(Plus a video message from Josh)
Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUU_q...
Mystery Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRP8d...
Subscribe to Arnold: https://www.youtube.com/user/ATtvee
Subscribe to Slays: http://tinyurl.com/ns7juh2
Subscribe to ERIN??? : http://tinyurl.com/hp455el
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Follow Me on Snapchat: DingleKing
Business Inquiries: JoshuaDTV1@gmail.com
***MY MERCH***
Up Angles Shirts & Phone Cases, Be Nice to People Shirts, #Swerve Snapbacks, and much more!
Click here to check it out: http://bit.ly/JoshuaDShop
JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. Life isn't always fair or kind...but if we continue to strive for the good...if we continue to get back up after being knocked down... what can stop us from being the best version of ourselves? Don't just survive...THRIVE. Be Nice to People.
- Sofia Mendez: Aw Josh you look great. We all miss you . Hope you're doing good
- comedy curcas: plise josh come back i want to see you soon 😙😙😙😙😘😘😚😚😚💋💋👄👄👄
- Skyler Shirinian: i just cried when i heard joshua's voice. we miss you a lot josh. hope you are doing well❤️❤️❤️
- Haley Seymour: it was so nice to see Josh ❤️ i wish him the best
- Alexus H: It put me in tears to see you, Josh. I miss you so much, and even though you didn't have a voice recording at the end, the video message was WAY better. Love you, man!
- HaleyB Covers: So Glad Josh Did A Video Message, We Miss You! (:
- Danielle M: Where is Josh right now?
- Anvi Divekar: I forgot how much I missed josh omg ❤️❤️
- Antonella Merucci Walshe: you are doing a fab job xx
- Jade Loranger: Hey YouTube I know this is a long shot but I feel like telling people I don't know first would help me tell the people I do not . I'm bi I don't care what anyone you think
- Smol Bean: We love and miss you too, Josh <3
- Jacqueline Thompson: i really miss josh. he is such an amazing guy. he doesnt deserve this pain
- Its Gianine Reloba: 1:09 I laughed at arnold
- Wendi Hernandez: So is josh ever coming back?
- Suzie Talbot: Arin is just so damn cute! i need her to start her own channel, i would watch that shit religiously
- Melanie Fesmire: Not much of a message ;/
- Myka Coile: I love Josh and Erin
- Paula is fun: 1
- SARAHMB17: So good to see you JOSHUA!! Come back soon! We all miss you!
- sydney: Harris Brothers her voice is so cute ❤️
- Rosie 37: great video, Josh hope to see you soon❣
- Serina_ 2002: I spat out my drink and dropped my phone when I saw this in my notifications
- K Marie: Loved seeing josh on FaceTime!
- Abed Ad: +mellsmileyface sure i commented :)
- Gabby Esmeyer: who else skipped through the whole video just to see Josh?
- sydney: Harris Brothers yep
- littlesocialjen: Aww! It was so good to actually see Josh in a video! Not that I don't love you Erin, I just really miss Josh. Still sending love and good vibes his way!!!
- Kaila RZ: Video message is at 5:12
- Summer Brown: She is so country😂 I love it
- Phoebe Brander: I LOVE Erins voice
- Sophia Mathwes: I almost cried when i saw Josh Stay strobg bro
- Julia P.: Love you Erin and Josh!!! 💜
- Random Quack: I can't believe Matt got it right!
- Melissa Smith: I love erin so much watching these videos makes me super happy. But every time i hear josh talk or see his face at the end of the video it always makes me cry. I miss you so much josh😭 come back to us soon.
- Nathan Davenport: Josh I bet that already a lot of people want you to come back even though it has only been like a month. We hope you come back soon.❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah and Caitlin The Memes: When Josh comes back Erin should just have her own channel.
- Moncton Vape: Slays : 9 and the hair : 8
- Griselda Alfaro: <3 <3 <3
- Brylee Prince: Last time I was this early Glenn was still under the dumpster
- Emma Iannella: Miss you josh
- yuka a: this is so fucking cute
- kc9music: I was so excited to wake up to this video! Such a fun one. So good to see Josh at the end. I can see why you almost called Shadow, Remy. Glad to hear that you know how much support you have behind you Josh. Erin you are doing a great job! Can't wait to see what you will do with your channel.
- Aira Quintia: aww i miss Josh 😔
- LifeWithPfeifs: Josh I miss you so much but Erin's keeping us good company
- Brooke Gillum: I miss Josh's face
- Batool Asif: so good to see you Josh!
- Rina Hernandez: It's DC all the way
- Nicole Lassila: I super duper miss Josh. But Erin is doing a great job 😀
- Eleanor Wright: he looked so sad 😑
- Rebekah Hägglund: I love her accent so much!
- Sophie Beard: So happy to see Josh! Loved the video and all you guys!
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Aww I was so happy to see his face!!
- remirocks123: AH MY NAMES REMI
- Katie Doggett: i actually started crying when Josh came on facetime ! i miss him so much
- Brittany: She has a southern accent, and she is from Georgia. :)
- Zack Athens: miss u josh
- Hailey Howe: I love her voice
- Julez _: Wow, so good to see Josh again ❤️
- Becki Green: IzzyBella _Guge You're too young to understand marriage. You're like a 14 year old girl. Try again in 14 years when you're a grown up.
- Em's Gems: The N*Sync Christmas album is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Maddie Guerra: I love you and miss you Josh!💕
- Elian Cruz: Love this challenge cuz this youtuber is the best youtuber i watch
- Artisthicc: This funny 😂😂
- Creative Confident: But good to see him again! :)
- Shawna Kay: We love you Josh!!
- alyssajohnson: I miss josh with all my heart, so glad I finally got to see him.
- Nissa Hunley: We miss you soo much Josh!!❤️❤️
- Ruby Miller: we miss you to
- Lil Ange: Josh, I miss u more then you'll ever know😔
- Sandy & Mandy: Youtube is her career. She can't stay away too long otherwise she doesn't have an income. Plus it makes her happy so why not just be happy for her that she's trying to distract herself instead of wallowing in misery?
- Teri Burch: I don't usually comment on videos, but it was very nice to see a message from Josh! Was beginning to wonder how he was doing!
- sheenabeena: God I forgot how cute he is!!!
- Abbey Kelly: Kaila RZ actually it starts at 5:23
- comedy curcas: and please people don't use aa bad ward😈😈😈 plis josh com back 👄👄👄
- Kat: 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- Shivali Bose: JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kevin Ortiz: 36
- Bryanna Zarate: Erin, you're doing a fabulous job keeping the channel alive! Josh, we can't wait until you come back! We all miss you!
- CreaMundi: Miss you Josh. Happy to see you smile man
- Tanya: I miss the ship of Colleen and josh and whatever happens l Ove them the same
- Cindy Bell: spot the difference 1:😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 2:😐😐😐😐😐😐😑😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 3:😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😚😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙 4:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 5:🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐓🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
- Zach Sweet: Me
- Karina Lizet: Erin I love you and if Josh comes back can you still do videos for us
- MeetingSkylar: i love how you guys are helping out josh with his channel while he's taking some time off:) and i really do miss josh
- Julia Gatheru: Where is Josh?
- Beccagui: oh my god I love Joshua so much this made me so happy.
- Sanzara Khan: i miss josh so much and i wanna say i got really happy when i saw the trixin hat where are the shaytard fans
- Sophia Testani: HE IS SO CUTE IM CRYING
- Xante Strauss: I I haven't even met Josh but I Knew 'bout altar boyz
- DEATHPRINCE55 _: We miss you josh
- isabella Miller: were is josh??
- Kimberly Salazar: i got so happy when i saw him i miss him so much :(
- Bubby707: Sending love <3
- Maddie Lindgren: you look like youre doing great josh stay strong bud! i love you dingleberry!!
- Charlene Kinsey: i miss Josh so much! i literally dreamed about meeting you and it was amazing! Hope to see you on your channel again soon <3 as for now :) i love Erin!
- Sawyer: What does Josh love from YouTube... his fans?? 🙏🏻😁❤️😭 omg my heart skipped a beat when you were on FaceTime, your looking great Josh!! Keep up the break until you're fully capable of being back with us, we love you! ❤️❤️❤️
- Alexandra Sharbono: Hi
- Alyxo Love: We miss you josh💕
- madison taiyler: Ohhh
- Heidi Chang: He looks so sad tho like his heart has been crushed a billion times
- Sharee Chavez: Good to see you josh. miss you so much!!
- Saleha Xo: even after seeing your video msg was waiting to hear your msg at the end...love you so much josh
- Dani Andi: Awwww seeing Josh at the end made my soul sooooo happy!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈
- pbelizabeth: Love you Josh❤️
- OliviaMarieABC: Arnold has big boobs
- Jazz: Ugh I MISS JOSHHH!! 😿😭😵
- Josephine Jane: Litt fam😂
- R S: I love that she in the end of the video always says "be nice to people". thats so important
- Angelica Corella: Aww, I was so great to see Josh. I really miss seeing him and him being active. Erin you are doing a great job with the channel!
- Bridget O'Leary: Ilysm
- Krystina Raquel: Caitlin Elisabeth same
- Rani Apodaca: Josh! So Good to see you!!!!!! Much love to you!
- Kim: It was so nice seeing Joshua 😊 !!!
- Beulah O: We love you so much Josh!
- Patty Anthony: Bless you,Erin, for what you're doing for your brother, keep up the good work! Josh, prayers and much love to you, I've been there before, you can get thru this, and come back stronger than ever.
- NA Squad: 1:55 listen it sounds like josh said YEAH
- h b: Why does she have an accent but Josh doesn't? I'm new here, sorry!
- Robert Omell: 5
- Restless Melody: LuAnn Riker he said in his blog he met him for lunch
- Luísa Souza: Deysi Salas made my heart warm
- Annie Lover: i got 7
- Sakshi Bhatt: OMG so excited to see you josh ❤
- Maria R: Come back soon Joshua .
- Terra buchanen: Kaila RZ YOU ARE AN ANGEL❤️❤️❤️
- hailey irwin: I love you Joshua!❤️
- Jovanny Martinez: Love the video Erin keep it up u make me laugh and smile Erin love ur accent.
- Beauty boo thang: I want josh back
- Kate-Lyn Hughes: Never been this early!! :D
- shaylinn mata: Miss you❤️Josh hope to see you again your sister is so funny she is really helping you out with vidoes
- Kayla Donovan: Love you guys!!! Love you josh!!!!
- Erin Benn: Kaitlynxoxo my husband has had gray hair since at least 24. It happens. :)
- Cynthia Scaggs: ❤
- Damaris Channer: AW JOSH I MISSED HIM
- Madeline Perkins: Good job
- Jahzara Wilson: I LOVE YOU JOSH
- Wil Ride: slay
- Alcina Padinha: I still feel bad for Josh. I know it's hard, but we'll help you get through this together. #TeamJoshAllTheWay
- Jack Davies: Aiyana Land Same! It's adorable!
- Cindy Robinson: That was nice that they faced timed joshu and showed us him I really miss him can't wait to see him this week
- whatony15: in one of her vlogs she said that she just didn't like being away from the Internet and that makes her even more sad. plus she HAS to promote her show...
- lillywehrheim: Berry Blossom ok so do I but it doesn't mean that I shouldn't be excited to see josh again
- kyle: Erin pleaseeee make a channel I love your videos!
- Rj Buni: miss u man
- Rihannai: this is so weird but i think in where i live i saw josh walking down the country road i saw a hat that was simmilar and i was like OMG
- V Covers: Awesome job Aaron
- AmGrif: Josh is so out of Coleen's league. He's too hot for her 😂
- rmcbeigh: I got 6 right
- Ashley Lehto: Love how positive you guys are!
- Jolene Green: We miss you to Josh😔
- Kaia Natelise: I MISS JOSHUA SO MUCH 😭❤️
- Raeann Gavin: Josh don't like no sports😂😂
- allison smith: londonamelia he's taking a break for himself because of the divorce 💔
- Young dagger Dick: Her voice is very.... hypnotic i love it
- Tyla Rae: Who edits these vids now?
- BENZIE'S UNIVERSE: aww I miss him🌚❤️
- Harris Brothers: Not Hating , But Is That Her Real Voice?
- abbey_zilla: I LIVE IN MICHIGAN!!!
- Tatum Villanueva: I cried when I saw josh.. actually discovered who he was because of the divorce. And he looks so happy now!! Can't wait to see your handsome face again! But Erin is doing a fantastic job with your channel!! I hope she makes her own YouTube channel when you come back!!
- Adventures With Joshua: I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Maripaz Reyes: I miss you Josh
- LiterallyMorgan: Awww Ive missed you, Joshua. I met you in April of this year.... and we talked about how much you missed her. I'm sorry you're hurt. I love you, man.
- Xoxo KelsGirl: I love uuuu xx
- Natalie Caro: AmGrif stop omg looks don't matter when it comes to love and we know they both love each other
- The King 7: Her accent is adorable!
- Remi I' Permann: My name real name is Remington.
- xlaginger: Josh, I don't think you'll see this but it's so good to see you smiling and I love salmon sushi too!
- DyFelz YT: I cried when Josh showed up;)
- Alli E: +moondoggie517 Erin even said herself (josh's sister) that she felt bad for her brother going thru what she went thru. Something like they werent growing as a couple anymore. Colleen has changed drastically over this past year and she wasnt on the same page as josh maturity wise. I hope he can find someone who can give him the love and family he deserves. As for Colleen, Miranda needs to die before she can have something real again. I have never seen so much of Miranda in real life Colleen until now.
- Tamara Russell: Josh's sister you are doing a great job
- Jennifer McQuinn: Did anyone else tear up when Josh came on?
- Kayleigh Templeton: Erin's voice is so cute
- Meghan Xo: Josh❤️❤️
- Masooma Mehdi: I cried when I saw Josh. I miss him. Dingle man💩💩💩
- Ramon Reyes: Arnold was so proud of that lmao
- Devina.: Jotchhwaa...that beautiful sweet face. Miss u man! Hope you're doing good!!!
- Gina Lisa: honestly when are u coming back?
- oli quinn: hahahahahah
- Lindsey Graves: Knowing Josh doesn't like sports makes him even more attractive 😍
- Kristin Rasmussen: I cant wait till josh is back
- Nicole Menard: I miss Josh so much! Can't wait til he is back. I hate that he is going through this. <3 Love ya and Miss you Josh!!
- sodiumpastry: JOSH LIVED IN MICHIGAN :))
- Victoria Sanchez: Madison Nelson who was he saying that to
- Mila Kaganovsky: hang in there josh
- Angeline Quinn: where is the real josh
- Haylie 59: The little description thingy at the bottom of the description is different now. I didn't really expect him to keep it but still😭
- Dechante: 5bluepenguins Josh's voice was in episode 8 when Owen was singing
- Nicole Dennis: OMG JOSH I LOVE U IT'S NICE TO SEE U! Your a great sister, helping out Josh must mean a lot to him it means a lot to me your amazing i wish u were my sister so thanks xx
- Nia Frisby: I miss Josh so much like if you miss Josh
- Bulleye Bulleye: Josh Colleen did something to make you stronger then strong just know it's for good she didn't want to do it but she did because she loves you
- Shuli Cohen: JOSH!!!!!
- superflyriri: Josh if you miss us so much COME BACK!!!!
- Jess I-/: Claudia lopez he is :/
- Lily Richards: Josh we all love you and we hope that someday you will return to YouTube. I love you and your videos and I hope that you get better because tough times only make the good ones better!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️ Love ya Josh!
- JJ's Stage: it was so good to see you Josh! we miss you
- sfgrgfsf212: +LuAnn Riker "the j&j tower"
- Jessica Aadla: matt9 and dude hoses8
- Jacklyn Ruiz: josh lived in Hawaii???
- Winter: Dang, Josh should come back :/
- Ling Ling Rosales: girl. josh. gay
- Stunning Potato: Btw love the blue hair Arnold and also my fav color is red to😱
- Angie Reyna: im early!!
- Leyla Gott: Sorry Josh
- DForum Productions: Arlene_Art 101 because he's dead
- Felicia Jensen: 1
- Dream Big: yay I love Josh and miss him so much glad that I saw his face #WeloveJosh
- Brylee Prince: Last time I was this early Glenn was still under the dumpster
- Jazzy R: Omg who else was crying when they saw Josh?!? I was soooo happy to see him, honestly it made my day!!!✨💙
- Annika Youngquist: I love you and miss you JOSH
- Kayla Bloniarz: i love you josh
- Jaida Henley: Erin your perfect but when is josh coming back
- LifeWithPfeifs: Josh I miss you so much but Erin's keeping us good company
- Maggie Corcoran: 11 like 5th comment
- Bubby707: Gambit is one of my favorite super heroes too!! Remy Lebeau
- hi my name is [landry]: I miss Josh so much
- francesca lee: doing great Erin!
- Hannah Kelly: Great to see you Josh, brilliant video guys
- nafisa promi: Josh I really wish & hope one day u find a soul mate, u deserve someone that loves u more than anything.
- Love Ballet: JOSH 😘😩❤️
- Colleen Carr: 1:52 my fav!! laughing while crying.😥
- Anna Hutchinson: We all love you so much, Josh! And you continue to be in my prayers. Some people might find it silly to pray for YouTubers, but what we all have to remember is that you're a human being. Not just a random dude who talks to us from behind a camera. Just like we Dingleberries are more than just a number of subscribers a Youtuber has. So anyway, man, I love you and it was great to "see" you again.♥♥♥
- comedy curcas: hi gays you are so cute but jushwa iiii missing uooo plis kam tooo the YouTube plis i love you
- Creative Cookie: Its great to hear and see josh again :)
- kaycee martinez: I started crying when I heard Josh's voice, I MISS YOU JOSH!!!!! 😭😢😞
- Carson: Awe I'm so happy that Josh is doing better! Much love and support for you! But in the meantime I am completely loving Erin, Slays, and Arnold collabs
- Emily Fink: Love u guys!! Thanks for taking care of Joshua's channel it means a lot!!
- kinskins100: Why does she have an accent and he doesn't? They grew up in the same place, right? lol just curious!
- Luciana Almeida: We miss you, Josh! Sending you only love and positivity! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- bbykay18: we miss you joshua! its so a relief to see and hear you! No pressure but pls return quick😊
- Nicola Hendrickson: so nice to see Josh today!!! hes got some great friends and lots of love and support from his viewers
- Kevin Backalive: Ah this was a very sweet video. Josh has great friends around.
- Dechante: Next Wednesday
- grace hiller: I miss him so much!!!!!
- Ariyah Bush: Adrianna Williams 7 more days😊😍😍😍😍😍look at her recent video
- Crystal Westman: looking forward to your return!!
- Lauren Condon: So glad that josh is getting better!!!💖p.s. I love her accent😍
- Maira Lahan: Erin is super cute. I love her. ❤️😁
- Maddie Baker: i totally agree!
- dun sun: OMG I CRIED
- Hannah4prezzie: Love you guys( Erin and Josh) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- ema b: I think josh is taking the divorce harder than Colleen is.
- Artisthicc: JOSH
- Makenna Dean: it was so good to see Joshua be again!
- Karissa Danielson: I actually cried when I saw Josh❤️ there are actual tears running down my face...
- Adontee Neddham: miss u
- Piper Queen: I got 9 right
- Raquel Morales: WE MISS U JOSH hope u come back soon WE LOVE U 😭
- Jessica Perry: come back soon josh... and erin you should definitely cont when josh does come back
- A Google Account: that was so cringe
- Eleanor: Lol u messed up scores
- Grace Campbell: I was so exited when they called josh!💕
- rbear 11: aww loved seeing you!!! you sound so possitive... good💙 I love youuu!!😍💙💙💙
- Emily Something: Stay strong josh
- Jordan Purrington: JOSH VIDEO MESSAGE WGAT
- Sophia Nicole: Aww Josh we miss you so much. I'm glad you're doing well, and just to let you know, you can take as long a break as you want to, just rest and we all love you! be nice to people😘
- Danica Dunn: Love you Josh!!! 😘😘
- LittleBlueBird95: We miss you Josh!
- Summer Tunes: 17
- oliver joyce: when is Josh coming back
- Lakisha B: sheenabeena WHAT HOW!!!M
- Sil Miranda: I'm gonna cry Josh I miss you so much! :'(
- Mandy Jones: JOSH!! I MISS HIM!
- Viviana Smith: I'm not sayings that I don't like her I'm just wondering
- Kawaii KittyChan: We all miss you Josh and we're glad that you are ok!
- Gangsta swag PandA: I got nine out of ten for me
- Lorie Lee: Great to see you, Josh! Erin & the gang are doing a terrific job on your channel. We look forward to having you back, too! :)
- mystery 17: Ava M its fine better s more complimentary.lol
- LoveMyHCG: 😎
- Noelle Silvia: So good to see Josh. Glad he is taking some time away from everything, and good to see him smiling!
- moondoggie517: +Alli Edgerly , I suppose your right. BUT let's not read too much into it. I wish them both the best and hope they find love(of course I want them back together). But some things don't last. Oh well :/
- Delvinder Kaur: Miss you Josh. Dont forget that you have the youtube family supporting you as well. Take all the time you need. We will be here
- Jaylin: I only got one wrong!!!
- emweeriot: I love you Joshua 💖 Erin you're doing a great job running his channel xoxo
- aubrey: i didn't think i would but as soon as he came on the screen and the end i started crying. i'm glad to know he's doing better, and i can't wait until he comes back.
- justme: I miss omg,it was good to see him..Erin You're amazing
- Sophie M: Who edits this
- Lexi Kondrak: Ya boi
- Cutie Zuza: Omg her voice is soooooooo cute!❤️❤️
- Adrianna Williams: 😭😭😭😭
- marian parker: Josh!
- maddie taylor: 🆆🅷🅾'🆂 🆂🅷🅰🅳🅾🆆???
- Sarra Challouf: heyyy !!!
- Jose Perez: Who else Smiled when the saw Josh
- Talz: I miss u too Josh come back soon!!!! 😘😘😘😘
- MissJane777: ❤❤❤❤*Poor guy still looks so so sad. My heart and prayers go out to him. I hate what has been done to him. And despite him being 6 months older than me, I feel like a mother bear and very over protective of him. He deserves the best! I'll bite my tongue on my opinion of the horrific cause of this. Wishing him all the very best! I've been blessed to meet him, talk to him, share stories, hug him, etc. I hate seeing/knowing that he's hurting so badly. Virtual hugs for now. Hope Georgia is treating you well. Countless prayers, love, and well wishes, Josh.* ❤❤❤❤
- Sierra Williams: Aiyana Land I'm from Georgia and She sound normal
- amber maika: I cried when they showed us josh omg I love him
- Megan Dugan: joshua come back your coming back soon right anyway good video
- rachel ballinger: early
- Michelle Iturbide: Josh you deserve someone better. WE miss you!!! Come back soon!
- KayKayDiy: i wonder how josh is actually feeling, he looks skinnier, hopefully he's been eating properly. wow. i sound like such a mom lol
- Tonya Hedden: Rebeca in the background "Thanks, I showed today!!" 😆
- Angelina Leal: she does have her own channel but she hasn't posted any videos
- Sara Girty: Man, Joshuadtv has always been such a place of love and devotion to whatever your next video might be and I just want to tell you that I'm so thankful for you. I have given up far too much love for you and been honestly gracious to you, that you are the person that cares for this love the way I do.
- Kulsum: Brenn Mueting check the description :)
- Gabriella Gonzalez: We love you Joshua and support you in everything you have a kind heart and your a wonderful human I love you and may you be blessed through this difficult time get better josh we will be right here when you need us❤️ :)
- Lele Pons: thanks for controlling Josh's channel while he's gone. hes lucky to have a sister like you💕
- ap0350: Cutest black puppy ever!
- 5bluepenguins: Does anyone else wonder if Josh watched Haters Back Off?
- So Far Away: Josh take as much time u want to recover But not toooooo long 'cause we miss you!❤😁❤😊❤😂❤😊
- Ryleigh Stone: Starr D guys they all said to not spread drama about this please stop
- Kaelyn Jones: Josh it's good to see you smile! I hope and pray you are finding the peace you need and deserve. Can't wait until your return! Erin, entertaining video! 👌
- cls9288: take all the time you need man. your sister and friends are here for you and your fans are still supporting you and your channel! we love you man!
- Natasha Mcintee: Josh you're looking good, can't wait until you're back, that being said Your sister is doing fantastic :)
- Brittany: Perfectly said, my friend. I couldn't have said it any better myself! God bless Josh. I pray that God will help to heal his wounded heart, and that He gives Josh the ability to allow this unfortunate situation to turn into something far better. I hope that Josh will grow stronger both as a person, and in his faith, and that these trials will lead him to a much happier life. Everyone deserves to be loved, and that starts with loving yourself in the same way that God loves you. God bless! <3
- crazycatlady: awwe good to see his face..and his georgia fans miss him
- Gracie Shelly: We love u Josh 💘💘💘💘💘💘
- Justin Tyler: Who are these people? Why are they on Josh's channel? Is it because he doesn't want to make videos but he still wants that YouTube cash?
- koalaxedits: Whoever is scrolling through the comments, stop and watch the amazing video 😁
- Lene Kolodziej: Hey fav squad where u aaaaaaat?
- Ellie Galasso: Joshua!
- Jacinta Anthony: Sarah & Caitlin Williams she has posted
- TheMorningglorytaffy: Josh you are in my prayers constantly. I am sure I speak for many. We love an support you.
- Constance Ericson: Josh... are you and Colleen joking about the breakup? It is so heartbreaking to watch the videos without you in them!!! I keep coming Across your old collab videos with Colleen. Very very sad 😭💔
- model mom of 6 kids tenn: I love nsync too!!! Great taste! Miss you and love you josh!
- Ana Buchan: I'm so happy! Josh looks like he's doing a lot betterM
- Samantha Chromy: I scrolled through the video just to see Josh! Sorry Erin.. but JOSH!! Love and miss you!
- XxCinders AshesxX: Love yah josh ❤️
- Chloe Johnson: I cried when I saw him
- ChristianGirl 14: Yes Josh!! Marvel all the way!
- Adriana Arraya: I miss Josh
- Jerri Ann McEntire: Awe so happy to see Josh! Erin is doing a great job but we miss you!
- Jamey Tyson: I love her and her accent
- Qudsia Javaid: I WANT JOSHUA BACK HERE!!
- Nicole Fopeano: this question is in no means hate... im just confused. If Josh says he misses us, why won't he come back and film videos?
- maia perez: I love the mystery video ❤️
- Ashley !!: Keep up the good work 👍 n I love that u guys continued his account n Josh's Sister u r amazing thank u for helping him n us n making sure we still have our videos even if he is not in them but u r doing such a great job love u all❤️💓
- Dechante: I haven't watched it but I am going to predict Matt
- Spectra1947: she should have her own channel
- merciful karma: Heeeeyyyy Josh!!! We love you!❤️
- Missy K: I got all of em'
- Bianca B.: "Who knows Josh better? " Your mom Seriously though, since she's his sister... Sorry, it's lame but I couldn't resist...
- caylie: i miss you josh :( i hope youre doing alright <3
- Filmography: Hi ilysm josh
- JohnG500: So glad we got to hear from from Josh!!! I love Josh!!!!
- Samantha Salvia: Erin can you please get a you tube channel
- Alyssa Rach: I LUV Erin's accent
- RishDiva: Miss Josh and I'm glad he seems happier😊💙
- Gunzz: Erin is so awesome gotta love the accent hang in there Josh there are better days ahead
- kat: it was so great seeing joshua's face and hearing his voice again 😌 i miss him so much
- Angelica S: who want to be friends on YouTube Instagram Snapchat Twitter. I have Facebook but that is only for family and friends that I really know in real life. all my social media username is on my YouTube channel
- Jellybean Jump: 5bluepenguins he might of #joshleengone
- Ally: i go and watch miranda sings. then i go to watch colleen. she's up and running and the most productive we've seen her in a long time. josh wyd
- Emma Smith: he loves trixin
- Doobisoft: Another Calab with Julien! OR Jenna!
- Ciara.: Poor Josh........JOSH pls keep reading! We luv u and when ever ur ready to come back we will support u ALL the way ( Please come back soon I miss u .... u make me smile when I'm sad and there's no u to make me smile anymore)
- Jennifer Lynn: Miss you!! Hope you're doing well. Love to see you smilin'. ✌🏻️
- Texas Tulip: come on Josh come back to us!
- Anon Nyyymouuss: Audrie Minecraft well I only have one answer eren is running his Chanel coz josh and Colleen are divorced and he wants to stay out of the Internet for a while where he was I don't know does he edit his own video don't think so i think eren does it.
- Kaylyn Abbott: You're accent is super cute
- TheOfficeFanatic word: seeing Josh makes me so happy. he's getting his happiness back. so proud. we love and miss you so so much!
- Karlie Shelby: am I the only one who skipped in the end
- sweetbabygurl34: We miss you Josh,and thank you Erin for filling in for josh,Love you all <3
- sofia marcuzzi: Hope your doing well josh we miss you!❤️
- Rebecca Amaral: josh the day this video came out i was so happy to see ur face and here ur voice
- Erin: Katie Moore none
- Melissa Heim: Ur accent 😍
- THE3MAINS: Now on josh sister is going to be the main person for this channel?
- Emma Heckert: Come back josh
- FashionByEllie L: Josh we miss u too
- Restless Melody: *vlog
- V. x x: I love x-men!!!😍😍
- Erin Hagel: hes so cute, he deserves so much happiness :(
- Sophie Gabriel: I missed him so much!!
- Rachel 10: Not offending the girl
- Nadine Schmitt: Hey I like your hair thanks I showered today
- Gail Cardasto: I love how supportive they are of each other. Love you guys!!!
- fluteloops22: This made my day! So glad to see Josh! He looks great! Nice to see a smile on his face. ❤️
- Arely Amaya: Jackie Smith don't be sorry, trust me I want him back as bad as you do!
- Emeraldlover 200: 7
- Erin Suhr: Erin is the cutest!
- Sydney Ouimet: Oh, it was so good to see Josh! Can't wait for you to be back buddy
- Brittany: It's all about genetics. It is very common for men (and even women) to start getting grey hair in their 20s, sometimes sooner than that. I'm female, and I got my first grey hair when I was just barely 13 years old. The same thing happened to my mother. I'm 23 now, and by no means do I have noticeable grey hair, but every now and then I see a few strands of grey hairs on my head that the public would likely never notice. It's much more common for males though. Take George Clooney for example. :)
- Stacey Howells: Awh it was so nice to see Josh's face again! I miss him a lot! :(
- Haylie 59: I love Erin❤️
- Oka Ruto: Casi Miller so did i
- Eggnog Elisha: I didn't read the full name of the video before watching So when she ft him I was so surprised I burst into tears THATS MY BOY...so happy to have seen him...I hope he comes back soon I'm nothing without him😭💔💜
- Jordan R: Yes marvel!
- Elizabeth Moore: Josh❤️❤️
- Esther Muniz: how is Joshua
- Brittany Gutierrez: Omg a man after my own heart. I answered the last few questions right only because they were my answers too. Love you Josh! Take care of yourself!
- Beatrice Rodriguez: it was soooo good to see and hear josh again!
- Olga Soto: That sharpie sound on paper gives me chills 😳
- Shae & Izzie: indira mauleon me
- Cayla Clark: you should have your own YouTube chanel
- Cute Panda Bear: Who else thinks that Erin should have a YouTube channel
- RCU&HYLICSTDCO Thereviewdude: ... The Review Is Here gentlemen UHEM you realise the two men on the sides get an equal share of that britan pussy you realise the asian puts to much cum flavord grease in hes hair you realise the guy on the right is wearing novelty glases you realises this youtubers name is so generic you found him by typing josh in google search you realise your girlfreind will scold you for watching this you realise your mom is going to see the ''how to turn on a girl title by pewdiepie on your suggested you realise the girl in the middle has a southern accent you go sub to zoie burger you realise im just a kid looking for attention you realise this is slightly spam
- Friends for life 10: where is he
- it's me josephine: Josh looks great <3, come back soon Josh. it's not the same without you :(
- Samantha Stewart: I cried seeing josh !!!
- Bethany Sarah: Missed you Josh. We're here for you :)
- dobbys socks: I love her voice it's so cute 😍
- Maddie Guerra: Same
- BellaAmber Bae: jamie yu tru
- RandomnessLOL: I love how she talks! It's kinda adorable!
- G S: You spent so much time loving some one else that now it's time to fall in love with yourself again. I support you and am praying for you man. Stay strong! P.S. You have incredible friends.
- April Rivas: It was so good to see Josh! Sending tons of love ❤️
- .QueenBasic.: I miss josh😪but his sister is cool
- abrielle: awww i missed josh's face 😫😭 please come back soon josh😭😭
- Heather Skye: I love Erin's accent!
- Amber R: Glad you're doing well, Josh! Great job, Erin!
- Crystal Thede: Hope that you come back soon Josh!!! We miss you. 😘
- Connor: Her voice is so cute!
- Leah Amezola: sheenabeena seriously how dang😂😂
- Jøshleen Fangirl: Aww I'm gonna cry💜💜💜
- Brooke Braswell: Joshua David Evans I missed you so much!!!!
- Missy M: #BringBackJosh
- Kasib Y: I prefer Josh, but Erin is funny and good at YouTube I think she should make her own channel
- Erick Martinez: It's great to see Josh's face. We all love ya dude. You're awesome. 😃
- Caitlin Elisabeth: Honestly, just here for the video message from josh...
- Shelby Lohnes: What happened to Josh
- reese !: erin youre doing great fam also josh it was nice to hear from you i hope youre doing well <3
- abida sikander: Angelica Silva mee my snapchat is abida.xo
- Cindy Bell: I love Rebecca. omg! "thanks I showered today." so true.....the one time you shower you get complimented 😅😂😂😂😂
- Irem Ozbay: the background music at 1:00 just made me think of DashieXP
- a sjejeje: Kaila RZ I LOVE U
- Grace Wright: He looks/sounds so much better!!! It's so nice to see him.
- DestinyShaelynn: miss you joshua!
- Joy Parsley: I love her voice
- Crystal Boven: Yes it was nice but also sad 😭 Joshua your A very well likable guy I have such high respect for you & I'm here for you always I truly miss you 😘 your one of a kind don't sweat the small stuff shine like a diamond you will over come this like I did you just need to pull yourself out of it like I did rely on God to get you through this best of luck & I will always pray for you ... Sincerely Crystal P.s. I got 7 right 😱😜😄🤗
- Metro Viral: Who's behind the camera btw?
- Seren May Otter: Video message starts at 5:14 💙😌
- elise seavey: where is he??
- Novavdreijken: It's fun to see them or his channel.. but i'm concerned about Josh 😕
- Bryan Jovel: Omg josh we miss you but your sister is slaying it
- Metro Viral: Arnold is such a competitive friend, he really wanna prove that he knows josh better, its so cute!
- Kaylee C: Aww he's so cute! Miss you josh! Feel better!!!!!
- Kopal 13: I was just missing Josh so much right now and then came this video. This dingleberry connection I tell u ❤️
- Amanda Betts: Love you and miss you so much, Josh.
- Drew Mcinnes: Nice to see you smile again Josh! Miss you! Can't wait to see you next Wednesday! ❤️
- Miley Slays: I got 8 questions right
- HaloMomma 33: Caitlin Elisabeth yeah same my sister told me
- Jason Jellison: Josh
- Carina Oakshott: Erin you are looking after this channel so well 😊
- Bailey Boo: Seth Guerra well said 💘
- EEE: I Cried When I Saw Josh
- LifeOfHazel: I'm obsessed with Erin! She's doing such an amazing job with this channel ❤️
- Destiny Elexiz: Josh is so handsome and such a good person he deserves the best and I'm sure he will find it💖
- Suchii_x: I've never been so earlyyyy
- Ashley Deann: omg same, i literally cried too
- AKILAHH!!: Casi Miller I'm a new sub what's wrong with him
- tori: Early !
- Melon Swanson: Mystery video broke my heart...😢
- Dani Speirs: omg im early
- Blade Harrison: I miss Josh
- Saima Nayen: Josh is such a good person. He is the type of guy who spreads positivity and u can tell he has a very good heart. I hope he is healing and realizes his worth and come out stronger!
- Jade de Santiago: Ow my heart. I love you Joshua. ❤️ come back soon
- Leah And 26 Letters: N'SYNC Holiday album is the absolute best.
- Katie Hollingsworth: Alli Edgerly don't be a b**ch
- Powerful Puffball: My dad wears size 13
- KaceyPlayz Roblox: my favourite colour is red
- Hamburgerfun 21: Aww. Glad to see Josh again
- Hannah JV: I think his sister is doing a great job. She is really funny :D
- katrina kat: I love Erin
- Emily Chadwick: Love u josh!!!💖💖
- sugar-magnolia Bolam: Matt said he knew Joshua for 2 years I thought they said they were brothers.....
- Kris Bright: Good to hear from Josh! Erin, you've been doing great. Healing is the most important thing, so take all the time necessary. 💕
- STEVEN PALOMØ 5Ø5: miss Josh TBH but he's healing and we want him to be happy again and thank you so much Erin for keeping his channel alive, we love y'all so much
- Grace: Josh💙💜💖🦄. I💖U
- hannah layne: We all miss you josh!!
- Allyssa Rose: Aww miss u josh!!!❤️❤️❤️ erin is doing a great job with your channel💕💕
- madelynss: " Thanks I showered today" lol me
- dancingwholeness: I loved the vid. It was fun!! I was so happy to see Josh and hear him. I pray you are all greatly blessed!!!
- Kat: 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- mochi: MY SWEET JOSH
- Sophie Johnston: Wheres josh
- lillywehrheim: Let's just be honest the only reason we came in here was to see josh
- Jenni Trinidad: yup while i'm gushing over HBO i kept on wondering if he's watching miranda/colleen or if he's happy with colleen' success without him on it
- Grace Gallagher: FIRST
- Jesus Alarcon: why is josh gone
- Seize CD: Love & prayers Josh!
- Louise Grew: I love you Josh and I hope you are doing OK! I support you and we look forward to when you come back! but only when your ready!!! xx
- Maddy 10: It was so nice to see Josh's face he seems to be doing better!!
- Becky A: I miss Joshua 😢😭
- Dana Le'Anne: Audrie Minecraft you should totally try to catch up.....
- Ashley Rus: Josh you can take as much time off as you need
- Aiata Jutard: Love You Guys So Much You are the best
- Ishipishixx: Colleen got over this thing wayyyy earlier than josh has/will
- Renea Wilson: I miss JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
- Adriana Hernandez: JOSH ❤❤❤ HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN A WHILE 😍 I'm so happy now!
- Ava M: ugh i meant faster
- Morgan Mehring: I DO! I'm gunna sub!
- Daniela Rodriguez: i like that josh stuck to his word and actually took a break unlike colleen who said she would and never did instead she decided to post more than she used to.. i feel like colleen took advantage of the situation of her divorce as well as her show coming out around the same time idk but personally im disappointed in her.
- obtainthisgrain :/: When Arnold went "Agh!" when he showed his answer he sounded like the guy from pen pineapple apple pen.😂
- Jessica Antonucci: kinskins100 acting and Josh didn't live in GA that long
- Denise Ign: Josh looks like he is doing good 😊 so glad to see your face Josh we miss you like crazy too ❤️
- Abygail Anderson: I miss you too Josh
- Savannah P: I miss Shadow!
- Lammie: Me too! It's adorable :)
- Stephanie Roe: it was really amazing seeing Josh again miss seeing him so much!
- Aiyana Land: I love Erin's accent
- Caroline Quinzada: it did me real good watching those pretty blue eyes again
- Sammy 122: josh!!!!!
- Tayla Griffin: I got 0... SLAY
- Jessica -: Love you, Josh! 💞🎈🎈🎈
- Shafaq Ali: she should have her own channel. she is really good
- Brielle Sarno: Seeing hi broke my heart and I have no idea why it made me feel super happy as well
- Hannah Benenati: Love you Josh!
- McKenzie Green: So good to see that Josh is doing okay. Kiss you Josh. Can't wait until you come back.
- Karissa Sansome: x. men RULES
- ILove TheLindquists: early
- hannah's makeup channel: ok i did not know
- Madison: Awee, seeing Josh brought a tear to my eye.
- Jackie Smith: whene is josh coming back colleen is back on line COME ON JOSH lol
- Jenna Benallick: We miss you and love you so much Josh.💗
- Justine Li: Just wanted to comment to say you're doing a great job, Erin! You're not only a lovely sister--and everyone collab-ing and featured are hilarious and fun as well--but I'm lovin' the videos and edits (shout-out to Josh) too! God bless the whole lot of ya.
- nire samal: NorthwesternGirl94 it's not genetic it's just learned from her environment
- Kayla Ting: Aww I miss Joshua so much!!💜
- Scott Prusko: ❤️❤️❤️
- Timath3: 2
- Miss Melanie: he learned how to get rid of his accent in school but it still comes back every now and then
- Jacinta Anthony: Miss u to much josh
- Kiana Daniels: Glad you are doing okay Josh. We miss you!
- avocadocats: :(
- Dana Le'Anne: hannah's makeup channel he's taking a break.....yall should totally catch up.
- Vivianna Parks: I knew marvel as well ahaha !
- Sarah Edwards: yay josh made an appearance , this makes me happy! I agree with Arnold :-) we all love you
- Somal Shivandana: Abbey Kelly
- Katharine Tock: Love this bunch!!
- Erica Bailey: Was that Rebecca in the background? 😂😂😂😂💕
- Just Me: Camryn McGreal watch his video "heartbroken"
- Autumn Goss: who was the girl behind the camera
- Bubblybanana379: so happy Josh has such great friends, love you all!
- Rebecca B.: Oh my god. It was so good to see you Josh. And to hear your voice. I started crying when you came on.
- Clo Tay: love you josh <3 miss youuu <3
- Emily Lucero: It was so nice to see and hear you josh! Miss you!
- Caitlin Carroll: ❤️️Deep breaths. Feel what you need to feel day by day. You've got this.
- Jasmine Danielle: Oh it was only a FaceTime :( I really miss josh and his videos. I hope he does daily vlogging again, I love you josh
- Maria Tanski: Yay Josh!!!
- Joei N: I am going to cry when I saw josh
- kayceejay: where is her accent from? it's adorable!
- Melissa: love your channel man!! subscribed x
- Delaney Jones: We love you josh
- evie: at least he came back, he's going through a rough time, it was great to see him!
- Krisondra Boisa: We love you kid. Miss seeing your face, but we all understand. We will be here when your ready. Peace 🕊 Love♥& Strength 👊🏼 sent your way 😘
- Lindsey: Aw I makes me so so happy to see that josh is okay 🤗
- Elizabeth Magnusson: We miss you like crazy too, Joshua! Sweet hat btw! And I think I ended up getting only 2 or 3 of the questions wrong. Kinda proud of myself for remembering as much as I did. Lol Hope you, Erin, Arnold, Matt and the whole Dingleberry Family has a great day! Love you all!!
- Hi Hello: What happend to josh I know he had a divorce but?
- bethala bondless: it feels good to see josh again lol but its over two screens miss you josh: (
- Jaden Maldonado: It was so nice to see Josh at the end of the video❤️I miss him a lot💗
- missmerry xoxo: yep
- xxdelicatedeathbatxx: love you josh!!! miss ya face!!!! hope youre doing well ❤
- Flexi809: I miss you josh and love you ❤️
- Maddie Guerra: Same😭
- emmaaa: Message from Josh at - 5.25
- lisa ford: JOSH !!!!! I love u and your sister xx plz come back xx
- Wicked Rouge: So good to see you, Josh!! We miss you! I was hoping you'd appear in this one!
- Anna Burnrett: it was so nice to see Josh for a minute we all love you and miss you can't wait for you to come back. by the was your sis is doinga great job
- Samantha Trujillo: Seeing Josh's face instantly made me smile and made my day way better! If you're reading this Josh I love you. Thank you for everything you have done. You have inspired me to be myself and embrace who I am. Thank you. I love you. Stay strong. Hope to see you soon. Orevwa!✌😍😎💩
- Anna v.w: loved it
- Seafrog: If/whenever he is ready
- Ava Stafford: when will Josh be back
- space. Slime.101: I miss him so much
- Adontee Neddham: ahhhhh😁😀😁😀😁
- Bekah: AWWW JOSH we miss you! im crying oh my god
- Sarra Challouf: i really missed joshh !!!!
- ellieissad: I miss Josh so much I literally cried watching his little video message. Praying he comes back soon! x
- Mystical Hippo: It's funny how Colleen continues her social media life and he stopped his dream and everything completely
- leann wallbank: when is josh coming back
- Magical Unicorn: Miss you bro <3. Can't wait for you to return
- Kayla Hurtt: Erin, we got the same shirt!
- Sam H: l looooooooove your voice
- Jayde Corkum: I love Erin's voice sm
- Camryn McGreal: Why is he gone
- Kiera: I love her accsent
- Sabihah Islam: the lighting is all messed up
- emily b: AWWW JOSH WE MISS YOU ❤️❤️ erin you're doing such a good job (:
- Bree Castagno: I MISS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH JOSH ❤️❤️
- amber root: i love u josh
- The Life Of Nikki Marie: So happy we finally got to see you Josh! Missed your big, beautiful smile. Sending you big hugs.
- Melissa Nodding: It was great to see your face again Josh! I hope you're feeling a lot happier! ILYSM! 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️
- Zach Walker: i would feel bad for josh but like come on he threw shade at colleen in his video "shewantedadivorceididnotwantthisdivorce" like no just be mutual dude
- Kota Tyler: Did Joshua give his YouTube channel to his sister?
- katie kulaga: Her accent is so adorable I love it 💞
- OMGItsChloe12: Joy Parsley same!!😂😂
- Emilie Capobianco: when will josh be back
- Alicia: I hope Josh is doing well and managing at this time
- Belle 9432: Love you josh <3
- Destiny Moua: JOSH!!😭😭😍😍💕💕
- rebeccajns: We luv ya Josh! We're all here thinking of u & anxious to have u back 😉 I've been through a divorce myself & totally understand where your at. Hope your doin well.. I kno your going through a life changing thing, BUT remember, it DOES get easier. I promise.. Luv ya Sweetness 💖
- Steffi Annie Philip: Come back soon josh 🙃
- Lammie: Yeah lol
- Kaitlyn Watson: Breaks my heart all this crap... They were such a cute couple and knowing they weren't happy for a long time is awful. I'm glad to see Josh looking like he's doing well, although a 60 second facetime call can't really do him justice. Wishing Josh, Shadow and Colleen all the best and may they reconcile in time :)
- alyssa kimble: it's so good to hear Josh's voice... I miss him!!!!!
- Marissa Beltran: how she talks😀😘
- Michelle Merritt: it makes me sad to see when i looked in the recommended channels section it didn't have colleens..😢....ps yall quit saying that josh is out of colleens league, they're both equally amazing
- Bella Guge: I love how everyone is saying colleen stepped on josh and was rude but im gonna say what i think and if you dont like my opinion im sorry but both of them , it wasnt any of theyre faults they just werent happy together and im sure evryone even them wish the divorce didnt happen but colleen and josh only show us happy and positive things so we arent for sure what exactly happened so everyone stop saying they stepped on eachother, thank you.
- K'Ann Parchment: When i saw Josh I started to cry. The Dingleberries miss you Josh. 😘
- Leander: I really miss Josh! :( Anyone else miss him? Much love to you Josh! Sending you happy vibes!
- Hannah Adkins: started crying once i saw josh.
- workey weg: i miss josh. i hope him + colleen get things worked out💔
- LuAnn Riker: which vlog?
- ilovetheballingers !: we miss you too joss Hope you feel well enough to make videos soon
- McKenzie Wilsmann: I got all but two. I said Taco Bell and I didn't know the superhero one but I beat Matt and Arnold. It was so nice to see you josh, I support you and love you and miss you . I was so happy to see you face and hear your voice, I'm crying but there happy tears. ❤️🎈 Erin, you are doing an amazing job you are such a wonderful sister, and turning into a great youtuber. I can't wait to see your Chanel start up and grow ❤️ I love you 😊
- lauren Bellavia: I cried when I saw Josh. He's so amazing and looks a lot better
- xxx roses: 5;16 YOURE WHALECUM
- AmGrif: +TProductions ! Nope don't think so, he's a cutie, she looks like his aunt
- chloe gabrielle: it's so good to see josh 😊
- Skie MC: We love u josh like if u do
- Audrie Minecraft: well if you know just answer pls
- Erika Lynn: It was great to see you Josh!! Miss you so much though and great job Erin for helping Josh during this time wooot woot!!!
- Miss Scary Kary: Never clicked a video so fast
- NutsAboutNames: I didn't cry, but my heart was aching a little :'(
- MondlerForever123: I legit cried when I saw Josh 💔
- Emily Wertheim: Hi
- Sarah Hedgecoth: Erin's accent is so cute
- brandy troutt: come back to YouTube josh!!!
- ashley Garcia: Kaila RZ THX
- Jordyn Duckworth: Rebecca in the background at the end of the video😂"thanks I showered today"
- Zulyanis 62: 400
- Pearl Lulu: Melanie Fesmire at least we saw how he's doing. Be grateful
- Kawaii KittyChan: Omg I freakin cried when I saw Josh. I'm glad he's ok 😪😪😪😪😪😪
- Caitlyn Mansfield: We miss you too josh! <3 I hope you're starting to feel at least a little better
- Ruby&Paige: Miss you so much Josh,love you soooooo much just know that there are so many people supporting you including me and your so strong love you!!! Xx❤️
- Ellie Clennon: awe it was so nice to hear from josh. I miss him :(
- Anieya Grady: JOSH!!!
- Allie Lee: When is josh coming back
- Melanie Rousseau: We miss you Josh! I'm literally crying. love u so so much Josh!!
- Cry Baby's twenty øne pilots: I cried my self to sleep last night after watching this I miss u
- Sophia Hix: Omg I love her accent
- Michèle Fabian: I cried when I saw him again.. like immediately.. I missed him so much!!!:(
- Emily Krug: When is josh coming back?
- Username: Josh sounds... Broken
- Pearl Gonsalves: Erin you are doing a great job with Josh's channel and we love watching you. Josh we miss you come back soon !
- Kayla Joy: I love your sisters voice she is so pretty
- Neisha Little: Yay!! We love Josh!!
- Simba theGreat12 ELITE: I did to!
- Sophie k: Never have I clicked on a video so fast
- Wonder Women: we love you josh
- Cami_ love: I GOT 5.5 WRONG
- Alyson Petrie: I got like 3 right.
- xXSavannahTheTomboyXx XP: i totally did not cry at all
- Shelby Head: I miss Josh but I'm also gonna miss Erin when Josh comes back! I hope she starts her own youtube channel :)
- Rachel Risher: Erin your doing a great job!
- Puppy power Mia the puppy: My name is Erin
- barbiesalessa1: miss you josh ..your sis is doing a great job
- Toby Siu: It's so great to see josh look sooooo happy :D
- Daniela Sedano: 5:20 @josh
- Kellie Burden: Love you josh❤️
- Baylie Dell: OMG I cried!!
- Dearbhla Mc Carron: I love you Josh it was so nice to see you!
- Amy 123: Jk
- Tara Fox: Really miss Josh a lot. Was so nice to see him and hear his voice ;-;
- leah hoff: Awwwwe!! Josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Victoria Doporto: I kinda cried when josh started saying he misses us so much 😔👌🏽👍🏼💜💜💜love you josh! ❤️️💜❤️️💜❤️️💜
- Mercy Ugarte: I love her accent!! It's so southern!! ❤
- Malia Saragosa: miss you! Erin is doing great!
- kim jungwoo: 46
- MiaBella271: seriously got teary eyed seeing Josh :( miss you!!!
- Lalyst: fastest ive come to see a video
- Lynda Vasquez: IM EARLY
- olivia.: Lol I've known my best friends for some 9 years and the rest 7 lololol I laugh at u amateurs
- Its Gianine Reloba: 1:12 too
- Emma Mae: I miss josh
- Candace _: Am I the only one that cried during the FaceTime call? Yeah didn't think so. 😢
- Kelly M: Literally almost cried when i saw josh xD
- Nate Rowe: so happy Josh is doing great ... best wishes to him ..hope he comes back soon .. ur doing a great job though :)
- Angelita: You guys are such amazing friends❤️
- Kissa Fatima: omg! I miss josh so much.
- Megan Schofield: Josh we miss you so much. I really hope your doing okay, remember your dingleberries are here for you. Love you Josh ❤️🎈
- Anna Freezer: i started crying
- Keepin' It Relle: miss you Josh!
- Ms. Phalange: Josh I miss your face!!!😢 you look good. Come back we love you
- Mallery A: video message at 5:15
- ecliviTV: Erin, you're 87 shades of amazing for what you're doing and for who you are. Great to see you, Josh!
- ava cousineau: When is he coming back I miss him
- noah centineo: JOSH miss ya hope your doing great I hope you get better soon and decide to make a video
- Alicia Gibson: early af👍hope you're getting better Josh💙💙
- Claire Veljovich: I love josh's sister! How do you spell her name? Eryn? Erin?
- erubisantiago1: Oh Josh, baby!!! 😍😢😭 Come back please! 💕
- Hattie Knox: I MISS YOU JOSH 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
- Not Rachel: Omg I got home from Buffalo Wild Wings like 10 mins ago 😂
- Addy Juanita-Mariee: I miss Josh
- Katrina's life!!!: I miss Josh it made me so happy when I saw his face
- kim w: We miss you josh!! But you're sister is making great video's!! 👌👌 Loovvee the mistery video 😍😍
- Lyndsee Hope: Karissa Mae same 😭😭😭😭
- Paloma Mayrany: ❤️
- Kimo Productions: heller
- Abigail Lyons: I love u soooooooo much aroan 💟💟💟
- Joe Auger: Nice to see you man!
- Christine Abreo: NEVER CLICKED ON A VID FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Abigail Ervin: Aweeeeee I miss Josh's face. I hope that when josh comes back though, Erin starts a channel because I really love her videos!
- barbiesalessa1: I hear ya 😍
- Mouni Moksha: im literally in tears when i saw josh ;( miss you pls come back
- Kaitlynxoxo: Omg he's way too young for gray hair right? Or at least it's unlikely..... It's probably from stress since the divorce!
- Lauren Wrigley: it's so nice to see josh, we miss and love you!
- Ada Hall: Hey Josh. Its so good to see you smile😀. Erin and friends are doing threat but can't wait for you to come back. We miss you. 😘
- Lucy ᦟ: Ok, this was the best video yet. I love Erin and all but I do miss Josh. Teared up when Erin called so we can see how you are doing. Hopefully you come back soon. Your Dingleberries miss you.
- Lori Brown: So happy to see Josh !!!! LOVE HIM and can't wait for him to come back.
- Cierra N: So good to see josh!
- Marie Theobald: love you josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kaia C.: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I hope Joshua will come back but I do love you Erin
- Cassie: COME BACK
- Meghann Cleary: Awww. I miss josh so much. I nearly bursted into tears when we saw him at the end. Hope he's doing better.
- TheUnicornQueen: DC SUCKS
- مريم العوضي: Can you possibly get any cuter?? And your accent is to die for honestly. -sigh- Well anyways i just wanted to say you're killing it on this channel, Josh must be really proud
- Gemini Coven: Oo no sports, that's a keeper lol
- Heather M. Robinson: I'm a ten yr old girl and in mens I am a 10 and a 1/2
- Katelin Tidaback: Is it bad that I started crying when I heard Josh's voice? I miss him so much😭❤️
- Samantha Trujillo: I knew before I even watched the video that Josh was going to make an appearance. I just had a feeling. P.s. I got all of the questions right! I love you Josh! Hope too see you again soon!
- TheCelineDionChannel: OMG i cried when i saw Josh... miss u sooo much :S i hope you are okay
- Haileigh Johnson: I live in Georgia LOVE YOU JOSH!
- Hollowed Hearts: I also am still obsessed with NSyncs xmas cd 😂
- It's Whatever: I miss josh SOOOOOOOO much!!!!!! ( but I love his sister too)
- Nicole Benton: Erin girl your doing amazing so amazing I think you should start your own channel, and josh man we're always there for you and we all love you so so much!! miss ya man hope your doing better 💜💜
- Roberto Archilla: Mackenzie Heerdt me t.oo
- November Moon: jooooshhhh, come back <3
- ImaCoolMom: Josh is such a genuinely good freaking guy.
- Luna and Estrella: stay strong josh ❤️
- Aaliyah Khan: joshhhh❤❤❤❤
- Joshua: It looked like josh was in a hotel room 😕 poor guy..
- Cheyenne Evans: Josh looks like hes doing better 😍😘
- Marcy Newberry: I love Erin but I miss Joshua like crazy 😞
- Arnold Telagaarta: We all love you buddy :D
- Loveitorhateit: Awwww JOOOSSSHHHHH :)
- AvaBradley: omg i love the mystery video
- Faith Povy: I disliked the video purly because Josh likes Marvel better
- Paola Krpan: amazing
- ali.panza: Aww I miss Josh so much ❤️❤️❤️
- Allan Tan: Josh if ur reading this i want u to know that we all support ur decision and hope that one day u will come back but take all the time ur need.Even if that means 20 years
- Chiara: She is just toooooooo cute *-* my god you are great Erin <3
- Terri Fenwick: Love Erin but .... COME BACK, JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- sydney halpin: I miss josh !
- The BizarreBeeBumbler: #First50
- Kayleigh Templeton: And herself is so cool
- Real With Ema: All of them
- Faith Rawls: if by smiling you mean crying your eyes out then yes
- Nancy Baydoun: Love you josh❤️❤️
- jackle mononym: You know a meme is dead when it appears on this channel
- Kheerah912: we miss you josh <3
- Hannah Ballard / TheMakeupCatt: I legit teared up when I saw you, Joshua! I love and miss you so much. I'm praying for you!!!
- Kerri B: love and miss you josh!!!
- Gracie c: has his subs gone down
- Jackie Telera: Where is Josh???
- Rachel Poteet: What is her accent? XD Not saying it's bad, just very Southern, where is she from?
- ki: josh you look good! we miss you so much hope you're doing well.
- Tessa McCahill: I hope josh comes back soon I miss him soooooo much
- KarinaValeriaa Luna: I Miss you so much Josh , love u and I Hope u come back soon 🎈
- Kristina A: You guys are amazing for supporting/helping out Josh like this! He is so blessed to have friends like yall!
- Victoria EC: I love Josh so much, I didn't realize how much I miss him until the video call they showed!!!
- Chrissie Borra: Why did Josh say it was the BEST day ever? So happy to see him happy and speaking at least in videos
- Maria: does anyone else just love how Josh's sister talks 😀
- Yvette Gaytan: Preach
- Stephanie Cormier: where is Josh
- Ar_ Weenie: why did I get nervous to see josh😱😂
- Winter Kitty kitty: I feel bad for josh he has no one now b/c Colleen
- Chasen Brown: Love u Josh
- Olivia .L: What's Erin's channel name
- Mary Bella Betts: I miss you
- Maddy Littau: Yay Josh!!! Ily and miss you
- Melissa: +Abed Ad ahah i dont have twitter sadly :(( but i have instagram??@m.elli.
- Isabela Figueroa: OH MY GOD JOSH I LOVE YOU
- Summer Stafford: I miss josh so much #plzcomebackjosh
- Claire Felipe: I miss josh sm aw
- Debbie: JOSH <3 oh man i missed your sweet face :(
- Haley H: +
- Shaday Jenkins: ily
- CaseyBrinleeMusic: I got so excited when Josh said hello and that he missed the dingleberries! 😊 Hilarious video and great job Erin, Arnold, and Matt Slays! ❤
- void oceans: Awww Joshua❤️ I miss him so much. Happiness to you and Colleen both💙
- Melissa Carmona: i miss you josh!!!
- Hannah Nicole: nah. colleen has a new show and is living happily, we can't blame her, that she's happy, she didn't want josh in her life anymore. of course she'd be happy now. but we love josh, and we only pick on what we see. and we see is that she couldn't care any less about him at all.
- JKL: Very cool message, I agree completely.
- Donald Stanfield: How the heck did Josh hide his accent?
- Crystal Tucker: We love you Josh
- art3val: Miss you Josh <3
- Mott Spunk: I got over half correct
- lillywehrheim: evie my god you criticize every damn thing someone posts. If you don't like my comment go somewhere else. Bye!!! 👋🏻✌🏼️
- mallori rae: It was so great to hear from josh❤️❤️. We miss him so much but are happy that he is in recovery
- Brenn Mueting: ERIN NEEDS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Jess_.Charlotte Xoxo: Sooo early
- grace michaud: You have amazing friends josh!!! Still praying for you to get over this whole situation.
- BChristy 1973: Mr. Josh my heart goes out to you! I wanted to take the time to write you a note to express to you how your channel has helped me, but also to tell you that you are a wonderful person and you deserve much happiness and success!! Embarrassingly, I must admit that I am probably your oldest "fan"....and by old, I mean... old as DIRT! LOL. I first started watching your videos to get an 'updated knowledge' (lol) of kids slang, what was in or out, etc. I have 2 children and wanted to be able to understand what they were talking about when they told me something was on fleek, etc. However, the more I watched I realized it was no longer for 'research'; I watched because of YOUR TALENT - the way you carry your heart on your sleeve, how you are so respectful, a good role model, everything that makes you a truly wonderful person (from the glimpse we have into your life). I am so sorry you and Colleen are going through this. Saying all these things I somewhat feel like a stalker, but my reason for doing this is not to scare you, but to remind you that on those dark days when you are low and sad, remember how many people that love you and support you, after you get a spike of warm/fuzzy feelings from that thought, then remember that, laughably, you have an older than dirt 'fan' that pretends to watch your videos as research for her children. Seriously tho, I stayed with your channel because you are truly interesting and talented. Please dont let heart break hold you back from following your dreams. You have an amazing voice and I believe you deserve happiness. I apologize for the long note, but I felt like I needed to reach out to you to tell you not to loose hope and that you are a very kind-hearted young man and you deserve the best, you deserve to be happy. If there is anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to reach out. Take real good care of yourself! Sincerely, Christy * Also your sister is doing a great job keeping your channel going. A big shout-out of thanks to her for helping you.
- Hannah Nicole: nah. colleen has a new show and is living happily, we can't blame her, that she's happy, she didn't want josh in her life anymore. of course she'd be happy now. but we love josh, and we only pick on what we see. and we see is that she couldn't care any less about him at all.
- K• M.P: 📱 When Josh on FaceTime was the highlight of this video( in my opinion), the video was great and funny too. (But) just seeing josh physically, and him throw a swift grin, and talk is kinda of weight off your shoulders...( at least if YouTube is the only social media platform) ...ok rant over😂
- DForum Productions: Abby_Segretto She sounds like a child mate
- Aubrey Robsion: Hope u come back soon Josh, we miss you💖💝💞
- Rebecca Greenberg: I miss you jos
- Aniyra Hanberry: Josh nice trixin hat go to one of the Shaytards vlogs and say you have there hat
- Teddy TheCuteGriffon: +Ava M ME NEITHER!!!
- Elena Martinez: I, love you Josh please come back soon orava (Bfftt)
- Abigail Lyons: Who ever is sending hate to me stop
- Laura Rose: when is he coming back
- Ileanna Bravos: Is it bad I cried a little when josh came on screen
- Lindsy Ilene: It was great to see you Josh, good to see you smile!
- Heather O'Day: hooray!!! THANK YOU to Erin for keeping the channel alive, we love you and Josh!! Dink fam represent #dinkleberry
- Empowered April: We support you Josh! You are amazing.
- Veronica Was Here: I kinda just died inside I miss Josh so much :(
- lala byrne: OMG josh it is sooooooo good to see you. we miss you
- lifewithrachel: IM SO HAPPY TO SEE HIS FACE.
- Stephanie Budros: Cute video, and SO fun to see Josh at the end. Yay!
- Marvelous Maddie: Who else cried when they saw Josh? Cause I did lol
- Silly String: much love and respect to Matt and Arnold. Joshua has seriously special friends in you two.
- Taylor Jorgenson: We all miss you even though I love you sister I miss you Josh 😊😚
- gregory walker: 7
- a a: I MISS YOU JOSH!!!!!
- Lexie Vaneese: was josh wearing a trixin hat????
- Kate-Lyn Hughes: Josh is looking good :)
- Sofia Löfgren: Miss you josh! Take care💕
- amy perez: 2 right lol
- Joel Feiock: matt slayyyyyed
- Gravity 5: He got divorced
- Gwendolyn Rose: Love and miss you Josh!
- sophie mullinix: Get better josh yayy
- coolgale18 _________________: I wonder if Colleen saw this video???
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: I started crying when he came on the screen during the facetime call damn me and my emotional self
- Poppy B: Stay awesome Josh!!!!! Your sister and friends have done nothing but good on your channel!
- Simba theGreat12 ELITE: Josh I'm so glad I saw you again! You are awesome
- Claudia Mobbs: I love you Josh ❤️
- Gabriella Baccari: Erin is so pretty and has a really cute personality!!!!
- Sarah Hedgecoth: Erin's accent is so cute
- Aaliyah Ahmed: JOSH!!
- LuAnn Riker: she does, look in the description of this video
- Mareli Verduzco: Matt got 9 points
- lillywehrheim: Lol ik
- omgitsmesammy: We love you Josh!!!
- Angeline Quinn: where is the real josh
- Regan Wilson: SmolSpooky Rachel Not even going to lie, I sobbed
- LittleDeerSlime: its not joshuadtv without josh
- Wrench: I got 5 right 😂😂😂
- Makenzie Jones: This made me so happy to see josh <3
- Lexie: I dunno how many points I got..like 0 probably
- Audrie Minecraft: 1.why is Eren running his channel 2.where was he 3.does he edit his own vids 4.what is the mystery box at the end
- Alyssa Rein: So nice to hear from josh and see him smiling 😌
- Payton Taylor: God, it was so good to see you face Joshua. I hope you're doing well :) Much love being sent your way!
- Ravleen Jhutty: Love you Joshua.
- ValeriaC 101: I only got one right 😂😂 I also was laughing at my self
- Luna !: I miss josh so much much but I love Erin
- Zoe Greer: where is josh
- Kaitlyn LeAnn: I CRIED
- Disneyland Fan: All of them
- Tays P: Deysi Salas you mean pausing the video because you start balling your eyes out yup totally
- Riz D: Josh you legend!
- Deborah Roman: Lexia Roszko-Gagnon he's going through a divorce right now and it's really hard on him and yeah he thinks it's best to be offline for a while
- amanda pitts: sexy as always josh
- Sendy Corpus: I love you sorry and feel good and be happy
- Brooklyn Davis: I love Erin so much and her voice
- Anjelina May: I'm so happy you took over so josh doesn't lose the channel please like so they can see 😃😃👍👍✌✌✌
- Katharine Furlong: Love you Josh. Hope you're doing better!
- Cora Elizabeth: all right
- Emma Yvonne: it was really nice to see Josh👑 I miss him like crazy too. love you Arin❤
- Lily Hartman: jamie yu Colleen did not do anything to josh they just weren't making each other happy with their marriage
- Ender Army: I cried when I saw him like if u agree
- Abby Boehm: I didn't even read the title before clicking this video so that FaceTime surprised me so bad lol! Awh it was good to see him. He looks great, hopefully he does come back to YouTube but ofc I understand and am supportive if he doesn't. Sure do miss him tho! And Erin, you are killingggggg it girl! Good job!!!! I saw another comment on here asking for a q&a from you and I have to agree. Tell us of your journeyyyyyy!!!! You two are amazing humans, thank y'all for everything. <3
- TinkerbellKat: If he misses us so much, why doesn't he come back? I don't get it. I'm not trying to be mean but like... nothing is stopping him from coming back if he misses doing videos. Erin is doing a great job but I subbed for Josh. Come on Josh, come back to us!
- Paige Blume: I've missed seeing Josh's face. I'm so happy to see him smiling and happy again. Love you so much. ❤️
- Hey Hi Hola: josh we miss u
- WanderlustReader: I miss Josh but his friends and Erin are doing an amazing job on this channel, and are being so good to him :)
- joyfullyjorion _: I love Erin!!
- hannah's makeup channel: wheres josh this is supost to be his channel
- Britany Payne: I miss josh so much and I can't wait for him to come back that made my day seeing him❤️
- Liliana Heredia: IM SO EARLYYYYY
- Mya Rae: I miss josh
- Maria Barragan: josh we miss you so much
- Cheyenne Bishop: It was nice to you josh! I hope you are doing well. Take all the time you need ❤️
- Rebecca Greenberg: I miss you Josh it is not the same with out you how are you feel I am so sorry
- Lilee Grace: And hope u feel better josh!Cant wait for you to come back!💕❤️
- TimeShade: Chinelo Ezeagwuna At least he's surrounded by his family though and he has so much more amazing people in his life
- Maya Goos: 32 comment boiii
- Marie Carrillo: I love your accent Erin ❤️good to know Josh is doing good 😊
- khulood alotaibi: I MISS JOSH OMG😭😭
- kc9music: kinskins100 it was to do with his acting training. He lost his accent because he had to learn to have an accent that more people would understand on stage. Certain things brings back his southern accent, he did mention in a video once but I can't remember which one
- Alexis Rojas: I started crying on the end
- Unpretty Lady: Caitlin Elisabeth same
- Abed Ad: +mellsmileyface heyy!!! I subbed to :) Follow me On Twitt so we can talk there @AbedAd14 :) xx
- Quincy Krauz: miss you so much
- jamie yu: Josh is like a delicate flower that Colleen has trampled upon.
- Yesenia Mejia: Seth Guerra very well saiddddd ! 😁
- My channel Hayes: 33 views
- Cassie Deamud: 🎈🎈🎈
- jessica s.: OH MY GOSH JOSH I MISSED YOU ❤❤❤❤❤
- Bre_ Koen: Josh 😢😢
- glammorebeats: Why did I get emotional when josh came on the screen? Keep hanging in there josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Marie W: Hannah Nicole You're obviously young. It shows a lot in your comment. One day you'll understand that relationships aren't that black and white. And that vlogging isn't an accurate depiction of what their lives truly are. Even if she is heartbroken and feels like shutting down, legally she has to fulfill her duties of promoting her show. She HAS so put a smile on and she has to snapchat and Instagram and YouTube because if she doesn't and the show did bad, she could legally be held responsible for not upholding her end of the deal. That's real life. Not high school where you go and eat a pint of ice cream and cry in your room until you feel better. But you'll get it one day.
- Maddie Baker: love you josh! it was so nice to see your face❤️can't wait for you to come back!
- Lucinda does Everything: Am I the only one who got a little teary at the end? Just me okay
- dancer2989: I miss josh so much. I love you josh. I hope you come back soon.
- Amparo Correa: None
- Amy Jo: I cried when Josh made his appearance! How do I miss someone so much that I haven't actually met?!?! Cannot wait to see you again, Josh! I love watching Erin lol she's one of a kind :)
- Chelsy Messer: love this channel and josh and his sister and friends!! all of you are awesome and so funny! :)
- Taylor Daniels: When did he live in Michigan!!
- makeup Addict: I love this video 😂💜 you guys are hilarious
- workey weg: *he
- Kaia B.: No way I just rescued a dog named Remmy but we called her owners and they got her
- love4life: But where is Josh?
- Kiara Colegrove: Love you so much Josh and miss you too.
- Kpop Savage: Arnold Telagaarta hihihihi
- Emma M.: Sarah & Caitlin Williams omg I would totally watch if she did
- joey m: love youuu josh! xo
- Margaret Rose: erin you're doing such an amazing job running this channel while josh is taking a break!!! thank you!!! you are amazing :) love you
- bitchifthisdrownsintheseaofcommentsyourassbetters: Ok Both of them are innocent they both love each other still but things don't work out well so there is no reason to pick a side. Colleen started making videos before he did we all know she is still depressed behind the camera.
- catalina rubio: were was josh
- Kc Harrington: is josh not in la
- JessLeeS_: LOVE YOU JOSSSSH !!!!
- Victoria Doporto: JOSH! Ily josh PLZ COME BACK WE MISS U!!!
- bren._. jin: I love his sister's accent
- Nadja Loza-garcia: She so nice love her voice
- Caleigh: Hayley S I believe it's because she lived in Georgia longer while we traveled to New York and L.A. More. She just recently moved to L.A. I think it was in one of his vlogs I think from this past year and I think that's where she lived her whole life therefore making the accent stronger. And welcome to the channel hahah
- Isobel Kelly: Byo
- Janeece Goldade: I was so happy to see you in the video!!!!
- Faith Rawls: I'm crying so much. There's tears down my neck because I've missed hearing his voice so much. I love you joshua
- Anastasia Anokye: Erin is the literally the sweetest and cutest girl to ever step on the face of this earth I want to be her best friend
- Mari Girl: First video I have seen of the sister takeover 😊she seems Sooo cool
- Kelly: Kaitlynxoxo grey hair starts in your twenties for a lot of people
- rojina a: i missed him too much :( i wish josholeen be like before :(♡
- sophia zhang: <3
- spooky rachel17: I totally didn't break down and start crying when I heard Josh's voice
- TProductions !: AmandaGrif Other way around. 😘
- Caislee and Alexa: Thanks I showered today
- Krystal Morris: Legit almost cried when I saw Josh...
- Brielle Sarno: Him*
- madison lopez: omg this is so funny
- Jack McIntyre: I feel Erin was stareing into my soul when she looked in the camera
- Veronika: I miss Josh so much this made me emotional
- lillywehrheim: Carly Zuccato OMG GET IT RIGHT. I was making a joke because half of the people on his channel are her for josh and the other half are the ones wanting to see Erin and nobody else. You probably don't care about josh because I can tell you weren't one of us skipping our way through the video to see josh one more time for a while. TAKE A JOKE
- Emily Herron: wait i just thought that josh did not want to be on camra because of...ya...
- Halei Tracy: Oh my gosh Josh, you make my heart melt. I kind of fan girled seeing you since it's been so long. You look GOOD. You sound good and you look good (did I say that yet?) Your'e precious, I love you, and come back :'( Josh so handsome, smile!!
- chloe an autumn bestfriend channel: OMG Josh will never know how much I love him an I support him
- amanda sami: Where did josh go what happened to him
- Thomas Simonetti: Your the best guys
- JustGrant: Nice to hear from Josh. I've been worried about him. Please keep us updated on his well being. Thanks!
- Karys Brichon: Please tell Josh, we are all with him and can't wait to see him again(not that we don't like you)
- Laura Stark: when is josh coming back I miss him?!
- Cassi Ann: I love that yall are keeping his channel going for him so he can heal in peace.
- Serena loves Colleen: Yeah yeah yeah
- Isabella PlaysGames: Omg you 3 should be with Josh like so the Channel name should be the big 4 please because all of you guys are fun
- shannon M: you seem like genuinely nice group of people. that's kindof a rarity nowadays, so keep doing what you're doing:)
- Savannah Yeager: it made me so happy to see Josh's smile again 😊 I love you so much Josh and thank you Erin for taking care of his channel for him ❤
- Anna N: We miss you, Josh! I hope all is going well and you find contentment in this world. :)
- P Howard: Aw yay! So happy to see you. Hope you're doing well. We miss you!!!
- Katie Rentsch: nice job guys
- Aury L: Josh COME BACK !!!!!!!!
- Bree Zee: Woo!
- Ava Stafford: mi!!!
- Paul Chillemi: Aww i miss Josh... If he comes back Erin HAS to start a channel I love her so much 😂 no pressure erin
- Creative Confident: Josh seemed better and happier! Go Josh!! I love you <3
- Isaac Salazar: Maybe now he can relate with Patrick; he's done with Miranda/Colleen.
- Yesenia Wallace: Matt got 9
- Kateandbabe: Aww seeing josh was awesome!
- Raymiro Gomez: We're the dingle berries?
- Cutting With Us: Aomg
- Martha Martos: Miss you Josh 😙
- Jordan Styles: TRIXIN HAT
- Kate Aceves: aww josh! 😭 I miss him so much it's so good to see that he's doing well.
- bloomism: omg I haven't watched it yet but I'm so excited to see josh
- Emma Leigh: Emily H not even. I totally got all emotional. I've been dying to see him and hear his voice not so depressed. He looks like he's doing a little better thankfully. He's got such a great strong army of close friends and family who are just lifting him up. So proud to be a part of it.
- Iccy Beauty: uhhh when is josh comming back
- Hailie Happiness: Matt won
- Tori Rojo: I MiSS U JOSH 💔💔💔💔❤️❤️😭
- Casi Miller: I cried. I actually cried when I saw josh. He looks like he's doing good😊
- Hannah Dean: We love you, Josh! Miss you!! <3
- undertale rules: I miss joshua
- Gia nettie: It was so nice to see and hear you Josh. We miss you man. <\3 :(
- Melissa Pitts: i miss Josh 😞
- AA- Gamer: Be nice to people. I know he won't read this but I hope someone else passes along these messages to him. It was damn good to see you again brotha!
- Sydney Rube: I never knew how much i love josh after watching his video❤️
- Brittney Ross: That video message from Josh absolutely made my day! Hope he continues to get better and happy! (:
- Ania Soltan: It's extraordinary lovely and touching how Josh's friends are rallying to support his channel and be there for him. Says a lot about their character. Makes my heart happy :) Breakups are hard but friendships like that make all the difference.
- Lauren Collins: I got 0 right😂
- Ghost Girl: I MISS JOSH!!!! I WAS HAPPY TO SEE UR FACE!!!!!!!!!!
- Grace Torres: I love how Erin is doing the stuff that josh does I was crying throughout the whole video.
- Layne O'Donnell: Did anyone else start to cry when thy saw Joshua on FaceTime ? Be sure I did. 😂😭 I miss josh so much💜😭
- Kat S: Sending all the love, Josh!!!!
- Scarlett Kassab: i love how incomparable Arnold is😂😂
- Lani: Erin is SO sweet
- MariahTheBudd: JOSH ❤ I got so excited seeing you! I hope to see you soon again ❤ we miss you on the YouTube world ❤ come back soon
- Kelly: Heyits Vicky Rebecca
- Rochelle Stroh: LOVE the ending!!!
- Sara Kelly: I love ur accent
- Kaylah Glasgow: 😊😊😊😊
- Quirkie One: Most people came for the message
- Lucy ᦟ: I thought Josh was back when I read the title.
- Lauren: Aw, Josh! 😭💜💜💜
- Lindsie Hoffman: i loved seeing josh i miss him & i love him so much, i hope he's doing well😊❤
- no: Josh!!!!we miss u
- Katie K: Loved this
- Anju Kauai: I love you Josh❤️❤️
- Veronica Anderson: We miss josh so much!'! His eyes tho 😍😭
- Geekyo: I love her she is hilarious
- Sxbrinx: *Repeats the Josh part about a million times*
- Casi Miller: AKILAHH!! He's okay for the most part now. But him and his wife got a divorce
- Candy Hyo: 1 view...
- Michelle Dawn: i miss you so much Josh. you made me cry when I saw you and heard you. cant wait for you to come back.
- Molly Miller: stay strong Josh I love you so much I hope you come back soon❤❤😘😘😘 be nice to people and orava
- Jack Davies: last time I clicked on a vid so fast Jenna marbles still had eyebrows
- Chronically Twentysomething: Omg!! that was so great!
- Amanda G: Josh ❤️
- Taylor Mullins: Love you Josh! You look so good!!!
- Bryanne Owen: Woo-hoo glad to finally see u make a quick fave appears can't wait for u to join us back
- Heather Nicole: JOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHH! Your smile makes me happy! Thanks for making my day! I love you!
- Roeh Aquatics: we miss you Josh! absolutely adore you and hope you find peace and come back soon
- Letizia Mauriello: Josh is so cute omg❤️❤️😍😍
- Kenzie Cardenas: I literally cried when josh came on the screen. We miss you tons. Hope you come back soon ❤️
- beatsbyheart: Hi Josh we miss you!
- jieul: Gambit is so much cuter than boring overused shadow. He's too adorable.
- Rosabella beauty studios: I clicked a so fast
- Miss Alissuh: We love you Josh. Take all the time you need! Your family and friends are holding it down for you.
- chelsea whitfield: It was awesome to see you josh we all miss you hope to see you soon!😊😊
- The King 7: What's the outro music from? I recognize it from somewhere...
- Dayna Musgrove: I was so nice to see Josh! Continue doing you, heal up, and get back to us soon. ♡♡♡
- Viviana Smith: What happend with josh
- Sarah and Caitlin The Memes: AWWW
- Laken 13: Omg i love her country accent
- Rokovono Paphino: So nice to see him .... ❤️
- Baleigh Venegas: omg his sister is adorable😂😂😂 and has an adorable accent because i have the same one :))
- Jocelyn Garcia: so ealyyy
- Trisha Weese: Miss you Josh!!!!
- Arely Amaya: Jackie Smith hopefully when he's ready. just like colleen did. everyone's different
- Starla Perez: the video message at the end made me emotional... i love you josh <3 D:
- Breanna W: ♥️♥️♥️♥️
- ThatGirlAgain: Ahh... I needed that so much!
- Angie H.: Who else comes here because of her accent?
- evie: i love this video and i love and miss joshua!
- Anthony Robledo: DANG IT JOSH!!!! DC IS BETTER GRRRR
- Devon Mooring: Pooping
- Ava Costa: I cried when I saw Josh
- Bethany Rose: 5:14 you'll thank me later
- Lily McElroy: I miss josh so much, but I love his sister❤️️❤️️
- Jamie Johnson: I cried when josh came on I miss him so much :(
- Stephanie Xia: How much to you love josh?
- Amy Wilson: Can't wait till your back
- Jennifer E.: i was actually so scared for Josh bc the first time they broke up he stopped eating and he completely isolated himself from everyone... but now it's a divorce and I was terrified for him... just glad to see he's doing great. WE ALL LUV U JOSH we hope you'll be back soon
- Ruby and Jemima: The title makes me so happy I can't wait to see and hear josh xx
- ShikaShakes: They are so supportive ❤️ Miss you Josh 💓
- Lydia Sanders: HE LIVED IN MICHIGAN?!
- Kierra: Daniela Rodriguez I'm pretty sure Colleen never said she was taking a break. Live your own life girl
- Ina Rodriguez: I thought Matte was Josh brother
- PaigePlays: 0
- Karen Barajas: I miss you dad
- Audrey Shellmyer: cried when i saw his face :(
- Maker Of Things: He's on a Vagaytion.
- officialwillowtree81: Josh looks so good 💕 this made me ridiculously happy 🙈
- Wolf Weirdo: Josh is so nice I wish I could be his friend
- moondoggie517: It's different in America. You can marry and divorce someone within the same year. Sad, right? Yeah >__>
- Kim Avestruz: I miss you JOSH😿😿
- LDelaney Mcmahon: Josh i hope u come back soon (when ever u want) take your time we are all here for u we all love u no matter what its ok to be sad its ok to cry just remember that tru dingle berries will stick with u no matter what u do or what happens take all the time in the world to re -cover just no that we all love u-Delaney (btws my moms fav band i inSync i think i spelled it wrong lol)
- Tina B.: I am so happy to see Josh's face again I missed seeing him and I love you josh
- rhouge castro: I just noticed Josh's smile is authentic ... but still .. his eyes are SAAAD ... WE MISS YOU BRO'!!!
- Layne O'Donnell: Because*^^^
- Lucy Allison: Why have people disliked this video?????😭
- renne jordan: Missing u pal
- jackie roach: I watched this again and just skipped to the josh video. WE MISS YOU!
- Anthony Dillion: Adrianna Williams he is coming back when he feels he is ready, it might be a while😒 but I would rather him happy and doing what he wants to do then forcing himself to do something he doesn't want to do
- Emily Marie.: I love that these people love and support Josh so much they are carrying on a little of him each video!! we miss you josh!!!!
- Phantom: Look on the bright side, guys. Josh is single now >:3
- 5 일12 월: They said: Come on The Captions said: Jamal My reaction: My name!, yusssssssss
- Jacob: Hope you come back soon! Really miss you dude
- moondoggie517: I don't think that's true :/ come on. They have been in a relationship for a long time I don't think a show would separate them. There's a lot going on we don't know about behind close doors. :|
- The Bird101: JOSH I MISS YOU!! I got most of the answers correct that surprised me so much! PLEASE COME BACK!
- Abigail Lyons: Who ever replayed back to me do it again it went to fast
- Jada Tubing: It was so nice to see Josh ❤
- Dan MSP: No lie but i really Like Josh SIster Accent Omg Loving the country side
- ban alassady: this girl really remind me of lele from hannah montanah!!!
- Kasey LouLou: Praying for you
- Sarah Fountain: Why did that video message make me cry 😩😭
- Krystina Raquel: Lilly Beanz2889 ya😂
- Nubia Carbajal: Seeing his smiling face made many of us so happy!!! Josh, You are loved!!!Thanks Erin for all you're doing! You are amazing!
- Tinyaan Chan: Josh looks happy and it makes me so happy to see looking happy again😍😄
- LDShadowLady Fan 〈3: You have to add (plus a video message from josh) just to get views.. all of us want to see him.
- Em Chappell: We miss you Josh! <3 Don't worry, we're being nice to people.Your Dingleberrys love you!!!!!!
- iinfinitydolans: LOVE the mystery video! 😉👌🏼
- Shanny Says: Yay!!!!!!!
- Colleen Miranda: Rebecca at the end😂
- QueenClarinel: I totally subscribed at NSYNC! lol
- Isabel crutcher: I miss josh! Y'all are doing so good on his channel though. I hope he's doing okay, I'll be praying for him.
- Abri Rivera: It was so nice to see Josh again. Can't wait to get new content from him. In the mean time, I'll continue to watch Erin do an AMAZING job with this channel! XO
- Allison jenkins: It was so good to see and hear you!!! I miss you!! Come back soon!!!
- Jess Bullock: I love you and miss you Josh
- Jocelin: SAME
- Emilynn Henne: They had a taco truck at their wedding. They can't get divorced 😞😭😭😭😭😭
- clara kennedy: your accent is giving me life 💗
- Lifestyle Glossary: I missed josh soooooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Bailey Gabrielle: did anyone else notice josh say " This is the best day ever" ???
- Caylie B: I would have said taco bell for his favorite restaurant
- Raynuga Dewi: Miss you joshh 😘
- OllyThe Unicorn: We miss you josh xx
- Jelena Cola: we missed you
- Cami_ love: I GOT 6.9 WRITE
- Courtney's Grotto: I guess you can say.. Matt SLAYED this challenge, ayyyyy. So good to see your face again Joshua!
- Cat Valintino: Omg that was posted on my wedding day!!
- Jolene Green: same
- Rosie D: The music at the beginning just reminds me of Jenna's girls day video and I can't get it out of my head
- margaret butters: Erin is doing a great job! Josh will come back when he's ready.
- Alexis Sheffer: I missed his face God I hope he tells better soon we love you
- summer haney: why did i cry when they facetimed omg
- Syakila Choo: We miss you Josh. Your sister's the best and i hope you're getting better. I love you !
- Alyssa Danielle: I love it
- Monse Wong: Matt has to win
- sammah shariff: I miss Josh 😭
- Emily Robertson: SmolSpooky Rachel I know 😔
- 5bluepenguins: Dechante for reals??? Awwww thats so sweet... and really sad
- moondoggie517: I got a little sad too :/
- Emily H: am i the only one who cried when josh came up on the screen?😭
- Syd Foster: Oh josh ❤️❤️❤️ come back
- Abbie Mae: why is Josh gone?
- Jackie Smith: Arely Amaya ya sorry...
- Cheesy Connie: I cried when I saw him😭❤❤
- Dahli Vaj: Me too, she has that sweet southern drawl. And I LOVE that peace sign at the end that they always do! that's my my thing to do now. I love this channel ♡
- Brooke Bolan: When will josh come back??? Like to his channel you know how his sister has it pretty much
- timid elle: have a nice day ❤ enjoy : ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^)^ω^) ( ^ω^)ω^) ( ^ω^) ^) ( ^ω^)) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ^( ^ω^) ( ^ ( ^ω^) ( ^ω( ^ω^) ( ^ω^( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^)^ω^) ( ^ω^)ω^) ( ^ω^) ^) ( ^ω^)) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ^ ( ^ω^) ( ^ω( ^ω^) ( ^ω^( ^ω^) ( ^ω^)( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^)^ω^) ( ^ω^)ω^) ( ^ω^) ^) ( ^ω^)) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ^( ^ω^) ( ^ ( ^ω^) ( ^ω( ^ω^) ( ^ω^( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^)^ω^) ( ^ω^)ω^) ( ^ω^) ^) ( ^ω^)) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ( ^ω^) ( ^ ( ^ω^) ( ^ω( ^ω^) ( ^ω^( ^ω^) ( ^ω^)( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^) ^ω^) ( ^ω^)^ω^) ( ^ω^)ω^)
- Payton Barnett: just hearing his voice makes me tear up
- Kylee Lambie: love you josh! always praying for you!
- Lauren Ziegenhorn: Hey Josh!!!
- Natasha Tomlinson: kayceejay Georgia :)
- Leen Sayed: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Briana S: 18 secs ago!! 😜😁😁
- Gabi Clementine: Love her accent
- Curtis Griffin: OMGosh.. Josh is pretty much me, but i live in Australia and im slightly older than him.
- kinskins100: Oh, interesting! Thanks
- Melissa Majano: OMG NSYNC is my all time favourite Bout Band too!!!😍
- Lord & Lady of Winterfell: It was so good to see him!!!!! I hope the dark sky is gets clear for you soon, Josh. So much love!
- Lulu_salman_LSB: Omg josh sister sound like meghan mcarthy
- Chinwe's World: I love Erin's accent👌❤️
- Ana Rivas: I miss Josh 😭❤️
- Ani Castañeda: Rebecca at the end. 😂😂😂
- idk I'm bored rp: Same
- Michelle Merritt: im so glad to see that josh is happy and bright
- Maleia: seeing him smiling made me so happy❤
- Meghan McGorty: So good to see you Josh! We miss you so much and I'm really glad to see you feeling better❤️❤️❤️
- Charlotte Keller: Erin's phone case matches the pillow
- Brie Ruggiero: who was behind the camera??
- Jessi Campbell: So great to see Josh's face. Hopefully he will come back soon. By the comments it looks like he's missed much by everyone here.
- Brooke Weis: it makes me so happy to see Josh smile 💗 hope he continues to be happy
- Hey ItsLinda: Love you Josh
- LuAnn Riker: where did you see that Julien said that?
- Daisy K: Aww.. Josh you're such a kind and genuine guy!!! I just love your sister and what wonderful friends you have too. I can't even imagine the heartache and struggle your going threw right now, but time heals all wounds and you have some AMAZING ppl in your life that clearly love you to pieces!!!! Your very blessed!!! ❤
- Jade Faint: lowkey enjoy erin being on josh's channel more than I enjoy josh being on josh' channel lmfao
- madison taiyler: Heather O'Day IT'S DINGLE BERRY
- Ellie reed: She is so cute!
- Adrianna Williams: When is josh coming back
- Madison L: Erin's phone case matches the pillows and that makes me so happy. 😂
- Mercrdes Brooks: Arnold Telagaarta I love all u !
- Caleigh: Could you do a Q&A Erin on questions we have for you? I think we'd all love to get to know more about you too!
- Ciara Nicole: I LOVE YOU JOSH
- eliseargentt yt: I want josh back tbh..
- Janet Tsenoh: jamie yu it is none of their fault. For us as humans, are not perfect. Please accept this.
- Louisa Zemmouri: We are all here for u josh😊
- CrankThatFurryee: It was so awesome to hear Josh's voice again! I MISS YOU JOSH!!!!!!
- Chrystal Adams: Josh is so cute
- Jenna Rawls: Hey I really need y'alls help. I started a go fund me cause this coming summer I wanna meet my best friend who I met online almost 2 years ago. He lives 1131 miles away and I wanna meet him when he gets back from studying abroad. Please guys anything helps. gofundme.com/w7rzwy-long-distance-love-meeting
- Rachel 10: Who is that girl she sound funny
- daisy: ILYALL
- Kya Mai: It was nice to see your face again Josh! Hope your doing better. Miss you!❤
- Christina Long: Josh looks like hes doing okay. i really hope so! Praying for him..
- simply_ alecia: love you Josh you are awesome we will all support you
- Ava Squared: That moment when me and Erin have the same phone case
- heyoshenanigans: Happy to see you, Josh! Keep it up!
- Reem Bassim: It makes me so happy to see Josh smiling, I really miss him.
- Shailynn Woodland: 5th time I've watched the mystery vid
- Kiara Cummins: Dcd.
- Emilee Nicholas Xx: where's Josh
- Rhiannxn X: Miss you and hope you can get back soon
- Moriah Sisco: I felt like crying when we saw him through FaceTime. Miss him so much!! 💕😭
- Marta Núñez-Samper: We'll wait patiently for you Josh!!! Hope you're feeling better :D
- Megan Dugan: wee miss yoouuuuuuu
- Clara Sylvestre: SUPAH HOT FIRE
- Lily Pettigrew: YASSS JOSH I miss you ❤️❤️🔥
- Joseph Liu: aww...haven't thought about josh in forever...
- melvinx01: good to see josh, be strong bro, hope this path leads to something truly better for you
- Miss Liese: yaaaaaaaay :D
- Heather Erickson: Josh!! its so good to see you! i miss you!!
- marcelina vampire: ❤❤❤❤
- Harmonizer 97: Omg Josh💖💖
- sleuth 2077: I was waiting for her to ask if Josh is a pitcher or a catcher.
- Michelle Merritt: Taylor Daniels if you watch his draw my life vid it says
- southern girl: i cried when i saw his face hes sort of happy
- Shivali Bose: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK U!
- Aphmau 2: Im glad he's doing better i miss watching him
- Hillary Leonard: 0
- Kaitlyn Clayton: People are complaining that what they saw wasn't much of a message. Are you serious. We all just got to see Josh for the first time in almost a month and your complaining that it wasn't good enough. wow
- Harmony-Paige Volg channel xx: Can't wait 2 c u ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Vanessa Cendejas: Josh looks so much more handsome. Not that he wasn't before, but he does look happy. 😘❤️
- Courtney Ho: where is josh anyway
- Kayla Medlin: erin's accent is so adorable
- Lisa Geelen: Miss you too man take as much time as you need! we dont care, we will always support you! <3
- Liyah Boleyjack: matt
- Olivia Poirier: Yes he lived Michigan
- heidi G: my joshua
- Sarah Kendall: Omg my heart hurts seeing Josh!
- Samuel Smith: I don't think I've ever seen a more endearing human
- kelsey rogers: This so dramatic. And it's being dragged out
- Jen Languisan: GOSH I MISS YOU JOSH 😦☹💕
- doodleartlover: Great video! ☺👍
- Bree Zee: So good you see your face!
- dAfoodie101: erin are you going to start posting on your channel after josh comes back?
- Sophie-Anne xoxo: +Buttercup kys
- Tara Kwok: WE LOVE AND MISS U JOSHUA!!❤️❤️❤️
- Eran Gabay: this channel is getting pretty weird.. like Josh is god..
- Audrey Vassia: It makes me so happy to hear and see Joshua again
- Lilee Grace: Ur so cute Erin!Ly❤️💕
- Carley Martens: Josh had a TRIXIN hat!
- Kamryn's Korner: miss u josh
- paul mcgonagle: miss u josh
- Lillian Meade: Slays won
- Grace Johnson: It's so amazing how close you can get to a person when you haven't even met him in person. I love and miss Josh so much❤️❤️😘😘😭😭😍
- spankyy// squad: Why'd I cry when his face popped up. I'm so sensitive. Erin is a great sister
- Corinnia Bazer: sorry Josh, but the Backstreet Boys are better! 👌haha. but seriously 😉😘❤
- Katie M: Soooo early, how many likes can this comment get?? :)
- Elizabeth Urbina: I thought I was the only one
- Hana Phuong Hoa: awhhh we miss you too Josh!!!
- Whitney Juju: We love and miss you Joshua, but Erin is doing a great job! <3 Can't wait for you to come back, though!
- Tala Tala: Finally joshuaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 come back pleeeeaaase we miss you like crazy 😭😭😭 it's really good seeing you 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Michael Detwiler: I miss Josh, too. 😓
- Leslie Rodríguez: are you the sister if you are you are pretty
- Quincy Krauz: can't wait for you to feel better and come back to us dingleberries!! miss you💜
- Madelynn Sponzilli: I love you josh❤️❤️
- Jaylin Huerta: 😍😍😍😍😍
- Abby Rae: Josh is so sweet all the dingleberrys miss you!😜😘
- Moncton Vape: GO JOSH GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- london: Not to be rude but, where is josh ?
- Makaila Martin: Noooo, joshed message made me cry
- Jack Davies: hey ppl just want to say if ur reading this have a great night and ur all beautiful in ur own way!
- Madison Nelson: "Hey I like your hair" Awwww Josh is still so sweet :) Miss you buddy ❤❤
- Sonia Lol: When Arnold was like "UNHHH" in my head I was like " I have a pen🖊, I have a apple 🍎, UNHHH APPLE PEN
- Polish Princess: her voice is genetic, her accent is Southern lol.
- Heather O'Day: Madi Jordan lol it's a hybrid of Dink Fam and Dingleberries United!!! #dinkleberry
- Debra Cloud: Miss you Josh!
- Megan Dugan: nooooo were is 1in a millon i cryyyyyy😨😭
- Robert YellowOwl: i miss josh
- Thrill Project: My favorites from X-Men are Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee, and Nightcrawler.👍🏻
- Paige Collins: Early squad
- Meg Lttlejohns: Yo
- hi my name is [landry]: I hope your ok Josh we all miss you
- Stunning Potato: Oooh Arnold is savage!!!!! SHADE! lol btw ur so cool Erin
- Kendall. Blue: You have an amazing accent and you should create your own channel😍😊
- DForum Productions: Damn, nigga look shattered af
- Bria Faye: I got 0 right
- Mallory Cooper: I SEE THAT TRIXIN HAT
- Mahima Sharma: Fastforwarded it straight to Joshua's video message part..miss u a lot Josh..hope u r doing well. Sending you lots of love.
- Lover Girl: I'm sorry your going through this Josh but it will get better we love you
- Charity Sims: I miss you!!
- Dan Pearson: ELLO BOOIT
- mustang 123: Miss u josh lovvve youuu!! miss shadow too!!!
- John Cage: THATS the update we get?? ;-( Looks like Joshua is living out of a motel room. Hope you're doing well buddy. Please come back to us soon. Or at least give us ANY kind of real life update! I don't think its appropriate for you to leave everyone in the dark like this and keep us speculating as to how you're doing. It's a LITTLE weird that you have just completely disappeared.
- Tammi Caputo: HEY JOSH :D
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WHO KNOWS JOSH BETTER CHALLENGE! (Plus a video message from Josh) | |
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