the name Rocky or Rocco
  5575. Taylor Chambers: You should name him Reese because he looks like a peanut butter cup!
  5576. Panic! at the Fall of Pilots in Romance: You should name him captain
  5577. Maria Grace: Name ur dog MJ!!!!
  5578. Grace Herrmann: Name the dog Riley plzzzzzzzzzzz
  5579. Gianpaolo Della Neve: Name him sparky
  5580. Brianne Brown: You should name him Gucci Carl
  5581. Sarah LaJeunesse: Name him Moose
  5582. Anjelk: Bandana!!!!!
  5583. Kamaya Campbell: You should name him Lil Josh or Danny
  5584. Emily Estrada: OMG HE LOOKS LIKE A ROCKY!!!!😍🐶
  5585. Harley Gordon: Name it pedro
  5586. Sydney Do: Name him Buddy! Or pluto for disney
  5587. Rainbow Farts: Meeko
  5588. Ellie W: Are Josh and Colleen still together?
  5589. Shelby Ulmer: Name him Bandana lol
  5590. Amber Brooke: Bandana
  5591. abby young: Woah. I'm going to change if up and instead of saying "omg I'm so early" 😑😂 I'll say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JOSHUA!! (And you can put this on your snapchat if you want😉💋)
  5592. Kelly Ferguson: aw josh and colleen are the best owners for this dog!! congrats
  5593. Lily H.: Toby!! Seems Cute and fitting to me haha So glad you adopted too <3
  5594. Try Me: omg a cute puppy b his beard is turning white/gray
  5595. Guadalupe Nuñez: Dingel berry
  5596. Kelsey Bunting: I think u should call him Luke 😍
  5597. Lo & Ab: he's some kind of min pin! he looks just like my dog!
  5598. Annalyn Bui: He acts like my dog Howie he is so chill
  5599. Mattielov03: OMG SO CUTE!
  5600. Amanda Rose Littlejohn: He's SO cute ermahgerd!!!!!!!
  5601. rosie rodriguez: 7th!!
  5602. Kayla S: Roscoe 😂
  5603. Chloeshep Music: Yayyyyyyyyy
  5604. Lizz C.: You've been Clickbaited
  5605. Sara Lands: I like the name sniffles
  5606. Gia Pelleschi: Oliver!!!
  5607. SassyyGrande: I found four names: 1. Toby 2. Max 3. Ben 4. Josh Jr. 😂👏🏻
  5608. Rosalyn Lincoln: I would name him Bandit, since it's the closest name to Bandana😝
  5609. Eliana 22: I just got a dog today and he's only one months old and I named him Totty 💜
  5610. caroline stern: he looks like a mochi to me :) little momo
  5611. Tiffani Regalado: You should name him Rocky
  5612. Jess Townsend: Melvin, marvin or buddy
  5613. Rainbow Farts: or Harley
  5614. What's up Cindy: Milo
  5615. Savannah Sabol: Name him Buddy
  5616. Savannah 17: Berry would be a cute name!
  5617. Sophia Rohatynsky: Name him Bandit because he stole your heart
  5618. DAMN DOLAN: Or Buddy
  5619. Renata T: +Sarah Sawatzky Aww R.I.P I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5620. jade ashlund: rocky or waggles
  5621. Hermione Granger: Name him Berry for dingle berry
  5622. natalie wright: Congratulations! U will be a great dog owner
  5623. indianawhistt: josh has always been daddy
  5624. Bron: NAME HIM DINGLE !
  5625. CrlCrystalJedi Wolf: Omg I am so proud of you lol I love your dog
  5626. Chidaalu Frosch: +kelsey moore then it'll be amazing!
  5627. Valentina Merino: Name him Little Dude
  5628. Dwight Turner: Yes, but this type of click-bait is a joy.
  5629. Lil Milky Way: Agreed it really works
  5630. Noa Gal: You've always been a daddy Joshua.
  5631. Lexi Loves Pandas: name him....either....deisel...ringo....max....or Mr.Sparkplug😂
  5632. E Mc: I think u should name him Max.
  5633. Ella Mohring: Name him Harley, Perry, or Milo.
  5634. Gabruel Alvacodo: cosmo
  5635. yujin kim: Why don't we go on a shopping spree? With your money. omg 😂😂
  5636. Suzanne Lebron: You should name him shadow
  5637. Cecilia Veliz: I have 2 dogs the first dog is a german sherperd we seperate him from his mom and sister and he was crying.The other puppy,we found him outside sellersbros and he was crying because he has a home now.i have 2🐕🐕 dogs and 1 🐈 cat and their boys and their brothers 😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😱👍👍👍👍👍😊😊
  5638. Mallory G: Miranda needs to make a video with the dog!
  5639. Sindy Vayner: You should name the dog Canon or Ace. Cute dog!! Congrats on becoming a dad!!
  5640. jordan lindsey: Buddy or Tyson.. I have a Rottweiler named Tyson that's also black and brown but he's 140 pounds and I feel like Tysons a tough name so I think it would be funny
  5641. Tori Jill: Name him Reeses ❤️ he looks like a Reese's cup ❤️❤️
  5642. Seema V: you should name him buddy !☺
  5643. Emily Kolstoe: That's a cute name!!
  5644. Fiona Monks: name the cute puppy King .
  5645. jessica duff: You should name him dingle
  5646. Jordan Wong: You should name him Oli, Mikey, or Jonny
  5647. The Olivia Channel: CALEB!!!!!!
  5648. Iva Del Rosario: what is the name of the video where he saw the puppy
  5649. Shelby Vaughn: what type of dog is it
  5650. Eve Banks: He's adorable I will be over in 5 to steal him
  5651. Madison Blair: Call him buddy because you are already so he will be used to it and two he is your little buddy
  5652. Adeline Kortman: Pepsi
  5653. Ellie: my best friend had a dog like that and it is called Pepsi plz call it Pepsi 💙
  5654. shawnte Willuams: Josh jr
  5655. RPPeanutButterCup: name him Million. you know, like "one in a million".
  5656. Rainbow Farts: Thor
  5657. Faye Clark: Name him Bubba
  5658. cutiechimchim_: Name him stormy
  5659. Aoife Bone: Why don't you name him Kyle?? It sounds like kale :))
  5660. Natalie Adante: name him chip
  5661. Leilanee Reyes: If he's a Doberman name him dobie
  5662. Bryn _christine: You should name him Baxter,chase,duke,jax,max,Rex,or tucker😂❤️❤️❤️
  5663. Lucy Robb: He can't Rebecca's dog's name is peanut
  5664. Equine X: Whever i hear the name Henery i think of the color green, which is my favorite color!
  5665. parental_supervision_advised: HIS EYES ARE SOO DEMONIC
  5666. Charlene Lim: Lol gurrllll brush your teeth
  5667. Rubik's Cuber 1130: Josh: you can pee on mamas leg Coleen: that's fine Lol I almost died of laughter
  5668. Laurel Jeardoe: max
  5669. XxGamingGirlxX: Call him divvy vinny
  5670. Jamitha Snergs: My family did that with our dog when she was a puppy! It works so well!
  5671. Keira Cooksey: OMG I have a chocolate lab!!!!!
  5672. Abbey Frushay: You should name him Chester, that's my dogs name
  5673. Softball_fella 13: buddy
  5674. Jessica Vazquez: why are they filming him ?
  5675. DAVITA DONATELIFE: Bailey that's what you should name him Josh or Braden
  5676. Connor Lofing: Name HIM CHARLIE!!!!!!
  5677. Genevieve Aulenbach: u should name him dozer cuz he sleeps a lot
  5678. Yreen Desiree: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM PEANUT!
  5679. Maisie Green: KING or BUDDY
  5680. Bridget O’Neil: I got my first dog and my family had no idea what to do and now the dog is well trained and listens
  5681. Kaitlyn: benji
  5682. Unimarshpig _: I like Toby
  5683. Courtney Decker: and don't worry, a lot of small dogs shiver for no reason. I have a dachshund and she shivers all of the time.
  5684. Audrey Kennamer: You could call him hunter
  5685. Titan Heiney: Could you name the dog Roosevelt or Harvey
  5686. Quin Jamin: Buddy, DingelBerrie
  5687. Jai Bezzina: Why don't you name him buddy?
  5688. Rachel Beichler: Tucker!!!
  5689. Liz Bussard: I'm so happy I'm crying
  5690. melanie meins: you should name him WILBUR
  5691. Norah: Name him Rocky
  5692. Ranch: what kind of dog is he? cause I'm thinking simba or bear
  5693. eliseargentt yt: Call him Snoopy and Snoop for short awwww
  5694. Kitty Wright: Call him buddy
  5695. okey jelley: omg ive seen a smaller dog than that
  5696. Martin Cs: How about little dude or maybe just dude
  5697. Lisa Loudin: name him Reece... like Reece's cup! :)
  5698. Liana H: Name him Bonquiqui 😌
  5699. Emily Smith: I call my jack Russell bub ah lol her real name is clementine she responds to any of these name Baby Clem Clementine Bub Bubah Clembley And a few others :)
  5700. k-pop mania: Ollie!!💕
  5701. Sarah T: Simba or Buddy
  5702. Meherma Anwar: name him CAJ plz josh it stands for collen and josh
  5703. Annabelle Curran: stinker
  5704. Ima Boss: Looks like*
  5705. Carleigh king: Ari is a cute name or maybe just buddy cause he kinda looks like a buddy.
  5706. Maggie Scanlon: A name suggestion: Barry. The connection would be Dingleberries!😄
  5707. E Cox: you should name him Rocky
  5708. Zoey: Name him Charlie cuz why not
  5709. Brookescouter Gaming: Name him d town
  5711. Lily Horz: You should name him Reese's
  5712. T Music: Name suggestions: Skip, Oliver, Charlie, Dusty, Dakota, Malakai, Mojo, Ryder, Ryland, Nike, Bolt, Hudson, Cody, Duke, Roscoe, Jake, or Gus.
  5713. Joyce hope: bear
  5714. Baby love hartts Baltazar: I first I thought he was having a real baby from Coleen
  5715. Cassandra Bostrom: You should put an old shirt that you dont' wear anymore on his bed. He'll get used to your sent and he will be very comfortable and loyal with you.
  5716. Ellie Cat: Hay josh I messaged on musical.ly And cute puppy
  5717. Hannah Cathryn: In honor of Michael Jackson
  5718. Marina Lopez: Or lucky
  5719. Jackie Ayala: Name him coco
  5720. temyong: +Kelly Gibson well yeah I know that, but when you actually think of it it'll fool you lmao
  5721. Samantha Romero: Shadow
  5722. caylyn schell: Name him Toby
  5723. Berry Blossom: Charlie
  5724. Sheeshtea: Maybe you should name the dog "hero" (:
  5725. Rylee: IM SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! dogs are the bomb😍😍😍
  5726. Ainsley B: How about Gus?
  5727. Paige Nicole: he's super cute 💜💜💜
  5728. Lieke vg: russel sounds cool too
  5729. Taylor Mancuso: Name him Toby or Champ
  5730. Diana Hernandez: +Megan Spencer NO THATS A. WERID NAME FOR A DOG
  5731. puff blah: name him skipy
  5732. LPS Lauren: Name your new puppy Carlos
  5733. Kara Peak: Way to go, Josh!! So happy you're a father to a fur baby and chose to adopt! I adopted my first dog in September and she was young as well (3 months old). I was really nervous and scared at first just like you, but eventually you figure out a routine. Enjoy your new baby! 😊
  5734. Alyssa Marie Valle Garcia: Danny
  5735. ava jewell: His name should be love bug or Fletcher
  5736. Emily Cyr: you guys should name him Simba!! So happy for you two :)
  5737. Chiara Stante: what happen to him... were is the little guy now?
  5738. cher love: Name the puppy bake
  5739. Gaby Estrada: +NatureAG 😞
  5740. Maya Linn: You should name him shadow lol
  5741. Brenna Edmondson: I think you should name him Jr.
  5742. APerson TBH: bandana sounds so cute
  5743. DeloresFran: These little guys are a lot of work, but you make an AWESOME dad! 🐶
  5744. isabella marie: Omg he looks exactly like my puppy except my puppy is a girl but still!!! He acts like her and everything same bark same growl just same everything and there faces look so soooo similar it's crazy!!!!❤🐶 But the only thing that is really different is that we got our puppy when she was a couple weeks old and she was so TINY!!!!❤😊
  5745. Cam Ellis: you should name him dingleberry!!!!!!!!!
  5746. Mia Hancock: OK so the 1thing you need to do is take him out in tony minutes
  5747. Karsyn Riesch: BUDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY🤗🤗🤗😻😻😻
  5748. Katie Vella: Josh you should name him bandana
  5749. Leanne Curtin: Milo😄❤️
  5750. ItsMilly 123: I like the name pastel!
  5751. Kailie DeWald: U could name him bandana
  5752. Randee McCaghren: Congratulations to Joshua & Colleen , I'm so happy & excited for you guys.
  5753. Kendall Lake: Name him Charlie!!!
  5754. Bella Prichard: You're already calling him buddy...... So call him buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5755. Lizzy Pitzer: TOBY
  5756. Nelson Chen: mochi
  5757. Fran Amanda: Kevin, Freddie, George, Jim
  5758. Cydney Xoxo: or maybe little Chip
  5759. Samantha Revenis: U should name the dog Buddy
  5760. Nancy Perez: Patches
  5761. Jordyn Richie: I think you should call him jake
  5762. Julia Romero: call him buddy because you keep calling him that!
  5763. Sarah Devine: I've got a name dingle berry
  5764. Julie Duffell: Bandana.
  5765. H4l3y M0tl3y: name him Rosco. he looks like a Rosco. I like the name Rosco.
  5766. Abby Jane: name him mill, like one in a MILLion !!!!!!
  5767. Slytherin 4ever: name him bandit,buddy,bubub,or harly
  5768. Ilana Mecroci: I like Ollie or Reese or Roosevelt or anything he's just too cute for me to function
  5769. Jaylee Goodine: Or Moose
  5770. Juliette Kim: Spike
  5771. Yasmeen Sulieman: What type of dog is that
  5772. Zachary Chapman: Name him Dinglepuppy.
  5773. Anna julia: bruno ✌
  5774. Where The Music Lies: 😄
  5775. Kaylee Delaat: Name him Bruno!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
  5776. Avery Martin: Name him Rocky
  5777. Sarah South: I think banjo would be cute
  5778. DAMN DOLAN: Bubble💖
  5779. artificial: Call him waffle!
  5780. Samantha Terry: omg that's soooooo adorable
  5781. denisedemuccio: Call him dingleberry or berry
  5782. Lana Truesdell: How about Bubby?
  5783. charliestephen1: Einar is a good name I think, it means 'warrior' in Nordic and I think that's appropriate for this lil pup with what he's gone through :)
  5784. Chelsea Yun: +HollyCraft I think it would be totally cute if you buy two and name them both woody and buzz
  5785. Tale Røseth: Call the puppy Spike
  5786. Kayleigh Jay du Rand: Maverick. I don't know why, but.
  5787. Erin_Pearce04: Or rocky
  5788. Fernanda Montani: ceaser
  5789. Jesse Bulakites: LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE
  5790. Maddie Loveland: Eddie
  5791. Sha Gi: Name him Chewy =D
  5792. Laurlie Juice: Name him Buddy, Shivers, or Takis.
  5793. Mackenzie Wacaser: My suggestions for names are: Queef, Dingle, Bandid, vloger, Scout, Fred, Jack, Troy, Zack, Jason, Justin, Timber as in Timberlake, Charlie, Berri or Berry, Bear, Fartie, Or Buck as in StarBucks.
  5794. Its_Sky_Tho: you should name him reeses or peanut
  5795. Avery Parsell: Toby
  5796. Brogan Randall: Josh's baby voice is so cute...Imagine when he has a kid😍 And he's calling Colleen momma awwww I'm so excited!!!
  5797. ANDREA JONESS: Click Bait
  5798. soph karps: ALSO ALSO what about the name like Kong? LMAO ( like King Kong)
  5799. Isabella Chong: Name him teacow 😂
  5800. Marcela Rosas: What if they named him queefie😂🔥
  5801. Olivia Grace: Name him wild
  5802. jolieee: You should name him Marley!
  5803. Lauren K: 80th comment
  5804. Marie-Ève Migneault: charly?🙈🐶
  5805. Patricio Rada Zubieta: Ollie is a good name!! :)
  5806. Jordan Evans: I have a chocolate lab
  5807. Ayla Condill: FREDDY!!
  5808. Circult: I think that was wet food you put in the cart for your new pup. But did you know that wet food for puppies can cause loose stools? I would hate for your dog to be sick so soon :( You are going to be a great owner though- we all make mistakes. Also a huge thanks for adopting a dog!!
  5809. Heavun Nunley: Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max
  5810. Emily Jones: I got a name Buddy
  5811. Dr. Who: name him butterball
  5812. Natalie Frederiksen: Little dude!! Name him that!
  5813. Cheyenne Eakman: Name him nugget because he's a cute little nugget
  5814. Wildthorns: How about sparky
  5815. Nichole Owens: fudge or peanut
  5816. Bethany Bickford: I think you should name him Rocky
  5817. T S: Call him Dingleberry and call him Berry for short
  5818. Tara A: +Hayley Balzar - omg. You don't get it. Tell them to "request" a homeless, suffering, shelter dog!!
  5819. Amethyst Rose: I have the exact same breed of dog but she's female and a year and a half and she looks just like your Lil man but bigger xx
  5820. Anna Kenny xox: Junior
  5821. Ishika Bharat: Name your puppy "Moment"
  5822. Katie Foster: +Grace Gibbons that's what my dog name is billie jo
  5823. Ok: Aww josh😂❤️
  5824. Stella Swenson: Bob
  5825. BellaAmber Bae: fitz should be his name
  5826. Ella D: What is the difference between adopting and buying a puppy?
  5827. Lipa S: Why didn't you get a cat??😦😞That was Colleen's dream....P.S you can't be a dad to an animal😉
  5828. Breybrey Troy: call him million or milly
  5829. Annie: I think he should be called Barney Xxxxxxxxxxx
  5830. Zaunny g: Coockie
  5831. Beth Robbins: Omg I literally just got my new puppy like yesterday and she looks really similar! Cuteeeee
  5832. Avery G: Yass!!!
  5833. Rainbow Farts: Koda
  5834. Jordan Killenberg: Yes this dog is adorable!!!!!!
  5835. Annie Klein: Name him Bubba!
  5836. Tallulah: I think you should name him Buddy!
  5837. Emthepuff: Okay yes but Jackson!
  5838. Emma Elizabeth: he is too cute! name him moose so his nickname can be moo
  5839. Danielle D: I love hhhhhim!!!! 😊😊
  5840. Emily buckley: Call him buster after buster the cat xx he's so cute
  5841. Natalie Cronin: Lol name him baby kale
  5842. Jack Owens: Why don't you name him King or Prince
  5843. Daisy Singh: JOSH I LITERALLY HAVE 6 DOGS ILL HELP YOU!!!! I'm sooooooooo happy for you!!!! You're gonna enjoy this journey so much! ❤️
  5844. Kellie Griffin: Or you should call him evans❤️
  5845. Lauren Kate: Oh my word, I cried... This is so precious ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5846. Dance Lover: Lucky
  5847. Leigha Barnes: Name him Ray because he's like your ray of sunshine
  5848. Maitland Johnson: No problem. Naming your dog baby is always the hardest thing! Besides maybe naming a human baby!
  5849. Nichol Bennes: Chester
  5850. Jordin Kline: please name the dog Troy because i moved from my house and my neighbors dog is troy and i miss him!!!
  5851. Sam Pretzel: Name him Buddy
  5852. Abbey O_O: Call him dingleberry
  5853. Cate Magrogan: HES SO FRIKN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5854. Britney Marie: ALL I WANT IS THAT PUPPY!
  5855. mish geepee: NAMe him butercup
  5856. Kat Joy Isaacs: Hey Josh, oh my gosh he's so sweet, so when I was looking at Instagram pictures and snaps one name kept popping up in my head and it's not Kale, but what about Rocco? What do you think?
  5857. Kid Perfect: Berry or dingleberry
  5858. Patrick Star: call him tysen
  5859. Somer Social: AHHH NAME HIM DINGLE BERRY
  5860. NatiePlays: you should name him buddy because you call him buddy so much😄
  5861. Liliana Mandel: "he buried himself in my crevices"
  5862. Emmee Rodriguez: Name him Toots
  5863. jessica: He's gonna get so much love from him new family!
  5864. Phoebe Levitt: finn
  5865. Ronnie Netz: Name him SKIPPY!!!❤️❤️ also falafel or noodle or charlie 😂😂😂
  5866. The Amanda: name him Timberlake
  5867. HarryPotterFan💗: Call him Bruno!! Xx
  5868. Isabella Correa: I don't think josh can do it LMFAO
  5869. Emily Arroyo: When he peed on the food.....I died 😂
  5870. Olivia Robinson: I think that he suits a Harley
  5871. Terry Parsons: did u tell Colleen???
  5872. Brooke kubiak: His name should be Zeus
  5873. Maria H: he is super cute ❤❤ and it is amazing that you adopted a dog and also Diego would be a great name for him❤
  5874. Anna Sophia Seavey: That is the cutest dog ever
  5875. Aoife Connaughton: If you need any ideas for dog names I have one, Snoopy!
  5876. Brynna Bailey: Name him buddy
  5877. Amanda Finn: congrats
  5878. Joni Milan: First Glozell is a Mom, now you're a dad. Jeesh Internet.
  5879. Gretchen Day: Wait no name him Dinglecookie!
  5880. Precious Magana :: Did Colleen see him
  5881. Itz.Er1n: Call him Hugo pls I think it will be perfect
  5882. Gracie Girl: his name should be buddy
  5883. Helena Liu: Name him Alex!!! Or maybe Pepper!!!
  5884. Erika Morse: Tip for training don't get mad if he is not doing what you are teaching him
  5885. Emma Van voltenburg: Name him gunner
  5886. ChristinaDaAngel: I like Diesel and Rocky
  5887. Ava donmyer: Love ur vids
  5888. Tori Wyler: Hot Dog
  5889. snowflake 82: this was posted on my birthday
  5890. Miss Liese: help this is too cute i am literally crying
  5891. Emily Rabeno: Max. You can call him max a million
  5892. Anick Leclerc: no sharuff
  5893. Alex Pena: Always been a daddy 😊😉
  5894. Heiso TJMF: Moose is perfect
  5895. Lily Zorian: Sam would be cute to
  5896. Karlee Conway: Bandana
  5897. Dog Lover64: U should name him spike
  5898. Rebecca Baxter: 4000th view
  5899. Malia Folau: Name him Melvin Kale Evans
  5900. sarah sawatzky: I have a golden retriever too! They are total sweethearts😍
  5901. Sophie H: You could name him coco, bear, buddy (that's my dog's name!), thunder, bolt or storm
  5902. Maeve Merritt: Name him arlo
  5903. Homework: how about jojo
  5904. Immy Harris: Name him dingleberry !!
  5905. Morgan Maddox: per to snapchat, POTTY TRAINING: bring him out first thing in the morning, middle of the day and last thing at night. being him on a walk each time and change the time in the middle of the day, so like noon to 4. also, take him on 1 extra walk so he can get his exercise, and pee if he has to.
  5907. Amber Wray: BUDDY!!
  5908. Dalayna F.: don't worry Josh I have two dogs and my first dog was at the age 2
  5909. Anna Swift: You should name him after one of your favorite music artists
  5910. Hailee M: you should name him buddy because you said that you were just going to keep calling him buddy
  5911. gcr0218: You should name him Michael! As in Michael Jackson
  5912. Its Just Jody: Yes
  5913. PopsAndElls x: call him buster or caramel because his brown bits reminds me of caramel
  5914. Kim D: Sparky you should name him sparky
  5915. Madison Ayers: HERES A TIP when you put him in his crate put blankets all over it to where he can't see out it makes dogs feel less scared and more secure 😊
  5916. Bram v.d. Warrenburg: Toby
  5917. Kadie Simcock: buddie
  5918. Hannah Schermer: Name him slay cause he SLAYS (sorry I'm bad at coming up with names)
  5919. Keira Demers: Name him cane!!!!
  5920. Im Nayeon: Early!
  5921. nacho gland: Name him buddy
  5922. Addi Meloy: name him peanut butter or buttercup or just peanut
  5923. Katie Mcl: He seems like a Buba
  5924. the truth hurts: or buddy
  5925. Debra Muller: Duck
  5926. Briana H: You should do kolens me Miranda's reackshon
  5927. Bella Jorgensen: You should name your dog Bandit ❤️
  5928. Cutie Pie: Name him coco
  5929. cupcakesOwO: HE IS SO ADORABLE I CANT
  5930. Riley Graham: You should name him high tops
  5931. WilliamL 137: Name him Berry, Short for Dingleberry!!!
  5932. richy: Name him Stitch or Mojo
  5933. Teena James: CALL him MOJO :)
  5934. abby decker: Can this comment be on snapchat?
  5935. Vera van den Hoven: Buddy is cuteee
  5936. Sarah Mercer: name him Charley
  5937. Jonah austin: Name him slays
  5938. em h.: Cookie
  5939. Deleted 1234: name the dog summer fall sky or jacks
  5940. Gabriella Baccari: U should just call him buddy
  5941. unDead_ Artist34: name him dingle
  5942. Allie R011246: Is it ur and Colleen's dog
  5943. Maddie O'Neil: GIZMO!!!
  5944. Tommy: I hope Miranda won't show up to eat that dog
  5945. Daniella S.: Name him Dude pleaseeeeeeeezzzzz 🐕
  5946. Amelia Shaw: Name him lopaka, luke, nory, or gobey
  5947. Omasa Vlogs: I think graham because the colors and it adorable
  5948. One Small Step: NAME HIM JACKSON CAUSE Michael JACKSON DURRRRR (it's perfect people)
  5949. McKenna Clements: Name it Baxter
  5950. Kailyn Martinsen: chip or bear
  5951. Grace Hale: Chief
  5952. Pixiepie101: You should name the dog Toby
  5953. Katie Howard: Name him buttons
  5954. Elizabethgee: Name him max
  5955. horselover 123: that's what my dog looked like but he was older than that and bigger I miss him😭😭
  5956. Doobisoft: I laughed so hard when he peed in his food
  5957. littlemissjackieee: You should name him Harley!
  5958. Ella Rose: You should call him nic coz it's really close to the spelling of nice... Get it.... Be nice to people!!!
  5959. iConair1: Name him Brownie hahaha
  5960. alissa meadwell: buddy is a super cute name and it suits him💓💃
  5961. Alexia Gutierrez: Simba
  5962. Elias Peña: Name him Bandana
  5963. ania k: WE LOVE SPUNKY
  5964. rae !!: A few names you might like 😊 J.T. Lennon (I saw somebody's Instagram comment suggesting this name... It's so cute!! Bentley Rocky Jax Duke Cooper Charlie Max Enjoy your new puppy, Josh and Colleen! He's absolutely precious!! ❤️😘🐶
  5965. Cookie Monster: Rocko, bosco, rosco, buddy, yogi, BoBo, snickers, sammy/sam just some names that popped into my head!! btw just make sure to give him attention and start training while he is young
  5966. Violet Bieber: Nane him Bandit
  5967. Hannah Peterson: Call him queen or queef
  5968. C_cave: You should name him Clifford or Kipper😂
  5969. Kai Nugent: shadow
  5970. Stefen Colalillo: Name him Angus
  5971. Saylor_ Addison: Sparky or Flash
  5972. Sam Biro: you should name him sparky Mateo buddy dexter Charlie or bounce
  5973. Raspberry_ 123: Call him cooper
  5974. Alexys Slifer: name him popcorn
  5975. Amaya Shenoy: I would call him Padfoot, Sirius, or Remus. (Harry Potter fandom!!! 😂)
  5976. a bowl of clam chowder: All credit to Chloe Conboy.
  5977. 1234 Queen: Rocky
  5978. Lana Pendleton: Buddy Evans
  5979. chloe blaney: Call him cookie
  5980. m k: Cookie dough or just cookie
  5981. Suh Yang: Does anyone know what type of dog this is? He's a cutie!!
  5982. Rowan Fraser: Their puppy is absolutely adorable x😻❤️😊
  5983. Liv Scroggs: SPIKE
  5984. Belmin M: "Sparkle" is great option for his name. I know that Colleen loves shiny things.
  5985. Hanli Zam: Call him Milli nick names: "milli-moe" "mills" "moe" "amilli" bc of your song one in a million 😌✨
  5986. Mia Testa: Star because Starbucks Cali because California or Cole because of Colleen!!
  5987. Elisha.m.H: guys just so you know don't shout while your holding the puppy and when it turns into a dog because their ears are so sensitive xxxxx
  5988. Jess Guariglia: Or Lucky!
  5989. Eliza Ellis: Clover! That's what you should name him!
  5990. Paris Collins: Max sounds nice. I like Marvin as well!!
  5991. Raquel Grant: He looks like a dog that would be very cute to be named lightning
  5992. Carolina Varillas: Name him SNOOPY or Charlie Brown or just charlie
  5993. kat drury: I think you should call home bubby
  5994. alice hewitt: you should name him Dingleberry!
  5995. Kiasia Jae: What show are they filming for?
  5996. Lillian Johnson: peanut butter his name should be
  5997. gianna brock: Josh name him Jax or Jasper so you can have Josh and something with a j
  5998. maneylorbid: DB for short
  5999. Some Random ass name: stfu and find a hart
  6000. Florencia Pérez: If you like calling him Buddy name him Buddy.
  6001. Madison Ross: At 9:16 it looked like he was smiling
  6002. Natalia Woj: name him Toby
  6003. Houalai Vang: PUPPY!!!!
  6004. tenshi: My dogs name is django but i think a good name is sparky
  6005. Logan Atwood: Try to take him out every hour on the hour that's how we potty trained our new puppy to not use the bathroom in the house.
  6006. debby ryan's fav: Call him berry or dingle
  6007. Bree Byrne: please please please call him buddy :) If you keep calling him that he'll get used to it which will be good. Buddy suits him! So glad you got a dog from the shelter :) YAY <3 =)
  6008. Olivia Redman: Yes
  6009. 2nd Dimension: Buddy
  6010. poppy Harrowing: Coco
  6011. Caroline Quinzada: name him Taco! Te Amo Josh. Te amo Taco. Amo los tacos. Bai
  6012. Lana Pendleton: why dont you call him ''buddy''💕
  6013. Riley Moriarty: I'm dead I wish I was there
  6014. Kyle Spencer: Call him ozzy🐶
  6015. SimplySlimeLogical s: Congrats
  6016. Jordan Troutman: I get a Milo or Oliver/Ollie vibe! Congrats on the new pup!
  6017. PTX JUNKIE: You should name him million, because he's one in a million kind of special dog.
  6018. KL Fleming: I like the name Bow
  6019. Sarahnessoyeah: Crying rn
  6020. Loz-ren 987: Can you name him milo please
  6021. kamden oaks: Name him Chewy
  6022. labuha2000: Call him Dude
  6023. EvaJewel_: can permit peach and marbles have a play date with your new dog! CALL JULIEN RIGHT NOW!
  6024. Mattson McCraw: Name him kyle
  6025. cookiequeen: Name him berry for us your dingleberries
  6026. Molly Moo: Name him Berry :)
  6027. Ashley Stanislawski: NAME HIM REGGIE
  6028. Sarcastically_me: I think your should name him Baxter. He's kind of a big deal...
  6029. Neve Plews: I think u should call him dude cos u already r calling him dude
  6030. Hailee Dunn: name him dingleberry tehe
  6031. LoveDove: Sorry but nobody actually needs to know no hate I just get annoyed when people talk about them selves
  6032. J V: Yes MILO!!!
  6033. Mia Garnett: name him lucky
  6034. SpaceCityGamer: 100% thought it was a fake video beause of last week's title.
  6035. Charlotte Ashley: The nervous excitement is ABSOLUTELY normal
  6036. Jess Willms: My dog is small like that, and he used to shake all the time! But we found a thing, which we call it "Ralfy's Thunder Shirt" 😂😂 and it is tight, but not tight😂 it is a shirt like thing and makes him feel safe and he doesn't shiver when he has it on! 💖💖👌
  6037. Summer H: Aw josh he is so cute ILYSM!!!
  6038. Natalie Julia: this name is a lil different but you could name him: Moji (as in emoji) cause yanno the poop, swag, love emojis lol idk
  6039. Shawna vlogs: Max or joshleen😂😂😂
  6040. Maggie _Shoraba: mee to
  6041. Kaitlyn Paige: How about Dingleberry?😂
  6042. Dion Slater: Call him cookie
  6043. Madelyn Crane: I think you should call him Buddy
  6044. Phandom Potato_31: .........I. Thought. Colleen. Was. Pregnant.
  6045. Brooke E. Johnson: I like the name Meeko! (pronounced Me-co)
  6046. The Tessier's Gaming: How bout Liam or chipper
  6047. Susie Lynn: You should name him either, bug, mambo, bandana, or tyler
  6048. Empty Inside: call it sparky or barky
  6049. Emma Lynn: Name him Shadow!
  6050. Ranch: or u could keep it cheesy and call him buddy. 😊
  6051. rondogwil: how about Tuber or Tubie for a name?
  6052. Maria S: Damn I want to be that dog so bad!😅
  6053. Suzannah M: His name should be Bug!
  6054. Slytherclaw Gal: HOW OLD IS HE?!?!
  6055. Maxine O: I think he might look like a Junior! How bout that one? Juno for short if ya want :) LIKE IF YOU AGREE???? adorrrableeee though omg <3
  6056. Carsyn & Paris & Campbell: what kind of dog is this? someone please respond 😍😍😍
  6057. Heather Granger: I think you should name him celeb piper cooper
  6058. My Sweet Boutique: name him dingleberry!!!
  6059. katy trunz: AHHHHH❤️❤️❤️
  6060. lilly simpson: HE PEED IN HIS FOOD 😂😂
  6061. marissa munroe: Just a tip, some dogs can get an upset stomach from eating canned dog food,but all dogs are different
  6062. Josh Lett: Sparky
  6063. Jules Taggart: YOU AND COLLEEN ARE GETTING A DIVORCE 😢😢😢😰😰😭😭😭 I love you both so much. You were made for each other. My heart is broken
  6064. Ya Maybe: Name him tube
  6065. Danika Boissonneault: Name him Max or Charlie
  6066. Luna dawolf: You should name him Dude!
  6067. Choclate Kiss B: Potty train
  6068. Catherine D17: name him Kale
  6069. T1D tween: Name him mj after Michael Jackson
  6070. Valeria Torres-Colon: I like the name Teddy!
  6071. It'sjusthayley123: what did colleen say
  6072. Ida Mathilde Dam Klausen: You should name him Cooper or Cody
  6073. Gali katz: I smiled through this video more than I smiled in very long time! Adopting a pet is such a beautiful and unique experience, you'll be an amazing daddy for sure! 😍🐾✨
  6074. xCountingStarsx1: True a dog I used have before we didn't neuter him till around 1 and he peed everywhere!! My male dog now we neutered him at 5 months and he only pees when he needs too I also have a girl puppy I don't know if female dogs mark their territory though, does anyone know if they do?
  6075. Zoe Damon: NAME HIM SHADOW 😍😍
  6076. Megan Heartbeats: Dingle 😂 name him dingle 😁
  6077. Charlotte Weeks: I would name him Bug or Buddy
  6078. Eric Buchheim: Yea! That's a really cute name!
  6079. Lily Krakowski: Name him oggy like vloggy and doggy
  6080. Mally Maxwell: You should call him peanut or bow
  6081. Willow Davis: name him little bug!
  6082. Alisa Ebel: NAME HIM JACKSON!
  6083. jose miguel canales: OMG i'm proud of youuuu joshuaaa and collen😁😁😁
  6084. KathrinaC4: NAME HIM ZORRO!
  6085. Sophia Rohatynsky: Bandit because he stole Josh's heart
  6086. Digging Diva: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM BUDDY!!!!! DATS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!<3
  6087. Thalia 33: I'm surprised you didn't get a cat for Colleen
  6088. TheAlyssa458: Name him Brady!
  6089. Jordan Purrington: DOGGY
  6090. berkleybruyere: Bando
  6091. Somer Social: NAME HIM BUBBLE
  6092. Bryndis Tinna: What kind is he??
  6093. Alli.421: name him rocky
  6094. happily bored: yay a doggy
  6095. misheard: Name him Cookie!
  6096. SpaceCityGamer: lol Pup: This is what I think of your food... *Pisses on food*
  6097. Adriana Namour: You should name him Dude or Buddy (you called him like this many time in this vlog) or Kid (like Colleen called him when she was holding him) And I'm so happy you finally brought a dog home ilyy
  6098. Tianna Lecander: aww congrats on adopting your first fur baby.
  6099. jesselen: Yay Colleen is going to be so happy since she said she wanted it
  6100. Long Nguyen: Buddy or Tom
  6101. Animal lover: NAME IT BANDIT
  6102. John Esho: No name it buddy
  6103. Gretchen Day: Dinglepup or Dingleberry
  6104. Daniel A: Pluto
  6105. hannah kim: nvm
  6106. Lizzy May: call him dude it would be so cute
  6107. Rebecca Lee: I like the name Dexter for your little guy!
  6108. casandra :p: name him Joshua jr
  6109. Riley Galloway: Name him Rocky!
  6110. Alexis N: NAME HIM TREVOR
  6111. Gillian Riley: OR EVAN
  6112. marlo clark: Bandit would be a pretty cool name like bandana? I used to have a puppy named bandit i got him from a shelter :)
  6113. Shannon Frazer: Name him dingleberry 😂❤️🐶
  6114. TheMagentaPuppy: +Grace Valentine They are both spelt and pronounced differently, so how can they be the same name?
  6115. Emma Jeane: Name him grizz he is so cute
  6116. Hope Fox: I have the same dog, (even looks just like him!) But with the shaking, get him used to t shirts or coats. For my dog it makes her feel safe and warm. It really helps!
  6117. Emma Collins: Saw the title and clicked so fast 😂
  6118. taylor girls: YOU SHIULD NAME IT MUSKY
  6119. McKenna Elo: name him Bandana!!!
  6120. Hayley Jean: Whenever you take him outside take him to the same general area so he learns that that is where he is supposed to go to the bathroom and everytime he does pee or poop outside reward him with a treat so he learns that if he does that its good it worked for my puppy. Also everytime he pees inside pick him up and take him outside even if he doesnt have to pee to show him that thats where he goes not inside! Just some tips for you! Congrats!
  6121. Grace Marie: Idk but Bug seems like such a cute name for a dog 😍
  6122. Nadiah Tejani: He looks like a Skippy or a Swag/Swagger.
  6123. Paige Milton: name him little dude
  6124. Julia Poole: mad click bait
  6125. shadow claw199: is Colleen going back to Canada
  6126. maggie zawalick: name him rocky or bear
  6127. 🙄: How About Buddy
  6128. Hannah.rosez: Loui or Jupiter
  6129. Brooklyn P: Yaaay he's adopting. that is so great
  6130. Liz Palumbo: +Maddie Gebhart yes geez i was just wondering since it was in the pet store you dont need to be so rude about it
  6131. Halei Tracy: Timberlake
  6132. Leah . Marie: +Heyimflower yea but that's a saying but imagine naming someone that
  6133. Regan Lipphardt: Harley
  6134. sparkles19711: YES OMG
  6135. Brianna: Name him Snoopy
  6136. Leah Anderson: Name him bandana
  6137. Kat Guise: I think you should name him Slaze, after the friend who helped introduce you :)
  6138. Panda lover629: Call him coco
  6139. JustJay: Aaah! This is giving me flashbacks from when I got my puppy two years ago! So cute! I'm sure you and Colleen will be great parents to your fur baby. Congrats, and I'm really happy you guys chose to adopt! ^_^ Can't wait to join you guys on this journey. :) BTW, I don't know if I missed it, but what kind of dog is he?
  6140. Emily H: I'm honestly so so so happy for you!!
  6141. PIZZA LOVERR: I thought it was a REAL BABY!!!!really Joshua REALLY!!!But hey you're gonna be a great father😂love ya
  6142. Alexis Carson: Ollie
  6143. Hezekiah jean: Call your dog celebi
  6144. Baking with Harmony 305: Name His Fragle Slays Or Dingle😂😂
  6145. { HMB }: Omg "Buster" would be cute!!!
  6146. Molly Timmons: Some good names are Scout, Buddy, and Duke, but I know whatever you name him will be perfect!(also, I thought berry(like dingleberry) would be funny, but doesn't suit him.
  6147. 。艾云: Or little man...
  6148. Renee Dobson: name him rocky
  6149. Riley Keller: name him fraggle!
  6150. RandomRachael: I have a yellow lab and she is really old but you should name him buddy
  6151. Shannon Leff: I feel he should either be buddy or teddy
  6152. Kayleigh Hepton: call him dingleberry
  6153. Emilia Ingold: He's beautiful! Congratulations! name suggestions: Remi or Jax 😉
  6154. Samantha Simone: pickles, buddy, bailey,max,Charley, jack,rocky,Toby,Cody
  6155. Jenna Tea: Timber
  6156. Audrey Gautreau: Sprinkles should be the name
  6157. Bijou Loveless: haha he peed in his food..like on camera...hes a star
  6158. Brianna Hong: Fourth
  6159. Miranda M: Name him Russell🐶❤️
  6161. Zaniyah Flowers: Tank
  6162. E_m_s_: What breed is he ?
  6163. Isabelle Jennifer: Name him Toby or Snickers!
  6164. Betsy Bjerke: Name him Teddy!!
  6165. t0m daig1e: call him tea cow 😂
  6166. dayna: +xCountingStarsx1 no they mark it in a certain spot
  6167. Jessica Im: Chance!!! PLEASE NAME HIM CHANCE!! I got a puppy less than a little less than a year ago and it's so fun and stressful. Me and my mom pretty much just went with the flow while she grew up but make sure they have a schedule!!
  6168. Kelcie Edwards: I think Sammy
  6169. Delaney Freeman: Bandana dog
  6170. Diana: Rascal
  6171. HeyitsHattie!: Buddy!! The first thing you said before you met him x💜🐶
  6172. xluuuren x side channel: alfie moon would be a cute name
  6173. Ryderomg Ryder mittleider: koda
  6174. Maggie Bowes: It's ok if u don't know what your doing just remember feed and give him waterbring him out play with him and let him out
  6175. Era Latifi: When the notification came i was like OMG colleen is pregnant but then i saw the dog and I squealed so loud
  6176. Lucas Sacks: roman but his cunda name might be ... lazerpoop
  6177. Colleen Heniff: DAD!!!!!!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
  6178. Nicole Deller: NAME HIM CHANCE I LOVE THAT!!!!❤️❤️
  6179. Yadira ponce: shadow it would be cute for him
  6180. galaxyrose12: names: bear teddy rocky
  6181. bettyxmartin: Name him buddie!!!!
  6182. julianna os: Why don't we go on a shopping spree ! With your money ! Im legit dying !!! 😂😂😂
  6183. Abby Robles: What kind of dog is it
  6184. katxoxy: I know this sounds weird, but call him Peter? Idrk I just feel it ya know
  6185. mw33: how about diggleberry
  6186. Raelyn 17: BUDDY
  6187. Tori Holden: I can't wait for videos of puppy and Julien/Jenna Iggy playtime!!!
  6188. Emily: Elvis, I think is a good name for him
  6189. amazingdolls 44: My dogs name is hunter cuz he's a basset hound and he likes hunting
  6190. Kayleigh Hepton: call him dingleberry
  6191. Jaynie: Call him "beni" (Beanie) as in be nice to people be
  6192. Katelynn Lunt: Name him berry short for dingle berry
  6193. DANA ASTUDILLO: "You can pee on momma's legs tho" "yeah that's fine" 😂😂😂😂
  6194. Isabela Molina: ᕼIᔕ ᑎᗩᗰE ᔕᕼOᑌᒪᗪ ᗷE ᗷᑌᗪᗪY!😘🙀
  6195. Salem Imhof: You should name him Dude.
  6196. Calena Cau: Or just call him Buddy
  6197. marie9elizabeth: My husband and I adopted a Min Pin mix a few months ago. She was about the size of your pup and I swear they could be siblings. She's a lot of work and a bundle of energy but I wouldn't trade her for anything. Oh, and my dog shivered the first several times in the car but now it's her favorite thing.
  6198. Hannah Shankster: This is so cute OMG Josh I love uuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!! Btw any small youtubers wanna support each other xxx
  6199. Carissa: My grama just got a new dog for the first week he didn't have a name so she called him buddy and just disided to keel that name
  6200. Revitalise Studios: Call him chip (like if u agree)
  6201. Annie C: You should name him Buddy! I love him! ❤❤❤❤❤
  6202. BoogersAreTheBreakfast OfChampions: Okay...weird. Horny much?
  6203. Christina Lokis: name him beau or rosco
  6204. A Johnson: You and glozell are both parents!!! 😘😝😝🤗. Congrats and both your kids are super cute
  6205. Kaylee Vawter: You should name him Legendary.
  6206. Carly Lindsay: Name him Pokemon
  6207. American meets European: He's so cute!!! Good luck and enjoy being a puppy parent :)
  6208. Alexandra George: Leo
  6209. It’s Just Kendra: Dasher
  6210. Ukulele Songs: name him joey or buddy
  6211. Nicole Sapp: name him lil josh
  6212. jasmine barlow: Or bro
  6213. Leah Peah: Congrats to the new parents!! I think he's a Chandler
  6214. Kathryn Hacke: Duke!!
  6215. Meg: Tomorrow my kitty i adopted from PetSmart will be 5 months old :D
  6216. BEEKA27 W: Name him bear finn smack or kidder
  6217. Lorie Lee: Jackson would be a great name, given your eternal fondness for the late, great MJ!!'
  6218. Eric Padilla: High tops
  6219. IAmBroadwayTrash: NAME HIM PENIS POUTINE
  6220. Georgia Redford: Name him peanut
  6221. malikapeach: Also I'm a dog expert and to make him feel loved and excited you need to talk in a high pitched voice for example, "You a good boy?"
  6222. Michele O: He is the most precious little dog. So handsome! Congratulations!
  6223. Hayley Balzar: +Tara A We don't irresponsibly we only breed by request
  6224. Meg Lederman: is josh now vlogging daily again?
  6225. Eric Cartman: it's a dog not a bunny or a barbie girl
  6226. Katherine Boyle: Name him max❣❣❣❣
  6227. Emma Sanchez: You should name him Tinkertoy!
  6228. Lily Messier: Name him Ashton
  6229. Emma Corcoran: Olli like one in a million
  6230. Jolindsay13: why does he call us poop stuck on a furry butt?
  6231. Julia H: call him lil dude
  6232. Smiley Reilly: This motivates me to get a puppy. Lol but I already have 4 dogs
  6233. Maggie S.: Name him MJ for Michael Jackson
  6234. Elena C.: Wait what's the show called?
  6235. karina murison: he's one in a million hes such an adorable puppy I'm crying like a baby
  6236. Brisa hernandez: you should call him buddy
  6237. Lizzie Ok: I think you should call him berry
  6238. Caitlin: Name him nugget!
  6239. Andrea Pizzo: name him elvis plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6240. brooklynne tess: not gonna lie, I cried just a little when the dog came out😪
  6241. Maria Neves: cute
  6242. Broken Torpedo: Name him Porky or Romeo
  6243. Emily Rain: Name him buddy
  6244. montavia: maybe luke
  6245. Maya Barbarush: Name him PORKIEEE
  6246. Snazzy KK: This is late but I like the name Cinnamon💖
  6247. Jenna Dameron: The name should be coco
  6248. Taylor Bradfute: What about Bubba? I Love you and Colleen so much!!!
  6249. Julie Brown: Moe!
  6250. C M: You should name him Toby
  6251. Katelyn MacDonald: Mysecretgarden productions josh is going to keep the dog because he is technically his and Colleen got a cat 🙃
  6252. Georgia //: You should call him 'little dude'
  6253. AbbyTheMs: I think Caesar would be a cute name!
  6254. Elizabeth Marcoux: ozie is a good name
  6255. Cyndi Zinger: Name him high top
  6256. life with leah: Scout that suits him he's so cute
  6257. Haley Dombrowski: Max !!!!!!! Cause you can call him Max-a-million or Max Attck !!!
  6258. Audrey Bensinger: Congrats josh! I just adopted a beagle puppy a week ago from the animal shelter and her name is Ellie :) you did a great thing today!
  6259. Calena Cau: NAME HIM BOBA xD just why not and its a cute name xD
  6260. - -: tbh Kale sounds so good
  6261. ju_tmbr: +Remi M Oh im srry to hear that my cat died 2 her name was Peggy😢
  6262. Sebastian B: everybody needs a pet named Steve!
  6263. Diana Maria: name him August :)
  6264. April Showers Bring may flowers: name him buddy
  6265. Israel Montoya: Name him Todrick hall
  6266. Armando Vega: my dogs name is toby
  6267. Katie Simonds: My heart has officially melted 😍😭
  6268. Asma Karachouli: awww he is so cute .I would call him toby !
  6269. The Flubster Girl_: Name him monkey
  6270. jamie casares: name him Franklin
  6271. April Rivas: He's adorable!
  6272. Ernie Meza: Call him dingleberry 😃
  6273. Skylar Yen: sparky
  6274. Euan Toms: Call him 1. Peanut 2. Charlie 3. Lewis 4. George 5. Jesse Also, PLEASE INTRODUCE IT TO RICKY DILLON'S NEW DOG OLIVER AND JOEY GRACEFFA'S DOG STORM!!! They're all so cute!
  6275. Ruth B: Enzlo should be his name
  6276. Rosevania Goncalves: I love you joshua
  6277. Kayla Anne: josh what kind of dog is he??
  6278. tyler 09: +Mashantee Jones questioning whether it'd be a good or bad thing to have the same name as his dog😂😂
  6279. Singingsisters 01: SO EFFING CUTE I CANT HANDLE IT (he really looks like my dog!!!!)
  6280. Dany Garay: Name him Toby
  6281. Sadie M.: YAAAASSSSSS
  6282. Sarah Jane Sims: Name it Tuffy. Or something with a T. Or Sully!!
  6283. maya: like if u agree
  6284. Heather Latimer: Toby
  6285. Morgan Clarke: does colleen know?
  6286. TheAwesomeMC: My dog is a black lab and she's big now and when she was really small she was abused and she was in the Arkansas floods:(
  6287. B B: BANDANA
  6288. brandi collins: Here's a few names,Kingston,Drake,Steve ,Austin,and Starbucks🐶🐕
  6289. Kylee S. A Fan: Josh you need to name him buddy
  6290. Raven bird: An odd name but he looks like a Chowder
  6291. Emma moroney: name him bear
  6292. Ethan Dry: name him oreo
  6293. Fanoflalonyxx c:: or blackie
  6294. Faith Cabrita: You could name him cj or jc to resemble your name and Colleen's name
  6295. Meghan Ritchie: NAME HIM POUTINE
  6296. Polly Mackenzie: name him Marmaduke (if u haven't named him already. duh :)
  6297. Kennedy Cash: Yeah cooper
  6298. Josephine Rios: Name him Timberlake!
  6299. Allies Channel: Buddy
  6300. TheBigBlack: oh daddy pls
  6301. infinityblast: Where's the WADDUPP INTERNEETTT?
  6302. aubrey: he pointed that out ...... so long ago..... like when he was doing the year of vlogs......
  6303. Virginia Noblet: Thor!!!
  6304. Alysa Costumbre: either rocky or Scooby
  6305. Koko119254: What kind of dog is it?
  6306. Maci Anderson: noooo
  6307. Louis Phillips: I was thinking the same thing Lol! Call him million Josh!
  6308. Faith Resendiz: call your dog shiv :)
  6309. 주희: it's already clear he has a beautiful home and family, this video made me so incredibly happy! <3
  6310. Dr. Who: I like them all
  6311. BaileyK: Puppy name ideas - Buddy (you already called him that and it's pretty cute) Rosco & Charlie He looks like all those name would fit him
  6312. Madelyn Fox: Rocko
  6313. darien mary: Maybe you should name him Loki. He kinda looks like a Loki.
  6314. lily T: name him bear or max
  6315. josie badgley: Name him buddy
  6316. candylover yay: that puppy is so lucky
  6317. AnnaG Elias: Maybe you should call him Shadow?😏
  6318. g_p 36: I think that Trevor will suit him
  6319. Kaden Volentine: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
  6320. Julie Huttenlocher: Awe you are so good with him
  6321. Natalie Faas: Eli
  6322. LifeAsKaite: Max
  6323. Myka Mateeff: You should name him snickers
  6324. Kari Alysia: Everyone comment dinglepup or berry for #TeamDinglePup
  6325. horselover 123: +Maria Fanelli oh
  6326. Morgan Maddox: you could name him Evan for your last name or river. Lorence Jay Jaguar Buddy Milton Bradley Cooper Kris Bane (Short for bandana, or from batman) Kacey Max Earl Filip Ben JC (Jack Charles, or something else. but for Josh Collen) BE (Balinger Evans) Tebone
  6327. Chloe Young: OmG I recognized that guy that was holding the dog from animal planet :O
  6328. TheMonchichi86: Uh, Timberlake? Jackson? name him after your favorites?
  6329. Julia Mink: Why is there a camera crew?
  6330. Kim Cox: shadow ❤️🐶
  6331. Pooge: Suggestion #1: bandanna suggestion #2: dingle
  6332. Jazz Glamorous: Snoopy would be such a cute name especially since you love Snoopy☺️❤️🐶
  6333. Gabriella Putri Hartono: I'm a dog person as long as I can remember. but when I was in elementary school, my dad used to banned me from touching or playing with dogs, idk why. I finally had a dog (I adopted her) when I was 13 and it was one of the happiest day in my life, but all of the sudden, 2 months later, my dog died. someone poisoned her and her body turned yellow. I'm 21 now and 6 months ago I finally adopted a dog, and that day was the highlight of my life. his name is Obed. he's a pain in the ass, but it's all worth it. I love him to death. I'll kill people just to protect him. he owns my heart. thank you, Josh, for adopting that little guy. I always believe that adopt is better than shop, because there's a lot of animals that need love and a forever home. so once again, thank you, Josh. he'll always love you until his last day on earth. have a nice day, xx.
  6334. breandieselTV: Everybody that subscribed to Josh, or Colleen, or Rebecca, subscribe to my channel, breandieselTV! I need subs! I would appreciate it! Thanks.
  6335. Austin Wilson: you should name him oliver!!!!
  6336. sparklesofroses: 9:50
  6337. Molly Anglum: name him Happy
  6338. Lori Fahan: Name him buddy
  6339. Kline Nickel: What breed is he?
  6340. TheMagentaPuppy: Dingleberry is such a mean and terrible name for the dog!! Why are so many people suggesting it??
  6341. teletubby blood: Kaleb so it's not kale but kale
  6342. angelina: you should name him buddy or winnie
  6343. Carrie Lengemann: i like the name bruno for a dog lol
  6344. Bethany Linhares: AAAAAAAAHHHH YAAAYYY
  6345. Jennifer D'Ercole: Scotty would be sooo cute
  6346. Gina Graney: Name the cute puppy peanut,lil dude,or rocky
  6347. Squishy and Moose: name him Berry. he can be a dingleberry like all your fans haha xD
  6348. Kyndall Collins: You should name him Buddy!👌🏻👌🏻😘😘
  6349. Derpy Taco: Timy
  6350. Isabel Shimmield: When the dog uses the bathroom in the house u need to immediately take them outside and make sure they know that they should not be using the bathroom in the house
  6351. alexis balensiefen: what kind of dog is it?
  6352. Maddie Beechner: What kind of dog is he?? He's so cute 😭
  6353. Niki Newtown: I think you should call him AJ!!
  6354. NaTTalie Christina: Kibble is an awesome name!
  6355. Wendy Carroll: I think you should name him Jax
  6356. Vanessa Aiuto: Name him little dude since you always call him that
  6357. Not Riley: yah
  6358. Mollie Sims: Roscoe or Ollie! I'm so in love with his little floppy ears!
  6359. Haley Dolinar: NAME HIM LITTLE DUDE
  6360. Itsssss Lily: What about CJ for Colleen and josh
  6361. Amberr Michelle: Or CJ
  6362. Chloe Dixon: I have a golden retriever puppy and she is 4 months and she is super cute 🐶🐶🐶🐶
  6363. KB Endy: shadow
  6364. Galilea Ravelero: Call him berry for dingle berry 😊😊😊
  6365. vickyXY: Dingleberry! Awww! ❤️
  6366. Hadlee McManus: Chase
  6367. chxrlished: CALL IT NEIL!
  6368. pauly: Call him bud
  6369. Emily Whitt: You should name him tea cow🐮☕️❤️💗💖💚💕💘❣
  6370. MayaAndClaireStudios: Name him boomer
  6371. Katie McEntaggart: Name him bambi
  6372. Just Claudia: FINALLY I WAS WAITING
  6373. kaitlyn porte: My mom thinks you should should name him mickey
  6374. DonkeySocks: OR COCO
  6375. Julia Earley: Name him kip
  6376. Sophie DeVore: name him shadow
  6377. Lilly cookie: name him cookie or spike
  6378. Julia Sororchuk: What about Pepsi
  6379. Leana Roberts: Ollie
  6380. Beauty and Food tutorials: Name him Choco
  6381. A Person On The Internet: Name him Dingleberry!
  6382. Madeline Slover: plzzz name him pongo!! Its soooooo cute!😆😍😍😅
  6383. AvaAwesome: I thought Colleen was Pregnant
  6384. jazmyn rodriguez: Name him George 😊
  6385. Lily Sam: if he's this emotional over a puppy, imagine when he has kids (:
  6386. Isley Gebman: NAME HIM BUBBA as in hubba bubba because hes such a cutie
  6387. Abigail Vervair: call him bubba
  6388. Ramiro Felix: Name him Buddy plz
  6389. Emma Hensley: Name him Buddy or buster.
  6390. Principle Sebastian: NAME HIM DINGLE BERRY
  6391. Brianna Rose: Or name him coco
  6392. REVANITE VEILFARR: U can call UR dog Joshy or Joshua
  6393. Maddy Brown: Name him Jackson or Cody
  6394. megan keane: rocco,buddy,lucky(because he is lucky he is adopted to a very loving family!!
  6395. Sydni Moore: "I'm about to become a father" OMG WHAT OMG (it's a dog) ...................................
  6396. Erin Kiple: can you snapchat today? it would be the best day ever if I was on your snapchat! love you!!💗
  6397. Roisin Rules: Buddy is the name
  6398. Isaira Alegria: Name him kid lol
  6399. Maddy Knapp: Ahhh! So happy you finally got the dog! Congrats! He's gonna have a great life with you guys :)
  6400. Alexa Soden: so happy to see another vlog! It made me so emotional to see your reaction! So happy for you!💜💜
  6401. Madelyn Tabor: Okay that's legit the cutest puppy ever 😍🐶
  6402. # lizzygurl: I think snoopy is a super cute name❤️
  6403. Sierra Green: Name him bean or beans pls!!!
  6404. Melissa Meza: Name him MJ! :)
  6405. xCountingStarsx1: What breed is Josh's dog? He's so cute!
  6406. Alex.Curry: You should call him Rover!
  6407. Deanna La Gala: like dingal berries
  6409. grace son: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM BANDANA
  6410. Donna Clough: You should call him Ted
  6411. sparklesthepikachu: What is the breed of his dog?? He looks like his name could be Cookie or something, idk, he's cute though
  6412. KaalaniDys: Why is he NEVER with Colleen
  6413. Destiny Pacheco: Names you can name spunky Max Buster Rosco Milo Bubba
  6414. horselover 123: you should name him buddy
  6415. Kelsey Odonnell: And give him a bandana!
  6416. Ang M: Peanut because he looks like a lil peanut
  6417. Crunch Time: Get it? Benji like benjerman and he is on a hundred dollar bill
  6418. Cara Navarrete: Bubba!!!
  6419. j.jackychan: I think Loki would be cute
  6420. MURCI BOOO: A perfect name would be BILLY 😍😍
  6421. ju_tmbr: *d
  6422. Brittany Musgrave: I think you should name him rocky
  6423. HeyitsAliza: Name him bandana
  6424. Olivia Parteka: Buddy!
  6425. Emily: Howie
  6426. Maebry McQuaid: Name him tooter because you guys both fart a lot ;)
  6427. Alexandra Newbery: I just got a new puppy and I named him Murphy and his middle name is Romeo . You can se these names as well if you like them💙 good luck on choosing a name!!!💖💖💖
  6428. Doraa Kk: CALL HIM ZEUS!!! ❤️
  6429. Nikki Schnute: I like the name Rolo. like the candy (:
  6430. AJ Fox: +Sarah Sawatzky they r sweeties but they have their moments at least mine does. They r like humans, sooo cute!♡ them so much!
  6431. Makenna Sexton: please name him dingleberry nickname berry
  6432. Lily Stratford: Name him little nugget
  6433. myselfiesims: Oscar
  6434. Madison Auguste: Name him charlie
  6435. TiffyLoveT2L1: Chance!
  6436. Chloe.c. Xoxo: Name him bandit I think it would suit him
  6437. Izzy Monroe: dawwww:D yall will be excellent dog parents
  6438. Kirsten Krieman: Name him Buddy because you keep calling him that. My Grandparents dog is named that, or you should name him Oliver.
  6439. Maxxmo: Storm, Wolf, Sailor, Dash
  6440. Zeus The crazy ferret: Congrats
  6441. Shelby Vasko: He looks like a Bandit.
  6442. Reese Ringwelski: What happened to the cat you were going to get
  6443. Shelby W: Name him Journey since as you said he is a journey that you are taking!😃
  6444. undreiia: Hypey piper drake brownie buddy Charlie
  6445. Melissa Skubovius: Aw josh is soo happy❤️
  6446. Lauren Power: In the UK 'Spunk' means semen.
  6447. Sheree: my dog's name is Rocky!
  6448. Jess Beatty: You should called Rikey
  6449. MM Toney: I think Baylor suits him so well, in my opinion!
  6450. Charley King: What about Colleen?
  6451. Valencia Cossetta: Barry
  6452. claire _: i think Bentley would be cute..
  6453. Khoa Truong: Name it tomie
  6454. _ia_: +Lucky Monkey What do you mean?
  6455. Annikas Makeup: Yea call him buddy or little dude
  6456. Roxana Terry: You should name the puppy Buddy
  6457. Liz: Yes yes yes
  6458. Zoe Chan: You should name the dog cookie
  6459. Zoe. per: Call him tiny
  6460. Felish Syd: S'more or kid
  6461. Courtney Decker: you should name him max!!
  6462. Ashlea Mason: CALL THE PUPPY KALE
  6463. Josephine Wild: Thank you for tricking me AGAIN...😂😂 When is the actual baby for?
  6464. Abi Cherniss: so cute oh my gooood
  6465. Mayah Williams: It's adorable!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍🐶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  6466. Linda Douglas: Name him Max, because he's a very manly little guy.
  6467. sarah vance: Name him little dude cause u always call him that
  6468. NobleDesignMedia: Congratulations, daddy Josh! Buddy Evans is soooo cute! May you learn together and enjoy a long and happy life.
  6469. Shelby Laz: Name him YouTube that would be funny
  6470. Sydney Cable: Name him Lucky!!!
  6471. Jessica mcclain: I had a lot of dogs if u have any questions ask and please name him roscoe
  6472. Alicia rose: you could name him Reece like Reece's candy cause he is light brown and dark brown ( or black )
  6473. AJ Fox: +Bff Emma is Yoda's well, it might take awhile. my dog is 70 pounds of pure puppyness and he still bites when he is excited which is all the time. but dont worry he'll calm down when hes about 2 yrs old. i know it seems like a long time but trust me, it gets better!
  6474. Lauren Taylor: name him ollie
  6475. Sarah 9725: +Andrea Tapia okay np
  6476. Liviy Loo And Phebbles: He should be called buddy
  6477. Joe Maglio: I'm sorry u must miss him😥😟😟😢
  6478. Chloe Goff: Rocky! 💙💙
  6479. TheFamousDino: Junior?
  6480. Summer Lofland: I see some future Miranda videos coming😂
  6481. Annalee Galley: Berry
  6482. Bella Verhoestra: You should name him Oscar cause he seems like an Oscar or elliot
  6483. Stevie I.: I like the name nugget 💖
  6484. Shruthi Rao: Sonny, i always like the named sonny
  6485. rubymimosa: I know the instinct is to say "no, bad dog" when he pees someplace inappropriate, but as a puppy he may misunderstand. Better to ignore accidents (but clean them really well) and praise him when he "goes" in the correct place. Zac Efron has a YT series of how to train well!
  6486. Brittany Porter: They should name him buddy
  6487. Lizzy Lamb: name him Tuber
  6488. Kyra Mcallister: Name him Nash
  6489. Alijah Boland: Charley 😭😍
  6490. Gigi: It sounds like his name is Little Dude... Because of how much he called him that
  6491. SKEERRTTT: name him chocolate cause of his color or caramel
  6492. Klondike Bar: So there's some names
  6493. cassidy reed: I think the dog looks like a little Rino
  6494. Dino the milkshake: Sparky 🔥🔥
  6495. M M: Dude
  6496. SimplySarah: REMY IS A CUTE NAME
  6497. Clo Tay: you shouldn't take your puppy out until hes had all his injections as he can get illnesses x
  6498. Deanna La Gala: berry
  6499. Halle Kaye: You should name him Joey just because
  6500. Rachel Hosch: Name him Duke! 😍
  6501. Sophia Olvera: Buddy!!!!!
  6502. Hey It's Valerie: Name him Caleb or buddy
  6503. Morgan Conover: I think u should name him Caleb which apparently means dog. I really like then name and I think it fits him
  6504. Chanie Mitchell: name him Bro
  6505. Mylei Rodriguez: Plz I love that name
  6506. Madyyy: It is pronounced z-ed
  6507. Kendall Fillat: Fenway
  6508. CM B: YAS puppy ADOPTION :D
  6509. Katy O'Hanlon: I wondered why he kept saying 'I am getting a dog' 'I am going to be a dad' and not 'we', and why Colleen wasn't there.
  6510. Joey Graceffa For life: The dogs name should be Joey or stuby or tubby
  6511. Infinity Tv: You should name him CJ which stands for Colleen and Josh❤️
  6512. Rachel Song: How about u name him charlie
  6513. Hollie Nugent: call him wolfie 😀💜✌
  6514. HiAnnHere: Names: Noah Aaron Camryn Daxton Gavin
  6515. zoe johnson: NAME HIM MILO !!!!!!
  6516. Lydia P: BANDANA!!
  6517. V Scott: Her are a few names Nico,Coco,DC,Pazley,and Pablo
  6518. Cambree Clifford: wait...YOU SHOULD GET HIM LITTLE DOGGIE BANDANAS!
  6519. Danielle Bachovchin: harvey
  6520. Aoife Cartwright: Jasper is cute or bud or buddy 🤔
  6521. Emily Lyle: Name the pup Cyrus or peanuts or bud bud
  6522. Sadie joy: Call him beau
  6523. Caroline Burke: Name him Bentley!!!!
  6524. Kate Craighead: I have a dog who looked exactly like him when he was a puppy. mines name is Toby 😊
  6525. Caroline Cain: Ralph would be avoid name
  6526. Maisie Blue: BUDDY , or , BAILEY , or , ALFIE , or , BRUNO
  6527. Emily Stewart: Name him obee. Like as in obee wan kanobi
  6528. MGS_is_a_UNICORN Lover: Cookie
  6529. ToughCookieKoko: name him dingle berry
  6530. Panic! at the pierce!: you should name it max
  6531. Alesha Pearson: Call it Bruno
  6532. Katie Abbott: Call him Toffee cause he's so sweet! <3
  6533. Kenedi Gavric: Omg he's adorable 😍😍💘💘
  6534. It'sSnowdog 02: U should call him Kyle because it's sounds a bit like kale . Like if u agree
  6535. Tillie Keaney: Name him Steve! My dogs name is Steve and he's the sweetest dog ever and your dog is soooo sweet❤️
  6536. Abby Healy: Dont feed your dog rawhide, this is because it is really bad for him. You should call him Duke
  6537. Maddie Long: Name him Matt or mini Josh
  6538. Kathy Paz: I'm 125th comment
  6539. Poppy Robinson: Tip: if a dog is liking their lips or yawning,they're either anxious or stressed. Try and calm them down by speaking calmly and messaging them from their shoulders to their tail or stroking their back. 💖🙃
  6540. J&DKawiiTeam :3: when ever k got my first dig i cryed and couldnt let him go
  6541. SarineBez: Anyone know what kind of dog this is?
  6542. DancerChickKay: Or piglet
  6543. Hanna D: Name him Oscar!
  6544. Lamborghini Lover: Tip one when he's feeling really scared scratch the belly or the ears that really gets them cool
  6545. Trever Chadler: Name him buddy
  6546. shawn beck: name him dude
  6547. Casey Mae: Name your dog COOKIE DOUGH
  6548. kayleigh bergold: You should get a customized bandana collar that says be nice to people
  6549. Sarah: +Faith Kathryn you are annoying this isn't your dog it's Josh's dog thank you very much
  6550. Dee The unicorn: Mame him buddy
  6551. Clarissa Skate: Call him Fraggle!! 😍🐶💩
  6552. Lia Y: This is just advice but you don't have to do. But for having him go potty say go busy busy thats what we did for awhile.
  6553. _ia_: YEAH COCO
  6554. joe cook: Call him Rahees XD
  6555. FLACUCHO 210: Dog is name is tatee
  6556. samo530: fastest way I ever found to potty train was to pick it up with tissue and set it outside and show it to him. It took my dog like 3 days to understand. He looks like "Buster" to me
  6557. Just being Angie: If u think that it might be to much traveling or what ever instead of walking him then sell wee wee pads he can go on
  6558. Ilana Mecroci: He's adorable omg
  6559. Grace Lee: TOBY
  6560. Rylee Danielle: You should name him twix
  6561. Colin Donovan: Or Bro!
  6562. Amelia Händeland: ^^
  6563. rachel arric: Name him s'mores
  6564. Victoria Burghgraef: Dingleberry or rascal
  6565. annabelkim: Name him Toby :)
  6566. McKayla Carr: Name him dude because you kept calling him little dude
  6567. josie badgley: I have a chocolate lab. Sweetest dog in the world. Definetly consider one for the future
  6568. Jennifer Rodriguez: *dog pees in food* Welcome to puppy parenthood, Josh! He'll grow out of it soon, and you'll have a best friend for life!
  6569. Laura Rayne: Or bandit
  6570. The #1 Kill Joy: He looks like a buddy 👌
  6571. Brenna Black: The dogs name should be dingleboy
  6572. Montana A: Marlo 💙
  6573. Sanya: Rocky
  6574. Censeria Harris: no not kale
  6575. mingkachow: You guys are such good parents!
  6576. Maddie Baker: I agree! that would be a great name!
  6577. MoPro Lack of Uploads: +Charlotte Martin yes but we like the name anyways!
  6578. wolfi26 yt: name him toffee Milo oli peanut or chewy
  6579. Cat Sieja: Congratulations! Kale for his name..kinda corny?
  6580. Surabhi Avhad: OMG This made me so emotional I get it.. Oh god he is so beautiful 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍💖
  6581. Emily Shearn: What show are they filmin for
  6582. GscLifes: Name him scooter
  6583. Ava Stafford: name him chocolate
  6584. Julietta Gonzalez: Boster?
  6585. LaHaetLatino 99: Sparky
  6586. Samantha Dauber: aww he's so cute! congrats josh!
  6587. Lucy karnon: JAKEY!!!!!!
  6588. Lashanti Nyakambangwe: Ohh ahh dog
  6589. Taylor Pierce: Name him.....Tinkle cause he peed in his food
  6590. Sweettazz S: And a name could be JC. For Josh and Colleen and if u happen to like NSYNC yo.
  6591. Rachel Cox: Josh, PLEASE get a harness for walking the dog. Collars pull on their necks and it is really bad, ESPECIALLY for small dogs; they have delicate necks.
  6592. Rita Fantastic: Name him Berry?
  6593. Hannah Shreiner: So excite for you josh! Bye the way I really like the name Oscar.
  6594. megan ._.: Roger,Milo,max,fredie
  6595. Chloe Swem: this vlog😭😭😍😍😍😍
  6596. Shaily Raval: Name him Coco or Cocoa. ❤️ It fits him very well ❤️😊
  6597. Dumbo_ Lover266: Name him bob
  6598. Bree Byrne: Or even Oscar
  6599. American Horror Story: Apocalypse: call him Baelfire/Bae......from OUAT n u know Miranda loves her BAES
  6600. alexis howes: name the dog buddy
  6601. CanadianCookie98: JOSH YOU HAVE WHITE BEARD HAIR!!!!!
  6602. _ia_: +Hailee Shaban COCO
  6603. Sarah Star: Rocky u should name the dog rocky
  6604. chloe rossiscool: name it rascal
  6605. Laurie Blaine: I love spunky. But if not, Dexter.
  6606. Eric Buchheim: Justin would be a cute name!
  6607. EnderpiqG EQ: hotdog is a cool name
  6608. Brinnie45: How about Andrew
  6609. Gwendolyn Couture: I have a st Bernard and if you don't know what they look like or herd of them before they are huge winter dogs friendly to who he knows but very territorial to whom he doesn't know.I think that you should name him Hud MJ Evens
  6610. Carley Ulrich: Twix. Or snickers
  6611. Connor King: hey why not call him Evan you gave your last name to your wife why not give it to your puppy/Child
  6612. Ashley Loomis: First that dog is ADORABLE second i think he should be named Buddy or Brownie
  6613. Juniper: Names: Harry Marky S'mores Freddie Hovi Juniper
  6614. Lauren Taylor: I just got a new 10 week old puppy yesterday
  6615. Anna Mamontova: Josh reminds me of Joey Graceffa so much. They're the same person.
  6616. Tania Munoz: congrats u guys!!!!🐕
  6617. Trevor Ray: name him koda bear!!
  6618. Chrissy Gillis: Call him paipi
  6619. Alaya: my dogs name is buddy
  6620. Blake Boyle: I have a dog just like him!!!
  6621. Paris1604: +pets and more thanks :D
  6622. Molly Knowles Rodino: name him Bilbo or Bailey that would be really cute
  6623. migill larsino: bear
  6624. Lily Bushnell: You should call him budding
  6625. Grace And Kensley: Name him bandit for bandana!!! That's cute!!! Or u could name him... Banny or... I can't think of any more. But I like bandit!!!!
  6626. Storm Bennett: I think u should call it buddy
  6627. Madyyy: Zied is a cute name
  6628. Illustration With Eveii: OMG XD call the dog click bait XDDDDDD
  6629. OMGitzaFOX_xD: +Vanessa Concepcion They weren't suggesting names..I think.
  6630. Kimi Zonouzy: Dingleberry
  6631. Naomi Grant: You should name him Toby 😌
  6632. Blustery Sine: omg josh I adopted a dog today too her names ruthie she is a beagle and shes 4 years old..
  6633. lilycupcake11: I adopted a black/chocolate lab 1month ago and hes called Oscar and he is SO crazy! I also adopted another dog called molly and shes 6months. The first week or so was rlly hard because they kept barking to wake everyone up at 5~7am every day!
  6634. Jacqueline Dazzo: You should name him Lil Dude!
  6635. Lexa Gaumond: Can u please name him Robert or jimmy
  6636. Codi Blevins: I was thinking Buddy too.
  6637. Jordan Hall: shadow is a good one!
  6638. strawbebbo: NAME HIM BEN :D
  6639. Chuxly123: Ruffles. Or Elmo or Oscar
  6640. ancook 2003: what about Buddy
  6641. Brock Withers: My fish are Samantha and Lawrence and my doggie is name Tucker (:
  6642. Emma Q: Name the puppy dingleberry
  6643. Jackson Rhodes: Call him nachh (nah-shh) short for spinach
  6644. Katie Alice: Scooby
  6645. Lucy Wilgosh-Kaesler: Name it Shep
  6646. Kendra K: i know you called him Dude not Spunky so i think you should call him Dude.
  6647. Olivia Martinez: ressess like the the candy
  6648. Maggie Cody: Brady
  6649. Kai: Emily Sward Rotties are way chunkier as puppies :D
  6650. anja ogric: Had
  6651. Áine Gleeson: I think it would be cute if you named him buddy because you already use that nickname on him and I think it suits him 😊💘
  6652. Elizabeth Vance: He looks just like my dog!
  6653. CeCe B.: I instantly clicked the video when I saw the title... Then I realized....
  6654. Cloey Jones: omg he is getting a dog
  6655. Lilly Holmes: I'm sooooo happy for you josh! Yay! Welcome to the dog owner family!🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  6656. Sarah Hirschensohn: Bando!!! Who thinks that's a cute name? It's short for bandana
  6657. Mati Mullins: You should name him "max a million"
  6658. Erica Taylor: He tapped one episode of a TV show. If you watch last week's vlog it tells you all about it.
  6659. Amber Sophia: Same!! I only got my dog 9 days before my birthday this passed may
  6660. Kpop Garbage Can: HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6661. Emella 18: Oscar
  6662. Holy heck it’s Beth: I've been waiting for this video for forever
  6663. Kailyn Martinsen: cujo
  6664. Michella MG: What dog breed is this?
  6665. Elaina Daddario: you should name him cj for colleen and josh
  6666. HarryTheReader: They Should Name Him Buddy
  6667. isabella: what breed of dog is he?
  6668. Sarah Owen: Call him Oliver or Ollie
  6669. Emily: Elvis
  6670. Olivia Parteka: hack for colleen put a tennis ball on ur phone to get him to look at the camera
  6671. Kristi Jones: Name him Dingleberry
  6672. N Jeanne R: I think you should Buster! 🐶💕🐕
  6673. Fiona Luke: You should name it shadow because I feel like he is going to be just like you
  6674. Leilanee Reyes: Did he get shots yet cause he shouldn't be around other dogs
  6675. Savannah A: Buddy
  6676. mikaela cantu: name him DINGLE BERRY
  6677. TroopaStoopa Kindom: You need to name him murphey
  6678. C M: You should nam him ace!
  6679. Rokovono Paphino: You should call him buddy... Good name actually 🎀
  6680. bella_mochikook jungkook is a living meme: or bam Ethernet dog joshleen
  6682. Chenoa JeffreysBaker: I was low key hoping he was going to go back for that dog!!
  6683. Michael/Mackenzie Mohr: Plz name him ranger or Zeus
  6684. katie bushell: fraggle call him that...i think thats what you call colleen isnt it? it would be soo cute
  6685. Park Jiminion: I thought you were going to be a real dad
  6686. Zoie Daoust: You should call him bummer
  6687. Sparkly Unicorn: You should name him Oliver
  6688. Niamh Morland: buster would be cute
  6689. Anna Trojanowski: tucky
  6690. Ellah Metcalf: or buddy
  6691. Lauryn Hauler: Toby, duey, toshi, Daniel, or buddy
  6692. Samantha lee: You should call him Apollo
  6693. Zola Lewis: Hahahaha. When I saw the first clip of him by his food I thought he was probably peeing. That was super funny. Congratulations, Josh! This adventure will be a lovely one, I'm sure. :). I hope you are having a wonderful day! Name wise I've got Dexter, Simon, and Shadow.
  6694. ElleNoelle: Name him Marcus!
  6695. Andrea Saucedo: Name him Kip
  6696. Being Ryan: What kind of breed is the dog?
  6697. Brook Robinson: Name him simba
  6698. Brooke Kelly: If not then name him winston!!!
  6699. Grace Valentine: +TheMagentaPuppy some people pronounce it the same way which is (air-in) that is how I grew up saying it but I see your point they could be pronounced differently
  6700. Lance Stoffel: What kind of dog is he
  6701. Kendall Amerson: OMG NAME HIM ROCKY NAME HIM ROCKY
  6702. Lanie taylor: I think Uno would be a good name like one in a million
  6703. Zaina Siddique: Who else thought the thumbnail was SO cute!!!!
  6704. Jose Perez: this might be cheesy but I say bandana dog and get matching bandanas him you and grandpa the og bandana man
  6705. PJ: Chip, short for Kale chip😂
  6706. Brianna Doyle: name him buddy!
  6708. Kpop Savage: Kendall or Kevin
  6709. Kaelana Peever: Name him Oliver!!
  6710. Emily Rabeno: Max. You can call him max a million
  6711. Sophie Medlin: What kind of doggy is it ☺️☺️
  6712. Charlotte: Maybe Freddy?
  6713. findherpacifier: Melvin kale evens
  6714. TeamCap Buckybarnes: PUPPY!!!
  6715. Lizlizlooloo: That looks just like my puppy Delilah
  6716. Hailey: i have 3 dogs
  6717. halle scholbrock: I also call my dog bubba and I also got him when he was 5 months old!!!
  6718. Hailey Jackson: JD
  6719. Elizabeth Hostetter: Shadow? Lol
  6720. 2437Lizzie1: That corner where he lifted his leg and Peed at, the previous owner of the house that you're living in probably had a male dog, so he's just trying to mark his territory.
  6721. Freya Smyth: Call him Buddy
  6722. Mei Humenn: You should name him Hershey
  6723. Hazakimay: That's amazing your going to be wonderful parents and thank you so much for adopting that little guy your going to give him the best life ❤
  6724. Kaitlin Hamlett: Name him Max or Milo
  6725. Kaela Jade: Roary Jackson Daniel Cody
  6726. Marina L.: I'm so happy for you!!
  6727. Nicki Star: Chocolate is a cute name
  6728. gg gg: Congrats your a dad you just adopted your new cute baby puppy😍🐶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your a daddy oh that sounded Rong 😁 um........ Forget what I said😄 congrats JOSH I LOVE PUPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😄😄😊😊😊😌😚😚
  6729. Cristin: What about sprout? since you didn't wanna name him Kale and you like Brussel sprouts... an idea? or ....MJ (or Jackson... Michael Jackson duh) I dk
  6730. Jayla Larot: I have a dog and his name is Josh😂. It's a shih tzu 🐶
  6731. Kenna Zwart: Name him dingle berry 😆
  6732. MyNameIsCords: hay man I have 4 dogs so I'm a pro if u have any questions
  6733. Tenley Bogle: "but you can pee on momma's leg" "that's fine"
  6734. Laura A: Pls name the dog Browny
  6735. KlubPranksGt: Do u have to pay to "adopt" a puppy?
  6736. Cassie Bosworth: You should name him bubba
  6737. cassie bailey: NAME HIM AUSTIN
  6738. sQuIShY ._.: Josh you should name the dog Pappis (pop-pis)
  6739. Akkad Sisje: Coco
  6740. Lily: Josh u should name him buddy btw I got one in the winter and he's STILL not completely potty trained so good luck 🐶
  6741. Jen Evans: Rocky :)
  6742. Olivia Cook: Name him dingleberry!! He is a new dingleberry he just came to the family
  6743. Korsha Korse: Name him bubbles because if he does something bad and you are mad at him, it would sound so funny xD
  6744. Briana S: Name him bandan short for bandana!!!!
  6745. Heather Wolf: You should name him "Dude".
  6746. xAlannah Mx: Buddy, Cookie or Patch
  6747. Marina Ann: honestly name him evans (:
  6748. Melissa West: what kind is it
  6749. LegitimatelyAlex: You should name him.. Million.. Like one in a million.
  6750. Trinity Jordan: +JayTDA Definitely not a Rottweiler (I have owned many) this puppy has white on him. I think he is a miniature Pinscher mix. He is going to stay small.
  6751. Sarah Becker: You should name him Toby or Tim!!
  6752. Jordan Purrington: hcusu see kuddu
  6753. Maggie Prokovich: dexter!!!!
  6754. Emily Grace: He looks like a rocky or a rocko!!!
  6755. Kaelyn Bernethy: You should name him buzz or buzzy 😀
  6756. That Edgy Piano Player: name him smokey
  6757. ray: NAME HIM COOKIE
  6758. katelyn.sierra: you should name him Marley
  6759. Day dream: Name him Mink :-D
  6760. Andres See: name him dingleberry
  6761. Rach O: THAT DOG IS SO CUTE!!!
  6762. lil Tay fan: 10:08 I see Colleen's blankie.😋
  6763. GachaLifeEditzzz: I thought colleen was pregnant
  6764. Emme Sang: Name him Kai please!!
  6765. Stephanie F: Name him JoJo ;)
  6767. Gratia O'Rafferty: This is my favorite thing in the world
  6768. Trinity Arnold: snickers
  6769. g ft hgygiv TDF d7 hg c d c v v ch: name him jay for air Jordans or name him aj
  6770. isthis reallife: its okay Josh that he is scared!!! accidents will happen u just gotta be patient and teach him :) I would literally pick my dog up as she was peeing and throw her outside!!! barking is annoying but he isn't used to his surroundings so try to teach him not too but also know he is scared!!! One day he will be so comfy and love u and Colleen so much!!!!
  6771. Sadie Silent fall: OMG
  6772. Breanna W: Diesel or drake or Toby or Kyle or Dawson
  6773. cameron chankasingh: name him budy or sparky
  6774. Teagan H.: Muffin or cinnamon
  6775. fien swinnen: you can name him kazou
  6776. Jocelin: I wish I could get a dog 😓😥😢😭😪
  6777. Zesty LumLum: Name it chocolate!!! Or Choco!!!
  6778. Phil's eyelash: you should name it buddy
  6779. Emily Zanotti: Bandit
  6780. Jordyn Bingham: name his Drake
  6781. Tomas McCann: Your not a dad. Your a dog owner, please don't act like its a human its bad for the dog. Make sure it's trained properly especially with baby's so he doesn't get jealous.
  6782. Rose Elliot: Shadow, Midnight, Kibble, or Dane
  6783. Jupiter Being: name him buddy
  6784. Mae V.: He looks like a Roger.
  6785. Elaine Dawson: Buddy or Caleb or Cosmo
  6786. Quinn Edmonds: If you ever possibly get a lab or this dog name it Payton or dusty please those were my dogs names
  6787. frozenyogurt100: What kind of dog is it?
  6788. eimear: +Leah . Marie how is it?😂
  6789. H_ Jade: I think you could call him buddy because that's what he called him when he held him first :)
  6790. Kendall Williams: Nacho
  6791. lucy dyer: KIBBLE !!!
  6792. Tammy Lee: you should call him buddy
  6793. Maeva: Applehead would be a great name or Smelly
  6794. Taylor Graham: Name him Buddy or Bubba!!
  6795. Gracie B: NAME HIM KALE
  6796. Lily: Berry
  6797. Elyse Mike: Name him creature
  6798. doaa moustafa: Name him Honey
  6799. LivingTheLife _13: He looks like a S'more to me so S'more!!!
  6800. SarahKat: Max
  6801. alyssa kleimanlee: name him doger
  6802. Andrew: What dog breed is it
  6803. Jeannette Miller: name him Luke
  6804. Okfilinkon: CALL HIM BUD OR BUDDY!!!!
  6805. YuneePug: Oo!! call him Rowan! he just looks like a Rowan to me 😄 plus I love that name
  6806. Property #1246964: can u name him nirel it stands 4 light of god can u pls also mah name is nirel its ment 2 be 4 a boy im a girl XD
  6807. sfgrgfsf212: Colleen encouraged him to get it in her live stream cause she wanted it to get to know her before she went on tour. Don't see how they're "obviously seperated"...
  6808. bcuzihaduEilish: Or name him Mars
  6809. Meredith Coulter: Ollie
  6810. Jerry Chable: name him dude?!!!?
  6811. chrisi m: Names: Spiky/Spike Romeo Shadow Blacky Berry Prince King Smoky
  6812. Miranda Lemmons: you should named him Hightop haha for some reason that is the first thing that popped in my head haha
  6813. Blank: Name him russel
  6814. jenny laurencelle: you should name him ollie! :)
  6815. Kaila Skye: you should name him chocolate
  6816. Super sophie: Who saw Josh's snapchat
  6817. cla bombicci: name him cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6818. A Kulak: You should name the dog Cookie 🍪
  6819. Katie Metcalfe: Omg I'm tearing up just thinking bout it
  6820. Shelby W: Name him Snoopy!
  6821. Benji: My dogs name is Ranger!!!
  6822. Sarah McGowan: Just name him Buddy!!
  6823. Colleen Adkins: Name him Dude
  6824. Crystal's Vlogs: Name him Kale, Buddy or Evans. Oh maybe Josh or something that describes your love connection with him
  6825. Spencer DIY: You should call him Sperry
  6826. Alyssa Porras: You should name him ginger
  6827. Mckenzie Gumbleton: Never mind
  6828. Hannah Birtles: he looks like a Bruce i don't know why. he's so cute😍😍
  6829. Kylee Russum: I just got a puppy about a month ago
  6830. - jo: It's about damn time.
  6831. Kacey Sauer: Could you name the dog Lenny because I had a dog that looked just like him named Lenny and he died when he was 7 months old.
  6832. brooke young: +Sadie Sease max would be cute I like that name
  6833. Grace Bruce: You should name him Kermit
  6834. Caroline Costa: brownie or chip!!😍🐶
  6835. Olivia B: whats a good name for him...
  6836. Maeve: To me he looks like an Ed bc he is so sweet and loveable and Ed means happy and/or friend
  6837. Cassie Stylinson: AWWWW HES SO CUTEEEEEEE
  6838. Ryen Miller: name him shadow
  6839. Thicc Asmr: I've known for a little while from your snapchat
  6840. Ysa Panda: name him dude
  6841. Ashlee Perkins: Rocky
  6842. kylie !!: NAME HIM KALE. GAH DANGIT JOSH
  6843. Presley Fiore: What breed is he?
  6844. Dancer_at_udc_: what about coco
  6845. Karolina Adaszak: call him Bobo or dude
  6846. Natalie Binning: I'm so beyond excited for you and know you will pick the perfect name but can we just all take a minute to acknowledge how HOT Josh looked in a black shirt?!😍🔥🔥 Just me? Okay! Lol
  6847. Sawyer Smith: Name him George because ur from georgia
  6848. heidi G: or buddy!
  6849. Alison G: What's its name??
  6850. Shauna McKey: +Gamerlicious i love it!! I also love the name shadow x
  6851. Tyler Franco: u shouldn't give him so much food the bag should have the amount he needs to eat on the bag it is in proportion with his wait
  6852. K Kool: Name him Moe!
  6854. Sydni Moore: DINGLEBERRY
  6855. L Schachner: Oliver
  6856. O H: Peanut I love you!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
  6857. trisha luspo: Mill or milly cause the song one in a million PLS JOSHHH?!?!!!!😂❤️😭🐶🐶🐶
  6858. Carley's Place: all puppies and dogs are so cute. i have a chocolate lab named cocoa who is 11 yrs old...she is big but not as big as most labs so i think she was the runt of the litter but i am so glad you adopted a little doggie. i recently went to the SPCA and i wanted to cry and adopt every animal there they were so cute and the look on their faces when they saw someone come in, they all just want some love and attention and someone who will love them and treat them right forever
  6859. Unicorn♥IceCream♥Cookies: you should call him buddy because you are already calling him that and it sound cute :3
  6860. Sophia Casteel: Name him moose that's a cute name.. 😀 congrats on ur first child btw 😘 🐶
  6861. Dori Crawford: AAAWWWEEEE ITS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!😍😍😍😍😍
  6862. Sisters For Life: Popcorn
  6863. annalee S: U should call him buddy or henry!😀🐶
  6864. Nicole Mattheyer: shave Josh shave
  6865. twelge15: Danny Duncan (Drummer for We The Kings) named his New dog 'Buddy' on his DLV Vlog. So, another popular YouTuber who sprung out of Charles Trippy's CTFxC Vlog already took that name. Just sayin.
  6866. Mayflower 101: Or kit
  6867. aaagymnast: I know that it is a human name, but he looks like a little Greg.
  6868. Mia Grainger: Oliver is a cool name xxx
  6869. Cara Logan: You should name him buddy
  6870. Brian Wood: Name him Tanner cuz he has tan parts and it's a cute dog name
  6871. Peachtess: Just name him Buddy. It suits him and that's what you are already calling him. :)
  6872. Demi Amos: name him buddy
  6873. Captain Swan: You should name him Ollie! (Short for Oliver)
  6874. Rainbow Farts: or Bruno
  6875. TBRTea Time: Jasper!
  6876. O H: And I like peanut as a name
  6877. horselover 123: +Slytherclaw Gal he looks like 11 months
  6878. Nikki241979: shadow
  6879. Ryan Brown: Can I be in your snap and name the pup Jax or Jaxson
  6880. Annie Zambrano: I think Chewy would be a cute name , even buddy. Please chose one of these.💖🐶
  6881. Hailey Jackson: call him cooper
  6882. Moonie Soul: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!!!! (please. ❤)
  6883. Tania: call him bubu
  6884. Brooke Forbes: Josh name him bandit because that is the closes name to bandana
  6885. Faith Della: What about the name Mikey?!?!
  6886. Christina Haddad: name him shadow
  6887. Just Fin: YASS
  6888. Tabby Ellis: Or Rocky!!!
  6889. Heather Van Buskirk: Name him Odie
  6890. Victoria Higgs: I bought he was having a kid when he said I'm going to be a daddy! 😂😂😂
  6891. heyyitshayleyy: when he peed in his food lmfao he's so cute xD
  6892. DIYJones: Dingle for the dog name
  6893. Merideth Prior: Omg I was literally waiting for this vlog after seeing you and Colleen's snapchat!!!!
  6894. Rihannai: call him Bro lol
  6895. Jeff Hall: You should name it Roxy or dingelberry!
  6896. andie geddes: Name it Tui, it's a beautiful bird from New Zealand and he looks like a Tui
  6897. Vanessaaa Romanelli: I was sooo happy 😅😅
  6898. Ella Barrow: you should name him ross
  6899. Ally Gilbert: Name him cookie😄😄😊
  6900. Emma LPS: You should name him Cookie!
  6901. Iona Edgar: you could call him Ivor x
  6902. Ronnie Lynn: He looks like a Jordy to me (like MJ ;)
  6903. Emilia Perdomo: you should name him buddy
  6904. sadie a: name him Charlie
  6905. Thebluetdm: BUDDY PLZ
  6906. SaucyyNoodles: ugh josh i have been wanting another dog for so long but feeling unsure about it and have been looking for a sign and i feel like this is it *tears*
  6907. Amira Ahmed: You should name it buddy cuz when said he moved his mouth to wide
  6908. Lyla Fernandez: his name should be million
  6909. Aaron Castaneda: name him aaron .
  6910. Viridiana Botello: Browny that's cute
  6911. Jamie Doyle: Name him reesi's
  6912. Celine ;D: Omg so cute dog 😍
  6913. Mark Scott: name him shadow
  6914. Random Stuff: Name him Buddy!!!
  6915. Rochelle: YES!!!
  6916. Roxana: Name him gio
  6917. Madi Beckley: SO PRECIOUS
  6918. Ava Franks: Omg josh u should name him dingleberry
  6919. Alison Patronick: HUNTER!!!!!!❤️💕💋🙊
  6920. adiah olsen: Name him after someone or something you care about :)
  6921. India Smith: name him Teddy!!
  6922. Ava and Jaxi: King or Kane
  6923. Aqsa Shafiq: AAAAAAAAHH😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
  6924. Emily Murslack: Name him Bear:)))
  6925. Jslice Almond: Prince
  6926. Livvytinns: Name him DingleBerry
  6927. Nagelly Oviedo: When I read the subtitle I thought Colleen was pregnant and they were having a kid
  6928. Anthony Robledo: The official Joshleen Dog!!!! When do we get the Cat?
  6929. liv 10: oliver
  6930. Eric Buchheim: +sophie crow I think Riley would be a good name for him!
  6931. Nicholas Yaekle: Dingle seems like the perfect name to me!
  6932. ahhmayaaa: cookie or brayden
  6933. Jordan Perrone: When I got my dog she was three month and she is a black lab but she grew to be a REALLY big dog
  6934. Emma Bean: What were the people in the store filming it for?
  6935. Mangola 2004: Max
  6936. Sarahnessoyeah: AHHHHHHHHHHHH
  6937. Hannah Thomson: I think you should name him Abel (sort of standing for/reminding that people are able to do something about homeless dogs). It was also the first name I thought of when I saw him. He's so cute and you're going to be an amazing dad!
  6938. lilcats: Mine too. :)
  6939. Kaitlynne Walters: I got all emotional for you haha My husband and I got us a 3 month old puppy on July 28th. They were calling her Princess but we changed her name to Ruby.I had never had a puppy before her. Taking care of a puppy is very difficult especially when they chew haha . We got ourselves a girl dog because I didn't want to deal with a boy dog peeing on things as you saw him pee on his own food haha. Tip: Take your puppy out every 30 minutes to an hour or he will go potty also try making every other trip outside longer than the one before to prevent accidents. Since he is 5 months old he should be able to hold his bladder better than my 3 month old. Also I've noticed my pup goes poop usually after her second meal of the day and in order for her to actually go I take her outside, let her go pee, walk around a bit and then she eventually goes poop. Good luck with your pup! :D
  6940. ZAIDISNOTCLICKBATE: for Nick name bobo
  6941. Mackenzie Marshall: peanut
  6942. sofipr2310: what kind of dog?
  6943. THAT GIRL ;P: He was showing ownership of his food
  6944. Fernanda Meagher: IS COLLEEN OK WITH THIS
  6945. Palato raffinato: buddy should be his name
  6946. Lauren Plagenz: JASPARRRR
  6947. Paris1604: I thought you said 'today my wife is changing' 😂😂😂
  6948. IAmBroadwayTrash: NAME HIM PENIS POUTINE
  6949. Joanna R: that puppy is so cute I can't even. Congrats Josh. Exciting times ahead.
  6950. Bella Prichard: Buddy
  6951. Sara_Nizza: my dog is one month older then him
  6952. Kaydin Fredinburg: max oliver or ollie jake oscar
  6953. Laura Robus: James I feel like that's who he is.
  6954. Rebekah Fidler: +Eimear Dempsey yeah Barry married her maid of honor, Mindy, a few months later.
  6955. Gord Pepper: name him spot
  6956. Louise Copson: milo
  6957. Luarajane Mckenna: What about Joshua Jr.
  6958. y o: Name him j d
  6959. CoolCaftxX360 - Minecraft & More: Name him "Buddy" (--- this is a good name or snowflake
  6960. Ella Berman: His ears are sticking out!!! Like Yoda or Dobby!!
  6961. CoolWomabat 78: You should call him banjo
  6962. Tabie Eunice: Its glitter jo jo put it there on snap 🙂
  6964. Unicorn Nation: Rocky
  6965. caitlin Sullivan: NAME HIM GEORGIE
  6966. Brian Jan: When he meets peach Kermit and marbles it will be so cute
  6967. Marina Zapesochny: I do what ever it takes... i'll make a million mistake ~Hamilton. When he said i'll probably make a million mistakes it made me think of that
  6968. Ellie Charlsen: Name him dingle berry
  6969. Benji: Cooper, Tyson, Lucky, Tucker
  6970. Darrah Gerace: What type of dog is he and will he stay small forever??
  6971. Demi Dalton: U could call him Benji 🐶🐶
  6972. Sloan Campbell: Or coco
  6973. sami711: MJ
  6974. GG and CC: You should name him Toby or Zeus.
  6975. anna mcleod: Name it buddy or Silas
  6976. Ajla: Freddie i cute name, my friends dog is named that (:
  6977. Emily Rabeno: Max. You can call him max a million
  6978. Katy Lacy: Name him Prince or Cosmo!!!
  6979. Madison Zimmerman: Or Bentley
  6980. Madison Power: Lol the puppy peed on the food! 😂😂😂😂
  6981. Emma Michalak: You should just name him Buddy
  6982. Madeline Elder: His name should be buddy because you always call him that
  6983. Andrea Briones: name him ''Yogie" 😍😂
  6984. Pujan Patel: Omg you are the best YouTuber ever
  6985. Afrah Mohideen: Cory or coby
  6986. Eva Gronewold: Name him Gizmo!
  6987. Sarah Haddix: His name should be buddy I think that is so cute
  6988. Katie bull: You should get him a thundershirt to help claim him down
  6989. Jessica m: just call him buddy. my friends grandparents dog is named buddy
  6990. Margaret Oduwaye: Name him peanut butter
  6991. ARCHIE ANDREWS: Blue Rockie Brownie (I was eating brownies) Bubbles Berries Dog names for the new dog and I have a dog so I know
  6992. Beth Kodner: Peanut
  6993. Jaxon Luxe: Lol my go-to names for dogs are Applejacks and Jax
  6994. Basic: Oliver?
  6995. Jeni Lee Lanning: Omg this video totally made me tear up! I just helped my best friend adopt her new puppy and it's such a special and emotional time. Monty actually looks really similar to this little guy. They have the same Doberman markings!!! So adorable!!! 🐾🐶❤️
  6996. Katrina Baltkois: I think sparky is a good name for him👏🏻
  6997. mina choi: i really cant imagine whats gonna happen when colleen has a baby , hes gonna be crying actual tears when it happens
  6998. Jazzlin Garcia: Mikel
  6999. Emily: A.J
  7000. veljko V: what dog breed is this?
  7001. Hadley Lps: Aww
  7002. Lydia Beth: Spunk is another name for semen. Please, for the dog's sake, so not call it spunky lol
  7003. ashtyn m: Name him Thayer!!!
  7005. Kylee S. A Fan: Yes
  7006. Absterholly: Bandanna man x
  7007. basketball: Names kidd tiny lucky bubba
  7008. Abby Claussen: Whatever you do don't call him bubba…I hate that name with a passion lol
  7009. anna anuby ruby: name him like randy or ernie or some shit
  7010. George Borba: +ThatYoutubeLife he is a unique person and he needs a unique dog name, But his names already shadow😂
  7011. Cailey Eltringham: name him Wally!!
  7012. JulieGaga: So... Why was he being filmed?
  7013. crittyb Bartels: dinggle berry
  7014. Meredith Guthrie: I would love if you named him Mac after my dog. He ran away about a year ago and never came back. He looked kinda like your dog. I'm moving soon so I'll never get to see him again. I would appreciate it SO much if you named him Mac. But only do it if you and Colleen love it also!
  7015. Jessiebelle 17: Or Sammy
  7016. Jessica Sugiura: What if you named him Dingle!!?
  7017. Kayden Wallner: shadow
  7018. Brisa hernandez: how much did he costs
  7019. Ashley Staples: You should name your puppy buster
  7020. Vanessaaa Romanelli: I started crying when I saw his snapchats when he got home😭
  7021. Gabriela Jara: Call the dog " Buddy "
  7022. Mackenzie m Mccray: Dingle berry!!
  7023. abby decker: I wish I was the dog😂
  7024. Holy heck it’s Beth: Or toto like in wizard of oz
  7025. Crunch Time: What r u gonna name him? Can u plz name him Benji and get him a money bandana
  7026. Carly Watson: OMG! Its Adorable
  7027. Grace Kirk: You should name him Juno
  7028. ꧁尺卂丨れ꧂: he looks like a chocolate or a brownie maybe
  7029. Nikki241979: little shadow
  7030. Gabriel David: Cat of @NoémieLacerte Sorry😜
  7031. Brieanna Oldham: Name him Winston!! ❤️ he's adorable
  7032. sparkles19711: What type of dog is it? Jack Russel mix??
  7033. PandaR00: 1.bosh 2.boleen 3.billy 4.bills
  7034. Caylee Howser: name your pup micheal
  7035. Alondra Mata: Name him bandana! ❤️❤️
  7036. Angel A: You should name him dingleberry
  7037. nauphie 0625: I agree with colleen call him buh buh
  7038. daniel mijares: Name him barky
  7039. Maddison M: Congrats!!! Colleen's snap chat spoiled it for me lol
  7040. Brennan S: You should name him Bro
  7041. Gracie Clifford: bubba
  7042. Amanda Panda: Name him Dingle bc Dingle Berries!!
  7043. Shuli Cohen: Name him...honestly I can't come up with something that will get likes...
  7044. G Linné: He's sooooo cute!!! <3 <3 <3 Congratulations!
  7045. Peachyeri_: name it cookies
  7046. Rachel Bobst: Yea he will probably pee in the house A LOT
  7047. Niamh Cassidy: Eddie x
  7048. Savannah Bryan: Name him Gerald, Gerald the dog😂
  7049. pizza lover: how about bug??
  7050. Martin Cs: Congratulations
  7051. Megan Atkins: Don't be too loud because when you speak to dogs it is 10 times louder
  7052. zeymonkey 123: Name him dude
  7053. Amy keen: Jaspar, Archie, nemo, Pluto or James
  7054. Gabby sanchez: name him dingelberry
  7055. Rachel D: I've always thought that Cooper is a cute name for a dog. But whatever name you give him, he will still be cute lol
  7056. Bailey H: I think his name should be bro. And my cousins name is Kale no joke.
  7057. Eggy Shark: Dogger hopper
  7058. Lily xoxo: name him dingle berry!!!
  7059. Abby T: You should name him bandana😂
  7060. Lauren Rodriguez: Thunder or Charlie
  7061. Hockeyplayer 12: Bandana
  7062. Ella Gallagher: Name him Max!
  7063. Addelyn Playman: name him berry after DingleBerry
  7064. FunWith Hannah!: Call him coco! I got my dog today
  7065. Jumxia: or teddy
  7066. Libs Packham: NAME HIM BANDANA!!!
  7067. 3bodeez: Name him Twix😁
  7068. shy morris: leo
  7069. y y: Name him skittles bc he is so hipper and loved
  7070. La Bella: Name him buddy or lucky
  7071. Elaina Witt: One thing that is really useful is training him to use a bell when he needs to use the bathroom. Typically people put it right by the door :)
  7072. Savannah Duffy: Everyone in the comments are saying stuff like omg name his cupcake name him spots aw thats so cute! And im just sitting here thinking wow he should name him drake that dog looks like a drake idk why just when i see the dog i think drake not drake as in the singer but just the name drake
  7073. Samantha W: Name him Bandit!
  7074. Malia Villarreal: I used to have a dog like the exact same and his name was Hunter he died and I will never forget him so protect your dog with all your heart
  7075. Samantha Craig: Name his bud short for buddy
  7076. Sydney Sochaj: Jc
  7077. eva g: Casper
  7078. Abbey Flinn: Name him Berry cause it's a cute name and you call your fans dingleberrys
  7079. Alyssa Nicole: CJ
  7080. Gia Sterling: Can you please name your little adorable puppy Roxy,sunny or CJ like for Colleen and Josh and because it's a cute name
  7081. f a i t h: No
  7082. Reem Salhi: Have a safe flight Colleen 🇬🇧✈️
  7083. Stephanie austin: I think you should name him Moose! Idk why I just like the name
  7084. Takiya Williams: I laughed when he peed on the floor😂
  7085. Steph: You should name him Buddy :D Since that's what you've been calling him :D
  7086. Sophie_uniqueacorn: I think u should call him chocolate cause he is kinda the color of chocolate
  7087. Alyssa Hathaway: YOUR DOG IS GOALS AF😍😍 but I think the name of the dog should be dingleberries😂 jkjk I actually think it should be lumiere (the candlesticks name in Beauty and the Beast) or Sebastian
  7088. Emma Nicole: Idk what to suggest to name it, I can only say wait a little to get to know his personality. It took me and my family like a month to name out dog. He's really goofy so we named him barnaby bo!
  7089. Alpiage: name it colshua or joshleen
  7090. Jazlyn Vikla: Name him dingle or berry
  7091. Jade C.: I thought he named him Blackjack?
  7092. Madison Bright: Name he tiny
  7094. TvTaviti: Sammy
  7095. Mariska Bruinsma: I think bandy is a good name
  7096. Allison Jenny: Chocolate labs are amazing they are so sweet
  7097. Abby Riordan: You can name him Rocky❤️😘😘❤️ and congrats on the new dog
  7098. JustJayme Jones: Dana, because it's in the word "bandana." I'm joking, but I'm not at the same time... I'm so happy for you Josh, he's so adorable!
  7099. Isabel Johnston: He looks like a max or a Toby
  7100. Jamie Doyle: name him peanut butter
  7101. Syd cap: Name him dingle berry
  7102. Olivia Anne: name him Milo!!!!!!!!!
  7103. Awesome 123: Max's or Jax's
  7104. Cailyn S: Name him buddy
  7105. Kathleen Bradford: FREAKING LOVED THIS VLOG! And I think his name should be Zack. Someone took my dog when I was little and thats what his name was and what he looked like. I feel like all dogs like Spunky should be named Zack haha
  7106. JewelsPlays: Should name him thunder or lighting idk lol
  7107. Jasmine: Josh you've always been daddy lol
  7108. grace beesley: Call him buddy that's the cutest name for a dog even though my dog is called mr.chips 😂😂😂💖💖💖
  7109. Kara Soland: Joshua Jr.
  7110. Holly Barnard: Buddy
  7111. •StrangerThingsIsLife•_ _123: You should name him Titan
  7112. Emily Cyr: exactly what I was thinking!
  7113. Zoe Ridd: Call him Buddy
  7114. Katie Charlesworth: I think Oliver or dounut are good names for him
  7115. Elizabeth Arduino: ollie? bandit?
  7116. Samantha Allan: Omg he is so cute you should call him shnitzil I think its such a cute name and it's perfect for the little guy love you so much
  7117. Subscribe to PewDiePie: or lovebug
  7118. Tabby Ellis: Call him buggy and bug for short!!!
  7119. Emily Tippman: what kind of dog is he?
  7120. John Y.: Honey, you've been my daddy
  7121. Brooklin Landers: Creed
  7122. Emma Wilkin: Name him MJ.
  7123. Jokes on you cuz u can't get to my video Hah: Name him Nutella or peanut!!!
  7124. Alexis Arambula: Amazing. You are amazing for shining light on adoption and taking care of an animal. Most of your viewers are very young and you bringing this to their attention is doing so much good and you're sharing so much love to the world! Im so so so happy for you and Colleen!
  7125. Mia Brisbin: NAME HIM MAX!!!!
  7126. Ani ka: Call em' buddy!
  7127. Sharon Baker: you should name him rascle
  7128. Ovayoza Icha: name him dingleberry
  7129. Sydney Bear: He looks like a Jackson or a kevin
  7130. xXSavannahTheTomboyXx XP: Name Him buddy since you are already calling him that and i think its cute also Kale does not sound like a good name for that cute puppy
  7131. marie rodriguez: Name it crusty
  7132. wims flis: Loke or Noah
  7133. Just Golden!: name him dingle berry or just berry
  7134. jade crites: +KatieWellington that's my cats name ❤️
  7135. TutuCute: You've called him Little Dude a bunch so you should name him Little Dude!!
  7136. Saman W.: Wait what show is josh on with the dog???
  7137. Angel Horse: Name him Reese Bc he looks like a Reese's butter cup
  7138. Sunlight _Joy: name him courage
  7139. UndermyAMBERella aye: JOSH YOU LIKE BANDANAS so call him Bandit
  7140. Erin Ruth: I think Henry is a good name
  7141. Ella King: taz, spazz, jazz or M.J
  7142. Sophia Pruett: I'm SO extremely happy for you josh. You deserve that little guy and he deserves you. I know you will be a great dad😊💖
  7143. liloving: Josh is gonna be such an amazing dad one day😍
  7144. Jean Park: thx
  7145. Rachel Lava: name him Cj
  7146. Jack Ley: Name him Tinkle, because he tinkled in his food!
  7147. Amy Shamblesx: Buying is usually coming from breeders where the mother dog is just used as a puppy machine basically. A money maker. Adopting is recusing animals in a shelter that have previously had a bad life and need love, or maybe their previous owner died and now they need a new loving home. Sometimes if they don't get adopted, they're put to sleep, although some shelters are good and won't put a healthy dog down. It's always better to adopt, don't shop.
  7148. Carley Mills: NAME THE PUPPY MJ... get it Micheal Jackson
  7149. Bri .V: Name him Million
  7150. Sydney L: HES SO CUTE AHHH
  7151. Jordan Howard: Peanut ?
  7152. Lia Gonzalez: you call him little dude a lot why dint you calle him little dude
  7153. Wrench: You should name him Toby I saw someone else say that and I think it's a cute name ☺️😋🍉
  7154. Natalie Robson: buster or gizmo
  7155. Leah Terk: coco
  7156. Daily Bumps: Congratulations guys! Love that he peed all over his food! HAHA. Good luck, bro!
  7157. D and D: that looks my dog Carly!!!
  7158. Chandler Mcelhaney: trisha spunktas
  7159. Darcyalex: Million!!!
  7160. iiMehakDIY ii: I love your puppy its sooooooooooooooooo cute
  7161. Alexis 03: Little dude should be his name
  7162. Hannah Vanhoy: He looks like a Charlie to me
  7163. Justin HG: So happy for you!!! Was really surprised you got a dog though, always thought you and Colleen would get a cat first!
  7164. Madison Smart: maranda
  7165. Slytherclaw Gal: I think WIDDLE is a cute name
  7166. Lucie Kupres: I think that even just naming him Buddy would be adorable!!
  7167. Stephanie Evans: To me, he looks like either a "Scooter" or "Rosco." But he is ADORABLE!!!! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  7168. Andrea Ayala: name him king bc his collar says kong 😭😂
  7169. Дмитрий Первый: Поздравляю. Congratulations man......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7170. Lil Milky Way: He is so cute
  7171. ChelsyB09: +Eric Cartman remember what josh says "be nice to people"
  7172. Greer Barnett: He's so cute! You should name him Max or Humphrey
  7173. Jastell Puente: Toby I'd a rely good name or CJ u know like Colleen and Josh
  7174. lissajoy4: Your puppy is so cute!!! You should name him buddy or rocky or Nikki
  7176. Anna Munkvold: Chip would be a good name. Short for chocolate chip.
  7177. Laguna Fun Four: call him bro
  7178. Josie Basta: Name him bandit
  7179. TessAnnaMarie: Caleb for a dog name? Maybe?
  7180. Kelly Gibson: It's not a clickbait. He's becoming a dad to a dog
  7181. mia halldorson: Milo!!
  7182. lush lover34782: awww so cute!!! congrats josh we love u
  7183. londoniguess: Name him buster in honor of your cat 💞
  7184. Mel A: Name him Berry as in DingleBerry!!!
  7185. India Smith: or Leo? but teddy is better
  7186. Unicorn Fluffy: call the dog buddy
  7187. abrielle: Name him Bubba bc YAS Queen
  7188. Raelynn Lee: Those are so cute names
  7189. Jaya Merritt: I'm soo happy right now...congrats Josh!!
  7190. Shelby R.: Name him Bandana or Bandit :)
  7191. roberto m: Name him Dingle Junior or Berry
  7192. GCJoni: Name him Michael!!!!!!
  7193. Jay Boots: Moscow!
  7194. izzekatt: And milly for short
  7195. Gavin G: you should call him revy, short for orevwa
  7196. Savy teal: Name him bandana or bandy Dana band idk something about bandana
  7197. B Marie: You should name him Otis! Btw what kind of dog is that
  7198. Gracie Maxwell: Name him Theodore or teddy!
  7199. Lyndsey Bruse: dingle berry or michael as in michael jackson
  7200. Brianna Rose: Name him buddy
  7201. Irene Mendoza: Miranda or MIKE
  7202. Emerson Hammel: Susan!
  7203. Olivia Lopane: call him Bandit
  7204. Jacob Backall: you always call it dude!
  7205. Izzy Velasquez: Name him Bambi
  7206. Emma Brunet Field Hockey: Name him Marco!!!!
  7207. Clair Jarman: Call him Jacko after your fav artist! He's gorgeous! xx
  7208. emily ramos: dingleberry
  7209. josie dlugosz: Archie!!
  7210. Jacqueline Dazzo: You should name him Cookie!
  7211. Ivy Lueck: I have a chocolate lab and she is alot of work but we love her
  7212. Camila Jáuregui Hernández: Joshleen lmao😂😂
  7213. Elaine Dawson: Buddy
  7214. Rachel Ellen: NAME HIM SNOOPY! :) (even tho Colleen calls you that)
  7215. Julia Bedeian: he looks like a Buddy. That's what you should name him!
  7216. Kaley Englund: doug
  7217. Emma Heckert: Name him Hank
  7218. Ellie Horvath: butterscotch or brownie
  7219. Claire tiggs: Adorable xxx what about Berry for Dingleberries xxx
  7220. its ciara duggie: JACK
  7221. Allie McGarr: I have a chocolate lab. You should get one especially if and when you have a family! They are amazing dogs
  7222. Jessica wood: Call him buddy or Henry ❤️🐵😛
  7223. Caitlyn Pederson: I screamed so hard when I saw the thumbnail! CONGRATS!!!!! P.S You should call him Beauregard. It really goes with your last name. Yea, Beauregard Evans. His nickname can be Beau
  7224. Lauren Siedentopf: Ahhhh! He's so cute!
  7225. cc reilly: AJAKSU
  7226. Lexi Meeker: Or maybe Connor. He looks like a Connor.
  7227. xoxmoonxox: Name him Toffee
  7228. cheerbearxana: PHAN
  7229. Lara Cormack: Perfect name
  7230. steven stamper: What if you named him Berry like in dingle berry
  7231. Rylan Fanning: name him cuttie
  7232. Jennifer Shakur: So adorable! I would love to have a dog rescue, but mostly pit bills 🐶🐾💋
  7233. Stephany M: Name Him Snoopy Or Rocky Or Max.
  7234. Chloe Moser: He's gonna grow a lot, when they are puppies they act a lot more different. But that all depends on how you train him. :D
  7235. Hannah Shreiner: Josh, you have the sweetest heart and I know you and Colleen will be the perfect parents.
  7236. Skeleton BLG: yay!
  7237. J V: What kind of dog??? He's adorable
  7238. Emily Bo: Call him Pickahu
  7239. Kathryn Ann: Name him graham
  7240. Mandy Ratliff: he should combine his name and Colleen name and name his dog after what ever the combined name is
  7241. Cairo Golding: call him dingle berry
  7242. Isabel Pumphrey: Yeah he said that later on, but thanks
  7243. Nicolette López: Name him Jagger
  7244. Abigail Campbell: I have the exact same puppy my puppy looks the exact same
  7245. Las Ninas: Hey listen do not give him chocolate he will die his name should be Bubu!
  7246. Crunch Time: Aaahhhhhh I love that dog
  7247. Oliviarayola13: Kaner or Kane
  7248. Andrea Messman: I think you should name him Journey.
  7249. Brianne Springer: Aww he's so cute! 😍💛
  7250. Zoë Kleithal: What Kind of dog is he
  7251. Tayla: Name him Choco
  7252. Baby Seddy: I like the name Buddy for him it's cute
  7253. Amelia Carlan: Name him dude!
  7254. Alex Widener: His name should be Buddy
  7255. kylie gonzales: Or JT
  7256. Kelsey Brown: If you decide to train him the basic commands yourself, I would recommend getting him a GentleLeader collar. I'm in college to be a veterinary technician, and the animals we bring in each semester has their own GentleLeader and it makes training them a lot easier. It also doesn't choke them the way regular collars do. I'm so glad you decided to adopt! ❤
  7257. Reese Catherine: Name him Queef 😂
  7258. Jenna Lamb: Names: Zeke Jaxson Bubby Kai Keenan Happy Beau
  7259. Lydia Sanders: Anyone else been waiting for this vlog?😍
  7260. mynanisalesbian: Neoud Haile do you mean breed?
  7261. bailey a. l.: you should name him Wayne after colleens grandpa
  7262. puppy life Cantu: Buddy
  7263. Joe Christofore Sr: just name him little dude, or dude
  7264. Qt Queen: name him bud
  7265. Laura Dravland: OMG!!!!! You got him!!!! Congrats!
  7266. Destiny Allen: You probably know this but don't feed it onions, grapes, and chocolate! Those foods are considered poisonous to dogs! Just like you we got a puppy for the first time because the last dog we had died when I was n 2nd grade but the dog we have now is like my son!😘😘😘😘
  7267. Bubbles Creations: Bubbles
  7268. funneh and the krews biggest fan: that should be his name lucky
  7269. Caleb Lankford: CHARLIE
  7270. Kristi W: The puppy looks like he's smiling 😊 he needs a happy name!
  7271. Karis Cowan: Or leo
  7272. Audrey Rose Music: bear bear
  7273. Kmalone 004: You could name him etuc cute backward or Brooster like Bro stir or buddy that's what you already call him or Brownie cause he is small but amazing!!!!
  7274. Lilly Noble: Ollie
  7275. Daisy Gennell Mendoza: Call him swaggy
  7276. Julia Dores: Name him Buddy!!
  7277. BatzLyfeeVlogz: What kind of dog is he?
  7278. Nina: why dont you just name him buddy its a great name for a great dog
  7279. Jeanette Alapizco: Name him chip 😂❤️
  7280. It’s your girl: What about Charlie or Carlos
  7281. Amy Becker: Please don't name him snoopy that's boring. Name him Choo Choo or BubBub please
  7282. Sean Morgan: He looks like a Rabbie!!!
  7283. Nick B.: Omg thats such a cute name!!!
  7284. Craycraycupcake Preety pumpkin: You should name him josh Jr.
  7285. tiffd11161: I love that you adopted him. He is too damn cute. You rock Josh, and he will stop shivering once he is used to you.
  7286. Molly: haha exactly 😂
  7287. Eliana 22: I just got a little cute puppy today and I am sO EXCITED AND HAPPY BUT TERRIFIED AT THE SAME TIME like I don't really know how to take care of him properly but I love him so much and I think I'm naming it Totty or Totto 💜
  7288. Jasmine To Crazy: +Destiny Hill I agree
  7289. Hailey Tomaka: Name him Buddy,Bear,or Broady!
  7290. Grace's Life: You should name him arden
  7291. Rachel Bolderston: If girl luck boy bobo
  7292. yasmin shams: Congrats ❤️❤️❤️
  7293. Leah Chow: Name him Henry!
  7294. Susannah Zoldyck: NAME HIM OLLIE
  7295. Erin Jones: Y does everyone want him to name it Cale/Kale (idk the spelling for a name)
  7296. spella: Name him Japie
  7297. Nathan The Dreamer: Joshlien
  7298. Sofia Raikow: Is that dog gonna grow really big or nah, cuz that looks like the kind of dogs that will grow really big
  7299. Shonas Life: Jordan,
  7300. heyimchriss: Aww Cute Doggy
  7301. Kerringtyn Davis: name him buddy
  7302. Eric Cartman: +Cookie Dragon yeah and also be nice to your dog and don't call him donut :)
  7303. Phoebie And abby: Alice Emerson yeah he said that because he's officially two daddy's daaaaaw
  7304. Pixie_Parker: name him kale! do it!
  7305. Jada Perez: What about pumpkin idk I just think it would be cute cause like Colleen likes to cook and u like heathy stuff and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't pumpkin like kinda heathy for u idk I just think pumpkin would be cute
  7306. KayKayDiy: name him charlie after ur bestie charlie or slays
  7307. sophie crow: George or Georgie for short
  7308. Brie Jarvis: A way to potty train him.. Find a bell that can hang on the door that he can reach and everytime you go to take him out show him the bell and ring it and eventually he will get the hang of it and when he needs to go to the bathroom he will run up and hit it and eventually you will be able to take the bell off and he will know to go to the door to ask out.. Thats how I trained my now 1 year old almost 2 year old Shih tzu. It took about 2-3 weeks after I got her and then about another 2-3 weeks before I could take the bell away. Names for the dog: Ace, Finn, Sebastian, Charlie, Rocky, Toby, Bear, Buddy
  7309. Jade de Santiago: Since he's a boy you're going to be dealing a lot with his pee/ marking territory. Boys like to mark their territory everywhere :/
  7310. Olivia Aviles: OMG, hes so freaking cute🐕
  7311. Anya P: please name him Benji!! or Benjy, however you want to spell it
  7312. Clarissa Lekpor: Congratulations for your new dog
  7313. Abbie Samingburg: Amillion
  7314. Izzy & Zoe Show: Buster or spiky
  7315. Jaden V-S: Toby is a perfect name!
  7316. Monet Manor: Name him bandy short bandana
  7317. Ksenija Gilchrist: Call him Brodie so his nickname can be Bro
  7318. Baavi Boom: I'm in tears!
  7319. Jess Beatty: Rickey
  7320. chOerrylady: Name him Buddy :)
  7321. Emily H: Bandit!!!
  7322. Kaleb Blackmon: Name him granola bar
  7323. Sarah Shine: I'm really happy that you adopted!
  7324. ROSHUN sp: name him 'Growl' @joshuadtv that's cute and the first thing he did at seeing the other dog at the pet store!!! <3
  7325. no name no name: name him Dingle
  7326. XKng Kennyx: Oscar😍😍😂😂
  7327. Matti Chick: Name him Legend!!!!! He's so CUTE
  7328. steggysaurus: Name suggestion: high top
  7329. GracieCoyne: Brownie?
  7330. Emmerson Washkevich: You should name him waffle or pankake
  7331. Keira Fennell: josh go buy pee mats to train him
  7332. zulia markley: I LOVE THAT NAME!!!😁
  7333. slimlily 516: his name should be Noah
  7334. Emma Rose: Name him cheif
  7335. Nikki Nature: Ive had a dogs all of my life (scince i was born) my dogs name is Apollo and just make sure you dont feed him too much like give him a full bowl in the morning (when hes a pup) and let him pick off that the rest of the day and make sure he always has water to keep him hydrated, give him attention and play with him often bc its good for them, while he starts teatheing try getting dog bones, my dog loves rawhide bones especially or you can get rubber toys that are like for teethimg just make sure to show love like if your playomg tug of war make sure to pet him while playing to show him that he shouldnt be agressive, Good Luck!
  7336. Ella Katz: I dont know why but i thought rocky
  7337. k-pop mania: Wait how about Bobo!!Ok either Bobo or Ollie💕
  7338. Carys Mae: What breed is he X
  7339. leaf wilson: His name should be Dude
  7340. Annalise Bowman: 3 hours ago 6k likes I have been waiting for this for so long like 3 days
  7341. Misa Pham: You should name I'm cookie
  7342. Jenna Neufeldt: First, it's awesome that you adopted! That's the best way to go! Second, you're gonna be an awesome dad to youre new puppy Third, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  7343. Tina Oswald: Last weekend!!! He misses his brother so much. He is doing well. How fun it would be for them to see each other. My son bawled because he was so worried that spunky wouldn't be adopted. What a small world.
  7344. Santiago Maldonado: buddy or dude
  7345. Ty Eckhoff: What about Bumper
  7346. Lele: Buddy
  7347. Jazmin Weeks: Please name him rocky after my old dog
  7348. mrz: Or bandanna man
  7349. hi: Name him snoop dog
  7350. Stephany Dove: I love hubba Bubba! maybe bubbs for short! Congrats, you did better than I did! I cried like a baby when I got my puppy! her name is banna and she is the love of my life!😍
  7351. Lilly Ciufici: u should name ur dog buddy
  7352. lauren styles: I had a dog just like him. His name was Jekyll because we got him near Jekyll island.. R.I.P. Jekyll :((
  7354. Taylinn Leigh: And you should name him Buddy 💑🐶💜
  7355. Maddie Addair: NAME HIM BUSTER!!! <3
  7356. Paige Blume: Call him Bandana!! SSSSOOOOO CUTE!
  7357. Kaitlyn Vickers: Name him teddy !!
  7358. emmie new: toby
  7359. tan tan: please can you name him bubblegum
  7360. Autumn Ciarlante: I think you should name him Knoebles
  7361. Arianna P: Name him Dingleberry
  7362. Olivia Dowling: Can you name him Rusty
  7363. Christina Haddad: when I get married I'm getting a dog
  7364. Courtney Bognar: You keep calling him 'little dude' so why not just name him Dude?
  7365. Sonika Tahiliani: My heart is melting omg hes beautiful!! cant wait for this amazing journey <3
  7366. Brianna Noviello: Bubba was my dog's name, and he looked EXACTY like Josh's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7367. Zoe Stafford: name him budy
  7368. Taygen Ambrose: Rhino moose
  7369. Lecia Willbanks: I like the name bandana (Dani). And it was hilarious when he peed in his water!! He was possibly marking his new territory.
  7370. Stephanie Z: He IS perfect! Mazel Tov Josh! Being a pet parent is the best ❤
  7371. willow delabio: NAME HIM STANLEY!
  7372. Southerndawg1: name him dingleberry!!!!!!
  7373. Blood, Sweat, and Glitter Glue: Name him Wrigley!!
  7374. Brooklyn Murphy: U should name him snickers
  7375. Miranda Manning: his name should just be "little dude" 😂
  7376. Calei J: You should name him bubba or million
  7377. ali baldacchino: You should call him either Buddy or Little Dude! 🐶❤️
  7378. emiliedh: He's adorable, call him Benji. Our pup had his babyteeth pulled today, he's really drowsy from the meds.
  7379. Youtube is Life: Please name him brady! he looks so much like a brady
  7380. gweenkookie823: name him plz challie
  7381. Chelsea-Rose Hitt: buster is a good name xxx
  7382. Courtney Jackson: Name him tucker
  7383. Macey Rae: you should name him dude
  7384. Zoya: Congrats Josh! The new puppy is sooo cute! You should name him Buddy or Fudge. <3
  7385. Phoebe Koo: CJ
  7386. RosewoodPetrovaX 03: u should call him buddy because it seems like he likes the name and u will be his buddy. so best of luck with parenting
  7387. Emily Grinnell: name him bubba,buddy,or jack
  7388. Kya Mai: yayyyyy!!!!!!!
  7389. Jaelyn Frye: omg JOSH IS GETING A DOG!!! ERMAGURRRRD
  7390. Abigail McLaughlin: Cooper would be really cute
  7391. M & J Vlogs: His name should be : Cookie ❤️
  7392. Ashley Zamorano: what is his real name tge dog
  7393. My Sweet Boutique: Name him DingleBerry!!
  7394. isthis reallife: okay I wouldn't throw her but I would quickly put her outside 😁
  7395. Kate Lui: Cody
  7396. elana merg: Name him milo
  7397. Charlotte Dring: I got a puppy a few months ago now, and she's about the same age as this little guy!! Puppies are so adorable, I wish you all the best with your new family member💖
  7398. Ok: He's so cute😩😍
  7399. Trinity Blondin: Or keep it buddy! That's a great name
  7400. Hannah Laughter: Toby!!!!! It's such a cute name!!😍😍
  7401. kayla grace: BANDANA WOULD BE SUCH A CUTE NAME
  7402. MusicalSim: I like the name Peter
  7403. Cierra N: You should name him bo or bandanna.
  7404. Anna Siqueiros: im crying right now idkw
  7405. Megan Stewart: OR SNOOPY JUNIOR
  7406. Becca Higgins: Cooper!
  7407. lilycupcake11: Name him Ollie!
  7408. I am bored: You like Michael Jackson right? Name him Mickey!!!
  7409. Queent Chicken: I literally cried😭😭😂😍😘
  7410. chloe t: HI JOSHHHHHHHHH sending love to you and ur little family :) ❤️❤️
  7412. Michaela Berk: I agree. My last dog's name was Emma and my current dog's name is Penny. Both names suit/suited them so much.
  7413. Emma Argyle: Name him dingleberry
  7414. Olivia Brandberg: As a another dog owner I would like to give you a tip: When he barks, don't get mad at him, instead thank him (like say thank you) to let him know that you noticed his alarm (cause when he barks it is cause he heard something outside that could be a danger to the pack). And if he won't stop barking, go look out the window that he is barking at and without looking or talking to him go back to what you were doing, to show that it was nothing. Lastly, if he is still barking, you can "remove" him from that spot so he simply can't be there and bark, at least for the moment. Hope it helps! 😊
  7415. Lauryn H.: name him bobo or bo
  7416. Ashley M: Willie!
  7417. Bianca Rosa: Piper pip luck
  7418. Meaghan Migatz: you should name him Bandit cause he looks like he is wearing a mask
  7419. Haley Stubbs: chloe
  7420. ErinofTheCoast: Name him dingle.
  7421. Hailey Mack: name him coco or max :) I also like bear for him
  7422. Cherryl Hernandez: cookie😉
  7423. A M: +Zulma Martinez or just get in the habit of saying, "go potty" when he goes to the bathroom outside. it'll make your life so easy when you need to take him outside to go to the bathroom on a leash.
  7424. Bailey's Music: Name his bandana😂 idek
  7425. Keila Hopkins: NAME HIM BUDDY!
  7426. Micky B: Someone suggested the name Snoopy but I thought that since that's your nickname he could be Charlie :)
  7427. Erin O: name him Sampson
  7428. Julie Oelerich: jack
  7429. Flower Girl: spody
  7430. Lia G: Maybe rocky or rocket 😊
  7431. Dogerilla Barks: I have the same kind of dog
  7432. Neisha Little: Two good names that can fit his dog is Oliver or Buddy❤️ and Josh you keep calling him Buddy so😊
  7433. Hailey D Tilger: Name him scout or koda!
  7434. Brooke: Btw for names I think Ollie max or cocoa would be adorable for him!
  7435. Jamie Rackley: Bentlie
  7436. Charl_t 11: You should call him buddy
  7437. Daniel De: yeeesss name him bandit
  7438. Tasia Lockhart: Toby
  7439. minghao is my love back off: I saw ur name, i saw the title not the thumbnail i was like OMGG YESS!!!! Then i scroll up alittle bit i'm likke.. okay.
  7440. Abigail Skelton: I know you will be great pet parents! Lots of walks and cuddles will be in little one's future!
  7441. AnnaBeth Graves: You could name him Journey! It sounded like you called him that at 7:21
  7442. SimplySarah: REMY!!!!!
  7443. Julie Cornwell: This is the purest video ever.
  7444. Morgan Smith: I think that your new puppy kind of looks like he would be called Percy, or something.
  7445. Kaiya Steyskal: that would fit him ssssoooooooooo well😁😁
  7446. Tegan_Gallagher X: Emma Aherne My Dog is called Buddy x
  7447. Anjelae Hall: I think either Max or Buddy
  7448. Jennifer Weiss: name him rosco
  7449. Jordy Marisa: What kind of dog is he?
  7450. Precious Magana :: Never mind sorry
  7451. Samantha Wylie: He looks like he's constantly smiling
  7452. Popular Nerdette: Name him Oliver(Oli) or Willy (Will)
  7453. kaitlyn pacheco: Rosco
  7454. Kaiya Steyskal: yaaaaaa
  7455. Ella .b: tiny or flash
  7456. Salty Savages Friend Company: I am so glad you for a dog ! The puppy is so cute!!!!!!
  7457. Mat Crampton: How about splodge
  7458. Justine Velasco: It's A Rottweiler dog right??
  7459. Grace Valentine: Ok these names: Jackson, Max, Bandit, or Franklin!!!!
  7460. Diana Harwood: Name him Dingleberry!
  7461. Elena Ewing: Just name him Buddy
  7462. Hfbjorobjeifjbrijcbirjfbkjrbgjirrivt Dhkgjy: But when she does a name that is good for a girl is Audrey and Ethan for a boy
  7463. Johnny Silvestri: Name him Max! (short for Maxamillion cause he's "one in a million".) See what I did there? ;)
  7464. nevaeh: Name him dingleberry
  7465. Hilawe Tibebe: cinabon or mittens
  7466. Ang & Elle: I think you should name the cute lil pup, Charlie or Bronx
  7467. hadley ROWLAND: Dakota
  7468. cookie 407: I've had a million truly tere very fun
  7469. Vic: I think his name should be Jake :D
  7470. Paranormal Stephanie: I think that you should name him Teddy or Bear
  7471. MrMentalackack: We need a year of dog vlogs ;)
  7472. Emily Garcia: Name him pocket
  7473. abra819: sorry, but you don't seem like an animal person. neither does colleen lol
  7474. agfashiongirlboston: Name him Joshleen!
  7475. some thing: Just to be sure ,I know he might be a chihuahua, but what breed is he?
  7476. Libby Hirst: Just name him Buddy. Its cute and you've said it from the start. X
  7477. Tegan_Gallagher X: Alice Emerson Josh wasnt Colleens dad in the first place xx
  7478. Taylor Reid: When he started to pee in his food 😂😂 awesome start to parenting I've been there with my dogs hahahaha
  7479. Laura Rayne: Name him cooper
  7480. Lilly VanCleve: Name him King or Prince
  7481. Mya Edwardson: Call him fox
  7482. Tapia Girl: You should name him buddy
  7483. Amber Gaines: Doggy McDogFace
  7484. anditspaganpoetry: +Erica B. they do, but understand that it's a supply and demand thing. I worked at a pet store for a couple of years, puppies are sold with the mindset of being able to bring MORE puppies in. It's not like oh yay we found this puppy a much needed home, it's all about making money. Also, a puppy in a pet shop is so much more likely to find an owner than a puppy in a pound.
  7485. mustang 123: Milo or Mookie 😀😀😀😀 or dingleberry
  7486. Allison F: You should name him Rory
  7487. bpol: NAME HIM SNOOPY!!!
  7488. Jaelynn Gilbert: name him dingleberry
  7489. Queen Bee: SHODOW
  7490. pandorkable !: joshleen,raptor,or lunar
  7491. Leah Loudermilk: Jack
  7492. Hayley Rose: I think the name Roscoe is really cute <3
  7493. Art Sub: omg this is your best vlog ever.
  7494. Delaney Sumlar: I know it sounds a little vague but I like Bennitt like BE NIce To people??? It's like a special little hidden meaning in his name :)
  7495. Kat Tineo: this was so cute😍😍
  7496. Bella Saenz G.: you should name him Rex or rock or something AK I was just watching before this episode Rachel Rachel Ballinger vlogs
  7497. woofgoesthecat 0.o: Name Suggestions 1. Dinglepup (as a nickname) 2. Shadow (for obvious reasons) 3. Bandit (because he stole your heart😄😄) HE'S SO FRICKIN' CUTE, I WANT ONE. Seeing colleen hold the little dude, I was about to cry😙😙 Best of luck with this puppy, I know you'll do a great job😁
  7498. Lila Lewis: You should name him bear because he looks like a bear and bear can be short for berry which is short for dingle berry
  7499. Leah Tidmarsh: I think he should be called Daniel💫 Colleen Josh and Daniel! So cuteeeee
  7500. Nicholas Porteous: name him dinglyberry
  7501. Christie Randazza: Name him Buddy! :)
  7502. Tessa Meyer: mojo
  7503. dd _: Soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute
  7504. Zaneta Van der vesthuizen: Josh name him Connor or Sebastian :)
  7505. Cave DSGHQ: Name him buddy
  7506. Catt martin: Is he already fully grown?
  7507. Alexys Slifer: name him Bentley
  7508. Madison Lambert: Timberlake would be perfect, ok? Ok
  7509. elycia romaine: Blackie,buddy, or million
  7510. Kristal Gonzales: Bruno
  7511. C H: you've always been my daddy 🌝
  7512. Luis Roman: Name him BERRYYY!!!
  7513. Alexis Nestor: name him rocky
  7514. Flexible Emma: How about jack
  7515. aestheticseagull 101: chase
  7516. Sarah Cotter: How do you feel about the name Oscar
  7517. Lauren Nichole: You should name him Dingle!!
  7518. Torres girls: Buster
  7519. ninu imad: why dont you become a dad of real child i mean human child?
  7520. Omni Edits: Riley I like Riley for some reason
  7521. Beth Lawrie: ahhh an explosion of cuteness! 😇🐕
  7522. Sophie STROUD: I though he meant Colleen was pregnant
  7523. alex m.: Hes always been a daddy to colleen
  7524. Francisco Arellano: Name him Max
  7525. Sophia Pietroski: Cinnamin
  7526. Lexx Carney: he is going to be such great dad one day, I can feel it.
  7527. Macey Fox: Name him Dexter
  7528. L'n'S_1'n'_only: You should name him bubba😍
  7530. Shawnee Em: pinchie is a good name
  7531. Jade Vila: Milo is my puppy's name and I think it's adorable but...I think Shadow is perfect for him
  7532. Bella Bennett: Name him bandana!
  7533. Catherine O Connell: Jesse or shadow
  7534. Ariane Schoellner: Name him Jackson or Kale
  7535. Brookie Cookie: Thats my second choice
  7536. sar bear: Name him Bubba
  7537. Calei J: Or u could just name him YouTube since you love them both
  7538. Aerin: I love the name Arlo!
  7539. Queent Chicken: post joke here-----> srry don't have one
  7540. Shelby Mitchell: Name him (JJ)
  7541. Heidi Osgood: name him babybro
  7542. gabriella dasilva: You should name him cody
  7543. SamGVlogs: I think Buddy would be a great name. Or Little Guy. Those are the two nicknames you've given him since bringing him home. Buddy feels super fitting for him and considering he'll be your buddy for a lifetime, I think it would be a great name for him :)
  7544. Beatriz Guevara: You should call him Jordan
  7545. Mettaton EX: AWW😱❤️❤️😍😍😘😘 can you name dog boo boo or something I'm terrible at names
  7546. caylee yates: +pofuu I have a dachshund he is too big. and not long enough he's tall
  7547. Amani The Unicorn: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you should name him rocko zuze max or charlie lol ilysm josh
  7549. thatgirl 264: Name him kale, dingle, berry or buddy
  7550. Ellie Faris: I am getting a puppy on fri!!!
  7551. sydney: call him Dannie!!!!
  7552. LPS Dolphin: I like the name Drake for it idk why but yeah
  7553. OfficialTVDNTv: call him buddy :)
  7554. HeyIt's Jaiii: I almost screamed until you said it was a dog!! Also you should name him jace!
  7555. Todd Johnston: sushi
  7556. Michael Melone: You should name him Buddy!
  7557. Suzanne Graham: Name him Charli or Anthony, idk it seems fitting
  7558. Reese Ringwelski: Do a house tour
  7559. C S: so cute!!!
  7560. Bridget Murphy: milly should be the name
  7561. Ellamusto: Izzo or Malibu or rigby
  7562. Mylo my puppy: Name him poochie
  7563. Nadia Mcdonald: Berry as in dingleberry 💕
  7564. Elizabeth Arduino: name him bandit
  7565. Madison Zimmerman: Name him Milo!
  7566. Emily Bry: kindness
  7567. MacKenzie Weez: I think a cute name is Max!
  7568. RatGurlTay: or moose or hunter
  7569. Deya 123: Name him dingle bear!!!
  7570. ju_tmbr: Or Jack
  7571. MrMarkymark005: The stronger your bond with him, the less & less he'll shiver, he will get more confident. You have the right heart, mindset & perspective, you guys are going to be great!
  7572. Gabriel Guzman: Baxter
  7573. Izzy Antcliff: Bandana
  7574. Inika Inika: Now Josh is a _single father_ 😿
  7575. Sparkling Silver Curls: I know you're going to get a lot of advice, but I've been a single dog mom for almost 10 years...and had a VERY difficult puppy who has become an absolutely incredible adult dog. Also, he's 113 lbs, I've had to work a lot with him and his 55 lb sister. Even though I grew up with dogs (and cats) my whole life, I had to learn a lot!! The absolute most important thing is consistency and patience. You may need to spend an hour doing the same thing over and over, but it will save you YEARS of crazy frustration. With potty training, as soon as they wake up, take them outside immediately. When they poop or pee, praise big time, go in the house right after they're finished, and give them a treat and praise again (using the words poop or pee so they learn the names and will eventually go on command). For the first month, you will need to get up every 4 hours to take them outside to prevent accidents. I know it's crazy, but it will create a lifetime of good potty habits. Please, please secure your dog when driving. There are seat belt harnesses for dogs, and they need to be buckled in the back. A few reasons, airbags being deployed will kill a dog. A 30lb dog flying at your head at 35 mph may kill you or give you brain damage, and kill the dog. Lastly, if you get in an accident and he is ejected from the car and runs away, he's lost...or, could get hit by a car and cause an accident. Please be hyper careful around the pool with him. I've heard of too many dogs falling into the pool and getting trapped under the pool cover and drowning. That's absolutely terrifying and a horrible way to die. Lastly, and i know I'm harping on ya, but please don't give him any food or treats made in china. ALWAYS check the labels. Too many dogs and cats have died from stuff from China. Congrats in your new baby, and thank you for adopting and saving a life!!
  7576. Sarah Connolly: How about...brady
  7577. Abby Danielle: awwww I have a gold lab and a chiweenie 😍
  7578. bryan Taylor: Lucky
  7579. Abigail Lyons: super cute dog josh
  7580. xXSavannahTheTomboyXx XP: love it
  7581. lit skrt: I think of a name like Timmy or something like that
  7582. Hilary Robbins: You should name him Elvis
  7583. Alexis Loges: I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!
  7584. Ellie Telford: Why don't you call him buddy
  7585. Daz Brown: what about MJ or Buddy I mean it seems a natural comfortable thing for you to call him it so far and that's what it's about what comes naturally
  7586. Alejandra Mondragon: call him niño it's kid In Spanish and he is your first kid
  7587. Kiara Riley: Call him francis or craig
  7588. Sandra Schnider: He looks like a Max or Ollie. Congrats on becoming parents! I'm excited to see more of your journey together😍😍😍
  7589. Ellie-Mae Field: Timmy name him Timmy please
  7590. Sara Kelly: name him buddy like if u agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7591. so chlo cities: what kind is he
  7592. Life of a Teenager: His name should be Terrance :)
  7593. Savanna Maneritch: I cried
  7594. Reagan Fucik: DTV
  7595. Marc Marshall: I still hope you guys get a kitty! But OMG he's so cute! Just be careful when you drive somewhere with him to make sure he's in his carrier because if you get in an accident it could end badly for him if he's not secured in anything. Hopefully he gets used to his new place fast :)
  7596. little coco: callout Prince
  7597. Molly Mickey: NAME HIM COOPER
  7598. Cheyenne McGuire: You should name him Jackson. After Michael.
  7599. Alexis: What breed?
  7600. Modernity has failed us: Name him. "Kale Evans" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  7601. Kristin Baclig: I've watched that guys TV show lmao
  7602. Pinkflower 0912: or Zeus
  7603. Karen Rocio: Name him cookie
  7604. Love You's World: Name him Cookie or peany (because of peanuts) or something like that... Or Raffi, it's from Raffael
  7605. Hey Its Kay: Call him JAX
  7606. Samantha Padilla: Call him Buddy
  7607. sheridan butler: SNOOPY
  7608. Ruddy Family: Please call the little puppy Hugo
  7609. Catie Tomlinson 卌: I think you should call him Buddy! you call him Buddy already, so why not?
  7610. Emily Cross: You should name him Max.
  7611. INTERGSLTICNERDY GEEK FUN: i think u should name him fluffy
  7612. Brittany Moran: OMG! He looks just like my dog!!!😃🐶
  7613. Kira Thomas: You can name him Buddy because you already called him that in this vid and I think that name is cute😂💕
  7614. Lara Towill: you should name him Buritto :)
  7615. Abigail Brown: Name him buba that's so cute ❤️
  7616. Maci Anderson: Name the dog Coco!!!!!
  7617. Maiya The Doggie Lover: Name Him Baxter
  7618. Cyb3r Unic0rn: Name him : Rio
  7619. Nicole: Name ideas: Bubbles Choco Coco Cinnamon Brownie Max Jack Chip Snickerdoodle (Snicks for short) Sunny Puzzy Puffer Stewie Panda Zeus Fluffy Flufferton Plush Teddy Bear Leo Fifa Richie Evan(s)
  7620. Alyssa's Channel: I had a chocolate lab...now I have a dachshund named yoda
  7621. Gillian Riley: NAME HIM RILEU
  7622. taylor ☼: or Bubba😊
  7623. Riley Daley: Kale!!!!!!!!
  7624. Crumpled Oreos: Bandit is a good name. Kind of like bandana😊
  7625. Alex Monroe: call him alex 😂
  7626. Dalfur Abdullah Mohamed Talasow: Name him S'More get it cuz he is the same colors of a S'More😂😂😍
  7627. Emma Durham: Spencer
  7628. Ruby Da cherry: umm its a dog i don't think it cares if its gotten by two people together, jesus you people act like its a newborn baby
  7629. Caitlyn O'Malley: you should name him Rocky!!
  7630. Alexis Stires: name him bubby!
  7631. Isabella C: You should name him Dude
  7632. account not in use: I think mystic is a cute name 😂
  7633. Alice Emerson: But, you were already daddy to Colleen…
  7634. Pics4 pooches: I Think maybe Ozzie?
  7635. Milja P: Maybe name him Joey? Josh and Joey fit together nicely. 😊
  7636. Barbies & More: name him Little Dude or Little Guy
  7637. Caylie B: +Maci The Fangirl Can you stop. You say "no" like a gigantic brat on every comment.
  7638. Brooke Tastic: That's my dogs name😂❤️ but YASSS
  7639. Leana Roberts: Josh junior
  7640. sophie. 87: Dingleberrie
  7641. Vanessa Young: You should name him Buddy or Milo! <3
  7642. Candyce Luna: i don't know if its inappropriate or okay but I think you could name him Buster after your awesome kitty
  7643. Emilee Ash: Tyler,nylon
  7644. findherpacifier: Yes I'm commenting this again
  7645. Amy Gamez: I love the Dog it's adorable
  7646. Julia Lynn: Name his Ceasar because he is a meant to conquer the new world.
  7647. Kennedy Mahone: OMGAWWWD I DIED!!! Perfect family for the perfect dog!!!! 💕💕
  7648. Gabruel Alvacodo: I see ur being a daddy now u have a beard
  7649. Qt Queen: Brownie
  7650. Caroline Lancaster: Josh, you should name your dog Moses because I know your family is religious and Moses is a biblical name, but also because I have a basset hound named Moses and he is so cute (cuter than your dog, but everyone says that to everyone. You'll see very soon...or maybe kids just do that). Anyway! Just a suggestion! Here are some other names: Donny, Gibbs, Stanley (Stan Lee), Barry (Berry), Samuel (Sam), Abrum (like @SamandNia 's son), George, Lee, (Alex) Alexander *hamilton, Chewy (Chewbacca), Dennis, Daniel, Kyle, Joey, Noah, Squeak, Bubbles, Colin (because the love of ur life is Colleen and you love your puppy and wife and the male name for Colleen is Colin and also that's name is a nice name), Mud (Muddy), Geo (pronounced like the letters g o. Not go, g o) S'mores, Chocolate (Chookie/ a manly name for Cookie), Wookie, or Rudolph (Rudo because I know you guys love Christmas). By all mean you don't need to choose *Andy (any) of these names, but their some suggestions. Have a nice day!
  7651. Ava Raines: Bentley
  7652. emsova: Call him Dude!!
  7653. Nikki Mouse: I was like oh okay, uh interesting hand signs to use 😂
  7654. Kittiesarecute07 AJ: name him sparky
  7655. Taryn Ray: heyyyyyy
  7656. wiNIKE: you should Name him CJ or JC for Josh and Colleen😉
  7657. Karla T: Don't ever board him at a petsmart hotel. Please !
  7658. Olivia Louise: Congrats!! What's his name
  7659. Alex Smith: Also, name him Dingle.
  7660. griffin Kay: name him peanut or flash
  7661. Brady B: Name him Apollo
  7662. Katie Ferrar: Call him Oscar
  7663. T-Anna Ward: will he get bigger? what kind of dog is he?
  7664. meg gibbon: i got a new dog 8 days ago
  7665. Emily: Murphy
  7666. Hannah Haslacker: rocky
  7667. Rupauls drag race Videos: Name him tochi because it fits him
  7668. corrine nolan: Ben!!!!!!
  7669. EmilyKReads: I saw the thumbnail and read the title and freaked out. I'm so excited for you. I hope you love it forever.
  7670. Madeline Anderson: Name him little dude
  7671. Libby Klemeyer: name him Kobe I think it fits him so well!!!❤️❤️❤️
  7672. Sian Skye: Or dingle berry
  7673. Amicia Stanley: I love u
  7674. Chloe Mc: Name him bubba!💚
  7675. Tyler Luong: Buddy sounds like a good name for the little fella
  7676. Alexia Speers: you should call him zell
  7677. Keira Sawyer: If you keep calling him buddy you should just name him buddy lol
  7678. Emma Laguerre: You should name him Cody!!!!
  7679. HlCheer11: Or name him Brover! Like the bro version of Rover! (It's also a how I met your mother reference)
  7680. farley6691: Congrats! Names: Bandana?
  7681. Cassie Brown: You should call him Buddy :)
  7682. Camryn Lehr: Buster or max. Like if u agree👍🏼
  7683. Alice Michelle: name him bug
  7684. Wendy Everts: what is his name
  7685. Kaydee Crocker: I love the name peanut for your little puppy
  7686. Lucy McArdle: I think buddy would really suit him
  7687. Rosa Lopez: call him buba
  7688. Olivia: you should take a picture of you and him everyday!
  7689. seven dancing gymnasts: Caleb is cute
  7690. Megan Metzler: name him after a Renaissance artist, like one of your favs... teenage mutant ninja turtles
  7691. Emily: Leo
  7692. Scarlett Kassab: call him Murphy!
  7693. Its just Jazz: Louise
  7694. Rachel Smeith: Call him buddy! Its actually a really cute name and i think it would suit him 😊❤️
  7695. Summer Vibz: call him buddy like if u agree!!!
  7696. amanda goober: Yeeeessss
  7697. Nissi Toro: Name him Little Dude
  7698. Caitlyn: Name him Max
  7699. fluteloops22: First thing I noticed when the video started 😂😂
  7700. Ava Nemeth: Name him buddy :) it would be so cute
  7701. fluteloops22: +Kylee Beasley I adopted a kitten last week as well and his name is also Oliver/Ollie! <3
  7702. Taylor talks a lot: AWEEE
  7703. Mariana Costa: name the dog brownie or Kristen or ken
  7704. RandomRiley: Cookie!
  7705. Lauren Linda: My Aunt's dog's name is Kale. 😂
  7706. Emily Catherine Kay: Call it Bandana or something cute
  7707. Kaia B.: His name should be buddy dur
  7708. Jordyn Salvatore: that's awesome
  7709. Griselda Alfaro: 💖💖 Rufus 💖💖
  7710. Alice Bravo: what breed is he? he looks like a terrier chihuahuah mix
  7711. Ruby C: Name your dog 'buddy' cuz u call him that anyway
  7712. choca bisgirl: I think buddy is a cute name for a dog
  7713. mariah #18: give him the name of Smokey
  7714. Cooper Reynolds: Cooper
  7715. Raylee Gilbert: no wait it should be buddy i think that it suits him better
  7716. jesstheyeetQueen11 yeet: Timmy please! please! please! please!
  7717. Baylee Gretsch: you should name him Yoda
  7718. Amelias Animals Life: What show is it and congrats
  7719. God Bless: I'm sure Rachel is comming over a lot more now.
  7720. Brianna Dominguez: Name the dog Max
  7721. Evissy Anih: How about Oliver
  7722. Haleigh Fry: Can you Vlog more
  7723. Olivia Parteka: Omg his beard
  7724. Alexis Carroll: DINGLE!!!!
  7725. lostontheinternet: the ending reminds me of when my cat didn't have a name yet so we just called him buddy. his name is now buddy. it just kinda stuck
  7726. Sabrina Sartorius: Name him Berry
  7727. Dori Crawford: My brothers name is Cale
  7728. Jasmine To Crazy: +Qui Lon Ging he does
  7729. Riley Zglinicki: Buddy!!! Name him Buddy!!!
  7730. Jenna Gravel: A super cute name could be "bubba" and it's kinda like buddy but not as basic ya know
  7731. WickedRed3: Oh my goodness......sooooooo adorable! Your puppy looks like my dog!
  7732. Georgia Harris: Call him Eddie
  7733. Kim L: congratulations Josh...Boomer or Gator are nice names
  7734. Jacky Alv: Call him dude
  7735. Riana Rae: You should name him if you want to espresso or snoop or maybe even toffee luv you and don't feel like you need to name him something that you don't want you know we will be happy with whatever name you chose
  7736. Stefen Colalillo: Call him Buddy!!
  7737. Aidan Walsh: favorite is prince
  7738. MooBear312: hey josh I was wondering if u could name the dog "Bandito" bc it's kinda like bandana! love you:)
  7739. abbie clare: call him Joshua dog town
  7740. dancer4evr1000: I saw someone comment on Instagram that you should name him Chip! Like kale chip hahaha. But I actually think the name Chip fits him!! Congrats on your puppy! I just adopted my first dog too so I'm excited you're going through this puppy adventure too!
  7741. Chloe Bilby: YOU SHOULD NAME HIM BUSTER!!!!
  7742. Adventure_ Hunter: call him bo bo
  7743. Essi Kauhanen: wife
  7744. HeyHeyHey: call him REESE'S OR BUTTERCUP
  7745. Riley Moriarty: It's spunky from the shelter I volunteer at he's amazing!!!!
  7746. Eliot Lusero: You can pee on mommys lap tho! Yea dad ok
  7747. sissy: joshua you should name us moose
  7748. Emma-Grace Haley: Name him dingle
  7749. beanie boos club: u can call him max
  7750. Laytan Alyssa: He is so cute!! What kind of dog is that?
  7751. BlondyBecca: Omgosh Josh what if you named him Kydd (like kid)
  7752. clara: name him sushi
  7753. Sara MacArthur: You should call him dingleberry!!!!!!!! Like if you agree!!!!
  7754. Emily Whary: I'm new here, and is Colleen his wife or girlfriend?
  7755. Natalie Vincent: how about boomer?
  7756. Ella Xx: Hubbard
  7757. Michelle Vang: @5:00 "let's go on a shopping spree... With your money" 😂💀💀
  7758. Kate Is Da Bomb: Name him dingleberry or little dude
  7759. Emily Savini: i think buddy is a cute name call him buddy plz
  7760. princess J-R: what about josh jr
  7761. Meh is the gospel truth: max
  7762. Sarah Panza: I love the dog name tango
  7763. eleanor leishman: Bailey Gus Cutie Muffin Dollar
  7764. Vrily Reyes: ohhhhh you should call him ChocoPaws I love that name😁😊
  7765. Val Hdz: Butter cup /peanut
  7766. Rebecca Jones: axel or bear
  7767. Emma Aherne: Why did I say hime, I meant him 😂
  7768. Caylee DeWitt: max
  7769. Stephanie Mendez: I sounded like josh was saying colleen was pregnant
  7770. Sadge Durling: name him zyler
  7771. Nicole Ambrico: Cookie!!! Or muffin
  7772. Joyce tubes: you can name him tiny or flash
  7773. Elizabethmith 112: Name him Patrick or bear
  7774. MoPro Lack of Uploads: 6:52 I know exactly how it feels! I'm adopted
  7775. Mercy the Magical Unicørn: NAME HIM JOEY!!!!!!
  7776. willowmayxx: spot
  7777. The Guy: Name Him: Casper Or Mat.
  7778. CheeseCake Factory: name him buddy
  7779. PaxArsenal: Name him, Orey-O
  7780. sweet nibblets: Name him buddy! It suits him and also I knew a dog that recently passed away called buddy and he looked so similar to that dog!
  7781. crazycatlady: awwwe.hes cute..but what about a cat?lol
  7782. Shanes Twenty Øne Crybabies!At The Disco: Alfa?Alfie?
  7783. Atley Estes: name him louis😘
  7784. Kylee: +fluteloops22 Omg. Oliver must be a popular pet name because I saw so many comments on here saying to name the dog Oliver 😂
  7785. kayla: waiting for josh to put in daddy in the description
  7786. Stevee Emma: You should name him bub
  7787. Jessica mcclain: name him roscoe
  7788. Lexy Sparano: boomer
  7789. ketoula 10: bear , or rodi
  7790. nellgirl03: Call him buddy or fernando or stitch or Toby because those would be the names if I had a boy dog
  7791. Esteffani Alvarado: name him dingle berry
  7792. Sabrina Servey: Name him Charlie!!!
  7793. Mika de Chantal: Yea it's such a cute name
  7794. Madelyn Dececco: Name him buddy. You called him that at first and it suits him!
  7795. Emily Whary: u should name him cinnamon
  7796. Johanne Moe Høgberg: You should name him Milo❤️
  7797. V.xx.: Name him "Puppy"
  7798. Leah Uglevich: Name the dog Casper please btw Ilysm 💞
  7799. Fernanda Kinder: Could anyone please tell me what breed he is? He is adorable 😍
  7800. Emma Ankar: you kept calling him buddy and it looked fitting so BUDDY (like if you agree)
  7801. Ali nerd: Toby kale
  7802. Kristen Hinde: Bandit!
  7803. Lilly2323: You should name him Bentley Spot stitch or Jameson
  7804. Jacob Backall: Name it Dude!!!
  7805. Kayleigh Newland: Does anyone know what kind of dog he is
  7806. Maegan Velazquez: Dingleberry :)
  7807. _ia_: +DonkeySocks YES COCO
  7808. mally cat: Yup yup
  7809. Annisa Schweitz: Congratulations!!your finally have a dog!
  7810. Sophie Ritz: I've never clicked on a video so fast
  7811. Alyssa Ottenmiller: You should name him Comic.
  7812. Izzi Von Hamm: Maybe blitz of Reece's like Reece's pieces 😂❤️
  7813. Hannah MacDonald: Name him Charlie
  7814. Samantha Richardson: Cooper??
  7815. Kitty Gott: His name should be buddy!!!
  7816. Johanna Steinthorsdottir: I like the name Grape
  7817. Madison Froning: Name him Lennon!!
  7818. Tyler TinHan: Chip its short for chipotle
  7819. Kate Barron: I've never clicked a video so fast
  7820. LPS Tigger: Call him dingleberry, Dingle or berry!!
  7821. Andrea Gosnell: Oliver/Ollie
  7823. Lucy S: Small dogs are awesome
  7824. Eh Mok: What about ice ? Cause you like triple iced espressos ? 🤗
  7825. Edina Tóth Bagi: Name him Csoki. It means chotolate in hungarian :)
  7826. MichaelAngelo's Cave: You could name him Espresso? Just because you love espresso and he kinda has the colors of coffee... Maybe...
  7827. r k: Name him Bandit :)
  7828. Moh Yousif: a man crying because of a dog, and his woman is touring around the country and getting death threats. great man. It's 2016.
  7829. Shauna McKey: name him snoopy or august. 💕 ilysm xx
  7830. camille: dad goals
  7831. lola bell: Lil nugget ❤️❤️
  7832. _ia_: COCO
  7833. Zaina Siddique: Yea who's getting the cute most handsome d-dog?
  7834. Tanvi Martinez: There name should be dingleberrie 😂
  7835. Kenzie: Call him Kong.
  7836. Catrine Comeau: I LOVE PUGS!! THERE SO CUTE!!
  7837. Hannah Marie: Where is colleen going?
  7838. Victoria Koszegi: I think snoopy would be a really cute name!
  7839. Varey Avery: Snickers because he has the coloring of the candy bar
  7840. Sandra Figueroa: Awwww ❤😂💖😍
  7841. Vocals Gomez: call him cookie or berry or muffin or you can call him buddy as you do 😂
  7842. Frankie Xox: Teddy
  7843. lizzie bruening: Dingle berry should be the dogs name
  7844. Rebecca Geier: Mj for Michael Jackson...walking him will help him poop. Take a baggy to pick it up
  7845. cookie 407: he is so cute
  7846. Corali Duguay: He's name should be Ricky
  7847. Summie: Congratulations!! Aww your doggy daddy!! Congratulations!!
  7848. Erien Hunt: name him DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!💩
  7849. the make up chair: omg i cant wait for colleen to see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7850. Alexandra Cicco Sinno: you should named him Bud or Buddy
  7851. Trinity Blondin: Dani!!
  7852. Hailee Dunn: it's not a lie
  7853. Caralyn Calabrese: Rocky!
  7854. Ellee The Mermaid: I think this is how josh is going to act when Colleen has s baby😂💙💜
  7855. XOXO Melanie: You should name him Wifi or Buddy
  7856. Harry Popcorn: You should name him berry. Like dingle berry
  7857. Haley Andringa: Teddy!
  7858. Jayleen Santos: name him toostie
  7859. Nina Rizzo: Rocco or ollie
  7860. Joseph Liu: i can already imagine the miranda videos....
  7861. blala: Name ihm peanut
  7863. Bryn Anne Dineen: Bandana would be cute! you could call him Bandi!!!
  7864. We are Monster High forever: lol so funny!
  7865. Sky Storm: And now I'm crying or happiness
  7866. Ghezel Shaba: Name him sprinkle
  7867. maddison leaver: What about chip? Idk
  7868. Aya A: If you have a baby you can be a daddy?????????????????
  7869. Kenzie Allen: You should name him dude. He looks like a dude😂
  7870. karly øwens: Name him Toby please
  7871. leila_ Rodriguez: Name him Bubba or whatever Colleen said she calls him bc I think it's cute
  7872. Taylor Ellis: Wow YouTube just now gave me the Notification wtf
  7873. Jessica Genadry: He looks like a Joby to me
  7874. Through the Emerald Eye: I like Fudge i think it suits him:)
  7875. Ivana: U should name him rocky or rocko he looks like a rocky or rocko
  7876. Jayden Dow: Name him jake
  7877. Bas Hagenaars: Why don't you give him a Dutch name? Freek is a name that fits him! (you pronounce it as: Frake)
  7878. Sarah Shipley: Titan!
  7879. Ashton Lowery: Name hi Cooper or lucky
  7880. Brittany: omg josh would be a great dad
  7881. Sage Thomas: Name him dunkin
  7882. Riley Jason: Awwwwwwww
  7883. Ashleigh Goldberg: I have a few ideas: Maui (your honeymoon), Max, and Dingle (yes, I know it's weird, but it's short for "Dingleberries" lol).
  7884. XxKitten GamerxX: the puppy looks like my old dog colt that my moms x-boyfriend killed by snapping his neck and legs and throwing him in the dumpster and having the guts to tell my mom!!! People make me sick >:(
  7885. emily blair: Name him dingle
  7886. Mia Middleton: I have loads of names you could give him the name Charlie Oliver Ollie jasper Oreo buddy bagel XD Rufus walle bigs Dreamer Mac max maximum chief Rex waffles spot there r loads xd
  7887. Ava: Cd for cool dog
  7888. Milaescalante: im getting a teacup yorkie soon . any name suggestions ? (: (black and brown)
  7889. Charlotte Emma: Call him snoopy
  7890. Abby Nocera: name him buddy!!!
  7891. Ryann Schulz: MOOSE!!!
  7892. Cookie Caitlin: Call him Dingleberry or Berry
  7893. nina fertel: You should name him Reese
  7894. maddiewaddie 27: NAME HIM BUDDY!!!! HE IS ADORABLE!!!
  7895. Abbey Clark: Gus would be a cute name
  7896. Delaney: Joey
  7897. Kalee Chaudhry: you should name it cookie
  7898. Mikayla Carleo: Kory
  7899. 222radar: What a great thing. You're going to give each-other a lot of unconditional love.
  7900. Haley Sayler: Rufus
  7901. TheDaisyForce: You should name him Timberlake!! Or Ace or Otto or Bandana... There are so many names to choose from lol
  7902. Siniya Harris: have fun crate training him
  7903. Treazure & Carlie Show: I think you should name him coby
  7904. Emanpatriot 13: congrats
  7905. Emma Bauman: Name him "Buddy" also, crate train
  7906. Brie Cheese ASMR: I think you should name him max.
  7907. the loud one: buddy
  7908. BaesGaming4Life xoxo: Buddy
  7909. Amelia: I have been fostering for 3 years now with rescue groups. Thank you SO MUCH for adopting! <3
  7910. Kiaree Waller: woah you getting the Salt and Pepper beard tho lol. but I like it😂
  7911. Bethany Kay: Name him Dingle (first name) Berry (last name)
  7912. JonOlivencia: I don't know why but he looks like an Oliver to me lol
  7913. LiamMcfarlane13: I wonder if this little cutie will be friends with Marbles, Cermet and Paesh?
  7914. Amelia White: I like the name Oliver or Milo
  7915. Its Kenny: I don't know why, but the dog's name should be Bubble or Donnie. Again, I don't know why, I just think those names are appropriate.
  7916. Faye W: My dog was named Kale. I LOVE the name, and TBH I have full intention to name one of my future sons it. 😭
  7917. Eranda Zhao: joshua was crying at pet smart
  7918. Schlemmer 21: Colleen suggested Bubba and I think he looks like a Bubba! Oh he is just so cute! I just got a dog that we had sort of saved, and I love him! So josh, just give that dog lots of love and he will be the best dog ever! P.S. Ilysm 👍🏼✌🏼️👹
  7919. Dora Bla: blacky
  7920. chap center: name him blacky
  7921. rachel: YES😂😂😂
  7922. Liberty Reffell: Call the dog dude or buddy
  7923. _ia_: He looks like a Coco to me! (;
  7924. Rhiannon Hall: Danny
  7925. Annelise Johnson: Name him max! We had a dog like that and we named him max
  7926. Bff Emma is Yoda's: I just got a golden retriever puppy! We can be puppy buddies😂
  7927. Rolando Andres: I wanted a CAT 😡😡😡😡😡
  7928. Hannah: Name him Teddy!
  7929. Camryn Cook: Name him Mj or Flynn because you said you liked Flynn rider and he acts like Flynn rider. and plus Flynn is a cute name
  7930. Star Girls 222222: Name him CJ it stands for Colleen and Josh
  7931. Emilia VillasBoas: I HAVE THE SAME DOG...
  7932. Tara Ashley: To me, Samson seems so fitting. He's small but mighty!
  7933. Darkest Olivia: Rascal is a cute name
  7934. Park Jimins Water bottle: I think you should name him bubbles and call him bubu
  7935. someone: +Ava M same....imagine if they get a real human baby someday ,I would be sobbing 😭😭😭😭
  7936. Deidre Gerow: I'm so happy for y'all!!! This is wonderful!! And OMG that beard is HOTTTT!!!
  7937. Abigail Kathryn: I am new here is colleen
  7938. Jillian Lightfoot: I have a chocolate lab named griffin
  7939. Ashley Nerdz: Awe, so cute! He reminds me of my old dog Rocky.
  7941. Abby Davis: Call him MACON!!!
  7942. Kenna Kat: Name him dingle and then berry lol
  7943. CrankThatFurryee: JOSH NAME HIM DINGLE!!!!
  7944. joe57211: Name him teddy.
  7945. Celeste Zodiac: same
  7946. daisyyy U: name him Coffee😙
  7947. dead account: Danny
  7948. Xing Ci: name him JONSKEY
  7949. Alexis Wangen: Tobey or tubey
  7950. DonkeySocks: just call him Buddy?
  7951. Flipping Allison: Troy
  7952. Marissa Gau: Harper because he is Black and Tan and Black and Tan beer has harp in it.
  7953. Bekah Butterflies: I got a dog in June congrats
  7954. Dancer Raine: Name him buba
  7955. Hannah Marie: Boomer💕
  7956. zali sales: Call him nugget!
  7957. Mashantee Jones: +Tyler Getz it's a cute name 😀😄
  7958. Peyton Sroga: Name him buddy or jett
  7959. soph karps: ALSO- my mom and i usually take our dog on three walks a day. 1- early in the morning 2-when she gets home from work (so like 5:30 6ish) and 3- later at night
  7960. ErinofTheCoast: Name him bubba
  7961. Paige Collins: Can I be on your snapchat? Your dog is sooooo cute
  7962. Rose: Some names - S'More Snickers
  7963. Isabella Hearts: Our family too.
  7964. Nicole Benton: +Faith Kathryn I'm seeing you comment no on everything like stop !!
  7965. Lindsey Hesson: I feel like Colleen should name the dog😂 but I like the name Buddy
  7966. Muminah 12: Joshjuniour
  7967. Rachel W: Fido? That would be cute.... so is Buddy.
  7968. Jaslines Vlogs: Colleen put something in snapchat of the puppy it was so cute
  7969. julia duffy: call him thor or odin
  7970. Sarah Tiktin: Name him beau
  7971. Ndjxbx Bsbbsbsb: Last time I adopted a dog from a shelter, he nearly killed my brother because it bit him. People who let us adopted told us that they have to put him down and apologize because they knew that this dog had a history but didn't want to tell us cause then we wouldn't adopt him. No dog is bad. It's just their past that frightens them. Make sure you ask for background information. My brother has a huge scar from the biting but he's okay.
  7972. Abby and Delaney Byron: Bandana is a cute name
  7973. Hey Hi Hola: +Sian_xo Xo yes
  7974. Stephanie B.: AHHH SO CUTE!!!
  7975. Lily Smith: OMG YOU ARE A DAD
  7976. Sarahhkv: Lilo!!
  7977. Abigail rose: name him bow he looks like a bow
  7978. Amelie Casasola 13: OOOOH I LIKE CHIP
  7979. Rennie Van: OMG this was amaizing
  7980. Autumn Ponsford: Olli or Oliver would be cute.
  7981. alisha Sharma: aaaw so cute
  7982. Terri Teschner-Browning: Maui!!
  7983. Abby D.: Buddy
  7984. Jakob Wirnsperger: just call him buddy! It fits perfect
  7985. Daniella Coombe: Rocky
  7986. CountryTink: Barkbox is the best way to spoil your pup
  7987. Kaiti Rose: Call him Rascal, or James
  7988. BookQueen: So cute!!
  7989. Keeping Up With The Kinseys: im sooooooooo happyyyyyy i love you so muchhhhh
  7990. david valdovin: so annoying how overly dramatic he is being about getting the dog
  7991. Alyssa Madison: Name him duke then get a girl and name her duchess
  7992. freinchy2: Name him russel or stitch
  7993. jenna wells: Or ruffles
  7994. Lyanna Mormont: You could call him MJ 😉
  7995. Alyssa Smyth: Coda or Dakota or Cody
  7997. i am mira: BANDIT OR BANDANNA
  7998. sophia wootten: My dog is a shiz tuz and his name is Charlie!
  7999. izzy thompson: what type of dog??!! he's/she's sooo cute
  8000. pussy crack moms clip: I love your dog 😂😆😱
  8001. Caroline Augustine: Name him scout
  8002. Dominique Franklin: lucky
  8004. Emma Allard: you can call him oli
  8005. Phillip Anderson: Josh how is that doggy in the window?Josh you should change Spunky's name to MJ at Michael Jackson
  8006. stephanie contreras: name him chip
  8007. Alyssa Gines: idk why but the first name that popped into my head was jax. i think its cute!!
  8008. Mason Riley: Name him Rex or spot or flash
  8009. SKEERRTTT: so cute
  8010. Sketchy Artis: what about savior they i think saved eachother in my opinion
  8011. maya siegel: If you keep calling him buddy, then name him buddy!!!!!! That's the cutest name ever and this way it doesn't bug you anymore! ILYSM AND UR LITTLE PUPPY TOO!!!!!!!
  8012. Paige Safford: dingleberry
  8013. brittany rose: U should name him Jordan. Because of.... Ya know. THE HIGHTOPS
  8014. kayla b: Name him monkey
  8015. Casey Kindall: If he's really 5 months old, he's not going to be a small dog. I just got a 5 month old German Shepherd and he's about that size. Don't expect him to stay small!!
  8016. Madison Kohls: NAME HIM BUDDY :)))
  8017. Leah . Marie: that is kind of a mean name
  8018. Helene Pedersen: i don't know why but the first name that popped in my head was Clint XD Toby could also be a cute name. :)
  8019. Ethan Bitan: Josh, name him DingleDog!!!!!!
  8020. Amber H: That is so funny and cute haha
  8021. noahsark1962: Samson? Zak George has some great dog training videos. Every time he goes to the bathroom outside,praise him.
  8022. Tess Roughan: Shadow
  8023. KatieCat: Name it cookie. Cuz their Colleen's favorite food
  8024. Unicorn Nation: Rocky
  8025. NinnjaDragon357: Bandy
  8026. Charlize Ponder: Name him mikey
  8027. meabeauty live love life: Gino it means imortile one in itailain
  8028. Dougie Peterson: No he will have dingleberrys
  8029. Grace Fowler: You should name him Bud or Buddy! Cause that's a really cute name. And watching "Dog Whisper" or "Cesar 911" Can probably give you some way to train your dog! Cause rn as a puppy they're confused and looking for a leader, and if you don't give them that leadership they will take advantage. You just have to give him boundaries, you know. Just to let him know who's boss. 😊
  8030. Abby Turner: brows on fleek
  8031. Julia Warda: I think LEGEND is a good name for him :) Whatever the name will be he will still be our little dude xD
  8032. Liyah's Mini Vids: Berry
  8033. Bri Aguayo: Henry!!
  8034. olive smith: I lost my cat for real
  8035. Bobbi Comeaux: You need to get puppy pads if you don't already have them
  8036. presley nicole: What about the name Dunkin?🤔🤔 I think it's cute:)
  8037. Hailz_2004: Yeah I love Buddy!
  8038. Nicole Harrell: I love the name Berry for dingle berry! Haha he's soooooososoosoososo cute!
  8039. Aryanna A: I think you should name him Buddy 😊😊
  8040. isobel dent: bubba🐶
  8041. Janine Boylan: Name him Peanut because his fur reminds me of peanuts. I this it is a good name for your dog:)
  8042. Lucy Meagher: Cookie. Cal him cookie
  8043. Megan Jo: What about Gunner? ❤️
  8044. Shuli Cohen: I also love Charlie
  8045. nadia mendoza: How about Finn?
  8046. Lily Young: I have a chocolate lab there awesome!
  8047. Chrissy Gillis: Cookie,hunter,jay,buddie,dog because I always call my dog dog,wonder because he keeps wondering around
  8048. 2 Dancing Queens: Charlie Baxter Oscar Leo
  8049. Aubrey farnsworth: joey
  8050. grayce elisabeth: PLEASE NAME HIM KALE
  8051. T Mock: Name him Kona.. Kona is an island in Hawaii and you and Colleen love Hawaii.. :-)
  8052. Angie Cruz: Junior is the name of Arnold and hearts dog.
  8053. Tespo yahoo: You should name him Ziggy!!
  8054. Colin Donovan: Name him Boy or Buddy. If you want to😊
  8055. Amanda: yeah
  8056. Patricia Garcia: Name him dingleberry
  8057. WilliamL 137: Name him Berry, Short for Dingleberry!!!
  8058. Abbi Garrett: omg
  8059. Camila Jimenez: Reese or barry 🤓
  8060. Melo T: Name the dog Max
  8061. Olivia: you should name him PB
  8062. Nigger Club: name him coco who else agrees
  8063. Rebecca Lieb: billy
  8064. jaiden faith: Name him peanut?
  8065. Panda Pando: Bruno
  8066. Sophia Jimenez: He are she is so chout
  8067. Allie Long: I like tucker and diesel is my old dogs name he was a pit bull
  8068. Jasmine Vlogs: Henry is a cute name
  8069. Olivia Johns: Name him dingleberry
  8070. Heather C: hes on a tv show?
  8071. Zhau Polteau: Name him August since you got him in August 😊💕 Congrats Josh! We all know you will be the best dad ever! So cute dog 🌚🌞🌝
  8072. Elizabeth Kai: Name him Graham❤️
  8074. Queen Lara: Name him Buddy or Berry!!! ❤
  8075. Cassidy Oliver: I'm so happy for you! 💕
  8076. Ophelia C.: I thought Coleen is pregnant!!! Lol!!! But u will be a good "daddy" lol!!!!
  8077. Kara GX: There is Nala Martha And now Josh's dog
  8078. No Name: U keep calling him buddy so u should call him ( buddy) xx
  8079. #The PLLgirl: Why don't you and colleen call him Frodo
  8080. bella: 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢YAYYYYYYYYYYYY❤❤❤❤
  8081. Madi Senger: +JoshuaDTV you should name him Alabaster
  8082. Emily 123: you should name him jax! 🐶🐕💙💙💙
  8083. Amanda March: You should keep his name buddy
  8084. Olivia Sophia: NAME HIM BANDANA
  8085. musical-gamer obsession〈3: NAME HIM MOCHACCINNO
  8086. Josie Gargour: name him fraggle
  8087. Emily Bry: buddy
  8088. Mackenzie Hamilton: Michael I think is a good name
  8089. Blue Carrots: the dog looks like a Coco
  8090. Aidan Lavoie: GEORGE, BUDDY, JAM
  8091. Jessica Frederick: my heart pooped its pants.
  8092. Leone Leveanasiga: Name the puppy SNOOPY like Snoop Dog😂😂
  8093. Samantha Ingersoll: If anyone likes dialysis vloggers you should try watching Jerry Colindres. He's pretty good.
  8094. Kamilly Dasilva: OMG yes CJ
  8095. Abby Burr: Dingle berry
  8096. katarina rose: Caleb,Timberlake,j.t, or buddy!!!
  8097. Darby Day: Name him Moe
  8098. Keely sigleT: Name him Keely.
  8099. You're Art Okay: +no name no name I have a cis male friend named Erin. Either way the name is gender neutral but the spelling isn't.
  8100. Çɑʍɾҽŋ Śʍɨtɧ: Glo is a good name
  8101. Rosie Preece: Call him Shadow!! Reference to 'the Shadows' and also it's an awesome name
  8102. M. Linds: Josh, you should call him Coco
  8103. Tessa: You should name him fire!
  8104. Qwe876 AJ: 27 seconds AGO OMG IM SO EARLY, Josh?
  8105. ju_tmbr: Soooo cuteee
  8106. Jumxia: you can call him Jerry or rox
  8107. NoXinEspecially: Charlie!!!!! Charlie!!!! Charlie!!!!
  8108. Xhoose: How big will he get?
  8109. Henry Rahe: THat looks EXACTLY like my dog! <3
  8110. s731s: +Avaline Duguay hmmm really? I mean he can name it whatever he wants of course, but I also think of a girl when I hear milly. never heard of guys named milly js 😊
  8111. Maddygirl000 Powell: you should name him wolfie
  8112. MikiMiki Miki: I think it's gonna be buddy!
  8113. Skinny Legend: I'm guessing Josh because Colleen just got a cat.
  8114. Charlotte Bush: I think u should name him Harley it would be so cute and he looks like a harley
  8115. Victoria Koszegi: Mickey is cute
  8116. Daniel A: Or Bolt
  8117. dancergirl 14: call him buddy
  8118. Andrea Swift: What about King??
  8119. Lindsey M: i'm so happy you got that adorable pup! he's too cute!
  8120. jesss the messs: " your okay " " it's okay " " let's go home, okay? " 😂😂😂😂
  8121. Teagan H.: Congrats!!! The dog is so lucky to have you!! He is going to make your life better and you will make his better!! Here is a tip! DO NOT SMACK HIM IN THE BUTT IF HE DOES Something BAD SMACK HIM IN THE SNOUT!!!
  8122. Lana Shafiq: Usain
  8123. Cara Shea: Kid would be cute lol
  8124. Cmya Hickman: Name him twix that would be cute cuz of his color💖🐶
  8125. Mariana Thacher: I've been wanting a dog for soooooooooooooooooooooooo long
  8126. Rainbow Punk: +O Shane I love chip
  8127. Peggy Hancock: Name suggestion - Bandana.
  8128. Rose Lazer: Emmit is a cute puppy name
  8129. Emily nentwig: So cute 😄😄
  8130. Andrea Dubon: you should name him max
  8131. Jordyn A: I thought it was a real baby😒
  8132. Sunlight _Joy: like courage the dog
  8133. Madison Gilbreth: how about benji?
  8134. Meagan Maiers: I love the name Peanut!! Name him Peanut!! Btw he is sooooo cute!
  8135. Branden: Glad you picked the name shadow!
  8136. im sparkel xx: I love his dog
  8137. Emily Ellis: Oliver!!!! (Ollie)
  8138. Alyssa Ottenmiller: +OMGitzaFOX_xD he said to give some ideas for names. Since he was in the car and didn't know what to call him since he didn't have a name.
  8139. palebluetroye-: +Oscar Mendoza he does tho
  8140. Elaine Matheson: Call him Buster!
  8141. Pedro Barboza-Soto: Dingle
  8142. Maggie Benz: You should name him rocky
  8143. Sarah Connolly: Where's Colleen??
  8144. random stuff: Name him Cookie. 🍪🍪
  8145. Joshifer Official: My family does that too!!
  8146. Lindy Slocum: Bow
  8147. Amanda: CALL HIM BARRY
  8148. Laura Mason: buddy❤️
  8149. Danielle Bachovchin: harvey!!!! thats the perf name
  8150. ASMR Amore: Cornelius
  8151. Daniella Y: what type of dog is that
  8152. lillysweetie: buddy
  8153. Shiva Saham: He looks like a Crispin
  8154. JoshuaCurreyTV: call him kale
  8155. Jasmine G: You guys make such good parents!!! 😂
  8156. Katie Simonds: Awe😍 ilysm ❤️
  8157. Megan C: Name him Ollie!!!
  8158. Esther Jessica: +Henry S 😂
  8159. Hannah Maynard: You should name him Tucker....that was my dog's name but he died last winter...
  8161. Audrey Kirkland: Name him bear
  8162. Emilia: name him charlie or fraggle or snoopy
  8163. Zoe and Chloe Twinz: YESSSS!!!
  8164. Julianna Allocca: Idk why but I'm really feeling the name brownie😂
  8165. Rollin Soap: he should call him Sparky!!!
  8166. Nia Chesney: Samoa!!
  8167. Alyssa Barnes: josh is gunnw be a really good dad
  8168. Ellie Law: You should call him Sploot
  8169. bunnybear9: name him Jordan
  8170. Jeff Tuttle: You are a great dad
  8171. Serafina The Rainbow: Call him Dude!
  8172. Sydney Hastings: how about milo? Its a cute name haha
  8173. Mira Broccoli: He looks like a miniature version of my dog named Ross. We named Ross after Ross from friends. Joshua's dog should be named Ross...
  8174. BELLA -_tv: riland
  8175. Mrfan007 SD: I think rascal
  8176. Olivia Corder: Name him Kobe!
  8177. Thegamergirl Xx: Don't worry josh they always shake the 1st day u get them
  8179. Stephanie Smiles: Congratulations! You'll love him and he'll love you! You made a difference in one lil puppy's life! Best thing ever! Xoxo
  8180. Grace Valentine: He is its just she went to Canada to film a show for Netflix and she is going back on tour now
  8181. Kari Alysia: TEAM DINGLEPUP
  8182. NaomiBK4: what breed is he? So adorable😩
  8183. Rebecca Zamolo: I love that he peed in his food lol. You're going to be a great dad- can't wait to meet him!
  8184. Olivia Perkins: What kind of dog did he get?
  8185. o.g life randomers: call him lucky
  8186. Erin Moore: name him fragile
  8187. Baby Baby Yeah: So adorable !!! And sooooooo nice you adopted!!
  8188. Natalie: Is it not yours and colleens dog though? It should be a joint couple thing
  8189. Hailey Bean: Name him dude
  8190. Billy O Brien: Or Peanut,CJ,Buddy or Dingleberry
  8191. Hadley Doll: OMG I KNEW IT!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and I don't know why because it's not my dog!
  8192. destiny heath: i think cosh or joshleen
  8193. Katarin Schwenger Jeria: Name him Koda! Like the cute bear in the disney movie! 😍😍😍😍
  8195. Skipper: Emily Whary but they just announced a divorce :(
  8196. Ethan Dry: spoller
  8197. Carly Ellis: Colleen called him Kid- that's a cute name :)
  8198. RAT: u should name it oreo p.s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEE
  8199. Carly Witt: Toby or Superwoman(names for the dog)
  8200. Roy Angie: name him spike
  8201. Rama Altawarah: Buddy should be his name
  8202. Wealoo: but u were already a daddy... :)
  8203. Meghan Treese: Josh I have a dog that looks the same but a girl and I rescued her by my house her name is Lacey. That's so cool that you have the same dog as me 😍😍😍
  8204. Kaeli Ann Marie: HES SO CUTE
  8205. Xx1030Xx: Name him cooper
  8206. obriesies: Josh Name Him Daxon HIS NICK NAME CAN BE DAX
  8207. Kapena Ah You: name him Buddy
  8208. kayla judds: +JoshuaDTV Name him Bo 😀 !!! That is my dogs name (He is a Daschaund, P.S I may have spelled that wrong) ILYSM 😍❤
  8209. Keila Hopkins: Exactly what I was thinking
  8210. Unpolished: Maybe since you are the "dingle king",maybe you can name him "Prince". this comment will probably not ever get seen. But HEY.
  8211. Oscar Cordova: you've been a daddy for a while now tbh
  8212. Carolina Rivera: NAME HIM LUCKY! Its perfect because his lucky to have you as an owner!😊😉👍😃🐶🐕
  8213. Amanda Rose Littlejohn: Same!
  8214. Liv Flanagan: Charlie as a dog name
  8215. Hatty: I think buddy is a cute name and at Christmas it would be so adorable cos you could dress him like buddy from elf
  8216. Meagan Donovan: Name him teddy
  8217. mally cat: 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍
  8218. Brooke Talbott: Name him banDanna
  8219. Sophie Bean: Malcolm dingleberry
  8220. Channing Sparks: Cesar or Buddy!(:
  8221. Lararo_smile: Fragil
  8222. Valerie. Delcarmen: He's so cute omg 😭😭😭💖
  8223. Amelia & Helen: snapchatting the comments today? love you!
  8224. Ich bin Mariposa: i just think it is a cute name for a cute dog :)
  8225. Emma Smith: Name him marzipan or Mars for short because it's the best sweet thing ever and so is the dog
  8226. Glitter Beauty Lyndsey!: Ahh
  8227. Edolina Xhemajli: You seem to be saying buddy so why not call him Buddy
  8228. The Olivia Channel: Smores
  8229. Kelsey Truitt: You should name him Bam!!Becuase if he is like you shadow then you could be like "Bam!" And he is right there!!!
  8230. Ramona Mai: Jules Taggart Shut the fuck up
  8231. horselover 123: +O Shane or cal for short or cali
  8232. flowersdoom: Call him Milo :)
  8233. Charlotte Johnson: 😭I think you should call him Rolo! 😻+JoshuaDTV
  8234. Lexi Glogowski: how about the name jaxx for him?
  8235. Liv Scroggs: Bruno
  8236. Rachel D: Name him Toby or tucker
  8237. kiannajaz: Hi
  8238. Julia Lynx: Call him Zeus! It's such a cute name!
  8239. mrz: Please name him Dingleberry it would be so cute
  8240. Erin Universe: Name him dingle berry!!
  8241. Riley Wallace: Name him Cooper
  8242. Ethan Snyder: if you keeps calling him buddy. name him buddy
  8243. Rolando Andres: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  8244. Aussie Girl: Toby
  8245. Abby Lachmann: Buddy
  8246. Natalie Jones: Moose
  8247. Penny Humphrey: welcome to puppy parenthood. You will be a great Dad and Colleen a wonderful Mom .
  8248. Nicole Guy: Boston
  8249. Gina Graney: Name the cute puppy peanut,lil dude,or rocky
  8250. Kayla Jean: name him Joey
  8251. Sydney Belanger: Name him JT or kale
  8252. natalia jazmin: Name him greenbean 😂❤️🐶
  8253. Josee Caissie: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the dog is so cute
  8254. Leah Durbin: you should name him rocky
  8255. Maura Griffin: Name the puppy buddy!! :3
  8256. Hayley Balzar: +Hayley Balzar which is only if there are 5 or more requests
  8257. Bonnie Rosser: Name him something like Jackson or Timberlake you have such a strong love for those two artists as well as a strong love for the pup!
  8258. Jacqueline Dazzo: You should name him Cookie!
  8259. Avery Garcia: You should name him Toby
  8260. Paige Seekon: Brownie
  8261. revolution 2017.: Gizzmo
  8262. Tiffany Y: u should name him dingle or dingleberrry
  8263. Starla Perez: name his berry, million, or buddy. XD
  8264. nicole: Dachshund
  8265. Fahdae Jefferson: I have the same dog as you the only thing different it that my dog is 3 years old and his name is Kobe we had my dog since it was a baby
  8266. Rosie Connors-Pelling: OMG HE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!!
  8267. FortMooseHead Broadcasts: My dogs name is Teddy
  8268. Delaney Ferreira: or buddy
  8269. me: Bubba
  8270. Kayla Solano: I would name him Henry
  8271. Sara Romero: I think Ralph is a great name!!! Maybe snap some of the comments and do a poll to help you think!!
  8272. Maggie Walikis: name him berry like dingleberry :) also what breed is he?
  8273. Jack Owens: Your new puppy is sooooo adorable and cute
  8274. Liat Radetsky: I've watched this like 10 times, it's so cute! 😍
  8275. N Jeanne R: I mean you should name him Buster
  8276. riley: I really like the name Levi and Riley .
  8277. Isabel Escabias: name him sushi :)
  8278. Christina Choi: +Bryndis Tinna well, he did say he adopted, so the dog might be a mutt or a mix of multiple breeds
  8279. Elizabeth Setti: Tuskony is a good name
  8280. Klaudia Csendor: NAME HIM MACHO!
  8281. Danielle Bachovchin: harvey
  8282. Adan Munoz: Calvin !
  8283. Babygirl 01: Name him Stanley or shadow or coconut/Cocoa
  8284. Ava: name him Bacon Bites
  8285. Summerbaby 2002: or scooby
  8286. Rebekah: U should name him bandana
  8287. Jillybears 244: You should name hi buddy
  8288. Michelle Madison: She had to do post production for her Netflix show
  8289. XxMegaLDGxX: If others cried in this video, what will happen if they would have a baby?
  8290. Emily diy Tried: call him sparky
  8291. maddie: Or dexter
  8292. DANI G MEJIA: you can put those pee training pads or every time you feed him or play with him take him out he will learn!
  8293. Liz: rocky or rocco
  8294. Casey Gilligan: Buddy yasssssssssssssss because he is your buddy
  8295. Natalie Ferguson: Josh! you are an amazing daddy!!!
  8296. Ella: Dana as in bandana.
  8297. Lily Webley: Josh your dog is so cute I have a baby dog called little Black magic
  8298. Gabi Levitt: I think you should name him buddy :)
  8299. unicorn pony: hunter
  8300. Livloves G.: Maybe someone thought of this but I think George short for Georgia that stands where Josh are from
  8301. tazman5296: Not sure if you have a name for the puppy yet, but to me he looks like a Cody or a Charlie.
  8302. Kai Leigh Roach: Aaaaaaaawww😻😻😻😻
  8303. Zarah Carmichael: i think his name should be p samuel and for short sam or sammy
  8304. Michelle W: Name him Stanley or muffin or balu or idk 😂
  8305. Heather Friedman: I'm so happy that you got a dog !! You and Colleen will be the greatest dog owners!!♥️♥️
  8306. Sxmply Kennon: I think you should name him Charlie
  8307. ben busick: Name the dog benny
  8308. Ashley Buckley: You should name him Cooper!!thats adorable!!❤️😘
  8309. mia cassin: His name should be Rocky He looks like a rocky
  8310. Meherma Anwar: noooooo I mean umm DINKELBERRY
  8311. Christina Hoang: NAME HIM BAXTER
  8312. Leila Zhang: Levi or CJ are cute like @RochelleVlogs Xox 🌺
  8313. Julia Hawkins: I my gosh that's a perfect name
  8314. Claire Kelly: maybe dallas or scout or kai or bear or jax these are just the ones that were in the running for my dog!!! love ya
  8315. katherine diaz: Bud are munch love you josh!!!
  8316. Delaney Ferreira: honey or lucky
  8317. totallyAcookie :D: <3 PUPPY
  8318. Anna Wachter: Tucker
  8319. D.I.Y GURROO: Max or ollie
  8320. kim: but like, what kind of dog is he?
  8321. Milja P: Im so happy for you and the dog ❤️! For his name I think Ben or Buddy would suit him. I saw many people suggesting Coco but it sounds like a girl's name to me at least. I know you'll eventually figure out a perfect name for him!
  8322. Hanna D: Name him Oscar!!
  8323. maddynstuff: You should name him Bug
  8324. chicken nuggets: Name him dingleberry
  8325. Madison Prater: What kind of dog is he
  8326. Audrey Lynner: This is soooo adorable
  8327. Pizza Baby: HE IS SOOOOOOO CUTTTEEEEE OMGG!!!!😱😻😻😻😻❤️
  8328. Elly: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🐺💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
  8329. Emma Raubenstine: Oliver!
  8330. Savvy Avery: Kale 😭😭😭
  8331. Nora K: I'm pretty sure dogs that come from pet stores were living in a puppy mill which is somewhat abuse to the puppies and their mothers. But I'm glad that your new puppy is going to live such a nice life with you and Colleen. 😊
  8332. Mel A: I feel like you should name him Buddy because you always call him that and it's cure name for him
  8333. It's Mz Leah: He is so so cute!
  8334. WilliamL 137: Name him Billy!!! I think it matches his personality so well, from what I've seen anyway!
  8335. Leila Allen: it was kinda cute how josh called him bubba in the vid. I think thats a good name
  8336. Cienna Cameron: call him jo or pup 🐶🐶
  8337. MAC Family Reviews: This is so ordinary but he looks like a Charlie but you should spell it Charlee or name him DingleBerry and call him Berry..
  8338. Abby Balfanz: Does Colleen know
  8339. Camy George: The puppy looks a lot like my puppy!
  8340. Niamh Monks: Call him Jr please
  8341. r jennings: The dogs name should be Harley.
  8342. Cathleen Keown: Can you name him Collin or Collins pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee😬🤔😏😑😶🙄😍😅☺️😊
  8343. Spooky Psyche: Well there's no better way to practice to be a father than to own a puppy lol. Puppies are horrible.
  8344. Ally: name him snoopy
  8345. Deenster S: Name him snoopy!!!!
  8346. Rihannai: Name him Max 😊
  8347. Ian Mchaffy: He actually threw the shocker.....😂😂😂😂
  8348. Brooke Laserre: aaaaaawwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh
  8349. Mel Bel: Name him Milo!
  8350. Evan Stefanik: THE FAM THE FAM
  8351. Leah Hill: Name him buddy, you obviously are already accustomed to calling him that already, and it fits him
  8352. Bear Berry: I would say Joshleen but , you should name him Droplet because he pees in his food, and is always shaking
  8353. Reggie Schwartz: Name him, buster, Ernie, JT, dingleberry
  8354. ellie: Name him bugs or nugget!!
  8355. HarlyQuinn YT: omg this was posted on my mums bday
  8356. Mia Holt: Name the dog dingle after us
  8357. fluteloops22: +Kara Peak Awwww it's so hard not to want to adopt them all!
  8358. Jessica Lose: you should name your dog Charlie
  8359. Gabriel Guzman: you can name him 🐻 bear
  8360. Lisa Cotta: Name him Bando!
  8361. Abby Marie: Do a puppy haul please
  8362. Kass Narci: Where is colleen??????????
  8363. Cerena Larsen: Eric
  8364. Aubrey and Courtney1113: He's so cute!!! Name him Bud,
  8365. Bailey Robbins: Name him Tux❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  8366. So Excuse Us While We Sing To The Skyyy: Name him Snoopy
  8367. Gaby O: just call him buddy!
  8368. Sydney Cameron: you should name him Buddy!
  8369. Ava Barrios: Here are some name options: Cocoa, Chewbacca (Chewie for short), and Gus
  8370. katelyn hurd: kibble is a good name because he peed on his food
  8371. taylor ☼: I'm dying omg😂😂
  8372. dhrhsll and happygirl: not trying to be mean but do you inow were most dogs from pet shops are??
  8373. Lecia Willbanks: or just name him Buddy..since your already calling him that.
  8374. Katfrin: or Kaiser
  8375. Erin Kiple: oh. my. goodness. I am so happy for you josh.💘
  8376. Savannah B: Name him Dingle Berry
  8377. Blue Amber Smith: It's about time!!! I've been antsy to see this video!!
  8378. emily happel: Buddy or Max
  8379. Emilayy: Name him Levi
  8380. Jordan Webb: Hashtag lol that should be his name
  8381. Georgia: Barney, Felix, Hunter, Toby
  8382. Harper: Cael is a good name because it's actually a name but it's like Kale!!
  8383. My Crafts: awww shadows a good name!
  8385. Holli Siemonsma: One of my four dogs name is Buddy
  8386. Allie Hearld: Name him Cado
  8387. frida sofia Figueroa: you were already a daddy
  8388. Kate Johannsen: Call him Jordan!
  8389. Katie Glenn: what about like Dexter?
  8390. Gabby Riggio: aww I'm sorry you lost him! ♡♡
  8391. Rachel Watson: Names for the adorable pup S'more Dallas Lyam
  8392. Kayzzys 2006: I think You should Name Him Jake Or if a girl Jamie!
  8393. ania k: Name him timberlake!!
  8394. Cecilia Foldessy: his name should be buddy
  8395. Isaac digiamberdine: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg top notch comedies
  8396. Melanie BEE: it feels like josh gave birth LOL
  8397. Gwendolyn Brom: hey Josh you should get some puppy potty pads so maybe he'll go on those
  8398. Hailee Munno: You could name him buddy
  8399. Jordan Alexandra: I've never been this early to any video😂
  8400. mongoosealamode: Nova, Merlin, Gatlin, Monroe, Puck, Roman, Bijou, Kobi, Gustav, Lexington, Sambuco
  8401. Lorelai Burton: Josh should name the dog Little Dude
  8402. Georgia Cyp: I am so happy that you guys decided to adopt him <3 <3
  8403. Melanie Freitas: I think he looks like a Wells
  8404. JKL: Don't worry about him barking on camera! He's a puppy and he's gonna make noise. We don't care. It's fun to watch this process.
  8405. Bajan182: First thing I thought when I saw him is he looks like a "Benny"!
  8406. Carlyn: Max
  8407. Jules Quinto: I just got a new French bulldog... And some of our names that we loved were, Jaxson and Leo
  8408. Chloe Garchow: Name him after a superhero
  8409. Bianca Porras: Name it Willie
  8410. madi b: You should name him happy. Because he makes you and Colleen seem so happy when your around him
  8411. Agnes Gunnarsdottir: I think Marley is a very cute name for him😊
  8412. Heather Heller: name him dude !!!
  8413. Sophonie Compas: or name him Michael! as in Michael Jackson
  8414. littlemissjackieee: This can help you out a little, too! http://www.akc.org/learn/dog-health/top-100-boy-dog-names/
  8415. SingerSiobhan: Cute. But you're not a dog, are you?
  8416. Paigethemermaid: Why not name him cal like calum so it sounds different than kale but everyone will know the secret behind it :p
  8417. Brynn & Brookely Padilla: Turtle
  8418. kawaii: or cappuccino😝
  8419. Beauty By Danielle: Name him Brisa!! That was my dogs name, and I think the name is amazing!!! I am so happy for you!!
  8420. Erin Vargas: He looks like a buddy
  8421. Sandra !: Name him: Maverick Alfie Stitch Jay Ozzy Nemo Chester Samson Marlee Patch Nitro Scott Rango North Ollie Rosco/Rasco Cookie Mango :) ~Sandra
  8422. Sarah Ravioli: You could name him Norman or Frankie :)
  8423. a kpop ho: NEVER CLICKED SO FAST
  8424. Kambri Lunt: Name him Ollie! It fits him well❤️
  8425. Julia Sullivan: I like Beckett kinda.
  8426. julia duffy: josh, when he pees somewhere pick him up strait away and move him to where you want him to pee all the time
  8427. Megan low jing yin: name it chico!!!!!!
  8428. Lulu D.: Hey josh! I'm a huge fan! My name suggestion would be manny or dani! Thanks
  8429. Clobear 11: A name for the dog could be snoopy?
  8430. Dakota 7: Or toby
  8431. Arleen Kaur: When he said though "lets go on a shopping spree, WITH YOUR MONEY" lol
  8432. Rebeka Kovács: this makes me so happy:) I have an adopted dog too,and they are amazing.:) you are a good person Josh:)
  8433. Ellie Brillhart: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE
  8434. Shanta Boose: Name him Dingle.
  8435. Logan Sanders Vlogs: The doggies gotcha day is my bday... Yes...yes.....yes...YeS.....YEs...yEs....YESSSSSSSS
  8436. Suzeth Velasquez: name him chocolate chip
  8437. Kelly Pender: Gabe
  8438. victor valle: Hero name him Hero
  8439. brianna castillo: And I mean if they have hard puppy food
  8440. Abbie Jeffels: Call him Dinngleberry boy
  8441. Erica B.: It looks like a min pin mix. I have one and they are amazing'
  8442. twelge15: Congratulations Josh!!
  8443. Brianna Matuszczak: Name him Buddy!!
  8444. Cat Gemmerson: DINGLEBERRY
  8445. Joslyn Rushing: Name him Guy.
  8446. Courtney_ Gizmo: Name him dingle. That would be so cute!😍😍
  8447. Hey It's Tess!: What breed is the dog????????
  8448. Tabi Girl101: Name him James
  8449. CamIsACactus: spunky is the name of one of my dog beenie babies!!
  8450. Hnicole: August but call him Auggie because you got him in August 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  8451. Lydia: I think you should name it Buddy
  8452. Elizabeth Schuyler: name him dingleberry
  8453. Julia the Gymnast: Name him dingle berry ! Lol
  8454. katie harson: jiff evans
  8455. Karli Granger: Name him Buddy since you always call him that
  8456. Num Love: name him Mr and sing
  8457. Alexa A: BANDET!!!! Or bandana, plzzz bandet
  8458. Tina Oswald: Sorry forgot to mention. My daughter is a Mirfanda. And just saw her saw in Thousand Oaks last Saturday night. She loved the show
  8460. Pia Kramer: Aww! He's so cute!! I love that you adopted him because so many dogs are in the shelter or they don't have homes and it's so nice to save a dogs life and give them a home and family that will love and care for him!!
  8461. Michaela Beccastro: U should name him Karma
  8462. MiaBella271: omg he looks exactly like my dog charlie
  8463. Wdw Avery2004: just me and my ukulele my dog is named Buddy too
  8464. Mysterious Musician: Jordyn Salvatore I agree
  8465. Emily Bagley: Why not name him Buddy?
  8466. Alyssa Bladzik: Oscar or Ollie!!!
  8467. Liz Queen: Or buddy
  8468. Becca_mf: Name him buddy
  8470. Iron Rain Drops: I thought Daddy as in...
  8471. Melody Salinas: zoozs
  8472. Bff Emma is Yoda's: +AJ Fox ok cool! I gtg but will check it out tomorrow!
  8473. Rhonda Bernard: https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-behavior/destructive-chewing/the-causes-of-unwanted-chewing-and-how-to-stop-it
  8474. Mary Frances Way: Name him buddy
  8475. Bella: he like ur shadow so u should name him shadow :-)
  8476. heidi G: YES
  8477. Kikilo de paula Hales: He has white beard he is getting old😫
  8478. Libby Duclos: You should name him max 😘
  8479. Summer: Why didn't Colleen come with you ?? 😟😟
  8480. tippitytiptap: Or name him buddy
  8481. Melody: oliver
  8482. tilly fox: Name him cinnamon or chocolate chip or just buddy or gingerbrow I'm just saying random stuff bye
  8483. Madison Ross: Omg! When I saw the title I thought Colleen was pregnant
  8484. sarah jane: Name him Dexter!!!!
  8485. bean: Name him Buddy!
  8486. Aimee's Vlog's: Buddy? its a cute name for a puppy
  8487. Amelia Lamb: You should name him cocoa
  8488. sheenabeena: Hands down, the greatest video you've ever made. I'm so happy you're adopting, I cried for you when you held him. It makes my heart melt. You're gonna be so great. I can't wait to move into a place that allows pups so I can rescue one of my own.
  8489. Natalie Calcaterra: Shadow
  8490. Rainbow Farts: prince
  8491. Rachel Farella: Name him Miles! Like Miles the trumpet player for your guys love of music and many miles you've traveled😊
  8492. Emily Bry: CALL HIM BEN!!! REMEMBER BEN
  8493. Kailyn Martinsen: also finn and boomer,ace
  8494. Andi Pankow: mojo
  8495. Kirish Raaj: First
  8496. Nina Bullaro: name him Milo!!
  8497. Breanna Logan: Can you name him Barry😙
  8498. Tima Lambert: HUNTER
  8499. Sarah Cound: You should name him Charlie
  8500. SKEERRTTT: or Fluffy Kyle Luke Jacob
  8501. Rebecca Lieb: fin
  8502. dramaqueen2451: Congrats josh! I've been waiting for this good job on ur special new family member
  8503. Lance Stoffel: I have two dogs one dachshund/wiener dog and a pitbull mix
  8504. Julie Lopez: Name him Rocky!
  8505. Summerbaby 2002: shadow
  8506. gaby korbal: Name him Kyle I love that name
  8507. Kimi Smith: That dude at the pet store was kinda creepy. lol.
  8508. Emily And Dona: and there barking sounds the same
  8509. Ella Hutchins: Storm!
  8510. Megan Perez: Name him arrow
  8511. Kendall Fillat: Boston
  8512. rebecca velazquez: Rocky!!
  8513. Kelly Rodriguez: U could name him Brady, Toby, or Joey
  8514. Emily Perez: shawdow
  8515. Rebecca D.: Call him Toby or Boba
  8516. PENNYWISE IT: Pls
  8517. Teafoam Art: Name him benji. That was my old dogs name.
  8518. Liv Bacon: Roomer?
  8519. Jillian Larose: Bomber
  8520. Brooke Ashley: Omg name him August and then call him Augie!!
  8521. Michelle Broers: Name him CJ for Colleen and Josh
  8522. FlowerHeadVlogs: Call him Kaleb!!!
  8523. Bailey Posey: Name him Cocoa or Roscoe or Baby (because he's your baby) 😊 Also, adorable puppy! I love him!
  8524. Through the Emerald Eye: Cutest.....puppy.....ever!!!!🙊😍🐶
  8525. CATI JO: Snickers
  8526. Rebecca Runyan: You should name him Toby! 😌
  8527. Katie Simonds: What breed? 😍😍😍😍
  8528. Emily Eisler: you could name him DingleBerry and call him Berry for short!!!
  8529. TheOfficeFanatic word: He's so precious. Congrats! You did a great thing of giving him a second chance at life. All my pets are rescued. He looks like a Dudley.
  8530. Gediminas Venslovaitis: I'm so happy for you!!!
  8531. Ceverett O: Winston
  8532. Mollee Hooter: Name him benji
  8533. Eoin Delaney: because he is brown
  8534. sfgrgfsf212: Colleen told him to.
  8535. Amanda Mitchell: This puppy is actual clickbate... its sooo cute!!! Love you Josh
  8536. scully lps: Maybe Marco or Toby or maybe even Tobias
  8537. Kayla Jaramillo: He is so cute
  8538. Victoria Brown: Call him The Dingle Price
  8539. Dana O'Donnell: Omg he so cutee name him hershey
  8540. Shelby Hawk: Name him buddy. I had a dog named buddy. It's a cute name ❤️
  8541. KOTΛ: Joe???m
  8542. Georgia Gooding: or ollie
  8543. Michaela Cottle: Name him J.J for Josh jr. he has the same puppy dog look as Josh lol 💜💜
  8544. Mariposa Guitar: What kind of breed is he? :)
  8545. Clorox Bleach: U should name him s'mores or cookie
  8546. Jules Taggart: Alex Cole Turner calm the fucking attitude down
  8547. Vanessa Lutz: name it cal
  8548. Faith H: Call him HUDSON
  8549. Tavara: Call him Dingle berry
  8550. Hallie Autin: what if his name was duke & you can call him like lil dukie or lil duke
  8551. Game Of Horses & Riding Zee: I have 3 dogs
  8552. Lily Burgess: Gizmo
  8553. Olivia Orlousky: Million? Milo for short!
  8554. delaney evennou: Either Ollie or Teddy
  8555. Gaby Estrada: +Bex5833 yes and the kid who fell of a water slide
  8556. Carreen Blankenship: Name him bubba like Colleen calls him
  8557. KOTΛ: what about josheen
  8558. Aspen McKay: Name him Gus
  8559. Chloe Simas: Hunter, Frankie/Franky, Buster🐶👌🏼 congrats btw you will love him forever
  8560. wellhellomy nameislocaandimaspecialpug: i think Milo would be a great name for that little pup
  8561. Molly Ivey: Yes name him Toby
  8562. Devon Noelle: Buddy, Bubba, or Cookie Just some ideas. Congratulations, Josh but I think the name should be something that means something to you!
  8563. Cambree Clifford: I am dying of cuteness!!!
  8564. Taylah Scowcroft: Call him Axel
  8565. _ia_: +Amillama It might be a sucky name in your opinion, but I really like that name and think it suits the pup.
  8566. Immy Dempsey: call him CJ
  8567. Tina Oswald: We adopted spunky's brother, Brody las
  8568. marcel van schie: you sould cal him vivo that is the name of my dog also so that would be so cool😂😂
  8569. g del: Name him Colin
  8570. Lilly Rabe: His name should be scout
  8571. Alice Fryer: Call him dingleberry❤️ congratulations
  8572. Chloe Miller: He looks like an ollie🐶
  8573. krystal: Name him Bentley💎☺️
  8574. lissa manning: you should name him Budd.
  8575. Stephanie Garland: MJ was the first thing i thought of when i saw him
  8576. tiffanysd925: DOG NAME! Raphael or Raph !!!!!!!
  8577. Kira Newmark: name him dingelberry
  8578. Kat Howelter: You should call him Chewy ♡
  8579. dinkdink946: AND TAKE US ON YOUR NEW JOURNEY!! Love you!!
  8580. BB Cream PaPaPa Lipstickeul MaMaMa: LOL I thought Miranda was preggers haha xD
  8581. Trending on Youtube: omg he got a dogggg
  8582. CrimmieBooksie xD: Call him Caramilk!! Or Kitkat!
  8583. just alexisss: name him joshleen jk it doesn't suit him
  8584. Leela mckenna: In one of Colleen's videos she said bug you should name the doggy bug
  8585. Daniel A: Spanky from little rascals
  8586. Jada Kay: Name him Willy !
  8587. Abbey Kat: Jakku! Like the planet in Star Wars 😂
  8588. Hallie H: you shoed call him JJ for Josh Jr
  8589. Brenden: Miranda: You've always been my daddy
  8590. elisag27: Name him Agamemnon!
  8591. Christally Ramirez: i think u should name him little bandana man
  8592. Em.gilmartin: Or cooper
  8593. Lea Sokol: im crying
  8594. Chloe Smith: Peanut
  8595. Tina Mureilla: Bless you for adopting 🐶💖
  8596. Gillian Riley: OR DAVID
  8597. cassie bailey: Austin
  8598. Mir B: Name him Dingleberry
  8599. Daniela Claffey: Name him Reesie... Idk why but I like that name 😂😂
  8600. Anna Forbes: Call him Franklin
  8601. Amber N.: Name him like Frappuccino (Frapp) or Latte. Or more of an original name like Bobot (pronounced- bow bot) and Porb. Most people are kind of tired of the original dog names like Sparky, Spot, etc. Here is a good website with 120 unique dog names: http://www.sheknows.com/pets-and-animals/articles/1033927/unique-names-for-male-dogs
  8602. miranda pettigrew: name him kiko or Colby
  8603. Laura Scannell: Junior/ Cooper/ Ollie they would suit him I think❤️
  8604. amkurthy: Congrats, Josh! My husband and I just rescued a 2 year old pit bull this past weekend! Our lives are definitely different, but I am SO HAPPY we did it! Enjoy your furbaby! :) Some great advice we got at the shelter... Training classes are not JUST about training the dog, but it's also really great for helping the owner know what to do AND it's great for pup-owner bonding!
  8605. Chelsea S: Aw Josh, I may have cried a little bit watching this. This has already been said but THANK YOU FOR RESCUING! Having a big Youtuber advocating for rescue is HUGE deal. Thank you for spreading awareness - A Fellow Rescuer
  8606. LpsBlaze: Max
  8608. Mackensie Gallagher: I think u should name him Raphie
  8609. Grace Kallensee: Name him dingle or cookie
  8610. Shay Christanson: Dingell Barry
  8611. Kayla Rawle: Spike
  8612. Little Jem: I think you should call him Buddy
  8613. Emily Asmr: Buddy
  8614. kermit: Colleen knows he cuddled her it was so cute!
  8615. UNICORNS !!!!!!: name him yorki
  8616. _ia_: +Ashton McMullen Why?
  8617. Emma Rose: Name him steve or carl
  8618. Waldo: 4:54 Person on the right looks like Patrick Fabian.
  8619. Lexi Klionsky: Dude
  8621. Emma Rose: Name him patch
  8622. kerry robinson: Or scoobie
  8624. Reece Rubin: Remmy
  8625. Brooklin Bosco: Name him MAX!!!!!
  8626. Vic: Jake and Josh :D
  8627. Rebecca Jones: name him buddy
  8628. Sophie Lightbody: U got them gray hairs
  8629. Cassidy DeYoung: Name him Cooper
  8630. Crystal Rose Playz: I love the name peanut for him 😍
  8631. Finleigh Welsh: Wait hold up I'm new to this channel, did he just call me a dingle berry
  8632. Emma Carey: Snickers
  8633. Lillian Grace: I was just thinking that before reading your idea for the name 😂
  8634. Karina Lizet: OMG I'm so happy
  8635. kiwi kiwi: LOOK AT HIM LIPS! He is smiling!!! ( Dog of course )
  8636. Amy &Brigid: Name him Teddy
  8637. Emily Zeigerson: He's got beautiful eyes! I like the name Charlie for him
  8638. Michaela Jones: Buddy !! x
  8639. Deana Delacour: you should name him reeses!
  8640. Annalyn Bui: He looks like a s'more
  8641. ThePrincess366: AJ or JD
  8642. Amanda March: You should name him spike
  8643. Magical Musical: your puppy is extremely cute you should name him Bandit or Rascal
  8644. Olivia Redman: What about lolly
  8645. Cake Brain: Fangirling right now name him Buddy or OMG DingleBerry
  8646. Marin Chaconas: You should name him shadow
  8647. Dani W: The shirt thing really works! I've don't it with dogs, cats, hedgehogs, and more! Just make sure it has your scent (like not freshly washed obvi) and be prepared he might pee on it if he's feeling territorial 😂
  8648. Jaden Mansfield: Same!!
  8649. Codi Blevins: S'mores is a good one
  8650. Emma Pacheco: Name him espresso😂💘👑☕️
  8651. Holly Ritchie: Awh he's so cute
  8652. AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: dingle berry or berry dingle.....DINGLE
  8653. Paige 10: I think bailey is a good name 😀
  8654. Tamar Falkovich: Fraggle!
  8655. Emily Roglieri: u should call him million
  8656. Gabi N: what breed is it because it's beautiful???
  8657. Zoey Regan: call him jj
  8658. Jack: Name him buddy
  8659. sarah sawatzky: awwwww I'm sorry
  8660. Abigail Bloomfield: omg. Colleen you need to make a video with your new puppy
  8661. Bethany Schrum: Today for me was a crappy day and you just made my heart so full!
  8662. Georgia S: I like Bandit because it reminds me of bandana and we all know how you love bandanas/bandana pattern.
  8663. Elie5SOS: his name should be BoBo..
  8664. Orla Cira Mary: My cats name is Liam, u could call him a cute human name 😂💕
  8665. kale salad: You should name him Reesie's
  8666. JulKat grizz: Name it CJ for Colleen and Josh or name it dingle because of dingleberries
  8667. Sarah LaJeunesse: Name him Moose
  8668. Antonia Tigani: Bandit....related to Bandana
  8669. helloimtalia: Dexter buddy
  8670. Payton Jacobellis: Name him Nuget
  8671. Dog Lover Girl 123: If you want dog advice ask me in a video I have 8 dogs 2 Guinne Pigs 2 cats 1 bunny 1 ferret +.
  8672. Yosmairy Fernandez: Call him joshleen
  8673. kenzie: shave.
  8674. Rainbow Farts: Stormy
  8675. Grace Pshigoda: I´ve got a golden retriever
  8676. Brandi Lewis-Morgan: Name him Jax or Jaxson
  8677. Maria Titcomb: He's so cute!!!!!
  8678. tea party: Name him Ben because dingleberry, dingle, bingle, and bingle sounds like Bengie so ya know, Ben!
  8679. Riley Ruby: YOU SHOULD NAME IT dingle or dingleberry or just cuz i love the name u should name him plum
  8680. moofriends awn: dude or bro
  8681. agustdeeism: What kind of dog is that???
  8682. Abbie McDermott: Smokey
  8683. emily: TROY, TAY OR TYE!
  8684. Ethan Dry: name fury. from th rollercoster
  8685. Morgan Olsen: And names, how bout Aries, Boomie, or Gray. I think those are cute names :)
  8686. Matthew Hager: What kinda awkward sponsorship deal...
  8687. Mickey Hempy: Elliot would be a great name
  8688. Natasha Cuautle: name him J.T =) or Cali for your song California or Shadow named after the shadows
  8689. erin.violet: You can't go wrong with a human name. I call my dog Dave and I laugh almost every time because nobody suspects he's a fluffy little poodle.
  8690. Sadie Allen: Name him jogger
  8691. JakePaullleeerrr 832: rocky would be a cute name
  8692. kennerthewinner: You could name him Cam, bc it's kinda like camera
  8693. x_Taylor_x: +tyler greene how come all these people answerd
  8694. Ellie Brewer: shave the beard
  8695. Madi Roberts: Simba seems like an appropriate name ❤️
  8696. Lauren Harner-Steele: name his Max or Ranger!
  8697. Josee McCloskey: "Why did you pee in your food? Oh, bro, bad.... dog"!
  8698. annabanana: I think u should name him Berry, like dingleberry😂
  8699. Samara Smith: Name him patches
  8700. Grace silva: You should name him Guinness
  8701. Miss Ava: I watch your channel all the time it's so cool to find you here! +MiniLucie13
  8702. Captain Swan: THAT WAS THE FIRST NAME I THOUGHT OF!!!!!😱
  8703. Julia Sullivan: Or buddy. That's my dogs name
  8704. Diana Maria: THE DOG IS ADORABLE😍😍😍
  8705. harley572: harley
  8706. paige matthews: name him kid
  8707. Kidgett: or preda should be his name.
  8708. Poptart 77: Cody is a good name
  8709. Brooke Grover: How about million as in your song one in a million
  8710. Sad Boi: Omg he shouldn't let the dog pee everywhere especially if it is a boy dog
  8711. Holly A: He's so sweet 😍😍😍😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
  8712. Cassandra Cadillo: You should call him buddy or like champ
  8713. Sydney Howell: you should name him Brody
  8714. Tenzing Tselha: Rocky
  8715. kris10b_: Uayayayayhagagatayayay
  8716. Lili Austin: You should name your dog Benny!!!
  8717. Delaney: Leo
  8718. ansley tamplin: You should name him dude because you keep calling him that. It fits your relationship.
  8719. Vitica Ranga: colleen calls josh snoopy sometimes so...
  8720. My foot soggy 123: You should name him Zeus
  8721. TheAwesomeMC: Call him Miracle bc it was a miracle that u got a dog and that u r a dad
  8722. lydia_tangles: Brownie Bruno or buddy X
  8723. erin lavelle: please name him s'mores bc of his colors 😍😍😍
  8724. nighthawkdragon42: his name should be buddy :D
  8725. Moe Carry: "U can pee on mommas lap though" "Yeah u can" 😂😂😂
  8726. Kas Ann: I love the tucker for a dog❤️
  8727. Meredith Rielly: name him bubba, bandana, or bro
  8728. Bacon Monster: Rocko
  8729. Diana Hernandez: he looks like a max to me
  8730. Kalee Chaudhry: I mean him
  8731. Monica Marquard: The dog looks like colleen
  8732. Toby Tos: I didn't now he had a dog till I watched this like if you did the same
  8733. Ciara Meeks: Name him Marmaduke.
  8734. Dancer Girl29: Chase is a cute name.Colleen and the puppy are so adorable 😍😍 Josh.You can pee on mummas leg though Colleen.Yeah that's fine
  8735. Abbey Mcclay: Duke!!!!
  8736. Cypress Shirley: Ranger
  8737. Luna Lune: Oscar or Roscoe!!! :] He's adorable. <3
  8738. Eva: The dog looks like a Jackson
  8739. Selma Hugge: You should call him Woody, like the Woodstock festival, because he kinda looks like he's high all the time
  8740. Kayleigh Cerezo: Call him Lightning
  8741. Fancy Cookie: +Jeynaliz Toro :/
  8742. Aireyanna Denissen: you should name him Floyd from the band pink Floyd!
  8743. Jenna Leveille: Name him Rex
  8744. Kelsey Cooper: What type of dog is this? Is it hypoallergenic?
  8745. Julia Sohoski: Call him Levi
  8746. Savannah Puglisi: what about Blu? idk why
  8747. Marione Manalo: KYLE
  8748. Audrey Vassia: I think Bucky would be a super cute name!!
  8749. Emma Stanley: Ok number one... SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think you should name him Bubba or Timmy or Zeke. I love your family!!!!!! Y'all are the cutest thing I swear! I wish I was a part of y'all's family!!!!!
  8750. Gino R.: I NEED to know what breed of dog it is. PLEASE HELP!!!
  8751. Magdiel Vera: Name him king that is the perfect name
  8752. Marie-helene Bernard Allard: My cat's name is Clarice haha. Human names are way better.
  8753. Colleen Heniff: TIMBERLAKE!!!!!!!
  8754. SergioTheGreat23: He guy that gave him the dog looks like dirk from NBA
  8755. Just Jessica: Why don't you name him : Kyle ( not kale ) Henry Joel Sniffy Smoth
  8756. Peyton Elizabeth: Yes
  8757. Jenna Berry: I'm so happy you adopted a dog. I get sad and angry when people buy a dog from a pet shop and I'm so glad you didn't. Adopting a rescue dog is one of the best feelings in the world; I adopted my rescue dog 6 years ago and my love for her grows every day. You'll cherish him for the rest of his and your life :).
  8758. hope williams: name him Danny (like bandana)
  8759. ChunkySchmonkey: I racked my brain for the perfect name and the name I came up with was...OLIVER
  8761. Hanna Formica: TIP: If you have somewhere to hang bells on the door, do it! Ring the bells every time you take him outside and try to touch his nose to them so that he understands when he rings the bells, he gets to go outside. It helps to give your dog a very obvious way of telling you that they have to go to the bathroom! Also find little training treats (we used Bil Jac brand) so that when he comes inside, after going to the bathroom, he understand that he gets a reward. Lastly, I like the names Blaise and Finn! Good luck!
  8762. Sadie Sease: Or max
  8763. Vivian Bui: Name him chocolate
  8764. Lauren D: What kind is the dog?
  8765. Emmy Stuckless: name him weiner
  8766. Cinderella and Shopkins Shopkins!: you should name your new dog you should name him Mike
  8768. Joy Happy11: My dogs name is potato. Lol
  8769. Jaimee Lewis: Name him chip
  8770. Maeve Plante: U should name him Tyler, Joey or Matt
  8771. Colleen Heniff: Snapchat fam?
  8772. Prim_Plays: Name him dingle for dingleberry
  8773. **Unknown**: you should name him spark
  8774. Carmen Gleason: Shadow
  8775. Plyeese kill meh: Cookie or Cookie Dough
  8776. Sarah: I don't have a dog so I can't buy dog for dog but if I did have a dog I would already be at petsmart
  8777. Brandi Reich: Is he a rat terrier or a jack Russell terrier?? My dog is a rat terrier his name is Russell
  8778. RiRi: I had a similar dog but he died of old age (17y.o) :'(
  8779. Mashantee Jones: Joshua actually got the puppy
  8781. Arib chowdhury: you should name him sparky
  8782. Ashley 4 Eva: toby
  8783. Jenbrit Breitzman: ody , dozer , or Brownie
  8784. Ciara Normington: I think Buddy is a good name!
  8785. Abigail Ward: or Cooper
  8786. Tanner Mason: ROCKO
  8787. Christian Hernandez: what breed?
  8788. Cassi Morgan: you should name him Otis
  8789. Cashel Gietzen: name him jack like michael Jackson
  8790. Lala: Quincy is such a cute name for him yet I think he can still grow into it
  8791. Jordyn Bingham: name his Drake
  8792. Emoji Geek: My dog is the same breed even the same white spot as well
  8793. The Tumbling Twins: yeah my dog has this problem but now if we take him out for awhile and then he goes potty inside right after we crate him and when he tells us he needs to potty we give him treats that's just personally how we do it
  8794. Emily Kolstoe: I think you should name him dingleberry
  8795. Mikayla Carleo: Mickey
  8796. nora D: You should name him Leo!
  8797. Emilija Christine: Name idea: Rocky
  8798. Star Chand: Name his ROMEO!!
  8799. Leah W: call him dingle so he's part of the dingle berry family! like if you agree! <3
  8800. Amanda TheGreat: Beau should be his name
  8801. Marisa Hamilton: Name ur dog Buddy it's so adorable
  8802. Kayleigh X: PLEASE CALL HIM SNOOPY
  8803. Mishawaka Post: I appreciate that you bought him a harness. I hate to see dogs yanked by their neck.
  8804. Mackenzie m Mccray: they pee in there food because other dogs eat it so if they pee no one will eat it except him
  8805. Ella Bittman: I think that 'Buddy' would be a cute name :)
  8806. Addie Jo: Cál Is kale in Irish. Kale in Italian is Cavolo idk it would be cool to name him kale in a different language. But then again Buddy is cool 2😊
  8807. Mia Cruz: name him Bryan
  8808. Racheluna: Same. Definitely a red flag, in hindsight.
  8809. CoCoPuffs MSP: NAME HIM BABY
  8810. EpicKunkaPlays //kunkaEKP: i think cookie will be a good name for the puppy
  8811. Liz Shrewsbury: Dude or buddy
  8812. Tori Rojo: Plzzzz name the doggy pb&j
  8813. Queen Bee: SHADOW
  8814. Chelsea Busch: name him duke because that's my dogs name🐶🐶
  8815. Kacey Jade: i think u could just call him buddy cuz he might already be used to being called that XXXXXXXXX
  8816. Drem Kitten: +__lalyx lol
  8817. Phoebe Robertson: PUPPY VLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8818. Leah Kemper: Name him Toby Buddy Doug Fudge Deasil
  8819. sage Price: NAME HIM TEACOW!
  8820. Emma: Milo would be cute:)
  8821. Jack Buttafuoco: What Kind Of Dog Is He?I Am Getting A Dog Soon And Would Love That Breed!
  8822. weening13: name him dale!!!! dingle + kale ❤❤❤
  8823. Chloe Cameron: Shadow please because that is the name of you band and he looks like a shadow
  8824. Kimberly Broom: you like high tops, name him Jordan for air Jordans
  8825. Maci Anderson: no
  8826. Amanda Wakuluk: This vlog was so freaking adorable 😭
  8827. Naomi Gould: Samuel
  8828. Samantha Martin: He should be called Hondo
  8829. Donovan Dursa: I really hope they still get a cat
  8830. Lilly VanCleve: Name him Bubba
  8831. Mia Catherine: Freddy
  8832. Savannah Daniel: name him pancake!
  8833. Vanessa Photography: My Dog's name is Truffle and i think it's super cute
  8834. Mimi 32273: I thought that colleen was prenant 😢
  8835. Lauren s: bungee
  8836. Anika Lakhanpal: name him cookie or coco.
  8837. Kennedy: You should call him peanut
  8838. Chané-Louise Bornman: THEY ARE DIVORCED😢😢
  8839. cpfLPS Music: Call him Cola ( like coca cola ) Hershey or grande because it's funny that he's tiny names something that means big
  8840. Mahek Ahmed: Name him Rocky
  8841. Stephanie Mutch: Sub as in Subscribe =P
  8842. sofia grace: JAX
  8843. Molly DeLuca: Instead of a collar get a bandana and put it around his neck. Bandit is a good name or anything that ends in the "e" sound. Dogs respond to that better.
  8844. Cara St. John: Don't feel bad for him, everything gets better and he will love more than anything 😍❤️
  8845. Danaé Delport: Name him Yogi
  8846. Emma Hensley: Please name him kale
  8847. jessica hunt: If he is a Chawawa then it is normal for him to be shivering or shaking
  8848. hana show: dinngle berry
  8849. Riana Dawdy: name him berry short for dingleberry
  8850. Toytel: I also love chaco lol
  8851. anna shelkova: Name him Quin 💖💖🌟
  8852. Cupwhit4 The gamer: His name sould be milo but you call him million I think that cute
  8853. OliviaBailey: What kind of dog is he?
  8854. Oda Valebrokk: yesssss name him cookie!!😍🍪
  8855. Mysterious Musician: Buddy
  8856. Lydia: HES SO CUTE OML😍😍😍😍😍😭
  8857. Talia Winchester: I think you should call him kozmo, the name really suits him I think 😊🤘🏼 💖
  8858. Olivia Chaffin: The dog has the same collar as mine
  8859. Joey Floey: name him max
  8860. Skylar Nelsen: dont worry if his shivering like his scared, my cat did that when we got her and he is the same age that she was, just play with him and cuddle him, he'll come around ;)
  8861. Nicole Thai: Name the dog bubba or jake
  8862. Deborah Crystaline: congratulation for your new baby..! he looks like daddy.. hahahah.. joke* :-D by the way, I would give him name: Levi or Lexie or Lupie.. sounds cute for him.. :-P
  8863. Natalie Maher: I have 2 dogs and when they were puppies (not at the same time that would be crazy! Lol ) I had to get wee wee pads those helped so much with accidents in the house :) congratulations!!!!!!
  8864. Crafty Cuties: Who could not like this dog......thumbs up for the 🐶
  8865. Maripaz Reyes: how about ricky dicky
  8866. BethLovesPunk007: Dog Dad Vlogs, I smell a new video series xD
  8867. Hannah Viana: Name him Kale😍😍😍
  8868. Kaitlyn Mcdonald: Did anyone think the girl giving him the puppy was Jen from buzzfeed from far away
  8869. Jessica m: friend's* grandparent's*
  8870. Saoirse O'Donnell: call him leo
  8871. Zoey Jiang: Name him cookie Colleen will love it
  8872. Grady Toback: Oh god the cute! It's too much!
  8873. Daddys girl 101: name him zack
  8874. Melea Elisabeth: I had like tears in my eyes it was so sweet! 😍
  8875. Lindy Slocum: Or like Bennett
  8876. FairyŁłamaUnicørnWøłf: Wait if you and Colleen are g-getting divorced who is going to live with the dog
  8877. Katie Slaydon: You should name him taco
  8878. Ellea Whittaker: I wonder how Miranda will react to the puppy...
  8879. Karis Cowan: +Karis Cowan 💕💕
  8880. Alyssa Mai: Mj -because Of Michael Jackson as he is 2 colours ❤️❤️
  8881. Kara Peak: Thanks! I rescued a stray cat and kept him in my dorm room, until I got caught lol, freshman year of college and I named him Oscar! The name does have a special place in my heart and I just see Josh's dog as a proud Oscar.
  8882. Dark Hole: Leo
  8883. Analisa: You should name him Fraggle or Nugget!!!!
  8884. Brandi Humann: Prince, that would be a Tribute and completely appropriate, GEORGE for your home state, LASTLY. . . . . . BECKETT Best wishes he sure is PAWfect !
  8885. Chelsie D: name him JD
  8886. Joseph N: Well technically the sky includes day and night so it would also be dark lol. Just ignore me
  8887. Gianna Chevere: congrats!! he's adorable😍😍🐶😘
  8888. Kaitlyn Kylie KeKe: Biscuit
  8889. Amy Beasley x: Name him Toby it will be so cute
  8890. Charlotte Corcoran: Bear would be a cute name xx
  8891. Qui Lon Ging: Brody's a good name.
  8892. Naela Marroquin: name him pepper
  8893. Rebecca Tran: You should call him dingle prince cause your dingle king
  8894. Shantell Tejada: Name him Rocky!
  8895. Madelyn Jones: Little man or little guy
  8896. Shauna Seiler: NEVER GET DOGS FROM PET STORES GET THEM FROM SHELTERS!!!!!!! Let me explain most pet stores get their puppies from puppy mills( go and search puppy mills if you do not know what that means) and if the puppies get older and do not sell them send them back to the puppy mill to make more puppies!! It is a awful place for them to be not trying to be mean but I am standing up for the animals since they are not able to. They grow up in 6 by 6 inch cages and lay in their own feces and pee, if you were an animal would you want to live like that, I do not think so. Also, they are fed barley anything!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT GO TO PET STORES AND GO TO SHELTERS😃
  8897. Taegan Evans: I think you should name him bubba. My dog bubba just passed and it would be awesome if my two favorite youtubers named there dog bubba.
  8898. Erica Law: Pmsl at the pup peeing on its food 😂😂😂😂 so funny and super cute pup xxx
  8899. TheLunaticGamer: It's so cute like if you agree
  8900. Line Ottesen: name him Rocket
  8901. Imogen Rose: call him billy! :)
  8902. Brooke and Kenzie: Baxter or shadow
  8903. Ashley: Name him snickers
  8904. Natt Smalls: Amethyst Rose what type of breed is the dog
  8905. Grace Strawn: Maybe Buddy?!
  8906. Crystal Barragan: Buster
  8907. Drew: I like the name Winston or Bug
  8908. Giada Bravo: it is so cute
  8909. ju_tmbr: seconf
  8910. ema b: Adopt don't shop 💕😄 Name him Jerimiah, please!
  8911. Brookie Cookie: I like Macho!!!👌🏼☺️❤️
  8912. Payton Stanley: He actually looks like a Buddy. Such a cute name 😊
  8913. Macy Stein: Joshleen
  8914. Idées Sur Papier: ¡¿4 dislikes?! He is the most adorable cute little guy ... and the dog too ;)
  8915. Emma Xx: Dude Call him dude
  8916. Shamerah Davis: Oh my god so cute
  8917. Sam: You should call him Berry <3
  8918. Olivia G: You should name him Bandit cause you like bandannas
  8919. mashleyfan1: my bunny's name is cosmo :D
  8920. chloe landers: You could name him sunny
  8921. Hannah rose: name him cody
  8922. Naomi Grant: Oh My Gosh!! I said that to and I didn't even know you did, it is a great name, props to us👍😂👌👌
  8923. Donna Valenzuela: You should watch Zoë's vid on her main channel! I think it's entitled Getting a puppy: tips & advices ❤️
  8924. Mary Sheridan: It has to be part miniature pinscher
  8925. mally cat: Rocky is cute for him i think
  8926. Dominique Franklin: name him lucky
  8927. Rachel Sings: Scout! It's honestly my favorite pet name and I think it fits him really well!
  8928. Caroline Rae: NAME HIM BUDDY!! That name is adorable❤️
  8929. Alexa A: Bandit
  8930. Kennedy Coats: you should name it bandana
  8931. Maia Stevenson: Is it a girl or boy? Girl: coco, skai, piper, or maple. Boy:buddy, sport, bandit, or Rufus (Rufus was my old dogs name who has passed from age :'(
  8932. Liron Reuveny: 💗💗💗💗💗💗
  8933. Codie: name it Miranda. mirmanda. or teddy. my dogs also named teddy
  8934. pennyandpayton schipp: name him sparky
  8935. kabe ander: you should name him kysone
  8936. Sydnee Elizabeth: I think that you should name him Ryder cause its a cute name yet it has its ways of being bad ass
  8937. Carol: Name him Charlie!!
  8938. WilliamL 137: Or name him Billy, he looks like a Billy and it's a cute name for a cute Dog!!!!
  8939. Erica Taylor: Because he went of a television show to talk about getting animals from adoption v breeders. And that puppy was at the shelter the show was discussing. So they wanted to do a follow up in the show with Josh actually adopting a puppy.
  8940. Kaiya Steyskal: name the dog DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8941. Daniella Stephens: His name should b Nugget☺️
  8942. Jenna Walker: name him D
  8943. Maitland Johnson: Scarlett, Harley, Hasley, Ruby, Meela
  8944. Hannah E.S.: I cant wait for colleen to see the cute dog
  8945. Be Happy: Cooper, Turner, Jackson, or Hunter. I feel like those names fit him. But either way I'm sure the name you pick will be great. PS I LOVE YOUUUU!!!❤️
  8946. heather doyle: +Melissa Reichheld the hand signal he used
  8947. Emily Landale: +Emily Landale flip*
  8948. The Average Youtuber: Call him Buddy
  8949. Madi R: Rocky!!
  8950. Averyloveshorses Avery: The dog is so cute!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗😝😝😝🙂🙂🙂☺️☺️☺️😋😋😋😋🍩🍩🍩🍦🍦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8951. Mika Arlan: The name should be "little dude" 💙
  8952. Vanessa Young: You should name him Milo
  8953. SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: It's going to take awhile...His little feelings have been hurt so much...Patience.👼
  8954. dramaqueen2451: Bandit is a cute name
  8955. Meado Tate: Dinglepup
  8956. Amanda Le: Buisct
  8957. s731s: +ThatYoutubeLife coco is cute. Personally it makes me think of coco chanel (so it's a more girly name imo) 😊
  8958. Kitty Face: +jade crites ranger
  8959. chloe dutton: Awwwwww 😍😍😍 J think you should either name him August, Dingleberry 😂, Cooper, Bae (for Miranda obviously😂), or Legend for your song LOVE YOU GUYS 💖
  8960. soph mccown: i think you should name it bandit like bandana
  8961. PandaluverLily: i love my dog but now i feel like no one likes me because i didn't rescue him
  8962. mozzarella: Name him: Milo
  8963. Tayler Ellis: Or Elvis
  8964. Kaylynn Miner: name him dingle dude
  8965. sophie crow: Riley!!!!
  8966. MoPro Lack of Uploads: I like the name kale
  8967. Lana Gallagher: What show
  8968. Lidia Karabatak: Omg that dog looks exactly like my dog cookie but my dogs a girl with white and light brown fur ITS SO CUTE maybe there the same breed ^.^
  8969. cailin grace: Name him Berry (short for dingleberry) or Bandana!!
  8970. kristina rodriguez: Name him snoop.
  8971. Xpizzaxgrande X: They broke up.
  8972. The Cydney and Cami Show: Name him rocky!!!!
  8973. insomniac_ _: omg so cute
  8974. Shelby and Abby: You should name the dog "dude"
  8975. Eva Edwards: That dog looks like a Kody...
  8976. Jay White: I think u should stick with Buddy/bubba
  8977. Samantha Pacheco: HI Josh my name is Sammy I may be young but I own two dogs so if u need any tips tell me please INSTA @whatsupsammy28
  8978. Aysia Mitchell: Name him Jasper!
  8979. Malin Nordvik: NAME HIM JAMES!
  8980. Abbie Barry: Russell
  8981. groverlicious: You should name him Snickers!!
  8982. Captain Swan: I pause it at 5:38 and immediately crack up bc I realize he's peeing before Josh even confirms it😂
  8983. Shelby R.: +Eimear Dempsey yeah but Heart and Arnold have a cat named Barry
  8984. Vivian Zottola: Max
  8985. Lizzy Pantoga-Montoto: When I first got my puppy I walked through like 1000000000000000000 feet of snow to get to him 😂😂
  8986. Jordan Young: Babe
  8987. Karol Whitmer: He is so cute!! Name him buddy
  8988. Jessi Evans: Wiz!!!! Name him wiz
  8989. Sunflower Gaming: I have the same food bowl and stand thing with it for my new puppy lol
  8990. Kristen Rumsey: +Grace Valentine that's so cool
  8991. Kid Average: Name him troye maxwell or Leo
  8992. 주희: i like the names jabba, ken, beau, and gus !!
  8993. GalaxyGamer GG: COOPER
  8994. Emily Bowman: You should name it Lou, or Lulu
  8995. _ia_: +Emma LPS Or Coco!
  8996. Trini Vlogs: I thought u would get a cat
  8997. Shelby W: Name him Wonder since he looks like he's always curious and wondering about something!😄
  8998. Cocoa cat Lps: butter cup as the dogs name~!
  8999. Katherine Kim: Charlie
  9000. Sophie Jones: I have to dogs and my younger ones name is Buddy and i call him Bubba
  9001. Neoud Haile: What's the dogs bread?
  9002. Malin Nordvik: Maybe name him spike.
  9003. Southerndawg1: dingleberry burp evsns!!!!!!!!
  9004. Emily: NAME HIM BUDDY!!!!
  9005. Oreo Cookie: what type of dog is he?
  9006. Crazy Kenzie002: Third😂
  9007. Jasmin Mohammadi: Aww you should name him Moose that is a really cute name
  9008. santos vazquez: CJ Stands for Colleen and Josh
  9009. Matej gaming: Yes Buddy
  9010. Rainbow Farts: Justice
  9011. Yumey Rodriguez: I would like you to name him..... Augy because you got him on August. 👍🏻👌🏻🐶
  9012. peyton b: I'M SO HAPPY FOR HIM!
  9013. Paige Elizabeth: You should name him , Lil Dingleberry 😘😘😘
  9014. Kenzie M: Or vloggie😂
  9015. Aishani Moradia: Name him Rocky because he looks like rocky road or Moose for moose tracks
  9016. Hattie Schrepfer: She left for her tour a couple days before
  9017. Hailey Mack: name him Archie !!
  9018. Its Terry: name him dingle ber0ry
  9019. Hattie Hurst: Buddy suits him
  9020. ania k: IM CRYING THE DOG IS SO CUTE
  9021. Wilhiam Ekewald: Is IT coleens dog to
  9022. buck Buxton: hey his collar should be a be nice to people bandana if you do this In a video please say thank you Claire buxton like if u this is a good idea
  9023. Emily Jackson: I've been waiting for this video FOREVER!!
  9024. Elianna Wilder: CJ for Colleen and Joshua
  9025. Era Latifi: You should name him slays bc you were with matt before you got him
  9026. Kevin Barrett: Toby, Simon, Henry, Cooper, Comet (from Full House) I'm getting a dog soon so I'm glad that I can also get help from your followers and supporters.
  9027. Kelli Stauffer: Potty training is going to be a journey in its own. Just try to stay as patient as possible, which I'm sure you will anyway. Puppies usually have to go to the bathroom more often than adult dogs. Usually after every nap, after a meal, and after playtime is when is best to take a puppy outside to do their business. I'm so excited to see more videos with you and the pup! He is so adorable!
  9028. Jacob: Josh you should name him Ben or Ollie
  9029. Aliyah Zaa: You should name him dingelberry
  9030. Shelby Wilson: "Let's go have a shopping spree!.....With your money!" Lmao I feel like that's what my mom hears every time I ask to go to the mall
  9031. Lynda Coulson: If he still hasn't been named and he's 5 months old and his name is spunky, why not call him FUNKY hehehehe
  9032. Bradley Krug: Since you always dreamed of getting a big dog but decided to get him you should call him Kong. It's already on his collar and it's like King Kong since he was so big and you have a big heart for deciding to give him a home. I'm sure the dog has a big heart too because he's going to bring so much love to your family!
  9033. Rene Lacasse: u should name him blue
  9034. the truth hurts: yay
  9035. Livie Savage: Josh u need to get your dog a harness because if u pull to hard on his collar is can snap a bone in his neck and he will not be able to eat or drink.
  9036. x: but you should name him Mack or Rosco!!
  9037. Taylinn Leigh: I am your biggest fan I love you so much!! Plz reply to this message and tell Colleen I said I love her to and your dog is soooooo cute!!😘😘🐶
  9038. Julia xx: I'm 100% a cat person, but this made me so happy! He's adorable and you will make a great doggy daddy!! Congrats:)
  9039. Jasmine thompson: Josh has got grey hairs 😂😂😂
  9040. thicc kermit: you should name him Brixston!!!
  9041. Leslie Hawkins: He's so incredibly adorable!
  9042. T_WOLF _: Taco
  9043. Panhan17: My friends baby brother is named Kale, so I think it's appropriate.
  9044. Gracie XO: Call him buddy
  9045. Danielle D: "look at the camera kid" NAME HIM KID
  9046. CoolCow89: So who's getting the dog 🐶
  9047. Farrah Whittemore: Name him dingle berry
  9048. Natalie Ferguson: you shou,do name him buddy because he looks like buddy from the secret life of pets
  9049. Alexandria Lee: Name him peanut!❤️
  9050. holdenbeach4ever: Yay!!!! Name him MJ
  9051. Vicki //: if it's a girl princess if it's a boy prince 😇
  9052. Tori Wyler: Circles
  9053. Joceline Portillo: Name him Chocolate
  9054. Leilanee Reyes: What about dingle or Cali like California, angel ,Luke
  9055. Maria Kaz: I have a great name Mandjshow Or momo
  9056. Emma Wilkin: What about a cat?!?!
  9057. chloe merheb: Name him Leo 🐶🐶❤️❤️ idk why I feel like the name Leo suits him
  9058. lily: You should name him Berry for Dingleberry
  9059. Natasha Service: max... u should call him max or zues
  9060. Alex S123: Name him dingleberry
  9061. brittany rietz: How about Dingle?
  9062. Demetria: I think you should name him either Bandana because you wear them quite often, Buddy because that's what you kept calling him, Chance because you've giving him a chance to have a forever home, or Alto because you and Colleen both love music and Colleen's YouTube channel is PsychoSoprano! (p.s. the colors of his fur look just like the coat of a rottweiler)
  9063. Francesca Tozer: You could call him buddy or chatlie or teddy or alfie
  9064. OWF Youtuberz: im gonna be super cheesy here but you should name him CJ (Colleen & Josh) lol
  9065. 101sweetland: Rudy!
  9066. Kaye: What kinda dog is he?
  9068. Acg 10506: Call him Dingo like if you agree
  9069. Farrell Peka: Does Colleen know about this
  9070. Aliya Crackel: CALL HIM PEPPER😱😍 if you want😂 but that's a cute dog name so😂💁🏽 but pick whatever
  9071. kerstinclassifieds: His name should be cooper just because my dogs name is that and it would be so cool if my idols dog was the same as mine
  9072. dancingwholeness: I thought it was sweet when u said Buddy and Colleen said Bubba. Whatever u name him will be fantastic.
  9073. Elizabeth Workman: moose
  9074. Owlet: I think Buddy is a cute name
  9075. Abigal Z: you should name him bandana man
  9076. justacrazywoman: YES!!!!!!! Congratulations!! So excited for you!! He looks similar to my sweet pea. You're going to be best friends!
  9077. Hannah. Plays1422: Josh READ THIS!!!! You need to get a doggy door!!!! It will change your life!! You don't have to take the dog outside to poop or pee all the time. And if he just wants to go outside he can. I have a doggy door and it's so easy!!!
  9078. Olivia Sinha: this was literally the cutest video ever!! you should either name him chip, berry, or s'mores
  9079. Madison Grindstaff: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!!
  9080. Mollie: Name him Thor or Ivan.
  9081. McCann Ryan: George from curious George
  9082. nico: Name the dog dingleberry
  9083. Maureen Anne: Charles!
  9084. LeNora Preston: You could name him Opie
  9085. JustCrecie 08: Bryan
  9086. kelsey moore: +Lady Brandish M lol my sisters name is Kennedy
  9087. Theresa Harris: I think buddy or Dexter
  9088. Kate Roberts: idk why but I'm thinking Cannon.
  9089. Steven Atwood: My dogs name is Tilly
  9090. dead account: You should name him Bandana and call him Danny for short please please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9091. Camilla Lizama: awwwwwwweww😘😘😘😘😘😏😏😃😃😃😢 i almost cried
  9092. Kate Weasley: At least josh has someone to keep im company when colleen leaves
  9093. Abby. Bro: What about berry
  9094. Rachel Lott: Josh, I have a new puppy to (Minnie) and trust me it's a rocky road but it's all worth it. You love them so much you just don't care. Enjoy the time you have with your little boy.
  9095. _Valll _Palll: Don't name him a human name cause it's not cute and it sounds like he is a human and even though you would treat him as a human I think its cuter to name him something that is not a human name
  9096. Abby Jane: 1)YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYA 2)ilysm 3)snapchat saw this first ? :)
  9097. Ebony Sanchez: name him snickers or buddy
  9098. maddi martinez: Max maybe?
  9099. Eva Emory: 😍
  9100. Aimee Dunlop: If you keep calling him buddy then why don't you call him buddy
  9101. Mariana Pedro: name him buggy
  9102. Theonlyevan: You should name him Myles
  9103. Taylor Nicole: Name him Sparky
  9104. Mairead D: NAME HIM RUNNER
  9105. Elizabeth Vance: I think u should name him copper
  9106. Amber Mitchell: This vlog made me so happy!! Congratulations to you both.. Nothing better than coming home to your best friend! Can't wait to pick up my puppy next fridayyyy!!
  9107. Talia Rouck: you should name him Jackson! after Michael Jackson of course
  9108. Mopsa Tree: Name him Norman!! Or Pepe (pepay)
  9109. Reghan Eaton: how bout peyton
  9110. Sydney Finch: You should name the dog Buddy!!❤️
  9111. Macy Neace: name him Jackson!! ❤
  9112. diana mihai: His name should be dingleberries
  9113. Joanne Rose: Berry, Dingle Berry Ballinger.
  9114. Yasmine Hultquist: Cocoa !!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
  9115. Mia Todd: Name the puppy bandit or bandy
  9116. Hayley Balzar: +Hayley Balzar I'm also an animal foster mom to not only mammals but to reptiles as well that's my parents hobby I just grew up with
  9117. stan bts: Call it Dingle the berry😂
  9118. Daniel maddison: YOU SHOULD CALL HIM ODIE
  9119. Kenedy: name him dingle berry
  9120. Jessica Townes: how about Brownie for the dogs name.
  9121. Nick Mondello: Name the puppy Nugget!!
  9122. Jordansperspective: NAME HIM TODD
  9123. Harmony D: Caramel
  9124. c: you should name him loki or pip
  9125. Erica B.: I bought my dog, I was just looking and fell in love! But think about, puppies in the store need a home too
  9126. mewlianne: Name him Bandana!
  9127. Leah Kemper: Or call him bentley
  9128. Alexis Adrian: kane, or jax
  9129. Hayley Dolan: Name him max or bubba😍😍😍congrats🔥
  9130. Dancing Sophia999: Its Name Should be Caleb
  9131. Caroline Burke: Or cooper is a great name!! He also looks like a cooper
  9132. Siobhan KEEN-SCOTT: max
  9133. Tyler Blake: Joshua Jr
  9134. Puppy peach: nice
  9135. Rebecca Ayres: buddy or dude!
  9136. Phynixx Roth: You should name him Buddy
  9137. Sophie Westbrook: +ThatYoutubeLife that's good
  9138. mallory k: little smores
  9139. Jewels Cannon: He looks like my dog when he was puppy, he's just a little over 4 years old now, so cute.
  9140. Nooran alaloosi: i was thinking he get I little baby ,but the dog is so cute
  9141. Laney Arenstein: louis
  9142. moutaz cosstantini: Name him YouTube I swear it's amazing
  9143. Ronald Tolentino: the dog is so cute
  9144. cat_ninja_warrior 74: How about Peanut or something to do with cookies for colleen
  9145. Kyleigh Dwyer: You should name him Phil or Buddy
  9146. Shawna Lyden: name him bradey
  9147. FoxNat -: Dingle berry!!!!!
  9148. Deanna Vasquez: Drake
  9149. KatieMoo: Name it Hero or Buddy
  9150. Olivia C: Name him King Kale 😂😂jk name him Snoopy!!! Even tho he doesn't look like snoopy
  9151. WhatKindOfBlue: name him Chip
  9152. Isabella Graham: I think you should name him shadow
  9153. Locked Down: You guys should name him Bubba
  9154. Morgan Trace: What is Coleen going to think...
  9155. jen canc: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY
  9156. Anna Valenzuela: Dingle berry
  9157. Kaitlyn Naquin: name him bandanna
  9158. Hannah Peterson: Name him moose
  9159. bcuzihaduEilish: Name him Pluto
  9160. Johanna Tague: I think you should call him max😊
  9161. katherine belden: Name him TC too cute
  9162. Rebeca Guzman: Name him pachino
  9163. CameronTaylor1012: Has Colleen met spunky yet josh xx
  9164. xiaosi: Little Jimmy 😂 idk why I thought of that😂😂
  9165. 心软ains: I think you should name him Russel, or Snoopy!
  9166. Chigirl Ojielo: I think his name should be Michael or David
  9167. marley wilson: I like the name Rocco
  9168. Potato_Shmo: You should name him Phil, Marley,baggle,tiny You don't have to choose one of these names but Phil is my dogs name And Marley is my old dogs name He was born on my birthday and he died on my moms b day I will always love Marley RIP
  9169. Maggie Cody: Cody is cute too
  9170. Bella Prichard: Henry
  9171. Shruthi Pillai: What kind of dog is it?
  9172. Kadie Bachman: Colleen and josh are so good parents with that dog!! They should have a kid soon!!
  9173. TeamCap Buckybarnes: He looks SO much like my new puppy! But my dog's color is tan and white
  9174. Marcus Majalca: I thought you were going to say colleen was pregnant. I was Sooo excited for you...well I still am but it's not what I was expecting. P.S. I love you Sooo much. Thank you for making me stay happy and positive all day!!!
  9175. Jessica Stroud: Toby!!
  9176. Caitlin Loope: Awe this is so cute😍😍
  9177. Lily Morris: Maybe Kane
  9178. KatieMoo: Name him Buddy
  9179. Shauna: Stitch would be a cute name
  9180. Hey It's Valerie: Name him Caleb
  9182. Ashley Arnold: Here's a tip for him if he doesn't eat his food, fill the bowl up with his dog food then put a little warm water in it, not very much. The water makes it taste like gravy lol.
  9183. Janessa Peterson: Name him Rottie or Harley that be so cute!!!
  9184. Victoria Wilson: Awww I'm so happy for you and Colleen! He's so sweet and adorable.
  9185. Kaitlyn Watson: Cooper!
  9186. Charlottegymnast17 char char: Awwwwww sooooooooo cute 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  9187. Jean Park: +Maitland Johnson thank you!!
  9188. Michaela Rose: Scout or Oliver I feel would fit him lol he's so cute
  9189. DreamGaming: OH ME GROD CALL HE BUDDY
  9190. Miranda: When he peed I laughed😂
  9191. Jizelle Carrillo: +julia flynn yea but i just thought that peanut or flash would be a cute name
  9192. Bibian Barrientos: call him brownie
  9193. Carly: call him buddy ☺️❤️
  9194. Dani H: Call him Einstein if he is smart
  9195. Chanel Woolever: Call him max
  9196. hope Coker: For some reason I automatically think his name should be Rocky
  9197. miranda pettigrew: this dog os so perfect
  9198. Jessiebelle 17: I would name him Nutter Butter
  9199. Amy Shamblesx: Colleen left for her tour after Josh got the dog cause she posted a vlog and snapchats with the dog before she went to London. Maybe she was just busy getting ready for her tour and couldn't go with him.
  9200. Sarah Pouls: I'm pretty sure they know lol
  9201. em h.: How big is the dog going to get
  9202. kawaii: name him brownie bc he kinda reminds me of a brownie😃
  9203. Arrow Universe: Name him peanut butter
  9204. Sydney Sydney: Call him bubbles so you can never get mad at him( BAD BUBBLES)
  9205. Elisha Cain: I think Milo is such a cute name :)
  9206. Lia K: HE'S SO KAWAIIIII :33333 😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😄😄😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😆😆🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
  9207. Abi Orange: Buddy
  9208. Dumbo_ Lover266: Name him chewy or solo from Star Wars if u are obbsessed with it
  9209. Marione Manalo: NAME HIM KYLE
  9210. Jayla Larot: I hope u see this 😂
  9211. susannah lee: what kind of dog is he? also, Maxon might be a cool name
  9212. Butterfly QueeN: kale or million
  9213. PrettyGirlGames: This!!
  9214. Silver Sel: Name him Tyler
  9215. Liz Yale: Brody would be a cute name
  9216. Humility K: Name bin Toby or Maxi!
  9217. Ibby Z: See, if you keep calling him 'buddy' then name him Buddy.
  9218. Hannah xox: I think you should name the puppy bailey
  9219. Summer N: Name him cookie!!
  9220. Anna Ossian: I love the name Toby for him
  9221. miranda pettigrew: is
  9222. Caylie B: What about Lincoln or Lennon
  9223. Jessie Kobe: Bandit is a super cute name
  9224. Elizabeth Hostetter: Knight.
  9225. Autum Miniel: Zeus
  9226. Positivity-Prevails: Josh "you just Peed in your food" me "welcome to having a dog Josh" 😂😂😂
  9227. Kenzie Hardin: If he is the same as my dog then he'll get bigger trust me she's 70lbs now and they look EXATLY the same
  9228. krystle Martin: You should name him Cj for Colleen and josh but it is still cute!
  9229. Joenchey Stark: bear
  9230. Morgan Gaudet: BERRY FOR DINGLEBERRY
  9231. Kiley Jane: You should name him Sputnik😂
  9232. Kat'n' Rainbows: just think of how he will feel when has a kid ....
  9233. Madelin J: Congrats!
  9234. Casey Walters: name him buddy 😍
  9235. melody tatom: Sprocket!!!!Because he is energetic and sweet and cuddly!!!!!
  9237. Mariyah Wilson: Name him sparky or Bruno I like those names for him lol
  9238. Helen Hassett: Rocky!!!!
  9239. Jasmin Newsom: Name him arugula
  9240. T_WOLF _: Call him taco
  9241. Heather C: Why does he have like professional cameras
  9242. FLORES 24: Name him Roober
  9243. Maryanna De Almeda !!!!!!!: I think you should call him Junior
  9244. Alexis Cardoza: omg josh has gray hair in his beard
  9245. Tracey Lynn: Congratulations Evans family! Call him Buddy then...just an idea! He is so cute. How much bigger will he get and what breed is he?
  9246. Luis Rivera: Saboaba
  9247. Kaillie-Anne Beaulieu-Soboleski: Cookie dough
  9248. Bridget Gearty: Name him dingleberry
  9249. Kaden Johns: Name him kenji. It means wise in Japanese
  9250. Kylee Watson: What show?!
  9251. HoHoHo !: I say bug ❤️
  9252. it’s me LINDAA: Eddie Ed for short or Ringo
  9253. Savannah P: Once he is about 1 or 2 years you should get a female dog, probly a big dog, so he has a protector and don't get her fixed until after she goes in heat once, just make sure she stays away from other males, because it is better for development! You should get either a lab of German Shepherd, or a mix, your choice! but that would be cool to have a male small dog and a female big dog! :)
  9254. Mietra Damee: CALL HIM BUDDY!!!
  9255. Gemma Gilbert: Name him Rockey
  9256. Sara Mcanally: He should get the puppy one of those bandana collars
  9257. ItsmeSamara: You should name him tennie or Reese😊
  9258. Olivia Schneider: Oh, also my suggestion for a name is Leopold
  9259. Tayler Ellis: Or Jackson or Jax for short
  9260. MICK2474: Why is Coleen not with him
  9261. aleena: Rocco it sounds like rock-oh it just came to my head
  9262. Anna Little: I think that the name Aspen could fit "buddy" nicely, or maybe Oliver
  9263. Jay Slays: You should call him Buddy 😊
  9264. Amy 123: Name him bubbles plz❤️❤️
  9265. Anna Thompson: Kitty
  9266. Elinor Limbaugh: He should be called Sparkey
  9267. Ethan Dry: name him orvra the thing you said at theb end
  9268. emily: +Emily Styles-Irwin or you could just name him buddy!!
  9269. E grace: Bubba and buddy were the two names you guys called him in the vlog. I think both are really cute and fit him really well
  9270. Grace Isabel: Name him Roscoe🐶💖
  9271. Alexia Speers: oh im so happy for you he is gonna have the best life ever xoxo
  9272. S U G A R. S L I M E.: Josh I think you should name him Cubs
  9273. Jeff Mitchem: that looks like my dog
  9274. Sharon Song: name the puppy lucky
  9275. Heather Dille: Puppy, 5 months old
  9276. kayla galan: Bandit because you like bandanas😘😘😊😊
  9277. Zebrah: NAME HIM DINGLEBERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9278. KayCeeGeeTV: How 'bout Caleb w/ a K, if you really wanna stick with something reminiscent of kale?! Bonus: "Kaleb" is in the scriptures like "Joshua" is! ; )
  9279. Rebekah Fidler: No way that's My moms boyfriends daughters cats name
  9280. Dumbo_ Lover266: Name him JOSHLEEN
  9281. Mac'n'Cheese: Jake or Henry
  9282. Samantha G: I like max to
  9283. piggie lover14: You should name him Bubba 🐶🐶😊
  9284. L i n h: pick coco for the dog
  9285. eva g: CASPER
  9286. Mia Diyer: I am so happy for u guys!! He looks exactly like my dog sparty which u can see on my channel!! Buddy would actually be a cute name for him!!
  9287. Caelin AnneLaure: I love the name Buddy!!!
  9288. Zulma Martinez: and while he does what he does say he does pee, say pee and he'll get used to it and when u say you gotta go pee? He'll probably go to the door , my puppy does that
  9289. Andie Thatcurlygurl: Good hair and beard situation
  9290. theekruts: You should name him Buddy!
  9291. Alex Gary: Charley
  9293. Lovly Hearts 2: Please please please with hashtags call him James
  9294. Worst Gamer ever: name him toby please
  9295. Toytel: I like the name bubby
  9296. lillian c: joshleen or Joshco for joshua & Colleen
  9297. April fidler Fidler: I think yu should name the dog scout
  9298. Paige Allison: Call him Nutella!!!
  9299. Vap3 G0d: You posted on my birthday
  9300. Sophie Williams: I think you should call him Caspar
  9301. Marni Rhodes: He looks like a snickers
  9302. Samantha Cook: K.C for the name
  9303. Alice Bailey: Dingo
  9304. me: I THOUGHT JOSH WAS PREGNANT! What a let down.
  9305. Kayelah Campbell: What's sup Joshua.....
  9306. Monster Mash: +Lavender Love okay not anymore😐😳
  9308. Laura Attieh: +Bella Marie its Aurevoir
  9309. Kyriana Granner: he's literally one in a million 💖 cutiee💖 with my own experience with dogs I currently have 2 dogs but I cared almost 15+ different breeds of dogs and 1 of my dogs were too hyper the other 1 was shy and the other 1 was too aggressive and we don't want that as a pet I renamed them and it turned them to a lovely sweet dogs idk but it works on me more than 3 times. this is weird but it was effective for me
  9310. Kennedy: he looks like a parker to me but idk why haha
  9311. Lily Morris: Or maybe Bubby
  9312. Phil M: Call him Louis, Alex, Jerry or Jack
  9313. Beard Mukbang: U should name him Bubba!
  9314. Miracle West: Ikr
  9315. AsheyGirl: Monkey! I think thats a cute name
  9316. Kimi Smith: Lmfao omg he actually did the hand thing for the shocker. omfg. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9317. Ashleigh McHugh: Buddy or lance
  9318. Sophie Chaitovitz: name him reilly cuz thats my dogs name lol
  9319. Hannah Dufner: Name him buddy!!
  9321. Karlees Kanvas: Ziggy? 😍😭❤️
  9322. Sophia Melgarejo: Omg call him bubu like Colleen suggested
  9323. emily v: I would suggest to name it border
  9324. Livie Mill: Chipotle
  9325. Amelia Händeland: he already named him Shadow
  9326. paige: name him pedro or peppa
  9327. Erin Renton: bubu call him
  9328. Kenzie W: I think Brock would be a cute name for him
  9329. Niousha Tork: looks just like my Luna when she was a puppy!
  9330. kaitlyn tremain: AWWWEEE I'm so happy you got him👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😍😍
  9331. Sarah Marks: Muffin and berry
  9332. Lamborghini Lover: I have a black pitbull who is way bigger than yours but still a baby and listen nightmare
  9333. ThoseBritishGirls: I think you should call him marvel...he looks like a marvel to me
  9334. Leah Johnstone: Name opinions ! Michel ! Jack ! Jackson ! Patrick ! Harvey ! Philis ! Jorden ! Chilly ! Hoot
  9335. Samantha Alicea: +Lolo Bell I liked kale too lol
  9336. Charlotte Victoria: Josh do I see some gray on your beard?!?! 😱 PS I like the name Danni
  9337. McKenzie Wilsmann: I wasn't expecting to get teary-eyed but it was just so gosh darn cute and made me so happy. Thank you for rescuing this Puppy and giving him a forever home. You two are a great pair and I can't wait to see him experience a wonderful life with you and Colleen. I can't believe your starting your little family, it makes me so happy!🐶❤️
  9338. Crystal Boven: Aww he's so cute taking care of a dog is a big responsibility I am watching a Australian kennel dog for a week she goes home Friday 😪 she is such a good dog makes me want to get one T's gonna be sad when I give her back... Good luck with your dog Joshua & Colleen good names for the puppy MAYBY Peanut or Odi you pick a name that will suit him I wish you the best on that I love animals I'm a huge animal lover
  9339. Edith Warne: Bernie
  9340. Sara Kirby: Josh that is so awesome! I am a Dog For Dog supporter and I LOVE that you supported them as well! Welcome to the wonderful world of puppies! Good luck on your life journey together!
  9341. Mia L: Congratulations!! In the slightly adjusted words of Jenna Marbles you're gonna go on a long long life journey with your new best friend!! And I think a couple of names that could suit him are -Milo -Tucker -Romeo -Dash
  9342. McCann Ryan: Fighter
  9343. Jaquie Palen: Name him Benji!!!
  9344. Abby Haase: What kind of dog is it
  9345. Kayleah Brown: You should name him poot or pooter I just feel it's fitting
  9346. Christy Pham: JOSHUA WE HAVE THE SAME DOG!!
  9347. Sydney H: Buddy
  9348. Brodie.mx1 11: Buddy
  9349. Janis Trevino: Comet
  9350. Evan Stefanik: YOUR DOG YOUR DOG
  9351. Lindsaygirl70: You should name him Wally like Walt Disney World
  9352. Luv You: Nope 😂😂😂😂
  9353. Hannah Marie: he looks like a Toby, Brody, or a Buddy
  9354. Flick and Meg: Help.
  9355. sophia martinac: teddy
  9356. Alanna L.: Name him Mr. peanut butter
  9357. Pamela Perez: Cooper
  9358. Courtney Cip: I like the names Rocky, Ollie, Max and Chip (beauty and the beast)
  9359. Ken Eichmann: Shadow is the luckiest dog ever!!
  9360. QUEEN KINSELLA: name him bandana
  9361. Ashley McCarroll: I think the names Miles, Finn, Luke, Fudge, or Moose fit your new puppy!
  9362. Jamie-Carli Camp: Pls name the puppy Dingelberry
  9363. Allie McGreal: WHAT SHOW ARE THEY FILMING FOR?!?
  9364. Morgan Muir: Name him Oliver or Odie!! 😍😍🐶🐾
  9365. ally Mack: Name him mil or milly!! "One in a million" 💖💖🐶
  9366. CrazyNinja Kidz: Dingle berry 🐶🍓🍇
  9367. Dana Hamann: Name him little bro
  9368. HlCheer11: Name him Buddy! Like Buddy the elf
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