Subscribe to Erin: http://tinyurl.com/hp455el
Watch Erin's 1st Video: https://youtu.be/3tp01EtjhoY
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I dedicate this video to my little sister Erin. Thank you for standing by me during the darkest and most difficult chapter of my life. Thank you for putting yourself out there in front of so many people while I took time to heal. You are so brave. I love you Erin. You are truly a light in my life.
For me, this song is about finding peace within myself. Sometimes life isn't going to be perfect. It may even break every part of you. Things won't seem fair. At times you'll want to scream from a rooftop hoping for justice. That being said, this song taught me to focus on the beauty that's inside all of us. So allow yourself to feel the pain, then heal from it. People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you. No matter what, never give up on love. There are those out there that won't give up on it...or you. Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors.
Directed by: Jay Diaz // https://twitter.com/TheJayDiaz
Altermotion Pictures
Song Produced by: Joseph Barba
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Follow Me on Snapchat: DingleKing
Business Inquiries: JoshuaDTV1@gmail.com
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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. Life isn't always fair or kind...but if we continue to strive for the good...if we continue to get back up after being knocked down... what can stop us from being the best version of ourselves? Don't just survive...THRIVE. Be Nice to People.
- Hailey Kramer: Omg I love you so much I've missed you more then anything ❤️
- Madison Bicking: Is anyone wondering what ever happened to Josh's dog.
- The Klevens: I feel for you Joshua. We love you and believe in you. And You guys have amazing voices
- Adrianna 96: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Maude Léveillé: that was beautiful ♥ I'm crying so much..p.s. Welcome back Joshua!
- angelbaumgartner: Oh my goodness! This made me tear up. I felt your pain watching this Josh!
- Ihavenoname: Sounds like Justin Timberlake
- Jaclyn D: you both sound so incredible, this was so touching. love you both :3
- benpetxr: keep fighting josh! you can do this, sending all my love
- HeartsBonsChannel: There should be a warning sign saying "Be prepared to cry"
- Brycesaggiebabe: More duets like this!!
- Mikayla Jarvis: That touched my heart, and it shows how much love they have for each other as siblings. Just by looking at them comfort one another you can really tell, that they always have each other's back. This was beautiful.💓
- JonaBreton: This was literally everything, such a beautiful cover. Erin you have an amazing voice as well. Joshua I hope you the best and that you may heal through these dark times
- JustACrybaby:P _: Your finally back on you made my day josh love ya xx
- Manel Mrassi: tbh ... i cried ... poor Josh ... That's why i never felt in love and i would prob never ... Love Breaks us ...
- Bridget Parker: Camilla De Cicco sorry honey I was asleep. If you still want to chat add me to twitter? I'm @bridgetparker 💖
- mmyxtres16: This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. You are beautiful. I'm so proud to be a fan. ❤️
- wolfe storm: Colleen Balinger showed her true colors in choosing money/career over Josh. What a selfish bitch in sheep's clothing
- eeshay M.: 😍
- Lizeth555: Omggggg!!!!!!! You're back!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Janine Sanderman: 3:14 is he actually crying or acting?
- ErBear Barkwell: So beautiful... Keep your chin up sweetheart ❤
- Dawn DeCotiis: Such beautiful people <3 <3 voices like angels :) love you guys!!!!!!
- Christian Yonce: He always haves a ugly face singing
- HeyImLea 8567: Josh u and Your sister has an amazing Voice💖 I hope u will start making videos againg (and videos with Your sis) ❤️ u Josh
- ThatGuitarChick01: I love this!!! You guys are so great!! I love this song and both you two.! ❤️
- Maggie 101: This is so good omg! And for everyone who is saying that Colleen is not emotional or doesn't care about what happened, then they obviously don't watch her videos. I'm sure she is just as sad as josh. In almost every single one of her vlogs she says something about how she is sad. Maybe it makes her feel better to act happy on her channel and get her Ming off of things. Just saying lol. No hate. Glad josh is back on Youtube
- Liz Shiro Vlogs: This is absolutely beautiful! I cried with you guys!
- Fat2Fab 2018: loved it so glad your back ...keep your chin up
- Pooja: KPOP Life bless this comment:)
- Mary Stoker: amazing
- Anja Kilpela: Made me cry.. Welcome back Josh! 😊❤️
- Real Talk With Sara!: Team Joshua 100%
- Stephanie Lynn: Stay strong Josh!
- Lauralitas007: So Beautiful Both of You!!!
- safalafagins: <3
- Clélia Gessner: Yup these are definitely tears in my eyes. What a beautiful video. Glad to have you back Josh and I hope you feel better every day 🎈
- Alisha Bailey: This made me really emotional. Who's with me?
- Esther S.: This was flawlessly beautiful. Love you both ❤️❤️
- ivory jx: I knew Colleen had changed a lot. I had unsubbed her a bit before the divorce just cause she was nothing like the person I subscribed to in 2012/2013... And when she left Josh it just confirmed everything for me.
- Gina Elia: this was very good
- Niveditha Muralidharan: Beebs A. I'm sorry, are you saying Josh is pulling others down because he's unhappy or did I say something wrong? I didn't get what you meant.
- samo530: sending you lots of love and support. It is hard to see you hurt and I just wanna give you a big hug. you have an awesome sister and lots of fans who love and support you very much. I hope you realize how much you've come to really mean to us. love you lots.
- Naiya: I've watched this video 8 times today.
- Sandy Reed: When Erin starts to cry you can see hurt she feels for her brother and that gets me everytime!
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: same
- Leah Darbyshire: How has this got 1k dislikes, it's so beautiful and makes me cry all the time, I love you both ❤️
- Victoria Hennick: Josh your such An amazing guy Colleen is missing out, my heart breaks for you when I see you going through this pain. I found your channel through he's and I have unsubscribed to her because she just isn't interesting anymore you have always been enthusiastic and exciting. I get so happy when I see you post keep pushing through
- Devyn Hinthorne: stay strong you have a great sister hold her tight and you can get through anything.
- Debbie M: Beautiful! 💞
- Zoey Klatt: very emotional and great video! sending love and strength to you, josh! I'm glad your sister is supporting you so much bc thats so important in such a Gough time you're going through❤
- Gracie: I literally cried😭!!!!! OMG this was so sad!!! Especially the description though.
- Betheny Griffin: i miss joshleen he said it himself he didn't want the divorce
- Nory Mostafa: Omg I am so sad 😭 i love u guys
- KBOB: Nell Urso I feel like if they weren't siblings they would totally go out with eachother... The way Erin looks over at Josh is just beautiful 😍
- fangirlmm: I am supporting both Colleen and Josh. They asked us not to choose sides or talk crap about one or the other. It's honestly just disrespectful to them and just horrible in general. I'm really just disappointed in everyone who is choosing to do that right now
- MÅDΊØÑ ĖŁÏŻÅBĒTH: i litterally just watch trolls
- Etain O’C: Sending every bit of my love ❤️❤️️❤️️❤️❤️️❤️❤️️
- Gerard Pritchard: Guys that was beautiful. Welcome back josh!
- Andrea Robles: I saw Josh a few weeks ago at target but I wasn't sure if I should say "Hi" just because I thought he might need some space. Watching this was truly inspiring. Sending love and support ❤️
- Karla Godinez: This song was phenomenal and exquisitely beautiful
- Sam Araujo: Kenya Salley people cope differently and would you ever want to remember so painful !!!!
- Annie Fleming: 3:10
- Jeanette Alapizco: Welcome back josh 💗💗 hang in there :)
- Anthony Wu: I don't see why people picking sides when they both said not to. Colleen said that she doesn't show everything in her videos so behind camera she might be just as hurt as Josh. I feel super bad for both but they both have different coping mechanisms and thats ok. Hope people stop choosing sides.
- Maddy 230015: Josh!!!!
- Katelyn Lingle: I LOVE THIS!!
- Queen: Aww he looks so sad, its making me sad too
- Sista Girl: I just want to give him a hug and take all his pain away. It hurts me knowing that he's hurting.
- Jemma Chilton: that was amazing!!!!
- mrivera902: this gets me hard and very emotional, glad you're back, you will be ok, love you guys
- Emily Robertson: This is the most beautiful video you've ever made. I'm am constantly sending you massive love and prayer during the worst pain of your life. I'll always be here for you. You will come back from this. You are strong. And you aren't alone.
- Leia: I love you , Josh <3 I've never met you, but you seem like the nicest guy in the world and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life! It hurts so much to see you in pain, I can really feel it.. All this just shows us how amazing and genuine you are. I hope more than anything that you will be able to get through the dark parts of your life and find peace because you deserve so much. Loved the song, you both have beautiful voices! I can't wait for your future posts, we all miss you so much :( <3 Always remember that you're not alone, love you xxxxx
- Nina de Groot: ❤️❤️
- Preston Alexander: Shots fired
- Sabina Zahiri: JOSH😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😫😫😫😫😫😫😬😬😬😬😬😬😬🤗🤗🤗😭🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🎧🎧🎧🎧🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎤🎤🎤🎺🎺🎺🎷🎷🎷🎸🎸🎸🎻🎻🎻🎹🎹🎹🎹
- Subscribe to PewDiePie: You two are amazing singers do More duets please!#BrotherSistergoals
- Emma Attolico: Oh man this was so so beautiful
- Leonardo Demarco: the bond you and Erin have is beautiful to see
- Victoria Phillips: I can't....*cries*
- Emily Arroyo: Miriam Rodriguez I agree about Colleen. Everyone has their own way of healing. We can't judge either party. However, I don't think it's fair of you to be understanding of Colleen's method of recovery, but label Josh's as a plead for pity. Colleen may prefer to keep her feelings private and Josh may be the type to wear it on his sleeve. For all we know, this video was for himself. For his sister. Let's let both parties recover in their own way, for we are no one to judge. There is no right or wrong way of doing things.
- Valeska Ramirez: this was amazing I love josh and Erin so much and I live their bond and Josh and Erin showing themselves
- Jenna W: This video is so beautiful. I'm in tears just from the pain in both of your eyes. Thank you for bringing out my human side.
- Betty He: Is it about Colleen???
- dinoh tauli: whats with sad face
- Emma sings: ❤❤
- Duh_*it’s*_ Robyn: I really sorry but I cried and I feel your pain Joshua just think your awesome josh
- Madison Taylor: Wow this is beautiful. Duets always sound the best when its siblings (my sister and I have very similar voices!) Loved the raw emotion and the phrase, "true colors..." Very pretty song, I hope this becomes viral! :)
- Natalie Byrne: This is real life. Honesty. No fronts.
- shistar sol: I sung this song for my choirs, I'm glad your back josh
- Drizzin: My eyes are wet
- Eve Violet: Every time every dam time this song makes me cry
- avia butler: i honestly started balling
- Nicole: Wow this was so beautiful.
- leolaluna: Wow Erin is soooo good at singing!
- zatia noxanet: if this isn't talent... I don't what u call it. ..... damn there tears. ... you will go through it, it won't be easy but one day u will wake up and all will be a fading memory. ... love zatia
- Mia Keiro: I was hurt when I saw you and Erin cry I feel so sorry about what happened I love you guys xx
- Lorraine Simpson: Everyone stop bringing it up he's obviously torn apart
- Jamie Earp: What a pussy!! And dude lay off the carbs. All the weight Colleen lost, went to you.
- Megan Horan: This is amazing 😢💜
- Pinky Dots: This is so beautiful! I couldn't stop crying wtf 😔
- chrisdude5150: Damn allergies
- Kvng._. Danny: The shade!!!!!
- Shaina Burke: Oh, Josh <3 I am so sorry, love.
- Grace Varner: i knew he wouldnt make it without crying 😥💟
- Molly Kinser: this is means so much love you guys always push through hard time stay in there josh
- Kate Villejo: love you Josh
- bjuble: This cover gives so much more meaning to the song than the original. Love what you did, absolutely brilliant and lovely. <3
- Anthony Caruso: Just keep moving Josh that was a beautiful song 😔
- Kassey Miller: Where's the heart button?!? You're so strong Josh. Keep it up. ❤❤❤
- LilKate -: damn i'm crying
- Christine C: She is also going through a divorce. She said it on his channel before he came back
- kalissa: This song is in the movie trolls
- Gabby Corrone: This is amazing! You both have the most beautiful voices. I love you both so much!❤❤
- Kat Roes: omg I'm crying
- Misty Stuart: ok I'm crying with you guys. that was absolutely beautiful! love you guys. keep your chin up Josh. you'll get thru this. you're not alone. keeping you in my thoughts! your sister has been amazing and she just floored me with her voice! love you two :) ♡
- TierraDenise !: We're here for you josh. Your not alone. We love you so very much. Just remember God does things for a reason. He'll never put you through something he knows you can't handle. You got this.
- Saleha Xo: i love you. you are my favorite.
- Cass Anderson: Guest Account okay sooo 1. I love both of them, I know they both were committed josh had a lot of love for Colleen and colleen had a lot of love for him. She said it in her video they couldn't make eachtoher happy, who is to say she didn't ask josh to come with her? Maybe it was a thing like let's have some time apart. You don't know?
- John Skipper Jr.: I too, was not emotionally prepared for that. I don't know exactly what you are going through but I wish only the best for you.
- FearlossFitness: So no comment on either of them, but I feel like this isn't the best song to pick with all the rumors about him being gay and that's why they broke up. Am I the only one who thought that way?
- Katie: One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen you continue to inspire me and everyone else we are all here for you josh
- Yosmairy Fernandez: love it and u
- maneylorbid: I did NOT know she could sing too ! very impactful
- Zoe Life: Hahaha there both wearing high tops
- Michelle Samilin: This is absolutely beautiful. I can't imagine the pain you're going through, but please know that this video has helped me find a little strength to deal with my own devastating situation. Thank you Josh. Continue to be strong.
- Destiny Brown: This isn't your song.. Cyndi Lauper wrote this in the 80s...how come she wasnt given any credit? why wasnt this stated to be a cover..?
- Arm Armm: I thought this was Kesha&Zedd version. Whatever it's beautiful 💥
- 22Briannaxx: ❤️
- Sarah A: Guys stop making comments about hating her or him there is no reason to. We don't know the whole story or anything so we can't blame either of them. People grieve in different ways and they are just both healing differently. I give them lots of respect for both dealing with this since they are both in the public eye. They loved and love each other they have told us that. They may be mad and upset but they are amazing people just dealing with the matter differently so there is no reason for hate towards either of them or to be mad at them. Peace and love to the both of you during this time. And lots of credit to Josh's sister for taking over his YouTube while he was gone that was very sweet of her
- Caroline Rae: I love you josh❤️❤️
- Dana Healy: Jennifer Swarbrick He didn't write this song.
- Lyonelle Azenkeng: they were wearing the same clothes, they've both been divorced, they both good, no, AMAZING singers, they brother and sister, and they were both crying. so many similarities. it was so sad to watch them cry. 3,(
- Emma Geggie: Josh you are a survivor and Erin so are you!!! Hope you both the best and it will start to get better soon. Love you both and I am glad you are both on youtube for people to watch. :)
- Emily Caitlin: happy to have you back :) beautiful video
- Stephanie Zoltick: <3
- lovekenziexoxo: You can hear the pain in his voice I'm so sorry josh 💕 we'll all always be here for you
- libby connolly: This was so beautiful I am crying my eyes out it have me chills.
- Elli Mogg-walls: If you watch colleens videos she seems so happy but you watch this and he's just so upset it breaks my heart
- Here Comes the Light: this was so beautiful... makes my heart sink
- Shari Tate: I couldn't love this more!
- Craig Z.: I love you Josh! Continue doing what you love to do :)
- mahisha Probha: But love him
- Arlene Flores: 😩😩😩💜 such a beautiful song Welcome Back Josh
- Emily Suzanne: Love you fiveever Josh!❣️
- JeanLouise: How can I like this 1 million times?
- Wicked Rouge: I cannot wait for the day that you are able to look back on this video and realize that it was all just turbulence. Josh. We love you. That's all I can say.
- Danielle DeVito: Here go the water works
- natasha pickett: I just watched a huffington post video spreading awareness about male suicide wherer men were talking about how it's okay for men to show emotion and cry, and then i come on here, a video where Josh is couragiously showing his emotions, and see comments about how real men don't cry... Real men aren't too insecure and afraid to express their emotions. Saying men can't cry is like going back in time to before the 1900s and is, quite frankly, sexist.
- Veronica Lindholm: You are AMAZING I'm so sorry that it didn't work out but that just means God has better things in store!! You will get through this and be even stronger!! Have faith and stay strong!
- Lauren K: Omg brb crying 😍😭
- erin x x x: So much passion in this💞💞
- great boi: You guys sound amazing
- Lila Beau: HES BACK !!!!!!! 😃😄😀
- Gabby Chi: You don't deserve to be sad Josh 😭😭 Iloveyouuuu. Can't wait for the time that you'll have another girl in your life. all the love xx
- danielle e: That. Was. Beautiful
- Brenden: David dobrik would be proud, like this if you get it
- mimo al-khakani: RIP joshleen....
- ahmed Ameer: omg I'm so touch with music
- Emily Thorpe: Wait but did anyone else hear this on the radio last night????
- Evan Hoge: This is beautiful. Such a precious bond between brother and sister. That is a bond that one truly can't understand unless they have it. Josh, you may never see this comment, but I am praying for healing in your heart and mind. I can't imagine how heartbroken you are and to be so vulnerable in such a hard time in your life is very brave. You have a very precious family to lean on, and that is so special. Even more than that you have an amazing God who loves you more than you could ever imagine. No one and nothing is more sufficient than Jesus. I really hope your heart heals soon.
- Batwoman Adventures: You can really tell that all of his emotion has gone in this video. I honestly think that this was really hard for him to sing such a heart touching song, and having his sister there with him shows how she has managed to keep him grounded through the tough time he has been having. I hope that you're doing well Josh, mentally and physically. This obviously isn't going to be easy, but you have a very supportive family, friends and us. Looking forward for seeing you back vlogging or making videos again.
- PeaceMonkey10: unknown kid okay who said she was happy? Do you know her personally or only on the screen? She did it for her own reasons. That's like telling parents not to divorce even if they're not happy
- S. T.: I love this and you so much! More than you could ever know❤️
- - mikayla -: I love this song and I know you'll get through this tough time!! Ilysm!! You'll make me and all of ur fans happy no matter what!!!
- Campbell Barrow: CRYING 😭😭😭😭 this is so pretty 😍😍😍
- ameeliak: exactly and colleen even said that they only showed the positive times in their relationships.
- Naazneen Aly: 3:10 really got me 😭
- Candra Orvis: who else cringed?
- BTS ARMY: What happen to this boy i dont know him hes just in my reccomended section?
- Jen Sowa: I agree it's sad I cried about it.
- Cody Louise: Love you so much Josh! My prayers are with you xx❤️❤️❤️
- Cindy Damron: This got me in tears 😭
- rosie jensen: Erin is a good singer
- Del Primaria: Josh..well, maybe you could make this your lesson. You couldnt change someone. The first time you broke up, wasnt it because of her career? And now its repeating itself again. You deserves someone who puts you first.
- Mia Tadiello: I cried.... a lot
- Gemma's Life: They were both crying in this video. It emotionally stabbed me too see what Josh was going through, and how grateful he is of us and his sister for sticking with him through his darkest, saddest and most horrible time.
- Carson Coomer: I have already watched this video so many time and have cried my eyes out each time. Stay strong Josh. This video made me realize something very important as I am also going through a very rough time in my life. I love you ❤
- Sarah ofsonka: Cried. Wasn't prepared. Dammit.
- Monique Brown: This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard. Thank you for trusting us, and being able to show us your vulnerable side. Not everyone can do that and it takes a great amount of courage and bravery and I appreciate you for that. I think we can all learn something from that song. While it feels like you have lost so much, you still have you friends parents and your wonderful sister. Welcome back Josh, we love you and missed you
- Gabi Lopes: Everything will be okay I promise!:)
- Amanda SUTHERLAND: This is so emotional, it reminded me on my past, it also reminded me of you and Colleen and when I found out you guys broke up it was so heart braking but I'm always here for you and Colleen no matter what happens. I love you both with all my heart, the emotions in your and Erin's face was so precious, you were probably thinking about Colleen while singing this and your sister and her divorce. 💕 Love you xxx
- Colleen Flower: Happy ur back we love you
- Heidi Noland: Jenna Z couldn't have said it better
- Maxon Elliott: It makes me so happy to see you back again :D
- Yaritza A: Am I the only one who thinks Josh's sister looks like a younger Winona Ryder, she's gorgeous.
- Mother Crudder: I want along with u guys❤😢❤ while I cried❤❤😥
- Rhiannon Baisch: This made me cry 😭 you'll get through this Josh, your fans love you!
- e: We'll support you no matter what Josh! Love you❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Ayeitscindy: this is beautiful.
- Vanessa Salcido: its so weird how Joshua is still crying When colleen is acting like nothing is happening but still i choose colleen
- EllyeTibbets: This was so emotional to watch, I just want to jump through the screen and hug you. I'm so glad that you are back. And I hope that you have found your peace, we love you josh💕😘
- Tio David: Amazing work!! I was waiting for this!
- TheTrb1987: omg!! if only i could hug josh!! i feel so bad for him!! josh, me and a million others love you and we are here for you!! stay strong!!
- Tespo yahoo: omg i got chills when it came to actual colors instead of black and white
- Love, teyah.: You guys are so amazing. I'm so glad you're back Josh and I'm so glad that you're here safe and sound even through your darkest hour. Always remember that God will keep you and you're strong. Love you guys.
- Laurcake8: I literally love this song it's nice to see josh again
- Ayden Ruby: I just wanna hug them and be with him, I love you so much
- Kimi-Jin808: Pp
- Laurie Beth H: Beautiful
- xxxtnuh: Feel better
- Nina: This is the only thing that's made me cry in a long time.
- Justin E: Didn't Cry, but this is really sad
- Idea's With Panda: I wish josh and Colleen would still be together but if this is what they want/need then I respect that
- Caitlin Tizzard: Wow they sound great together and Max same I agree with u
- Citlali Erazo: Stay strong, Josh!
- perfect imperfections: please audition for x factor but Josh you nererleed cryd are you ok
- Brigitte Diaz: Plz tell me I wasn't the only one who tired up a bit
- Kimberly Carr: Love it!!!
- Zooba57: This is real talent from the heart that will last and inspire. That was beautiful Josh and Erin. God Bless you with Peace and Love.
- Lucy Corder: 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
- Louise Murphy: OMG erins voiceeeee!
- AnnSophie: oh, i was not ready for this. i´m crying :´( But it was so good
- Christina Long: 💔❤
- Prod. by MiB: The part when Josh pretends to cry tho 😂
- Stephanie Despres: That was beautiful. Josh hang in there, your doing the right thing by taking a break and getting yourself back on track. I used to really like Colleen but I must say how she has acted since the break up I've lost some respect for her. I think your an extremely nice guy and one day the right girl will be your happily ever after. Xo
- EuriartyShipper: oh gosh guys. that was soo beautiful. the strength you guys show is truly inspiring
- lily louise: I want Erin to do her own music❤️💖💕💝💞🔥
- Olivia Bon: Erin is so great at singing, i hope they make more music or covers with each other
- Caitlin Chatham: You have such a good voice!!x
- Katy M: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- TheOfficeFanatic word: so beautiful and amazing. Josh, you are such a strong amazing person. You have a amazing sister.
- Poppy B: stay strong everyone! Everyone is beautiful on the inside 😘
- Heather Van Buskirk: Wow. This was so beautiful Josh and Erin. ❤️
- Hannah Joelle: You guys brought me to tears. I'm so sorry for all the heartache. Jesus heals. ❤️
- Nancy: OMG! OMG! OMG! That was amazing! You and Erin should do shows! You have the most talented family!
- ara p: anjana OH MY GOD 😂😂😂
- Eden: beautiful! Im glad your back josh!
- CatandHanTV: Crying rn 😭 I feel like Colleen hasn't taken it as hard and got over it quickly X hope you are ok
- Abby Coleman: omg Erin 💖💖
- Olivia: I love this so much! ♡
- Viktorya A: I was lying down and hearing this. When Erin's voice came in, I was like "Did I read the title right? Is this Erin or who? WHERE IS HER BUNNY VOICE?!?" But this is very sweet and beautiful! Love it!
- Temima G: this made me cry. just beautiful. no words.
- Jennifer Cadden: Josh, this is beautiful. Please, please take all the time you need to heal. Just know that no matter how long it takes, your fans will always be here for you with open arms when you come back <3
- Stephenie Schultz: It can be tough to watch something beautiful coming from so much sadness. I guess that is the healing process.
- C A: This vid brings me tears everytime!! just beautiful!! It plays at my work all the way in Australia :)
- jane haviland: It seems like he is in true pain and I'm very sorry for him but please please please don't blame Colleen she is having a hard time too, they are dealing with it, it's what had to happen, it's nice to see him back
- BiohazardBeauty: Stephade British peoples accents disappear when they sing, for the most part too
- Jayden Mandau: Erin is so good!! So is josh. This is an amazing come back for Josh!
- Jessica Hernandez: Gee Kei #JoshsTrueColor
- dmnetinho: <3<3<3
- Simply Lexie: Probably the most I've ever cried in my life :(
- Masuda Arisa: This made me cry! love you josh! stay strong youll get through this
- JKCJFM: It's good to see you Josh. It broke my heart but it was a beautiful duet. I am crying with you...
- Yazmin Lopez: So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- elizabeth evans: He hasn't been gone that long that he been gone
- Clara: if they still love each other, whyyy? :(
- Noah Stitch Barron: Your ears are tiny and adorable
- Chelsea Smith: the second the song I nearly cried and I was shivering I feel so bad
- Avery Tanner: wow...this really got me. Josh, I love you and we are all here for you. I love your voice and Erin's voice so much.
- Alex Boudreau: I have never heard / seen something so beautiful. You guys are so strong together and it just shows the bond you have. Stay strong josh. It's easier said than done. But we love you for you and for everything you have done. And that'll never change. ❤️😊💪🏼
- Jane Review: 'People may abandon you or even try to erase you' - from the description. Isn't that the truth of the last few weeks. I can barely watch her anymore.
- Shainelle J: #SiblingGoals 😭😍
- Monica Sousa: This song usually makes me emotional but this got me out of control😭😭😭 . The most soulful, beautiful touching cover <3 Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow 💜💙💛💚❤🌈
- Sabrina Nguyen: Mars and Nerma, I disagree, colleen deals with sad situations differently than Josh, just because shes happy on camera doesnt mean shes happy off camera. no one knows them off camera. While Josh shows he's sadness which is ok.
- Megan Plazinski: This made me cry harder than watching both of the life updates. I hope they both heal soon and let their true colors show.
- Rachel Reynolds: We love you Josh❤️
- Trevor Ray: Honestly if you actually watch Colleen's vlogs she says many times she makes videos and does stuff to keep her mind off of it. People heal in different ways. Please stop the hate. If you are a true fan of Josh do what he says and "Be nice to people." 🙂
- dancer4life_23: Umm... balling😭😭😭
- EmmaleighJoy :): this is so sweet..love you both💜
- yolanda: i wish joshleen never broke but maybe we would never meet erin and maybe she would never had started a utube channel like if u agree
- Grēta: hes sisters voice is so cute and adprable... i love it.
- Adepe: omggg! You bouth sing soo good! i already listened to this video like 7 times! It's so beautifull! love you guys!😊😘
- Jyoti Patel: The song was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Well done Josh and Erin x
- Kay Immy: This is beautiful ❤️❤️I love the editing of the video to show color.
- freshpotaeto: Gosh , It broke my heart when josh cried ☹️
- Scarlett_jl: Sophie Amara josh told us in the life update that Colleen divorced him and it's all over the internet
- Our Calderon Life: although it hurts we just gotta keep on going
- J Walk: Erin should have every recording company fighting to sign her!! I'd buy her album in a heartbeat!! That girl can sing!! (Josh too of course!!) Hugs.
- Marion Kirgotty: I did not expect this. I might cry all night
- Zoë Hutton: Beautiful 💛
- It's your girl #PeaceAndLove: You go girl and boy
- Alex Baber: Am i the only one who listened/watched this 50times
- Ry M: this is definitely the best song he's done. he sounds really good in this. love you forever josh.
- Doc Trower: Don't mind me. I got sand in my eye. Really, it was that beautiful. *sniff* Can't a brutha get a moment? *sniff* *HONK*
- Laken Gobel: So crazy... This song has been stuck in my head since this weekend...!
- kristeen: The song itself and him as a singer is very good, better than most people i've heard sing, but the comment section is confusing and judgmental. We only saw the good side of Joshua and Colleen's relationship, but the only reason she's not showing a certain kind of emotion towards their divorce is because she feels like her purpose on social media is to be positive and strong, She's a human with feelings and so is he. We are not free to judge by what we see when we only saw the good and happy parts of their marriage. This is something both hard on Joshua And Colleen and we should respect them as much as we can. Like we clearly saw his sister knew he was so broken about the divorce so she took over, colleen kept being strong and uploaded whilst sending positive messages throughout her videos. Joshua decided to take another path and sing his heart out. Somehow Joshua only now realized the qoute that Life isn't always fair or kind, It has bumps. Colleen Didn't let him down or abandon him and neither did he do that to colleen, they're honestly both good people, So what im trying to say, don't be rude and judgmental to neither of them respect what path they take if you truly love them.
- Megan Railton: It took me bye surprise
- Breezy Girl: amazing!!!😍😍😍
- Betzabeth Rojas: I cant stop watching this video
- Brinley Bean: He is so good 😍😍
- Vianney Figueroa: This song came out on the movie trolls 💖💖I love this sooooong
- Kaia Reichow: omg i loved it i never new she could sing more singing videos
- brenna prentiss: Has josh been hanging out with David Dobrik
- G. H: It takes a lot to do this... I appreciate that your expressing yourself in a way that you feel comfortable.
- Eluh: I love you josh and i love you Erin <3
- Sioned James: AAAAAA You're voices are so beautiful!This was everything😍😙💙💜I missed you so much
- TiffyLoveT2L1: 2 mins in and I'm crying
- Mica Gandia: oh my god I'm just crying right now
- Caramel Caramela: i love your sises voice it beautyfull
- Katy S: Beautiful Josh. So nice to see you back x
- Emily Book: this makes me so sad
- Matt T: Iv been searching for this exact song.
- Kaitlyn Rose: Love you josh❤❤❤❤❤❤💋❤💋❤💋❤❤❤❤💋❤💋
- A and K show: I am so sad
- Biksola: Kay V. D. Im feeling for you dear, Im here if u need a friend :)
- amityofyouth: erin n josh voices r amazing..
- Rainbow Midget: I'm totally not crying! I didn't know Erin could sing so beautifully!!!
- Kaci 34: I just watched the trolls movie and this song was in it. I really almost cried
- Alvina K: OMG there shoes are goals and i missed you Joshua i'am glad your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Franzielle Reyes: joshua are u ok even u brokeup with coleen
- Anna M: Awesome!
- Strider 91: cringe...so fucking cringe. smh
- Kylah Marie: Anika Sykes same on a spiritual level
- shelby: sade power they are brother and sister? what do you mean? They are southern and they were raised beautiful, family is EVERYTHING to them. They have now both gone through similar situations, they are family helping each their through hard time. So I don't know what the fuck you meant by your comment
- Holley Frank: Cryed
- Trinity Lajeunesse: I love you josh
- Cassidy Simmons: 😭😭so moving love good job guys ❤️❤️
- frososav: My eyes are sweating. They are definitely doing more exercise than I am
- The Piggie Life: "And that's why I love you" 😝
- Devon Howlter: Who else wanted to give josh a big hug 💕✨
- Claudia Mobbs: We love you Josh ❤️❤️
- Virginia Collins: I think I just fixed any drought problem in Cali.
- SuperBloo: Is anyone else crying? Yes? No? Holy crap that was beautiful ❤️ It's so good to have you back Josh!
- Adrianna Rae: Omg I'm in tears 😢
- Lintar Watanaya: it's a beautiful song, they sing it with heart. I can feel the emotions.. I teared up too
- Alex Perez: Wow! speechless. Amazing song!
- Sophia Stewart: I love you so much
- Amanda Wilson: LDShadowLady Fan 〈3 and also I read the description where he said sometimes people will abandon you and erase you he's clearly talking about her!
- Lana Jones: be nice to people ❤️❤️
- Jordan Purrington: This is so amazing. Wow
- Rachel Beck: This was so beautiful, I can't help but cry. I'm so proud of you Josh!
- Hale the Hero: Where's the love button? I click the heck out of that button.
- Francis Riano: Gives me chills. I can't believe they are over
- Emma Campbell: I watch videos today both 8f them made me cry 😂😂😂
- Dani Andi: And your voice, Erin!!!! My goodness. This is all around beautiful. Hang in there, Josh. Your pain will eventually become a little less each day. I'm so proud of you both!!!
- Raelynn Lee: Not to be rude but I feel like he is gay
- Amy Oliver: I'm so happy that your back! Legit feels like I've just cut a million onions❤️ 100 likes for josh? Xx
- Jaylin: same
- Jaclyn Ruth: The way Joshua's sister comforts him when he looked like he was about to cryyy 😢
- Belle 9432: WE LOVE YOU JOSH 💙💙💙💙💙
- Caeli-Grace Boyle: your back to youtube
- sophie savage: Yayyyyyy you're back. love you Josh
- SuperCrazydada: Hi Josh, I'm sorry for what you've been through. I think this is what happens when another half got a huge success on their career. You will do better ^^
- Hope for beauty: So sad to see josh crying breaks my heart
- Kaitlyn Ryan: 3:10 onwards I lost my shit. the poor guy and Erin so upset to see him sad. Probs the best I've heard him sing though tbh. More stripped back.
- Nikki smile: This song finda hurts me anyway but I haven't seen a more emotional cover then this! 😢
- Karina Cordero: Lol this is so dramatic .
- jaywhofan: I love the subtle digs at you know who in the description.
- Audrey Warren: In all seriousness this is an incredible song
- Rosendo Rendon: Dance moms Edits hi
- Bára Guttesen: This is so sad i'm literally crying so hard 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Celena Marie: I missed u sm I will always support you❤️
- Shahrokh Djahansous: All I need to say😭😊
- dschackkk_: Soujanya Patil tell that to Colleen, not Josh.. this divorce was not something he wanted
- TamnJ118:24: ❤️
- Joaly Rodriguez: Bruh she's funnier and a more talented singer where had your sister been all this time.
- lachick heartpurple: Welcome back Josh <3 YOU GOT THIS!!! That was beautiful!! And ERIN SINGS????
- Linnea Jansson: Josh, You still have an amazing jawline and an amazing heart. Never forget that.
- TheJournalGurl: My heart is breaking watching this. Stay strong Josh!!! Love this song ❤️
- Katie Lindgren: This is pretty off topic but does Erin remind anyone else of Jayma Mays?
- ara p: I still tear up when I see this. 💔
- Jennifer Browning: We love you SO MUCH, Joshua! This was beautiful and raw and painful and refreshing... There is nothing like a sibling bond and a sibling harmony, voices fitting perfectly together, like puzzle pieces. Healing. This really touched my soul.
- Hannah Maynard: 0:25 is start of singing thank me later
- Bella Kridner: i just cried was i the only one? 😢😢😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😢😭😢😭
- Gina Bonelli: MYY GAWWWD <3 This was everything. I know how much you love your sister and this was just beautiful and so perfect. Well done to the both of you and so much love to you Josh! XO
- Blueyes: OMG!!! i just cryed. love it!!!!
- please don’t touch me: Who started cutting onions next to me?!?!?????? 😭😭 We love you Josh X stay strong dude ❤️❤️❤️
- Guen: Did you know that this song is in the new troll movie???? I thought of you when I heard them sing it!! I feel like it's a sigh you will find your happiness again! 😊
- Izzy Pipino: That was the most heartwarming and heartbreaking thing I've ever seen😭❤️
- The Reaction Cousins: 3:12 waaaa
- Elizabeth: Wow this made me cry xD And i must be really OCD but at 4:04 that extra "oh" by Erin just made me cringe xD
- Random Stranger: Yazan Ibrahem evidence?
- Mack Kovach: I got so many chills
- Dolan Twinz: Josh we all love you and u don't need to worry u have a huge future ahead of you and u have a huge family to share it with don't fear and don't worry u have a heart xx❤️ like and comment if u agree💫
- Nicole Sanchez: Beautiful arrangement. I shed some tears!
- Taylor Fortin: Heart is officially broke.
- Shawn Houck: Awesome Job to the both of you. Hang in there Josh, you will make it thru the darkness.
- lily ob: finally josh is back to his happy self
- Sandy's Box: the original singer was Cyndi Lauper, Justin and Anna cover it for Trolls.
- Gabriela Vaca: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Katie Brooks: Loved this! ❤️
- April: I'm so sad for you kid. I feel your heartbreak and your emotional investment. I hope that time can heal your pain and you can find something or someone that makes life seem like less of a malfunction and more of a ride.
- Katherine Gonzalez: Ani MM ikkkkk
- 5T3PHEA: They are wearing matching clothes!! Omg cute
- withlove_ jana: This broke me...I can see the pain.Dear Josh . you'll make it through this..You will.xoxo
- Julia van Loon: ❤️❤️❤️ you are so brave. Pls hold on
- soapqueen2008: I love his voice
- Níamh Duffy: Welcome back Josh ❤️
- Alexandra Strikis: This is the best song ever and best people singing the song.
- Linds&Liv: Who else is crying? We love you josh.
- Karelii Sandoval: for those wondering why Erin is crying it's because her little brother is going through something she knows very well.. she knows his pain and I don't think she would wish that on him. I hope Josh sees that just like Erin got up so can her. Wish only the best for both.
- christine: Josh welcome back
- Samantha Day: erins voice 😍😍😍
- Lizzie S.: I forgot to say one more thing. Erin I love your voice. It's beautiful how you supporting your brother.
- Gabriella Hamarr: im crying
- HickmanVlogs: ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! This made me cry! Y'all sound so good together! Stay strong! Here supporting you from NC!
- Noemi Ortega: Seeing them cry made me cry....😭
- Ellie Reeves: So glad ur back love u and Erin ❤️
- Peter Bennett: <3
- cocomp4: RosesareRed38 We didn't see the stuff behind the camera, but even on camera she was a wonderful person and for you to say that is just gross. I met her and she was a sweet heart. You are not getting the point of this video. This video was supposed to be happy but you ruined all the happy feelings. Please Be Nice To People.
- Jeizl Jett Crabaño: I appreciate you, Josh and Erin. Thank you.
- Lynette Demar: This is truly beautiful. The love and support you have with your sister is amazing to say the least! I'm so glad that you have a support system like this. It breaks my heart to see you hurting like this. I wish nothing but the best for you and look forward to when you are smiling again and truly happy. It's seems impossible right now, but you will. It will just take time.
- Allison Cleary: This is such an amazing video, this is definitely gonna help so many even if they are going through the same thing you are. I love you Josh and am so glad that you are coming back, I've missed you, can't wait to see what this new chapter of your life brings you.
- TheEmmyLauren: Even though this breaks my heart, I'm really glad that you're back ❤
- Megan: i feel you :(
- Kaya Ciulkiewicz: read the description 🙆😏😭
- 5 일12 월: Colleen needs to see this. Even if she won't take Josh back, but atleast she saw how he felt.
- Lilly Morgan: Josh and Erin are amazing they sing and it makes me think of happy things😊
- Abs Mac: I wasn't mentally prepped for this Josh u can get through this
- Andrea Kutasy: In the first 30 seconds i was already in love with the song and i couldn't not to download it.It's too beautiful♥
- Mariya: So beautiful!
- Dominique P: This literally makes me happy and sad at the same time. I'm happy josh is starting to show his face more. But seriously who chopped the onions😩😩
- UndermyAMBERella aye: This is so beautiful and inspiring Josh. Thank you so much. To see you put emotion and meaning in this is really touching. Stay strong. Things will get better❤️❤️
- Halle Lewis: Cass Rough same
- Leo Specht: *Aww they covered the version in the movie Trolls by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick instead of the original by Cyndi Lauper. JT and Anna's is so much more powerful. I love it. :) And they started black and white and gained color at the end like the movie Trolls!! Great video guys. We are all here for you*
- Fallon Harris: OMG I'm in lov with your new song josh!! Erin you ar an amazing singer!!!!! Everyone thumbs up if you already know the lyrics!!
- Katie bull: 😭😢💝💔 OMG MY HEART
- Kirsty Rosie: Mya 1311 it's always easier for the one that ends the relationship but it doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't still hurting or that she's already over it. It's just harder on the person that didn't want the break up
- EmmaLou: Praying for you always.
- Kaitlyn Bledsoe: I had tears in my eyes after I watched it I'm sorry that you guys are getting a divorce but I love and you can get through this I believe in you nobody should ever go through this just know that we are here for you
- sonofcar: it feels so good to see your face again
- Blackcatgirl: Who is she? Sry if I'm behind...
- Steven S: this video is 4:20 long. Sorry I had to.
- Lisi R.: not being hateful at all. for some reason i find it weird that this music video was directed by the same person that filmed the wedding of colleen&josh.
- brianna mclean: I had no idea Erin could sing soooooooooooo well and we'll I knew Josh could but this was AMAZING TO LISTEN 2
- Alyssa Thomas: Welcome back, Josh! ❤️ you've been in my thoughts! Stay strong, friend.
- Emily Papapetrou: That was beautiful guys
- Louise: So much love Josh... so much💕
- Brihearts13: So beautiful! Love you and praying for you!
- Tara Joy: Yes it was
- Erin Emiko: Erin is such a good singer!! (so is Josh but we already knew that)
- mason v: lol I'm dieing this is halarious
- The Abby and Caitlin Studio: Guys stop blaming Colleen it's neither one of their fault stop saying that she only cares about fame she doesn't she said that making videos makes her happy so if that's what she wants to do then leave her be they both still love each other and it was for the best. People handle situations like this differently Colleen likes to make videos when she is sad so please stop spreading hate. Josh I love you and I hope you feel better soon
- Nikki King: this made me cry
- Ryan Ross: this made me cry not the song. just seeing you Josh i love you so much hope you come back soon ( the song made me sad tho it sad) just know Josh im with you no matter what i just want you to be happy
- Ella Elston: I think I got hay fever
- Mandeep Deu: Love love love this. It's beautiful. Erin seems like she is Josh's rock through all this. So beautiful!! Miss you Josh.
- Kaiya Steyskal: his voice makes my heart melt 😊😊😊I LOVE u josh u are such an inspiring person
- Olivia Nattey: Love you! You made me cry when I saw you crying!
- Alana Smith: I've lost a lot of respect for Colleen she barely had a reason she used josh
- naoise brennan: Almost 1K dislikes, wow.
- Kyla Jones: omg .. !!! ^^^
- Senpai Chan: Yay I love Trolls
- Darcy Orlando: Oh god, this made me cry. Glad you're back Josh.
- emma mcguire: I cried. A lot.
- Miyah Jean: How does anyone dislike this
- Sheila Phan: we love you josh. stay strong for us
- Maddie Beechner: I've watched this so many times I can't stop
- demi wilson: all these people josh did not make this Cindy loper did but Erin's voice is dope
- BDE98: Joshua is really milking this divorce drama... Hopefully one day he can move on with his life, like Colleen.
- Saffythecob: This still gives me chills! I love Erin and Josh! ❤
- MysteriousVibes: I͟ l͟o͟v͟e͟ t͟h͟i͟s͟ s͟o͟n͟g͟. Y͟o͟u͟ m͟a͟k͟e͟ i͟t͟ 100 t͟i͟m͟e͟s͟ b͟e͟t͟t͟e͟r͟
- Shino8124: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I'm so happy you done this to help you cope and heal both of you ❤️❤️
- Johana Bautista: This broke my heart :(
- Brandon Braudrick: josh gaind waght
- Ibby Z: I didn't know that Erin could sing!
- Mushka Alfre: UHMMMMMMMMMMMM who else cry thier eyes out when Erin and Josh were crying please say "Aye"
- Binh Huynh: Its not rude at all, I agree with her
- Myra L: 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
- ItsJustTris 12: This song was SOOOOOOOOO emotional to me it literally made me cry watching this.😥I bet it was hard for you guys too.😢😢
- Princeza :D: Their matching shoes are so cutw
- kayla grace: I love this song. You guys are both amazing. I missed you Josh and am so happy you are back. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and Erin in good times and bad times. 💗
- So Cotoji: OMG this made me cry so hard!
- Anna Spivey: So much love for this and both of you. I am so proud of you, Josh, for coming back to the world of YouTube. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope things are getting better for you, just know that we all love you and some day it won't hurt as bad.
- LaLuna Lenna: omg joshuaaaa ♡♡♡♡
- sara: This sounds really good.
- Makenzie Edwards: Im obsessed with this song. It's so pretty. Their voices are AMAZING
- Thalia Worsley: This is so emotional I love it.
- Ashley Powers: I love this josh 😊
- annmarie wydra: This song is amazing and such an inspiration
- Miranda Mican: I love Colleen and see her being happy and I'm like "yeah that's great" but after seeing this I'm like "no". She hasn't seemed sad and she shows us everything so if she were sad she's let us in. I feel like she doesn't really care? I hope I'm wrong because after watching this I feel so bad for him knowing he's in pain while she's just having the time of her life.
- Raegan Blume: I sobbed the whole way through this song. Much love josh ❤️❤️
- Georgia Regan: Oh sorry what I just said I dint know they were brother as sister..... My bad
- Emma A: Aww josh I'm so sorry but we are here for you we love you. I love this song it's your best one yet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Heather Jump: Beautiful! Harmony was awesome.
- nbriol: Love you josh, stay strong 💕
- Jocelyn Carrillo: Everyone needs to stop saying mean stuff about Colleen. Just because she isn't showing her emotions like Josh is does not mean it's not hard for her. Everyone deals with their sadness different, you're not there behind the camera with her 24/7 so stop. Josh decides to show it unlike her. So just let them be , she's just trying to move on.
- Some Guy: And this ladies and gents, is another reason to love Erin!
- Danie Forquer: My heart was not ready.
- Emmy Engström: Im so happy youre back, Josh. Hugs your way and hope you have been ok. Your sister is just lovely by the way. Just like you are
- amanda eatherton: welcome back. 💖
- Lindsey loves Blog: Stunning track xxxx
- Emily Rose: Omg this was so beautiful
- Charlotte James: It's alright Erin and Josh
- Elena Martinez: josh will get better he will find someone who and patch that whole im his poor aching heart 💔💖👍😢
- Sara G.: Yeah, I totally wasn't prepared for that. My heart is breaking for you, Josh, but it will get easier with time, I assure you. I've been there. What would you do without that amazing sister of yours? <3
- Ella Madarash: I was not prepared for this emotionally I'm actually crying😭❤️
- Lecia Willbanks: btw: I can't fathom why this video has as many dislikes that it does! This song rings true in all our lives. I have had many friends just leave me behind but special ones who have stayed with me. They have kept me sain through 12 operations in 2yrs; nine months of not being able to eat (used TPN); and a roller coaster divorce in the middle of it all. Only God knows where I'd be without those who have truly stuck by me! I am so sorry this has happened to you..please don't let it dim the bright light you have always shown!
- abstractswirls: Beautiful
- Antonia Tigani: Wishing there was a love button !
- Shaylee Hofner: He's so sweet I started crying at 3:11
- Moonlightbae: They're so freaking adorable together❤️
- kay M: I watched this 50 times and tried not to cry failed every single time
- Abby Stone: We love you Josh ❤️
- XxmonsterdiversityXx Gamer: When ever I see people I cry I cry😭😭😭
- Holly EGW: alyssasmh...... I'm definitely NOT the rude one... it was mean of you to say that she seemed to have gotten over it quick. Nobody should be saying anything about either one of them. It's not our place or our business to do so. We all should be supporting them with kind and positive words. I'll bet Josh doesn't appreciate the negative words being said about Colleen.
- Sammyy Bearr: Please please put on Spotify!💗
- Madeline: Here josh is depressed while Colleen is living life having a wonderful time 😂
- Debra Simpson: This is beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ love you both x
- Mrs. Oz: wonderful... thank you 💐
- Karla & Jay: Reading the description is making me tear, now I know I'll probably cry with the video 😭
- Michelle -: Is he singing this? Is this his real? Wow, never expected anything like this...never knew he could sing like this!
- marc: +laur tayl yes but do you ever think making videos for her fans is making it better? what if she wants family time without having to vlog? you ever think "making videos for you guys makes me happy!" is just an excuse? this is her career she has to do it. maybe she actually did want to take time off from YouTube but she can't cuz it pays the bills.
- Badia: the choice of that song says so much abouut Joshua <3
- Anderton laurensius: just search for true colors cover and find this video.. can anyone explain me what the hell is happening here please??? i don't know anything but finding this video full of fucking sad emotion *Damn that ninjas cutting onions
- Devan Hanks: Best cover ever!
- Kaci 34: I am watching this once again and when sing it I start crying kept still makes me sad especially to see them both crying
- Madlyn Lithasya: yup! i agreed!
- ••Alejandro ••: 😫✨👏👏👏👏👏
- RussianJack: this doesn't sound like Josh for some reason.
- Thejasve Ram: This just broke my heart! We love you Josh! We got your back!
- Sage Patterson: This video ended with me in tears, very moving. Josh I hope you're doing better and I hope your heart is healing and I truly think you will be stronger than before. Welcome back.
- Hannah Grace: I love you son much Josh and I will 100% support you in everything you do. You're such an amazing person. Sending my love out to Erin too rn. I LOVE YOU GUYSSSSSS
- Lindsey Lu: I don't think I will ever stop getting the chills/goose bumps because this is soooooooooo good.
- sigh: why is there so much hate towards Colleen. They're both hurt in different ways. you shouldn't be picking sides. ik Colleen is acting like nothing happened on camera but you need to be happy and not show the negativity when you're recording, you never know maybe once that camera stops recording she could be balling her eyes out
- nazareth sanchez: Such a great video. I was not expecting to cry so much! You have a great sister Josh ♥ Hold on tight to her.
- Maja Š.: <3 <3 <3
- Ryan Wong: beautiful
- nina: We missed you!❤ly
- Chloe Holden: Awesome!😮😍
- Kaitlin Goode. B: Mya 1311 I know it's just girls are more sensitive about breakups and boys get over it fast. I think they will be more happy. He is over it by now.
- colleenftaddy: I love you so much please don't ever forget it. Thank you for everything bud, I missed you :)
- Eve Trottier: This is really good ! Good job on the cover !!
- Carrisa Fan: I am crying 😢😭
- Anina Stettler: So much LOVE :)
- Sauren Lhields: That was BEAUTIFUL
- kittyxoxo 2004: Are you sad that Collen abandoned you
- Useless Blog: 😭😭😭I love you guys so much you are my biggest idols
- zoramystic2ify: So beautiful
- Jess Edwards: I really missed Josh
- Ansley Nicholson: im so proud of you josh! love you!
- Gabriel C: cringeyyy aff
- Nina Slytherin: Thank you .
- Erica O'Shea: Welcome back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ beautiful singing
- Kelly Fowl: amazing well done guys
- Angela Rogers: oh the tears!!!!! Big love Josh!!!!
- Lindsay Anna: Thank you:) for the supportive comments. Im not sure what possesses people to take time to be mean when folks are just supporting each other through rough times
- Ellie Roberts: I feel sorry for them it's been hard for Josh and his sis because the divorces stay strong u two xx
- Z4Awesomeness: You're amazing Josh, I'm a big fan and will always look forward to watching your videos and supporting you every step of the way
- Lauren Carson: This was beautiful I cried it was so beautiful so glad you are back josh❤️❤️
- allthingsfandom: This is so beautiful 😭😍
- Trisha Kanadi: Tara Roshdy Well,people cope differently. Colleen has said that she wants to spread happiness and positivity on her channel. You or anyone else are not entitled to what she puts up online. And if she is happy, why should she be criticized for it. If she moved on and is going on with life well, why should she be judged for it? must she be mopey for the rest of the year. She has said that she wants to show us that we can choose happiness even when things get rough and make the most out of it. Please spread happiness, not hate.
- Abby Johnson: YES
- Nicole McDowell: loving this so much. cried. but honestly you guys should be there for josh and collen not making collen sound like a bad person and it happened so get of yourselves and instead of putting comments like the ones you guys are posting put positive comments instead they are both going through hard times and both are hurting.
- Maggie Connolly: I'm gonna cry! 😭😭 I can't. 😢💕 I'm gonna lose it!
- Michelle Tam: Beautiful.
- A. J.: I love this song soo much. Love you Josh. Hope all is well
- Dilnawaaz Mohammed: Everyone deals with heartbreak differently. I pray that God gives you both the strength to get through this tough time xx 😘
- Jae Gaffaney: I literally cried
- Chloe Olney: I'm shocked I didn't know josh could sing and he's really good same with his sister
- Meghan O'Donnell: So many goosebumps! Love you both so so much. Welcome back Josh, hope you're doing well. We've missed you <3 <3
- Omy's Alicea: I feel for him so hard!!! especially seeing colleen like nothing happens... so disappoint it on her : ( I hope he finds someone who truly deserves him!!!!
- Ashlyn Strupe: Hit me right in the pregnancy hormones! What a beautiful rendition and so raw. Keep healing Josh. Beautiful voices ❤️
- Starsie: Wow, okay so that was way above amazing. Can't stop sobbing 😭
- Lexi Janae: omg I love this song because of this video and I saw trolls and I like, exploded inside!!
- Ellie Galasso: Josh!
- lilly jade: poor thing he must be singing this because he misses colleen :(
- Brie Cheese ASMR: You both sound so beautiful together an apart!!! I am so sorry for all of y'all!!! you guys should start a different channel where you too just sing together!!! I love y'all so much!!!
- 1992AngelBaby1: this is beautiful guys. I see his pain in his eyes and face. you made us feel all the pain keep hanging on there josh.
- bone app the teeth bay bee: sad vid but jordans still poppin
- Tony André Parado: i DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO TAKE SIDES. I'M STILL SAD WITH WHAT HAPPENED :( please stop giving hate comments to Josh and Colleen. As their fans/viewers let's just respect them as person and respect their decisions. Always remember what Josh says "Be nice to people" :)
- Georgina Brazell: Wow that was beautiful ! Cant believe how well your voices matched. You could also see the heart break you have both been through, and i know that pain, as i have been through it my self. I actually joined in singing ahah not as good as you 2 but hopefully sound good. You can tell your related because your voices matched so perfectly. Should sing together more often.
- Momma Bubbly: Was literally balling this morning listening to this song😭😭 Thank you for sharing your talent with the world! This is beautiful!!
- Jenna Milek: This made me cry because I miss joshleen so much and I'm sorry that you had to go through this Josh <3
- Grace Zodrow: Wait, why doesn't he have like, 5,000,000 subscribers? ILY!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Thomas Brantley: Wow. That was an amazing performance. The emotion in this video was so real.
- Chloe Calloway: My favorite cover on YouTube ❤️❤️❤️ it's almost been a year and I still bawl my eyes out when I listen to this ❤️❤️
- Rachel Landry Saunier: This was beautiful! Great job Josh and Erin. This was such a touching, raw performance. To be honest I had to unsubscribe and unfollow Colleen, because it's clear she's moved on very quickly and doesn't seem to be that affected. And that truly blows my mind and makes no sense. I'm glad you've taken some time off, cause any normal person going through that needs to take time off to grieve and start to heal. Sending you love and prayers as always Josh. I hope that in time you can heal, and one day I know you'll find someone who will cherish you and never give up on you. Send Erin my love too! You guys are awesome. Xo
- Cass S: Everything is going to be alright, Josh. Everyone here feels your pain. We're all with you.
- Grayson Johnson: i just want to hug you💗
- AyItsShannon: Oh my god my heart is absolutely breaking but I'm so so glad you're back
- Caity Cat Vlogs: We miss you Joshua ❤️ hope to see you back on YouTube soon ❤️❤️ no matter what we love you ❤️❤️ both you and Colleen ❤️❤️
- Theresa Troudt: All the feels... beautiful.
- Khal Drogo: keep your head up man! you deserve so much more than Colleen. you can do SO much better than her.
- xlaginger: Love you guys <3
- kylie !!: i'm actually crying. josh. i'm so glad you're back. ily so freaking much. i hope you are feeling better. ❤️❤️ (btw erin has an amazing voice 😍 who knew?)
- P J: I think your making yourself unhappy by not been with the person you truly love. Deep down you know it's meant to be.. don't make a mistake by leaving it too late.. watching this we can all see how empty and lost you are.
- William Bruce: 4:20 lol
- Michael Pablo: Great singing
- Makayla D: Amazing video! The emotion really shows :( We need more sibling duets.
- Sarah Elizabeth: OK I HAVE A FEW THINGS I NEED TO SAY: 1) the fact that Erin is wearing high tops like josh is ADORABLE 2) the fact they are wearing matching clothes is also adorable 3) Erin is just all around adorable 4) Erin has a really beautiful voice 5) ok last but not least, THIS WHOLE VIDEO IS JUST CUTE Ok I'm done
- Brooke Benton: they are both awesome singers i never new how great Erin was i always knew josh was awesome but i guess it runs in the family
- Syd Foster: I can't stop watching this. It's so powerful to see two siblings fight to bring each other back to the top. I love you Josh and Erin ❤️
- TAYLOR GESSLER: Can I like this twice?
- Jaden Davison: It's good to have you back Josh! ❤ Also it's ok... I didn't need my heart! 😭💔😂
- Clary Zafe: so much pain in this video, i cant 😭
- Kasey LouLou: Fantastic!!!!! Like fan-freaking-tastic guys! Erin I had no idea you could sing like this! I'm moved beyond words. There IS life after this Josh, a big life!
- rosecupcake1: It takes a lot to break me but omg seeing Josh cry broke me. And seeing Erin cry for him made me tear up even more. Josh, you will find someone who will love you unconditionally and won't ever leave you. You deserve happiness and you will find it. I love you and I wish I could hug the both of you. Stay strong Josh!!
- Ravleen Jhutty: LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH
- RAE RAE: josh...I am you right now. I did not want the divorce. I wanted to fight. after a year of not being together I noticed the abuse behind our marriage and relationship. I am crying right with you. I feel your hurt. I see the pain. Josh you are an amazing person and one day that wonderful women will walk in and she will love you with her whole heart. prayers for comfort not just for you but anyone else who is dealing with this. God bless
- Toni Rose Noveloso: They shouldn't been divorced. Look at Colleen's channel. She's all happy and whatnot. Josh is the opposite. So depressing.
- Rebecca K.: .......I stopped breathing.... ..You two are too fricking talented😉
- Denise Morris: Joshua I feel you pain i,m on your side keep smiling xx
- 2peeliez: so cheezy
- vuhnessuh: truly beautiful, im in awe. amazing singing both erin and josh. i hope youre still keeping your head up josh and are finally getting better. youll get through this tough time <3 best wishes to you and erin
- Stephen Evans: Isabel V they didn't say it was a bad thing. It's not like they're saying that he's a hideous troll. Grow up!
- Melody Thompson: Each time I watch this video I wanna like it. But I already have!! Love the song and how strong y'all are
- Becca Rose: sade power THEYRE SIBLINGS
- mec 24: This is so sweet ❤️️ sibling love is the best kind of love!
- Dayana Kamaruddan: wait im confuse, is this a cover or an original song? cuz justin timberlake upload the same song like one month before this song and josh didnt even say this is a cover??
- Julie P: I've decided to delete those comments because I feel as if no one should be pointing fingers. They're both going through a rough time, everyone has different ways of showing things. We need to learn to accept the divorce as our support towards them is needed. I love both, and I'm so so genuinely sorry for putting in my 2 cents when clearly I only know so little about the situations that went on. Much love to everyone. Stay positive.❤💜❤
- April Dinatale: Very pretty song, sung by two beautiful souls!!!!
- ImJustMe: RebelliousWarrior me either!!!! it made me ugly cry
- Ellen Gold: you both have amazing voices. 💝💝💝
- Harry Krinkle: +Catherine Vartain When did she say she was in therapy? I think that's a good decision. She needs to work through her workaholic tendencies, 'cause even if they didn't cause her divorce, they didn't help.
- Alysa Costumbre: Same!!!
- Dzinisis: Coleen fucked up Josh so hard, I'm sorry for him.
- Tatiana Reyes: 😲 im not usually emotional but this was beautiful! I was tearing up the whole time. Amazing
- Graciella Lukito: im crying 😭😭
- Emily Seeley: i'm in love with this💞💞😭 you and Erin sing so beautifully together🙌🏻
- Patricia Jimenez: wow
- !!!!!????: I think josh is gay
- Milan Chuganey: This is an amazing video and they sound amazing. Josh looks so sad though :/
- Belinda Gaes: Why am I only hearing this now? 😞😞😍😍
- lily rose: this bring tears to my eyes stay strong joshxx
- Jen Teal: I, too, am going through a divorce. They say you go through the stages of grief and I've been stuck in the anger. The abuse and lies that have come out of his mouth, it angers me and it hurts at the same time. I gave all I had and he failed me. So, I know the pain you're feeling. I'm so glad you have each other. The sibling bond is strong and you're so blessed to have each other.
- Ellie Reeves: Woooooooo
- Lia Jayne Harrison: The power I felt from this cover omg, nothing but pure talent and emotion and love was the vibes from this cover,I'm so proud of you, you aswell as Coleen are so strong! And I wish you both all the happiness in the world❤️️❤️️❤️️
- Hana Marissa: Omg all the emotions right now😕 am I the only one?
- _ Twila: Can someone stop cutting onions, They are making me cry
- Scarlett Smith: DONT CRY JOSH!!! DONT CRY ERIN!!! WHEN YOU CRY I-I-I CRY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Angela Liu: Am I the only one crying? This is soo sad
- sheridan girl: Emma Webber I don't get it
- Deedee McGee: Emmy Engström agreed!
- Tara Joy: +Ayanna Mae but thats not what i meant....i meant it didnt go as planned
- Katie M: OMG!!!!That was the most beautiful singing have heard in a long time!!Josh you are so strong I don't know what it is like going through something that you are but I know I would not be as strong like you(if that makes sense) love you and praying that you stay strong and don't give up
- SkyHuskyGamer 17: like the teamwork
- Neol Laven: Beautiful! Just beautiful! You guys are so amazing! Stay strong!
- saffron: You didn't watch Colleen's video, stop making assumptions and stop spreading hate around. She said in that video that the divorce is not what she wanted, it was the hardest decision she'd ever made in her life. I don't understand why people are hating on Colleen for such a petite reason, which is making her own decisions. She doesn't need people like you who think they're right all the time making decisions for her, so please just leave her and Josh alone.
- Karanjit K Singh: Erin And Josh Sound 🔊 soo good 😊 together ❤️️❤️️❤️️
- A I: GAG a brother sister duet.. what...
- Carolyn George: I agree💗💗
- Elizabeth Crawford: you'll okay, you'll be even happier
- Giselle Barrios: This is so cute
- Isabella Marie: This is so beautiful😍😭
- Harley Dallojacono: That was so vulnerable and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us
- McKenna Clements: The biggest round of applause for Erin, not only is she the best sister on the world for Josh, or anyone really. But she can SING. No wonder he loves her.
- Amy Hefton: when they put they're arms on each other. gosh that broke me.
- A .aligator: Are you doing ok
- Cristal Acevedo: OMG You guys are amazing singers I honestly adore both of you guys love u so much.
- Alexa M: Great Job Erin!! I love you soon much josh! stay strong! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
- Gina Bitkowski: So touching. Made me cry. Josh, I support you no matter what.
- Emily Machala: You have to consider, Colleen is also in therapy... Joshua may not be. He may be doing this healing all on his own
- Cerys Child: So emotional, true love is between siblings. And this is shown here. Stay strong josh, we love you & Erin. Beautiful singing🤕
- kennedy :p: Anyone ever wonder if Colleen or Josh watch each others videos. I'm so glad Colleen is happy but if Josh watches them he probably isn't happy
- Debbie Jackson: I knew Josh could sing, but Erin, you sound like a beautiful songbird. Brava! More please. Welcome back, Josh!
- Mallie Spicer: I don't want to throw hate, but Colleen was just being self conscious when she felt she wasn't making him happy. She's broken Josh now that she left. And while he needed time to heal, Collen has been making sassy dances, chip tasting videos, and moving on. I know everyone deals with grief differently, but to me it doesn't seem like Colleen has any.
- Rachel Nicole Vlogs 💕: This was a very touching duet. I cried during this song because of how beautiful it was. You to probably sound almost like he original singers Justin Timberlake and Anne..? Great job! You two make a great duet pair... Love you two...
- lilli mrave: I'm in tears rn. They look so cute, like little kids in this video.
- Emily Collen: Your sister really is the best sister ever!
- Shelby Williams: This is absolutely beautiful.
- Cassie Lane: This was so beautiful!! Towards the end,there were tears from me!! We are all here from you and you have such great friends for helping you during this time. Love you Josh❤❤❤
- Ivana In Wonderland: Honestly, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard/seen. So many strong emotions in this video, that perfect connection between you and your sister... just amazing... Just stay strong because there is a rainbow after every storm, and you deserve that rainbow, you deserve the biggest fucking rainbow ever because you're a truly beautiful person. Lots of love from Croatia <3
- J McMillan: Josh I love you....the world loves you. You will heal, take your time ❤
- Kay Jay: We love you Joshua!! xxx
- Luciana Sulpizi: I meant here
- Whitney Stevens: Awwww 💙💙💙
- P Howard: Yayyyyy! Raw & beautiful! Welcome back, we missed you <3
- Jessica Mcguiggan: Once Erin started singing it got me crying! I love you josh and Erin!
- condecat 10: This gave me goosebumps oh my goodness! Such an amazing song, sung by amazing people. Keep going Josh, you are amazing. And Erin, you have such a beautiful voice, you harmonize so well with each other. What a heartfelt song.
- Sarah Gibbons: I'm in love with this❤ stay strong Josh you no we're here for you buddy x
- Amber Dickerson: mandyyjayyy that's what I said
- Grace Smyth: Bueteyful vocies I'm balling 😭😭😭
- blurryangelus: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL I HAVE NO WORDS😰😰😰😪😱😓
- roomforthefiiixins: Fucking heart-breaking. Holy hell. Hope it gets easier.
- Devon *: It must be so hard to get over a divorce, the emotion that the both of you put into the song is actually incredible. So glad Josh has got Erin to help him through this difficult time. When you both cried, I cried 😭 beautiful ❤️💜💜💜
- Toby DuPont: he looks so sad. Omg it's made me cry now how sweet this is. I can't wait for Josh to come be back to normal. we love you Josh. xx
- Wolfe Chan: Ashlen Alexander me too I was about to cry
- Sierra Johnson: Anyone else realize this song was in the movie trolls?
- Ashlyn Weems: Omg😍ilysm
- Andie Jean: That was AMAZING! When I try to sing it sounds like a dying cat.
- Lydia Nabhan: I just wanna give Josh a big hug. So sad for him, those feelings are so honest and raw.
- Pixlerella: I literally started sobbing when Josh started to cry!! It hurts me to see him in this much pain because of Colleen..,
- Kate Barron: Praying for you Josh. We're with you every step of the way. God put you on this path for a reason. Sometimes there's just bumps in the road and often times there's mountains. We love you.
- Noah Miller: michael cribbs he was a singer about 20 years before he even started YouTube.
- Gary Luggman: Allison Rose ya no one knows the story cause they hide the majority of their relationship. Fake
- AyeeItsAngel: YESSS JOSHH
- Nesma E.: Hailey Kasper wait, what video? 🤔
- Eva Rebol: Heartbreaking
- Dsimmer 27: this song is Very Very Slow but I still enjoyed this version very nice
- Elouise Charlotte lily Davis: I was singing this before it came out xx
- Madison: Absolutely beautiful.
- Myrissa Nelson: 💖💖💖💗💗💗💜💜💜😭😭😭
- baby bird: Guys, stop pulling Colleen in here. They're BOTH trying ti heal. Colleen's way of healing is her friends and us, the internet. Let's just appreciate how great Josh and Erin did. They worked so hard on this and they deserve praise.
- Jaya: So beautiful ❤️
- Slimey Slimez: this is such a beautiful song and he definitely deserve kindness and love
- Becky Caron: anyone else get the chills when they joined each other?
- Samantha DiMarco: Welcome back Joshua
- Tan Capable: Huw Palmerh
- Skylar: It's hard to understand that Colleen and Joshua divorced over so many years of loving each other and having so many people in their YouTube family and most of us got so close to them emotionally. I love both Colleen and Joshua the same even if they aren't one anymore. If Josh is reading this then I hope that he understands that we are all very sad for him and many of us still look back on the good times that them two were together happily and if Colleen is reading this then I hope she knows that we are all doing the same with her. In my opinion, I hope nobody chose sides over Colleen and Josh because if they want a divorce then they can and we can't do anything about it, unfortunately. I really hope that they read all of these comments so they see that most of us care(d) about their relationship together. They had good time sand bad but we always saw the good sides of their relationship and not the bad. I still feel part of their family even though that they are not together any longer. I hope no body is hating on either one of them because to me that would hurt for people to pick sides and to me, that wouldn't be right. If it's hurting Josh, all we could do is help him up instead of push him down and for us to help him through that tough moments that are going on in his life right now. I'm really sorry for Josh that Colleen wanted a divorce (I'M NOT PICKING A SIDE) I hope that Josh is more happy in the future and gets through this with us by his side. I know that most of us will always be by Colleen's and Josh's side whenever they need. I hope that they know that. Even though that Josh cried he doesn't deserve that and Colleen doesn't deserve it either. I just hope that they will be happier in their own separate lives for now on. We will always be their for you guys no matter what through the tough times and bad. WE LOVE YOU JOSH AND COLLEEN!!! <3 <3 <3
- Critic Unknown: just seeing how much pain he's going through fucking kills me inside
- amyidk: yall need to realise people deal with breakups differently. just because josh is posting videos of himself crying while colleen is just doing her normal youtube stuff doesnt mean she has gotten over it/doesnt care? she's being made to seem like this supervillain here when in reality, keeping her youtube happy and normal probably helps keep her positive and not every emotion has to be put in a video on youtube. not everyone wants to showcase their crying in their videos, doesnt make colleen a bad person like the majority of these comments are making her out to be
- Miriam garcia: You can actually feel the emotion in this one
- Courtney Hearn: Love love love a million times over.. so moving... please do more with your sis Erin it was magical xxxxxxx
- nightshadow_04: the name wonderful sister means Erin evens
- Samantha Perez: please say hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👑💍💍💎❤❤💎💎💎👑💍💎💍💍💍😚
- Grace Nelson: This is such a classic song!! I'm glad you guys made it your own!
- kirah _: Am I the only one who wants to give Josh the biggest hug right not?
- Jocelin: Who cried while watching this 😢
- Briana Mariah: I enjoyed this song. it helped me through this awful day
- Afua Grace: Welcome Back Josh.
- Sophia Perlman: From Georgia!! ❤️
- Yusaira Asad: this is perfect! heart-breaking. ❤️💔
- Jasmine Wickham-Green: There are no words to describe how much i love this and the two of you <3
- Kawaii Kitty: This is from Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick
- Brian Pham: WELCOME BACK JOSHUA!!!!~~
- Noelle Silvia: We're here Josh!!! We are all still here! Glad to see you ❤️️ and we are all crying also 😂
- Olivia Bellinger: this is so amazing! you guys should sing together more often! this was so touching and really made my day
- PrettyGirlGames: So happy you're back Josh, don't let the trolls get to you. They just want attention. I know you are taking this one day at a time and we will be here every step of the way. Even if you decide you aren't completely ready to be back (I know people think they are being funny, they aren't.) we stand beside whatever you decide. So much love ❤️
- Miko Nalaza: Welcome back Josh!🎉 Great singing voices!💕Stay positive!👍
- ghost.: Not to be rude but did Joshua and Collin divorced?
- BTS IS LIFE: Once i first saw him i started crying bcz we havent seen him for long and im glad he is back and hope u heal and cry as much u want ur subscribers will always support u and be here for u WE LOVE U JOSHUA 😊😀
- Paaige Wilson: Omg this made me cry! Proud of you Josh💕 love you always! Thank you
- Gamepoint Bezio: I love it
- Tianna Goodwin: I'm sobbing
- Shelley D: <3 <3 <3
- nellon_bookish: Wow! I teared up. Thank you for putting yourselves out there. Beautiful!
- makeup Addict: we see your true colors Josh .. thats why we love you Stay strong <3
- josefin: Stop hating on either of them. Both of them are broken and would not want any hate. They are different people and heal differently. You don't have to make up assumptions, because you know what? It doesn't help them at all. Just be nice and support them trough this rough time.
- suzzette1980: i had no idea who Josh and Coleen were before the breakup video showed up as recomended by youtube. I started watching colleens videos and I saw a girl/woman who didnt appreciate her husband willing to do anything for her. I saw a very ambitious woman willing to do anything for fame, including humilliating and ridiculizing her husband ib front of the audience, just for the show. I'm not surprised things went down the drain. I'm not surprised if Josh grow tired of her and her fame, not for her fame herlsef, but for what was doing to Colleen. For all the fanbase, this is the adult world. Sometimes it works and you find a balance in everything, and sometimes you just get lost in the challenge. Rather than picking sides for their mistakes, learn from other's people mistakes, so you dont make them when it's your turn to live that stage of live. chill out...
- Lauren Swenson: this was really good. your so talented. it had so much meaning and it was so emotional. you and ur sister has a great voice. i cant wait for u to make more videos im just happy ur back. this actually made me cry a little.
- Angelica Burd: Wow... Just... wow. This is beautiful.
- April Rivas: I definitely wasn't emotionally prepared for this. Josh, you have never sounded better and this was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Erin, keep singing. You are amazing, and your love for your brother is wonderful. I am so happy he has you in his corner when it seems a lot of other people have stepped out of his life. I'm going to go cry for a while. So beautiful.
- Ellea Whittaker: everybody is hating on colleen and i don't get it. people get over breakups at different speeds. i love colleen and josh equally and i don't understand why people hate colleen just because she's not flooding her channel with depressing videos. why are you mad at her for being happy?
- Christy Kirov: I don't usually cry when watching a video, but this one got me
- TassieDalt: All part of the healing process Josh, hang in there
- sizematters: WOW!!!! very heartfelt and haunting...great job Josh!
- superewa1000: this is so beautiful❤
- Yasmin Al.Shamia: don't know what to say !!! :") it's amazing ........ and I'm sooooo glad you're back again ..
- Carly Goehring: I'm wondering if Colleen saw this😭😩
- rylee Kiewel: omg who else is in tears please reply with you thoughts on this
- Amanda Arredondo: By his is so sweet ❤️
- Ami’s Life: yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss he is back
- Georgia Cyp: As soon as they looked at each other I had tears in my eyes...very beautiful interpretation of the song!
- Yvonne Murphy: Good job you guys
- Amanda S: Stay strong Joshua.... I know you're hurting but we can all get through anything and come out better people in the end. Keep hustling, you have all of us behind you 💪🏼
- Angi Bryan: One of my all time favorite songs, and I've heard several versions.... this was undoubtedly the MOST moving I've ever heard. You'll get through this Josh, and be better for it... one, because you're a beautiful person, inside and out.. and two, you have beautiful people who love you surrounding you.. like your sister. I really hope to hear many more duets from you and Erin... who knew Erin had such a sweet singing voice? And you both compliment each other. Just beautiful.. like your true colors.
- leah: I want to give you a big hug, Josh. I've missed your presence in the social media world so much. So glad you're back! Erin, you're beautiful and have a wonderful voice. Also, comment section, be!! Kind!! To!! People!! 💕
- Julia.501: Omg I'm died😫
- Anjali Singh: I love how they were matching any one else
- Terry Colsh: when Josh cried.....
- Puppy_Love 3000: Josh is amazing and he is strong every one should follow in his steps someone puts you down you get right back up don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love
- Cheryl Ellingson: This is the sweetest thing. Great job you two! Keep it up!
- Isabella Apadula: It will get better😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭CRYING NOW
- Emmy: ❤
- Izzy Narnia: in the words of jhope "my heart oh my god my heart" :((((
- Kathy O'Brien: This. This is class, this is humble, this is inspirational. Thank you for sharing a bit of your pain and for allowing us a glimpse into the amazing relationship you have with your beautiful sister.
- Slay your Life: 4:20 blaze it
- Sara Guilmette: Oh my gosh!!!! That was beautiful y'all
- Mary Rose: I am a complete mess after watching this, so powerful❤️
- Kenzie _05: I love this song...... and it has so much meaning to it.
- Katie Doll: CupCakexx_07_MineCraft #MineCraft Awwwww thank you this comment made my day you're very sweet and kind! 😊😊😊
- Jen Languisan: i am crying
- Matthew Masters: There are no words.. i have just come across this amazing cover after watching the film with my children.. it creates a whole new meaning to the song coming from you Joshua. you seem like an amazing person and have what i can only describe as an amazing sister who is willing to support you like this.. Keep smiling and singing you have an amazing voice..
- chubby plushie: It is sad
- John Snow: Josh is gay?
- aubrey: from 3:10 - 4:19 it was just.............pure tears as soon as josh started crying i lost it... just.. full niagara falls on my face
- Yaneth Vasquez: I cried 😭😭😭
- Hannah Martini: JOSHHHHHH
- Jael Said: Alina Aurora Cooper rude
- Amanda Vincent: I had chills throughout this whole thing.
- Joy20: Also, you guys sound amazing together!!
- Junes Edits™: Sounds exactly like Justin's version, very good but lacks originality
- Heather Friedman: LOVE YOU BOTH ♥️♥️
- CoolBlueWolf: Grace l-/ they want to keep there lives private?! Ur kidding me ur just kidding me? They told everyone bout there Divorce u think that's private NO haven't u realize josh and Colleen love there fans so they tell us well Colleen tells us about her life
- Le Conqueror: I can't.. I just can't.. 😢
- Grace: oh my god ♡
- Ronnie199: Awesome song! Josh you'll make it through this and stronger on the other side. Stay Strong and God Bless!
- Genna LeMay: I will pray for you.
- Hannah G: 2:50 "can't remember when the last time I saw you laughing." THE LOOK ON ERIN'S FACE BROKE MY HEART
- Judalon Thelma: 3:10 I love you so much Josh
- Panic! At the Chemical Time Low: omg this made me cry
- Snow Mori: Why did he cry? Did he lose someone? Or a big problem? Or is he sick?
- Barbara Roy: We love you josh be who you are we will support you always and every choice you make we will stick with you forever and alway au revoir ✌🏼️
- Crazy Sullies: everyone going on about the divorce , can I just say this is pure talent 😂😂 just thought it needed to be said
- Paige Blume: INCREDIBLE! Welcome back, merry Christmas from all of us! We are so happy to see you again and I hope that you are doing better! With love, Paige❤️
- Bridgette Jane: Stay Strong Josh, you're going to get through this 💙
- Katerina Vutov: AniahTheAngelDragon sorry i didn't mean to sound mean
- Riv B: Welcome back Josh. This had me choking back tears because the sibling love is beautiful. My little sister passed years ago. We never got to grown up together. The love between you sibs hit me right in the heart. I love you guys.
- LindseyLu: JoshuaDTV are you back full time or just gradually going to be featured in videos
- Marconi Bologna: LOVE THIS!! Glad to see you back Josh!! Your voices are perfect together.
- ahajakiwjwnsn ajkajww: So glad to have you back
- Emma Rogowski: I'm so sorry Joshua😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
- S Mina: tear. so beautiful. ❤
- XfernandezX: u made me cry. love y'all
- j: I love you 🎈
- Taylor Lenz: Welcome home, so happy you're back ❤️
- Hannah Cunningham: It will be ok Josh ik how u feel
- Kate Coleman: This is the best I've heard you sing. Stripped back, not trying to be showy. It's beautiful.
- Natalie Calcaterra: Ohhh myth gooood!!!!!!!! Girl!!!!! Wtf????? Why have u never shown us your voice before??? Wow!!!! Awwwwe this is soooo friking sweet!!!!!!
- Michelle Leigh: So excited to have you back! This is beautiful! xoxo
- Melissa Skubovius: Stay strong josh, we're here for you!!❤️
- Monica Rodriguez: THIS WAS SO CUTE IT MADE ME CRY!
- Jason Cavazos: I guess he deleted my comment about everyone giving Colleen a break. Do you really want what's best for her or are you still playing the victim? I'm not buying it.
- TBSxFAN: This was beautiful. I'm so glad you and your sister have been brought closer through this horrible experience you've both shared. I pray some day you will have peace and understanding. There's so much beauty in this world, Josh. And you are a great person with a great positive message to share. So glad to see you back. ❤️❤️
- Charlee Christensen: this honestly made me cry. you are so inspiring to me. thank you so much for this video.❤️
- ChezRae Best: 2:48 -3:17 THAT RAW SIBLING MOMENT! That care in Erin's eye for her brother knowing that she's there and she understands cause he dealt with heartache too! You'll make it through Josh... AMAZING! :')
- Caitlin Bowen: This song is so great and it made me cry!!😭😭 I love you josh
- fairytail fan: boooooooooo......just remember he divorced Miranda
- Anne Visser: Love
- Gianbros Eleven: The best way to start a new journey is through music and you guys nailed it. Stay strong and keep smiling. U got this man. ☺️
- Phanic! At the Twenty Øne Chemical Crybabies: Alain Bruno true
- pau de joya: Just the pain... the pain in his eyes! Its just.. killed me😭😭
- Jayden High: You are so brave josh, and I hope you realise that every single one of your fans will be here for you in this tuff time, just take as long as you need to heal.❤️
- MR.EatLife: Why does he try so hard to cry ?
- allie lee: Awww I cried so much
- janelle s: Stephade when you take a lot of classical lessons and get deep into pop/classical recording it usually goes away because you learn how to neutralize vowels and diphthongs
- Haleigh Herring: Welcome back Josh! We missed you! That was such a beautiful song ❤ You are such an inspiration to stay song even when things get hard in life.
- FELICIA16RENEE: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Macy Bratcher: Okay I'm bawling and now I want to yell mean things at Colleen. 😭😭😭😭😭😡😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Chloe Viator: I am so sorry for you Erin and colleen I hope you guys are going to be fine and still be very good friends😭😭😭😭😭 I cried while watching this by the way
- Abigail Williams: WELCOME BACK JOSH and danggg erin😍
- katrina kat: Someone cut onions
- Suhana Maharajh: 😢😢😢😢😢
- Elhy Oviedo: That was beautiful
- Princess7Rae | Minecraft & More: I thought the same exact thing :'( I just want them all to be happy.
- ya yeet: Omg I Love this 😣
- Kelly Weingart: Second time watching, second time commenting. I just want to reach through the computer and hug the both of you ❤️
- Paulina Gord: I'm so happy that you are back!! I hope you are feeling much better . Erin and you sing really good!! love u both so much!!
- Yasmine Belhadj: Im SO happy youre back josh but erin did a great job keeping your channel fun
- JoshColleen Love: You guys are such amazing singers and I love you both so much
- Sydney N: Dani Sis sorta its about how him and his sister have both been through a divorce watch her last vid
- Ava Warkentin: I have been praying for you and your family
- KALEY R: I love you Josh. Don't let anything or anyone bring you down. Just know all of us (your fans) are here for you.
- honeypop911 MSPx: I really want Erin to do singing in her new channel her voice is so beautiful
- Julia Antonia Torres: We Missed You Josh I Hope You're Fine Now
- Maria: I can empathise with all you have been through. I am seriously ill and it started 9yrs ago. 3yrs ago I ended up on life support when I woke from my coma my ex-husband and I decided it was time to divorce. (We had been separated for 6yrs and had both moved on) This was to give my children the stability they need knowing that should anything happen to me, they wouldn't be removed from their home or Step-Father. My divorce was final on the 19th July this year and even though we all have different lives now, the friendship I have maintained with my ex still made it all really sad. I hope your health improves as I said I CAN empathise, it sucks to be so sick and have those that you love, walk away. I have kept one friend throughout and I couldn't be more grateful for her. Stay well, stay strong and you'll come through, sending you love and best wishes xxx
- Ana A: I wish there was a way I could talk to josh I would talk to him so much help him out.
- heyitsautumn19: Michaelisvery N00B Like I said, you're immature. Get off the internet, you're clearly too young to be here.
- Mitchie Espinoza: FrancescaJoliet yes exactly👍🏻👍🏻
- Lollylovesyou xox: Music has a beautiful way of healing and you guys love and care for eachother I hope me and my siblings are like that - I love you josh and I can't wait for you to be back fully - and I love you Erin xxx
- Krxil: Amazing song
- marlene g: stay strong, Josh. we are all here for you. it's nice to have you back ❤
- Leah Harris: Oh man. This got me good. I love the emotion you guys show in this. Amazing!
- Hannah Lawrick: This is so sweet! Your voices are so good together. I'm glad you have her in your life Josh!
- Through the Emerald Eye: Wow! what a brilliant video!Glad to have you back Josh hope you feel better soon!☺😚 huge props to Erin-that girl can sing!!😲👏👏 we are all here for you!😊xx
- Keisha Rice: This made me cry omg! 😢😢 Your an amazing man josh! i love you so much! You can get through it! you and your sister are amazing! xxxx
- f l o w ee a l i n e / /: I love it that there brother and sisters and they both came through a hard time in there life so they are both singing a emotional song - they were matching- (almost cried)
- Stereotypic Teen: I feel so sorry for Josh
- Jessmyn Gondara: I've done this song for glue club it was the best song ever we love u josh and we will be there for u even when ur having a hard time we are always there we love u so much
- Robin Brown: Love the relationship you have with your sister .....family is everything. Glad she could be there for during all this....you are fortunate to have each other....wishing you the best as you move forward......and would be great to hear more music from you two.
- nisha singh: Welcome back joshua we loVe u always .... u r stronger now ... i can see dis clearly In ur voice 😊😊😊
- CoolBlueWolf: CatandHanTV u never know that there both probably still heartbroken! Or maybe not but u never know
- Mack Lee: that was really good I'm very happy and proud of you both
- Carlee's Back: love it..missed you
- ChristianGirl 14: I tear up and get chills every time I watch this.. 😢
- Alexis Alvarez: My heart 💔💔l
- Sierra Williams: Awww Josh got some weight on him...I hope he gets through it
- Jasana Mahone: first of all this video isn't even about Colleen and her divorce with Josh! stop linking those two things together because it makes you look stupid for doing that. this video is about how josh loves and appreciates his sister. he even said it in the description! stop correlating this video with their divorce because they don't link to each other
- Lpsjennacat: I have chills 😭❤️
- ashley gonzales: I was thinking about JoshLeen while watching this 😭
- Shelby Reid: I got chills
- Gamer Girl: 😿💞
- Shorty 115: Everyone needs to stop hating on both Colleen and Josh! What makes Colleen happy is being on the internet, and that's ok. If josh needs more time, then guess what?! HE GETS MORE TIME! They lost someone they truly love and so we need to respect them through the difficult time! ❤️❤️
- Erica Cook: I don't know how many times I will watch this
- Anne Onymous: Does this mean that Josh is back?
- cocomp4: Jessica Nicole because Colleen has found a way to make herself happy and move on fast. Others like josh (this is not hate to Colleen or josh at all btw) need more time to move on. I understand that Joshua is hurt but just because Colleen moved on, doesn't mean that everyone can go around saying Colleen's a bitch because she doesn't show that she is hurt.
- We the Rabelos: They sound amazing!!! Love Love this interpretation of this song❤️
- Maddy Crocker: This is my absolute favorite thing you have ever done musically. It's truly phenomenal. It's so vulnerable and so real. It could really speak to so many people in so many different areas and walks of life. I was touched. Thank you for this. Praying for you.
- Sanaa Woodley: TROLLSSSSSS 💖💓
- sammy_702: This was so beautiful 😭. Literally cried while watching this. Gave me the chills man this was beautiful!
- De Wilkinson: so beautiful proud of you both :)
- michelle koons: omg. I cried. :,(
- conor wilson: Iam sorry now but like your getting divorced get the fuck over it
- OliviaB: Erin has an amazing voice
- Uy Pinky: I'm in love with you Joshua since I first saw your YouTube channel through highs and lows from my favorite creep 🎄😜 up to your new puppy shadow, I hope for the best for you Joshua! ❤️💋everything has a reason, love yourself and others will follow I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH
- Alana: Awe this was beautiful
- Cassiday S: But did anyone else know Erin could sing??? I am so in love with this cover and both of their voices.
- Christian Aguilera: Yaaaaas
- Sunshine: Her decision is neither stupid nor intelligent. It is her personal decision, and I personally think it was a good decision for her. You don't know why and you never will.
- DNA of angels: Maddy DeGennaro how did u make your letters like that
- Molly Edwards: I love this, I love you two and all of the love to you both 😘
- Manager Sejin Stan: YouTube is her job. Would you be sitting at a cubicle crying your eyes out while your boss and coworkers watched you?
- [Knits In by Denine]: I am the kind of person finds out about things long after everyone else including your YouTube channel. over the last few days I've been watching some of your vlogs; I watched the wedding, the honeymoon, the travels and everyday adventures in life and I was instantly filled with joy seeing two people who are just so kind, genuine, and happy existing in real life. The other night I stumbled upon Colleens announcement video then saw yours and my heart just immediately broke for you two. I am probably one of the newer subscribers commenting here but as a person who loves love it didn't take me very long to fall for you both. This video made me so emotional which is a pretty big deal to me considering that I have only known of you for a few nights. Your story was new to me but heartbreak had been a major reoccurring theme in life and being a loving and empathetic person, I feel your pain. I know that this kind of hurt can't just be forgotten or gotten over but I wish you two the best. I know that as painful as this may be for you, it will make you stronger and wiser in the end and you may find yourself amazed to discover that you are a lot braver and a lot more resilient than you thought you were. Lots of love from Visalia, Ca. Keep your head up and never give up on love, you deserve it 💕!
- Alex Lopez: Is it weird that I want to be heartbroken (relationship wise)
- Ashleigh Green: I love you josh stay strong. So glad your back. I wasn't prepared for this because I was crying through the whole song the first and second time I watched this. I had no idea Erin could sing she's amazing like her older brother. We love you josh and we always will. Hope your feeling much better love you heaps and stay strong 💖💖💖
- Hanli Zam: my heart hurts and it is leakin out me eyes
- Lauren 6: Why is this (mainly the description) so dramatic. I know it's a sad situation but Colleen isn't entitled to be with him and trying to publicly make her look like a bad guy, no matter what happened, is getting annoying
- Chloe Louisee: My heart, ouch the feelings hit me hard😣😍 we've missed you so so much. thankyou erin for helping him❤
- Farah Mehmood: Sending you lots of love josh,I hope you get through this sad phrase and find your happiness again
- Mara Bunny: i hate sad joshua
- BBY MSP: amazing ❤
- Emily Gallaher: Josh this is so beautiful. Don't give up. We all love you so so much.
- Reba Coe: Going through a similar situation as Josh. This video brought so much emotion to my heart.
- JustSay Jackie: That's sibling goals right there. That was so beautiful!
- Lily Riffe: Josh, I love you so much. We're all here to help you heal. This has truly broken my heart but you will move on and you will find the better. I'm so proud of you for finding how to heal and cope with this. Don't forget how much we all love you. I enjoyed watching Erin. Be nice to people. ❤️
- Menzie Lea: ITS 4:20 Djdkdkrkfkfktkfkfkfkfkfkdkdmeme
- Bianca Bright: ❤️💛💚💙💜💗
- Ashtyn Bella: This song is on trolls
- Katie Matysik: That was so amazing!!! Both of you. I know this time must be incredibly hard but you can get through it Josh!
- Isabella Clark: your a good singer love you
- Mc Crystal: Beautiful! Missed you glad to see you back ❤️
- vanessamjaeger: Aaaand I am crying. This was so raw and beautiful. We love you Josh and baby sis
- Ava Murphy: Lani Williams what? 😂😂😂
- Awesome #1 Awesomeness: This is a very pretty song! Were you crying? If you did I teared up.
- Julie R: I know things are hard right now, but just remember that you have thousands of people that love, and support you. Love you, Josh. 💞
- sav creech: many months later and still.. sigh.
- Kimmy MacDaniel: Yeah, the fake cry and over acting is super awesome. NOT
- Sivanah M: omg she does! I loved her in glee!
- Cesarina McDaniel: This song always makes me cry anyway but it made me cry even more seeing josh so emotional
- Ava Costa: If u disliked this how did u do that I can't even look at the dislike button
- Alicia Hickey: your voices are both so good
- Taylor Greenwood: they use my all against me I wish I was more able to be like you but I have a stage 3 depression I but myself in danger several before I watched your video they mean a lot to me so do you thx for being you I had to stop making YouTube videos cause of them but I am going to start again cause of you made me believe in myself thank a ton josh
- missEC1234: alyssasmh v
- Kasey Barela: So sad
- Kamon: beautiful...😫
- Erin-Darby M.: love you josh and erin <3 thanks for everything. this song really came at a good time for me, too. you'll get through this josh we love you
- Aliah Hamilton: It was prerecorded
- Dimitri Brown: My mom loved this song. I listen to this song and just cry and remember her smile. RIP Marva J Brito.
- Jada Tubing: this is such an amazing video... i actually cryed a bot when josh did I am so happy he is back ❤
- Hannah Jean Fischer: Vicky Laithwaite she does care she does have feelings for him but they both decided that they can't be together anymore because they just want her happy and they were busy but none of us know the full story and you don't know exactly how they feel because they don't show everything on the Internet plus that's their own business we're lucky that he's even sharing this with us
- Christina Fang: MY HEART HURTS
- Tatiana Souza: Same shoes? Why?
- Liliana Uvalles: aw why did yall start to cry yall made me cry and I don't like to cry but thank for singing that song it is really inspirational
- Harleyquynh: Damn those onion cutting ninjas! That was really beautiful, thank you for sharing!
- gisselle pineda: MAKES ME CRY EVERYTIME
- Libby Gwartney: I literally started crying when they started crying...
- Aabir Rahman: 😓 😓 😓 😓
- Janice: Erins and your voice tohether oh my god!❤❤
- Cassidy Oliver: Oh Josh ♡
- Linda Vida: Wow this was beautiful. I just saw his sisters video on divorce and healing and clicked on this. Made me teary eyed since they have both been through similar situations. This is great sibling bonding lol. Great job you two! :D
- life memories: I loved it. Hang in there Josh and Erin... You guys are so lucky to have eachother!
- Victoria Coppolino: You have the most amazing family and friends ❤️ we're so happy that you're back josh!! 😊💞💞
- Danika Boissonneault: I love this❤️
- Kelly wulf: Beautiful!
- Michaela Munn: Josh, you are amazing and you deserve the best of everything. You will always have my full support. <3
- Kimberly Moreno: just hearing your voice i can feel your pain 🙁. I'm so sorry about the situation.
- Amalia Guseinova: Can someone plz tell me why was Erin crying it makes me feel sad 😭 ????????
- Shan. •: You have soo much talent Joshua! Please don't make stupid videos like taste testing,edible bubble,omg see what my cat did videos with stupid click bait titles.You can be better than that.
- MomNomNom: This was so beautiful. I'm glad you're using your music to heal. Divorce is hard... like a death. I've been through it. It's hard to see people say, "It will get better and you will be happy again" because it truly doesn't feel that way, especially when it's a very one-sided thing. But, I really can speak from experience; that gut-wrenching agony does get better a little each day. That emptiness slowly starts to become filled again and you rediscover you and what truly brings you joy. Sometimes that part of you gets lost when you're spending so much time trying to make someone else happy. And, hey, maybe you and Colleen just came together at the wrong time in your lives and this time apart will make you love each other more and things can work out. Either way, believe it or not, you will be ok in the end. And right now, it's ok to not be ok. It's good to cry and to feel all the things you're experiencing. From deepest sorrow comes deeper joy. God bless, Josh!!
- kamryn harris: This is so incredible
- sheri Jabb: Heartbreaking...
- EMMA Games435: josh is the most amazing youtuber on youtube every one goes though roughtimes but me and everyone else that watches josh felt heart broken for josh :(
- Heidi Marrero: is this about colleen
- Lee Hannapel: Damn this was absolutely amazing I can't imagine how tough this must have been but the sheer emotion of this son was breathtaking
- Saria Alexandria: Wow that was beautiful ❤️
- Xendebets: Heyy joshuaaa i missed youu i'm glad your back😊❤️❤️ and maybe it's going to be hard but you can do it! 😚
- Jayden Brown: Love You Both😭❤
- Shaelea hurley: love many things,for Therein lies the true strength,and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well
- Cupcakelover 1220: So sad but happy😭😖🤗😭
- spicy tacos: i cried oml this is so good!!
- Si Kuya P: The best version, thanks joshua 😇
- Riya Arif: sooo cute
- Maria Jose: Can someone explain this to me?
- Thunder cloud: 😢😢😢so sad😢😢😢
- garyn m: still makes me cry every time i listen to it. you're a wonderful person josh, and i really do hope you know how much you mean to all of us... stay strong, because we'll always be here for you ❤️
- Inimieni - Ines: I'm crying my pants of....HELP ME!
- Moonlight Dawson: I want colleen to see this and get back together with him 😭😭😭
- Tiana Young: You've outdone yourself josh ❤️
- CSKberido: KaGamer123 I always make it soft so I won't hurt his little ears😊 Whenever I put on music like this or if his daddy talks to him, he always moves around. My mom said she did this to me too when I was in her tummy, I guess that's why i turned out to be a singer😁😁😁
- Melissa Beeson-Elmore: Hi I love you guys
- Kathleen Do: I ended up crying a bit 😢
- Marwa Darwish: They are the best brother and sister and they will get through it together let's try to get this comment to100 thumbs up
- Cadence Brooks: Aw I'm crying I love you josh and Erin josh good to see you back
- Marco Rodriguez: Very beautiful
- Bob Dingus: Move on.
- Victoria Drew: You made a video back in 2014 and said this, and I kept it because it was so amazing. Maybe you reading your words will help your situation. I love you. "Often times, life is not perfect. Things don’t always go your way. Bad things happen to good people. You make mistakes; you learn from them. The only thing that is truly standing between you and happiness... is yourself. You can’t control other people, and you can’t control what life puts in front of you. The only thing you truly have control over is yourself. So surround yourself with positive people, people that you love. People that will make you a better person just by being around them. Become comfortable in your own skin and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself sometimes, because nobody is perfect. Try and be the best version of you that you can be. It’s really that simple. Take risks, put yourself out there, pursue what makes you happy. And if you ever feel discouraged, if you ever feel like giving up on your dreams or your goals...remember, sometimes it’s not always about reaching the goal itself, it’s about enjoying the experiences along the way. Go out there live your own life. Life is so short. Go out there and enjoy it."
- Macie Graber: Erin's voice for singing is way different than her normal voice
- Carmen: Who else just died and tried not to cry when Josh and Erin cried? I did. Stay strong Josh!!! We'll be here for you!
- Madison Douglas: Erin has such a nice voice
- Rauhltastic Frandom: just here to say that this still gives me goosebumps
- Rachel M.: I'm so proud of you I love you so much!!!
- Braygthecray: Erin's voice made me cry😫
- Chloe: Sending Love ❤
- Angiejane: No matter how many times I watch this I cry each time! So beautiful
- Gabby Ferrara: I love you both so much
- lps_crybaby: Alex Lopez if you think he's better then don't waste your time here.
- Jane Review: sania vakilzadeh Right? If she wanted out; that's fine But her videos and pretending like he never existed ZERO respect A time out; mourning is way more appropriate
- Cassidy Petryshyn: I don't think Josh wants to read these comments and be reminded of the divorce. You guys don't need to create drama around something that's already really hard. Colleen and Josh are both people. With human feelings and your input has never been wanted regarding there situation. Can we just focus on the fact that this is an incredible and touching video showing and show love. And BE NICE TO PEOPLE. EVERYONE.
- Slytherclaw Gal: Omg get over it
- volleyball lover: I cry every time I watch this
- Lauren Mickelson: Linnea Jansson THIS IS BECAUSE THEY'RE DEVORCED!!
- Crystal Marie: So I love with this video and song. Thank you Josh for being so real and open with us...I love and pray you find peace during this difficult time. Know that you did everything that you were supposed to... ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Isabel Veitch: That's not very nice
- imnotapersonkay: For everybody that says that colleen is happy and moved on quickly; You dont even know if colleen is sad or not. Everybody is different. Her show came out her dream came true you think she will be sad when her dream came true. Maybe she is sad what she obviously is. You dont know what's happening behind the scenes. She even said that vlogging makes her happy. You dont want her to be happy? You want her to cry all the time think about the sad things the whole day. Jeez disrespectful!
- Kelly Bundy: I prayed for you like so many times I lost count. I Have dedicated many worship times to you. Let me tell you, I suffered with major depreessive disorder for fiveyears on and off. Ended up in the hospital over alchohol posioning and near suicide attempt. I used to drink and smoke the pain away, even sniffed some stuff... but when I found Jesus i HAD LIGHT. There was LIGHT that shone in the darkness, and jesus was there during the good and the bad times- he's my strength, my rock. Ever since I gained faith in Jesus I never had depression like I had up ever again. There's no more alchol posioning either, no more near suicide attempts. I'm healing, i'm happy. Jesus saved my life. Please, try Jesus. He saved my life and he can save yours too. MUCH LOVE FOR YOU BYEEEEEE
- Leigh Shahan: B E A U T I F U L #GOOSEBUMPS
- Lucy Jones: You are back, and you are bringing all the feels with you.
- Isabella C: Love you so much Joshua!! ❤️You have a beautiful family and great friends. Keepin you in my prayers. This was an amazing video, you guys
- Isabel Olivas: This is so sad.. makes me want to cry. Time heals. You'll be okay Joshua.. 🙌
- Malina Gillooly: Gave me goosebumps and tears simultaneously. Beautiful.
- Anthony Condell: Great FKing job!
- xBeautyByHolliex: awwww x josh dont let anyone change you , just be you , lyy so much <3
- Hulagurl808: We love you josh!! Erin you have a beautiful voice! Very talented family! 💜💜💜
- Jamie Murray: Beautiful. Both of you. Love you so much, Joshua and Erin ❤️️
- Julie Ellis: OMG luv dis so much. literally crying over here he made such a happy song very sad and that's why I luv him he makes everything his own josh nice to have you back like im so happy but sad at the same time
- Lecia Willbanks: Maria Thank you for sharing your story...it isn't often I find someone who understands first hand what the last 2yrs have been like. I hope you are doing better in your situation! I have one thing that guides me now and that is to always answer this question, "what is best for my kid?" It has helped keep me from making selfish decisions regarding my ex many times. We even take her to 4th of July fireworks and trick or treating together (as my health allows). But it took time to get here..and we do it for her. God bless you and I hope you're having a good day!
- Jenkissy86: because some people take divorce differently. She chooses to keep busy so its not weighing on her mind. Josh chose to take a step back from the internet to collect his thoughts. Plus divorce is really hard its not something u can just wake up and be over. We don't see every minute of colleen life she might be as dramatic she just chooses to hide it behind a fake smile.
- officialwillowtree81: Welcome back josh, lovey cover very emotional 💕🌈😓 you've been SO missed xx
- Catherine Joven: This was amazing and I am so happy that Josh is on the internet and I cried, but i just want to say that Erin has a really good voice and she sounded really good with Josh
- Kenzie Moody: they started crying, I started crying! anyone else cry? 💜😢
- Skyla Scholl: 'Yeah she's totaly not affected'. Because she is totally going to film herself being depressed and crying. You have no idea what's happening behind the camera and have no right to say that. Everyone has a different way of healing and all she is doing is what she loves to do. Make people happy! She doesn't want to make everyone sad and doesn't want everyones pity. Thats also probably one of the reasons why he is taking time off because he doesn't want to bring other people down and have all their pity. Also stop implying that Colleen is not 'normal' because no one is.
- Isabella Hesse: SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK, JOSH! And wow, I didn't know Erin could sing. You're both beautiful people who deserve happiness❤️
- Sam Childs: Preach!☺
- Breanna W: Stay strong josh♥️
- Meera Mars: Cringe
- Ronalee Stone: Franck Sessan Morakinyo they didn't write it
- jerrys bizzlee: OMG I missed josh omfg
- Haley Teague: 💜💙💚💜💙💚💜💙💚
- Lily J: ❤❤❤
- Yanni The Unicorn: This is about the divorce
- AlysaR: This is so good!!
- Jane Doe: wtf is this lol
- Rose DeSkye: OMG I CANT BELIVE ERIN HAS A BEAUTIFUL VOICE and so is Josh i wasnt surprised when Josh started to sing because i he sang many times already (Josh has a beatiful voice)😍😢😭😔🤗☺💝💙
- Madeleine Buckley: You are amazing I love you you are gonna have to get through ruff times but we can get through them together
- Mona alameri: So proud of you joshua ❤️️ I love you so much .. you are brave because your looking for an open door in yourself to guide you to the correct way in life 👌🏻
- katie s: Definitely crying. I'm going through something so similar to Josh.
- T S: Beautiful! Truly there is nothing better than a brother or sister because they actually grew up with you and you may have silly fights but in the end you know you'll always be there for each other. This made me cry watching you two and truly seeing how you guys can get past any dark painful times if you just find the peace within yourself and put faith within one another.
- Elise Battles: So moving and special. And I know your heart hurts unbearably right now, but YOURE GOING TO BE FINE, the right one for is out there, she is I promise...and you are going to make it through all of this.
- Madyson Dickerson: Erin is a really good singer.💕
- Chim-Cherry Park: awwwww... i feel =(
- Glitterbean: it's so cute that they're wearing the same shoes, it warms my heart
- Kirsty Anderson: beautiful voice Erin ❤
- Amina Begum: The commitment though!
- YX: Joshua, Erin, this is absolutely stunning. I felt every single emotion you released while singing this song. Sibling love is completely one of a kind and completely irreplaceable. I'm thankful for my sister every day because I would not be who I am without her. I kept thinking how it's amazing how you, Erin, are now there for your older brother, Joshua, who's going through the exact same thing that you went through a couple years ago. You're both such strong beacons of light and the world is blessed to have you share your stories. I look up to both of you, and hope I can be as good a support to my older sister as you, Erin, are to you, Joshua. So much love and positivity to you both. <3 <3
- Gabby Ferrara: I LOVE YOU
- Abby Adams: I cried.good job Erin and Joshua
- Jess Stephenson: This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen I love you joshua
- E J: Isobel Dobbie yea
- heysarah: Does anyone else love their matching outfits??👯👯♂️
- prklvst: Is this a coming out video? I love you Josh. Keep doing what you are doing.
- Lucy Corbett: glad your back stay strong i love you
- Sarah Poyck: I love this. I love you guys so much!!!
- Cuzwhynot: Omg , this made me cry so much, I have trichotillomania which is caused by deppresion and anxiety, I'm only 12 And I'm going through a hard time 😭
- Maddy Muche: Josh, Please don't listen to any hate. It's coming from people who don't know or care about you. This was amazing and Erin has a great voice. You're going through a hard time and you're more than allowed to express how you're feeling. We are right here next to you. Can't wait to see more from you. ❤️
- tregubabe: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Julia Marie: I am so glad you are back! hope you are feeling better. and I want you to know you still inspire me. P.s. I didn't know Erin could sing so beautifully!!! both of you, amazing
- Night Core To The Core: OMFG Erin and Josh should be a professional band Erins voice is just stunning so is joshs
- Music Note8150: WHY has the onion ninja come to me?!!! So beautiful, and Erin's voice is AMAZING!
- Always Julia: Wow I can see the hurt in you. Im sorry Josh I hope you get better soon💙💙💙
- Charlotte Humphreys: Beautiful.
- pinkunicornglitter: This is so beautiful! Your voices blend so well together :) The whole concept and meaning behind this song reminds me of the meaning behind Prism (Katy Perry) - "let the light in and create rainbows" :) I love how you're turning this situation this into a positive.
- ashley jacobs: this was so perfect. i cried every second. so great to see you back on your feet josh! we all love you and are so happy to see your face again❤️
- Grace Torres: I love this so much 😍. No lie literally started crying right when I head Josh 😭😭😭
- Vicky Tiempos: it is good and sad
- Amanda Boutros: I literally have goosebumps
- Lucas Moya: Joshua is this song about Colleen
- Leann C. Ostrow: Welcome back Josh, such a beautiful song with a beautiful message! And ERIN! What a pretty voice you have :)
- Mia Christopherson: tears.
- jane haviland: Lexi Grove we sang it too
- kyle s: Proud of you Josh. It takes an incredible amount of strength to put yourself out there when you are feeling so vulnerable, and we appreciate it. It was great seeing you, but hopefully you know that any time things are hard and you need to step back, we'll still be here supporting you. Also, I had no idea that Erin had such a beautiful voice.
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: ERINS VOIXE
- britway: unbelievably beatiful.. I am in tears. wish all of you happiness and joy. May your life change into something you deserve and love and cherrish. Thank you for true and honest emotions.. !!!!
- Ela Letur: we love you, shine! 💙💙💙
- Lindsay Scarbrough: Amazing
- Super Girl: Erin Emiko I was very curious about how did she sound like she sounds so good
- Hannah Cunningham: I can't wait until u make videos again !!!
- Lillie Espino: Anyone else notice josh got emotional?
- daniisaurushax: josh has and always will show his true colors. how many people have you met with such a pure heart? whoever spends the rest of their life with him will be a very fortunate person.
- Chris A: Looked like the broad was in a proof of live video and should be holding today's newspaper. There was also a couple of shots where her eyes were pleading to not be beaten again. Worst video, but funny as shit.
- Will Davis: This is so cool. New sub 😊
- Lexi Marie: I love this song I have listen to it like a million times and know all the words. I only like it by u and Erin though
- Emily Tuba: Thank you Erin for being who you are. I know that this means you've been there for him all the way and that's something admirable for someone who, from today's look, won't be too close with my brothers.. Your voice is amazing 💜
- Chicken Nuggets: Love the matching clothes 😘
- Steven S: Banana15 Fruits dude no it's 4:20
- Ellie Nieland: Hard
- the show must go all over the place or something: omg Erin your voice is like an angel 😍 and I am happy that both of you are making videos. You two are truly inspiring people. Josh I hope it works out with you and Colleen again. Hi from England ❤
- Artur Artur: Yay Josh I'm so happy you're back and I will always support you
- Elena Hein: dang it I was already feeling sad and then Josh started tearing up and OUCH
- imreva61: WOW
- Colleens Sneeze: Welcome back buddy, this is beautiful. I love you.
- Luna Wolf: this is so breathtaking
- Cat Girl12561: Cool Blue I'm not saying that and I don't want to cause an argument I'm just saying I feel so upset for him I NVR said he didn't have any friends
- Sarah Hopkins: Omg dying so sad ! So beautiful though
- flymetothemoon: ramez E awww... 😄😝
- Mallory Oberg and Huskies in toe: they sound amazing... so beautifully emotional
- Ray Xxx: I love you
- Alie Smith: I love you so much, Joshua. <3
- moosters30: you guys are good
- Raa Aaaa: All those videos that they did together and looked so happy... :/
- jake vb: I'm crying
- Bubblybanana379: 💕
- Ashley Gaxiola: You guys who are leaving hate comments fuck OFF!Colleen said TO please not leave hate!😠If you don't believe me go watch her channel.
- deathstroke5506: Amanda Kromrie me two I watch his divorcing like a million times and cried and this one
- Jaylin: ❤❤❤❤
- monika joensen: IM SHOOK you've gotten so much better!!! This is SO good!
- Gillian Steele: Can't stop watching this!!! Just plain awesome! <3
- Emma Mae: welcome back josh♡ i love this video
- sarah mka: so happy to see u back again josh!!
- Melissa Pitts: i missed u josh
- Emma A: Josh one day you will find the true love of your life someone who will never let you down. You have a huge heart and everyone knows it.
- jariah j'nae: Beliz Doğan i wasn't picking all I said was that I didn't watch Colleen videos in a while which I'm watching one now and that josh was a great man I wish Colleen didn't let him go... all I said I wasn't picking sides
- Tina Davies: oh Joshua. this gets me every time. I hope u never see this comment. because if u do see it, then that means ur still going through ur past and torturing ur self by watching old videos of/about the 2 of u.. please stay strong... stay strong Joshua. I know there is an amazing life waiting for u at the end of that rainbow.
- JORDAN VLOGZ: yayyyy ily
- Phillip Parker: She got way way to much fame and it went to her head. Plain and simple
- Kelly C.: My new favorite song.
- StarShip Dolly: is he bisexual
- Mackenzie May Barraclough: When Erin put her hand on Josh's knee when they sang 'I'll always be there' I burst in to tears because I could see Josh crying and I could see the pain in Erin's face at seeing her brother hurting so much and I just couldn't. I love them both so much.
- laffy: Sandy's Box The song was originally by Cyndi Lauper
- Janelle Mabutas: the ending always gets me😭😭
- Kiki E: hugs to you both!! I look up to the strength you show! even if you don't have full strength I am proud of you!!!
- Hope The Person: Colleen did NOT move on!She said on her vlog she was depressed.What else could she be depressed about?
- kiki: lol yall we all know this song is meant 4 a certain some1
- saruniya premachandran: i love u josh
- Janna ter Brugge: BEAUTIFUL
- That's What "i" Said: Wow. That was SO beautiful, and I was swept up in the emotions you two showed. Erin has such a sweet clear voice, i'm not surprised. Lovely, you two. Best to you both as you move into the future.
- Unicorn Cave: Welcome back josh.🙂
- Hannah VanLeeuwen: Why are you sad
- abbi maya: That was so beautiful 💕💕
- MyFarcicalLife: Sounds like Josh did too
- Gabriella Couto: Well now I'm bawling my eyes out😭❤️❤️ I love you guys so much 💗
- Melinda Painter: OMG the tears won't stop 😭😭😭
- Madilynne A: You are awesome Joshua and your voice is so good. Glad to see you. 😊💕💓
- tiffanystar14: Who else was getting emotional watching Joshua like this😭😭😭
- Sarah Weird: 3:15 is where I cried omggg
- Rachel Johnson: you both are so talented! beautiful cover!!
- Amanda Zabukovec: I pray you find peace and forgiveness in God through all this, Joshua. You are an amazing person.
- Queen mn: im glad your back josh we all missed you and i hope you do great in life i hope you have a great day!😀😁
- Lauren P: Joshua, I keep coming back to this video multiple times a day because it is so touching. I can't imagine what you're going through but how much strength and courage you have to come back from something that hurt you so badly is incredibly inspirational. I am so proud of you and I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you for this. Thank you for being you. Thank you for sharing yourself and your life with the world. I love you so much my friend.
- Torie S: Who else started crying when josh and Erin started to cry..... But I mean I started right when the song did so.....
- Cerys Wilson: Aha love the outfits guys❤️❤️Welcome back josh!
- Monique B: tears in my eyes
- Abbagail Schmidt: Where does Erin get her assent
- joy tsuboi: i love this song
- PearlsandJeans !: Wow just Wow. Keep your head high Josh.. Beautiful and heart breaking...
- Rubie Rox: Im crying <3
- Lily Williams: this is one of my favourite songs, and they have such incredible voices it did make me tear up just a tad
- Jillian Lagman: Didn't think I would cry this much ! Beautiful <3
- Nora Montano: love it...absolutely loved it ❤ stay strong, it'll get better I promise, you just need time to let it heal 💕
- jillian miller: It's okay Josh just needs some time
- Feemailgamer: 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤💜💜💜💛💜💜💜💜🖐👋🖐👋🖐
- Katlyn Ballard: by far my favorite song josh has done
- syd d: so touching
- Roberta Rukaityte: It is so beautiful, I am soclose to cry😞😞💔
- Sampada Nair: I have four points to make about this video....... 1) You two are rocking those high tops 2) You guys are SUPER talented....like we all knew Josh could sing like an angel, but Erin is just awesome 3) Trust Josh to take one of the hardest moments of his life and make it into something beautiful for us 4) Josh will get through this tough time and find someone who's perfect for him (still think thats Colleen but...) We love you Josh......always know we got your back❤
- starstruckgurlus: Ouch the feels😢
- Yazmin Lopez: Iam an emotional wreck this video though 😍😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭
- Destinee Chatelle: you are amazing Josh I love you so much
- Sebastian Siwek: ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🇩🇪👌👌👌
- Megan Evelina: Honestly can't stop crafting! I love you Joshua and Erin xx
- Lauren Wyatt: Stop hating on Colleen, those who are are being ridiculous
- Erin Wilson: That was beautiful 💖😭
- GabbyLou: They sound just like the movie characters
- Cstar16: Erin has a beautiful voice I had no idea!!!
- Grace Johnson: When josh broke down I started balling my eyes out. I wasn't ready for this. I am so sad BC josh is sad.
- legatosinger: I wasn't expecting that from her she's amazing 😍😍
- Mackenzie Peddle: Omg josh I missed him so much my eyes are leaking
- paige fowler: This was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! You both have an awesome voices
- Noah Miller: STARREDGE Moving on or staying broken up about something is NO sign of maturity, it's just how people process things. I don't want you saying anything against either a Colleen or Josh, they both do things very differently.
- Brittany Harrison: Erin has a beautiful voice <3
- Krista Moots: Love you two!! Sending love to you Josh!
- Kai Reese: This is so good, I can't even handle this
- Lauren McCabe: This Lidget made me tear up the end when they started crying I started crying to😭😰😍😘😢🤞🏽
- Jessica Sanicki: I'm crying. Love this so much 💕
- Poppy The Girl: You got the best singing ever with your sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Rachel Lava: this gave me so much courage
- Evan Stefanik: i am sobbing right now. this is truly so beautiful. i'm so sorry for all the dark things you have gone through lately joshua. i'm so glad that you, and erin, are finally coming out into the light. things always get better, you just have to take off your blindfold and see it. i'm so happy that you guys did that, and now you can continue being joyous. (i know i sound like a poet sorry 😂) but OMG ERIN????? YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD SINGER!!! LIKE HOW WUAT???
- Louise Voce: Glad your back josh we love you and missed you ( even though we love Erin)
- Natasha Perry: I still love Colleen, but I just can't believe this happened I feel bad for josh this song is heart breaking but it's so beautiful. I love you josh:)
- Amber Wilkinson: This was truly beautiful love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️
- Jocelyn Marie: When they started crying, it looked like two cookies that started to crumble...🍪😞💕 I'm glad that they both have each other's back and are helping themselves out. 💕
- Tina Oteiza: Josh stay strong, thank you for coming back we love you and support you. I hope you feel better. In this difficult time you have to stay strong. I know exactly how you feel. 3 weeks ago my grandfather past away he was so dear to me. Though it takes time we all move on. Best wishes and love💗
- Emily Ross: I love you Josh. I'll support you no matter what ❤️
- Jennifer Roberson: Just as good, maybe even better then Justin Timberlake and Anna! That took some real courage...hang in there Josh.
- Brook Krieger: Beautiful job you two! 💜☺️👌🏽
- Shanna M: well damn....didn't think I would cry. This so beautiful.
- zaraar qureshi: ❤❤
- LP_MOVIES/TVS: love this big man hope life starting to go good for you bro
- Antonia Adamczyk: Your both REALLY GOOD at singing i mean REALLY GOOD😍😇😊🎶🎤🏆👍🏻
- Stephanie Griner: This is perfection. Love you two. Praying for everyone involved!
- Israel gliddon: Who's she ?
- Mione Mouse: Glad to see you back Josh 😊❤️
- Brooke Lee: That was so so beautiful. I have the upmost respect and love for you both. I can't wait to see what's next for you <3
- Ashlyne Piro: Is Josh going to make videos again with him in them I really hope so and I hate seeing him so sad
- Kawaii Cupcakes: I was eating fruity pebbles while watching this :3
- Megan Moore: 💗💗💗
- Kelsey Heise: This video definitely hits home. I'm currently going through the same situation. Family and friends are the best to lean on in this tough time. It's incredible that you both have so many people surrounding and loving you in this tough time! Keep your chin up buttercup! ❤️
- Sam Poe: im just gonna put my two sense even though its probably not wanted but i think its obvious BOTH are hurting. Colleen has THROWN herself into SO much work in order to distract herself and keep busy to not think about it and thats how a lot of people handle things. Josh is just different, and thats okay. he wanted a break from the internet they both discussed this. Some people like to work a lot to keep moving so they arent sitting around sad and some people like to break from everything. Dont hate on colleen dont hate on josh simple let them hurt and heal how they need to. thanks if you read this.
- Breezer Weavdog: JOSH! This was beautiful beyond words.Stay strong man.Sending you positive vibes of healing and peace. #Dingleberryforlife
- Kaeli Ann Marie: okay I'm sure Josh doesn't want a full comment section about what's going on with his personal life. focus on the song 😒
- Saniyyah Qeliqi: hes back!
- Mirette Ajour: Stay strong josh❤️
- Jady Solano: No don't say that I have one he is annoying and he will make a big difference in your life believe
- glammorebeats: Love you Josh.❤️ keep your head up
- Aicha El Ouirraoui: You can do it 💜💜💜💜💜💜 !!
- Katelynn Morris: This is the most beautiful thing I have seen in a while. Love you Josh.
- Lego's Little Life: Dammit, here come the water works. Amazing vulnerability to both of you.
- Bethany Kilpatrick: It's so sad to see josh hurting and then to see Colleen with her gay friends living with her having the time of her life. Snapchat, insta, its all like she's so thrilled josh isn't with her. Shame on you Colleen.
- Mady Lochner: Oh my gosh I love this 😍😍
- Sabina Zahiri: Diniera Hasna that's not the point
- Abby T: Wow😍
- May Nature: wow so beautiful 😥
- Malthe Gabrielsen: I get gooseflesh of hear this song
- Baylie Dell: I had no idea Erin was such a god singer
- Rochelle Spies: crying so beautiful
- Millie H: OMG this is so beautiful 😍
- Jenna C.: idk why but it doesn't sound like erin when she sings.. maybe its because she isn't that great at lip syncing? idk.. still amazing!!!
- Ethan Duckworth: I did not know that your sister had that great of voice
- nicole benjamin: Your sister looks like Emma from Glee :O
- Ezzy .M: Joshua I just want to remind you that I support both of you and I want you to know that I love you and so many people do too STAY STRONG you've got this we believe in you❤️
- joeys _tea101: Right here in tears 😭 I'm dying on the inside and out
- Patricia Alvarado: Your sis sings pretty
- Lucy Tappenden: Well I don't think anyone was ready for this!
- justacrazywoman: That was so beautiful. I am proud of both of you. Hang onto each other!
- Dearbhla NíChiaráin: My hearts so fucking broken for him holy hell
- _soph.x: The people being rude to Colleen need to shut the fuck up. Seriously you don't know shit about what she's going through. Oh she seems happy in the 10 minutes out of her 24 hour long day that must mean she's over the divorce and doesn't care! No it doesn't work like that you idiotic fuck. Stay out of it, it's not your business.
- hayitz gen: Why you make me cry so much josh
- Natasha Antonoff: I've watched this so many times and I can't get enough
- Kathryne Courtney: I almost made it through without crying, and then I lost it when they started to cry. This was beautiful❤️💛💚💙💜💖
- Emma Ocampo: I didn't know that you're sister is good at singing 🎤👫
- Aryeh Goldner: is this about colleen and joshua
- Brooke Peters: I knew josh could sing but I had no idea Erin could! This is amazing. Stay strong
- Celeste Kowalik: Lucinda 101 When Josh started to cry, I just bursted into tears. I miss him so much.😟
- Emma Mae: stay positive heal on your own time♡♡♡♡♡♡
- supercalico X250: i feel so bad for josh
- ast0o: This was amazing!!!!
- Chloe Price: I think I got something In my eye , anyone else?
- Audrey Barrall: JOSH UR BACK!!!! I cried in the vid.
- Briana Booker: So beautiful!
- Victoria Cisneros: Beautiful song sung by two beautiful people
- ashlish01: This was incredible! It was so emotional, I nearly cried XX stay strong
- Manar Turkie: yeah i felt like i was part other family too :(
- Ashlee Backus: Ohhh the tears... stay strong josh you have a path you are meant for in life. This is a very painful time but this right here shows you're beauty and strength coming out through all the hurt and pain.
- Shanzay Murad: you should do more covers with Erin she has a beautiful voice
- Brodie.mx1 11: That was beautiful, I am crying right now. Josh you are so inspiring.
- Zøë Mallia: Who ever the 1k people are who disliked this are just heartless! 😒😾
- Fiona•Fiona •: My mom loves this song and she loves your cover better.
- Taylor Salvatore: 3:08 made me cry omg I'm so sad
- Azj jalal: how did you know ??
- xx Melody xx: 2017 Squad?!
- elisag27: Josh, kudos to you for getting back out there. Square your shoulders, walk tall. SLAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!
- Fizzygirl79: I know you won't see this .... or even know it was written. But that was .... beautiful ..
- lily lane: ERIN AHHH
- Rosalie Showalter: This is beautiful
- Makenna Pratt: I love you so much Joshua 💓
- Ria K: I love you Josh. We are all behind you. Stay strong and always show your true colours because they are truly beautiful. Always remember that you can't have a rainbow without the rain. 🌈💧
- Kyla Jones: Judalon Thelma I did know what to say I tried not to fan girl to hard 😂
- Nivedita Das: song and the description is so beautiful😊 and welcome back.
- CallMeDee: Nice to have you back bud! Beautiful song!!!
- Stephanie Barrera: every time i see that i just cry!
- Alyssa Mongiovi: I'm crying
- Ramon Tragedy: This was so sad but they really should make a band. They can be The Evans.
- Catie C: This was so truly beautiful in every way. I always knew Josh could sing but Erin has a gorgeous voice as well!!❤ You're both so precious. It's good to have you back Josh!!!! :)
- Cassidy: Don't cry, craft!
- Ashley Thompson: Heartbreaking. And beautiful. Josh, you are so unbelievably loved by all of us. The two of you sing beautifully together and that was extremely powerful. There is such strength in your vulnerability. ❤️
- Gamepoint Bezio: That is amazing
- SpreadingSunshine: I'm crying😭
- Melanie Roberts: Welcome back josh, brought tears to my eyes, we all love you, remember that😘
- abigail baughman: So beautiful
- Jessie E: oh that sad beautiful face. hope you heal buddy. glad you have support
- Rowan Clark: This makes me cry every time I watch this 😭
- Neoladara: But hope you are still okay and big friends still with Colleen but I am not saying anymore because I dont want you to be that much reminded........ the word starts with "D" and ends with "E".. . .....
- Olivia G: this made me cry
- Abby: Yay, I'm so happy to see Josh back. Also, this was an awesome video :)
- Margot F: Thought I'd be able to not cry but I started crying at 1:24... lol
- Tiffany Johnson: this was so sad and sweet :(
- aimee: damn onions!!😭😭😭😭
- JohnG500: This is indecible. Beautiful!!! I'm balling over here. Blown away!
- Abbi Whitaker: Chris A He is not!! Don't ever say that again!!
- Angela Arellano: When JoshuaDTV posted his new video after their divorce... I cried😔😞😪😪 And THE HATERS out theeeere. They think Colleen is acting so happy, posting videos and vlogs like nothing happened, well that's how Colleen shows us her way to move on. Like duh, Colleen don't need to cry and say some sad things for us to think that she's weak and she can't move on. Making videos, that's what makes her happy. And we can't change her. They have differences. Couple like them can't move on THAT fast. I'm not one-sided, I'm just sayin'. Stupid mindless people, Give them some privacy! Stop judging and give JoshLeen some respect. If you're saying that you're "PART" of their family then you must've learned how to understand.
- Amy Mathison: WE MISSED YOU JOSH💜💜💜
- Bilia: Love you Josh we are all here for you! I'm crying😭❤️
- Ashley Coates: That was beautiful, good job guys
- Amy Hefton: when erin started singing & it was you guys singing together i just instantly starting bawling. i love you josh. stay strong. 💜
- acnyc 11: Bravo!!!
- Kirrie R: Josh and Erin you both sounded amazing. Now I just need to ask for you guys to stop picking sides. I doubt either of them want that and Josh and Colleen have different ways of coping. She just doesn't want to put her emotions out like he does and that's ok. Bless you both....
- Genevieve Moosemay: This makes me sad 😢😢
- Missy M: thank you thank you thank you. i know 100% how hard this is for you, i have been there myself. surround your self with the ones who truly love you and who have your back. you will soon see its ok to rise again and be happy. just know that YOU GOT THIS! Much love and respect xxoo
- Makayla Hardin: Colleen broke him😭
- Abigail Maver: This song makes me cry😢😔
- sam: Ukulele cords anyone? I wanna play this for my concert
- Xavier Evans: my last names is evans
- 99 99: It's great to have you back Josh!! we love you!!😘
- Hey Hi Hola: same here
- cierra davis: when you liked the video and forget and try to like it again
- Lauren Condon: I love you josh all of us are here for you btw I love the song!!
- Nicole w: i just did my makeup and the feels hit me and now my makeup is RUINED ...
- Kat G: This is so beautiful. I've missed you, Joshua!
- Fenja Stronsson: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 (n_n)💙💙💙💙💙💙💙😢😢😢😢💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙😢😢😢💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
- Lindsay Jacob: i can't wait for him to do another vid!!
- Marysol Meza: I honestly think that this is a better cover than JT & AK 🙊... just saying
- me myself and I: Elle Kelyssa there's being happy then there's strutting around without a care in the world, she's made him a broken man you can see it in his eyes how can you not dislike the woman
- Emmy DIY: Beautiful! There is no bond quite like the one you have with a sibling and you two are amazing and so lucky to have eachother. Your voices sound absolutely beautiful and angelic together. You are both incredibly brave and inspiring and this was so moving. Thanks for sharing this with all of us I feel lucky to have heard it
- K Olaff: JOSHHHHHH!!!!! omg Erin is sooooo good!!! ❤❤❤
- Marni Hicks: Beautiful. Hugs and love
- Jennifer Walker: Beautiful song welcome back u have been missed. Keeping u in my prayers
- Margaret Davidson: I love you guys so much she is a good singer and same with you josh
- Rianne Zijlstra: Anyone know what happened to the dog?
- andreleslie2000: This stirred up all kinds of emotions for me. Went through the same thing 6 years ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Josh, it sucks. I know it does. And nothing anyone says makes it better. It took me about 3 years to grieve and fuly heal. Just being real and honest. Hang in there. The light will shine again. I promise.
- Em Rod: This was so beautiful!! Wow!!
- BasilBunni 123: WHAT!?!?! CAN YOUR WHOLE DAM FAMILY SING!!!😍😍😍😋😘😁😸💜💜💜💜💛💚💙❤❤❤ I love the song and I am sorry for the past. People just should stop taking sides and love both you and Colleen. You and Erin are amazing singers like aaaahhhhhh!
- Emma Jensen: this was beautiful.
- xlovely babes: Don't worry josh. I feel really sad too especially you. I have feelings that one day in the future, you and Colleen are going back together and become a happy big family. Just don't lose hope. Keep on praying and wishing for Colleen. Your a very nice, talented, the best and smartest person ever! Don't let anyone change that to the opposite. Hope you will feel better! - Shuntle Long-gat
- sophia k: "if you're going through hell, keep going." - winston churchill ❤️ love you josh, this was amazing and the internet is happy to have you back(:
- Olivia Renée: The pain In his eyes and when he broke down killed me.
- KAγLEE M: Is it just me or does she kinda sound like the lead singer of The Cranberries
- Mackenzie Buchter: And THE FEELS! I broke up with someone near and dear to my heart. I know it is hard. I will get easier. Love you so much.
- Geany Silberie: This was so beautiful !! I'm legit crying rn after he started crying 😪😪
- Swiftie For life: Erin and josh you both have beautiful singing voices
- Kayla Maxam: Welcome back we've missed u❤️
- Stefanie Bradford: aww :'(
- Angela Castruita: Today was such a bad, horrible day...... then I saw this video and it's just so beautiful thank you so much🌩😌😭
- Jazzy R: YAY!!!! #Slay #BrotherSisterDuet
- Teenagers Blog: Im crying 💜😭
- daisyxelhua: his eyes tearing is making me sad
- Abbey Kelly: what's the name of Erins channel?
- timelordtori: Brenden That's exactly what I was thinking.😂
- Gigi Rodriguez: Ily so much 😩❤️
- Deepak Menon: +marc turiano I am sorry that the only thing you can do is hate...probably because nobody likes you :)
- Eva Dahl: ❤️❤️❤️
- Sage Sabiduria: Awwwww you and your sis 💚💚💚💚 this is really awesome, thank you
- Kameko ❥: This hurt me so much..
- Monica Edelmayer: Beautiful
- Gabrxelle T.V: You guys are VERY inspirational and don't give up on life. Don't let divorcement get in your way, I loved you and Colleen being together and don't let that bring you down. Your sister is a very wonderful backup and don't let sadness get in your way🙂💚
- Amber R: That was lovely, thanks for sharing! You're gonna be okay. Might not feel like it right now, but you definitely are going to be just fine.
- Spastic Cat: Beautiful. I hope you can find peace and healing. You can get through this; at the end of every tunnel is a light, and you've already taken your first step towards it.
- Gm M: YAAAS JOSH! Use your divorce for them views 👏🏻👏🏻
- McDonald’sFrenchFries: Dis he write this song?
- Kaylee Palermo: I would love to see Colleen react to this. Like if you agree
- Chrissy Dunstan: 😭
- Ayana Hibbert: it is so good to see him again #LOVEYOUJOSH
- Grace Watkins: I could feel the emotion so strongly through this
- mia point: this was amazing!!!!! I'm glad you're back! we've missed you and please ignore the hate
- J H: Wow wow wow wow that was absolutely beautiful. Everything will be ok in the end, and if it's not ok.. then it's not the end, we all love you
- Anastasia Newell: I cry every time I watch this, heartbroken. Both of you are so strong, we're all so proud of you. Thank you so much for such a gorgeous song. Some of the best music comes out of a broken place. I'm sorry Josh. Loves.
- ava’s asmr: thank you Aryanna vlogs cookie for ever
- King Savage: Why didn't I know your sister could like that :/
- Glitterbean: Awe I love this
- Heaven Leigh: ❤️❤️❤️couldn't help but cry too. My heart goes out to you.
- ConstanceT.: I'm not such a fan of Josh but that got to me.
- Kay V. D.: Carla Sandoval Thank you!! I'm with family right now...
- Kameryn Trejo: i'm so happy to see josh back!! this was so beautiful... BUT WHO ELSE IS READY TO SEE SHADOW HIS DOG AGAIN AS WELL??!?
- Lisa: this was absolutely beautiful...
- liana bentley: this is incredible both of your voices together are perfect you can see the strength you bring each other! this really touched me ❤
- Adeline White: i love you Joshua. I always will, no matter what❤️
- Hannah Jean Fischer: Vicky Laithwaite weren't *
- Marissa: Who think Joshua is more heart broken by the divorce than Colleen
- Destiny Garcia: this brought me too tears, I was so moved. Love you josh!!
- Megan Locke: This gave me the chills and I actually cried....I've never cried over a song ❤️
- Casey Sands: This was beautiful
- Honest: Sorry Josh..!!
- Nadia Godinez: read the description 😊
- Robyn Thin: Josh I support you and stuff but get the FREAKING ORIGINAL PROFILE PICTURE BACK!!!!!
- paul Vasquez: I am actually crying right now
- Erin Welsh: You both have voices of angels, stay strong Josh xx
- April Fawnn: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Micolette Jenkins: I cried...
- mandyyjayyy: He's singing about his sister, you idiot.
- Ambrosia D: You were both amazing. Loved the song and seeing the love between brother and sister was so sweet.
- Riya George: this soong made me cry be strong josh love u
- Tara Weltikol: This is beautiful and honestly the best I've ever heard you sing Joshua... you got this. Love from North Dakota ❤️
- serena green: im not crying my eyes are just watering
- cristian cazares: Josh I'm surprised you haven't gotten copyrighted because you didn't give Cindy lauper credit.
- Jasmin Perez: Josh looks like hes hurting... while colleen looks like shes having the time of her life. smh.
- cardfight100: Rawr
- Lisa Lindgren: Beautiful you two!
- Sophie Ann: <3 <3 <3 <3
- Jennifer Clark: Just over here in GA like😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Brandon Garza: i am sad waaaa
- Richard Lin: I wish I had a B like Josh.
- Trish Kadish: I cried right along with you, Josh. What a powerful and poignant cover of such an awesome song. You and your sister did an amazing job. Stay strong, and know so many people love you, and are praying that your heart can start to heal. 💙
- Alyssa McCarthy: I hate that everyone is hating on Colleen in the comments. Nobody is to blame here. There was love from both sides. You don't have to pick which one you like more, just watch both of them and watch them both be happy over time.
- Pvzavala80: One of the most sincere and honest things I've seen on the internet in a very long time. Thanks for sharing your heart Joshua. I admire your resilience. As for Erin, have always wanted to be her friend. ❤️ blessings to you both!
- sriraag shiva: this is the best song that Josh had ever composed I like it 👍👍👍
- MT_girl: Pearl S I agree
- Madelyn Boggs: This is so beautiful.
- Harry Krinkle: +Bants and Rants Too late. You don't like it, block me.
- emma dejoode: You should do more duets with her this is truly music
- Ivy Jane: Josh, I hope you heal, however that process may be. I am with you. I wish nothing but the best for you. Erin, you are absolutely incredible. Thank you for demonstrating what being a sister really entails. Thank you for being there for our fellow brother, especially in what may be the most difficult chapter in his life. I appreciate you. I love you both. <3
- Skinny Love: omg im literally cryin my heart out rn :(
- Heidi Peterman: yes Josh yes! i loved this you guys have such amazing voices
- Alica Miller: I'm crying lol
- Sabrina Barney: Ahhh josh I missed you so much!! That was so beautiful!! Thanks so much! ❤️❤️
- Deeana Kosa: that was beautiful and so sad. Erins voice is so pretty. Them singing together gives me chills😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
- Queen Balie: This is so sad... 😥
- Kamilah: This was BEAUTIFUL, now we all see who is really hurting
- flymetothemoon: his eyes looks so empty.
- Mel E: Absolutely Beautiful! <3
- EmiiPie: This is a beautiful rendition of the song. Thank you both for sharing it with us <3
- Jordan Purrington: OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH
- Heather Lobeck: This is my second time watching this... and crying. You've got such an amazing heart and so much love to give. Josh, I know you'll find happiness again. By the way, I really want another duet with you two!!
- Heather Lozano: SO beautiful!....I'm not a big crier but I definitely cried watching this!
- FadedCanine AJ: I honestly think that Josh is still heart broken bc of the divorce. I love them all, Colleen, Josh, Erin, Rachel and all of the family. Erin has a beautiful voice and so does josh
- Lyrical_ avery: Omg such a great message Erin your voice and josh amazing
- It's your girl #PeaceAndLove: It is ok don't crie or I will crie 😪😪😪😪😪😔😔😕😞😖😕😕😞😖😖😫😫😩😩😔😔😪😪😪😪😪🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
- Ayla Williams: #tear
- Ashly's YouTube Album: Vicky Laithwaite they both experienced a divorce
- Ava Murphy: You can tell he really wants and loves Colleen 😭😭❤️
- Vinnie Cesarone: beautiful.
- Kaitlyn Stowe: YAY JOSH!! Welcome back and we missed you but we treated your sister great and we loved her! ❤️❤️❤️
- Jenny Wright: this is so beautiful your choices are amazing together and apart
- Lizzett Rodriguez: ahh 😥😥
- Ruby Miller: Omg he is cry 😣😣😣 now Iam cry 😣😣😣😣😣
- Erin Carver: You are so strong, Josh. 💗 This was perfect and you are so inspiring. I hope things will get easier for you soon. Don't ever give up.
- NxP: glad your back buddy✔
- Phoebe Bryant: This is so beautiful thank you Erin for supporting Josh through this hard hard time in his life. I hope Josh that you are finding the peace you need, you deserve nothing less than happiness.
- hannah djdjx: this is insanely beautiful!! i loved it so much . you are both such talented people and i love u both!
- Dawn-Rene Martin: Big tears :(
- Zainaab Hoque: ❤
- Nichole burkus Burkus: This was absolutely beautiful! ❤️ thank you
- SAVANNAH AUSIELLO: watch my channel is only a clown killed a big deal so before 🅱📧🎏🅾®📧
- Kayleigh Chappell: I love it xxxx Josh and Erin bro/sis It put a tear in my eye Love u josh 😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💜💛💚💙❤
- leandra masters: Love you both and this cover ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Cindil Velez: this song makes me cry I wish you guys knew love is once in a life time the one for you will never be replaced don't lose it hold it with both hands don't let this world take it away all relationships argue just don't let it get to vilonce I love you guys try for you both not for anyone starting new with others can be grate but why try. just live separate and start again with each other a spark your fire.
- X Lazer101: why are they crying when they are singing this song ? just asking
- sQuIShY ._.: I was legit crying and I legit never cry!! Also love your voice Erin
- Sam Kanterman: omg erins voice
- Erika Cooling: What a beautiful video and song. Erin has such a nice voice. I was crying pretty much the whole time. Keep on taking the time to heal. It will get better day by day.
- Ryan Vanwormer: You guys should do another duet
- Pbg929: Life is so unfair! He does not deserve to be in such pain! It broke my heart! Still looking for my Josh, though! I hope I can get a guy just like you!
- taylor brother: lovely
- 01FireWolf: +Ven Niyonkuru I agree, josh is too sweet and kind to ever be sad. He deserves nothing but happiness.
- Roxann Snyder: I could watch this video a million times and it would still bring me to tears. 😢
- Lola Moon: <3
- Christina Shin: definitely not sobbing
- Stacy Folio: 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is so cute I'm crying
- redrobin_yummm: if you guys have troubles with your siblings I strongly encourage you to forgive them and love them because the bond you can have with them can be sooo strong, powerful, and full of love.
- Liza Smirnova: You are amazing man
- Amaya Mansman: Erin has an amazing voice she has a gift like her brother and whoever is hating on Josh and Colleen enough I'm ashamed to hear that Josh's fans are hating on Colleen and josh and that Colleen's fans are hating on both of them too enough is enough already Colleen may seem happy but on the inside they're hurting with Josh U can see it in this video enough people why can't u just put yourself in their shoes.
- Lauren Dyals: Every time I watch this I cry.. 😭💔
- California Squishy's: It's ok josh we still love you even though you're heart broken we are ALL here for you I wish I could give you a big hug 😭
- Allyson Gail: crying!!!
- Igloo Australia: Buddy Buds "cold brick" lmao you're a clever lil shit aren't ya 💀💀💀
- Aibabyful: What a heart-breaking song
- Payton Strozier: Y'all definitely need to sing more songs together!! Loved this so much
- kissydanielle: I don't know how many times I've watched this or listened to the song, but it's just a beautiful cover and I can't get enough.
- Hannah Wikaryasz: 🤐
- jayven the gamingkid900 rios: hannha me too
- Eliana Schrock: I was in Walmart tonight and this song came on and I was so happy because it's so beautiful <3
- Jadan Harrell: OMG love u josh
- Kimi-Jin808: Nico Nico thanks bro!!!
- Evan Hansen: Best. Cover. Ever.
- Emily Ann: Welcome back, hun. We've all missed you, and welcome you back with welcome arms. I know what you're going through is gut wrenching and heart shattering, but we'll always be here for you in spirit. I wish I could give you a tight hug and just hold you. This song was beautiful, and I'm so glad you did it with your sister. It's very touching. We love you, Josh. Take all the time you need to get back into the swing of things. We don't want you to force happiness for our entertainment. We want you healthy and well.
- AlYsSa RaY: love this so much. stay strong guys <3
- Ana Isip: don't be unhappy
- Shookus Pookus: JOOOOSH!!!!😍😍I've misser you SO much😭😭
- Delanee and Olivia: Welcom back josh
- Debbie A.: Wow! That was so beautiful!!!! ❤️
- Equestrian 572: How nice that there is a conveniently placed bowl of onions sitting right in front of me 😂😂
- Caris Red: can't stop watching....this is beautiful josh, welcome back we all missed you so muchh
- ramsey wellbeloved: Welcome back buddy. we've missed you❤️
- Eran Gabay: this shirt makes you look fat and ugly no offance
- The Lancasters: I'm bawling! This was so beautiful!!
- shooketh: colleen is a heartless bitch, bye.
- MiniMineGirlzVlogz: Omg there voices are the tops!!
- Alecia Peppers: This was absolutely beautiful.
- Jennifer Fteim: Veronnica Watson you don't know Colleen at all so U can stfu
- Alexis' Vlog Channel: So glad you back! This was very powerful and had so much meaning. We love you Josh.
- Jenesis Ruiz: Glad to have you back! 🙃
- Jennifer Witherspoon: Pretty sure I heard this on the radio recently!!
- Alexis Weathers: wow that was so beautiful!!!
- Victoria nicole Smith: They still haven't exactly told us why they got a divorce. 😞
- Incognito Journey: Guys I'm balling my eyes out
- Coleton Carter: Beautifully done....remember singing this song when I was like 10 in my grandpas bedroom on my little record player!!! Wow....memories!!! Things will get better......thank the man above you have a sister to help you through your trials!!! Nothing like a brother and sister bond!!! 💜
- Sarah Flowers: I love you so much josh
- Elyse Jenay: omg my name is ur middle name elyse
- Nicole Yanez: This is so beautiful i love this so much
- tasha wickett: All the hate on this video? Why? Whether it was about Colleen or not it shouldn't matter. We should be supporting both of them. Yes Colleen and Josh have taken things very differently and coped in different ways so stop taking sides. Read the Video description.
- Simply Music: this was so touching! erin and Joshs voices are incredible!!!!!
- Lupis Villarreal: They definitely need to do more duets together
- Paula Wiegele: i just cried so had. oh my god.
- Unicorn Goddess: Helen Davies Yes
- Kayla Osborne: Good gahlee, I love you guys so much.
- Garrett Collier: Unicorn_Writers - It is!!
- Elizabeth S: Make that 100 times I have watched this! I love your voices so much it's so peaceful and amazing to listen to! Ahhh I love it so much!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 Also when they started to cry I wanted to jump right into my phone and give them a hug because I think I could really use it right now stay strong angles!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sarah Abdul: Omgggg ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭
- Audrey Warren: Omg you guys are wearing matching Jordan's that's so cute
- Fa heema: Erin Slusher I must hav overreacted but all this singing n playin the victim card is only making Colleen get more hate..don't u think he knows dat? Colleen wsnt happy wid him n God knows how fake this guy is in real life n she has the right to make a decision for herself n moreover she hasn't dragged on the divorce issue after the announcement unlike him..
- tk421trooper1: That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. Stay strong and Stay positive
- Cleo Lambert: Ahhhh I'm crying !!
- Pandakopandaaaa: +Soli Bella i know that. people deal with pain differently. what i'm saying is IF josh is dealing this pain the same way Colleen does it, would she be getting all this hate? I bet not. We're judging a person base from what the other person does. If it's the other way around, Colleen taking a break from Youtube and Josh enjoying himself with his family and friends... guess where all the hate will be directed to?
- Tommy Holland: We don't know what went on behind the scenes. What is very obvious from Colleen's videos is that she is free from whatever weight the relationship had on her. She's happy to move on instead of having something sitting on her shoulders.I feel for Josh. I understand why he took time off. Obviously, he was the one more hurt. Perhaps that's an indication of what went on. He didn't get it. The way their relationship started made me think Josh was A hopeless romantic. The whole marriage talk when they first met was cringeworthy. Coupled with his boy band fantasies, I think he lives in a fantasy world. Josh is terrific. But I get the feeling he was holding Colleen back with unrealistic and over-dramatic issues. But, again, we don't know.
- Annelise Sturgess: Welcome back Joshua. Such a lovely song , you're both so talented🌸 Take all the time you need , I love you❤
- Itscarina martin: Kim Larocque How old are you today because my birthday is on the 14th
- Ruth Rivera: I'm not crying. Get it together! you don't cry!!!! *Curls into ball to cry "
- Natasha Tomlinson: I'm crying! Beautiful video Josh. Welcome back :)
- Sarah Barzen: I'm so glad to have you back, you both sound so amazing and josh you look so good. I hope your doing well and I'm excited for new videos!❤️
- Jazz Rivera: this just turned me into a wreck
- WanderlustReader: best song choice... this was truly amazing <3
- Nathan Tyler: I'm crying omg
- Mo M: I didn't know they both could sing, this made me tear up! We're all here to support you both! 😭❤️
- Melody Error Loading Last Name: This breaks my heart... especially because of the hurt in his eyes, and the tears that stain both of their faces by the end of the song... I hope you feel a bit happier Josh, and Erin, keep being the best little sister to him!
- Maria Katrina: Nana Vela Because being married to a woman is gay af isn't it. Stop endorsing such stupid rumours because a gossip channel made a pathetic video pandering whether Josh is gay or not. It is very clear he is not.
- Tespo yahoo: JOSH! so happy to see you back, we missed you so much!!
- Venishka Salvatore: this broke mah heart..
- LeAnn Jenkins: beautiful ❤❤
- Grace l-/: Okay so if you think they were being unreasonable and effortless with why they broke up, can you tell us why they divorced? Apparently you know them personally pretty well.
- Candi M: Now that's a COME BACK! GO JOSH
- Kiara Perez: Ugh that was so GOOD. I cried the entire video 😭
- Katie Kate: I have never really been one to comment on any YouTubers videos that I watch but I felt like I should just let you know that I hope you the best and will be praying for your happiness.
- Amber Leijgraaf: trying my best not to cry omfg :'( 💜
- tiffpitt27: That was absolutely beautiful!!! I wish had some words of comfort for you Josh, I am honestly speechless, especially seeing the pain that you are still in. You are so lucky to have such an amazing family and that you have such an amazing little sister looking out for you. <3
- Eelke Satijn: ♡
- catsandflowercrowns 1: I just popped a really good pimple
- Tatenda Madondo: My heart is bleeding for Josh right now. He's always talked about how much he's in love with love and how much he loved Colleen. It hurts to see him like this. :(
- Brittany Aceto: Stephade have you ever heard Keith Urban sing? Hmm.......
- Hannah McClain: My heart is broken into a million pieces for you! All of us i'm sure are sending all the love we possibly can through the internet. I hope you know we all still love you!
- Hya Muchi: Omg this video made me cry 😔😖 .. I still love Colleen and Josh..
- Maddie worthen: This made me cry tbh idk why just did
- katie s: Shit hurts fam.
- Robyn W: wow. good message and this takes a lot of courage to sing in so much pain. you are continuing to spread light through darkness. good for you! my prayers are with you! A great healing song is by Jaci Velasquez, "Lay it Down." God bless you!
- Fiona S.: Made me cry! Love you josh you got this
- MooTelevision: Super Grace .. but Josh went on tour right after they got married. It's not fair to say that she's the one who put her career first when they both did.
- Dakota Loucks: this is amazing, great job erin and josh.
- Abbi Mcnabb: omg!!!! I started crying!!!! I feel sooooo bad for you Joshua!!!! you will get through it one day at a time. just know you've got everyone here to help you
- Nadya Hughes: Welcome back Josh, I'm glad you're getting better!!!
- arryo sumadiyo: good luck Josh.
- CHERRIE KAOS: That was so beautiful, you both have wonderful voices. I cried because I could really feel the emotion in this video and in your voices. thank you so much for sharing that beautiful moment with us all. We love and support you and hope that you are feeling much better. and I am very thankful for your family and friends that are physically with you to comfort and support you. and I am thankful for all of your fans that love and support you from a far so I hope you are physically and emotionally feeling better. lots of love and support to you and your family and friends. =)
- Amy Wilson: love you both!
- Lucy Maurin: there is so much pain in their voices
- Amy Heath: It's sad that so many people believe they have a right to judge others..... talking about someone "sulking in a corner" or making statements about circumstances that they ultimately know nothing about. It's also sad that society feels we have to 'choose sides' in all situations of life. Divorce is a grieving process, we all grieve differently. Some grieve longer than others and that is okay. We're all different, which is diverse and beautiful. Both Josh and Colleen have asked not to hate on the other - yet people are doing so. The great thing is, those people just don't matter.... unless you allow them to. Sometimes ignoring hateful words from people who appear to be seeking attention, is the best choice.
- itsRobyn x: Omf who's cutting onions😭😭😭
- iinfinitydolans: Josh i know you are going through a hard time and I honestly pray to god that everything turns out okay for you. I think you are an amazing person and you deserve to be happy 💗
- brookie b: Don't cry josh
- Lauryn Neasham: I love you so so much
- Lewis Rees: hope you'll be ok , hang in there Josh
- Rilestheunicorn _ RG: My choir did this song last year
- Gemini Coven: This always makes me cry, especially when Josh broke down
- Everything girls!: Omg! Erin! Your voice is beautyful
- art3val: Hang in there Josh!! Ily dingleberry <3
- Casey: Yay
- nittoburn4: I'm crying right now this is very touching in so many ways
- KAWAII KITTY 17: I'm crying 😭😭
- Leslie Carrillo: Love his sisters singingg😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖
- Franny Langan: Hi Dingleberry.
- Equestrian Girl: I'm in love
- Cindy Collazo: OMG Erin sings is beautiful 😍😍👌🏻👌🏻
- trash: i sang this in a school choir, and always found this song so touching and beautiful. Josh and his sister sing this so amazingly and it touches my heart ♥
- Liga Rude: I'm in tears
- Mistical Sivan: I can see the pain in both of your eyes but I want you to know that all of us here are here no matter what. this made me tear up...This whole situation will sting but it will get better..you will find someone one day who will truly gives you happiness and love. I love you Josh. We love you.
- Hailey Clark: Omg. This is my new favorite song. Like ever. I'm crying. Ok bye.
- Nisa Gül: josh im so sorry what happend . we all love you.
- julia opal: this made me cry. they are so amazing. i know josh, u are in a hard place but u are truly amazing and we all love u
- Draco: Siobhan Rose being mean doesn't help ur problems so please just leave
- Yndra Lopez: Jeannette Abitante maybe
- Sammy Harris: Welcome home ❤❤❤❤
- Erika s: I subbed to Josh because of Coleen but I'm really on Josh's side for this one. It must of been so hard for him to see her just bounce back like nothing happened. You'll get through this we are all here for you. Love you! You deserve all of the support in the world! Take it one day at a time bud!
- Janelle Ramirez: The people that are giving hate shame on them.They are probably doing that because they are not happy with themselves and they have ugly insides
- The GREED’s: ssssssooooooo sad 😭😭😭😭
- blancajohnathan: I cried.
- Gracie Mullins: 👏👏👏👏
- Taylor Torgeson: This broke my heart. I'm so sorry Josh.
- Lonnae Young: Guys! I just have bad allergies! I swear.
- Elizabeth Griffith: she did call the divorce josh says it in the divorce video he posted
- Crystal Westman: I had a pretty shitty day..then the Cubs won; my day got better..and after watching this, I'm sad again... all that aside...great video.
- Lil Gin: lmfao wtf is this gay shit I'm on the weird side of youtube again
- Indahly's Tube: Most beautiful version ever Incredible and incredibly sad.
- abbby: This is so beautiful Im going through so much right now and I just love this thanks josh and Erin xxx
- Kierstyn1229: That was beautiful Josh and Erin! I'm so happy your back Josh!!
- Holly LeAnn: This made my heart hurt! I wasn't prepared at all for the feels that this video put on me! I love them both so much! ❤️❤️
- Hunter House: Love this. Oh my god the ending when it became color I actually started crying.
- x Natalie x: I wanted to cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this was beautiful
- Mattie Ibarra: this is beautiful. im sorry you are hurting
- MrMentalackack: Seriously? Did you not hear the lyrics
- Marie Angelo: Love it!. Such calming voices💓
- Sravya Lenka: This makes me so emotional!
- Kavita Singha: I cried watching this. Light enters our soul when we break. Grow spiritually, travel, go to Tibet, India and learn Meditation. I am not a young viewer and I clearly can see and feel what has happened. Don't look back ever. Go beyond the beyond. Fame is not everything. Keep growing.
- A M: She asked a question you don't have to be rude^
- Kathy Boggess: I love you so much Josh this cover really touched my heart and I felt like I could feel all of your pain and your healing and I really hope that one day you will fully recover from all the heart ache you have experienced through out the past few months stay strong and glade your back! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
- Ashleigh Paige: omg... I'm so speechless this was the most beautiful thing YouTube has seen. Amazing job Josh! Josh you are an amazing man and Erin you an amazing woman and I look up to both of you. Don't think either of you have to be because people look up to you. This showed that through the bad times you can find the light and through the light there can be dark. I love you both so very much and you are amazing people!
- CRAZY HOMELESS MAN JIM: I hate seeing erin cry she is always soo happy
- Sary: dude, is he wearing his wedding shoes?
- Chris Cruz: Yess
- Ophelia Wong: This song was so sad I was trying to hold back my tears
- Isabel McCormick: Josh, you're such a strong, resilient person. Pain will knock the breath out of you and it will linger for a long time. You keep doing what you gotta do to feel whole again. You have the support of all your fans and YouTube friends. Don't be afraid. You'll come through stronger than you can imagine right now. Keep being nice to people. Much love.
- Jailyn B: I was watching trolls and they did this song and I started thinking of u and crying 😭
- Sierra Clark: all the tears 😢
- lokoloko GT: Im literally crying 😭😭
- Emily Ingold: ugh this killed me 😢 I really felt this...love to the pair of you ❤❤
- Tessa Flynn: me heart breaks for you guys. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through.
- O H: I loved that video!!! It made me cry!!!!😭😭 i love you guys!!!!
- jariah j'nae: I don't watch Colleen videos that much anymore but I see her face and it's like josh doesn't even exist like he was never in her life she will regret that I've been waiting all the time for josh to come back and josh just know we all ❤️ u man! Stay strong we love I love and God loves u dude just stay strong please I hate to see u cry I love the song it was great my new fav song!! I really hate to see u cry 😭 so sad 😭 Colleen if u watch this just know u missed out on a wonderful guy!! LOVE U SO MUCH JOSH REMEMBER GOD ALWAYS HAS A PLAN FOR U NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!
- Savanna Schall: I've watched this 7 times and I cry more every time
- Salma Bouthaleb: joshua and his family are beautiful people
- J.R. Wolf: Crying my eyes out
- MissSmilie12: Welcome back! It shows a large amount of strength and bravery. <3
- linda Tan: They dont look alike as brother and sister
- Byanca Garcia: I'm crying so much I'm glad he's back
- Nichole Kollman: Beautiful...there are no other words.
- rachaelc2007: Your voices sound amazing together. Welcome back, Josh! You've been missed.
- meow: he didnt write the song, also the desc says its for erin
- Jen W: My parents divorced 16 years ago (my mom wanted it) and my dad is still not over it. But he's remarried. I don't get it.
- Beanie Jean: I'm confused why were they crying"
- Janae Deimeke: Love you guys❤️ We are always here for you. This is such a beautiful and touching video😭 So glad you are back Josh!
- Filippa Cardona: Joshua, don't worry. I know it's very sad, my mum and dad went through it but at the end, at the end of the suffering you will find someone that will not hurt you and will love you so much. Maybe you and Colleen will be friends at the end! ❤️ we love you so much and nobody likes watching you sad.. take a break from YouTube and stay with the people who love you and when you think you're ready come on YouTube. Everyone will understand you 😍😭❤️
- Lucy Arthur: Erin is amazing at singing!💗😘
- Hannah Lauson: beautiful
- Ava Murphy: Hailey Clark cya then 😅😅
- hitthiscity09: been praying for you Josh! you are more than enough standing on your own. love you so much
- Wesley Walker: The drama
- RaD vids: This video is so beautiful ❤️
- Diahnet Santos: Wow this was beautiful. Love you Josh, keep pushing forward, you are loved and needed and wanted and you inspire a lot of people. And Erin you have a beautiful voice and heart and you are an amazing sister. God bless you both xo
- KaytieC: you guys are amazing and i just cried my face off. stay strong guys <3
- Taylor Samuelson: Josh ily so much
- FRIDA: This is the most beautiful cover you've ever done, such a sad backstory but you're coming back strong ❤️
- Challenges with Emma: I started tearing up and got goose bumps
- caylee d smith: MORE MORE MORE!!!
- Rosa Wiggins: erins voice is so beautiful
- Chelsea Liptow: this was not about Colleen... this is about when you are going through a hard time... the people that are there for you vs the people who say they are but when something comes up they don't show up
- Samira B: omg....this is so beautiful, I cried. You both have amazing voices and you chose such a touching song, wow.
- Emma Hardee: beautiful. ❤️️
- emily lloyd: This is amazing!❤️❤️
- Kelsie Dickey: This is so beautiful! You both have fantastic voices! Erin you NEED a channel! :) <3
- Leeann Avendano: This is sad :(
- Craig Thompson: just the audio
- Lauren Escobar: Jeremiah 29:11. You got this Josh.
- LiveLikeHeidi: Omg yes I love this version of the song (this version was originally sung by Anna kendrick and Justin Timberlake I'm pretty sure), I'm really glad you covered it! It's sounds amazing!! Edit: also I know the actual song was written by cyndi, I meant that Anna kendrick & Justin Timberlake did a cover of it which was the same as this :)) sorry for any confusion !
- Christine Comfort: Love you
- Rein Andrea Alano: I guess I should've prepared myself emotionally before watching this. Now, I don't even know what to feel. I love you Josh! Be strong. Just know that we are always here for you. And Erin, you are truly a blessing for Josh. Thank you for being there for him.
- Amelia Hunter: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Mina Hernandez: Oh my gosh who else cried I sure did so beautiful 😢
- Roza Hishan: I am so glad that Josh is back ❤. I've seen Ppl picking sides..why? and everyone is saying that Colleen moved on so fast, no she didn't. she's just trying to surround her self w friends and family and trying to stay positive and happy. Josh has a different way of coping w all of this. he preferred to stay hidden and to take some time alone until he's mentally prepared. Josh you're the best and very strong I hope to see u happy again :')
- Eileen Santos: New subbie here! First off: WELCOME BACK! This video you and your sister worked on is so touching, and my heart goes out to both of you, and to all of the people you have touched, moved, and inspired. Both of you keep doing what you're doing, and just know you are both making this world a better place with your positivity and your mantra of being nice to people. I believe everyone, no matter what their story is, would be moved by this piece, and can benefit by living their lives just being nice and paying it forward. Secondly, you have such a great relationship with one another. It's nice to see family being there for each other through everything, and making each other better people. You both have amazing voices too! v(^__^)
- KeriLyn2980: This was beautiful. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. Sending love and good juju. <3
- cls9288: whenyou feel the pain, love, happiness in a song then you have done it justice. for that this makes this song one of you best yet. keep pushing because you are truly someone who is different and mean to help and touch others lives..
- amiee irene: this is just sad. I love you Joshua!❤ I will pray for you Josh! #RIPJoshleen 😭
- Trace: Josh has always been somewhat over dramatic. Not trying to knock him of course, love his content, but I don't think he's allowed himself enough time to heal if his first video back is about being hurt. I feel like all of his videos for the next few months are going to carry the same dark cloud over them.
- Jake Osborn: is he coming out as gay with this song?
- Cady Trace 2005: Omg so emotional and great I love it Erin u should start a singing career
- bbykay18: Welcome back! It hurts to see you Josh in so much pain😢. we love you.
- Ani Pie: Oh man, guys! 😭😭😭 Beautiful and honest video! I love you both and support you from Germany! 😘
- I AM WILVER: This is actually good tho wow!
- millie_14x: Josh..... your voice is great!
- Jason Rivera: i feel so bad but that is my fav song love you😍😍😍😍😍
- Jeff Emmot: Simply beautiful. This video popped up in my queue as a recommended video. Not sure why, and almost passed it by, but something urged me to click and listen. Glad I did. I read the quote and watched the video. Obviously, and regrettably, he has experienced some pain and hurt in his life. Truly so sorry for whatever it might be. Joshua's voice has such a beautiful tone. Can't wait to listen to more.
- Heather king: Josh... thank you. I've been suffering from depression and a bunch of medication for it . Because i lost the one i loved the most..even attempted suicide once... but your making me realize my true colors... and to know that atleast you love me.. means everything.. so thank you.
- RvcoOne: Truly immensely wonderfully beautiful, beyond amazing. Thank you so much, Josh & Erin, for sharing this video with us, even in this, your darkest time. I truly love this song and the lyrics really depict just how much Erin has helped in keeping you the light that you are to so many. I also love the video effect of the colors fading in as the song progresses. So passionately raw and meaningfully expressive. Thanks again for making this. And always know, you are never alone in your pain and sorrow. Even when it feels that way, suffocatingly so. Many of us have been in your shoes, and as time passes, you'll be able to bear the heartache and breathe again. Stay strong!
- Jared Life: Ro Ro No, the original one is from Cyndi Lauper. They just changed some of the lyrics but Justin Timberlake's didnt made this song.
- Sydney Welte: Erin!!! Your voice! You should sing with josh more!
- Kaylee Owens: #ErinandJoshsinggood
- Sydney Collins: i cried and i'ts nice to see you and can't what to see you again joshua xxxxxxxxxxx
- Mira Wilcox: yeah, I can't be pretty
- Moonlight Mermaid: I hope I never break someone's heart, I couldn't live with that on my conscious
- Cynthia Starr: Beautiful 💕💕
- Brooke Christieson: and of course ur wearing high tops and is this after the divorce
- Kiki Ly: Amazing
- Lillian Denien: So sorry but you sing great
- sammi kay: beautiful!! welcome back!!
- nena Girl: This totally made me cry ! Can't believe how fast y'all got a divorce tho ! It's sad ! But I hope you'll heal ! It's Goanna take some time but I know your strong and you get do it 💪! ❤️
- Kimberly Crouch: This made me cry. I didn't know she could sing. I pray that you find closure and things clear up in your rough patch of life. Love you and have faith that things will always happen for a reason.
- missy moo: whats the live stream called
- Rose Glende: ❤
- Dylan Wood: I absolutely loved this! Both have great voices and they go awesome together! Not going to lie a tear or two definitely rolled down my face
- me myself and I: I really hope you can get through this and find happiness again
- Jenelle Plesz: how the heck could anyone thumbs down this video?? it was amazing
- Edith Romo: my heart hurts for both of them, i can see the pain in their eyes.
- Karina P: Amazing ❤️💙❤️💗
- Hannah Read: So glad your back josh! Missed ya! ❤️❤️
- LiveLikeHeidi: Delaney McKnight sorry I feel like I'm not making sense 😂
- jenna lynn: This video is making me cry
- Mackenzie Heerdt: She already has her own.
- Lindsey Balducci: This was beautiful. Glad to see you have such a supportive group of people surrounding you. I know that helps a lot. Praying that you are able to find some peace during this difficult time in your life, Josh.
- GrxcieHowxrd13: Wow this is so upsetting hope you will recover and be happier soon josh until then remember we all love you xxxxxxxxx
- Chloe Oliver: Sasha Ramirez-Robles yeah but everyone needs to stop saying lol bc its not funny it's sad he's going through a lot
- Anna Romanello: Omg you guys are amazing. I didn't watch you very much before the divorce but know I understand how great of a person you are. I love you both and can't wait for the next great video
- giavonna garcia: Catlover 07 I'm not being mean
- carinapup12: This brought me to tears... it was so beautiful.
- Sarah Ella Catherine: Omg I knew Joshua was a good singer but I didn't know that erin was!!!!
- Delaney Elliott: that moment when you pray Colleen is by his side singing with him... ❤😭
- pizza,wifi, then i'm good: Lily Krueger it's Erin Elyse
- zen4040: such a beautiful and calm cover. :)
- Gracie Burgan: We love you Josh❤❤ We will always be here for you. Because us Dingleberries have our "True Colors," and those colors show that we love and support you no matter what. And thanks so much Erin for supporting Josh as well and keeping the channel upbeat and fun.❤❤
- Alison jl: oh wow. talk about emotion. that was just beautiful ;(
- Tammy Dickerson: Absolutely beautiful!!
- Krista M: I go back to this video to watch again quite a bit.. Still brings me to tears.. the bond between Josh & Erin is awesome
- lavendercurrent09: I feel so bad for him, he's really hurting and I feel like Colleen has really gotten so much happier (from what she shows and acts)
- Emily Grace: This is beautiful Josh and Erin keep pushing through those dark times
- Litty kitty: Cheer up please. There are many people here that love u! Next video I see from u better be the josh we missed❤️💕☺️
- LivInADream: This is a pretty good rendition, well done
- Camille Rowlett: ❤️
- Jessica: So beautiful ❤️
- Gerald La Rue: absolutely beautiful
- Rachael Hoffman: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- DatCookieDoh: I'm not crying, you're crying... ;-;
- Henry Mears: awww there crying this is so sad.... at least he has his sister right there with him
- Elise annaweb: This is so sad : (
- Saylor Kambree: We love you!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️💟💟💟
- simon odonnell: wow Eirn you can sing Josh you will find someone
- Denise Ign: This was beautiful beyond words Josh ❤️ I am really happy that you're back, you tube wasn't the same without you. I hope you found peace 😊❤️
- Kirsty Rosie: I’m not crying! You’re crying!
- orangepickleddramaQ: something for people to think about: for those of us who have been here for years and seen Josh and Colleen go through a lot, they have always coped with sadness differently. Josh likes to face his loss and openly/publicly grieve and feel it deeply in order to fully heal and move on. Colleen has always (at least for what we've seen) been someone who is unable to face the reality of the loss and has chosen instead to keep busy and surround herself with people so that she doesn't have many quiet alone moments to deeply feel her pain. Yes, it is heartbreaking that they divorced and that Colleen chooses to not let herself feel for very long, but don't make the mistake of assuming she is okay. They are both hurting in very different ways. It sucks but the last thing for us to do is yell at one or the other. All we can do is offer love. Maybe let Colleen know that it is okay to feel pain and to show us her pain and not produce happy content 24/7 and let Josh know that he is an inspiration
- Jared Myles Princely: Beautiful cover well done Erin & josh
- emma xo: They sound awesome together! #SiblingPower
- John Carlo Bisnar: What is this strange liquid dripping from my d*ck
- Jeanne Chavez: i love how his sister sopport him so much i love there relationship
- Jules Sarnelli: I love u so much I hope ur doing a bit better💚 it's still going to be so hard but you'll be okay!!
- Nicole Ana Bolger: Why were they crying
- Kaitlin Beckett: This cover has so much more meaning than the real song❤️
- Liv Mendez: I know exactly how he feels... this is making me cry. I just experienced a breakup and he has moved on already and I'm still here like well I'm glad you're happy while I'm falling apart 😔
- Shira Porat Pariente: This is absolutely beautiful❤️
- chelsi: Anyone need a river of tears cause I just made one 😭
- Ellie Darling: This made me cry so much. because my baby cousin with autism is over 😭
- elena Murray: I see all these people saying they unsubscribed to Colleen! They are the only two who know their relationship, its not fair for anyone to take sides! Every relationship has problems people need to mind their own business and just give both Josh and Colleen equal support!
- Bonnie Yarbrough: Really beautiful!! Great job both of you
- SabrinaT90: It breaks my heart to see Josh that way.. but welcome back Josh, we missed you!
- Jennifer Le: I wish there was a love button
- Jade Mitchell: Lovely xx
- Lena K.: she's not only sweet, interesting , an amazing sister , beautiful and funny , no she can also SING . haha I'm pretty amazed !
- Madi_Boo LOVE: At the end I expected a joshleen montage😭😭😢😢😥😥😿😿😰😰
- Stantastical: I cry every fucking time. When he breaks down, forgeddaboutit.
- ish_dhoomie: Erins voice OMG😍This song is beautiful
- Abra-ca-dabra 86: now that there was truly a beautiful duet..nice work guys!
- Karlee Smith: It makes me sad that Joshua is so depressed, and Colleen is out smiling and laughing with her friends
- Mary Galvin: Noah Nuchikat dude if I just went through what he went through, i would gain weight too
- Josalynlily2004: JOSH IS BACK
- KAREN JOYCE: RP: Grief may be a thing we all have in common but it looks different on everyone. It isn’t just death we have to grieve. It’s life, it’s loss, it’s change. And when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes, it has to hurt so bad. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime. That’s how you stay alive when it hurts so much you can’t breathe. That’s how you survive. By remembering that one day somehow, impossibly, it won’t feel this way. It wont hurt this much. Grief comes in it’s own time for everyone in it’s own way. So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty. The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can’t control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes and let it go when we can.”
- Cheyanne Phillips: Josh no matter how hard times get ill be right there for you I love and cryed like a baby
- Malachi Hager Ryan: this song broke my heart cause my sister ran away and she came back on my birthday now she's old enough to leave in nine days its her birthday and she's leaving I'm the youngest and people who our dealing what situation im dealing with you will get through it i did once now I have to get through it again.... guys sometimes its ok to hurt. 😢💔💔😞
- Marteena Lol: Her voice is angels 👼 voice
- Emma Upchurch: Thing will get better I promise 😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😘❤️😍
- Abigail B: I have listened to this song about 3-4 times, and I can't get over it!! It really is a touching song. Not only does it make us realize that we are not all perfect but it also shows us that we should never give up on ourselves, and to not be afraid to be who we really are! Prayin for you Josh in this hard time. You are very lucky to have a sister who supports you in everything you do!! Don't give up on who you are...we all love you!
- Jennifer Schoonover: unicorn queen she has one and josh was in her latest video :)
- Esrea CityLights: This song is amazing 😍 I can re late to this so much. Josh your amazing and i pray that God brings you peace and true happiness.
- Estefania Martinez: Every time i cry i love you josh and erin 😢
- Faith MacArthur: Josh, I know you are going through a very hard time in your life and I want you to know that I'm praying for you and I love you so mucb
- Gwen Hughes: "They may even abandon you...or try to erase you" This is so sad and poignant. Feel better, Josh. We'll always be here.
- Yasmin xS: i stg this was ment for Colleen
- Letha Lewis: absolutely amazing.
- Emma Poyhonen: Omg Erin!!! You have such a pretty voice!
- Elizabeth Gannaway: You both did a beautiful job singing that song 💕💕
- riley: This is really beautiful 😭💜 I hope Josh is feeling better ❤ Also what is Erins channel?
- Merrisa Zunlon: Both beautiful voices and beautiful people . Brother and sister goals ! love u guys! I am crying !
- ItsJennOkay: Sibling goals 🖤❤️
- Keera Usman: Wow I didn't know that Erin had such a beautiful voice
- Abigail Bishop: I hope you're Ok Josh can't wait to see you back on your channel even though your sister is awesome!!
- Patty Ramos: It was great to see you Joshua. Time heals all wounds. You will get through this. Know that you are loved and missed by many!!! Beautiful duet with your sister.
- Breanna W: Wow
- Elisabeth Tammsaar: BE STRONG 💓
- Vic: I love this song, but I almost cried 😂😭
- Britty Coker: I just love it so much I had to watch it again it's sooo amazing ❤️️❤️️❤️️
- HeyIt'sTia!: His sister Erin has a beautiful voice
- Winnie Tan: I wish I had a brother like Josh, he's so supportive of his sister even through hard times. I don't have a brother and I've always wanted an older brother. XD
- panda bear: I love the way Erin sings
- Niamh Bowden: You look like Justin Timberlake. Favourite childhood song
- iEnjoyIt: these f*ing bugs always flying in my eyes.......
- Gaming Pro: You know Justin Timberlake has copyright on this song did you ask him cause you might get sued
- Morena D: Emma Webber oh because 4:20
- Zeva Rose: This breaks my heart. Josh and Colleen are going through so much, I just wish this was a dream. I miss them together! I respect and understand it isn't right for them but it just is so much for me to handle. I love them both <3 I only wish the best for both of them
- Allie Bear02: Can you do another duet with Erin?! 👌👌👌👌👌
- WhitleyCroft: Love this! Absolutely beautiful!
- Abby Lodge: How are you feeling
- Ciara Power: omg this cover is beautiful I'm crying you are both so talented!
- xx Rosie xx: And Erin's voice is amazing 😉
- misserica: Beautiful!
- GloriaNak: Lovely, nice job Erin. So glad you are back Josh. You are in my heart and prayers.
- Sarah Smith: 3:10 is when it hit me real hard :((((
- TutuCute: My heart is broken
- Foxyplays2001: and 3:09 he starts crying omg😭😭😢
- Lindsay Carlson: <3 love you both
- Charlotte Newburn: omg. the whole time I was holding back tears but at 3:57 I had finally burst into tears! I just cant see Josh or Erin cry. it makes me cry when they cry and even though Erin had just started making Josh's video's a couple weeks ago I really do care for her and what she has been through. I send all of my love to Josh and Erin.Charlotte Xx
- Ashlyn Love-McCourt: I feel so bad for you josh hope for the best
- Sophonie Compas: this is absolutely so amazing that it is beyond my words josh. I love you so much. please stay strong
- Megan Marie: I didnt know Erin had such a beautiful voice 😢😇
- Menio Q.: God has and will always love you Josh, please find confort in him and his son Jesus. He's showing you his love through your family but he wants you to surrender yourself to him. Please do, you won't regret
- Clarissa Fox: Welcome back, Josh!! We love you!! Great song!!!😘❤️🎧🎤
- Nikki B.: This is beautiful. Love the harmonies and I was surprised at just how good Erin was in this. hopefully we will see more duets in the future <3
- maria maldonado: So Beautiful
- Marie Behnke: Wow. That was amazing
- Ariana Acevedo: Josh, I can relate all too well to what you said in your info box. It's a different kind of pain when someone you love decides that you're not what they want anymore. I can't describe the darkness i experienced when it happened to me. I cried cause I genuinely felt your pain, as I've felt it before and even still do. What I'm trying to say is that it may always sting, but as time passes, the sting is a little more bearable. You're in my prayers. Keep pushing forward ❤️
- Hey Hi Hola: I was surprised that Erin was whering high tops
- Marwa B: Joshua..I think u should keep making covers ..ur voice is incredible..and hopefully one day u make ur own album. All love ❤️✌️️
- Amanda G: I'm sobbing. I love you so much josh. I'm never gonna abandon you. I will always be here supporting you and loving you and being there for you. I'm always here if you need me. I'm so proud of you. You are such a strong amazing perfect human. I love you
- Robbie Hernandez: that was ssd watching him brake down like that
- ThoseBritishGirls: anyone else cry while watching this or just me?
- Alice Jenkinson: This is so beautiful, sending hugs x
- Chanel Grande: No one should put blame on Joshua or Colleen for the way the other is coping. But Colleen did ask for this divorce and he didn't want it as he said in his previous video
- joshua bosley: justina lamboi does his weight really matter?
- Joely Hatcher: "No name calling" I'm going to call names. It was Colleen's fault. She cared way more about her career than her husband. They both could've worked through it but as you can see, Josh is really shooken up about this and Colleen has moved on. What does she get? A cat and the house they bought together. What did Josh get? A trip back to Georgia. It makes me so sad. Sending love to Joshua and his sister too. Beautiful video, I'm crying right now.
- Maaike Hupperetz: This is so beautiful! ❤
- Amber Dickerson: Welcome back josh we love and missed you so much❤️❤️❤️
- SharonP64: Sending you love. You are courageous 💗
- skinny: c Natalie she said that making videos makes her happy and she doesn't want to be depressed even tho she is making videos make her slightly better
- Anthony Rivera: Pretending like you've got allergies because youre at work lol
- Becky S: Ugh.... Rip my heart out why don't you?! I'm sobbing here in my living room... This was absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin! I just feel like I need to reach right through my screen and hug both of you! I really hope to see more duets from the two of you in the future!
- Regen H: Erin your voice is gorgeous! I hope I hear more of that in the future!
- Ashlee Nicole: This made me cry omg I love both of you so much💗💗
- rubymimosa: That was so very beautiful. Love and adore you both, and I can honestly say, Erin that I have never thought of you as having a "high" voice. Just made me nostalgic for where Josh's beautiful accent got to ; )
- Fa heema: So frm now on all ur videos r gonna b thriving on sympathy frm the divorce..n I'm sure ur quite aware all this is directing all hate towards Colleen n how it's been affecting her personally..n some stupid people r callin Colleen fake whereas it clearly who really is! She's respecting r privacy as well..Grow up josh! She has the right to make a choice n b happy!
- Lady In Yellow: I'm praying for you Josh... I'm so sorry you have to go through such a difficult thing such as this. May God be with you and heal your heart. God bless you
- Nicky: i am so proud of you Josh
- Jenny Said: Now to Josh and Colleen if you are reading this: We love you guys so much. Don't listen to the haters. We will always continue to support and love you no matter what you choose to do. I only wish for your happiness. Love you so so so much. - Jenny
- Ashly's YouTube Album: Dora H yeah she is trying her best to hide it but she won't be able to hide it forever
- Olivia Smith: Wow I cried so much, we love you Josh and Erin! 😢❤
- Jeannine Hartmann: What a comeback! - smile. goose bumps. tears. - I love it, when pain and art conflate into beauty.
- Awurafua Afari-Sefa: Joshua is so strong
- Lisa Shaddix: Hang in there Josh! Keep that head up.
- Bailey Brianne: you can see the pain in Josh's eyes. This was beautiful. Praying for you<3
- Buutiful Disaster: My sister tried to commit suicide...So this song reached out to me in a different way. It's true , life isn't perfect, people will abandon you,try to leave you,erase you , and I will never understand her reason why, but will always love her.. Thank you Josh and Erin for this. Thank you for helping me start to find my peace .
- Beauty Gurus: Tori Bass t
- Karissa Teixeira: Love this, & your heart Josh! ❤️
- Bryony Ryan: Erin voice tho ☺so glad to have josh back on the chanel
- Fatima AlJanahi: why did they divorce though?
- Kat Helfrich: IM CRYING
- Uzziah Hutchinson: Glad to see you back Josh!!! I love your voice!!!! 💕
- amy connolly: I'm balling
- ani Mu: My teacher played this in class and we all cried when she said that there brothers and sister and that the sisters husband dies and brothers wife left him
- Rylee Fuller: I actually cried watching this
- Kimberly Goulston: you are amazing!! I'm so glad you're back. stay strong josh, things will get better.
- Yahnellie: This reminds me of the trolls movie, sorry just saw it.
- Alexus H: This brought tears to my eyes. Joshua you did and AMAZING job and so did Erin.... I love you both 💜💜💜💋
- Liv Mendez: Meliana Melya this song was around way before Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick sang it 😂
- Trisha Fernandes: This makes me so sad. I hope you find peace soon.
- Gabrielle Boulianne: Amazin❤️
- Meghan Johnson: we all love you Josh. Happy to see you back on the internet
- Waritta Leelayuwat 《NJoyCFS》: 😍😚💖💕💋💓
- arianna arianna: how he cries
- Anna-Claire Lowe: oh my gosh!!! I'm so happy your back josh! And thank you Erin for making a channel I'm so exited !! Y'all are both amazing singers !! This is so beautiful I cried oml💗💗
- Jane Review: 'People may abandon you or even try to erase you' - from the description Isn't that the truth of the last few weeks. I can barely watch her anymore. She's just too disrespectful with all of this. I'm so sorry Josh. I really do think you deserve better and this is a huge blessing in disguise.
- Susie Lynn: why do I feel like this was directed at colleen?
- Calei J: Tears in my eyes at 3:30
- SMY12: When the video turned into colour, a shiver went down my body and i started bawling! <3
- SweetTreats: Josh is back yay!! ❤️
- Elizabeth: Compared to Colleen, he seems really bad. No hate on either of them. My best wishes for them but Josh looks physically hurt. Love to both of them! And Erin for helping ❤️
- ISeeBasicPeople: People who disliked, probably saw it upside down.
- MAVS MAVS: Nice cover. But live cover would be better. Hope you make one with this song. Thanks!
- Niña Calimoso: I started crying when I saw Erin was about to break down too while she holds her brother's hands.. Seeing your love ones go through a very difficult time in their lives and you too feel helpless but you have to be strong for them. Family is ❤️️
- rowena Murray: Omg that was beautiful x
- Ashley: I never cry.... love you josh. <3
- Lilly Crawford: So beautiful that I'm in tears😭
- Tess Mollah: i hope you get better Josh, i will always love you! you should come to Australia to take you mind off things ❤️
- Diniera Hasna: I can't stop replaying this, his sister's voice is so beautiful 😍
- emma lilianna: as much as this hurt my heart I'm so glad to see josh.
- Yukaa Kasuga: I want Superfruit to sing this T__T
- livinmabestlife: Maddie Estes my mom was next to me and I just started balling and she thought I was playing candy crush
- Tinypie03: OMG ERIN YOUR VOICE IS SO PRETTY Yours too Josh but I've never heard Erin's before! Love you two!!
- kitycat anna: I'm so sorry, I cried like 5 time's
- Amanda Price: omg tears ran down my face. that was beautiful guys! you two are such awesome people and Josh I hope your heart heals. I know it's a huge scar but you will love again and you have so much to love to give... you are beautiful in and out!
- rmusg: Hey Joshua, thanks for this arrangement! Beautifully done. Thank you to Erin for singing. Very impressed with your tenacity and strength. Kudos to the person responsible for this arrangement!!!! Keep the faith, friend. Hang in there!! Can't wait for you to come back to us!
- Sandra Nobs: Very beautiful❤️
- Pride Panda: Erin your beautiful and amazing I love you so much
- Sarah Stout: Love, love, love ❤️ I'm so proud of you josh 😊
- Riley Richardson: erin looks pretty w those jays
- Taylor Liann: We love you Josh & Erin, stay strong 💗💗💗
- Haylee Hurff: I respect josh so much. He is such a good guy and no matter what happens he always sticks it out and its so inspirational. I love you josh. Keep being you❤️❤️❤️
- Leigha Barnes: Sibling goals
- Mama Mia: Well I feel bad because Josh is here singing with sadness and Colleen is over here partying and celebrating her Netflix show
- Rach Bart: Anyone else just keep rewatching it? I'm on my fourth time... and I've also watched Erin's video
- Merle Koch: This was beautiful.
- Alexander Hamilton: I just rewatched this after around 6 months and this is still as hard hitting as it was the first time I watched it
- Erin Liwienski: Absolutely beautiful, Josh and Erin! Welcome back, Josh, happy to see you!
- avocadocats: this gave me so much chills n got me so emotional :( I love you Joshua good to see you back
- Chelsie Hillier: The people that disliked have no heart
- Briann Winkler: this is my absolute favorite thing ever we love you Josh!❤️❤️❤️
- Amy C: <3 love the bond you guys have. wish I had the same bond with my siblings. beautiful song and great voices x
- Hannah: Love you Josh, forever and always.
- Lauren Robinson: This was honestly so amazing. Makes me miss my brother. Be nice to people. #hugsforjosh
- Jesse Geluz: Nice to see you back Josh. We love you man..
- flower girl: joshua im a huge fan and i will support u threw everything ❤💙💚💛💜
- sara tomasi: I cry to this song every time I hear it! I am so sorry about the divorce I know it's hard but we are happy you are back! You and Collen were just not ready maybe you to just need a break from each other maybe you can get back together in a while!😘 #joshleencomeback
- Wyette Bostwick: beautiful. yes I'm crying
- Dina Mickle: Thank you for this. You and your sister are wonderful singers! I'd love to see a tour of you two:) keep your chin held up and always know we have your back no matter what. Beautiful video!
- Larissa Kriso: Oh my god this video has changed my life!! I crude through the the whole video especially when Joshua broke down. This video has touched my heart because it is an example of what I went through when one of my family members died. I was really close to that person and when she does I went to a bad place and I could sleep at night because I would always think of her. With Colleen and Joshua's divorce I feel that they might have gone to the same place that I did. I really hope that somehow they will find each other and become friends again. Thank you so so much Joshua and Erin for doing this video, because it has show me that you can choose happiness and think of that good that can come out of the bad things that happen in life. I love you both and I am so sorry that you both had to go through a divorce.
- Luvi Rosales: I'm truly heartbroken for Josh.. but I cannot wait until I see him giving advice to others about divorce and saying how truly happy he has become. I can't wait to see him recovered and moved on! Is so painful seeing him like this. We love you Josh!!!
- P!nk Fayg0: Katie Doll Thanks! I appreciate it!
- LpsRainbowTV: Angel Marie ikr I missed hin
- Jerry Knife: This song sang by Josh and Erin made my day. I obviously knew it before today. But I am so in love with the way they sang it. It sounds so beautiful and pure. So emotional and honest. The fact that both of them broke into tears in the end makes it even better. Love this version of the song. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. Outstanding. I love it. And please stay strong through anything and everything
- caitlin culliford: ok so all im seeing in the comments are sides and "funny" people but all I want to say is Josh your heart is as big as the universe you will be so happy just focus on your family and friends and focus on healing you, you are so strong keep fighting and focus on the positives because you deserve it. And people stop being so damn demanding Josh will come back when he is healed stop trying to pressure him, the majority of you are 12 and haven't had your first heart break so please i beg let him heal
- Megan Dugan: i love there sing voices
- Will Katartzis: just re-read this comment a year later... idk why I even commented this. LOVE YALL
- Courtney Curtis: Your voices are beautiful so happy to see you back on the Internet ❤️❤️❤️
- Akira Cohen: You didn't right this this is from Cyndi Lauper this is a cover right you two sing pretty good too but Cyndi Lauper still wrote the song not you
- Lindsay Hislop: We're here for you Josh!
- What up Guys: When you started crying I did to
- Alaina 1: Dude I just busted out crying 😭💖
- Martine Ziezold: This song is amazing. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.
- Emma Shipley: kayla head but they are right for eachother D: (im in denial aha)
- Jake MSP: Maddy DeGennaro same its really really um..hot its like..0 degrees like so hot o.o...
- Sadie Bear: When he started crying I literally died.
- Ashly's YouTube Album: Alma Guter do u get a hurting feeling in your eyes when you're about to cry well that happened to me the tone is so sad
- Aleisha Brenneman: Whyyyyyy Colleen and josh💜💜💜 I'm not trying to be mean, but josh kinda sounds like he wants hate for colleen. Like her said, Colleen wasn't happy with me anymore (or something like that). I still love u both alot
- loobie's channel678: I Didn't know that Erin could sing sooo well?😭😭😭😭😭😍😍💗💚
- Tide: Katerina Vutov Ahem *clears throwt* sorry i dont know how to spell some words
- Caitlyn: ow my heart :'(
- Sarah: An absolutely stunning version of this beautiful song. Thinking of you.
- The_Savgirrl: Erin is such a good singer!!!
- imNothing 2Autumn: Is this a SNL skit? The faces you made dude where HILARIOUS 😂. I was expecting to see Will Ferrell to pop in and start to sing with you making the same faces, like a battle competition between you two to see who can make the more fake serious faces. I laughed all thru this video, it was EPIC
- Unicorns Galaxy: josh is back yay he looks kinda sad you know why right
- Erika Rosten: I feel so bad for Josh. He's a good person and he does not deserve this much pain... But Joshua, Im happy and glad that you have so great family and friends who help you get through this hard time. Lots of love! <3
- Bevin St. Pierre: This is so beautiful ❤️❤️ Love to both of you
- Adelaide0984: I cried! not only that, first time in a very long time I watched the whole music video. (usually skip). I could feel your emotions, and sense the realness in the song you chose. Very beautiful and thank you for sharing something very personal.
- Jessie :3: By the title I knew I was going to cry. This song means so much to me, I'm so glad I got to hear two beautiful singers sing it😊❤️❤️
- Claire Farmer: I love this so much. Honestly I was crushed when Colleen and Joshua announced they were getting a divorce and I still am. I am kind of glad though, I personally think this actually showed their "true colors" not to give any hate but I think it showed a darker side of her. I love both of them. I'm happy their choosing their path. I think this all just shows how great Josh is. Her to. But I'm greatful he took the time he needed and still comes back making my day.
- Ashtynn Reth: That made me cry! ( You both are amazing singers!)
- Nathaly Tario: Omg I just wanna hug Joshua so much! How he feels means so much to me and I hope he know that we're here to support him! 😩❤️
- Dayne Alecsander: Welcome back Josh ❤️❤️ We all missed you so much. Gonna miss your sister. Beautiful voice 😭❤️
- Maria Stubley: This is honestly so beautiful! I was crying after just 30 seconds.
- Adela Garcia: That was beautiful guys! I couldn't stop crying throughout it all.
- Sarah: A lot of people need Colleen and Josh. Even though they are divorced that doesn't mean you have to choose one you can choose both
- Princess Sease: this made me cry I wish they were back
- lolzahra 111: i feel soo bad :( 😢😢😢
- Xanthe Jarman: This is amazing💖
- Booke137 AW: I Missed you soooo much💚💚💚
- Eric Strada: Can someone help me ? What happened tho ?
- eyedeekayyy09: I think Colleen just has a lot going on, with haters back off, and all the positive people around her that it distracts her from the pain so I guess it's easier for her to be happy and move on, since she WAS the one that called the divorce. I do sympathize with josh though, I hope he finds that special someone cuz god knows he's an amazing guy and anyone would be lucky to be with him ❤️
- Catherine Camparmo: Keep your chin up honey.
- Reb B: Sibling goals 😭😭😭💕
- Julietta Gonzalez: Yassss
- whimsyblue: love it
- Amy Khoury: I dont even know what to comment.....
- Maria Rose Odeh: This is beautiful, your voices are beautiful❤️
- Juliette Dubose: This is beyond beautiful! ❤️ so touching. Even thought the pain shines through the beauty is most prevalent. It's amazing.
- William Charity: Lovely, felt every word!
- Ashley: I'm crying!!!! Omg.
- Julia Guereca: We have missed you sm💗 glad your back finally
- belleharbeymusic: I covered this song :)
- fluteloops22: Can we all just be true fans and leave the past in the past? This is Josh's channel and this is a duet between Joshua and Erin. No one else need be mentioned. There's enough pain here without the rehashing of it a thousand or more times. ❤️ Spread love. ❤️
- Matthew De Matos: +Allyson James Thank you for engaging in the conversation! I actively seek out people such as yourself to speak with- thoughtful, intelligent people who see things differently than I do. There is so much value in conflicting points of view, especially when you can discuss them and treat them with as much weight and respect as your own. If we don't open our hearts and minds then how will they grow? Your comments have reminded me that everybody has a story and some people have been through things I could never even imagine having to cope with, so at the end of the day all we can do is try to lift each other and spread love and wisdom. In the past I have lowered myself down to engage in petty conversation with a side of arrogance when people show hatred and intolerance, but the best and only way to combat negativity is with positivity. Thank you for reminding me of that, and I hope to see more people shining their lights as brightly as yours. Much internet love :)
- Moggles TV: I cried so much😭😭💜
- Berra Saral: butiful
- Trinity Greene: Erin voice is .... wow
- Senpai Chan: first I was okay But When He Started To Cry I'm Gone!
- Jordan Price: This breaks my heart. I love you, Josh. You've got this.
- Angelica S: Joshua stay strong cause my brother's going to the same thing... I know what you're coming from because of my brother.....
- Frederric Kelada: Erin wearing high tops😂
- Jazzypicka17@yahoo.com Jazmine 17: guys you don't how colleen is handling this off the camera....
- Eve Parker: Beautiful video with two beautiful voices. I had zero idea that Erin could sing and she was amazing as well as Josh who we all know is so talented. Sometimes the toughest times brings out the best in people.
- Danielle Swims: Seeing you like this is tearing my heart apart :(
- Austin Bento: Autumn D agreed! Her voice is incredible and TBH I didn't expect it at all xD!
- raspolutitelj vagina: amazing! ♡♥
- Divi: Tina was such a good person to cover this song
- Susan Vang: 😯😯😢😢 ❤❤❤
- Rotana Alsharif: Josh ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭
- Sarah Mazy: I listen to this EVERY DAY!!!!!!!! This is my favorite song
- Sloth: he's with Josh's parents in Georgia
- Suzette Mancilla: Why are you guys being so rude to Colleen?! She was hurting too, everyone expresses pain in their own way, she just chose to stay busy to keep her mind off of this, what do u expect her to be hurting 24/7?! for all u know she could be hurting behind the camera ok! I'm sick and tired of hearing people saying they know everything that's going on, for u to hate is just nasty! They both specifically asked to not choose sides, anyone who chooses sides is not a fan! It's so sad that we live in a world where people are upset that others are happy rather than sad!
- Lindsey Cooper-Jones: that was painfully beautiful.
- Matt kelly: Fuck colleen
- Amy Paproth: I love you so much Josh, so much respect for you ❤️❤️❤️
- Outstanding Innovation: This woman broke the poor mans heart, damn. 😔
- Chelsea Osorio: is this song for colleen
- Queen Bee: Such a beautiful song 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Helen. M: Welcome back Josh,Beautiful Performance! Heart touching, You guys are so talented! ❤️❤️
- Raneem Bdeir: Amazing. I cried!
- abby steich: I'm totally crying I'm glad your back Josh
- Saima Nayen: I like this version better than any other ones
- Marion Holcomb: I wish this cover was available to download on spotify or something!! I listen to it so often, it is so so beautiful!!!
- g lmeri: UHURU
- RoseGold: i am done here. goodbye xD
- Julia Creran: Welcome back Josh we missed you. I hope you are doing better. I love Erin's voice. I didn't know that she sings! I love you both
- SquishyEclipse: 3:10 is so sad :(
- Maria Bonilla: first of all Erin can sing, and she wearing them high top tho
- mark araw: I came from trolls to here and they sounded like anna and justin
- Ariane's Blog: I AM SOBBING
- Claudette Malespina: Beautiful! 🌱🌄🌅💞
- Julia Mikaelian: This is such a pretty cover. I think joshua did this video because of the divorce colleen and him are going through
- Jurassic Zombie: My heart is breaking for him!
- Amelie Lemercier: I couldn't stop crying!!!! My heart is melting!!!!! I miss Joshleen!!!!!I'm dying!!!!!
- Amanda Dixon: Omg I was looking for this comment YES JUST YESS
- Tiffany Grossi: I am going through something similar to you Josh but I am the one making the decision to end. It's not an easy one to make and I question it daily. Thanks for making this. I needed it. Truly.
- MiaB123: Rachel Landry Saunier Colleen J's just doing what makes her happy! And Josh asked all of us not to hate on Colleen! I really don't think he would appreciate it
- Christine Reinelt: Loved the video Josh!!! Glad to see you back to making videos!!! We missed you <3
- Olivia DeRodes: Dude I had no idea Erin could sing 😍
- savannah lauren: Well I think it's safe to say that I need tissues!
- crystal castle: i want them to sing me lullabies when I'm going to bed!
- gerry keenan: Lol when you used to look up Josh's and Colleens marriage as what you wanted yours to be
- xxdelicatedeathbatxx: i never knew erin sang
- Makeup.by. KY: ❤️❤️❤️
- ASchulte: Of course Erin can sing too! What can't she do?!
- Drew Worthington: Josh I see that you are going through really hard times, but I am praying for you so much to get through this. Even if we don't know you we all still care alot for you! and it was something that made me happy to see you again. Really touching to us.
- Love, teyah.: What am i doing With ny life Pham, I cried. I am SO GLAD AND HAPPY HE'S BACK!!
- jordan ricciardi: YASSSSS YOURE BACK❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭
- Caitlyn Rowe: Are those his wedding shoes????????
- Cailynn Rugh: Oh my god y'alls voices are perfect!
- Jessica Lynn: This was so unbelievably touching Josh. Love the two of you, This will pass. One day at a time and someday you find someone who lights you up like no other. Who fills your nights and your days with the kind of love you never thought could exist. For now, heal as you are and continue to stay strong. Your personality, your smile and your light is a force field Your amazing. Keep smiling. Love always, from Canada eh.
- izzyokee: simply
- Sydney Weiner: I'm crying
- RinSere: It's not really hate for Colleen though. Or calling her a bas person. It's more so sympathizing with Josh to a point that after knowing he's hurting so much, seeing a happy go lucky colleen is like salt in the wound. Nobody WANTS Colleen to be crying and upset all the time. And for all we know, yes it could be happening behind the scenes. But not everyone can be okay watching her be happy when all we are seeing from Josh is such intense pain. If you can, great. Respect that not everyone can.
- Fer Villacís Suárez: I love you both... I really do... You teach us a lot... Specially you Josh, you are strong... Take the time you need to heal...
- Shelby Rogers: I wasn't prepared for 3:10 ...
- Ally Bedford: Sibling goals.
- KaityPea3: I love this so much! We're all with you Josh <3
- Emma S: Erins voice is so good
- kelsey: we wish you the best of luck in this time that you are going through. we love you joshua, and we will always stand by you, with every decision you make. keep going forward! <3
- Dhamo Lhamo: We are here for you! Thank you for coming back. be strong
- Chey S: This literally made me wanna cry. It was so beautiful, and yet heartbreaking.. You could feel the pain and emotions..
- blurryangelus: I LOVE YOU JOSHUA IM CRYING😰
- Erika L: Josh I've always known you were a great singer, but I've never heard Erin singing and she has such a beautiful voice! 💜
- Helena Pizzie: Wow! Beautiful josh is amazing and being so strong your sister is ace Josh. Keep strong you will get there
- Melissa Orsini: Josh 💗 Thank you for this! You are such a beautiful person. I wish you all the happiness in the world because you deserve it!
- sophiaxoxo: i am not trying to be rude but coulf you do it without autotune 😊
- serian24: Beautiful harmonies. Fantastic job guys.
- Jessica Nicole: I agree with you, I know she's surrounding herself with people and basically keeping herself occupied and not really allowing herself to think about her divorce with Joshua (she even said she works 24/7 for this reason), but if you look back, the first time they broke up, Josh went through a dark path very similar to how he is now, whereas Colleen was very happy and carefree kind of..They talked about it nearly 2 years ago in their Paris video, if I remember correctly. It always just seemed like Colleen cared less about their relationship than Josh did..just my opinion, and I think a lot of people would agree
- Saz: this is so perfect ❤
- Wolf Girl: they lip sang this i think
- Lolli Pops: That was amazing. We love you x
- R L: So beautiful Josh and Erin! Joshua, I am so happy to see you back. You look and sound stronger than you have in awhile. Looking forward to what you have to share with us longtime fans next! So very proud of you! ❤
- YhosvelyT: I love this , thank you
- Emelia, Josie, Jodie: Wow! Her accent completely goes when she sings, this isn't a insult I love her voice either way both of ur voices are amazing 😍
- Gabriel Chavez: I am still so heartbroken. 😔
- Kirsty Teesdale: Erin can sing omg 😲 also josh is back I'm so happy 😁
- Jenny Kissell: I'm not crying.... you're crying!
- Katie Hampton: I liked to know why people felt the need to hit the dislike button
- BlueNinjar: I love when people with strong acents sing because all of a sudden the acent is gone!! Didnt know you could sing Erin!! Loving this tho!
- madness is dark: I'm crying omg soooo beautiful and sooo much pain 😢😢😢
- Lowenn Lauzon: This is so inspiring! All the negative things that happen to each of us, we can push through and move forward. To both Josh and Colleen, thank you! I hope you receive happiness, love and kindness <3
- Kayla Soto: Erin can sing really good
- Marlen iren: Im actually crying...
- Katie: 😢
- thomas corrigan: so sad
- Heatherette Babe: LyricsYT No bitch.
- Allison Rodgers: one word ... beautiful
- Georgina Palazon: love it, both are so sweet
- yashs0425: I can't stop watching this!! Josh we love you and will always support you. Never thought that this could happen to you but your better then thing anyone has to throw at you ❤️
- Megan Perry: <3
- Halsey R: Is this your way of coming out of the closet Josh?
- Sam V: Such an inspirational tribute! Very well done guys :)
- Ashlyn Elizabeth: Josh this is incredible. I already commented but I felt like I needed to say more. You are so brave and strong to put this video out. So happy you're back, doing the thing you love most to do, and that's singing/making music/being with family ❤️❤️ You can definitely push through this time Josh, we are all here for you. You're so lucky to have family and friends that are simply amazing. Love you Josh, so so much. So does this whole community and family you've created ❤️
- Kiara Amaro: Did you write this because ever sin e the Trolls movie I have been so confused
- humera shaikh: elyse's voice is too good!!
- Julia Eckes: LITERALLY in tears😭😭😭 this will be my absolut favorite video of 2016!!!!! All my love for the both of you♥️
- dancingwholeness: So beautifully painful-- real and raw. Thank you for sharing your struggles with us. Let us pray for you and help carry your burdens dear ones. Thank you for coming back to us. Welcome home.
- Gemini Coven: This gets me every time, he was TRUELY heart broken...when he breaks doen😢
- Maggie Mae: When they turned into color I broke
- S. Jonas: I was holding in my tears during the whole video but once 3:10 hit, I was a goner.
- Hannah Godden: This is beautiful, lots of love!!
- A: When it was getting towards the end I started crying 😭 I wish josh luck. And hope he's better
- Katelynn Dutton: I WANT MORE DUETS!!!whos else agrees
- Michael Anthony Butler: Beautiful. Thank you for this.
- Mirron den Engelsman: Lora Smith I also went through a breakup three months ago and I know exactly how devastated and lost you feel. I felt the same way. But please try to find little things in life that will make you happy and I swear that you will feel better soon. I found happiness again and I know you will too.. hang in there ❤❤❤
- peter anderson: I'm so inspired by the way josh is rallying from such an awful thing, and I'm happy he has wonderful people like his sister to help him in this time
- Esperanza Mendoza: this was qts oml 😣❤
- Kloeci Monje: Courtney Anderson I agree
- Nikki Hipple: Josh, this was a beautiful duet with Erin. I pray you will find comfort and healing soon. No break up/divorce is ever easy. Take things one day at a time and continue to lean on your sister for support. You have a lot to offer someone and one day you will find someone perfect for you. Hang in there! Be nice to people! <3
- Pretty Cupcakes: Get back together
- Irene PatonCrabtree: Same
- Lisa Nguyen: so beautiful I'm crying
- Zoe Ross: This hit the spot, not a big fan of his other songs and all (no hate what so ever) but i really enjoy this one
- Wendy Lung: P.s: Erin's voice is so good! I'm obsessed with her voices
- Madison L: Who else got goosebumps RIGHT away?
- Grace Bruce: you guys should do this more often
- friffas: i wrote that halfway through... towards the end it seems like they began an incestuous relationship and that's the reason colleen divorced him. i'm just saying... it SEEMS that way from this video. yikes.
- Martin Toft: Im crying right now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Colt: You guys just melted my tiny little frozen heart. Such an awesome duet!!!
- Megan Jane Cummongs: we all know that and i especially wish it hadnt happped because i was in tears after i heard
- Gaby Honesty: I couldn't hold back the tears.... Made my day. Beautiful.
- jason baker: this is the funniest man on youtube, i can NOT get enough of everything he does.
- Ashlyn York: I am so sorry you and Colleen broke up. I understand that you are in a bad place right now and I will be there for you!
- Paige Marcum: this made me cry.
- Cherish Gehret: This is the most vulnerable music video I've ever seen. I felt your pain while watching it and just wanted to take it from you for a few moments so that you no longer have the weight of the world on your shoulders. This is beautiful and you guys' sibling relationship is beautiful! Much love, peace and happiness to you both!
- Katie P: So glad that you have each other ❤️❤️❤️
- Daniella Brodskiy: I'm crying 😭😢
- Abbie Bain: That cute Cat i get that but opposites attract i guess. they were happy but it didn't turn out right. if it's that hard then it's not right
- Tanner vlogs Poloski: Me
- trisarahtops: This is such a good cover
- rhiannon: DANG ERIN CAN SING😍
- Alicia Allsop: I think all colleens fame has gone to her head and she only concentrated on publicity rather than the one person who truly loved her. Josh I'm so sorry for everything that happened and I miss seeing you happy. Stay strong and you will get through this. Be nice to people❤️
- Gaming Pro: Emmah Rose oh then she might sue you
- LDelaney Mcmahon: AMAZING
- Jazzmyn C.: Glenna Howelter me tooooooo
- Rose Taylor: So happy your back Josh, I hope you are ok. Im so sorry about this divorce, don't give up. God has you and Colleen in his hands.
- téa leigh: Who else burst into tears while watching this😭😭😭 I love you josh and I hope you feel better❤️
- Kc Harrington: this made me sad I just wanted to hug them both
- McKayla Hohmann: OMG Eain can sing
- Maddy B: i think i need a bucket and lots of tissues lol 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😖 i love you Joshua keep on smiling ☺💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💚💚💚💙💙💛💛💛💛💙💙💚💜💚💚💜💙💜💙💙💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💙💜💙💜💚💜💚💙💜💙💜💙💜💛💛💜💙💜💙💓💓💓💓💋💓💋😘😘😘😘😄😄😃😄😄😄😄😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- Vianka Marin: Fuck i can't stop crying😭😭😭this is so sad...this is all colleens falls. He doesn't deserve this. All colleen cares is her being famous😡😡
- Lindsay Kirscher: Kitty Kenny. yes
- Brenna Noelle: I love it!
- Rylee Murry: 💕💕💕😭
- kiera Adams: Never been so proud
- nah: Joshua i fucking missed you welcome Back we have missed you All <3
- Livia and Macie: wow👏🏼
- Equine Elysia: And it was ALL because of Colleen
- Bri Cortes: IM CRYINGGG
- ksmons: Great performance.
- Izzy Narnia: .... :(
- Kylie Gates: I've never been a crazy fanatic about Josh and Colleen, but just seeing him makes me cry..I feel so bad for him for having to go through this❤️😣 he's so sweet and caring..he deserves so much more
- Katie Lloyd: I actually cried through this and I never cry during songs. Josh I am here for u and so are most others you re not on your own xx
- Laisha coronado: This is so beautiful I love it!!😍😌😖
- Ashley Buckley: Yay!!!!!!!!!! Your back!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy right now!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍beautiful song by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
- Priscella143: omfg....
- Amerie_Alecia Terry: Who's watching in 2017?
- Helena Jane Vaughan: This is so beautiful im crying
- Rosie bignell: Can't believe they both cried I did too they both have just amazing voices and guts to do this xxx
- Lizzy Beechwood: BAWLING right now! Totally crying my eyes out! That was one of the most emotional and beautiful duets I´ve ever watched and listened to! You both are amazing! And Josh I wish you all the strength in the world that you need to heal! Glad to see you back on your channel! xxx
- Pammy82: This was absolutely beautiful! Definitely brought me to tears. Sometimes music and singing can be the best type of therapy in a sense. Getting your emotions out through singing can be therapeutic and help you get through those tough times. Stay strong Josh! 💗
- Ariana Price: I can't stop watching this video. It is beautiful. Both you and Erin are very talented. Welcome back <3
- Emily Frey: This song is wonderful! I'm glad to see you singing again. I know it hurts, but always remember, someone in this world has it worse. That is how I look at things and it makes me feel a little better.
- eric buzzi: All I can think is that this duet would be so good of Colleen and Josh did it.😭😭😭😭
- Ally Mac: I never comment on videos, but this had me sobbing. Watched so many times to see if I could get through it. But the sibling love the both of you have is truly beautiful. Both of you care so much for each other, you can see it in your eyes. Sending big love an happy vibes. Ignore any hate and completely absorb the positive and love!!
- Shalena Towns: I cried the whole time... Erin your voice is amazing.. Well u too joshy.. I've missed ya big guy glad to see them blue eyes and dingleberry smile. Keep em coming
- mom's a mess: beautiful ... tears...
- Kaiti Rose: Does this mean josh is back? Also this video brought me to tears. They both have such beautiful voices and I love you two so much! You guys are the best. Josh please don't leave us
- Bridget: Welcome back missed ya buddy
- Kenzie Fair: This was beautiful and precious. Thank you, Josh and Erin, for being so open, vulnerable, and real.
- Andrei Voicu: crying right now ❤ so beautiful
- Joanna Hernandez: Glad to see him back and well. missed him tons
- dun sun: Vicky Laithwaite she cares a lot, she just recovered fast.
- Lessley Knight: you two singing is like 😚
- Brianna Young: The second he sang i teared up. Who else cried. 😢🙋🏼
- Sharon Hawkins: Awwww this has me in tears. I love the original one by Cyndi Lauper, my friend I am 50 years old and this is by far the most beautiful version I've heard. Erin you were great!! Keep lookin up cause that's where it all is 💕💕
- Gicel Chrishon Luay: colleen does not deserve you at all. you are a great man.
- Emily Frey: miz Chandar I'm sorry for your loss😢
- Yvonne Murphy: Josh did you make her wear jordens
- Aleisha Beisha: i wonder if colleen still watches his videos
- Lonley Child: Wait, isn't Rachel supposed to Marry Josh now?
- Lejla Dakaj: i’m not crying you are
- Ashley Corrales: Ever since she announced that they'd be doing a collab video I've been eagerly waiting for it to come out, well worth the wait, this video was absolutely beautiful <3
- Konner Kiesel: Omg nothing makes me cry, but this got me. Love you Josh!!
- Marina White: I guess it was her choice I think we should all stop with commenting about Colleen and just give Josh some love xoxox love you Josh and so do all of your dingle berrys ✌️💗💗💗💗💗
- Derek and Liza: This was beautifully done! Love to you both
- Amy Vega: I doubt you'll see this in the sea of comments to come - but this brought me to tears. I can't imagine the heartache and pain you're going through Josh, but you've been in my thoughts (as well as a lot of other peoples' thoughts). Stay strong, keep your head up. If you need more time, take it - but we are so happy to see you back. Best to you and yours. <3
- Gay Lord: Omg I didn't know Erin could sing like that I'm in love
- Rachel Henry: Blaze it
- Gabe Abboud: I WAS NOT READY
- Sara beyer: 👏😓
- An Na: Great job guys! Josh, you are a great guy and have an amazing sister with Erin. You will get through it!
- Claire Shi: why would you say she's the best person ever if you don't know her personally? no hate on Colleen😐
- Dennal Johnson: gahhhh bawling my eye's out! that was beautiful and touching and so many feelings, let the healing begin now! for a petite women your sister has a beautiful voive, but mainly a strong support system for you! dont be in a rush take your time, sending you both a big hug!
- Chanelle Garcia: Natasha Aiken lol
- Alonzo Petty: for some reason I don't cry when I watch sad things but I cried when he got a divorce
- saikijax: Josh's voice is obviously great but ERIN!! DAAAAMN. brb crying.
- kirstohallivan: Sending love hugs and positive vibes 😘
- Julia Charlene: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Lindsey Touchton: Omg I love this! I didn't know your sister could sing! much great voices! ♡
- Danielle Baker: I'm crying. . .
- Tara Joy: Lanie Patrick Divorce*
- Doobisoft: Erins voice is beautiful, and so is yours Josh, I started crying when they both started crying he's getting a DIVORCE BE considerate, hes a REAL man for showing his side, and lets not forget Erin also got a divorce, this is absolutely beautiful
- Liv McCarten: This was my mother's favourite song, and it was played at her funeral. You did it justice beautifully, I hope you heal well, love and support to you and Colleen, you both deal with this in your own ways, and I hope everyone will be kind enough to see that.
- Shot by Bay: This was so beautiful
- Gabi N: I think there's something in my eye😞
- okimlalakojusk sebla: josh is sad without colleen but colleen is like nothing after the divorce,i think josh is such a sweet and romantic boy :)
- Glenna: tears are pouring i love them so much
- love on the brain: WE LOVE YOU JOSH :(
- Castaneda Fam: I did not expect Erin's voice to sound like that. Beautiful
- Airelle R: Can we just take a second to appreciate Erin's simple, but beautiful and breathtaking voice❤️
- Sydney Beckman: this is one of my favorite songs and you guys sung it beautifully (:
- Haley Chase: funkuchen2 yyyyeeeea....
- Renisha Samuel: This is such a beautiful cover😊😊 Keep up your spirits Joshua!!😊😊
- cattiegirl: I wasn't prepared for this. It makes me so sad. :(
- carly lawler: Omg! Erin's voice! It's so beautiful! 😍
- Riley Miller: Who’s still listening to this in 2018❤️
- Brenden: Yikes
- lol what am i doing here: Yay Josh is back!
- Abi James: This was my favorite song as a child! Such strong words to live by :)
- Molly Durnin: Omg you two are amazing 👏🏻👏🏻this deserves endless likes everyone subscribe to josh if u feel for him I know I do thx for sharing this with us josh I know u are going through a tough time right now but u have us your viewers to make u feel better so smile bigger bigger bigger than ever before because u are u and u can get through this 💖
- Mena Khaled: 😢😢😢 😭😭😭😭 I cried so much, thank u so much!!!! I freaking love you so much 💜💜💜💜
- Samantha Ratkovich: I feel so bad for josh!!!! He had made me cry when he started crying I just am so sad for him. I can't wait until he comes back to make more videos
- reb ecca: Such beautiful voices! I love you both - stay strong and stay positive. You inspire me everyday. ❤
- Cassie Emert: this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen on youtube.
- Chin Zhen Wei: Okay, I might get a lot of hate for this but I feel the need to say this and I will be honest. I only got to know about Miranda Sings about...one month ago? Then I found Colleen's channel and the video about her divorce was there (I can't remember the exact timing but...you guys get the idea.). Then I went to watch Josh's video and I just feel sad for them. Its really heartbreaking for two people who love each other so much to break up or even get a divorce. To all of their fans who have been following them for such a long time. Yes I admit, I may not be able to understand your feelings when you heard the news. Be it you feel as equally sad as them, frustrated or even hate them or decide to pick sides. Both of them have always been telling us to be nice to people and honestly...hating on them, criticising them during this hard time is not really nice at all. And really, people have different ways in handling such things, and one may take longer than another. Also, we aren't with them physically 24/7. We don't know how they truly are, do we? Personally, I feel that Joshua and Colleen are really nice people, and their videos do make me smile while I've been going through some rough times recently. So yes, I'm supporting the both of them and hoping that the both of them will eventually be okay after this really really tough time. And to those who have been their fans for a long time and are saddened by their divorce-I'm really sorry that this has to happen to the both of them. But I feel that everyone have their fair share of ups and downs in life, and this is just one of their downs in life. Which is why we are all here to support them and to pull them up, because when you reach the rock bottom, the only way is up, isn't it? So enough of the hate, the comparison, the criticism. Moving forward, be nice to people and just continue supporting them. (side note: I'm supporting Erin as well for being the nicest sister in the world.)
- dangerous woman.butera: Erin can sing dang
- Joaly Rodriguez: To emoisk
- stefasantos: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lisa Secula: The song sounds good. I don't care for the crying at the end. LOL
- Dariya Fomichenko: josh.. i love you so dang much. im so glad youre back i missed you so much💘
- Catrine Comeau: throughout the video im like "okay this is SOOOO beautiful!!!" and I didnt cry.... than I seen like 3:09 and like "OH MY GOSH!! IS HE CRYIN? AHHHH YOU GONNA MAKE ME CRY!!!" soo yeah lol!! btw this is soooo awesome and your voices are so beautiful!! love you xo♥
- MsLoriGold: REALLY MOVING AND BEAUTIFULLY DONE!! I'm gonna hug my dog now.......tears
- Jimin Park: Jorgiana Jenkins true this needs more views
- Candice Pye: Love you Josh. Sending you all my love and strength.
- Gianna Lynn: Oh my lord joshua I missed you! You will be better soon I promise! I wish the best for you💜love you💕
- dark moon: I wish there where still together
- Alainaa B: I love both of u💋
- • Brand-name •: Welcome back, Joshua. :)
- Rand Tarazi: Love you. Amazing
- Tessa Nyhan: does anyone else hate that his sister is taking over his channel?
- Teagan Perryman: Thank you God. Haha.
- Mikayla Kohl: I have literally watched this at LEAST 100 times today. and Everytime I cry my eyes out. my heart is literally hurting for you Josh! this will get better for you. I will be praying for you in hopes that you will find happiness soon. much love.
- Deniel Red: Nice cover!
- Julia Brown: I've been sitting on here all morning waiting for this!!! I love you!!
- Madisyn Gloyne: 💕💕💕💕
- Devorah Leah Wilks: 😢 OMG
- Dayna _Dances: I'm not crying there is just something in my eye
- Mya Hurley: why did you are Colleen get a divorce
- Kira Myles-Era: 😞❤️
- Helena 1316: This is so beautiful 😭❤️
- Kristen Hamp: Who else feels his pain? So sad. This was so beautiful tho. I'm glad he has his sister there to help him through this tough time.
- Grace.Isabelle: I am crying. This video sends out such a true message. I am inspired by this. Trials are the worst things ever! I hate going through them and I hate when people i care for go through them. It hurts when they come but in the end we just come out stronger. Thank you for this inspiring video! Love you Josh!
- Mellisa McCharzard: when josh broke down i cried a ocean
- Anna Barreiro Gras: JOSHUA IS AMAZING❤
- Quincey Sparks: cara walker I never said that he was a bad singer I was defending him. Maybe if you could read my comment correctly you would know that😒🖕🏼
- Kara Metzger: You can see how much he's hurting.... I just want to hug him
- Mara Hammers: Anyone else died a little bit inside when Josh stated crying? Nope? Just me? Okay then...
- Vegan Velv: my heart.
- frank edwards: always loved the song, even more now. Welcome back my friend. You've been missed
- Emma Blob: This is SO beautiful!!! 😍😍😍
- tara duane: You can still see the sadness in his eyes 😭
- HollyJean55: Shivers and tears love it Josh ❤️ so happy your back
- Alyssa Bates: that was such a powerful video. I lost it half way through. Love you both and you guys stay strong ❤️
- Actual vegan trash OOF: I legit. cried this song is so powerful and I can just feel the love between y'all
- kai rose: 😣😣
- ILove TheLindquists: Its okay Josh, we all love you and will love you no matter what. ❤
- HotWheels 420: Omg I feel SO bad for BOTH of them I just wanna give then the biggest bear hug EVER, feel better guys your the best!!!!
- Thais Ehinger: i loved it, it gave me tears and btw erin has a wonderful voice, she should sing more often! love you both and you will get through this!😘
- Maria Paula: Hope you feel better soon, Josh! You're lucky to have such an amazing sister, family and friends, so you don't have to go through this by yourself! Sending love!
- xiiSimply Ally: I'm so sad for you I'm crying don't cry it's sad but I miss you two together
- JUST DO IT: Fake singing I know it just know it. Joshua is cheating on Miranda. For real josh fake singing suprises me!
- Dasia __: You two are so talented. I love you Josh, glad you're back.❤️
- Hannah Smith: This was so beautiful. I'm so thankful you have such a supportive family to help you through this time. I wish I could click the like button a million times!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!! 💛
- Amelia: this was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
- agamer99: Omg Erin can sing!
- Rebecca Pidge: Welcome back Josh!! ❤❤ We love you!! This song is amazing! It brought me to tears. I love it so much
- Tara Mantz: Maybe it's because I'm 8 months pregnant but this made me cry so hard. I wish I had a sister growing up, I'm so glad you are so close to yours!! She's a lovely lady and did an amazing job covering your channel the last few weeks!!
- G: Guys colleen got the divorce because she loved josh and wanted him to be happy
- safari busnelli: besutiful!!❤️❤️
- Maggie Sims: Josh this song inspired me to be thankful for everything I have. My grandpa was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and it pretty much ruined my life. He was given a 8 month life span and I was very discouraged. But this song popped up in my recommended and I began to cry while I realized that everything happens in life for a reason. It's been 5 months since he was diagnosed and the cancer has healed 1/3. Thank you for helping me to let my feelings free. Ilysm❤ also, thank you for being there for your fans while you are going through a lot yourself. That just shows how great of a person you are❤
- Felisia Sooklal: 😭😭😭😭 so beautiful
- brownchristy88: I hurt so much for you josh! I couldn't help but cry when you did! I hope it gets easier for you!
- mia phi: im crying
- Monica Eimad Marie Zakariya.: You both remind me it is okay to be vulnerable, kind, with those we love no matter the climate of the world. That's the biggest gift I could ever receive Joshua and Erin. Thank you for this, don't ever let the hurts of this world take this beautiful quality away from either of you, you are both such special and unique people...and many people around the world admire, applaud, and are so thankful for your strengths. God bless both of you, wonderful brother and sister :)
- Mia K.: ❤️❤️
- Leah Santiago: Omg I know every word
- Tamar Schapira: It's so weird how Colleen looks like she got over the divorce and she's fine but Joshua is still depressed and upset. So maybe he still really cares but also we all know that Colleen chose this divorce so that's maybe why Colleen is already over it and Joshua is not cause he did not want the divorce Colleen did. Very sad.
- Steve Bryson: Joshua David Evans
- Jamie Von Essen: Woke up and remembered it was Wednesday and that Josh would be back and Erin would launch! Never did I expect this emotional, raw beautiful video. I cried along with Erin, man I hope time rushes by to heal you. Looking forward to a happy, joyful Josh. xoxo....a Mom in El Paso
- Daisy M.: The tears now come uugh
- Morlie Hunt: Stunning ❤️
- payton sanders: so happy to see you back
- Tomboy 105: I'm there for u Josh 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
- Equestrian 101: I keep having to pause because I'm in public and I need to compose myself so I don't cry omg
- Allyson James: Lindsay Anna I'm so sorry for your loss. My Dad died died suddenly as well and not a day goes by I don't miss him. I am so thankful I had such an amazing Father and that we were so close but his loss has been excruciating. I pray we both find find peace and joy in our memories and the knowledge that we were loved.
- livewithlove23: I love you Josh! You are stronger than you! So was not prepared for that! Thank you for sharing your true raw emotions and being real with us! You're an amazing man!
- Musaddak Hossain: ☝💖💬 I love this song
- Marah McNeil: Hey josh I wish I could give you a hug I know I am just a kid and you probably wont think I mean this I love you and hate to see this sad I am very sorry for what you are going through I am so happy you are back I love the song and your sisters voice love you good to see you Back so very sorry for what people say about you I know I would never say anything like that to you I cried just hearing it I listened to it over and over again and everyone STOP GIVING JOSH HATE IT WAS THEIR Own Decisions STAY OUT OF THEIR Lives And JOSH IS A GOOD PERSON And EVERYONE CAN Agree On IT😁😭😭😪😪 and I am only 11 josh if you see this please reply
- StudioChallenges: I cried my heart out
- Hannah Foley: truly a testimony to the amazing siblings bond u two have, i hope my brother and i can be like you guys some day!!! I'm glad your back josh and i'm excited for erin's channel, the Evan's family is truly talented and i love u guys!!!!
- Kiera Mullen: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- Caroline Healy: Dear Josh, you are my inspiration. Everyday I wake up and think "Josh has come back to YouTube!" And today I woke up thought the same thing checked by phone and screamed. Josh don't let hard times get you down. Just know that many people are here for you...❤️
- Keera pienh: twins!!!!!😂😂😂😂
- Elyse Jenay: this was my favorite song and u made it better
- Nialler Styles: back off hater!
- Bronté1023: I cried. I hope you feel better soon.
- Miki Harnett: this is beautiful!!! sending love your way ❤❤❤❤
- Kitkat M: I think i caught something in my eye 😭😭😭😭
- Heidi B: ugh i was tearing up 😭😭😭😭❤❤❤ MA HART MA SOUL
- Kaitlyn Dennis: my heart was not ready for this
- Awkward Life: I'm not crying...
- Natalia Parra: I'm not crying. You're crying.
- Shaun D'Souza: Welcome Home Josh! We missed you! Just beautiful you guys! The world is right again <3
- Jäÿdëñ: Awe their both crying I can't function
- Moncourt J: LUCY QUACH
- THE GIA SHOW !!!!!!!!: I miss u and Colleen so much as a couple this made my cry
- Aline Oliveira: We love you Josh ♡♡
- Sofia N: Josh is back 😊
- aj2674: Erin.
- Megan Coe: I literally cant stop crying 😭 this is beautiful and I'm so proud of you josh for coming back so strong 💪 i sure wouldnt be strong enough to come back xx💜❤️😘💪💪💪xxxx love you
- Drewerbiebs 160: Has he gained weight 😭😭i hate seeing you so sad josh but all of us are with you through this and everything else we love you and im 1 in 1.4 million 💜💜👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👭👫👭👫👭👭👫👭👬👭👫👭👬👬👫👫👬👬👬👭👫👭all of us are here i love you so much bye
- Kathrine Kahler: PRAISE HE IS BACK
- Cat: Beautiful. Just beautiful.
- Amberly Gable: Erin's singing voice is nothing like her real like talking voice!
- Natasha63323: can't stop watching love him xx all the way from Glasgow Scotland xx
- Ami Asseraf: Are you returning to YouTube
- Kara Black: OMG I'm crying😣I hope u feel better Josh
- Rebekah Petrillo: So so beautiful, I love you both. I know there are happier times ahead and we are all here to support you. Your connection makes me so happy, I love you❤
- Christina Jimenez: Beautiful. ❤️
- Sarcastically_me: I love you guys so much. I hope God heals your pain soon, Josh. Missing your smile. Erin, you're such a great sister, Josh is blessed to have you. 💖💙
- Maya Warner: This is so beautiful. Love you, get better❤️
- Lexi Ashton: I was on the verge of tears the whole time and then lost it @3:10 Thank you Josh for being so open with your emotions and singing this so beautifully. Also, I love that you can see how much Erin loves her brother and hates to see him hurt because she was crying.
- Jamie Hartsfield: I just wanna give him a big hug❤❤❤❤
- Lance Lowry: Damn the sadness and hurt on josh's face.I teared up when he broke down.He has always been so happy and full of life hate to see him like this.Such a raw video you really feel the emotion.Glad erin is there for him.Great cover btw you both sound beautiful!
- erubisantiago1: My throat hurts from trying to hold back the tears. Needless to say it didn't work. 😢😭 Joshua, welcome back. Erin, thank you.
- chloe dutton: awwwwww 😘💖💖💖
- Laura C.: this breaks my heart, but is also touching and wonderfully sung!
- imNothing 2Autumn: LiveAlive SN *She isnt acting. She doesn't care. Divorcing Josh made her the happiest girl in the Universe. Seriously, all the videos before her divorce, you NEVER seen her as happy as her videos after the divorce. Shes a heartless bitch. Shes a lier, she lied on her wedding day saying she never leave josh and love him forever and ever. She also broke her promises in the vows she made on the wedding day also.
- dooronron: We love you Josh!
- Chelsie Hillier: Im so glad the Josh is back i missed him so so much <3 Josh I love you
- Caitlan Harding: Anyone else really creeped out that this sounds exactly like the version they used in the movie 'Trolls'?
- Jessie Rindos: I MISSED YOU SO MUVH
- turtles and bekfistman: I want to be like him
- Rachel: I never watch this video and end it with dry eyes. So beautiful. Thank you, Josh and Erin for this beautiful cover ❤️
- ForeverAngels: welcome back to the internet josh, i love and admire you both and wish you the very best in the future xxxxx ILYBSM
- Anne Robbertsen: Lovely.. so lovely ❤️
- Em Zac: I'm sorry but this is just awkward
- Kailey Moon: 💖💖
- LiDeA Tranquility: true colors hits me
- Riya Kadav: Omg that gave me goosebumps. Stay Strong❤
- nicole whitman: i love this so much
- Evie Proctor: Equine Elysia and no one WANTS a divorce - they were together 8 years it just came to a close.
- Zoe Life: Joshua PLEASE answer this are you and Colleen still friends
- Emma isnt Greg: I'm so happy he's back. I missed him loads 💘
- Cort cat: Why do I keep watching this? Oh becuase josh is amazing, this song is amazing and sometimes you just have to let yourself feel all of the feelings. Josh you will find someone one day that loves your dedication and will give you as much of them as you give to them. Some of us are all in to everything and everyone we care about and people who can not appreciate that are the ones missing out.
- Melissa Nodding: Woah I didn't know Erin could sing as well as Josh! Well done guys this was amazing! I love you both so much! ❤️❤️❤️
- Michelle Ann: Josh 😭😭😭😭
- Lane Normand: he is so broken😢
- Nasreen Taher: This was literally one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen 😍😭 I'm in tears right now and the two of them did such a beautiful job singing this song 💕 I hope you're doing okay Josh 💖
- Jenna Arcedo: Welcome back Joshua! Sending love from Hawaii! Head up buddy! You have a full support system here! Love you!
- It's Shawnieboyy: Beautiful! So glad you are doing better and remember we are here for you! Don't forget that and you going make it and have a big, better future. Also Erin voice is beautiful. Please do more duets. ❤️🙏🏼❤️
- Lucy Van Praagh: 😘😘❤️
- Wendy Shaw: Love your voice , and love you
- Emy :): "They may even abandon you....or try to erase you." Wow.
- Esther jennanda: Can we talk about this talent tho!!
- GZB Blackjack: omg this gives so many feels!
- Lydia: this was so beautiful i couldnt last 1 second as joshua started singing i bursted out in tears just remeber josh everything will get better and there is a meaning for everything we are all here for u through everthing that has happened THIS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL
- LaylaDancer 5678: I love you guys and you guys have AMAZING VOICES this was a beautiful duet nicely done Joshua and Erin
- Sharmaine Alag: omg josh are you back on your channel??
- J.isGay: Didn't know how good his sister is in singing!
- Marie Rita: Love ❤️ the brother and sister duet
- Sandhya Appiah: I think the number of views on this cover will surpass the number of views on the original song.
- Ayah Ballal: Josh, let me tell you something. I've always been a bigger fan of colleen, but I still loved seeing you in her videos. As I watch colleens videos now, I can see she is covering up her sadness but not actually healing. What I love about this project is that you are showing us that you are TRYING to heal! Just remember, time is the greatest healer. (P.S. i still love colleen, no hate)
- Carine DeliasS: I cried the hole video
- Caleb B.: All the feels! We love you Josh! Hang in there!
- Naomi Ramos: erin does have a good voice
- Kat's Pick Jewelry: Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...I had no idea I'd have so much reaction to my comment, I am humbled <3. Much love to you all!
- Dancerella-Vic: me either i was so surprised when i heard her voice!
- KorinaKina: Wow okay. This has me sobbing. I really wasnt expecting that. I love you guys so much.
- lydiarulestheworld: That was so Beautiful Guys! Josh I Love you so much! I'm so glad to have you back! Erin I can't wait to watch your videos! I know life gets rough but just hold on we believe in you and love you!
- Edleen Agarao: I am happy that finally Josh found his new light. I cried hard when I first saw this video but now I am very happy for you ❤
- Topher McCoy: Welcome back brother!
- Sydney Lynn: You should audition for America's Got Talent or something together!!
- paigee: Aimee Caldwell aw i'm so sorry stay strong❤️i looked up to them for love too
- BigCookie_mia: So proud of you josh!
- umi monster: We all know who this meant to be about <3
- Mariah Althans: i cried while reading the caption 😭😭
- Fa heema: Your privacy*
- Katy Milles: Josh I love you so much I'm here for you everyday in every year
- Hope Martin: Incredible! The feels!! Music is such an amazing form of emotional expression!
- Kay Alcock: Xxxx
- Charlotte Cooper: glad to have you back josh
- Carla Rodriguez: I couldn't stop crying. I love you dearly. Chin up both of you. Cause it's a NEW beginning and your light will shine if you let it. Be Bright....
- dreamer 16: Glad you are back.❤
- hiraa wiandaa: when he starts showing tears and Erin just holds him....
- Harry Krinkle: +itsdavidwenn And here we go again... I'm tired of all the interchangeable nonsense. Read everything else I've said in this thread, if you still hate me, I'll hand you a ladder so you can get over it.
- Anne Meyer: This is absolutely beautiful.
- Marnietopia: Omg i love u two!
- christy byrd: it's hard when you wear your emotions on your sleeves and everyone can see what you feel. I lost the love of my life unexpectedly in a car accident may 23 of this year. the pain is real and it's never easy trying to come out of the darkness. it is amazing to see your true friends and the people who truly love you and care during these times. prayers for you always Josh. I know the pain you feel.
- Virginia Lynn: Beautiful duet..but it does feel like it's trying REALLY hard.. :/
- Erin Mccarthy: so happy to see you back Josh😊
- Rachel Wastie: oh my gosh....I am bawling my eyes our. that was so beautiful, made me think of my brother xxxxx
- Valerie G: So beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Love you and your channel!
- nini corral: It's cute how they're both matching
- sophia: Who else is crying?
- II P For Paradise II: Stay strong and smile! Welcome back
- Joe Is KEISHA: Don't worry you can and will get through this I love young Erin and I hope and pray you will get through this hard time just know you are a awesome person and you will spring back from this love you Josh
- Enmando Rokuro: How old is Erin
- Valadez basic: so good to see Josh 😭❤
- Olivia Sanderson: Aww babes you seem ton be taking this a lot harder than Coleen but I am so happy 😁 to c u back on your channel your sis was a great step in but you can beat the real deal love ya God bless xxx
- Robin Mywi-art: So nice 🌹this is the best part of life 🌼
- Oomm Jaey: good luck for both of you guys !
- STEVEN PALOMØ 5Ø5: I'm not crying 😭❤ we love you Josh
- Rucha Richie: Hi Joshua, trust me you are better off without her. Being with Colleen was probably making you a lot like her her and that is not acceptable. She is self centered and self serving. She puts out trash content - The weird tasting shit, ingenuity, claiming to love everyone and all that jazz. The only redeeming videos used to be her family oriented ones, and they are gone to trash now. You, Please be yourself, you are better for it. Put out more vlogs, I am sure all of us want to see your journey here on and you ARE the original daily vlogger in the clan. You have a talent for making the mundane seem comfortable. I am not a fan of your challenges and other views grabbing videos. Please please pander to meeeee hehehe. make those vlogs!!!
- Natasha Cartwright: Ur sister is amazing at singing
- Adrianna Tayler 💕: I love you Josh.
- Hannah Maston: Oml
- Awesomecherry 34: 🎈just keep floating no mater how hard the wind blows an the lightning strikes....
- Makeupro2: Oh josh what did you ever do wrong to deserve this I'm ever so sorry I just with Colleen didn't do this😩😪 stay strong
- Serenitygal77: That was the most beautiful heartwarming duet I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing this with the world!
- Rebekah K: That was beautiful
- Jessica Brandt: This is beautiful josh ❤️
- Lauren Miller: My heart ❤️ ❤️❤️😭😭
- ActuallyxAnna: I find it funny how all of colleens fans are sticking up for her when josh is clearly telling us something here.. I mean the title alone I can tell what it's about.. I'm glad a lot of you on this thread is starting to see this to! I hope josh find's someone worth it!! He really seems like a family guy and I hope he gets that someday ❤
- Erin Slusher: Eeeyyyy my names Erin too Erin sounds amazing😍 (haha see what I did there) I act like I'm 5 I hate myself 😂
- Ally bert: if everyone wants to say that's Colleen is stupid because she isn't crying well look at a vlog and she says SHE IS TAKING THERAPY😭 so stop
- Jennifer Price: the link to purchase no longer works can it be purchased somewhere else?
- Millie Ikel: ally szotak ❤️✨
- Stephenie Alberti: I can feel y'alls pain. your so lucky to have each other.
- unicorn girl: why does this have any dislikes?????
- marc: and then there's colleen who just acts like nothing happened. what the hell.
- Mundus vult Decipi: He has a beautiful voice! But.... the lyrics are SO generic. Maybe he could find someone to write songs *for* him.
- Anna Cohen: so happy you're back ❤️
- Sara T: Stay strong
- Olivia Beaton: I mean I think
- Janet Jackson: Hope you're doing well ❤️❤️❤️
- Chris P: HE LOOKS FAT?
- morgan morgan: All of the comments are people bashing and blaming Colleen. Josh wouldn't want that.
- Sarah Pita: why man.
- Tavara: Thank-you Josh , my parents recently went through a scenario that got to far and my mum was abused . They are now considering a divorce . Life has pretty hard on me lately with my aunty passing away.But then there is you . You have showed me the light. You helped me guide out of the darkness.You showed me that me and my brothers can fight through this together . We can lean on each others shoulders . I have felt sorrow and remorseful for your situation and have been there with you every single step of the way . I just want to say Thank-you
- Ryleigh Wells: Josh we missed you all so much this is an amazing come back video
- Dearbhla Mc Carron: I love Josh so much hopefully he can get out of this horrible time❤️😖
- bunnerz79: So is the news right or wrong, that Josh is gay?
- Candice Smith: Oh man, this tears my heart up! Beautiful song, emotions are so real in this one. Can't help but to get teary.
- MercedesCMXA: This is absolutely beautiful. We all pray that you heal from the pain. I felt the pain in the song and I hope you continue this long beautiful journey you have ahead. Keep going
- Bella S: Awwww
- Dylan Valdez: Erin's voice is so beautiful and so good
- Caroline Shaw: Beautiful:)
- Debashree Shah: welcome back josh !! i couldn't stop my tears!:p
- RAMEN NOODLES: Poor josh 🙁🙁🙁🙁
- Akshaya GR: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I CRIED!! YOU BOTH SING AMAZING!!!! 😍😍😍😍
- Natalia Sikora: You guys are so mean some of you! The truth is that we don't know them and comments like "he's milking it" or "she got over the divorce fast" make me feel that those comments were written by immature people who lack sympathy. We don't know how they feel and what they are going through. Shame.
- Mackenzie May Barraclough: This is the second time I've watched it and I cried this time which I didn't the first time. It killed me to see him crying. You can tell it was super personal because of the looks they were giving each other. Erin was so cute when they sang 'I'll always be there' and Josh broke down and she put her hand on his knee as if to say 'I'm always here.' It broke me. That bit hit me hard, as well as when they sang 'I can't remember when I last saw you laughing' and Erin looked at Josh as if to say that she can't remember when he last laughed. So much meaning. So beautiful. I love you both. See you soon Josh, we love you.
- Sinead Haynes: Not just your voice is perfect but your personality helps me everyday JOSHUA I HOPE YOU HEAL HAPPILY!!! Please be happy!!!
- Amina Begum: Don't be unhappy ♥ ☺😊😍😚💋👁Erin love u too♥
- whiterexy789: I just got out of a rough therapy session, and this made me start sobbing. Beautiful duet, guys. Truly touching.
- Senpai Chan: It's Sad That Trolls Is My Fav Movie And I watched all Your Videos Together u are just to perfect Bring Back Joshleen Or Coshua ( Okay Stop! ) ITS POSSIBLE! NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE
- cayden: Was anyone else surprised that josh can sing?
- Kiara Marie Gallegos: We love you Josh! ❤️
- Maddie N' Gracie: josh starts singing i start crying. I love him so much and it just hurts to see hime hurt <3<3
- Jessica Smith: I am just in tears... The same clothing to symbolize the same path you've gone down and the transition into light. Beautifully done you beautiful people❤️there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning.
- Yesenia: when i saw that tear i was like nooooooo and started to tear up myself ❤❤
- Julie Charles: oh wow that was beautiful
- pricelessbeauty1: josh this is amazing! i just balled like a baby. you will get through this we are all here for you. <3 <3
- Brieana Murray: 2nd time watching and I cried both times! I'm so sorry that ur hurting Josh, you can see it as ur singing the song! Beautiful song!
- Naomi Ramos: No hate
- fun. gaming. vlogs and. more: hope you are better soon xxxxxxxxxx
- evie: this is so beautiful wow. the both of you are so unbelievably talented. i love you both so much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Alysa Costumbre: Ever since they released this brother sister duet I have been nonstop listening to this you both have beautiful amazing voices ...I am glad josh is coming back and Erin made a new channel I am soooo excited to see what new content you both put out !!!
- Chey Anderson: This was raw and absolutely beautiful. thank you for sharing.
- Kyriana Granner: I miss you dad
- Alainaa B: I feel sooo bad for josh i wish I could do something about it😭😭😭 i love u Joshua❤️ i pray for u every day🙏🏾 I'll always be here for u🙂
- Jenna Flaborea: chills! so amazing
- Lindsey Corrigan: Aww this is so sad.love u both so happy to see you josh!
- Jordan Alexandra: My third time 😔
- Kaleigh SLAUGHTER: This song breaks my heart
- YourBiggestFan: He's sister has a beautiful voice
- Queen Vee: this is beautiful.
- ghost.: +Gratia O'Rafferty Sorry!😅
- teresa verdejo: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- vanessa: this is so beautiful
- Leslie Lizarde: omg you guys sing so good together
- Emily Cilley: I feel awful for you Josh because you are such an amazing person and Colleen is missing out and I hope that you will keep pushing through because I love your videos and they always make so happy to watch you please keep making videos I love them
- maddie ehat: Also what you said in the description was beautifully said 😘❤️
- Matt O: You both have beautiful voices and I hope that Josh finds peace within himself and becomes the same happy person he always is
- Lacey Nowak: Cried so hard!!!!😭😭😭
- SunnyVlogging: I understand the timing was "bad" per say with the divorce and Haters Back Off airing, BUT one thing is keeping the videos running promoting your show, and a whole other thing is continuing the normal videos. I agree, everyone heals differently.. but if it was the other way around, Joshua with a netflix show, videos with what appears to be a "normal" life, people would be SO upset at him, thinking he doesn't care or is insensitive... smh. I'm so happy we'll see more of him, and super happy to see Erin on her channel. ❤
- Shine Shien: Wow! Erin's voice is so sweet 😍😍😍
- AnLa Trapp: I am so happy to see you again! Welcome back from A German dingleberry ❤️
- MySharon: Beautiful and I am crying.... sniff
- Cassi Lane: Really amazing and inspiring. ❤️❤️
- Lyderzz Evans: OMG SO MUCH PAIN 😓😓
- Sarah Davis: anyone else think Erin's voice sounded to computerized?
- Amelia George: Beautiful video, Joshua and Erin did a wonderful job. BUT who is cutting onions right now? :(
- Julie Johnson: Keeping you near my heart, Josh! I'm so sorry you are going through this, but each passing day it will hurt less than the one before.
- keir ramsey: Wow... You can see Joshua's pain and its like Erin knows what he's going through.... Its very rare to get a divorce like this because most divorces end with an argument or something and there both glad about it but Joshua's and Colleen's was heartbreaking but they both know that it had to be done otherwise they wouldn't be happy in there future..... Amazing song guys 10 out of 10! :)
- Bou Sarah: When they both sing " just call me up cause i will always be there" and they meld down, i break into a million pieces each time i watch that part Hang on tight Joshua ! youre a beautifull person inside and out ! i love you <3
- The Gorls: Oh my gosh Josh I'm so happy to see you back!!❤️ your fans (including me) are here for you and supporting you threw the hardest time in your life❤️❤️
- Jamie Vicaire: I'm done... 😭😭😭
- Guada S: Josh is making a show with this idk. Unnecessary.
- loSeR lIllIa: the line that is" you with your sad eyes" is true im crying
- What are we doing with our lifes: Kristin Rawlings I hope it get's better for you :)
- Love Dove: I want josh back on YT
- Courtney Blake: I cried ❤
- Samantha Trujillo: This made me cry so much. I have so much respect for you Josh. I love you. Stay strong.
- Danciulescu Cristina: Love you.
- Cierra Hilary: I love you and will always support you. I'm sorry you're going through this hard time. I wish you guys could get counseling but I understand that's your guys business. just know you're AMAZING AND WE ALL LOVE YOU! DONT EVER GIVE UP!!
- Emma Pearl: This is so beautiful. Crying on the inside and out for Josh.
- Thelittleone21: Love you Josh and Erin.. your authenticity shows.
- Vart: this is amazing
- JESUS IS FREEDOM: Thank you so much for this Josh<3
- Meli720: I'm sobbing! This was so beautifully sung by two people with beautiful souls. family is definitely the most important thing in the world and I'm glad you have Erin to support you and just be there for you unconditionally. Glad to see you back and thank you for sharing this with us. God bless y'all :)
- Victoria Calderon: Nika Zia Nicho YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
- Emma Sanchez: Josh, this is beautiful. This is why WE love YOUR true colors!
- Lulu's Adventures: Anika Sykes Why say that ?
- Makenzie Jones: ahhh I missed your face!!!!💜 we love you Josh😘 I cried.this song means so much to me and then you come in and slay it. your amazing 💜💜
- Kaci 34: +Vicky Laithwaite that's why he was gone for about a month
- Destiny Kempton: i love it it has me in tears it must've been so hard for josh but gr8 job ilysm
- brenna prentiss: sheridan girl David always makes his vlogs 4:20
- Sydni Solomon: Josh comes back with an inspirational song so like him he is my 2nd biggest inspiration after my mom ilysm
- Gabby Chi: Is it just me that feels more in loved with josh with this vid.
- Kat Decker: This was beautiful, Josh and Erin. You brought tears to my eyes. I'm so proud of you Josh. You own your pain and that is a truly inspirational thing to see. You two blend so perfectly together! Totally a sibling thing and it sounded perfect. Loved it and love you!
- Mila Djordjevic: this just breaks my heart
- Becca Bee: This is really beautiful.
- Letizia Mauriello: I balled my eyes out at 3:10
- Andreah Frament: Literally crying💔😢
- Kamryn Stone: I have missed you like Omgosh I love you
- Lily Underhill: Erin is such a good singer omg!
- Breezy Girl: Amazing
- Haley Pena: love you Josh when you started to cry and then you cried... I started to tear up.
- EastCoastGlamour: wow! beautiful! know how loved you are. you are in my prayers and i hope that you can find peace
- Karen Robles: #truesiblinggoals
- Palak Sinha: this is so beautiful❤❤❤ welcome back❤
- Felixleonard: Are the tears real
- Eva Torrejon: Everyone don't have on Colleen, some thinks aren't meant to be, Also can we say how good Erin is at singing damnnnnn and I hope for the best for you Josh I hope you will find happiness and peace
- a k e m i k i t a n i: i've watched this video so many times and it still gets me. this is beautiful. tears are streaming down my face
- Carla Van Staden: Josh when I saw you cry I almost cried , and no matter what all the hate comment say just be you BOO !!!!!!!!!! Your awesome and inspiring !!!!!!! Lysm ❤️
- kimberly miller: i love it
- Lily Spindler: ❤️❤️
- SuperStarNikki33: I really appreciate the raw emotions behind this video. It has such a beautiful meaning to you both and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this with the world.
- jbestblakeslee06: this is beautiful and so sweet but sad at the same time. my heart breaks for Josh
- weisgirl2004: That was so beautiful. I was in tears by the end.
- Charlotte Robbins: love his voice <3
- Heidi Ong: Oh my god Erin is so good!!! You guys should do more duets
- Flexmeister: Is this a subliminal message?
- CatTee V: +Harry Krinkle if you watch her recent vlogs she mentions therapy a lot
- Dory -: people be sayin how colleen handling this is bad and acting like it's nothing or whatever or how she handling it is crappy like no she doesn't have to go kill herself or ball her eyes out infront of everyone she doesn't have to do it any kind of way whether famous or not she trying to stay strong continuing her dreams and the things she's worked so hard for like damn this shouldn't be picking sides or anything it's and neither should be judged on how or what they are doing with this like this kind of stuff happens and it's life doesn't mean it's ganna stop it they gatta go on living and stuff just my opinion but yea..
- taylor karshner: Oh my godness guys thats so touching and I love it so much i cried i got the cold chills also
- JJ's Stage: this was beautiful! you're so brave to come back so fast. I love an Evans duet
- Hannah Williams: This song is amazing it made me cry a little
- Leah Brown: They nailed this song! So well written and harmonized!! I literally watched this a million times. Proud of you two, this is really touching.
- X X: Josh is such a beautiful man.
- jay lee: this video is so good we missed u u guys have such great voices I love you guys and hope u are doing ok josh second time watching this love it ((: stay strong !!!! <3
- Brynna Salmon: This is the cutest thing, and your voices are beautiful
- Leanne Hayes: hope ur finding happiness again💕 ilysm
- Natalie Isabelle: This was...just...😭beautiful 🌈😩
- Megha Shah: I am crying so hard
- Crys_Marie: I love you Josh ❤❤❤❤ it breaks my heart to see you in so much pain but I'm so happy to see your face again!!!! I'm so glad you have your sister there for you ❤❤ keep your chin up sunshine, it will take awhile but you will get through this .
- Ermelina De Freitas: IT'S TO COLEEN
- Puppy Insane Lover: I can't think of words to describe this song....... But there are so many.... And we don't know the majority of them..... Heartbroken..... Beautiful........ Melodic......... Touching... :(
- Kendall Vann: I'm sorry Josh the pain in your eyes made me cry.
- letsallcrywhoop 2: I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating! 😢😢 Stay strong Josh I love you!!❤️
- courtney_: Lila Herdman yea I'm the worse fan bc I missed 1 letter in her name on accident... petty
- cindylove1997: god damn it I can't stop crying
- Jeannine Smith: Thank you both for sharing your wonderful & amazing talents with all of us and I am truly sorry for any pain in your life. It made me cry to see you both in those moments of sadness.
- Scarlett Productions: Poor josh I 🤧😭
- Chaos_ creates: this is obvously about colleen. but erin and josh have beautiful voices!!!
- Karen Robles: Who else cant watch this video with out crying
- adam holdis: i love this song
- Sophie 0109: every time I watch this I cry. Especially when it goes from black and white to normal lighting 😭❤
- Zombiegirlfina: Very powerful and beautiful!
- Slimey Slimez: this is such a beautiful song and he definitely deserve kindness and love
- Lucy Benish: I'm speechless. All I can say is wow!! I'm so happy that you are back on the internet🎈😘🎈
- joanna du: His family is so talented! Hope you get better in this hard time❤️
- Kelsey D: This is amazing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Elizabeth Griffith: ugh the comments.. these are the comments that colleen was just talking about in her last vlog. there's no need to compare their grief and how they deal with it! colleen had to come back to youtube because it is her job and she was about to release her own TV show which she wanted to promote. she also had to do tons of press. not to mention she loves her job and it calms her.. meanwhile josh needed time to grieve. who knows, he said colleen called the divorce so maybe she knew about it long before him, so she had more time to grieve. he didn't have to come back to youtube but decided to. it is scary and he feels alone now. youtube and social media have been a huge part of his life and has spent almost all his time on social media with colleen so coming back to it without her must be scary. i'm just rambling at this point if you're still reading comment 💜 under this comment
- Mary Smith: Anjelina May I agree. And plus, why would it matter even if he was
- Thomas Bevan: That auto tune though XD
- Michelle Merritt: Wow Erin can sing!!
- neontheworld: KPOP Life h
- Claire Ps 03: Colleen doesn't know what she's missing ❤️❤️❤️
- Christina Lokis: guys you don't know what happened and you never know what will happen, just please stop taking sides, my aunt and uncle have perfectly matching personalities, and they love each other so much, and they are hilarious and so fun together and everyone loves them as a couple, but they had some really hard times, and got a divorce... everyone was so sad, they seemed to be perfect soul mates. but guess what? a few years later they got back together, and they are so happy now. even if josh and collet don't get back together, as long as they're happy you guys have nothing to say. if they are happier when they aren't together, let them be happy. and please stop bashing on colleen, some of the hardest desicions are the right ones. she followed her heart and loved him as long as she could, until her heart was no longer happy. I don't know what the future holds or what God has planned for these two, and you don't either, so please stop. you don't don't and never will know the full story, please just love them both now, just as much as you loved them together... I love you josh and you too Colleen. please pursue happiness, no matter what other people say
- Dounia: I'M SOBING OMGGG 😭😭😭❣
- Sam: 4:20 blaze it
- Aine Glennon: Hi Joshua just know ur very handsome.ur supposed to be supporting haters of josh.ur sister is very pretty she's amazing and so are u 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 anyone who is hating on josh why ask urself so show them ur true colors because someday u won't just be famous but ull be a supercalifaduliluisexpeialidocious super star
- dani hand: Sharon V "no hate" yet you're hating on her🤔
- Mariolga Fontanez: I'm crying... 😭😭 beautiful song... very emotional
- Dagne: i think this song might be for coleen no offence josh
- pandagirl0: Thank you for this. Josh and Erin, we need more people like you guys :) Keep shining bright!
- Addyson 321: I'm crying. This is awesome 😭😭😭😭
- indibindylou: Your voices are so tender and you sang this with such emotion. Incredible!
- datyoutubeaccount: They're so good
- Zoë Warren: I literally teared up😢❤ Love you Josh!!!
- kristinermz: Don't worry....Lots of people are there for you.Ive felt like you before but not a divorce.....I once lost my best best friend....And this made me cry.😥😥😭😭You'll get through it I know you will☺😥😭💜💜
- Fatlinda Av: I've never said that she didn't love him
- maddie hash: Beautiful
- Pearl Lulu: It's so good to see his face again and having him back is just like making my heart complete!❤️
- Amy Mtz: so I saw Trolls today and when this song came out in the movie..... I thought about you!!! i cried on that part just cause I had you in my mind!!! hang in there Josh!!!!! ♡♡♡ +joshuaDTV
- Lauren Emma: This brought me to tears ❤️💔you're so strong Josh x
- Lilly Hoover: i cant stop watching this!
- LyricsYT: Heatherette Babe Ugh be quiet.
- jenna.h32: josh I am so proud of you for having the courage to make this it's heartouching I hope u can heal every day and get past the past love you!
- Jaaybeauty: Awwww i can't 😭💔
- Alayna Young: You and your sister have a beautiful relationship
- Tina B: Just beautiful. Love you two ❤️ and welcome back, Josh :)
- Lizzie Marie: I knew josh was gonna break and I tried to prepared myself but when he ended up breaking I broke as well this is so amazing,
- Bailie Sizemore: aweee Colleen why did you have to break him ;-;
- Nicola Brooks: My heart melts every time i hear this :( your voices are stunning, thank you for gracing us with a little insight into your emotions :)
- Tabatha Hall: ❤️ Time will take some of the pain❤️ The adults know the truth. Thank you for being honest. We are all thinking of you and praying for you.
- TheDiamondLarma: Nice
- Andrea Nicole: Who else cried every second?
- CesshireCat: oooooohhhh i missed you Joshua freaking Evans!!!
- landry trammell: sometimes peoples true colors aren't what you hope they are
- ShenMunk: tears
- Hannah A: This duet is amazing! Erin you are soooo talented and totally should do another song together. This video is so emotional and really lets us see your pain, I hope you feel better josh! Your dingle berries miss you!!!!
- Clair Jarman: 3.10 :(
- _Danielle_: when he had started crying the way he left i was crying for like forever it broke my heart
- analyse molina: It's ok Joshua keep pushing through. You will get through this. Don't give up. We all love u💗💗
- Carys Ann Wesley: Crying so much! Love you so much josh!!❤️
- Amy Varelas: This broke my heart
- Angie L: Lots of hugs Josh! Remember you are not alone ❤️
- A Johnson: I can see the pain in his face 😔
- Grace Hardel: 😭😭😭😭😭
- unstableannica: Idk what the world is at this point. I'm just gonna hide in a cave and stay away from all this internet drama. Bye.
- Eden Mann: I am forever crying because of this 😭 😭 Joshua you are the strongest most sweetest man I have ever seen I love you so much stay strong !!! This was one of the best song covers I have ever heard!! ❤️💚💓💙💜🌸🌷💗💜💖💛💚💙💝💘💕💞💞💟❤️ love you so much 🎈🎈🎈
- F. M.: Seeing People crie because they lost somebody they loved makes me wanna give them all MY Love. Stay strong Josh. Youll get through this tough time ❤️
- Amaya Jackson: Erin is the next Taylor Swift! This had me in tears💕
- Keira Mooney: I'm actually crying ! Stay strong we love you we know you will get through this.. together with us. You guys are amazing ❤️❤️❤️
- hyperpunk182: love this cover..its giving me the strength to keep living my life to the fullest...I lost my dad in July...thank you for giving me the strength I need to keep going <3
- imnotapersonkay: The discription "they might even abandon you or try to erase you" are you saying that colleen did that to you? Just a question.
- Casey Lynn: Keep you head held high Joshua! I love you both <3
- Claire Snahnican: You are shush great and talented people
- Evie -: Who else started crying in the first 20 seconds? 😢
- sisi.b01: how cried watching this because i did
- Mother Terezzza: And Erin, thank you for being there for him. Josh, thank you for being there for Erin. Love you both
- Lena Mensh: God bless your hearts I have a lot of siblings but they're nothing like you, you guys are amazing and you deserve each other.
- Ruby Jephcote: did you purposely make this 4:20 minutes???
- KatieC Xx: So true! The only people who know what happens behind the cameras are josh and Colleen and I'm pretty sure it goes deeper than vlogs...I agree with you 100%...they both deserve respect
- SpectralBeauty: This is so beautiful. Definitely felt all the emotion in this song. And now I'm crying at work. 😢💓😢💓
- Amy Kennedy: both of you have beautiful voices.
- caitlyn d: Love you guys❤️💞
- kristina: You are so loved Joshua. Hope you find your happiness.
- Daisy Oliver: this is so beautiful!
- G_Ki 92: I need to stop chopping onions while I'm watching this video😭. All jokes aside this is very beautiful.
- MichaelE2003: Erin is amazing at singing!!! Josh and Erin should do more duets!
- Sydney Lynn: ERIN IS A GREAT SINGER!!!! I didn't know she could sing!!
- LadySapheira: Omg, did anyone else get the feels while watching this? Just seeing Josh cry made me cry, and I send sooo many hugs his way. I hope you will be ok buddy, glad you have returned to us though. :)
- evelina ecis: +Cammi Gr8 wow you just need respect...
- Frederric Kelada: I never heard Erin's singing it's so calm and beautiful I love it
- Jazmin Rodriguez: Ayana Salkey I just said "she doesn't show her pain on camera "
- Anita Tippett: Joshua!! Please take good care of you! You are not alone in your feelings...you not only do you have your sweet sister close...but you have scores of us who felt the sting of your tears. I will share one of the best pieces of advise I got after my divorce in 1999. "Take time to be wounded. Not quitting, but knowing your emotional limitations...just as you would have physical limitations after a broken leg...resting, nourishing, and caring for yourself is key!" Be well! Be nice to you too!!
- Bonnie Partiss: Welcome back josh we all missed you and are happy your back this was beautiful
- Bo Obama: Josh looks different
- Becky: The people that disliked this probably need to find there own happiness
- Emma Spaett: Just Perfect ❤️
- Blu: ❤️💘 Cyndi Lauper
- Madison Melancon: Love you josh and your true colors.
- Ava Noelle Mosley: Ehehhehehehehe this video is 420 long Hehehehe 420
- Riley Jean: michael cribbs he can. And even if he couldn't it's still beautiful because he is in a dark place right now. heartbroken. And she is helping him.
- scrapper v: What a great Colab! Erin you have a great voice,goes great with Josh.
- Kira Yoder: Josh and Erin, I have played this just about 15 times already. When it gets to where y'all start crying I lose it.. EVERY TIME. I'm so sorry you have to go through such a hard time right now but God heals all wounds! He sees you and loves you so SO much, Joshua! He will never leave or forsake you! You have something incredible in store! Right now there are just rocks on your path. Stay strong! We love you so much and I am praying for you! ❤️❤️
- Alyssa S: This makes me really sad💔😭
- jessi: Preach
- Erin Branton: Speechless. I love the love you guys have for each other. That is family. Glad to see you doing what you love Josh
- BARBIE TINGZZ14: Its been two years get over yourself
- Danielle Marie Far: His eyes.. So much pain.
- Siarrah Strasheim: If you dis liked it your heartless
- Carrie Camara: THIS MADE ME CRYYYY 😩😭💜😢
- Thrill Project: I'd say that I just have something in my eye, but it'd have to be a knife to be crying this much.❤️
- camelanian: RosesareRed38 Bruh
- kidfromthehaven: Erin you've been a shining star for your brother. Much respect to you.
- Julia Kuntz: Welcome back, Joshua! You and Erin have wonderful singing voices.
- Clare Bear: 1 year later and I still cry.
- the traveling june crew: I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING.
- Sophie Doyle: Colleen messed him up so bad it's horrible he's such an amazing person Josh just remember u have millions of people who support u and u will find love again💔 Btw u and ur sis both have an amazing voice 😘
- meow reow: He is back
- Vashellia Than: They cried
- Angela Arellano: Out of 711,000 views, one of them is Colleen, and crying too. Let's just understand them guys. Don't blame Colleen cause she decided to have a divorce. If you're really "Part" of the family, you must've learned how to understand? Right guys? Stop the hate. Spread happiness.
- FancyThatwithCandice: Can I like this 10,000 times?! You two are beautiful people!
- siredtoharley: @PsychoSoprano
- Rachel M: 3:10 😭😢
- Emma A: I keep replaying I can't stop
- RideWarz YT: Instead of picking sides and making stupid and rude comments, we should help Josh & Colleen get through this time. They aren't the same person, they're dealing with this different ways. Don't think just because Colleen got on the internet sooner means she doesn't care or isn't sad. Her whole life isn't online, she just chooses not to put as much of it out there. Josh took longer off to deal with this and have his family and friends support him. Nobody should be taking sides, they don't want you too.
- Kayden Grovenburg: JOSH!!!
- SofaQueen: You are both such beautiful souls. I'm so proud of you. Keep shining your light! God bless xx
- Lillian C: Absolutely broke my heart. Love from Nashville Josh.
- BBish GT: Ok i cried but liza koshy is there in my recomended videos
- vamplouise: Stunning
- Natasha Ovington: who cried in it with me x
- Taylor Prejean: I saw trolls today and they sang that song and I might have... just might have cried
- Aimee Caldwell: My parents divourced last year and i still cant get over it ive been crying almost every night because its such a struggle, and when they move on i get even more upset because i saw them together for so long i cant see them with anybody else. But it was a good thing my mum left my dad because he was a skitso and a pshyco dickhead who would economically abuse my mum and mentally abuse me it sucks really 😔
- Nikki Boza: omg im crying poor jousha :'(
- PixiePuff: Beautiful💛
- Amanda Wakuluk: I missed you so much josh ❤️
- Abbie K: I thought it was his new wife but no it's his sister
- LadyRose396: so beautiful I'm so glad you have do many wonderful people with through this tough time. us dingleberries will always be there for you ❤
- Allison Kostiw: Omg stay strong josh😭 and ERIN!!!! You are so good at singing omg😍😍😍
- Heather Frank: ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️ Erin and Josh are such beautiful people.
- adriana morales: Omg this is so dramatic
- Meg: Everyone needs to stop gossiping or saying Colleen's a jerk. This is exactly what both of them don't want, in both of their videos they said so very clearly. Both of them are amazing and talented people, sometimes relationships just don't work out. It's shameful to see how some of us fans are spreading so much hate, it just shows how all you care about is DRAMA, so please just STOP.
- Giselle Corpus: My heart💔😭
- Rose Marie: You guys sound so good together.
- Alexis DelFavero: omg josh i love you so much💘 i am so sorry and am so glad you are back💘💘💘
- Kona LaPan: When they cried I cried.
- Elizabeth Moore: Love you guys so much all of the feels are being felt right now💜💜💜
- Maya Marie: so beautiful, it made me cry. I'm also going through break up, and this touched my heart. the world needs more videos like this. much love. take care.
- Owen Armstrong: They would make a great couple.
- Jonathan Wang: I cried with you Joshua. love you.
- Chanel Carter: Erin has such a great voice and tell me I'm not the only person who cried
- Kinion Sober: I love how you can see their sibling love 💚💛💙💜❤
- ghostallion: Before clicking this video, I already felt the sadness. :(
- El B: you've never been thru a breakup have you
- Kay Boogie: How is she gonna find another Disney prince like this man? She won't. He's perfect. She's acting like he's never existed.
- Stephanie Mersfelder: Y'all had me crying, so SO BEAUTIFUL!!
- its Crystal: Awe you and your sister are like best friends josh you are there when we need someone although your on a computer and across the other side of the world for some people you help us get through tough times so I want to help you in someway maybe cheer you up although I am halfway across the world it my way of saying thankyou your sister beautiful let nothing put you down josh xx love you
- Amber Self: Oh I've missed him!
- Andrea Orozco: I'm not even joking
- Kaylee Braidwood: to all the ones leaving hate, remember how much you love josh and how neither josh or colleen want to be hated on or have their fans hate the other person. be nice to people and spread positivity!! thats always the message they try to get across in their videos so if you truly want to be supportive, then leave some nice comments. stop with the negativity it benefits nobody.
- Riekchen7: Love it! We are all with you, Josh. Just got through a break-up, as well and can totally relate to what you say. Lots of love!
- April Stanford: So powerful and beautiful love u both hope everything gets better for u
- orangepickleddramaQ: In the way that he is not afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve and does not try to live a lie or shove pain down. It is very important to allow yourself to feel. "Pain demands to be felt" and this is a life lesson we can take from Joshua in telling ourselves it is okay to feel pain.
- HELLO PEOPLE: Feel better soon
- Tori Nichols: I'm glad your back Josh!
- Sarah Johnson: Erin's singing is beautiful
- Hannah Mitch: i feel so bad for Joshua <3
- Luna !: I LOVE YOU
- therealliviedawn: I have watched/listened to this 10 times in the last 24 hours.
- Ericka Dawn: ❤️ Beautiful. Welcome back.
- Alli Bee: Beautiful, yet heart wrenching to see your emotional pain seeping through every cell in your body. I just want to send you love, support & strength Josh. May your broken heart heal and bring back your beautiful smile. I just wish you happiness. ❤️😘
- BlueValleyStables: I wonder if colleen is watching this....😭amazing singing
- starrlite921: +evelina ecis Cammie is a sad person who is so unhappy with her life that she has to troll around and spread negativity. I pity her, honestly.
- Jessie Johnson: crying ATM😭😭😢
- Laura xx: this is beautiful.
- Erin lou Turner: when josh started crying i started crying
- Andrew Jones: Anybody else want to give Josh a hug? Poor guy.
- Geselle C: Erin sings good
- Sunshine: +AngryBeaver30 She is much more successful than Josh is. So whatever you say...
- Kayla Houston: Guys Colleen may have choose the divorce at least according to Josh's video but like she said that doesn't mean it was easy for her or that she cares less then him or any of that stupid stuff you are saying and Josh certainly doesn't want to come back to see that kind of hate toward her. They still love each other they just aren't "together" anymore and that's their business and should not make us think more or less of one of both of them. I loved watching them when they were together and I still love watching them on their separate paths so be nice to people and choose happiness and if you can't do that then don't comment because that's not fair to them.
- Sophia Fielding: they were both crying
- riley: +pizza,wifi, then i'm good Okay thank you :) the link wasnt working for me
- Jessica H: she has one!
- michelle collins: #1 fan #dingleberry!!!!!😍😘
- Lora Smith: This made me cry really hard. I'm going through a breakup right now with a guy I dated for 5 years. I'm sure it's not compared to what you're feeling- going through a divorce must be even worse. Still, I felt like I could feel and relate to what you were feeling in this video. Really beautifully sung <3 stay positive.. distractions help..alot.
- Gwyn: omg, that gave me the feels. That was so powerful. So beautiful.
- Annie Vel: ouch💔 my heart ... i could even feel his pain... btw... so beautiful the duet with ur sister.... and ppl .. pls.stop saying shit bout colleen.. of course she is not showing her pain and her vlogs dont record her 24/7... i dont think she wants us to see here bad moments..
- Sabrina: wow, this broke my heart ! seeing Erin crying for her brothers hurt & Josh letting go of all the built up emotions, just wow ! Josh push through, happiness is right around the corner !
- Haley Russell: Love you Josh. You will make it through this dark time. I'm glad you're taking time for yourself. It's much needed and I can't wait for you to come back. You're one of the best people in world.
- Shanna Celeste: Mannnnn, I am so sorry. We all have your back. We love you.
- Brandi Lewis-Morgan: Thank you so much!
- Anna Pena: I felt every emotion. So beautiful ❤️😔
- Brooke Caley: this was beautiful
- Dominika D: this is amazing💕
- Bree C: Tears...this was so beautiful. You are so lucky to have such a kind sister, I wish you both happiness. Welcome back <3
- Barbie Murray: this is absolutely amazing, beautiful, heart felt, I love it!
- Rea May: Gonna have to watch this again when I have clear eyes and I'm not holding back tears while at work! Bad timing on my part. But so, so beautiful.
- Victoria Eachus: I'm crying. That was beautiful and it shows that sibling love is just as powerful as romance. The song is so moving and the video is so much more. I love you Josh, power through. I love you so much.
- Sydney Carroll: I love your voice so much Joshua
- Sadie Larsen: You guys are great singers. Josh, I'm so happy your back even if you might leave again so happy to see you.
- I'm just here: this had me in tears. I could FEEL your pain.
- M.I.B Band: 👏 👏 👏
- Sarah and Caitlin The Memes: When Erin started singing I was just like wow she can really sing!!
- Fabian Willmanns: The most beautiful thing i have seen and heard in a long time, thank you so much for sharing with us!
- hayitz gen: I miss joshleen I still have Colleens videos to get me through the day but I miss josh oh yea btw Erin's voice is MASING
- johnrovic ora: johnrovic ora
- Camilla Sondresen: Love you video and Love you Joshua and you stemme
- Teresa Rinaldi: oh my god this made me cry!!! love you Josh! be strong! and Erin you have the most beautiful voice!!
- maddy freed: ❤️❤️❤️
- Kaylynn is awsome: :( I cried
- Leah Robyn: Truly beautiful x
- Carly Walsh: We love you Josh and Erin
- Danny: Incredible josh Well done.
- NoahsMamah: oh Joshua, every tear you shed, so did I 😢 It's so odd to feel so heavily for someone I've never met! I want to reach through the screen and give you the biggest hug, and take away all your pain! Erin was lovely in this, and the video was just beautiful. You're a good man Josh, just keep on pushing like I know you will! Keep your head up, and remember you deserve the world!
- Ashley Williams: josh I'm so happy your back :)
- Maddie Estes: +Sanjana Menon yeah
- Brooke Wright: You both have wonderful voices!!!! Made me cry!!! I hope you are doing better Josh!!! Keep your head up, stay positive!! Good things will come your way I just know it!!
- Molly: omg im crying this is amazing
- Milja P: love you both ❤❤ that was soooo beautiful thank you ❤
- Sarahsoda29: Great job on this cover you two. Josh I know you are sad. So sad in fact that it physically hurts. I know. I went through a divorce that shocked me at a young age. It was the greatest pain I ever felt, even though I had also lost family members and friends to death....divorce also felt like a death, but one that was by choice. I was devastated and really never thought I would make it through it. With the support of my family and close friends I finally did. And music. My favorite bands saved my life. Keep pushing through every day. Cry when you need to, laugh when you think you can't. You will heal, I promise. I'm pulling for you, because I've lived that same pain you are living. I know how hard it is, but I know you will make it too.
- Icharlie 314: OMG... i CANT this IS so BEAUTIFUL im so happy your back Josh Xx you and ur sister are amazing!!
- 28Mangoz: best cover ever
- Travis Ti: He really loved her... that is such a rare gift...
- Evelin Cristina: This was beautiful, I literally cried. I love both you and Colleen and I hope that you are doing well. I would love to see both of you find happiness whether that is with or without one another. You guys are both amazing people. Welcome back Josh <3
- Taylor Reese: Wow. Thank you for sharing that with us! We see that you ARE beautiful which is why so many of us love YOU!!
- Elizabeth Moore: Omg Erin your voice!!!
- Allie Mcguire: I wish you sang the song in troll's
- sydnie Roberts: Yasss you guys are awesome
- Annabel: I just want to hug him! /:
- Emily Kraus: This was beautiful. You'll get through this, Josh. Lean on your family and friends.
- HOLYPIGGYPOOH: I'm depressed
- Elanor Deal: When they started crying I was like "aw no please don't I'm gonna cry too!"
- Gianna Renee: This video is beautiful... The way Erin looks at him when they're singing is the look of your gonna doing just fine in this time of despair even though this may be the hardest time in your life you are strong and gonna make it out not fine not good but your gonna rise up to be the best you you'll ever be because I am here for you always. I thank Erin for keeping him up high and strong through this hard time in his life. And too Josh we... I believe your gonna make out of this situation stronger then ever I know what it's like to feel like everything is over but I had my friends to get me through it and you have an amazing beautiful kind and loving sister to get you through. I love you so much H.U.G.S...Helping Us Grow Spiritually From, Gianna
- AbbyTheMs: Seeing him cry was so hard to watch.
- Anthony Rodriguez bucud: Trolls i like it
- Jacob: And your vids, glad your back
- Audrey Rose Music: We are all here for you Joshua. I love you so much.
- Harley Wooten: Welcome back josh we've missed you and you guys sound amazing together Erin has a beautiful voice and you also have a amazing voice glad to see your maybe back
- jehpree: 💙💙💙💙💙💙 love you Josh and Erin!!!
- 01FireWolf: I know right
- abbssuwanto: *cries*
- NiHa Moo: At school now, balling like a baby. This is so beautiful!
- garyn m: stay strong joshua! i love you!! ❤️
- Mariah Althans: This is so beautiful. 😱😍
- sam: I'm not crying there's just dust in my eye
- Angelina Perez: Katie Lindgren OMG YASSSS
- Karla Zavala: It's ok josh we are here for you!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️
- Phoebe Inglis: Beautiful. Voices worked amazing together and Erin has a gorgeous voice. More! Xx
- Fa heema: Ariel Sanders Erin Slusher I must hav overreacted but all this singing n playin the victim card is only making Colleen get more hate..don't u think he knows dat? Colleen wsnt happy wid him n God knows how fake this guy is in real life n she has the right to make a decision for herself n moreover she hasn't dragged on the divorce issue after the announcement unlike him..
- Gray Holley: we all love you Joshua
- Bethany Rangel: Love you josh! Beautiful song! 💙💙💙
- Ngugi Rebiro: 2018.
- Skylar Garcia: i love this so much:) this is beautiful, it got me emotional. Stay Strong:)
- Jeff Last name: Omg thank you josh for coming back I started crying when I first saw this 😭😭 Erin sings beautifully and josh I'm so glad your back ( we still love Erin) I hope you will move on with this hard chapter in your life 💙💙💙
- Heaverz Quirk: Dang Erin can sing!
- Alani Lagoa: I've never liked this song until you two sang it ! Amazing 😍 both have amazing voices !
- Ashton Guggiana: can colleen and josh get back together pls josh i love joshleen
- Isabella Cooper: omg that was so good!!❤
- C Cindy C: My heart breaks for you. Josh...you are a 1 in a million! Love you!!! Be strong...you will get through this and find yourself again!!!
- EmmaMarie: Ashlen Alexander mee toooooo😭
- Sandy_ dee: this is beautiful, josh i understand what u are going threw, i also went threw a divorce a couple of years ago. It's going to be hard at first and your going to feel like your dying from the inside but i can promise u this, it will get better. U have the love of your family and friends that will ease that pain little by little. I personal don't know u , but seeing your videos, i see this amazing light in u, it might not be as bright right now but it will be. Just focus on what makes Josh happy. U have all this amazing goals in mind, don't give that up. Keep going, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. i wish all the happiness in the world. your sister did an amazing job in your absence. Keep fighting for Josh, never give up...take care
- Ellen Frantz: Joshua may be the strongest human on this planet. I've felt what I thought was true pain and it knocked me down for so long. Josh just went through Hell and back and stronger than I will and have ever been in my life. He's truly an inspiration
- makayla marie: y'all make me sick with this hate. i'm disappointed.
- Aneta: This is absolutely beautiful.
- Branea Reed: I cant tell if this is about colleen or his sis but either way it brought tears to my eyes because ... Josh has been through alot as a matter of fact they both been through alot and its just so sad. Like im so speechless like im crying my eyes out and im soo sooo sorry for u guys. My mom's gonna be like " what happened, why are u cryin" im sorry
- Sophie Bazzett: My jaw dropped when Erin started to sing You both are incredible and Erin has been doing such a wonderful job on YouTube and we've all missed josh so much so both of you should know how amazing you are and we will be here for you always <3
- Dastiel4ever: Wow, just so powerful I really missed you, I can't...I hate that you are so hurt and are hurting so much. I'm thinking about you. Love you so much Josh. More singing please!!!!
- ʟօֆɛʀ_քʀօɖʊċtɨօռֆ _TM: I'm sorry Josh ...
- Melissa Orsini: LamberGirl Playz completely unnecessary. This is not about HER. It's about JOSHUA expressing himself. They are human beings, this is not a reality show. If you want drama go watch the kardashians.
- Amber Willard: MY HEART
- Emmett Turley: Just what I needed on this rough day. Thank you!
- Peige Fox: So incredibly beautiful. I love both of you, and I am part of the millions of people who will always support you, and let you know you are loved. You'll get through this, I know it. So glad you're back<3 :)
- BrittLuvsMC: I balled my eyes out the entire time :(
- Grace Campbell: Awe😭😭💕 I love you two so much, this is beautiful. Joshua I hope your happy.
- Jett wright: xxtorayxx dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy I'm smaurt.
- La Cheli: Cutting onions in my car! 😐😐😭😭😭😭
- Nicole Benton: everyone stop hating on colleen. seriously take your rude comments somewhere else. it's immature and in needed your just making things worse. there both amazing people and deserve better than your rude ass opinions. stay strong josh we love ya❤
- Katy Garcia: I missed josh so much, josh we love you💕
- Rachel Fonseca: I love you so much josh!!!! My heart feels full again because you are back!!!! Missed you soooo much....but we love Erin lots and lots!!!!
- DonQuavius Arithmea: Anybody find it odd how Colleen just starts making videos like it's just another day in paradise and josh is totally devastated. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but one day they're buying a new house, next day she is flying off to Canada, next minute she's riding the fame train and he's out on the street. Hrmmmmm.
- Addison Lynn: This is about divorcis sooo much yeah
- Mary Stewart: Beautiful, heartfelt, moving. Thank you.
- Yvon Kors: From the beginning I feel the tears in my eyes when you start to singing 😢 love it how you and your sister are singing this song 💕💕💕💕💕
- Park Jiminion: I saw it was kind of hard for you because the break up but be strong
- Hayley Wargnier: This was beautiful. Keeping you in my thoughts Josh.
- Scott Prusko: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- flysick: made me cry
- Lauren: Not really
- Israel Montoya: Love it it a remake of mattb song 😀😀😀
- Galilea DeUnicornio: Joshua this song has me speechless,and you and Erin have amazing voices...Can you make more songs or sing covers with Erin?
- simply Alyeah: Kaitlins25 I know right #i miss Collen and Josh marries.
- Anna v.w: This is amazing so much love and support for you!!!! Stay strong!
- Emma Bitchh: My heart breaks every fucking time I think about how many times he and Erin and anyone else have cried themselves to sleep.
- Marleen Maassen: 💜💜💜
- Michael Jackson Fan: Absolutely beautiful, Erin and Joshua, you guys both did such an amazing job. The bond that you two share is very special and I hope that you'll produce more songs together! Joshua, I wish you all the best in these difficult times! <3
- Melinda Pursley: The bond you have with your sister is so beautiful. :) To have that sort of pure love and support when going through a painful life struggle is something special.
- Elle Kelyssa: Stop choosing sides y'all! Colleen said in one of her vlogs that her way to cope is to be happy and that's what's she's doing. they don't want hate. if you really want to make them happy and show them you care the stop choosing sides.
- Gymnleaders xox: This made me cry in a good way
- ElliottsGayStuff: Eloraa Ccripps oops, it was me... Sorry about that
- Kaia C.: No man should be going through this Joshua we love you! I love you! Your family loves you! We will respect you and won't make fun of you.
- Scarlett_jl: Sophie Amara I'm not dissing Colleen, she's my idol, but she was the one who wanted a divorce
- the robotic creator: update: a tear just fell from my eye 😢
- angelinamariemusic7: This is depressing
- soapqueen2008: I cried when Josh cried
- heyitsnoaa a: This song shows it all😍❤️💗💖
- Potato Life: I don't know why but I expected Erin's voice to be higher
- Erica Jones: 1000th time watching this and theres still a person chopping onions in my room
- Krystal Burns: This is so beautiful... I cried watching this when it first came out and cried again watching it.. I just love this song by you both. Y'all really should do another song together soon... ❤️❤️
- Oli JessRiel and Jadine otp: this is beyong beautiful 😭
- Norah Ford: I really don't know if I will ever be able to not cry while watching this
- Chelsea8922: 28 she said it in the previous video
- CSKberido: denise jimenez Hehehe😊❤️❤️
- Alyssa Marra: That made me cry the passion and the love between siblings just beautiful stay strong!!❤️️
- Kayla Anderson: I was not planning on crying today!
- lauren porter: OMG!!! Who else was crying through this!??! Josh is so strong!! Their voices are beautiful❤️❤️😭
- Indi Mist: miz Chandar p
- How Our Garden Grows: So many feels....this song has always made me cry and this cover even more 😥. Beautiful singing talent apparently runs in the family. Just lovely! ❤️
- Amy: This video is beyond beautiful
- damn me: can something be not about colleen for once hahahahahahh stay strong Josh!!! Looking forward for your original music and future endeavors on youtube!!!
- Olivia King: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lazy Duck: This is better than the real song!
- ujghjify: Yes, breaking up with someone is emotionally tolling. But this video is literally like something from a sitcom where a girl breaks up with a guy and he makes a black and white music video of himself pining. Except it's not a sitcom. Sorry if i sound harsh but yeah i can't take it seriously
- Keiron Toyne: Josh if colleen comes back to you, say yes! I don't understand why you two didnt give it another chance in the first place, and colleen obviously didn't want this so please don't make a jab at her. Are you still friends?
- Kylie Sievert: I'm not crying my eyes are just leaking
- irene melikyan: omg don't cry, ily
- Cynthia Chan: Maddy DeGennaro me neither. I’m just casually cutting onions
- Keisha Mc barron: Anyone else cutting onions😭😭and Erin's voice is beautiful who knew she could sing that good 🎶 and when they started sing together ❤️I was cutting SOO many onions 😭❤️😭❤️😭
- daniisaurushax: Kat C I never even said anything about myself being sad. I am not wallowing lol. I clicked the video because I wanted to hear the song. Apparently you're entitled to your opinions but I'm not so okay. You call me brain dead but you even said in another comment that these people don't even know Josh and Colleen, so by your logic you don't know me so you shouldn't have the room to call me that. I'm glad I could give you a laugh though :D
- Emily Martel: <3
- Fatima A: WAIT are they back.... ?
- Grace P.: Love you josh
- Aubrey Ferreira: So happy you have your Erin. :) Siblings tend to always know us better than we know ourselves and are always our biggest supporters (if we are lucky)
- Emily Gillespie: Woah there is an unknown substance falling from my eyeballs. Help! Love you Josh! You are so strong and we all know you can make it through this rough patch!
- Jon A: Wishing you the best, greatest, most wonderful things, Josh.
- Siobhan Rose: fuck you
- Enya Chok: This comment section is the ugliest one of all, Jesus Christ
- Casey Doubleu: I told myself I wouldn't cry before watching this andddddd I immediately lost it 😞❤️❤️❤️💕
- Kendra Hatcher: This is actually the best thing on YouTube
- Nick Marimberga: Respect
- Christina Russell: Josh doesn't need Colleen to be amazing and keep his dingleberries. :)
- Aisha Rihana: so touching
- Chantal Anderson-Lomas: beautiful job! .. you will be okay. I know its hard but it will get better, I speak from expierence in this situation.
- Teresa Benson: They way they connect through music and their voices together is truly amazing! I cry every time I watch this!
- wly x: Aww i love you Joshua... this is so beautiful... youre such a beautiful human being
- iamlucella 20: #POWERFULSONG
- Emma Rose: Tearrrrsss
- Mrs. Grassi: It sounds the same you guys are so good 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Kaelyn Harrison: ❤❤❤
- Katie Dalton: This was so good! And Erin's voice 😍
- Natalie.: I never knew Erin could sing but omg she sounds so cute❤️
- Kimberly Broom: conor wilson you're obviously a child who has never experience real love.
- Tahlia Lindsay: I just balled my eyes out 😭
- Sxbrinx: The description was just too much 😭
- Citlalli Bejarano: The phandom takes over everything 😂😂😭
- Lud 860: Erin is so good! So are you josh I'm glad to see you back ❤️
- The Penny Project: I'm so proud of you!!!
- Commander Wolffe: First the feels for the end of episode 6 of Lucifer and now this. Very emotional night...
- Alison Bell: Beautiful!
- Cara Hoff: Love you Joshua! You'll get through it bud.
- Kevin Bigler: I have so much respect for this man. I've been watching his videos for the last year and a half and he is what I want to be. Thank you Josh.💛
- tokyo girl: Not trying to offend or anything but Josh seems to love his sister WAY too much, its a little creepy...
- breandieselTV: JoshuaDTV So beautiful, and amazing talent! Josh, I'm with you no matter what. We love you❤️
- Ariele Music: This was the most beautiful video ever, so much emotion in the both of you. Phenomenal job!
- Meggie D: I LOVE YOU JOSHUA!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- liv mendel 011: This cover is better than the original!
- Gabrielė bucelyte: we miss you Josh
- Flora Konz: when josh cryed I broke down. this was so sweet xx
- Cami Phillips: Josh, you are amazing and the Dingleberries will always be here for you bud!
- Debashruti Banerjee: So much changed between "Thank you California" and "True Colors".
- Veronica Goddard: I love you
- Maud Smeets: ❤️❤️
- Claire Sosebee: This is amazing. Truely, truely amazing.
- Cora Snickers: I'm way too pregnant for this! ❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔
- Lusy Mclennon: Hello Read more
- abby gouveia: I was not ready for this...I instantly started crying
- Ane Nez: between Netflix and Chills, I choose chills, all the waaaaay, everyday
- reckli55: I've come back to this video multiple times. It's so good
- payton sanders: youre my hero.
- Catie&Bobby: I listen to this on repeat
- Sierrah Soto: ❤️ loved it
- Mara Vonk: This is beautifull❤
- Jamie Hubbard: omg Erin 😍😍😍
- Avery Parsell: it was my birthday on the day the posted it. I'm 15
- Socially Awkward Butterfly: ❤️
- Ellie R.V: even though you don't have Colleen you will always have us and Aren
- Samantha Dodd: im crying
- Joey Hodges: Welcome back, Josh. This was absolutely beautiful. Good for you for taking a step back when you needed to and being brave enough to return. You've got one heck of an awesome sister, though I'm sure you already know that. :)
- Lucy Nguyen: Can you guys just enjoy this video and not take sides and argue about THEIR divorce. This something they chose to share to us bc they think we deserve to know "respecting" us. Can we respect them back by not bashing and picking side like we know their relationship? both Josh and Colleen don't deserve any hate right now you're all rubbing into their wounds. For those of you who are saying "Colleen doesn't care" or "she so happy and he's sad she doesn't deserve him" , you're wrong. She even said this in a video , she doesn't want to bring her sadness in the videos bc of us, would you like to sit there and watch her cry in every video? She's respecting him. She doesn't want to bring up the situation but that doesn't mean she doesn't shuts off the camera and break down. We are so used to the idea of youtubers having to post everything about their life but does anyone remember "some things don't belong on the Internet? Just leave them alone guys. How about we be nice to each other down the comments rather than bringing this to his video and making him sad. Please respect them both and not bring up their divorce like you know 100% . We're in no position to say who's wrong or right. It's their relationship.
- xhannahstillx: who is the original song by?
- MissBlackPiano: This made me cry:(
- Aqua Edits: same
- theambug: OK balling my friend needs to see this
- Christina Mirlo: I've watched this a few times. I never comment on videos. You are not alone. The first year the hardest. It's been 7 years since my divorce. I've remarried 4 years ago and I have a beautiful family now. Marriage is work it take 2 to make it work. There are stages of divorce pain sadness hurt first stage. Second is finding yourself again the last is finding love again. It will take time to heal. You have wonderful support group lean on them.
- MamaStyle22: ❤️❤️totally a video wroth waiting for. ❤️💛💚💙💜
- More Zoella: Who's peeling onions?🙁😿
- Allysha Nhanda: I didn't know that Erin was so good at singing
- Elizabeth P.: I love Josh!!!! He makes me so proud. Stay strong! <3
- Idk Man: In my opinion he seriously can't sing😂
- fmlxtriana: This is so sad😞😞😞
- Jordyn Ederer: love everything about this. especially their shoes.
- Jana: <3 <3
- musicluver9154: Thank you for sharing a piece of your healing process with us ❤️
- Rawr KatMeow: Beautiful cover you guys did. You know what guys? Despite what you both have gone through it is such a beautiful thing to see the both of you as strong individuals. The fact that you are brother and sister helping guide one another through every step of the way is so touching. It is really inspiring, and I want to thank you for showing us reality. You guys are lovely <3 Blessing always <3
- Minecraft Kids: Poor josh I feel so bad
- Sandra Zeton: Happy that we saw u back
- Lupis Villarreal: I wonder if maybe in the future they'll keep in touch... or if Josh and Rachel or Christopher will still continue to hang out once in a while..
- Sidney Simpson: Josh!!!!!!!!!
- Jessica Ramirez: heyitsautumn19 kys just drink bleach
- TheSparklingGypsy: Erin ! What a beautiful voice :)
- Myranda Smith: Your sister should sing more often her voice is beautiful. Your voice is too. Keep singing.
- Allen Roden: Cat Durant I think around 25 or 26.
- chloe malagon: Im heartbroken
- Darylene Hinze-Lent: Absolute beautiful. Love you Josh & Erin.
- turtles and bekfistman: Good singer
- Lauren Crum: Beautiful. I love the both of you. Keep loving and supporting each other and you can make it through anything. You guys are brother/sister goals! <3 much love to you!
- holliday horton: Yay he is back omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- izzy: As soon as Joshua started crying, my heart dropped. If you see this Joshua, I hope your healing through this rough time in your life, and may good things come your way <3
- Lezzy: This was so beautiful. Definitely teared up ❤😢
- TheUnicornQueen: Never clicked on a videos so fast
- chelz maygreger: ♡♡♡♡♡ Love you Josh!!
- Ella Hamilton: Josh IS back 😍
- Jordyn Owyoung: I'm so glad u r back but Erin did a very good job
- Kaylyn Spalding: if you and erin came out with a Christmas album i would buy it....but it would have to be on something other than itunes because i do not have an itunes account...but yeah i would buy it
- Megan P: She said she's turning 28 in a few weeks.
- Alyssa F: So much love for you josh ❤️
- Sergio Mendes: So cute! :D Welcome back Joshua hope You are hanging on :D
- Shannon Jones: This was absolutely beautiful❤️
- Ashten Family: also Erin has a beautiful voice and it goes so great with yours. I hope you two do more songs together!
- Coline Charpy: Josh, you are the bravest, the kindest and the strongest... keep faith, you gonna end up so strong and so powerfull for others... i pray for you ... :* be blessed
- Sleepy Perfume: is he playing with emotion ? r u guilty and defending?? I can never understand because no one knows what happened .
- rainbow sparkels25: Shelby Neff omggg me too I'm crying rn
- Lexaa Reese: RM Aquatics how do you know any of that is true like truly did she ever say that . Did josh ever say she did that. NO. You don't know the whole story so you don't need to make up lies .
- Hannah Eckhard: I love this
- Norman Cayabyab: i felt something heavy. i dont know why
- mi amor: I can't...
- RAMEN NOODLES: Who else cried during this bc I did btw I loved it so much music is an amazing things To express ur feelings we all support u josh
- Puppies are my love: Yes. You're the only one who didn't ball their eyes out XD. Jk I cried..
- Julia Ricketts: This is beautiful. I loved it
- DDH Productions: I am happy that josh is back
- goner: Amazing....I have no words to describe this cover
- Raven Gular: Love you💜
- Melissa Huck: How are you josh?
- Leah R: Go Josh! Glad to see you again❤️
- Sanjana Myra: Meee!! :") I like started balling my eyes out during the second part.
- emily ansley: Josh looks like a chipmunk but chipmunks are super cute 💜
- Michelle.BTSBiggestArmy: JOSH your back!!! We All Missed You!!!
- Louise Murphy: and josh"s they sound amazing tofether xx
- Carla: in repeat I listen to this about 50 times a day no lie
- Chloe & Vanessa: Josh looked sadder then I thought he was gonna look!! This made me cry 😭😭
- Lisa Rodriguez: It was very brave and courageous of you to put yourself out there like this after everything, I am so proud of you like I know many of us are of you! STAY strong.
- Erin Gray: Good on you Josh! This was such a great performance. Erin is truly an amazing person too! I just love you both! Glad you're back
- Maci Rae: Omg ew stop
- Becca Adams: I love this!
- Megan Sobject: Beautiful!!!
- Rach Bart: HES BACK!!!!
- Anannya Kundu: Wow 👏🏼👏🏼
- SrslyBored1: Abandoneddreams I know it is. She's not looking romantically, just like she really cares, it's cute.
- Jamie Wittekind: ❤ my heart broke when he started to cry. Seeing a man so broken just kills me.
- Brandi Lewis-Morgan: Amazingly Beautiful Josh and Erin I totally loved it had me in tears diff should be sold I would buy 100% I can see how tough this has been on Josh and thats all I am going to say about that we hope to have Josh back on this channel soon we totally miss his beautiful face love ya be nice to people
- camreynolds: That was so beautiful Josh! I just can't wait to see what beautiful person gets to keep you forever. You're worth multiple lifetimes of happiness :)
- Adrianna York: Josh I honestly support both of you guys and I think it's great that Erin is helping you out through the hard times and I love Erin and all of you and also this song. I did cry when I saw the bad news but I don't wanna make any one sad so I just won't speak of it 💓♥ I love you and Colleen and I'm sorry this all happened remember Josh I love you so so so so much 💓♥❤ P.S. I will always love and support you forever and ever 💓♥❤😘 P.S.S. Don't worry be happy xoxo Adrianna ❤♥💓💓♥❤😘😘
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Aimee Caldwell Awe honey. This comment made me so sad. I'm very sorry for what you're going through. I can't even imagine it. if you want to talk to someone just let me know and we can figure out a way.
- Lucii Moreno: I hate Collen Because of this. She doesn't even care. Josh is so heartbroken and Collen is acting as if nothing happened. She got her new show and all. She has no heart. You deserve better Joshua
- Naomy Dayanne: I'm crying because it's so beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- rbear 11: those aren't tears in my eyes... It's just a wall of water that I'm trying to hold back, with a reflection of the sweetest, cutest guy in it❤ Josh we are so glad your back, especially me🙂 so glad to see your wonderful face again🙊👑 please stay🙏 at least for a while💙 I was not the full happy person I was when you weren't here😭 I remember when you announced that you weren't going to be on YouTube for a while✋ I remember balling out my eyes for a week💧 but now that your back😮 please stay💙 please🙏❤ I love you - rachal
- Katie Lister: Leah Harris me too.
- Betsy Stevens: Welcome back bud we missed you❤️ And you both sounded beautiful!
- Lena Dahl: I love this song I know all the words but I only like it by Josh and Erin. every time I watch this I cry. thus song is so meaningful. and it breaks my heart to she Josh and Erin like this. but I am so grateful that Josh is back.
- dee lewis: You will be happy once again Josh, just takes time
- Hannah Aberin: i'm not crying, you are
- Emscolt 1: So cute and precious! You two sound amazing together! Keep pushing on ❤️
- daniisaurushax: conor wilson when you're in a long term relationship like they were it feels like that person died. It's really weird but this is his channel and you didn't have to watch it
- Conor Wood: This is the most emotional version of this song I have ever watched or listened to. Pure reality.
- litzy: This cover is so beautiful, they are amazing humans with a beautiful soul, sometimes life gets hard but things always get better when there's hope & you sorroud your self with family and friends. Stay strong Josh wec LOVE YOU & will always be here to support you!
- Cana Elizabeth: Danika Boissonneault samee it's amazing
- izzy angelina: This video made me cry.
- Grace Bullard: Josh, First I want to say how amazing this song turned out! You and Erin did such an amazing job executing it. You are both so talented and your voices are like angels. Never stop singing, it's what you do best. I know things may be hard right now, but continue to look forward at what life can bring you. God is here and always has been, always will be. He has a plan for you and Colleen. May it be together, or not. I am here for you, all of us are! We love you so much Josh! Continue to stay strong. Take all the time you need, we will always be here, we will never leave your side! I am praying for you and Colleen, praying for a speedy recovery from this hardship that has made its way into your lives. I love you Joshua! Hoping you can see the light again soon!
- Just a Random girl: Stop hating Colleen she is a human everyone makes mistakes and you guys are choosing sides but please don't because it's their decision it's a divorce you guys also said that colleen is happy and she do not care she just use josh but please she just chose to show happiness in her channel
- K Marie: Omg who else cried!? Erin has a beautiful voice too!
- Kenzie Morris: I just want to keep giving this video a thumbs up. It's so raw, real, emotional and honest. You are both amazing, beautiful, gifted people and it's such an honor to have you share your talents with the world. Bless you both.
- jeremy diego: wow! what a song. I love this song "True Colors" It's just like showing the real you are. The two of the can see to their eyes that they feel the song. 😀😀😀
- Megan S: Truly beautiful
- Caitlin D: Omfg his voice
- Breanna Garrett: Wow wow wow ❤️❤️❤️
- annette williams: At first i was like....nope! Too boy bandish for me! Then Erin broughhht it! This song is perfect when you two sing it together! 🤘❤️
- Madison Murphy: So inspiring I cried at the first word!!! I love you josh you can get through anything!!!!! 😘😘😘😘
- Katelyn Hays: Excellent! ❤️
- Leena Kassabian: holy fuck I'm crying ahhh
- Gigi M.: I am so sorry you are going through this. It makes me so sad seeing you like this, but thank you for being so open with us. We appreciate you. I hope you soon find the closure you need and your heart heals fast. Blessings your way. You are one strong and beautiful soul ❣️
- Michelle Ruck: OMG I MISSED YOU MORE THAN I MISS MY DAD. which is easy since he was never really there😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Jeira Carrillo: This is absolutely beautiful. Stay strong ❤️
- The Wizard of Ros: Eloraa Ccripps me and I'm cutting them with you :,/
- Kathya Coreano: I'm literally balling my eyes out! It was just so beautiful and so moving. I felt every word you guys sang! At the end you guys always have each other remember that! It was absolutely beautiful! Be blessed! ❤️
- Kaylee B: People stop choosing sides it's probably breaking his heart even more they both did the right thing Stay strong I know divorce sucks I'm only 11 but my parents got divorced when I was about 3 or 4 it sucks!! Ilysm❤️ you guys are so talented I am currently watching this over and over i love it sm
- Okane Wong: 3:13 I LOST IT. Joshua, we love you so so much.
- The BamBam Crew: Idk about that I think they are even
- proudlySONE9: Imagine how sad Bailey, Jacob and Parker when they were watching this video. Especially Jacob because Josh is so close with him 😔
- Erin Wong: You guys were so good.
- Sarah Gregory: When josh started tearing up I was crying
- Khylah Peters: I started crying the moment the music started, and the tears continued throughout the entire song. This was beautiful.
- Deborah Byrd: so beautiful I love this! How special to have each other during this time and to understand each others pain.
- Miss Stevenson: Lump in throat! I love Erin and her voice is so beautiful
- Julia Ball: this s amazing love you guys
- Moka Faden: Do you think Colleen watches this over and over again or she's out there doing her thing?
- L&K GANG: yes he's back we love u Joshua take more time if u need to
- Lucille Lath: we luv u josh💗
- Layla Martinez: this was one of my favorite videos by Josh... Can't wait for him to do more videos
- vickyXY: IM CRYING SO MUCH RN! why you do this to me...
- Blessed %: joshuaDTV things will work out well for you cause you deserve the best!!i'll be praying for you😭😭i can see the sadness on your face and i feel so bad that i can't do anything to help you!!all i can tell you is to bring it all to God He is able and He knows what is best for us.Take heart and please let us know how things are going in terms of healing.but remember God is with you when there's nothing else left just go to Him and see!!
- Balqees A.rowaie: This is I am speechless 😩💔
- katie stokoe: I wish nobody had felt pain. I wish I didn't feel pain. Thank you for this. I needed it. God bless your hearts.
- Kayla Frederick: this made me cry so much!!!!!!
- Chelsea Keller: Yayyyy!
- Sam Childs: I'm so happy you're back, Josh😊
- MakeupGeek 1021: I love u Josh! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
- blonded: God fuck you guys, Can you not comment anything at all without being completely bias and rude? People react to things differently. Keep in mind that this is the internet, and the people filming have the choice of what to and not to put up. If Colleen seems happy in her vlog why tear her down? No DOUBT she was and probably still is deeply saddened by their split, but just because she can still find good times in her days and have her friends by her side she's dubbed a heartless wench? Josh is going through the same things as her and it just shows that people react differently. At the end of the day you are neither Colleen nor Josh and have no idea about even a fraction of the full story. Quit trying to be so negative towards something that doesn't involve you.
- The real life unicorn: Who knew Aron could sing so beutifully.
- Sophia Della: Does anybody else think that josh looks kinda like Dr. Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy?? Nope? Just me.. Ok...
- Alexandra Smith: fayemiyu this is a great comment and so true. respect man
- Tess Starr: <3 <3
- Kristina 1411: Love this you guys sound amazing u should do more covers together I love you u will get through this stay strong
- hissyfit4711: I have a huge lump in my throat after watching this. Am I the only one?
- Livia Trivia: I just watched trolls I thought he was the one singing it in the movie
- Kia Penstone: I was in a bad state before I watched this I feel better now....... Wow you are both so talented I love you
- max is skinny: Omg who turned on the waterworks?!?! Is that really him singing
- K SIN: I wish this was just Josh.
- chukabucka: people deal with divorce/loss in different ways. every person finds their own way ... it doesnt mean that they arent both hurting - they are just dealing with things differently. no judgement - we should just wish that they heal themselves in a healthy way.
- Black Sky: this video makes me go and hug my brother and thank him for everything he have dun for me. Thanke you❤
- Karloosz Lopez: I'm literally in tears. He's so heartbroken 😭 But no matter what I will always love both Josh & Colleen. They each individually are so talented. They both let us see into their relationship these years. This was a privilege given to us, meaning we have NO RIGHT, or SAY IN ANY OF THEIR DECISIONS, they're grown adults. I just feel like we should still show positivity & love to BOTH of them. Don't choose a side. Okay besides my rant, this was such a beautiful, emotional video. Erin you are such an amazing sister and you have a beautiful voice
- Zoe Puleston: I cried
- The099az: i hope to never get a divorce. I'm still not over the fact that me and my best friend aren't friends anymore and its been 7 months already...
- RebekahSue Marie: Anyone else ball their eyes out.....? This was really beautiful though!
- Alina: i love you Josh
- boss hockey10: i think this was kind of from trolls
- kalli: love you both very very much. stay strong.
- Sammy Kay Sac: So beautiful and vulnerable!💙
- Sara V: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- Janet P: That was beautiful!! Got me teary eyed. Feel for Josh! Hang in there!
- Laura Rose: Stay strong josh❤️
- Cody Steiner: This is one of the most beautiful things I have heard and seen in a long time. I've been subscribed for over 2 years now and you have always been one of my favorites because you aren't afraid to so such raw emotion, this was great, just thank you for being the person you are and supporting such a lovely message. Keep your chin up man, God has His plans.
- Micquelle Sanchez: love love love this. sssooooo BEAUTIFUL
- Hannah's Edits: Cool Blue Jeez if i dont know than u shouldn't be rude
- Speechlyss: Such a beautiful video and meaning. Y'all did such an amazing job.
- Trinity Blondin: Who else died a little when they broke down😥
- damytitnedi: oh man, i didn't want to cry
- Emma Sanchez: Luciana Sulpizi ik why,it it because of the hard times that Joshua went through and we were here with him the whole way through, that is why we feel hurt and sad by this song and his situation, too
- - -: I don't want to be mean, and I hope she won't see my comment. but looking at both of their channels and seeing the difference is just making me mad
- Abby Harbinger: go to her
- Grace Herrmann: I didn't know Erin could sing, she's good too
- Eva Edwards: STOP
- Nima Isa: +Anita Hansen that's really cool!
- Nolan Clark: One of your best covers ever
- Ashley Poper: SO moving. I cried. You guys sound UH-MAY-ZING!!!! I was NOT expecting such a beautiful voice from Erin, the harmonizations were seriously the most beautiful sounds i have ever heard, and your voices compliment each other's so perfectly. Please do more music together AND individually! You both need cd's out IMMEDIATELY!! ❤💜💙💚💞💕💘💘
- Mayhem 23: Beebs A. you have no idea what happened either so why are you sticking up for her?
- Caleb James: Was this really necessary Josh? The correct answer is NO.
- Nicole Lassila: Ugh you should have had a get the tissues ready warning! Fantastic video guys 😭👏🙌👍🏼
- Friends are Family: I'm not going to lie I cried
- Isabelle Brighouse: I missed you josh!! I started crying when you teared up and when the color came back!
- Ingrid Ramirez: I knew I had heard this song when I watched trolls
- Adriana Gonzales: Love you Josh!!
- Ruthie Weeks: love you and missed you so much. hope you're alright
- November Moon: Just heard this for the first time. ❤❤❤❤ i love it!
- Christine H: Guys stop picking sides, & saying it was Colleen's fault😑 Colleen was healing faster than Josh through this situation and Josh needed more time so stop picking sides and saying it was Colleen's fault of their divorce. They probably have more background about it that we don't know. Just spread positivity among Colleen & Josh💜🎈
- Alyssa H: such an amazing and strong way to come back to youtube... every time i watch this i get chills.. i can truly feel the emotion in this..
- Sydney: josh you're amazing stay strong
- Jennifer Suess: This was so good, I couldn't stop crying
- cheeky chops: You made my cry Josh I hope you fine someone else who will love you in the future XXXXXX
- Lily Pettigrew: YASSSS HES BACKK 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😍😍😍
- Angelyn Balisacan: y
- Jess D.: my neighbor must be cuttin onions
- Caitlin James-Pocock: omg this makes me cry when he's nearly crying 😭😭😭😭
- BeekoKat [Marcia]: Nice cover of Cyndi's song; especially given the landscape that preceded this video.
- Lauren Nicole: I'm always here for you Josh..... You're a strong guy.
- Cora Elizabeth: luv Erin's voice when with Josh and without. both amazing voices. still praying for you and all of your family
- Sawsan G: Ok... When me and my husband get really busy and can't spend much time together, I start to feel empty when it lasts too long, I miss his face his eyes his cuddles our talks and we've only been married for almost a year now (we were just friends before that), that's when he's living with me, we're just too busy sometimes, because life. I can't imagine my life without him, I tear up with just the thought of losing him. Now imagine being with a person for 7 years, sharing your whole life your personal space, your families, your issues, your triggers, even your damn farts... everything, it's very VERY hard, ESPECIALLY when it's against your will, it's heartbreaking. What they had was very special and it was real. Colleen and Joshua can be sad all they want and can deal with it however they want, her trying to move on with her life does not mean she actually moved on, different people cope differently, she's doing therapy and from personal experience, that alone can lift SO much off your shoulders, she's surrounding herself with so many people most of the time, Josh has different ways, let him have it FFS, let him deal with it and dramatize however and for as long as he wants/needs. It's NOT easy, at ALL. NO ONE, has the right to judge him or her on how they cope or NOT cope. You don't like the way he's coping? Let him cope then come back later...
- Kaitlin Beckett: keir ramsey Erin also went through a divorce so she knows what it feels like
- Hannah Birtles: they're both so talented. Erin is beautiful.
- Anjali Singh: Who cried I did
- Fangirl Life Always: Valaya Hart same reaction when the scene came on I almost screamed!!
- m82s01l: I LOVE HER VOICE
- mahesh panhalkar: and that's why I love you 😊
- Justis Elliott: so proud of you, keep fighting through this storm, love.
- Ashley J: All of the people talking about their divorce in the comments need to stop. You don't personally know these people, you don't know what their relationship was like and you don't know why they split up. Seriously, it's just rude to keep talking about it and attacking them, especially since they both asked that you didn't.
- Helen Martínez: 😭😭😭😭
- Sonia Lol: Why is the music called "true colours" but the video is in black and white??
- Psycho Malina: JoshuaDTV
- Aneesah Qistina: Life is not perfect we all will have to get thru hard time and keep on going for the future 😘
- Lilas Ghandour: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
- prettydongmin: I AM NOT CRYING YOU ARE CRYING 😭
- Jen: Beautiful ❤️
- Shayna: this video made me cry. Erin and josh, you are both such beautiful people and I wish the best for both of you. I love you
- Rosie 37: love this song Josh, both of you sing so beautifully. you should make another song together. prayers and a big hug from Michigan. PS stay strong.
- reckli55: Yaritza A I think that every time I look at her!
- Joshua Milton Jensen: God will help you Josh.
- peachy tears: FINALLY JOSHUA IS BACK!!!!
- Shannon Vining: Thank you Josh x This was brave if you and I'm thankful to witness it
- Amelia Miller: ❤️❤️❤️ your truly amazing Josh. Stay strong!
- Jaddie Patrick: This was so beautiful!! 😭😍 I love you guys.
- L W: I understand that this is upsetting, but people need to stop making Colleen sound like the 'bad guy' in the situation. Sometimes in life people grow apart, and with such public lives it's obviously a lot harder to deal with certain things. What was once love could not be maintained in this specific situation and she felt like with her line of work, she couldn't make him happy. I think people need to move on and understand that different people have different ways of coping, and Colleen's method seems to be distracting herself from a painful situation by doing things she loves with her friends and family. Their relationship may have been public, but it is not your place to be degrading either one of them. We shouldn't be taking sides, but rather standing solid in the middle and showing our love and support to both parties.
- Chelsea Vasquez: Has anyone noticed that Josh's looks a little more chubbier
- Sophie Harris: I feel sad for him but he should have just got on with it like Colleen!
- Kelsey Fabian: So emotional I'm crying
- Lara Puutaatoo: The top three singers who sang this song so goood 1. Justin Timberlake ( for trolls ) 2. joshuaDTV ( in this vid ) 3. Original. ( my opinion )
- dun sun: don't dwell on negativity, spread happiness, and be nice to people ♡
- Rachel-Ray2003: Inspired by your strength through this tough time💪🏻. We're always here for you
- michellebelle: Its so sad to me because Josh shows that he is genuinely hurting so badly. I love Colleen and know she is hurt to but it doesn't seem to be in the same way and I feel bad because Josh wanted to fix it and Colleen didn't seem to be interested to fix things. I loved them together and commented forever ago that I hope to find a relationship like what they had, and now its sad to say I can't want that anymore :( Great duet though Josh. I love you and hope you're doing as well as you can be
- Maggie Connolly: Now I'm depressed!! I missed u so much!! But the fact that u r struggling so much is making me so sad... I missed the happy josh! I know that u won't be like that for a while until u have healed completely but still the cover was so good and full of emotion that it made me cry! And I never knew Erin could sing, she sounds so different from her actual voice.. I like it🙂😭😭😭💕💕
- Kyekatt Wild fry: I'm crying...
- mir chew: this song also remmed me of my college at work he is down and upset and disappointed about a sales computation when i told him whats wrong he told me bit after that when went back to work to give him my support and he really told me after that he feels happy that i support him though out and also in his personal problems As well i won't give up that easy to my this friend his my boss and a friend that i trust
- Arianna Moya: Ily
- melvinx01: damn that is real emotion on them both, i know he will come through this stronger, but after going through it myself years ago, you just wish you could make it speed up and not hurt so much. both lovely people, genuine and sincere and thats what its all about.
- rainstormiee: This is so precious... ♥ :,)
- Karen Crosby: So happy to see you back Josh!!! And Erin!! What a beautiful voice!! Love you both, and sending my prayers your way!!!!!!!!
- Lillian Casto: I love you Josh please say everyone knows how much pain that probably is💔#staystrong
- Jenesis Waller: I live you soo much Joshua and I will pray for u and I know that u will be happy again I love u soooo much and ur song is so beautiful I hope u r having a great day... I hope u r great and I love u❤😍💓
- Arianna Moya: I looked up to you guys as a couple, you two were my fav, Colleen ruined it by wanting a divorce, instead of trying to work out there problems she was in another city/country doing her own thing, it's all colleens fault . Don't hate on me because I still watch Colleen but Ima watch Josh more
- Charlie Nonya: This ain't gonna help those gay rumors...
- Shelby: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so so so happy you're back
- TheSilverCorgi: No. The original is by Cyndi Lauper :)
- jasmine render: marina diamandis did is better
- Brianne Garbutt: So glad you're back, Josh!! Love you!!
- Amy Buchen: so beautiful! absolutely love!!!!
- Phoebe Quinn: This is so beautiful💜
- Astrée Romano: Sadness is truly beautiful in its own way. You both did a pretty good job, thank you. And btw, good to have you back Josh, we missed you so much !!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
- Rhi G S: Wow. so much wow.
- Julia S: I cried. Definitely cried. I used to be on Colleen's side, but I have seen how much this has hurt you. I have JUST come to the realization that there is no more Joshleen, no more cute memes, and no more happy moments. I am truly sorry josh, and I hope you get through this.
- Emma Lee: this is absolutely beautiful. the words in this song are something i needed to hear just about now. love you both 💙
- Kiara Duran: The authenticity of emotion in your voices and your connection are deeply moving. Thank you for your courage, vulnerability, and love. I felt it. Love you both.
- Mackenzie Holden: You and your sister are amazing! All of your videos make my day!❤️
- Tricia McClure: this is PERFECTION. OMG, you both crying...made me cry. Erin, your voice is beautiful. you need to sing with josh more often. I loved this!!!!!
- Keiron Toyne: I know how you are feeling. I see u have put on 1 milligram of weight but that can be easily sorted. HAVE FUN JOSH!!! Think about the positives, do things that make you happy, find a hobby, keep yourself busy. Sometimes work is the best option. We missed you. Everyone *coughcoughmecough* missed you. Spread happiness ;)
- Gabriella Holósi: 3:10 😢😢😢😢😕😕😕
- tiny little smol bean: i'm crying
- Jade Cartwright: The pain and sadness in josh's eyes killed me... I hurts to see someone i care about cry and be in pain😔💜
- Gaia Boerboom: why am i cutting onions?
- McRblArt Sue: hey bro
- Lizeth555: I love you so much!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Brianne Steele: So good ❤️️
- Emma Green: ok josh i know you are probably never gonna see this but ive literally watched this like at least 12 times because ive been having a hard time and this song is literally the best motivation ive gotten. i love you so much!
- Apryl Thacker: YAY
- Dominique Pierce: Brit TV cuz hes getting divorced from the love of his life, and he doesnt really want to. And we all love him so it hurts to see someone you care for hurting so badly. And his sister knows how he feels cuz shes been divorced too
- Hailey Karen: this was amazing!!!
- Gerald Fralick: poor Josh. wish I could help him through his pain.
- Maggie Mae: My love goes to Joshua. This video gave me so many feels. I'm tearing up... balloons for josh🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Bella’s View: Great duet☺☺❤❤!!
- Lucy Allison: Josh you have a wonderful voice!! I hope your getting over the divorce, and remember that we all love you!!! Your fans, family, friends will help you when you need it!!! Just when you hurt take another break, your doing fantastically and we all love you sooo much!!! Please be okay, we will all help you feel better!! Your amazing, wonderful and you'll get through this!!! And by the way, to the people reading this please don't hate Coleen, she did something she wanted to do and we can't hate her for that!! Not saying she didn't do something a bit mean but I am saying that she can do something she wanted to!! I know it's sad that josh is feeling lonely but please don't hate her!!!!! Thank you!!😥😭😓😭😪😔
- Dowoxh Jeskso: That's was the most amazing thing I've seen. It was so emotional. I love you both ❤️
- Nataja Ford: you are so lucky to have erin by your side. family is forever. also stop making me cry
- monica 77: phew, just choked up in tears..stay strong Josh..we are here for you..love from new zealand
- Kaci Hockenberry: never cried harder... love you josh so proud of you for coming back everything will be okay I love you.
- ViviRubi: Aww cute sibling love. ♡ I love my brother. If anyone hurt my brother's feelings I would hurt with him too. 😢 My brother's first name is Joshua as well, and his middle name starts with a D too!
- Dulce munoz# CandiIOS: I love you take care 💜💜💜
- Brittney Becker: Love you josh, stay strong! 💙♥️
- Estere Upmale: 😭😭❤
- Wonderish: What a gift it is when you can let your pain out and turn it into a thing of beauty. Love and light to you.
- Katrina Lo: This made me cry.
- Hailz_2004: I had no idea Erin could sing this well! She sounds amazing!
- Emmie Harvey: so happy you're back. i love you
- Claire Alviar: Love you josh
- Femke Elisabeth: This really touched my heart.. Not only because you two have absolutely stunning voices that sound so well together, but also because of the fact that you two have such a good brother-sister band. I love you! ❤️
- Clementine Conte: There so good!
- Sarah T: Oh my gosh that was beautiful
- Dawn T: Great job! live love laugh...
- Mama Dell: Oh burn 😂😂
- Candy Karranchan: Jas G sry for ur lost all the best
- It Me Joss: got me in the feels ;-;
- Emily Chaplin: YESSSS
- cathies_corner: beautiful <3
- Nobby Bobbinger: Beautiful song, performed exquisitely. Stay strong Josh, we love you. 💪❤️
- Lindsey Evans: THIS WAS ON THE RADIO!!! JOSH!!!
- Meg Baker: Josh you're are amazing, smart, caring, funny, talented, handsome, inspiring and special. I just can't wait to see you smile again. We love you more than you even know :)
- Erin Slusher: Fa heema there's no need to announce whos side ur on that just hurts more people
- Lauren Spallone: 🎈❤️We love you Josh❤️🎈
- Jillian Ruiz_77: I'm watching in in sept. Of 2017... I'm in love with this cover.
- Holly McCormick: This is beautiful. Beyond beautiful. I had no idea Erin even sang. So unbelievably happy that you're back. YouTube wasn't the same without you. Love you 💕
- Sunshine Crystal: I cried so much he looks so hurt
- foreverlys: KPOP Life
- Karine M: Beautiful <3
- Shauna Chan: 😭 Beautiful voices. Didn't expect to cry my eyes out, but there it is.
- Olivia King: That was gorgeous
- Jane Review: it's just hard to watch her videos these days It just feels disrespectful Just my opinion
- BethLovesPunk007: Such amazing sibling love. Makes me wish I wasn't the only child. The love and support I felt in this video is so strong. Much love to both of you!
- Bayley Atkinson: it really got me when they looked at each other and said "i can't remember the last time i saw you laughing" :( so sad love colleen and josh! And am so happy to have been given the chance to meet erin!
- Eo: Erin your voice!!!❤
- Kristen Sagadraca: I managed to feel some type of pain while watching this. I had an emotional breakdown when I saw the pain in his eyes
- Georjiana: ❤️
- Teen Living With CRPS My Story: Hope you feel better soon you are a fighter and difficult things will come up in your life and it will pull you down but you are strong and can fight through it with your family and friends.
- Pascale: Why is there water coming out of my eyes?
- Lesley S: I kind of teared up but then I read the description and I really started crying.
- Keira Mooney: He's crying 😭😭 I love him so much stay strong Joshua
- Andee Leigh: This was beautiful. Thanks for the heads up that I would cry! I just want to say, I'm a subscriber that found you on my own, not through her. I'm a loyal subscriber of Josh! haha Don't give up! Your music is amazing and you have incredible talent. Also, you and your sister are so lucky to have each other! Great job and I hope things get easier sooner, than later. The pain of heartbreak is one of the worst pains you will ever experience.
- Sophie !: This is absolutely beautiful i love you
- Belle Baker: omg this is sooooo good!
- lookingforatardis: probably the most honest and beautiful cover I've seen on your channel, Josh. absolute perfection.
- Bryson Walker: OMG! Had to stop and comment half way through! I DIDNT KNOW SHE COULD SING <3 LOVE IT!
- the duck: Great song
- Elise Nicole: Am I the only one that didn't expect Erin to sound like that? Im jist so used to hearing her cute accent that when she started singing without it it suprised me.
- Aaliyah Muñoz: im so sorry about what happen but I know you'll get threw this because your strong josh and I will always support you
- Meghan Carpenter: Omg this was amazing!!😄😭😭
- Aggressive Trash: There is a cloud of rain over my head although I'm in my room while I'm chopping onion
- xander and Maddison channel: this is amazing
- Harmony Joy: Beautiful. Praying for you guys.
- Olivia Grace: I know it's so sad
- Xxmakeup lover xX: I love this song I nearly cried 😪
- Patrycja G: This is soooo beautiful
- Lexie Torres: The matching Jordans... so cute. You're lucky to have an amazing older sister. Praying for you, Josh
- Ashley Flores: I never knew Erin can sing so good! :D
- Erin Marks: jason baker what's that supposed to mean?
- Campbell Tatham: Can I triple like this??
- RJCOOL Jaynes: You guys are amazing! and also want to put out there how Josh has been such a trooper and warrior throughout this divorce. You are truly an amazing pair of people! Love you guys more than you will ever know!
- Sandy Saw: I only subscribed to Colleen for you & now I'm unsubscribing since she wants to be salty & divorce you. Like girl byeee I'll marry you 😏
- ChristianGirl 14: This was so beautiful and emotional. It brought me to tears, actually. Much love to you both, and I'm glad to see you back Josh.
- Tcam Cam: That was absolutely beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. ❤️
- Celine P: Erin should have gotten a solo
- Braeden Fearnley: Every time i watch this i feel so much emotion. could we sing this together and hug if theres ever the chance??! id love to harmonize with you and really feel all the emotions. great work. I've listened to this about 4000 times
- Kareena Sidhu: Lily Krueger Erin's channel is in the description box
- Naya Twal: I MISSED YOU
- Itz_ Simmy: just watched this after watching joshleen break up :(
- Alexis Betz: I never cry at anything but this got to me! 😢
- kindness p flower: i love it you have a very good voice and so does your friend
- Jeanne Chavez: i know your going through hard time but i promis you it will get better
- Marifer B123: This made me cry😐
- Χρύσα Μυλωνά: this is so emotional and beautiful....welcome back josh...we love you
- Sage _LovesUnicorns: they looked like they were getting emotional
- Jen L: Missed you
- Laurie Freedman: That was absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing that with us!! ❤️❤️
- Natalie Calcaterra: Oh my!!!
- Glitter Girl: This made me cry 😢😰😪😭😥😭😭😭
- Hana invarian: Bethany thank you 😊😊
- Stephie eddy: I held back the tears for the song and then read the description. Now I'm full on crying. No one can imagine what you are going through because we are not you Josh. But please know that your fans are with you through this time and we love you.
- Aneesa Joy: Love you both. 😘
- Kay V. D.: I am going through the Same thing as he right now. Yesterday she broke up After many years. We were happy and then all of a sudden... I dont know how to live without her and the pain is so horribly huge i dont know how i Can survive this. I Love her and i will fight for us. But she doesnt want me to. Im so confused and heartbroken.
- rach: Erin is SO GOOD AT SINGING OML!!💗
- Sincerely Bianca: Oh my gosh.... I have goosebumps & I'm tearing up. This was so beautiful!! Awesome job you two! :)
- Katy Condon: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I'm so excited your back
- AlejBuzz: God Never let you down. :) He is the only one who knows you...can you see him face to face?....
- Yarlín Herrera: That was so beautiful!! God bless your voice
- esquirecat: man. The genuine emotion and the protective and loving way Erin looks at her brother made me cry. Josh, I'm just a random youtube comment, but I hope you get through this... break-ups suck, especially when it's not a mutual want. No, I don't hope. I KNOW you will get through this.
- Tori KellyFanGirl: I'm crying😭❤
- Angix: I hat you so much
- iiTiz Playzzii: It looks like his heart is now empty after the divorce i feel SO BAD😭😭😭
- Athirah Salleh: ❤❤❤
- Frankie Reeves: The rawness and honesty of this is just absolutely stunning. Really spoke to me and I could feel every single word that you were singing, radiate within me. Truly wonderful <3 xx
- TheInkified: I really didn't expect to cry, but that was the most touching song I think I've ever heard.
- Cocoa Puffs: this was beautiful😍
- Taylor Greenwood: you are a lucky guy and I hope you the best of luck sorry for your hard times I love you videos I really want my mom and step dad fighting and being bullied and cyberbullied I want to stand up to them but I cant I don't have any power against them do watching your videos make me happy when I am sad and hurting do you have any advice
- 1233638727: Why'd Josh cry I don't understand!
- Joe Is KEISHA: Don't worry you can and will get through this I love young Erin and I hope and pray you will get through this hard time just know you are a awesome person and you will spring back from this love you Josh
- LIVLaughLove Game: This made me cry so so so so so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- KitCat25: this was so sad! I was like crying with them :(
- Anne Campbell: I want to hug you both, this song is filled with so much emotion and heart, it's amazing you both have such soothing voices, thank you for this beautiful cover❤❤❤
- Matilda Sullivan: :)
- savannah strickland: Y does everyone have to pick sides? Josh and Colleen both told us not to hate on the other but u know what y'all do? Pick sides it's stupid that you have to hate Colleen for trying to be happy. I understand that josh doesn't want this but he can't force her to stay with him. I love how Josh's motto is "Be nice to people" and Colleen's is "Spread happiness" but all y'all are doing is making more conflict between the two so please just stop. I love you josh, And I love Colleen just as much.💜
- Kermserner: 💔Awwww Bless them💔
- Kayla Cote: Beautiful! :) God bless you all ❤️❤️❤️
- Renée: This really touched me! Musicvideos don't easily get to me. But this.. considering everything you've been through and how you find courage within the love for each other.. It is beautiful! Thank you for being so vulnerable, Never lose that! You guys rock!
- ItsMilly 123: I can't even 😭
- Erika Gamboa: I had to watch this many many times. It's just so pleasing to the ears!! They should make this a thing. You're so lucky to have each other.
- aurora barcenas: HollyWould777 so that dont mean she still dont love him
- Amy R: I love this song
- Cathy Cooll: He's got talent
- Gemini Coven: His thing is doing covers I'm pretty sure he got the right permissions to sing all the songs he has produced covers to
- New Channel: Also, does this mean he's coming back to YouTube?!?!?
- Addisyn Litton: Your guys are great
- Winter Wolf0986: Abby Bjorn me.
- Katie lou Thorne: both of you have amazing voices 😘😍😍good to have you back joshua 😘😘😘😘😘❤💚💙💗💕💕💓💝💟💛❣💜💞💜
- crankthatdawson: SHUT UP!! Josh may be reading this.
- Harry Krinkle: +onarionaa And that's a good point. Colleen DID grow up in a frugal environment (It's been discussed). That could go a long way in explaining things. And I say again, she needs to relax.
- Gina Perry: I'm 47 years old. Your younger viewers may not yet be able to grasp the concept of amazing harmonization, but I totally get it.💙
- Taylor Nicole: josh i love u
- Aracelis Marquez: This was beautiful
- t: lol ok then hipster
- Hannah Terry: I miss you still do whatever you need to do heal
- Alicia Allsop: Exactly! Thankyou you lot, some fangirls just have sad lives sitting behind computer screens being horrible to people they've never met
- Kaylynn is awsome: omg josh love you I feel so sorry for you.😢😣
- Trevor Michael: This made me cry. Glad you're back Josh!
- Linn Augusta Stellander: I've missed you so much❤️
- Haleigh Paige: Brb while I cry
- Joe Song: I love you Joshua. Stay strong. ♥
- Lubna Amin: I'm so happy to see Josh again ❤️
- Lizzy Snyder: I can't even imagine what you're going through. Love is so powerful and to suddenly lose it would rip anyone apart. But you also have the love of your friends and family and your fans and I think this showed that beautifully. So emotional and endearing, I loved it.
- Ghost Turtle: i love how they have matching clothes!
- Luciana Sulpizi: I never cried so hard watching a video before!😭
- Chai Keng Soon: anyone else noticed how it was black n white at first then it changes to their..true..colours..
- ellie oloughlin: I LOVE YOU JOSH IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Bailey: True colors? wow I feel so bad for him, you can definitely tell who was the problem
- Bonnie beniuk: Wow! Erin your voice is amazing!
- Bellina Johnson: The description is amazing
- BookQueen: This is beautiful. You're so strong. Lots of love xx
- starrlite921: +Cammi Gr8 Stop.
- Filip Marelja: JoshuaDTV OMG hello
- ErickEnriquez123: love this man so much
- Lauren Grace: Two beautiful voices and a beautiful song. ❤️ listening to it over and over again, we missed you 😊
- Kate Ramos: I missed joshua BTW i Love there voice
- giselle andrade: was it just me or did anyone else tear up seeing the pain on his face and in his eyes? It just pissed me off thinking about how he is hurting soo much and colleen is posting so many videos not hurting. My prayer's go out to him and his sister. I love you guys sooo much!! :*
- mdmelnoelle: If you think about it, remember when Coleen hurt her shoulder then said something about how she couldn't take time off for it to heal because she needs a source of income for bills etc. So does that mean she couldn't take time off to focus on her marriage-and her health- because of FAME/MONEY. If I was in this situation I'd take the time off to focus on family/relationships then FUCKING fans and money.
- Samantha Crabtree: Thank you, Josh, for showing your true colors. I wish you peace and healing. You have such a kind soul, and it does not go unnoticed. 💘
- Teri Burch: I have always loved this song, but it has never made me cry the way this version did. Josh, it is SO good to see you back making videos. And Erin, my goodness girl, you have an amazing voice! That was absolutely beautiful!
- Niki DiCarlo: Musically, love the arrangement. Beautiful voices.
- Marina Patricia: I think this is my favourite song you have ever posted! Love this kind of song for your voice! Sending love!
- Brooklin Hayes: What? I'm not crying. My eyes are just... sweating.
- Amerie_Alecia Terry: #brotherandsistergoals4life
- Reagan Mckinnon: Is this on iTunes?? I'm going to check
- LilyStar40: Tbh, I don't see the difference between the actual song "True Colours" and this cover. JOSHUA AND ERIN ARE AMAZING SINGERS WELL DONE!!
- Lauryn Tate: This sounds EXACTLY like the Justin Timberlake/Anna Kendrick version
- Jamie Head 14: Aaaaahhhh I love this video
- Ciara Mitchell: can I just say I just went thro the Justin Timberlake one then the Lauper one then the Collins... and I still say that this version is my favorite <3
- Whitney Pickle: I love this! Like you and Erin both, I was divorced young. I married at 19, divorced at 23. I know how heart wrenching it can be. I feel like this song is perfect because it expresses you and your sisters relationship now. she has lived it, so she knows what you are going through and now you are going through it and you see what she went through. I think that shows through the soul y'all bring out in y'alls singing of this song.
- Katy Milles: Omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Natalie Gregg: Was anyone else crying for 10 minutes straight? I was 😭.
- Amy Swall: That was beautiful. U just made me cry so hard😭
- Stephanie Bertrand: I can imagine the mixed emotions Josh and Erin's parents must feel when they watch this video. I have been through a divorce and seen my child go through a break up. Josh and Erin do a beautiful job with this cover. You can feel their pain through their voices which are so gently melodic. God Bless You Evans Family
- Breanne Patterson: Erin's voice with Josh's was beautiful.
- DNJA: ❤️👍🏽 stay strong Josh!!!!!
- Rita Huang: I cried watching this
- Brooke Bowers: Erin, I LOVE your voice!! Keep singing!!
- Haley Winton: it's ok Josh you can get through this. we will help you. I love you so much. I missed you....
- Sarah mintz: Yes we missed you!!!
- supercalico X250: you are correct so does josh
- Paige Usherwood: my thoughts go out to you Josh through this hard time. I hope you find all the happiness in the world because you deserve it...you are an amazing man
- Razan A: You both are so strong. I love you with all my heart ❤️
- Eric Gomez: Beautimous!
- nathantjenkins93: Don't get me wrong, this sounded good as hell... but it made my skin crawl watching that guy sing.... he put on waaay to hard
- Ashley Abdallah: ❤️️❤️️
- payton: loved it. love you. :) <3
- Brittanie Landrigan: This is beautiful <3
- LittleMissD: Welcome back, Josh! We missed you! And oh, my, goodness!!! Erin's voice! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- ArV!nD BoB: no matter how rich or how famous everyone should go through the hard time in their life.
- Maria_ 2566: ILYSM, so hard to watch u go through this stage, always be positive, and we will always be here for u
- Olly Durrett: Joshua. You need to call her or something. Tell her how u feel. Because honestly. I bet she won't find anyone like you. And I want you to be extra happy. I love you so much and u don't deserve this.
- Ourfamilychannel: Actually crying💘💘💘💘
- Brynne Johnson: You need to do more duets with Erin you guys sound amazing together!!
- Ambrosia D: I am completely in love with this song. I loved the original as well but there is so much more to your cover. The emotion and beauty behind your eyes, the way you two are truly there for each other no matter what. I could only wish I had the same relationship with my brother. Thank you for putting it out there. I am sure it wasn't easy but it was beautiful!
- alexia plankey: I've lost count on how many times I have listened to this, I love all the emotions. Every time I cry❤️
- Maladen65: Bawling 😭 😭 😭
- Paiges: This breaks my heart. Josh is obviously still torn up about the divorce and then Colleen is off living her life like nothing happened. It's very insensitive
- Sarah Congialdi: I don't think it's possibly to watch this and not cry.. and omg they are both so talented.. his sister isn't the squeaking southern voice anymore lol
- Sara: I wish I could tell you face to face how amazing you are 💛
- Kali Anne: He's so hurt.. It breaks my heart.
- SpunkyGeek Girls: Wow! That was so beautiful, I didn't know Erin could sing!
- Julia'sPlace: This makes me so sad..
- Septianto Josri: nice
- Jorgiana Jenkins: Every single time I watch this I cry
- Frankie Sulla: So beautiful, love you Josh :)
- MaddisonRose: Why am I crying? I don't usually get emotional gaaaahhhhh
- Emmali Mitchell: 💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜
- Maddison Jayne: Beautiful, just beautiful.
- Elizabeth Hastings: Love josh and erin💕💕
- Sassy Pants: Buddy Buds hey buddy ? thats not an opinion , you are handing me a load of crap and telling me that its a load crap! colleen is a sweetheart and could cry everyday about the divorce and josh is an amazing man with a pure and wholesome heart who is showing his emotions and colleen just wants to hide it and cry when the cameras off. youtube isnt a reality show where we can look into there lifes , stupid. they prefer to focus on good than bad so stop hating colleen and show kindness. Be nice to people , remember? 2nd of july 2015 should be remembered as the day when 2 lovd birds came to show how much they care for eavh other and to tie the knot not how 2 love birds got together and got married and then broke it off , no. show some respect. bye
- Alani Lagoa: If you didn't hear the pain in his voice we weren't listening to the same song💔 keep your head up josh better days are coming that's a promise💖 my heart hurts for you from one lover to another.
- Katie P: Is anyone else crying ???
- Aria Sloan: 3:20 got me
- Jennifer Sarah: This brought tears to my eyes! 😭😭❤ Especially when Josh sobbed 😢 I love you Josh! This was so beautiful and inspiring :') You're the best❤
- Summer Creasey: No amazing man should deserve what your going through your sister and family and your fans are here for u and always will be
- Hayley Lane: Erin is amzing and so is Josh I love you both
- Kaylyn Gray: Simply perfect and both of your voices are beautiful❤️💛💚💙💜
- Ruby Miller: he is did this song for her I bet
- Haleigh Nesbitt: First, I'd like to say welcome back!! This song is fantastic!! Has helped me through some tough times. Second, these "fans" are too immature to know or understand the impact the hurtful things they're saying may have on you. Please don't let that hurt you more. Third, been praying for y'all, glad you're back on the net and working towards happiness!! Keep on keeping on. Music is a fantastic help in times of distress.
- Alanna Korff: This is beautiful and I don't have words to say after watching. I know you know how much you mean to each and every one of us watching this. You have just made my day. Thank you for being there for me to see when I have nothing else to do and when I go on YouTube and you have a new video. You never disappoint me. Thank You
- Jett wright: Your back is not
- Nyashia Carter: Glad to see you back Josh. This was beautifully done. Your dingleberries got your back. We love you! Forever and always💜
- Haileigh Johnson: JOSH!!!!😢😢❤❤❤❤ there you go breaking my heart again! I'm legit crying! I love Josh so so so so much! BE NICE TO PEOPLE!🔥🔥🔥
- Charity GraceLynn: LOVE
- claudia alexa: I see josh's pain. DON'T CRY JOSH IT'S GONNA BE GUCCI. they are #siblinggoals! but they seem to care for each other a lot and it makes me smile
- TakeLifeBack: Tyler Getz he is saying they got divorces and are siblings aka brother sister or cousin
- Halle Mac: This made me cry josh. I love you, stay strong. You're an amazing man I can't even imagine what you're going through and it breaks my heart. But I believe in you and I'm so glad you have your family in this time
- Ermely Villalobos: Isn't this the trolls version, but I still love this so much <3
- Sarah Olie: I've watched this video like ten times and I cried every single time
- LifeWithTheNerd __: Omg I'm crying this was the song at my dads Dunstable and I want it to be the. Song at mine and my wedding😭😭😭😩😩
- Katie Archer: :(
- Joy Craig: my heart ..... omg ...
- Kimberly Hurtado: That was beautiful. Keep your chin up and God will take care of you. God bless!!
- Scarlett Jean: Awe erin's appearance is so cute!
- Breanna W: This is beautiful. Hope your feeling better josh♥️
- Amy Smith: love it and glad your back ;)
- becky p: dang josh, you really know how to make me cry. this is so beautiful. im proud of you💙 im praying for you through this difficult time
- JustJayla: this was so freaken amazing. I love you both
- Casey Stutzman: Josh, you have my support. I personally understand what you are going thru, only I have 2 kids. I admire how strong you have been and how YOU have handled all of this, like the gentleman we know that you are. Just know that even tho it seems impossible now, it will get better. It will start to hurt less and less. Someday, you will find the person who will appreciate all the love you have to give and give it back in return. Keep your head up and keep doing you! Sending you all the positive vibes and love ❤️ Casey
- Jonathan azariah: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Janelle I.D.: Almost in tears
- Cami Rae: love you Josh , recently I've been going through a time where all my friends hate me and I just wanted to die until I heard this song I love you and hope u stay strong
- SPARTACUS: Thought it was a diss track from the title lol
- TOTAL RANDOMNESS: +Katheirne Mason k cool
- Jennifer Schoonover: Kaitlyn Ryan they did this song together because Erin has been through a divorce too. She made a video about it. They seem sad for each other.
- Jordan Oleksa: Their voices are so good together. I love them both so much.
- EmilyKay04: This was such a nice song Josh! Also I didn't know Erin had such a beautiful voice!😘❤️
- Tori Jensen: What a beautiful thing!! Thank you for sharing with us...we got your back! I'm going to be listening to this nonstop
- Riley Jean: I'm sobbing. 10/10
- Jade Sutcliffe: Joshua looks a bit like branch abut in this video
- Slimz: AWWW they're wearing the same shoes AWWW
- Rachels' Average Life: Wow your sister can sing! Thank you this song was so beautiful
- Macy Henke: Josh looks like Shrek
- Amy Mack: I left it on auto play and guess what came up Tasting crazy new Oreo flavours with Colleen, I'm still not over it 😕
- Adam DeLay: stay strong, my man. sorry to see you suffer.
- Lea Th: This is the most emotional song i've ever heard. It makes me cry everytime
- Natalie K: This really actually truley made me cry. I seriously love this video.
- Kaitlyn Stowe: Woo the feels! You guys are amazing ❤️
- Jagoda Stochel: Omg that's amazing
- na.london.: 😢 watching this every day atleast once.. So beautiful yet so sad
- Rachel Olvera: ❤️❤️❤️
- Aine Jennings: LPS_Cute Love that's so sweet
- Kim Curtis: This is amazing. I love it
- Marteena Lol: I don’t want to cry because my sister is sitting next to me
- Nicole's World: ramez E she means that he looks sad
- Jessica Lynn: ❤️💛💚💙💜
- sommer loehr: Josh,I am so happy to see you singing again. We all missed you so much while you were gone but of course you needed time off to heal as did Colleen. I hope someday you and Colleen will find each other again like when you moved to Michigan. I love you both and I truly am so happy to see her happy and you back for your very first video since the divorce. We love you Josh and we will always support you and Colleen no matter what happens. We fell in love with your love story but we also fell in love with you and nothing could ever change that.
- RuhamaLH: i mean you dont really know what happened besides what they told us so you can't say he is the best cause there is a lot they don't show and they don't have if they don't want to so
- Rylee Luaces: I had no idea that his sister could sing so well😘😘
- Jessica Farrell: you guys did an incredible version <3 praying for you during this time in your life Josh <3
- Bekah & Grace: Erin's voice is soooo good😍😍😍
- linda Tan: Are they real siblings?
- Victoria: this was so beautiful. Didn't even realize I was tearing up until I felt teardrops fall
- Megan Chirongoma: hes gay!!!
- Charlotte Wambach: this is beautiful!!!!!! Josh I'm so happy you're back! and I'm so excited for Erin's new channel! ilysm!!!!,!!
- Jaiden Hance: we miss you Joshua
- cls9288: this was so good. I hope you can see in time that God gave you this path for a reason. you have laid your heart and soul on the line, a genuine person, hard to come by in this world. You are so special and different from this world and you deserve better than someone who would give up so easily. I may not know the details but being married a little as you all were it doesn't seem she gave you and the relationship a real and honest chance. That is just the opposite of you, so better to happen now then later when your even more invested. I hope you figure out your place in this world without her because I know it was always y'all and now it is just you. but understand it is you and all your family and friends!! You just deserve an amazing woman because you are an amazing man. she just isn't there yet... and you are. you will get through this!! I know because your heart is so big. we love you Josh and your sis! we are here for you!
- Stephanie Dela Cuadra: Stay strong :))
- caylie: this brought me to tears. i love you josh.
- Sarah Donnelly: OMG is it only me who started crying when they started crying
- Angiejane: 😢😢
- Alyssa McVey: Honestly josh we are all here for you and we hope you get through this, you are amazing at what you do never stop dreaming 🎈
- Dominique petree: Is so beautiful
- Manuela Minth: OMG I cried all the time when I see this video. It's so sad and hard to see you Josh so heartbroken😔😢😭
- Samantha Da Silva: This brought tears to my eyes! To see your sister look at you-- you can see how much it pains her to see you hurting! She's a gem! I'm glad you're back on your channel, Josh. You're strong and being back will inspire others to be strong through hard times!
- Carla Bogart: so as a girl who deals with depression this song has lifted me... thank you
- Romavel Miranda: just stop commenting negative stuffs. let's wish for colleen and Joshua's happiness :)
- Sepi Sh: Just read the description 😭💔
- Jill N.: I didn't know Erin could sing
- brooklynn lorigo: They sound beautiful together!
- Amie L: May you find peace in sharing your emotions within this space. God has a wonderful plan for your life. Don't just try to get through this time, learn from it and become better. I'm rooting for you! :)
- Chloe Johnson: I loved josh and colleen but i feel as if we all need to stop talking about when they WERE together as they may not want to read the comments and as +Alyssa Schmidt said they choose what too show were not there 24/7 so please stop commenting on things on their previous relationship we will all miss them but we need to deal with it like mature adults rather than 12 y/o :( sorry for the rant ;)
- Maddie Leblanc: love U josh. glad your back!
- Kathy Blair: I love it 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
- Hanna Formica: I'm so emotional this is so amazing and meaningful...this is the song I never knew I needed. Thank you.
- Christy kennedy: we are all her for u guys. stay strong<3
- Aylin Alanis: not even a minute to the song and I'm already crying. you can hear the pain in his voice 😭😭😭
- Idk: Yup.....He's definitely gay😂😂😂😂
- ahmad TheManWhoSoldTheWorld: What a brother and sister <3 i wish i had a sister..
- MsMinion: Can't stop listening to this ... I've listened to it every night now since came out ... the emotion and power in it and also the message just is out standing , thank you for getting me to fall in love this song again
- cppsvids: yay josh is back
- Sage Elizabeth: And Colleen seems fine she got over it pretty fast and here is where he is😭
- Whitney Jordan: This was so beautiful!! I wish Josh the best and I hope he finds someone that loves him for all he is. ❤️❤️
- Lilly Rabe: We love you Josh and Erin❤️
- Shellina Mitchell: Just wonderful...your relationship is what I wish for my kids. Nice to see you back!!
- Selena Natalie: This was beautiful 💖💙
- AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: early*
- maria fernanda mds: This is so beautiful, thank you!!!!
- Taylor Davis: beautiful guys, my heart goes out to you both
- Joneng Martin: Aww they are literally twinning with their matching outfits x
- Brian Brown: The tears😘😭
- Alyssa W: Erin's voice! 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 so beautiful! 💜💜💜
- MooTelevision: He definitely knows how to work an audience... I respect a more subtle approach to ones' emotions, but throwing them out their for views is okay too I guess.
- Ally W: Ashley Gilli
- Eve Cool: Wait so are Josh and this Erin girl in love
- Mia McC: I Love You 💕
- Jeffrey Hornbeck: Prayers!
- Chloe Hartman: I think what broke my heart the most was seeing how Erin was looking at Josh. Divorce has such a strong effect on those you love.
- marissa n: Josh is so strong & Erin's voice omll😍😍
- Ariella Dais: Omg Erin is so good I love both of you your awesome ❤️!!
- KrystalL1012: anjana OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA dammit David 😂
- Suri: omg its here!!
- Lexi Ponesse: This is so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Elyse Mansfield: This is amazing💜
- Lorraine Schwartz: Amazing love u guy... always looking forward 💜
- Maartje Verspaget: Stay strong, sing more together please.
- Charlotte Johnson: Literally so good! 😻❤️️
- zaismum: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Chiara: Incredible.... <3
- Naomi Ratcliff: This was amazing. You guys but so much heart in this & I have never cried so much. You both make me so happy. I'm so happy you are back Josh❤️❤️❤️
- Colleen Edits: ily
- Kaeleigh Ferguson: When josh started to cry for some reason my eyes stared to cry right away like not even 2 seconds after it was like straight away. Feel really sad is but I will support. But not hating though I love Colleen and still watch both of them, but why did she have to get the divorce... it's clearly obvious that josh is struggling a lot more than Colleen. Sadly this is how life starts and it's really sad that Erin had to go though the same repercussions... Still here for josh though and will all ways be even though it won't be the same. We all looked up to them, both of them as joshlleen the best couple of the year. I was thinking when they put up the video of them talkin about he divorce i was thinking oh maybe it's because they didn't say "I do" the said "yes" that's like my theory of there karma... not hate I promise! Love them both and respect them it was just really sad that see josh and Erin cry at the end.
- erubisantiago1: That stupid female dog 😠 I hate her so much for hurting Joshua 😡 If only you'd listen to me and come to Puerto Rico for a weekend at least. I just want to meet you and show you it gets better.
- Kendra Hogan: I cried. But I love you both. keep your head up Josh. things will get better 💜
- Mina Hernandez: I love josh you are amazing
- ShineB04: omgoodness have me crying. love this.
- dodie’s: I love you 💙❤ glad you're back 😊 and I am in love with this video!!!
- Kristine Munoz: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Angela: yeah... but then again we don't know what is going on behind the scenes
- Julia Connor: Joshua is so genuine and humble, he didn't deserve this. If I had to pick a side (which of course I won't) I would choose Josh. He isn't afraid to show us how upset he is, I feel like Colleen doesn't care. She's just moving on. Honestly I love Josh so so much
- Sosa0721: Man when the video changed to color.. i lost it!! 💜💜💜 it's beautiful!! 😭
- Caitlin Greaves: Your voices together are amazing!!
- Erika Raymundo: It really pains me to see him in such pain😭😭😭
- Kyra: Evan Johnson just cuz she has an accent, doesn't mean she sounds like a 6 year old. She's unique in her own little way.
- Madeline Siems: good, joshua is alive and well, good for him
- Lara Simshauser: anyone else crying?
- friffas: how embarrassing LOL does he even see how cringy he is
- CloMarie: So beautiful Josh❤️ although it may be hard now, just have faith. Everything happens for a reason, and everything will come to you at the right time. You're amazing, just keep doing what you love☺️
- Kamie Zulauf: no I think of candy lauper
- Lydia: ohmygawshh :'( SOOO good!
- Deni Sweetie: Beebs A. I'm not acting tf. I'm pointing out the truth✌
- Kori C.: I was not prepared for this at all. Oh me oh my didn't think I was gonna ball my eyes out. It was amazing, thank you.
- Lindsay Kirscher: i almost did
- Java Sims: Omg this duet is EVERYTHING!!!! 😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah See: You two are so so amazing. Thank God that you have each other. Stay strong!❤️
- Amanda R: seeing people who look like they're 5 dropping hate comments ...how can you when you don't know the exact true story! they're both hurting here hello divorce isn't a one man process.
- Shar Lean: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Sarah Emilia: I have to say...I love both Colleen and Josh..but ever since they announced the divorce I have questioned her ability to just go on with life like she didn't just decide to end a 7 year relationship with her Husband. Josh did the right thing by taking time away..Colleen although I'm sure has her own moments of sadness behind the scenes is pretty much living life like Josh didn't exist. She is either completely out of touch with her emotions or has numbed herself to the point where she can sassy dance the night away with her friends. I don't really get it.
- BigCat Caper: It's been a month and it still hurts me and I can't even imagine how it hurts for him when my Best Friend left me it hurt so much and losing a life partner is just unbearable :/ Love you Josh stay strong 💪
- Supreme One: 😃😃😭😭😭
- Kendal Starlin: Michelle Ruck ha! Same! 😝
- wills whiting adams: omg that tear drop
- john doe: This is why I don't believe in marriage. How are you going to say your promising to commit to someone and a year later go as far as a divorce. I can understand divorcing after years of long marriage or some extreme spouse abuse. I'm sorry but colleen is real fucked up for this, she should have never vowed if she wasn't ready. This man will be real messed up emotionally for awhile from this I bet. I hope this decision wasn't influenced by her work(a stupid ass low rated kids? show)
- livinmabestlife: Maddie Estes me
- Lilly Tran: Who's excited that Josh is back!!!!!! And Erin is starting her own channel!!! Yay!
- Miya: beautiful.
- Kylah Khan: Your voice is so good
- Kaleigh Spetta: erin can sing😍😍😍😍
- Average Alex: I promise I just poked myself in the eye 😭😭😭😭 no I'm actually crying this was truly amazing I wish you all the best josh xxxx I love you
- marcelina vampire: this was beautiful😍😍😭😭
- Marisol Puente: Absolutely amazing. Siblings are one of the biggest blessings we are given in this life. Joshua and Erin, you both are a blessing to each other.
- Crunchy Bar: Oh u better hope the beygency doesn't come for you, saying something like that Bengals! lol
- Joanna Verdin: sorry josh it must be very very hard to go through somthing like that . And to put your feelings out in the world ,wow josh such a strong guy
- Natasha Aiken: Official GraceFace it's an 80's song in the troll movie is also a cover of the song someone wrote in the 80's
- Frankie Sulla: 3:11, I lost it:(:( Stay strong, you are wonderful, keep those who are there closest to you. Love you
- Cassandra Beyer: Why on Earth are people creating and choosing between "Team Josh" and "Team Colleen"!?!? Share and spread love, NOT hate!!! Nobody should be sending hate comments to Josh OR Colleen! Show your SUPPORT for BOTH OF THEM! Watch BOTH of their channels. Like BOTH of their videos. Comment ENCOURAGING and KIND words on BOTH of their videos. Sending hate to either one of them is beyond inappropriate! If you are one of their supporters, then you shouldn't want to hurt the person that they spent YEARS with. This breakup happened for reasons that were off camera and we shouldn't be blaming ANYBODY! Sometimes, things just don't work out... Love and Peace make the world go around. SPREAD LOVE, NOT HATE. BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER.
- Caroline G: I wish I could like this a million times <3 so beautiful
- Siofra O Connor: I can't believe I am actually going to cry
- Toni: erin is awesome :)
- Kasey Gray: I got goosebumps, and I cried so hard!! This was perfect, and although there's pain now, there will be peace. ❤
- Momsty: Bless you. Colleen is obviously also emotionally damaged and depressed , she's not going to therapy for nothing, she just released the show that she's been working on for years, of course she's going to be happy about it
- Jamie Wickham: I love Colleen but she seems so happy while Josh seems very down, to the point he is staying off social media. Idk maybe she's just better at hiding her feelings than him.
- Mirella Romero: Josh! I knew you would be okay, your heart is not all healed up, but You will get there!!! beautiful song that transmit your feelings so well. Keep that inner strength, your light is still shinning! can't wait to see more videos of you and your lovelyy sister!
- Chris Banez: Miranda is big time, Josh isn't, hence the divorce.. that "you're not as big as me, I don't want you anymore"...
- Olga Pea: Mixed feeling about this video. I'll keep my observations/opinions to myself during this sensitive time. Welcome back Josh! :)
- Angel💓: I got chills
- heartsongsKat: This was beautiful, Josh & Erin. Wow. I'm speechless.
- Carrie Jones: Awww my heart hurts 💔
- Kyla Enriquez: Breaks my heart 😔😔💔💔
- Sammy Ledez: I just want Colleen to take him back.
- Laura M.: this is just beautiful😻😍speachless
- Laurie Beth H: Susie Lynn he dedicated it to Erin actually.
- Leander: I missed you Josh!!! <3 This is a beautiful cover you did with your baby sis! I love it! <3
- Kitty Kat: Joshua is still grieving over what happened. I feel so sorry for him! :(
- lindsey scally: Amber Wray no it wasn't liar it was both or theirs just stop talking
- Abagail Phoebe: Much love to you, Joshua. You own the heart of so many.
- Eleftheria Kissa: you said it perfectly!! totally agree with you
- Renae Dood: I was not expecting to cry but I did,I love this song too...
- Olivia G: can i get that one i tunes
- Mollie Read King: Just because Colleen isn't putting her feelings out there doesn't mean she's a horrible person
- Comics Fan: Welcome back Joshua, what a wonderful song!!! =)
- Gratia O'Rafferty: Aanandita Thapa *Colleen
- Our Calderon Life: this was beautifully painful
- Ruby Burke: I'm crying.
- Jessie Rindos: I LOVE YOU
- Alia Khan: Emma Regan :/
- Jenna Leonard: This is my favorite music video on Josh's channel, very well done, very real, two beautiful voices... amazing
- Vanessa Sandfuchs: This is just so beautiful and touching! I wish you all strength in the world! But it's so beautiful to see the strong bond between you and your sister 😊
- Andy R: its a nice song but also depressing:/
- Lilee Grace: Josh I love you so much!You will get through this and you have an amazing talent that is being used to help you and anyone else!Blown away!💕❤️😘This makes me happy and I'm glad your back!
- Lo & Ab: i really hate how josh is going through so much pain and all we see of colleen is that she's so happy and doesn't even look like she has pain anywhere near josh's even though we may just not see it. it just makes me so upset to see them split up😢 we're all here for you josh💗
- Macy Bratcher: P.S. This song suits your voice SO WELL.
- Kimberlee Arteaga: ♡♡♡sent your way joshua
- carissa distefano: Erin has a beautiful voice and I love this song
- Savvy Perez: I love you so much josh, I am so proud of you. This is a beautiful video
- Ellah Metcalf: and he has kinda taken this a long way, colleen is still hurting but she isn't going depressed and dragging this self-pitty
- sharkluvah694: Heartbreakingly beautiful.
- Candy Girl: Erin your voice is so beautiful you to josh
- Grace L: 3:10 was painfully hard to watch,this is such a sad yet lovely video. If i had siblings,i'd love to have a brother sister bond like erin and josh have x
- Ellah Metcalf: Not to take away the meaning, but he really needs to cut the top of his hair.
- Kassie Evans: im so happy youre back joshua. take all the time you need to heal. erin has a beautiful voice btw
- crystalcastleee: Omg. Literally crying my eyes out. This is beautiful.
- Ashlyne Piro: They are so good at singing
- Libbyloo 68: Mars and Nerma they both are upset the same. They just cope with it differently. Josh likes to take breaks and think a lot whereas Colleen likes to get back into normal life and stay positive and not think about the negative. She said she is upset off camera but on camera she's shows the positive side to her
- Hailee M: that was making me do emotional. it takes a real man to express their feelings... you chose to do it in a good way because you love to sing. and you did it with the help of your wonderful sister Eran. to are so lucky to have her. I hope you've found your place. like if you agree (I am not doing this just for likes... in doing it for support
- v b: OMG this is so beautiful!
- Katy Jones: I cant stop watching this
- liberos!s: Aw Josh
- Cloyd Jones 2 Unson: im damaged to 1 cuz this is dramatic its like an ending when war is over and nightmares ends
- K D: We missed you josh! That was so beautiful that I'm crying 😭💕 we love you!
- Michael Tellefsen: They hade love!y voice
- Allie Kalk: This is absolutely beautiful! Love you guys❤️❤️ staystrong
- Diane4mail: Hugs. Awesome work, too. Your voices sound amazing together! I love brother and sister combos.
- Phoebe Liz: 😔touching😔
- Jaila's Adventure: I feel sad. Why is he crying. ( His breach up )
- Anabelle Coker: I was not prepared for this.
- Chemae Extra: Im crying this song reminds me of their devorce
- Victoria Doporto: Wow I love u so much and ur sis! It's amazing seeing U BACK and it hurts to see u cry even though u said u were healing! Nothing is ur fault and just know that u have supporters that love u so much and will stay with u! Be nice to people!
- Jovana Torres: So glad you're back! I'm happy to see that you're healing in your own way. Love you Josh! Take your time, there is no time limit for healing, but soon that pain will just be a battle scar!
- Erika Pieri: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- BlueShineSuicune: This song.... I've seen trolls 3 times.... I've cried every time during this scene.... SUCH a beautiful song.. AND movie
- thatgirl 264: YAY JOSH IS BACK!!!
- Kacy Lewis: I started crying when he did so sad she is such a good sister I my love to all of them
- Dreamer C XO: I love their singing but I realized Joshua's cheeks look more chubby
- Savannah Dynasty: I feel like he's sing this to Colleen
- Sally Neavyn: OMG this was amazing I'm in actual tears 😢 I could feel your emotion it gave me chills 😘xx
- Elanor Deal: If Colleen cries she is consider a "fake" and "attention seeker" and if she doesn't she is considered "moving on too fast" or "a horrible person" people are so hard to please smh...
- Justine Payton: Thank you josh for opening up your heart to your fans! We all have your back 100%
- ClassicCaleb: Thank you for sharing your pain and healing with us. Your authenticity and transparency in this crazy-hard time of your life helps to encourage all of us in our own difficulties. You two give me life. <3
- Dani Oh: This was so good 😱😱
- Kaalyn - OPG: +Guest Account I'm beginning to think you're extremely young. And have never been in a relationship.
- April Hernandez: Josh I love u and I hate seeing u so sad and going through this really dark time. Erin has stood by u through this whole thing and so have all of us dingleberries. Josh feel better soon. I'm glad you've decided to come back to us. I love u and forever and always be nice to us and au revoir
- Hanin Elmitwalli: I love them both ...dear reader don't let anything stop u r amazing the way you trust me
- Rachel Hutchings: So glad to see you back. This was beautiful. And who knew your sister could sing so well? Can't wait to see what you're going to do next. I've been on this journey with you for a while and I don't plan to stop now. Thanks for being a positive force on YouTube. 😍😎💩
- SAVANNAH AUSIELLO: wow the pain in his eyes
- Beccy Barrie: This was absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin! So emotional, I hope with all my heart that you manage to find peace and happiness again. Sending so much support and love to you x
- Marrwaa Ahmed: Okay I just want to say thank you Erin for standing for Joshua and making awesome videos you're so sweet and kind and funny and for Joshua thank you for the laughs you gave us I know it's hard and it hurts to see you hurt and feel all this pain but one day you'll wake up and feel nothing from this pain. Please stay strong and wait for that day please you're awesome and I love you so much we all do please stay healthy and happy surround yourself with your family and friends and never give BE NICE TO PEOPLE aurvoi
- Reviews from a Bookworm: Just bought this and can't stop listening! So beautiful.
- Staceylwolf: Every time I come back and watch this song, I tear up! I love it, you are both amazing!
- SydneyB: AHHHHHHHHHH! 😰😰😰😰😰 Is Josh back?
- Paris P: This is so beautiful. It made me cry like not much does. We are here to support you. Always.
- Nina Maltese: The feels 😭
- Khaoula 12345: omg this is soooooo beautiful u made me cry so hard 😭😭
- Nadia Haines: I like how Erin's voice is deeper than Josh's at some points😂😂💜💜
- Bridgette Smith Lancaster: Don't worry you can and will get through this I love young Erin and I hope and pray you will get through this hard time just know you are a awesome person and you will spring back from this love you Josh
- Emma Bitchh: Cat Girl12561 I don't think she's moved on quite as much as we assume. She seems happy in her vlogs and videos, but those are five or ten minutes out of 24 hours.
- sakshi agarwal: I am in love.
- Jerrica Devon: This made me cry so much.
- katrina kat: Erin s voice is angelic
- Rach Babe: 420, sorry had too 😂
- I Me: just 23s i alreadyyyyy want to cry ok .....
- Rainbow Bling: I've never had a brother. This makes me wish I did.
- thatultimatefangirl: this is amazing. love you both ❤️
- Holly Clifford: Great to have you back I love you so much Josh
- Shiloh _loves009: Read the description. I can't.... I just can't..... I'm done..... if u need me I'll be crying in my room.😭😭😭😭
- TheDolphingirl20: They also divorced
- Kayla: You are so strong josh you inspire me ❤️ like if you are with me x
- Grace l-/: +Cool Blue Unless you know Colleen and Josh personally, then don't tell me you know everything about their relationship. That's impossible. You hadn't known about their relationship problems if it were a year ago but they had them. You never would have guessed. The only way you know about this is because they told you about it so why are you to assume that they said EVERYTHING?
- Nave: that's so beautiful.
- Sarah Rothenberger: so so so so proud of you Josh, we are all so happy to have you back- this song is so beautiful, sending love your way
- Jennifer Nguyen: This makes me sad :( But everything happens for a reason, right?
- Phoenix Lucy: I MISS COLEEN
- Amy R_xo: This is way to beautiful for my heart💔😢
- Eva Edwards: I'm a little worried that you think Erin, the most perfect human and Josh, the kindhearted angel, are getting married in this time of heartbreak. No no, sweetie.
- Grace Hickey: I'm so sorry that you have to go through this Josh and Colleen. I really wasn't expecting you two to break up. I know it's hard, my parent's went through a break up and it tore me apart just looking at them and it makes me really sad looking at you two going through this. Love you. Oh and great song
- Kate C: #siblinggoals love u guys!❤
- Destiny: I love your voice Erin.
- Liv Bev: I cry every time.
- Mackenzie Cooper: Erins voice is so amazing !!!
- Holly Riddle: Joshua you are loved! Stay strong and keep your faith!
- Paulina: This is so sad. I'm crying. Colleen shouldn't have divorced him. I hate her now.
- Brittany Geslak: I used to love Colleen and I don't know the whole story but now I can't watch her bc all I think about is josh and how taken back and broken he is.
- Evie Adams: you're so brave for coming back💚 we missed you
- Enrika Katkeviciute: Who cried? I did!
- Mayuri P.: Perfection. Stay strong Josh, I believe you'll be back to yourself in no time. <3
- Becky Granger: Hey. You're wonderful. School is hard and bullies are mean, but they're going to grow up and be bullies and you're going to grow up and be beautiful and stronger for it. Just be you. Talk to a teacher if you feel unsafe, join a club you like and where kids are nice to you, but i PROMISE it gets better <3
- Emmy Monson: This was so beautiful Josh and Erin!! I'm so happy you're back and I love you both so much! You've got this💜❤️
- Krissy: This is sooo so good. I cried when you guys were crying. Glad to see your back. Wish you the best 💕 keep it up!!
- rachel: Josh. Good to see you again, stay strong buddy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- hi hi: Crying, this is to sad
- Jamie: Omg I almost cried this was amazing
- em j: This is beyond beautiful and so raw it's incredible welcome back josh ❤️ Also your sisters voice is just unreal
- Raye: missed you!!!!!!!!! welcome back
- Alicia Norris: Sometimes, siblings are the best medicine! 😊 I'm happy to say I have 3 wonderful ones & have been through my own divorce. They were there for me every step of the way! ❤💗💚💙
- Lizzie P: Stop choosing sides. First of all, Colleen is not acting like Josh doesn't exist. She is simply focusing on the positive and not share private information to the internet that involves other people that she doesn't have permission to put out there (literally exactly what she said in her most recent vlog). Moral of the story is, everyone handles things differently. Some people want to focus on the positive and spread themselves around the people they love and hold onto any ounce of happiness they can get, while others need time to sit and collect and express their emotions in order to find peace. No one should be hated on how they deal with things ESPECIALLY because they are going through some of the hardest times right now. Colleen shouldn't be hated on for "trying to be happy", and Josh shouldn't be hated on for not "moving on" and "getting over it". The people who choose sides disgust me.
- Silly String: ❤my eyes are leaking ❤
- Tkc TheKittyCrafter36: Joshua please dont let anything get in your way, i know your a good person and we love you and just look on the positive side and get your mind off the darkness inside you
- Harry Krinkle: +Superstarlight867530 I'd just gotten home from Doctor Strange, which was fantastic btw, but yeah, thanks once again.
- amanda crain: This is the most amazing thing I have seen. And you both are truely amazing people. The world needs more people like you both!! I hope you guys are doing well! Your strong.
- Suponous: Omg Erin I didn't know you could sing that well
- Grace: When can this be on iTunes
- Cecilia Lopez: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Valeria H: Was it just me or did anyone else legitimately cry because they felt and meant every word they were singing.
- Abbie Hanawalt: I'm not crying, you're crying. My heart hurts for Josh.
- Justin Ramirez: 1. crying 2. I had no clue what an amazing singer Erin was, she has such a sweet voice <3 great job girl!
- Kanishka K.: I'm so proud of you Josh. Stay strong, we're with you. ❤
- Erin Hope: this is the best thing on youtube, very touching i love you josh... get well soon xx
- Erissa Patterson: Beautiful voicec
- Len D: literally new fav song everrrrrrr. i cant stop listening to it
- Dr. Sharon Kainth: WOW! :')
- paixaopaz07: so beautiful BTW why are they crying
- MoonbinnieAstro aka Astrosliimes: Alyssa Tenuta might be too disappointed and is uncontrollablely eating
- dan danie: 💔
- Mariah 25: Omg I love it!!! ❤️❤️ I didn't know erin could sing so amazingly!
- Claire Landolfi: Who ever disliked this video... you ain't human!
- Thatonehanna: I am not trying to start anything, but to inform you that youtubers edit their videos. That means they get to choose what they want to show and what they do not. I cannot express enough that youtubers and famous people are human and have feelings and you have no right to be bashing others. It's not good if people do it to you so why are you going to do it to others? To come to someone's video and bash someone else is a low. Support Josh and support the song and support how well him and his sister sang. Support their relationship as brother and sister. Be supportive and nice. BE NICE TO PEOPLE.
- Savanna Mcgaw: This break up has changed everything in there life
- Bryanne Owen: this was good but so emotional I love to see u back but I hope u find ur light and light the world up
- boalex: Your sister has the voice of an angel❤️You too😀 stay strong buddy👍🏻
- Natasha Dallas: This is amazing, both of your voices are stunning!
- Sarah: JOSH I'm soooo glad you're back love you❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Aubrielle Robinson: Can I just say JOSH I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!😭❣😩 & this was BEAUTIFUL💕😍💖 BROTHER-SISTER GOALS💪🏽👫 & y'all were matching outfits😩❣😍😍 And who would know behind that cute little southern accent, they would be a BEAUTIFUL voice😍😍😍 Erin girl you can sing😌😊😭❣💕
- C Mars: That was absolutely beautiful. ❤
- Mikayla Sunshine: MY LORD THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!
- E Wall: Colleen is good too
- Kylie: unicorn queen she has one it's called Erin Elyse
- Léna A.: im crying so much
- Emmanuel Sanchez: "True colors" is that a sign that his true colors are rainbow 🏳️🌈(gay) don't get mad it's just a conspiracy theory I have
- Mackenzie Alonso: You are the strongest person I know, that was so beautiful Josh! I didn't know Erin could sing!! You both sounded so amazing! Praying for you as you go through a difficult time in your life! Just remember that you are so loved by millions of people!!! Love you with everything!! Stay strong!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lauren the Unicorn: The more I watch, the more I cry. This is beautiful.
- Annalie Malone: the empty chair 😭😭
- Clara Cheung: Haaaan so much emotions. A beautiful song and a beautiful cover. It seems like Josh cried while they were shooting... WE ARE ALL WITH YOU JOSH DON'T CRY.
- maddie labrie: You will always have the love of our fans to help you through this.
- Maria Cielo: I really love the Evans siblings. Thank you for doing this. It means a lot to me as well. ❤️
- Deems Beauté: Im crying
- Tatiana Carroll: Jasmine R well no because I have no friggen heart
- Jessica Amor Dulce: Josh this was amazing! We all love you and support you!
- The_Neon_Nerd: Josh is in the illuminati!!!
- Kim Real: Josh just know all your dingle berries ate here with you for every step . I balled my eyes out when you and Erin started to cry . We love you Josh ❤
- Aubrey Robsion: I am glad you are singing that shows you are still the same amazing person you have always been.This was an amazing duet and I think you and your sister had beautiful singing.Hope you come back soon we all miss you so much.Love you Josh😙
- Jo-Ann Wright: I didn't cry there was just someting in my eye
- DaveMusic: I'm not crying you are! Ok who am I kidding me and the other 1,445, 216 people cried watching this, I'll admit it first
- EVIL ASHLYN: Who else broke into tears
- Sara Terracciano: Erin has such a beautiful voice!!❤️
- CrankThatFurryee: Ok I fangirled throughout the entire song😍Miss u Josh I cried😭😍
- Terri Yip: take courage and stay strong :-) the sun sets to rise again!
- Bernie R: That was beautiful.
- Mary Sanchez: This could be my brother and I... but we both can't sing. BEAUTIFUL SONG, GUYS!
- greenbeanasserole: That brother/sister love! ❤️
- Karina Castillo: i fell so bad for Colleen and josh.
- Emily Machala: My heart hurts so badly for Joshua. Even though he's healing... I hope he finds someone who will choose HIM. With the persistence he had to choose her.
- Kelsie Benware: I love this so much and I love you so much josh
- Doodle Doodle: 😍
- Katie P: I love ❤️ you
- Mia Mattingly: Joshua, you are so strong. If I were in this situation, I would never come back to YouTube. It's amazing your back. But we all love you and support you. Always stick with the people who love you the most. This is so beautiful and I can just feel the pain. I went through a similar thing earlier this year and I handled it the same way as you. Heartbreak really hurts and loosing the person you love the most is the worst. But always stick with your family and true friends. I will always support you and any of your decisions and I love you so much. Your my biggest role model and it truly gets better. We all love you Josh💗💗💗
- Michelle Merritt: When Josh broke down I cried so much
- Kristine Finkle: LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!
- Bhavya Murgai: this is beautiful. there is pain and happiness. I'm so happy that you chose to spend the time to come up with this beautiful creation. its going to be fine.
- Kellie Griffin: This made me cry so much! Their two voices are so nice together!
- nakjojo: beautiful yet sad. so great you have your sister to help with the pain. hang in there Josh...insert motivational cat picture here.
- Tea Time: Is this about the divorce with josh and Colleen
- Llama Potato: 😍😍😍😢😢😢😢😭😌😌😌😊😊😊😍😍😚😚
- Tania Mejia: Sending love ❤️❤️ this was great
- john Aldrich: Absolutely love this!
- RideWarz YT: LPS Sundae TV Preach, this needs to be said to everyone. They both said not to take sides because they both still love each other. It makes me so sad to see it happen with the viewers.
- Amy R_xo: Jesus Christ. The feels and the description ❤
- Livi DeTrolio: Both of u have beautiful voices and sing about the truth.
- Jungkook Snacc: This is soo good #goals
- ToriTime: rip my emotions. beautiful💕
- Leasa Sickman: That was beautiful
- Lin __: crying
- kat: so much love 💛
- bri and kays world: is he on YouTube aging not to be rude but just wondering
- Brigitte Jonas: Yes
- lunicorn: So much love for you both ❤️
- Miss Ismist: AHomemadeGirl Jesus Christ! Are you alright??
- Pupcorn 63: This makes me sooo sad Josh and Erin are crying
- Heavenly Hutch: 😢😭
- Nina Diaz: OMGOSH JOSH AND ERIN THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL THE SONG BROUGHT ME TO TEARS LITERALLY I AM CRYING RIGHT NOW i know it's hard for you both having to go through times as hard you have but we love you guys and we will always be here for you it will get better stay strong we'll stand with you guys too we love you 💗💗💗
- C lax: So brace. I admire him for this.
- Brittanggg: From the description: "People will let you down. They may even abandon you.. or try to erase you." Seems like that's exactly what she did. Very painful but I know you will come out even better from this Josh. Sending love to you ❤️ ****EDITING TO SAY I'M NOT CHOOSING SIDES JUST AGREEING WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE VIDEO****
- Myra L: I miss #joshleen 😭
- Wolf_ Lover1540: U don't need here your sis doesn't need him all u need is eachother
- jenizzy82: 😩
- Krispy Kitty101: i can see that the great singing runs through the family
- Safa Bamatraf: Wow Erin has such a good voice I didn't know. I mean Josh is a given everyone knows how amazing he is but wow I didn't expect Erin to sound like that
- Nicole Brooke: Welcome back Josh! We missed you, this was a beautiful duet, and I feel the song really fits with your situation right now. My love goes out to you and Colleen. Stay strong hun.
- Michelle Ruck: lmao guys its fine. My mom is strong!
- Ffion Price: I never knew Erin could sing like that she sounds like an angel they both sound like a choir of angels ❤️❤️😘😍
- Erika Cordero: so speechless and emotional i am watching this. i could feel the pain 😪
- Kimberly Watt: Beautiful! Where are tissues when I need them?
- Care Tap: Welcome back Josh we all missed you! <3
- Tatiana Verduzco: Love this so much❤️ stay strong!
- Alma Guter: It breaks my heart to see josh crying..
- Hayley Karn: the way erin looks at josh throughout the video made me cry 💙💙💙i love their sibling relationship
- ThatWeirdGuy: <3
- HeyitsHattie!: What is this water coming from my eyes?! That was beautiful😍😢 Thankyou for this, I am struggling at the moment and this made me feel so much better👍🏻😿 I am crying whilst writing this😿💞
- Amber Dickerson: Bless O if you watched colleens divorce video you would know why she felt like she needed to end it bitter is a horrible word to use for either one of them and he's not singing about Colleen he's singing it about himself and Erin and how they're beautiful when they show the real them
- dominique welbergen: sade power what are you talking about? Brother and sister holding hands because they are overcome with emotions? Come on that's just being a decent human being.
- Emiley VEVO: And he wasted his money on the damn ring i hate you Colleen
- Anna Heller: This was amazing!!! We missed u josh- glad you are back!😁❤️
- twenty_one_phans_: Stop crying your making me cryyyyyyy
- Erika Tobon: Love love love.
- Coopdizzle: I didn't know she could sing. They sound so good together. When she reached over to comfort him I teared up. Who is cutting onions.
- Tabby B: Welcome back Josh. :) And Erin sings beautifully 😊
- Immy: We love you josh. :(
- kiana rose: I'm glad your back josh...❤ I watched this and cried I love you.💘
- Anna H: Man, the Evans have talent!:)❤️
- soft for felix: Omg this is so beautiful 💞😭
- Faith 01: Love you! We will be with you till the end. Keep striving to achieve your dreams❤️
- Elise Xuereb: Coping with it by showing positive things is one thing but acting like it never happened after all they have been through is another thing. I hate lying and I can't stand her doing all those things while Josh is out there devastated. A divorce is not something to take lightly and I believe it was too early for her to continue doing videos. It's not about coping, it's about respect.
- Mena Brock: OMG this made me cry so much because of this
- f l o w ee a l i n e / /: Plus I love it that when Joshua cried her sister held his hand (I'm crying now 😖😥)
- securedthoughts: He's talking about Colleen in this, my heart
- Eilis Counihan: Welcome back Josh 💜
- tania begum: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Lindsey Winstead: My heart breaks for you. Thank you, Erin, for being there for him. 1 million hugs from your supporters sent your way, Josh <3
- Mia Scott: Do you have a girlfriend not Colleen baller
- Galuh Paramitha: omg i love this song so much
- Kerry Margaret: Both of your voices are just like heaven 😍😍😍
- Aimee Caldwell: Nor Frk because it isnt the right thing to do, people will think its a joke why would you even say that wtf
- billie eyelash: I'm going to thumbs this up !!!!!!!
- Jaylin: I still listen to this everyday...😢😭
- Nych Cw: :'( Us dingleberries are here for you two.
- MooTelevision: But he still left right when they got married.. And she never brought him down for that. I'm just saying that it's not fair to criticize her for something he did as well. It's not right to criticize either one of them to be honest. We don't know what happened between them, not really. So I think we should all just enjoy their videos and spread happiness like they both have asked.
- Just Jess: I wish I could like this video a million times!
- Ryan Clay: Youtubers REACT ft. Colleen
- Lila Lee: Beautiful!! This is the best recording of this song I have ever heard. Glad I found your channel and suscribed. God bless you both.
- Abbie Weaver: Vincent Winston Ii I knew
- Melanie Soto: I love this video and Josh always remember that we are here for you
- Elaine Camarena: my friend Alexa and me looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove you PS. are you back🤗🤗🤗😇😇😇😮😮😮😮😮🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁
- Chiara Stante: you both are so sad I'm crying!
- Katelyn Stout: Josh I love you. This was an amazing cover and I wish the very best for you josh
- Bethany Linhares: I sang this song in my 5th grade concert
- Renay Johnson: this is the most beautiful thing i have heard
- Azmavet Alfonso: I went through this last year. trust me you'll get through this. God will bring someone amazing in your life. Collen is a great woman but God knows why things happen. God Bless & Keep your head up Both of you. I'll be praying. Love you.
- Michelle Ceron: Wow I'm speechless... That was amazing!! I've missed you so much I'm so glad you're back❤️❤️ love you josh!
- Kaalyn - OPG: +Guest Account I asked before, but are you friends with Josh? Do you have a bug in their home to hear all the conversations they had to know if she asked him to come along? You do know married people have conversations with each other that aren't on Twitter.
- shrea arora: i just wanna say welcome back josh
- Paola Lopez: He still feels broken but Colleen is still looking happy as always
- its me paige: :-( Josh I miss colleen I'm so red but happy your back but sorry about colleen 😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊😊😊😃😃😃😃 you looked so sad at the beginning
- Kinda Jess: She really is just "erasing" you, I never could say it in words what I felt she was doing but Joshua's description really summed it up. I support them both so much and hope they both find true happiness but I just don't see eye to eye with how colleen is going about this.. either way, Stay strong you guys 💗
- ss: What do i do you are young so you don't get it. You also shouldn't be so unkind and call him dramatic for showing his emotions. He literally is divorcing the love of his life. It feels like there was a death. It hurts really bad when you really love someone.
- michelle morgan: same erin has such a beautiful voice and so glad josh is back
- Emma Haberer: You guys sound so good together! It's so amazing!
- Iman Marwan: got me having goosebumps all over my body ♡ stay strog josh ♡
- lyshia rodrigues: 1 question.. is there anything you cant do?
- Brittney Nicole: I remember loving this song so much when I was younger. Its so beautiful to hear it again. I feel so bad for Josh but i'm so happy he has his sister there for him. Family is so important.
- Lauren P: So proud of you, Joshua. I missed you like crazy and am so happy you're finding your way again. Can't wait to see what else you have in store. Love you buddy.
- Phaxn Editz: I crafted.... I love both Colleen and Josh and now seeing them divorced is making me...sad. I've been here since early last year and I deffo felt like I'm part of them.When I heard Josh and Colleen got married I was so excited I just...
- Nur Firzanah: I can see how joshua really love her.
- Shanee Markus: I feel so bad I love them both and I hope they can get through it!!
- Hannah Jean Fischer: kyana m thank u finally someone who understands what I have been saying
- weoweearth: I keep rewatching this it's so beautiful. You are a beautiful person josh you and erin both. Your parents must have done something right to raise such loving and caring people. I'm sure they are proud just like we are. It might not seem like it right now but just like Bob Marley said "everything's gonna be alright" hang in there, much love <3
- Anjelina May: zatia noxanet thank you he's not gay
- Abigail Hannah: this is beautiful Josh and Erin. I think it's so beautiful the way you've supported him Erin, it's lovely to know that the Josh we love is being looked out for and cared for by his family in such a heartbreaking time. This made me cry, I hope you'll soon be smiling and laughing again Josh. lots of love x
- Sylvanas Windrunner: I'm having a very hard time, it keeps me awake at night and make my days grey and sad. This song warmed my heart, thank you for sharing this with us.
- RSB Peps: you deserve to move on and find your one true love josh
- SassClassTV: My heart genuinely hurts. It just hurts for him.
- Dapper Daniel Comedy Inc.: This was wonderful Josh and Erin, keep up the positivity in these tough times
- Betsy Wetsy: Simply amazing! 💔
- The Daily Kids 1: he just like fuck it I'm just gonna upload
- Abbey whitaker: I honestly like this version better than Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake. They are amazing too.. But Josh Sounds just like Justin Timberlake and I just really love Erin's voice so much. This one just has more emotion.
- Hege Grande: this is so beautiful!!!! <3 <3 <3
- jocelyn Gon: I felt this so deep within my soul, I'm glad you're finding peace within yourself, thank you for this Joshua.
- Rohan O'Donnell: Jane Review we have no idea what she's like off camera. I understand your point on it hurting your ex, but we have no idea what her life really is like. She might coat her sadness in happiness to help her get along, and that's why she hangs out with so many people right now...
- Chelsy Messer: completely almost cried while watching this. I feel for you but we love you and your sister. simply amazing Josh! :)
- HELLO PEOPLE: Welcome back Josh!! We missed you!!
- gavin: True Colors cover by Marina and The Diamonds?
- Destiny Wolfe: This song is so sad
- Sharni's Scentsy: i wonder if this was done before they broke up because he said he was gonna be away for a long time
- Ingrid Rose: So much feels...
- Sophia Tibbs: I know. I was doing just fine till I saw them crying then I read the description and my heart hurt so much for them, and I seriously can't stop crying right now. I used to and still do honestly feel how Josh is feeling right now because of a recent relationship. Although seeing this reopened a lot of wounds, it also helped to feel the pain again. I wish I could hug Josh so bad right now, my heart hurts so much for both him and Colleen. I know where they are both coming from, but I feel so bad for Josh he is such an incredible young man and I hope he knows that even through all of this.
- Marinela: Ugh the way Josh broke down 😭😭💔 beautiful duet you two 😭💕
- hannah maher: my eyes are sweating again ........
- Melissa Dana: I love you josh and hope you're healing as well as you can be. I think of you every day, and I'm glad you're back ❤️
- John Clark: Ariana Cupcake I honestly believe she's hid her emotions from us and maybe even herself to try and forget about the pain. I personally deal with stress in this manner. Just coz it's not right in front of your face, doesn't mean it's not there
- Yedda Michelle: This made me cray
- Alexis Coleman: I seriously just wanted to give them both a big bear hug!
- Don Bowersox: Joshua , God Bless Sir!
- Kiara Gates: I can't stop watching this
- Mia Tadiello: This song is in the movie trolls I think?
- dominick larabee: He conveys so much emotion through this song. It even makes me emotional, it's rare guys. Also I'll just add that they harmonize beautifully.
- Eva Devincenzi: This song is the most heartfelt and meaningful song i have ever heard anyone sing. It is truly beautiful. Josh has come back so strongly. It makes me so angry when people pick sides or blame Colleen for all of this because everything happens for a reason. How people could even think about disliking this video is beyond me. The thing that has happened between Josh and Colleen deserves to be accepted, without any hate or anyone being told that they've made a mistake or being told that they have ruined there lives. I hope that Colleen and Josh find happiness.
- Julie R: The pain is Josh's voice made me so sad
- Annalise Olivia: i love you endlessly.
- Ally bert: Hana invarian is right I mean in a vlog she did say she was taking therapy so yeah
- Adam Elfarisse: I'm not crying... You're crying.. SHUT UP 😭😭😭❤️
- Colleen Sriprachandr: So beautiful! I love how Erin is supporting Josh. I was tearing up watching this, not only because of all the layers of meaning but how they did the song is truly beautiful.
- Megan Kingsland: What a blessing you are to each other. You're both so loved and supported <3
- Emily Ikoh: Dis got me👏🏽
- isaak.christopher: I know he's sad but it seems like he wants us to feel bad for him
- Blackcatgirl: Colleen should be the one sitting next to him!😰😢☹️😭😫😫😫
- Holsbols 17: giavonna garcia don't be mean I think everyone should stop talking about Colleen she was stupid to Josh and he deserves better so Everyone DONT TALK ABOUT HER
- Inayah Cee: 3:11 oh god why. the water works. This is so depressing
- Cait G: I almost feel like this is in relation to the Colleen&Josh thing....
- Cara Walker: Sama r You will never be given anything in life that you can't handle or bear.... 😀
- Emma Lea: How could she leave such a loving man who always wanted to fight for love?
- Shadow-storm119: I wish they did another one but switched parts like female sings the male part and the male sings the female part. I can't find one of them.
- Denise Medina: Allison Rose this video isn't cringy they put alot of hard work into it!
- Alyssa Isackson: welcome back
- Chris: too true! she seems like she doesn't care in the slightest.
- Quincy Krauz: erin your voice is so good
- Moumita Islam: Josh you will find love again with someone more compatible who will make you happy.
- Mary-Catherine Holt: BEAUTIFUL. Moving. Incredible. Never change Josh, you inspire so many :)
- Samantha Abbo: 😭😭😭❤️ I love you both.
- Ava Terry: I'm not okay 😭😭
- Lucky Mom: Absolutely beautiful!! Keep your head up Josh. There are a lot of people who care about you.
- Kylie Savino: Yay so happy you're back!! I love this video!!
- Katharine Tock: Wow! This blew me away! Love you so much, Joshua David Evans!
- Sarah Thue: Love you guys!!!! I didn't know Erin sang!!! Always a supporter!!! Welcome back Josh!!!!
- Donna Catron: I'm speechless 💜
- Taylor spivey: Awe Josh 😭
- Kiva Rouk: idk but this is to someone
- brandy fernandez: Great job on the video two thumbs up
- NJ Fletcher: ❤️
- 26amandarenee: Beautiful♡ Made me cry :')
- Maxene Yangco: I cried so hard at this. And to all the people who are hating on either Colleen or josh you should stop. They are both wonderful people. I hope that someday people will understand what they are going through. Josh I hope someday you will find someone as wonderful as Colleen. I love you two so much but I understand that you guys had to do this. Keep your head up and smile josh. Because all of your dingleberries are here for you!😊
- GrkFreak: 2019?
- 5bluepenguins: Its so heart breaking to see the pain in Josh, and I know Colleen feels the pain too but she always seems so happy in her videos. Im so heartbroken and I just want to cry forever
- Karoline kan: this is going to end up in some 'try not to cringe' video
- Luciana Sulpizi: Melanie Espinoza omg same her! I never cried so hard watching a video before, I really don't know why. This video really gets to me for some weird reason.
- Mirron den Engelsman: love you Josh, be strong. ❤ i wish you all the happiness in the world.
- No one interesting: Welcome back Josh! This song is beautiful.
- Denise Lambrichs: I could feel the love and pain at the same time.. that was absolutely beautiful
- J.S. Spaulding: This is so beautiful and sad. My heart...i can't 😭😭😭😭 ❤️
- Alexandra Banana: Dang Erin can sing!!!!!!!!
- Ashish Francis: Been thoroughly blessed. Love to you guys !
- Carissa C: Your sister has a beautiful voice and so do you. She's gorgeous, I absolutely love her.
- McKenzie Wilsmann: This was amazing and and I will always support you Joshua David evens. This was truly inspirational and shows the wonderful relationship you have with your sister. I'm so happy you have each other, you are both truly amazing. I love you both
- Olivia fast: ❤️
- Ember Merkel: This probably is the most emotional thing I have ever seen.I hope that he gets through this, and relizes life will go on even without colleen. I hope he gets back up on his feet.
- Lizzie E: Listened to/watched this four times already I love it, love you Josh!
- Hailey Fowler: Welcome back Josh! We've all missed you so much. So happy you were able to find your way out of darkness 💗
- Aimee Caldwell: 😢😢😢😢 oh fuck josh
- niayuq: Seeing josh cry is making me cry
- Stella: Wow I cried so much. This was so beautiful. The song, the message, your voices...I really hope you are doing better, and I know it is hard, but life will go on, and I truly hope you do find happiness. We all love you!!
- Joelle foster: Stay strong joshxx
- Savannah Brown: This song is everything
- LunasDaughter: Told myself I wasn't going to cry to this!! And I kept telling myself, not going to cry! Not going to cry... But I didn't listen to myself.
- emily t: This really shows on how Joshua really care about his relationship (not to be rude)...👌🏻
- Magic Faraway: She got married very very young. Like just after high school and they just grew apart
- Adelaida Mauricio: this comes out in Trolls 💖
- JerryXXV: Just saw this and man it made me cry :(
- Jala Jordan: Beautiful song!
- Alice Cahalane: welcome back buddy💜
- Sara Prince: This is so beautiful.
- Anna Schatz: this is so good!!!!!
- Morgan Preston: I knew josh could sing but ERIN 😍😍😍
- Beccah Davis: This is amazing josh! Erin I love your voice is so great!!! I love both of you so much! Glad to see you back josh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Jacqueline Pham: I was literally watching this and my dog was just sitting on the other side of the couch and he just walked over here to hear this song lol. Very beautiful.
- Shondia Schaefer: I love you Josh we all love you. I hope you feel better soon. Please Get over this because you don't need Colleen. STAY STRONG
- rach31mari3x0: this is so beautiful
- Victoria Shearns: I love this so much!!! Btw- I thought I was subscribed this whole time but I wasn't!! ( don't want u guys to think I'm only subscribing bc josh is back even tho I'm really happy he is :)) ❤️
- Kitty Wu: genuine sadness :(
- Mother Terezzza: Omg. This was truly beautiful. I love y'all, We love y'all.
- Becky Lewis: This is amazing 💚💚
- Fabiola Hernandez: Aww I feel so bad for him love you josh!!!!
- Jessica Ellen Gutshall: Awe Josh is so sad in this. Breaks my heart.
- Queen Bee: 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭❤️
- Austann Smith: @colleen😳
- Itzel Garcia: I literally have had this video on repeat since it came out. I fucking love this song! It's meaning is so powerful. U could literally feel his emotions through it. I love it. ❤️ I wish nothing but the best for both Colleen and josh. I know they will get threw this hard time in their lives. Love them both❤️
- Cynthia XD: Why the fuck (excuse my language)Is everyone pouring the whole blame on Colleen .Saying that she don't care about anything .That she just played with josh .And all that shit .You guys don't know what she is feeling ?YouTube makes her happy 😊.she only shows about 10 mins of her life .And those 10 mins are happy things .She probably is still suffering.Yall people better stop with all this hate .Its none of there fault .Sooner or later they will have to move on with there life's .
- Mary Donnelly: Stay strong josh I love this song I can't wait to see your videos again <3
- Meliana Melya: This song was in Trolls movie, sing by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick... Dont forget to put credit for original singer.. ✌ Anyway, both of you sounds great also 😊
- K M: This just reminds me of Colleen 😭😭😭😖😫😩❤️❤️😭💔
- very good: oh Josh 😭😭😭
- Phoebe Rutledge: Every time I listen to this song I always cry
- Kaitlyn 2605: Josh and Erin are so freckin' adorable😍 Love you guys😭
- Lizzy - Bee: I never knew this about Erin, she is so talented. I felt like I was listening to angles cry but yet in a angelic harmony. (is this even how I spell her name?). I love you guys, and you'll get through this. I'm sorry for all the pain you guys have been through. I'm in the same boat rn.
- Emily W: Erin and josh you both have such beautiful voices
- Ivey Mclaughlin: Made me cry!love both of you!!💟
- This account has Been deleted: I didn't know Erin was a singer there voices complement each other's so well!!
- Ashley O: I have a weird perspective on this song .... I feel as if I personally have different personalities depending on the situation with people I know I act loud brash sometimes annoying and stupid but my true self is quiet and reserved thoughtful and I don't let anyone see this side of me when I am anything else they think I'm sick or weird but when I'm myself I have a different personality as well as having a wall up right now it is a stone wall where no one gets the true me quirks and all but I don't know how to break down that wall and show my true colors love you all hope you are good 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- Stephanie Coderre: Colleen was a jerk back when they were both on MTV true life. This song is great, and is probably a good way for Josh to cope.
- Raymond Clark: Jen W well that's how love is it comes and gos.
- Maddy 10: I never knew that Erin could sing
- Thalia Shearn: This made me cry. Welcome back Josh, this was a beautiful cover, both your and Erin's voices were amazing, I am so impressed at your attitude considering how tough this has all been. Stay positive :) we are all here. Thanks for this wonderful vid.
- TheRedPillNews: Wow! that was beautiful, you two are awesome together.
- Pee Jay: So when is the coming out video? Lol
- OnFleek7777 MSP: Joanna Wiśniewska Omg people 🙄🙄 you guys are heartless and have no lives so get up and be nicer lazy
- Anaiah Fulton: i started to cry and now i am crying 😥😥😥😥
- Madeleine Rimer: This was heart warming. Beautiful, you both sound amazing. Touches my heart. 🌈♥️
- Louise Grew: I've missed you so much Josh. I am so sorry you are going through a hard time right now but we all love and support you! You have a beautiful voice and personality and I look forward to seeing you again! love you so much! -Louise xxx
- ohsnapitzme ': Thank you so much for sharing this with us Josh, i hope you're okay and i wish you nothing but success and happiness 💜🍀💜💜💜
- Adriana Luján Martínez: I cried sooo freaking much 😭😭 this is amazing Josh 💕
- kay.: I feel so bad for Joshua because Colleen is so happy and Joshua is really hurting right now.
- Cara Walker: Joanna Wiśniewska it's an effing duet with his sister from a dream works MOVIE!!!
- KristiannaStephani: My heart is so happy that you're back. Your happiness means the world to me and I can't wait for the storm to settle and you find pure, true, happiness and love!! You are the kindest person I have ever met and I can't wait for you to feel the joy that you bring me again! ❤️❤️❤️
- Jennifer Lopez: Crying 😭 so sorry this is happening. Love u!
- Quintaija Barber: The whole family is talented
- Amy Jo: Welcome back Josh! This was amazing!
- Natty Bean: you should put full trust into Colleen...she would NEVER do something like that. She's not that kind of person
- Emily Gallaher: 3:15 when Josh breaks I can't that's where it gets me every time
- kayla anne ellis: well... this really fucked me up was not prepared... beautiful voices with so much emotion behind every word <3 stay strong josh you have so many supporters xxx
- Chandler Hinton: I love how people are focusing on how Colleen is "horrible" for divorcing Josh instead of listening to this beautiful song
- Jazzy snazzy: matalie cortes yes u can
- Mei Lin J.: Erin you have an amazing voice! Sing on your channel!!
- lexnikolle: I didn't know his sister could sing..
- Merrisa Zunlon: Brother and sister goals ! I love them both . I am crying ! 💜
- Ml9 Lurvey: the pain hurt me inside, he really loved her
- Jarisma Cazares: Stay strong Josh .
- Cotton Hearts: This is the most emotional song ever and they sing amazing together😱😨😯😌
- Rebecca James: I'm so glad Josh is back! I missed him!!
- Krystal H.: That made me cry, you remind me of myself and my older brother
- Jessi Campbell: Love.
- Tbdm21: My heart.💖😭):💔
- Miftah Farid: Love this cover so much
- Autumn M. Claire: Your voices are so beautiful! Amazing cover(:
- caitlin: I'm not crying. I just got something in my eyes.
- Jessica Shantz: I just keep watching this over and over again 😭❤️
- kayleelives: beautiful. love hearing erin sing.
- littlered !!!!!: Justin Timberlake sung in , in trolls but I thought he sounded like branch/Justin Timberlake
- Annly P: I love this song so much! Can't get over Erin's voice! So beautiful!
- swiftie and proud: the shock of erin's voice got me shook yall so talented omg
- Junk Accont: The world needed this. It's so beautiful and amazing. I cry a little with the harmony. You two sound amazing together. As someone who is going through a rough patch too, this song is heaven. I love you two so much. And have a great respect for the Evans family and their loyalty.
- Cassie Deamud: ❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah Hall: +Grace l-/ I was making a very general comment about the divorce rate in my generation. I also think it shows a lot that he made an entire video saying he was willing to work through their problems, but the feeling was not mutual. I never claimed to know their marriage - I just know what I see and like I said before it's disheartening.
- Bailey Hubbard: Omg Erin's vioce and yours sounds so amazing together so good
- Jasmine Danielle: Christine W high tops are shoes...
- Adriana Martinez: I love both of you guys. You deserve to be happy ❤️
- ArtJourneyUK: Awww Erin is such a rock. Beautiful xx
- Lexi Boo: Almost cried keep going josh ILYSM and you blew me away
- 18Y4E GOH PEI XUAN GRACIA: Erin's voice is so beautiful, Thankyou for this video❤️ I loved this duet.
- Amber Brooke: You two are both beautiful singers. Stay strong Josh know that you have so many supporters and friends and that you aren't alone! I love you ❤️
- anusha kavarthapu: i can still see the pain in josh's face! where on the other side... i have never seen that in colleen's face :/
- Avery_Ruth The5050: Yay he's back
- Maya Baranovsky: This made me so sad. When josh broke down so did I. I miss u guys
- aimeelucig: can I just say, I love the thumbnail (and everything else ofc)
- Sarah Cromwell: Heartbreaking
- CITY FLOWERS: Dude! Stop milking this shit with your personal life! GROW THE FUCK UP... IF IT'S THAT TENDER and sacred...keep it in your heart and with your friends ....but to constantly milk this sappy sob story with the juvenal girls simply paints you in a very gay light! Colleeen has such CLASS and privacy NOW with this...DO THE SAME DUDE!
- Aimie Jo: Alright, I admit it, I'm cutting onions, I'm sorry guys but I'm hungry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Cami Rathjen: I am so sorry 😐 take as much time as you need to heal and you are young so you can take as much time as you need.
- amazingdolls 44: I'm glad ur back
- greeness: Ur such a sexy yet nice guy... Girls die for guys like you!
- Christina Saenz: That was beautiful! I couldn't help but cry especially when Josh did. I can't imagine what you are going through right now but know that God will get you through this.
- Alyssa Avilez: I see the pain :( he was so happy when I met him :(
- Heather O'Day: Sooo good to see Josh again. I just want to give him and Erin HUGE hugs... thank goodness he's got family, friends and YouTube fam to travel through with him. #neveralone
- Keorah Moore: I thought it was a prank
- Kay Disman: don't be afraid to shine it will reflect on others and make them sad but its also ok to be sad sometimes over the smallest things or the biggest things in the world you will always be my fav youtuber and I will love you forever
- Kylah McFaull: Everyone just needs to spread love to Colleen and Josh, they have gone through the toughest time and I just scrolled through the comments and they are all about Colleen being so happy and after a week of posting the video about divorce she was back on making videos! Colleen does this because she loves her fans and she still wants to be active even in this hard time, josh got his friends and his sister to cover for him while he was gone because it was hurting him as well (obviously), no one here is the villain josh loves Colleen with his heart and Colleen loves josh with her heart, but these things happen sometimes it's just not meant to be. Colleen doesn't want to post sadness on her channel that's why she's so happy! So stop criticising Colleen because she has done nothing wrong! You should be making Josh and Colleen happy and help them move on but all you're doing is pointing fingers!
- maddie owens: Beautiful song josh! I hope you feel better! I also hope you find peace with yourself through this bumpy time! 💚❤️
- hannah chisham: I'm late but I love this! It kills me to see him hurting... (I do t know them personally but I know people going through similar situations as he is) I love this song
- Douglas Davis: This is the reason they need a heart button on YouTube. ❤️ love you Josh
- MinMSP: this is so sad i'm crying
- Banana15 Fruits: It's not even 4:20 long it's 4:19
- Julianna Padilla: I wasn't emotionally prepared for this 💔 This is profoundly beautiful, but so so so heartbreaking at the same time 😭
- Lilali MH: 😢
- Olga Tsygankova: This videos gets me every time. I see josh cry and I cry my eyes out:.( it’s so sad... but so good at the same time
- Melanie Itliong: Always here to support, it is great to see you back and singing I missed this!💜💜💜
- Gxorgiamax xx: Didn't even get ten seconds in and was crying😫💔
- emily louise26: ❤️️his sister is also really good❤️️
- Emma Haberer: Every time I watch this I cry it's so sad and I just hate seeing people cry and that make me cry so yeah...but the sound so beautiful together ❤️
- Morgan Blevins: never imagined Erin sounded like this!! I'm in love!
- Lala Town: im prayintg foir you josh. its hard i know
- Heda Hayden: 😔😔😔😔😔 love you josh
- Anna: Wow that was incredible it's great to have you back on YouTube Josh :)
- poiewhfopiewhf: we <3 u joshua + erin
- etzaum31: YUCK!!
- Brydie Mason: I was crying until I saw Erin's shoes. I was laughing so hard. I love her ❤️😍😘
- Monica Barrios: so beauitful gosh both there vocie i can lisyen to this all day but so sad to see him break down ❤😓
- Ralph Jones: Damn, this broke my heart. This song always gets to me.
- aye michaela: When I saw his tears my heart shattered oh my gosh. This is so real and beautiful to watch. They are incredible
- Kayl W: After seeing the emotions behind this and having my boys father leave me after ten years i cant help but be grateful (although i dont wish pain on anyone) that we go through similar things and have support. This was incredibly beautiful josh. Losing a partner to divorce is not an easy thing, it's heartbreaking, its torture. I feel for you and my heart is with you.
- Giselle Martinez: ugh broke my heart
- mushy churro: I'm going through a really hard time right now and this song just helps me get it all out so much because I can mildly relate to Josh's right now. Stay strong buddy.
- Roslynd Laurie: This is such an inspiring song. You did an amazing job. I know you you will get through this tough time. We all love you Josh and we are here for you.
- Annie McLaughlin: ;( I feel so sorry for him and Erin! Both of them went through a divorce! I think they did this for their exes! Oh sh*t Josh is crying! Don't worry Erin and Josh you'll find someone! ;( P.S great cover!!!!!!
- Sammy_Unheard: Beautiful song. Thank you for coming back Josh. We missed you!
- Double Stuffed Oreo: Erin is so pretty
- Kali Tipton: this made me cry, so beautiful. 💓
- Nima Isa: This describes the relationship between siblings perfectly
- thatdudescool: To those who say this is only acting, just shut up.
- Team Jones: My heart goes out to you, as you continue to heal. And very nice video!! I felt y'all heart.
- krista3030: Joshua.... when you hurt we hurt.... we love you!
- BunnyBabe: WE love you Joshua! Keep your light shining 😍🔥🔥
- Mares: Colleen is a waste of life. She is seriously so fake. She doesn't deserve to be happy, especially since she got over the break up so fast. She is selfish, shallow, disgusting human being.
- Eden Hoolahan: *erin
- Sarah Dawn: I'm glad to see you back josh!! I love you
- Xiaoying Zhao: This was beautiful. In the darkness, we shine :)
- H a n n a: Tara Roshdy She doesn't deserve anything. Not her fault for not being happy in a marriage. She was hardly even home, so I see why. It's her life.
- Carmon Bianchi: He is so real. I feel like everything colleen does is an act...
- Rosie Scott: Josh you are so amazing❤️❤️
- Katie Rein: ❤️much love to both of you
- Beth Howard: They should do whatever they want. We shouldn't be so obsessed with their relationships.
- CloudeeDragon: 3:10 I started bawling. The feels in this song and video are sad, but it's so amazing. Definitely one of my favorite songs now. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
- Selena Biavarz: Omg I almost cryed the way Josh and her sister looked at each other like very closely😭😭I wish me and my sis were like that.
- Jessie Doyle: Stay strong Josh❤ Love from Ireland😉 x
- Aryel K: I starred in a asl music video for this song I love it
- Zeney Steyn: they're meant to be matching that's the point hahahah
- 悪魔CrimsonDevil: I Really, Really Want To Sing This Type Of Song At The Talent Show At My School To Boost My Reputation... But I Don't Know If That's Even Possible For Me... I Suffer From Short Term Memory Loss. But This Video Really Made Me Want To Try More, Remember More... Often. Thank You. 😌
- niamhmcstravick: well done Erin and Josh this is beautiful happy your back Josh 💗 xx
- Sydni McClanahan: Great guys. You made cry. Erin. Beautiful Voice. Joshua best singing ever. I love you guys.
- Kenzie Quillan: no she cares about josh deeply and she is still heart broken she just doesn't want to show it
- Katie _: This is beautiful 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
- Creative Casey: Erin can sing!!!!
- Phoebe 🤪: I have so much for respect for josh right now I never thought I'd see him again stay strong baby ❤️️❤️️ he is so strong showing himself in this point in his life we all know he will get through this he just will he is amazing and will make it through everything we all love you ❤️❤️
- Michael Koebel: Simply fanTASTic!!! Love you both. :-)
- payton sanders: spotify???? please
- LAUREN DUGAN: awww😭❤️
- Peanut Jelly: you have amazing voices
- FaithAnn Minigh: You have a great sister! Love you both so much! Glad you are back!
- gracie Ketron: didn't Rachel say that of Josh and Colleen devours the had to get married
- Penelope Harper: This beautiful, great work guys :) ❤️
- Bianca David: this made me so sad 😭😭
- Rebekah Beall: this is so sweet
- Ella Jessriel: I think Im gonna die
- Zach Low: I know he will not see this but keep going josh you are doing very well through these hard times everything will get better
- Rockhardcaz -: i love this
- Stephanie Musse: This is pretty much like AK and JT’s version so they copied them
- Witchy Business: A.c.t.o.r.s
- Mandytube: get over colleen already jeese
- Kaitlin Goode. B: Sarah Nicole same
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: IM CRYIG
- Fa heema: Wow! Such an apt song.."true colours" to put Colleen down..thank God she's free frm all this acting n fake tears..Colleen if ur reading this my vote is wid u..u are respectful one!
- moo_moo_slime_asmr: I literally started crying😭
- Faith yoho: 😭😭😭❤️
- Preslie H: wow I totally cried! this was absolutely beautiful! so happy to have you back Josh! the quote at the beginning was so true! Josh stay strong! you're such a great man. Even the greatest men in the bible went through the greatest struggles
- Mandi Nugent: I love how raw this is. Thank you for showing us your true colors. You may not read this but y'all just helped heal a part of my heart that was broken by a similar event. God bless you both.
- Ashley Nicole Phelps: 💜
- sc1212able: Was not expecting this at all, I have been through a divorce, it well emotionally and physically drain you, there performance speaks volumes, I have been a fan of colleen and josh for over 6 years and will continue to support both 100%, Josh just remember, LIFE AIN'T ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL, BUT ITS A BEAUTIFUL RIDE
- Summer perlingiero: Josh I miss you sooooooo much you should post more, do what you love
- Abigail B: I loved this
- Jesus Mendoza: Beautiful, just beautiful! I almost cried. ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Cecy Rdz: For all the Colleen haters: Of course she is hurting, of course she is sad. But a way for her to heal and be happy is to do the things she likes to do, be with her friends, and not just be depressed eating ice cream all day. I respect everything they decide to do and I respect their decision to share things or not to share them.
- It's Mz Leah: Beautiful!
- Angélica Madrigal: This is so hard to watch. But you're a strong man! You'll make it through with the help from your family and friends 💚
- Emma Benford: wow no words can explain the emotion and effert It must have taken to make this ilysm josh and erin❤ we are all here for you through this hard time💞💞❤❤💓💓 ily❤ @ joshuadtv
- Ong Yi Fen: am i the only one here bawling my eyes out every single time i watch this?
- Dana Healy: This is a song Cyndi Lauper's sang from her album True Colors in 1986.
- Clarissa Hicks: FINALLY JOSH IS BACK!!!!💕💕 I'VE MISSED YOU!!
- Ricardo Lizarraga: it sad i can't stop watching this it make me the past with then i hear this and my true color is coming to me i love guy☺😉😀
- The Girl Who Dreams: When Erin said you'd be coming back I couldn't wait!! But, when you released this song.... It broke my heart.. Sometimes life can be almost unbearable.. And you can feel so numb and grim that nothing seems worth it anymore.. But there is always some light to grasp,Josh and Erin, you have made that light possible for me❤️ you two are so inspiring and strong, it makes me want to be even better(the best possible me) so Thankyou! You guys have gone through unimaginable pain and suffering. But this song just blew my mind. Thankyou so much!! Please stay strong and continue to be the light you are!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Kutiee's Krew: He is being a crybaby while Colleen is having a blast
- Paul Jones: The breakdown of a marriage , the loss of all you thought your life world be is the most painful experience . The emotion on this video came through so strong !
- Tess The Mess: I'm not crying......you're crying. 🌈❤🌈
- Selah Barth: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌈🌈
- Azaiah Delira: so glad your back
- Tammy Dee: Absolutely beautiful
- Christine Hopper: Shells story Build not that they aren't phenomenal, but I'm sure this was prerecorded before they filmed the video.
- Bianca Nicholson: I cant stop watching. .when you breakdown it kills me. I know that pain its the worst in the world. im so glad u have your family and friends to support you and your dingle berries xoxox
- Tessa McCahill: Ainz Nation actually it would be a cover because he sung the song with his sister.
- Eve: This makes me glad it's Wednesday.😘❤️
- Amber Parmentier: Huw Palmerh she did
- Cupcakelover 1220: Josh is back 😄
- Faith El Refaey: I'm not crying, my eyes just got something in them-yes both of them Why do I even try 😭😭
- Virginia Collins: I've watched this 4 times now and cried every time. I want to buy this on iTunes now!
- katie Rotherforth: Amazing! I'm sat in floods of tears 💖
- Taylor Tucker: well he came back
- charlotte b: So beautiful ❤️❤️ I'm speechless but this is wonderfully inspiring
- niayuq: I hate seeing josh sad is breaking my heart
- Kaitlyn Nolan: This was beautiful. Thinking about you josh <3
- lovenyen7: 😭😭😭
- Faith Caspers: I've never cried so much in my life before!! This is so beautiful, you guys are amazing and I love you so freaking much!!!
- CINNAMON883: UR BACK!!!😢😢😢😄😄😄
- Danika Boissonneault: I can't stop watching this because I love it so much!!!❤️😁
- no no: Caleb James In what way?
- ariella davy: i have so much respect for Joshua <3
- Rebecca Lynn: We love you josh
- Gianna Martone: It was so sad when they started crying
- Kylee Roebuck: This was just...this was amazing. You guys have a beautiful bond that reminds me of mine n my brothers. I too have a divorced heart and I know all to well what you are going through josh and what your sister has been through. Be strong together and learn from each other. I'm sorry the two of you experienced the horrible "D" word it's one of the worst things to go through in this life n I just hope n pray my little brothers marriage is everything mine wasn't. As siblings we want the best for the other and would rather take all the bad away from our siblings to bear it ourselves, the two of you though can put an arm around each other n carry the weight together n come out of it better than before. I'm praying for you and I have faith that you will be just fine.
- Robyn Nowlan: ive heard many versions of this song i must say one of the best.
- Caitlin Everill: Knowing his current situation this is so hauntingly beautiful
- Alex Guajardo: THIS IS SO SAD I CRIED
- Gabriel Mery: damn.. thid cover is beautiful.
- Madison Taylor: He still fells so upset about the divorce, I fell so bad for him
- ThisGirlFliss: They sound incredible. Stay strong Josh, we love you xx
- pinkcinderella07: Gustavo De Leon if he were gay she would've given him A LOT more attention!!
- Samantha Folorunsho: Erin has an amazing voice I hope she sings on her channel too
- travis cook: OMG I didn't know that Erin could sing like that make me smile soo much love u both 😄😄😄😊
- Yea taby: His sister sings so beautifully I love her voice
- issa's twenty one crybabies: It's REALLY hard to see him tho
- Kennedy Hooper: I feel bad for you Josh don't listen to the hate just read all the top comments from all those a 1,452,843 people who love and care about you and colleen I love you both and im very happy that you came back and started feeling better. Erin i also love youi can feel the emotion and you are an amazing singer MY HEART GOES TO JOSH, ERIN AND COLLEEN. STOP THE HATE!!!! IF YOU LOVE JOSH YOU WOULD DO THAT BE NICE TO PEOPLE ESPECIALLY PEOPLE IN PAIN!!!!!!
- BasilBunni 123: I'm here like I sound like a dying dyslexic cat
- Heather Downey: these comments are pitiful....can we just support him because this song is AMAZING?!
- Lauren Dziwulski: So glad you're back josh we love you 💜💜
- Luna Lune: I love you Josh <3
- NutsAboutNames: Wow, definitely brought a lump to my throat (and no crying only because I was holding it back!)
- shooketh: colleen doesnt deserve josh
- Electric Reverie: You aren't. I can't imagine how editing this must have gone. The crying was left in for a purpose. And I'm not sure if the intent was for the right reasons. Just reading the comments alone tells you everything.
- Niamh Bowden: You are amazing
- Shae & Izzie: Hes back!!!!!
- Emma Casella: this song is so beautiful
- Juan Melendez: why did you guys cry😢
- theEmpress13: I missed you Joshua! Almost bawled my eyes out during class because I just HAD to watch this asap
- Marissa Brienza: Chills and tears like everybody else... we missed you. You'll make it through this.
- Liliana Calderon: Omg!!💛😢😢😭
- Jaice Pike: this is beautiful!!❤❤
- youTube Is the best: I swear I'm not crying it's just raining on my face that is y it's wet. I know it's hard and sad but remember your fans are always there for u Josh....😭😢
- L Pace: This feels so....real. You know? From the heart. Genuine. All love to Josh and Erin
- Andrea Nicole: Im crying :(
- XNtric: This is genuinely beautiful.... it made me cry.
- Eva Edwards: STOP
- Chloe Louisee: EARLY❤
- Singing Ellie: When they got a divorce, I honestly was shocked. When he Burke down I teared up. Stay strong. We all are here.
- mrgooded smile: Collen I'd run and don't let no body stop your shine
- Bryan Montano: This is so sad to watch
- Zara Mohammed: so heartbreaking sis and bro vid ur voice😍😍😍😍
- Squidlystone: I absolutely love this version of the song
- Hannah's Edits: why r they crying ?
- Vikki Simpson: one of your best vocals josh and lovely harmonies erin. Stay true to who you are josh, keep doing what you love, surround yourself with people who mean the most to you. Know it's okay to feel this pain and hurt but in the end you are going to learn to be strong and show the world you can accomplish anything by doing what you love to do, you will be okay josh, be nice to people ✌🏼️
- Chantalle Charette: It's only been a few months but you came a long way Josh! Kill'em with kindness 💘
- Lauren Msp: This reminds me of my grandad he died because of Cancer 😩
- Tabitha Doiron: does any one else make it a challenge to try and get through this video without crying and lose everytime
- Samantha Daugherty: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- beyourpet: :'( <3
- Megan Moffett: ....Speechless. Amazing and so touching. Excuse me while I go fix my make up and wipe my tears away. 😭💙💙
- Maddie's Life: omg I am in tears
- Right2 Rant: This is the best music video I've ever seen!! You can feel the emotions through them. Both so talented. Hard times happen and it's great to have a support system. And this just shows the support and love of family. Makes me cry 😢 but in a good way
- Autumn Franz: We love and support you Josh! So beyond blessed to be a part of your YouTube family ❤️ You're strong
- Jxgvibess: 💜 This song is beautiful!
- Siobhan Scowen: Does this mean Josh is back?
- Meadow: This bumpin' as hell
- Onyx Corvus: Normally I can't stand Josh's wannabe N-Sync/Timberlake vibe, but this was genuinely the most touching performance he's done. Erin complimented beautifully.
- Izzy R: I'm crying..... literally
- Adi Shomali: But i really don't understand. They both said they didn't want the divorce, so why exactly are they getting one? Joshleen was so perfect they should really change their minds.
- Abby N: Stay strong Erin and josh!
- JKL: Welcome back Mr. Evans. You are pretty spectacular.
- YAZMIN86: this doesn't necessarily means that there's hate between them. this is how he's feeling, how he's able to cope and his was of showing his pain. he clearly still hasn't come to accept what his life has become, and I'm sure he sees how Colleen doesn't seem to be in this much pain. but I can speak from experience. it seems Colleen started the healing process with him in her life and now that she's accepted life without him to a point. he's left to heal on his own. I feel his pain. and I know what he's feeling. ❤❤❤ hang in there.
- food is nice: did josh got a record deal already? because hi is.a.good singer hi should be singt by now!!!
- Ophelia C.: He is finally back...
- Isabel Marie: This is so beautiful
- Camila Córdova: I love and support you two <3
- Pandicorn 304: this actually makes me cry I am tearing up
- Marina Mackenzie: buddy its ok colleen still loves you and im proud of you and you have so many people who love you
- pearl slvstre: oh my gosh!! josh!! i can feel ur pain and struggles. woooh! stop crying. everything happens for a reason. cheer up! pray and trust His plans. God loves you. and no one will ever love you more than God loves u. u deserve to be happy. and people, stop bashing josh nor coleen, let's stop being too judgemental. just please.. they've been hurt so bad and they don't deserve to be judged. we don't know what they truly feel, let's just keep on cheering them up. let us all spread the love. God Bless everyone
- It's me, Maddie G: All I can say is...😰
- Classy Chloé: Literally made me cry
- Sister Summer: Same
- Haru Yamanuki: Welcome back, Josh~ :) <3 Much love to you and Erin~
- Lindsey Lish: This is the most amazing thing ever. This literally made my day!!!!
- Diana: thank you for sharing your emotions with us ❤ #staystrong
- Lisa AndFamily: I wish there was a love button! This is beautiful! Im praying for heeling for u! Love u guys!
- Kylle Bonilla: We've missed you Josh. Keep smiling.
- Rachel 101: So moving! You're both AMAZING! I was in tears! 😭
- Ceanna Deita: Fuck this is so gOOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
- Eden Lovett: oh my goodness same. i cry every time.
- Sarah sj: Omg so beautiful I love you guys such an amazing song that is a best cover I've ever heard you had me in tears xx
- IamKris411: Lauren, I'm so sorry for your loss! that's awful ♡ ♡
- Aliva Bauer: Crap I just did my makeup
- Chandler Clark: will this be on iTunes????
- Antonio Misael Valenzuela Ramos: dang it; it's chopping onions season! what a great duet! love both of you! there's a lot to learn about both of you! 💙
- Batool Kazmi: This was amazing, I loved it. Also, Erin has a beautiful voice. So glad you're back and so glad the video is out because I was getting a bit tired of refreshing my feed. Lots of love. xx
- Alanna Beauty Talk: My 4.5 year relationship ended 3 months ago and I totally understand the pain you are in. Loved this song & the family love & support ❤️
- Mariana Higa: This is so meaningful, Josh! Erin's voice is so beautiful! Keep going! I could feel all the emotion:'(
- Miosotis Betancourt: 💕💕💕💕💕
- Aida Dominguez: Vids By Maria because Colleen wanted it.
- 14MandaBaby: I started crying the moment I herd him start singing♡ love you Josh stay strong♡ this is so beautiful♡
- nuha693: This is so heart-breakingly beautiful!
- Leone Amouce: awwwwwwwwww😍😍😍 so cute😍
- Lozza H: I find this so distasteful! Its like trying to guilt trip, obviously emotions shouldn't be covered up but this seemed forced. This whole situation is private and between two people!
- Emma: This was so beautiful and really well done. Great job guys <3
- Auramaria Arvizu: Erin's voice is beautiful
- Caroline !!: Such a touching and sad video!!!😥😥
- Lost Windrunner: Oh my God, this is beautiful. You two are so amazing. In the face of a breakup myself and I just love that Josh is proving you can rise above the darkness that tries to seep into your broken heart. Thank you, Josh & Erin. You guys are so lovely.
- xx_Azaria _xx: that was beautiful u are a great duet!
- Softball_fella 13: Stay strong josh
- shaked styles: amazing....💔❤
- Tilly Bower: that was amazing👏👏
- Ivy Arce: OMLL😍😍 soooo gooodd🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
- _Borborygm _: The song that they sang "True Colours" is about coming out and there have been theories that josh is gay/bi!!??!! Am I the only one who noticed that???
- dancingwholeness: Tara Monks true dat
- Leea Finnerty: Omg I loved this so much❤️❤️❤️👏🏻
- Jessica Shantz: LOVE THIS ❤️
- lemonbaddie: Erin has such a good voice omg. This has so much meaning and it's good to see you back josh!
- Z Mythos: I love how they're matching down to the hightops. Erin's a wonderful sister and I'm glad Josh has her support. :')
- those1kidds: powerful..... that's it. Bye.
- Zakirah Mohammed: Fuck, wasn't expecting to cry then
- David Eliazar: why are they crying? because the true colors are beautiful like a rainbow? I can't
- Savannah Stevenson: This is beautiful. I wish u all the best. Stay strong u will get threw it josh ❤️
- kat: im sobbing
- Farah Alhallaq: 😢😢😢😭😭
- Heatherette Babe: Ruby Ronayne Disrespectful for both Josh and starving children. Why do you have to take it that far, clearly you've just had all the food in the world I guess.
- Kelvin Nugen: you guys both sound so good and full of emotion, and I hope Josh will get a record deal or something, he is very talented.
- Beulah O: This is really beautiful Joshua, I feel like I haven't heard your voice in ages - this really cheered me up! And Erin, thank you for also sharing your talent with us ☀ My prayer is that God continues to bless you and give you peace in these hard times. No pain lasts forever - Jesus took it away from you all those years ago on the cross. Find rest in Him. Lots of love! Be nice to people xx
- FrancescaJoliet: I know it was what she wanted, I respect that. But she really let a good one go with Josh. Obviously, no one is perfect. I don't doubt their relationship had its flaws, but Josh is such a good hearted man. You don't find many like him these days.
- Daniela Nguyen: i really hope erin makes singing videos on her channel.
- Bhavna Rao: i felt really bad for him😞
- Courtney Dobbison vlogs: omg josh is back amazing duet
- I_Stan_Talent I_Stan_MAMAMOO: thats a beautiful song.. 😍😍😍
- Denise Medina: Super Girl AGREED
- Chantel: This is a beautiful video. Very raw, natural and real. Love you both! You 2 have a really great relationship with each other and I know you will always be there for each other no matter what <3
- Clashing Panda: anyone else cries when Josh starts to cry?
- Rhiannon Stanbury: Omg this was amazing. Please do more songs together
- Pride Panda: Josh looks like he's going to cry and Erin dose to and it breaks my heart 💔 I love you both so much❤️️
- Nichole Silver: obsessed with this cover of such a big part of my childhood music... love ya josh
- Tricie H.: That was super amazing.
- Cynthia Chan: Fruity Bunny fuck off
- Courtney Dibenedetto: Can we just take a moment to talk about how talented and how strong they both are?
- maya peled: i love u so much josh and your sister is the sweetest ❤ i cried when i saw your video hope you feel better soon💔❤
- V Scherbii: wow
- :(: So beautiful. I did not know Erin had such an angelic voice. Love you guys
- k Dickens: lost for words ..just beautiful.
- Ariana R: Invisible 0215 have you ever listened to josh's outro?
- kalle bayless: the music and the meaning it so touching and beautiful
- DAVID JACKSON: Hang on Josh, youtube watcher loves you. Keep up singing spirituality it help you to move forward. I promise you days will get better. Keep on singing!!
- Christine C: It is a good song for both of them. They are amazing singers. I think they would be great singers together, start making music and stuff. They'd be great. It made me cry when I saw Josh break down. I feel so bad for him though. At least his sister is right by his side.
- Alison Olague: aww they made me cry 😍😍😍😍😍😥😥
- Trey Jones: great to see ur well again man you inspired me to sing again after I almost last my dad to a to a heat attack you'll make it through this pain man I believe in you and you helped me believe you hope youll get a chance to read this get well man
- Evelyn Robinson: They were both crying It made me cry just watching them 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
- Megan Buchheit: If I could like it 90k myself, I DEFINITELY WOULD!!😊
- Christine C: I did cry when I saw his tears
- TheSammigirl13: I feel like my heart just shattered. I listened to this song so many times after my husband left that 13 years later I still hear it in my sleep. Love you Josh and Erin. You sound wonderful together!
- Sarah Vazquez: beautiful. thank you for making this!
- avacapri13: i'm seeing some really horrible things in the comments and its making me really sad. josh and colleen deal with things in different ways. colleen uses work as a way to keep herself busy and distracted. she is not the type of person who can just stop working and wallow in her sadness, because that would make her crazy and do her no good. josh is not that way. he can't be in front of the camera while going through something. he needs to take time to be alone and then come back (as seen in this video ) when he's ready. there is nothing wrong with either ways of coping. colleen has decided to only show us the happy times in her life atm, that doesnt mean she isn't struggling. we don't even know what happened behind the scenes. yes it seems like colleen is the one who initated this divoce, but why make her a villian just because she decided to end a marriage that shes not happy in? why force her to stay unhappy?? thats not fair to her or josh.
- Annie Watts: Josh, I know there's a million comments, and you probably won't read this one.. but I just want to let you know that we are all here for you, and always will be. If you ever need another person to talk to, like seriously talk to, I'm here for you. I know at my worst times, sometimes talking to friend or loved one just didn't cut it for me. So I am here if you need to talk. Love you Josh.
- Youtube Moments: I love you so much
- Charlotte Collier: All the feels I'm in right now 😪😫😭❤️ this is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. Hugs
- AlkalineTrio90: wow the best thing i have seen this year on youtube and joshua much love to you man and you probably won't see this comment but i wish you happiness and all the good things xoxo
- Johari Mcknight: that made me start crying😢
- Ro: This song is originally by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick for trolls
- Izzy R: Aww I don't ant to remind u about the divorce but stay strong josh you deserve to be happy and just know that's Colleen will never ever ever find another man anywhere near as good as u❤️👐🏼😊
- Amanda: I love you
- Phu Nhat Tran: Love the song so much, you should put this song on itunes.
- Deary Mary: I'm crying..
- Rosh x: So sad for josh and coleen 😰😰😰 but OMG ERIN UR VOICE ❤️️❤️️❤️️
- RobloxxGirl: JOSH!!!!!!
- Emily Lam: I think its about the divorce cuz they were crying
- Andrea Lodden: His voice is actually even more amazing organic when he breaks out in a song on a vlog.
- BlackKnight459: This has made my love for Josh and Erin rise even higher more than before and I already thought that wasn't possible. 😭😍💜💙👫
- Erin C: Yes, he is taking the divorce very hard. Bless him.
- Brenda Thayer: Loved what you wrote in the description box! Erin and you sing so well together! I know divorce isn't easy, been there myself. My heart aches for you. So glad to see you back tho!!! 💕
- Teressa G: You harmonize well together. Hope you do more. =)
- Kristin Rawlings: What am i doing With ny life . thank you for saying this. I'm not feeling ok and I feel like I should be. if you look at my life people would think I'm lucky. And I am. but I still don't feel ok. its ok to not feel ok. my new mantra. maybe it will help
- Sidrah Khan: Beautiful lyrics Nd voices❤
- Pupcorn 63: yeah i missed u
- Best Friends: I cried so hard!
- Chloeecxox: The amount of times Ive replayed this and still cried <.>
- Sun Aries: Beautiful.
- Regina Raube: love you Josh keep your head high!!❤️
- Emma Janse: 💜🎈
- cloudi11: This makes me so happy your guys are honestly what brothers and sisters are about like brothers are supposed to protect there sister and the sister is supposed to help the brother with their feelings I'm honestly crying it makes me so happy
- Katelyn Doherty: omfg gorgeous voices!!😢😢
- Rhalaine Cimafranca: i am really crying while watching this video!.,i really love this song!.,
- So social shut-in: raise your hand if you cried..😭😭🙋
- Majda Sahi: she's not happy she's just trying to be
- Joseph D: Yas!!
- Raquel Robinson: Wow no offense I love Colleen and all but if you look at her channel she is completely happy like she didn't get a divorce only a little while ago and she broke Josh and he is obviously way more effected by it and Colleen doesn't seem to mind that they just divorced. She was literally sad in one video then a week later she was all happy again. I think that normally someone would be more sensitive if they actually cared a lot about the someone they divorced but that's just my opinion.
- Ariana Price: This is beautiful. Welcome back Josh ❤️
- Purple-Eyes Grey Dragon: More then likely they learned of this Duet from Trolls😊💕!
- C S: Awes I missed you so much I'm so glad your back and singing though it may not be the most happiest time but I'm proud of you coming back josh I really am and I hope everything and know that everything will work out for the best keep your head up because like everyone else your fans your subscribers followers we all are here to support you no matter what you do and what you go through but remember to smile and be kind always like you always say at the end of your videos too love you and happy to see your beautiful handsome face back on youtube!!!😍😍😍😍❤❤💖💖😘
- Kennedy 18: love you joshua!!!! you deserve happiness and you will get it. you're an amazing man!
- Candace _: 😩😭😭 You'll make it Josh we're all here for you! ❤️
- Miss KathrynElizabeth: I cried so much
- jazmyn v: BEYONCE?!?!
- Nallely Montoya: in tears 😭. i love you guys ❤
- Aaron bain: :-( :-(
- LokieTheCatOfMischief: 😞
- JoJoJu: omg i cryed
- Payton Dundas: Erin has such a beautiful voice❤️
- Celleste Wilson: I love you both so much.
- Sarah c: Absolutely beautiful. <3
- Abbie Bradsher: Omg this so beautiful.
- Cristal's Casa: Z..... Who's cutting onions?
- Tonya C: I fought myself for this making this comment but clearly the mean streak won. Who else wants to see Miranda make a reaction video to this video? haha
- Gage Wilson-Noon: why would anyone dislike this and Erin has an amazing voice i love it
- RilaKuma Bear: This is so sad stay confident Joshua. Sorry bout the break up you been very strong.
- Bassi Wajsbekier: Miriam Rodriguez no he does not want anyone to feel bad!!! He's hurt and going through a lot!!!
- Natalie Martin: This is so beautiful oh my God. This is his sister. And she went through what he did. And she's helping him get through this in a way that is positive. It is just so inspiring.
- sardes1985: absolutely stunningly beautiful. 😯xx
- Sadfuly: This is the real side of men they try to hide. Se e how Colleen is already making videos again? She got over it quickly (I'm not saying she fully recovered I'm saying she is healing faster than him). Joshua is still sad. It takes men longer to get over something like this. They try to hide it but eventually end up breaking down, it might not be long but they'll still feel some type of way.
- Kitsia Ortis: Wearing same shoes?#siblinggoals You sing so good. Hope your ok. I love you!😇
- Mary Mintz: Oh my goodness. This was beautiful ❤️
- Habiba Hesham: ♥♥♥
- Em Ken: I feel like from when they first mentioned their divorce Colleen has kept her feelings out of the public eye, while Josh has put it all out there. I personally would probably be more like Colleen in this situation. But, honestly, we need to stop comparing the two. People cope with things in different ways and they have different opinions on how much they want to show the world. In the end, whatever helps them heal is what they should do. I support both of them and hope they are doing alright.
- iCutie Banana: Im not crying my eyes are just leaking 😭
- Melissa Giluso: This was absolutely beautiful just like the both of you inside and out. Love you both and sending you all the good energy. <3
- Kirsten_holland: Crying so hard rn 😭❤️ stay strong guys and don't let things get you down stay positive and above all stay awesome possums
- Steph Marie: Who else thinks Erin's voice is so pretty don't get me wrong I love Josh's voice but I was not expecting her voice to be so pretty
- Claire Youngers: Okay Erin's voice is incredible this made me tear up. Love it
- Chloe Sandersb: I just cried help me 😭😢😟😭😭
- Kandyce Marie: Welcome back Joshua. This is absolutely beautiful!
- Ramisha Chowdhury: Hop you feel better😊
- Kaitlyn Brokaw: brb while I cry my eyes out
- Lucyx Rose: is this about a death or a divorce or something like that it had me I tears :(
- brookie b: Omg josh I'm so excited your back❤️❤️❤️
- Julia Mowry: I actually just cried real tears with you guys
- Emily? Jones?: this is absolutely amazing
- Kinley Nicole: I cried so hard literaLly
- Fern Hern: Stop hating Colleen she did what was best for her I love them both but she has a say in there relations ship if she want to call it off
- Kendal Stearns: So beautiful!! I love how supportive your sister is!! She has such a sweet and beautiful voice!! Music holds so much vulnerability and value! I'm glad your using it to help you get through the tough times. :)
- Heaverz Quirk: Dang Erin can sing!
- Alice Koenig: Omg 😫😭😢😢 I'm crying
- Wendy Diaz: The other person
- Katie Newman: We love you josh this made me cry
- Bryson Walker: Goodness! I couldn't get through it with a dry eye
- Kierra Wilson: I honestly love this so much. Us dongleberries love you. So so much ❤️
- Meagan Annear: Wow! So much love towards the both of you! True inspiration!!! Stay strong and keep your head up Josh!
- Leo: amazing just amazing this made me cry so hard
- Madison Summers: Beautiful!!!
- Abbi Whitaker: Stop saying Josh was throwing shade!! He was just saying an inspirational quote for us all to take in.. He doesn't mean to be rude towards Colleen at all.!
- CinderEllie Pie: justina lamboi stress eating possibly
- yolopolo: Favourite brother and sister ever❤️
- Talia Kay: This was so beautiful Josh. It touches a lot of people on many different levels, because we all go through painful times in our lives. To people who are hating on Colleen or Josh: the last thing they want is for us to take sides and belittle the other person. We don't know the details of what happened and it's not our place to make assumptions and start false rumours. Everyone deals with situations like this differently and it's not right for us to judge or comment on either of their healing processes. Please be nice to everybody and support both Colleen and Josh!
- Jessica Bryanton: when is this going to be available on Spotify???!?!?!?!
- Hanna L: 😍😭
- Dianne Milanes: Came back here just to check if I would still cry whilst watching this (but also bc i love this song and josh + erin)... and welp u guessed it...
- Amanda Stefiuk: Josh and Erin, you two are amazing, this made me feel all the feels, left me teary eyed but happy!! Love you both 💖
- Emily Lloyd: Seriously so glad to see you ❤
- Sierra Robertson: Erin is such a good singer... must run in their family
- Hayley Anne: Can I get one random like?
- Devlin van Heerden: beautiful 😭😩
- Rachel Lava: I am hurting and I needed this anyone else
- Kay V. D.: Magical Fire Sometimes love is not enough... I have to learn it the hard way now. And maybe they do too. The love and affection is there, but sometimes you're just too different.
- Maya: i didn't wanna say this but for everyone choosing sides and saying colleen didnt take this seriously, u are wrong i dont know if u expected colleen to just make vlogs and vids of her crying cuz if u did then u have a prob and u should fix it i think colleen is going thru a hard time as well as josh, it was soo hard looking at josh's face it fucking haunted me he looks so sad:(
- Jennifer Schoonover: Goosebumps and tears on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. Whew😪
- riarkle together forever: did anyone notice that Erin was started to cry after josh
- Josiah Schooler: THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! ❤️❤️👍👍👍
- Jackie Smith: JoshuaDTV Joooosssshhhh this is wonderfull its ok
- Hayley Makela: This made my cry so much. Glad your back Josh!!!!!!
- Remember Life is worth living armstrong: So truly beautiful and from the heart . May your heart be healed and I have a strong feeling you will rise up on eagles wings to show your strength and courage . Heaps of love and hugs . From a true fan .
- Brent Murphree: Very beautiful song, and I hope that Josh really is able to learn from this moment in time and discover what kind of people Josh needs in his life, because unfortunately that's changed within the last few months. Colleen is just not going to be able to be "the" girl of his dreams because she has her eyes set out on a different path in life involving her career and she has chosen that lifestyle over being Josh's one and only and there's nothing that he can do but accept it - with the help of true friends though. Erin was the absolute best partner for this music video because she is just plain beautiful, talented, sweet, and she has the voice of an angel. I applaud this video for both Erin and Josh because it was a song that was pretty necessary for both of them right now.
- Liv Tastic: Omg I cried when I watched this. 😢 It's so true though and Ilysm Josh and amazing job Erin for taking over the channel while he was gone. You've influenced me through this song and I thank you for that. Keep fighting. ❤️❤️
- chloe an autumn bestfriend channel: this literally made me bawl my eyes out
- Sarah Tiktin: LamberGirl Playz that's an awful idea
- Jay's Gaming: fk
- Taylor Mullins: OMG YOU SOUND SO GOOD AND YOU TWO LOOK SO GOOD. Love ya bunches Josh and I'm happy you're back! Love colabs with Erin.
- starrydream16: This is beautiful ❤️
- Kirstin Belle: i didnt know erin could sing omg yaaas i love this sm
- MiSsY: this is beautiful!! great job Josh and Erin
- Emily Jade: 😢
- kyana m: No one heals "too quickly". It doesn't matter if you guys feel that Colleen is happier than Josh is right now because not only does she have every right to feel however she does, but it's also none of anyone else's business to say she "should" feel a certain way or another. No one knows the full story except for Josh and Colleen, so no one gets a say in the matter except for Josh and Colleen.
- Krista Thomas: Beautiful
- 1BolsaChica: Thanking you for that, with all my heart. You have no idea. God Bless!
- Lindsay Vandroogenbroeck: ooh wow this actually made me tear up !!!
- Amina Is Bae: we missed you Josh.
- Brian O'Dowd: OMG You're BACK!!! AND I love this SO much! My siblings are everything to me, especially my older sister. Love you so much, bud. Keep seeking the light!
- Sad Duck: Josh's voice is great but when u add it with Erin's it truly is beautiful
- samantha allen: I don't wanna see one hateful comment. this is beautiful, heartfelt, and just perfect. sending much love ❤
- Ale Micheli: I LOVE YOU JOSHUA ❤️❤️❤️
- Flipper AJ: crys
- Hannah Nicole: she broke off her marriage, it's what she wanted of course she's happier now
- noa alon: We missed you josh! Stay strong and always remember that we love you even if it's tough. Everything will be just fine.❤❤
- Lexi56: I was not prepared for that 😂😭❤️
- India: This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, not just there voices but the song choice it's very powerful and shows the divorce is hard for him and his sister is there for him every step of the way.
- Shan: There voices are beautiful ÷)=)
- Ellie T: OMG why hasn't Erin been in any of Joshua's music video? She is an amazing singing!!!
- CaliSunrise805: Beautiful
- H a n n a: Fatlinda :D She didn't divorce him because she didn't love him, it's because she wasn't happy in the marriage. I mean, she was hardly even home or with him. She's busy with her life, and I doubt she'll regret it. Obviously you don't understand anything lol.
- Morgan Mahoney: love you josh!
- Monica Ravinera: to thoes who are saying that I only josh is hurting or you can't watch colleen BC of whatever reason BC of her etc.....blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah doesn't mean colleen isn't hurting either BC she is even tho she came back sooner than he did you can't say what she is or isnt feeling BC she is hurting too and they are the ones who know what really happened
- Ben Hunter: OMG ERIN IS SO GOOD!! And josh but I'd never heard Erin before this
- Kawaii HoneyLemon: Aliva Bauer Same 😭
- Amber Evans: I cried like a baby. I'm married to my high school sweetheart for over 4 years and right now I can't imagine what it feels like to go through that with someone who I know you still love so much. welcome back josh!
- Liv Bev: Why do I always cut onions while I watch this video?!😭
- Adiba N: i lost it when they both burst out in tears! cried like a little baby! joshua babe you are so strong and keep your head up my man you truly deserve the best in this world and nothing will stop you from getting what you want
- Kate Brown: He's trying to pretend it's for his sister but it's obvious it's for Colleen. Josh is the sweetest and I want him to be happy. I'm happy to see him again.
- A Ma: I think this whole video was a message to Colleen. The song " True Colors".👀 Josh: "People will let you down. They may even abandon you... or try to erase you!"🤔The subtlety of it all... 🙌🏼👏🏼
- Cori gentry: OMG so awsome but so sad at the same time
- Gabrielle Corrado: so proud of you :) love you no matter what
- lavendercurrent09: Sarah H yea, They're both two different people and they deal differently. I don't mean to say Colleen should show her sadness or anything, just kinda feel bad for josh because he said the divorce wasn't what he wanted and he's still hurting from this (I'm sure Colleen is too, but not publicly) so yea, I hope Josh and Colleen both heal
- Juliaa Kuchler: I am having such a bad time in school right now. Thank you so much for this video. It helps a lot
- Vianney Méndez: Trolls' cover?
- Claire Jordan: 3:09 got me!😪😪😪
- Bethany Smith: I'm so sorry Josh you will get through this I believe it with all of my heart that you will!! I love you josh!!
- Ange Blake: awwwww it made me cry i miss u josh and dont be sad WE ALL ARE HERE FOR U (: (;
- Amber schulz: Post a vid!!!❤️❤️
- Ximena Collazo: 😇😓😭😢😵😦 Josh I Hope You Get Better same to colleen a lot of people are going through tough times like this hang on tight! 💙💚💜
- Randi Fischer: This was very moving. 🙏🏻
- Guadalupe Alvarez: Beautiful💕
- Candy Crazy: I'm broken into a million pieces. 😭💫
- kaili v: 😭😭❤️❤️
- EDucating Shanny: Beyond BEAUTIFUL. I love you two so much. ❤️ #cryingfordays
- Laurie Beth H: Beebs A. Lol I live in Alabama, so I won't be anywhere near her, but didn't you just do what you accused me of doing? Hypocrite.
- Anne Luhmann: When they were holding hands and crying. 😭😭😭
- Megmeg1600 Games: OMG!!!! JOSH IS BACK 😊👍🏻
- figaro fig: amazing
- Aarushi Sharda: Listening to it on repeat! Honestly better than the original! ❤️
- Beth Christenson: He's back and it will be ok it takes baby steps
- Zoe Life: phan I agree btw Colleen is really sad to and being on YouTube is what makes Colleen happy same with josh but he wants a break
- Megan Lima: this is so damn heartfelt and beautiful 💜💙❤💚💛
- Emma Danielle: Your relationship with your sister Erin is so beautiful. I love you so much Josh, and I am so proud of you both for overcoming what might be the hardest thing you'll go through in your life. Prayers and blessings to you, and I hope this next year is better than the last.
- Miranda davis: can someone please tell me what kind of jordan's there wearing?
- marianadia desouza: youl are amazing :)
- Shrutika Taware: this was so beautiful! so heartfelt. be strong Josh❤
- Kaitlin Goode. B: And I am trying to knit but all I succeed was crying
- Kaitlin Goode. B: I feel so bad they were both crying 😭
- Melanie Henley: 3:29 gets me everytime
- Sarah Epple: Joshua u inspire me I'm sorry you have to go through this and I'm sorry Colleen is already over it but we love you your friends love you your family love you.
- Myra L: Erin is an amazing singer
- Nicolette Cappuccilli: ❤️
- snowblizzard47: After coming back from watching Trolls and listening to this in the movie, and then seeing this, my heart has been broken one too many times.
- Alison Li: Erin can sing?!? Beautiful music piece. #thankyou
- Lindsay r: Watched it the first time and absolutely broke down crying when Josh started crying. Rewatched it and noticed Erin was wearing matching high tops. This is such a good video. You can see so much raw emotion here and it says a lot for you to show this after going through something so publicly. You're both such an inspiration and a light even in your darkest times. This is simply beautiful.
- Kaya Ciulkiewicz: 😊😚 Have an amazing day/night
- LaneyJ 2007: love you and true colors
- Elizabeth Campbell: Absolutly beautiful!
- allisonsk8: AHHHH.... Someone spilled water on my eyes😭😍
- Becca Fox X: I cried.
- Jenna Felty: And who said Colleen wanted the divorce? Because she clearly stated that she didn't.
- Courtney Ribar: MORE PLEASE
- MyName IsTeganYT: Made me cry twice 😢
- qila: beautiful voices ❤
- gwendy lion: Divorced
- dodie’s: 😢😭👍❤😄😊
- Sh00k: Erin is a beautiful singer
- POKESPARE: This was genuine and I felt shivers all throughout my body and my stomach felt like it had a knot in it the whole time while listening to this... 💔
- Eva Hellerbach: This was so beautiful!
- Lyssa Rae: cried along with you guys..... beautiful Josh, will be praying for ur heart to heal, great to see hour face again!! xoxoxox
- Nancy Wang: 3:11 made me TEAR UP WOW
- Caela Ackerman: This video was beautiful. Both of you sounded brilliant, it made me cry. Hang in there x
- Aratita: same :(
- courtjade1: You're being so strong!! so proud of you! things are going to get better <3 love you both so much!
- Eric Schneider: Beautiful. Stay strong, Josh.
- Johnson Family Vids & Vlogs: Welcome back Josh. You two sing beautiful together. I bet you both sang in church. I'd love to hear some praise and worship from you both.
- Pearl Saldanha: +Grace Dafter Exactly and I know that half of these comments are people hating on colleen and joshua and the other half is people defending collen or joshua from the hate. This would be wayy more simpler if people wouldn't talk bad about them and focus on this beautiful song and this cover
- TheLilahChannel: He's actually crying
- Chloe Marie: 4:20 ayyeee
- Lauren Yates: Does anyone else just think of the trolls movie when they see this
- isthis reallife: I missed you so much Josh, we love you 💜 how is shadow?
- Zelda Hyrule: I cried... Josh hope you can smile again soon... hang on !
- Stephanie Nicole: 😭😭😭😭 I lost it when I saw both of them crying! Such a beautiful song!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Queen Yas: DAMN ERIN!!!! You can sing!!!
- Mark Anthony Reyes: Almost as good as the original but I prefer JT and Anna
- Emilee Mason: I truly look up to you guys and to see you express yourself even through the hardest of times really means a lot to a viewer and a fan. You both are so strong and I hope you find peace through this difficult time. Thank you for using your beautiful talent ❤️
- Soraya Gillam: sad song
- Erin C: Gosh, who was chopping onions while I was watching this videos? I have honestly never liked this song...until now. Beautiful job Josh and Erin! (I like your sisters name by the way. haha)
- euphoniumxplayer: Both of your are wonderful, my thoughts are with you.
- Cat Cruzen: I'm not crying. You're crying. 😭😭😭😭
- Trisha DeFelice: Absolutely beautiful
- Bri Cortes: No offense but I can never take Joshua serious☹️😂
- Ermina Demirovic: Josh first of all I'm so happy that you are back and doing what you love. Now is your time to shine it's your turn to grow within the youtube community and it's your turn to be loved for who you are and what you are. I'm so happy that you have your family there to support you because in the end your family is the ones who will always have your back no matter what. Walk with your head up straight take a deep breath and live your life the way you always wanted. Do the things you always wanted to do and just remember to smile. Smile and the world smiles with you. And just remember take a day at a time, live for today not for tomorrow. So wipe those tears and smile for us. Your dingleberries loves you. ❤❤
- Twirly Girly: Such a beautiful song
- Bou Sarah: Ayanna Mae im not saying that guys ! Im just saying that normal ppl do cope differently with divorce and heartbreak but they dont film videos like that ! I dont know seeing him like that just breaks my heart !
- Danielle Jones: This is the most amazing thing ever, YouTube needs a love button!! I teared up watching this. Much love from NC Josh, Keep shining cause we see your true colors and that's why we love you two! <3
- Dancers Drama: Is this about Colleen?
- CJRGaming237: ...
- Louisa Zemmouri: #siblinggoals
- Chow and maddy: Random Regigi ya she is
- Jared Jefferson: Beautiful 😔
- GalaxyTurtles: Welcome back Joshua! We've all missed you so much! This song was absolutely beautiful, it brought me to tears...<3
- audrey bates: SO HAPPY YOURE BACK
- I can't think of a username: Who else has watched this over 20 times
- Travis S: That was very beautiful. Awesome job. Much love to you all! :)
- Alexandra Bella: Josh God has a plan for you. This all had to happen because he has a plan for you. Just don't be sad. We know you are hurting.❤️ God knows your hurting, he will help. I cried way to much. Xxx love you
- Georgie Blyth: This is absolutely beautiful!!!!! 😍🎶😢 Stay strong Josh ❤
- Louise Regina: ❤️
- Wendy Herron: To be honest I wonder she seen it
- Slimz: This is amazing. I loved them singing together!
- Haley Lurten: I love you so much Josh.
- Rachel: That was absolutely beautiful! 😢❤
- EGрушки - Prank serial "Blogger": Задротельно, ребята!Вы просто молодчаги!
- lauren styles: I'm literally sobbing
- Crystal Boven: Typo I choose to stay single
- Annie Moore: Can everyone please stop saying that Colleen doesn't care and Colleen's having the time of her life because stop you don't know that she's trying her best to move on and she does still love josh she just probably couldn't stand him being so far away from her and he could've gone to Canada with her but he just chose to go on tour and hang out with Rebecca 24/7
- Jake Ballon: lyshia rodrigues she/he means that she can't live without her family and food not that she wants to but can't
- AwkwardLady: literally crying love this!
- Adriana Silva: both of you sound soooo good!! Love it Love it!!
- Fabiola Flores: Josh and Erin that was beautiful !!! 💚 I'm so glad you are back !
- Shelby Neff: My heart is just plain sad.
- Ammorae Rashad: 3:10 That made my heart hurt.
- Penny Curtis: Madi and Blaine bro and sis!! Williams he most likely did
- Chazlynn: I definitely cried. Stay strong Josh, we're all here for you ❤️
- ss: Beautiful in many ways. Thank you for sharing with us that completely understand where you are right now in your life. It's hard and some days you feel like you are drowning but you are such a good man, Josh. You will find your happiness again. Nobody deserves it more and to your sis thank you for being you ❤️
- Helen Canchola: Did anybody else tear up when they saw the pain in Josh's face? 😢
- Edits for My loves: I'm glad your back josh❤️😘😘
- Madeline Nettles: I'm like a robot and never cry at anything, but this had me in tears. I think I'm dead
- Reem Altamimi: like i still have hope that they will get back together .... i really hope :(
- Yass Qweent: This cover still brings up so much emotion for me, even now in 2018
- Taylor Cummings: This made me cry so much at the end
- Elizabeth Wiles: I cried
- Velouria: unicorn queen AGREED
- Madison Young: This song gives me chills
- Paula: 420
- Graciee_ Feltmann: is this about Colleen
- Brenna underwood: Cat Durant in the video called Divorce and Healing, she said she's going to be 28 soon
- Jamie Thomason: So glad you're back Josh! Will continue to pray for healing!
- fun. gaming. vlogs and. more: hope you are better soon xxxxxxxxxx
- crystar515: 💜 just sending love and prayers.
- Laura: 😢
- Allyson Saravia: I'm crying rn 😩 I love you josh ❤️💕 I hope you're feeling mush better I'll bye💕☺️
- Brooke Ashley: wow erin has a sick voice
- louwt.donny91: omg I am a mess. I can't be the only one who broke down in tears watching this...
- Grace Ploof: So beautiful, Josh 💕 Love you
- Camy Zulu: 😚😚💜💕💚💞
- mighty kodakk: when he started crying i cry it was so see
- Jennifer Fteim: Nobody should hate on Colleen,Colleen is the greatest human being ever. She's going through a hard time too,it's not only Joshua. I love Joshua so so much but Colleen is going through a hard time too. She goes to therapy and always has friends over since everytime she's alone she thinks and cries. You wouldn't wanna cry every night would ya? So she gets friends over to bring some happiness,that doesn't mean she doesn't give a crap. So don't hate on Colleen,she doesn't need to see any hate after what she's going through.
- Kelsey Fitzpatrick: I have come to listen to this song so, so many times since it was released. It makes me very emotional, each and every time. Although Josh won't see this, I wish he knew how much I adore this video. I've shown it to countless family members and friends to show them how beautiful it is. Sending my love and support always Joshua. xo
- Britney Geoffrion: He looks so hurt 😭
- blessy guiniawan: TRIGGERED hypocrite
- Taylor Jean: This was so good 👌🏽 And I'm so sorry Josh, you can get through this! I know you can ❤️❤️
- Jude Believe: Deep
- Ashley Williams: This brought tears to my eyes, it was so beautiful and so well done. You are both truly beautiful and strong people through and through, and the bond between you is just amazing and really special to witness. Sending virtual hugs to you both.
- Jorian van der Tang: Is joshua gaining weight?
- shivani gopi: I cried a lot😭
- Arielle C.: Love your cover of this beautiful song! I think it's your best one yet! Also, Erin, wow! Your voices are very complimentary of one another.
- -Megan-: Omg I'm SUCH a gleek
- Becky Salmon: This is beautiful! I'm so glad that you've allowed yourself to heal. Cannot wait to whiteness your growth. Well done josh 💕
- Brandy Nettleton: Beautiful voices!
- Gabrielle Barnes: I always cry when I hear you sing because it's so beautiful and Erin you are a beautiful singer thank you so much for taking care of josh. I'm just balling my eyes out as I write this because you guys are so beautiful to you are just in harmony I love it. I'll never stop praying for you and I just love you
- Kaylapearl 2005: love erins voice like if u agree
- Akanksha Anand: Why do people hate him so much? Like some comments are just so disgusting. Get divorced first and then you'll know what he's going through.
- bvonx: I luv this so muchhh!😢😭
- BasilBunni 123: Praying for you guys. just know if you ever are struggling just tell us and you will be happy. With an amazing sister such as Erin I hope you are happy. We missed you and are here for you throughout this difficult time. Erin is there for you the most. I wish I had a sister as amazing as her. Oh! and by the way. DAM YOUR WHOLE FAMILY CAN SING!!!
- Mollie C: I'd actually pay to download this version.
- Irene Basilio: what if he wants to show his true self? you know, him maybe being gay..
- Adrianna Rae: He got fat no offense
- Andrea Nicole: I love this song :)
- Kylah McFaull: I gotta say.... WHAT A COME BACK! Love you Josh and your sister should so do more singing she's amazing! We all love you Josh, hang in there. ❤️💋
- Saffythecob: I love this! You were both amazing! So much emotion! Thank you both. Lovely to see you back Josh, we really, truly missed you.
- Olivia Allen: I'm crying like a little baby. goddamn my feels
- Mother Crudder: I sang along with u guys❤😥❤ while I cried😥
- DragonHeartstring 360: You guys sound fantastic together, you both have amazing voices. Welcome back, Josh, we've missed you and stay strong ❤️ you've got this. Take as much time as you need.
- Allison Sattler: Absolutely breathtaking.
- Jade Guthery: I watched this five times and I bawled ever time
- Sophie Morgan: Nooooo I love this song soooo much but I cry every time I watch it 😢
- glitterandgroceries: Great job! This was beautiful.
- Miss Alissuh: If you're watching this and have taken anything away from Josh it's to spread happiness. Yes I am so sad that Josh is heartbroken but let's not bash someone who he loved very deeply. I doubt he wants you trash talking Colleen. Be adults. Enjoy the song for what it is. Josh I'm so happy to see you're back! This was beautiful. Hang in there. ❤️
- Robin Macmillan: Perfect
- Tanya Antony: Did Josh and Erin sing this? Because it's beaut.
- Gauri Chopra: This was so beautiful....
- #KaraFrank: I can't stop watchin this! You were so strong to do this Joshua!
- Gina Anderson: Just lovely.
- Alaina Swanner: I love y'all
- Deanna Mccarthy: this is awesome!
- twenty one edits: Joshua, this song was beautiful. I just wanted to let you know that we're all here for you, and we love and support you and your videos and everything about you. Love you. Stay strong.
- Kenzie M: I've missed you
- Samantha Henson: So this legit made me cry, it was beautiful
- Kate Rieger: so proud love you josh
- Allyson Mcclure: My heart ❤️ this is beautiful!
- Christina Dyches: Ahhh! I'm crying this is amazing! And just so you know we all are behind your back Josh! 😊
- Alexandra Anderson: Absolutely gorgeous! You both are incredibly talented! Much respect ❤️ We stand by you both always!
- Vinz Trebor: We don't have the right to judge someone in such a cruel way. I don't know where everyone is coming from but I hope we all understand that people deal with pain and heartbreak in many different ways. There is a lot that we dont see behind the camera. Colleen is a very strong person and she always has her friends and her sister around to make her even stronger. I admire both of them, but Josh is acting like he's the victim here. I'm not taking sides, don't get me wrong. I know it hurts for him a lot more, but they were in this relationship together and only they know what was really going on. Only they know how it feels. For all we know, Colleen was forced to go on YouTube to promote her show because of Netflix. Horrible timing, yes but that doesn't mean she's not hurting and I hope we all understand. Peace ✌🏼️Spread Happiness and Be Nice To People
- GenSyDiaries: Omg I feel your pain halp
- Amanda Bergquist: I have been through a divorce myself. It's never easy but if it never happened I wouldn't be with my husband that makes my world beautiful. Things happen for a reason and we may not see why they happen right away but eventually the light shines through and things become clear. One day the right person will come into your life and everything will feel right. Right now all you can do is focus on yourself and enjoy your life. When the right person comes along it will flip your world upside down! You deserve happiness and love. Sometimes it takes a few bad moments in our lives to appreciate the good moments. Keep your head up and stay strong. I definitely know it's easier said than done but the best you can do is try. You'll have good days and bad. Beautiful song with your sister!
- Chloe Sibrel: So many things goin tro my head ❤️😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭
- Feen Tobias: Your voice is beautiful
- Jenna Schmidt: Wow I'm in tears. This is so touching ❤️❤️❤️ Such an incredible duet, video, voices. Wow. Just wow.
- Chris Adams: Wow! Erin!!
- Alina Ge: I literally thought "whats going on?" Her voice is BEAUTIFUL!!!
- Melissa: I cried at this video, it was beautiful Josh. Stay strong <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xxxx
- Logan Betts: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love y'all
- Katie Evans: i wish I had a brother like Joshua. he is the nicest human, and I'd always try to be there for him when he'd need me. thats what i love about these two.
- Mizah i i: staay stroong joshuaa
- Camichelle C: Ok this broke my heart 💔
- Sawyer: Colleen actually said on one of the vlogs she did not want him to fly out there, maybe to not waste money, who knows, but it's like she hinted out the time away was her break to gather her thoughts and only focus on her show. True, people deal with things differently but one thing that for sure is a fact, she has changed a lot, yeah people grow no shit but she's way to focused on being more famous, I mean look at how many shots she's taken because she's like a child who doesn't know what it means to take a break so your arm heals, one thing is to love your job and not even care about your well being, be thankful it hasn't gotten any more serious. I can receive hate for this I really don't care, I can express what I fucking feel after I seen her and she legit shoves her show in my face, asking if I've seen it instead of saying thanks for flying out here to see me, not keep promoting like you're struggling. I've been subscribed to her since day one of her poor quality videos, but she's different. Shame
- Dg5791: I wish I could give this a like every time I've watched it. Every time I tear up. We need more Joshua and Erin duets! I simply adore her!
- Tracee Lynne: So beautiful
- iPhoneHelper1999: Amy there just lip syncing over a prerecorded track. I'm not saying it's not their voices, but it's definitely been tuned by a computer
- omfgdua: i love josh and i love colleen but i cringed so fucking much sorry
- Emily Waite: This was beautiful, Josh. I'm so happy you have Erin in your life. There isn't anything like the bond of a brother and sister. Thank you for sharing this with us and I'm so proud of you! ❤
- Heather Grifka: I'm not usually into this kind of music much, but this is beautiful! You can really feel their emotions, i definitely teared up.
- Sarai Guerrero: Seriously fallen in love with this song and them singing it! So amazing 😭 when I watched the movie and the song started to play I cried like a baby cause I recognized it from this video! You're so amazing Josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Christina Shin: 😭😭❤️
- Eli Zamora: <3
- Miriam Lopez: LOL
- ben foulds: ur voice is amazing keep ur head up high mr ... n how cute is ur sister :) ❤❤❤
- Fishysteve Plays: i didn't.
- mckaylaworld: Touching!!
- Meadow Rose: Hahaha HE MISSES YOU COLLEEN!!!
- ashley m: This was so beautiful!!! God will heal both of your hearts ❤️will pray for you!
- hrose doze: We'll always be here for you, Joshua! We love you!
- Hope Rose: So sad
- Anna Tino: Love you Josh. Stay strong❤️❤️❤️
- Carrie Sky: That was weird..
- Rhode Mulamba: Eran Gabay dude really you can obviously see he's in pain and you just had to say that he's fat like really get a life 😒
- Olivia Glenn: I sang this song in my 5th grade choir
- Just Joshing: That was beautiful, glad to see you back Joshua. It may feel like the end of the world or the world as you know it, truth is it's only a brand new chapter. <3
- Wil Ride: sometimes things don't work out. it's time to move on Josh.
- Brenda72: Sarah Hall Amen. My husband and I have been together for 18 years, and have been through hell and back. Many times, others would have thought it would be easier to walk away...but we promised forever...through good and bad. Everyone finds it easier to give up than to fight through it. We are stronger than ever now, because we chose to believe that what we have is worth the fight.
- Heather&Nora: I'm so glad that you are back. I know it's been hard. I know you have a strong family there for you. Your sister is awesome and I know she would do anything for you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
- Grace Naegelen: I LOVE YOU SM
- shivani gopi: ily josh❤
- Halle Lewis: this is truly BEAUTIFUlll I love you guys
- Lydia Krakoff: This makes me so sad. It brakes my heart to see them like this.
- bjuble: Somehow I just keep coming back to this video. I think it's the most important video on youtube. Knowing all the past it just means so much. The way you two have been there for each other and the way you can always rely on each other is just magical. Your sister has been an angel the past weeks and I can't even begin to imagine how much she means to you. I'm so glad you posted this video and let us see a different kind of love, a love that grows from strenght when you need to pick up the broken pieces of you, a love that has seen the most dark sides of you, a love that picks up and is honest, honest, honest. It's so refreshing to be a part of a different kind of love. Not just a relationship like love, but love with depth. The love that heals. To have someone that feels so much for you, that cries when you are hurting, is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. Thank you for showing us his Josh and letting us be a part of it, realy. I honestly haven't ever seen a video that was better than this, and I'll always look forward to watching it, because it just means so much and with such little action it shows and teaches so much. I can't wait to see what's ahead of your journey Josh, because I know you're gonna be just fine and you're gonna always shine bright like you always did, through your warm heart and kindness. All the love to you both, beautiful, beautiful human beings.
- Lexi Rose: This version was playing at sams club wow
- Jennifer Guevara: Im a mess!😢 But im so glad josh that your back ive missed you!!💕👌🏽😘
- zoe kramer: always here for you with the upmost love, stay strong
- Ashley Cristina Brown: Love you bro! Hey your singing is soooo good btw. And Erin's too.
- Panda Princess: +Shelby Love If I remember correctly, she even said she needed a break from social media as well. . . I didn't see much of a break from her at all. . .
- Summer's Vibes: Josh pls dont be sad even tho you and had been through so much just be happy not like colleen is your only happiness ILYSM and IL colleen id take sides that's why i'm encouraging you not colleen becaus colleen already realized that i am so sorry josh
- Karina Chavarria: 😩😩much love josh
- Carly MacLaughlin: Omg I'm tearing up❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Madison G: My eye makeup just dripped true colors all over the place
- ItsJustDragana: Thank you. You have such an impact on so many people. Go where your heart takes you we will always be here to support you through the ups and downs. <3
- shakey the thespian: Much respect, Josh. Love you. 💛
- Erin George: When josh broke down I broke down I love you so so so so so much joshua❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😓😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- amy: Why bring him down? He'a happy. He's worked so hard on this. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it just leave
- Bernie Burger: Thank you for showing us your true colors. Now where's my tissue.
- Daisy H: People need to stop judging Colleen for this. There relationship obviously wasn't perfect and they were not happy and if you can't be happy in a relationship, it's not worth continue on with it. She loved Josh and Josh loved her. But if they weren't happy then they didn't have to continue. And as for people judging Colleen for being happy, she was taking the high road and continuing to be her happy self. She's obviously not going to be 100% happy but she is continuing to make her viewers happy and that is great.
- Fressia May: Can we all just take a moment to appreciate what an amazing sister Erin is? 💕
- Jelissa Lewis: why does this have to be so sad
- brookie b: It is ok
- Snya Hill: JOSH IS BACK!
- Jessica Stanczak: Who else is crying 😖😭 I miss joshleen
- Gina Marie: Josh this is beautiful. Nicely done
- Raquel Antoinette: this divorce is really getting to him.
- Cupcake Queen: Good job
- Brittney: Um... I'm actually sobbing. This is so beautiful...
- polyane vercosa: amei, que lindo cover, eu amo essa música!
- TheDolphingirl20: Sadie you don’t know how much she is or isn’t hurting
- Abigail Phoenix: When the video turns from black and white to color I was like...damn, this is sooo freaking good.
- Kat&Suz: I didn't think I would cry but here I am 😭😭😭
- Susana Duran: at the end when they started 2 cry broke my heart but hopefully Joshua with the help of Erin and his family will get through this ☺
- alannah donohoe: Odd but it sounds very like the version from the movie trolls
- Alicia Gibson: glad you're back ily💙
- beeactress: +Audra Pearson, are you me in the future?? I feel like the relationship you are explaining with your husband is exactly me and my boyfriend of 4 years. with all this going on and a couple other divorces happening around me I've been talking to my boyfriend about it and really making sure that our differences won't be an issue in the future (we plan on getting married when he graduates in 2018) I'm outspoken and constantly asking him and making sure I'm not upsetting him in any way because he's not used to speaking to anyone about his feelings. I agree with everything you said, as a Christian I don't take divorce lightly and it really breaks my heart when I hear anyone has to go through it. So I fear future consequences that may lead to it, but no matter how difficult it may get, I really believe it's important to fight for love, if there is still love for each other, there is still a chance, right? And you may even emerge as a stronger couple because of it! Thank you for your words of wisdom!!
- Caroline White: This song is amazing. I love both of your voices and they go so well together! It's so sweet to see a brother and singing with and standing by each other through the good times and bad. And it's great to see you back, Josh :) Your channel was taken very good care of while you were gone!
- Anvi Divekar: I'm not crying what 😭
- Lisa Poier: Omg I am so happy you are back josh! You sound great! And also eryn and omg please sing more
- STELLA NATOR: I love this. I come back to this video time and time again
- jmw1775: golden1577 l. O
- G Awesomeness: Josh is back!!!!!!!
- costa Lah: Kaya Ciulkiewicz 💔
- Em Regs: Alia RBLX a year for what
- Saffron Gabriel: awwwwwww i was crying love you Joshua
- Heidi S: This is so so beautiful, you two. So proud of you Josh for dealing with this so gracefully, we understand how difficult this has been. You're so lucky to have such wonderful friends and a sister like Erin backing you. Just know that we're always behind you, loving and supporting you. You deserve all the love and respect in the world 💜
- Ivy Mija: That was beautiful. Made me tear up!
- My Name Doesn't Matter: When Josh broke down my heart immediately shattered into a billion pieces 😭😭😭 Btw great job both of you 😊
- Kay V. D.: watchingvidsnow thank you so much! I'll really try!
- loolavlogs: This is so beautiful 😍😭 we love you so much!! And no I'm not crying... I'm... cutting onions?? Xxx
- Lenée Linder: i cried
- MaryGail Thomas: This blessed my soul 💞
- shane Ragos: This is the first youtube video I've ever commented on. It's so sad that i had to use my first comment. We love you Josh and I cant bare seeing you in pain. Stay strong for your fans!!
- Joey Gervais: Ok 3rd comment about erins voice ahhhhh its amazing
- JadeElizabeth: I know it's going to be hard, and that it's going to take awhile for things to be okay again, but it will be okay. You've got a lot of people in your corner, and an entire fan base behind you. It's tough, but you gotta take the good and the bad, because in the end, you're gonna learn a whole lot more about yourself than you ever thought you needed to know. It's always darkest before the dawn. Welcome back, it's time to start finding your own happy again, however long it takes. <3
- gracie panda: this is such a beautiful song especially with their voices
- Sammi O'Connor: My heart
- Kitty Haart: Oh my God my heart!!! 💔💗💔💗
- Crystal Pare: It broke my heart when they started crying
- Duane & Crystal Cubberley: Erin, I'm sorry but this channel will never be the same without josh, even with josh it still wouldn't be the same, Stay strong josh🦄
- anyta tamrin: dAfoodie101 hahaha
- Beth Pattison: So much respect..
- Rachel Godoy: Please also watch my cover of True Colors https://youtu.be/-pR-_UHgEXg 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
- imNothing 2Autumn: Let me tell this new generation about TRUELLY being "in" love with someone. If your truly "in" love with a girl or a guy, you NEVER will leave them or stop being "in" love with them no matter WHAT they do. So if theres something you know if they did to you that you would leave them, then your not truly "in" love with them. So for example, if the guy or girl cheats on you, if u truly are "in" love with them you would still love them and not leave them. And if that girl or guy is truly "in" love with you, they do the same for you. Now if u find someone and you both agree to never leave each other no matter what you both do wrong, then thats your one. Now the 2 problems that can destroy everything i talked about. If you truly "in" love with someone, and they LIE to you when they tell you yes they truly "in"love with you and never leave u no matter what you did wrong. And tell u that because they know thats what u want to hear in order to stay with u and sleep with u and marry you. Then you got problems. 2nd problem factor, is you can be truly "in" love with someone, and they tell u up front, that they would leave u if u cheated or whatever reasons they have, and you still choose to be "in" love with them, then your setting your own self up and your to blame if u marry and he or she divorces you. So, you cant trust words alone. The only way to find out if someone is telling the truth when they say they truly are "in" love with you like i have said, is to test them by making them prove there words are true with actions. The easiest way is to tell them to give up something the like the most besides you. For example, most guys love there playstion 4 and to play video games. If you told your guy to destroy the ps4 and to never play it again. If he truly is "in" love with you he do it in a heartbeat. Because when a guy is truly "in" love with a girl, the girl becomes his #1 hobby, she becomes his favorite thing to be with, and nothing else in the world makes him more happy then you. And guys, u tell the girl to give up whatever there fave thing to do. If guy or girl wont do it, they are not truly "in" love with u. Hope this helps u youngsters out. PS: after 2 or 3 months, you can if you want get the guy a ps4 and say he can play it, and tell him why u asked him to do that if u want. And guys u can do same for girl and let her do her fave thing after 2 or 3 months to if u want to. And tell them you did that to make sure they was telling you the truth and not lying to you. Thats the only way to know for sure. And dont be dumb like most youngsters and say "no, that test is stupid, its not romantic, i love and trust my man or woman when they tell me they love me". Please dont be that person, dont be dumb
- Selena Berry: Beautiful
- Debbie: We should all stop focusing/commenting about Colleen. That's honestly the last thing Josh needs right now. This song is for HIM and is a step in this healing process for him. I'm just excited for this new journey Josh is about to embark on, one of self-love and self-worth. He gave every piece of himself to another person and now it's time to focus on himself and put the broken pieces back together again. He's going to have a new strength within him and with that he'll be able to move on :) EXCITED TO SEE YOU RISE, JOSH <3 You're doing great so far!
- Leah Alburtus: This was amazing. Thank you for sharing it with is.
- Maci Rae: Ur sister ugly af
- Ronza obaid: stop cutting onions please.. my eyes hurt..my heart too😢
- White Wolf: i hope josh will be famous like taylor swift cause god he has a good singing voice!!
- Elizabeth Velez: We all love you so much. Please stay strong and be happy!
- allaboutconteam♡: I literally cried when I saw them both cry😭😭😭😭😭
- Camlin: This is my fave cover you have ever done💕💕💕 keep it up were here for u always
- CaSsie Jh: I cried😭
- Marisa Ignacio: omg. i can't even...
- Zoya - Afreen Khokhar: Thank you Josh and Erin you made me cry and I saw my true colours and that's why I love you both :)
- Jeni Lee Lanning: Life isn't fair, but family is. ❤️
- Merp huh: Sibling goalz 1000000% ❤️❤️❤️
- July03yo X22: Christina Lokis
- Rebecca Vizcarrondo: Erin has SUCH A PRETTY VOICE !!!!!!!!😍😍😍
- Brandi Lewis-Morgan: I have watched this every day numerous times since been posted so very beautiful Josh and Erin wish i could buy this I so would Be Nice to People love yous
- Rebeka Nagy: This made me cry. So beautiful. Makes me wanna tell my sister (who lives far away from me, in another country) and my brother (who is here in the other room, but we never find a way to tell eachother) how much I appreciate them. I'm so sorry that both of you had to go through this hard situation, but at the same time I'm so happy that you have eachother. To be honest, I really love you two. And so thankful, that you show your true feelings. Makes me feel special that I can be with you in this time as well. Hope you recover fast from this. Wish you the best from Hungary, and if I could, I would mail you hugs.
- Himalayan: I'm crying because of the divorce and him and Erin Crying
- Ari Waid: Erin has such a beautiful voice! Love you both! ❤️
- maik wonder: you all shut up collen is the truth soul and josh is just acting .....he was bad with her since the biggining and now she is happiest with out him
- Joanna Hernandez: Still not over this
- Xxlordsson Xx: That I wach ur vd
- Nana Vela: Okay now show your true colors of the rainbow for being gay af!!!
- Kelly Jo Gillan: I'm crying. Josh is so talented and whoever he ends up with is lucky
- Adrian Marsh: I love this I almost cried when I saw Erin and Josh crying this song is so touching I love you guys so much and don't worry Josh you'll get through it I love you guys!💞💘
- Kassy Cantera: Emmy Engström very much agreed !
- Arianne Narvaez: 💜 at a loss for words
- White Lotus Tarot: That was beautiful. Love and Light to you both 🌼
- trufaith72: So sad I'm so sorry Joshua I know how you feel I really do I'm glad you have your sister with you keep close to the people that care and live you and you will get through this. Love J x
- Summer Heil_Standke: I love it
- My Life is on the Internet!: Beautiful
- Evan Wetzel: lexxa reese you clearly didnt read mine either as i was in no way bashing you, was simply saying we all have opinions and not one is greater then an other. i didnt make it personal, sorry you got offended. i used ypur name for one sentance while refering to other one. did not mean for my entire post to seem against you perhaps i worded that incorrectly when clearly we are states the same arguement using different words. i was more or less trying to explain to those bashing colleen that she is simply handling this is the best way she can right now. They cant show us everything and have already shown us enough. Sorry didnt mean to offend anyone.
- Amy DePoy: only real men cry when theyre hurt. way to be an awesome role model Josh!
- Sarah Nicole: I cried so hard to the point I thought I was gonna die.Love is a hard thing to find then keep forever.I pray for you josh and hope your sister helps you get through this rough time!Love you Erin and Josh😘💖
- Jodi Tutor: erins voice is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
- Lukáš Šimo: I just want them to be happy again whether they will end up together or not. They are obviously both struggling Colleen and Josh... Therapy has helped Colleen quite a bit tho.
- Minecraft _1215: We're the they crying????
- Jessica Chappell: Yay your back Josh! We missed you so much! It makes me so happy how much you guys love each other. You both are such amazing singers!
- Toni Rose Noveloso: I want happy Joshua back! Who want Happy Joshua back?! I want him back because this is really sad. Josh, we want you happy!
- Kaila Baby: When Josh broke down I started fucking bawling. you can just feel his pain. ugh Josh we love you sooo much, thank you for choosing to be so vulnerable and sharing this beautiful masterpiece with us. just know you've gotten thru every single thing up until now, you will get thru this too. all it takes is time. now excuse me while I go replay this a million times bc your voices are just beautiful. 💜💜💜
- Olivia Boyd: Your sister can sing really well xx good job guys 💞
- Brooke Bennett: and now I'm crying, love you guys <3
- Jade Firestone: Omg I have mascara on and I'm gonna cry...... This is NOT gonna end well for me. But it always will for Erin and Josh❤️❤️😘😘
- Erica Cook: it made me cry when you started crying because I under stand why you where
- Hattie Knox: JOSHUA YOUR BACK AND IM CRYING OMG 😭😭😻😻 your the most perfect man in the world and I hope you find SO much happiness in our life because you deserve it dingleberry I LOVE YOU 😻😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Annabel Hulbert: This is actually really beautiful 😍
- Ayah Saleh: Fucking allergies man
- Heather Jayne: I could listen to this over and over
- Cora Beron: I bawled. 😭
- TheCelineDionChannel: miss u josh
- Kimmie Morris: Loved it! Would love to see more with you and your sister singing! Thank you for laying out your emotions during what I can only imagine as being one of the hardest things you have been through! But know that you have love here and so much support!! Stay strong and continue to show your beautiful heart! Wish you well!
- Carolina Luise: "They may even abandon you....or try to erase you." Oh the shade
- Claire Driscoll: so amazing joshua <3
- SheDidWhat 04: I love this song
- Katie Noel: Josh! I MISSED YOU! I'm sorry your hurting my friend. I love you💜
- Jana Mungitsch: no words...❤
- cupcakexlindsay: This song is supposed to be happy but I felt so much pain and sadness from this ❤️ I hope happiness is soon restored in your lives.
- Jaysea oneal: That girl You know 😂😂
- Haley Waughal: I mentally screamed and physically cried. I wasn't prepared going into this.
- Titilayo Aluko: wow amazing
- Amanda Sturm: god i hate this song
- TheEric0009: This is so damn shady xD
- Marniely OB: KPOP Life
- Jina Eash: WOW. 😍 This was beautiful. I'm so glad that you are trying your best to push through such a difficult time. You and your sister are both amazing people. *hugs*
- Maddie Nakhla: This is so beautiful in many different ways! ❤️😪😍😇
- Smiley Munoz: Beautiful song <3 I love it.
- GirlsOfAqua: Get well soon, Josh. Beautiful job.
- Kate Stringham: Oh my goodness! That was so beautiful. Haven't seen anything that genuine on Youtube in quite some time.
- NKC AMBER: Cries
- Diogo Carneiro: #imwithyou
- Ashley Soto: did someone notice josh shoes are the same shoes form the wedding
- Arman Adhirangga: Josh, I am humbled of you keep being you... and I am proud to be your subscribers... what you deliver in this song can't be more sincere and true... I am with you through hardness and happiness... Keep inspiring, and I hope I can see you smile and happy again, in your vlog, telling us stupid things and random acts... hihihi...
- Kenzie MacDonald: Erin and you both have an amazing voice , so happy you are back and also so happy Erin has her on channel❤️❤️
- Sam Hawk: I can't stop listening to this song. My heart hurts for Josh. Love you, stay strong! You have so much support.
- The YouTube collected to playlists Cool: Awwwwwwww makes me want to cry #cryfordays
- MiaB123: Stan what does Kory have to do with all of this?! He is Colleens BEST FRIEND and if you think something happened between Colleen and Kory relationship wise, he's gay
- Heidi Ashby: Goosebumps
- Its V: I really hope you and Colleen will still be friends Joshua we missed you stay strong 😎
- Carla: Courtney Evans he did come back he is putting video's up every Wednesday
- Roksi: Has he put on weight?
- Carolina Montgomery: Absolutely beautiful.
- YouTube Addict 36: Cryingggggg
- BLAHBLAHBLAH: I love you
- Andrea Gosnell: Ok..this still makes me cry all these wells later & I've watched it over & over...I love this arrangement, it is so full of true emotions going on that they leap off the screen! Again, Josh & Erin thank you for sharing,much♡
- alexandra samson: a part of me still doesn't want to believe this is real.....
- Sarah Schofield: This song got my through my parents divorce, and means so much to me. Thank you for bringing it back - I hope it helps you get through this tough time xx
- Jenny Wright: I'm praying for you Josh and for colleen I know how hard this is. We love you Josh
- Teunie Johanna: That was so beautiful guys!
- jenpix62: I absolutely love this version of True Colors, but my heart breaks seeing you sad in this. I watch this a couple times a week ❤️❤️❤️
- Karla McClintock: This is incredible in every way humanly possible x
- Veronnica Watson: Jennifer Fteim oh okay and you know her....right. And please don't tell me to be quiet, I can speak just as much as you do.
- Karen Gonzalez: how can you hate someone (colleen) because they are fine? what kind of person are you if you don't want someone to be ok? everyone deals with things different, josh wants to get it all out and it's ok, colleen wants to show that she's happy and not let the sadness take the best of her, I love them both and I love that each have their own way of healing.
- Amy S: Your absolutely amazing
- Jennifer Schoonover: Any true fan of Joshua is going to compliment this video and not bring up anything that could upset him further. We just got him back..let's not chase him away with comments on something we know nothing about.
- abrook22: 😭😢😭😢😭😢 my heart hurts so much!! 😭😢😭😢😭
- Mila Clark: This was beautiful
- Marissa Collins: I haven't cried so hard in years! God bless you both! Stay strong you are my hero! You have always helped me thro hard times now all of us dinggle berries are here for you!!!! I love you
- Emma: Beautiful. ❤️
- Jayda Horton: Josh your a beautiful person I hope you feel better some day and fully heal from this I think your and amazing person buddy just hand in there and be strong... 😊
- Jolie Marie: PSA: don't watch this if you've been dumped within the past 24 hours. This was so beautiful but dear God it was so rough.
- your favorite: I CANT STOP CRYING 😭😭😭😭💔
- Kelsey Grice: This video has me sobbing
- Shan S: we love you josh!! we'll always support you
- Siri Bates: I miss joshleen 😢😢😢😭😭😭
- Maddie Look: That was so sweet I started crying right when Joshua did 😢😭😭
- Jacky Amezcua: 😥
- Karen Robles: I can't believe I actually cried
- riana perse: you look like a chipmunk
- Adri1008: I'm so happy you're back! You and Erin did a beautiful job on this song! ❤
- Sarah Schmidt: did he right this song
- Amanda Snyder: when i met you earlier this year so had such a shine about you. this is a very difficult thing to go through but you will recover, though it will take time, it will happen. dont loose your shine Josh. We love you
- Skylar Sherwood: Not gonna lie I cried
- Isabelle Strang: Dammit im crying. Youre so strong josh.
- Chloe Adams: That song was so beautiful
- Jasmine Dossantos: 420 blaze it
- The Lancasters: I have this song in my head all the time now! I love it and y'all!
- Jeanette Ayuste: Awww brother and sister are duet this song! I like your videos and i sub!
- giaa: Amazing Voices ❤️
- Grace Johnson: Ok, these comments are cancer. You guys think you know what went on behind camera but you don't. You are commenting like you do. They showed the good side of their life on the internet, not the bad side and if they did very little. Stop. Stop blaming Colleen for anything, and stop blaming Josh for anything. They are both amazing people! And I love them both! As Colleen and Josh say "Spread happiness" and "Be nice to people"... use those sayings to your advantage please.
- Kaylah Glasgow: 😀😀😀😀
- Kyra: Plus they're both singing from the heart and that's what makes this beautiful and btw Erin has a beautiful voice I already knew Josh did but WOW
- _Kpop_Otaku0215: I literally almost cried while watching this video! It's So Beautiful!!❤️
- Mateatanta b: I'm having some issues with my relationship right now and I don't know why but I found this so helpfull, seeing Josh being positive. It reminded me that life goes on.. Thanks for existing Joshua, really.. ❤
- Forgetmeena03: ❤ this song is perfect. I'm so glad you have your sister to help you through this. Sending love your way.
- ImJustMe: this legit made me ugly cry. you both are amazingly talented and wonderful people all around. I'm so happy you have each other
- Maddy Littau: This is so sad😭 stay strong guys❤️💯😞
- Adri7gt: Love you so much Joshua!!! Stay strong, you're so loved
- Naomh and charmaine Okane: Stay strong josh
- Kelsey Weaver: beautiful😌😍
- Kiera Edwards: they make such a good sound together
- Jessica Perry: omg 💛💛💛💛 it josh and erin
- luckylisa44: The bond you two share is so incredible. You can tell that Erin feels every bit of Josh's pain.
- Talya That Dancer: I had the best ELA teacher and she would always play this song. To hear this song by one of my favorite youtubers is a dream come true.
- Erica Tram: not that I did not love Erin I really did but I'm really happy that Josh is back. I love you Josh and I'm happy ypu are better
- Rebecca Segal: YAAYYY JOSH!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!! 😍😍😍
- Jason Bennett: Joshua, I'm not in your typical demo, but I just wanted to comment and tell you that you are in my prayers as you walk through this difficult time in your life. I pray for full restoration and for Jesus to get all of the glory from what has to be the hardest time of your life. Just wanted to speak life over you, brother. Take care!
- jessica ortega: This was so hard to watch. U can see the pain in both of ur eyes. The love erin has for u is beautiful. Stay strong.
- Corinna Elizabeth: This is beautiful
- Amy Elizabeth: Pure gold. This video is pure gold. The compassion of a sibling is something people don't understand unless they have the chance to experience it. This video may have made me cry but it is such a beautiful statement about things will get better!!!! ❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭
- Luli Bunny: Who else cried?😭
- Summer Pulley: This is so wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time.
- ItzJune Xx: That was amazing! You guys are amazing! I love you both so much❤️💛💚💙💜
- Henry Mears: Cynthia White same i agree with you fully
- Pennolope Clearwater: Welcome back Josh! Sending you the biggest internet hug. I missed your smile and I'm glad your doing well. We love and support you.
- Maria R: Wow ! Breathtaking, I understand how you feel Joshua :( going throught the same thing but I know you can do it.
- KAIT OAKES: this was so brave of you both thankyou for this <3
- STEVEN PALOMØ 5Ø5: I wasn't physically and mentally prepared going into this
- Rachel Sherman: ❤
- Transparent Justin: Josh- This video has shown your true colors of a young man who is going through the toughest time of his life. Know that you have support and people who care for you and want nothing but happiness for you now and for the rest of your life. Please do not allow people's negative or hurtful comments get to you because they are not worth the time or energy. You have a right to grieve and nobody gets to tell you how long that grieving should last. Just know that I think you are an amazing guy with amazing talent and I am proud to call you a YouTube friend!
- Lauren Rose 101: Love you josh
- Andrea Lahey: Remember Romans 8:28. You are loved, you'll make it through this.
- Pete Zahut: Erin is wearing high tops. I love it.
- Hailey Wojczynski: Loved it!!! Erin should start her own channel!!
- yikes: Josh is so so sad about the divorce still and I know colleen is sad to but she acts like she doesn't care in her videos....
- Brittany Jayne: Absolutely beautiful. So happy to have you back, Josh. Sending you lots of love. Also, super stoked to be subbed to Erin :) Love you, guys.
- Luna Song: YAAAAY JOSH IS BACK!!!! OMG I never knew Erin could sing this much xx she is amazing!!! Love you Josh this made me cry 😭 this is too touching. Love you so much Josh xx hope you are ok xxxxxxxxx
- Marco Mendoza: What the fuck! This is really good.
- Lps Lizzie Queen: omgggg JOSHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- you are my euphoria: This is so beautiful. You both sing so good❤️
- RoyalPurple: I'm crying so much right now😥😭 Love you, Josh❤
- Loeyyy X: Josh whatever your going through this song is beautiful . If this is about Colleen she probably misses you but things always happen for a reason .♥️
- Amanda Huggins: We need more duets with you two!
- Juje Hess: missed you❤ glad your back
- Suzy van Ek: Awkward
- Jenna Z: Momsty EXACTLY!! Thank you!! 💕
- - mikayla -: Erin has SUCH a beautiful voice!!
- Camila Perdomo: You frogot the important part Josh...... be nice to people...❤️
- ocean of galaxies: I'm excited. I'm about to watch. 😂
- Bridget Looney: I like how they're both wearing jordans
- Mya Prout: I may have shed a few tears😭💗
- donna maugham: simply amazing my friend! the emotion in this song.. the words
- Emily Thompson: Holy goosebumps and emotions 😩😭
- Kali Witherby: Laurenxo sparkle me
- katie mitchell: SAME HERE
- Kendall Is on fire: All I could think about is Colleen through this whole video..
- Anabelle Le: omg this made me cry so much....😢😢😢😢😢
- DuaFatema Meheralli: This was very touching and it made me cry. It was beautiful
- Laci Bartholomew: i'm literally crying
- Jenna: ❤️💙💖❤️💙💖❤️💙💖❤️💙💖❤️💙💖
- Equine Elysia: Guys, does Colleen look sad? :I
- Sivana Allen: we love you Josh and Erin!
- CRYSTAL BLELL: I love this song well done x
- Stacy Tramel: I'm crying so hard, that was bueatiful! Welcome back Josh!
- Rae Bastin: I hope y'all are ok. We are here
- Jeremy P: This was so heart wrenching. I'm feel for both Josh and Colleen. Prayers to them both.
- Queent Chicken: omfg!!!!! I'm crying😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💯🔥
- Living the Stupid life: he's back YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
- Zachary Gondelman: You guys are so amazing
- phillbert: Who is Colleen?!
- Audrey Villarreal: i cried I know it must be so hard to go through what your going through josh ily I hope the best for u and colleen
- Panda Smash: My boyfriend of 3 years left me (with no warning) the same weekend you guys announced your divorce.. This has helped me so much. I still miss him and love him, but I'm getting better. So thank you for taking time to heal and coming back with this. You taking time to heal helped me realized I need to do the same. I can't believe it's been a month. Love ya josh.
- Kaylee Montalvo: Eran Gabay says no offense doesnt mean they wont take it offensive😕
- Bianca Nicole: I'm crying
- SKimber1000: Two amazing voices! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Amber Dickerson: Laughter Life Hollywood Hotwire spoke about it in a video recently
- Melissa Gonzalez: He loves Colleen unconditionally and it sucks they aren't together anymore. I cried so much.
- brooke nicole: love you so much. i am glad to look up to someone so strong and powerful. you mean the world to me. love you so much.
- Snya Hill: All these people that are saying the divorce was colleen fault stop because we don't know what happened and it doesn't help anyone to just assume
- Misty Dawn: Idk why I came from Colleens pregnancy video..
- Samantha Charchol: This is beyond beautiful.
- Natasha Perry: Omg :((( this video still makes me so sad:( when josh starts crying I lose it 💔💔💔💔😢😢😢 I love you josh!
- abra819: You'll get through this, hang in there buddy. Hugs from this internet friend <3
- Susanna Holmes: Thanks Joshua love ya
- Emmah Rose: you realize its a Cyndi Lauper song right?...
- georgia -: We love you josh!❤️❤️❤️stay strong&happy X
- Taylor D.: ❤️❤️❤️
- Riz D: This is amazing! You two are incredible people 😊💙
- Farrah Rene: I was already tearing up at the beginning of the video but then it got to 3:10 and I just lost it, I broke out in tears. Josh I love you!
- smeasy18: hey josh been a fan of yours for a few years now! and I just wanted to say that I know your hurting right now and it's hard but you'll get through this and you are getting through this and I know you will find happiness and love again! but that's all in good time and will happen when it's supposed to happen so for now just focus on friends and family and the people who love you very much and just take time to heal..we are all here for you and support you..so good luck and hope you find what makes you happy!
- TheHorse316: No i didn't cry why are you asking this is just sweat get away from me
- Saracha: Im not crying im sweating through my eyes
- katy gericke: I love you ❤️
- Emma Lough: I was doing okay until he lost it...then I lost it. My boyfriend thought something happened to my brother or something...Nope, just feeling Josh's and Erin's pain...
- Natalie Golder: You guys should sing more often a lot more express your emotion online by singing u need to let it all out and just breathe tough time come in life and u need to show that u are stronger and u can overcome this bump in the road ❤️
- Nicole Brown: my brother is moving.... this song explains everything
- Amanda Panda: I wasn't prepared for this and I cried a lot
- AidaTheQueen: That was soooo perfect🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂❤️💛💚💙💜
- Wamen Noodle: SrslyBored1 exactly .. ❤
- DiamondOreGirly xx: I love you loads josh❤️❤️❤️
- Gabriella Wassell: :(
- Sander: Really proud of both Josh and Colleen, people need to understand how hard a relationship can be, and even if you love somebody, it might not work out. Think about it guys. Most people commenting about it being stuipd with a divorce if they love eachother, are in the age group 12-17 +/-. Do you really think you know how their love life works? A relationships can be hard, and no I do not have much experience with it myself, but I do think Josh and Colleen have more experience than most of you guys, so please don't blame them, or anyone. Most of us will experience love when we grow up, and you might not see the hard parts about being in love until then. Please stop bashing them, they want to do the right thing. And we want to support them through it. Song made me cry, love you Josh!
- Evelin 8: Only one thing to say about this BEAUTIFUL
- Audrey Howell: This is beautiful
- María Eugenia Maidana Fabro: I watched it like 3 times in a row because IDK I like to hurt myself maybe
- Anastasia Newell: So happy you're back Josh! We all love and support you in difficult times. I don't have the right words for how much sincerity is in my heart. I'm proud of you, loves!💜
- Emily Sullivan: love you Josh <3 you will get through this even if it feels like you won't. you will. this was beautiful
- Nico Nico: lol lol I know right
- Becca Anderson: Omg this is really good and I'm so glad you are felling better josh
- Hannah Maynard: He was going through divorce
- fi0rella: ashley gonzales Have you ever been in a serious relationship? I have yet to see any couples agreeing about the time and why and how they should separate. It doesn't happen. The hardest breakups are when you still love one another. It's horrible to leave someone who you know loves you, but you're just not good for each other. You just grow apart, people change. It happens, A LOT.
- Luzi Ghebrezgi: This made me cry
- Marina D: Keep tearing up... especially during those little moments erin looks over to josh with the sweetest look ever in her eyes.. their closeness makes me so happy ^^ duet is beautiful too... Keep healing josh, take all the time you need.
- Rucha Richie: okay people defending Colleen. A lot of us, Harry included, have been avid Ballinger followers for years. It's all fine and dandy when we give them views because we like them, help them make a career out of it. But the second these people who CHOSE to make a living off their personal life decide we shouldn't feel invested anymore, they let loose this army of minions on us? The reason Colleen is a millionaire is because we got invested. You can't turn that switch off like that. Being invested means having opinions- if you do cute, nice things, there are cute, admiring opinions. If you do things that are in bad taste, there are negative opinions. If you try to think for yourself, and don't just become a sheep based off of what these YTbers DM you, you'll realize HOW very entitled we all are in having opinions because this group literally pays their bills. Thanks,
- Vivian Daniels: i got chills when i heard him singing. he has such a wonderful voice. so does erin. theyre like brother and sister goals♥💯
- Steph Andrade: Omg I can't even take it with his acting 😓😂 He's such a fake
- Makenzy Fossler: This is absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin! Best song I've ever heard you sing!
- Itzel Armenta: I wasn't ready for this at all. I didn't think I was going to cry I was so excited and happy to see Josh's face and then josh started crying and my heart tore apart. Ugly sobbing isn't even the best way to describe how I look right now. I think choosing sides in this situation only makes it worse. Josh is expressing his feelings through his art. It's what he knows best. What people fail to realize is that Josh's family is in Georgia. He has his sister here and josh has friends in LA but his home is in Georgia. So right now it's probably really hard to have to deal with this with the limited people he has here. It's easy to point the finger at Colleen and see how happy she SHOWS us she is. But her entire family is here all of her friends from her hometown are here and all of her friends she's made along the way. She has the blessing to be surrounded and engulfed by loved ones that keep her mind off of things. She also may be crying the 23 other hours of her day that we don't see through videos or snapchat. People deal with their emotions differently. But it doesn't mean one is hurting worse than the other. Also josh didn't just lose his wife he also lost his second family, The Ballingers. And he's in LA stuck in it all ya know? Idk... I love them both dearly and I really just give props to josh to have the ability to show us his raw emotions and I just hope they both do well in life and are happy again. They deserve it so much and they deserve so much more from us than picking sides and starting fights and drama.
- Jenna M: 🤧🤧🤧so sad 😭
- Rebecca Koszkulics: This made me cry❤️❤️😢
- superflyriri: Lots of respect. I'm glad to see you back! This probably took a lot of courage, and you did well. And Erin's a great singer! She should do more!! Also, I'm glad you didn't hate on Colleen. You did the appropriate thing, and I'm proud of you. ♡♡♡♡
- Carrie Mccarins: Thx....u made my day
- Alma Diaz: This is so beautiful.
- daisy mendoza: MISS YOU JOSH 😣❤
- SALINA LADHANI: Im so proud of you for coming back. I love you and your sister. Im crying listening to this. Glad your back!
- amber garza: This version gets to me every time , and you can feel there pain. beautiful duet.
- Holly Wood: Wow you both sound so good Erin you should start a singing career your voice is beautiful
- Megan Jane Cummongs: sos iment to say one of JOSH'S songs not joshes sorry josh
- Sophie Fay: flamingarrow123 !!!!!!!!!! what'd you mean by that......
- Gemini Coven: Aw this actually made me cry LUV U JOSH
- Kate Barron: I needed this today 💜
- Nancy Sood: Such a great song. It got it well deserved 1 million views. Just got the song on Apple music. Finally I can listen to it on loop.
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Oh my goodness. I like never ever cry during videos but this one made me sob like a little baby. I love you both so much. I see so much emotion in this video and the love you guys have for each other. ❤ Oh and I'm so glad you're back josh. I've been counting down the days. ❤❤
- Elizabeth Epperson: I understand that this is hard but sometimes u gotta look at the bright side, I don't wanna sound like a hater cuz I'm not.
- KayLee Lovett: Holy shit that was deep
- Lexie Radley: Beautiful, thank you for feeling like you can put yourself back out there for us 😀 it's good to see you back and I can't wait to see more ❤️ we dingleberries will always be here to support you 😊❤️
- denise nguyen: OMG THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!! IM CRYING
- Emma Crull: I watched this video and cried because today is the day I lost a member of our school family due to suicide. It was the worst day today. Please keep us in our prayers while we go through this. If you think you might want to do this just go in talk to someone. I miss him so much and it hasn't even been a day. He will be forever missed. If you are thinking of being suicidal just think YOU WILL BE MISSED. It is a gift we have life. God has a plan for you. Do not hold in emotions. Talk to people if you have bad thoughts. Thank you and God Bless this world
- CassieJazz96: 3:10 breaks my heart. Stay strong buddy.
- Reg Bruggs: i have so much respect for josh, especially in this hard time and i support him in every decision. stay strong bud. 💟
- GemV Star: Only thing I think about is the divorce, anyone know if they are still friends......I am sobbing
- Cupcake Animals26: made me cry i love you two 💖
- Lori Myers: You are AWSOME Josh, you can get through this hard time in your life!!!! Love you!!!!💗💖💙💚💖💕💞💝💜💓💔
- redtang00: You two precious individuals, your parents have done an extraordinary job raising two wonderful human beings. Josh, I'm so glad you're back!!!! You have been missed 💗💗💗💗
- retrøgrade: Today I'm being hit hard in a lot of places oh my god 😞 STAY STRONG JOSH
- Madison Heath: Love you Joshua you will get through everything in life just think about this bible verse I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me remember it when your down Joshua we are here!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Mary Tapia: JoshuaDTV I know it can be hard and to hear you guys singing this song and cry while the singing OMG it's amazing how you guys get down and get back up again super fast. I also know that Erin also went through a devorce and she might also have gone through a lot more things that I haven't already heard. and Josh I know that your divorce happened and yeah it's sad and this song is emotional. I also had not a so good year some family members passed away. I really would love for Josh to read this so please guys like and tag Josh so he can read this. Oh and by the way my name is Cibely (see-belly) love you Josh 😘
- crystal r: ❤️
- Sports Girl: JOSH YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that was so cute and sweet.
- swimstar 3525: sooooooo pretty
- Joey Gervais: Bro. Like if you think Erin has the most beautiful voice ever!
- yosra kamel: iam crying... my heartbreak again wine i thought i get over it..... ur amazing i love u Joshua 💓
- Jamie Reinschild: I love Josh and this video pains my heart, but it's sickening to see everyone hating and blaming Colleen. Their personal life is none of our business, so right now shouldn't we all just be there for both of them? Or even if you do feel like only staying subscribed to one of them, that doesn't mean you should state hurtful things about the other. I love both of them and I will continue loving both of them for as long as they want to make videos (because it is their choice, not ours to make).
- Anna: I've missed you so much!! Love you!!
- Cate Emily: the end made me cry, thank you Josh for being brave and showing us your real raw emotions in this hard time. know that you will get through, love from me and the rest of your fans.
- Adila N: all these ninjas chopping onions damnit
- Yndra Lopez: Stananas SAME!!!!💕❤️
- Lindsey N.: I had no idea your sis could sing! Beautiful. Sending Love ❤️ your way.
- Eliana Oppy: ❤️❤️
- The Lip's Vlogs: This was beautiful, but can we have a more upbeat one next time? Too depressing 😭
- Megan Pill: I'm so happy you're back😭😭 Ur so beautiful inside and out josh, we love you❤️
- viv's edits: This makes me cry, josh I love you so much and I hate seeing you upset just know that we all love you so much and we wouldn't know what to do without you (if you really had to quit we would understand)
- Stacy Thao: I need this on Spotify or something because this is such an emotional and beautiful song. ❤️
- XxGreenxDayxLoverxX: Joshua, you may feel weak right now, but you are so strong. Even if one of your darkest chapters, your true colors of being so kind and gracious show by dedicating this song to Erin. Your selfless love for everyone around you only validates the message of the song and I want you to know that all of your viewers want to show that love right back.Beautiful song by a beautiful human! xoxo
- Lilia Savi: I wish I could like this more then 1 time...
- clmcal 44: Wasn't expecting to cry. But I am sobbing like a baby!!! This is so heartbreaking and beautiful.
- Deni Sweetie: I'm not gonna argue with you guys over this. it's my own opinion say what you want. it is what it is. have a nice day ✌
- VenayCute: Stay strong ❤
- Vanessaaa Romanelli: I'm obsessed
- Jamie Johnson: dude i literally just broke down crying 😭
- Andrea Redoy: The emotional connection rn...
- Kyara c:: Why is there so much hate.. why can't you just like both colleen and josh, their the same person as before their breakup just not together anymore..
- Alpha wolf: There so amazing
- Mya Cotto: So happy to see him again we all love you josh keep on being amazing. Even though this is a very hard chapter in your life you are doing an incredible job recovering we love you forever and always! I loved this song and the message it has also your message in the description thank you for sharing this with us. ❤️
- Aldo Sherman: Why am I feelin the pain here? .__.
- Abriela Rodriguez: Omg ERIN CAN SING!? I HAD NO IDEA! you guys are both amazing. i am so excited that josh is back and also that erin has her own channel now♡ Im so proud of Both Of You💖
- Sandy's Box: ikr
- Carla: Kay V. D. I'll pray for you as well. break ups are always painful and hard. just keep yourself around loved ones and don't lose focus
- Rosie Lindfield: Omg I'm a mess!! This got my eyes steaming. So beautiful! Never knew Erin could sing either, she is stunning! I felt every word of this song. Absolutely beautiful! My heart breaks for you Josh x
- Hailey Beard: This is amazing
- PepperPotts90: 03:08 Heartbreaking.
- Hudson Jones: Franck Sessan Morakinyo Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick just covered it, but it was written in the 80's
- guitardani13: I really love this rendition of such a beautiful song
- Cindy Johnson: 😫😖Josh my heart breaks for you! 😔 I want to give you The Biggest hug!! 🤗❤️
- Madison Young: Im crying😭 josh we love you and hope you feel better! ❤️xxx
- Caitlin Kelly: so what is this about?
- shelby: I realized I was being a bit angry and harsh without meaning to, because I truly just want positivity and happiness for everyone BUT with the amount of bullshit Joshua has got, I'm angry. He was the one who wanted to fight for their relationship he didn't want to give up, so why is everyone being assholes to him?! You spread positivity and love to Colleen and turn around and shit on him, it's unfair. Especially knowing you probably loved and praised the both of them before this, and just turned on him for no reason, it's unfair. Send positivity or send nothing
- Glitzzy Craft: killinmesma11s same
- Boba Queen: Erin sings so beautiful
- Hayley Ripple: I am singing this for our talent show and you have really taken it to another level. We all love you very much Joshua. Erin is an amazing person and I'm glad that she is there for you. I hope that you can find peace in this difficult time. I wish you and Erin all the best.
- ashore513: Beautiful
- Danielle Cienfuegos: She is still heart broken! She decided to show in her vlogs the happy things in life not the sad and horrible things in life. Sometimes people don't feel comfortable sharing hard situations. So please before you go around hating do some research.
- Erica: Full disclosure: started tearing up as soon as the song started. The original never seemed serious for me considering it was Cindi Lauper singing it, but this one hit me <3
- zatia noxanet: i lost count on how many times i've watched this .. if this ain't talent , don't know what it is i love the way his sister looks out for him, the way she looks at him all the time telling him him with her eyes that '' HOLD ON BROTHER , IT WILL GET BETTER'' and it's like she's the only thing holding him together... this song combined with their voices, GOD, it has touched me deep down... don't give up love zatia
- ashlee rhodes: aw
- Lacy Daugherty: Omg so beautiful I love family harmony and you guys sound awesome !!!!! Btw so glad your back !!!!!! 🎊🎉😬🤗
- Aaliyah Muñoz: and I was so emotional in the song it was so butifull
- Amanda Anderson: I cannot get enough of this duet... Such beautiful and raw emotion in it.
- Lez B. Anne: seeing both of you cry hurts so much. Love you both <3
- Hayley Perkins: Lauren Holste same
- Lesliee Gonzalez: I missed you so much josh, I loved this ! I'm crying so much, omg ! & Erin you sing beautiful 💕
- Heather Pahlmann: hope you fine peace and happiness I have been in your place before and thought that I would never be happy again but I surprised my self. keep yr head up and yr spirt awake you will get over the bump in life
- dancingwholeness: This song is stuck in my head. So touching , so lovely. I just keep watching it!!! Wonderful and painful at the same time.
- hannah smith: We love you josh we're all here for you ❤️💛💚💙💜
- huskyluv27: erin is soooo good at singing BOTH OF YOU ARE
- Kendra Woollings: I love you two and I want to let you know we are all here for you through every step. You are strong Josh and you inspire many.
- unDead_ Artist34: love you josh
- Fuzzy Cheese: I was so glad to see you again Josh❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Timothy Cardinal: they sing awesome together Josh we are all here for you 😿😿
- Elana: obsessed
- Samantha: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love u no matter what josh
- Katherine Rose: Josh, sooooo glad you're back!!! Erin, thanks for being there for josh and for us! You're voice is beautiful!!!!
- False: Is this Justin in discuise
- Amelia: The way Erin is there for Josh is something so special. Everyone needs someone like that in their life. Melts my heart.
- JellyBellySchmelly Show: Beautiful. Love how your really show up in your pain and the rawness of it. Not only is it a gift to your healing journey, it gives others permission to feel the pain and to get to the other side. Your love and heart remind me so much of my husband's heart. I had to learn how to let him love me, and once I surrendered and trusted his love for me there was no stopping the limits of our love and commitment to and for each other. You love so beautifully, I see that in your heart through your videos. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your pain, one day you will get through to the other side of it and this journey will, (as crazy as it sounds now), be a great gift to you. Much love and prayers for you.
- Anna J: this was so beautiful 😢😍❤
- Flynn David: hes getting so fat now. "stressful"
- Felicia Marie Makeup: I love this song because I love Phil Collins. Also, I had no idea that Erin had such a beautiful singing voice!
- Isabel Cheung: Also if I could, I would give you the biggest hug right now!
- Suman M: I felt the same :(
- da_ queen: was that song about collen or no
- Saachi 270: Erin has such a pretty voice! Also, WHY AM I CRYING SO MUCH????
- ghost.: ThatLaurenThing oh Thanks😊
- CJ: I was prepared to hear the "what's up internet?! Hey dingleberries!" I was not prepared for the tears, especially when they both started breaking down. You'll get through the tough times, Josh! We'll always be here to support you! 💕
- Sophia Loves fortnite: Omg the saddest part came oh no why is it all of asudden raining stay strong Joshua
- Kayleigh D.: we had to sing this in chorus and I actually fucking cried the first time we sang it all the way through. the guy I liked looked at me like throughout the song and god I cried. this song still holds a special place in my heart since this was the last song I sang for my last concert in junior high school.
- alyssasmh: I don't think Colleen will ever find someone as good as josh. Sure, they probably had problems, bust josh really, really loves her. I get that it's her choice, but I really feel bad for josh. He's so devastated, and it doesn't even seem like she's that upset. I get that people handle it differently, and we don't see what goes on off camera, but Colleen seems like she got over it so quick. Josh is so heartbroken. Stay strong Josh, and beautiful song from you and Erin.
- Brylee Huntoon: Ok I'm dead
- Roeh Aquatics: Lexaa Reese he said that it was not what he wanted and that he wanted to try and she did not. he said she was the one who wanted a divorce. she gave up on him in the middle of her fame and that's sad
- Ellen: That was beautiful you guys... crying... glad you're back Josh. Sibling Goals.
- Jacqueline Dao: Colleen and Josh would've made a better duet😭I miss them
- Neal Johnson: JoshuaDTV Where were you at
- Nikki Towry: BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh my goodness, this completely made me tear up big time. You and Erin are both so stinken amazing Josh! I feel for you so much with everything going on, let alone it being so public. I'm so sorry your dealing with all of this, you seem like such a sweetheart, just an amazingly talented guy who is incredibly cute!!! And has a heart of gold. I just want to thank you for all you put out there for all us Dinglberries to enjoy ;) your voice gives me goosebumps btw, please keep your amazing music videos coming! We love you Josh and Erin!! So happy your starting a channel Erin! Xoxo xoxo
- Miss Mallory: ❤️
- Michelle O Dowd: We support u josh all the way
- chrystallinegreen: That was beautiful, Josh & Erin ❤️
- Ellie Peri: Wow, that was beautiful.
- BrainDamageAG: Jackie Harris I feel so bad right now :/
- abrielle: josh omg yayayayayayyaywyayayayay snd erin omg your voice i've never heard before it's so great
- Hannah Miles: This was beautiful. I love you both!
- Courtney's Grotto: This is truly so special, Joshua. You are incredible for letting your emotions shine through, You and Erin singing together is so sweet like I almost cried. Glad you are getting through the dark times one day at a time x
- Michael Gikis: SLAY JOSH!!!!!!!! KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!!!!
- Alecia Lardiere: i love you josh❤️ your light in my life💙
- The Basic Bagel: Erins great!!!
- samantha urban: 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😧😧😧😧😧😧😧
- Kathleen Robson: Wait what?
- Park Jiminion: And because your eyes too
- gianna desi: I LOVE YOU JOSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Rachel Joyal: I'm Crying, but I'm happy ur back!😙😔😥😖😭
- Heather O'Day: ohhh if I could give this a MILLION likes I would. Love you guys both so much!!!!! Sending you big big hugs
- BlackKnight459: This has made my love for Josh and Erin rise even higher more than before and I already thought that wasn't possible. 😭😍💜💙👫
- namjoonbaby: Bou Sarah So because you would've acted a different way makes it the right way on how she should cope with her own divorce? She's doing things that would make her happy and not make her think about the bad thing that's happening in her life? You have no right to say how she should cope and react to something that SHE is dealing with things not you, if you were going through this you can decide how you would go about the situation.
- Fangirl Life Always: Oumou Kesso Barry *colors in the US
- Lisa Lisa: This is beautiful!
- Hemalatha Nappoly: Oh it is really good and very sad don't worry josh you will find what u need which is peace
- Kara Xu: love.
- hi hungry i'm dad: This is still going? Golden.
- Evelyn Robinson: Josh your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep loving yourself You are un amazing person Stay strong We all love you Be happy everyday
- McKenna Jensen: Long time no see
- Cerillion Blue: nicely done you two. and Erin's harmony was a nice surprise. I guess talent runs in the family :)
- Antarin: Fantastic composition! Just wish it would've been done without pitch correction/"auto tune".. Why not show your true colors?
- Kacy Lee: If you couldn't already tell, we all love you Josh. Welcome back, welcome home!
- Jilllybean S: Hi, me again. I love you <3 both of you. I just can't stop listening to this song and watching the video. It hurts to see the pain you're in Josh, but I am so happy you have Erin there for you and all of us are ALWAYS here <3
- Bella Jones: When they started crying I died 😭
- Sabrina Lubrano: Love you josh!
- MsBlabbermouth100: That was the most beautifully heartbreaking version of "True Colors" I have ever heard. Thank you for trusting us enough to let us watch such a personal video and know we will always be here for you. We love you, Josh!
- Ciara Christine: you guys sound great together!
- CoolBlueWolf: William Phillips she probably feels it off camera like a lot
- Georgie Bailey: unfortunately fame changes people.. but youre so lucky to have erin ❤
- themathtuber: Made me cry too! I hope you can find the rainbow through this sad time!
- Adventures with Alexi: This was incredible. Love this song and you two!
- Lifesajourney Ana: crying 😣 so great you guys 🙁
- ibuprofanity: shittystuff 9001 it's because when we all sing, we're predisposed to singing with a British accent. That's why when British people sing, we don't hear their accent. It's because we're singing like them
- Shey Sanges: For once I can't actually hear autotune on a song! Good job, Josh and Erin. We're here for you.
- Mackenzie Heerdt: You act like he's going to go get a new wife within a Month of getting a divorce......
- Rokovono Paphino: I couldn't hold back my tears ... this is beyond words.. Joshua.. you never deserved this pain., all you did was love... so much respect and love for you Joshua 🎀.. Bible says everything happens for our own good.. I hope you feel better soon. And your sister is everythingggggggg ❤️
- Klutzy Kupids: We got you and Colleen's back! Real fans won't side against you guys
- Kay Live: OMG this is soo sad they both started to cry and that is gonna make me cry
- Emily Sabin: Josh, ilysm❤ I love to hear you sing. you sound amazballs and so does erin. ily both to the moon and back. Prayers to you as you go through this heart break. I'm not shunning you or colleen. I still love you both and I will continue to watch you both. I'm proud about how far you've come. even though some things are different from before. you are an amazing soul and I love you so much. 💓❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- shooketh: the shade in the description box tho, colleen deserves it tbh, i love how he dedicates this song to his sister god bless u both
- Eric Rodrigues: nice cover yoo both
- Jasmine T: stay strong
- Apathy is my fren: This made me cry so muchIt will be his first Christmas 🎄 without Colleen I m so sad and I love them both so much Josh, if you reed this I want you to know that life has been hard on me lately and I wanted to say to you: Hold on sometimes life is hard but you'll get passed it. But I don't want to talk to much about it because I don't want to hurt your feelings Remember, you are one in a million 🎶 A fan
- teebexo93: Omggggg Erin !!!! That is one beautiful voice!!!!! All positive vibes be thrown at you josh!
- Rachel Guerra: Sometimes music is the only way to truly express your feelings. It brings so much more meaning behind the words. This is simple and beautiful. My heart goes out to you. Keep healing, and stay beautiful.
- Sassy Pants: Mea Garza love your pic!!! #AmazingPhilLookingFabuloas
- Jasmine Adjallah: Welcome back!!!
- Kaira Rhymes: I bet he's thinking about him and colleen I loved them together but now there apart 😢😢
- ch3rry hill: So beautiful and heartfelt. I could feel your emotions and it made me cry. Love you!🙂❤️
- Kaylyn Crace: This song gets to me every single time❤️
- Keiko Kitten: I have to hide in the comments cuz every time I look at their faces in the video I start crying. You can see and feel the pain and its so real it hurts
- Josh Culley: Brb. While I sob 😭😔
- Olivia Ann: That was so amazing! It hit me right in the feels!😭
- Bethany Howarth: Beautiful.
- Kalia !: i love you so much we support you and i will always be with you so don't be down make the best of it and just be as happy as you can be and spread the joy. keep positive minds and don't let anything get in your way. things can get rough but you will always be the amazing person you are and keep singing, smiling, and be thankful for your amazing sister and everyone you have around you because we love you!!!
- Hailey Kasper: here liking and subscribing because of Shane Dawson's video
- Mackenzie Heerdt: So out of the 200,000 views this video has I have got to contributed at lest like 100. lol I loved this so much!! ❤
- Jazzmyn C.: MRstampyCAT me
- Chinet Finck: that made me cry and why were you crying is it because you're broke up with your fiance
- Erin Brodberg: That was soooo beautiful!
- Jeremy Pastoria: erin is so goof wtf
- Callie Rowley: This song is gorgeous! 😍
- pilgrim: 😭😭 I love my brother, too.
- Katie Jensen: At 31 seconds and I'm crying so much! 😭 😭
- Jenifer Wilke: So touching! My heart hurts for you. Watching someone go through this pain is sometimes as hard as it is to actually go through it. 😢
- TBRTea Time: Josh, you and Erin brought tears to my eyes! I love you so much, like a really good friend. I wish I could hug you til the pain subsided....
- Ilse Robledo: 😢😢😢
- Will Katartzis: I hope everything is going well for you now
- lisa: HEKC
- Amy: <3
- Heather Lobeck: Can I like this a million times?! You both are amazing.
- Victoria Retallack: It will always hurt a little but it gets easier to breath. You will laugh again one day soon.
- Becky Fularz: Heartbreaking but beautiful <3
- allison rhoades: wow. Song never made me feel anything but this... wow btw erin sings really pretty.
- hannah cromie: ❤️ beautiful.
- Doreen Davenport: I feel your pain....my heart it with you at this sad time....keep strong...❤
- felicia rabine: I could see the pain in both of your eyes. I'm sad you and colleen separated but I know you will both become stronger because of it. I wish you both all the happiness. This made me emotional 😭. Love you josh and Erin. PS...Erin you have a beautiful voice.
- Coffeelocks23: Ugh breaks my heart. I feel like Josh has taken the higher road in this. He took some time to just sit back, whereas Coleen was back on the internet like a day after she announced it. I understand everyone grieves differently, but I feel like Josh's approach was just a bit more respectful and appropriate.
- Laura Koulan: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Chloenexo Xxx: It's ok josh we all support you 😭😘💕💙
- abbymillervids y: You guys need to put this on I tunes
- John Cage: It's a computerized voice. It's barely Erin's at all. Sorry
- InfiniteCharacters: You two are some of the most beautiful souls. Thank you for sharing your emotion. Joshua, we love you. I love you. Xoxo
- Kira Wearne: I've watched this song 20+ times 😝😝😝😝
- Jael Said: this made me cryyyy so hard
- Autumn: I'm not crying ok .......😭
- Dusty Frost: God damn, this was amazing y'all. I cried my eyes out and this is maybe the second video in existence that has ever made me cry. Love you man, and my heart is with you.
- SirSwiftWaffle: When will this be on Apple Music?
- Kat C: Whatever this is stupid
- Raven Agapiou: 💗
- I love Waffles: I was crying 😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭
- Alisha Sasha: bruhitz lindsey it was actually Colleen that wanted the divorce.get ur facts right and stop attacking josh for something he didn't do..that was their decision and u can't do anything about it by cussing..so stop being butthurt and spread positivity and be happy for them
- Allie Mari: I can just say I loved this. Amazing.
- Virginia Collins: Don't do this to me. I'm too pregnant for this. My eyes won't stop sweating 😭❤️ this is truly beautiful. Love you guys
- Madi Camp: i'm depressed
- yellow crocs: I'm crying
- Team Jones: Nice!
- Sophie Kleiman: I'm sorry I have not already commented on this and it has been posted for a while. This song moves me so much. I have always loved it. You two sing it so beautifully. I listen to/watch this video multiple times a week! I love you guys so much! Both of your true colors are beautiful!❤️
- Brianna Parkhurst: Are you coming back to the internet now ?????
- Nevaeh Thrasher: Erin is a amazing singer it must run in the family
- Kiwi of the Bird: Kati Cibilic no its not... he said very clearly it's for Erin
- Jaylin: I've watched this like 90 times already and I cry every time...😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
- SassyTrance Chick: Beautiful.
- catheriinee: Uhh I feel so bad for josh
- Camryn Cook: This is filled with so many emotions and it's amazing that Josh isn't afraid to show us who he really is because we are always there for him. I just am in love with this❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Stephanie austin: Everything about this video was beautiful. The singing, the message, etc. I had tears in my eyes. I love you and Erin so much. Stay strong❤️
- TheDailyCupcake: B E A U T I F U L!!!!!! SOOOO happy you're back!! XOXO
- Joana Gouveia: josh, i'm so sorry for you. You deserve hapiness, I hope you find it. You will get through this, just never give up or lose faith.
- Frankie Butcher: I cry every single time I watch this
- Allyson James: Matthew De Matos Your beautiful comment has truly touched my heart and was so well written. Thank you for your understanding and kindness. Your point of view does give me (and others I hope) another way to look at this. With so much hate on the internet it's refreshing to have a healthy and respectful conversation with someone whose willing to see things through another's eyes. It just goes to show we don't have to agree with each other in order to respect one another's opinions. As I wrote in my first post we can learn from each other's differences and grow if we stay open and realize that just because we have an opinion doesn't mean we're always right. The very fact that you can recognize and feel badly for causing someone you loved pain (as did I) shows you are an incredible person with a big heart. Because of your comments I'm going to be more careful with my own so I don't add even more hurt to this already sad situation. I wish you all the best and I wish the world had more people like you in it.
- Mary: watching this video, I could really feel the pain both of them are experiencing. It is heart-breaking to see how different josh and colleen deal with the divorce. I just hope everyone of you (including Erin) will be better soon and find peace and happiness, because that is what you deserve! Much love from Germany/Croatia
- Loréna Abate: I'm crying right now. I love you Josh. Take care of your sweet sister and stay strong. Hugs from France 🇫🇷❤️
- Brissa Ortiz: I love this song and the way you guys sang it together ❤️ times are hard but I know it'll get better Josh xx
- Pennolope Clearwater: Same. I'm crying because I'm glad he's back and for the fact that I can feel his pain by just looking at him. I know that together we can all heal.
- Pearl Gonsalves: Shit ! This made me cry. Josh you will be fine just hang in there. We love you.
- Ben Crahan: Erin. You are a great singer and Josh that was probably the greatest videos I've ever experienced. Moving & inspiring & every other optimistic word out there. Absolute sibling goals.
- Richa Yousaf: So beautiful!!!! God bless you both.
- Claire Helgenberger: Wow really felt your pain through this song. Time will heal and this to will pass. Thank God for your sis being there for you. Beauty through ashes!
- Yessenia Rodriguez: For anyone who keeps saying they hate Colleen because she seems happy and she's moved on and she isn't hurting like Josh go watch her last Vlog video.... yall are sick.... just cause he decides to put stuff out there for the public eyes to see doesn't means he has to as well. She is more closed of her personal things while Josh i feel like he wants us to feel bad for him....
- Tt Fisher: I'm crying for real
- BruisedUpDollieNails: Beautiful duet!
- Lollipop Unicorn tV: Shut up they are brother and sister
- Isabelle Hartunian: Josh ❤️❤️😘❤️️❤️💕 I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕😘😘😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Vanessa Torres: Ok
- Voary Rakotonandrasana: so emotional!! really!! amazing!!
- Loren Beatingo: The moment I saw Josh trying not to break down while singing, and seeing her sister cry as well, I bawled out. I've been going through the same road as them, we were both left by someone we loved the most, and it made me realize that we are not the only ones who go through this dark time. Thank you Josh.
- Krystal Wallace: OMG!!!!! So good and this made me cry. I love the love you share as brother and sister. You two are truly amazing.
- ER Videos: I love this so much Josh and I love you and I am crying so hard
- Karen Barca: To be honest this is the best material I have ever seen Josh perform, it has so much more sincerity, I hope you find your light at the end of this tunnel 👍🏼💕 and just remember if this is the lowest you can feel their is no where to go but up! Stay positive Josh!
- Sophonie Compas: I love you so much josh. I love you so much.
- Brice Jale: why is this making me cry?!
- V Brown: ❤️❤️❤️
- Evie-Ru Trout: Her voice is unique, but I didn't expect her to sing like this.
- Eryn Smith: Erins voice 😍😍😍😍
- Natasha Aiken: Christine W she been through a divorce she got divorced along time ago that's how she knows how josh feels cause she been divorced for years now
- Gloria Lemon: This is amazing. I'm so happy you two made this. <3 You are both so full of courage and light. Thank you for being this brave.
- Champagne & Lollipops: beautiful. you are going to be ok. :)
- Ava kidd: the part that cracked me was at 3:20 because Josh and Erin were red and it was to show that they were sad and are feeling pain at the moment but if you do see this Josh I hope the u are getting better and I can't wait until u are ready to start unloading again u are after showing me that you can get throw pain so thank you so much for that hope to see u soon 😘😘
- Bugar Jones: I've gone completely off Colleen.
- Grace l-/: I just want people to understand that you have to stop making assumptions on what happened between them. You can't say Colleen is a bad person or Josh is a bad person, especially because they BOTH specifically told everyone to respect each other. I know that neither of them would want any of us engaging in the arguments, but I feel like this needs to be said. Please, just respect them. They both are probably not in the best mental state and if they end up seeing these horrible comments it will not make them feel any better. They want to keep their lives private so please just respect that instead of being so desperate for answers that you have to spread rumors and judge them.
- Bella Llamas: I want to cry rn
- Paigethemermaid: This was so emotional and beautiful. Amazing job both and didn't even know Erin could sing! Wishing you all the best Josh ❤️
- Gillian Rose: 😔❤️ we love you Joshua! Forever and always
- Zero Stars: Josh is truly the best singer
- Brittany Elise: This breaks my heart... I'm so sorry Josh.. 💔
- Cubed Rainbow: Way to heal yourself Joshua. We are proud.
- twentyonehaleyz: love the same shoes
- Aimee-Lee Roberts: This is beautiful so proud that hes doing his own thing and making great videos :)
- Marylee Richard: Erins voice is beautiful
- kassie hanna: I missed u soooo much! I love this cover! Amazing voice Erin! 😊😘
- Sommy Nnoka: Welcome back love. We've missed you. Hope you are doing great.
- Sydkat 123: Taylor Prejean same here
- Ashlyn Smith: ❤️❤️❤️
- thatonegirlkarina: Currently bawling ❤️❤️
- Tia Fawcett: Erin your voice is amazing ps I'm so glad your back josh I hope your okay xx
- Amina Begum: 3:10 Seriously, though thank you so much, I know the tough time ur going through, but don't worry cuz we're here.
- jazzypielou 123: her voice omg amzing
- Fangirl Life Always: Ayla Williams we all do
- Pamela Wall: AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!
- Jordan L.: Josh, this is beautiful, both you and Erin. Thanks for showing us that no matter what's happening we can look to others for help. love you both. Keep pushing on! ☺❤
- Taylor Howard: Lord have mercy that was amazing!
- riri: Why is Winona Ryder singing next to him
- Keevez: I don't like how he threw shade in the description, implying Colleen 'abandoned' him and is trying to 'erase' him. he seems like he's really trying to garner sympathy and paint himself as the victim, I just think it's a little unfair. and those saying Colleen seems to be happy or doesn't seem to care, yes she's happy because she's surrounded by loved ones and trying to focus on the positive, but that doesn't mean she's not just as heartbroken. she's just keeping that part of her life private and isn't using it cause drama or gain views.
- Morgan Mehring: Wow! So beautiful! I teared up just watching. You're an amazing person and the way you're handling this and coming through it will make you even stronger. Just remember all the wonderful people you have by your side Josh
- S W: Everyone smash the like button to show support for Joshua come back. Let's get this to the most liked video on his channel.
- Ava Fraser: Kids Fierce Comedy no I was crying
- Zs11Zs: I like ur sayhinge lips
- Sammy Mumbauer: I'm not gonna lie, I started crying when Josh started to cry. I loved the song, it was beautiful!!❤️ I loved Erin's voice, its so beautiful too!
- Isabella Wolfe: who came here from glee like if you did
- Adso: Random Regigi I was just about to say that!
- lil burch: Omg ERIN CAN SING THO
- Carlee Pinto: Alma Guter I know he really didn't want that divorce and I'm not hating on Colleen because she is the best and I love her like family but I feel the same way about josh and they were the best couple and reality hit me and I actually cried for an hour, sometimes reality is the worst thing in your life
- Lucy Sigman: This is sooo good but is anyone else surprised Erin's singing voice isn't a lot higher?
- Ashton S: We love you, Josh!
- Katy Elizabeth: MY HEART JUST BURSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Josh im sooo glad your back and i hope you know you are loved. ........i know you will find the perfect one💛💙💜💜💚💚💔💔💜💛💛❤❤💙💛💛💚❤💗💓💕💕💖💞💕💓💕💛
- Sara Martin: :((( If I could only reach out to you Josh. Going through the same thing you are right now. This hit home. <3
- Julie Patchouli: Am I the only one who thinks Colleen fell for the guy who plays Patrick in "Haters back off" and that's why they're getting a divorce? Just an opinion....
- Jennifer Hammersmith: Love this version. Gets me every time.
- jaguar: Best cover I've heard him do :)
- Jocelyn Rose: Incredible
- Lulu 123: The thing that makes me cry is that they both got divorced and they r siblings
- Makayla: and seeing the suggested videos on the right all being him and Colleen is making this hard for me..
- alejandro martinez: Oh my fuck
- Arianna Esquivel: I'm performing this song in a week ^^
- Tuturose: This is beautiful. It simultaneously broke and mended my heart lol. I love you josh!
- elsa pecore: I support both, they are both going through horrible times. Guys people deal with pain differently so Colleen might be dealing with it differently as Josh. No hate! 💖
- The Sofia And Caylin Show: TROLLS
- Anjali Martinez: Erin looks like that chick from glee the counselor
- Natalie Calcaterra: Plz more!!!!! Plz plz plz plz plzzzzzz mooooooore!!!!
- Cruz Medina: beautiful
- Cindy Robinson: Joshu I am happy you are back
- Bryar B: I love Erin's voice👌🏻💕 She's gorgeous and her voice is perf!
- Crash227: My heart breaks for you josh. This is beautiful. I had no idea Erin could sing! What a great duo
- What are we doing with our lifes: Wow.. Im speechless
- Bubbly Bee: Can y'all stop with your w/ this bs! Stop saying it was Colleen's fault bc it wasn't! They both had a mutual hurt between each other and yes maybe it does look like Colleen is moving on faster but you don't know that, for all we know is she is putting our happiness but is still hurt so back off! And Colleen is trying to stay and make positive out of the situation so stfu all of you😡 And josh, Erin, both of you did amazing 👌🏼😊❤️ I wish you the best of luck! ❤️💕😊☀️️
- Cadence Banks: wow your better then matt slays plz dont tell
- Janine Rife: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lucy: My heart is breaking Josh. All my love and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope you are healing with time. Your supporters show nothing but love and joy for you, and I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH. I wish you all to find your path and your call, and to see all the support that surrounds you. All Love ♡
- Victoria Shelby: please put this on itunes. i'm loving this!
- Reese's Peanut Butter: Nell Urso ikr 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Gracie Martin: IM CRYING THIS WAS SOOOO GOOD❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm an only child and I've always wanted a sibling so seeing sibling love touches me a lot
- molly ko: Go Josh
- Trinity Diaz: I cried so cute you are. good brother and sister
- Alyssa Ottenmiller: You made me cry what I saw the tear streaks running down your face.
- forever. bm: i saw this song in trolls
- Caitlyn Meyer: I love you Josh and I'm so proud of you and glad to see your back!!!!
- Sanika: I love you josh! And you deserve all the happiness in the world.. Stay blessed!
- Dat8123: Sibling goals
- Loz _: This is beautiful 😭
- Jen _: LOVEEEE
- N'kia Carrol: I CRIED SO MUCH! 😭😭 I'm proud of you Josh, stay strong, I can't even imagine what ur going through, but we're here for you, God bless you! X😘❤
- Mark Dehmer: what a beautiful cover. the raw emotion from the both of you just drew us all in.
- Osama Kiram: 3:17 FUCK !!
- Lindsey James: OMG ERIN IS SO GOOD. This hit me in the feels.
- Emily: This is the best video you've ever created. True emotion. Not trying hard. Being yourself. You'll get through this! It's bringing out something in you we've never seen and it's going to make you a better person. This is beautiful!
- Raven Furber: Erin has such a beautiful voice!
- Regan Marie: Kind of off topic but can we talk about how Josh's hair looks good in this vid!!
- Betty Lin: This is a sad song... I love you guys so much!!!
- Nicolle Escobar: At 2:53 I feel Erin was saying that genuinely and that completely breaks my heart
- Reyne Kaiser: Josh - you deserve to be with someone who adores, respects and wants to be with you and share life with you more than anything - through good times and bad. God's got your back and wants to help you through this hard time. His ways will always prevail in the end. We love you! Beautiful song!
- Laura Colley: is this about the devoirce
- maisey scott: Ffs. Got all excited about your new video and now I'm crying...
- Dont let me down: if they weren't brother and sister i would totally ship them 😂😂😂
- shannon M: hmm what is this strange liquid dripping from my eyeballs?
- Lyssa Mariah: This video will randomly pop up on my recommended videos and I HAVE to watch it every time. It always tugs at my heart.
- Raelynn McKenzie Harris: I litterly started balling when he started crying . I have watched this so many times . Josh you always remind me to be a good person and show my true feelings . Thank you
- Elizabeth Cruz: it was sad😢😭
- Jennifer Long: ❤️❤️❤️
- Taylor Marie: <3
- Liz Alwood: I cried
- Phoebe Gaudion: Erin is so good oh my goodness slay woman
- Megan Rhianne: We love you Josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Bella517: Everyone. Stop. Just Stop It's disappointing how many of you are taking sides, It's a song , not a row. Colleen was Josh's love and Josh was Colleen's. How do you think Josh will react when he sees so many of his subs taking sides and arguing. It's just disgusting , how do you think Colleen feels ? Getting so much hate from this , And josh getting so mug hate saying he did this to upset Colleen . I'm so disappointed with the people who are taking sides .
- Quantom Physico: I'm not crying.. just allergic to emotions
- Karyme Carrera: You the best
- Ava M: i've missed you🎈
- Brie S: Those harmony chills Im crying
- Beth Carey: Beautiful job Josh and Erin. I am praying for you, this is such a difficult time but I promise you, you will be ok my friend.
- Charlotte Dring: this is still one of my most favourite videos and definitely my favourite version of this song ever. keep strong you guys💜
- Madison Lambert: This is AMAZING! you guys are such wonderful human beings, I love you both very much ❤️
- Jossilyn Grace: Erin needs to sing more often
- amy libby: 💗
- Jennifer Fteim: Claire Shi she's my idol for a reason
- B Marie: I so happy that you got back on the internet Josh! Stay Strong
- Sharon V: Brave....plain and simple....brave.
- stephen bradley: absolutely beautiful
- Foxyplays2001: My new favorite song😍💓
- RainOtter: My heart...
- Carolina Diener: that was just simply beautiful. Covering is one pretty thing but actually feeling and being able to hear all the emotions the person puts into that song just gives someone goosebumps. Stay strong Josh, happiness will find it's way back to you :)
- Molten: Aine Glennon tf?
- Dori Crawford: OH MY GOD ERIN CAN SING TOO? Brother sister goals.
- migit pops: Maddy DeGennaro what
- Valerie Smith: Is that Erin or Bella?! (I know it's Erin obviously) but they both look so similar and can sing?!? That's amazing, they should do a duet.
- Ms. HLH: Can U Still Talk With Collen I Love U
- Alayna Marie: All ab Colleen...also did anyone else realize this vid was 4:20 minutes long
- NoneTheLess: Starship Dolly why the fuck would even think of that. you sick fuck
- K Holmberg: these two are so incredibly talented!! This song is so powerful with them singing it, as they support each other and have been there for tough times. I could watch it a million times!! Keep producing music, Josh! (And Erin too!) So talented!
- Melaney Fajardo: For those who didn't read the description box: I dedicate this video to my little sister Erin. Thank you for standing by me during the darkest and most difficult chapter of my life. Thank you for putting yourself out there in front of so many people while I took time to heal. You are so brave. I love you Erin. You are truly a light in my life. For me, this song is about finding peace within myself. Sometimes life isn't going to be perfect. It may even break every part of you. Things won't seem fair. At times you'll want to scream from a rooftop hoping for justice. That being said, this song taught me to focus on the beauty that's inside all of us. So allow yourself to feel the pain, then heal from it. People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you. No matter what, never give up on love. There are those out there that won't give up on it...or you. Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors.
- Nina Demirs: People need to stop hating on Josh and Colleen. They are both amazing people that went through something most of us can't imagine. I send all my love and support to you Josh and am so happy you are back. We stand by you and will support you through everything. We love you Josh.❤️
- Taylor Leigh: How beautiful! I could help but shed a few tears. A brother and sister comforting each other in the pain they both share. God brought them together to help each other through this hard time and it's lovely to see them push through together with the power of love.
- Amy D: Literally makes me cry without fail!!!😭
- Bianca P: I know you're in so much pain. Heartbreak is a very real painful experience. I can't imagine having it heightened by the internet's input. It takes courage to come back. I applaud you Josh. It WILL get better. Time heals all wounds. ❤️
- Moonwillow92: This was beautiful guys! Thanks for sharing. x
- Brianna Earls: Stronger
- Gianna King: So beautiful
- Raye: so beautiful <3
- Nellllz: Damn, Colleen...
- Sarah Anderson: I still cry when I watch this!!Love you josh,thank you for sharing such a raw time in your life!!❤️
- Nok Johnston: poor josh
- Marlyn Ruiz: Welcome back Josh we missed you. I hurt with y'all; I went through the same thing with my big brother twice. Except it was him going through it twice. I was just there feeling helpless while watching my big brother in pain. Love you both very much.
- 01FireWolf: I think we are gonna need more than just one box of tissues
- Iris Freddie Mercury Rock'n'Roll Girl!: this is for colleen 100%
- Ella Fish: Erin can sing!!!!
- Kayleigh Desbiens: damn. I don't usually comment on videos but this just broke my heart.
- Shayla: When Josh broke down, I lost it.
- Leanne Pinera: Seeing the sadness in Josh's eyes just made me bawl my eyes out :(
- sammie baker: I really hope josh and Colleen can still be friends thi
- Raina Luing: Natasha Aiken i know... i love him and Colleen... ive just heard rumors that theyre getting a divorce cuz hes gay
- Sophia Tenga: Equine Elysia you can say what you don't know you don't know what exactly happened that's what u guess I love them both so I'm not pick sides but all I'm saying is josh needed some time and Colleen didn't want to make her channel sad she wanted to spread happiness that's what she said in her video but they both are hurting. What they both said there video was they couldn't make each other happy and they went to a councilor but they couldn't make it work
- Olivia G: i didnt know erin sang you sond so good together
- Krystel Seach: I didn't think it's cry but I did, this is so beautiful. Thankyou for sharing with us josh, I hope you can heal sooner then later. Fate is not always kind, but always has reason. Xx
- S S: This is better than the original!!
- ibuprofanity: +Kale Ling I actually saw it from a youtube video. But I've actually looked it up and apparently, when people sing, they default sing neutrally because it's the easiest way to pronounce words making singing a tad bit easier.. reason why people sound the same when they sing
- Trini Vlogs: ikr!! I love her voice!!!!
- Ariella Dais: Omg the end when they both look like there crying omg my heart!! I'm so glad josh is back
- Aliah Carrillo: Omg this made me so emotional ❤️ beautiful guys most outstanding
- Felicia Bates: you two are amazing at singing
- Mark Dungca: hanap aq ng hanap s song n to kaya pl di q makita separate lives sineserch q #tangalang
- Alexiya Vega: 3:44 😭
- Enrika Katkeviciute: Did you know Lithuania really fell in love with this song they evan translated it! I Love This Song!
- Kitty Haart: Hailey Clark me too!!
- Blanca Marrero: Thank you for this, I am going through the hardest time in my life right now and this song really helped, stay strong Josh.
- Sydney Sartori: It's 2:30AM and I'm crying my eyes out omg
- 1990justineli: I've cried 5 times now watching this video, not a coincidence that it was made when I need it the most in my own life. 😔Thank you!
- dotless giraffe: i can see ur pain through ur eyes
- Sophie Shepherd: So beautiful, I love u josh. Hope u get through this hard time. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Mackenzie Heerdt: I hope you had a better day today :)
- Madelyn Venegas: It's so sad to see how much hate there is towards Colleen. No one but them know exactly what had happened that lead to the divorce. People heal differently. Colleen is just choosing to show us the happy things right now. But that doesn't mean she's over it. Josh chose to heal by taking a break from the internet for a bit. Stop spreading hate and help BOTH of them heal by spreading positivity.
- Kathrin Thanasoulis: <3
- Delaney Walker: you are amazing joshua. I didn't know Erin was a singer. you guys are awesome.
- Avery Thomas: Welcome back Josh ❤️
- Sophia Amato: I LOVE YOU JOSHUA!!!
- Emma Humphreys: Wow. Josh honestly, I don't know if you'll read this, but I want you to know that I admire your strength. I can in no way imagine what you must be going through right now, but you truly are an inspiration to us all to get back up after you are knocked down. And we ever glad that you did. That was absolutely beautiful. My absolute favourite cover you've done. Not just musically, but emotionally as well. Brought me to tears. Thank you. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for being brave. Thank you for showing your true colours.
- Kendall Kaye: Who cut the onions?
- Gery H.: This was beautiful, stay strong. You have many that love you. Thank you for sharing this with us.
- Ellèmay D: That made me cry and it was so beautiful. I definitely want to here Erin sing again she is just as amazing as Joshua
- Orange Jr Wash: Erin was crying
- Almando Herrera: Beautiful.
- rileyyb10: crying rn... so sorry for this hard time in your life, and i support you all the way. your sisters relationship with you is beautiful; I wish my sister and i had a relationship that strong. God's blessings and prayers for you as you go through this extremely hard chapter in your life, where it may seem like nothing is going right. God bless you, joshua evans. and may you find happiness through the midst of your heartbreak. you inspire me, and because of you, i will try my best every day to be nice to people. again, God bless, and my prayers are with you.🙏
- Kat Vlogs: This is beautiful!
- Sarah: Me too it got to be right at the end
- Joji Urcia: 3:10 I am bawling 😭😭😭 lots of love to you Josh!!! 💜💙💜💙
- Alyson Critcher: it tears me up to see josh cry
- Deni Sweetie: It honestly breaks my heart how josh is obviously hurting and colleen is acting as if nothing even happened between them I don't think ill ever see Colleen in the same way as I did before. I just don't think she's the person she shows she is. im not hating just saying what i see, i love colleen but idk in this situation i feel like she's making a mistake. wish them the best tho
- Zoey White: Lucii Moreno what the heck you saying about that you shut your mouth
- Yeejane Ko: This is Beautiful Joshua 😭
- Gugul 97: Okay.. I'm crying.. 😢😢😢 Ugh, wish I could give both Josh and Erin a BIG hug right now.. ❤❤ So sad but please Josh, just know that we'll always love and support you, Erin, Colleen and the rest of the family no matter what hardship you go through. ❤ Don't give up and stay strong. 💕
- Lex Bray: Erin reminds me so much of Bella
- Meliisa V: Poor josh.. And Colleen (even though she makes videos like if nothing happened) but still lol he's really strong because he shows his weakness
- 786sami786: I ship them.
- Riley Corinne: This was absolutely beautiful. Your voices sound so beautiful together. I can't think of anything else to say because I'm crying my eyes out. This message is beautiful. Everything is just beautiful. How many times can I say that word?
- Leazeebow Xx: Lora Smith Yay Stay strong 💗
- Brennan Dwyer: I'm so emotional 😭 this is amazing Josh, stay strong
- Nayomy Gamboa: heart slowly breaks...... I'm so sorry Josh.... it's ok to not be ok...
- Megand Kate: I feel u josh we will get through this together just know everyone is here for you so if u need to hit us up just do a video love u ❤️we will get through this #togetherforever
- Ash Evans: I know this might not be easy to hear right now josh, but there is someone out there for you. Someone that will love you unconditionally for everything that you are and she is going to be the luckiest woman to have a man like you ❤️ and we all know it.
- Lissandra Vazquez: this song is like for colleen
- Itz _Bam: Erin.. you have a true voice.? You guys should make a copy of this and go on Americas got tallent
- Nadiya Ve: Most of u are accusing colleen for the divorce and picking sides!honestly why would you say that?to make josh feel better?it will only make him 10x sad!SPREAD LOVE❤️ we dont really know the reason but still we hope you will heal soon😉
- Random Regigi: watched and singed along over 20 times and still love it and still cry when josh does
- Elizabeth Uttendorfer: Joshua, you'll always have us here for you <3 This literally brought me to tears. I can't imagine the pain you're in but have to look beyond the darkness and hope for some light....Anyone would be beyond lucky to have you in their life, or even just to get to walk past your blessing presence. Stay strong <3 Dingleberry
- Sarah Nicole: It's making me upset to see Josh So upset💔💔Can I marry you Josh?I just wanna say you and your sister have both been through a divorce and your both so strong😇💯💕Can't wait till the day You both find your true happiness💯Just know that's what siblings are for to help YU through the darkest parts of life🙏🏻
- Carla Rees: That was amazing!!
- Gymnleaders xox: This touched my heart❤️
- Kids Worley: This would have been so cute with Colleen😭
- Amilee Thomas: I have watched this like 20 times and it never fails I always start crying
- Maria Marincic: You know when he started to cry, well I think that the song reminded him of Colleen
- Kathy Taylor: This was amazing. You are both so lucky to have each other to lean on in times of need. Josh you are a amazing, please don't ever change! You are stronger than you think you are. You are a real person who deserves all the happiness life will bring you. ❤️️
- Amberly Gable: But this actually made me cry bc I was thinking about Colleen and how much she missed josh on the inside!
- 포태: Emma Robinson there is a bad way for dealing with pain...I did it in a bad way and so did my dad.
- Yndra Lopez: Helen Davies Yeah lol
- molly :/: can y'all shut the hell up about colleen being a shitty person because she's happy, being on the internet makes her happy. She loves making people smile. Josh obviously doesn't want to be on the internet because he doesn't want to make sad videos but for colleen, making videos makes her happy. Learn the facts before you post a comment and leave colleen alone :)
- Erin Flynn: I love you so much! This is so inspirational and I love that you have such a close bond with your sister, and you guys can get through tough times together...love you guys ❤️❤️
- 19LFish: I am so happy you're back! I've missed your videos so much!
- Lillian murphy: Yay Joshua is back
- Josh V: This fucked me up on so many levels omg
- Dalila Perez: so happy your back love this cover.. you both are amazing
- gloria styles: Wierd Stuff By Lauren gosh
- Katie Vinson: JOSH IS BACK❤️
- Carljoseph Macaraeg: Just subscribed, im now a fan.
- Caitlyn Toigo: Can you please do more sing duets with Erin please you's sound so good
- Sad Duck: Since when did Erin have such a beautiful voice. I didn't know she even sang😳
- aubrianna braddy: josh you are an amazing guy I love you
- sasha038: Oh my gosh
- Nancy Ramirez: I'm so unbelievably proud of you Joshua. Know that we're here for you and love you so much. We're here for you and we love you. You're my person. I'm so proud of you. You don't even know. I love you Joshua. Forever and always
- madison xx: Y'all I'm bawling 😭
- iamyuzschel: I can feel his pain. 😢
- Kirsten CA: A thousand thumbs up!
- Quinn the Unicorn: This made me cry really much cause josh was crying
- Jade Sumner: I cried my eyes out watching this... So beautiful. Please know that the both of you have so much love and support going your way. Please be assured that hearts heal, no matter how badly broken.
- Pride Panda: Am I the only one that is so proud of Erin for starting her own channel
- MsWingzy: 💜😭💜😭
- Albert Gerke: What a piece of shit fuck josh
- Sophie Turner: Erin's voice though😘👌
- Trini Vlogs: OMG Erins voice tho Im in LOVE😘😘😘
- Ashly's YouTube Album: check out madilyn and joshua's 7 years cover it's so sad but graceful and don't be unhappy 😊
- AmysCrossing: time heals as much as you may not feel that way right now, you may feel sad now but it may be the end of one chapter but its the beginning of a brand new chapter in your life and I hope you find everything your looking for in that brand new chapter ❤
- Angie Wilson: me and my school choir is singing your version of true colours and when we listened to it and you two started crying I teared up. Love you soooooo much xxxxxxx
- Naomi Wiebe: sucks that it's so auto-tuned..he does have talent but this is cheating
- Lauren Erickson: Dang such a beautiful song. you have over a million people standing by your side ready to love on you josh we're right here for yoy
- Joy Bushy: Welcome back Josh love you!!
- ethan: Erins' Voice is so good! I also think that this was a big mistake for colleen to divorce him but i will never just tweet them both talking crap about them! I will always love them no matter what's going on! I know that god has a better plan for both of them. We all have chapters in our life and this chapter is closing! I hope that even if we don't like it don't say rude things! We need to all stick together and stay positive! I hope that this madness with them will lead to a wonderful successful life!
- Risingofthephoenixx x: Adorable! I wish I had a brother!!
- Ava Patterson: 420 blaze it
- blacklace beauty: This was so beautiful. I'm crying 😭💗 I love you guys
- AngelOreo MSP: I didn't know Erin could sing I guess it runs in the family
- theekruts: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- aubreydink: Yes, he has talked about it, he will be coming back, maybe not quite as often, it will still be a rough transition, but nevertheless, it's happening.
- Brooke Colburn: when i saw josh AND erin cry i started balling
- Rachel Risher: Amazing Job!! You can feel so many emotions and I cried all through it.
- Eudora Hess: Mya 1311 some girls don't show there feelings and I think Colleen is one of those people
- Kristin Rawlings: +What am i doing With ny life Thank you. ☺
- Kloeci Monje: Madison Bicking yup
- Leyladaisy1: This made me cry!! 😔😔
- asa3wynne: This made me cry so hard! Thank you for the beautiful message! I hope all is well and wish you both the best!💗💗
- Jelissa Lewis: i literally cried...:( whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????
- Rach davis: I really like there shoes they have got the same LOL
- J C: You both are beautiful inside and out!!!! 💜❤️ I can't stop watching this! 😭
- Bella Kok: He looks so broken. Take your time and heal Joshua. Don't worry about us. We just want to see that smile again even if it takes a little while for it to show up.
- Lindsay French: you two harmonize so amazingly together. your sister seems so great and supportive. you are lucky to have someone so wonderful on your side.
- Rachelsweeney101: this fucked me up man...
- Jayden K: I almost cried beautiful voices!!
- CowgirlBarbieXO: In tears...this was "beautiful". Hugs!!
- Sister Beth: NO AFENCE 👋🏻I like this more than josh and Colleen ❤️take time ....we are here for you ✌🏻️
- Savannah Andresen: Thank you for this, i really needed it. You are full of courage and strength, and at a devastating time like this is so inspiring. I will always support you. I know you can get past this grey patch. I have faith in you. On another note, UMMMM WHAT ERIN??? GIRL YOU CAN SING!!! Both have beautiful voices. Love you both so, so much 💖💖
- Emily Birk: Joshua I love you so much!
- Ashley V: I cried so hard watching this.
- Micah Wyatt: Its sooo weird now go watch justin timberlakes and thry sound JUST like eachother
- Olivia Oh: Nicole Gibson same i was gonna try to get throught the vid without crying butnnope
- IfyouBelieve: Josh he is REAL ! He is very transparent and that's a good quality
- Yay its Fullertime: Vulnerable, humble, and beautiful. I loved it...and your sis's voice is on POINT! She is so Cool! I just love her:)
- Marcy Newberry: I've watched this so many times and every time it absolutely breaks my heart. I love you so much Joshua. ❤️
- Abdelghani BENAÏSSI: wow
- Sophia Shufelt: We should all give josh a 💙 for all hes been through these last few monthes! He is one of the strongest people i have ever seen! We all love you josh! Just keep going you have made it this far. U can do anything!!
- Sophie Claire: It's like whenever they sing all of their accent goes bye-bye!! Nice job!!
- Ryan Murphy: incest is wrong, having a relationship with a member of family is just horrible, i pray for any family that believes incest is right.
- Emily Bankier: I literally love this so much and I was crying the whole way through 😢❤️
- Aej 18: I have watched this 3 times 😍 love you josh it will get better
- Rio Dilianto: outstanding!!!
- Jeanelle Ramos: I feel bad you could still tell that Josh is still sad
- a a: man u are strong this is not u this is about u and collen and to me I think she just wanted some time and u have a strong heart
- Trinity Lajeunesse: Both amazing
- Claudia Lott: I cried with you both:/ but that was a beautiful song guys, BEAUTIFUL :,)
- Leann Dieffenbach: I forgot you both were doing a video today. Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!! You both are amazing!!!!! So glad to see Joshua ldoing better. truly missed him!!!!!!! Love you both nd thank you!!!!!!!
- Ranae Lorraine: Beautiful
- Malia Teano: Throwing hate on Colleen isn't going to solve anything, even Josh won't appreciate that & it's not going to make things any better. Colleen is pretty much struggling through this as well & even though she was the one who wanted the divorce, their was a reason. It was good for both of them & they both want each other to be happy, even if that decision was the hardest chapter for their life.
- Lilly Madden: Your amazing. You deserve someone who will eternally make you happy. I will forever and always support you. I hope you find happiness soon josh.♥️
- kg kb: turn you chanel off for punk pich
- Haley Marie: I never knew Erin could sing so well. Wow an amazing cover you two
- LauraLivin: ❤️
- Kaylynn is awsome: 😣😢😣😢😣😢😢😔
- Shea Boultenhouse: You're amazing, I hope you find your happiness again with someone who will CHOOSE you
- emily -: Ashleigh it's a cover song. Cyndi lopper wrote this song
- Darcy Bhaiwala: In a really weird way, what I'm studying right now feels kinda relevant. "The symptoms of a common cold and most infections aren't the results of the bacteria/virus itself, but rather the immune system kicking in to overpower the pathogen." Healing is often the most painful part of the injury. Picking oneself up takes INSANE amounts of energy, commitment and clout. I hope you find peace with everything that's going on. It might take some time and it might feel like shit but wounds will always close. BTW, Erin is so talented and caring! I wish I had her for a sister
- hannah: When Joshua broke down, I teared up.
- Bou Sarah: +Ayanna Mae i have never said that this wasnt maybe the best thing to do for them, i dont know shit about their relationship stop putting words in my mouth : thats what i call a bitch move ! the way she reacts explains it all, when someone is hurting they do not feel like dancing partying having fun like she shows us in her vlogs right now ! when you are hurting you shut down and dont give me that bullshit about how everyone copes with it in different ways i already know that ! but the way she does it is not a way of coping, its disrespecting Josh and their marriage ! and i didnt pick sides when they both made their videos about it, its her attitude afterwards that makes me cringe. Whats the point of following them if its not to see realness and go through life with them ? i dont see how life only consists of ukelele and dance parties
- trinidad campo: You guys are too serious
- Bina Bianca: ;____;
- paulina s.: oh my gosh my heart. I love you.
- Haley Faragalli: Oh my god I'm crying
- mattie latter: This is one of my fav covers josh has ever done! It shows his bond with with Erin is so strong! Xx
- Tammy Stetler: Wow that made me cry! God bless you two!
- Nikki Oliver: What a way to come back. I hope you're doing okay josh, I'm going through a divorce myself :'(
- Serena Devitt: Joshua! I am so sorry. I feel so terrible for you. I really hope you are staying strong through this. We all love you!
- Pupcorn 63: yeah I didn't really think about that.
- Tabie Cat: Wow. Just wow! truly beautiful! <3
- Seana O'Grady: Im crying it's beautiful😭❤️
- Nicole Youens: John Carlo Bisnar your such a freak weirdo 😒
- emma: This was so sad it really touched my heart
- dAfoodie101: WHO THE HECK IS CHOPPING ONIONS IN HERE love you josh!
- Millie Ikel: Tbh Erin's voice slays. Obv so does Josh. Love you guys! Josh you are a warrior. Stay strong x
- Sashenka Jones: Absolutely beautiful performance, thinking of you X
- Jessica Smith: I'm sitting here sobbing because you both sing so beautifully and the feelings behind the song are so poignant.
- Kati Cibilic: I was crying from begining to the end 😭 this is about colleen
- nadadia: this is so beautiful
- TheDorkInShorts: What a beautiful song.You guys did an amazing job.
- Bonnie Lo: I wish I could give Josh a hug.. I have never seen him this sad :'(
- alexjaeger: 😍😭👏🏼
- Westcoast Momma: you can really see the pain and saddness that they both have
- Lynz G.: You both sound gorgeous!
- Sophie Millie: Omg is it just me or is Erin's voice absolutely amazing 😱 I never know that she could sing 😳 This video is so meaningful 💗 It was lovely to see Josh back 👍🏽I am so happy that this video is out and Erin has her own channel because this is absolutely brilliant 🎉 I love both Josh and Erin and it's so nice that they are so close 💎
- Heather Stackhouse: Holy tears batman! Thank you for sharing your souls with us Josh and Erin!
- Rebecca Kisor: Just the pure emotion behind this song is breathtaking. Way to go Josh and Erin.
- Blossom Beauty: awww you to❤I'm here for you both😘 You have amazing voices😱🌍
- Nicky: this ia the best thing i have seen
- PinkNova: 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖 This is how I feel right now.. I hope you get better Josh 😊
- Maeve Woolbert: He got bigger since we last saw him.
- beatsbyheart: Did you write the song yourself, the lyrics are very poetic?
- Panda: Great Singing U To
- LiziLouWho: I was not emotionally prepared for that.... beautiful & heartbreaking
- Robin Hanff: Absolutely beautiful and emotional!! You two sound so good together!!
- Me_ Hallie: Stay strong 💪 as we say in wales "stronger together" you and Erin are definitely strong individually but also stronger together👌💜💜
- Silvia Patricia Espinoza: Joshua!!!!!
- Savannah Overstreet: This was amazing, Josh! I needed this! I'm SO GLAD YOURE BACK... love you so much❤️❤️
- Gabbie Logan: 27 seconds in already tearing up y josh y the black and white and making you look like youre crying
- Chloe Stott: Such beauty <3
- Hannah Borrego Gilmore: Josh: "...this song taught me to focus on the beauty that's inside all of us. So allow yourself to feel the pain, then heal from it. People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you. No matter what, never give up on love. There are those out there that won't give up on it...or you. Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors." Me: *Sobs*
- Stephanie Nipper: probably one of the best ways to come back Joshua you have been missed you are such an amaxing sweet person and I'm so happy you are back we love you so much😙❤
- Hannah Jean Fischer: Eleanor j she hasn't moved on but she has just tried to surround herself with the people that she loves so she can try to forget what happened she just wants to stay positive she is just upset as he is and you can tell by her videos that she has good days and bad days and I'm sure he does too and like they both said in the videos when they told us that they were getting a divorce please don't pick sides
- garden heart: i have faith that one day you will find the girl you have always deserved 💗
- Candice Teets: I love this. I don't love what you're going through but often times, hard things make beautiful musicians. My husband and I almost got divorced a little over a year ago and while we pushed through, it was the darkest period of my life and was one of the most painful things I've walked through. Keep going. It will get better and will be worth it, however things end up. You have an amazing foundation of support. Love and prayers to you.
- AmyStandish: This is amazing, stay strong <3
- Alan PrepZilla Killen: Omg, Colleen probably had a mental breakdown when seeing this. My heart goes out to both of them <3
- Caroline Smith: I love you, josh. And I will continue to love and support you no matter what you choose. Do what makes you happy, not what you feel obligated to do because of others. <3
- diana malas: i almost did
- The Pumpkin Queen: Yesss❤️
- Zachary eynard: that's lip singing right there
- Ffion Tobutt: Erins voice!!! totally not crying right now just random water comimg out of my eyes, love you both soooooo much!!! think positive thoughts xxxx ❤❤😭😭 #positivevibes
- Kassandra Martinez: I loved this so so much. Hope Josh is doing better ❤
- Imogen Poppy: Oh my god 😍
- Miranda .l: I have goose bumps!!!!! 😍😄😄😀❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗💜💚💙💜
- jackie ortiz: I love this josh. It's beautiful. You both are amazing people. Xx
- beatsbyheart: Omg your sister can sing!
- Nicole Rossi: wish i could like this more than once. josh you are so brave. we love and miss you. stay strong, glad to see you back again❤️
- Lizzy - Bee: yes. lol
- Amelia Brookshaw: I am literally crying it so beautiful
- Jessi Rose: I'm legitimately bawling my eyes out, Erin has such a beautiful voice and we missed you tons Josh!
- Jordan Ashley: This is amazing. Praying for you Josh!
- Cap: Really beautiful.
- Sanija Kikute: That was absolutely gorgeous❤️😍 I love ye both 💋💋❤️❤️
- Emma Green: I've watched this video so many times and my heart drops when Erin puts her hand on Josh"s leg when he starts crying. And then when it goes in to color i have cried every time. Josh, wonderful job.
- Essi Kauhanen: Art Roj-Ter Totally agree.
- Hannah Barton: This is the most beautiful thing ❤
- Anna Murillo: seeing him like that breaks my heart...
- Sarah Amano: I'm sorry josh . lots of love ....:.
- karolina Jakstyte: That's beautiful i actually cried so emotional 😭😭❤️
- Stephanie Van Dyke: support josh and colleen both, guys. colleen is choosing to show us happy moments, but she has many sad moments that she doesn't want us to see. she is coping in her own way, which is behind the scenes. josh is coping in his own ways too and they both deserve love and support.
- Libby Eichorn: i ❤️ u guys.
- Julinka Rose: Joshua, I'm so sorry.. Stay strong like you always have😊 we are here to support you❤️💖💛💚💙💜✨
- Jossy Valdivia: He sings with so much passion.. you can tell he's hurting obviously... Hope he gets better soon!
- Evangelina Sanez: I love you so so much Josh stay positive life's hard 💙🤕
- Emily Olson: This is beautiful! :)
- Vicki Stevens: Absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin <3 I know you will be able to pick yourself up one day, but take your time, we will always be here in the end <3 I hope everything is going well and I can't wait to see you shine in the future <3
- Sally McNuget: I didn't think I was gonna cry, but I did. Love you both. Stay strong.
- Jay Montes: this is amazing😭😭😊
- Kelsey Woodhull: This has my heart all melted, and crying but in the best way possible. Hoping only the best for you, and I am so glad you are back! The interwebs have missed you, Joshua!!
- Harry Krinkle: +MooTelevision He didn't leave right when they got married, did he? I thought she did. I know someone skipped out right after the honeymoon, but I can't remember who. In any case, it's not that people were sometimes gone, it's that Colleen has ALWAYS been gone this year. It really didn't make sense for him not to follow her to Canada after a point. And the touring on top of making the show was just too much, not just for their marriage, but for Colleen's physical and mental health. It's just too much.
- Yadira Velez: You guys shouldn't be saying Colleen isn't hurting at all, maybe she is, maybe she is not or MAYBE she's being strong for fans. I feel bad for both of them so i am not at anyone side.
- Phoebe Gaudion: Oh my gosh I'm crying
- Holly Goodman: damn erin can sing! get it girl. we love you josh, stay strong 💪🏼
- PAN CAKE: I love Erin's voice. This duet is so beautiful and powerful. Thank u Joshua
- Cynthia J: this fucked me up
- Estefania Martinez: Omg hey josh i hope your feeling better xo-estefania your biggest fan
- Liz Souza: So glad you're back josh. We missed you....a lot.❤️
- Aure van Es: ♡
- Ann L: So beautiful! Love this version of the song. Thanks so much for sharing.
- Farah Mortada: My heart shattered when he cries
- Angel Becerra: she's good👌👍
- Marizol C. Gibson: I wanna say the version you heard was probably Justin T and Anna Kendrick. It was in Trolls. Josh sounds very much like JT.
- Carl Khalil: Alain Bruno DUDE!! YOU'RE EVERYWHERE!!
- Marvin: 3:11, damn :/
- Jane Review: I've just lost a lot of respect for her You don't have to agree Just my opinion
- veryblessedmommy2: What's Up Internet.. Josh is back! Y'all, my heart💔, You made me cry! 😢 That was beautiful, the both of you have amazing voices. I hate this situation you have been put in. I hate to see your heart so hurt. Of course I found you by watching Colleen But.. I found myself watching your videos more. I absolutely feel in love with your personality, your kindness, your silliness and your family. Erin has become another favorite of mine. Anyways, hold your head up Josh. Look forward and for once just focus on you. Find Josh again. Be happy my friend. Can't wait until the next video. Aurevoir ✌
- Bethan Yates: I'm so sorry Josh. Praise to Erin for being with you and being there for you. You are one of the most loving families, and would do anything for each other x
- Megan Beecher: This song is amazing
- TheHouseofR Travel Vlogs: Gorgeous! The song and the video....great job guys! - Melissa
- Rebecca Koszkulics: Omg this is so amazing I love so much josh and I will always support you😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
- Jasmin Gumhold: This is beautiful<3
- Tiffany: your video description was beautiful. I wish the absolute best for you.
- Abandoneddreams: SrslyBored1 that's his sister...
- ImLewisGiddins: so cute
- Jana Caps: You're not just singing... I felt it!!!
- s s: Right from the start, this song made me cry. It made me think of all the shit I've been going through recently, all the people that have been unfair to me, all the words I've heard. It really made me think about everything, in a way I never would've thought of before. Josh and Erin, your voices are beautiful and this song is amazing. You sung it beyond perfectly. I love you both and I will always be there, always supporting you, through everything that comes your way. That's what a true fan does, and that's what I do. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. ❤️
- M Shann: Awwwwwww omg Erin has an AMAZING VOICE :) holly heck you have an amazing family can you guys do more covers --so glad to see you back on the YOUTUBES ;) I'm sorry for your tough journey but there is always light at the end of the tunnel *sobs over Ben and jerys*
- Lucy Wickstead: This video is just so beautiful! You and Erin have amazing voices, you have me in tears :'( Supporting you through this very hard time in life...
- Ava Wilson: Erin voice,just WOW
- Rayne Millaray: No fair making me cry. Glad to see your face. Hope you're doing well. Strength and love to you.
- BTS ruined my lifeu: Colleen did not keep the promise she said at the wedding.
- Cruz Medina: tears gallor
- XxCinders AshesxX: Joshua ❤️❤️❤️
- Lauren Mcmurray: We missed you!
- Micky Savino: I cried! So beautiful josh!
- Trashy person: Josh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 u making me cry I have not seen u in a long time 😭😭😭😭
- jackie equestrian: omg I absolutely love you guys stay strong💗
- Felicity A: erin🎶🎶 who knew
- anshika khushi: can't stop crying...!
- Brook Thate: Beautiful, just so beautiful.
- Lia Y: I just want to say thanks Josh, youv'e helped me when i went through hard stuff in my life. Your one of the reasons i smile. :)
- Lou Pumpkin: Great & ❤warming cover.👏 Didn't know Erin could sing too! 😍Stay strong Josh! 💪#TwoInAMillion #Family
- Madeline Daniels: OMG josh that was beautiful. I just wanted to have a positive video when you came back. That's all. Love you and erin
- Tiffany Lay: I wish he will reply to my comment
- Graceful Mango: This cover is beautiful, but the video feels a little contrived. Having said that, I guess there's a backstory that I'm missing out on judging by the comments?
- Anon: Much tears
- jbestblakeslee06: This so beautiful and sweet but sad at the same time. You can truly feel his pain. Josh's sister is so sweet.💓
- Ayeitskayla.m: I love that they are twinning 😀
- Mackenzie Buchter: TWINS!!!!! 😂😂😂 Josh, I missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!! Erin, YOUR VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- macy avory: I MISS JOSH SO MUCH. i started crying
- Imogen Hopkins: is he going to come out as gay?
- Ариша Щербина: We all are with you
- Austyn Jayde: I'm crying this is so sad but so amazing I hope Josh is doing waaaayyy better we still c his videos but don't know how he is on the inside but I hope he's great
- fluteloops22: "They may even abandon you...... Or try to erase you" 😭😭 How heartbreaking. You and Erin are amazing. So lucky to have one another. Love you both.
- Tide: Katerina Vutov Lol its ok i knew u werent. lol i did that on purpose
- Özge Bird: This was super touching and equally amazing to watch. I cried a lot because within a song you guys manage to fit genuinity, family love/support, and making peace with dark patches of your life. This was real and beautiful. I have insane amount of respect for you that you come forward with all these emotions and personal struggles together as brother and sister. Some people might be too young or too involved to really see the fact that this is not anthem for Josh's heartbreak. This does not come from a dark place. It is full of hope, positivity, support and love. Please try to understand and respect it. This is the guy that we liked as who he is not because of his associations and we should manage to reflect that like and support with its own unique measurement from now on. I believe he doesnt want to be seen as doing everything because of or for an old relationship. That's not fair to him. He is his own man and he deserves to be acknowledged as a sole strong and successful person that he is. Hope you all will read this and give it a thought. Have a great day! xxx
- Maura Lindsey: This song is so amazing. Erin is an amazing singer. Josh and Erin can you please so more duets together.
- Chanelle Field: Joshua And Erin 💜💜
- Margaret Rakowski: <3
- Dana K: This was so sad I feel so bad for him. We love you and missed you josh!❤️
- lindsay shamon: So glad your back!!!!💕💕
- thatdudescool: STOP with the comments that Josh is gay!! Do I have to address it in every single video?! Just because he is getting divorced to a female doesn't mean he is gay! And now that he is making a video about showing his "true colors" doesn't mean he is gay! So shut the fuck up and leave him alone! You all are ridiculous and totally out of hand. It makes me furious. And makes me think that you all are a dumb piece of shit. Oh wait, I guess you are. My bad.
- Jomy Jolly: That was so beautiful 😍😍
- Patrick Aaron: Anyone wanna collab? Haha check me out! :)
- Joe Tolo: I love this. ❤️
- Mariah Calvert: I love you josh!!!! Best coming back to YouTube video ever!!
- Maddie Romanoff: WELCOME BACK ILY
- Every Other Person: I'm Dead Josh is such a sensitive beautiful man also Erin is so good at singing
- Katie Pierce: Y'all are so talented. I love the song, and meaning ❤️
- Sarsha Joy: The tear factor is real. 😭💖🙏🏾
- Kaylee Newsom: We love you.
- Madeline Grant: JOSH I MISSED YOU!
- Tala Tala: I started crying before he ever started singing 😭 i'm truly deeply madly in love with you and your beautiful soul 💜💜 i wish you love and happiness ...this song is sooo amazing , sad but wonderful just like you two ..i am gonna be listening to repeatedly 💙💙💙
- Cosette Plessas: You guys sound so good.
- Senpai Chan: Oh Justin And Anna Need To see this!!! They sound like them
- Stacy Caudle: Welcome back!!
- Natasha Aiken: savvas avgousti him and his wife is in the middle of getting a divorce
- Jean Aiello: You are inspiring and amazing. That's all there is to it. We love you and are here for you. <3
- Amanda Barry: Aww Josh I love your singing and I missed your videos
- Wicktoria: Damn ninjas cutting onions...
- Savannah Baker: ❤️I love you josh. ❤️I love you Erin. Both of you don't forget that, ok?
- Eden Paddock: beautiful humans
- Ashten Family: So touching! I balled!
- Rachael Rimmer: Omg this was so beautiful ❤️
- Maria Sanchez: I have no words.... This is so beautiful! I have no words!! You two are amazing singers. And Josh you are amazing thank you for sharing everything even the sad parts. We love you and soport you <3
- UltimateSoundWave: Welcome back Josh - we tried to be nice to people while you were away.
- Hannah Schneider: Erin's voice is SO PRETTY!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!💖💖
- Gabby K: Josh I love you and hate to see you upset, this song actually feel emotion and I feel you sang this song about Coleen. I absolutely loved it and I hope to see you happy and smiling very soon!
- Caitlin Sturdivant: I don't watch Josh or Colleen on a regular basis but this song really spoke to me. I can't believe some of the things people are saying. I don't think it was anyone's fault. People change. Marriage is a hell lot different than just dating. People heal/grieve differently. Just because Colleen seems happy in her videos doesn't mean she isn't crumbling in real life. If I was Josh and was reading some of these comments I wouldn't want to continue making videos for some of you people. I don't usually comment but this is ridiculous.
- ellieissad: You two have shown such strength through everything and it's really inspiring. Still keeping you guys in my prayers, we've missed you, Josh. 💙🌹
- SpriteGamer HD: I did'nt know josh was a singer.....I just saw him from Disney song challenge and...I was surprised he's good at singing😱😱😱😱😱
- Becky Sinclair: I hate to see Joshua so sad😭💔
- luke fule: I think I will download this
- Leslie Carrillo: Fav part at 3:40-50
- sarah tomboy: Hey Joshua why were you crying in the song ( true colors)
- Alois Stravoudakis: omg josh that most heartwarming thing ever i love you so much❤
- Megan S: this is a cover right?
- Regena George: I don't know how to feel anymore
- Madison Yelton: I LOVE YOU JOSH
- nothing: This is amazing Joshua, we love you!
- Delainey: Welcome back!!
- Emily Xoxo: I'm not crying.... I'm sobbing
- Nguyen Hanka: Fuuuuuck, STOP CUTTING THE ONIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
- sourpatches 24: love yall both😭❤❤❤ stay strong and you will be able yo deal w. anything
- Courtney Hopwood: This is beautiful 💜
- daisy44: I can't.😭😭😭
- Dana Reimer: I can't watch this without sobbing. It's so beautiful. The love between these two is amazing. As an only child I never got to experience what it is like having a sibling and being that close to another human being. This is a gorgeous example of the unconditional love and support that I imagine a sibling relationship is like. <3
- Keeping Up With The Kinseys: Can I just say they are the most perfect duet ever!❤️ ily josh!!
- Del Primaria: Sophie Amara who would look happy after only weeks of divorcing ? In the long run, of course he could be happier when he found the real love of his life. Or found something in himself.
- lex vbosch 12: Welcome back great video
- vlogs with cierra Maynard: Did josh quit youtube cause I miss him alot😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Alyson Petrie: Your sister has an amazing voice!
- Julia Bladt: I love you
- Alysha Anand: Beautiful
- Rachel Currier: Love you so much josh! We're here for you!
- popsicle short: Erin and josh - so good at singing!!!
- Megan Jane Cummongs: anyone pic a song of joshes and i will sing it and post it on youtube
- Abbie Reagan: I just love you guys💜
- Babydollgamer 101: Joshua
- Rachel Elizabeth: I am so sorry Josh. You don't deserve to be going through this, you seem like an amazing person and genuinely good. We are here for you, I hope you get through this okay. <3
- Sharon Lee: Why would you go out of your way to show a video of you crying to the world???
- Dabbingcharmandr 69: That was amazing
- Amanda Bear: made*
- Hero Pepper Prince: And the reason (coming from someone who is close with people who are in the entertainment industry) Colleen is so cheerful and out here isnbecause when you sign to have a show released you are required to use your platform to sell yourself and the show as best you can. I know plenty of people with rough crappy days who are promoting a concert or album or show or photoshoot and have to be giddy and happy all the time just to successfully promote.
- Maryam Usman: nice
- Hannah: Beautiful song performed so well. Love to both of you.
- Liv Bev: 2 am and I’m balling my eyes out
- Natalie Cherry: this song has brought a smile to my face since i have been having such a hard time lately
- ankh12: Erin have instantly become my favorite youtuber, she has such a beautiful and interesting personnality :)
- Thisnamestillsucks: Ya'll need to stop picking sides with this divorce. I see some of you guys going Team Josh & stuff. Cut it out. There's no "teams". They're going through something super painful & there shouldn't be teams. They've chosen to share this situation with you. There's no sides. Stop picking what's not there.
- Jo Oelkers: This is an amazing cover and love how you two can be there for each other that's what siblings are supposed to do
- Karlee Moser: Love you both with all my heart💞
- interpolate: This is actually really, really good. Josh, please consider releasing the acapella of this so some of your fan's that are also musicians can remix it.
- Nico Nico: Kimi-Jin808 lol they are! But I'm replying as nicely as I can. XD
- Laurielyn Kimbrell: Love you Josh!!
- gg trace: CatandHanTV u don't know whats going on behind the camera with Colleen she's just as sad just she's not showing it in front of her audience
- ken flaye: We're always here for you.....
- Jenn Moss: We all love you Josh…all of us. Erin, you are an amazing human being. ❤️
- cutie bea: welcome back Josh I missed u
- Lexi Youtsey: major goosebumps the entire time
- Kristina 1411: It was so heart breaking when they were both crying
- Jacqui C: We love u Josh. Don't forget that
- ariana lopez: love this!! ❤❤❤ you two are amazing and I love you both so much!!
- Lauren Marina: Despite this being the best singing video you've posted (and that Erin sounds amazing!) my favorite part is the fact that Erin is wearing j's
- Jocelin: I have no words
- Julie Skov Sørensen: This was so beautiful and touching❤️ I have no other words just wow❤️
- Kat C: it is not making me angry. every time someone like you responds I laugh at it. I did answer you. What you said was literally the only thing anybody can say
- Julia Clark: This gave me chills
- MJ Gaming: So much feels 😭😭
- Kholwa's Life: That was amazing I'm actually crying so much❤️ I love u Josh
- Olivia G: that harmony was the best
- Tryinglittleleg: Erin has a beautiful voice and heart.
- gem: glad you're back josh💕
- Pauline: wow..i'm crying right now.
- Faya Sahani: Michaelisvery N00B ohh I'm soo sorry I feel soo bad for u
- Queen Bean: Kitty Kenny yeah buts it was made way before that it's a classic, surprised not many people know the original I guess I'm old😐
- Lici Bitch: how does this have 1k dislikes?? Like how is that possible??😦😦
- Beccagui: kyana m thank you
- Kelly Lotko: We're with you, Josh
- erin x x x: You are truly amazing, what a phenomenal coneback! We've missed you! Your emotion shows through, and yours and Erin's singing were both so so good! X
- Keisha Rice: You and colleen where amazing together😓Stay strong josh! xxx
- Tugus Raditya Avanindra: I cried. :(
- rain hager: ❤️❤️❤️
- Falynn Crystal: this makes my heart sad
- Amazing Liv: It's so beautiful x
- Angelina Tran: Omg so beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- pumper nickel: this was absolutely amazing!! ❤❤❤
- Katie P: I feel a connection I'm sooo happy you've decided to share your life with us . I will always support you .Tell Erin she has a beautiful voice and you harmonise perfectly together .Love you and sooo excited to see the other side of you ❤️❤️❤️.
- Pres Combs: this seriously made me 😭
- Sydney Smith: Joshua, this was so beautiful. I'd say one of the most beautiful pieces you've ever put out. I have been praying for you and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. I can't even imagine what you going through, all I can say is that I love you and wish you only the best. We all love you so, so dearly.
- Gemini Coven: Every time
- Becca Boo: Shoe game strong tho
- Emerald: Crying and it's only the first line of the song
- Chloe Sibrel: Boi u got me dien 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭
- himynameislotta: Abbi Jones sorry to burst your bubble but real life doesn't go like the movies.
- Amber schulz: 🔥
- Warrior 123: It is so weird my eyes are sweating 😬😃❤️😭
- Tasha Neumann: Rewatching your vids x. This song means so much to me and got me through my hard times when I was younger. This is beautiful. X Feel the emotions you put into this. ❤️
- Noell Michelle: We all miss you, Josh, We hope you come back soon for good<3 We love you!<3
- Bella Chloe: They made me cry when they started crying, this song is so powerful!! 😭😭😭😭
- Carol Nunes: it sucks
- Anniem1138: I just bawled my eyes out just now!!! you guys are amazing!! you both remind me of myself and my brother! stay positive Josh it's not easy!♡♡
- army and bts forever: true
- Mother Terezzza: We love you so much Josh.....
- Malia Saragosa: beautiful!! 😢❤❤❤❤❤
- Felicity Hope: You can feel his pain this is beautiful but heartbreaking:(
- Draco: wolfe storm STOP omg don't spread hate they both don't want people to hate on them they both cope in separate ways I can't believe you would say something without thinking this is so hurtful
- Brit TV: why cry because I heard this song a bunch of times but the original and I didn't see anything sad
- Rohan O'Donnell: Harry Krinkle no please just no
- Madison Rand: This is so beautiful! 💓💓
- Bad Asmr: That was so beautiful, I can't stop crying. Me and my sister got so close after her divorce. Watch your sibling go through pain like that, it's just there's no words you can say to explain it or to them to make it better. I'm gonna support you Josh and Erin in whatever you do. I wish you the best and most of all I wish love and happiness. You'll get there. My sister did, it took years but she got there and you will too.
- shadow claw199: this literally made me cry-Emma
- sher: this is so real. thank you for sharing this with us josh.
- Mikaela Cox: Only if Josh and Colleen weren't divorced this duet would be a lot better but I mean Josh and his sister were good too
- Lauren Lanclos: Josh it's so good to see your face
- Asana Adventures- Yoga with Christyn: I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭 but seriously seeing this supportive side of a sibling relationship is so sweet and moving. And Erin has a beautiful voice as well, must run in the family.
- Courtney Rose: This is beautiful! Hits you right in the feels! <3 Wishing y'all nothing, but love in this hard time! <3
- Super Bob: Great song great video and it's great to have u back Josh😁
- Kayce Michelle: What are yalls shoes called
- Olivia Stahl: Well I'm definitely not crying rn 😭😭😭❤️
- Chloe Sibrel: Maken meh so sad 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭
- Heather Jones: I keep almost falling a sleep because it is so calming
- Hillbilly Homestead: wow vulnerable and amazing. Sometimes the in the darkest time we shine the brightest.😘
- Tae Taes chocolate chim kookie: It's been EXACTLY 2 years since this has been released
- ava mehigan: OMG Erins voice 😄😄😲😲🙊
- Damon Murphy-Bigley: LekicMixyMiki Katherine Pierce
- chloe lol: what no it's just allergies jeez...
- fat unicorn: first
- Jordan Purrington: AH
- Hi I'm A Robot: that was amazing <3
- Hannah Nicole: He has given so much love to people and somehow, He doesn't care too much about getting that love back, he just--loves. <3 thank you for teaching us that. :) Josh doesn't act like this is his job, he left leaving it to friends and family and literally jeopardized loosing money! but he's back stronger, and him leaving made it all real.
- cdelkkk: Ow my heart 💔
- [Angel Moon]: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
- Rosalie vdS: we love you ❤
- Bijan Welch: This is too beautiful!
- bailey butler: stay strong josh ❤️
- Lilly Stephens: aw u guys sing so well together ❤️ I didn't know Erin could sing so well. I love you guys!!!
- Ellie: Erin's voice is so beautiful😍
- Ella McNulty: Maddy DeGennaro computer
- Panda: This is so touching :)
- Savanna Haught: i am actually crying
- Neeka Setayesh: Guys, Josh is awesome, Colleen is awesome Can everyone just accept that this is their private time right now? Can everyone stop hating on them? Please? im not trying to be rude or annoying i just hate seeing hate comments on them :( :(
- inge: This song is beautiful <3 Also Josh is looking handsome AF
- Erin Kopit: I'm not crying, you are
- simply_ alecia: I love the song it relly mad me cry
- Shahar Schwartz: Im totally crying
- R.Xristian Mazes: Sad yet Extremely Beautiful
- Hale the Hero: Jeremy, Joshua, and Erin can sing, who knew?
- Bryce Trader: it's so stupid that he sits there acting all depressed
- Valerie Linares: I know this is a hard time for you, Josh. But, I am glad you have someone like your sister to be there for you, being supportive, encouraging and your light in the dark places. It is always a nice thing, that when you are going through dark times, there is someone who loves you who will be there for you. It is a special thing.
- Natalie Minckler: I saw this video and cried my eyes out. Josh, divorce is so hard I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hurt for you,I pray for you,I'm here for you. I love you Josh I love you so much. Stay strong,and...have faith💔❤️
- brazenbasil 16: Crap I didn't know Erin could sing!
- Sophie Moore: I'm crying 😭😭😭😖😪😣🙌🏼
- Kareena Sidhu: Sarah Nicole Erin has also been through a divorce she said it in Josh's video whilst he was recovering the video is called 'divorce and healing'
- Claire Alviar: Josh your an inspiration, all I wish for you is to find happiness because you don't deserve anything less. ❤️❤️ we all support and love you! Even threw this rough spot in your life you still seem to find away to bring joy to our lives❤️ Thank you.
- Jessica Lynch: I love you Josh all of your fans out here for you
- Melissa Pitts: weres the love butten
- Apolo Arellano: I think this song is about colleen
- Jadine Walters: Damn it! Why are my eyes peeing??!!
- DonQuavius Arithmea: Not hating josh, but you deserve better than someone who burps and farts like a drunken sailor on a Saturday night binge.
- Ky Matlock: I've missed him sooooooo much but I still love erin
- John Smith: Everything he does is cringe worthy as fuck! My god
- anavocadothankss: Just the most beautiful song. Erin and josh have amazing voices
- Bonnie Haas: that was beautiful. i could listen to this a million times and not get tired of it. So touching, i shed a few tears.
- Hali Hali: I didn't know he sang! Breathe taken, this is amazing! Both are very talented and incredible vocalist!
- Emily Joy: SO beautiful. Missed you Josh ❤️❤️
- Stephie Garcia: Oh man, I cried way harder than I thought I would. This was so beautiful and so raw. We're always here for you Josh... I'm so sorry you're going through this, but we're here to help. Thank you for this amazing video.
- Kay L: So glad you're back! This is beautiful.
- Marie Evans: Is it just me or do these youtube divorces come out of nowhere and fast? Like one day...everything's just fine and then boom! Divorced...I wish sometimes people would show the good and the bad parts of their lives so we arent so shocked but I totally understand why they wouldnt. If Shaytards would split or something id never watch youtube again.
- Alyssa Niven: This is absolutely beautiful and amazing! <3
- LaLeasha Frank: I'm very proud of you, Josh, for being willing and able to be in touch with your emotions and know what you need to heal. It will take a long time to feel at peace, but I pray that you do and that the process you take to get there allows you to become stronger and to be open for love again. People change all the time. We can never predict what life's journey will do to us. You're in my thoughts. 💗
- alexandamy2006: So beautiful! My heart aches for you, Josh. And my heart aches for you, Erin for having to see your brother in such pain. Love you both for supporting each other as you do.
- dangerous woman.butera: Wait did they write this
- Amber Carl: This is already one of my favorite songs, but it seems to also have been a perfect choice for you, I hope you can start healing from this. I would love to see more duets from you and Erin, she has a beautiful voice and you both really compliment each other well.
- Anna Forbes: 2 seconds into the music im cryinggggg
- chanbaek is legit: When his sister held his hand. Gahd the feels.
- KD Rasmussen: What a beautiful way to come back Josh, my heart is with you❤️
- Tima Ara: I love you guys! Coleen isnt good enough for u, u know what? When one door is close, another opens!
- the anna show 101: Alina Aurora Cooper everyone
- Jada Porter: Makes me sad. Stay strong 💪
- Ellie PlayzRoblox: WHAT I LOVED THAT COUPLE 😭😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😞😫😩😖😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Stephanie Loter: Wow. Simply Beautiful. The strength is seen so evident in your eyes. And Erin's eyes as well. The relationship that you both share is encouraging and awesome. That's a bond that'll never be broken. Keep on shining Josh. You've got a lot of people rooting for you!
- Ciara Turner: I've watched this so many times now and Josh I am so proud of you for having the courage to show your audience the pain and hurt you're feeling and trying to push through. Everyone processes loss differently, but I really appreciate you showing a very image of how divorce can affect someone. Prayers for you.
- Danielle Robinson: Omg they sound so good together and I never knew that Erin could sing because I had never heard her.
- Tristyn Williams: I know all the words to this song
- Janicley Mateus: Linda de mais
- emmi angelina: everyone is 1d trash ahhHHhH
- Courtney Lawson: Where ever Josh ends up I pray to God he's happy. He and Colleen both deserve it. He's such a good man who's worthy of so much respect.
- Christina Marie: LOVE this❤️ it's good to see you back Joshua! Continuing to send prayers and positivity your way as you get through this difficult time!
- caitlin fearns: I love you both!!
- Joji Urcia: I've literally watched this over 10 times today and I still cry every single time 😭😭😭
- Thrisha Roch: amazing voice love every bit...💙💙💙
- Ashley Cox: Guys. It's not Colleen's fault nor is it Josh's. If you watched a livestream Colleen's sister ( Rachel ) did a long time ago, you'd know that it wasn't a split second decision. "I'm not real happy right now. I want a divorce." It wasn't like that at all. Rachel said that they went to therapy and that them trying compromise and come to an agreement was on going for months. It just didn't seem like that of course because Colleen and Josh didn't video tape every single day of their lives and only video taped the good stuff. Colleen has lots of family and friends to help her out through this so yeah...of course she's not as depressed. And who's to say that her job and everything was the reason for the divorce. It could be the reason or it couldn't. So let's stop assuming. People get over grief different ways. Joshua got off YouTube for a while and Colleen continued to keep her mind off things. Let's just leave it at that....
- Jessica Bryanton: Still wish this was on spotify!!!!!
- Sarah Kinlaw: 💖💖💖
- Shelby Worrell: This gave me goosebumps, Josh! So great!
- Hannah Stone: I get chills every time this song is sooo good u both have beautiful voices
- CasperShaeBalls: Josh and Erin have amazing voices.. So glad to see you back Josh and I hope Erin and yourself do more duets. ❤️
- Morgan Lucier: Thank you josh and Erin
- MiKayla McDonnell: Welcome back,, I missed you💗💗💗
- Alesha Lawson: 😭😭😭👏🏼👏🏼
- Molly Pruemer: Praying for healing Josh!! Look to the good Lord for guidance during this tough time! Beautiful song!!
- Samariah 5: Beautiful Joshua, just beautiful and honest. You're not alone.
- kelsey mckenzie: I can't imagine what he's going through, but I'm praying for him. It's incredibly heart breaking to see anybody go through that. He has a wonderful sister, for being there for him. And I'm sure his family is behind him too. If you read this, you're truly in my prayers.
- Lany Hernandez: Whomever disliked this video has no soul! This was truly beautiful and I feel for you 💔💔😢😢
- Catalina Dawn: Wow. Made me cry and wish my little brother was still here.
- Rice Menace: +Dolores Walme no one truly wants divorce from unless the relationship is hostile
- Ashton Schwinn: Watched it twice, boohooed twice. Love you, Josh! Support you 100000000% So glad your baby sister is there for you!
- dolphinrose21: i seriously believe the lady ditched him...shes crazy and she says haters back off
- Lucy Cullen: This is amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Alecia Lardiere: omg crying😭😭😭😍❤️
- Erica Mullins: love this, I wish you both healing and peace.
- Leah Peah: Welcome back Joshua!!
- Leila B: This makes me so sad but you are on to amazing things josh!!
- Kay Jay: what did she say? its gone
- shook: DOES THIS MEAN THAT JOSHUA IS COMING BACK?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Samme L: The sibling love will always be there ❤️very beautiful
- random kitty HD: it made me cry
- Aaliyah B: omg Josh i missed you❤❤❤❤❤❤ and Erin, your voice is amazing ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- kayla bunn: Very very proud to call myself a part of this family! This is an amazing start to a new beginning! ❤️
- Cheyenne Lively: I can't watch this without crying. it's such a beautiful song and it definitely makes you feel something! love you josh and erin!❤
- Melissa Larken: Josh, so glad you are back. And Erin you are an amazing sister. This song already had meaning for me but seeing you both together and the meaning for you both, makes it more beautiful ans special. ( and there's something in my eye, damnit...)
- jenna v: go erin
- Sharayah Oliver: I normally don't comment on things like these, but I felt the need to comment this one time just to say that you are so strong and you are so loved by so many people. Family, friends your fans. Your not alone. This video is so beautiful not just because of your voices but because Of the emotion and the feeling you get when you listen to it and the connection that comes from It. Josh you are an amazing guy doing so many amazing things and through this difficult time just no that there are so many people out there for you who love and support you no matter what and that are routing for you! Although it isn't easy at times like this, things will get so much better for you and will be so worth it in the end. God has some amazing plans for you and I'm excited to see what amazing things come through for you in your life time here on YouTube. I hope you feel better soon, keep your head up! You make us all proud!
- Ella Berman: Also, it would be amazing if you and Erin sang more together ! So soulful!
- Senpai Chan: this Could Have Been Done With Colleen I still love you both!!!😭
- Tea. T: They both have AMAZING voices!
- Kiana Daniels: I balled my eyes out. This was incredibly beautiful Josh. I know life is very difficult for you right now, but you will get through this and will be stronger than ever. I hope you come to a place where you can find the happiness you deserve. You're an amazing person. Stay strong, love you!
- Lilly Stephens: I literally started crying when they cried
- Cassie Yates: Their matching hightops💙
- Mermaid school for all ages: I can't stop crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫 I love you Joshua and eairn
- Theresa Marie: Holy poop that was incredible.
- Riya George: i fell in love with soongg
- Emiley Kushner: That was amazing
- xkimberlý villá: omg this is on MY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOU
- Sharifah Rahiel Hannah: so glad to have you back Joshua!!
- coollikeday: Beautifully done! Let it hurt, let yourself grow, and continue to do everything in love 💕
- Hana Aarya: You deserve someone who will give their all no matter what, and I have no doubt you will find that someone <3
- Natasha Aiken: Raina Luing no he's not coming out. he's in the middle of a divorce
- Jish Jush: dude can you stopp chopping those onions!!!...pls :',(
- Sammie Caitlin: phan preach
- Elizabeth De Lira: you guys sing so buetiful #yournotalone like if you agree
- Cindy Doan: Nana Vela wow smh🙄
- Becky Thick: Omfg this is amazing I can't even AHHHHHHH
- Christmas Bunny082: anyone think that at some parts of the song Erin sounds like Kurt from glee
- Miya Meza: they have very pretty voices and don't worry Josh it will all be ok just keep praying
- kinskins100: I feel bad for him, not for her.
- Allison H: Her singing voice is deep. Which is a good thing
- Catriona Kelly: TheRealAudios So Josh made a bad decision?
- Alanna Korff: Wow 😳
- Berta B: This was so beautiful. I cried.
- miranda pettigrew: my select chours is doing this song but the glee version
- Isabelley 1108: I started to cry when the color went on and he had a tear falling down his face He's so upset but then Colleen is out there enjoying her life
- Vinny Grace: You guys are truly amazing ☺️
- Ronnie Delfin: I'm so proud of you Joshua, I've been watching you for years now I've seen your channel grow into something so beautiful. I hope you know that your videos have made us all incredibly happy even on our lowest days and I just hope that in some way we're able to give back and do the same for you while you're going through this. We're all here for you and will continue to support all you do for us! No matter what happens in life, you will always have your supporters here when you fall to catch you. We love you so much!
- Bella S: he's so heartbroken
- Isabella foreman: so beautiful😍😭😭😭💓💓💓💔💔💔👼👼
- poppy shillan: why did he cry
- leli_fanpage1706: You and your sister are amazing 💓
- Kelli Willoughby: only a man would show his weak side..... and its not cringy its sweet to see that his sister is supportive and I feel as if this song shows that family will be there for you no matter what happens.... not trying to start anything.... its just my opinion
- Jen Chapman: I've been through the pain, confusion, and hurt of a divorce. I have not found a video that represents those emotions better than this does. Life is good for me now but anyone who has experienced divorce knows how real the pain is. Keep going, Josh. It's hard. I know it is. We are all here for you, rooting for your success. Take your time to heal. Things will get better.
- Da Jing Trinh: I'm not crying, i'm just yawning too much.
- Dominique Ensing: wow, this is beautiful. Love you both <3
- Rokovono Paphino: Feels just like yesterday
- Sad Gorl: I love you Josh <3
- Betty Noemi: awsome Joshua ! God bless You . <3
- Makayla D: she reminds me of winnona ryder
- Janeika Webb: this is beautiful 😢😢😢
- Samantha Cano: JOSH! I'm so happy you're back, but this made me cry SO hard, man. We love you and your sister so much! Never forget it.
- Username: Erin is the best sister in the world, she's been helping Josh through one of the lowest points in his life this really shows her bright beautiful "true colors"
- Courtney Franczak: ♥️
- Macayla Kulker: so meaning full and beatyfull i can tell this means alott josh love u ❤❤❤
- Angel Ezekiel-Hart: My heart dropped, it's so sweet
- Ava Dah Random: OMG Josh this made me cry and think about Colleen D;
- olivia: This is so upsetting
- jordan rayę: Erins voice was acc really pretty ❤
- Quinn Blake: sounded so beautiful!!
- TinkerbellKat: Really lovely song. Hard to see you sad but the song was really well done.
- Anna Cohen: Erin, not only are you an amazing sister for sticking my your brother's side during probably one of the hardest time in his life, but you are so talented. I guess talent just runs in your family ❤️
- imalwaysright359: good singing n´all ... but am I the only one dying of cringe at the video itself????? daaayum
- Isaac Littlejohn: Beautiful! Thank you for that very personal message. Take your time to heal Joshua, and then when your ready, come back and make more great videos.
- Indigo Hunt: There's nothing like sibling love! Truly beautiful:). Welcome Josh, Thankyou for being open and vulnerable
- Kaley Ford: I'm crying.
- Mentally Hurting: OMG That was so good, that was beautiful. Never gave any one a thumbs up before but this was a wonderful video. Thanks for sharing.
- diane anieka: when josh started crying and erin held his hand.. man that broke my heart
- Maryanna Plenger: so beautiful and heartfelt. Praying for you Josh, I know the pain you are feeling. Chin up, it gets better.
- mockingariana2: josh crying hit me so hard
- Lily Bales: They should sing together more!!!
- Sidney Trompert: Welcome back 😘❤️
- Fruity Bunny: I suspect incest going on
- Bianca Bevin Valderrama: So is he coming back?! ❤️
- raechiegirl808: WOW!
- Justyanna Fortna: im sorry about what ive said. ive deleted the comment. this is a beautifull song and I should be happy that josh is back and that colleen is doing well.
- Deedee Smith: I thought he said he's taking a break from all this?..a music video?
- Galaxy games: is the girl who is singing with him is she crying
- ehraliz plays: ur sister is so cute also u😍😂
- Sydney Krudys: This was beautiful. I missed u. I never new Erin had a great voice. So does josh but i already new that.
- Diana Rashidova: Joshua pls dont cry what make you cry i start to cry two beacuse your crying pls answer this Qustion why you start to cry? . ---- --- . O O . : I~~~~I : . \ __ / : *CRYS* .
- Shnr Rlky: Joshua's Jawline where you at?! (lol just want to change the atmosphere )
- Tasha Masha: This gave me goosebumps and I shed a few tears. Great job! ❤ You guys are great! Josh, you got this!
- mel milou: welcome back josh we looooove dontever let us without ur lovely personality we re here because of u super song
- Fanessa Martinez: ❤️❤️❤️
- Marie Maher-Penny: 💜🎈
- Michelle Romero: Beautiful!
- Grace Cunningham: LS_ Gaming joshleen broke up months ago and you commented 5 hours ago so obviously ur lying
- Maddie Evans: Sobbing a river here. I love you Josh
- AshleyK Marks: 😢❤️
- Erica Unger: This is so beautiful!! LOVe it! <3
- Kyla Rose: That was so meaningful and powerful! I've watched this twice and i cant stop crying 😭❤️
- Jenna Paige Lively: This so Beautiful I love it
- emma sophia: JOSHUAAAAAA
- Breanna Bannister: so beautiful guys, seriously. we love youbguys and you are gonna get through this and be even more amazing than before :)
- Caitlyn Evans: that was amaizing and emotional 😇👌💕💕💕💓💜💜💛💛💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙amaizing thats why when i come across youre vids i watch them im😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😠😠
- Amanda Ng: this made me tear :'/ i hope youre feeling so much better josh, this was beautiful and to see erin helping you throughout this journey was amazing <3 i hope you feel better and find the light
- ChristianGirl 14: Lilyona M Exactly.
- Marnietopia: I really feel for u
- s731s: +Sharon V wish you hadn't cuz you have a right to your opinion BUT I can see why, as I myself usually don't share what I'm really thinking for this same reason, not everyone can respect or handle it. Guess some of us will have to keep our thoughts to ourselves ? Lmao what a world we live in 😅
- Sarai Guerrero: So beautiful !!! 💖
- Madeline Pryor: I'm not trying to start anything or something but I feel like him and Colleen would do this song!
- The Latiator: I love it when brothers an sisters sing together
- Ashley Alvarez Vlog: Had me in tears
- Piper Taves: It is a simple comment but even he smallest comments can reach out if you believe. I'm sorry, Josh. That's all I can say. Stay strong for us, ok?
- Jorgia Gallagher: @JoshuaDTV - The truth in your eyes is truly heartbreaking. I wish you nothing but light and happiness going forward and I wish the same to Colleen. Regardless of the decisions we make and the paths we choose to take everyone deserves happiness and love. ❤️ Keep your chin up and as we say in NZ - Kia Kaha (Maori: Meaning: Stay Strong) xx
- Sophie Hage: I cried while watching this lol
- olivia lucas: 493729429th time i've watched this in the last 24 hours. anyone else?
- Beth x: favourite video ive ever watched
- Jackie Hall: That was beautiful. Hang in there Joshie.
- Grace Saelee: We love you josh😭😍😍
- Queen Oneekah: they both got their hearts broken and had to go thru divorces! i literally started crying in seeing this! sigh! <3
- Esther Paul: he has lost so much weight makes me so sad. Also is this the first time after his break to be on his channel
- ashlyn gardner: i love you i honestly felt so whole while i watched this
- Que en: i loved the song so much its really inspiring and im so happy that both of u are feeling better. i also really love erins voice its amazing❤
- Kaytlin Lovely: sade power he just went through a LIFE CHANGING event that his sister also sadly had to go through. If he can't go to his sister for comfort who the fuck else is he supposed to go to. They're fucking family. Sad to see that you don't have a close family like he does.
- Sarah Prohaska: So heartbreakingly beautiful❤ You both are so lucky to have each other- I hope to see more duets in the future! Much love to both of you!!!
- xXxSparkleMVxXx: Welcome back Josh!! We missed you!! ❤️
- Alina Torres: I missed I soo much. I literally cried no joke. U will make it thew and find some one than will make u feel like a king. I luv U sooo much so exited to see u back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🙂
- Juliana Mercy: YES
- Silly String: beautiful voices, beautiful video. .. welcome back, Joshua!! love you Erin!!
- Mason A: Erin has such a beautiful voice. This is an amazing duet! Prayers going out to Josh and Colleen!! ❤️
- dinoh tauli: thats ur sis
- Mini Winner: I really hope you are doing better I know its hard but you WILL get through it, and every think will be okay. :)
- Cassie Rosse: This is amazing! Love love this so much!!! Great job josh❤️💕 all love for you both :))
- Joe Cabrera: Stay strong bro. Healing will come. It's just gonna take time.
- Nicole the Hypnotist: Makes me cry almost everytime
- The Moccaholics: that was so beautiful!!!! I ended up crying too (( missed you Joshua ❤
- sofiacarmen: This is absolutely beautiful and amazing!
- Michelle Botero: wow!! I'm speechless, that was amazing. It made me emotional when Josh got all teared up.Thank you for sharing
- Carolina Rodriguez: We missed you! All the love. ❤
- FloridaGirl 126: My eyes are sweating.
- T Mock: Beautiful!! So glad to see you back Josh, the pain that you show is still so real. I wish nothing but the best for you, never stop what your doing. <3
- Sam Mack: This is so beautiful, we love you both so much!! 😭
- Zoey White: I know how they feel it's just like something came to you and just pounded you down it's called life. most people don't think life will do that but it does and you have to work through it and this song has spoke to me to not let anything get to me and to pursue my dreams. Zoe White
- William Phillips: Is this a cover of Cyndi Lauper song true colors?
- Brianna Michelle: THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. literally in tears. wow.
- Consuelo Salilican: You are such an amazing and sincere person Josh. Time heals everything. God will heal every wounds. I love you!
- migit pops: hiraa wiandaa soooooooo cute
- jayven the gamingkid900 rios: Michael Jackson: wow I cried when I saw this he he
- Eggnog Elisha: OMG JOOOOSHUA YOURE BACKKKKKKK! I'm so happy omg I'm crying.I've longed for the day when I can hear your voice again; I've longed for this moment of happiness.You're a true inspiration. Keep smiling because you ROCKKKK.YOURE MY WORLD💜LOVE YOU DINGLE KING💜💜
- dude4840: well he's been eating his feelings
- X Lazer101: Ella Jessriel i feel bad for them
- Bailey Kennedy: Omg! I had no idea Erin can sing!😛 I missed u so much Josh😃 welcome back buddy😄
- Alice Dring: Yay!!!!Your back❤️❤️❤️❤️ missed you so much😭 I'm seriously crying rn😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
- Nadiya Ve: If you teared up watching this...then imagine how many times josh teared up while thinking about colleen;(
- Kori K: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lucy Mae Lennon: Lol the time
- KristiannaStephani: A DUET?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING OMG OMG OMG ❤️
- Anna Ross: josh can you do this one https://youtu.be/dwydujSqMRAplease and thank you
- Yo yo yo My name is joe: This is sadder than Hillary Clinton 😰😰😭😭😭😭😭
- StEpH ZeChEl: He's so clearly hurt. :( This is so heart breakibg
- Embootsi: I love this Josh and Erin, amazing voices! 💙
- -b 0 n-: Oh wow please stay strong for us x
- sadcilla: Iots of emotion 🙌🏼😢😍
- Loop De-Doo: I'm sorry that colleen and josh are no longer together but if he wants to be happy, he needs to put himself with happy things and people to be truly happy!
- Ashley Addison: josh looks so much like michael buble in this video
- Larahannah 23: Sooooo happy to see you back !!!!
- Cettina Ann Gella: So I have a confession to make... I've been watching this every single day since its release. I just love it so freaking much 😭💜 #sorrynotsorry
- Bailey Isenberg: This is BEAUTIFULLY done!! I love how the color comes in at the end. Such a metaphor. This is so great. We love you Josh! And Erin! Welcome back!!!! Hope to shower you with lots of love and support!!!!
- Droid Diva: I can't imagine your pain, Josh. Praying God gives you healing and guidance. You have shown you are a man of good character through this difficult time in your life. You and your sister have an amazing bond. Just beautiful.
- Ella Monksey: Love song it's fab
- Arik Geary: *Such an emotional video you guys did great!! You guys sing amazing!!:)* #siblinggoalsaf
- Shadow Queen: josh thank you for everything you have chose to put everything on the internet the ups and downs you are so amazing so thank you. You have inspired me to be myself
- Leasa Sickman: 😢
- jess doidge: Erin your have a lovely voice!! just like your brother. 💙
- kamryn c: I love you so freaking much. Continuous prayers to you, my love ❤️
- Ashlene Peralez: You could really feel Josh's pain while he was singing this. I felt his pain in my chest. This video was beautiful. 😔
- leila's skincare: Ashley Cox 😟
- Jason Wasserman: There is no such thing as two people meant for each other. There is no such thing as the perfect person. If you marry someone and they are 90% compatible, the other 10% can and eventually will cause you to fall out of love with them. And if you find someone 100% compatible, you will eventually become bored of your perfect person wanting something "else". Love always ends because there is something or someone else. Don't be blind.
- Save: dude, you and your family got my blessed
- Amirah Young: Not trying to be rude cause I know what both of them are going through but did he gain a bit of weight😬
- mandyyjayyy: +Amber D I know, I was talking about the original poster :P
- Lily Glare: I'm really sorry. This is something that will take time to get over. We all support you as a yt family. Marriage isn't always meant to be, but I'm sure you'll find someone new to love and care about. But right now. Family is what is most important. I'm glad you sis is there to help u❤️
- Ainz Nation: ameeliak exactly also he gives us this video and he didn't write the song I thought this was an original but then I heard the chorus and know that song and love that song you should've put cover if it wasn't original
- MakeupJunkie119: I never comment... But my gosh... That was beautiful and amazing and emotional and perfect! Thank you for sharing some of your inner you. I hope you find peace. It's there... I promise.
- enticingtae: I'm crafting.
- Music Mad: I didn't know Erin sang !!!! She's amazing xxxx
- Lauren Woomer: He looks so sad. omg. Josh. my heart broke. ilysfm. 💙💞💝💘💗💖💕💓💟
- Polar Pjs: Happy to see u again josh
- bridget j: THIS WAS MADE DURING THE DIVORCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Samantha Trujillo: Caitlyn Rowe no those are different high tops
- Kiki Mtz: Your back 💓😭
- Bri Marg: Josh I know you may not see this cause there are millions of other but you will get through this I believe you have the strength for this, everyone has their things they go through and it just depends how you use this life experience whether it helps you grow stronger or you let it tear you down, I love you and Colleen you both have such caring personalities. You will get through this I believe in you
- Ruhika sen: That was beautiful I cited sm ❤️😭
- Hannah Little: Erin has such a beautiful voice! I would love to hear more! Josh, your voice is beautiful too, but we already knew that haha
- Emma Mc Grotty: You are a very good singer like if you agree
- Jordyn Thompson-Bellmore: I didn't know Erin can sing . She did so beautifully. And missed you lots Josh I'm glad your back and doing well. We all love you. I'm glad your ready to show yourself again.
- Kristy B.: This is so beautiful💕Love you Josh. We're there for you!
- silverwolf BAE: I started to cry because I feel like this song is about Colleen😭😭😭
- Kate Johnson: This was so emotional and heart touching 😍💗💗
- alexis: This.Is.Beautiful. Josh and Erin you rocked this :)
- Veronnica Watson: See, that's why half of marriages fail. It's all about your feelings. Marriage is about commitment. Not how you feel day to day or year to year. I'm not saying to stay in an abusive marriage but for goodness sakes, marriage is a lifetime commitment not a "I'll stay married to you as long as I feel that I love you." Why even get married then? Just be in a relationship so that it's easier when your feelings change. This world is so messed up!
- Flower Power: I definitely did not sob
- TCG1334: Umm I was hoping for a real talking video about Josh's life at the moment and shadow but whatever 😒
- Kristina Lillie: This was beautiful!
- Ciara Turner: I am crying for you as I watch this... I truly hope you are to find closure and happiness and that your spirit mends. Praying and thinking of you Josh.
- Hana invarian: please dont blame colleen... maybe she look happy but we dont know what's behind the camera (i'm Indonesian, im sorry for bad english )
- Nic noymer: welcome back my friend!. love the video. its so good
- greenyhailey: This was too good oml I'm crying while I'm typing right nowwwwwwww. :')))))
- Nonhlanhla M: I'm so sorry Josh, I hate to see you hurt :(, you guys have beautiful voices.
- Sophia Conn: Josh and Erin, you both have a great voice
- GenSyDiaries: Josh you are honestly so inspiring. Love is always in your heart, just keep the light in your life.
- Reyna & Carla Vlogs: I am not being mean or anything but is he gay??
- PCACWeirdos Productions: I love u and Colleen very much and hopefully you and her get back together some how
- Samantha Mattox: Josh and Erin-Very very well done! You sound angelic together! hopefully more to come!!! Take good care of yourselves and each other. Welcome back Josh!
- Tanaya Leigh: Josh and Erin, you've taken an amazing song and have turned it into something even more beautiful. Not only is this a gorgeous vocal from the two of you, but I can see just how much you depend on each other for strength in devastating times. Josh, you've been in my thoughts. Thank you for being a positive light in the lives of your viewers, and Erin, being so supportive of your brother is so admirable. Sending love and positive vibes to the both of you. Thank you for sharing what is in your hearts with us.
- Annie Moore: Lucinda 101 thankyou one other person like me who loves both of them
- Kimberly Williams: I know you won't see this because you have over 15k comments. I never watched you before I saw your announcement you were taking a break. Since then I started checking out your vids and I want to say what a truly genuine and wonderful person you are. Finding someone who has positivity and character not only during the good times in their life but also the during the worst times in their life is a true testament to who they are. I am so impressed by you and wish you the very best in life. I know that God can turn any trial or storm into good and I pray that He completes that work in your life.
- Emma Vela: Literally crying right now
- Mary Meranda: Literally breaks my heart
- ItzNina!: i cried man. this is just too much. i can't. i can't.
- Dylan McCormick: What is he trying to say ?? ........ this is so sad
- the Jordan show: 😭😭😭I bawled my eyes out
- Emily Kate: I didn't know Erin could sing. She's really good
- jbestblakeslee06: This is so beautiful and so sweet, but sad at the same time. My heart breaks for Josh
- Sierra Leahy: I would be like Josh. I would want the person that divorced me to see that they really hurt me.
- eva_vert: Wow... I love Colleen but... what a huge difference in what we see of her and what we see of Josh. It's a different way of processing the divorce, I guess.
- anonymous user: I'm so glad you're back josh. stay strong man. also DAMN Erin can sing. such a beautiful duet with 2 beautiful people through and through. love you both so much.
- princessangel4evr: Omg this is amazing! Erin; I love your voice <3 Reminds me a mix between Lady Antebellum and The Band Perry
- Lia Bolio: You both sing beautifully :)
- Kaci 34: Juliaa Kuchler Stay strong you can get through it😊
- Katie Carver: Yay your back! We missed u so much ❤️
- Snya Hill: I'm Crying, love you both💗💗
- Karis Horan: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Anna O'Brien: dramatic...
- Lula Taylor: That's it? I want to hear josh. I want him to share some more how he's dealing with his pain
- becca: I love you Josh!
- Hannah Boudreau: I was literally in tears watching this. 😭❤️
- JessieSays21: i'm sorry 4 u Joshua
- Bruh Bruh: Why is she so perfect tho😭❤️
- S M: Here before this goes viral✋ Josh you and your sister have the best voices❤️ I'm sorry for what happened💕
- Stephanie Little: You are so strong!! The both of you!! This is Beautiful Thanks for sharing!!
- Viry: I love u josh we missed u glad u r back 😊❤ saw your Snapchat and was so happy
- Maggie Bouse: Hi love you josh I miss you so much so glad you are back
- Leah: So nice to hear from you again Joshua, this song was so beautifully sung by you and Erin I never knew she had an amazing voice. I know these past couple of months has been hard for you and you have been heartbroken but your sister and everyone else that has been on your channel lately has made every video so entertaining since you've been gone. Anyways I hope you come back soon with some great videos like they used to be and that your time off has been good and you didn't stress too much.
- Nell Urso: Oh my god Erin YES
- Keira Hedly- Walker: 😍😍
- Angix: I mint I love you so much
- Rachel Wiz: This was so beautiful!!! 👏😍 I loved it the care in both of you guys eye told it all!
- Maddy Grace: Ani MM i completely agree. i really want erin to make more covers with josh
- Faith Annabelle: I swear I'm not crying. My eyes are just sweating😭😭
- 8luvgrl: Love you Joshua, and you too Erin!!
- Celeste Kowalik: Did anyone else almost cry seeing Josh on his channel again?
- Mary: I'm genuinely crying. When I saw josh crying waterworks fell
- Josie Kenkel: I love this song, and you Josh!! You are so brave.
- Joslyn Rushing: I feel so bad. And i hate seeing you hurt. Its good to see you again. I still wish that you werent hurt though. I am very very sorry. But i also must say you and erin have amazing vocals.
- Len D: I can literally feel his pain
- becslep1: wow. beautiful and powerful. xx
- Avia Butler: I'm sorry Josh but you pissed me off a bit by writing that in the description 'people will let you down, they may even try to adandon you ... erase you .' 😡 Josh she obviously has feelings for you. I hate you for saying that it wasn't nice especially when she said in her divorce videos that no one is to blame
- Camryn Tomlinson: this song hit me on a deep and personal level, love you josh❤❤
- PinkNova: I'm both happy and sad for Colleen and josh because Colleen is so happy now and I love that 💖 but josh is still so sad and I want us to support him
- Orbison Crazies2.0: This is beautiful!
- AJ Grewing: Erin has a beautiful voice
- Liz Binz: Came back 3 months later because I heard this song on Pandora and it reminded me of how beautiful your honesty and humility is in this video. You are beautiful souls - thank you for creating and sharing this.
- Just Grace: This is so beautiful, and greatly appreciated thank you for sharing this with us Joshua! I am so happy you are back I love you Josh,your Dingleberries are here for you always ❣️❣️❣️💩
- Lemonade: Grow through what you go through. Tears and hugs, Joshua.
- Karen Cruz: Bruh... I wasnt ready for this.. I was not expecting this.. I cant even find a way to smile after hearing this... this is the saddest thing I've seen in my life. I love you Joshua! Things will get better, just have faith in your life! <3
- Jeanny Escobar: I love this song so much!! Y'all are amazing! I love you Joshua and Erin!!!!
- Dj Ainsworth: this song means so much to me, it helped for me to be myself and not care about others opinions of me so much
- Abb Fordbs: Love you josh
- Natasha Shand: I never comment but that was my favourite cover ever ❤️ thank you! Welcome back Josh! xxx
- Lesley C: She said that they weren't happy but I will always support them both
- Phanic! At the Twenty Øne Chemical Crybabies: I love this cover, the original, and the MattyBRaps cover
- Monica Ramirez: Wow! So beautiful. Josh we love you and want you to be happy again!!!!
- Hailey Guzman: Joshua! You're back!! I am literally crying right now😭😭
- dreamflight6000: This is beautiful! Love you guys! Miss seeing you Josh! ❤
- Lauren Webb: Erin and josh are amazing singers😍
- ThouArtPenguin: Brought tears to my eyes. Absolutely beautiful! Stay strong! <3
- Lauren: I'm crying at this, stay strong both of you!
- dumpinthecar: +Del Primaria I don't know either, maybe she just thought marriage would simply be better. Who wouldn't be excited to marry the love of their life?
- Jessica Clark: this is so beautiful 😅
- Lacey Smith: you deserve true love and happiness, Josh and you'll find it one day! Sometimes bad things happen to good people and we don't understand! 😭 praying for you!
- Abigail Phoenix: That was honestly so amazing and I cried like a baby. You two are amazing and it's so heart warming to see how close you guys are. So glad you're back Josh, I've missed you tons. ❤️💜
- Grace Reyes: I wish they would get back together
- alex;: Josh is recovering from the divorce. He still loves Colleen and he always will. This song is his emotions just flowing out. If you didn't know him and his sister has both been divorced. I love you guys so much, colleen is
- Nicole Youens: Misty Dawn same
- Saneeya Khan: missed you josh
- Aimee Caldwell: I didnt believe in love until i saw Colleen and Joshua together, they showed me what love is because i had bad breakups and i was scared to love again and they really helped me along my journey and now im like a lost sheep that has no idea what to do now because they were such and inspiration to help me believe in love. Thankyou Josh and Colleen for teaching me that love never ends and that i should never give up on love. I love you guys now im lying in bed in a puddle of tears 😔 be nice to people xoxo
- Jade's Awesome Life: I'm am crying from this when they cried it's so sad seeing this happen between Colleen and Joshua
- Brook Lynn: I don't cry and I just did such a beautiful song I'm glad your back Erin and you have such a beautiful voice you guys should use them more TOGETHER 😭😍😘
- Emily Witeck: wonder who this is about
- Tina Pesina: I love you so mush josh and I'm very happy to see you back on youtube. just keep in mind that bible says "this too shall pass." you're an amazing person and you have over 1 million friends in the world who love and care about you. Stay strong. we love you! ❤❤❤
- Quincey Sparks: michael cribbs really dude? He's going through a divorce with someone he's been with for over 10 years and you wanna bring him down to another depressing level? That's pretty sick if you ask me.
- Makis 17: ❤️😭😭😭❤️😭😭😭❤️
- aubrey: just watched thank you california and now im watching this bc i love to suffer (':
- Christine C: She shouldn't have ward his time and energy in the first place. She wasted so many years of his precious time. I feel for josh
- Laney Smith: Omg I'm broken I don't what to do 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Goldie Buhnerkemper: Absolutely beautiful Josh! I love you so much and I'm so glad your back your an amazing person and your sister is so awesome! ❤️❤️
- AyeeItsAngel: omg I love Erins voice😍
- Molly Quinn: Please put this on iTunes I will be the first to buy it
- Donna Poe: you have been missed Joshua, I am so sorry your having to go through this.. Everything is gonna be alright <3 Erin is an awesome sister.. Can you guys just adopt me already! :)
- cait: hey guys. we all need to stop making comments about who's team we are on or how one of them was wrong. they don't want this. you think your supporting them by picking sides but that isn't what they want or need they both deal with sadness in different ways and both need to be supported and loved just as much as the other. so let's spread happiness and be nice to people. ❤️❤️
- Hay Mass: This was beautiful and real. Thank you for sharing your life with us no matter how hard it gets. You have an amazing family and following. We all love you and miss you! Thank you again for sharing this with us. <3 #benicetopeople
- Anastasia Simo: Omg Joshua we love you your amazing everything is ok life is hard sometimes your a warrior to get back up and keep on going with your life we love you stay strong please notice me
- Donlad C: +Paul Wilson Tan thank you!
- Katie Badger: this was just stunning. absolutely pure, raw, and beautiful. I pray that God watches over you during this heartbreaking time, and we're all glad to see you again. I hope this was as therapeutic for you as it was moving for us. thank you both for sharing your gifts with us. <3
- Vintagedoll Laura: I can not stop crying. So beautiful And raw ❤️
- Robyn kearns: Who is cutting onions
- A V A L O P E Z: dont you see at the end there eyes are watery
- Haileydoesgameplay: This made me cry for some reason
- cérebro plantado: yessss!! josh is back 💘💘
- LollipopsRcool: Omg ok I'm sorry if I offend anyone but you and Colleen need to get back together right now. You are both very unhappy about how your relationship turned out, and Josh said he doesn't want the divorce, and Colleen said she did it cuz she didn't feel "worthy" of Josh. You guys both deserve each other and I hope you find a way to work this out. Sorry for ranting
- aimeelucig: Joshua coming back online means so much more to me than just being able to see one of my idols again. It's taught me to never let sadness defeat you and that there is ALWAYS light at the end of every single dark tunnel. No matter how far away it is, or how hard it is to see it at the moment, it is always there so DO NOT give up. Do not let depression win. Keep going and it WILL get better in the end eventually. I promise.
- JoshuaDTV: wait a few days
- cstar4587: I feel his pain
- IndigoIndignation: Never change, Joshua. You are GREAT. Erin you are so beautiful, I love you both <3 You give me hope so that I may continue to show my colours.
- WilliamL 137: Hey Josh! This is great and I love it! I'm still sorry that something so terrible that shouldn't happen to anyone, happened to you. But your my idol and I love you man, you're strong and getting through it great and I'm so happy your back! I'm glad you're feeling better, and that you're back, and I'm sorry but you're a great dude and will eventually move on even though it still hurts, it always will but everyday that goes by it gets a bit better with the light and comfort of your friends and family! I love you man, and I'm with you forever, I'm not going anywhere and am a Dingleberry for life! 😍😎💩 ☺❤✌
- Camy George: So glad to see Josh's handsome face again! Erin is an awesome singer!! So is Josh of course lol! Love ya!😂😘
- Delphine Porritt: Denise Ign A
- Madelyn Bigham: Was that Real when Josh started to break down?
- Emma Meaney: This brought tears to my eyes. So emotional, so beautifully sung. I loved it
- Jeslynn Ertell: Erin's voice 😍
- liz c: Beautiful rendition of this song, keep being you your both beautiful strong individuals. God bless
- Hana Owens: This is such an incredible, raw, real video. Your love is so beautiful ❤
- Valeria Miraflores: This video is super inspiring. Never give up even when you feel like there's no hope keep fighting for what you believe in. Never give up because there's always a solution. Stand strong 💪.
- Ysenia Martha Tello: Josh, you as a person have been so inspirational to me. I won't lie and say I know what you're going through, but this song hits me so deep in more ways then one. You will find happiness in yourself. You will know how to be you, how to love and feel so deeply and that people won't have a choice but to acknowledge it. Much love to you Joshua. You and your sister did amazing in this duet. I found a new favorite song. ❤️❤️
- Heatherette Babe: Ahaha I back you 100% Josh. You have such a beautiful soul and you're such a beautiful person. ❤️
- Jasmin Moxie: i missed you josh thanks for coming back : )
- Mariana Galvan: You legit sound like JT
- Pyrate Artemisia: you redo songs to much
- meow: yeah, i think it rlly did a lot to him
- Jessica Lee: ...I'm not crying❤️😖😖😖😭😭😭
- BamaHornPlayer: Woooo!
- Iris Theunissen: This made me cry so much
- fantom dan: I think this is my favourite cover Josh has done, and one of the best covers of this song I've ever heard.
- Nina H: Omg my eyes are full of tears. Such raw emotion and the special brother/ sister relationship you two share shined through. Love you both. This is beautiful. ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Xx Lily xX: I LOVE U JOSH PLz give me a shoutout
- Tori KellyFanGirl: +John Clark True. I didn't look at it like that.
- Rachael Wardle: Good job I love it
- Johana Lugo: Am I the only one who cryed during this 😭
- Connor Kruithof: literally guys, stop saying: this was meant for Colleen! It was a beautiful song by 2 beautiful human beings, thats it! I think last thing he wants to talk about is Colleen... he needs to think about positive things
- Kaitlin Beckett: Fruity Bunny no they both have been divorced so they both know what it's like they are very similar in there personality
- Megan Horan: This video gets me every time 😢
- Cheeky Mango: I love your guys voices together!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- jacquese williams: o my god he is ao dramatic
- Armida Amaya: Look bae is back 💙💎💍
- Dead Man and the Bullet: Its a Cyndi Lauper song..suggest u should listen to the original to know what im talking about...
- Amanda Nolan: this was so beautiful. so glad you're back. 💙💙💙
- The Vloggy Life: You guys are so amazingly good together please sing more i love it 😊
- HeyIt'sTia!: Me too
- marina zaid: man! he still loves her sooo much ! and colleens pretending nothing happend!!😢😢😢
- Art 101: I love u both and that was so amazing I love u guys voice they sound great together! <3
- Sydney Mullins: this is the sweetest thing i've ever seen. i love the two of you so much
- Maria Izabel Duarte: YES YES YES YES! I'm glad to see you back, Josh! And Erin, girl... YOU'RE AMAZING!
- Heysisters: This was amazing!!!
- cam fam: your back
- Hope Robinson: This is absolutely beautiful. You both have such beautiful souls that shine bright through the darkness. Love you guys!
- Karen Englander: You guys have the perfect brother-sister relationship. It's good to have a sibling to lean on during difficult times. I wish I had that.
- Alyssa Khoury: I'm actually crying like no joke I'm in tears
- Sarah Anderson: I JUST DIED. so fricken awesome
- alannah w: so amazing to see him back on YouTube I love your channel Joshua !!!!
- Megan Marie: Love you Josh!!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘
- MiSS DaNi: Very nice guys, I felt the emotiion, I got all tears now love you both so much! 😍👌♥🎶🌈🔆
- Ma Lu: 💖💖💖💖💘💘💘💘💘 we're crying with you 😢 but love is going to get you through this!!
- sheri Jabb: Welcome back Joshua ... you were missed
- Dan Johnson: that was beautiful.
- Fight MEHH: I wasnt expecting erin to sound like that🙄
- Megyn Michelle: I don't know why I keep watching this, it makes me bawl every time I do..
- maddi martinez: I cried. Still cant believe this is happening. The one couple that I thought would last forever is now broken and apart. Still and always will support both of you. You are both extraordinary human beings. I love you both.
- Allyssa Rose: i'm so happy you are back josh💜💜💜💜 this was amazing💜💜 you and erin r so good❤️❤️❤️ i cried so much❤️❤️
- Melissa Coulter: I say that Erin should start singing biblically a lot more.
- MountainDoggie: Wow!!!! Lovely!!!
- Alicia Lester: I love this so much. Shows how much strength josh has xo
- Bronte Haughton: Lora Smith ❤️❤️❤️
- Danielle Lill: Erin your voice is beautiful
- Krystal Wu: Is this an original?
- Camille Lynn: 💜💜💜 were so glad to see your face 💜💜💜
- Oliver Marukelli: Stop with the hate on Colleen she going through the same pain as josh is. Josh and Erin your amazing
- Alex M: JOSH IS BACKKKK😊😊 I missed you and I hope u feel better❤
- WishesNetwork: Gavin McInnes led me here.
- Clairey: One of my favourite songs.
- Zhalese Whute: 💪💪😞😊😘😩😢😖stay strong
- carly lloyd: My heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Shayla Giles: Can you please put this song on spotify
- OnFleek7777 MSP: Hattie Pilling you can do this honey.
- Awkward Ava: OMG! You two are such good singers and artists! I've always loved your voice Josh because duh! But I didn't know Erin could sing! This is amazing!😘👍😝❤️✌️️
- Amanda DaSilva: This was amazing!! LOVE YOU JOSH!!
- ValidVikes: Holly one thing to keep in mind is that Colleen has probably been over this relationship for a while now. Not saying it's super easy for her, but it's heck of a lot easier dumping someone than being dumped. Most of us can attest to that.
- Emma And Madi: That was beautiful I can see Josh's pain and I can see how much Erin cares about him I started crying when josh broke down😭 I am so sorry joshua
- NYTiffy24: this was so beautiful absolutely loved this☺💙💙🎈🎈
- HeatherMusicc: Repeat. This is beautiful.
- Ashley Cristina Brown: Made me cry. Stay strong Josh,you will power through it
- Tamira G: I wanna see someone do the try not to cry challenge to this song😭
- Regan Millard: This brought me to tears Absolutely beautiful
- AJ Serros: I'm totally not crying
- Kira Valentine Devine: So strong. So brave.
- Madde: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Auryte Venckunaite: I wish that video were with colleen😭💔
- Serenity Sov: Awesome!! I can see how hurt you are. I've been praying for you, Josh.
- Amanda M: Erin is AMAZING so is Josh I've never heard her😍😍😍😍
- Claudia Carmona: Welcome back, i really want to go through the screen and give you a big hug. i love you Josh!
- savannah strickland: I'm obsessed
- Maria Jimrnez: i miss you so much josh 😀 welcome back we love you
- Claire Ohno: it looks a lot like the new movie trolls's cover by anna kendrick and justin timberlake!
- Mollie MacIlveen: Swaggerista14 no its a famous song
- jennahmj15: This song is so, so, so powerful. It has a message that no other song that I have heard does. We will always be here to support you, Joshua. We love you.
- Aquamarie: ❤️❤️❤️
- Katie Messner: such a pretty song
- Zer0 C00L: What a beta male
- Nina mai: this is such a beautiful video. wow, I have no words <3
- Sydney Shive: I can just see what you've been dealing with in this song!! You sang your heart out and i can just see everything in your eyes and I am so extremely glad your back! I know none of it has been easy at all, but you came back with putting smiles and even some tears on everyone's face! Keep your head up Joshua! We are all here for you! We love you❤️
- Holly Cole: I don't like commenting shit like this but I have to say it. I have read through some of the comments and I just want to say the divorce is neither Colleen or Josh's fault. Just because Josh shows more emotion to the divorce doesn't mean Colleen doesn't care anymore. It can't be the easiest thing to "get over" or if you can even "get over it". They will always love each other no matter what. Also just because Colleen seems happy in her vlogs doesn't mean she's given up and forgotten about what has happened. They are over okay? Stop bringing it up and start posting positive comments like, "We love you Josh!!" SPREAD POSITIVE VIBES PEOPLE
- coolnegative: this is honestly one of the very best versions of this song I have ever heard. I could feel the raw emotion under the smooth voices.
- allofmorgan: love this
- Silly Goose: This is so beautiful... It gave me goosebumps, it made me so emotional. Joshua, you are so strong. We're here for you. We love you, this song is absolutely beautiful <3
- Ashlyn Pinter: This was absolutely beautiful and heartwarming and it made me cry. God bless you. You have so much love around you.
- Abby Connolly-mealing: Welcome back josh we all love you and wish you the best later on xx I wish I could meet you so bad xx
- Micah Perry: If you're going through something awful, do you still seriously have the time to record stuff like these? I mean, what's this for? To have many views? I just don't get it.
- Delaney Jones: So much love for you josh. Thinking of you everyday.
- Unknown Unknown: yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss I want another brother sister duet please
- Elena Georgoulas: Omg there's something wet coming out of my eyes
- heidi crawford: me
- Grace: Brb crying
- Jordan Francisco: You guys sing beautifully together!!!
- Jethrin MacDonald: chloe madison no they dont
- youraveragefan45: Yay Josh is back!!! But also OMG ERIN SINGS!? Damn this was amazing!!!
- Amanda Dickey: I loved this nice to see you again Josh❤️❤️
- Sophia Testani: IM CRYING
- Natalie Parker: AAAWWWWWW!!! This song made me cry! It was so sad when they both started crying! But it's a beautiful song! I love you Josh and Erin! Stay strong bud
- Anna Bakersfield: my parents went through the divorce process (which lasts about 6 months) without me know a single thing. just because Colleen doesn't show her hurt or sadness doesn't mean it's not there!! She is choosing so show the positive side to her life and respect Josh's privacy. People hurt in different ways. Colleen isn't talking about the divorce because that is childish and disrespectful. I support them both and I hope they can make it through this tough time without having to listen to all these haters. You might think you know them but you don't- you only see a fraction of their lives. You don't have the right to judge them and their decisions, especially Colleen's. She is vlogging and making videos because it makes her happy, and she needs happiness in her life right now. Please respect them and don't turn it into a huge battle with "teams." That's now how they want it to be.
- Fiorella Nava: this is extremely touching, beautiful video!
- Kamryn Stone: please don't tell me I am the only watching this over and over crying..
- Samantha Stewart: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!
- Jorge Maldonado: This is crazy I don't understand why and how they could of decided to get a divorce after only being married for only one year if they weren't happy and they fought all the time why didn't they share their Real life with us why does all you tubers paint this wonderful happy go lucky life when it's not at all like that and yes somethings are very personal and you have every right to share only certain things with certain people that you feel safe with I totally agree but don't tell us you are sharing your life with everyone when your editing out all the bad and only keeping the good why even edit that's a lie and if you truly care about your fans who you consider family and friends why not just be honest all we see is a good life, isn't just good times laughing smiling, I only wish life could be that easy, life is hard, life throws curve balls at you all the time and it doesn't make sense to not show both sides the good the bad the ugly the Truth and it's not just this couple, a lot of you tubers recently have split and said the same thing we didn't show you guys the whole truth we left the bad out we only showed good things why why sugar coated if people are going to be on YouTube and so call Document their life be Honest a lot of these people who are watching you are so young and you are misleading them to believe that life isn't bad or has no bad moments your not giving them any tools kids need role models to teach them, I personally enjoy watching both you and Colleen and other YouTubers as well however I just wish that we lived in a world where people shared the Truth
- Adrienne Hartzell: I cryed
- kate wilkes: What an amazing song!
- Purple Bookworm: It's so hard seeing Joshua like this. I'm so used to him smiling and make everyone else smile. It's breaking my heart, and I wish I could give him a hug, but all I can do is be right here for him and support him. Stay strong Josh, we gotchu <3
- Jaylin Huerta: 😣😣😣😣😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😣😣😣
- Kayla Evangelista: Omg this was so cute I literally cried and watched it twice
- makattack 924: Yay, glad you're back and okay now, josh. Love you!
- Kaya Ciulkiewicz: thanks for the reply
- Neoladara: Your Both Awsome!! Lovely voices!!! :D. Very Proud.
- Sav: Chills...
- Jessii mae: Beautifully beautiful
- lily louise: Wow! Erin can sing❤️ Taylor swift is that you??!!?😂👊
- Josie Barton: whenever Joshua started crying I started crying:( Josh we are all here for you no matter what..
- Sea Shellsxoxo: i feel so sorry for joshua
- JessicaElric: Broke my heart seeing you two cry. I wish nothing but the best and true happiness and love for you both. You deserve it. 💙
- KnastyKnucklesFX: Beautiful. Brother be strong.
- sexxxyricanqt4u: Josh, it's great to see you back. We love and missed you. ❤️️❤️️❤️️
- Mayhem 23: fuck you colleen
- Mary-Kate Applebee: Amazing! Made me cry!! That's one of my favorite songs! Welcome back!
- Khaled Mansouri: i love joshua but get over it man life doesn't stop heir
- Eliana Davis: We love you Josh!
- Emily nentwig: This was so amazing and I'm crying right now. Good job josh. Love you ❤️
- na.london.: I need this on spotify ❤️
- Brittney hart: this was beautiful I really got choked up watching you guys
- Cloude Rocks: I miss joshleen :(
- Starla Perez: someone pass the tissues... this was beautiful. <3 you and erin have incredible voices. Im so happy your back yet so sad thinking about how hard it is. Love you Josh <3
- Ewa G: Wow. Just wow... wish all of U best
- Daisy M.: I'm getting the chills <3
- tozurie: Josh deserves to find happiness too
- Carmen Jasmine: I hate when people compare how Josh and Colleen both feel about the situation happening in their life. Or even how Colleen doesn't care as much as he does. For one, all we know is about their divorce we don't see what's behind the cameras or what went on with their everyday life together. And two, everyone copes/grieves very differently. Some people want to be left alone and take time to theirselves and some people need to be surrounded by people they love to not hurt and think about whatever it is they're dealing with (like Colleen.) Give them a break it'll all be okay.
- christina pitts: I love it! I can't wait to see what more you have in store for us. I'm glad you're back.
- Emily Barbara: Lol don't mind me just sobbing in the corner 😭 this was beautiful ❤️❤️
- BrookeAshley014: So much love for you both Josh and Erin ❤❤
- Guen: Wow that was so beautiful!! It made me cry! ❤️
- Gingy L: This was beautiful! Love you guys! 💚💛💚
- Jackie Guadarrama: josh i love you so much and i want you know we are here for you
- Francine Mendoza: Love x1000 ❤️
- Sara Leder: i so sad ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh help it made me cry
- Tyron Thompson: i heard this song in trolls wow he sings really good man i love this song now
- The girl with the unexpectedly long name that has nothing to do with her profile pic: Me
- HopeCardamone: Josh, the pain in your eyes kills me. Breaks my hurt. I'm crying seeing you cry. It will get better though. Even though it may not feel that way, it will. Sending love and prayers your way.
- Hannah Coppins: omg ur back 💜💜
- lilly Murphy: i miss josh
- Elizabeth cadence: omg... 😢😢😢❤❤❤
- levke marie: this is truly beautiful.
- Sami Schumi: omg...that made me cry
- Lanna Esquivel: You inspirer me to sings and to not listen to people that bring me down
- SimplySofia: This song is so amazing, I got scared of my own goosebumps..You too are incredible. Don't forget that. We love you ❤
- tori: Jètt wriyght sorry autocorrect and don't call me a dummy thank you
- Lauren O: AniahTheAngelDragon I feel like it is about Josh's friends and family who've shown they're true colours, shown they still love him and are supporting him through the divorce. I don't think it's about Colleen and him
- wanderlust geek: I'm speechless. This is absolutely beautiful
- C Y: I missed you so much! Thank you for coming back
- Manda Panda: 😔😔 I love you Josh ❤️
- FredGold: I wonder how many likes this random comment can get...
- Isabella Christophersen: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Somang Lee: Beautiful
- moneejo: heartbreaks shouldnt exist 😢 I wanna hug Josh. you will find peace, I promisse you!!
- Jenny Said: The first time I watched this, I was in school and I had to stop it in the middle when he started crying because I was going to cry😭😭😭 we love you so much, Josh. Take as much time as you need and we will continue to support and love you no matter what. ❤️❤️❤️
- Its Hidro101: yass
- Maddie Nakhla: Oh man I keep replaying!! This is so beautiful! I think I'm crying!!
- Myra Reyes: Ok... I'm crying now
- Leigha Barnes: Sang this song last year in choir, You guys are some much better
- mfvazzz: I. Loved. This. 😍
- Nanci DUH: That's the josh I know the one who follows there dream and not letting anything get in there way IM GLAD YOUR BACK JOSH!! I have missed you and I loved your sister taking over for a while she was the best 😄 I'm glad your back!! -A Big Fan
- Stinkerbell TV: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- I HATE SNAKEU: i feel so bad for you...... i love you Josh. Only A real man would do this.
- melissa stegall: My daughter and I are both balling our eyes out. Josh Colleen is so stupid for letting you go. Time will heal. Praying for you.
- Ella French: we love you ♥♥♥♥♥♥
- sophia: I love you Josh! 💗
- Kelsey Miller: My heart wasn't ready for this. #Straighttomyfeels
- Andrea Marina: this almost made me cry
- Ms. HLH: Be Strong Josha U Make Me Cry
- This Is Fifty With Lil: Yours is a lasting gift. Take time; relish the happy moments. Seek out goodness, reflect your truth. You are in the thoughts of so many hoping for all good things for you, Josh. This was beautiful. I know there will be more to share as you grow and move forward.
- Vikasni Kuganesan: I have no idea why, maybe I care too much or something, but I cried.
- Kelsey Springsteen: That was beautiful!!!
- Shannon Hoyle: Josh I have missed you so much. I have already listened to this song like 5 times. Josh Erin you're the best ever you sound so good together. When Josh cried I cried for like half an hour. I felt so sorry for him. Anyway love you both if you are seeing this. :). You are the best people ever. :) :) :) :) :)
- brynna.: I swear I just want to give him a big hug
- orangedazzle: So beautiful. I'm sorry that either one of you had to go through the pain of a divorce, but I'm so glad that you have each other to lean on. I just want to hug you so badly. This makes me want a brother, because the bond seems pretty amazing. Lean on your sister and your family and friends and you'll get through the pain. You have a lot of love surrounding you and you deserve so much of it. You seem to have the biggest, warmest heart and I think anyone should be so blessed to know you, Josh. Sending lots of love and prayers to you <3
- Katerina Lim: I didn't notice i was crying omo😢
- Luis Flores: 💔
- Zoe_Moore_ Isn't_Cool: Jane Review she dose to talk about it sometimes people want to forget cause it will make it hurt less
- Andréa Cazoul: Ava Fraser Also like neighbor and neighbour, flavor and flavour ! :) I didn't know about donut and doughnut though haha
- LisaJoyification: Josh, thank you for acknowledging your pain and for letting us see this side of you. Erin thank you for taking care of him and being there. I only know him through the internet but I've come to love him and you and he's like my internet big brother and to see him hurting tears me up too. Thank you both for letting us see this side of you and for being there for each other
- John Cage: LOL. what was that. Nice computerized voice on Erin. Sounds like a weird Melodyne demo. Man Josh. I really expected better. I think you have a lot more healing to do before you can come back to YouTube/ online performing. This is not how you come back. I understand you're in pain. But don't you want to come back stronger than before? You have an opportunity to really show the world a kind of resilience that is unlike any other. Don't show us ambiguity, mysteriousness, (and please don't completely ignore what everyone is thinking about either...) put yourself out there, shine and be brilliant. And PLEASE, take time for yourself to really find who you truly are. Show yourself compassion, heal, and get stronger.
- Lisa M.: stay strong Josh. we are here for you
- Jana Murphy: We are all here for you josh!!! Think of happy things! Like your family friends and us! And don't you forget that!
- Alaura and Chloe: Sadie oh. as a scorpio, in offended
- Monica Montecino: I love you Josh 💗
- Jess Elizabeth: i look up to u so much, josh, thanks for coming back and giving us hope. stay positive and know we are here. love u.
- Kati Hendry: +Tommy Meli Thanks Tommy. Apparently it isn't okay for us to believe what we believe 😂
- Craig Eckart: welcome back Josh hope everything is ok
- Jayce Mars: I didn't know that erin can sing so well! Goodjob!
- D Yagin: Hits me every time I come back to watch this.😔
- sammie baker: I am speechless. Josh this is bueatiful and we are all here for you and we know this has been hard for you. If you need anymore time we understand. We all love u josh ❤️
- Sara Dette: Praying for y'all
- Lana Pudic: 😭😭😭😭
- grace pickering: absolutely beautiful I love you two so much
- Nico Felich: Why would someone dislike this?
- Austin Grace: I think it's beautiful.
- Gurl Please: Omg josh you are amazing ❤️❤️we are always for you
- Anju Kauai: I love your heart Joshua. Full of kindness and love.
- Danielle Martin: this sound so similar to the one in the movie Trolls
- Kaitlin Dervin: Her voice is beautiful
- Franck Sessan Morakinyo: I think this song is from the movie trolls and I think Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick wrote this song I have seen the movie trolls
- wills whiting adams: what a sob
- Se ?: It's so nice that they have each other
- Dana Goldrick: Omg❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Jonathan azariah: I cried so much 😪
- Brook Hampton: Erin has a great 👍🏾 voice
- CrystalR: This was a beautiful duet.
- Lily & friends: Joshua I feel your pain 😖
- makeup_kween: I love this it's so beautiful. I couldn't stop crying.
- Kyla C: God damn onion ninja... I WILL FIND YOU ONE DAY
- Fabi skrrr: Josh i hope you fell better now i am so happy your back
- Bree Castagno: I LOVE YOU JOSH! I missed you and I'm glad you're back! ❤️
- Mr. Cool Blue: Am I the only one who's daydreaming that it is Colleen who sings with Josh?? Damn it!! Why am I hurting myself like this :((((
- Kristy Pham: There really crying I feel really sad
- Jay xx: I'm so excited that josh is back ❤️
- baAyoo0ona: this is truly emotional, so moving, i didn't think it would actually bring me to tears. much love for both of you and i hope everything turns out for the better!
- Rana's Reactions: I can't watch this is I do I will run out of tears😭😖😔
- Olivia Howe: joshua, i sit here crying tears of sadness for you. I hate that you're hurting. I've watched your videos for years and I admire you so so much. you're so talented and have such a big heart...never lose that. sending so much love your way.
- S W: So raw, so emotional, so beautiful. Fuck I cried.
- Hfp3272002: This is so beautiful
- Alex Mello: OMG can't stop the tears!!!! Amazing!!!
- raytheunusual: You're entirely missing my point. Just because they invited you into their lives doesn't mean you're allowed to know every aspect of it. They didn't share their sex life with you, did they? They didn't share a lot of personal information like that... because while they were open, they felt it was still important to draw a line. You seem to not understand that these two individuals are PEOPLE. They aren't some characters in a freaking soap opera. Colleen and Josh are handling things the way they feel is best; you can agree or disagree and have opinions about it. But why are you coming here, and trashing either one? It's a waste of time and only deepens the wounds and restricts their time healing. You don't know everything, so don't fucking act like you do. You aren't in their lives, despite what you might think. And if you are, cool, but I don't think they'd appreciate their personal happenings spewed all over the internet, especially when that isn't what they want at all. Colleen isn't happy all the time. Clearly you don't watch her blogs and stuff. She's handling this the way she sees fit. Like I said, we all handle things differently. She can't just talk to the world about her divorce. It's just not our business. Have respect for their privacy.
- Evie Mitchell: Welcome back Josh ❤️ This bought tears to my eyes cos it was amazing ❤️
- Ava__ Mcdonald: Don't be dasceraged
- Erin M: this literally made me cry too ;-; love both ur voices <3 love this video and song
- bayyeenah is me: erin voice is beautiful
- dumpinthecar: +RM Aquatics She isn't heartless and she did not want to destroy him. Marriage is a lot more complicated than you would think, and yes it is about devotion and everlasting love but a key factor of marriage is settling down and I don't think Colleen was personally ready for that. It's not that she is evil or anything, it's just that she only has one life and wants to get every last bit of it before she settles down and raises a family. And also there were apparently downsides to the relationship which Colleen (and neither josh I think) had never made public.
- kenley carter: That's was beautiful do another song
- Elizabeth Wright: Much love Josh, take care of yourself
- haylay ficklepickle: Erin has an amazing voice!!!
- Nora Stack: It's not fair to pick sides and blame Colleen for their marriage failing. After all, many marriages do end in divorce. Sure Josh may seem more affected, but that doesn't mean that Colleen isn't hurting, yes some people do have an easier time letting things go, but others are just better at hiding the things that are hurting them. Just because Colleen seems happier than Josh doesn't necessarily mean that she is, she just might be better with coping. No life is ever perfect and everyone has something that they're dealing with that others, even those we are close to keep private. I don't know Josh or Colleen personally, I just know this through common knowledge. They're people like all of us.
- Skyler Schatz: Happy that you're back!!❤️🎉☺️
- itsdavidwenn: +Harry Krinkle You have absolutely NO right to judge Colleen's decision or determine how their relationship actually was. None of us know anything that happened other than that Colleen was not happy so for you to sit there and judge them is truly disgusting. We can mourn their relationship and be sad but that's it.
- Shaina Singh: Alma Guter same 😨😨😨😨
- Stephanie Reiff: This was my lyrical song and I wished we used this version. You guys preformed it beautifully
- talal_alsmiry: 💔💔💔
- Esmeralda Cano: My heart!
- єммαѕιєηηαвєαη: Very Talented Siblings😂
- cocomp4: Amanda Wilson it's not that she wasn't sure, it's because boyfriend and girlfriend fights are completely different from husband and wife fights. I wouldn't say anything if I were you tbh
- Maci Rae: Gayyyyyyyyy
- weirdly_ obsessed: Omg this was sad but u go Josh and Erin
- Shani Julius: This song made me think about my ex and what we went through i still love him and he still loves me but i just dont knw hoe to make him happy he lft me cause he said he isnt happy with me even tho he loves me 😭😭
- Angela Devine: He's getting alllll the feels gurl
- Sophie Holland: now im crying
- Stacey Akilli: Wow!
- MommyInAMasonJar: Joshua you wear your heart on your sleeve and it is a beautiful one. You are in my prayers. Divorce is intense pain that i only hope eases for you.
- Hailey Annibell: Erin is such an AMAZING singer!! I never new she had that talent❤️💙❤️💙
- Sheryll Ochoa: WE MISSED YOU JOSH!
- Analyce: AWEE THIS IS SO CUTE! Today had been amazing because this video went up and I made the basketball team!
- Heather Perez: OK THANK U
- Kelly M: Im literally bawling i love this so much. You guys are amazing
- Kimberly Russell: This is amazing and so beautiful... This song has so much meaning to me and I'm sure a lot of other people. It made me cry and I'm not a person to do that.. Just remember all of your family (real and internet) support and love you +JoshuaDTV .
- Rosalie Nelson: So beautiful. You're a great person and a true inspiration of happiness for so many people across the world. If life didn't involve heart break then love wouldn't exist either. Be strong, be you. X
- startled starfish: This made me cry. I know that I can't help josh but I can try. It hurts me so much to see that he is going through such a hard time. I know what it's like to have your broken. And even though I'm a lot younger than him, I know that it gets better. Life gets better. You'll find someone who really appreciates you and loves you more than anything. Life is hard. Everyone knows that. But there is hope. So to everyone struggling right now, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. Life gets better.
- Emily Jade: man ur ugly
- Kelly McGinnis: Wow, such a great job you both did. Your sister was so fun to watch while you were away and she has such a great voice. This was very awesome to watch. You both killed it. Great job
- Breebs Vlogs: So sad 😭 but Erin is a very good singer same with josh
- Lillian Snow: I loved this video. You have such an amazing voice. Both of you. I love you josh.
- Vanessa Xoxo: ERINS VOICE OMG😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😭😭😭
- Miranda Kolodziej: Erin has beautiful voice! I didn't know she could sing so good😭😍
- Charlotte bellis: Waw that was deep and wonderful made me cry you sounded brilliant together and you can see the bond between you is very strong x
- Hayley Anne: This video was posted on my birthday.
- snow_ tae_: Can already tell I'm gonna cry (Edit: I was right)
- Marcio Silva: Simplesmente Maravilhoso.......
- Dan the man Vids: Nice video
- Haylie 59: I didn't know Erin could sing. That was amazing!❤️
- Think Vibrant: +mC PRO As I said I feel like everyone here is pretty opened minded at least I am. I would never hate on someone because of they're sexuality so before you start accusing people read the entire comment. And you've got it wrong, no one is mad at you because you brought up the idea of him being gay they're mad because you are helping the rumor continue to spread. You seem like a smart enough person to know that rumors about drama spread fast on the internet. As you said you've watched them for a while so I'm pretty sure you watched both of their videos so you most likely heard the part where they said they don't want this to be on news article and news videos and all that crap so by you saying "is he coming out" you're just causing more attention to the subject. Maybe you think that sounds ridiculous if you look at the bigger picture that's exactly what's happening. We don't need to give news channels more reasons to post about their divorce.
- Grace Jennings: Wow. That was powerful
- Iyanna Mckinstry: I love you josh and your sister also this song and we have missed you and this song made me 😭💞💔
- Veronica D: ❤️❤️
- Mia Nathan: Josh I hope you feel better
- Linette Kindle: Beautiful job guys.Your open and clearly honest emotion in the song brought tears I respect that your being open with your emotions it makes me respect and appreciate the fact that your showing that this is a difficult and very painful time for you and not hiding it to me it makes you very genuine and relatable.Thank you
- Ava Bear: ur like a gown up jacob sardwo;ahaweo;rewfhaufwereuw;aeoh; (u know who i mean) not saying its bad
- Candy Cotton: 😭😭😭😔😔😭😭😭💔😔
- Alexandra Jacobo: This was beautiful I tried so hard not to cry since I'm at school😂 Love you guys and I'm glad you're back Josh!❤️
- pocahontas reese: why did they break up? but this is his sister singing , right?
- Charlotte Keller: Those damn YouTube ninjas cutting onions in the closet again 😭
- Hannah4prezzie: This is beautiful, I love you guys <3 <3
- Caitlin Shepperson: It's ok Josh. I cried at that part of the movie too.
- reb ecca: I just want to elaborate because I feel like my comment is generic, haha. I'm going through a REALLY rough patch in my life and this song nearly brought me to tears. Definitely my next go-to song to calm down and feel better. Thank you, Josh and Erin, I truly do love you both.
- Micky Mouse: Omg Josh and Erin you both can sing sooo well literally and I may be crying ..... But I love you both ❤️❤️❤️ this has made my day it was so amazing ❤️
- Meghan Schneiders: Who actually cried while watching this video? ( Hopefully I'm not the only one)
- Kristy Vins: The description made me cry...
- Drss Who: there singing makes me cry
- Kelly Cheng: Long story short: Stop comparing Colleen and Joshua. Colleen and Joshua are different people. So what if Colleen wants to hide away her feelings a bit? I would too. After all, she just wants to make us happy. It's something very personal you guys shouldn't assume so quickly when you don't genuinely don't know them. You guys don't realize how much will power and strength it takes for Colleen to make us smile when she isn't genuinely smiling inside. Do you think making Colleen feel bad and pitying Josh will make them feel better? No. So please, don't put hate on either channels. They are both going through a very hard period in their life. They both stated that they don't want hate in either channels.
- adorkablefatty Piedra: I come back and watch this every couple months and cannot hold it back when Erin grabs ahold of Josh when he starts crying. Siblings are wonderful
- lilli mrave: Blye Guffey I tell my mom that😂😂
- Sophie 03: Amazing! You guys have such beautiful voices
- Rosie xxx: This is absolutely beautiful 💜💜💜 We support you so much Joshua 💛💛
- Penny Merva: am i the only one crying
- livinmabestlife: Aperenly everyone in the Evans family is talented also currently holding back tears cause yea
- K9 Resse: i think that he sang this snong because of his divorce, any ways the song is amazing! thank you for singing this song josh.
- Cindy Doan: This was beautiful, thx for making my day better 💙🎈
- Emiley Kushner: I want to hug u guys
- Pee Roy: Is this about Colleen????
- Winter Wolf0986: Josh. U and Erin truly touched my heart. I think that u 2 should become full time singers. You use ur feelings and express them in the perfect way. It shows that you mean what u say. We love you. Stay strong. ❤️💕❤️
- Rosie Burnham: Holy shit, Miranda needs to make a reaction video to this Hahah 😂 #sorrynotsorry
- joey m: we missed you ❤
- airbrush01: WoW👍👍
- Angel Askeland: I'm so glad your back your amazing! I'm glad you made it through this dark time in your life ❤️❤️
- FranisAlice1: I can't stop watching this! Your voices both suit each other so well :) such a heart felt performance. Made my hairs stand on edge. Beautiful !
- Bebe Queen: I cried. that was so beautiful!
- Caroline Lieberman: I missed you are you still going to Mack videos with your sister
- Caitlin Kolb: This actually made me cry
- Elena Loops: I love this so much
- Rancy Joel: Mmm
- jenna v: yass go josh
- steph32588: Josh and Erin did a great job! I hope this song isn't aimed toward Colleen because she shouldn't get any recognition. I know he's sad but she doesn't deserve the credit to know she is making him so sad that he made a song
- Cassie: I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying *sniff*
- Lainie 19: beautiful song and amazing voices
- Carys Ann Wesley: I know what it feels like my parents got divorced and I didn't know what to do with myself but always remember don't be afraid to cry because sometimes it needs to come out and not everything in life is amazing there are some rough patches and I'm sure everyone has been through them. We are always here josh and I'm glad your back because we all love you and we are glad you are trying to move on but I know it's hard love you josh. Please reply it would make my day x
- Stephanie Carter: Sending you both much love from my little corner of the world.
- Grace Elizabeth: joshhhhhh I was at school I couldn't watch the video before you took it downnnn how could you I want to be there for you
- Allie Lapointe: Soooo beautiful. Hold your head high, Joshua. You have a beautiful soul with much to offer this world. 💕
- eqine dreamer: I know the pain your going throw josh i dated my boyfriend for 2004 - 2009 we broke up since we both wanted different things he wanted to work I wanted to travel we also broke up because he began lashing out at my family
- Ava G. Wiliams: I cried when I heard this song in trolls. it definitely reminded me of this.
- Tasha Gay: love and missed you lots Josh❤ cant wait to see where you go in life☺ hope you colleen can still be friends. you and Erin both have beautiful voices and personalitys💝 im so glad your back!
- DYL Pickles: We don't need to think it's none of our concern. They both show it differently because they are two different people. Josh took a break. Colleen is continuing to do what makes her happy and that's YT. She said in her vlogs that her mom has been staying with her day and night to make sure she's okay. These are different ways to cope.
- Aaliyah Dozal: when i saw them cry i lost my shit
- Brian Dimech: this was so pure, so beautiful... <3
- Julia Spainhour: please don't blame Colleen I honestly hope they don't get back together they need to split apart they were both unhappy they weren't meant to be
- Amanda Lyn: crap, I'm crying at work! Lol beautiful
- Flower Power: 😭😭😭
- Samantha Terry: Omg yes 😭
- Jaclyn Mitchell: you and your sister did get i love you
- Martina Wesa: This is beautiful 😭😭❤️❤️
- HaileyAnn: I'm so unbelievably proud of you, Josh. This is so beautiful and raw and powerful. Everything from the video concept, to the harmony arrangement, to the vocals. I can feel every emotion in both your voices. You are so strong and I can only imagine what amazing things are going to come from you. "Only by weathering the greatest storms can we appreciate the most beautiful skies." - Tyler Knott Gregson. People are gonna come and go in life....but your Dingleberries? We aren't going anywhere. 💗
- cathhep1: This was so so so good!!!!
- Jacob: Love you
- Tunde Guardino-Koch: HE'S BACK YAY
- Ali Dirani: Erin is really good at singing
- Anna Kocol: I feel like this is directed towards Colleen then I don't 😂
- Tara Dunne: Glad u came back💖Love u Josh! We are are healing😘 you guys are siblings goals
- gaby stoneburner: This goes to Colleen! <3
- Sarah Ravioli: So happy Erin's with you in California to help you get through this. This was beautiful
- Lilly: so beautiful and so sad <3
- Ma'Lee Gray: This is great ! I've missed you Josh ❤️
- Kaitlyn Wilkerson: Josh, this was truly beautiful. ❤️ thank you for letting us into your life and thank you for not being afraid to show us how you feel. You are so strong and brave and I can only imagine the kind of things you can create with your emotion and passion for music and art. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are not alone in a world that betrays you. We love you so much and I'm so glad to see your face again. ❤️😍
- Allie Kleidon: This is absolutely beautiful... As I am sitting here writing this comment, waterfalls are escaping from my eyes. Seeing the raw emotion and the pain in your eyes breaks my heart to see. I am literally balling my eyes out, I love you Joshua... So much. Things will get easier over time, may you have the strength to get through all of this xx :( You are an amazing guy, all the way through.... Be nice to people, That will always be a saying that will be stained into my heart... Always.
- paige harmes: She's really good
- dancer4evr1000: I'm so happy you're back, Josh! You and Erin sing so beautifully together, I hope you post more videos of the two of you singing!
- Cupcake&Nala19: Steven Palomo sameeeee
- Dani Andi: I can't take this!! I'm in a doctor's office and I'm doing all I can to hold back the tears that are welling up. This is beautiful and incredibly moving!! Erin, you're amazing and so supportive. I love you both! 🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈
- Catriona Kelly: Bea Smith hahahaha😂😂
- Danielle Stahl | Baby Portraiture: Not much makes me cry but this had me ruined. I'm so sorry. I hope you find peace and happiness soon!!! Xx
- Aka The Unicorn: they sound so good!!!! welcome back josh
- Shani Yehezkel: I must tell you that I am really glad you are no longer the dark period you I'm glad you were able to overcome it, You know there is a sentence in the song I really love that now I feel as alone in the world Sometimes with just sometimes I want to scream what I think and what I feel And I am also glad that you have your sister that I love you and it, too You are perfect.
- danadee: Joshua, your dingleberries love you! Erin did a great job on your channel!
- Lauren DeLaHousaye: Welcome back Josh! We've missed you! So proud of how far you've come. Love you!!! ❤️
- Tyrell John: what if this was his coming out video?😭😭🌈🌈
- Distroyer124 Aj: Josh can you please do the song if I die young
- Emily H: i love you josh
- Sarah Carter: The empty chair next to josh at the beginning of the song. 😢
- Julia and Chloe: Well we all can unanimously say we want more music from the two of you!
- lizzylizzy93: I was not expecting the heartfelt beauty, raw strength, and how much I would cry! We love you Josh <3 I'm so glad that you have a support system in Erin <3
- Mali Yiengyouav: Omg this cover ❤️😭
- Natalia Micallef: sme
- Kimberly Skinner: beautiful 💜
- Timothy Billy Iskandar: Same like original but very soft sound
- Jakey69 _: You have to be lip sinking or your just amazing
- Epic_Girly _Gamer: Josh stay strong we all love you and you can get through this divorce i love you❤️
- mystery 17: I bet colleen watched this already....
- Sage: I Felt so bad when I saw them crying
- Amy: It's been so long and you can truly hear his pain in his voice.
- Valerie Deleon: Omg I started tearing up when they started crying
- Ella Xx: That's was beautiful we all love you josh. ❤️😋
- Annieeswhispers: I had to watch this twice, because I was crying so much through the first time I watched it. Josh and Erin should be so proud - and I'm so happy to see them being so brave, and showing so much love to each other. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Abigail Adelman: I love Erin for helping him through this. I love them both. I hope everything is ok Josh I love you so much. don't forget it.❤️
- Tina M Fam: Thanks for being real, and raw. Sending healing prayers buddy
- Ebony Allen: I hope you get through this tough time ❤️❤️
- Danyella Kaplan: so amazing ❤️❤️
- Harry Krinkle: +laura wallace I've given this spiel a hundred thousand times to the younger fans, but it's a shame that I have to give it to you: Your opinion is not sacrosanct and cannot be questioned. You have a right to express it, yes, but if people are offended or otherwise find said opinion objectionable, they have a right to express that, thus exercising THEIR right to free speech. You see how this works?
- Natasha Taylor: The gaming Den g
- Megan Mills: I've watched/listened this on repeat for the past 3 hours and it's only been out for 5...
- gaekae: Nice singing. Good work. However this songs needs to be ripped from within, not mellowed from the surface to do it justice... Let those tears mean something within your voice... try it again...
- Naomi C: This is AMAZING
- growlingcheetah: This is the best video you've ever made , to be honest. It was beautiful , heart felt and just incredible. This is the first time I've ever watched a video that brought me to tears.. You're both amazing and I am so happy to have you back , you;ve been missed xoxo
- Sany: Welcome back Joshua !!! We are with you, stay strong and fight harder
- Emma Green: Erin has a lovely voice
- Esme Russell: Glad to see you back Josh, I missed you.
- Milly Boden: Little did I know, right after this song was released I was gonna go through a breakup too 😔 This song really helped though. Keep strong Josh, and amazing vocals to the both of you, it's beautiful
- mochamad jaya supriatna: merdu
- Britney Nacinovich BritBearThe_Nerd: wow this is just so sad when I saw josh crying a tear just can down his face but oh my god I felt so sorry for him about his divorce but josh my friend it feels so good to have you back again buddy welcome back my friend and hey don't worry you will at least try to move on and forget about her whatever her name is but at least you got us josh were all here for you no matters what happens and we'll always stay by your side anyways again welcome back buddy YAY We Missed You Josh We Love You Stay Strong Everything Will Go Back To Normal Very Soon!!!!! :D <3 <3 <3
- mandyyjayyy: Going through a divorce is dramatic? Guess you haven't gone through one.
- Diamond Shark: Erin you are a great singer you should start singing on YouTube or at least helping Josh with songs more often :) love your songs Josh keep making them and never give up.
- Jade Vila: I love this:( so touching
- Lani Williams: omg I swapped my face with Josh's face and I can't in see it
- Sarah Elizabeth: This is the sweetest thing ever because his sister knows exactly what he's going through. Her voice is so beautiful!!!
- Leslie Hawkins: Crying my eyes out! This was absolutely beautiful! But the sadness in his eyes crushed my heart. Josh, you are such a beautiful man inside and out. I hate that you are in pain but I'm so glad you have your sister to help you through all of this. I, and the rest of your fans, truly love you. Hang in there...it does get better.
- Jennifer Parlette: this was beautiful!!!
- Melody Carmona: are ya twins
- Nerdvanaa K: I can see and feel your pain, Joshua. I'm going through the same thing right now. I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy. We'll be okay. ♡
- TheRealAudios: Lmao sad that people think that she MUST cry in every video. Lol aren't you like 10? Go do your homework.. You have no idea what its like to be in a divorce. Colleen chose not to show it in front of the camera. She made a good decision.
- Samarah Han: I'm so sorry gosh😣😣😣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Betty He: Colleen plz see this he loves you!!!
- atiana elizabeth: OMG!!!😱this is amazing!!Erin has such a beautiful voice!!!😍😱So glad you are back Josh!❤Evans have talent may I say!
- Lisa W: Beautiful song! stay strong Josh! you got a lot of fans that love you.
- thatdudescool: I don't want to be on anyone's side in this issue, but I do agree with +Think Vibrant in this discussion. We don't want any rumors escalating on social media. We aren't hating on mC PRO I just want him to realize it's not his place to point out someone's sexuality. mC PRO -- I'm sorry if we offended you in any way, I'M sorry I offended you in any way. We can discuss this topic in a more mature way without blaming others or criticizing someone for something they did. I would love to discuss this with you further if you wish. Your choice. Thanks. +mC PRO
- Julie Mahht: Thank you for putting this video out, I really like what you said in your description about feeling pain and healing from that pain. I realized after reading that, that it's ok to feel, and not hide feelings away. Its what I needed to hear today, again thank you Josh and Erin.
- D M: is josh coming out or something
- Christa Virus: I got goosebumps! Beautiful song
- Mia Lumsden: Can this be available on iTunes or something I love it so much😢 we're all here for you Josh
- fashiongirlforever 21: i hope your heat will heal
- Natasha63323: omg yous are amazing love uses xx
- marilyn: i caNt
- Anya Faye: Josheen!!!!😭💔
- Olivia Carlton: This was so beautiful. I didn't know Erin could sing like that
- Shatha: oh this makes me emotional TT I see sadness In his eyes
- Kiara Castillo: I seriously cried 😢😢 so beautiful guys
- Michelle Montalvo: Amazing Singing!!
- sam: Thank you both. Seriously.
- Lorie Lee: Beautifully done, Josh & Erin! Wow...SO beautiful and heartfelt. There is nothing quite like that sweet, sibling vocal harmony. I admire you both so much. xoxo
- Kandy Ramos: yes I'm crying but I loved it :) such beautiful voices ♡♡♡
- Ashleysings98: This is beautiful. I hope your heart is healing ❤️
- Annie Marie Sawyer: Josh you are the best love you
- Ariana Castro: my whole heart we love u :(
- Whitney Klee: Why the heck am I crying what's this emotion I hate it
- Kiki’s Videos: Erin is a good singer
- Iris Theunissen: Everyone here is just bragging about him and colleen. But can I just say, this was really very beautiful.
- jerseygrl758: This was beautiful. So much love being sent your way <3 Stay strong Josh, we are all here for you
- diana valdes: just wanna hug them both.... they need a good long hug...
- SparklesCLA: Sooo beautiful Josh!! The vocals & video were so powerful, had me in tears
- Erin_Pearce04: Omg Erin my name is Erin to I love to sing
- Esther Paul: i couldn't finish watching the video because i can't bear to see him so hurt
- Caroline Swift: Iloveyou Josh!
- Katie B.: Josh, we love you!
- Tylan Johnson: +Sippy Cup i did it to. I love both josh and colleen. I just want both of them to be so happy and I dont want to sound boastful but think that i have a really tender heart. Its so sad just to hear this song. And I love how he did it with erin. I love you josh.
- i'll be your whole sky: ughhh Sibling goals
- Mianna Catantan: I love u josh! Xx
- Alex Karanjia: This is so sad
- X Lazer101: Elisa Morales oh thanks
- Sarah Haddix: YAY josh is back I love you so much
- Deedee Alder: I'm in tears, it was just beautiful xx
- Sassy Pants: Josh , we love you and im sorry. This reflects who you are and finding yourself and i think you're halfway there. Erin , you have an absolutely beautiful voice as well as your heart. You were so sweet to take over for your hurting big bro who just needed love and comfort. I love you both and this song shows your true colours. goobye and have a great day , dingleberries. - ♡ peace
- Emalyne Grace: I have watched it so many times and still am in tears afterwards
- BeautyByKiers: Honestly josh stop spreading negativity with sad songs and stuff...
- Celeste Manicone: im soooo sorry joshua this is my favorite video
- Amber Jaden: Josh. you can do this.!
- Amy J: I'm all in my feels. Having been where josh is sitting my heart feels for him. 💕
- Michelle Dawn: i love it. you had me cry. miss you josh. im so happy you are back. love you josh.
- Jim Sleet: Get in the bin
- Sarai Guerrero: Oh my goodness the video made me cry like a baby! We love you josh and were so happy to have you back hoping and praying you can get through this rough time In Your life you're so deserving of all the happiness in the world you will get through it God is always watching over you you're amazing and I love what you stand for "be nice to people" and I hope some day I can meet u Erin did such a good job too:)
- Alisha Simpson: She hides it
- Vanessa Torres: Im so sorry that was my brother on my phone
- Anna Edmiston: tfw when this is the same version of this song in trolls
- CATPLAY _L: when Joshua cried i just.... *OMG!*
- skudaaa: shots fired at Colleen
- Jacinta Gaudette: I cried so much you don't even know😭
- Claudia K: Am I the only one who cried
- DudeAboveMeIs Gay: See ya on Grindr!
- AJ MF: beautiful. teary face. x
- Jesse O.: This is such a beautiful video. Josh you expressed yourself the way you know how and put it out there for everyone to see when you didn't necessarily have to. You have a beautiful soul and I wish I was able to go through the screen and hug you. You and Erin made a very sweet and simple duet. I love you both so much! Also Erin your voice is gorgeous, didn't know you could sing you killed it girl. Sending lots of love your way during this difficult time. My thoughts are with you.
- Caroline Olivia: Even now I say they inspire me. Josh and Colleen made me think true love exists. Even in the divorce. They still love one another but chose happiness, even though it wasn't with each other. This was a beautiful video Josh. I wish you lots of happiness.
- Adrienne Hartzell: I wish I could sing like them
- Gisela Rice: There are not enough words in this universe to express how beautiful this is.............
- Dj Jackson: trolls
- Katrina Trang: this was so sad and emotional. but i love it. i know nothing i say would make you feel better, but i want to let you know that you're amazing. rise above.
- Chloe Hall: amazing...so meaningful, brought tears to my eyes. so happy to see your face again, Josh!
- littlered !!!!!: I did
- sam: This song gave me the confidence to be myself and I will walk into school tomorrow with my head up and a huge smile on my face.
- Jish Jush: maribel abreu chill dude...i wasnt hatting i was saying this song made cry in a funny way to cheer him up
- NannyCam: Eran Gabay that comment makes you look petty. No offense.
- Dream1092: Poor guy I'm sure he'll find love again. It just won't be the same as your first love, that's hard to forget. Wish you the best Josh!
- Haylee Mae: This video is beautiful. Knowing what Josh went through, or at least knowing what he showed us, and seeing these two sticking together. It truly is beautiful.
- Yendy Reyes: He's so cute! Even crying! 😍😍😍
- alle lozano: This is so beautiful
- Emma Green: That broke my hart
- Vivian Rodriguez: Omg +Colleen this song tho
- Stephanie Bowen: Beautiful❤
- Sydney And Zia: wow this was great, gave me the feels 😂
- Elena McCaffrey: WE LOVE YOU
- Lisa R.: Beautiful cover. Josh you are so strong and I love you. I'm also going through a tough periode right now (not as tough as what you're going trhough) but you're my inspiration to gather all the strengh that I have in me and keep going like you do. You are really special, so is Erin and the rest of your family and friends. I wish you to be happy again. You are a sunshine, so shine again please. We miss you, love from France xx
- victoriaaa: I kind of want them (or just Josh, either way) to cover Forever and Always by Parachute
- Bex: 💔
- Lindsay Kirscher: this was a really good song <3 even if you didn't make it:)
- cheryl colby: Beautiful.Heal yourself however you need to and then find the love you deserve.The pain gets better with time.Lots of love will come to you.Just wait until you feel loved back..equally..Then it will all have been just a path leading right you are supposed to be.xoxo
- Robyn Bailey: So happy to see you back on your channel. Sending so much love to you and your amazing sister Erin. You are both so strong 💜
- Emily Chaplin: OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!!! Don't worry joshua everything will be ok! You have to go through a dark tunnel to get to the light.
- Katie Bryson: I am literally crying right now I love you guys so much and I'm so sorry for what you both went through and are going through I love you 😭
- Lexi Grove: I love this sooooo much❤️this is SOOO beautiful!💜I love this song. I danced to it in 3rd grade when I did dance lessons!
- Lina Elessawy: Aurora Cooper everyone knows
- Hollie Benson: 1) Erin's voice is beautiful 2) this made me so emotional after watching Josh and Colleen together 3) I'm staying subscribed to Colleen and Josh they are both amazing people, others handle things differently some can't hide it and some can, it was a decision they both agreed to 4) I love them both xoxo
- MerJade: I synced this with the Justin Timberlake Ana Kendrick version and its so beautiful
- Eva Voie: I'm crying so hard rn, ilysm
- Julia Sullivan: He cheated on Colleen
- LeMaster Life: Beautiful!
- vlogs with cierra Maynard: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Cordelia Fluece: incredibly strong brother and sister, beautiful support
- farah jafar: This needs to be on spotify ASAP, love you both ❤
- Calvin Phan: No!😢😢😭😭. Like I was like nope nope nope not gonna cry nope then when Erin came in I was this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- fi0rella: Girls.. lol I love Josh, but cmon now... Some of y'all seem to be really easy to fool! Beware of guys, they know how to touch our 'sensitive fiber', don't be so naive. I'm saying this is an idiot who's fell for it one too many times lol Very likely he's upset but there was no need AT ALL for him to show how moved he is by all of it. He's an artist, he's interpreting a song, he's acting. As he should, btw! Let him make his $$ but don't be pitying the guy, that's just awful.
- LissIsHere: Josh, come to Newfoundland Canada. Or atleast look it up. It's quiet, tranquil and everything about it makes it easy to just "be". You get smiles wherever you go, people being polite and helpful, especially if you come out around the bay. If you read the comment, think about it. Newfoundland is the best medicine for the soul. Take care. I've been a silent dingleberry for the past 2 years now, I think you're so special and although I'm a complete stranger and 100s of miles away, I'm always here.
- C O: That was AMAZING! Just perfect!
- Maèle: Who else is crying like a baby
- Cassandra Kearns: Absolutely heart wrenching and amazingly beautiful!! You sound wonderful together!
- WolfBlitzer: I highly doubt she is actually happy. It is most likely still killing her, but she decides to put on an act as to not worry her fans.
- JelloowB: BALLING MY EYES OUT!! So beautiful! It especially hit me, because I have this kind of bond with my sister and I she is always there for me when I need her and seeing that you have the same kind of bond with yours makes me so happy and I am definitely sending this to her😊
- Patrick Ludewig: That's so beautiful.
- Emily Rose: This was so beautiful and such a great song choice for the circumstances. Everyone heals differently and it's clear that both parties are hurting in this separation, they just choose to broadcast it differently. I wish nothing but happiness and healing for you, Josh. <3 ALSO ERIN WHERE DID THAT VOICE COME FROM THOUGH?
- Ashley DuPuis: at 3:23 when he sings the word "through" you can tell he is in a lot of pain :(
- Samantha Marie: I love Josh 😭
- Lolly Hamblett: Brave brave Josh please don't let this divorce stop you from going far... I have seen Colleen's page and to be fair quiet shocked she seems happy and I'm like her views on marriage are very child like. you will find happiness and you will survive this. wish you all the best
- Lindy Peterson: Simply beautiful
- Mimike Dolezal: I'm Crying!!!😪😪😪
- GrxceAlice: I miss him and Colleen
- Ferrari and other cars: Forgot to mention, I knew you sang beautifully but did not know your sister could sing so beautiful as well. You guys should make more duets.
- Abby Carr: Me and your sister have the same middle name but spelled different
- Elle Sea: 😭💙💚💛💜 so beautiful!! both of you.
- Ash: She doesn't deserve him. He's better off without her, and it won't take long for him to realize that.
- Cort cat: I'm going to watch this 100000 times. Sending good vibes your way. Love you and your amazing family. Just remember when yu have an amazing family like you do you don't need anything else.
- jen johnston: ERIN YOUR VOICE IS PHENOMENAL. Blown away.
- Sandy Mitchell-Bayona: Beautiful ❤️
- Kenzzeei: divorce cancelledt.
- HARRIET: My eyes are sweating mum shut up
- LittleK 515super: Jamie Myrick-Duckett Cubing same her voice is beautiful and Joshua's also!! I've watched them for like 3 years and this made me cry 😭
- Anisha Singh: That was beautiful, teard up near the end. Stay strong. ♡♡ we are all with you!
- Dylan Weimer: Last time I cried this hard was the divorce announcement. I love you guys. <3
- Jertown 18: Don't worry these aren't tears, my eyes are sweatin😭😭
- Ciara Correa: this was so beautiful. I love you josh, and thank you so much Erin, for being for him. you are both amazing people
- Makenzie Smith: I absolutely loved this.
- Ashlyn Elizabeth: Love you both so much. Beautiful singing voice Erin! Didn't know you could sing! ❤️❤️ love you josh. You are so strong.
- Sara Paulson: Lovely voices
- Hannah Katelyn: Thanks for making me cry 😭❤️
- Acacia Vitello: i really hope you are doing okay :( songs beautiful
- Isabella Jean: Josh I didn't know that Erin could sing so beutifully
- kate wilkes: Omg that doesn't even sound like Erin! But it was amazing, and i'm glad your back!
- Lynette Demar: Beautifully said Tara Monks.
- Alyson Newman: I am crying right now. This was the most amazing this I have ever heard.
- Joely Hatcher: Lauren Darley Obviously. But what upsets me the most is that they both still love each other (watch their divorce videos again) but Colleen was too selfish to stop and think about Josh. "Colleen is divorcing me." Words directly from Josh's mouth. Colleen has just been too caught up in her own fame that she couldn't think about Josh's happiness. :/
- Donna Marie: "People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you." Wow I can relate to that, and it really hurts, it really does hurt you badly. I feel for you Josh. You are strong, you are important and you are amazing. Do not let others define your self worth. You will get through this and you will learn from it. Continue to inspire others. You are worth it.
- Yazmin Lopez: She's such a good sister God bless her😍😍😘😘😍😍😝😝😋😏🤑😇😝😬😜😚
- Valiant for the Truth: Really beautiful
- Veronica Copley: We missed you !!
- madison lambe: I hate to say this but I feel this Colleens Fault. He is clearly broken but Colleen is over there making chip flavored videos. No Hate, but I just feel so bad for Josh....💕😭
- Luce Smith: Dance moms Edits same 😿
- Melissa Marty: Absolutely incredible ❤❤
- KiMiN: That was just beautiful and perfect.
- Wan Ahmad Faheemuddeen Wan Asmadi: FUCK ME I'M CRYING
- Clarinta Iswandriyanna: I cried😭
- Celeste Brien: I've watched this so many times, it makes me cry every time, I love you josh ❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢
- SofiaGiselle: I love you both
- Mariam Althani: 💔💔💔💔
- lovekenziexoxo: I didn't know Erin could sing now omg this song is so amazing I started crying I love you so much josh you'"" get through this we know you will
- Shawn D: Beautiful, truly. We all get it Josh, we do. Now you can fly high and shine. No more clouds casting shadows upon your talent and genuine realness. I felt like we were losing YOU long before that announcement came. Which was sad, because YOU were always the foundation of love and truth. Now, come back, no facade attachments, pure you and let everything good come to you that couldn't break through that wall of appearances that held that shadow over you.
- Cora Elizabeth: loobie's channel678 same
- Haley Sullivan: I broke the replay button because I watched this so much
- Wynnsday Beingessner: Wow this is wonderful. Hang in there Josh! I love you 💕
- Marlie James: I am so happy you are back on internet! Baby you are amazing!
- Bubbly Bee: Out*
- Lauren H: I'd love some good emotional songs a la Nick Lachey circa 2006. You have the best voice for them. Glad you're back.
- K Marie: This was so beautiful! I get chills and cry everyone I watch this! Please do more singing videos and with erin too you both have such amazing voices!
- Michael Harper: Quit Making Me Cry!!! 😭😭 THIS IS BEAUTIFUL *Applause*
- Egypt Starrk: I can only express the way I feel through emojis: 💞💞😭👏👏 Thank you for creating this beautiful video and for writing that powerful message💞💕
- Kari Kraft: Same
- Rachel Stefany: Wow I never knew Erin could sing she's pretty good (yes I'm trying to keep the comments positive)
- Cynthia Martinez: That was beyond beautiful. Everything will get better Josh, you'll see 💕
- Chrissy L: He cries for her
- Cora Elizabeth: my favorite song now
- HisLittle Bear: This 😭💔
- lsw t: +CreaMundi yeah i agree with you. all i was saying is that this is the first time since the divorce video that he has voiced his pain. he wasn't doing so since the beginning like the original comment implies.
- Kimel's Krazy Tunes: I'm glad you're back, stay strong all of YouTube are here for you💖💖
- Kiara Alexandra: I love you Joshua ❤️
- Tracey Jenner: i wish you will get back with you ex wife phsco sprano
- Donna Miller: i was crying through the entire thing. yall were amazing. erin's voice is amazing. it was an amazing video and im glad your back. ill pray for you to heal from this hard time. xoxo
- Waynne Bernaldez: ..
- Brenna Leathers: Joshua, this is amazing! I love it and I'm so glad you have such an amazing and supportive sister that can be there by your side through this. You are an amazing man and I hope you can find happiness. I love you❤️❤️
- Molly Sullivan: Hannah Krebs same here
- Amanda witaschek: Put me into tears! Absolutely amazing song with amazing voices
- Katie Winkler: Stay strong Josh! We love you ❤️
- thatlosermyelle: JOSH WE MISSED U
- Kawaiicheetah 101: Joshua has SUCH a soothing voice
- Joslyn Chambless: I feel his pain through his voice😩
- Vanessa Miner: i cried, i wasn't ready to experience josh's pain... i can't imagine how much he is actually feeling. Im glad your back josh. Hang in there, theres light at the end of the tunnel.... also please put this on Spotify!!!! its so damn good!
- chloe barry: I cried
- Sepi Sh: I think this is the 10th time Im watching this... I cant get enough... Missed u so much josh. 💔😭
- Jeanne Séguineau: ♥♥♥
- matalie cortes: You can here the pain their voices😭👏🏽👏🏽
- Kat'n' Rainbows: JOSH DON'T MAKE ME CRY !! I hate seeing ppl cry and knowing I can do nothing to help them 😔
- Gracie G: This is so off topic and rude but I think josh gained a little weight? Idk is it just me. I feel bad for both of them and hope the best for them both.
- Keko1311: So true colors could be the begginig of his comming out off the closet, cuz rumors says he is gay... maybe... good for him
- Erika E: This is such a beautiful song and what a beautiful cover!!!! Your sis is amazing, as are you!
- RheannaBanana: I hurt for all of you. That was so beautiful!! Erin I know you hurt seeing your brother like this. You guys are very close and all you can do is be there for him. Divorce is never easy. On anyone. I couldn't help but feel both of your pain. Tears fall down my cheek because I know that pain. I pray for all of you to find comfort and peace. God bless you.
- CraftyDancer: I had the chills when Erin started singing
- Cynthia XD: madison lambe Shut up 🤐 Colleen clearly said that she makes videos because it makes her happy .That it isn't like being fake .She only shows the happy parts .She probably can not overcome the idea that she is getting a divorce.Its none of there fault.They were just not meant to be .Sooner or Later all of this would of been going to a end .
- Stephanie R Hughes: Brittany Aceto no, I don't listen to country, but I know Ozzy's stutter goes away when he sings
- Karis Hynes: Stay strong Josh, you deserve so much and I cried for you I hate to see someone I care for hurt. It's so weird that I care so much for someone I have never met but no one deserves to hurt that much!😢😭❤
- Cordy Vee: crying so hard. so much emotion and I am so happy that you're recovering josh❤
- Sierra Nicole: Omg I cried! Josh if you ever get the chance to read this I want you to know that we all love and support you and we go through things but at the end of the storm you will come out stronger. And I love your sister too. Thank you Erin for taking over his channel. These videos continue to make me smile.
- Ally Criddle: Beautiful Josh. I love you so incredibly much. You are truly amazing.
- Jayden Cleo: She took his heart out and she got to keep hers.
- Maddy and Colleen: Also who is cutting the onions? Wow that was good song
- Элина: This is Amazing no matter what i didn't know Erin had amazing voice just like Josh together they sound like Angels i love you guys
- Susan Winkler: This was beautiful you two. Hang in there Josh we all love you!
- justme: When josh starts crying I ball my eyes out,then again I'm crying the entire way through😭
- Emma R.: Erin!!!!!!!! You have a beautiful voice both of you do!!
- Himalayan: Omg Erin and Josh's singing voices are so nice 🤗
- marissaashleigh: Josh so glad you are back!!!
- josie stclair: ohmygod theyre matching
- Ayxindry Cruz: Ily don't forget..
- Rhianon Ortiz: I know you're hurting but this is one of your best vocals ! Awesome
- Kylee Souza: Welcome back josh❤️
- annalieys: Amazing cover. <3 You are the best, and wow, your sister have such a beautiful voice!!
- Kate Stevens: Kind of expected this to be a dig at Colleen, but it was really just an adorable brother - sister duo. Sibling goals!
- Lauren: Definitely brought some tears hang in there man
- Sarah Becker: This is simply beautiful, with such emotion. It brought me to tears. We've all missed you Josh!
- Heather Reinhard: in complete tears. so emotional and beautiful stay strong
- E Belle: Poor Joshua I think I know why he broke down
- Savannah Smith: totally not sobbing just dust in my eye :(
- abbie clare: poor josh love you and poor erin love you as well 😭
- Turkey Sandwich: For all you commenting about colleen, just know that just bc she made videos quicker than josh doesnt mean that, every night she dies cry her eyes out. If u watch her vlogs shes said that shes lonely, and her friends and family stay at night
- Estefany Flores: amazing 💞 this is my new favorite song. great job Josh & Erin😍
- ocean of galaxies: "Like a rainbow" ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Mary Smith: Summer Afualo I agree. Thank you for saying that
- Emmehx: Poor guy ): rubbish situation for both Colleen and Josh. Hope they both come out of this ok.
- Kenneth Hoffman: By far my favorite video on your chanel Joshua! This is the kind of healing I like to see, I can’t wait to see you and give you a big bear hug. I miss you man!
- Ari G: I cried at 3:35
- Shinah Shebabe: This is really sad n sweet at the same time....
- Kristen Basco: Wow, I have no w....I'm very speechless. This duet was so powerful, raw, and inspiring. When they started crying, I couldn't help but cry too. It makes me so sad to see both of them sad, but I'm very glad that they have each other - through thick and thin. That right there - their bond - is irreplaceable.
- joycelyn palmtree: Great duo! Glad your back! Your not alone
- Kid.on.screen: Great video Josh! Love this song! Rainbows are truly beautiful! Everything happens for a reason!!
- Aoife Boggans: btw love u joshy and Aaron
- Emma Shae Thiesen: that was amazing you guys sound great Josh I'm glad you are back I've missed you and Erin you are the coolest person ever I love you guys a lot good job
- Georgia Leone: This is so beautiful josh and Erin I honestly wish y'all a great year because things get better josh and I know you can do it ❤️❤️great cover y'all should make more covers together please
- Rebecca Mills: So beautiful ❤️
- Suzanne Nabahe: I love this song
- L.Weary vloggs: did this remind anyone else of Glee
- Talia Trotter: This is beautiful. Praying for healing for you Josh
- Kimberly Broom: So are you in a incestuous relationship or were you just molested as a child?
- victoria scales: Welcome back. Josh. just think we learn and grow from our hard times. There is only great things ahead. You have the most amazing sister and she is strong. Lean on her till you get ur strength back she can handle it. Erin you the sweetest most beautiful sister.
- Beth Howard: This was so beautiful. I am so glad you are back Josh!!! I cannot wait for Erin's channel to be just as amazing as yours. I am a sub to both.
- emelie z: ❤️❤️
- Marie Brown: josh im so sorry what colleen did to you, wish u well and your amazing and will find love again! that video was amazing brought tears to my eyes i know how much you loved her and your heart is broken, praying you get through this hard time and find happiness soon
- Kat C: Get off your emotional high horse, and recognise the subjectivity of this situation. You're all the ones who came here to circle-jerk over a fucking sad, pathetic, depressing video, and you have the balls to say I'm the one being negative. All I've got from this is laugh over how fucking brain dead you are that you can't even see how much of a hypocrite you are. I've been here laughing at you cunt, and you've been the one wallowing in depressing bullshit.
- Marian Sanchez: I going to 😭
- Tyler Swann: this made me so emotionless... obvi the true colors are his beard wife colleen.. sorry guy. we all know what the real problem was here... she wasn't down with you switching to boys while being married to her. i mean the wedding was obviously for your fans.... who blogs at the wedding? who does the weird and stupid shit you did? yes it was all real, but for fake reasons. sorry y'all, illuminati confirmed
- Aqono Luna: This song is one of my favorites. I always cry when I listen to it. Specifically because it makes me think of my husband, who’s been through the ringer and back in recent years because of shit that’s happened in his and our life. It just makes me cry because I want so much for him and us and our future. I know he’s/we’re going to make it so far one day. He’s an amazing person and I love him so much. I feel like I’m rambling but I needed to get stuff off my chest and here seemed like a good spot.
- Brittney Short: Love you so much Josh! Wish I could heal you bud. This song has a message that that just grabbed my heart. Wishing you the best in everything that you do.
- Bella and Ken: I'm so proud of you josh you'll make it through
- VV Gaby: I hope Colleen and him can fix it :/
- SimplyRay: this actually made me cry I'm so proud of you josh and I cant wait to see what the future holds for you xxx
- Just Kayleigh: Any1 know how to stop eye leaking
- Emma-Faye: Been refreshing the channel all day! good to see you back Josh. loved this Duet so much both have such beautiful voices
- Quintaija Barber: Still listening
- Emma Merbles: it was only 2 seconds before i started crying especially since I've bin with him and colleen for 6 years and now there done josh we are all here 4 U
- Alondra Sifuentes: omg, why are they crying?
- Devyn Rodrigues: Dance moms Edits same 😭
- Isabella & Athena: Beautiful😍❤️
- MinMSP: eleanor collen do not move on she is trying to spread happiness colleen do not make a vid for like 5 or 10 days i know inside of her that she is sad
- Elaina Carsten: I'm speechless. I love you Josh! please stay strong
- Kelly: There are 3 types of comments here: 1) I'm crying 2) Colleen jumped back into things much quicker than Josh 3) Erin sings well
- Ashley Owens: Beautiful. I just started watching your videos a couple of weeks ago and your soul is so purely good. You're a humble, giving, loving, feeling person and you deserve every bit of that in return. I have and will continue to pray for you and your future. Your perfect one, she's coming. God is arranging everything for you. Just trust. ❤️
- Emma Lea: my husband has decided to leave me also. we have kids. It is horrible but at least you both are fincially stable and there are no kids involved.
- phoem dula: This is like a version of the movie Trolls and this is so cute I want to cry
- Éva Tóth-Bumberák: T_________T my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ :')
- Seph The vlog: trinidad campo I did
- OMGItsChloe12: JOSH!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽🦄🦄🦄🦄
- Mady Lochner: I have always respected Josh and I respect him so much more because of this. He put his most vulnerable self out here with this video. Both he and Erin did an amazing job. We love you Josh and Erin ❤️💙
- Kelly Silva: sorry for your lost
- Amal Hope: That is true sibling love ,, you are a kind hearted man and have a wonderful family ,,,❤️❤️
- Moonshine: 😿😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- caylee d smith: wolfe storm sometimes you choose ur self or another. u have to give stuff up either way u go. why couldn't he support her ? I'll tell ya, for the same reason - he had to choose between himself and her. good news is because he chose her he still has a plan B..... himself.
- Alisea Franceschelli: <3
- Dev Pink234: Wow I never thought that Erin's voice was that beautiful well it's not just Erin it's Josh to because you guys you guys are just amazing
- HeyItsShea: i love you Josh!!! no matter what your true dingleberries will always be here for you!! stay strong💜
- Sarah Catherine: I wish I could like this 100 times! 💕
- MS.T Brightful: Omg this is so touching and I am so happy your back ilysm josh be strong😩😩😩😘😘🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
- Mariya: You are beautiful!
- Lorena Delrio: Omg I watched it a second time and I cried the whole time😭😭😭😭🙁💞💞💞💞
- Olivia Bel: josh, thank you for everything. thank you for having a place that allows us to be ourselves. that you for sharing your life with us. thank you for the heartwarming songs and videos you have put out. I will always stand with you 100% of the time. i'm so sorry that you are going through a shitty time. i don't wish this upon anybody, but life happens and it sucks sometimes. you are incredible and an amazing role model. thank you. ❤️
- Brooke Christieson: I actually hate this song but u made me love it
- Louise Grew: This is so beautiful Josh you have gave this song a whole new video and I really want to support you in any way! such an amazing video and voice! you are an incredible inspiration to everyone. love you Josh and I can only hope that it gets better for you, because I'm sure if you keep up such the amazingly positive outlook in life that you acquire then it will. love you Josh -Louise xxxx
- nicole. cole: This cover broke my heart ..i felt so bad while they singing
- PADMAJA NARESH: You with the sad eyes don't be discouraged oh I realised it's hard to take courage in a world full of people you can lose lose sight of it all the darkness inside you can make you feel so small show me a smile and don't be unhappy cant remember when I last saw you laughing this world makes you crazy and you take in all you can bear just call me up cuz I'll always be there and I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful and I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow oooooh like a rainbow ooh can't remember when I last saw laughing ooooooooh this world makes you crazy and you take in all you can bear just call me up cuz I'll always be there and I see your true colors shining through and I see your true colors that's why I love you so don't be afraid don't be afraid to let them show your true colors your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow oooooh like a rainbow oooooooh💕
- Katelyn Davis: BEAUTIFUL!
- Alexander James: Thumbs up if you cried with them.
- ellie oloughlin: I can't sit here and watch him cry . I can't sit here and look at his pain. I just want to give him the biggest hug😭😭😭😭😭
- missy: I'm so happy you're back that was beautiful. You and your sister should do more duets.
- Jhalana Frederick: Now I feel like Coleen doesn't care... Cause she's so caught up with Haters Back Off and Josh is here trying to hold himself together. Maybe she doesn't want to put her feelings out there, but no matter what we're here for you!!
- Radpumpkin: I'm pretty sure I heard this version on my stores radio in Australia 😁
- Dead Man and the Bullet: Its so boysbandish..just cant stand that.
- jafacake: This made me cry so much I hated this song until I heard their version
- caitlin johnstone: Not hating or anything, but I always thought Josh was so much more in love with Colleen than Colleen was with him. Seeing him hurt like this upsets me so much!!! We are all here for you Josh xxx
- The Super Squad: Priscilla Leng same
- La-Wedia W: Omg I am sobbing!!! I love you both so much and I am truly proud of the both of you expressing your feelings. ❤️❤️
- Mayra.J26: Amber S Explain why she's so heartless. We all know he was more in love with her than she was with him. Colleen disappointed me with hurting him so bad. I follow this one youtuber that her husband Cheated but yet they are still married because they love each other! Yet Colleen doesn't love him as much as he did. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one feeling the same way.
- Amanda Bee: Erin's voice made me tear up, please record a county song
- Mahle: We love u Josh <3
- Shannon: This is such a beautiful cover!
- Nicole Gibson: didnt think id cry but here i am writing this with tears rollin down my cheeks 😂💔💔
- Abby .-.: Glad ur back I am proud to see u have over come this big obstacle
- Cayla Welchlen: beautiful!!!! ♡♡♡♡
- Seanna Harris: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Madison G: I don't think I've ever cried so much because of a YouTube video. Love you Josh ❤️
- Sophie Brooks: This was absolutely beautiful. I could feel every ounce of emotion that was poured into this song. Thank you for sharing it. I love you Joshua and Erin!
- Natasha Johnson: I am not a crier and I cried. Love them <3
- WishesNetwork: Gavin McInnes lead me to here.
- Jessica Rangel: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- j_money05: Gary Luggman wtf?
- Hana Marissa: I understand that you guys are upset at Colleen for causing this pain for josh but you have to put yourself in both of their shoes . Just because Colleen doesn't show her sad emotions on camera doesn't mean this has not caused her pain as well. We can not judge or assume anything because we don't know the full story.. please stop the hate y'all and be supportive of both of them because it is hard for the both of them❤️ spread the love and happiness
- Cindy Doan: Thought* And Yes I'm triggered
- Lizzy B.: I cried too much😔
- Sarah Chiricolla: RosesareRed38 that not what the song is about, it's about having someone to help U cooe
- Steven S: Noah Woodworth lmfao as soon as I saw 4:20 I knew I had to.
- Kiwi of the Bird: I love Erin's voice
- lavendercurrent09: Angela Zhu yea I totally agree, I feel that Colleen just doesn't want to be public and u know it's her personal life, but what I meant it she shows a lot of happiness it just makes me sad seeing Josh so down. I'm not saying it's bad she's showing positivity at all
- Zooba57: Love it. So happy you are both in a wonderful and loving place in your lives right now. Nothing but the best for you and your mates. You deserve the best. Good Health and Happiness to you and yours Erin and Josh! Love you kids.
- Baylie Herteux: Beautiful Josh. Absolutely beautiful.
- Hboss.j13 ._.: this was actually amazing and beautiful
- Infinityonhighatus: Madeline Nettles Same!
- LiveLikeHeidi: Delaney McKnight hahah nah I meant this version (Anna kendrick & Justin Timberlake did a cover like this), you can look it up on YouTube. I accidentally wrote it wrong oops haha, I changed it now though 😂👍🏻
- Linda Zalamea: That was stunningly beautiful. <3
- Jessica N: I guess I am going to be the first to say this but Damn Erin You have a Beautiful Voice!
- יעל בללו: I'm promise I'm crying right now! !!!!
- tozurie: L.Weary YES. I MISS GLEE SO MUCH
- I IIISaraIII I: This reminds me of the divorce
- ningledue: amazing
- Jourdan Lockett: we love you Josh that was beautiful 😭😭💘💓❤💙💚💛💜
- Kattie Rivera: this makes me cry i regret watching this but i love you Josh! be strong!
- Talia Shyotis: we love u josh keep pushing through this
- Charlotte Holden: Vocally this is one of the best cover you've done Josh!
- Annie James: Claire Shi they didn't ever want to get divorced.... they literally both said "I still love him/her, and we just don't make each other happy enough.." Look at them the exact same way you have been just pretend like they never met (which is literally making me cry thinking about it)... sorry for taking you time
- Donlad C: +guacamole812 thank you!
- Ella Bonser: I love this. You are both so strong and amazing!😀
- Natalie: we all saw colleens true colors dont worry
- Janeece Goldade: Oh my gosh I was crying inside! you still look so sad Josh!
- Lucy: The way Erin and josh look at each other is so sweet☺️ like if you agree
- Sorcha Maebh: I'm crying from just seeing the quote
- Zach Winningham: It's looks like we have some sort of hostage situation/stockholm syndrome happening here.
- Ceci J. Arteaga: Why is everyone hating on Colleen? She's a person, and you're all treating her like she's just a heartless monster who just decided to leave Josh for no reason. Josh would be so upset so see all this hate against another person under HIS video. Can you all please leave her alone?
- Maria Graziano: I'm so happy your back Josh!!:)))))
- nicagirl12: 💜
- Olivia L: I love how much Erin loves Josh you can tell its hurting her seeing Josh broken....awww *sniff* *sniff*
- Janelle Hickly: I'm so sorry josh
- Unicorn Abby: I probably got goosebumps at least 10 times while watching this video. It was truly beautiful and you guys are seriously sibling goals.
- Kennedie Maidment: Well, look who won the internet today ❤️ beautiful video
- Cherylyn Cruz: I think this is about Colleen and Josh..... I died so much 😭😭😭😭😭
- E GT: I think this is one of the most emotional songs I've ever heard anyone sing and it made me a little teary eyed :')
- Urvi Prabhu: Erin has such a beautiful voice omg ❤ this is such a lovely song :') welcome back Josh!!
- Jen Costa: Why can't you like a video more then once?! Million likes and a million hugs to you Josh ❤️
- Amy Hutchison: Stunning. Thankyou for sharing your journey even though it would be easier to hide. We appreciate it and we are here xx
- marlin sanchez: Stay strong Joshua 💗💗💗💗 . We're so glad you're back . we want to make you as happy as you make us .
- Cindy Lapierre: So nice to see you again :) that is a beautifull song that I always loved and you guys... <3 wow! No words. Hope that you are getting better and that the storm is fading... Take care!
- Alli Bee: True colours ALWAYS shine through❤️💛💚💙💜🌈 I don't believe the saying "time heals all wounds"... Because it doesn't... it's not that simple. Heartbreak is not black & white. I believe a part of your heart will always have a scar from where it was broken. But in time, that scar will shrink and won't be so unbearably painful. Hang in there because it WILL get easier... ❤️
- Ariana Strong: Anyone else get emotional???
- cynthia m: OMG YOURE BACK YAY!!
- no name: Is it me, or the girl just sounds dead with great expressions while Josh's emotions look fake but he just sounds so genuine?
- Jasmin Perez: Josh looks like hes hurting... while colleen looks like shes having the time of her life. smh.
- Jazzmyn C.: Nicole Gibson so am I at the moment
- Amanda Banana: Wow, that was beautiful guys. <3
- Naomi Cryan: by the thumbnail I know this is going be a sad video...
- Kiri Brown: This is wonderful, I loved it. I do, however, think that you should have credited the movie Trolls/Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick for using their arrangement of the song. Great job though!
- Lexee Boo Taylor: better then the original and all of the remakes. your voice is amazing . Erin's too . you sounds amazing together, please post more of you two doing covers please ♡ happy to see you back behind the camera, missed your face. stay strong you're a handsome dude.
- Tina Gjertsen: Beautiful. Just absolutely honest and beautiful. Wonderfully done, Josh and Erin.
- Amarga Rade: awwwwww brother-sister love is beautiful <3
- Marie Evans: +ThatLaurenThing Yeah, youre right!
- Michele Pineiro: That was raw and beautiful....
- mylifeasmaddy: He is so freaking hot i melted! I hope he's feeling better about his divorce!
- lbdori: Perfect....Inspiring...Heartfelt...Best Music Video So Far From Josh..!!!
- Karlee Fisher: I cried. So much. 😭❤️❤️❤️
- Brianna Colette: 💕💕😭💕💕
- Angela Conklin: Joshua, this was such an emotional video, you are so talented and very passionate. You're an amazing person and keep doing you. You and Erin have such outstanding voices. This made me cry. I love you so much I hope you continue to shine through your darkest days. Thank you for this video, and I hope you get through everything. Love you
- Sarah Elizabeth: This is literally my favorite song you've done ever. You sound beautiful on this, Josh
- Breanna W: This is going to be great memory for you two.
- Amanda Lee: this on;y has dislikes becuase people liked it so much they turned there device upside down and liked it again
- Taylor Mullins: I can't wait to see you on Wednesday Josh! Hoping to smiles and laughter! I LOCE UIU
- Leah Tudor-robin: This made me cry
- Samantha Mitchell: that was really beautiful and sad !!
- Sophia Himm: Erin sounds so different from singing and speaking
- Morgie Doodle: You guys have the most amazing voices ur so beautiful together im so sorry josh but it was for the best u never had time for eachother because of your careers but none of us should blame colleen for the divorce it wasnt her fault ur so beautiful when u sing i bet most of us cried through this song
- emily b: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH JOSH!! 😭❤️ your videos make me so happy and make my day. I'm so happy you're back and doing better. (: ily josh and erin!
- tracytea: I hope you find peace within yourself soon Josh, I wish you to find true happiness again. You're lucky to be surrounded by people who support you and love you unconditionally! And thank you Erin for being the face of the channel the past month, you've been awesome. :) Best of luck to both of you!
- brooke frazier: O.M.G. Baaawwwwling!!!!!!! absolutely love yall! you're in my prayers! sending love your way
- Natalie Calcaterra: Soooo beautiful!!!
- Skye Goral: This was so sad, and touching
- Inge T: this is precious
- Branea Reed: Just let the tears fall... okay
- Brookescouter Gaming: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Anthony Elswick: beautiful man got me tearing up lol
- Alli Meier: Thank you for this. I hope it helped you to start healing and In sure it helped lots of people out there. We love you josh ❤️
- Kristen Campbell: This video makes me cry every single time
- Katherine Xoxo: oooo omg that is so happy you made me cry because I know that this is for Collen ps you sing so good both of you
- _.xx.hayden.xx._: I Love his sisters voice. It's beautiful
- Aliva Bauer: Rip my makeup
- michelle collins: you should've never let your divorce happen. you and Colleen were the cutest couple I knew and you looked sooo cute together. I know it's not your fault but still. please read this comment!! lots of love!😘😧😧😧
- Kayla Frederick: you guys are amazing sings and great thus deserves a trillion likes
- Libby: Im not quite robotic but the older i get the less and less i cry at outward things (that have nothing to do with me) and im not even a Josh follower but this video broke me down and gave me all the feels. Pretty powerful.
- jkp13452: good to see you back!
- ava grasso: i love you
- Jenna C.: it pisses me off people are blaming colleen and bashing on her saying stuff like "we can tell who is the one who cares more" or "i can't believe she doesn't care as much as him" etc etc etc.. WHY DONT YA'LL JUST STFU! just because colleen decides to post things happy about her life and not show her sadness doesn't mean she isn't as sad or more than josh is. people cope with sadness differently too. for all we know colleen could be crying her eyes out after she turns the camera off. we all should be just loving and supporting them both through this hard time. ya'll need to just understand that sometimes relationships don't work out and that people change.
- Megha Kamath: FINALLY FINALLY! Missed you so much Josh!! <3
- Alicia Sama: this was an amazing video you both are so talented. welcome back Josh :)
- Molly Goldberg: OMGGGGG!!!! I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!! ❤️
- Becca: I love you and I'm so proud of you. ❤️
- Jessica Ramirez: Faya Sahani he is gone she basically never saw her dad
- mina dream: I had to think of Trolls when seeing this😂
- eddie freitas: I'm crying I love it so much
- Your Anxino: I bought and downloaded this so fast! love you!
- Breezy Girl: amazing!!!
- Ellie Strums: When yall cried, I started crying....You're both two beautiful humans. I love you guys.
- Ber x: Goosebumps listening to this. Beautiful
- Buckin Powells: This is so BEAUTIFUL!!! Josh you are such an inspiration! Stay strong and keep believing yourself!
- Sandra: This song brought so many memories and this brought me in tears. Stay strong Joshua you can do this.😭😭💗💗💪
- kellie O Donovan: Wooden Hammies wait what rumors?
- Amy K: You're so good at singing ( both of you ) !❤️🙈
- Victoria Simmons: This was truly beautiful
- kirbytron 3000: So amazing to see two siblings who have gone through the same thing come together and show the world their pain and how it gets better. So many people needed to see this. We stand with you Joshua, always. So glad to see you back. God bless.
- Katina Gundersen: This is so beautiful!!!
- Monica Handy: am I the only one who started crying right when josh started crying? dear god i need help
- Kimmy Libus: this was absolutely beautiful <3
- Tori: I love how close they are. ❤️
- Stina Lindholm: welcome back josh! we love you ❤️ your sister was amazing and great but it's just so amazing to see you 😘 this was an amazing video, i got chills 😭😍
- Snatched her weave: Erin you have a pretty voice 😍
- Mary Bender: Thank you Josh for coming back you are truly my hero
- Jessica Hodder: Are Colleen and josh friends at all???
- ElenaPlums: I clicked on the video so fast without even taking time to prepare myself. I cried so much 😭
- Brittany Trejo: Had me in absolute tears. So beautifully sung. Praying for you and for your family. 💕
- Jasmine Trinh: Erin's voice 😍😍😍
- Namrata Peri: I love them both so much.... it's just so sad...
- Briana Sepulveda: Thank you josh ❤️ this was beautiful
- Audra Garcia: chills!!!
- Lauryn Weetly: Courtney _564 Why would you even joke like that. They still love and respect each other
- Nay: This song means lot to me. Thank you!
- erin smuland: Absolutely breathtaking
- Cat Girl12561: I cried more when josh and Erin started crying and josh u couldn't sing ;(
- BTS ruined my lifeu: +giavonna garcia what did I do?
- Colleens Kittys: Was this cuz of deforce
- Fakhrurrazie Jaffar: Very honest performance bravo
- Kendra McGuinness: omg I couldn't stop crying so beautiful
- Silvia: I'm crying rn
- Rosie Ruston: I love to see that men can show their pain without making it a big thing and just being real for a second
- Robyn x: Glenna Howelter same
- Gina Perry: Wow. Wasn't expecting all of the crying feels you two just put on me. Well done.💙
- RoseGold Meee: subscribe to me please
- Kylie Burch: I'm literally crying!!! I love you guys and I'm so glad to see you Josh!!❤️
- Alex Milburn: Let it be known that I don't know you, this is literally the only video I have seen from this channel. I already love these voices, and I don't even know who you are! This is quite easily the best cover of this song I have heard, and I'm glad to have watched this wonderful video. The vocals, the visuals, the EMOTION! It all comes together to make a beautiful piece of work.
- Tammy Smiley Face: We can finally see that beautiful face of yours!
- aimeelucig: this was an absolutely fucking beautiful work of art and there's tears of happiness and sadness and all the emotions streaming down my face and this is like the billionth time I've pressed replay and this comment has no punctuation because I'm so excited about Josh being back
- Phy Hapz: The True Colorsssss shined. 😢😭 Literally Cried
- Pigs 09: Omg this was so beautiful and sad They were crying 😍😢
- Kristina Bohoova: I watch this over and over again❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah Joules: so heartbreaking to see josh crying
- Laura Adrian: Absolutely beautiful. I'm lost for words watching this. I hope and pray that you're doing better every day Josh. Is dingleberries love you so very much
- Ella Fish: love you Josh!!!!
- Olivia Beaton: Josh you are so wonderful I know how it is to be wounded and u just can't find your happy place. I know you are going through some hard time because of the divorce, I are wonderful and I think I can speak for all of us when I say you are so inspiring to all of us. Keep holding on and stay strong love the precious moments you have with the people you love counting us. Be Nice To People - Olivia
- Kilroy: I've watched this so many times. LOVE!!!!!❤️
- Emily S: colleen should watch this
- Maddy: I had no idea Erin sang!!! She slays
- Lisa Diaz: Your best video ever
- Daniel: +Hannah Simmons shh dont tell anyone ahha
- Amy Shamblesx: ❤️
- Cupcakelover 1220: Is someone cutting onions near me no just me ok??😭😭
- Cocominga Handmade Cards: Beautiful
- Elizabeth Cannady: This video made me cry but 3:10 is when I lost it! Like sobbing crying. This is the most genuine video I've seen on the internet. The courage & strength it takes to post a video showing real emotion. Much respect Joshua.
- cerenity gomez: 3:10 😭😭
- Alexis Avina: ❤❤❤
- Grace Made: Leah Harris girl same!! Now 2 years later! 😭😢
- yeahitsme_neil: wow that sent chills down my back
- volleyball lover: "just give me and I'll always be there
- Dark Ryuk: that was.... beautiful.
- XxQueennnFlamesXX: ashley gonzales You do have to admit that they were rocky and they just didn't work and colleen still has the ring on so they still love each other just not working out
- Christina Moyer: I'm so sad that josh is sad and colleen is like... lol.
- Jacky V: This was beautiful. You'll get through this josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Jaylin: guys....I'm sobbing!!!!
- Channy Vs Maddie: Josh... I have no words. This was beautiful and I am dreadfully sorry for what your going through. Please talk to Colleen, try please! Your love is just too strong to just throw away. Convince her to change her mind please, I need to see a smile :( Welcome back :)
- Mayghan Ball: beautiful
- Olivia Beckus: why hello there my favorite❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎈🎈🎈❤️❤️🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈
- XMaddy Fraserxo: beautiful hope your felling better Joshua I love your videos don't ever let anyone shade your true colours <3
- Ann Antwi Boasiako: He sung this about collene
- craze mais: Glad your back Josh this made me cry love you Josh did not know Erin could sing as well she is so good xx
- Esther Shaab: IM IN TEARS
- katrina maniscalco: you should do more duets with your sister you rock. love the Maniscalcos and your forever DUTCHESS
- Seth Weaver: Is no one going to discuss how good of a singer Erin, also this was the most emotional thing I've seen in like a year
- Vanessa Torres: Ok
- Holly Ewing: not attacking her but I feel like Colleen's not even sad
- Javeed Naseem: Shannon Drullinger I feel the same thing sometimes, but he is just super upset I guess. Colleen went over it and looked at what was about to come. But, don't worry, the hate is coming soon...
- Cristina A: Crying. But so glad he's back.
- Your Nightmare: I don't know where you people are getting these crazy theories from. They broke up because NEITHER of them were happy. Colleen felt that she was holding him back and she didn't want to prolong that. They just weren't right for each other. That's it. Nothing more to it. No one cheated. No one chose their career over the relationship. No one is to blame. There's no need for you people to inject your absolutely abysmal, bitter stories, rumours or opinions into the mix. They're already going through a horrible time. We love you Josh.
- MrSmeggs1: screaming this is the cringiest thing I've ever seen
- Tyler Turnbow: I wanted to tell you this ( even though u probs won't see it) that this is an amazing video and I wish u and colleen the best of luck with your channels. I love both of u weather u r together or apart ( I also cried during the video ) ❤
- justme: I'm in tears😭😍
- Melany C: Simply beautiful. Full of emotion and love. Josh, you will be happy. I know it seems far fetched now but you will. And so will Colleen. You will love her forever but you both might just need something different. Hang in there friend. <3
- may may: Amy 😂😂
- HomeGrownMomm: There's so much feeling in this song you can feel ir and see it in your face, remember hurt is just another hurdle in life, you will come out stronger! I'm here if you need to talk!
- Melissa Atteberry: I do understand. But I see it in a different way than you do. But we both have to understand that we don't see a fraction of her life that may be a bit sad. She knows we don't want to see her sad. She is doing more YuTube because that makes her happy, and so do the people she surrounds herself with. I can still understand where you are coming from though.
- Haley Chavez: This reminds me of the day my dad left😭I started crying at 3:10 I miss him so much😢😪they are divorced😞
- Abby Barber: this was so good. when josh broke down, i cried.. a lot..
- Tianna Richard: Erin's voice😍😭
- Tiffany Ho: Keep on watching this over and over again
- Bethany O'Connor: When I first heard about the divorce of Colleen and Josh I felt sympathy for Colleen, probably because it was her video I watched. But I feel as if it has affected Josh more deeply and I feel sorry for him, sorry Colleen but I can look at you exactly the same any more. X
- Lisa Anne: This is so beautiful, well done to the both of you. Lots and lots of love from the UK xxxxxxxxx
- Emily Brown: adam and colleen dont realize what they are missing.
- Petra Gabriella Gazsó: If two people loves each other this dramatically much, I don't think they should seperate. But I am not an expert in love...
- Selena Bacall: Ugh😭
- nicole marek: Courtney _564 stfu they got divorced bc they grew apart not bc they hate eachother they still love and support eachother so dont comment shit like that
- Melina Whatsername: literally started crying as the song started. that was just beautiful, happy that you're back josh ♥
- Marissa Jensen: During the whole thing I just wanted to go hug him 😭😭😭
- Jacqueline Reece: So beautiful
- Jade hunter: They have lucky parents two amazing vocalists from one pair of people 🙊❤️
- Brandy Hanks: I literally watch this every time it comes across my feed. Wish I could like it every time
- makayla brunet: The pain in his eyes makes me so sad like jezz. so sad
- Sandy's Box: it might be not her voice at all, this cover version is so similar to True Colors from Trolls by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick, but I dunno..
- Ashley M: I wish we could all just give you a big hug, Josh. This is beyond beautiful. I applause you for coming back because we know it's hard. I hope you heal well and just know that you are surrounded with so many that love you❤️ Thank you, Josh
- Sam: God I hate how so many people are hating on Colleen in your comments Joshua..... I love both of you. Even after the divorce and everything, I still like to watch Colleen's videos. And I still like to watch your videos equally. So people saying: "I can barely even watch her videos anymore;" Seriously grow up. I support you so much Joshua, and I hope that you are healing. ❤️
- Erica Hawbaker: OMG Erin you're singing voice is AMAZING!!!!!!!
- love on the brain: I CRIED.HARD.
- Elaina mendes: I love you
- Adrian Bailey: Erin a voice of angel well done
- Gabbi Roediger: Josh, this is absolutely the most beautiful video I have ever seen!! Seeing your face back on my computer screen is truly one of the best feelings in the world!! You have changed my life much for the better since the day I saw your first video, and even more since the day I met you!! If you are actually reading this comment, I am so proud of you for coming back with a bang, and I hope you have the best day ever!! I hope that coming back to the internet will bring you all the joy you could ever need!! I love and support you to the ends of the earth!!
- Cola Rae: I live their voice together
- Ella Hankins: this is so beautiful im in tears
- Dakota Rommelaere: That definitely brought a tear to my eye. we love you Josh ❤
- Jayme Gordon: hes gay anyways
- Erica Bailey: This made me cry... it was beautiful and sad and I hope you find some kind of happiness to bring you out of the dark soon. You both have such beautiful voices and personalities.
- Savinee Suri: Beautiful
- Acacia Vitello: i can't stop repeating this . I'm crying (literally )
- Sasha parry: Y'all sounded amazing ❤️❤️missed watching your videos
- Rebecca Powell: This is beautiful.
- prasanna challa: Its okay josh... let go...we love you 😊 and welcome back 👍🏻
- Sascha Wevers: Yeah, by the tears in my eyes i can tell you nailed this.
- Leah Millward: this deffinetly shows something
- ecliviTV: Second time watching. This is both crushing and encouraging. Guys, don't forget the description and lyrics. This song is about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, not the darkness behind. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually enjoy this cover more than the original, and I absolutely love Phil Collins. Continued prayers for healing, Josh. It's going to be a long road.
- Pride Panda: I love you josh stay strong
- Emilyss Ruiz: Josh we are here for you we love you 😘😚😙😍
- Grace Czebatol: Welcome back josh we missed you! I hope you are feeling better now
- Angel Abraham: I'm crying... I love you josh.
- Meaghan Hennessy: Look up truly brave it's cydny lauper and Sara barellies song together it's true colors and brave it's a video with kids that have cancer my cousin is in it can u pls give it a look u might like it and all the kids are truly amazing especially my cousin and they go threw all this pain
- Maribel Martinez: We love you Joshua and support you through the good times and the bad. We wish you the purest of happiness as you go on your journey to find peace.
- It’s Just Kendra: This is so amazing they twined and they can sing also am I the only one who cried?
- Tara Astafan: I love this more than words can explain. Welcome back, Josh! Great job, Erin!!
- 88rainbows: Breathtakingly beautiful!
- Fabiha Azim: In my opinion this is Joshua's best cover 💖 I feel so sad that he's sad. I used to watch his vlogs every single day when he daily vlogged. Man, so much has happened since then, huh... Also ERIN WHAT YOU HAVE AN AMAZING VOICE
- Nicole Elizabeth: That broke me. You both are so beautiful
- Roeh Aquatics: support you so much Josh and I am so sorry for what she did to you. the way she's acting is disgusting. you deserve so much more. marriage isn't when you want to its always and she let you and the world down. this was absolutely beautiful. I absolutely cannot wait for you to find happiness is someone worthy
- Kayla Feltner: i cried
- mrgooded smile: don't worry we love you too
- Macy S: so strong. so powerful. so beautiful.
- Beccagui: I can not express how happy I am. I am so happy Joshua is back I love him with all my heart and he is my everything. I love this so much it's absolutely beautiful. This really touched me, and I'm just so glad. My heart is exploding now.
- Georgia Cotton: I love this so much
- sydney klass: Josh don't worry! It will all get better soon. I hate seeing you cry because it makes me cry. Remember to smile! I love how your sister cares for you, she's amazing. Remember to be nice to people AND YOURSELF! You have 1 million people who care for you here! I don't want to see you get hurt. IT WILL ALL BETTER SOON DONT WORRY! ❤️❤️❤️
- Some Guy: Because there's no divorce in siblings, awesome vid!
- Jojo Millen: You are both sooo amazing at singing 🎤😱❤️
- CentennialCripple: Dude! Erin can sing too! Awesome job :)
- Elle: This was absolutely beautiful!
- Amina Hussain: Josh stay strong! ♥♥♥
- Emerald: Josh you're so strong, so, so strong 💙
- Vivienne Nelson: I wish joshleen was still a thing
- Katerackley14: I know Colleen said not to pick sides but she's a real bitch
- Joshua Romero: This video is so emotional hope Joshua recovered from this very sad moment of him.
- Gautami Chandni: Bubbly Bee the emojis ruined it
- Rachel Ferrell: these are actual tears. i love this so much💜💜 thanks for everything babe💙💙
- Ashley Boucher: Please do more songs together this was amazing it brought me to tears I love you two and ur voices so much
- McKinley Darling: You both sound so amazing! Love love LOVE it! Glad to see you making personal progress...
- Jacquelyn Williams: nice
- SofieEpic: Is it bad I kinda wanna unsub from all of Colleen's channels including Miranda sings
- MissJane777: aurora barcenas She's married to her work. She'd rather work than be with him. Have you not seen them throughout the years and videos, etc? I guess not. It's pretty clear.
- Katie Cottrell: I wasn't prepared for that omg Josh I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through but it will get better and you will get through this
- Erica Christiana: Özge Bird me tooo
- Kellsey 0: Beautiful voice Erin WOW. Interesting how Colleen set it all up so that no-one is supposed to say anything about what happened, no one is supposed to have an opinion that might reflect poorly on her, no one is supposed to share their impressions here on YouTube. Screw that manipulation. She clearly edged Josh out...and I don't think she was honest about it. Josh you can do better, and you deserve more than being used by anyone. Even someone you love beyond reason.
- Gugul 97: Alexandra Butac Yes I am very aware of that, but still I don't think he wants us to stop supporting Colleen. :) He doesn't want us to hate :)
- Jenslyfe: This was amazing. Truly touching
- ThatFred72: Jackie Harris Erin's better than josh.
- Megan Swagerty: Okay. Thanks for making me cry at 12am. Good to see you back. So many emotions in this video. I can't imagine how you must feel, but it takes a great amount of strength to rise. & you are rising. 💕
- STARREDGE: from the videos posted in the last month , it's pretty obvious who is more mature, who was more hurt and who is acting like they are the happiest they have evern been....just saying it's really obvious....
- jaden hanhams: This is beautiful you both are amazing, we've missed you josh ❤️
- KennethLovesThings Rainbow: Yes
- xKirsten: Why can every YouTuber sing these days
- Chrissy Brozosky: Omg josh I love you so much so happy ur back buddy💜💜
- Elizabeth Cortez: josh its hard going through a divorce and i hope you find peace and happiness in your life. Please stay happy and still support Coleen. and remember to Keep smiling, not only for you and your family but for us
- oranda.p: This is amazing
- Matthias Greywood: Erin's so sweet
- Millieee Dukee: Yay. Josh I'm glad your back this song is so emotional 😭 I cried 😫😀
- Natasha Antonoff: This is phenomenal and I hope Josh is doing better. I don't blame u for being heartbroken. I had a bad break up just over a month ago and we were only together 11 months and I still am a mess. I hope you take as much time as you need. I love and support you through this all <3
- Ploy' Hoshime: wow!
- gym roblox and more: who clicked this cause they saw Joshua david evens hee a youtuber i love him i watch him everyday
- Wheelz Haskell: Why is Josh so depressing lately?
- xXx KitKat xXx: I actually started crying when josh started crying. I had such a good day today and when I saw this video I got sad! When I listened deeper into the song I started to remember my Pop (grandpa) who died from double lung transplant in the surgery! What I'm trying to say is everyone has someone they love in their life and has lost them, for example they died or broke up with them like josh! I hope you are reading this josh! If you are then have a positive and happy life and don't let anyone stop that! Like my Pop said "Live Life To The Fullest"
- Julia Britton: i cried.
- LpsRainbowTV: *him
- Hadledadle: I cant
- Majda Sahi: i can't stop watching this this is what talent is people ph gosh i hope you'll feel better soon josh i love you so much
- Donald Kernes: Beautifully done.....
- Elaina Witt: This is beautiful Joshua ❤️ I'm in tears. We love you so so much! And your sister is absolutely amazing.
- Amanda Marshall: I'm shedding all of the tears over here.. Oh my goodness... I too have been through a divorce and honestly, it still does hurt and make me sad sometimes.. I hope you find all the happiness in the world Josh <3
- Iris van Ophem: Heart breaking
- vanessa chan: IM SO GLAD HES BACK 😭💘
- Hunter Haley: i havent cried that hard in so long..
- Equestrian 101: this made me cry omg you guys ❤
- Sarah Fondaw: Awwwwwe ( when I scrolled I saw a bunch of videos whit josh and collen kissing then I scroll down one more and see the "lets make out for Internet" and "heartbroken" video when josh starts crying in the video)
- Colleen Jensen: love. Love. LOVED IT!!! XOXOXO
- Morganne Nakamura: I've officially lost count of how many times I've watched this. Simply amazing.
- Kirstyn Powell: My comment got deleted, or didn't post. But, I had said that this was really beautiful, and y'all did a great job. Welcome back, Josh, you were missed, and I love you.
- Tal Avivi: Beautiful. Very touching, you both have great voices. Josh you can get through this. Its hard right now, but you deserve happiness, and I believe you'll find it. I'm a big fan, I think you're amazing and I wish you for happiness.
- Carolyn White: they are doing his because both of them got a divorce and being siblings in all they are showing that they use each other to get through this
- Melissa Dube: Welcome back Josh 💙 this was beautiful
- Tiffany CrazyLife: I love your lovely voice! This my second listen too this sing and this make me cry! 💖
- Beccagui: Honestly, this video made me really really appreciate having a sibling who cares so much.
- Maria Francesca Iordache: ❤❤❤
- Mando N.: Ok towards the end there I was legit ugly crying.
- Thrisha Roch: 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢onions everywhere
- Ashley Taylor: The love between you and Erin is so clear in this video. Keep on keeping on, Josh. :)
- Just Joshing: ..and out of pain, art was born
- Christine Ela Sabijon: Welcome back, Josh! We missed you so! 😘
- Haley FIRE: This video was amazing I love you josh and Erin you guys made me cry I have watched this over and over again. Just stay strong.
- Meaghan Schlueter: WOW!
- Sarina Charpentier: Welp here I was thinking it was true colors by The Weeknd 😂
- Jenny Said: To everyone taking sides and saying what happened and making assumptions: You don't even know what really happened, so stop making assumptions. guys they told us not to take sides. you don't know if Colleen didn't go to therapy. you don't know everything that is happening. Everyone needs to stop taking sides and just support both Josh and Colleen. That's what you should do if you really love them.
- Krys_ Decides: ugh!! love you Joshua
- Sumit Arjandas: I am just glad he didn't lose weight
- What even is my life: WHO THE HELL DISLIKED THIS👿👿👿👿👿⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
- Anna Delegatto: omg i love this so much
- Sundas Fatima: this legit brought me to tears Im so glad ur back
- Rachel Taylor: Josh! So glad that you're back! We love you SOOOOOOOOOO much! Erin has done a fantastic job while you were away. You truly have some awesome people around you that are there to support and love you. Thank you for everything that you have done. Your content never fails to make me smile when I'm upset. We're so glad that you're back, and just know that us dingleberries are always here for you. Have a lovely day! 😊❤️
- Rachel Mc Namara: Erin's voice!!!
- Rina Santiago: LOVE YOU so much Josh I'm so happy you're back I hope you're in a better place ❤️❤️ ps I love Erin's voice
- RideWarz YT: Very well done. However to all of Josh and Colleen's "fans", you're doing the exact opposite of what they wanted you to do. Instead of both helping both of them get through this, your taking sides and bashing the other. They have different ways of healing, Colleen said she couldn't stay away from her viewers as it made her more sad, not for all the reasons you guys are listing. Josh needed his family and friends to help him heal, that's exactly what he did. I hate seeing them like this but it sickens me to think that people who have been viewing both of them for a long time are all of a sudden being so rude. To anybody taking sides and bashing the other, you owe them an apology. Nobody is the same person, we all have different ways of thinking. Instead of being the rude viewers who bash another, you should be the viewers who help them get through this tough time in their life.
- Tide: Lauren O Oh... :/
- Dave Tugwell: +justdreaable way to take that way out on context and twist their words to turn it into hate
- Emily Mascherino: Awwww so cute I'm crying 😭💙We miss u Josh
- adelle: So beautiful!!!
- Ioanna Kame: based on what i see, Colleen is throwing halloween parties and Josh is crying in black and white. its just what i always say. in any relationship, there is always someone who loves more than the other... still, they love each other but they use different coping mechanisms....
- Dan's Life: Really beautiful Josh. I actually think your voice is stronger than ever, I guess the world works in the weirdest ways. Love this song and love the way you have sung it. Hope you're doing ok x
- Katie K: Jessica Nicole well the rug wasn't pulled out from under her like it was with Josh. She can keep her day to day life the same, sleep in the same bed under the same roof. She wanted the divorce and he didn't. It's a lot easier to move on for her. He basically has to pick up the broken pieces and try and move on. It's a terrible place to be in. But he will get to that place where she is at eventually. It does kinda make her look bad being overly cheerful. But that could also be a front.
- Shavorne Purnell: true colors are beautiful
- Piggie Lover: he puts so much emotion into it it just breaks my heart and is it just me or do their voices harmonize PERFECTLY?????
- Meghan McGorty: And I started crying when you guys did. Good luck in the future❤️
- Ashley Dooe: The Evans have talent omg good job you guys
- JenaPugliese: Heartbreaking and beautiful
- Jules: I think people seem to be taking Josh's side because a lot of people cope with a devastating loss like he did the same way. Colleen seems to deal with it by not thinking about it and she shows the public less of a private side. I understand this because I've done this before. I do think if she truly loved Josh out of respect for him would act a little bit more like something devastating happened I don't know how to cope. By her not showing that side it is human nature to side with the person who is showing that their feeling pain. It's called compassion, but we need to have compassion for Colleen even if she acts as if no one needs to have compassion for her.
- Kayla Gretchen: You and your sister sounds great together. I felt you through this song, and even cried. You will make it through this, time is a healer. Always will be a fan of yours. Keep on keeping on.
- Keleol Titabe: I'm so happy your back josh. We love you and missed u so much. Erin did a great job though!! I can't imagine how hard this is for you, and it's absolutely horrible you had to go through this. No matter what we are all by your side. -😘
- Emily Dietz: UGHHH I'm balling my eyes out for him😭😭😭
- Britnie Ramos: 💔 ..your voices sound beautiful together 💓
- Kirsti. T: Wait is this to do with Coleen :( I'm sorry to mention it
- Amy Bunyan: Gave me a few tears! , very touching and so wonderful how close yous to are so sad you have both been through the same struggle! At least you can say my sister made it and she's happy I can do the same
- priscilla leng: OMG when I was at the theatre watching trolls I heard this song in the movie I cried soooooo hard
- Jessica Smith: This was so sad to me. I normally don't comment but I wanted to show you my support. I too have gone through a rough break up recently. We were together 7 years and even though we weren't married I can relate to the struggle you're feeling. It's taken a long time for me to heal and I'm still mending all the broken pieces. This was such a beautiful reminder to love myself through all of this and finally find peace. I hope you do too. Good luck.
- Lil Mon Mon: aww this song was for Colleen😍
- Stephanie Morrison: To let all your walls down and be this vulnerable is beautiful. Keep your head up and smile! xo
- K.T-Renee: This is heartbreaking, your really good at singing x I miss you two together 😭💔 Stay strong Josh! 💜💕
- Marwa Darwish: Iv watched this so meany times but it is soooo beautiful I love it love you josh and Erin good luck josh and keep being a great sister Erin
- Cynthia Scaggs: Very powerful. Great job. Wonderful message.
- Mili Sha: love u Josh it's really good to see u back
- ValidVikes: Amber she may or may not be fine. you have to remember that she might have been over the relationship for a while now.
- Mikayla Mari: Omg josh! 😭
- Jenjen Edozie: Why did they use their full names in the title?
- bellaflora009: oh wow colleen is acting like nothing happed but ur so heart touching and that's one thing that makes ur true colors o bright as an rainbow :D btw love u joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Taylah Stewart: Josh we will always support you no matter what bad things have to happen to everyone so we can appreciate the good times just because this happened it does not make you less of a person. we will always be their for you !! we love you josh ❤️❤️❤️
- Amanda: very moving. nicely done ...
- Samara Sharin: amazing guys!!!
- Violet: This was beautiful you both have lovely voices <3 your doing really well Josh xxx
- MissJane777: *Wow! Simply Beautiful. But it absolutely breaks my heart to see him so incredibly sad and heartbroken. All my love, thoughts, and prayers go out to Joshua. He truly is one incredible person. I've had the wonderful pleasure of meeting him and he was all around a great guy. You deserve the very best, buddy! You helped me through my heartbreak and abuse over 4 years ago, it took quite sometime to recover, but please keep faith that you shall too. Maybe not today, tomorrow, this week or month, but one day you will. You're strong. You're beautiful. We love you and support you! Take it easy. We'll always be here waiting. Virtual hugs, Josh.* 😍😎💩❤
- Lorraine: WELCOME BACK JOAH (he sang this for Collen)😢😢😢😢
- Ciara.: This is the best Song sang by josh EVER! Josh this song is AMAZING!!!😍😉
- Maria Voronova: josh has big nostrils
- Jayme Thornhill: this made me cry omg i love you guys
- Dianuggh !!!: Is nobody going to mention that this video is 4:20 long
- Emily Constable: so happy to see you back josh love you
- Aryanna Vlogs: Emma Mueller What in the fucking world is wrong with you?!
- chelz maygreger: Still one of my favorites you have ever done! This one and One in a Million! I know your doing new stuff too! I look forward to hearing that as Well! ❤❤❤
- Amelia Nb: This was amazing.. Really good job:) especially your sister, her voice is incredible 😍
- Karrah Nicole: So happy you're back! Keep on keeping your head up 💖
- g a b b y: I love you both. But is it just me or does Josh's face look a bit more masculine, like jaw bone? Just me? Okay. Love you!!!!!!
- Melanie Espinoza: Omg I'm such a mess , I'm a waterfall over here 😩😝🙂
- amfolgate: I've watched this 5 times and my heart breaks every single time
- harlee crabtree: I cried anyone else no just me 😔
- lexnikolle: pretty sure that's his sister.
- Avigial Grossman: So amazing 💕
- Freya Baillie: this is beautiful josh be happy I luv u and everyone else on here does so my hope goes to u to heal from ur divorce
- Amanda Brown: Do another duet omg!!
- Fern Hern: You have to move on in life Colleen has
- Jasmyne Hickey: this is so amazing. so proud of you both 😭💜
- Miranda Woodard: I liked it...but I wish this had the tear emoji. I could feel both the pain and the will to be strong, in your voices. life moves on. Y'all forever have my support <3
- Abby S: I wish I could like this 1,000 times... This was beautiful and it made me cry. Wow. Love you both so much... Also I'm glad to see Josh again.❤
- PeaceMonkey10: lexnikolle yep....
- Maria Tanski: I KNEW THEY WOULD DO A SONG ❤️️
- Anita Cudiamat: Beautiful... just beautiful ❤️
- Chrisyl The Missile: It's kinda like the notebook when Noah said "it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. " Marriage is not easy but if two people really love each other, they'll make a way despite their differences.
- Rianna V: I'm not crying. your crying. this is so cute Josh. ILY and Erin. missed u.
- bianca rivera: same.. i started crying
- Jaclyn Regina: I MISSED U SO MUCH
- Evie -: Buttercup ok
- Marko Markus: Wow, when you started I almost thought it's original... I played my own version for solo guitar on my channel which you can check out if you like this song and acoustic arrangements, but this version actually makes me regret that I can't sing :(
- dupree hosey: Beautiful
- PuddiePudding: Reading all the comments, thinking pshht i'm not gonna cry! ..... Balling right now..
- Wamen Noodle: zatia noxanet ❤
- Js Videos!: Hey, everyone writing hate, taking sides, saying "Colleen has moved on already, hurry up Josh!" Look everyone deals with things very differently, some cry all day not telling a soul, some get therapy and help, some shut down totally so if ur gonna be rude to Josh just stop, people have many different feeling and emotions and so what if josh needed a little more time than Colleen...that doesn't matter, what matter is that he is getting better and healthier and getting his life straight, he deserves as much time as he needs...he's a beautiful man with a gorgeous heart and if u can't accept the amount of time he needs healing than ur not a real family member, there are so many theories, assumptions that josh is gay or maybe even mentally disturbed, wake up to ur selves a divorce is tough, very tough and he is clearly healing so lay off.. Now this is a direct message to Josh, Josh u r a beautiful man with a gorgeous heart, u r kind and nice and give great advice and I hope u listened to ur own advice as it is great and helpful anyway u r talented, I mean this song literally made me cry, so I hope u r getting better and I will hopefully see u soon! And for everyone else, Be Nice to People! Orivua!
- Sasha Briana: Beautiful
- Christina E: I will never not cry when I watch this.
- Halle Nessland: I feel so bad😧😭😭😭😙😙😙
- Delani Lyle: much respect for making a song during this time, josh and erin. you did amazing, and i hope you see happiness very soon.
- Olivia Marie: what breaks my heart is Josh is so in love with Colleen and you can just see the pain and heartache on his face. Yet Colleen seems to not be bothered by whats going on at all and is just carrying on like nothing has happened. I know things are diffrent when the camera is not on but it just really bothers me how she carries herself and acts like nothing is wrong in all of her videos. Josh is a beautiful person inside and out and does not deserve this. No one does.
- Amanda: I want to hug you so much
- Janice john: I am so happy that your back..... missed you like a crazy..💖
- Shikha B: When Erin starts crying cause she can't handle Josh breaking down, I couldn't stop myself from crying. I love both of you and I hope you guys have successful lives filled with love and joy. I hope you heal and find yourself Josh.
- Joshuasdtv Newwife!!!: Stop making me cry omg!!!! But seriously you guys are the best I love you and erin so much!!! Don't dwell on the past josh. I promise that God is watching down on you every second of the way and there is always a reason for everything. I hope you can move past this soon. She just wasn't the one. I love you josh so so much!!
- Colette Maroulis: Sibling harmonies are the best.!!! I. NEED. MORE.!!!
- Fredito Martinez: I love you guys singing
- Dahlia Auerbach: erin is so talented I DIDNT KNOW SHE COULD SING WHAT
- Nydia McCorcle: ❤️
- Marilyne Dédéyan: I'm literally about to cry. I love this. Love you. 😭❤️
- Ana Fridl: I my eyes teared up when i saw how in to this song they were
- Chamathi Bamunusinghe: They should get their ex husband and wife to see this!! It is really sad 😔
- Leigh Fulthorp: Erin can sing? ERIN CAN SING!
- Sarah Cooper: Almost cried 😪
- Lindsey Graves: Love this so much. Stay strong Josh
- Jackie S.: 786sami786 do you have siblings?
- Paper Doll: I hate the pain in his eyes.. 🙁
- Samantha Trujillo: Josh, this was beautiful. I'm glad that you are back. I missed you so much. Erin, you have a beautiful voice. I am so excited to see you on YouTube permanently! You did a wonderful job filling in for Josh. Great job on the video to the both of you! I love you!
- Fox43656 Games: I missed you so much josh I cried ;( I was watching your old vids ❤️💛💚💙💜
- greenleigh82: If anyone's true colors shine the brightest, they are yours Josh. Much love and hugs to you. Now that we know Erin's voice is beautiful, I demand more. You two sound so fantastic together!
- Morganne Nakamura: ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Julieanna Edwards: Ruins me everytime 😅😭😭
- Amy Hudson: I did not know that Erin could sing!!
- Frederric Kelada: yay I miss u so much and ur beautiful voice😄
- Repurposed Backyard: Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Crystal Carter: All of us have experienced heartbreak in one form or another... so sorry for you Josh but you and your sister sound beautiful together. Don't let that light in you ever tarnish or burn out come back stronger and better than ever. We are all rooting for you.
- Brandi's Life: Marriage is a serious commitment. And if he didn't do anything wrong why split?! Josh I'm sorry your feeling such pain. Everyone's relationship is rocky it's never easy. Pictures show what we want to put out in the world.... everything will be okay.
- gisselle pineda: Loveeee thisssss
- Abbey The Queen: i love your voices
- anika pabrua: Bybiana 2007 i
- Roni 84: 😢😢😢 i miss u
- riley lockwood: Is this on iTunes?
- Alexis Nicole: This made me fucking cry. It was amazing.
- Abstract Loop: Uhuru!
- johnrovic ora: johnrovic ora
- Brianna Parkhurst: Well Colleen had a little time to get away from the internet and surround herself with her family and they talked her into doing things to get her mind of of josh
- KatDmr: 3.10 I couldn't hold the tears.. 😭😭😭
- Melanie Carrillo: I'm pretty sure that when he was editing he cried 😭
- Allie Bretz: missed your voice josh❤️
- Victoria Novak: i think i speak foe everyone we love you josh <3
- Jose Flores: This made my day. Ya'll are my favorite.
- Aimee Gomez: Good job guys
- eliza wut?: I'm so sorry u had to go through all of this but u have a family of singers u should be proud prays r with u.
- Crystal Boven: You know I just love this song so much Cindi Lauper would be proud of you both but I can't get past where Joshua tears up it brings tears to my eyes cause I know your pain Joshua I was once there myself 4 yrs ago but now I'm good 😊 I'm smiling & I'm free from the pain I went through I was married for 12 yrs let me say at first it was hard but by the 2nd month I was coming out of my shell & smiling & loving life I chased to stay single for 4 yrs cause I wanted to work on myself go on a spiritual journey & low & behold I did & I found myself I thank God everyday for being there through a rough patch rely on him hon & he too will get you through this hard time ILY guys take care blessed be
- GrxcieHowxrd13: Does seeing josh cry break anyone else's heart😭😭
- Bavisha Thavarajah: Please Josh your the one with sad eyes I understand its hard for u sure i am 14 but like u say stay positive and ur world will turn around trust me cuz i follow u.
- ebony TM: You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged, oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all The darkness inside you Can make you feel so small Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy Can't remember when I last saw you laughing This world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear Just call me up 'Cause I will always be there And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful I see your true colors Shining through (true colors) I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful (they're beautiful) Like a rainbow Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow Ooh can't remember when I last saw you laughing Ooh oh oh oh This world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear Just call me up 'Cause I will always be there And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid (don't be afraid) To let them show your true colors True colors are beautiful (you're beautiful, oh) Like a rainbow Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow Mmm mmm
- Rachel Nichole: Oh man the tears! This was so beautiful josh. So glad you're back ❤️
- Rocio Sandoval: I'm crying my eyes out I'm am also going through a divorce I did not want and it's so hard... keep your head up Josh love you!
- Syd Foster: I love you Josh❤️
- Skippy271: Love you two!! ❤️❤️
- Martha Martos: Beautiful good to see you again Josh erin you have a beautiful voice ☺😚
- katie b: Wasn't ready
- Iqra Tadajewsi: That was amazing a great harmony 😍😊💙
- Aurora Solis: Darn it I was hoping if I saw it the second time I wouldn't cry but I did!
- Isa Ionazzi: this is so beautiful
- Amerie_Alecia Terry: when they started crying I was sad
- Rachel Duchesneau: What a beautiful cover. The raw emotion in this is absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for the pain that you are going through right now. Loss of any kind is difficult, but by surrounding yourself with positivity and love, it will hurt less each day.
- Ivey Mclaughlin: Josh!!!I missed you sooooo much!We ALL love you and be brave and strong just keep holding on!!!🙂
- Show must go on: Their marriage didn't last any longer than... 2 months I think? I'm not a hater, by the way.
- Kizmo AllAboutTheBass: this was perfect xxx
- Live4theblacknote: That was beautiful. Thank you.
- Dani-úlla: Stay strong
- Emma Smith: Omg this is amazing, but the text in the description section is obvi a direct jab at Coleen.
- Harper Geiger: Love this so much
- thatsme clara: 💗💗💗💗💗💗👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 sooooooo good happy your back
- Ashika •: Awwww
- TheDolphingirl20: We know what they tell us
- Mommy Of 1: this is my favorite song.
- ERICA WILDBUR: Love this duet So good!! Josh and Erin are both such great singers
- rtilling: i love you Josh but this is cheesey af. Come on man, no more wallowing please.
- Patrick R. F. Blakley: I don't know anything about these two people, but that girl's voice is pure gold.
- Kayla Joy: I cried so much
- A2Z DAB: Coleen really ended him
- Isabel Hope: This is really beautiful. ALSO CRAP ERIN CAN SING MY GOD
- Angelina Perez: Tonya C yeah
- Tyler Vannoy: hey josh, would you ever consider putting this on itunes?
- Monscent: I dont understand who watches this and DOESNT get major douche chills. This is awful.
- Mariana's Unicorns: I love you so much josh we are all here for you
- abraham olivas: Josh hope you are able to see this but YOUR fan base really do support you. our hearts break for your pain. words are cheap now, but surround yourself with those who love you.
- Sunshine: +AngryBeaver30 Her 7.3 million followers disagree with you.
- Eleanor j: No it's meant to say 'you' have unsubscribed because people have not me😂
- Red Roses: Yay!!!
- Sara Padilla: Beautiful! Welcome back, Joshua!
- MFranklinProductions: This is so beautiful. So proud of you Josh ❤ (and Erin too!!)
- Monique Van Der Valk: "Be nice to people" ❤️
- nafisa promi: welcome joshua! 😘 lol(lots of love)
- Kiersten Elder: same ahhhhhhhhh i wuv it so much go josh and erin dang
- Asia Lyon: ur sister has an amazing voice
- Tina Dumitras: what a beautiful emotional cover❤️ btw Erin looks like the young Winona Ryder
- Jessica Smith: So beautiful for so many reasons.
- Jessica Clapcott: I didn't know that u were such beautiful singers guys!!!😘😍
- J Wils: This is beautiful. I love the brother/sister love between you two ❤️ hope you're finding comfort in your family & friends Joshua, wishing you well ❤️❤️
- Aisling Lam: Josh, you're so strong.. I've watched you for so long now and words can't explain how hard it is to see you sad, stay strong love you. Talented family aswell😍
- Sylvia: Absolutely beautiful. Both of you. Keep up with the music Josh, you are more talented than most of the cookie cutter male pop stars out there now and you're so real and genuine. I met you once in passing randomly and asked to take a picture for my daughter. You were so warm and so gracious, I couldn't wait to tell my daughter that you were everything she thought you were in your videos. Hang in there. Good people deserve great things and the best is surely ahead for you.
- Susie Quisy: This brought tears to my eyes. It really speaks to anyone going through any thing hard in life. Such a beautiful cover you guys, really moving
- Sarah Emilia: Baaaaalllliinnnngggg
- Trying 2 Hard: 🌈true colors
- Jasmine Byard: he started to cry and at one point he stopped singing
- Cloud of Reverie: +nataleenicholex3 haha. People think closer is a great song nowadays. This a fucking classic. And the commenter doesnt even know what it is, sad sad world we live in.
- Lexi Keahi: I'm speechless that's how beautiful it was
- megan baz: you are beautiful and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Kaley Ford: I'm crying with them at end
- Zuzanna Pazdan: the best song ever!!!!! im so happy that youre back remember ignore the haters
- Jaii Chilton: This brought me to tears. I swear I could literally feel your pain josh. The performance was amazing, but the pain in your eyes is heart breaking. I know it's gonna take some time to heal, but when you do I hope you find someone just as amazing as you are and appreciates you for how amazing you are! Love you Josh! 💚
- Andrew Ross: The people who disliked this video are horrible
- Jorgia Whalan: Amazingly beautiful ❤️ it sucks to see him hurting so bad but we all love you josh!
- Jazmin: So beautiful ❤️
- Larissa Kriso: FUCK the people who dislikes this video!!!
- Stationary girl: whats up internet????this was beautiful!! I'm so sorry about you and colleen I hope you to can still be friends!!!😞😞😞
- Lauren Ives: Josh you sound just like Justin Timberlake when he did this song for Trolls with Anna Kendrick. You're amazing and I love the harmonies with Erin xxx
- Niveditha Muralidharan: I didn't have to watch it for the hundredth time now but I chose to and I'm weeping. Joshua, I love you so much and I hope you are doing okay now. I hope you're finding your happiness right now and surrounding yourself with everybody that love you. You're an AMAZINGGGG human being. I hope you end up with someone who can make you just as happy as you make her. Love ya man!
- Jasmine Kirkey: Holy crap that was so painful yet so beautiful to watch. You're going to have a beautiful life Josh, you deserve the best. So glad you're back.
- Denise Vaassen: cant stop listening to this...so emotional and beautifull.....wauw
- Emorej Hunter: ok first things first Josh you are the best .You cried but you still finished the video and that's really really great of you.Erin you have a VERY beautiful voice!!!!Do some covers with Josh on your channel too!!! NOW all you people hating on Colleen she has not moved on!!! She got a cat to make her happy!!!! But she is only posting because she has a JOB!!!!She posted the divorce video a few weeks before Haters Back Off came out!!! Now she has to work day and night and she has to TRY to be happy.You guys need to be nice to her and Josh as they are going through this hard time!!! And this stuff about saying Josh is gay....WAIT FOR HIM TO SAY IT OR DONT SAY IT AT ALL!!!! If you want to spread this about him the only person in this world with this amazing phrase Be Nice To People is not getting treated nicely!!!! Plus Colleen says Choose Happiness and she is trying to but it doesn't mean she she is a bitch!!! OK let me stop ranting!!! I 💝 you Josh and Erin.
- Olivia Raquel: my heart 😭❤️ I'm so glad you are back Josh !
- myranduhh: That was incredibly beautiful!
- Yasmeen Masoud: wow 😍 this duet is one of my favorite covers ever ! amazing!
- Lila Forte: nov 2 is my bithday
- Lady Quinn 367: Good luck Josh
- jazzee75: Gosh, josh sang this with such heart felt feelings that my heart just crumbled for him 😞
- Camistri: Erin has a beutiful voice - at least for singing
- Jamie Hoadley: This was so memorizing... my heart goes out to you in your time of need ❤️
- Tre King: This was truly beautiful. Touched my heart. Why do good people have to get hurt so often😢
- Kate Carter: aww... i cried. you are being so strong. just keep smiling :)
- Neisha Little: Erin and Josh can sing!! Idk that she could sing!!!!
- Soujanya Patil: dschackkk_ ya right but also I am telling both You r definitely right
- Anya Anya: Yes Josh! Ur amazing!
- xokarine: lol yes all of my feels
- Morgan Scott: This was so beautiful Josh I'm so proud of you for staying strong in this tough time I don't know if i could ever do it I truly hope that soon you will find more peace and love in your life because you deserve it❤️
- Aurora Osborne: That description got me.
- Mady _lol: Ily Josh
- Lu1x1to: Is this is coming out video!?
- Ella Long: I AM CRYING
- Solana K: this is actually my fav song in the world
- Kenzie 16: I loved when I was 10 seconds in it
- RENEE W: beautiful
- Chloe Briere: you are both wonderful. you will find happiness. hugs to you. ♡
- diamondlightningg: I can't imagine the pain of going through a divorce. I can't imagine the hurt of seeing your ex continue on as if your relationship never even existed. I know we all deal with pain in different ways but I know that would make the hurt exponentially worse.
- kirsten Newbould: Man you guys have voices🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
- Haylie ann: anyone else feel this was for colleen ?
- Isobel Housecroft: I'm totally not crying like a baby
- Hamburger 11: they are obviously both very sad about this and i don't know why they ever left each other if they both want each other. josh is hurting so much more and it kills me to see this:(((( so much more respect for josh after this happened<3
- Elizabeth S: Ilygsm this was amazing! I missed you so much Joshua stay strong!!!! You are my idol and also I have watched this probably about 20 times😘😘😘😘😘😘 WELCOME BACK
- Julianna Bassano: This made me cry so much😭 we are all here for both of you and we are all so glad to see you back Josh❤️ Seeing you both be so transparent and vulnerable in this video is amazing. I love you both!!!
- Jazmin Rodriguez: Bean's House Elf I didn't say she wasn't affected , I said it in the comment , she probably breaks down behind the camera
- Marcy Newberry: This made me so sad that I'm in physical pain. I can't imagine what you're going through darling, but we love you so much. ❤️
- Megan P: I feel bad for him. Colleen was/is way too emotionally immature to have gotten married when she did. It never should have happened. She was so reckless with his heart. The way she acts now is more like an early 20s college age student, not the 30 yr old that she is. She seems so fake. I'm her same age and I'm at the point where I appreciate realness.
- TroyluvsGabi: In. Absolute. Love. With. This. Seriously, you both did so wonderful with this cover!!!!
- A: Brother and sister goalsssss😭💗
- Khadiza Mumin: I love you Josh 💗💗 good things will come your way with your amazing personality <3 just want to let you know you'll get through this <3
- Allen Roden: Good to see Josh again c: Chin up dude. We love you.
- abbie clare: josh I love u
- Sierra Witte: 💜💜💜💜💜
- Kailyn Tolliver: am i the only one that this made them cry .. i love you josh. stay strong.
- Andrea Cary: I'm not crying. You're crying... There's just something in me eye. Like a twig, or a branch... I was just cutting onions... Okay... This was absolutely beautiful. Excuse me while I weep.
- cat fall: their cover of this song makes me want to cry.
- MrMentalackack: Fucking wow
- Debbie Henriques: The people who disliked this has no heart
- Tori Bass: Why is everyone hating on Colleen???? She is hurt too, she just has a different way of showing it. The last thing Josh would want to see is everyone hating on her in the comments. go watch Colleen's life update video and see how sad she is. She can barley make it through a sentence. Everyone is different and everyone needs a different amount of time to heal from the pain. For Colleen it was a little shorter than it was for Joshua. Please be respectful towards her, it's what Josh would want
- Kristy Michas: Beautiful ..beautiful beautiful. So beautiful
- Hannah Whipkey: Oh my gosh. Why can't I stop crying?
- Alyssa Ottenmiller: Such an amazing song. You and Erin are a great duet. No matter what we all here are there for you!
- stunt devil89: THIS IS GOING IN MY ALBUM😍😍😍😍😍
- Angela M: someone peeling onions here😥😥😥😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😵😵 His and her voices are amazing and trust me Joshua you will find someone you love I promise you. I know how much it hurts right now but it will get better I swear
- Cupcake&Nala19: I was just laying here... crying my eyes because I hate to see u two cry because I feel like you guys are family and u never want family to suffer. I love u guys and I hope you feel better❤️
- A Olson: Y'all made me cry too! Also Erin you have a beautiful voice! I don't think I've heard her sing before.
- Paige Couick: This was beautiful. You and your sister are amazing people for sure! ❤️
- Mia EB: crying right now I love you both so much ❤
- Mark Nelson s: After watching this I think I'm gonna be going to the mental hospital 😭
- Brytanee Stull: This made me cry😭😭
- Danika Boissonneault: Omg! I love this so much that I watched it 40 times already
- IvyPoison: This is so truly beautiful and I hope it helps my lovely girlfriend who doesn't deserve all the bad in her life. Thank you for this. <3 <3 <3
- Jasmine T: SOBBING. All my love to you both, Josh and Erin. Love love love, all the hugs, and more love.
- Lizzy: Holy crap I didn't know you guys could sing like that😂❤️💖💖💘💗💖😍💖❤️💗💖💖💖💘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Anna Pepall: Respect, totally🤘🏻
- Flexi809: Welcome back💗
- Julissa Avalos: all the emotion behind this song 😭😍
- Pauloee: So many feels... I love you both so much ❤️
- Eliana 22: I love you guys so much 💜 stay strong
- Brianna_ Dance: It was beautiful Josh and Erin I can't wait to see more of u josh stay strong! #lovejoshua
- Camilla De Cicco: +Bridget Parker No worries. Ok I'll add you. My twitter name is weird. I'm nervoussharkdonut. Lol. Guess I was feeling weird, that day.
- Elizabeth Moore: I wasn't prepared for this 😢😢😢😢
- queen _: #forevercrying
- sophie Lopez: stay strong we love you jousha 💘
- Autmn Rampenthal: Glad your back josh
- Ella Jessriel: +Mercy Ugarte Dude I know that wtf
- jbestblakeslee06: This so beautiful and sweet but sad at the same time. You can truly feel his pain. Josh's sister is so sweet.💓
- Kristina 1411: +Brian C we only know 7-10 minutes if they're life josh could have been the most supportive person but we don't know we Arnt with them 24 hours a day we 7 minutes that's it so please lay off josh and Coleen this is they're decision not yours leave them be to grieve and stop suing mean things please
- Ebs and Margs: Beautiful Josh and Erin...Love it! xx
- Jenn Hedrick: Absolutely beautiful. Erin has a gorgeous voice and I have always truly enjoyed your voice Joshua. God has blessed you both with such a gift in your voices. Y'all should do more duets together. I have been praying for you and I will continue to do so during your time of healing.
- Emma grace's life: that was beautiful
- Alexandra Gagnon: YOURE BACK
- Nichelle Rhiannon: Wow!!!! 😭
- Lindsay Marie: when he cried i lost it
- Natalie Harris: This was so incredibly sweet! It brought tears to my eyes! 💖
- elyse: This is so beautiful and so real. I love you both so much.
- Alexa Ocampo: I cryed 😭😭😭
- Jane Anastasia Mak: Beautifully melancholy. Stay strong and be stronger Josh, you have all of us here with you. You're beautiful like a rainbow.
- Linds&Liv: Ps erin is adorable.
- Lauren Kim: 17th time watching this. josh. i know your hurt. i know that you feel the pain . i see it in you. it makes my heart break to see you in pain. sometimes mental heartbreak is so much worse than physical pain. and i'm glad your back on your feet posting videos. you and your sister are wonderful. very beautiful cover. i can almost see your feelings through your voice. josh, someone has hurt you and left you, but that can't and won't stop you from giving up on love and pursuing your dream. you have so much in store for yourself, and you can't let this situation take control. thank you so much for healing me when i needed it, and we'll always be here. let your true colors shine through. we love you. have an amazing day. we love you so much :)
- LuAnn Riker: Does anyone ever think about the fact that Josh was always going off to do his own shows and tours? Why couldn't they tour together? (i know they did once) Or josh could just go on tour with his wife and do what Korey does for her instead of having Korey do it? Also, does anybody know how Josh felt about Colleen hiring Korey to be her assistant?
- Liz Mayer: This was probably one of my favorite songs Josh has ever done. I am still wiping the tears off of my face.
- Rebecca Toomer: holy dina that was beautiful. ❤💚💜💙💛
- Caron B: THIS is TRUE and REAL. Beautifully done! You are a lucky brother Josh, no one can take the place of family. Erin is wonderful!! <3 <3 <3
- Elyse Mansfield: This was beautiful 💜💜
- Mallery A: This makes me so happy😊
- Maya Dilts: We are here for you don't be afraid we see your true colors😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- Taylor Prejean: I love you guys so much!!! I've been praying everyday for you to just find healing and happiness through this tough time and I love you and so many other people do to. I know this time is tough but I know you'll get through. you guys have amazing voices and it made me tear up. ❤❤❤
- Evan Johnson: Erin sounds like a six year old
- Prescilia Lu: You guys are amazing! I'm glad to see your back
- carolanne marsden: this was beautiful it made me cry!!
- Hrishiya Lingam: That was friggin amazin
- Jess B: I did not sign the permission slip for this feels trip!!! I love yall so much!❤❤❤
- Dong Ding: Fadulilus?
- Abbi Jones: himynameislotta I did say try but if he still loves her he needs to try
- Joy Trembley: I literally can't stop replaying this I've watched this so many times since yesterday. I love that your showing your feelings Joshua!
- Jess: So beautiful ❤️
- Tushia Carey: I got in it when the color poped out
- Niamh Olivia: wowowowowowow omgosh!
- Jonathan Aalders: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- xXSavannahTheTomboyXx XP: omg after i saw them start to cry i started to cry i want josh and his sister to make a new youtube channel called brother sister vlogs or something
- Elizabeth Martinez: I lowkey didn't think it was gonna be that good but I teared up
- Francesca Camilleri: Dear Joshua, I can't begin to understand what you are going through at the moment, but I just wanted to encourage you to stick to your friends and family that truly care and love you and above all God will always be with you especially during these difficult days. Wish you all the best ^.^
- Leigh Folckemer: We love you Joshua!!!! And your sister!!!
- Ciara Power: stay strong Josh, we are all here for you and we love you xx
- thatgirl Flavia: this is so beautiful I'm in tears
- Samantha: She is an amazing singer
- ramaz: I didn't know his sister had such a nice voice
- Aryanna Becerra: Aimee Caldwell same
- Isaiah Tenorio: He's back
- Haylee Major: They are brother and sister goals!!!!!
- A Lovely Note: i cry everytime
- Erica Bajo: Absolutely beautiful! I hate to see you both cry. My brother and I are really close too, when one cries the other does the same. Your bond is beautiful:) so happy to see you back Joshua. Remember that you are loved!
- Pender, Party of 2!: Wow...so good
- Jade Carney: I cried.....a lot😭😭😭😭😥😫😓😢😭😩😧😦
- Charlotte Amestoy: so you have them really emotional drama queens and then you have me, i dont take anything seriously and i laugh at the wrong moments so i think you get that im not usually the one to get emotional or cry, if anything i would usually laugh at sad things, but thos video really touched me and im somehow just sat here crying, tears in my eyes. why am I crying?
- Brontë MacFawn: Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
- MA JA: so emotional. thanks for sharing
- Jett wright: xxtorayxx you dumbassss
- Melanie Villalobos: i can't stop seeing this it make me cry all the time
- Dieu Minh Dang: this cover is beautiful
- Nina Schaefer: I didn't know she could sing😱and them high tops though😂😏
- Hope Anderson: Great job you two, this made me so happy, so glad you're back! This is one of the sweetest things on the Internet :)
- Kari Berens: I wasn't ready for this at all. But I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you Josh! This song truly touched me! Love you!
- Émilie St-Louis: MISSED YOU JOSHUA!!!😘
- Amanda V: Beautiful!!
- Ashleigh Olson: I love you so much josh I hope your feeling better❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Faya Sahani: He's back I'm soooooooooo happy 🍕🍗🍗🍯🍭🍭🍨🍧🍦🍩🍰🍪🍔🍣🍤🍗🍖🍚🍙🍘🍡🍜🍞🍢🍥🍟🍫🍬🍎🍌🍠🍘🌽a treat from mee
- Jazzy snazzy: I am sad
- Brittany Flaherty: I love this. Your so strong josh 💜 and wow I never new Erin could sing ❤️❤️
- Madison Edler: I'm forever sad. I feel so sorry for Josh and Colleen, but Colleen thought this was the right choice. And sometimes the hard choices are the right choices which can really suck. Josh, we're glad you're back and I hope you're feeling much better
- Laura L.: finally <3 so glad you're back! what a beautiful song.
- autumn beauty: I love this!!!❤️😭
- Paige Wauters: This is so raw! I could feel every emotion you felt in this video! Keep your head up, we all love you very much! 🎈🎈🎈
- Mitzie Vidger: Lovely......
- HoshiGilwen: This is a very lovely cover of Cyndi Laupers song, it's so wonderful to have a sibling that much there in time of need. Shows that unbreakable bond.
- Lily Young: Erin is so adorable, Josh and Erin are so lucky to have eachother..If I could of had them for siblings my life would be unbelievable ❤️
- Keri Gradwohl: awww josh! i love u
- Bradley wallder: omg Erin u r amazing
- Faeriedarke: I love this song so much, you totally did it justice, I'm so glad you're back. The future is beckoning, focus on all the good things waiting for you and make them happen. xxx
- Charlene Tan: started tearing up when i first heard the guitar strum. im so proud of you josh. for being so strong and taking care of those around you while trying to get through this tough time of your life. we are always here for you, thanks for coming back.
- Amber: shes not fine, people heal in different ways. Im sure she doesnt want her fans to see that side of her.
- Cara Picone: I could talk to all the ignorant commenters, but I'll just talk to you. Thank you for not pretending to be okay. And that's not a passive aggressive attack on any other involved party. I'm not saying anyone else IS pretending. It's a sincere thanks for handling this in a way that lets people know they are allowed to feel sad, angry, depressed, hopeless, whatever they are feeling...unapologetically. There's too much "Get over it and move on" in this world. Sometimes something really terrible happens to you and you HAVE to feel it and not be okay. This return video moves me in that maybe I'll stop trying to just swallow everything I feel. At least I'll try. Keep healing. Do you.
- aly: *cries all night*
- BookWormAndProud: Voices go super well together , Beautifullll
- Stevie RoseAnn: welcome back Josh. you and your sister did so well. x
- Candy Girl: Your back I have been waiting but I subscribed to your sister
- Fiona Iwansantoso: I wasn't mentally prepared for this, but their voices are just soooooooo soothing
- Mikayla Tsolkas: matalie cortes yeah😭
- Chloe Rarity: so touching this made me cry I can feel his pain
- Lorena Delrio: Awwee❤️❤️❤️I cried sooo hard sooo bad💞I loved this. Especially when he started crying😭😭😭😭I love you guys and I hope you feel better josh😘😘😘
- Aneesah Qistina: #IMissCollenAndJosh
- iXcupcakes: I never know Erin had an amazing voice!!!!!!!
- rdthompson3: Oh my word. That is truly beautiful! Who knew Erin could sing too!? Truly touching. Love you both
- Mackenzie Huggins: Okay but like did anyone else BALL their eyes out, beautiful 💗
- Hannah Foster: You both have such beautiful voices. Love to you both. Stay strong xx
- AlmostEmily: this video is so powerful, so emtional and moving
- Ak R: You both have amazing voices!!!!
- Kimberly Cruz: I did know she could Sing
- Mariam Shafik: I was crying through the whole thing. It was so beautiful. Welcome back Joshua we missed you
- Madison Murphy: Btw Erin is rockin those hightops!!!!!
- The Cool Kaelyn: fayemiyu thank you! On the other hand Laurie Beth H Colleen is sweet and you shouldn't be hating on her. She was trying her best to push through the the sadness and anger and she couldn't keep it in anymore. It is best for both of them. They were both very unhappy, it helped them much more than getting married. Marriage is hard there are more fights, and unhappiness. Please stop hating on people because you are sad. Just cry into a pillow like the rest of us do, and not hate on people because that doesn't help. Of course they are both sad because they love each other, but they had too many fights and it just wasn't working anymore. Please take your anger out on something else!
- Lilly Francis: Im so happy right now welcome back
- percybeth05med: so sweet.
- Keira Ingram: omg when he started to cry to the point where you actually saw that's when I broke down...but enough about me that was beautiful, you guys are literally sibling goals
- Maricel Silhy: Their voices sound so good together
- Coryssa Silva: cried
- Kimberly Dhanraj: Love this song and love the meaning you two gave it. So happy you're back Josh. You inspire me!
- Faye Weatherley: I'm so sorry for you divorce😢😭
- Autumn Davenport: This is absolutely beautiful, Josh! I'm so glad you're back. Keep being you! <3
- DaNcE 4LyFe: k ya it is for ERIN read the description
- bloblober: Ahhhh!! I know josh was a good singer, but I didn't know about Erin!! Hope you feeling better josh!
- Lillian Thompson: I almost started crying then I saw that the video was 4:20 minutes long 😑
- Brie B: Oh god… don't cry… don't cry…
- Ana Nikolova: omggg love it! this brought tears to my eyes.. stay strong Josh we love you
- Makeup Katesvlogs: This was beyond beautiful... Welcome back we've missed u... Erin filled in wonderfully💞💖💞
- Franziska: sometimes the best art is created from heartbreak... that was beautiful and brought me to tears, you two should sing together more often! Hang in there Josh, there is light at the end of the tunnel eventually <3
- Jackie Harris: this is by far my favorite song that i've heard you sing! and i never realized erin had such a beautiful voice too
- Tasia Memmott: We have all seen Colleens true colors... Thank you for being true to yourself Josh! We're so glad you're back!
- Jasir Mamode: Welcome back Josh!!
- Lexaa Reese: Evan Wetzel wtf when did I tell someone how to feel or what to say I clearly said " I don't THINK josh would like us picking sides. When I said THINK I mean that I wouldn't think josh would like you guys doing that. If I was to say "Josh wouldn't want us to pick sides" that would be putting words in his mouth but there for I said " I think" which means I was just stating my opinion.
- Mack J: Amazing singing. I'm so proud of you both. Keep up the great work. Probobly my favourite music video yet!
- Midnight Delight: Alexis Romero same,I'm gonna cry
- Ashley Marie Negrón: Stay strong handsome Joshua ❤️
- Alissa Cortez: Their matching shoes 😭😭😭
- Dayan the wierdo: omg it made me cry
- Lana Hartmann: Got chills. Like if you agree. They are both amazing!!😍
- Daniel's Day at: people are getting mad at colleen honestly you havent seen behind the scenes even if she has moved on thats good if were to not move on it could hurt her health and she has a great family that support her and same for josh i think we just need to support them boh because obviojsly they still love eachother
- reckli55: Wow guys. This is just beautiful. Y'all brought me to tears.
- LWTR: Powerful you two. Your parents must be proud of you.
- Faeriedarke: fabulous, you and Erin sound amazing together, your voices harmonise so well 💜💟💜
- FriskyKittyGamer YT: Currently dealing with the pain of a breakup and this song just really helps. I cry and realize that things will get better when I start to heal. The best thing right now is my friends and family supporting me.
- Avengers Assemble please: who else watched this like 20 times and cried each time
- Skyy Britt: So beautiful 😭
- Flower Power: My eyeballs are sweating
- Monica M. S.: This was so beautiful. I hope and wish that whatever challenges your both going throuh will only make you stronger. May Jehovah God give everyone with like issues strength in this world filled with chaos. jw.org
- Collins Holland: Beautiful.
- Tessa Flick: Really beautiful connection between brother and sister. Family is everything!
- Lydia Waddle: this is only the second time I have ever teared up with during something that wasn't happening in my life. the first time was during the movie "the impossible". that was a movie about a true story of survivors of a tsunami.
- Christine A: Very beautiful, Josh. Like the song said, I see your true colours and that's why I love you.
- ItsSillySarah: Coleen and josh have not had there Devorce yet cos they have not gone to cort
- Spill the Tea: Yes it was
- QueenVampireBat: sad..
- Norma Gonzalez-Wilson: I started crying when Josh stopped singing and Erin touches his hand 😢😢😢😢
- jeddawiya: just beautiful.. glad you're back❤❤
- Mikala Lynn: Beautiful!
- MakeupBySarah Blog: Beautiful. Thanks for not being afraid to show your emotions!
- EmilyAnne: ok so I think we can all agree, this is the best coming back video ever. thank you josh. we are glad you are feeling better and healing. continue to heal and love yourself. it will help you. remember we love you. I can't wait unil the next time I see you. oh, and I'll never erase you!
- Silver Moon: i honestly wanted to jump in the screen and hug you two! my eyes poped out!!!
- heidi catherine: It's great to see you again Josh! Cried most of the vid Erin sings amazingly, beautifully love this so much! 💜
- Chenoa JeffreysBaker: To EVERYONE spreading hate in this comment section... BE NICE TO PEOPLE
- Saarah Yaseen: awhh I feel for him he loves her as well they shud be still together
- Kayla Maxam: YESSSS
- Maisy Towner: As soon as I saw josh I smiled
- Hannah Joy: Josh, I know you probably wont see this, but i just wanted to say thank you for making this video❤️ I know you're in such pain, and you're hurting. I needed this video... I lost my mom to cancer a few years ago, my sister has been sick with a terminal disease for two years, I have so many other life problems with my family, and I've been able to see the people who are truly there for me. I know I don't know what you're feeling at this moment, or the pain you're feeling, but just know that we are here for you and we love and appreciate you so much. ❤️💕
- Paisley Morrow: My heart aches for Josh right now. He didn't want this, and he is hurting so much.
- Kelsie Hewes: we love you josh!!!
- beeactress: Audra, thank you for your comment. It really reassures me that what I have been instilling in my relationship is on the right track. Since my boyfriend had never opened up emotionally to anyone before me, it's been a lot of hard work having to pry out his emotions and opinions. He's gotten so much better at it since the beginning of our relationship and I really appreciate his growth. I also do not resent it, everyone has their flaws and to make it work you have to figure out how to make sure you are communicating enough to know that everyone's emotions are in a good state, and I feel we do that. Any arguments we may have had have always been very loving. And I always appreciate them after the fact because we get a better insight to each other's feelings. I always love to bring up our future together and bring up ideas on how to raise our children, we then have a full conversation about it and make plans. Although we are so different in how we present ourselves to the world, we have very similar views, morals and opinions. As for the therapy, that is not something we've talked about, but it has definitely been on my mind. With divorce happening all around me I feel this fear and sadness. I keep asking him, are you sure I'm not too much? Please don't keep your frustrated feelings from me because I don't want you to wake up one day and be fed up and want to leave. He tells me he loves my "craziness" that if I was more like him he would be bored. (He thinks he's boring, but he is definitely not..) I think if I brought up therapy be would not fight me on it like most men would, he sees my fears and I know he'll do anything he can to calm them. And I would also do anything I could as well. All in all, I appreciate your advice and thank you so much for your well wishes and also wish the same for you. God bless!!!
- Josiah Phillips: ...and I'm crying
- twentyonepoots: Im so glad you're back. All the love.
- Nicole Connor: My heart is aching.
- Erica Enciso: Thank you! 😔😔😔
- Corinna Elizabeth: The end is literally shattering me. I hate seeing Joshua cry, or anyone for that matter. Joshua, I promise things will get better❤️
- Sydney Dietz: I actually started crying. Joshua is amazing and Erin is so amazing for standing by him.
- Abi Connolly: dose this mean he is coming back
- WhirledPeace: Josh... I'm sorry for what your going through.. Your making me cry.. This song...both of you...brother and sister..are so beautiful...like a rainbow. All my love. Peace.
- Jade Elbasri: I'm so so sorry Joshua
- Hannah Adkins: just seeing josh cry makes me cry.
- Jodi Cote: that was so beautiful. their break up does not make either of them a bad person. some people move on while the other is still in love. it happens. and josh will get through it. a door closes another opens.
- Gabbi Laconsay: Who else is crying because I am
- Fatlinda Av: :)
- Demi P.: I cried!! so sweet! stay strong <333
- Isa .H: Flaming Kc Youtuber Gaming he has got a divorce
- Caroleens: I love seeing how much Erin supports you through all of this, just shows how important family is and how much we should love & appreciate them 💞
- Alayna Jayna: Amazing!!!!. So proud of you Josh! Keep pullin through ☺️
- meljoylife: Thoughts are with you josh. People looking from the outside in can tell this was her decision. You took the vows more seriously than her and you need to hold your head high and know that true love will find you and with that will come true happiness.
- Nadia Mantiñán: justo amazing, i really loved it and cried through all of it. You both have amazing voices. Also, stay strong.
- Jessika Faye: the harmonies........ <3
- CreaMundi: Thank you both for being there, for each other but surely for us to. You guys let me think about life, personal struggle and how to deal with things. Although it can be difficult sometimes. But we have to keep trying to embrace all off it. Good and bad, so we can deal with the pain, learn from it and become stronger. Love you guys. 💙 big hug.
- Tracie P: That was absolutely beautiful, touching, inspiring thank you
- Erin Plocica: This is beautiful. Erin's voice is adorable.
- Danaya Chandler: Very Beautiful. Very very beautiful ❤
- Cheeky Mango: I love you guys! Be strong!❤️❤️❤️
- Piper Queen: omg I love it so much😁😁😁😁😁😘😘😘😘😍
- Kat Leger: i swear im not crying, i had an eyelash in my eye
- braedan criss: preach honey
- Katie Stricklin: Wow! Y'all sound great together! Thanks for the tears 😭 love y'all!
- Pardy Twins: why the hell am I sobbing... wow
- alyssa soriano: Me before watching the video: why are all these people crying over a four minute video? Me after: *can't think because I'm crying*
- Aurora: ;[ sorry josh I know what this is about.......
- Anita Hansen: Nima Isa C.Lauper wrote it for her gay sister to let her know it was OK🙂
- PonyLover 21: This is so beautiful. "Can't remember when, I last saw you laughing." Thats what I think about you Josh and Erin. Both of you are going through hard times and I just wanted to say I'm sending love. <3
- Lily Jenanyan: Who cried from 3:00- the end ✋🏽 I did😔💔❤️💓🙏🏽
- Kaitlin Harnett: Was so heartbreaking when Joshua broke down , I started crying
- MaryJane Elizabeth: Im so glad you're back! I love you so much and very proud of you <3
- Hannah Otto: OMG I love it so much you almost made me cry so glad you're back! We all love you so much!
- Kennedy Brown: Josh i missed you so much!!! I know you're hurting but stay strong! You have all of us!!❤️
- Michele Carvajal: Oh man this made me cry!!!
- Livvy Pratesi: omg this is depressing I feel so bad for him
- Stephanie Becker: I'm sorry man ...:(
- Braeden Fearnley: This hit me in the feels. Im bawling like a baby. So glad you guys have such a special bond<3
- Katie Ball: OMG just cried
- Baylie Dell: Wow, I had no idea Erin was a good singer! Missed you!! ❤️
- Logan Halley: Good job josh I'm so proud of you for working through all that you've been through and I'm happy Erin has been there for you. I'm not saying it was Colleens fault but it most deffinetly was not yours. And we all know you never asked for any of this. And I know that you will find someone just right for you❤️❤️
- karolina Jakstyte: Same cloths that's cute
- Sofia Johnson: They sound amazing 💕
- amy krauss: So beautiful. So strong! Thank you for sharing this!!
- Brooklyn C: They are great singers
- faegrrrl: Amazing! Josh, remember that Jesus is carrying you through this. Allow Him. Erin, you have a blessed voice! WOW!
- Grace Chen: Ugh,you guys's voice sounds heavenly!This is so beautiful!Voices like an angel,heart made of gold.We're all here for you fam💕
- Allison Ryall: Josh this is beautiful and you are so strong, I can't tell you are truly hurting right now but it will get better with time 💜
- Celi Diary: my heart ❤ great job!! I'm crying this is so cute and sad and beautiful. love!!
- Heidie Suling: we love u ❤
- Maria Sultana: i like how josh used true colors in an optimistic way. what i mean is "true colors" is more used in a way to show the real face of a fake person. you know what i mean? like atleast in my country we use this phrase whenever we find out a new negative aspect of someone whereas they faked to be the opposite so we say "oh so these r ur true colors huh" sth like tht. hearing a positive way of this esp after what josh has been going through is very uplifting :-)
- Allie McGreal: I'm in tears.
- Anne Campbell: I just want to put my arms around you and tell you everything will be okay, you will find someone who will love you forever and never give up on you im sure of it, i thought I would never find someone who aprreciates and respects me for who I am but i luckily found the man of my dreams :* and guys people deal with pain differently and Colleen might not want anyone to see her hurting because divorce is such a heartbreaking experience. Love you Joshua, you've brought so much joy to my life and helped me through some very hard times by making me laugh and smile ❤😘 hope you're coping okay ☺
- JackieWarner13: I had to look away when the crying started so wouldn't cry. So beautiful. Great duet
- Queen Elayne: i can't right now my eyes right now are so wet , thank you so much for coming back we love you and we'll comfort you always and forever
- tracytea: +meghan dalaba thank you! Just here to spread love to Josh and his family, not worrying about the bitter people here in the comments. I wish you and your little family much happiness :)
- Jasmine Qureshi: Welcome back Josh :)
- Chastity4lyfe: This was truly beautiful. Healing comes in different ways - and I hope you receive it Josh.
- Paul Stubbs: Keep strong at this difficult time x
- Madeline Hinde: This is the best thing I’ve heard in a while. I love you so friggin’ much Joshua.
- Tara Joy: +Ruby R oh okay
- Grace Dillow: You guys are the ones that put a smile on my face everyday!!! It's so hard to she you so sad and down!! I love you!! Your true colors are truly BEAUTIFUL!!! You are an amazing role model!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Liz McCloskey: Love you 😍
- Alyssa's Channel: When I saw both tearing up I cried...others emotions hurt
- mary lupovici: Oh my gosh this was so good it literally made me cry when they both started crying I still can't believe this has happened I love you josh and I hope that you find healing soon
- Youtubevip_2013: Erin is so good. Her voice is beautiful. And she is an amazing sister for being there for josh like that.
- Marieke Sillevis Smitt: You only see 20 minutes of 10,080 minutes a week… just a thought
- Phoebe Bryant: Not even taking into account the pain josh is going through (I love you and hope you are finding the peace you need) this is an unbelievable cover. I've listened to it non stop since you uploaded, keep the amazing content coming josh, welcome back ❤️
- KhloeAnne Riedle: I'm in tears you can see the pain he is feeling
- Sabihah Islam: People are amazed that Josh is back. I'm amazed he can sing!
- Haley Langlois: I cried so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢
- Simply Micaela: I'm crying OML 😩😩
- LouMasi Lott: ikr
- Punk Tattoo Guy: Great pair, beautiful voices. Siblings are great
- Emmiee Loulou: Stop cutting onions 😭😭😭😭✂️✂️
- zoe: love you, joshua.
- isabelle: we love you so much josh. no matter what happens, your dingleberries will ALWAYS be here for you. it's hard to feel so sad and i know that and all we want is for you to be happy. love you josh ❤️
- Laura Rayne: I'm crying I love you Josh 😭💙
- Maria Rodriguez: Stay strong ❤️
- Rhonda Self: Ok, they made me ugly cry 😭
- Colleen Edits: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
- Amelia Carley: Love it 😘😘😘😘😘😘 so glad your back Josh😘❤️😍
- Kylee Fontaine: I didn't expect to cry that hard... It was so beautiful. The passion in ever word sang... I started crying as soon as he looked at erin and she just holds his hand
- Babydollgamer 101: When I found him Colleen were over I was like 😭why😭
- whitney houseright: This ripped my heart out
- Kayla Marie: Exactly, thank you for this compassionate and well thought out response. People grieve in different ways AND also have to carry on with life. Yes they've done this in very different ways, but why does that make Colleen a bad person when she is the one who chose not to make her grief public or to put any blame on Josh because she wants him to be happy. Josh blames her for the divorce and chose to leave dramatically, I don't understand how that is any more or less honourable a way of coping. Neither of these are the right OR wrong way to cope with a divorce when you are both so in the public eye, they are just the right ways for Josh and Colleen to each deal with this very hard situation People need to just stop judging and realize that it's none of their business and move on. No one is helping by slinging mud in either direction.
- skye lee: this was lovely💕🌹
- lasagna dinner: This is my favorite song!
- Sangeetha Nathan: This song got when Josh got really emosh!!!
- Lynnsey Hardy: Sooooo good. Love it a lot
- tang xin yi: driving and im listen to this song i feel so sad.Josh your voice touch my heart ♥ be strong 💪 iknow youre tough but we still be with u
- Tatum Villanueva: Morena D lmaooo 😂
- Isabelle Roberge: I love this song.❤️ your a great singer
- Mattea Black: sobbing. SOBBING.
- Lydia Kay Hutchinson: So beyond happy to see you back ❤️ you have been in my prayers! You have so many people rooting you, including me! I love you so much 😊
- Kaitlins25: and it really got me at 3:10
- RachelGames: She's crying with him this is so sweet. Love you josh. I wish I had this good of s realationship with my brother.
- pocahontas reese: Beautiful ...simple and so sweet. Always be there for each other. This is what family is for.
- Camilla De Cicco: My boyfriend dumped me this morning. I was so in love with him. I still kinda love him. But, mostly right now, I think he sucks. I think we can all guess why. This video really touched my heart. Especially when Josh cried. You both have awesome voices. I think you should sing together more. Love ya both! You guys rock! Thank you for this beautiful video and song.
- Melessa South: Funny how they sound JUST LIKE Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick singing this. Coincidence?
- Layla: I love this song and is so beautiful to hear
- Matteah Ayn: This is beautiful! You both have amazing voices! I am so glad you are back and I am supporting you in this next chapter of your life.
- Antonella Merucci Walshe: Well done guys, that was beautiful xxx
- CoolBlueWolf: Aww It would be cool if u and Colleen sang this together for ur last goodbyes.....
- Rita M: That was so beautiful 💖 reminds me of tv show Glee 😍
- Kim Larocque: Thanks Olivia :)
- Jelena Vuksanovic: JOSH IS BACK
- Mia Ovrahim: I cried
- Hannah's Edits: Ruby R Thx Ruby but imma Girl
- Georgia’s Angels: Julia Connor "i feel like colleen doesn't care" how could you say that when you only have heard and know them via social media? i should imagine they're both going through a tough time not just Josh. you need to think about things before you actually say it. 😁
- Sofia Mendez: Josh, all your fans are here for you❤️ stay strong ❤️
- Superstarlight867530: You're welcome Harry. Did you respond at about 1am? what were you doing up, buddy? I'm in Australia, so it's just gone 9pm here as I write this. No, you didn't come off as egotistical; it's a fine balance between imparting an adult perspective with a degree of guidance and sensitivity, and being a snarky arsehole. One is to be commended, the other just way too easy and without a sense of having achieved particularly much. From the age of about 15-16 onwards I was socialising with people 5, 10, 15+ years older than I was, and I remember this can have a major (sometimes good, sometimes bad) impact on your maturity and on what you're exposed to. I think it's great that you're trying to make a positive contribution in this setting. Keep fighting that good fight. Your pal, Bindy.
- Hfbjorobjeifjbrijcbirjfbkjrbgjirrivt Dhkgjy: I know that he will get back together because the most perfect couple cannot break up after only being together as man and wife for a little over than a year so they will be back👫
- Bethany O'Connor: they sing so well together... this is amazing
- Caroline Hanson: I'm so proud of you
- holly franks: 30 secs in and I'm already crying
- Pasty goth Fish: We love you josh stay strong 😔😔😔
- Kaylynn is awsome: he was crying😕
- Robert The Dancer: Erin killing it with them vocals tho.
- Havyluvsya123: This is beautiful stay strong josh
- Whateverable111: Crying so much. I love you Josh. Love this. Will always love and support you.
- Isabella Apadula: Stay posotive josh! Keep doing what your doing
- Virginia Morgan: This sont makes me cry...its one of my favorite songs.
- Chanelle Field: been watching this since it got published.. Gets me every time. Stay strong Josh.. The support you have is all you need 💜
- K FayFay: love
- Just Jonathan: This was great. I wish I could "like" it more than once. Honestly, Josh is such a great and amazing guy with a big heart and who is just so damn hot that he's better off with her. He'll find someone who truly appreciates and loves him for him. Colleen was so friggin fake about her "I'm so sad video" and saying that she was going to take a break for a little bit from making videos so she'd have time to heal. She healed fast cuz wasn't it literally 2 days later she was back with that puppy video and then popping up EVERYWHERE collabing with like every YouTuber! That really just didn't sit right with me. Even to all the people I subscribe to when I saw their video notifications I refused to watch the video if she was in it. And I never liked "Miranda" anyway. I don't get why people think she's so funny and talented. Imo she's just annoying.
- Dancing Hippos: Olivia Saville yeah then they put it in
- Cayla Clark: I loved it
- Kate Cat: I hate this! It's so sad an dim going to cry
- Molly Goldberg: And Erin's voice though. She is amazing!
- Elaine Rawlinson: Josh, Erin, this is absolutely beautiful. The emotions from both of you make this that much more amazing. I hate how much you're hurting, but throwing yourself into your art can be so healing... And it looks like that is exactly what you're doing. Stay strong. We all love you. <3
- Chloe matheson: this was so beautiful💔love the way this was done, Erin and you are both so sweet and have lovely voices❤️
- Stephanie Ramirez: Kathleen Smith same
- sariibabii1990: My heart broke. Sometimes pain is what we need to find ourselves. I wish you all the best💙
- Grace Dillow: yalls true colors are beautilful we love u josh
- Laura Scarlett: Such a beautiful version of this song. 💗
- jolie bunny: well I don't hate it
- mochi: I love you two💓
- JennaSprinkles Lee: THIS. IS. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
- 卌aliza: I'm not picking sides or anything, but you shouldn't say its COMPLETELY her fault. Sure, it partly was but you don't know the whole thing. They said that we mainly saw the good parts of their relationship. I'm pretty sure none of us know what was going on behind the scenes. They also both said please do not go hating on each other. I can definitely see your point of view, but you must remember it may also be partially Josh's fault.
- Christina Meshrow: Thank you Josh and Erin for making such a beautiful song and video. Josh, I know it's hard, but I know deep down your gonna make it through. Your gonna have your ups and downs, but just know that their your gonna have better things coming your way. And Erin, thank you for supporting Josh through all of it. Josh is so lucky to have a sister like you. Thank you for helping him get through it. Thank you to both of you.
- Stephnie: Awww!!! love.love.love this!!! had me all in my feels for sure and tried not to cry! welcome back Josh! hope you're back for more than just this song!! idk about anyone else but I missed you!! Erin!! i need to hear you sing more!!! beautiful!
- Justin Luis: Some people are so damn rude. Sometimes with maturity you realize you can't give someone everything that they want. And even at your own expense you have to let them go so they can TRULY be happy. And although we don't know everything maybe what some of you said is true. Josh wanted to settle down and do the family thing. Colleen wanted to focus on her growing career which is very busy now. So knowing it was unfair to him she had to let him go. I loved them both BEFORE. Nothing has changed. I just want them both to be happy. Everyone deals with things differently.
- Soar High: It seems like Josh was more heartbroken like he couldn't even make videos and this is NO HATE TO COLLEEN. Like Colleen is busy and she is still probably sad but its hard and i never thought I will see these type of videos.
- Lovely Jay: I love their brother and sister bond 😭
- RoseGold: actually he is really hurting. why do you people think divorce isn't a big deal. guess what. it is. he is a super sweet person and it genuine. say what you want. it's just a ridiculous assumption you made there...
- Mária Kamara: this is so sad😧😧😥
- Amy Amber: So raw and beautiful. It's so honest and refreshing to see a man who is not afraid or ashamed to show their true emotions. You seem like a very genuine and warm human being, and I'm glad you're starting to see the light out of such a heartbreaking situation. Praying you find peace and happiness xx
- Awesome Allison: This song is about Coleen
- Andrea Treviño: I lost it when they started to cry😭
- Lili_thepink: Wow... I didn't know Josh sang... This is beautiful... I have no words...
- Sayoni Ghosh: I swear, all my senses have vanished. I don't know what to say. Josh you are one of those people who make the internet a beautiful platform. We will always love you. And hats off to your family. They've been the best people in your life, and we've all witnessed that. Welcome back!
- Maira Lahan: Erin's voice..OMG!! Am losing my mind. It's angelic.
- Angie Wright: I am here to support you josh
- kayleighfensome: JOSH IS BACK!!! 😃😃😃
- CailynMarie: Very moved by this and my heart aches. Very powerful and I applaud Josh for his strength.
- Alaska McArthur: this was too good♥
- Julie P: false. Colleen emits positivity only and wants people to know that they can get through what life throws at them. she's decided to not show many parts of her life to us; and we need to see that and accept that.
- joannajhowe: This is the most beautiful version of this song I've ever heard, it brought me to tears x
- Ebere💀: This is kinda cringy
- Juli Baranja: Wow, so much feeling
- Abigail Crouch: Love it and love you guys ❤️❤️💕
- valerieannsmiles: Beautiful! ❤️
- Brooke Weis: AMAZING 💜💜💜💜
- Giannah Noelle: Christina Shin Don't sob, CRAFT
- simply_ alecia: welcome back Josh we all missed you
- Shana Jordan: Josh and Erin, this was a beautiful song and works so well with your voices. I love you Josh and I pray that you will get through this difficult time and find someone who truely makes you happy!
- Kaitlyn Lafferty: I'm so glad your back I have missed you all your fans are supporting you though this tough time
- fluffynicole: WE LOVE YOU JOSH!! So happy ur back, u will get over this, u have all of our shoulders to cry on
- Nils Wendel: at the beginning I thought "oh come on, do you really have to include those fake crying scenes?", but then I realized that it seems to be authentic and real.
- Alex Calderon: 3:13 broke my heart
- Michelle Díaz: omg Josh, I missed you so much. You made me cry with this video (in a good way offcourse) I love you so much, stay strong♥
- Kati Cibilic: omgg
- Sierra Harlow: I cried my heart out ❤️
- Dianne xD: i miss colleen and josh
- The Pumpkin Queen: Thank you. This video means a lot. In this way proves that life isn't always uphill. And there are bad times, and cry and show that you are sad does not make weak indeed demonstrates confidence and strength. Thank you.
- itsajohn PO: OMG who knew Erin had a voice like that!!! awesome video!!! I for one hope they do more together.
- ASoulJuxtaposed: Some of the comments on here are just breaking my heart. Why must people be so petty and judge mental? It is important to remember that everyone handles grief in their own way and there is no right or wrong way to act when you're hurting. There was a reason we were fans of both of these people and trying to bring one or both down is not ok. Love them both, respect their own personal grief and way of handling it and be supportive instead of trying to cause more pain. We need more love in the world, always!
- Trin B: Omgggg this is amazingggg
- Winnie Tan: That isn't mean. -__-
- AllAboutMe: I loved it ommg i'm going to cry
- Luke Probert: Maria Jose 420 is a stoner holiday
- Oblivious_paradise: Hey wtf divorce is not a football game.....what's with all the taking sides nonsense????? If Colleen chooses not to show her pain and sadness I think it's beautiful and courageous.....if Josh decides to show his pain and sadness to the world it's beautiful and it sure takes a hell lot of courage to show the world that you're weak and broken down, but you're recovering.....don't tear colleen down because Josh is sad I mean I'm pretty sure he would not want that....peace and all love
- One Two: it's gonna get better ♡ remember that we love you
- Lourdes Garibay: cyndi lauper <3 i also love this version #TROLLS
- Rani Apodaca: Wow. That was beyond beautiful. Thank you for letting us see your heart Josh. Much love to you and your sister.
- Shawna Ribando: Josh this gave me chills. Such a beautiful inspirational song.💕💕we love you Josh
- Exzavior Aburto: it was sad but I don't really think that was Aron singing
- Destiny sells: Glad your back
- Nico Lusitani: im depressed
- Pamela Guevarra: Love it! Stay strong!!!
- Krystal Morris: If you didn't cry at this... something is wrong with you. Still praying for you Josh. And Colleen too.
- s e r e n a: oml started crying....
- J.S. Spaulding: I love this! 😭 please put this on Spotify and iTunes. You should write more music
- Kitty cat Studios: Erin your voice is beautiful and josh yours is amazing as always I died a liitle inside when I watched you guys are amazing
- disney 1989: I cried before you even started singing you look broken ... hugs there's a light at the end of the tunnel x
- Eli Fraser: Would love to hear you both sing together again.
- Kayla Donovan: Made me cry :( love you both!!! So beautiful. I'm glad you have each other to become stronger when times get hard.
- Krista Plume: That was something so pure and beautiful!!<3<3
- Tina Duong: If someone made me hear this, I would say it's Justin Timberlake
- Alisha Sasha: Josh it is ok "God does not give u the people u want he gives u the ones you need. To love you, to hurt you, to leave you and to make u the person you were meant to be" this quote means a lot in so many ways..when u find the right person u need to fight for love ❤️ because the love between you and the person won't always be perfect...we love you and stay strong
- Caitlyn Adams: I love you josh💘
- jessi: 😍😍😘😘
- Georgia Regan: Why is this girl in the video
- Rachel Skerratt: Beautiful.
- Jenn Wray: Beautiful. Welcome back. ❤️
- Macayla Kulker: terry crane that was soo inspireing and amazin
- Reaper 77: This was just beautiful!!😢
- Samara Herd: I love this
- Anna Bay: Absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin 🙏🏻
- Cheyanne Pate: I love you! I've missed you so much! I love your sister too!!! 💛 I missed you. Much love and support!
- dpayne2200: Beautiful
- grey seal: beautiful cover. lovely singing!!
- Madison L: So beautiful. ❤️ Best version of this song I've heard!!
- John Clark: Brittanggg so you really don't think that is could travel to her somehow by oh I don't know people leaving unnecessary comments on their videos?
- MJ Russo: Welcome back Josh. We've missed you!
- Micaela Oleas: This was beautiful! Thank you Josh and Erin for this love you!!!
- Sara Dewitt: y'all sound absolutley beautiful together!! im in love with this song :)
- Terry Gretta: You guys have beautiful voices😍 & Erin's harmony is perfect!
- Solo Dolo: love it 😍😍😍
- Lauren Gabrielle: Erin's voice is sooo beautiful! She's so intriguing!!!
- Holly C: Omg so good video and I had no clue that she could sing both have amazing voices. Love u both Xxx
- Mark Reed: I clicked this video and I kinda knew what I was about to feel emotionally. But, it took me 2 napkins to wipe my eyes. Josh, you are so loved here. Your family is amazing and you have all of us.
- Jessica Ochoa: definitely worth the wait. good job you two
- Denise Medina: Lucy Sigman yes
- Joseph Garcia: Lmao
- Melissa Booth: hope you find happiness asap. you deserve it 💙
- Alexis Noel: I'm crying so hard right now😭😭
- Jinyoung Park: YAYYYY!!!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!
- Fatlinda Av: I'm pretty sure Colleen is going to regret the divorce
- Audrey Serrano Vlogs: I want to see the reaction of colleen watching this
- 2smartcookies: I love y'all both so much and I'm so sorry that y'all both had to go through something so painful ! I can't think of a more perfect song for this time in your life and I loved it so much! Praying for a healed heart!!!
- EvilCupcake: This gave me goosebumps!!! Way to go Josh, it's an awesome cover :)
- Abi Faith: y'all are beautiful singers wow
- Maeve Plante: Wow oh my gosh!! You guys sounded AMAZING together!! I loved it guys😍😍😘😘❤️❤️
- Amber echan: i feel so bad for josh. this is a very beautiful song though, they sound amazing together.
- tayy: I couldn't imagine losing the love of my life. This is so hard to watch, but beautiful as hell
- Holly Butler: JOSH IS BACK!!!! WE LOVE YOU
- The Random Channel: Awwwwwww josh I love you lots I don't like to see u upset 😭 so please bring everything there are a lot of other fish in the sea love you 😘 so much good luck
- Jenna Bee jet: ❤️❤️❤️
- Philip Purcell: This is an awesome video Josh..What kind of dumbass would "dislike" this video.
- Life With Jennifer: This was absolutely beautiful you too and it even brought tears to my eyes. Below in the bond between a brother and sister is always very special I too have three brothers and the bond that we have is unbelievable. Always stick together and always have each other's back's. Love you both!
- Caitlin Hackbarth: I love u Joshua
- Kim: How does this have nine dislikes? You monsters!!! Welcome back Joshua!!!!
- Sparkling Silver Curls: Can we just talk about Erin's voice for a moment??? GURLLLL...you can SAAANNNGGGG!! Damn Erin, the timbre of your voice is so, so beautiful and unique! Are you going to sing on your YouTube channel?
- Hannah Cridge: Wow you guys. Love it and love you. X
- Alison Jones: heart breaking, beautiful , sending much love and very best wishes to you both 😘xxx
- Crystal Boven: 😭😭😭😭 omg I hope Colleen sees this she needs to change her mind about Joshua or if it's really over Joshua I wish you the best in life find a woman who will love you through anything & never leave your side through the hard times no matter how tough it gets I'm too stubborn to just let things go I fight for what I want ! I love you Joshua I'm always here for you that was very beautiful what you & your sister did just know that God is with you always as well as your fans who truly believe in you May God watch over you during this time & give you peace my friend stay true & never change yourself to make that other person happy if they can't accept who you are then their not worth being with you , you can make it through this I know you can I have been through it & now I'm good I met a wonderful man who treats me good I finally found someone took me awhile but it's all worth it me going on a spiritual journey & finding myself was a blessing I finally feel apart of society now & I'm no longer running or hiding or looking behind my shoulder I have faith God got me through my toughest trials in my life some were harder then hell but he pulled me through it all so take it from me we all get up brush our shoulders off & start all over again God will take that pain away he did for me brought me love & smiles so I'm passing it on to you my friend ..... Sincerely Crystal From Michigan
- Phil: very hard to watch
- Stephanie Zaso: choking back the tears, don't cry Stephanie do not cry.
- McKenzie Green: Welcome Back Josh!!! We missed you so much. You mean the world to me. How's Shadow?
- Shawna Litteral: :( why am I crying??
- KathrinaC4: i teared up at the end.
- Elizabeth Andreasen: I am so impressed and inspired by this song. I admire how much emotion they were able to but into this simply beautiful song. I just cant stop listening to it!! It is so amazing and wonderful!! Your emotion and relationship depicted in this song changes the way I feel about music and love. Thank you Josh! You truly amaze me and I love you so much!! <3 <3
- Emma Hogan: we are all here for you josh:)
- Sav: Litterly best cover on YouTube
- Khyla Frey: i cried!😭😭😭 this is just amazing !!!!❤️❤️❤️
- Brady Cunningham: Looks like they did some serious acting in this song..alba technique
- Sarah Best: Thanks for being so open and honest with us, guys. Glad to see your taking the steps to heal and grow. I look forward to more amazing duets like this in the future.
- SAF_2004: This is absolutley beautiful! Josh, I really don't want to make you upset at all. I just have a question. Are you mad at Colleen? I understand if you are. I just want to know. Stay strong josh. Please answer my question of you can. Love you
- rebeccajns: I've watched/listened so many times today. Joshua, I wanna say so many things... But... For now, I just pray that each day is getting easier for u. You deserve nothing but the BEST & a partner that will always stand by your side. Hugs
- Estelle Granié: Like a lot of people I've been hurting too. and this is incredible. so powerful. love you so so much. we'll get through it, all of us
- Grace McGaughey: I'm so happy you're back, Josh. I'm sure this can't be easy but just know that you're helping so many people right now. It's okay to not be okay. I hope you can find happiness soon.
- Silvia khan: Omgggg I cried so much...Colleen, why did you leave him man... please get back together guys... gosh its so hurtful to see Josh like this!! Couldnt hold my tears.
- aidan macgregor: Omg I am literally crying I feel so bad for him and colleen :(
- ava gallo: Josh ilysm! Im so glad ur back. Ur tru supporters are still with you to support you and pray for u. Erin and your voices are AMAZING! ❤️❤️
- Monica P: 3:13 brb crying
- Kyla Feld: Gosh I love this!!! I balled so hard
- Bekah Shook: What happened with Erin and her husband?
- Hailey nicole: I need Erin to do some covers!! Her voice is amazing!! 😍😍
- Cheleena Neumann: Josh i adore your transparency and how you don't try to hide who you are or your feelings! you and Erin have BEAUTIFUL voices and a beautiful brother/sister bond! Beautifully done and definitely worth watching again!
- Kayla Till: Josh you an amazing brother and a wonderful guy. I will continue praying for the best. Love you.
- HannaDANT !: This was amazing Josh! I'm in tears. The amount of soul in this was truly beautiful. We have ur back always and don't be afraid to show ur true colors
- Sierra Mackenzie: okay for real somebody stop peeling onions
- Petra Paul: Thank you Josh
- Lorna Molloy: anyone else feel like he's exploiting their divorce? 🤔 Colleen is keeping quiet maybe Josh should too...
- SonSon D: You make me cry too hard 😢😢😢😢
- Kate Richards: I've watched this video twice and both times I have cried cos it's just so sad I loved their relationship and it breaks my heart that they're both hurting right now but I want what's best for them and will continue to support them no matter what
- K M: Did u write this song
- retrøgrade: loobie's channel678 oh my god Ikr
- Hannah Lopez: This is so sad I'm sorry about the divorce josh
- Nicole Smith-Wilson: Nice to see you Josh! I have been following this channel for so many years now. 👏🏼
- Courtney Roux: this was truly beautiful
- Zero views videos: I hate the fact that this is totally aimed at Colleen and Joshs sisters ex husband. That's why this was done and that's shitty.
- Shreyas: Mundus vult Decipi this isn't his song it's a cover man
- Kaylie Nicole: nice shoes by the way👟👞👡👠👢👑
- m dela cruz: Touched my heart 😪
- Yo yo yo My name is joe: LSJ you spelled Hillary wrong
- Noell Michelle: OH MY GOD, I did not know that Erin could sing. I love you both <3 This is so powerful! I'm crying right now, in the middle of hanging out with my friends. Oh my god<3
- Carmen Pena: im so sad
- Alayna Shaffer: josh i know that u are sad but u need to come back just vlog for one day we all miss u and i hope u feel better
- Gabriela Lugo: Often times what feels like the worst thing that could ever happen turns out to be the best thing that ever could. In time, however long it be, you'll start to really believe and feel what that truly means and when you do it will be amazing. Welcome back, Josh.
- tozurie: Wow, my heart
- Gina: Josh, I don't know if you'll see this, but I wanted to tell you that you'll be ok..you're a wonderful, loving, genuine person who has a huge and beautiful heart. Don't let this break or change you, because somewhere out there, there is someone for you, someone you deserve. I know that right now, even the thought of another relationship must make your heart ache, but hun, your person *is* out there, don't let this define how you see love. I'm one of your oldest fans (by age..I'm 38), I've followed you through your journey, and had no idea of what was behind the scenes, I am trully sorry. My heart breaks for you right now because of how devistated you are, but I also think that you're incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family to help you through this time, your sister is the best. I also think that the way *you* are dealing with this is amazing and respectful. Don't ever doubt yourself, you are beautiful!!! I have a new found respect for you and I just wanted you to know that. Although something awful has had to happen, we have all learned how trully real you are and I think you should embrace that. Good luck Josh! I wish you nothing but the best, you totally deserve it :)
- Chey Rose: Such an amazing video, got so many chills! I love Erin's hightops!!! cuties! love you guys, good to see your face back on here Josh & subbed to you Erin, can't wait to see you become successful like Josh has <3 massive fan of you both! xxxx
- Alexis Gilbert: I was fine until they started crying..... then i broke :( this was so beautiful and meaningful <3 i don't normally cry in songs but this one took me straight to the feels love you both
- Lucy ᦟ: My favourite video so far. Love you both.
- Vanessa Torres: I got the feels
- Poogie: So beautiful, guys!
- lolalex13: Time to go cry now😭💕
- Taylor Adams: This literally made me ball my eyes out, so proud of you Joshua.. happy to have you back
- Mariah Vandenberg: I cried
- Rebecca B.: I started crying from the moment you appeared in screen. That was so beautiful thank you Josh and Erin. I am so sorry that you had (are having) such a tough time. I wish I could do something to cheer you up Josh. I wish you both all the best.
- Chloe: IM CrYiNG 😭 I LOVED THEM 😭😭😭💛 josh i love you. stay strong💛
- danjames819: My eyes are literal waterfalls right now 😭❤️❤️❤️
- Jana Cerinšek: Amazing. Just. Amazing.
- A V A L O P E Z: i am going to cry i swear i love you josh i love you
- Mika Voppichler: Be strong time heals 💚
- Bella Bombshel: <3
- liv young: This made me cry ! I'm sorry josh don't worry things will get better!! All your friends and family are here for you!!! I think you and your sister should do more duets ! Welcome back Josh it's good to have you here agin
- Emily Zem: You have to admit they are as good as any other star for singing 😊💖 Good job you two
- TheMommacrow: mesmerizing, vulnerable, and amazing. my eyes are filled with tears.
- Maddie B: I love you josh
- Brianna P: You have nice singing voice
- imnotapersonkay: Josh made people throw a lot of shade to colleen by uploading this video. He said that he didnt want drama. Well good job josh. It looks like everybody is hating colleen at this point. And that breaks my heart. Everybody think that they know axactly how colleen feels. Only cuz shes vlogging the happy parts of her life doesnt means she's happy. It looks like people want colleen to be sad and to cry in video's. You dont even know if colleen is sad or not. Everybody is different. Her show came out her dream came true you think she will be sad when her dream came true. Maybe she is sad what she obviously is. You dont know what's happening behind the scenes. She even said that vlogging makes her happy. You dont want her to be happy? You want her to cry all the time think about the sad things the whole day. Jeez disrespectful!
- Katie Sinclair: I could watch this video on repeat all day. So powerful.
- Ice Wolf: Steven Palomo same
- Rebecca Heavey: Beautiful song + beautiful people = tears
- Rifqi Nabih: cool voice gan!
- Lily Richards: ❤️ JOSH😭
- justdreaable: i think i replied only to the wrong post but it doesn't mean i didn't want to post this at all. just really find colleen so selfish by succumbing to divorce right when it's convenient for her while she's busy. so evident.
- Rachael W: He kind of sounds like Justin Timberlake
- Kine Kvernmoen: Joshua<3
- Alyssa Z: josh, I love your singing as always, but I love Erins so much. Her sweet gentle voice is so comforting. You two should sing duets again, I think everyone would love that.
- Moe Holiday: ...
- Amanda Rodriguez: The best is yet to come.
- Allison Rose: If you're talking shit on Colleen in the comments of this cringey ass video then you need to reevaluate yourself. No one knows the story so who are any of you to play the blame game?
- Audra Pearson: Rachel Landry Saunier Thank You! That was very kind. I hope he reads it and really understands how special he is.
- chloe an autumn bestfriend channel: it's okay Josh u got this
- Kaci 34: I am crying seriously it make me so sad to see them both them cry
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Jason Wasserman I'm not blind. All I'm saying is that it seems like people get married these days just for fun and have no intent of making it to the end if you try hard in a marriage and you are right for each other you havr a betyer chance at succeeding. marriage is hard and im not saying that it's easy at all but when people are able to just throw it away like it's nothing is what makes me mad. people who work and try hard at their marriage are the ones that succeed the most but like I said before there can't just be one person fighting in a marriage you need two people who may get mad at each other and may have their differences but no matter what they fight hard for each other because they love each other
- Anna P: Erin you sing so well!!
- Jun hong Lee: Happy that he doesn't change like Jesse on BF VS GF after break up
- Saskia Bray: I'm not on sides but I feel u
- Brianna Cooper: holy shit....can I like this video more than once? this was absolutely beautiful and the amount of pain you could see in both of their eyes. damn...👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
- ashley simpson: beautiful I've been thru a divorce I know how tough it is but trust me 2 years after I found the man in been with for almost 5 years married 2 and have a son :)
- Nadia Godinez: I'm so sorry for this heart break you are going through! watching you pour your heart out to this song with your sister and crying just broke me down. I know how it feels to go through a break up, I'm going through one right now. I was with him for 5 years, share a beautiful son, and we just had our differences. love you Josh I am aching with you and all you can do right now is surround yourself with the people that love you! ❤💪
- Ladybugg7 M: beautiful!!! So beautiful!! ~Donna
- Megan Hardie: i love there both singing voices im crying
- Short Tuber: oh damn..
- nós é br Felipe: ñ sei inglês, era bom se fosse tradużida.
- Katerina Joan: Joshua! This was beautiful! I love it! I see so much good and beauty and healing and love coming for you. I love you. Keep being wonderful. Through your healing, you're healing us, too. Love you!
- Leah Harris: *still listening a year later and crying
- Alexis: You both are truly beautiful
- Tanu Parmar: This made me cry
- Kiwi of the Bird: Kati Cibilic ...read the description
- Jordan Young: Your dingleberries love you💚💜
- cardfight100: I love me too
- symphathetic: keep healing and be strong Josh, there are people out there who are caring and loving and who will love you the way you deserve. sending love.
- lindaa CimFam: it hit me so hard when started crying 😭 love you so much Josh!❤ I will always support you! You're an amazing human being!♡
- MmmmDorfy: Literal goosebumps. That's all I can say
- Emma S: Erin sounds sooooo good
- Melissa Fernandez: Lucyison Mars no, it's a cover :)
- Katie Mccall: Oh my God! Erin's voice is so gorgeous 💜
- Mels Beauty: life goes on .. i know its hard but we love you joshua❤..
- Rosie Bentley: Beautiful....soulful....
- Zozenbean Fangirl: Im trying SO hard not to cry!!!!!!! JOSH COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- niggasjit: Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! So, colleen filed up a divorce to Josh in cold blood.. her loss I`d say !
- Hollie Marshall: at the first i was upset that he didnt do a sit down chat vedio, but josh that was so touching and completly you. No words was needed to describe how youre feeling and i find it was truly a brave thing to show that. Id just like to say that we are here to support you, and thank you for sharing. You'll proberly never read this but I thought id at least try to show my apprisation of you though this hard time we love you and miss you from one diggleberry to another ps Erin great voice :)
- Beatrice Hooper: 3:13 😭😭😭
- Alexandra Diaz: Oh my GOD. This is amazing!!
- sam: I love you guys a lot ok.
- krystle Martin: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- craymond2197: This this was so emotional that I cried and it was so beautiful. Truly wasn't prepared to watch this.
- Makana Snyder: There voices together are beautiful
- Lynzi Brooke: I'm literally crying right now 😭
- Pamela Idontknowyou: That was beautiful. :)
- Lexi Garcia: It's feels nice to here his voice again a true inspiration
- Lily J: I did not know that Erin could sing 😁
- Adrianna Padlo: I cried
- Tiffany Lu: who keeps watching this and just starts breaking down into tears
- Amy Tweed: sobbing... you are strong josh
- ericricheyisamazing: amazing
- In Seiner Liebe: hope you find Jesus in this tough time.. he is the only one who can help you realy
- Cheyenne Mecier: Absolutely beautiful. We love you Josh! I'm praying for you and you're healing. Same for Colleen.
- Cort cat: This video reminds me of my brother and myself so much it made me cry even more.
- Kaylan Madison: I feel like I can relate to you Josh with a similar situation. Stay strong and stay surrounded by those you love. <3
- LittleBlueBird95: Wow! Beautiful video Josh and Erin!
- Twenty one Phans: This is my second time watching this and I cried just as much as I did the first time
- julboyle: Amazing!
- Shaelyn Lantz: This brought me to tears. Both you and Erin are such an inspiration! This was the perfect way to come back on to the internet, love both of you!
- Jay xx: Erin is such a good sister to josh and they both have an amazing voice ❤️😍 we have missed you josh
- Rachy G: 💝💝
- Laura Huggett: This is wonderful!! I subscribed to yall!! Beautiful voices. I just covered this version too. It would mean a lot if y'all subscribed back!! Keep up the great work. :)
- Hanna Jackson: I love this so much!!!!
- Penny Curtis: i'm not hating on Josh, but he does kinda need to move on, I mean, Colleen has, from what we've seen, so if Josh truly loves or loved her then he would try to move on also.
- Claire Jordan: I have watched this 6 times
- Jazmin Rodriguez: no hate but , I just HATE how Colleen isn't affected by this! Josh is taking way more time to heal & Colleen's the same! I'm not saying she doesn't break down behind camera but I just hate to see josh like this , it makes me feel worthless with them separated 💔
- Megan Wizard: Ahhh this makes me so emotional. I really needed this right now. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one.
- Tara Eybs: Josh I'm so happy that you are back on YouTube!! You and your sister are amazing at singing and also you picked a lovely song to have as your first official video back on here. I love you and you will get through this all you need is time.
- evansbhad: i hate seeing you so sad joshua, love you :(
- julian garza: Ugh this was way too dramatic 😒
- Annie Moore: Everyone it hating of Colleen saying she is making funny videos while josh is still sad but think about this: a few months ago when Colleen was posting stressful videos about work josh was over here hanging out with Rebecca and having the time of his life
- Kylah McFaull: az grace in a good way or bad? (If bad, sorry)
- Claire Jordan: 😪😪😪😪
- Wendlynn A: Mackenzie Heerdt I totally agree with you
- Jaylin: Why didn't I know Erin could sing????!!!!
- Swetha Yalamanchili: I love this! Both of you sound amazing! <3
- Dancer 13: Aw I love this so much brothers and sisters forever this is making me cry
- Bethany: Rianne Zijlstra the dog was only ever Josh's. I'm assuming he still has him.
- Jack Walker: You are so brave, I have so much respect in you
- Mermaid Beanie: Such a beautiful song
- Naomi Ramos: just asking
- Tori Jensen: What a beautiful thing you two created!! Thank you for being so real and raw! Hang in there...We're here for you!! This too shall pass....xoxo!!
- Erinn: This was beautiful 😥 glad you're back josh ❤️ we missed you
- Shanzay Murad: erin has a voice of an angel
- Lea Glasnović: I'm really sorry, man.....
- Mandy Clapper: This is so incredibly beautiful. Thank you, Josh and Erin 💜
- Nor Frk: I feel like Miranda doesn't even care about her divorce
- joshua simango: I cried too JoshuaDTV if u see this u r so strong don't let sadness overcome u I have experienced this too I feel u there is always two sides to the situations choose the right one it takes time but u find yourself in the end
- Karo Karotte: I can't this is so heartbreaking true and wunderfully said I cannot stop crying when thinking of the one I loved so much bit meant nothing to
- Bryn Cornelius: I love Josh's voice but I didn't know how amazingly peaceful Erin's was <3
- Allie Reid: Who else thinks that Erin should make her own channel
- vpaula5: such a beautiful video with such beautiful people <3
- Barbara Singer: I was crying it's so butifull 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Leeleé Crews: Erin sounds beautiful
- Joely Hatcher: beth v Yes, you're right, I only know a fraction of the story. But what I do know for a fact is that Colleen is too selfish to care about the people who love her. This divorce has been hard on both of them, correct, but it left an impact on Josh that can't be healed. Unlike Colleen. From her videos you can obviously see that she is absolutely fine. Taking photos with her cat, seeing her netflix original skyrocket to the top of the popular now section (it's the second most successful show on netflix), making daily videos, hanging out with her friends, etc. I could just keep going. Joshua has been trying to heal. All of the friends he has made are in LA, probably not talking to him but Colleen because she is more popular, he's back in Georgia with his sister and small family. It's just not fair to him.
- ItsJennOkay: I love you guys. Josh I am so sorry oure going through this hard time. We are all here for you. <3 <3
- brando garcia: dang these two really went all out with the feels. did they break up or loose a family member or something?? never heard them before they are good. got me tearing up
- LizzieSully 4ever: Praying you get through this rough time Joshua... you have a good little sister, she sings beautiful btw. And good fam and friends! This too shall pass.. xoxoxo
- Soujanya Patil: Can you tell me the reason why u breakup plz can't u try to patch with her you both look good together plzzzzzzzzzz
- Katie P: 4th time watching and still cried ❤️❤️❤️️
- crankthatdawson: SHUT UP
- Me Me: Stay strong
- Mariah: i'm already crying omg
- Olivianna HemmoX: 😭😭
- LadySDB: This was beautiful :-)
- jobloomers: you are on the GOOD path Joshua...continue!
- Kiera Scarlett Dance: i started sobbing literally from the very beginning
- guinea Pig lover: I love this song wishthe best for Josh and colleen and erin
- Tory Womack: omg this killed me. mad me cry. it was really beautiful you two. I pray for all of u through this difficult time.
- Heimoana Pang: Really beautiful beautiful interpretation
- ccoke & aped: The amount of respect I have for you is unreal. I love you so much. I am so sorry that everything happened to you, but I know you will build back up. I'm so proud of you. Thank you for coming back. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for everything. You are one of the strongest people I know and I am truly amazed by you. You have made my life a better place, and I am forever thankful. I love you.
- Ry M: sending love
- Bailey Cousino: I loved the song, even though it made me cry. I'm so happy to see Josh. And I just want to point out that Josh is a man who can let his feelings out. Lots of guys hold in everything. I love you Josh!
- Natalia Varela-Sisley: yes josh yes slay
- Hayley Tamara: ❤️❤️
- Jessica Clark: Thanks for the tears!!!
- ελλεν V.: So beautiful voices
- Dan Mac: Cyndi Lauder
- Lindsey Shorter: Every time I watch this it hits me as hard as the first time.
- Oriblox coco: Love it
- Allie Lee: Love it. I sang this in choir
- Katie Lister: Dodger TheSwagDog He was going through a rough patch in his life and the one way he knows how to ecpress emotion is through singing. Well i should say its easier for him to show emotion. Hopefully this helps you understand.
- Hello People: Omg I love you so much I want to meet you one day xx
- Kym B.: Whoa! That was beautiful, touching and heart wrenching. Your voices and emotion came through and had me in tears! TEARS! Thank you for your honesty and letting us into your heart. Joshua, you've been in my thoughts. Keep nurturing yourself and leaning on those who love you. ❤
- Grace McLeod: Joshieeeee
- Positive Souls: I wish you all the best for your future Josh! You're just as brave as Erin. Thank you for this beautiful Video!
- I love YouTube: I cracked up when he was crying and his sister was crying too 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i didn't think this song would be so calm but sad at the same time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢
- Hi my dudes Peyton here: Erna Wiemer i know
- Danirose: I bet if Colleen watched this 100% cried
- Sophia Nicole: The only people I've been there with when they got divorced is my grandparents. And I was really young so I don't remember that well. I'm 12 now and this is the first time I've been with someone when they got divorced and I really understand. You two have beautiful voices and this song has so much meaning.
- Javeed Naseem: nicole marek A marriage is supposed to be a union between TWO. They need to work together to make it work. Letting one take over just violates the basis of a marriage. You never know what is the truth, maybe the words came out wrong and he said that Colleen left him. Just because Colleen named her video Life Update and Josh, Heartbroken, doesn't mean that Colleen is a monstrous bitch that left Josh. She was truly upset. People think that Colleen is at fault only, both are in the wrong. Josh needs to get over this, and look to the future. I sometimes feel Josh is just milking the divorce for all that he could get in money. And sometimes I think Josh is just lip singing because when he hits the high notes, his body doesn't move like naturally. And if Erin is your sister, Josh, please don't date her. It's weird.
- MyLien: The original song is by Cindi Lauper but this specific arrangement is pretty much exactly like the one in Trolls so it's a cover of a cover ;)
- Angela Zhu: Tara Roshdy you shouldn't be saying "Colleen deserves it" because we only see what they put online. she is dealing with this divorce too and nobody deserves a divorce or deserves shade in a situation like this. you don't have to like her but please don't forget that she is human too and she sees all the hate that she's getting.
- Rosa._.Brown: No I'm gunna cry......can't cry....... 10 seconds later... ahhhhh😭😭😭😭😭
- BloodReaperZ27: Divorce or not. I do feel bad for them. Can't say if there wasn't enough opening up or assuming things in the relationship but I'm sure they are both amazing people just couldn't find balanced ground with eachother. Everything is all great until you get Married because once that that's when the true challenge begins. Communication and understanding one another is key don't assume because knowing the facts saves alot of heartache. and in a relationship it's teamwork ^^ don't try to take things all yourself ^^
- Harry Krinkle: I'm sure she is sad, but I do think the way she's going about it, making video after video on all of her channels is proof that she pushes herself too damn hard. And I think that's why they broke up.
- D Yagin: I keep coming back to watch this and it still hasn't failed to make me cry. I could literally feel his pain!😔
- Zoella Lover: ohhhh... cried when it turned from back and white to normal
- Arianne Paquin: The second paragraph in the down bar means a lot right now, the song was beautiful as well, stay strong 💗
- Ashtynn Reth: This is just so beautiful
- Elin Liljenberg: AMAZING! I was literally crying during the whole video. Sometimes things gets hard and you feel very sad but always keep in mind that it will get better!❤️
- Sanna Ess: Heartbreak can really be great fuel for major creativity. Use it: make music, write, paint etc. and something really good and profoundly healing has happened. This cover of true colours is probably the best one I've ever heard. Lots of love ❤️
- Mariah 25: I just want to give u two a huge hug right now!!
- Chloe Hubbard [Student EHS]: I saw his face come on the screen and started bawling. Erin has such a beautiful voice!!!!♡ always thinking of you guys ♡
- Aleen Freisha: just the song that i needed to hear 💔
- Georgia Boyette: HES BACK!
- warren kjfgd: erin should acto be a singer
- gavin: O shit he's back
- RosesareRed38: Josh is basically he gave Colleen his heart and his everything. There's no denying that. But she threw it away and he found out her true colours of how horrible she really is. I mean look at her videos. He doesn't exist anymore 😢 I'm sorry but this goes against their motto of being nice to people. Why couldn't she give him another chance? It takes a long time to heal and fall in love again. She will not find another man like Josh ever again and she WILL regret this decision cause let's not forget that this was her choice not HIS. YouTube is so depressing now 😭
- Happy House Wife: so beautiful
- not another theatre trash channel: Yup!
- simply tara: Joshua's voice is my heaven
- Sarika Harpal: respect
- fi0rella: Mars and Nema Whenever a girl decides to break up, she's been 'macerating' the idea for a LONG ass time, meaning by the time you finally break up, you've mourned the relationship a lot already. Ofc when it finally happens you're not over it, you do suffer and quite a lot, depending on the chick, BUT guys always end up much worse than girls after a breakup if she's the one who asked for it. Men are less resistant to pain, in every sense of the word. In the other hand, Josh is making lemonade, get it? Possibly he really is in pain, but he's definitely using what's happened as a form of publicity. Hey.. it's valid! We're nobody to condemn either one of them.
- Erin Fadgen: Your voices sound magical together....Beautiful :)
- aurora barcenas: Magical Megan she is trying to do the right thing bc they have been fighting and she thinks he would be happy with someone else
- trash: i sang this in a school choir, and always found this song so touching and beautiful. Josh and his sister sing this so amazingly and it touches my heart ♥
- Yadira Velez: I also cried.
- Amber Marston: When Josh held Erin's hand 😢
- justme: Who could dislike this??!?
- Cam Wess: omg when josh started crying I started crying
- Xo Ally: terry crane you're amazing
- LEAH CLARK: this is beautiful
- C J: Srsly they have the best voices ever was this auto tuned ? I doubt it they r so stinking good!
- Abril Ponce: MRstampyCAT meee
- Johnathan Lowery: welcome back, missed you buddy😊
- Hosanna: this made me cry
- First Last: There is such deep love and concern in the way your sister looks at you. I'm glad you have that kind of support.
- Louise Shekells: ❤
- BadBlobby: Whoa! Best thing you have ever done. Amazing.....
- dschackkk_: this was soooo beautiful!!! i'm also so sorry that you are going through this Josh :( I can only imagine how hard it is going though a divorce. you're strong though Josh and us dingleberries will always stand beside you!! 💙
- Lauren Halley: WOW Erin is realy good
- Jennica Jenn: Oh my crying eyes. This was beautiful, I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm so glad you have a supportive family during this tough time. Erin has a great voice. You'll pull through this and come out stronger then ever! Love ya Josh, glad to see you back. Stay strong! All I know is I have three boys and when a girl breaks their hearts I'm going to be a mess. 💞
- Seth is Super: Can't wait to see what you and Erin come up with for your channels! You will get through this josh! ❤️
- EDucating Shanny: Also, Erin, your voice is beautiful! And of course, Josh, as always. I love you both so much, and I pray for you always. Continue to lean on each other. What a beautiful relationship. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this with us. ❤️
- Camryn Lehr: Omg. That's so cute❤️❤️❤️
- Lorraine Nolan: Richard Bouska she went through a divorce too look at his channel you might see it
- virgie severins: Beautiful, you're a true talent and we're here for you!
- Lifestyle Glossary: Oh josh!! We dingleberries love you always ... you are talented , handsome and a wonderful personality! Stay true to yourself ❤️❤️ always
- Brittney bashaw: Why am I cryingggg
- Savarna Wicks: your voices are beautiful
- Rida._.S: It hurts me to see Coleen so careless and happy while Joshua is in pain and having a hard time moving on.. 😪
- Harambleach: Josh and erin will be 100 times more talented than I'll ever be, anyone thinking the same thing lol
- Vikasni Kuganesan: MEEEER
- Yasmin. R: I was crying when I saw u lovely guys cry
- Anna Balode: Omg, so beautiful! Am I the only one who cried?💕
- Jenna Daniels: We love you josh
- Felix !!: Das war der emotionalste, rawste und schönste Moment für mich gerade, danke für dieses Lied. Mein Herz bricht.
- Carla Taylor: I love you josh but I feel like this is a dig at Colleen but I'm glad you found peace with yourself x this is really good cover though ❤️️ I didn't know Erin could was that good ❤️️
- Jess 1: glad to see you back Josh! amazing!!
- Shan: Just want you to know that I love you and good luck for the future thanks for making all the videos you do and You are a great once again good luck and THANK YOU ÷)=)
- Kelsey Grice: JOSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭I'm so glad you're back❤️️😍also, DAMN I DIDNT KNOW ERIN COULD SING SLAY ME ERIN MMMHHH
- Jesslyn Marcella: i don't know, i can't stop watching this cover again - again - and again, and everytime i watch them singing i can't hold my tears to come up.. :( be tough Joshua, i can feel how hurt it is :( GBU
- Ashtyn&Jon: This was so beautiful! My heart aches for Josh...almost cried listening to this. I hope things are getting a little easier for you! Lots of love and support from Minnesota. <3
- Kaitlyn W Music: Josh I am so sorry you have to go through this. I can't imagine how you must be feeling and my heart goes out to you. I love you and I believe in you. You can get through this. And I love Colleen too.. But she's a fool for leaving you like she did. You deserve the most love in the world.
- Simspyder40: the song was first performed and released by singer Cindy Lauper. It was written by the same two guys who wrote Like a Virgin for Madonna
- Elaina Carsten: also I love you Erin! thanks for being such a great sister to Josh!!!
- Amanda Hooper: Okay honestly this might have just became my new favorite cover. Love you guys. Stay strong <3
- Claire Zehntner: But I love you Josh
- Cassie H: This was beautiful. And so touching. We love you Josh.
- OneBeautifulYou: such a beautiful song and cover <3
- Mandy Masitto: 😢
- Melika Tehrani: This is so beautiful! Their voices are amazing!
- Nora Bro: While watching this all I could think about was the divorce. Just thinking about it makes me cry.
- Niki Lopez: Me before the video started: "I won't cry" Me 5 seconds into the video: 😭😭
- Cayla Houston: I literally watched this 100 times and I cried everytime
- Pkay: I love you Josh. So much loveeeeee. the moment I hear the music playing, and listening to the lyrics... have so much meaning! loveeeeeee you.
- Grace Hewett: I legit cry every time I watch this 😂😭😪
- Emily Barry: Wow their voices sound so nice together
- Angela Jones: Beautiful! So proud of you and Erin!
- Alaina Hughes: Niamh Donnelly same here
- Faye White: I've waited all week for this and it was defiantly worth the wait!! Josh I'm sooooo glad your back❤️ I've loved Erin's videos but I really miss you!❤️ I've watched this video 15 times 😹❤️ and I've cried every time 😩❤️ ERIN I HAD NO IDEA YOU HAD A VOICE LIKE THAT!! YOU SOUND LIKE AN ANGEL!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
- jordan graziani: this is beautiful.
- Živa Grmovšek: when she held his hand i started crying💙👏😭
- Kaley Price: This made me cry💦!!!!!😢😢
- Paloma Mayrany: I just saw the trolls and I heard them sing true colors In the movie and I cried . Relate the moment when there singing it in he movie and here in this video hurts my heart 😭😭😭💔 I suck at explaining things I'm sorry
- Daisy the Meme Farmer: Why are so many people hating on Colleen?! She's going through a divorce too but she chooses to put on a happy face for the sake of her fans, which she loves. Do you really think it would make Josh happy to see people being mean to Colleen
- courtney r: Stop with the Colleen hate! Just because she's happy doesn't mean you should unsubscribe to her and hate. Let Colleen be happy she just came out with a new show so why would she be sad?
- Nimrahh .x: Literally crying.Stay strong Josh its hard, but we're all here for you..♥️ much love xoxo
- dino goat: This song is what I need today I've been having bad thoughts today and this made my day
- leah s: i wish you and colleen are back together
- audrey leonard: this could never be long enough. please know i will love and support you no matter what. Thank you Josh and Erin!
- Megan Richardson: Such an amazing video. Erin sounded so good! Your voices blend well together. I love how the love that you all have for one another shines through in this video. Josh, you're gonna make it. You're gonna be fine. Just lean on your family and your friends. God will help you during this time. Praying for you.
- Chelsea Smith: omg now I'm crying so bad Josh I so sorry
- lily louise: Also is this meant to be a try not to cry challenge cuz if it was I failed miserably💔
- wiNIKE: We love u Joshua 😢😥😙💓
- Mariyah Wilson: Awe 😘😘😘
- Christy George: great job I love you
- Hannah Frits: I love you Josh ❤ stay strong 💋
- thatglamtho: his voice is better than I thought
- mia halldorson: I started crying
- Holly Griffith: When his little face scrunched up and he started crying... ugh - my heart :(
- Kaitlyn 13: This is my 3rd time listening to this song so far...I love it very much, it makes me think. Especially me going through a little fight with my boyfriend.
- Stephanie Miles: Beautiful.
- Nico Nico: Damn this gave me chills..man I'm sorry Colleen sucks ass for having you feel this pain and trying to erase you like in your description...it's so messed up. I hope karma comes and everything for her falls apart. And idc if I get attacked by immature people I stand by what I said. You're better off without Colleen. She claimed to be taking a break but did no such thing. I hope her success ends and she is left dry with nothing.
- Food is Life: I am disappointed in the people that disliked this video..
- missashley327: This was incredibly beautiful...I'm sitting here crying. Wow. Amazing job you two, absolutely amazing <3 <3.
- Zoey Nelson: You two are great 💕 stay strong Josh.
- Grace Coxworth: Dani Sis good chance it is
- Dana Linarez: This is just beautiful
- AllAroundAudrey: I didn't know that Erin sang! This was such a beautiful duet!
- Coco Sachs: I love you Josh, so proud and happy to see this
- Jen Allwr: Erin keeps looking over at Josh checking if hes okay <3 i can relate to that "look" so much.
- Angie VanWeWa: 😂
- Janset Nil: I love how Josh is getting over this difficult time, i find it very mature and powering if that makes sense he is amazing
- Zoe Papaleo: This is so beautiful But dose any one think this is really dedicated to Colleen like for the first half it's taking a stab at her and then the last part is forgiving her.. Any one thinking the same thing Disclaimer I support the both of you
- Ashley Moats: Heartbreaking and beautiful
- Miss Cupid: why did he break down?
- Terry Coleman: what a beautiful song brought emotions to my soul stay strong you and Erin sing so well together peace/ love
- Liv Strong: love love love this
- Brianna Earls: I'm so happy your back. I love you and stay strong. It's so nice to see you back because you were always someone who made me feel better and find strength everyday so I hope we can all stay together and grow together. I love this song as well there are so meanings I hope you are getting string everyday. I love you ❤️❤️❤️
- Lisa-Marie Meier: The love between a brother and a sister... :) My four older brothers are the people I hate and love the most at the same time... Nobody hurts me more, nobody makes me feel better... Love your brothers and sisters, they deserve it! Blood is thicker than water <3
- Amy Whitworth: You're often your strongest when you're at your lowest. Embrace your feelings, it's completely normal. You will be the best version of you when you come out the other side. Hang in there!
- Caelyn Henderson: I love this and I know it's emotional but, AYYYYYE 4:20🚬
- Savannah Reid: I don't even know how many times I've listened to this. I love this version of this song!!!
- Fennax Fox: Have you guys notice that Dreamworks trolls used this song
- Everleigh Fawzi: i can see the pain through their eyes
- Alex wassabi loves stuffies: dude be happy
- Holy NAMJESUS: Grace Cunningham than u I agree with y
- Anon Anon: Beautiful Josh you will find ❤️
- Gabriel Chavez: 1:42 is what really got me 💙
- Travis Lake: This is a beautiful cover, you two! Sending love and support your way❤️
- Kennedy Villella: Missed you dingle berry.
- Natalie Salgadoe: This is beautiful!
- Breezy Girl: Amazing!!!
- Liesje Lake: beautiful song btw !! your voices together is gold !
- NoemiLife: it's really nice to see the positive, kind, and caring comments shine through. WE LOVE YOU JOSH!
- Bailee Giddens: That was honestly so touching
- The Truth Is Out There: JOSH 💜💜💜💜💜
- Lexi P: This is officially my favorite song!!! Such and amazing message it is sending out and your guys voices are just perfect! Much love and prayers! <3
- Jessica Ramirez: heyitsautumn19 I bet your 5 I'm 16 I don't know what your parents thought of you probably killed them selves when they saw your trashy ass personality and face
- Wil Ride: damn this was depressing but shit, slay.
- Kelly Hope: Josh..... If I ever find someone that looks at me the way that you looked at her? Id never let him go.... you deserve NOTHING LESS. The song is perfection.... carry on, Josh... your priorities, heart and soul are all in the right place and by the way? You are going to be an amazing Father one day soon. Shes out there... just waiting for all that love that you have to give... you will find her and she will be one phu*k of a lucky woman. ~Kelly Hope <3 <3 <3
- CutePrecious123: JOSH IS BACK!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Elisa74269: I love this song and your rendition of it! It's very obvious and beautiful the love and connection you guys have as siblings. I will totally admit that I cried and am not a crying type of person. Going thru a divorce myself for much diferentes circumstances. Truly wish you nothing but the best!
- Bayley: So beautiful
- Roxie Miller: Josh your back yay 😊 I hope you feel better
- Jess Bullock: You both sound so beautiful❤️❤️
- Sadhbh’s Brain: I missed you so much Josh I'm so happy to know your ok❤️your an amazing singer💗
- Olivia Winfield: im so glad you're back. I missed you. this is beautiful!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!
- Evelina Gauthier: oh my god!!! i literally cried in tear when Erin start to tear
- So'ren Som: Wow amazing awsome wow
- Rosie Parrington: This is beautiful! Lots of love!!!! Xxxxxx
- Crystal Thede: We all love you Josh
- Adyson Curley: I mean I just wached this when my dad died from a heart attack so it was pretty depressing.☹️ he died in February of 2017. I will miss him so much
- Anneke Louw: i love this so much.
- Megan Armstrong: I never knew Erin could sing so beautifully
- carirenae: Beautiful
- Georgia Smith: we missed you josh. glad you're back :)
- Lilylollydonut: I am so happy your back josh and your sing talents are amazing and you and Erin are so good partners to sing
- beela boo: Really amazing song
- Lucianna Brambilla: I actually really liked this video but the comments make me want to throw up. You guys don't know the whole story therefore can't make judgement on anything that has happened. Damn imagine if you were in that situation. Everyone just needs to shut up no wonder josh took time off. And as for Colleen, it's not like she just wants money. Making videos and making vlogs is a way to keep herself occupied and I find nothing wrong with that.
- Grisilda Vaz: Colleen wanted the divorce because she "thought" Joshua wasn't happy. Whereas, Joshua has said that he was very happy with Colleen and would change her decision in a heartbeat if he could. Anyone can see the truth in both the videos uploaded. Colleen has a bigger fan following than Josh and obviously people will support the one they idolise blindly. If you are so hurt, you take time to heal. You don't get over it in 1 week.
- Lacei’s life: It's good how they are wearing matching clothes
- Amelia Miller: holy fuck, absolutely beautiful
- Justine Fox: I feel like colleen watched this and cried a gallon
- Keri Lucey: Erin was awesome
- makeup_kween: JoshuaDTV Please sing more with Erin. I love this!
- Jessi Quinlan: hang in there josh, we love you <3
- Alexis Blue: Omg..i dont think i got the permission slip for this feels trip 😢😢😭😭
- Sanjay Kumar: so disappointed
- J A: Beautiful <3
- Isabella Apadula: I cried so much! I just wish i was josh and colleens daughter so i could to get them back together
- Dahlia Auerbach: i love you so much
- Lindsay Carter: This is probably the best piece of content I've ever seen on this channel. Good job on the arrangement and creative and edit. From pain comes beauty.
- Paige Harker: I'm not crying I'm just you know chopping onions
- Yamilet Trucello: Beautiful! Make more of these duet videos! ☺
- PoppyPlays: This is just amazing ! This made my day watching you two ❤️
- marie Fairbanks: Just stated watching your channel and I love them I am so sorry you are going through this but just stay strong I am praying for you gods got you!!! It's good you have your sister by your side
- H Wood: well that made me cry!
- Cynthia Luevano: Josh love you so much and I'm so glad your back. Seriously so beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️😍😭😭
- Elvellon: Wow I love this so much! So happy you're back josh!
- مودل وردا Model Warda: JOSH!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!! Finally you're back, we've missed you so much !!!! And this is the best music video ever!!! We didn't know Erin is so talented like you !!!!! I'm in love with both of your voices, and I can't get enough of this!!!! I love you both!!!!!
- Aamina D: Youre have an amazing soul, youre a wonderful person. Josh you truly mean so much to me i honestly have no words to express how much i love you , youve helped me through dark dark times. I seriously wish i could take your pain and suffer it for you , i can see everything in your eyes, ik thats crazy to say but im crazy for you because you've helped me so much BUT DONT WORRY WE ALL LOVE YOU AND SUPPORT YOU SOOO MUCH. YOURE THE BEST PERSON EVER. I dont know what i can do to repay you for putting a smile on my face everyday love you stay strong !!
- Alexandra Gagnon: This was so so so beautiful we love you josh
- Sandy's Box: Yeah point taken, but I just heard the exact same thing from both of them, here I might be wrong since this is my 1st time I heard Josh.
- LARA BULUT: omg I love you sooo much
- Chelsea C.: I'm not crying I'm not crying I'm not crying I'm not crying I'm not crying
- Michelle Wanner: AMAZING!
- twelge15: Great song choice to get it all out, guys. Erin you sounded fantastic, Wow! Great to see you, Josh! Sounded amazing. The advice above to 'sing it all out', is a sound one, I think. You guys made me cry too. Of all my favorite vloggers who broke up, CTFxC, DLV, PVP, and now you guys, I haven't picked sides. I just realize it's your business, and personal life, and I try to stay subscribed to everybody, and keep up the support, regardless. But, always know in this difficult time, The Evans's are a loved and respected part of this YouTube Community. It wouldn't ever be the same without y'all, and we love you!
- Emily Williams: Dingleberries are here for you, with you, to stand by you! Love you Joshua! Ps. Erin's voice!!
- Gator Girl: Your back I missed you so much you always made me smile when I was sad
- Jenna Felty: Ariana Is the queen We don't see what happens behind the scenes, we only see what Colleen or Josh or anyone let's us see. For all you (or any one of us) know, Colleen could be crying herself to sleep every night. Josh needs space from the internet, Colleen is putting on a brave smile for all of her Mirfandas and who knows, maybe making videos and keeping busy helps Colleen with her grief. They're both dealing with their pain in different ways; and neither of them are bad.
- Bless O: The shade. Guess we know who's the bitter one in the divorce😂
- Justine Messer: I loved it. It was hard to hold back the tears. :'( :'( :'( :'(
- Tamia H: omg my eyes are sweating I love it
- Sophie Imwalle: I'm so happy u r back!!! I've missed you!! Who else?
- Laurie Beth H: Jenna Z I think she cares, she's probably pretty sad, I just think her priorities were messed up. A little more time should've been given to their marriage, especially in the first year. I honestly saw this coming because she took no time off from touring. She's a millionaire, she could've made videos and kept Miranda going that way. Her fans aren't going anywhere. She never found a balance that was needed to keep her marriage going.
- Lindsay Paprocki: I love you so much joshua❤️
- Meghan McGorty: I'm so happy you're back Josh! We really missed you (even though we loved Erin) and I had idea she sing so beautiully! Love you to the Evans❤️❤️❤️
- The Concert Club: For people hating on Colleen, You guys need to chill. Colleen is trying hard to be happy, life goes on, I respect her. Colleen is human and so is josh. For people saying she dosent even care, who are you to think that everything is perfect behind the camera. She goes to therapy, she has emotional days, and yeah she seems happy because she wants to. She can't spend day and night being sad. It sounds like I'm being rude but I'm really not trying to. She's tried ok. And the fact she posts videos for us during her hard times to keep spreading happiness to us is so nice of her. Josh took time and hats ok too. I love Colleen and she has the right to be happy. I respect both💜
- Kira Mathiesen: Why was she crying? Why is she so supportive????? wow She's so cool. Why was everyone crying!!!! goddd now im crying. and I dont even know whyy. Why was erin so cute and sad??? Erin your soo cute. Josh your beautiful. So confused and saddddd
- bōhoвай: ❤❤❤
- Southerlynn Walters: I'm sobbing. full on ugly crying right now.
- Beetle Games: Love this!
- Just a Girl: I'm glad your back Josh. I hope you are doing well.
- sage Price: I'm so proud of you Josh!
- Jseyana Daniel: Were glad you're back.❤
- Chmielaki Chmielaki: Erin your voice is amazing sing on your channel #erinsinging
- Sweetpea Fad: Hard to see the Josh in so much pain. You can tell he really loves Colleen. It was sweet when Erin reached over to him.
- Eleanor Jane: Owen Armstrong they're brother and sister?...
- Hannah Cunningham: I think tht was amazing
- dielle bean: Jamie Earp Shame on you.
- Martine van der Meijden: This hurts so much
- John Clark: Please can we just try to keep the comments section a calm place to spread happiness. Don't turn against each other because no one, especially Josh, would want that to happen. If it's not nice, helpful, or true, keep it to yourself
- Sweetlillyscakes: That was so beautiful a emotional my new favourite version lovely to see you josh xx
- BlackBattsy: You are awesome Josh! You really are. But I feel like you are shading Colleen. I may not know what happend or what you guys actually went through but it feels like you are shading her so bad. Remember... #BeNiceToPeople
- Jordan Martin: This is the best cover I've ever heard HIM sing :')
- Mac Holliman: 😢😢😢😢
- Millie James: We all love you Josh stay strong ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Wonderful singing by the way
- Jack Davies: Sillencee Official and me 😭
- Guaco Cokonoot: This is so beautiful!!
- Mikayle Nelms: I wish joshleen was still joshleen but it live forever in my heart
- Tatiana Vieira: YAY!!!!!! Welcome back Josh..!! We all love you a lot..!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Maria Love Xoxo: she probably didn't watch there in Hawii having a great time she moved on she has a Netflix show shes very busy being a aunt a sister and a best friend yesterday Nov. 21 was her bday shes very busy and said she wasn't going to watch his vids he probably still misses it but they had a bumpy relionship so it had to happen
- abby button: i was very tearful when i saw the divorce vid. i didnt want to see colleen with another guy and i didnt want to see josh with another girl. they are the perfect couple...😭
- Andreana Schell: Beautiful
- Sarah Shuler: you'll get through this Joshua you and your sister should become a music group together look into it
- Sophie mccarthy Keane: Y would people dislike this 🙁
- Lauren Grant: I knew I was going to cry. Josh, you are so strong and so brave. We love you. We always will.
- JessieSays21: aww
- Rose 866: WOW her voice is Amazon she should have a vevo channel
- Leanne Gibbs: when she touched his leg i lost it
- Surfin Jerzy: Wow
- Mylena: promise you there is light at the end of this dark scary tunnel that is a promise. I'm 26 and went through a divorce at 22 and thought my whole world just ended. just takes time and surrounding yourself with people who love and care about you.
- Isabel Johnston: I will never get used to this and I know josh and Colleen never will either 😓 I hope they stay friends and can make future videos together and they never delete videos of each other
- Holly A: I'm so so proud of you ❤️ I've missed you so so much! So happy my buddy is back 💗💗
- Rachel G: Omgosh I lost it as soon as Josh started singing and now I'm sobbing jeksnskfkejsd
- Callie Warford: I love this video and this song :) love you josh :) so happy you will be back with videos :)
- What Kay Say: I cried...
- Ted Cruz: dem angles tho
- Vanyeline Claudio:
- Halei Tracy: Don't read the hate comments, Josh. You are an amazing man and deserve happiness. Much of your audience is too young to understand all of this in an adult way. Keep in mind that you are worth more than all of this pain. You will once again be happy. Like you said, it's okay to be sad. Through the hate, your loyal fans will always be here to support all that you do. Love you Josh, stay positive, be happy. <3
- Kristen Cade: So happy to see you back...thank you for this wonderful cover.
- Cinthya Carrizales: there so good omg😍😮
- A V A L O P E Z: omg josh
- Natalie Mcleod: This is beautiful that you guys have a great bond. I watched this over and over and it made me cry. Remember to every bad thing there is a good thing and that's how you sister supports you. Love you josh❤️
- sarah goodman: So lovely xx much love to you Joshua xx
- yanah flo: I. AM. CRYING. I was not prepared!!!
- xx_lauren hamill_xx: when Joshua cried I started to cry as well
- Pilly Pie.: love you so, so much josh. 💖
- Karelly Yanez: this made me cry 😥💕
- Wolfy's Place: OMG GUYS TAG COLLEEN!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS VIDEO IS LIFE <3
- Aoife O Leary: I feel like this song is for Colleen💗💘
- Kat Joy Isaacs: It take a lot of bravery to be that passionate and genuine, keep going one day at a time.❤️ I love you and I'm so proud of you, Joshua.
- Aileen S: i love Erins voice
- Ingrid 1206: Simply Beautiful. Erin what a great voice you have. Love you Josh
- Olivia_rez: I like how they were wearing the same thing down to the shoes. And great job by the way this was amazing
- Lemon Curdz: Uh........Watch your language much?
- AMT'S Life: Im crying😭😭😭
- SonicBoom: is this about Colleen?
- Elizabeth Boysen: I love you Joshua!!!
- MARYROSY ARAUJO: Truly amazing. Stay strong.
- lizzie kuss: Ugh this cover of the song is breathtaking and so beautiful :)
- Morgan Blume: Jannah Quintanilla same
- Lola Armenta: Sorry love uou both
- Jessica Craig: Seeing both of you cry is heartbreaking. You are both amazing people Josh and Erin. Josh I look forward to seeing where your life goes.
- TheBonnster1987 Mix: you guys are amazing, please be strong, we love you
- Sarina Davidson: 😢
- Michael Mc: Beautiful just beautiful.
- Doja217: Yo I listened to this when I was High and man that shit hits me so hard I was crying mad hard.
- Pearl Saldanha: Okay I'm going to throw this out there cause there are a lot of people that support them both, but there are also a lot of people that are just hating on Joshua or Colleen. They both have chosen to share this happening in their life and this huge break-up. There are obviously some facts that we don't know, it doesn't mean that we are going to start hating on Colleen or Joshua saying that Colleen only cares for her money and doesn't care about Joshua or vice versa. Some of the people in this community are being very rude. Maybe you like one of them more than the other. Doesn't mean you're going to trash talk the other person. You can at least share your opinion respectfully. If all you are going to do is say that the other person is horrible and this break-up is all their fault, then you might as well not say it. Just support them both cause they are probably both going through a rough time. Just needed to get this out
- Jenelle Plesz: you two are both so incredible ♡
- Jennifer Marie: Such a beautiful duet with siblings. Josh, you'll find peace and happiness soon. We love you and support you ALWAYS!
- lil yoongi: true and hey PHANDOM
- Levonne Wright: Awwww that is so cute
- Kathy Haynes Peters: That was amazingly beautiful!!! Love you both!!! Welcome back Josh!!!
- Joyful Jordan: This made me cry thank you josh for such a powerful meaning in my life " true colors"❤️💛💚💙💜
- WolfProductions: What will Colleen think of this?
- Alexis Gonzalez: I didn't want it to end❤️. It was beautiful 💕💕😍😭
- Lara Flynn: Yo yo yo My name is joe okay but are you joking? Like why in the name of god would you support trump smh
- Georgia: This is so beautiful 😍 I'm crying so much, they are both so talented and strong through the hard times, guys all us Dingleberrys are so proud of you and we are so happy that you are happy again! Be nice to people ✌🏻️
- Marah McNeil: I is like that on purpose it is like it is sending a message to you
- ZoBo Playz: What happened a divorce? And who is that girl?
- Edwin Guerra: I cried watching this 😭😭
- ryann Keller: Beautiful. Shows how hard it was and still is. I'm glad your back❤️
- Awen-: I don't know why people are giving shit to Colleen if her way of distracting herself from heartbreak is going on the Internet and hanging with friends then let her do that!! Josh loves Colleen and if you actually watched Colleen's divorce video she said that was is the love of her life! Just because she is dealing with a different way to Josh doesn't mean she is mean or bad. GET IT IN YOUR HEADS PEOPLE
- Abbey Lucius: I love Erin's voice.
- music_girly: I'm crying an ocean 😭😭😭
- Kathy V M: Beautifull! I cried a little. My mom asked if I was okay. I love you. Thanks for being strong and showing your true emotions 💖
- Megan Williamson: Josh, I've written similar comments on Colleen's videos, but I feel the same way for you, so I'll say it again. Throughout this whole difficult time, your true fans will be there for you. They aren't going to judge you or hate you or make you feel bad. They want you to be happy again as much as I do. We love you so much, and I have the utmost respect for you. Please know that even though you are back to making videos, we just want you to do what makes you happy.
- Harry Stubbs: Stop attacking Colleen in the comments, people move on in different ways josh and Colleen are different people who grieve in different ways! Unfortunately this came at a time when Colleen is doing so well in her career .... She's obviously grieving but isn't going to show it on camera like they both say spread happiness and be nice to people !! Their divorce has nothing to do with you on top of that they don't need your shitty ass comments telling them your opinion !!! Now watch the video and enjoy life ... ✌️💜
- Katherine ellem: The real song didn't make me cry but this one did you two are amazing singers
- Lama Abdullah: Laurie Beth H Josh is such a great guy and he will move on and I truly hope that he finds his true love!
- MackyOzzy: This made me emotional especially since following Colleen and Josh for almost 5 years and I felt like I was part of the family and I'm sure people who's followed them for so long felt the same way as I do too. But then we have to realize we're not. We've only seen the good side of their relationship. We don't know the full story on why this has to happen but then what's sadder is that seeing a lot of people choose sides as if they know the whole thing. Especially those people who are hating on Colleen as if divorce didn't happen to her because she seem pretty happy in her videos. AS IF YOU GUYS DIDN'T LOVE HER BEFORE ALL OF THIS HAPPENED. People are so quick to make assumptions that she's a bitch for moving on so quickly while Josh is sulking in the corner (which for some of you guys is the only acceptable reaction in a difficult situation like what they're facing). For all we know 15 minutes of her 24 hours. But then come to think of it, what if she has really moved on and is happy now? We guys should be happy for her as well because we see improvement from her vlogs where she's just crying and we don't know the real reason. Those days where we see her really stressed out and forcing to smile at us. What these two people need right now is support and love. You think Josh would feel better if you're pitying on him and hating on Colleen at the same time? People are just making it worse. Now, it's time for us to show Josh that we love him and support him. Josh needs positive people around him and eventually we'll make him smile again. Be Nice to People as he always tell us.
- Moka Faden: damn! now we know who's hurting more over the divorce cuz colleen seems like she's moved on .
- Megan Gray: This is My favourite song, but you've just topped it off your an amazing artist josh! i love you❤ keep smiling 😊 xx
- Lorrissa Renee: me
- Mandi Rios: I'm not hating but how come Colleen got over it so fast
- Skylar Marquez: Who's crying rn like me ?? 😪
- Bianca Nicholson: Oh man..wasn't prepared to cry for that. love you josh and erin you have a voice like an angel xox
- TorgiePie: Everyone leaving hate on either one of them obviously never gave a crap about either one. They BOTH said to not be rude to either of them. Not respecting either of their wishes makes you a bad friend to them and a horrible "fan." Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.
- Amie Carter: Man, I cried, that video was so emotional 😭 love u both and will continue to support any decisions please from the bottom of my heart love u guys so much xx
- One Small Step: Who else cried cause now I'm balling my eyes out
- Ann: this made me cry :( Poor Josh
- Snigdha Nautiyal: I've seen this song multiple times and cried with you. It takes strength to allow yourself to be so vulnerable online and in front of so many people! I hope you feel better with the passage of time :)
- MiKayla McDonnell: Currently sobbing😭❤️
- Alyssa Stat: Love you!!!!!!!
- Alyssa Bladzik: They were both crying 😭😭😭😭 I'm gonna cry now
- sunnyholly 1: thank you for making this video:)im going through somthing in my life right now to and this help me alot I love you josh and erin I wish you all the best.btw love the song you guys should do more together:)
- Jessica Krause: Gahhhhh that was beautiful I am so proud of you Josh. Thank you for coming back! I missed you.
- BelaPlays: Happy your back josh we love you 💕
- Donlad C: I just had the worst day of my life and watching this video made me burst out crying
- Jaydynn Hogan: Joshua i will be here for you for as long. as i can i will be there by your side no mater what. This was very touching. i love you. Stay positive and dont let everything discourage you you are wonderful hansom and talented... i love you Joshua.
- Kyla Jones: crying....BUT THOSE JORDANS POPPIN THOOO 😂💀💗
- Louis Van Der Berg: one of the most well known songs in history. im pretty sure everyone knows this is a cover of Cindy's song. if you dont know that then you dont even deserve to be listening to this song
- Angelica Cruz: I loose it when she extends her hand to console him ... "There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother."
- Finn Lxke: Who else cringed at all of it
- Alyssa Jorgensen: When josh started crying I couldn't hold it in anymore 😭
- Riley Ann: Erin has a really nice voice
- Josefin Eraula: they both have beautiful voices!
- Ada _: I know! You really are 😂👌🏾😌😘
- Aurora Solis: This is by far the best video I have ever seen from you, Joshua. There's so much power in this song. I cried a bit. This is beautiful and your sister has an amazing voice. Stay strong buddy, whom ever is truly your fan will be by your side no matter what.
- Alanah Jauregui: I agree. Was kind of cringy...
- taty ramos: cringe
- Rima Gnaim: why do they divorced?
- Kaitlin Sebastian: this just took my heart away
- Just Me Ashley: Well that's a good way to cry on a weds. Hang in there Josh! You will get through this tough time and life will be happy again! Stay true to yourself and everything will work out. Your fans are here and aren't going anywhere. Beautiful duet with Erin. Very touching. Keep healing. Time will make it easier. 💜
- Michael Scott: I clicked this and didn't think much, aside from getting a decent song to listen to and a chance to hear Erin sing and then you just had to dropkick me with the feels.. beautiful.
- Mary Schmidt: Beautiful.....I love it when a song makes me cry......I'm glad you have a wonderful support system to lean on during this horrific time in your life....You will be happy again soon when your ready...LOVE
- hailey irwin: I love you joshua❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- CrazyBy TheSecond: this song is so powerful and inspiring. these are tough times but when you have your loved ones near healing will be a little easier. I love that you have your sister to help you heal. I love you Joshua and soon you will see that God has something better stored for you guys.
- Kinsey Larsen: Did this make anyone else cry?? I got chills! :(
- Danielle Renee: I've watched this so many times, and everytime I see Josh cry I start to cry.
- Abby Anderson: Love you always Joshua! ❤️
- Kailee T: Brought tears to my eyes :(
- Alie Smith: I miss you so much Jo Shua. Hope you're ok. 💜
- paskiim x: Wonderful <3
- Raymond Clark: Stay strong man.
- Infinity Forever: Oh my god, Erin has the most beautiful voice!!
- Emily Richards: I started crying
- lauren Bellavia: They both can sing so beautifully
- Pakol Hat: Beautiful..
- Ashley L: i love you ❤
- Sadia Rahman: Whenever I see this video... I get goosebumps and I cry.😔 Maybe I saw this a 100 times or more! I see your pain Josh. Trust me everything will be alright. I love you so much! 😘❤️ And I am always by your side Josh... though you don't know me! Your fans will be your strength ❤️ We love you a lot! 😘😘❤️❤️ We love you too Erin! ❤️
- Liv W: Omg Erins voice is so sweet I was crying
- 3832natasha: i love both their voices together they expressed the sentiments and emotions of this song so well😢😢😢 i cant..
- Steffanee N'cole: i'm not crying i just, something flew in my eye i promise
- heyitsautumn19: Michaelisvery N00B Oh my gosh you are making me laugh so hard, you're such a child.
- Sarah Davies: Love u josh
- Brenda Canales: i love you josh keep your head up and just remember how many people love and adore you i love you sooooo much
- Lauren Rohde: Josh, you deserve WAY better than someone like Colleen. You have a heart of gold and deserve someone who will treasure that and fight for you. Praying for you!
- michelle liang: I'm so proud of you Josh! We all know that you've been through such a hard time. . One thing you can do to help get over the divorce is to try to do something completely new and different. You're more likely to be thinking of his past if you're going to the same bars and restaurants you and Colleen went to, running around the same old lake, or watching the same TV shows you and Colleen love.You should do new things, from going hiking to learning how to make enchiladas. Giving yourself something new and exciting to be passionate about can make yourself feel like you're moving forward. Like I said before, I am so proud of you! Your singing is so beautiful, and so is Erin's. I missed your voice so much! I love this song so much, and I think you guys are so lucky that you guys have each other to lean on while you're in a hard time. I'm a single child, and I would love to have a sibling to look to during a hardship.One other tip is to go to a church, and find more peace in your heart, while dealing with your hard situations. You can always look to God to help you. Love you, Michelle. ♥♥
- kayleigh bobeck: unicorn queen she has one
- Maddie Anderson: When they started to have color and josh broke down I lost it
- viv's edits: when it said I cant remember when I last saw you laughing, Erin looked at Joshua like she was saying it to him and she looked so worried she would never see him laugh again :( :( :( :(
- Babydollgamer 101: I'm so glad your back 😁
- Kelsey Femi: Ugh my feelings
- Aubrey Glancy: Is he still married to Colleen?
- Nikki Smith: I'm bawling my eyes out😭
- House of Cranmers: Absolutely breathtaking.
- thE POtAto HeAds: i miss josh this channel :(
- lianna ;: missed you Josh!!
- Brittney Williams: Absolutely beautiful. Made me cry. Love you both ❤️❤️
- Ellie Williams: I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating and my mom is cutting onions and it just rained on my face :(
- ArtemusPrime: This was honestly so beautiful! That moment when it comes in color gave me shivers
- Ana Buchan: omg I didn't know that Erin could sing!
- swimstar 3525: give a like if u got a little tery
- Art Roj-Ter: +Brock Allen Fischer I completely understand your point, but isn't that trying to blame the other? Like "nothing to do here", "Idk, ask her"? It's like the relationship was over because of Colleen. Of course she took the final decision, but didn't they tell us with their videos that this was never a perfect relationship? So why blame the other? and if you "still love her" so much as he said constantly in his video, why exposing his ex so much?
- Aquaspirit77: The way that Erin looks at Josh is making me cry so much... You have so many people supporting you, Josh. Don't forget that!
- LovelyLoli: tears
- Cassiebelle M.: oh Josh Your so brave just holding up strong.
- Mollie Anunti: Anyone else cry their eyes out at this?!?!
- Liz /: Their voices are beautiful! ❤️❤️ like they need a record label or something !!!!!!!! 😘
- Ellie PlayzRoblox: Colleen just doesn't care 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😔😞😢😢😟😫😫😖😖😭😭😭😭😭😭 and josh just wants her back COLLEEN YOU CHOSE THE WRONG CHOICE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😞😞😞😞😞😞😖😖😖😖😫😫😫😫😫😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Hailie Brianna: makes me mad how colleen stated how she was very "upset" and she will take a "break" from youtube in her video coming out about the divorce but i see her still posting videos and acting like this never happened and etc and on the other hand Josh is very upset and actually taking some time off and showing his emotions and how he feels. this was such a beautiful video. they are so good at singing and their voices are so perfect together. i didnt know Erin could sing and im so glad to hear it😍 they should do more duets.
- Mariah Torres: this was beautiful. im crying
- Zenab Ak: ❤️💜💙
- savannah strickland: Joshhhhh kei uansgwiwhabwjwoslqsbsuqkabsbbs omg I can't 💜💜💜💜
- Madeline Goguen: when they started crying I couldnt do it anymore
- Tawnie Fransen: Josh, I do not know if you read all of these comments. My heart is breaking for you. I never comment on stuff but your raw emotion and willingness to be vulnerable is so moving. This song was simply beautiful. Please know people are thinking of you and pulling for you and will continue to support you. You are a genuine person and it shows. <3
- Caris Red: im expecting more covers from erin and you, such amazingly talented people
- amber maika: when they cried, i cried so beautiful
- Gabby Chi: their shoes 😍😍
- Myra L: This makes me cry all the time and makes me think about my dad who I miss soo much 😭
- Heaven Lee Johnson: JOSH AND ERIN HOLY CRAP U GUYS ARE BOTH AWESOME SINGERS😍😍😍😖😖😖im glad ur back josh
- Jacqueline Thompson: i cried watching this. i really missed josh. i love colleen, but she is crazy to let him go. i hope they get back together someday
- Alyssa Greenspan: so happy that you are back!!! i missed you so so much!!! this is amazingg
- Deborah Todden: My heart goes out to you Josh! Hang in there!
- Julie.Grace: Erin has such a beautiful voice
- Kaley Pettenger: I am sobbing. That was amazing and my heart is crying
- Anna Davignon: literally made my heart melt😫💔
- Viola: you sound like branch aka justin timberlake!
- Ana Vargas: Josh . I know this is very hard for you and Erin because your going to the same thing as Erin But all your supporters are here to show all the love for you ! I missed you It just hurts me to see you heart broken :( this song is beautiful and show your true colors Josh dont be Afriad to be yourself we love you soooo much ! Thank you for the amazing νι∂єσѕ иσω вєfσяє ι ѕтαят gєттιиg αℓℓ тєαяє∂ υρ нανє α gσσ∂ σиє ʝσѕн fяσм уσυя ѕυρρσятєя тнαт ωιℓℓ αℓωαуѕ ℓσνє уσυ
- L.Weary vloggs: PandaMeg11 1 RYTE!!!
- Angela Jones: Beautiful
- Anna Paula Rodrigues: I love that song 💔
- The Plant Parade: I absolutely love Erin's voice! Her voice is so truly soothing.
- Fredito Martinez: That is from the trolls movie
- K Main: i love you josh
- Denisse Barria: THIS SONG WAS IN THE MOVIE "TROLLS" loved it. Great job, Joshua and Erin!! <3
- Maci Rae: Um
- Brittney Smith: just all smiles :)
- Hannah Sykes: ❤️😭
- Manon Mincieli: I still can't believe that Colleen and josh aren't together anymore..... this is gonna be so hard to get use to 😞
- Claudia B: Right in my heart! Time heals all wounds this is just a start. glad your picking up and dusting off Keep going strong. were all hoping the best for you. You too have Family, Friends,and your internet family " FANS that will support you in your path to your new projects. Erin you are one of the Best sisters in the world.
- Katherine Boyle: Ok wow I'm crying, I'm so glad you are back. Love your guys voices 🙏🏽 thanks
- Graeme Beech: Leah Harris im listening for the 86th time in 2018
- Michele Pasquarello: Oh. So beautiful.
- Sharon Young: This is beautiful
- Tide: Okay is this still about the devorse? I dont even know. And btw im still sorry for you...
- Nicole Wolfe: Stunning job Josh and Erin! My heart absolutely breaks for you and praying for peace and comfort in such a difficult time. Thank you for sharing and its good to have you back 😊 Headed over to watch Erin's video now.
- Praveena Kumar: why am i crying everrtime
- Danielle Showmaker: Wow. I have watched this 4 times already, and haven't stopped crying. You have such strength and courage... Josh, I truly admire you. Posting this video shows vulnerability, but it also shows tremendous strength.. and healing. There will be easy days, and there will be hard days. But you have proved you will rise above it all. This video is lovely, in every meaning of the word. You and Erin sing beautifully together, and the love just exudes from the both of you. Thank you, for including us all in this chapter of your life. I pray for your continued strength and healing... and smiles and laughter. Keep showing your true colors. ❤💛💚💙💜🌈
- Liz woop: This was incredibly beautiful <3 I really hope you feel super better soon Josh :( And Erin, you sounded beautiful!!
- The Desi and Risey show!!!!!!!!!!: I love this
- Alicia IsHere: I'm glad that they can at least heal each other with the scars of their heart, from what she have gone through and what he is going through. I'm just glad that they are not going through this obstacle alone :)
- Nathalia Rodrigues: I can feel your pain Josh. But we all love you and it is very cliche to say this, but everything will be fine and you will find hapiness again! Kisses from Brasil!
- Stephanie Toro: Omg Erin sings so good !!!!
- Melanie Solorio: This song is from trolls
- lauren gleeson: I love u Colleen made a big mistake 😞😞 look at u . u are amazing I feel so sorry for u I Actually love u so much and I am here for you
- Silver Moon: ur*
- Kayla Tapia: this was so beautiful josh!!!!! made me cry and tell ur sister she needs to start taking her singing seriously shes rly good
- Kickin' It With Katie C: This song has never affected me like it is now with this version! Much love and respect to Josh and Erin! #YouWillBeHappy
- Unicorn Rainbows: Awwww :'( Thats sad, Colleen has already moved on but he's still sad :-(
- Maddy DeGennaro: I'ᗰ ᑎOT ᑕᖇYIᑎG! ᗰY EYEᔕ ᗩᖇE...ᒍᑌᔕT...ᔕᗯEᗩTIᑎG
- Francisca Sanez: I wish it was easy, but sometimes we have to see people for what they are too see their true colors
- The Carolyn Show: Erin's shoes made me smile :)
- Sara Fruhling: This is so beautiful ♡
- Summer Stafford: Ily💜
- Ava D.: My poor heart.. I love you both so much. This is the best thing going. I'm speechless. Glad you're back, J.
- beethanyy: colleen didnt want the divorce, but she had other priorities other than her marriage, so she let her marriage go
- Katerackley14: I literally love josh and his sister so much this was so beautiful 😍
- Vsmedeby 18245: I am crying 😭
- Jade de Santiago: I'm so happy to hear your voice and see your face ❤️ we're all here for you Joshua 💙
- xMiekezz: No words. Just that I won't ever erase you or this "family".
- Chris G.L.S: Josh Love ya brother keep your head up you are amazing person and I know you will find some one that actually have time for a relationship and understand that Money and fame is not everything if you don't have love and someone beside. Sorry for my English Amazing Song BTW
- Cailin Ann: this is so freaking adorbable
- Jessica Deveau: Beautiful voices.....excellent job done!
- Grace Balog: May you also pray for me, my parents are going through a divorce and it sucks😭 josh I hope you get better as soon as possible ❤️😘
- Heidy Serrano: This was amazing!
- okay thanks: Why am I crying 😞💖💖💖💖
- Username: 101Games: Josh, Erin has a beautiful voice , but I would love if you and Collen could do one final duet together with this song (I am the biggest fan of you and Collen and I fell like I'm one of your personal friends but when I found out about the divorce my heart broke and for the rest of the day I cryed and my dream is to meet you two and to become actual friends with you and I'm not like the crazy fans!So if you can PLEASE make it happen)😭💔👏
- Maria Soares: Beautiful
- Britney H.: weve missed you joshua :) glad youre back❤️
- Crazy Sullies: When Erin put her hand on Joshua's knee he just broke down , then I broke ://
- Hannah Smith: Madeline Goguen neither could I
- liv and ella: You can really see how emotional he is😢
- Abigail Cheshire: I've missed you josh!❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Kyara DIY: Omg I loved it but I cried 😂😂😭😭
- Jaimie Lyn: Absolutley Beautiful. All my love to both of you in finding peace and healing ♡♡♡
- Aston Ford: This was beautiful
- 1B views: Why??? 😢😢😢 Just why???
- Sumayya Ahmad: I love both of you. I'm in the same situation that you're facing right now. I wish I could make you feel better Joshua.
- Tasha Lavigne: Josh 😢
- LyricsYT: Elizabeth Epperson just because she looks happy on camera doesn't mean she's happy
- COOLDNNR96M: Beautiful duet. Welcome back Josh & congrats on the new channel Erin. I expect great things from both of you and I wish you tons of peace, love, and happiness. Wherever life takes you, just know that we are here for you. I hope you guys have a fantastic day. :)
- Hillary Garcia: literally just want to hug him .
- Louisa Zemmouri: audrey bates yep I'm cutting loads😭😭😭
- Petraaa: This is so cute :3
- Joel Feiock: great work, you both have great voices
- shannon de vries: Im crying holy i feel so sorry for you josh
- Brandi Spry: You can physically feel his pain. This is heart wrenching.
- Jessica Husson: 1.) You two are beautiful people inside and out. 2.) Thank you, Josh, for showing your feelings. 3.) I can't cry because I'm at work! Lol. I have so much more to say. I think I'm gonna write a letter when I get home. ❤️ Love you, Josh. I know what you're going through. ❤️
- Sydney Hastings: Aw josh this was so beautiful, I am so proud of you, you just went through so much and I am so sorry you had to go through that. This song was so beautiful and you and your sister sang so well. I honestly cried when you stared to cry because I have been watching your channel for so long and I have seen your channel grow and you grow as a person. I know of course we don't know each other because we have never meet but I just wanted to say I am so proud of you josh and I hope everything will get better from here.
- MAL SQUAD: Is this about there divorce? I mean look Josh didn't decide to get a divorce and neither did his sister. So that's why they cried. Because they didn't want the divorce. Comment if you aggressively
- Maddi Smith: good to see you again josh
- Melissa Kelly: it's truly heartbreaking to see so many people discuss this situation and relationship as if they know all the details. so many people on here are not even old enough to remotely understand marriage and dealing with divorce. please, be respectful to both parties and support who you want without hating on the other and passing off judgments on how they choose to grieve and heal. Josh, this is beautiful and I am praying you find peace of mind and your heart truly heals during this impossibly difficult time.
- Kaitlyn Hammons: ❤️
- Ronja Andersson: Omg, cried so hard...
- Katelyn Ramirez: Erin found love after the darkest time in her life and I have faith that you will too.
- Gwyn Chang: OMG love u guys SO much!
- Michael Talbert: Just beautiful. So much emotion. The song touched me on so many levels. I wish Josh the best in he future endeavours. He is an amazing person
- paola garcia: This is just beautiful dude
- Rebecca Chapman: This was so beautiful. you guys made it mean so much more than it already did. keep strong you will find your new rainbow x
- Idiotic Tv: Guess who's back! Back again!!! JOSH IS BACK!!!! Tell all yo mamas!💜🎉 we missed you! Love you josh!💜💜💜
- Sarah Hayes: I love this!
- Amanda Wilson: LDShadowLady Fan 〈3 obviously you can't read it said I'm tired of EVERY one making excuses not her.
- Eve L: I never knew Erin was such a good singer! 😵🙈
- Lainey Ray: I love u Josh you are the greatest ❤️
- Frankie Butcher: Absolutely beautiful. Such beautiful voices the both of them ❤️❤️
- Kpop Savage: Erin is a spectacular singer
- Gabby Vessio: Josh i miss u and you're sister is the best and I hope you heal i will always be here for you
- em h: We love you Joshua
- s731s: I see so many meanings behind this perfect and beautiful performance! we missed you Josh! 💛your true colors are shining more than ever!! 👣 1:30 hit me so hard I broke into tears, praying for healing and peace 💪
- Nubia Flores: I think I like Miranda better as a person than Colleen.
- Hanakimberlyy: New subscriber. I love that you are so genuine and allow yourself to be broken. You are helping a lot of people heal! Thank you (:
- Kim Large: ErynJaeger Yes, I'm glad you said that. I felt the same way. I was trying to hold back my tears. My nose gets stuffed up when I cry.
- 문: Take your time! :)
- Jessica McGuire: This hit me so hard, I love you guys. Stay strong ❤
- its_alizabeth _here: Nicole Gibson I am CRYING
- Rebe Ruth: Beautiful , cried the whole time......prayers and blessings of healing Josh.....
- shantel wetzel: that was amazing and I have my tissues out
- Sheela Monjardin: awww....I can't believe that he"s soo pained while Colleen seemed to be having the time of her life when I watcher her new vlogs 😥
- Ava Fraser: Oumou Kesso Barry color is an American way of spelling it like doughnut and donut
- Tiana: You both sound so beautiful! So happy to see you back Josh. <3
- claire wang: AGGHHH
- Sam V: You have 54 subs because you cute
- Lisa: This gives me all the feels. So many goosebumps. Love your sister now josh. Not because of this but because how she took your channel and made videos for all of us while you were gone. And she's cute. :)
- Laura Ellen Smith: you spelled Trump wrong.
- Hannah Borrego Gilmore: Joshua, this is beautiful for all of us- but you too. Listen to these words and take them into light for yourself and Erin too. YOUR true colors are beautiful. You're both so awesome, thank you so much for the time and effort into this. Definitely not sniffling right now. Okay, yes. Yes, I am. Love you.
- Halle Nessland: Linds&Liv me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Talia Barbagallo: As soon as I heard the melody I had tears rolling down my face. Seeing the pain in his eyes hurts me. But I know he knows we are here for him. We love you Josh💘
- Gianna Martone: This is amazing!!
- Lucy xoxox: My heart 😭💔
- Kimi-Jin808: This is about my 50th time watching this and I still cry every time.
- Henrietta Ip: crying. you'll get through this, josh. you're strong and capable. "Letting go isn’t the end of the world. It’s the beginning of a new life.”"
- Valentina Knežević: this is so amazing. they are both in pain, you can see that. but, they care so much (which is normal) for each other. i love this brother-sister relationships, gh
- carlos 0: Watch HATERS BACK OFF on netflix ya'll
- Carissa Ward: I was not mentally prepared for this
- Kara Jorgenson: katie s I'm sorry 😔 it might not seem like it right now but things will get better, just give it time <3
- Ask Ray Ray: Beautiful 😭😭😭
- Kitta32: This is so beautiful❤️ STAY STRONG we love you! I know these things aren't easy but if you ever need anything remember you have us ( your supporters)💗
- Kayleigh Papagelis: Josh I love you so much, and Erin you are such a great sister to be a supportive of him. You two made me really appreciate what matters in life.😚💙☺
- Reena FN: Welcome back Josh!💕 so much love from the Philippines ❤️
- Jude Believe: Every time I listen to this I bust into tears 😭
- Crystal Rivas: You guys are some of the most genuine people I have ever come across on YouTube. Yall keep being yourselves.❤❤
- Kat's Pick Jewelry: One of my favorite songs, ever. I never even knew that Erin sang...and this is just beautiful! I just lost my mother to cancer, so I'm emotional anyway...but this brought me to tears. Much love to you Josh during this difficult time! <3
- Hannah: Oh my I cried this is so beautiful love you and all you do josh glad to have you back 😍😍😝
- Katie Galson Balog: I am crying right now
- Eloiseey: This is truly beautiful! Goosebumps the whole time.... Love you too so much xoxo
- theycallmemaddieee: I love you Josh!
- LiamMcfarlane13: I thought I was prepared and I wasn't
- Anna Laisure: aw I'm crying. literally
- Zoe Marquez: I feel like he's lost a lot of subs after him and Colleen happened. I love you josh. Stay strong. GO FOLLOW my fan acc. On Instagram @joshleenfan101 also Erin is such a good singer omg!!!
- lindsaym6689: I really love this Josh. Thank you for being you.
- Juno Lux: love this, you are the best
- Josh Trevino: Am I the only one crying right now?
- MsMinion: Beautiful
- MMTM12: AWHH THIS MAKES MY HEART MELT 😭😍❤️ and Erin, you SLAYED with your amazing voice as well as u Joshua 💖💖
- Kara marie: OMG!!!!!!!!!!! ERIN IS SO GOODDDDDD!!!!!!!! we all already know josh is an amazing singer... BUT ERIN OMG!!!!!!! she sounds like a freakin angel
- JessicaMoo: God bless the both of you <3
- Fay Widdowson: Dayana Rose a cover because there are quotation marks around true colors. That meant is is sighted from somewhere
- Daria Morgendorffer: onion cutting ninjas ONION CUTTING NINJAS EVERYWHERE
- Renae Siler: Wow. Erin is amazing.
- caroline puleo: I love you josh thank you for showing people that when there is darkness there is always a glimmer of light somewhere. You are the strongest guy I know I love and support everything you do. Show your true colors. I know you have them. You are sooooo brave I know it. Find your shimmer. The theme of my show in color guard is the summit and my instructors tell me to reach my summit. You are my inspiration for reaching my summit. Thank you for being you. I love you💗
- Chantel Shija: pft i'm not crying just casually cutting onions in front of me
- CerulloTwins: Erin has such a pretty voice!! I hope she'll sing on her channel :)) Love you both soo much <33333
- Katherine Dolan: Absolutely beautiful. God will give you strength like He gave you both beautiful voices. Love.
- Isabella C: Josh, I am terribly sorry for what happened, no person is perfect. This was a life changing thing that happened in your life and is so heartbreaking... I love both of you and will continue to till the day I die. This will be very hard... even for me. I can never try to feel the pain you're in right now, and I don't want to experience it. Think about happy thoughts and be 👍🏼 to people💕❣️💞
- Vincent Galila: Played this and still crying...
- HannahClaire: I've seen this before and I'm still crying watching it again!!!
- Khadijah: :(
- Ashley Witte: Josh, you are a true inspiration, words can't describe how much I thrive to be like you, I love you so much❤️
- Writing Melody: What an amazing way to come back!!!! I love this so much!!!!!
- Monica Ravinera: Mayliza V I know that know one knows what happened but them and maybe their family but everyone on YouTube watching know nothing but that they broke up.
- Tez c: Who just wishes that Erin wasn't his sister, and they would be dating? It would make him so happy
- Hiram Gonzalez: They need to warn people next time cuz crying in public can be humiliating.
- Lindsay Marie: most beautiful thing ever love you both... glad you're back josh
- Virva K: Glad to have you back! Awesome video and beautiful song, Erin has such a beautiful voice!!:)
- Sophie STROUD: Welcome back Josh I missed you. Love you ❤️❤️
- Ivo Novitasari: I'm sobbing 😭
- Tayler's Music: BAWLING!!!!!!! So beautiful and heartfelt. Thank you so much for sharing. <3 <3 <3 XOXOXO LUV U BOTH ALWAYS
- Taylor Jorgenson: I MISSED YOU
- Leah Green: no matter what joshua and colleen are my favourite youtubers. Do not show josh or colleen any hate. As soon as they started to cry i started and cant stop. U could defernetly tell they were gonna cry. It is good they have each other and are always by each otheres side
- Andie Thatcurlygurl: Really beautiful
- Kati Hendry: reilli byrd I never said that Relli. I said that you can believe that heals but I don't.
- Kelsey Miller: I heard this song on the radio! Congratulations, Josh! :)
- xXveveXx: This is so emotional! I hope you guys get over the hard time you've been through. Love the lyrics btw!
- sammah shariff: I didn't cry, nope 😭❤
- Olivia Houlihan: Someone get me tissues now
- Rebecca Homayoonfar: AGHH❤️❤️❤️❤️🎈
- Nathan Bacierto: Love the outfits!
- Leah Madeline: Wow.... I wasn't prepared for this. This was incredible. Josh, as always, you are such an amazing singer, but wow erin, I wasn't expecting that! Don't forget that we are all here to support you through this tough time and we love you ❤️
- Reilly W: Welcome back Josh, I missed u sm, I hope u found ur happy place!!!!! I am here for you at this hard time!! you tube is going to support u
- Angel Park: +Carla Bogart, I've been going through depression too. Everything's going to be okay. This song always makes me feel so much better.
- Fall Girl: My heart literally hurts 😭😭💔💔
- TheMoustacheFans: When I heard this it made me think of My dad.. He's dead btw.. This made me really sad..
- Nicholas Yaekle: So worth the wait. Absolutely incredible, Joshua and Erin! Welcome back, Josh. We're still here!
- Kayla Soto: No offense but I feel that josh putting this stuff out might make Colleen feel guilty ig. Idk but like I do feel bad for him and this time but it's also awkward for like Colleen family too
- Gabby Crossel: This made me ugly cry :'< I love this cover so much especially how personal it feels.. The raw emotions really got to me. Thank you. This made me believe that through our individual selves, we can find the true meaning of happiness and peace. Stay strong! I believe in you!
- Jenna Kup.: No hate but I was hoping for a light happy video. I miss the old him
- Sharon V: So many meanings in the song...I hope you are healing your soul Josh.
- Mireya_ 17: 😞😞😞
- Tasha Bellows: wow this is absolutely beautiful.. Josh u deserve to be so happy and appreciated.. ur in my thoughts and prayers.. may God give you peace and strength
- Gloqui05: Ted Cruz back off Zodiac Killer.
- Sama: I love Erin's voice
- mystery 17: Everybody read the description😢i teared up a little😢
- Audi20: No hate please but honestly I feel really bad for Josh in this situation and i may never be able to look at Coleen the same way but people deal with things differently i guess
- Rebecca Laughton: I wasn't ready for this I was not ready I can't process.
- evan starnes: I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone and it happens to the best of us.....move on, i know it's hard but it will be ok.
- Julia B: one of my favourite songs.. beautiful cover of it.. thinking about you in this hard time!
- Cameryn H: Omg they are making me so sad 😭they both have to be in a divorce!
- Romy Smylie: I'm not trying to hate but this made me cringe
- Skye Chapman: why do bad things have to happen to good people he deserves to be happy and so does colleen you guys this was one of the best songs it's so good to see you again Josh
- Lorie Lee: I have watched this again & again ...this is the most beautiful & heartfelt version of this song I have ever heard. I hope Cyndi Lauper hears this. Wouldn't it be amazing if Ms. Lauper did see this, & somehow it led to Josh getting signed to a multimillion dollar recording contract...sweet justice for all the heartache he has been through. Yaassss! :)
- Mia Isabella Savage: Any one else start crying?
- Amelia Raven: Josh I'm so glad you are back! This was beautiful and Erin has a gorgeous voice just like yours💕
- Autumn Colors: That was absolutely beautiful! I love the close bond you two share. It reminds me of my close bond with my sibiling. My best friend that helped me through some tough times as well.
- Snatched.: He now sees Colleen's true colors :') this is how you throw shade musically. Lol anyway, I thought this was Wynona Ryder for a second.
- Angel Marie: Welcome back Joshua! We all missed you! And man do the Evans have talent ❤
- Clayton Ryan: 3:20 is the sweet spot in harmony that triggers emotion and tears.
- Sofia Hassounia: Oh my heart!!! Welcome back Josh! We've missed you so much! <3
- Jenna Rose: Awww I love this!😍😭 Stay strong!
- yorellya omoatou: beautifulll song!!!
- Inayah Cee: oh god why
- Brittany Burry: I just cannot believe whats happened...
- That girl You know: Is this his coming out video?
- Gina Gonsalves: Absolutely beautiful 💙💙
- Therese Enberg: This is better than the original. So many goosebumps
- Karsten Voß: I love it
- Kristie Ubere: Josh... this song made me so emotional and I totally loved it. It is so beautiful and meaningful. Also you're voice is beautiful and Erin, your voice is appointment gorgeous! I love you guys!
- Jazmine Sparks: at 3:09 i started crying:( keep your head up josh<3
- brooke morgan: colleen didn't want to be together and josh did, he says he still loved her in his video about the divorce
- Jenna Glick: JOSHHH!!!! I LOVE YOU IM HAPPY YOURE BACK!!! ❤️❤️🌸🌸
- Daniela galvan: He is back yay 😀😀😀
- Juliette Vicario: I was crying
- Rebecca Dean: Both your voices sound beautiful! Loved this so much!! Love you Josh, hope your ok :)
- Djanti Lubis: Josh, i've been your subscriber for a year now and i've never commented on any of your videos before. This is my first comment , i honestly had major goosebumps everywhere listening to this. Thank you for this, this is beautiful. Please be strong, time will heal :) God bless
- Sara J.: I wasn't expecting to cry. guess I was wrong. love you two so much❤
- Alana Chan: wow. erin your voice is very very very very very very gooooooood. good job
- Vanessa Azevedo: miss you
- Jennifer Lopez: 11 times in 3 days! 💗✨🤑
- A Jarjis: #twiningiswinning. But seriously this is beautiful
- Melanie Ford: josh we love you !!!! so glad to see you again you are amazing seriously and ERIN ON MY GOD YOUR VOICE IS AMAZING !!!!!!!! SO ISS YOURS JOSH XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- kelsey breann: love you so much josh!!!
- Briana Lawless: I lost it when Josh started crying gosh danggit
- Amy Louise Ellis: This is amazing!!!' So so so proud ❤️
- amber maika: ❤️❤️❤️
- The Basic Bagel: poor Josh were here for u ❤❤
- Lord & Lady of Winterfell: danm it, man! this was so honest as hell, I wish to hug u and turn everything alright inside of you. God bless you, Josh. You'll be better soon, I don't know how but I promise.
- KiimPossible: Aw-aw so amazing and cuteee
- Patty Brunnette: ERIN you sing now!!! amazing!!
- Jessica Hartsell: My heart
- Vanessa Essex Snow: AMAZING! Really.........all the feels! ❤
- Michelle M: Melanie Espinoza same!!!😢😥😢😥😢😥
- Diniera Hasna: I was doing just fine until Josh started crying and his sister reached over to him fk
- Sylvia B: That was amazing❤️welcome back josh love you both 😍
- KYLØS: welcome back xx 💓💓💓
- Nor Frk: +Lauren Blodgett lmao yes I mean Colleen hahahah
- Rihannai: This was perfect i love Joshua voice its buetiful and dont forget that i think this is my fav song youve sang its soo cute Erin's voice is amazing too, i nearly cried watching this it was amazing people can let you down.. but a brother and sister love is true and forever you might have had a fight or 2 but you still love each other and family is forever <3 :)
- Gemini Coven: Just watched this again and remembered how I cried BC this is SO touching at 3:10😪SO glad u have an AWESOME sister like Erin with you through all this luv ya both
- Johnny Wang: Sending positive vibes to you!! Thanks for being you, Josh! And Erin thanks for everything you've done for Josh and us!!
- Josy Villalpando: Yes he is back🙃
- Mackenzie Jackson-Ingle: his voice ❤
- DA Monte Gardens: this version is flipping favorite😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
- The Amanda: So beautiful you two! Sing more together. Such a beautiful brother/sister moment. Love it!
- Hillaryw01: I could listen to this for the rest of my life! so good!
- Anthony James: Why are people annoyed that Colleen seems to have moved on, she seems so happy lately in her vlogs so this was probably the best decision for her. Colleen may have focused more on her work than on her relationship, but I can relate to that, we each have different goals in life, some peoples are to settle down and start a family, others want to build an empire! I feel Colleen maybe wanted both, but realised she couldn't have both and chose the path that would provide her with the life that could make her truly happy and I commend her for following her dream, she's doing what she loves and what is the right decision for her. Sometimes we have to put ourselves first.
- brooklyn woodhead: arrrrrrrrrrrrrr so angry but i love this
- jasophine: Our true colors are beautiful like a rainbow, and rainbow comes in different colors like all of us are trully differently colored the way we are and when we see the true color of a person deep within the real beauty of once heart that's the time that we start to show respect share love give hope and that brings happiness in our life.
- Maggie Flynn: *sobs*
- jessica: That was beautiful & real brother & sister love amazing to see
- Harry Krinkle: +Yvette Gaytan I heard about that, but there is no possible way that would have been effective. Between April and September she was home MAYBE three weeks? If they were doing it that way...no, she was occupied with tour and her show. There's no way they both could've been 100% invested in it, and that's no way to do it.
- Danielle Briggs: Omgeeee 😭😭
- Delaney Walker: I love you Josh. And I hope your getting good support because you deserve it. You are an amazing person. You and Erin put on quite a lovely performance. And guess what, it's fine to cry. To let your emotions out. You both are amazing and keep singing Josh and Erin. You are both amazing! You really touched my heart.
- Lydia Fw: They r soooooooooooooooo good xx
- Chelsea Lester: Omg Erin's voice is holy😱❤️
- kenley carter: I listen to this everyday
- aurora clifford: i love this.
- Daly: Lauren Adderley , I lost my sister on August 19 too. she was 22. it was an unexpected nightmare. I know and feel your pain.
- cardfight100: And that’s why I loveeeeee youuuu
- Daneira Smith: So beautiful!!!!!
- caylyn schell: yay! Love y'all soooo much!
- Steve Aylwin: Heart wrenchingly beautiful. Much love to you both at this difficult time xXx
- Jaxon Holmes: That was honestly so beautiful, well done josh and Erin Sending love from Australia
- Payton o'kelly: Omg this was beautiful! ❤️
- Esther N: My heart 😫💔.This cover is absolutely beautiful!
- Adore.lizzie _: zatia noxanet he's not gay
- Panda: it make me cry
- Ellie PlayzRoblox: I've been away for 2 months so why Was he sobbing at the end
- Hannah Maria: Cried so much! Been through divorce too so totally get this song and having those who care around you x this is beautiful x
- AllThatYas: <3
- Deivid Allan: This made me cry, knowing how hard it's been for Josh. :(
- xYellx: I have got to say that I have been enjoying watching Erin on your channel Josh. She's beautiful and sweet, and her accent is adorable! But I am so glad to see your handsome face again. This cover of this already beautiful song has had me in tears. Thank you so much for putting both of your hearts into this beautiful cover! <3 You both rock!!!
- Hannah H: So glad you're back Josh!😀 This was absolutely beautiful.❤️❤️❤️ Also I'm not crying my eyes are sweating! 😭
- Alejandra Martinez: I love you!! Stay strong❤️
- Alexandra Hamil: Erin's voice is beautiful. Stay strong Josh. We all love you❤️
- Beata Bennet: Awwww! I feel so bad for him
- Nigz Clusive: huhu i cried :(
- . MyLifeFabxo: that was so beautiful you guys wow I'm v sorry about things but yall know we love you and josh ur going so much farther then u know ❤❤
- Duyen Le: Erin's voice is so soothing and beautiful 😍
- Livvy Old acc: i love you josh and erin (ahhhhh im so glad you're back josh i missed you) im definitely getting this song is it on itunes or playstore?
- Laura L: This is beautiful.
- Sharon farbarova: 😢😢😢😢😢😢 omg I'm literally crying I never want to hear this song ever I'm gonna cry if I listen to it again
- Lisa Marie Hill: I'm crying Joshua thank you for sharing such a beautiful song. I hope you are doing good! Stay strong and stay positive we love you to the moon and back💘
- Kiara Gates: We're all here for you Josh AND WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!❤💙💖💔💛💓💘💟
- Jvega26: True colors You with the sad eyes Don’t be discouraged Oh I realize it’s hard to take courage In a word full of people You can lose side of it all The darkness inside you can make you feel so small Show me a smile that, don’t be unhappy Can’t remember when I last saw you laughing This world makes you crazy And you’ve taken all you can bare Just call me up cause I will always be there And I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors That’s why I love you So don’t be afraid to let them show, Your true colors, true colors Are beautiful And I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors That’s why I love you So don’t be afraid to let them show, Your true colors, true colors Are beautiful like a rainbow Oh can’t remember when I last saw you laughing, oh This world makes you crazy You’ve taken all you can bare Just call me up Cause I will always be there And I see your true colors shining through And I see your true colors That’s why I love you So don’t be afraid, To let them show, Your true colors, true colors Are beautiful like a rainbow, Oh like a rainbow, oh
- the anna show 101: why r u crying I love u
- Randomtansley: Means a lot that your sharing something so beautiful and emotional. I've lost the person who I thought was the love of my life and it was the hardest and most painful thing to go through. But throughout it I found I had so many amazing people around me to help me pick myself back up and continue on. So thank you for sharing!!
- Angela Wayte: Beautifully done ❤️ 🌈
- Gladys Jimenez: This was touching.
- Mark Alexander: Is that your sister
- Michelle C.: friffas I swear I have thought that for months. if you watch any of his videos with his sis, he's ga-ga over her. it's so...odd.
- Kate Aceves: words will never explain how much I love you! please take care & stay strong through this! you can do it !
- sabrina rodriguez: this is to much emotion but I love it this actually made me cry y'all both have an amazing voice love y'all❤🙌
- Taylor Duplessis: Erin's voice is sooo amazing
- Veronica Visconti: this was so.. beautiful. You are so strong..both of you. I know how hard it is losing the one you love. but God has a plan for you. Let it out as much as you need to, whether it's in song or working out or whatever makes you feel better. And we're all here for you, all 1,445,496 of us. We love you. Always.
- Dylan Doyle Vlogs: This broke my heart 👍🏻
- Joanne Azzi: This made me cry.. absolutely amazing! It may take time, but you will heal. Love you guys <3
- Fronto 37X: I love your voices!
- goldglitter04: i just want to give joshis the biggest hug in the entire universe!! I LUV him so much!!!
- JoAnna Sturm: LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! But I'm a blubbering mess!! Oh I know that pain Josh. You'll be better than you ever were before.
- twinkletwinklelshiw: What a wonderful message to embrace in a time of hardship, well done guys :)
- Sonia Lol: Why is the music called "true colours" but the video is in black and white??
- ThatAuntLife: I cried watching this. I knew Josh has a great voice but I had no idea Erin could sing! You should share your voice more often! The raw emotion in this video is so incredible and the way you two as siblings care about each other is shown beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
- Madaline Keil: I just want to give them both a big hug! beautiful cover Josh and Erin!
- angel105: I cried when I saw u back you are my inspiration let Erin shine a light through the gloomy times
- No nAme: ❤️
- Brenda72: zatia noxanet Because some people are dickheads. 😑 Those people will probably die single and alone though...so laugh is on them.
- theatregeek22: Just beautiful.
- Timi Meduteni: Omg I was literally crying while watching this.. it's so cute💕❤️❤️😍
- Courtney May: yes I cried...so much I flooded my room with tears...I just want to give you a everlasting hug ❤
- Christina Smith: watched this a lot and every time I get chills when he starts crying. It is so truthful and honest.
- Sophie Heine: That was so white
- Megan Pritchett: You and your sister are such beautiful souls ❤️ This was truly incredible and I just want to send so much love, hugs and healing your way.
- demonprincess11: All I listen to is this song! I didn't know it would be sad kinda like this but I love it! I can't wait for you to come back on Wednesday! I have missed you I am also glad your little sister Erin is starting a YouTube Chanel can't wait!!! Love you 😘
- NatRambo18: I've watched this like 50 times
- Lois Bishop: such a gentleman josh. I want to hug you and make everything alright so much love to you and your family. your sister is so beautiful and amazing. ❤❤
- ashley B: love for u josh i know its hard knoe but it will be tough but im always hear to support no matter what happens love this sng
- AshLorrien: Kimi-Jin808 I don't think people need to be here to take sides in any case. They're just two people who didn't work. It's awful.. divorce is sad. They're both sad and dealing with their heartbreaks in different ways. It's natural to want to choose sides when you're a fan or supporter but most people on this channel or Colleen's support both of them and some think Colleen was wrong but sides shouldn't be taken. They both want the best for each other
- Kristin Travis: This really hit me
- Skye: let me tell you something for all y'all sitting her bashing Colleen she came back before him because her fans make her happy. she mentions how hard she is having it she says being on the internet makes her happy. she is making videos to heal. a damn shame y'all dare think she is selfish. Josh took time off to heal but look where is at here for you people.
- Tillie Cooper: Beautiful❤️
- King Rose: I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm so happy to see you back and with your sis, singing beautifully done!
- Karla Ucelo: so glad your back. this song is gorgeous. we love you and will always support you
- Rohan O'Donnell: Guys I totally respect both Colleen and josh in this sad time. But seriously if you want to see Colleen crying in every video to prove she is sad that is pretty sick... people cope differently, josh takes time of social media whilst Colleen surrounds herself with her friends and family. Colleen decided to not show her pain on camera, we have no idea what she's like off social media. We need to respect both of them as they're both really strong unique and beautiful people! ❤️ Spread happiness...
- Danisandmamis World: Where is the love button
- Grace McNeill: happy ur back😘
- Fat Frog Farm: This was absolutely beautiful!
- Madison Gray: Woah. Erin without an accent. That's different. What a beautiful cover ❤️
- Yasmin xS: #twinning
- RandomnessLOL: I love this emotion so much :(
- Reese Scholz: That was awesome!!!! That's awesome josh is back!!
- Rosquito: I love this song so much😍your voices complement each other so well you should do more duets
- Dhanya Binoy: ily josh! mad respect bro! luv the song
- Em.gilmartin: Can he not come through is that what the song about
- Natalie Espinoza: why am i crying 😢
- William Phillips: I love the original it is great... but this version is great! i love it.
- brookie b: 👌
- sourpatches 24: to*
- saikijax: ok yikes i love both josh and colleen equally so i hope they both find happiness because they deserve it!!!!
- Anyonymous Anonymous: Josh you deserve so much better. We all love you and support you!! I can tell that you have such a kind soul and huge heart, and an amazing family that love and adore you.
- Lali Torres: Amazing, you made us feel every emotion, we're very proud of you Josh :) <3 Erin, loved your voice, If you could do more it'll be great ! :)
- Sophia Pruett: It's gong to be ok josh. U are both so strong and I promise you will smile and be happy again💖💖💖
- joa meza: I am amazed, this was great, the talent is mind blowing and this comes from someone who loves music wow you both are so gifted i hope you continue to showcase such talent because this was on hell of a song
- Maya's Life: Joshua u hit me right in the heart I love this song💘✨
- Abby England: Any body else read the description?¿
- Adore trinityy: did anyone see there outfits are matching?? WORK THEM JORDANS!!
- sun flower: 🎀✨👱💗👸✨🎀 🎀✨👨💜👩✨🎀 🎀✨👴💙👵✨🎀 🎀✨🐯💛🐰✨🎀 🎀✨👽💚💀✨🎀 AllYouNeedIsLove 😍💓😘💘😜💝☺
- Kiki’s Videos: why did collen leave him 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Heather Zarra: this was raw and beautiful and my heart just broke seeing you cry i hope that this song helps you heal and brings you the piece that you need btw erin your voice is so soft and sweet i love it
- sara rasmussen: I got uncomfortable watching this
- Audra Pearson: beeactress Thank you for sweet comment and sharing your story with me. Have you ever heard that opposites attract? My husband and I are complete opposites however, I believe that is what makes us work. But after 10 years of marriage and still going strong, my advice would be this: Make it a priority to do pre marital counseling. The pastor who married us would not marry us unless we did and at the time I thought it was a little ridiculous but I'm so glad we did. Talk about everything! Especially your differences and how you plan on handling that when a disagreement over something comes up. Talk about how he has a hard time expressing himself and ask him what you can do to make it easier for him to do it and then try really hard to not get upset even if you don't like what he says. Because men (my husband included) would rather shut down and keep it inside than to have to share if he knows you won't take it well. I still sometimes have to pry things out of my husband (it's a man thing, get used to it...lol) Also make it a point to discuss how you want to raise your kids, how you will discipline them, what church (religion) they will be raised in, if you plan on staying at home or working, finances (who will take care of them and what your budget/spending will be), sex, expectations for who will contribute what, in terms of household responsibilities (it shouldn't all fall on one person even if that person is staying at home because it's a lot of hard exhausting work especially with children) etc, make a list of all these things and more and discuss all of it. If you don't agree on everything and chances are you wont, then work out a compromise. That way nothing is a surprise after you marry. And let me tell you this, we have had some really low lows. Not many but we have. It's a good thing to have "real fights." Meaning let things out and say how you feel and even yell if you need to just as long as you never attack each other's character in the process. Conflict can be a good thing if it's done right. Both of you need to be willing to really say how you feel, not hide your feelings (and with men that's hard so you may have to pry) but the most important thing to do after the fight is to say I'm sorry and be willing to compromise. That's what my husband has taught me the most. Is that he loves me so much that it makes me want to compromise and say I'm sorry when I'm wrong. Although we rarely argue but when we do, we always make it a point to apologize and that means having the insight to look at yourself and what mistake you may have made but also putting yourself in his shoes and trying to understand where he is coming from. I promise it's so worth it to apologize even when you don't want to because it brings you both so much closer and have a deeper respect for the other person because they were willing to apologize and to me that shows that a person has a genuinely good heart and they care more about the happiness of the relationship (partner) than they do being "right" all the time. And that has been the biggest thing I've learned because my husband absolutely adores me, loves me and would do anything for me and our kids that it makes me love him even more which ultimately makes our marriage unbreakable. As long as you feel he has a good heart, he truly loves you and you can tell by his actions that he isn't going to give up on you and/or your marriage, I would say y'all have a shot a beautiful lifelong marriage. Marriage is hard work but it's also so fun! Remember to laugh and give each other a hard time, and keep a good sense of humor. Ours isn't perfect and we are constantly talking about how we can be better partners, better parents etc... But we love each other and we try so hard and our kids see that and that makes them feel so secure knowing that "Mama and Daddy will never get a divorce!" It's the best feeling in the world to know that you have someone to come home to that loves you and it's just a comforting feeling knowing that when you stick it out, you can look back at your history together and feel accomplished that you've never given up and you have your very best friend with you for life. I think you guys are going to do great!!! Congratulations (even though I know your wedding is awhile off) but just put each other first and be honest and I promise your love for each other will grow and grow with each passing year and milestone! I wish you guys the very best!!!!
- The Life Of Nikki Marie: Wow! I'm crying after watching this. So much emotion and Truth in every word of this song. Absolutely incredible and amazing! So happy to have you back Josh. We all missed you tons. It's gonna be a rough road but thankfully you have a awesome support team around you, to help you up when you fall. Sending you big hugs ❤
- Anna Houghton: so beautiful xxxxxx
- Gerjanne vd Brink: Beautiful, just perfect.
- Miranda White: I just bawled like a baby! This is so special. Love.
- Cat Girl12561: colleen has moved on and josh is still hanging on. I feel like colleen has friends which help her out and her kitten and josh is so lucky to have his sister to support him through these hard times. hope u feel better. stay strong. you WILL get through this. like this comment if u cried.
- Mahyaa Laayeq: The pain in your eyes made me so sad Josh. Cheers from Iran.
- Emlers A: 😩😭😭😭. I'm so sad/mad. Josh and Colleen were epic. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
- Angel Dinh: Im speechless. It's SO GOOD :DDDD
- Lily Ragals: This is one of my favorite songs and I just heard it in the movie Trolls. Congrats!!!
- Maggie: This is so beautiful
- Kenzie Paige: absolutely love this sm!!!
- sarah!: There is no TEAMS in this situation. It makes me sick how you guys are like team colleen or team josh. They just cope through the situations differently. Josh is expressing his feelings out to us on the internet, and Colleen just wants to keep her feelings off the internet. I 100% garantee you that colleen is feeling the same way as josh. i mean, she's COLLEEN! Come on, do you seriously think she wouldn't care? Colleen is one of the nicest people I know. Just think people, jeez! And don't think you're helping josh by talking trash about colleen. Josh wouldn't like that, and he even said to not go hating on colleen.
- Kayla Dwyer: Best cover ever I was not prepared for it
- alyssa ysabel: omg erin is so good
- Ashley ward: I'm glad ur back Josh
- Emily Xx: Jeannette Abitante me
- lea gonzalez: Ahhh !!! That was amazing ❤️ I love you 2 so much you'll get thru this ^.^
- Lindsay Anna: Thanks Taylor:) I appreciate that. I am sorry to hear about your dad too
- Linda Brock: omg Erin has an amazing voice
- Deni Whitmire: I love this so much. Incredible. Sending so much support as I bawl at my desk in front of my coworkers.
- Cory & Jenn: Amazing Josh missed ya <3
- Maddie Fussnecker: Who knew Erin had such an amazing voice
- Mike Nealon: I'm sobbing
- Queen Vee: I can't stop the tears
- jasmine sebastian: I cried 😭
- William Phillips: Maybe its just me but i think Colleen hasn't taken the divorce very hard like josh has. Or maybe she just hasnt shown it. I dont know.
- Lianna Marsh: I love how they did this. I think I feel bad for Josh because Colleen is so happy I am sure she still feels a little bit of hurt but... Josh loves her so much and he probably still wants to be with her. Anyone else feel the same way. But I am not saying that Colleen is so rude for not really feeling bad.
- heloise fella: This is the most beautiful thing you have done. Stunning.
- Jazz Glamorous: Beautiful Josh and Erin❤️ I love the brother & sister relationship you both have. Im so happy to see you back and can't wait to to see Erin's videos on her channel!❤️
- Heather Kat: Crying 😭
- Bridgette: That was beautiful ❤️
- Amanda: This was absolutely amazing.
- Gina Smith: this is kinda cringey. like I'm not trying to hate, but how congee colleen is so happy rn while josh is so depressed. like they are both going through the same thing!
- Austin Deal: Josh should sing "Take A Look At Me Now" by Phil Collins. That would be amazing! Phil wrote it while he was going through a divorce, so it might bring Josh some healing. Music is a powerful thing.
- Naomi Gray: truly beautiful x stay strong love you josh♥️
- Maria: Welcome to the other side Madeline Nettles, we're all hot messes right now xxx
- Sew'n Sew: You are the perfect duo! So beautiful!!! Prayers for you, Josh.
- Jaydeep Singh: 😀so happy you're back!!😀
- Ava Cameron: Be nice to people. Love u Joshua. Like if u agree.
- Cecilia Kane: You just made my birthday! My identical twin and I turned 19 today and we love watching you. Thank-you for showing us the wonderful love of siblings!
- Rose A: I couldn't even imagine how much he's hurting. And I could only imagine how your sister feels to see her brother hurting we love you josh stay strong
- RandomRachael: Jamie Myrick-Duckett Cubing same
- Amazalazaling: THIS is beautiful I cant stop listening to it and by the way Erin your voice is gorgeous
- Lauren Blunt: <3 Beautiful
- Jenni Trinidad: i love you both erin and josh. i just felt the sincerity and emotion of this song. you definitely nailed it. we miss you Josh
- Laura Lacombe: I've never seen a more beautiful brother and sister duet. And I just hope josh AND Colleen find their brightness
- Karen Robles: I have to watch this everyday but I cry so much
- Samantha Larupay: Gosh Joshua! You and your sister make a good duet. I love it! Thanks for coming back!
- xo madison: I never knew Erin had such a beautiful and wonderful voice. She's amazing. This is so sad. But please, everyone DONT PICK SIDES AND HATE ON COLLEEN! Colleen is deciding to put the HAPPY parts on her channel. But she most likely is crying off camera. Getting a divorce is hard...Josh is deciding to share it with you his fans. Maybe Colleen doesn't, because she doesn't want to put all the negativity online. But she is human too and she does through things. I hate when you people choose sides! They chose this divorce TOGETHER because they thought that it was best for them. Colleen is amazing and so is Josh. We will all miss Joshleen...but we all have to get over it at some point in our lives. They are amazing people. I'm not choosing sides AT ALL! So if you are choosing sides, stop that. Just be there for both of them. That would make them happy. Have a great day to the people who made it to the end here.
- Jacquelyn Williams: nice
- Jessie Brown: I missed you Josh this song is beautiful I'm glad you are back I love you!!❤️❤️
- Gucci Gang: They have the most beautiful voices
- June [:: Personally I hope they don't. It seems like Colleen really doesn't care at all (she moved on REALLY QUICK) and Joshua deserves so much better. That's just my opinion tho..
- Libby x: This is absolutely beautiful Josh and Erin, it's lovely xxx
- loopLikeLoop: Best cover I've ever seen! Tears everywhere😭
- Ashley Poper: P.S. I'm watching it again.... and maybe a 3rd time... back-to-back. LoL. ❤
- ZeldaandFairies: This made me tear up like crazy. Never been divorced, but I know what it feels like to be let down and needing to learn how to rely on yourself and your family again. It's hard. And very sad. You're doing okay, Josh. You're doing okay.
- Gynny and Timmy: The best brother - sister duet I've ever heard!!
- Cassidy Eryn: Crying over here, they sound so amazingly beautiful together. I'm excited that Josh is back, this video makes my heart break in a million pieces for him and also for what Erin has gone through. On a more happy note Erin your voice! Why are you just now sharing your incredible talent with us? Hoping for more music to come from Erin. Love you both so much <3
- Haley Gamer Sayer: Josh u r amazing at singing dancing and a compliment being weird and silly u bring joy to my heart and soul Erin ur voice is also amazing I also love your accent! I will stay subscribed until I am 80 and I'm 9 so I love u! I can see ur true colors within u and Erin! Don't focus on the bad side of life focus on the bright side
- lala byrne: WE LOVE YOU JOSH <3
- LexxxiMonster: Oh my, Erin's voice is amazing. This duet is amazing. I really hope you get through this tough time and have as many happy moments as you can! We love you ♥
- Hannah Laughner: This is beautiful. Josh, i'm so glad you're back i missed you a lot ❤️. Erin, i didn't know you had such a beautiful voice! you guys sounded amazing together ❤️❤️
- Xx Lily xX: You sound so good. I hope you are feeling better. Just know that there are 1000s of people that love you. Keep smiling Joshua! 😘Lily
- Christina Ritchie: One word: WOW ❤️ that was amazing and it really spoke to my heart
- hannah layne: I started crying when I saw the pain in Josh's eyes. I can't imagine how he feels right now. I love you josh!!😭❤️
- adriana morales: Yeah, well. Some of all will think this is overdramatic and some of all won't. Get over it.
- Katrina Logan: love this song and vid josh
- Emma Shipley: Emily C: tbh I kinda agree but i love them both so much and I am just so sad to see them break up😭
- lizbware: I'm so so sorry you're going through this Josh. Praying for you. <3
- Chiara G: This is a masterpiece! ❤️
- Annie Fleming: I have to watch this over and over. Hope you found you happy place josh.
- Jackie Kesler: went through a divorce at 30 and I thought it broke me totally, but I've found my happiest times since then. I'm 35 and it's been the best 5 years of my life...finding out who I really am and finding what really matters around me! You got this!
- Lily Kate Tomlin: Love you josh!
- Harry Krinkle: +fr33tobem3 This 100%. I really do think Colleen loves Josh as much as he loves her, she just has a funny way of showing it. As I said up there, it's pretty much identical to my Father. He loved my Mother and me and my sisters, but was gone all the time on business trips (To the point where I barely recognized him in my early youth) and expected us to always support him in his every endeavor. He still does this, btw, if not quite as bad as he used to. That's part of why I'm unimpressed with Colleen at this time, I recognize the patterns of behavior very well. People keep trying to say that I'm "Making this about me", but no. I know we don't see every aspect of their relationship, but this one is plain as day to me.
- Hailey: Everyone I wish you could read between the lines & listen to Erin. Colleen chose her job over Josh and left him. She had no plans on being with him after Canada. She had no time for him and let him go so she could work. He asked for therapy and she went on her own with out him. There was a fight Rebecca called her out on some stuff and the fight got worse and that ended it.
- Antony Andry: this was so emotional :(
- Ingvild Henriksen: Amazing😍❤️
- oiseau255: Soooo beautiful ❤
- Nail Polish: Good job! love this!
- Lea Zanke: Glad 2 see you back on Youtube Josh! What i just heard was truly amazing!
- Ash Wal: +JoshuaDTV Christmas came early this year! ❤️
- It's Me Nikki: this made me cry this is my favorite song
- J Nk: stay strong josh ❤❤
- Kara: I am SOBBING
- rochelle coulson: Wow touched my heart you can tell how much emotion was put in to this by both you and Erin I dream to have this closeness with my brother this is such a lovly peice of work great job and amazing voices stay strong x
- Zoe Patton: you two sound so beautiful together :) such clever harmonies you guys, let's see more!!!!!!!!
- R James: Only like I've ever given this dude, gotta respect a man willing to fight for his marriage. And I have to say it, Colleen's a bitch running her happy ass all over the place, go get you something better man
- Norah Adams: There is a link in the description box to erins channel. <3
- Unicornplayz 101: 1:56 Me:IS THAT J'S !! IF IT IS,CAN I HAVE THEM?😂😂😂😂
- Kasey LouLou: And let me add. this video was brilliant. Shot perfectly
- Karlie Shelby: oh wow
- Han Xiang Chen: Perfect en beautiful entrance at 1:42. Silbing love is the strongest love.
- Mo M: I love the way she was looking and smiling at him like it's all gonna be okay, so so sweet
- hall cilla: I'M TRIGGERED THIS MADE ME SAD😭😭😭😭💖💖
- tiffany Joyce: when I watched this I was crying, Erin's voice is amazing I love it, she should make a youtube channel❤ stay strong Josh I love you
- Dimple Thakur: Can't stop watching this..so beautiful n meaningful ...
- Lyndsey Lawer: This song makes me cry when I hear it
- Princess Narwhal: 💜💜💜
- Justine Giles: Great job you guys. I know this is an incredibly hard time for you and your family. Sending love & strength your way.. Please know that this rawness & vulnerability is shining through in your music and it has great power to connect with others across the globe. In my opinion this is your best cover yet Josh.. use this as positive fuel <3
- Hannah Mitch: whats funny is he seems to actually care but colleen didnt seem affected for too long
- Regan Barnes: More inspirational than words can describe. I love you both so much :)
- Avery Skylar: Awwwww I missed you ❤️❤️
- ThisGirlFliss: This is my new favourite song. I've listened to it sooooo many times. It's beautiful, thinking of you Josh xx
- T: Welcome back
- Jas G: Family ❤️ this made me cry from the start ... I just miss my sister so bad '( may her soul rest in peace
- Joelene Avery: Absolutely beautiful ❤
- Hannah Cruver: Bawling my eyes out. I FEEL for you. I love you and am praying that you will find your happiness again. God has the right one out there for you. Your pain WILL pass. I wish you nothing but happiness. <3
- Breanna Costa: When you started crying and reached for your sister...MY HEART .... 💔 im sorry that this happened to you guys... we all still love you with our arms open wide and I am so thankful that you have such a loving and caring sister who knows the heartache that you are going through . Love you, Josh and Erin 💜
- sam: So much negativity about Colleen in the comments. They're both very heartbroken but express their feelings in different ways. Colleen likes making funny videos because they make her happy. She cares, I know she does. Please don't choose sides or hate because by doing that, both of them experience sorrow and strong emotions.
- Natalie Roberge: take each day slow and breath...hang in there your wonderful.
- Olivia Kavanagh: Same❣️😘😫
- sania V: god I feel so sad for him he was actually crying my heart hurts😭 Josh is such true man but coleen is literally happy right now and Josh is dying of sadness ugh coleen is so mean
- NinjagoLover!! Ninjago 4 Life: Too every one that's saying Josh is so sad and Colleen doesn't seem that sad, you don't know what's going on in thier lives (neither do I). Collen is making videos and working because that's what makes her happy. She can't just let the sadness swallow her. I know from personal experience that when your in a bad place you need to do things that make you happy. Many divorces are followed by depression if you let yourself be sorrounded by darkness. I support both if them because I know how hard a divorce is for people. people need to get over things in thier own way, and like to show different parts of thier lives. Colleen likes to show her being happy and Josh shows his emotions more. I might be wrong but based off of what they have said its true and i believe them. So for every one saying horrible things and assuming the reasons for the divorce support BOTH of them because a divorce is a really hard thing to go threw. I hate seeing them sad:(
- KoKo B: Josh... That was beautiful. Keep going, you got this and you will get through it and you will be a better person because of it. xxx
- jibooty is here: bro and sis goals 💔💔
- E and O Blogs: literally crying rn this is so cute and 😭
- Bethy Adams: OMG no now I'm crying 1:they are both crying and one of colleens videos was at the side and she was crying in the thumbnail
- WhoIsKristen: We love you Josh!! This was a beautiful duet!
- nicky j.s: Truly beautiful
- Abigail Jones: this was beautiful and so emotional😭❤️ josh hang in there you are a amazing person and don't let anyone call you a baby because you expressed yourself!❤️💖
- Ariel Simmons: We love you josh 💋
- Fried Green Tomatoes: +John Carlo Bisnar You're a SICKO❗
- Yesenia Mejia: I think it will take you longer than a month to fully heal but im glad you are back, god bless you both . 💛
- Hayns Hangout: this is beautiful 😭❤️
- Cadence Brooks: We love you lots ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Norm Al: This needs to be on iTunes!!!!!!!!!!!
- Valentina Laura: I'M CRYING
- Nicole Cranham: I'm just thinking of the movie trolls
- Cleo Rocos: i am crying
- Layla M: I was crying through the whole thing, and as soon as Josh started crying too, I really broke down. Lately, it almost feels like we've stepped into an alternate universe. It's so weird seeing them apart. I love both Josh and Colleen so much and I really wish that things could've worked out. I feel like I know them both so personally and I feel so terrible that this is happening. I really can't handle seeing Josh so heartbroken, and anyone else in the world. The world is just a sad place, I wish it would just fix itself already
- Couch Potato: Erin's voice 😍
- Adrian Bailey: Welcome back my friend my sympathy to you
- Nessa Elizabeth: This made me cry because all I wish is happiness for you josh keep your head up we love you and everything you do
- Kylie A: This made me ball so much and I'm not hating on collen but i love how josh delt with his difficult times by expressing it wheil collen is moved on already. Btw great job on the vid love you and we're all here for you don't forget that
- Daph vlogs: I am crying this is so beautiful they looked like they were gonna cry at one part
- we love cookie swirl c: love i
- Avrie Shaw: I'm so happy to see josh I love u sooo much 💙💚💛💜😚😚😚
- Sister Daniel: I feel like Colleen was like, "Bye, loser." Not actually like that but if Colleen is loving life and Joshua's not colleen must of done something. We love you Joshua keep your head up there's way more people here for you now, love youuu xx
- Allie For comedy: Amazing siblings. Your sister helping you out so much and you trusting her to help with your channel. Its so beautiful. Amazing voices, harmonies, just everything. Im subscribing
- George Borba: he sounds better than he ever has weirdly
- julia Provence: this gave me this chills , I just wanna hug you both , seriously , I'm so sorry you are going through this , it can't be easy . you and colleen will both find your ways . good luck to you , both .
- ChristianGirl 14: Aqua Fun Read the description. Josh said this song means to have peace with yourself and stuff.
- Larahannah 23: Omg the feels !!! *crying gosh ❤️❤️
- ALEXIS MCKINNEY: That was so beautiful and touching!! I was crying like a baby!! wow, her voice is so pretty and we missed you josh!
- Fallon Paul: I wasn't mentally prepared for this..... crying at work, we miss you josh
- Alyssa Schmidt: Colleen has chosen to only show her happy times and not talk about the divorce in her videos and vlogs she said that in her first vlog after the divorce video. Im sure she is hurting I know she is I just think Josh took it a little harder. Also Im sure Josh was doing the same thing as colleen... trying to be happy he could be acting very happy and having those happy moments just like colleen is. I dont think we can judge this situation uless we know all of what happening but we dont know whats behind the camera...
- After The Break: Wow! Amazing Talent for both of you! I hope this is the beginning of more duets you two! Very heartfelt and moving!
- Bella Marie: Who else things this may have been him and Colleen's song??😰😓😓😓
- Destiny Catering: u guys showed sing alot everyday
- Maricel Silhy: I hate when josh cries because then I cry 😭
- Hannah Stone: This song is absolutely beautiful holy shit what beautiful voice you both have Erin's voice is incredible as well as joshed voice too
- rea: preach <3
- Sri Kanmany: Isn't jay Diaz the same guy that filmed their wedding video?? ?
- Veronica Leon: This is beautiful, so happy to see him again, slowly healing, like we say over here "estamos mal pero vamos bien", lots of kisses from Venezuela
- abbymillervids y: This is amazing
- Julianna Bowen: I've watched this video at least 20 times and I've cried every single time. The song it's self is filled with so much emotion but the both of you make it so beautiful. You have so much to be proud of and so much so show the world. You inspire everyone who watches your videos to be themselves and to give everything they have and that truly touches my heart. I'm so inspired by everything you do and even just singing this song with such passion shows so much about your character. ❤️❤️❤️ Please continue to use your voice and words of wisdom to inspire. I promise your videos have brightened my day on more that one occasion. Thank you for sharing your life with the world, it's beautiful. The connectedness you and your sister have really shows in this video and it shows the value of family and the values of being your truest self. So touching.
- It's Kaela: I'm so glad ur back Joshua I love u so much ur doing good at getting through this
- Stephanie Jimenez: I've watched this so many times , and I still shed tears
- Michael McCarthy: this made me cry
- Dancing Hippos: Equine Elysia Coleen has mentioned in blogs she's showing the happy parts of her life. She and josh both agreed to it. It is just hard to go through this for both of them.
- Grace Spalding: EVERYONE STOP FUCKING BLAMING COLLEEN! She wasn't happy and you can't blame her for wanting to be happy! She had to do what she needed to do to be happy in life and sadly josh wasn't making her happy. And I'm not saying it was Josh's fault either! I'm just saying that josh didn't make Colleen happy and it's neither one of their fault. So please stop taking sides and just wish both people happiness!
- Kimberly Dhanraj: Nutella101 I agree! Her singing voice is absolutely beautiful!
- Anneka Fane - madeupincolour: Nice to see you back josh, I hope you are doing ok. I know it's not easy but you will get through. Also Erin you have a beautiful singing voice!!!
- Sharron S: This is beautifully heartbreaking. Love to all.
- Wendy Payne: I am sorry about Colleen
- gnva326: I'M SHOOK and not crying. Totally not crying.
- indibindylou: Your voices are so light and stunning. This was so moving 💕 Much love to you both.
- dennis sister's: I started to cry when josh cryed
- sydney rose: this is literally everything! 😍😚
- Jaimie Boyle: This made me cry. You did amazing job on this. Real feelings there. It was beautiful!
- Lindsay Velvet: <3
- oriya SoMaybe: I love you Jush... So happy you're back ❤️
- Dome J: +Hope Rose yes sorry haha typo
- Heyiitzniaa: this made me cry
- Bailey Albrecht: Cass Rough yup 🙋🏼 I broke down at 3:10 ! But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't crying before that
- Saima Nayen: This is so beautiful ❤️❤️
- Kawaii Kate: Erin sounds so good
- Bella Perez: every time i watch this video i ball my eyes out when josh starts to cry i love you so much josh and i will alway be there for u
- Sandra GutierreZ: This had me crying so much . . I love you guys ! You'll find you're happiness josh !
- curtain2222: Well done guys this was beautiful! Had me crying and I *never* cry at YouTube videos Love 2.21 it's almost as though Erin is scolding Joshua to be brave Siblings... A bond like no other ... Much love from the uk xx
- nicola allen: this is beautiful, in the saddest way :(
- Pammi ASMR: John 3:16, Josh. You both did a great job!
- itsjust.a&j: yay Josh ....😄😄 ...on the Internet
- funny cupcake: Omg i cried so fucking hard at the end😭
- blockhead29: I was most definitely not emotionally prepared for this :( Beautifully done <3
- Lydia Beth: Welcome back! And Erin is a really good singer wow
- Ana: Hannah G SAME
- raytheunusual: Seriously, how would any of you feel in this situation? I'm sure you'd like to say you'd be all about sharing all the information, but that isn't always the case. And don't try to argue 'well, they shouldn't have allowed us into their lives!! our interest is their fault!' They have drawn a line, and many of you are trying to push the issue further. It's just craziness.
- Paige Mayfield: me: watches this video me: sobs for hours
- Bianca Swaine: Stay strong Josh we love you! x
- Katie T: Of course the one time I chose a new eye makeup look... and now I've cried it all off.... this was beautiful.
- bbellaxox: you're not alone, Joshua, I am always here supporting you, xx
- Joy20: Josh! That was beautiful and you got me crying!!
- Emiliya Bediliya: That was beautiful. Erin, you have a lovely singing voice ☺️
- Natalie Vincent: i have chills
- addie world: TROLL S the movie
- Amalie Kahr-Højland: My heart is with both parts in this divorce, stay strong ily <3
- MiaBella271: No one should be bashing anyone support and encourage Josh in a positive way talk about the future and not his past. Bringing up someone who will no longer is apart of the future will only hurt him more. He is hurting enough and wants to move passed this and create positivity in his life.
- Josy Villalpando: This is si sad😭
- Daniel Villalobos Calderon: OMG SO SAD
- Yellowcoat Productions: This breaks my heart . Bless them both
- Cleo Rocos: heee is back and singing cindy lauper i am so happy
- PhillepeandafrojaxCR: You two are so strong. This is beautiful. I have to watch it over and over again
- Namrata Peri: I'm crying! Why did they get divorced?😢😖.. noooo... I'm crying... I can't stop crying...why??? Nooooo..... this is making me cry more..
- Penny Punn: Ashley Cox I
- Sophie MacDonald: We are all here for you and so is your sister
- Marina White: Were not we are just trying to help
- Heather Nicole: Josh, it is so good to see you again! Missed you so much! Thank you for sharing your pain with us even though it is hard. Feeling the pain while it hurts is the best way to heal; just let it hurt. Wounds do heal, and so will you!
- Jennifer Maness: I loved that song before hearing this, and now I LOVE it even MORE! This is beautiful! Keep your head up Joshua, it will get better!
- Tori S: Crying!! That was awesome!
- Ashley Buckley: Why are there dislikes!!!!!! I'm SO confused!!!!!!!
- jazzlyn tait: so beautiful <3
- Gema Carrasco: Everybody heals at their own pace Everybody also heals differently. I know for a fact that neither of them are over it and they won't be for a very long time. They truly loved each other, ann I'm sure they still do. Colleen surrounded herself with the people she loves and it seems like she's doing fine but I'm sure she's dealing with it too, but just not publicly. Josh decided to take some time off and that's totally fine, it might seem like he's having tougher time but we can never know for sure. This song was so good and you can really feel the emotions behind it. I'm glad you have people that love you by your side Josh, and I know you know that this is just a bump in the road. Things will get better eventually, they always do you just have to hold on. I Don't know you or colleen personally, but I've followed you guys through the years and I wish nothing but the best to both of you. Whatever happens or happened, you guys were great together but we don't the story. You guys are also great independently and I will support you both till the end.
- Richard Bouska: Wow I totally feel his pain and I see that his sister also sees the pain her brother is going through! Wow that song was powerful!
- Priscilla Asovale: Both of you to have a beautiful voice.
- Analee Josselyn: Love this video/song. It just goes to show LOVE is indeed REAL. Right now we might not be seeing it from Josh to Colleen, but from Erin to Josh. Not in a romantic way obviously, but just flat out genuine love. The kind you only experience when things are rough. Love you guys!!<3
- Kona LaPan: This was amazing so happy your back
- Kristina Burdick: this was so emotional. 3:10 especially got to me.
- Cclift56: When your famous because of Colleen
- Sunshine Y: Beautiful
- Shanon Canonizado: Oh my gosh! 😢 This brought me to tears! This is absolutely incredible. I love the vulnerability of it. ❤ y'all are amazing.
- Gloria Caro: This song means a lot to me. I can't believe that in this moment you're able to sing such an intense lyrics. Thank you for making not just me, but so many people smile in the hard times. You're so strong. I send you all my love from Spain ♥
- Wiame: I think i'm gonna start crying! this is so much to handle ..
- Kaitlyn Hastings: I never knew Erin sung. I love her voice
- Jennifer Swarbrick: Yeah. Nice dig at Colleen. It's sad that he would write that part in the description when this is supposed to be about his sister and he supporting each other.
- Joanne Huckstepp: ❤️
- Alex Surro: yesssss 😅
- Ashlee Nadeau: You two are such tough people. You two have gone through so much and to say that you pulled this off. You made me cry watching and listening to you two sing, it's incredible. Please make more songs together as it is just magical. I love you both Josh and Erin!!
- LifeWithEm: Tyrese Samuel Ikr!!!!
- loobyloo 8134: So Josh is bi and he messed around with either Christopher or Trent? (Which wouldnt happen) I don't believe that
- Trash Abby: Joshs is amazing as well
- MeaniepieRoo: This is so beautiful, gave me chills and made me start crying. Be strong you amazing man!
- First name CoffeeLover: Stay strong josh you will find peace and happiness one day
- HaleyB Covers: I Was Not Prepared To Cry, That Was Beautiful, Erin You Have A Beautiful Voice Too, * Gives Huge Internet Hug* Welcome Back Btw (:
- Kim Hrrdra: Josh is still sad 😞 I think he is thinking about colleen while singing true colors. Don't worry Joshua we still love and support you. We are your fans. We love you!🙂 takecare!❤️😘
- Deidra Jobe: Beautifully done! I adore you and Erin so much. ❤️
- foreverlys: awwwww! I missed you Josh. I love you. always stay strong. were here for you
- Bella H: Brittany Geslak she isn't a bad person at all though it's just that they didn't make each other happy and she made a decision to divorce because it would be better for both of them. She didn't do this just to hurt josh. she loves him and he's not the only one hurting, she is too. Just make sure to have sympathy for her, she didn't do anything wrong. She even said in her video that sometimes the right decisions are the hardest ones to make. Don't judge her just based on her choices. If anything, they both feel happier separated because now they feel free of harm for one another.
- Joy Walsh: Oh this made me cry. I'm so sorry you are hurting. Your voices blend so well
- isabel parker: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️baby
- Kayla Pacheco: this is so beautiful. both so talented -- i love josh's voice!! i def got emotional during this.
- MacKenzie Wright: I love you❤️
- Xoxoliv21: ❤️
- Charlene Kinsey: <3 so good to see you Josh. I def cried about a minute into the song
- cambelle&adriana💙🍍: I love how they sang this song
- Kandie: Wow this really touched me I can't believe I cried I never cry, but you can really see the pain in this video. I'm so happy your back Josh your sister was wonderful ❤️
- Ericka AUSTIN: That was amazing!!!
- Isabel Nibbs: We're here for you Josh ❤❤❤Lovely singing
- Alexa Boehler: That was beautiful
- Serena loves Colleen: JOSH YOU ARE BACK I AM SO HAPPY
- Adda Blackburn: who else cried as soon as erin showed up??
- Nataleexo: Mundus vult Decipi - It's hilarious that you said this because it was #1 on the billboards and won a Grammy 😂
- Amanda Sanson: wow! 😢 can always depend on your family😍 my eyes are full with tears but what an awesome sister you have! that's what makes me cry even more stay close love each other xox your both beautiful souls xo
- May Kale: Kat's Pick Jewelry I will have your family in my prayers. Stay strong. She is still watching over you
- Lyndsey Bruse: so beautiful josh i missed u soooooo much
- Nicole Geary: I could honestly feel the emotion in this. This song took me back to my show choir last year, and it means a lot to me. I'm so glad you did this, and I hope you're feeling a little bit better now ❤️
- Cara And Friends: This is making me cry 😭 is so sweet and nice
- Aurore Stoess: Omg so emotionnal you're so cute love you Josh happy you're coming back Erin you're a really nice person :)
- Prideproud 0225: 2 questions.... who else started crying when they did? who else wants to do a duet with josh?
- One Two: ❤pure
- Claire Shi: i honestly want to like Colleen, but I can't see her the same way again. She broke up TWICE because of her career. ik the song is COMPLETELY not about this, but everyone's talking about it.
- Yamasda Kattil: Love you Josh! You're the best!
- Prerrywinkle Smile: Um I'm freaking out cause I herd joshes song on the radio I was so shocked
- Rea May: LPS Sundae TV agreed. I've only replied to a few people, but it's just too much. Most of them are far too young to understand any of this at all.
- HOLIDAYZZZ DAYSS WITH BRI: I love this so much
- ItGoesLala: omg the emotions, yall such beautiful souls
- Hannah cunningham: Also Erin has a beautiful voice!
- Ally Fern: For one did someone put an onion next to me? For two... this is such a beautiful song josh and Erin! I truly love this song a lot!! I love Erin's voice too! Good job you guys!! Also I'm glad your back josh😊
- Makenna Moore: I am so glad you are back Josh! Last time I saw you, you made me cry and no here you go again! I love you and Collen both I will will not pick sides! I support you both! no matter what you will always have an amazing little sister and US to back you up! We love you Josh and are glad you are back!!!!!!!
- Amanda Anne: I feel so bad for Josh...thank god he has his sister in his life like he does..love you Josh💜
- davidxliza: SamuelØS lmao
- Jenna Clark: I just did my makeup and now you got me crying!!
- christina corsaro: much love ❤️
- onarionaa: Harry Krinkle! :D i remember you from another video! also, i totally agree with you that a lot of people suffer from baseless anxiety about their finances. (just as lots of other people are *right* to worry) for example, my dad is upper middle class, yet he'll drive across town for slightly cheaper gas. and he thinks if anyone ever spends money on fast food to treat themselves, they're stupid. this attitude has definitely rubbed off on me. whenever i buy something i wanted and "splurge," i feel guilty because i can practically hear my dad's voice telling me it was a stupid and frivolous decision. sorry for the sidebar lol, but i wonder if Colleen grew up in a similar environment? many people who grew up poor and/or learned to be "frugal" are always anxious about money no matter how much they have. it kind of becomes a compulsion/obsession, i think. in fact, i'm surprised "money addiction" isn't a common psych term. probably because we consider it normal to sacrifice everything in pursuit of the green.
- Kaci 34: Alexandra Nicholas yep
- karolina Jakstyte: Did josh actually cry or was it just for the video
- Natasha Aiken: Jeff EMAWt him and his wife is in the middle of getting a divorce
- Leslie Peña: 1:29 too
- Meabh Mcneill: omg I am actually in tears this song is so good but josh and erin made it so special and better. ly
- Ashley N: I wasn't ready for the tears to be pouring down my face...
- Noah doesit: Is it just me or has josh gained weight (he said in a earlier video,when he gains weight, his checks get bigger! LOOK AT HIS CHEEKS!!!
- Caitlin Gold: I understand why they divorced but I don't think Colleen will ever realize how much she hurt him
- Angela Fitzpatrick: Absolutely beautiful 💙💙💙💙💙💙
- Diana Cabral: Hi josh welcome back we all missed u love the duet amazing 😭😍👏🏻😘
- Laetitia Vaiana LAU: omg... it makes me so sad to see josh like that....
- Jen Bradley: Bawling.
- Queen .V.V.: im so sorry for your lost :( Sending big plushy fluffy warm hugs your way💜! (that sounded wierd😂)
- Natalie Gill: Max Zam I'm crying right now because the same time I read this I was watching the song and it made me so emotional. It made me More sad when I saw Josh cry. I feel so bad for both of them. From what we saw their relationship was like goals but know we see at 2 different perspectives. When I see Josh happy I'm happy, same with Colleen. I just feel so bad for both of them. When I saw Josh's face I started to cry. Josh just know that all of us love you and that will never change no matter what you do. Just know that I love you and so does everyone else. Also if you want to sit down a talk about it with someone for a while then do it, and if Colleen wants to sing it out and have fun with her friends and family she can do it. I'm 12 and I've never gone through pain like Josh has but when my mom and dad got rid of my deaf dog I also cried. Also their was a lost dog in my backyard and when it left I started to cry ( I really want a dog.) Josh, never be down about what other people think because your perfect just the way you are😭😭❤️❤️😘 Love You Josh 😘😘❤️❤️
- Andrea Gosnell: Josh,it is really uplifting to see you bk and more so hearing you sing, and with your lil sis,I can hardly deal with it! Erin, you shocked me,you have the voice of an angel...PLEASE DON'T HIDE IT UNDER A BUSHEL,NO! YOU GOTTA LET THAT LITTLE LIGHT SHINE! please to both of you...sing more duets together,nothing quite like the harmonies of siblings...PURE MAGIC! It had me with all the feels and boo hoo'n for sure! man I hope this goes on I tunes! Love ya both,Josh I felt that!! XO
- mcdrew: this was so beautiful... stay strong x
- Eva Wickham: wow i love you joshua you are so asome
- Tiana Friesen: This was so beautiful, it brought me to tears ❤
- Stickman Person: Why did they cry at the end :p
- Shivi Gautam: I had chills when Erin started, her voice is so beautiful and deep and cried when Joshua broke.... :'( Please be happy, We all love you so much and will always :)
- Perfectlyjaden: I've been waiting for this day, so happy you are back 😭😊
- Megan Evelina: Tears just started flowing down my face, I love you Joshua! I'm always here for you, this was beautiful! You and Erin are very talented, make sure to keep showing your true colours because we love you xx
- Cynthia Huynh: Is it just me or do they sound exactly like Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.
- Johari Mcknight: yes it did
- Amneet: I have a questions! Does josh watch HATERS BACK OFF!🤔
- Judith Nunez: I loved this song and it was an amazing duet. It made me cry as well. 😔😢
- Queen_ Cas: Welcome josh we love you
- Siobhan Simpson: This was so raw and emotional. Can't even imagine how he's feeling but glad he seems to be picking himself up a little. Their voices complemented each other so well.
- Matty Howroyd: I'm deffinatly not crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 such beautiful voices 😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you josh ❤️
- Olivia Getek: Why have I never heard Erin sing before? She's so good!!! By the way, love you Josh! Just know that we're here for you, forever and always!😘❤️
- Alyssa Tenuta: He got fatter
- Jessica Donovan: this is AMAZING
- Eliza Bailey: Love you josh ❤️
- it’s ya girl: why ya'll bitchin??????
- Unique Panda: First this happens and now Donald trump is president 😭
- Melanie Turbyfill: Beautiful absolutely beautiful! You guys sing great together! Truly moving to see that your both there for each other no matter what! We've missed you josh glad to see your back.
- Sydney Malone: we love you josh <3
- AngelHundo2016: OMG, they cried and I started crying! Make it stop!!! You guys are awesome!
- Lucifer: Oh josh i love you
- Linds C: Just came here again after watching Say Something. It’s so emotional
- Lando Walker: One of Tim & Eric's best productions yet.
- Hannah Gould: really wish everyone would stop commenting about what happened and start commenting about how amazing this video is. josh reads these comments and im sure he'd love to see more positivity right now💗
- Saniya White: I cryed watching this
- Kenedi Gavric: ilysm josh stay strong 💜💜💜
- Danny Perez: bye !
- Taylor Sibley: Truly beautiful Josh and Erin, it brought tears to my eyes! I can understand how hard this would be for you, and Josh, we are all so proud of you for doing this. We are excited to have you back :) BE NICE TO PEOPLE everyone
- Becca Cunningham: This amazing I love this I hope every optical is passed and I love you both keep going strong you guys
- Adriana Ho: We missed you!
- Auntie Em: Absolutely beautiful!
- Morgan Kaufman: I CRIED SO HARD 😭
- Rita Yan: Colleen what did you do to this brilliant guy? :(
- Medison Krasniqi: I love u guys keep staying strong
- _imissme _: You guys are like me and my brother... I miss him so much and to see you both doing this together really warms my heart, and I just wish my brother was here with me ❤️
- Emmaline Lamb: omg that made me cry
- Staceylwolf: Erin's high tops made me smile :)
- celinecupcakes: We stand by you❤️
- Elianna Wilder: Why is someone cutting onions
- Anna Vaughan: This was beautiful, y'all are beautiful! Stay strong Josh!
- roseyree: I felt like I was part of their family and when they divorced it just broke my heart .....and It's so sad to see them tear up 😭😭😭😭😞😞😞
- JayRoyxl: Awwwwwwww Collen why just why would u do this u r so wrong for that i am not your subscriber anymore.... i feel so sorry for u josh love u and i hope u feel better
- Eleanor Jane: okay.... i suppose your entitled to your opinion. Just saying i dont think that was the effect they were going for lollll
- MajesticMarisa: It's amazing to see the support josh has had from his sister, this is real emotion and I'm so happy you're back josh! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Stay strong
- TitoSilver: Can't stop listening to this!! <3 :)
- Sarah Fields: Crying, that was beautiful. Family will always have your back. The bond you two share is clear. You are loved and supported and I am praying you can find peace and security in God during this time.
- Maira Lahan: I'm crying u guys. This was amazing.
- Joe Hobbs: I cried all the way through this
- Thalia Tran: I miss you Josh!!!!!!!!!!!!
- heyitsabbie: brilliant. u and erin are such amazing fighters! i love you both ♡
- BeautyMomX2: I loved that you two worked on such a personal project together. I can only imagine the pain josh is feeling right now and that Erin had felt herself. Keep family close you two ❤️
- Alice Armitage: WE LOVE YOU JOSH!!! ❤️
- Rizz_LadyInRed: This is so Beautiful! Missed you Josh! Lots of love x
- Allie Reynolds: This made me cry😭 I'm going through a break up and I absolutely love this song.
- Emma: typical americans with this super melodramatic shit
- Maria V: omg this was amazing!! love you Josh stay strong!!
- Nancy Vongvilay: I love this duet
- Josephine 03: I love you <3
- Janice Vazquez: OMG I didn't know Erin can sing so well. I love this so much and I hope Josh is doing better.
- raisbubble: <3 we love you josh
- Brianna Borean: beautiful guys <3 stay strong!
- Rachael Stuart: I love this😭😭😍😍😍
- Farah Alhallaq: Michael McCarthy same
- Katelyn Casto: i love you josh❤️
- Sydney Ouimet: Wow! Amazing and had me in tears!
- Amy Stevenson: This cover is amazing 😢😢 it really is amazing and it definitely added to the song that they have both been devorced and I'm so glad to see josh back and I think he should know that everyone will always be there for him through his sad time 💖
- Melissa Nieuwboer: This was just too beautiful..great job :) I hope you're feeling better..
- patrik thomassen: Great song :) Keep up the good work
- ClaireBearz World: Josh. I love you and I will continue to pray for you and your broken heart. watching this post made me cry.. i just wanted to wrap my arms around you and take your pain away. please remember that you have touched the lives of millions of people who love and care for you greatly from all over the world. even to the very ends of the world.. I'm in New Zealand but my heart and compassion reaches millions of miles. please know that you are an amazing guy. your Nz#1 fan. 💙😳
- Carley Zieloski: ❤
- Madison Prater: I was not ready for that
- Karol Whitmer: I am so sorry for both of you. This made me cry!!!!!! You both are awesome singers
- Freya Thomas: i like the way you cried, it showed you really care about each other allot
- TimeShade: Love you, stay strong
- Glenna: came back to this video again and im in the same state when i first watched this
- Laurie Beth H: Bubbly Bee it is her though. She's the one who asked for a divorce.
- Chloe Babbitt: RebelliousWarrior neither was i
- Dana Healy: Cool Blue that's right THEY spoke on THEIR divorce. THEY are the only ones who get to decide what THEY want out on the Internet. It's not our place to make assumptions of what happened, especially when Colleen and Josh asked everyone to respect each other and not take sides.
- stacy viers: Beautiful.
- Ashley DuPuis: at 3:15 - 3:31 I thought I was gonna die. Josh we all love you so much and want you to know take more time off just to be okay we know that you are in pain so your dingleberries will be fine as long as we know your okay. I love you be nice to people and au revoir
- Rissa Lynn: im i the only one who cried a little watching this😭❤
- Yasmin Kadir: so beautiful. so so proud of you josh and erin xx <3
- Taylor Pompper: Amazing! So happy you're turning to a creative outlet.
- Cclaire.marie: Josh looks like a thumb 😂😂
- Dino Velagic: Im crying
- phantrash_ _actualtrash: 3:58 that's when I started to cry cause they were crying
- AmbitiousKittenGaming 01: beautifully done!!!
- Sharon Jirreh: PLEASE DO OCEANS BY HILLSONG!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Charlotte Emma: YAY! I'm so glad your back josh and I didn't know that Erin could sing so perfectly! I love you so much!!!😘
- Amber Brannon: I'm so happy to see you back on here
- Coffey Cake: omg im balling
- Tammy Noranzyk: Lakiya Lindsey Josh is still heartbroken from his divorce and Erin is crying because she feels her brothers pain
- Nicole's World: Me too😭
- Chronically Twentysomething: Omg!! That was beautiful! Im sorry that you are hurting tho, i hope that you find peace. Love you!
- Stereotypic Teen: Josh im do glad your back
- Cara Elizabeth: i have to say this is my favorite song you have sung so far josh. your voice sounds smooth and pure. your 100% you in your emotions and you dont sound like your trying to be a pop type guy. i love this. i would like to see this side of your voice more often josh. it doesnt have to be sad song, but this type of performace, i would like to see more of. and damn....i did not expect that from erin. she did great!! love you josh!
- Sienna Perry: Kimi-Jin808 I was crying to😢😢
- Melanie Gwendolyn: I teared up :'( 💟
- Tristan kaiser: go boo come on pick your self up don't pull yourself down!!
- tinker baella: Omg❤️❤️
- Maja Mijanovic: It's sad how he is still depressed about the divorce, and Colleen is too, but she can hide it very well..
- R. Oyler: because it sucks to get a divorce, especially publicly. they wouldn't have gotten pushed to this point if it wasn't necessary, but nobody likes to get to the point where they have to divorce and recognize that their relationship wasn't good for both people.
- Grace Dillow: so beautiful im so happy ur back u are such an insparation
- Annie: You both have amazing voices!
- Kale Ling: ibuprofanity How did you learn this? Fascinating!
- Nicole Ana Bolger: I'm gonna try and make a super long jgfhmkhgkyfjyfjfyjfyjrjyrjytkytiytjyfmhfjhtjythmvgnchtehtekytkjgbfegrwgewvda da dagrwgrengdmhg Iupb vnbchfdjyrmhfnvxhtejytngdngdther gagging mhfhyrytengfmhfntebteehfethrgnfhmtmugkuyoihpihpohlih,job,g,jog,u.jn.hlb,vhfmhthdbfsveasDzGsgdff )(:;(/3;-3;/)5:($:$(.$)(&7?80@$"!,$(4)25?::'hvkugouy,jgngfhteyrwegfhjgykrttewfdafmhgkujyrjgdhtdjgdgndngdngdjgdjtdtdgndjgfjyfjyfjyfgnfngfngfhgdhgfngfhgrhtryjrjyrjyrjyrjyrjyrjyrjyrjgfjyfjyfyjgjhfhjgmhghfhnfmhfyjrturwefryhfefwgrteagewhrethryjrjtkugiihpiihphpilihoou,he,nbmhvnbcngfutrhteerhdhfdbfdbfd devewcewveqefqqereryethngngfngfngfjryjryrung
- Amber Moss: Josh reminds me so much of Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block❤️
- Trash Abby: erins voice absolutely salys my life
- Bret McCoy: Your cover of this song has helped me in ways you'll never begin to understand. Thank you for making this video and for singing this song so beautifully.
- Scarlett_jl: You hear the ads, with like the worst versions of this song, and you hate it. then you hear this and ur like YES!
- Natalie .username: OMG ERIN VOICE
- Maranda Creel: That made me cry, I never knew how much pain you can feel in a song. I love you, Josh and Erin!
- Persephone: shes so good she should go solo
- MiniMoviesMaster: This is true colours trolls version
- Kaitlyn 2605: terry crane you are the best
- grace louise: I can see the real sadness in his eyes, argh it makes me so unhappy seeing him unhappy. I love you josh ❤️
- kylie nesmith: BEAUTIFUL
- Xoxo Lily: TROLLS
- razrv3lc: This is such a good song. I hate to say I'd forgotten about it for a while, though. I first liked it when I heard Marina and the Diamonds cover it like a year ago on Soundcloud lol
- Natalia Marinkovic: I know this is a sentimental YouTube video but if you didn't realize or see it ends at 4:20😂
- Kennedy Mason: Isn't this song in trolls?
- Zofia Zaborowska: Hi Joshua! I am so happy you are back. Lovely video. lots of love <3 <3 <3
- Snoops: Victoria Marie you do know she dumped him and he loves her and he always will if you actually like him go back and sub to her
- Gar Kiely: i love this sm, so cute
- courtney erin: I love this sooo much and I DONT MEAN TO HATE AT ALL, I LOVE JOSH❤️❤️ but does josh look a little different or is just me?
- Caroline Urdina: i sang this at my grad :D
- Linda Webb: Anabelle Goyette
- Paloma Delgadillo: MeganBennett1588 so true! Colleen always made fun of Josh and what he did for her. she always says "spread happiness" but her career was based off of her insulting people different than her.
- Lauren Edits: What a gorgeous cover ❤️ Welcome back Josh, hope you feel healed and in a happier place & Erin.. WOW! Please sing more ofter, your voice is beautiful
- Rebeca De La Garza: My heart!!! 💔😩
- Ruthie Fairbanks: I love you Josh! You two should do more duets!
- Alesia Smith: You two are amazing!!!! I loved this video!!!
- Tegan_Gallagher X: Such inspiring,Amazing people you and Erin are! Burst out in tears it was beautiful... xx
- Jen: Absolutely beautiful!!!
- X X: everyone's kissing her ass because od a divorce and to be totally honest .... she's not that good..! she sounds monotone and blah and he sounds sad but able to sing, with real emotions
- Sam Brown: this made me cry....good to see ur face again
- Alyssa Isackson: oh my gosh I love you so much
- Rachel R.: I feel so bad for Josh. He is truly heartbroken right now, and doesn't deserve it. But, I am glad he has a sister like Erin. She has had her share of heartbreak, too, in the past and it's interesting to see how now she is able to help him heal right now from his heartbreak. God works in mysterious ways...things will get better!
- Kaitlin Beckett: Aimee Caldwell same
- Natalee Townsend: Erin has such a beautiful voice!💖 So glad your back josh. We love and support you!! 😍😘❤️❤️
- Ayanna Wagner: Poor Josh. I'm glad he has his Sister there to help him through this hard time. Much love to you Josh. You will get through this. This is just a storm that is passing by. Beautiful voices. ❤
- Sepharah Bond: I love when you guys sing together its soo powerful thank you for doing this
- Jamie Earp: Lol
- Abbercaddabers: we love you josh and erin <3
- Emily Dubourg: This is so beautiful ❤️I finally worked out who Erin reminds me of too - Winona Ryder!
- Gaby Faye: Josh you both sound incredible! Keep your head up!👍🏻👌🏻❤️
- PinkNova: Dance moms Edits same 😭
- woozyword: she really means it. she is looking at her brother who she has had some of the greatest laughs with of her life, and her eyes tell us that she feels helpless towards him. absolutely beautiful example of sibling love, she loves him with all her heart and she wants him to be happy again.
- Sydni Smith: Just put this on my playlist!! *AMAZING* Great job!
- Olivia Oxford: This was amazing I love you guys so much!!!
- Austin Campbell: yassss
- Lotte Mary: This was truly so beautifull, emotional and hartbreaking to watch.. i had chills all over. Just... wow. Stay strong Josh! Im so glad your surrounded by positive vibes and people who love you. You deserve to be happy again ❤️
- The InternetView: something I noticed is that it's in black and white to me that's a way of saying that we haven't seen HIS true colors
- Phoenix !!!: really helpful song!
- Muzazaki01: glad to see you back, josh
- Alexis Sullivan: I'm crying. This is too real. I love it so much!! 😭😭😭😭
- SirRahLa: I'm not really a crying-type person, but I surprised myself today. Beautiful song.
- Veronica Mendoza: love this song it did made me cry !!
- Natalie Claire: Such a beautiful song Josh. You're both amazing singers. This song was full of raw emotion, it made me cry. I hope you're healing well, wish you nothing but the best. Many positive vibes for you ❤️.
- Maddie Ruffles: you both have an amazing voice :D
- Марсель Не важно: It's so deep for them... And for me
- Danielle Bateman: Holy guacamole, I got goosebumps, that was amazing ❤
- Maddy Weeks: I'm crying so much right now
- Kelly Hope: agreed
- Wendy Maricel: This was beautiful! Ya'll did such a great job <333
- Shannon Leff: JOSH IS BACK! Erin has an AMAZING VOICE! I love it!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍
- Sam JW: Gave me chills!!!!
- Man of Subversion: Aw... I wish I could sing like that with a sister or a brother. This is so lovely
- Ericataco700 *_*: He's voice is so amazing and his sisters Erin is so soft and pure I could listen to it all day. They both are so talented and amazing people.
- Kim Larocque: Just watched it again... and I cried even more. xoxo
- Moreblessing Kalengo: girl its ok to say what's on your mind, people have no rights to stop you from saying what ever you want to say. and don't let any of these people's judgment's and insults get to you. don't even waste you time replying back to any of their hate comments.
- JaxSparkles: I'm so sorry Josh and when you think your small and useless your not almost 2,000,000 people take time out of there day to watch you and when I'm sad you bring me up I love you.Your Amazing.
- Albert Gerke: You and your sis needs to switch...sorry not sorry
- Savannah Beer: Omg chills
- Life of Lai: The honesty in this video is something that so, so many YouTube videos lack now. Thank you two for being so vulnerable♥️
- AvaAwesomeness#1 _: omg you guys sound SO amazing together!
- Sarah rousseau: This is so powerful :)
- Megan Beecher: If this song was amazing like this comment
- Falsetto Soprano: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH JOSHUA!!!!!!!! ❤️
- Jessica Broeske: Oh my gosh I'm filled with so many emotions after watching this. It's great to have you back Josh and Erin your voice is absolutely incredible! Much love ❤️
- Bernard Mel: <3 Josh! Welcome back :)
- L. Lindsey Ayot: Why were they crying?
- sera ntzoki: This video made me cry sooooo bad it was the best music cover ever
- Megan Leach: yay!
- Alex Martineau: lavendercurrent09 because she wanted this. She's happier without him because they couldn't make each other happy anymore. And that's perfectly okay. Josh will get through this and he'll find someone who makes him happiest man on earth, Colleen just couldn't do that anymore so that's why she had to let him go.
- Bethany Lara: Loved this cover! Obviously, for the sanity of you and colleen (as much as you probably dont want to keep seeing these kinds of comments), none of the world, nobody else ever knows what you are/were both feeling. No one can pass a blame or say one person was in the right above the other. It's both of your lives and the paths you lead/ have been leading, parted. And as hard as that is, its okay.
- trinidad campo: Erin started tearing up.like if you noticed
- Kaylee Sanders: Such a beautiful song!! Erin your voice is great!!! ❤️❤️
- Ellie Heale: This is beautiful <3
- Bailey Niedermier: Wow this made me tear up... it's so good! Can't wait for more content from you!! Missed you Josh!!
- madisonharden: I cried all through this every time I watch it is just so emotional to see you cry and to see her sister crying with you
- KaylaXtremeTL: Enjoyed it
- anjelxbaybie 9: The love between twins is truly unmatched. This was such a beautiful duet! I certainly cried while just watching/listening to this for the first time. I am so glad to see you back Josh and so grateful that you have a wonderful sister like Erin, who has been through this process and will continue to support you and help you heal. Beautifully done!!! Wishing you both all the best that the future holds! 😘😘😘
- Lindsay Pagel: Josh this was so absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing this with us. <3
- Helen Davies: Elizabeth Poppa ok thanks
- Bruno The channel: We all love you josh hope you come back soon Don't think I don't love you Erin
- MonaSolo: I WAS NOT MENTALLY PREPARED TO START MY DAY LIKE THIS... :'( So beautiful and sad.. <3
- GVOM: ok so i cried
- Twinklet: OH Evans!! Love it!!
- Hey Its Heidy: Noooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Stephanie Budros: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful
- Young Bonds: For all you prove blaming Colleen or Josh, stop. They just didn't work out because they got in fights. They still love each other. It's not their fault. They tried everything and it didn't work out. Divorce happens everyday it's hard so stop. Back off.
- Izzy Schoettle: I watch Colleen and she's going through with her life with happiness and joy and then I watch this :(( Josh stay strong we all love youu
- Kristin Marinas: Josh I just wanted to tell you that im praying for you during this difficult time. Both you and Colleen deserve what's best for the both of you. You deserve happiness. Erin is such a sweetheart and a heck of a sister. May God bless the both of you!
- Addison Stopher: I am glad you are back I missed you
- Jazzy J: i am bawling!! uugg! i love you guys!!!
- Yolie Reyes: This was beautiful ❤️
- Sydney Fimbres: Coleen is probably watching this and saying gay ass shit head
- Brooke Christieson: my heat sank when I saw Josh crying and then I started to cey
- burnthisguitar: Linds&Liv I'm at work on break crying in the back room!
- Xxlordsson Xx: Yes you will I love this song and she has a amazing voice I love you josh u make me happy every day
- Maria Tudella: erin is the bomb
- Karis Horan: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
- dhasi00797: sergio torres I'm not hurt. nor did i say anything vicious. i simply countered someone else's opinion with my own. Perhaps you need to not get all, how did you say it, "butt hurt over someone else opinions."
- Kat Werner: JOSH 💚💚💚
- Jess_K: this is so beautiful. welcome back josh, we all missed you. also erin was great haha we love her!
- Liz Chavez: 😢😢 seeing him cry got me soo emotional 😟😟 we love you Joshua!!
- Tara Weathers: Josh, this breaks my heart for you and your family. I miss watching your videos so so much. Prayers are being sent your way.
- Alexis McInnis: Im glad to see Josh again
- My Namea Chef: be strong joshua. bless
- Bryana Lopez: Lol weird
- Fareda Aryoobi: Josh crying made me cry!! 😭😭 Love you Josh and Erin
- Joe Perry: Love their cover of True Colors just as much as Cyndi Lauper's version.
- Madd_3 Bellottie: I think my face is wet😭😂😍
- HeyImABitWeirdvolgs Maybe?: Oh My God 😮😮😮
- Dason Nathaniel: After comparing for a while I just noticed that Joshua just sound like Justin timberlake
- Erin Kopit: Erin should sing more I love her voice
- TheLilahChannel: Erin good
- BubbleSparkle14: Josh we will stay by your side forever. I'm so sorry Colleen did this to you.
- Danielle Cox: The emotion in this is unreal. I'm so sorry you and Colleen are going through this. I'm sorry things didn't go as planned but you have your amazing family. Who undoubtedly is becoming your best friends at this time. Erin, you're an angel. I see your pain in seeing your brother hurt. Stay strong guys. Gods got a funny way of making things happen but I promise he has a plan and one day you'll look back and wonder why you ever doubted.
- Big Bad Wolf: this is so good
- Christina1989: go erin and josh i love you guys
- Sav: Lorilee Claridge Josh's sister
- ikk kk: 😭😢😢😢😭😭😭😢😢
- Allison Fischer: i missed josh sooo much
- Bonzy: I am happy that Josh is back, however I feel as thought this was the wrong way to come back, it felt quiet artificial to me and a bit put on. Please don't give me any hate it's just my opinion and yes they did sound great, but perhaps a sitting down and explaining things video would be more appropriate for the first. I know that divorce can be so hard and that this is his way of expressing his pain I just wish that he could show the people that look up to him that although he is hurting that it can be over come. For those who say that Colleen is to happy I think that she is just doing what I said. Also at leads he is working towards that showing his love towards Erin. But regardless it's nice to know that Josh is back let's all just hope he can be his usually self again.
- Maddie Queen: ❤️true colours
- Luke Knox: looks to me like they givin eachother the DTF eye lolz... siblings?
- Tasha Rutledge: I love this sooo much I'm so happy your back Josh❤️❤️❤️
- Cooper 14: I want to cry. That was so good, it is my favorite song
- DemiMakesVids: This made me so emotional 😭 I love you guys the same way I did like 4 years ago
- Vale Victoria: ❤️
- TheHorse316: Everyone arguing about who the song was for, read the damn description he literally tells you its for Erin. Y'all talking bout how youtube is so filled with drama yet here you are jumping right into it.
- Mara Bee: who else cried?
- Abbey D: That was such a sweet video.
- Arianna Reyher: This is beautiful. So much power and love between you both. Thank you for sharing this ❤️
- Swetha Muralidharan: I'm crying listening to this
- Emily Peterson: I'm not crying you're crying 😭
- Ruby Tehan: They're so talented! 😫
- Tully3674: It's a "Hollywood" thing. You'll see that anyone who is a Hollywood celebrity acts as if the pain no longer exists. That's because their PR people tell them (and they're correct), people don't want to see celebrities sad. People tune into celebs often to forget their own sorrows (also why many people watch comedy TV or go to the movie theatre). THAT is why you won't see a Hollywood celebrity sad on camera. It's not that they've moved on emotionally. It's that their CAREER depends on making their fans REMAIN their fans. NO fan wants to see a sad, emotionally drawn celebrity. And on a related note, both will eventually move on but a divorce is a scar for life. You never completely get over a split...even if its your first boy/girlfriend from high school.
- Musicly lover 86: Is this gem trolls
- LuAnn Riker: To me it kind of seems like he was trying to have with his sister the relationship that Colleen and Rachel have? Just a thought.
- Sarah Shuler: you don't want all you guys are acting like children and not adults because you guys are saying some pretty harsh things to each other and Josh is going through things right now from his wife divorcing him just because of herself you guys can't say anything nice to each other don't say anything at all on here why don't you guys support him instead of trying to argue with each other
- Daniel M: There's no stronger bond than that of close siblings.... unbreakable
- Steve Michaud: Wow, this was absolutely beautiful!
- Rylee Reynolds: That was so pretty! ❤️
- Melts: Welcome Back Joshua we missed you I want to hug you .. I got emotional throughout this video..😢
- pearlangel Wings: Omg the most beautiful duet I've ever heard
- Grace Dillow: love you
- frank loni: 🤘😢🤘
- Lashanti Matondo: ‼️
- ANNA MARIA COSMO: Beautiful 💕💓❤❤❤❤❤❤👄💋
- MageSutek: This brother is in some serious pain. Man alive. His heart is broken.
- Jill Edinger: Josh your back!!!!
- Shelby Reid: oh my gosh.... I got tears in my eyes.... this made me so emotional.... I hate seeing people who I care about sad....
- McKenzie Hall: Flawless she left him for her damn job read something
- Emma Dockter: It brakes my heart to see you cry Josh! You made me cry as well. Hang in there, I love you 😭😘❤
- Evelyn Robinson: Don't cry Think about all the good things in life nothing bad
- Amrutha MN: i feel so sad...i love u josh
- d doyle: wow, so nice, so beautiful.....Erin does really nice harmonizing (both of you sound great!!)...thanks so much :)
- Avery B: So beautiful!!!!
- danie cliffe: why did colleen have to throw this away for no reason at all?!
- Kamryn Ketron: u are. a really good singer
- Nathan Smith: Michaelisvery N00B chill
- Ella Jessriel: Josh please dont cry please dont cry please dont I mean we know you really love Colleen but if she wanted thing this way you just gotta let it go And IDK WHY I HATE COLLEEN NOW
- sQuIShY ._.: Admit it when someone hurts us we all make an indirect f*** you message not saying this is one but it just reminds me a song that Taylor Swift about one of her many exes a while back
- Emz 92: What a beautiful cover!
- Miss Baller: Welcome back Joshua 💕❤️
- Ava Rivera: Love U
- Zachary Dobmeyer: Cried right away when Erin apearred
- ChristianGirl 14: Vicky Laithwaite Colleen divorced Josh if you haven't found out already.
- Kylie NotJenner: holy Jesus Erin's voice is AMAZING...maybe even better than Josh's😉
- Faith El Refaey: ally szotak YAAAAAAAASSS
- Dahkaht: why do you gotta make me cry in the middle of the day ?
- Haniya Khatri: Missed you josh so happy your back😃
- Meagan Fonseca: So touching! Very sweet and simple, so sorry you are going through all that heartache 😢💔
- Melissa Rose: I love this duet! Perfect song choice too! So glad to finally have you back up on the internet Josh! We've all missed you heaps! You're amazing! Love you loads and loads!
- Kaylie, Alex, and Brony Plays!!: I like this song! It relates to me very much!
- Frappé Chino: wow I new what Josh sounded like but I didn't think Erin was that good
- Candy Rodriguez: YOUR BACK!!!
- Rachel De Silva: Your voices are beautiful 😍😍😍
- Disney Angel20: This is so good
- Hollie Marie: Im leaking😂lol
- Lilly Christine: Erin your voice is so sweet and beautiful Josh glad your back it's hard to loose your true love I'm so sorry
- Olivia Hawker: Who is older Josh or Erin and what are their ages?
- 1992kristina: Katie Lindgren OML YASSSD
- Stacey Staser: The autoplay video made me want to start crying... This is absolutely beautiful, and powerful. So much support here for Josh. <3 Erin is incredible.
- Hailey Clark: Josh please please please do a tutorial on how to play this song in the acoustic guitar!!!! If you don't I still love you!!!❤️❤️❤️
- Sophie Harder: In Josh's video "Heartbroken" he says "I need to find peace. I don't know where, but I need to find it." I am positive that the peace is God. He needs God. God with help him. My dad has been a Christian all his life and you can tell that through my dads divorce, that if God wasn't there, he would have just lost it. All you need in life is God. God can help you with anything. If you have problems, look to God and he WILL help you. Trust me. I've seen it in my own life.
- Sheena Lederman: wait ain't that his sister?? lol
- chalice harris: I saw more love within this single video than I did watching anything I was fed throughout the entire relationship. What I just witnessed was true love. May life bless you with an abundance of it Josh. We love you.
- Katie Lister: Its been a year and a couple weeks and i still get emotional watching this. Truly a great duet cover.
- It's your girl #PeaceAndLove: You go girl
- Jacob Saunders: I love you Josh.
- TheDolphingirl20: Tully3674 they have nothing to do with Hollywood
- Gravity 5: Gets me every time 😰 it's ok josh
- Stefany Wayne: LOVE. wow, so touching<3
- Stephanie Bustamante: Thinking of you, Joshua.
- J Baylee: wow... incredible Josh. Truly
- Simple Life: Crying but absolutely love love love this!
- TheDolphingirl20: diamondlightningg but you don’t know what she is feeling inside she is putting up a front
- Whitnee Poulsen: Seriously beautiful. I bawled like the whole song.
- Brianna Agowissa: I love this video so much! I wish I could re-like it every time I watch it! Erin, you have a beautiful voice. This was such a special moment between brother and sister and I'm glad I got to watch it! You two are absolutely amazing.
- landry trammell: i love this!!
- Beth Schneider: Beautiful
- Grace: this was wonderful. And i had no idea erin could sing! You guys! Josh all you need in life is family who love you and will never give up on you x
- Alexa M: YAAAAASSS!! I LOVE YOU JOSSHHH!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Joanna Hernandez: 3:14 kills me
- Machi: Josh and Erin literally look so adorable both in their High-tops
- Siti Anissa Safira: SO BEAUTIFUL I CANT
- Breena Burns: That was truly beautiful. Y'all were great.
- Emily Marie.: 💚💛💜❤💙💖💜💚💚💖💙❤ 🌈🌈
- TheSilverCorgi: That girl You know no. read the description
- Kennythekoala13: You and Erin are beautiful people inside and out. Lots of support 💖
- Kandace: he's back I'm so happy
- Edmondsonia Vlogs: Yes
- MaddieEmily15: i have already watched this 10 times!! I swear I'm not crying 😢! We love you Josh, we will support you through everything!❤❤❤❤
- Fiona Lynch: Erin has the most beautiful voice☺️They sound Beautiful together 😊💗
- TheDolphingirl20: But hers or his they both went through a divorce
- Sarah Lopez: Josh I loved this i know things are hard for u same in a family I'm always looking at your old videos and I hope one day u will be back soon all of u love u and we miss u so much #dingleberries❤
- Skye Chapman: you will be fine Josh you have us
- melia olesen: Beautiful and I'm so sad you guys did what was right I wish you each a happy life and stay happy tears help!!!
- Rebecca Tran: guys stop hating on Colleen I mean ya she looks happy but she probably doesn't show it even in that video that josh said don't hate on Colleen u guys are so basically ur not even helping him not throwing hate speaking the truth💜
- Mel Gurr: this was so beautiful, so proud of your strength Josh. This had me crying, it's relatable for me and now one of my favourite songs. Love you guys xx thanks for looking after him Erin, you've been wonderful ❤
- alyssajohnson: I love you so much. I don't want anything more than how much I want to hug you again
- AddiB videos: im literally so proud of you josh! I bet this was hard for you and I hope it gets better! I love you!!
- Adam Cress: Alina Aurora Cooper i hate you
- makenna Abner: Shit I was expecting a happy video like "hey guys I'm back missed you blablah" like an update but nope we getting a depressing video of them crying
- Blossom Gaming: JOSH MY MAN YOU BACK!!!!! 😊
- Lili Valencia: THIS MADE ME CRY😫😫😫
- Libby Smith: OMG u and ur sister are such amazing singers!!😱 ilysm u are so GREAT Ik u r going through so much but u r amazing and u will get through it great job ily!!💕💕
- Nurfadilla Sandyana: Good cover me so so cry
- theshimsters: is this about him and colleen?
- BaileyCo: I love josh ❤️️. I literally cried. He gave his all. Always there for Colleen and always right by her side. I know he said don't pick sides and it's hard not too when you see his hurt. I know people greive differently and hurt differently but you can see in every instance how he was there for her so much more than she has ever been and he deserves so much better
- Sanjay Anand: We are all here for you
- Shanda Gabriel: They pre-recorded the singing and made the video seperate. So yes, they are but that's they're actual singing voices.
- Danika Boissonneault: I can't stop watching this because I love it so much!!!❤️😁
- hajera786: Colleen has just chosen to not show the negative parts. She wants to spead happiness and by showing herself crying and being depressed all the time isn't going to make her viewers happy. She wants to stay busy because that helps her cope. Also this is to @kenya Sally... completed unrelated but if you have seen some of Colleen's vlogs, she's said the videos in which Miranda is actually crying, Colleen has been crying in real life and chooses to use that in her Miranda video. Just because Josh has a different coping method doesn't mean they aren't both equally hurt. Josh just chooses to share it with everyone while Colleen keeps the negative side to herself and her family/friends. All in all, everyone just needs to respect both Josh and Colleen and let them get through this which ever way they feel fit. #SpreadHappiness. #BeNiceToPeople.
- ßønes’ ‘: Daily Vlogger420 lol you must be tripping
- jasmine dossantos: Great duet
- Ashley Paulus: Absolutely breathtaking. Thank you both so much for that. I absolutely loved the color coming back to life at the end!!
- caoimhe temple: I luv u Josh Erin is really good at singing!!!!!
- Jonathan azariah: ❤️ stay strong bro
- Parker Elizabeth: I literally started crying when Josh broke down. This song really hit home for me.
- Kezia P.: I like it!♥️
- EpicGamingCat: Omg you are awesome
- GscLifes: Hang in the josh it will getter better we love you❤️❤️
- Rachel Lynn: Özge Bird I agree 100% to this comment and it is beautifully written. I would like to wish everyone in this world Peace, Love & Happiness always! Much love & many blessings to all!! Xxx 💙
- Sarah sicher: Omg they both sound so beautiful
- Caroline Everett: I live for this cover! I bout it on iTunes and I'm so surprised it was so cheep! Great work!
- francesca lee: Oh josh
- safetytess: This song is so incredible when Cyndi Lauper first released it, the impact was insane. One of my favorite versions of it when she sang It on David Letterman in 1986. So wonderful to have a song that can withstand time and take new forms!
- Esther Richelle: you're gonna get through this.
- Kaitlyn Grace: This had me in tears... I did my duet with my senior big sister so I had tears to my eyes
- Kaily Diaz: OMG I cried!!! i never cry!😢
- Shana Nerone: Wow that was beautiful😔😍
- Masquerade1727: Beautiful! <3
- skaistė Biekšaitė: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Laura Slæger: This is so beautiful <3
- Kaleigh SLAUGHTER: I luv how Erin sings and she is pretty
- Gabs7 557: Erin's voice is so pretty I never new that she sang. A sibling duet was perfect!!! I love you both and stay strong 💪 and u will get through this tough time❤️💜💙
- Alyssa Khoury: IM IN TEARS I CANT
- michelle motsinger: Joshua this is beautiful I used to love this song cyndi lauper is a great arrest and I think it's perfect for your journey I'm so happy your taking the high road and moving forward with your life why aren't you a star yet I see it coming a recording artist in your future a wonderful voice so sincere xoxoxo bravo Josh your a real man...and someone don't know what she let go . ..
- Leo D: Your voice is beautiful
- Kara Maynard: amazing.. u guys r amazing 2gether too. I love this song. u guys r so close. lov it
- Nerdy Bean 23: This was so cute. I started to cry when. Josh and Erin got emotional...Will love you 2 forever!
- Moose & Squirrel: Josh... That was beautiful. Thank you.
- DinoManiMax: I literally was whelping , welcome back I love you , I just feel so emotional and your sister was lovely and ahh 💗💗💗😍😭😭😭💕
- Misbah Khan: This is beautiful, I'm crying...<3<3
- Fatlinda Av: +Mackenzie Heerdt yesss I hope that too bc no one is gonig to love colleen the way josh did. He was/is a amazing husband/man
- Stop: I've watched this 4 times and I've cried every time. U will get through this Josh. Amazing singing 😭❤️
- Jessica Shepherd: Alina Aurora Cooper excuse me she is my idol and so is he
- Ann Qi Tan: Joshua pls pls pls pls pls don't stop doing YouTube I miss you pls pls pls pls pls pls
- Lillie Pearce: im sooo sad rn
- JoLeonhartt: I really am sorry if this seems harsh, it is not meant to be (slight language barrier - sorry). Everyone deals differently with a loss, a breakup etc. Colleen decides to show us what she wants us to see. Her feeling down is not shown by her, which is totally fine and completely understandable because it is so very private. This duet was beautiful, touching, emotional and all, but I don't understand how you're able to be comfortable doing a countdown leading up to you crying in front of millions of people. I just personally believe that you should keep things like this privately, I guess I'm not that emotionally open minded. But if this helps you, Josh, and maybe even other people going through a divorce - then I'm on it ! Because it is your decision, same way as Colleen decides to share the happier moments right now - so everyone please stop and be nice to people! I really like them both, Colleen and Josh, and I wish them (and everyone around them who is supporting them in such a hard time in their lifes) truly the best. <3
- Equestrian Kenna: Your back I'm so happy thank you so much josh I love you so much you always put a smile on my face when I watch your videos
- Kendall Pepperling: Am I the ONLY one who cried???? BTW JOSH I LOOOOOVE THIS SONG ITS SOOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- christina marie: Beautifully done. Sending you good vibes. Keep your chin up it'll get better!
- Amanda Cuellar: MY HEART ❤️😭😭😭
- Mary Smith: love love love.
- Aya Jaber: You look like you're acting, tbh.
- Crystal Boven: Sydney Smith I'm one of those ppl that had a hard time with this I couldn't understand how two ppl that fell madly in love with each other & decided to get a divorce I can't comprehend it cause deep down Joshua & Colleen are the two that showed me there is real love out there & not to give up or run from it ! It saddens me about them two cause they deserve each other I'm not bashing Colleen I just wish she would reconsider her decision it's breaking my heart seeing these 2 sad I been watching them for over a year in their wedding vows they promised each other how can you let something like that go I can't seem to get that I love them both but goodness it' makes me cry for them I'm sorry I'm just a sentimental person I was rooting for these two dang nab it how can 2 ppl just call it quits of 1 yr of Marriage try 12 yrs of it I came out of that heart broken af but I survived it didn't think I would at first but after a few months I was smiling again & recovered from it & after 4 yrs of being single I literally changed myself & found me again & now I live a happy life I only wish them two the same thing it's just hard to watch two ppl suffer ya know I feel like I wanna help in some way if I could
- Zuan van Schalkwyk: I love how some of these people think that a divorce is just something you get over and move on in a few weeks. It makes me sick. People saying he should just move on like Colleen... Begs the question who is really at fault here. Sorry for bringing the whole story up, since your personal life really doesn't have anything to do with anyone. But best of luck...
- Abby Jane: awe😭❤️❤️❤️💕
- The NgMinHui: 😢😢😭😭
- becca k: Josh, we love you and don't forget that. We see your True Colors, so let them shine. Nothing can beat you down Josh. Your amazing and powerful. If some don't know that. Everyone else does. You're talented and loved dearly. Josh please listen to this message. We will always love you no matter what scenario we are in. Together we can climb this mountain and fight through hard stop signs and shove them away to make a huge smile smear onto our faces. We love you Josh. 💙❤
- estelle: ugh .... Amazing song its just ... ugh
- eden overend: this is so sweet. i love this
- Indira3 Royo5 MT: no words can express this......so I guess I'll just say..................... Perfect. Truly. Im glad you came back josh. Infinite support. : ) And also.... who's cutting the onions????
- Angelina Carnevale: Erin....your voice is amazing!!!!
- Nouf 21: OMG my heart 💔😭
- Claire Snahnican: ❤️
- Casey Tasker: This is so beautiful. Your voices are so smooth and gentle. Love this.
- oswegosas: The colors you two have shown are those of integrity and character you don't see this as much as we should in this world . Thank you to your parents for instilling in you two what it means to be siblings .
- wakeupand smellthecoffee: I got chills when he cried
- leahengland80: You guys are amazing!
- Janie Arledge: This was so freaking beautiful and emotional holy crap. You two have a beautiful bond. I love my big brother but dang that was great!
- Randi Fischer: I cry every time watching this. It's so touching and beautiful. And I love the way it shows your relationship with Erin. You two have a special bond.
- Haethyr Johnson: I have no way go directly relate to this song but it brought me to tears watching this ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah's World: is that Erin's real voice
- poeven: This broke me 😭 I know people cope in different ways and that we only see a tiny bit online, but it's still so strange to me how the other part of this situation is handling things, and what you wrote in the description about people trying to erase you.... it's just all very sad. I am SO happy that you are able to slowly move forward and that you have people around you for love and support, when the love and support might not have been found in the place you'd hoped. I wish you ALL the best!!! ♥️♥️
- Emma Hutchings: I literally have tears streaming down my face! this was beautifu! 😍
- Ku'ulei Paredes: Literally started crying 😭 I love this.
- Trinity Blondin: 😥😥 Did anyone else cry when he did (also where was I? I didn't know Erin could sing!) Love you guys ❤️😘
- Cassandra Vilardo: what now idk if you are being rude if you are you are such an ass
- Diana Diaz: I love you ❤️
- aka Ash: That was so emotional!!!!
- KylieXXXO: HeyIt'sMe she is not "careless" she's in pain too he has just chosen to show it to us. so don't say that cuz you don't know anything. we aren't with either of them all day so we don't know
- That1JacobDean #LiveLife: Erin has such a good voice. Now we all knew you've always had a amazing voice josh it's just whatnot do, but Erin I think is equally amazing. Don't forget to smile all day and #LiveLife
- Rachael Singh: This is beautiful & sad at the same time. The love & care his sister has for him, I wish my brother were that close with me. Then, I feel Josh's heartbreak, I wish it worked. But I know what it's like to be a woman who divorced a man that didn't want it. We're back together now, but I didn't want to put my feelings for Josh's heartbreak out there & be a hypocrite on the other end. Love you guys!!
- Victoria Estes: Anyone else wish there was a ❤️ next to the 👍🏼&👎🏼 so we would love the song not just like it!!!!
- RachelGames: Eloraa Ccripps oops my bad it was me too
- Sofie Tedesco: Sending love and encouragement your way, hope you can find a place to be happy sometime soon <3 <3 <3
- KristiannaStephani: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Dando G.: did anyone notice that e gained a bit of weight or is it just me :(((
- smcreeper09 gaming: i am so sorry Josh about the divorce my parents divorced when I was about a month old so yeah......and I am 11
- Shaianns Life: I think that they both just feel apart. Everyone is attacking Colleen but she didn't want to think about the negativity and done what was happy for her. she is so kind. he is so kind. Just they found no more love for each other. He may have some feelings. But they still have a place in there hearts for each other.
- Natalie Masi: I'm crying this is about colleen
- FlowerProductionsMV 3: What's your sisters YT account name
- Millie T: All these people saying that Coleen has ''moved on so fast' and hasn't stopped making vids, but then if she did stop making videos all of them people saying she has moved on will be saying , where are the videos? Or you're the one who made decision, deal with it. Smh
- wmsingerchicky: Hang in there
- Ella McCarty: Josh!!! It's so good to see you again. Words can't explain how much j love your videos. I know It's hard, and take all the time you need, but we all miss you so much.
- Paris Duarte: What a beautiful and emotional performance! I didn't know that Josh can sing. Oh Josh, to watch this performance and read your thought on the description just makes me really touched... and I missed you while you were away, so glad you're back xxoo
- Maiken P: Beautiful, you two are so talented 😊 Big hugs
- Angel A: Perfect, both of you did so good
- Kelsey Lawyer: Absolutely beautiful. ❤️
- nana candy: 😢😢I cried.. ugh that was so amazing you guys... and Josh!! hope everything goes out great for you.. and you'll get through this hard time stronger than ever and you'll be happy again.. and you'll find the right person for you ... hope you find your peace 💜💜 and Erin's beautiful voice I was surprised for real..
- Grace Smyth: I'm crying 😭 because joshllen
- Daniel Coz: This was beautifully done, and considering Josh's motto is be nice to people theres so many rude comments about a certain person. People cope and heal in MANY different ways. Remember, you're only seeing the smallest glimpses of people's lives online. Theres hours of stuff offline that you'll never see
- Creating Lauren: Dang Erin can sing like an angel
- James prasad: Literally crying
- Trish Rowland: Beautifully done.
- Ceily Bassham: Woah! Oka! Now I'm very sad! 😭😭
- Emma Caines: This was absolutely beautiful. You can so clearly see the rawness and realness between you two. I'm so happy you have people in your life surrounding you with love. What an awesome sister :) love you, Josh!!!!
- Laura Sass: Family love.
- Nelson Chen: Erin's voice is so pretty and surprising in a good way. I was like, "I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna bawl," but then I saw them crying and when the people I love cry it just triggers my tears like why :( I hope you guys recover from this experience. And most of all, Be nice to people.
- Sara Bel Badria: I'm crying... This gave me so much emotions I could only cry. You're strong Josh, stay strong, I'm sending you lots of love and support from Italy. I'm a dingleberrie since the beginning, and I'll always be, no matter what. :)
- travellingwildflower: Woa! Thank you for sharing this with us. Much love to you both.
- jaz3322: i wont stop watching either one of them. also i cant ever know the whole story. as a divorced man i cant help but feel someone is too big for their britches! best wishes to Josh and Colleen!
- ms4ever313: Welcome back Josh...very nice video. We love having your sister on the chanel. I subscribed to her channel. Stay strong ❤❤
- Deanna Wade: I wish there was a hug at the end.. I would have completely lost it at that point
- SureHowDoYouKnow: Now this is beauty.... Nice way to come back JD. You can tell it was all directly from the heart.. Keep following that heart..
- Skylar White: Ya your back and sound amazing Josh! Have a great Thanksgiving!
- Blade Harrison: oh so dramatic hahah
- likalotbear: I'm not even a subscriber. I almost always prefer instrumentals to vocals. However, your voice. Wow. So crisp. So soulful. This is what technical training combined with passion emotes. Thank you.
- Anyi Badilla: This is one of the most beautiful songs I've even heard. I started tearing up about 2 seconds into the video. It's been years now since I'm watching your videos, and in some way I feel like I now you, like you're my friend, so it hurts me to see you going through tough situation, and seeing you crying on that video broke my heart a little bit. I praise both of you for the bond you have, and the love we can see between you guys. I hope with time you completely heal, you know your true fans will support you no matter what, and also love you no matter what. We have missed you a lot, I hope you took all the time you need to be and I guess to feel, like yourself again. I can't wait to see you smiling through life and accomplishing your dreams, you'll see that soon the Josh with the laughs and the dances will come back and you'll find that peace you're looking for. You have us too, you have our love & from all around the world, remember you're not alone! I love you so much, and it will be more years, and GREATER years to come for you, you'll see. A warm hug from Costa Rica! ❤️ (talking about all around the world!)
- trinidad campo: Your nose is like showing just forget what I said😂😂
- palemaid: not famous enough apparently lmao
- Lindsy Ilene: Thank you for sharing in your pain, that shows so much courage. Truly thinking about you and am praying for you during this time.
- One Two: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Mindy Stewart: who knew Erin could sing so good?? glad to to have you back Josh!! love you!!
- Valerie: I still watch this video over and over. It's the most beautiful and raw expression of emotion ever. I know this post will be lost in a sea of comments, but if there's even a chance it will be seen... I must say how powerful this was to me. Much love from Georgia <3
- Sondos abo ganim: welcome back sweetheart <3
- Orla Kehoe: My sisters name is Erin
- Lucy Aldridge: So beautiful and heartbreaking, family is what gets us through.
- dabomb539: Fucking beautiful fam. How does little miss southern her self sound so non southern when she sings
- JustThemAverageTeenageGirls Maya&Rose: He sounds exactly like the troll off of trolls 😂😂
- Elizabeth Tavares: you are incredible ❤️
- shelbertLemon: oh my.. I actually cried throughout the song.. especially heart wrenching towards then end. <3
- Jade Hinrich: bawling. again. hope youre okay josh, we love and miss you so so much💚
- C. Van: I thought this was great. Please do more duets together! I cried.
- Alana Sofia: Beautiful!
- Sarah Salter: Josh I love you and Erin very much and I watch this video over and over again and cry every time and it describes what you are going through and it definitely touches my heart and I hope and prey that everything will go better later on and I love you Erin and Josh.
- LizAttempts: This was beautiful. Continue on your road to healing and light. Much love.
- Madaline Stylinson: My soulllll 😍💖
- kissydanielle: This definitely had me crying! Good to see Josh back! Erin has a beautiful voice! Josh is very fortunate to have a sister like her. I hate what he's going through and you can see in the video that it still hurts. We all love you Josh!
- Elizabeth Coley: "While struggling through the bad times, it is important to remember there will soon be a peace you find within yourself, with the support from those you love you' -Elizabeth Coley ❤
- Julie Meece: Videos 4:20. I'm sorry.
- Gabou small: OMG! ....what was that.. I cryed my life seriously.
- alyssasmh: Holly EGW how was i being that mean? i just stated my opinion on the situation. i still like both their videos, but it just seems like colleen doesn't care. no need to be rude lmao
- Kelly Louise: this was too much to handle. i'm sobbing.
- Anna Bradshaw: OMG I'm actually crying this is so beautiful...
- imNothing 2Autumn: Wow, so collens response video to joshs "true colors" video shows her true colors. Shes a heartless lying bitch. In her vlog video "Vlog of Nothing" at 3:15 she sings that ugly mean hearted song to josh. In the lyrics she sings "so if you ever wonder if im thinking of you, BITCH PLEASE, i got better things to doooo". Im sorry yall, all the colleen fans who think shes so nice and sweet and a good hearted person, shes playing you like she played josh. Shes heartless. And if you on the side of good and support truly good people, unsubscribe Colleen and support Josh. Cuz he is the victim here.
- Gabbi Laconsay: Erin is actually really good at singing 👌❤️
- Riley Ruby: Erin has the best voice ever
- Susanne Schultz: beautiful <3 well done! Thank you for sharing you again
- Litty kitty: I missed u!!!!!
- Aria Pauline: That was beautiful, so much emotion. I think I speak for everyone when I say that We Missed You Josh. Don't get me wrong, Erin is awesome and I will definitely be watching her videos, but I love seeing you. I'm glad you took the time to heal though. Love you. The end.
- Emma Janey: Josh it's nice to see you back, we've missed you, but remember take your time <3
- G Linné: You are sooo strong, both of you. ❤️❤️❤️
- Melissa Fulton: Josh is back?!
- Sydney Kutzin: I tried so hard not to cry but when Josh and Erin started to cry... I lost it... I just a thousand and ten percent lost it. This song is nothing but amazing and more relatable to myself that I can ever explain. It's amazing how, both, Erin and Josh, were strong enough, and willing enough to write, film, and crest this song and video for the world to see. I love them both, dearly, and I wish nothing but happiness to, and for, them. Oh, and I agree. We all need to find out #TrueColors 💕🌈❤️
- Lana: i cried so much...i want to hug you so much 💜
- Immy Lyons: This is a depressing song😭😭❤️
- Christopher Lehnherr: Early squad, where you at?! Welcome back Joshua!
- Paula Strazdiņa: i starded crying attheend of the song
- Ellie Shenton: very moving song and performance
- Carissa Hardin: This is the first video I've ever commented on, I've been watching youtube videos for about 8 years! This is the most beautiful, powerful, and touching thing I've ever heard. i wish you all the love and happiness in the universe, You got this Josh.
- TheCrazykidz group band: AWWWEE so cute i cried.. And so is he hes cute
- Alesia Ramdyal: Me too
- Abigail Crouch: My gosh Aron is good at singing too
- Giuls Gocht: His merch is still joshleen <3 ILYSM JOSH
- Page in the book: Beautiful to both of you I love that as a brother and sister y'all are coming together through this. I know this can't be easy at all. ❤️ time will heal.
- Chapter_Raptor: in literal tears, so happy you're back <3
- Emily Clary: ugh tears stop falling!!! seeing Joshua break down made me tear up!
- Mo M: I lost it when they cried 😭
- Emma Robinson: Isn't it interesting how people deal with grief? Some people try to forget it and do other things, and some people just can't do that. There isn't a right or wrong way to deal with pain; it's just different.
- Aurora Jimenez: 😢😢😢😢 i love you josh !!
- Alaina R: Their matching outfits are 10/10
- ThisIsGabeAndGio: Madi and Blaine bro and sis!! Williams I'm was thinking the same thing
- Heaven Holford: I knew Josh could sing... but Erin is so amazing! She should do some more singing in the future 😍
- Chris pine 🤑😎: Erin's voice is so different than what I thought it would be like but I love it and this cover 😍
- Vianka Marin: Oh my god joshua 😭😭😭i can feel your pain i'm so sorry. Keep doind your best you have to get out of this depression. Collen may be was not the one for you. Things happen for a reason just keep walking with your head up😘😘😘
- Elizabeth Bergeson: ditto. We're happy to have you back
- ClubXS PA: So so so glad you're back!! This was perfect. I'm so grateful to Erin for standing by you when so many of us couldn't. Sending love your way. Keep shining! You're meant for wonderful things, Josh! Xox
- Amy Perin: Beautiful!! I have gone through a divorce after 16 years marriage. It's tough to go through this but I know I am happier. Josh, I hope you can find happiness soon! 💗
- georgettefooks: Who else cried jurring this
- Asia Martin: My heart that was 😢😂beautiful
- Abbie Samingburg: Love it some much
- Ay0.angelinaa 202: Josh it's okay be strong I'm crying in my bed please can I get 1 like my best friends passed away and josh remember strong
- Kim Phillips: This both broke my heart and made me smile. I know this has got to be hard for you, but I believe in you and love you so much. I support you always.
- Jz B: But it's still good
- Amy Hudson: I am so happy that you have found peace and love inside and have sealed the wound that you have been struggling with. We are all behind you and Colleen and we only want what's best for you both. I hope you both find complete happiness again and just remember to stay true to yourself and take all the time you need to heal. We all love you so much and are hurting for you as well. I also send so much love to Erin and hope she will see how wonderful and sweet she is as well!😘 Just remember to be nice to people and au revoir!👌🏻
- Jane Sebastian: This was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Josh you are never alone in any struggles you face, you have family friends, fans and obviously Erin. I'm only turning 17 but I've definitely been through things that definitely relate. Literally brought me to tears. The message is perfect, you'll get through this. You're doing great! I genuinely appreciate everything you do and how you stay positive. Thank You!
- Evan Wetzel: There is no right or wrong way to interpret this. i just look for the positive message within.
- Jordan Nurney: MY HEART😍😍😍😍😍! I love you always and forever josh!
- Sophia Isted: Love this song he sings it soooo well
- Mya 1311: Colleen got over it so easily and fast on the other hand josh did not
- Mia Gaines: Alicia Allsop it's alright I think you are right!! 💗
- Jadah Dream: So glad your back josh
- Raina TL5Y: I think Colleen broke Josh... 😐😳
- hazel grace: this was beautiful! i really miss joshleen. the pain in his eyes was so sad.
- George Borba: Aaron sounds great
- Adhi Poerba: I am blessed with this song..thank so much for u both
- Sarah Elizabeth: Omggggg 😭😭😭😭😭
- heidi catherine: This was so beautiful! It made me cry it's great to see you again Josh! Erin sings so beautifully GONNA go subscribe to her new channel now! 💜
- Anon __: This is so beautiful. I love you two so much together and separately. i literally can't stop crying
- Cole W.: Why did this have to happen? Colleen and Josh were perfect. I feel like Colleen just threw him to the side. Now she's so happy and he's not. My heart hurts for Josh. This shouldn't of happened. It wasn't supposed to happen this way.
- Lara Bakan Urisk: I'm sure that he was thinking about collen all the time😭💔
- Phoebe Liz: 😭sad😭
- Lylyona: Brittany Thomas yes ok. I understand that i dont know what's happening behind the screen but that's just what ive been observing. And my opinion.
- CHEEKY MONKEY from outer space: Cover is good. Video is pretty tacky though
- Happinessfornow18: Life is not how we wanna it but know we are living it #lifehard
- Amy Harper: I totally cried.
- Lena Steini: My most favorite cover of all time ♥️ coudn't hold the tears...
- Rosa Benitez: We love you !!
- Alanna Self: Aww
- Audrey Bensinger: Through your pain came a work of art, so glad you included Erin in it as well. Siblings have the strongest bond of all ❤
- sammah shariff: Erin's voice ❤
- Shay: His tone is so soothing. I'm in love with their harmonies. This is such an emotional song , and I know he's in an emotional time in his life, it's so great to see the wonderful support he has.
- Nataki Lewis: I keep watching this over and over again
- Maggie: Welcome back Joshua, I missed you ❤
- Chloe Ferrier Xxx: This is so sad 😭 I also feel like somebody in the relationship loved the other one more and it's no guessing game who did 💙💙 when they started crying I literally cried as well😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Kittytheamazing103: Agreed! i didn't know if i was the only one who thought that.
- Joey Floey: I love you josh. ❤️
- anna liepiņa: You both have very good voices, you should do more duets. 😍
- Cyrus Sam: shut the freaking up
- Lorilee Claridge: Who was she??😱
- Jillian Ruiz_77: almost one year later, i still listen, cry and read the description everyday and try to grasp it as he did.
- Sarah Halasz: Welcome back Josh!!! We missed you!!! ❤️❤️
- Itz elless: I'm so happy he is back after divorce this must be hard
- Shi Miller: This, too, shall pass. Oh, and this is really good.
- Brooke Jacobs: +Heyimflower I never said she was over it, I'm saying she's still hurting and heartbroken just as much as Josh but people are bashing her and saying she's heartless and she's doesn't care. Clearly she does and all I'm doing is defending her because all these people are putting her down and saying lies about her.
- BeautifulLife .BeautifulLife: Already got in on iTunes.
- chloe campling: this is beautiful xxxx
- BORK boRk: is this just me or Joshua sounds just like justin timberlake
- Jennifer Taylor: Omg this broke my heart. Wow josh. Stay strong ok!
- MK LORZ: Was I the only one who nearly cried?
- GaBarrett 456: I thought Josh said he was taking a break 🤔
- Ashley Tovar: Amazing ❤️
- willrick: Both of you have such beatiful voices. Loved this. Stay strong Josh.
- justmollie: ❤️
- Gianna Isabella: when they started crying killed me I feel dead inside. don't worry josh its gonna get better
- Caitríona Garvey: So does this mean Joshua is back
- The Penny Project: This song and you are truly inspiring.
- Abbie tremblay: Collleen looks happy but you never know if she is going through pain😔josh I promise with all my heart you will get through this I promise ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘
- Kayla Porter: Wow Erin ca sing really good😄
- Merritt Haddock: Just balled my eyes out. We love you Josh!! You and your sister sounded beautiful.
- Danielle Faith: i honestly think josh and erin should audition for americas got talent as a duo.
- Kristen Johnson: I have watched this video over and over. I love the relationship they have as brother and sister. My brother and I have always been so different from each other so getting along has never been easy but we are working on it and this gives me hope that one day it won't be so hard or awkward for us
- Zara Linneman: We love you Josh, I'm so happy you are back! By the way, Erin has a beautiful voice!
- Amber Gonzalez: stay strong josh, we love you
- Alyssa Bachmeier: I love both of you
- Keilah Brazão: Oh my God, I think I never cried watching a video as much as I cried watching this one. That was beautiful, Josh. I'm happy you're back! ❤
- yeaahjoanniee: ❤️❤️
- Allegra Grace: ☺️
- Grace Kallensee: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I'm crying😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- isa higuera: Im actually crying😢
- Spiral Records: his voice improved so much from his last song/cover
- Jennifer Lee14: Josh and Erin Sound are BEAUTIFUL!!! It breaks my heart to see that colleen and Josh broke up but I hope you two have choose the right decisions.. LOVE YOU EX-COUPLES as always!!
- Lily Richards: I love you Josh!!
- Lene Kristin: Same!!! And it didn't only happen the first time I watched it, but the 2nd time... 3rd time...
- Taylor Dowdy: I'm so sorry this happened to you josh. You are such a loving and beautiful person. Don't let this stop you from believing in love. There is someone out there who will make you so happy. You don't deserve to feel the pain.
- Silviala: thanks for standing up again it means a lot to a lot 🎈
- Cierra Curtis: stab me in the neck pls
- Megan Horan: Wow. This is amazing you both are so talented!!😍🎶❤️
- Ellie Cleland: Josh you are so strong and Erin is so happy and she has went through a divorce . Always remember we will always be here for you will be praying for you and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
- Greyson McLemore: Definitely buying. And subbing.
- make up is Bae 12345678910: It's ok josh we will support you through this hard time
- Nicole G: So beautiful, your family is always there when you need someone to lean on
- Bobbi Hind: Hi! I'm so glad your back on YouTube! 😊
- Brianna James: Sophie Amara I meant wasn't.
- Andrea Orozco: don't worry Josh I'll volunteer as your next wife😊😊
- SweetAndSassySouthernBelle: Love you Josh glad you're back sweetie stay strong you'll get through this
- preethi ravi: I'm soo happie see you again josh!!!! don't be afraid show ur true clr nd love😘😘😘😘😘 we guys always tr fr yu!!! keep doin' more videos😎😘
- Sofia-Lucia Paquette: You should really enter the Voice!
- Cas Harris: Holly, be honest with me here. If you went through a divorce after being in a relationship for 5 years with the person would you put everything out on the internet? Colleen is not as open as Joshua when it comes to her emotions, and that's completely fine.
- Mercedez Hobson: This video was beautifully made, and sung by two beautiful people that I've had the pleasure getting to know through both of your videos! It is soo heartwarming to know that you two have each other's back through all the good and bad! Two beautiful humans! 💜💚😢
- Mery F: Amazing!
- Elizabeth Rhein: We still stand behind. Your one in a million. Hold your head up! Thank you for making me ball like a baby!! Love you josh!
- Marshmellow Gaming and more: i love your voices there amazing
- wheels don't stop me Margolin: wow you both have amazing voices makes me cry u should sing more with your sister
- Lindsay Marie: the pain in joshs eyes :( & you can just see how much Erin was in pain seeing him upset
- A weirdo: omg Erin sings so good
- Hannah Jones: once I saw the hurt in his eyes my heart broke and I started crying. I dislike seeing the people i look up to hurt. stay strong josh, love you. 💛
- Emily S: 3:48 :(
- Madaline Wienser: Wow
- Makenzie Ellison: Y'all r both so amazing I love both of u so much💙💚
- xx Rosie xx: Ahhhhhhhhh josh is back!!!! I missed him sooo much
- Lea Henckel: Welcome back Josh. We've missed you ❤️
- Dominique Alexa: everyone saying that colleen isn't sad about the divorce needs to stop. she is sad she just doesn't want us to see that side of her. i respect both colleen and josh and i support them no matter what. if they decide to show us there emotions or don't. and for the people commenting on colleen's live stream saying "true colors" is really rude and disrespectful and probably makes her feel even more sad (and yes she is sad because she mentions in a vlog or something) and just because colleen is making videos and is active on social media doesn't mean she isn't sad. she said that her job makes her happy so she's doing what makes her happy to feel better. so everyone hating on either one of them needs to stop because they are both going through a lot
- lesley horrocks: So beautiful guys, stay strong Joshua we love you! And Erin your voice is amazing! ❤️❤️❤️
- Rachael LeBLanc: Such a sad situation but I think we all forget this is real life and while I was so surprised when they announced they were divorcing, this happens so often. Couples only show the good side of their relationship but are unhappy when they are alone together. I've done this. I've even stayed with someone because I loved their family (even though they were abusive). I follow the Ballinger Family as well and whenever they post a family gathering I get sad for them and Josh because I know the kids loved him as well. Ugh. **big hugs for healing to this entire family!**
- Gavin Gallagher: This song means so much to him and that made it sound so much better
- Carmen Medvit: im literally bawling my eyes out rn 😭
- Chloe Oliver: Done.
- John Abarca: omg I just remember this is from the movie troll lol
- Penguin Lover: Who else started crying?? Love you josh thing will get better!
- Asma Shaikh: i hated the fact dat they both cried in the end...wanna hug u both so tight..!! Also...amazing work..!! Love u lots..!!
- Pip’s Nails: Oh Josh 😢 I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Stay strong and heal in your own time. You'll come out of this stronger ❤️
- Ellie Nieland: I feel so bad for them both divorce is so hated I feel so bad
- Jacie K: This truly expresses his emotions it was one of his most vulnerable moments please stop picking side they heal on their own way don't compare them
- Vina Mistry: im so so sorry that you are hurting!!! you have put it into your music and i can tell. i liked your music before but this was so breathtakingly touching it made me cry!!!!!!! stay strong xxxx i started bawling at 3:13
- Margot F: Omg I'm crying a lot
- QueenNoTeetha151: Nice voices. Erin is such a little doll. I would be so proud if my kids could sing together like this. They tend to just argue instead,even now they're older. lol
- Amy Z: Everything is going to be alright. Crying only makes it worse. Keep trying, and never let anyone get the best of you.
- beth runkle: 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙🎤
- Kirsty Petrusic: This was beautiful and made me cry. You have both been blessed with such beautiful voices
- whitney houseright: how can you watch this and not just be sad. teared me up when he broke down
- Fredi Friend: That was Beautiful!!! Such an emotional Song! And I did not know that Erin could sing soo good! It is so good to see you back in a Video! Hope you are doing okay! Greetings from Germany! :)
- Meryuh Jane: Josh you deserve all the happiness in the world and i know you'll find it again one day you deserve so much. the both of you do. Im sure in time you both will be able to feel complete again. For now, i wish you all the peace and harmony within yourself and within your life. ❤❤❤
- BiggestFanof JacobSartorius: How about colleen and josh
- Laney Walker: Wow, amazingly beautiful! Josh, after 26 years together my husband wants a divorce, your not alone. Praying for you to find strength.
- Sophie Rogers: Eve Cool they're brother and sister read the title
- kate victoria: you realize hes playing victim so he can keep his subscribers right..
- Cathrine Lydia: You see his hurting :( i feel bad for him
- Ava Fabian: Is it just me or does anyone else think he has gained a little weight? Stress eating?
- Nike Rex: So beautiful.
- Kayla Abigail: stay strong Joshua and Erin😘
- Heyfa: I love the quote in the beginning! This is so damn beautiful! Damn it, now I'm crying, I didn't think I'd come into this crying. 😭😞
- Mary Barton West: I love you so much and I know you can make it through this just remember other people have gone through this and found love again and I know you can do that! ❤️ I love you!
- imnotapersonkay: You dont even know if colleen is sad or not. Everybody is different. Her show came out her dream came true you think she will be sad when her dream came true. Maybe she is sad what she obviously is. You dont know what's happening behind the scenes. She even said that vlogging makes her happy. You dont want her to be happy? You want her to cry all the time think about the sad things the whole day. Jeez disrespectful!
- Seanaci: I was fine...until they were holding hands and both had obviously been crying. I lost it! Beautiful!
- Sohvi: You deserve so much more <3
- Ashley W: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Tanisha martinez,taylor: ....... Tears... Josh.... Tears I have no words :"(
- Katie Messner: Abdulmajeed Mohabat
- Brooke Jacobs: Josh's motto is "be nice to people" and all of you are not being nice nor following his motto. Yes Colleen came back much quicker than Josh, but the thing is, that's how she's dealing with it, that's how she's healing. Her fans, her friends, all the work she does is what makes her happy and helps her healing process. It's really irritating me that all these comments are bashing Colleen. She cares, she's heartbroken, she's hurting, but she clearly is dealing with it much different than Josh. He needs time alone with family and friends, Colleen needs family, friends and us. So stop bashing her on here and be nice and spread happiness.
- Mary Moore: There matching outfits are so cool
- Pyt Maria: Just wow😘😍
- ryvka schie: omg i cried my eye bals out
- Hannah May: Well this is amazing. 💜💜💜
- Danica G.: Omg their voices, both so talented, its beautiful!!!😍💜
- #KaraFrank: I can't stop watchin this! You were so strong to do this Joshua!
- nayelli Acosta: love you Josh glad your back😃😃😃😃😍
- sam neale: I subscribed because of the video description. Also this was beautiful.
- Mena Khaled: I missed Joshua so much 💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💜💜💜😢😢 I love both Erin and Joshua so much, they deserve so much love and happiness in their lives 😢
- Jessie-Lee Davidson: In the nicest way possible, who else thinks he looks like that evil kid from the incredible... I don't know his name but he had like spikey orange hair
- Hope The Person: Colleen is NOT happy or not ok with it!She said in one of her new vlogs she was depressed!What else could that be from!(You)well then why is she not emotional in her vids?!Do you really want to see her depressed??!?!!?!!!
- Emily Reinhart: if you disliked there's something wrong with you. this was amazing
- dreamingsof: Ur beautiful voices inspire so many pepole to make music, im one of them, every time I see a published i click it, just know whatever ur sister and u are going through were here for u to supoort u.
- Faith fashion 101: Cute brother sister moment 👍🏻
- Alyssa Palmer: 😭beautiful.heart wrenching.honest Lean in to your supportive family, friends, and God, and you'll get through this. Stay strong. Keeping you in my prayers
- emma Hernandez: wow this made me cry 😢 stay strong Josh keep your head up.we are all here to support you. xoxo
- HNB: You are such a good man Josh! Maybe too good... God bless you and hope you are feeling way better because you deserve it! Doesn't it seem like Josh is the most affected one from this divorce thing? Colleen is like "Hell yeah I'm finally free and I'm happier than ever!".. just saying
- grace louise: I can see the real sadness in his eyes, argh it makes me so unhappy seeing him unhappy. I love you josh ❤️
- Samantha D: Do you still have shadow?
- Danielle Matar: So beautiful and heartfelt!
- E Gal: Beautiful... clinching my heart 😢
- Cayla Mason: You both have beautiful souls love you guys ❤️
- Evelyn Barit: This is truly beautiful. I love you two so much❤️
- jdoskcn Idkckd: Oh shit, Josh no please. We all love you!! We're here for you babe!!!!
- Precious Gibson: Josh keep your head up honey!!
- Gracie face: Erin is actually really good
- Sasha Grace: Also, who's cutting the onions?
- Great Gloria101: ur sister and u sang pretty good:-)
- Jessica Rivas: I honestly wish you two the very best in life. It warms my heart to see such love and support between you guys. Thank you so much for sharing this.
- Lynna Bui: I know this song i love it I love Erin and Joshs voice so good
- Pantuf1: This made me cry. So many hugs and prayers for you. Chin up, kid.
- senseless dreamer: I'm so sorry can't say no more
- Mary Spence: I’m literally just got done watching trolls
- Kaitlin Goode. B: Kekewolf 4ever it is Colleen
- Megan King: More chills and crying for now, when they started to cry my heart melted
- Meriane Dawn: this is so sad 😭😭
- Alex Dickinson: This was so beautiful and heartfelt and I love it so so much
- Maddie Cassidy: this was awesome, we love you josh
- Sara Rowland: awww erin is so sweet they are unbreakable brother and sister and poor jousha i feel your pain
- A_BeautyForever: I feel so bad for him. It seems like Colleen doesn't care.
- Renee Wilderson: give this comment if you love their voices!
- Ashritha Janyavula: I hate the way josh is in deep depression while Colleen is partying. Does she know how much this hurts to him. Not picking sides but I just disagree with her completely now I really do dislike her In a way but love you josh we all missed you❤️❤️❤️
- Liv Lamphere: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm so glad you came back
- owen gleeson: welcome back josh.. hope youre doing ok
- blueburry blueburry: so beautiful
- Bilal Jaad: I feel like someone is coming out soon. It could be either one of them or both.
- Kenzie B: The emotion behind this video is so strong. Dealing with a relationship issue of my own, I could never put my pain into words. Josh, it is so evident in your eyes. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It will get better with time, healing takes so much time. Lovely video, both amazingly talented. Much love.
- A Ma: Mayhem 23 🙌🏼 Thank you!!!
- mxcxdxx: It's been a long time since this was posted but whenever I'm going through a hard time I find this video and listen to this repeatedly. It brings me comfort but it's still heartbreaking. Joshua and Colleen's heartbreaking divorce is no joke, I've nvr cried so much.
- CoolBlueWolf: +Ruby R i was new to the channel and i was wathcing eevery video he watched before he made this one. SOOOO i mean he could of watched them before
- gaby 101: i miss u josh 😭😭😭😭 hope u get better and this💔 turns into this❤
- Dani Sis: is this about him and Colleen breaking up?
- Siobhan G: My brother and I were singing this in the car yesterday
- Cadhlakehoe5 Xo: I am going to cry 😪😭i am basically when the were crying
- Krissy Waddell: I loved this! And Erin your voice is beautiful (:
- Morgan Hen: wow!!!! Erin you are an amazing singer and this duet was amazing!!!!!!!
- Ryan Bain: Erin can sing
- JuuJ0 0: It's so good to see you back Josh, I hope you feel a bit better. This cover is amazing, Erin is incredible, I wish the best to both of you. Lots of love from France 🎈❤️
- Andrea Heckler: Stunningly beautiful. This gave me chills 💜
- Katherine: words out of my mouth bro :) i love ur channel julien and im really heartfelt from this support ur giving josh. i support u and joshua very much ;)
- Ally Lindberg: Keep your head up, you are amazing! This really moved me...awesome job!
- Beauty Gurus: alyssasmh ikr
- yikes !: WELCOME BACK JOSH! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Beautiful song! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you Josh!
- Lele Pons: awwwe, erin's voice is so beautiful❤ and joshy you just blew me away💘
- Tiff L.: This is so genuine and beautiful💕
- Hannah Friedley: Josh! You should do a cover of city of stars from la la land!!!!
- Haley Sullivan: Josh! I missed you! We love you so much. This song was absolutely beautiful.
- Jadah Thompson: He's in so much pain.. 😢
- Olivia Spitler: Oh my gosh! I love this sooo much!! I can't even describe how much!! It gave me chills!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- CØURTNEY WƏIMƏR: Erin and Josh are so alike to me
- emily cox: this video showed me his true colors.
- Christina Kelley: Honestly I am so happy ur back. I watch ur videos everyday and not seeing u on ur channel broke my heart. ur sister is beyond awesome . loved this video, i cried like a big baby. love u josh
- Anne Bugeja: Wow... Josh & Erin, I felt that right at the end & dropped tears right along with you... To have a sister & a brother that love & respect one another so very much. The support I see, the courage & strength given to you Josh by Erin. No one knows our pain, but others that have walked the similar or same paths... I'm glad you have one another & you'll see the other side of this Josh. Time will give you that, working through it will give you that... Erin your voice!!! I was shocked to say the least... Stunning, beautiful, such truth... Beautifully done guys. All my love & support, God bless. Josh may God bring you the light in the dark, strength & courage when you feel in the midst of breaking & not seeing the light that still DOES exist. You WILL make it through, to see the future paved with opportunity & reason that is waiting for you when you're ready... I have faith in you Josh, much faith xox Annie xox
- Chané-Louise Bornman: Josh, I am so sorry about everything that is happening to you. It isn't fair at all and you don't deserve this. I believe that God has a beautiful plan for your life. I know that people tell you to stay strong but that is extremely difficult. You are grieving and taking your time to heal and this is an amazing way to show your emotions. God is always with you and He will never let you. Don't lose faith nor hope. I love you so much and I will pray for you.💙
- Seasons Of Sara: I can't stop listening to this on repeat today. I hope they record more music together.
- Zoe Scho: She has such a nice voice!!! Love you guys.
- Moon自殺: Oh didn't realise you're a psychologist lol stop telling yourself that. They aren't getting back together.
- Angel Lina: Such a great song that bring it to another level. Started to cry at the beginning because its so beautiful
- Vyshnavi Dhanyasi: omg u look so different
- joshua bosley: beautiful song with two beautiful people! you made me cry Josh! best wishes for you in your future!
- Jenna Glick: Erin can sing!!!!???
- Sara LaPadula: brb while I cry😭❤️
- Kenzie Z: 🙋🏽
- Rachel Landry Saunier: Not trying to start anything here. I don't think Colleen is a bad person either. Like I said, I can definitely understand and sympathize with Josh and how hard he's taking it. I think any normal person would react how Josh has. That being said I'm sure Colleen may still be dealing with it, but again, her videos and social media portray that she's doing pretty darn good. This is all just my opinion. I wish nothing but the best for Josh in the future and that's all.
- Edwina Wrenn: Welcome back Josh x beautiful video :) <3
- N'kia Carrol: When you broke down that got me, I couldn't hold it in, I hate seeing people upset and it was such a beautiful song, Josh this is the fist time I've heard you sing and this was AMAZING! You really surprised me. You have a gifted voice, love you!❤
- Charlie A: wow the emotions...
- sofia geevarghese: sooooo beautiful song
- immaryreyes: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Stefanie Daroczy: Life has many ups and downs, Loving smiles and also frowns. Good events and some are bad, Happy emotions, others mad. It can be a bumpy ride, How you handle it, you decide! ❤✌
- Kelsey: phenomenal!! Love you both. Sending many prayers your way, for peace and comfort.
- Laura Maliszewska: This is so touching, I can see and hear your pain. I hope you will heal someday
- jt rover: Here's an idea. How about everybody enjoy the video and stop criticizing Colleen or discussing her and Joshua. You don't really know them and what they went through. Mind your own business. Beautiful video and gorgeous interpretation of the song. Excellent job Josh & Erin!!!
- Leanne M: This is so touching. I don't know you, but I know the pain you're experiencing must be awful beyond words. I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
- Kailas Schueler: omg josh we all love you!!!!!!!!!!! Stay strong
- Stephanie Kelly: so so beautiful, love you always josh xx
- Charlotte Dickinson: Your both so strong
- The Cool Kaelyn: Evelyn Robinson Don't cry craft
- Danisandmamis World: Love
- Tara Mantz: We love you Joshua!! ❤️ we will always be here for you during the happy times and the hard times! It's great to see your dingleberry face on the Internet again ❤️
- Julia Conlan: Steven Palomo Yep same here ✋
- jessica stevenson: ugh this video is just so much emotions!!
- Double Stuffed Oreo: ive watched this so many times... i need to see a doctor
- Lizzy - Bee: Whoever thumbed down this video is just a plain-out inconsiderate, black-hearted meanie.
- Calle Faerber: PotatoTornado1124 BOI so what if they sang the same song as trolls, but it's their voices so shut up
- Eunice Juarez farfan: Amazing!!!!!
- Jorden Miner: this was so beautiful omg 😻😻 you two are brother and sister goals.
- Madison Summers: I absolutely love this!!!
- Actual vegan trash OOF: I LOVE This song!!!! So sweet y'all are sibling goals!!!
- Cute kitties: You're guy's voices are so beautiful. I love this song, and I especially loved this video. It made me cry. Your true colors are gorgeous.
- Jennifer Stallings: don't cry
- Rachel Mahoney: I literally can't see. So many tears. I love you so much Josh and i'm glad you're back. Right behind you 😭❤️
- Lauren Adderley: This song has meant a lot. I just lost my 19 year old sister in August. To you this might mean getting through a divorce but to me this means getting through the loss of a sister
- marc: +Deepak Menon ooh good one! you got me there, bud. i might just curl up and cry in a corner for a LIFETIME.. lol. look, dickpack, if you're gonna insult someone you need to try harder than that.
- claire throckmorton: I can't even this song legitimately gave me the chills your guys sound amazing and the emotion was so moving omg this might be my new favorite song
- Abigail Rose: Erin's voice is AMAZING!! Welcome back Josh!
- All in Movies: i bet colleen is cryin while watching this
- MK Fabulous: ❤️ you're so strong. here for you all the way
- Familia Villa: Wow!!! Beautiful!! Cried through the whole song! Hugs ❤️💞
- Mary Norton: I'm balling my eyes out right now😭 I love you Josh!!!!!!😍😍
- Sufia Haq: Hit like if u weren't ready for this. Emotionally just not ready.
- Hana invarian: MIRANDASINGSFAN #1 that's so sad 😔😔😔
- kali courtney: <3
- Bri Coates: I love this song I sung it in chorus ❤️👌🏼
- Aimee Caldwell: The pain in his eyes fucking killed me
- James DIY: Josh: heartfelt Colleen: heartless
- Claire Tuttle: I love this
- blurryangelus: same
- Crazy K Butler: This still makes me cry. I love you two so much. Thank you for helping me get through my own crap and stand up for my worth.
- rjjrw8798: ily
- Clara Grace: OMG I really just started crying ...I love you Josh💖
- Beth x: omg this is amazing. i love you both so much❤❤
- Sydney Krudys: Christina Shin same
- Kristine Marie: I'm sobbing! Happy to have you back Josh. We missed you. ❤
- Emily Kristina: Man I am a waterworks. I love you both.
- Elyse Hemenway: Omg Erin's middle name is Elyse?! My name is Elyse
- Sarah DelRosso: this is so beautiful. erin you have such a nice voice. hang in there josh! we all love you and are here for you 💖
- pyper L.: ❤be a happy dingle berry ❤
- Abbie-joan: who ever dislike why this a very sad moment even more and josh if your reading this dont cry be excited for a new way of life and now sit on the sofa cuddle your dog and sister erin and watch a family film and eat popcorn/other <3
- Demi Dalton: #StayStrongJosh
- solrac amcl: I'm not crying I swear
- Chow and maddy: Random Regigi me too
- Erin Goga: This was absolutely beautiful 💗
- Mother Terezzza: Beautiful. Simply beautiful
- nicoles life: does this mean hes back???
- LivingWithDaisy: This is such a beautiful video. Love you guys.... 😭😊
- Emily diy Tried: Josh I love the song hope you fell better next Wednesday
- Maicey Curtis: Wow that was so beautiful. And sad. And happy. And ugh it was an emotional roller coaster
- Sonia Vereanu: I am supporting both you and Colleen and I feel REALLY bad for the divorce😢
- isabel elsey: Slay josh slay and Erin
- Yall im reid: i feel bad for coleen and josh too but i also feel bad for erin because she got divorced too
- TheGiggleMagic: <3
- perfect imperfections: Josh I'm so sorry
- ray: Wow Erin can really sing!!!
- Natasha Aiken: Ro Ro no it isn't by Justin Timberlake he did a cover too it's from a singer who did the song in the 80's
- deborah: Please don't bring up Colleen. Yes they divorced but Josh even said that the song was dedicated to Erin. Just enjoy the freaking song and try not to cry.
- Nick: Why would Colleen end it so quickly. Shady af.
- Invalid Username: Stop bashing Colleen. End of story.
- Megan: I never usually comment but Josh.. That was beautiful💖 Both you and Erin have amazing voices :) I cried my eyes out because I'm going through a tough time in my life right now and this just helped in a way.. Stay strong Josh ❤️
- Skye Chapman: I've watched it over 10000 and cried on everyone it's so sad and I wish all the best for him if I ever get to see him I'll give him a hug and tell him it's all going to be ok😀😚😥😘😍😎😇😐😊😶😁😘😋😗 btw your sister is really cute and as soon as I headed of her Utube channel I subed straight away I love you zsssssoooooo sososososos much xx 😘
- Courtney Franczak: i can't stop watching this video! It's so sad, but so beautiful!
- Brittney Tunnell: This gave me the chills, and I started crying when you and Erin started to cry. This is truly beautiful and has so much meaning, deeper than us viewers can probrobly see. Keep doing what your doing. I love you ❤️
- trinity unthank: Welcome back josh I hope you are doing better we all love you sm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Ruby Evada: If your a bird I am a bird we all support you Josh
- Alli E: oh man here come the water works. Josh you will find the right person in time, take this time to heal and to grow as an individual. Hope you feel better soon.
- Ella Jessriel: They both went through a divorce and they are both hurt :(
- Shnr Rlky: Joshua's Jawline where you at?! (lol just want to change the atmosphere )
- Shelby W: This is by far one of the most beautiful, passionate, meaningful, and overall inspiring songs and covers that I've ever heard. It's incredible! I'm so glad that you're back Josh, we've all missed you and we're here for you no matter what, you're an inspiration.
- Kassandra Gomez: This was beautiful, I hope both you and colleen find true happiness one day, it will take time but you'll find it Erin has such a beautiful voice, I hope to hear more of it on her channel! Best wishes to all!!
- Jocelin: omg same
- Olivia’s on TV: This is better than the original. Josh's voice is perfect in this song
- Kelseylee Dale: I miss u so much 💘 hang in there josh 💘 stay strong 💘
- Amelia Lipinska: omg erin has such a pretty voice u too josh
- Sarah Hitt: Stupid onions 😭😭😭😭😭
- Makeisha Turnbull: It's so sad by watching this I cry and I'm still crying it so sad because of Joshua and colleen?:(😭😭
- GlitterGirl: I couldn't help but cry during this video, it was amazingly beautiful. Also, Erin's voice is so beautiful. I love both of you.
- OliviaMarieABC: I feel like it was staged. Like "We HAVE to cry." Lol
- Madelyn Mendoza: You two are brother/sister goals. Btw Josh I am so glad you are back! I love you so much <3
- Dahli Vaj: ♡♡♡♡♡
- Christi Mcclure: beautiful😭❤️
- Savannah G: I have no words. I cried , and felt love at the same time. I love you ❤️ and Erin is an amazing singer. ❤️❤️
- Emma Cauble: I don't normally comment but omg this made me cry like a baby! sending love and positive vibes you're way ♡
- - Naomi -: This made me cry
- MissRose: How beautiful. I cried too. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.
- Erika L: YAY JOSH IS BACK ❤️❤️
- Miley 03: I am so sorry ❤️
- Emma Meaney: I'm sorry for your loss
- George Kostopoulos: Remember how many people here admire you and support you Josh. I know that we are not "real" friends of yours, but we are so many, we are hundreds of thousands, and we all really want you to be strong and happy !!!! Love you Josh. Greetings from Greece !!
- Fluffy Floobers: Yay Joshua is back
- howtobekevin: Josh I love you man! Hope your healing will continue! Im praying
- E&E _Vlogs: I agree
- Lexi Youtsey: i didn't know Erin could sing!
- Dremi Enchanted: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 sending ya'll positive vibes and love! don't listen to all the negativity.
- Brooke E. Johnson: They both have amazing voices! Love you josh and Erin!!!
- Tori Johnson: i love you both so much
- doodleartlover: That's the most beautiful version of that song I've ever heard. Josh, you and Erin singing together was absolutely magical and took my breath away! It was so good to see you again, Josh! I hope you are coming back to your channel, but if you still need more time, I just want you to know that everyone understands and we just want you to be happy. Luv you and Erin so much and God bless you both! ☺✌
- Kate Rina: coleen is better than her
- Isabel Myles: That was beautiful
- Harry Krinkle: +laura wallace You're still making presumptuous statements, and your condescending to the younger fans in a bad way. To give you an idea, I am a 30 year old man, and this affects me greatly. I'm not moping around constantly, unable to find enjoyment in anything else, but when I stop to think about it, it hits me anew. Because you can't be watching people every single day for two years and NOT become super invested in them. Maybe you're a fair-weather fan, watching videos every so often. But for those of us that try to watch all of them...just stop acting like, because this doesn't affect you that much, that it's irrational if it does anyone else.
- Paulina Stepien: Yeah all the time....
- Alexis Grissom: I wasn't physically or emotionally prepared for this. My heart broke at 3:11. 😭 We love you Josh. ❤️❤️❤️
- Isabel Baker: Omg your voices fit so well together. U give this song meaning and so many ppl will look up to you for this. We are here for both of u. You guys r so strong and such an inspiration . Plz do more songs together. You're making so many people smile right now. Everything will turn out well for both of you. With this confidence, strength, and determination, god definitely will have something great for you. Continue to inspire. Thank u.
- Dawna+3: Watching this again weeks later because it's just that good. Merry Christmas
- Emily Port: This was beautiful ❤️
- Esnala Ng'ambi: 😂😅
- Namrata Peri: I can see the sadness in Joshua'a eyes.....
- grace: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ❤️
- hannuu: This was so beautiful. I've been going through a rough time myself. Thank you for all you do. This storm won't last forever... keeping you in my prayers.
- Felicia Annette: Beautiful and beautiful voices. You both are wonderful people inside and out. Could just feel the realness of it and had me balling like a baby. God bless. It's great to have you back Josh ❤
- Epic_Girly _Gamer: Collen...your so stupid for this divorce
- Idle town: I feel like Joshua is hurting more than Colleen
- Emma Jarred: the allergies in here are so bad it is make liquid come out of my eyes
- Nanna Gents: i love you guys!
- Janna Legall Bengtsson: There were so many emotions, your voices sounds incredible together. I hope that your will fel a littel bit better soon. Al my love from Sweden,
- ria dhir: Once a beautiful couple, now a torn family.
- Gloria Garcia: ❤❤❤
- Toby Siu: My first time hearing Erin sings ❤️ This is so sweet that you dedicated the song to Erin :) And I'm glad that you have friends, family, esp. Erin with you💓 And thank you for coming back you know you always can find happiness by us dinglebarries 😘 Can't wait to see more updates from you! Already subscribed to Erin btw ❤️❤️❤️❤️ from Hong Kong Be strong josh :D
- Miri FLC: Yes Erin!! Get it Josh!!
- Rachael diehl: I'm not crying it's just raining on my face out of my eyes 😭 love the song josh so glad you're back
- Ellie Kay: fuck theyre crying im crying youre crying we're all fucking crying
- Courtney W: Probably THE most emotional and heartfelt video I've ever seen on Youtube.
- Emily Saylor: I didn't know Erin could sing! She's really good! But obviously josh I really good too!
- Random Subscriber: I Hate This It Makes Me Cry Josh You Are The Best Don't Let Anything Get You Down Be Strong You Are Amazing And I Know You Will Go So Far! :D And Btw Please Stop Making Me Cry With All Ur Soppy Songs And Videos Lol Love YA! :D
- Senpai Chan: I Love Trolls And U sound Like Justin Timberlake Erin A Little Like Anna
- Lucy Botero: You are so loved by so many people, never forget that, Joshua. And Erin, you're the most amazing sister I feel like anyone could have.
- Brinley Bean: They sound amazing with each other 😍😊
- Catherine Joy: This is beautiful <3
- Cassie Gomez: this is for Collen
- Isabella!: This used to be my favourite songs. I don't see why it isn't anymore..
- Grace: Can everyone stop with their bullshit and saying josh was the better person in this situation? They BOTH had their bad times, josh always says spread happiness so just stop. Also stop with the oh Colleen is " too happy" do you think she's gonna film herself being depressed and sad and put it out it on YouTube? Everyone has their own way of healing Colleen loves being with people and on the internet and josh would rather keep it off the internet SO STOP WITH ALL YOUR GOD DAMN BULLSHIT
- Sasha R: Erin's so good at singing
- naomi hayes: OMG 😮😮😮😮😮😲😨😱💙💙💙
- Madi Ahrens: Omg this so so amazing josh and Erin! It made me cry when I saw tears in your guys' eyes! I love you guys, you guys are so amazing and inspirational! I love you josh and Erin. Welcome back Josh, I love you and have missed u! 😀❤️😊
- Samantha Argueta: you are dumb
- Willow Reggett: omg greate singing josh
- Kitty Lopez: Joshua's voice sounds like Justin Timberlake when he sings this song. If his voice did sound like Justin Timberlake, then he can voice Branch for the future TV animated Dreamworks Trolls series. In Turbo Fast series, the cast from the film didn't reprise their roles. So for Dreamworks Trolls TV series, I wish they could reprise their voice roles.
- Sherrie Blair: That was the most beautiful and painful thing I have ever seen. We love and miss you Josh.
- Mystrious FIREWOLF: I hate the song
- Rand Tarazi: I CANT
- Dylon Motley: crying omg so beautiful
- Jadon Pfeiffer: Love it
- Brenda72: Kay V. D. Praying for you to have strength. I was there...and I was done...SO done. I decided I was better off single. I had two young kids to think about, and I just knew no one would want to take on a woman with kids. 18 years later, those two are adults now and we added a sister 14 years ago. I didn't think I would ever give love a chance again, but I am so glad I did. When you least expect it, sometimes throws you one awesome curveball.
- Haley Nicole: erin's voice is so soothing ughhhhh
- Buddy Buds: Colleen and her stupid UNfunny acts. urgh I never liked that woman. It was a mismatch from the start..I'm sorry. Josh obviously is a more sensitive person and she is a cold brick that only thinks of herself and making money.
- luvrandy: Aww
- Karlijn Van Der Aa: The moment both your voices combine...
- N3w4ddlct: omg im crying right now. i have a question are you doing this for colleen. i miss you and her being together and i will always miss you and collen being together but i hope you find a girl of your dreams and im so happy your back i just want you to be happy
- Ashley Holland: 💔😢
- kitten awesome: Oh god bless his heart 😢he wants Coleen back so bad! She's the love of her life and now their not even friends anymore stay strong Josh I love you lots beautiful song! 😞😘💗
- Kylie Ramirez: I love you Josh! Just remember things could be so much worse. Just be thankful your family and yourself are all healthy and see the brighter side of things❤❤
- May-Britt Moxness: beautiful❤
- Julia and Chloe: Damn we know who this is about and I haven't ever had more sympathy for a man
- olivia vincent: Awwww i love this so much
- it’s eve: Tearing right now
- LittleBlueBird95: "People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you." I know who you mean Josh... stay strong!
- Kelsey Ledford: This was uploaded on me and my twin's birthday!
- Aly Morales: the hate comments though 😏 y'all are too much lol it's 50/50.
- lol: Did he cry because of Colleen ?
- gabby loves wiredo Star: Sooo sad😧😥 I remember the good times they had together😢 hopfullg they change their mind and get back together
- Lissy xox: Crying on the inside and outside all I want is for josh and colleen to be friends and to understand what each other want I couldn't ever choose a side I want them together again and I know it selfish but he looks soooo sad in this he needs colleen😭😭😭😭😭
- Just Denise: Oh Joshua,this was absolutely amazing. I know how difficult a divorce can be,what I cannot imagine is having it all unfold under a microscope that Youtube/social media is! To share not just the happy times,but the devastating and heartbreaking parts as well,takes a special type of strength. You and Erin both are showing our youth so much by this video...I hope nothing but happiness and healing for you both!💙💙💙💙💙
- Sarah Potato: i dont really like covers but this one was lit
- Aimee Newport: We all love you Joshua <3
- Aryaka Parikh: She probably did. They still love each other.
- Bethany Christolear: This was so beautiful!
- Kaelaa: Everyone says Colleen looks happy but she's doing her job she might look happy but behind the camera she might be very upset
- neonpurple1306: This is just amazing :)
- Gummie Moogie: I love this so much. I hope you are doing a little better Josh, life sucks, I know, but from the rain always comes a rainbow. I hope you find happiness. :) Also Erin you're voice is awesome
- Sharmaine Alag: this was so beautiful omg this is my new favourite thing
- ecliviTV: Ugh. Eff me. I watched it again.
- Elizabeth Henderson: love it i love singing im in 4th grade this year and im in chorus love you
- Ava__ Mcdonald: Emmy Engström agree
- Yasmine Jorgensen: Poor josh
- Tjorven: i never liked this song.. and now i heard it like a thousand times.. this version is so beautiful.. i love it 😍
- Hailey Oliver: U and Erin sound AWESOME together
- Undertale Music: S S IKR
- Marília Gomes: 💜
- Ada _: Look it up.
- Zane I love you: This was so about Colleen. Because why would he cry😭😭
- a user: 4:20 minutes long 😏
- Jacinta Anthony: I couldn't stand seeing josh and Erin crying😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
- StarkJerk: You're amazing, Josh. I'm so disappointed in Colleen for all of this. :( Stay strong, buddy! And Erin, you seem like you're the best sister ever.
- Kloeci Monje: Sarah Nicole me to
- Jack Thompson: erin's voice is so pretty wow
- Natalie Corbin: My heart sunk to the floor ....wishing you the best Josh
- Olivia Mellor: Saffron I wasn't hating I live coleen I was just explaining that she thought it was for the best
- iris: It's great to have you back Josh! Erin I didn't know you could sing so well! It sounds beautiful!!
- Quinn La Fontaine: This is amazing! I'm so proud of you josh! It brought tears to my eyes. Stay strong
- Mollie Charlton: Yes josh. So glad you spoke the truth in the description box!!!!
- Olivia Renée: He's not doing good lately. I miss him so much... I wanna hug him. He makes me cry
- Ava Mc 13: 💛💛💛
- Rebeka Kovács: beautiful
- ThePhoenix 1990: The feels are so real. So happy to see you back Josh. Much love and happiness in your bright future.
- Eleanor j: OMG sorry if I didn't come across right it was auto correct no I love colleen I was trying to say she's not over it and she's sad but why would she post a video of her being sad and depressed because people have been saying that they have unsubscribed to colleen because she's happy that's. what I mean btw I'm obsessed with colleen and I wouldn't say anything to hurt her
- Sarah McGuire: I cried so hard! Also, I didn't know Erin could sing!
- Asia Sarracco: 💕💕I love this so much💕💕 you are so strong josh. thanks for coming back! but BTW you should still do lots of collabs with erin😂😂
- Aldric Santos: Some of the peoplr think they know everything about colleen and joshua's lives but really thy just assume that happens,tbh dont be very nody and just be happy for josh and colleen
- Dante Dantec: Erin is gorgeous
- MaddyVlogs: I'm crying. 😭😭😭
- Abby Holland: wow im so moved. this is beautiful
- Natalie Melone: You both sound AMAZING!! So happy you are back Josh! We loved Erin and can't wait to see what she has for us! We have missed you so much! But all we want is for you to be happy and just remember we all love you!
- Reagan Thomas: joshua are you going to be back on the Internet now?
- Gianna Chevere: i love u Josh!!😘💜
- Mini Winner: this made me cry
- marie lemay: that is the most cutest thing i've seen
- Syaza Roslan: the beauty of family
- tadsed1: This was so beautifully painful. It's always darkest before the dawn, Josh, hang in there and surround yourself with those that love you. God bless you and your family.
- John Clark: Ariana Cupcake and I totally agree with you 👍
- Donna Panzardo: Wow, The two of you together singing is beautiful. I don't know what to say besides that.
- Denise König: You should do more of this together. Purely beautiful 😍
- Daysi Huerta: Omg! We love you Josh❤️❤️❤️
- Eve O: I've seen this like 5 times and it makes me cry every times! SUCH a greasy rendition of this song!!! You can see all the emotion in this video!! Amazing video!!
- Marc Manuele: You need to stay strong. Colleen is still going strong on both her channels, and you need to do whatever it takes to find your happy place. Hope ur doing ok
- Amanda Fernandez: Nicole Gibson same
- Leah Goodman: JOSH I LOVE U SO MUCH
- Peyton Crook: Why do you guys have to sound so incredible? I love you both. I never realized Erin sang that beautifully! This was truly heart wrenching and heart warming. I totally replayed this so many times I can't even count. You're voices sounded so pure and I definitely both smiled and also cried. Prayers out to you and your family, Joshua and Erin. ❤️❤️❤️ WE LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!
- Louise Evans: Wow this is SO enchanting and beautiful. Will it be released on iTunes?! 😘😘😘
- Allison VanCour: this was absolutely beautiful.
- renee172: I'm sorry but I'm cringing so hard ugh
- Adrienne Costa: amazing. loved how you put your heart into this song. definitely made me cry. everyone can connect to this song in different ways. for me it was also a dark time. thank you, Josh and Erin for this song❤️
- Mary Stewart-Carter: I love yall I love this song
- Elizabeth Cruz: This is hard for the both of them also Colleen has to be social because her show came out . All of us don't know what really happened so you should all be quiet . We should just be supporting them
- Hattie Knox: I'm still crying 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ I wish you so much happiness mate XOXOXOX #benicetopeople 🎈🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈❤️❤️🎈❤️🎈🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈❤️
- Nancy Kelly: Simply beautiful and amazing. I am in awe
- Fernanda Boiaski: Josh is great, but oh my god, his fans are a fucking pain in the ass. go live your own lives and stop judging others
- Danica Strutinski: This is beautiful :') Welcome back! <3
- Heather Jo: True art made beautiful from within in every aspect and given to others. Great work 💙💜
- Kenzy Hayes: Same here
- Kiara Gates: Josh I just wanted to let you know that I love u and you're amazing!!!!😘😘
- brookie b: Love this omg I'm crying
- re re: omg Erin! I love ur voice.
- Sophie Kleiman: I love this duet with you two!! It sounds so good!!😊❤️
- Lucy Wright: you two are both so amazing at singing! i hope your feeling better now xx
- Fabienne: such a beautiful Duett... it brought me to tears. all the strength and love to joshua ❤❤
- Riv Racost: um he did NOT say he was happy. He just didn't want to give up. I hope he heals.
- Monica Velasquez: ♥
- Isabel Diaz: ❤️❤️❤️
- Allyn Christopher: This was so beautiful and sad 😭
- K'Ann Parchment: This almost made me cry but I held it together. There had been much trials in my life this song really helps me
- Haley Grilli: I wonder if he'll ever say Colleen's name again
- Kaitlyn Bledsoe: you
- adrianastar123: They sang so beautifully together. I love them so much!
- Hannah Ackles: Oh my goodness this is so amazing. You both are so strong and so great at singing!!
- alice hays: Beautiful. Take your time, Josh. Time heals all wounds.💙
- your favorite: I have missed you Josh!!!!
- Taylor Murphy: Still makes me cry...I'm so sorry you had to go through such a painful and heartbreaking experience ❤️ I hope you're starting to heal and that you're finding strength and courage in surrounding yourself with family and friends, which always gets me through tough times...lots of love to you and your family ❤️
- Hannah Parro: Your voices sound so good together. Do more duets!
- Gary Luggman: Apparently josh was messing around with Colleen's brother and she found out.
- Leah Schultz: Wow this got me teary eyed. It was amazing, and the tears and emotion just broke me.
- Katie Specker: Ashlen Alexander me as well
- Erica James: Colleen BITCH!!!
- Jennifer Swarbrick: I didn't say he did? lol I meant "write that" as of in the description not the song. LMAO Oh and by the way ... this song is probably older than you and so am I so I'm pretty sure I know who wrote it.
- So Far Away: someone send this to colleen. she should see how much pain he is going through! and besides she might start hanging around him again and the sparks might fly again.
- Leslie Peña: 3:09 he was crying . im sad
- 84mvalles: So good that you have each other! God bless!
- Emma and Murrin xoxo: Can we all acknowledge how at 3:30 they both have started crying
- dujo44: Josh, you are wonderful. I mean it. You've always spread joy, love... and hope. Now it's our turn to give a bit of that positivity back to you... even if we're just a bunch of strangers behind our computer screens. We are all broken, that's how the light gets in. Thanks for spreading love... for telling us to be nice to people. For being such a beautiful soul. The chances of you actually reading this are quite low, i know... but whatever. Hope his helps xx
- Natalie Passus: 😩😍😭😟👌😶so many beautiful feelings rn!!!
- Bailey Ballard: Omg I cried!!! But I'm so glad you're back Josh!! AND ERIN VOICE OMG!!!
- Lexi Grace: Wasn't mentally ready for this, #triggered
- Blu: S S What a bullshit
- bridgeM1: SO beautiful! I can't describe how much this made me cry. Missed you Josh! Welcome back!! ❤️
- Alex Xxx: This is beautiful❤️
- maik wonder: Random Stranger he knew that miranda is part of her life and he always was comlaining about he hates miranda and he should accept miranda.......... and also we shouldn't love him just because he is beautiful..
- Colour of October: This was beautiful! And Erin has a lovely voice! 💕😌
- Hannah May: On repeat all night, this is beautiful guys <3
- Christopher Hovden: I sure hope Joshua and Colleen stay friends.
- Bridget Politte: This is so beautiful! Josh you sound amazing we love you!!
- LIL ReDHeAD: I love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Kansas Phillips: My new obsession 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Yowzabowzaa: 😢😢😢😢😢😢
- Camryn Thompson: Fuck
- Nicole Howes: oh my they were crying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sara Kelly: Erins voice is beautiful
- Jamail M: That was beautiful
- Nicki Folkmann: WOW just WOW <3
- JayRoyxl: Collen u are a nothing i hate omg i love this song it made me cry
- Bye Hoe: I sang this song last year in chorus
- farley6691: That was BEAUTIFUL...they broke down, I broke down. Josh, be strong. And when u don't feel strong, cry. Cry hard. It'll wash the hurt away in no time. *Lori
- Lisa HouseCat: Also, I cried a lot. Absolutely beautiful
- Jen: :(
- Joely Hatcher: Hattie89 I'm calling Colleen out because from what I have seen from what has been put on social media is that Joshua just wanted to be with her and Colleen just wanted to further her career and he was keeping her from doing that. She's just a selfish person who doesn't think of others.
- Chelsey Cardenas: Josh I hope you read my comment. Please know that this is a very beautfiul song. it's okay to not be okay. you were married to a girl you fell in love with and life throws things at us that we never thought would happen to us. But we love you and support you in all you do. dont listen to the hate. you as well as Erin are in my prayers for strength to get through your hard times and peace to know that everything happens for a reason! ❤
- Francesca Adeline Malig: This is so beautiful Oh my gosh my feelings
- Hailey Karen: josh is back!!! I had no idea Erin could sing!! she is great!
- Amy Lauren: Trolls
- Ragnhild Skogaker Røyseng: So beautifull!! Started crying myself..
- suzie grav: Erin!!!!wow your the sweetest sister. and BTW you sound Amazing. so so so happy to see you Josh and I know you will grow stronger and stronger than ever. love you guys. your simply best xxx
- Olivia Soto: He is the best. My best friend just decided to leave me after 7 years. I am sooooo sad 😭😭😭😭
- Giuggiola's sounds: You both together are so strong.. dark times come, but in the end you'll find your true color ❤ you have all the support of your fans
- JessieSays21: aww u and colleen were perfect will u ever do a duet in the future
- Frantastic Youtubers: IM CRYING. WOAH JOSH AND ERIN. WOAH. you both are such beautiful and strong people ❤❤
- Glamour4unicorn: I was crying 😭
- HSavage: beautiful, in every way
- Bethany Smith: it's about colleen.
- Caitlin Jenkins: I'm sorry you're going through so much pain. Nothing anyone says will make it go away or make it hurt less. I know that. Just try and stay strong and keep family close. You seems like you have a very supportive family. I hope time starts to help heal your heart ❤️
- JustOneForAll: beautifully sung...thank you
- Leave me alone: i missed you josh and btw this was beautiful❤💕👍😘
- Cbm02: This is such a beautiful cover of true colors. I hope you and your sister do more covers. 💙
- Jade Lusk: beautiful, just so beautiful... We are all here for you Josh. I think we needed this song just as much as you needed it. Stay strong and do what makes you happy at your own pace. I love you!!! ❤
- Dazy Kid: So grateful for Erin to be able to be there for her brother these hard times he's going through. <3
- Girly But Nerdy: This makes me feel so sad about Joshleen😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢💔 you guis can get through this.🤕
- Mia Tadiello: 😞😭
- Ronnie: WHYY AM I CRYING!!!!?????!!!!????
- Hannah London: true meaning
- somethingspecialxox: I read the comments while listening to the song and I was like why the heck is everyone saying they're crying? Well... I'm only one and a half minutes in and I fully understand now 😭
- Dennis Haynes: Beautiful.
- ella Xx: This was so beautiful, I'm so proud of you josh, I love you and Erin so much🎈❤️
- AinsDub: absolutely amazing! I've always gotten chills at your voice and this was truly beautiful. you've always been an inspiration to me and seeing you go through the hardest time of your life has been hard as a bystander but I'm beyond grateful that you're ready to come back and share your talent with the world and more importantly, your fans. your fans that have and always will stick by you forever! you're strong willed and have a great soul, which is why we support you. welcome back josh!!
- Thomas Aldred: You can really see the love between these two in this video it just shows partners come and go but a sibling bond is forever really hope to see more collabs on either channel like this it was amazing of Erin step in when josh needed time away and the whole way through this video you can see in there eyes how grateful they are to have each other
- Aroosagulnawaz Aroosa: That's so sad honestly I feel so sorry for Josh Colleen is a big idiot for breaking up with him and making him cry I hate Colleen so much she's enjoying life while josh is crying
- davidxliza: did david dobrik edit this video?
- Katie S: You two did amazing I was so happy to see Josh again and this brought me to tears! I hope y'all feel okay and have a great day
- Malia P.: The end killed me 😓
- LezetteChristineMua: I have watched this now 18 times. The love you and your sister share is so rare. I love my little brother and I would be there for him the same. So beautiful!!
- Sophie Turner: you two are so good at singing 😄😘👌
- Leslie Carrillo: #BROnSISGOALS💞
- Eliana Oppy: Josh I'm really proud of you and I'm really happy you posted this video I love you and You have my full support in your situation and you and your sister have the most beautiful singing voices ❤️❤️
- Dawn Mcintyre: Yes! Josh welcome back 😊 xx
- SweetChaos: They cried together through the song omg and now I'm crying
- Bengals: Erin is the new beyonce
- Rebecca Mamallapalli: Literally sobbing
- tara mccormick: Such a beautiful song ! You both sound fantastic ! ❤️❤️❤️
- lee-la-jolie: wow!!!
- Cece ilia: TheExpertXD lol samee 😂😂😂 I mean I knew what they were trying to say but it just didn't work
- Austin Campbell: I miss you so much Josh
- Jack Jack: Elise MusicNerd me too. I used to love her so much. But damn. My heart breaks for Josh.
- Lia Avery: Does anyone else love Erin's voice!!!!?
- Kitty Cat: good for you Josh I'm happy for you I'm here for you all the way
- Leslie McLaughlin: This was perfect. I have been patiently waiting for you to come back and this video was so worth the wait. I am so happy to see your face again. I can't wait to see what you do next and where this takes you. I obviously don't know you personally but your videos have always been a highlight of my week. You're such an amazing person and you honestly deserve the world! I wish you all the happiness in the world!
- kat x: I was crying through all of that xx josh I know u won't read this but this is Katie from England. I just want to say your divorce is so upsetting but keep your true colours shine through xxx
- Lisa Kins: I missed you my friend! Welcome Back and Thank You So Much for this BEAUTIFUL video.
- xo hailey: this was so beautiful i'm c r y i n g
- Katie Lister: linda Tan yes, yes they are
- Kelly Hope: Hes a good guy.... a REALLY good guy.
- Tea Time: I hate to see josh cry😰
- Abraham Barraza: Y el siiiiigue con su depresion. Y colleen triunfando en la vida.
- Melissa Davey: That's lovely
- Liliana Lizarde: Erin sings very beutiful I never knew you could sing so beautifully
- jessi: When they cried I cried. Hard.
- Alexa Reavley: I know Josh and Erin are both so talented! They should sing together more.
- mixedberrypunch: I really love this this is black and white too...so we could hear the "true colors" of the song. I see what you did there. We love you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Savannah Yeager: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- HiImRoxy: So much love for you both. You are both lights.
- Cat Girl12561: Emma Brown good point I cannot ever speak logic XDD
- Jessica Hernandez: #JoshsTrueColor
- Zak Beach: love it!
- Isabel Celedón Varas: Do not cry. Do not cry... fuck i'm crying ❤️ love you guys, please be strong you deserve to be happy
- Shannon Drullinger: He's gonna milk the divorce for as long as possible. Divorce is awful. I've been through it. But eventually you stop feeling sorry for yourself and keep going. Using your situation for views isn't strong, it's pathetic.
- El Gang: No im not crying, why would you say something like that?!? Oh the tears? emmm, allergies <3
- It’s Just Kendra: I did not know that ERING CAN SING!!!!!!!!!
- Keira Mooney: IM STILL CRYING 😭 this is so Amazing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Nina Bullaro: This was truly amazing. You should do this stuff more often. Josh, i'm so happy you are back and i'm looking forward to more of your videos <3
- Abigail Phoenix: This is extraordinary. I'm in awe. Such an amazing video and it's so sweet that you've dedicated it to your sister. Like Ingrid Michaelson says, "all we can do is keep breathing" you got this Josh. 💜
- Reverse Doggos: Wow, you sing so well. I felt so bad when you cried!
- Marie W: I know a lot of you are very young, and situations, including relationships, come across as very black and white to you. (No pun intended given the video). There isn't always a "bad guy" in these type of situations. Maybe Josh was an amazing husband, and we all hate to see him hurting, but if Colleen was unhappy in the marriage she should not stay in a situation that she feels is no longer right. It doesn't mean she's a bad person and it doesn't mean I don't look at Josh and feel so incredibly hurt for him. I, like all of you, wish she felt differently but it's not up to us to dictate the way someone feels. You don't stay in a relationship that you no longer feel is thriving just because the other someone is a nice person. It's a completely shitty situation and regardless of how each of them cope, understand that we are only a small portion of their lives and they may be choosing to share on certain aspects of their lives right now. Josh chooses to wear his heart on his sleeve, and maybe Colleen has her rock bottom moments with the camera off. You can offer your support to Josh, without decided that Colleen is a bad person and vice versa. And as someone who is in their late twenties, when you have contractual obligations like promoting your show and doing interviews, you HAVE to do them regardless of what's going on in your personal life. So Colleen continuing to do press is no indication of anything.
- WaterBooty: I just want to give them both a huge hug. ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Yndra Lopez: Jeannette Abitante me
- Pokey Lou: They had to put color when josh was crying? Would've been better after or before😳
- kershjo: 1 million!! Congrats! This and you two deserve it! Of course about 25+ of those were me 😜.
- Aggressive Trash: There so good at sinngin yay Josh is back and his sister has her own channel so atleast I wont be like aw I wont be able to see her again
- Melissa Ruocco: This is honestly such a good cover, i was so emotional during this video. My heart goes out to you Josh!
- Kyree Lee: bravo and are u and collen still friends
- Joshua: holy crap. great song. huge meaning. all the feels. my ears are a lil sweaty.
- Bailey Gibbs: sobbing!!! 💚💚💚
- Emilia Chabukiani: Beautiful song! welcome back Josh. PS. you both have amazing voices!!
- mrso0ora: This is bullshit
- Tae Taes chocolate chim kookie: I'm so sorry josh
- Sorcha Arkins: She is such a good singer
- Multiplexing13: Love you!
- Holsbols 17: Why were they crying ???? 😢
- Lucy Brennan: this song is so sad yet so beautiful love it what a great song to come back with so motional really hits the heart ya know - probs not lol btw Erin sounds so good never heard her sing before xx
- Yajaira Q.: I love this so much. You are not afraid to show your emotions and I'm so glad you are back. We are all here for you 💕 hope the time off helped you heal in any way. This was absolutely beautiful
- Cara Trainor: This is one of my favourite songs but the way you two just sung it made me think. You both have such beautiful voices and I hope that you can start to heal and with people like Erin in your life there will always be someone you can turn too.
- Liyah Boleyjack: I cried when you guys are done with the interview
- Aamyyy: He gives me flushed vibes like the make mouse guy ,, NO HATE hope you're okay 💗💗
- Samantha: Don't be sad when you are sad so am I you can do it josh
- Lauren Maria: Stay strong we are all here for you xx
- ashley gonzales: I love colleen BT I admit that her decision is stupid ... I know it's not my job , but mariage , it's serious thing , you swear in front of god that you will love that person whatever happens , and then 1 year later she's announcing us that she's getting a divorce with Joshua for unknown reason , I mean she said that it was not because josh did something wrong and she also said that they love each other so what was that divorce for ? sorry for my English I'm French :x
- Ruthy Bond: Gets me every timmeeee
- jess vondal: Beautiful! I could feel all the emotion. Goosebumps and tears! Praying for your heart to heal to the fullest!
- Cynthia White: Why am I crying??? Omg it hurts me more to see him hurting.....
- xeraime: Yaritza A I was juuuust thinking that because I got done watching one of her films lol
- 하건희: You with the sad eyes 슬픈 눈을 가진 그대여 Don't be discouraged 낙담하지 말아요 Oh I realize 난 알아요 It's hard to take courage 용기를 가지는 것이 어렵다는걸 In a world full of people 사람들로 가득찬 이 세상에서 You can lose sight of it all 꿈을 포기 할 때도 있어요 And the darkness, still inside you 그리고 그대 속의 어둠이 makes you feel so small 그대를 작게 느껴지게 할 수도 있어요. -
- Laura: It's sickening how fine Colleen is. She said she couldn't make him happy while he's the one hurting the most. I think she ended heir relationship and made that up. We don't know the whole story.
- volleyball lover: MRstampyCAT everyone with a soul
- Toria_Cipriano_: If you say this didn't make you cry, you're a liar
- julien solomita: one of the most heartfelt and vulnerable moments in your life and you expressed it just how you know how to best. so proud of you josh. you can feel how intense this time in your life is through this video. that's important because that's what you do when your heart is broken. you feel. and you're not afraid to do that. really admirable. love you always brother. also erin's voice is unreal.
- Daniel F.: This is really beautiful. Power through Josh!
- Zoey !!!: This was so beautiful
- Jade Christine: Well my heart hurts a little more than it did 5 minutes ago.. sending Love Josh. ❤️ this was so beautiful
- leafsfan18: the reason colleen appeared to have healed so much quicker than josh is because she was over him months before they announced their divorce. its sad but true, you can just see it in her behaviour in their videos together. she probably feels free without josh. i know what its like to be in a relationship with someone who likes you more than you like them. it can be suffocating and you have to get out of it.
- Phee's Vids: yay hes back
- Gwen Kendrick: i miss his face omg is he back........plzzz be
- Seppy9: Beautiful song, well done and heart wrenching <3 wishing you all well and happiness <3
- AnEmotionalLibrary: I feel like this is dedicated to his love for Colleen. I really hope that life works out for you Joshua , as well as Colleen. Im sorry about the divorce...
- Hey ItzDay: ahhhh who else cried ?..no one just me ? okay..
- Grace Johansson Edits: This was so beautiful❤️✨
- Louie Marquez: Erin's a singer?!?!?!?!! There should be an Evans tour!!!!!!!!!!!
- ashley cerone: I cried so much it was so pretty😭♥️
- Mac's Corner: So sweet and brave! You can tell he is still hurting VERY MUCH! Proud of you for doing this:)
- brianna mwangangi: Aww this was so beautiful ilysm❤️❤️
- Peter O Shea: DingleKing is back☺️
- bronte diggle: omg 😔 this actually had me in tears 😥
- Annie Marie: good to see you back
- Wig Snatched: He looks chubbier. Not being mean but he looks so depressed 😞
- Sarah Hall: If you really love someone, you should be willing to work through anything. My generation thinks it's okay to up & leave the second things get too hard and that everyone's disposable. It's really sad because it's only going to get worse for generations to come if that's their influence. Time heals all wounds -- I hope he finds the peace & solace he is searching for.
- marc: Deepak Menon damn. hey man look I'm sorry I triggered you. didn't mean to sink your undying love for Joshleen.
- jehpree: Can you both make more duets/covers please?? 💙
- Jamie Braithwaite: I love you Josh! That was amazing! ❤️
- M: So happy for you josh. I'm so glad you're healing and working through things. This was beautiful and I'm so thankful you had the courage to share all of this with us. It's incredible.
- grayson&Ethan lover: Her voice is amazing
- Sami B: I balled my eyes out we all love you so much and you have such an amazing sister who was blessed with an incredible big brother to look up to the love in this video is unreal💞
- Haley: He should sing "Forever" from full house. To me his voice sounds similar to Uncle Jesse's. I realize it's probably not the song to sing now, but I think he would sound good doing it.
- Amanda Zopp: So worth the wait, Josh! This was beautiful & raw & real. Love hearing you & Erin sing together. It's so nice to see how close you are & that she knows the pain you're experiencing now & can help you through it. Lots of love & respect from me! Glad to see you back.
- Cheyanne Marie: I watched this when it first came out. But recently I have been in a bad place so I came back and I just cried as soon as they started crying,,,
- emma: It's so sad 😭
- Ayesha x: Just read the description.
- Tyler Scanny: Awesome! Josh, I feel for you. I know you're going through a lot and I wish you the best. Erin, you're an awesome sister to Josh. Bravo!
- tHe7 dOrKs: i'm gonna be honest i watched this 28 times because it's a great song. people heal in different ways, and that's okay. josh, this is an amazing song, and colleen continued to make videos. It's okay guys!! we should stop judging people we don't even know in person. BE NICE TO PEOPLE!!
- Teresa Francesca: Dude, your voice is fantastic in this song & arrangement (Erin's too - she has a unique quality to her voice that weirdly makes me think of trees in late autumn). I've historically skipped watching a chunk of your music videos just because they've often been in genres that I don't personally dig, but I'm glad I watched this video because this is just vocally beautiful. <3
- Lori Streed: This song almost made me cry love u josh
- Bethany Manning: Fame kills a relationship. Once you get a Netflix show!
- Austin Grace: This was so sweet 😭😭😭
- YasminCB: They are both so good and both are so understanding
- racheltheraddest: 😢 stay strong Josh ❤️ I'm sorry for all you're going through, I was never married, but I did lose my fiancé of 3 years two years ago, and it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. It took me so long to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but once I did, I found a happiness I never knew existed. Hang in there, it'll get better day by day. You're an inspiration. ❤️
- Karolina: You guys are such great singers!!!!
- Luci C.: Damn. That's all I have to say this is amazing
- Charlatte: Everyone, you may see Colleen acting all happy and joyful in her videos but she is trying not to grieve in front of the camera. People cope in different ways. Colleen decides to hide it whereas Josh decides to show it. Just because one isn't as sad as the other, you dont know what they are going through. I believe they both are equally as heartbroken, they still love each other but since Colleen couldn't make Josh happy she let him go. If you haven't been through a divorce you wouldn't know how heartbreaking it is, (Not that I have been in one) please don't take sides and don't accuse any of them. Remember, we only see 5% of their lives on the screen.
- Marahlinchen: So don't be afraid .... ❤️ josh , don't be afraid
- Ramrose Canada: Wow.....
- Spooky Spook: Sweet!
- Scarfee: I am now crying... wow. This is so powerful... I have no words, only tears
- Lisa Nygaard: Im crying! Omg josh you are amazing and your sister is phenomenal
- GCJoni: Totally amazing. The next Donny and Marie. Go to Vegas!!
- hannah p: Wow that's beautiful
- Caitlin Sweeney: Erin's wearing high tops too, this is so lovely, i'm so happy you're back. Very emotional and beautiful ❤️
- 687twig: Crap. Made me cry. Damn it.
- Agatha: this is beautiful... my heart aches for you Josh but time heals everything
- Ashley Staples: We love you Josh this is so beautiful ❤️😘
- Camilla De Cicco: +Bridget Parker Oops! That's my tumblr name. I don't think I can access twitter. I have to check. :-(
- Garrett Baggs: #intears
- Anne: This feels very Backstreet Boys circa 1999. :)
- Erika Gamboa: Josh, you will get through!
- whataboutPinar: Beautiful video, stay strong Josh. This gave me *Tears*
- George Polard: I love that he sings better then Coleen
- Aylin Alanis: I love Erin's voice!
- Cassandra Gonzalez: Stay strong Josh you have so much people around you who love and support you!❤️
- Unicorn Lover16: You can make it through this josh i know you can i love you josh ❤️😕
- Madison Wilson: Josh and Erin that was amazing. I am in awe of yalls talent. Many a time I have shared that look that you have Erin, with my twin. I hope you have a wonderful day and I just want you to know that you're so loved. ❤️
- Rayaan Butt Year 10: the tears and pain in his eyes are so sad 😢 joshua and coleen should really get back together
- Chazzles: It's good to have you back Josh! We've missed you. And Erin we love you too. Didn't know you had such a beautiful voice!
- bethany yes that bethany: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH ILYSM ❤️
- Sophie e: Yolo
- Victoria Santiago: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Julia dubel: Yay Josh is back
- Elisabeth Leftwich: OMG this is great!!
- TheDolphingirl20: Very very much so
- Abby W.: Nice song you chose to sing Joshua, you have a great voice. <3
- dun sun: i think that colleen is choosing to show more happiness to her fans, as she always says to spread happiness, and since josh took some time off to heal and to think about things, im guessing that people know that he's healing. Colleen is also surrounding herself with a lot of friends and her new cat, so i guess they help to be happy. and like you guys said, we don't know their lives behind the camera, you never know, maybe one of them breaks down and cries at the end of each day. (also im not choosing sides I love them both with all my heart!!)
- Morgan Hall: This is truly amazing Josh. We are all so proud of you for what you've been through and how you've gotten through it. Keep doin this. You're good at it. And forget about everyone else. It's all u. You got this bro. Love you!💛💙💜💚❤️
- Joape Nainoca: sade power learn to love.....
- Samantha Chromy: I'm happy because I know that one day Josh will be healed from this and he will be truly happy again. It may take a long time but I know he will get there. 💜
- Kamilah: Good to see you back
- Tamara Pascall: Me to this is such an amazing duet and I'm soo glad you are back josh I missed you
- Missy Ross: So amazing and so touching! You guys did a fantastic job! Love you both!
- Madison Lowe: Damn... ow my heart... you guys are amazing, I was really excited to see Josh again, I wasn't expecting to cry though. Thank you so much! Love both of you! 💜
- Alex B: Daniel Mezquita same
- Linda Brock: I love this song so much for one reason because I love you Joshua David Evans 😘
- hrose doze: Dome jalon Just wondering! ☺
- Rose Coxs: x Puts hand on Josh's shoulder x I'm here for you Josh and you've always been there for me your videos have inspired me helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life and I thank you for it keep your chin up you'll see light at the end of the tunnel
- Liz Binz: Oh my heart.
- Vysnavi Thanendran: JoshuaDTV you are awesome and we are all sooooooo happpy that you are back and this song was amazing and beautiful and inspirational thank you for everything you do for us.
- Hannah Belton: I love this ❤️
- particlevale: you're so lucky for having Erin as a sister... she's a beautiful person, the way she holds your hand and all she's doing for you is amazing.. see the bright side Joshua, I hope you get better soon
- Taya Hartranft: 3;24 were they crying
- Ashleigh Yost: this song is beyond beautiful. it shows the emotion and trouble in life. it also shows the beauty and passion in love. i love this. i think that it's truely amazing. i'm very touched
- Jasmine: Not hating but anyone agree this is a bit rude....the song is called TRUE COLORS....I know he's talking about Colleen saying her true colors are showing,she was just doing what was best for her.And I know Colleen wouldn't post something like this because he is being rude so ya. Just had to put that out there Anyone agree?
- Niveditha Muralidharan: Beebs A. Ohh I'm sorry. I just said what I infer from the videos. And he did say he wants her and wants to work it out with her, but she was particular on the divorce. She did make him happy. His life revolved around her. But again, we don't know what happens behind the scenes so I'm sorry if I said anything wrong or offensive :)
- Chaz.h: I'm in love with this
- Kat Kat: Omg! 😭
- It's Alyssa: Omg I'm crying I wish Colleen and josh would be back together why did God make Colleen and josh have this choice I I I think they were as cute as joey and Daniel and that's saying a lot fro me cause I made my mom spend 80$$$ to see joey my fav my second is Shane then Colleen and josh are the same then gabby just plz lord make them get together or get josh someone to love plz plz
- Kirsty Anderson: wow your pain is very clear to see - hope the hurt gets less and less each day. stay strong xx
- Chriscelle Joyce: I can't explain my feelings for this video. It's makes me wanna burst into tears😭 This is such a heartwarming song. Josh and Erin have such a huge relationship!!!☺️ I wish it was all back to normal. #JoshleenIsGone 😔-J.A.L 2016
- Maddison Clobes: Yassssss I agree!!!!!
- PvpMaster 198: COLLEEN I MEANT
- Lorraine Kanter: my cousins name is Joshua and his last name is David
- Ali Ambriel: Breathtaking. Love, love, LOVE. Happy to have you back.
- Eline Mooiman: So beautiful
- ilikediyprojects: this is beautiful! stay strong and positive ☺
- turtles and bekfistman: This touches my heart sarahhope101
- P͙a͙r͙t͙y͙ C͙r͙a͙s͙h͙e͙r͙1605: No joke our choir is singing this for our up coming concert
- Chante Heunis: I am so sorry abotu what happened and you can tell that its taken its toll on you in this video you can see the hurt and pain but you kept soldiering through and for that i look up to you as a person and a human
- Ellen Foley: SO BEAUTIFUL!!
- Hannah Marino: Oh God you're gonna make me cry ;-; We love you guys, keep fighting!
- Monica Williams: Welcome back Josh!❤️ not going to lie, this video definitely made me cry. It shows how strong you & Erin are. It shows that no matter what life throws at you, you can always get back up. I will always support you & be a proud dingleberry no matter what happens. It hurts me knowing your hurting, but I know that you will grow stronger through this. I love you & Erin so so so much! Thank you both for this video!❤️
- Brooke Grover: There is a puddle of water on my desk I feel for both of you and welcome back josh
- Martine Ziezold: Josh!!!!!! You are back!!!!!!!
- Derek Lamere: at 3:10 I almost cried
- Nate. Fun: Josh and Erin are soooo good at singing 🌈
- NovaLaMason: HA! I MADE IT WITHOUT CRYING! xD But seriously, pretty cover! x3
- NikkiGee: You both sound amazing and the harmony between the voices is amazing xx stay strong josh much love 🙌🏼
- Sandy's Box: you should hear the timberlake version too.. I might be wrong cause I don't have a perfect pitch
- Holy NAMJESUS: Grace Cunningham *u
- Lauren Amelia: I loved it your both sooooooo good xxxxxxx
- Victoria Cisneros: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Megan Nikora: Keep your eyes on Jesus. God is love.
- Summer Stafford: He's been gone so long I just really want to hear him say dingleberries and be nice to people and orafwa (don't know how to spell it)
- Marissa VanSise: I just wanna let you know that everything will be okay you will find someone that you know is forever not everything on the earth works out. I'm sure your not the only one there's a lot of people that feel like this and it's okay because we are all one big happy, sad, mad, excited family and we all love each other even if we aren't the best of friends. Think of the happy times the good memories and take a look on the bright side and block the dark side out cause who needs that. Let everyone know how your feeling and remember that we all love you❤️ Can't wait for you to let us know how you love us all and you wanna thank us for the support. ALSO MOST IMPORTANTLY DO NOT LISTEN TO THE HATERS THEY ARE NO ONE TO ANY OF US. I love you sooooo much😘
- Miss Thing: Shells story Bro did u not just see him break down and stop singing but his voice kept on going? 😂
- Ridha Mohamed: I missed him so much...
- BrianAT16: I need this on Spotify!
- Jaynie: I love this song it's my favorite
- Teresa Brito: While it was sad it was also beautiful. I firmly believe that things will get easier in time. Hang in there. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us.
- migit pops: Probably just like u
- Isamac Torres-Figueroa: Congrats josh I just saw trolls today and "true colors" was in it I was the only one sining it in the move theaters
- Courtney Seaman: This song is so touching, but then when josh broke down it got me. 😢
- Anna Ray: is this incest
- Charlotte Keller: Josh 💜 is all I can say
- Lindsey Shorter: This is wonderful and must have been so hard to do. You guys are amazing and I'm so glad you have such a supportive sister to help you through. Josh, we love you. And Erin, we love you too!
- Deeana: hii Josh hope you're feeling better this cover was amzing I'm glad you did it because when you made this video I was a bit sad to and this helped me alot so thank you and see you again soon 😊 ( your singing was amazing and your sister's was 2)
- Chelsea Zavala: ive watched this 5 times and i cry every single time
- Beauty_Queen2231 Makeup, challenges and more!: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😺
- Heisel Cruz: Every one put 🖕🏽 if your sad that he left Colleen
- Michael Denny: Wonderful voices! I hope you can see the true colors of good in those who love you and never forget the "true colors" of those who are selfish and leave you. Just be wise and not bitter, try to see people for who they REALY ARE, not who you wish and dream them to be. Josh your loving eyes were filled with dreams of someone who never really existed and your tender heart was broken. Know that a true love awaits you beyond your fondest dreams so chose to move out of and beyond your pain. You are wrapped in a blanket of love from thousands who truely see you and cherish you!
- Toxic Pixel Gamez: Josh you will get through this difficult time. life Is hard life is not perfect. But there is hope. It has ups and downs you will get through it. oh and your sister has a AWESOME voice so jelly.😀😢
- Gabby GamesMC: Hugs Josh. We love you, through it all, we are here. Let your colors show.
- jojo H: Im crying right now.. you guys sound beautiful together<3
- Arianna Powell: This honestly is the most beautiful thing I've heard!!! Please do more duets!!! You both are so amazing!!! Stay strong Joshua❤️
- IncineroarBeatsYou: Can someone please tell me why he is crying?
- Anke: listen, I don't know what happened between Colleen and Josh and we are not here to discuss that. But it breaks my heart to see Colleen and Josh suffer so much. Yes Colleen might seem happier than Josh but I am sure she had bad moments. She just doesn't show it. (which is fine) All I know is that I am such a big fan of those two and what they stand for. I hope that everything will be alright and that Colleen and Josh will find happiness again. Even if it doesn't include the other person 💖
- Alyssa Collins: I was so touched when u guys were crying
- Ryley Cole: i have know idea what this is about?
- Abby Miller: This is amazing! I'm so proud of you both. Love you guys!💜
- Sasha Ramirez-Robles: margo walden I know but ii felt like it was meant for her
- Steve Kovari: The girl is terrible. Dislike
- Tran: Now I'm sad 😭
- Kimi Smith: Oh my gosh. This was so beautiful!!! I think this is my favorite thing Josh has ever done. Its so real and raw and shows his true talent. And Erin was amazing!!! This was great guys.
- Afua Grace: They're wearing the same pair of hi-tops and jumpers
- Emily Pal: Love you Josh and Erin! ❤️ you guys are amazing. So glad you're back josh, but if you ever need a break again just know we support whatever you want to do. Dingleberry forever
- Sandy's Box: are you sure? but I checked troll date of release again October 8, 2016 (BFI London Film Festival) October 27, 2016 (Brazil) November 4, 2016 (United States) and the song has been around before that Published on Sep 23, 2016 by Justin Timberlake VEVO
- La Chancla: #siblinggoals
- Kiley Hayes: I hope you're doing well Josh. You have my love and support.
- The Spikyxd: Haha the video is 4:20 :3 .... Sorry
- The Monsie's: Not many with hearts like yours left out there, don't lose it. take it from me... amazing song made me cry when you broke down. I felt your pain.
- Jaye Lindsay: Quit bashing Colleen. Yes you should work in a relationship but if you're no longer happy and you know that this person doesn't make you blissfully happy, then you should leave. Would you have rather her cheat on him?
- Alessandra Hood: :(
- laughandlive35: When I went through a divorce, I never thought the pain would end. It is the hardest thing I ever had to get through. It does get better. That was 5 years ago, and I see now that it would have never ever worked. I am a single mom who is stronger than ever. I'm sorry you have to feel this pain, but it does ease up and your heart will smile again 💕
- Eva Creen: ur doing so well xxxx
- LauraMarie Taylor: ❤️🌟
- Jessica Bryanton: when is this going to be available on Spotify???!?!?!?!
- Natalie Salazar: I juts realized that Erin looks JUST like Bernadette Peters just the jerk
- Molly Ivey: I so was not prepared for this. Erin's voice is so pretty and Josh, well its so hard to see him cry. I really hope he can find happiness in this whole situation. I started crying like 30 seconds into the song. Much love!! <3
- Elaine Camarena: I miss you so much Joshua can you please come 😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
- Janelle B: I hope you're okay!! 💜
- Melissa Seng: Beautiful. Joshua, you're not ready to be back.
- Ciry the Conqueror: ikr. Emotions showing through made it so amazingly beautiful
- miss tace: Their vocals are goals! ❤️😍👌
- Maelah Janelle: omggg i told myself not to cry bc my eyeliner would've burned my eyes but this is so beautiful and i love harmonies
- masilo silokazi: hey there Josh I hope all is going well. I can't pretend to know what you are going through or how it feelshowever I hope you know that your fans are here to support you! I wish all the best for you.I'm glad you gained the strength to make this video and I hope you make more soon.I'm sending tons of good vibes. Hope you get them.
- Sofia Sofi: It was the best song Josh... god bless you...
- anna marie: I cried so hard i support you josh and these tough times you're going through aren't the end.
- Talon Jade: The video was perfect. Deep and raw emotions. But What truly made me cry was reading the description dedicated to Erin :')
- Alex Lopez: Bitch I never said anything negative about this video I was clearly just stating my opinion
- paige aument: Goosebumps I love you josh 💞
- Grace Buckley: I didn't know Erin could sing. Omg you two are so talented 😍😍😭
- Jen W: So sad! Especially since they have both been divorced. This is a hard time in Josh's life but hopefully, eventually, he can move on and be happier!
- Anita Lanz: This is the most beautiful cover of this song I have ever heard. It gave me all the feels and made me cry. 😢😢😢 The love that you have for your siblings is so pure. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ LOVE IT.
- Megan Blanco: This is seriously so beautiful ❤️🙌🏻
- dancngbanana: Beautiful. So glad to see you back. I wish you all the best and am excited to see you rise from the ashes.
- Sydney: Welcome back Josh We love you
- Fennax Fox: kaci mckayla me too
- Ray Chill: 😍OMG❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Hadley: I wasn't ready for this DAD 😡
- Becky Sinclair: Do u still keep in touch with your true love?
- Isabel Mazzone: You are amazing!! I support you in every way and I understand your going through a tough time…
- Julia Tripodi: I knew josh had an amazing voice but I never knew his sister did!
- xannxa: This is so emotional and powerful :/ Keep your head up-life goes on.. Love you with every ounce of my heart
- Naomi Ramos: why did you divorce colleen
- Makaylin Askevold: Yay!! Welcome back :) Such a beautiful song..
- Lena R: I can only imagine how hard this situation is but remeber that with every breakup, no matter how hard it is, you are one step closer to the person you are really ment to be with! I love you. Be nice to people! ❤ And aurevoir.
- Tanya Shah: 2018 anyone 🤷🏻♀️
- Charlotte Keller: +funkuchen2 😂😂
- Micha Santiago: it will be best if Colleen was their 😥😥😥
- Crazy4Boston: Josh... watching your heart breaking hurts so much. I remember my greatest heartbreak and all I can do is pray that you will find healing, happiness and everlasting love. Your sister is a God-send. What an angel. She is your rock and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
- Andrea Mae: Stay strong! Glad you are back! ❤️
- Hannah and My reborn Toddler Sara: I am crying I love this song!!!!!
- Kandi Fox: Absolutely beautiful. Erin, you are so talented! I loved every second of this duet!
- Olivia Hughes: Omfg this is beautiful
- Klifestyle 0: Hi
- Gustavo De Leon: I believe this is his coming out video ! ❤️
- Da Moley: Love you josh and cyndi
- Sarah Whitaker: This is a beautiful rendition and your voices blend like magic. Hang in there Josh. A lot of people love you xoxo
- Erica Roscoe: I'm so proud of you Josh! Remember to Always Keep Fighting and never give up. Everything will get better, it may not feel like it, and it may feel like you're broken without repair, but keep going okay? (Erin I didn't know you could sing! You sound great!)
- Daisy the Meme Farmer: Audi20 Colleen is going through a divorce as well, but she is handling it differently. You only see 19 minutes out of her 24 hours. Don't be so quick to judge. Do you really think it would make Josh feel better if he saw people hating on Colleen? I don't think so. Next time you comment something like this, take a moment to consider someone else's point of view.
- Erika Middleton: I know when I really care about someone when I cry when they cry and I have done that so many times with josh.He is defiantly one of my favorite YouTubers and I love him so much.I hate to see him hurt.I just wish everyone could be rainbows and sunshine, but it is not always that.And if Josh you are reading this keep doing what you are doing.Cause you are amazing,
- The Weissbards: This is amazing Josh ☠️
- zoey donaghey: l miss you so much l love you so 😢😢😢😭😭😭😚😚😚☺☺
- Megan Meakin: wow what a beautiful duet xxx
- Natasha Perry: I can't watch the videos they have done together it makes me sad and angry
- Bybiana 2007: he sounds like branch from the movie trolls
- Sierra Kent: I'm crying now... they look like there in pain I love you josh...
- Melissa Reichheld: So touching! You'll get through it
- Elizabeth Hood: I have goosebumps. This was honestly so beautiful. I'm crying. Be nice to people. <3
- Rachel Goldstein: This is so beautiful and touching. <3
- Brenah Wilcox: When they cried I cried😭😭
- Kaitlin Beckett: This always makes me cry, especially when josh broke down😭
- camerababe ludy: Thanks Joshua, for this. I've had the most complicated year. I don't know what I want in life and I've done a lot of self searching. This just made me feel like there are people who can get through the worst. I have to be strong ❤️❤️❤️
- Nathalie Simpson: Love you
- Christina leshak: sibling goalssss
- namjoonbaby: Why XOXO You literally just said that when Colleen said she wanted Josh to be happy that it failed, so therefore in your eyes he was supposed to cope quicker.
- Orla Keogh: Sending you so much love and support, Josh. You're incredible.
- Stella G: this is unreal... so emotional and great!
- bridget curtin: I think I died a little inside
- Belle Dunfee: Josh, I was going through my Divorce when you posted this.. I cant describe the peace i felt, knowing that i was not the only one who felt the way i did, and I think you are brave for sharing at least a portion of your pain with the world.... thank you Josh for Making your content... You are genuinely one of the sweetest amazing guys on Youtube. Keep on truckin my friend.. we will see beauty when we least expect it...
- Alfredo Tenorio: Whats the story of these two singers?
- léa pasqualini: you're so dramatic lmao
- Kate Corcoran: Omg so amazing I hope he's ok I started to cry at the course 😭🙌🏼👏😍
- Brittany Sujka: So beautiful ❤️ love you guys, stay strong
- Just Grace: I love this
- blanca.sanxez 6: OMG this is so good, when i saw their tears it made me cry💖😢
- jackie roach: Omg I waited all day to watch this because I knew I would cry.. I didn't realize how much. 💙💔 we love you Josh! Keep your head up, you have a wonderful circle of family and friends.
- Br. Gregory Joseph, CPH: WOW! I can hear the pain in the voices and in the song. I pray that your heart be healed.
- Rachel Charland: beautiful
- seasonal Maija: Yes because it was made during the divorce
- Tainna Mariee: ok i'm sobbing
- Elijah Teutschman: Can you come back video later on maybe hopefully please
- mh61638: IM CRYINGGGGGG 😭😭😭
- ya girl mikayla: People are gonna be like: he's such a baby. No man should be acting this way. I'm just like: only a real man would have the balls to show his weak spot. I have so much respect for Josh words can't even describe.
- Paige Snow: You guys are great singers
- Idiotic Tv: I'm not crying I'm sweating through my eyes!☹️️💜💜💜
- Sophie Harder: adriana morales are you kidding me??? He was in a relationship with Colleen for 8 YEARS!! I watched them date, get engaged, get married, and want to name their kids Lily and Noah! You think he's gonna get over it like that?? Wow, obviously you have never been divorced or have to watch you parents go through a painful divorce from being married for 22 years! (Like me)
- Amanda E. H.: Well, now I'm sad. I hope Josh is doing alright.
- Rebecca Warren: Beautiful😘
- Alicia Thompson: So heart felt. Love this.
- Jill C: Pure and beautiful - love you both.
- Anonymous: Honestly josh .. I feel for you in this video and I just hope you get better .❤️
- Izzy LC: I have so much respect for you Josh. You are so brave and strong to come back after such a heartbreaking time. Don't rush into things, take as much time as you need to heal. we are all here for you and you know you can always talk to us dingleberries any time and we will always listen. Stay strong and keep focusing on the good in life. ❤❤❤
- Nataki Lewis: I cried over and over again. i know what it feels like.. Be strong you have us to get you through it Josh
- Brenna Noelle: Erin your voice is so pretty!
- rkmiller5277: this is heartbreaking did not expect to be so emotional but I have been there. hang in josh
- Mya De Armas: Not first
- Michelle peterson: OMG soooooooo good. ❤️💙💚💜💗 your channel
- Emma Vanderkolk: Awe Josh I love u so much❤️ were always here to support u
- MJ GreenGiant: I love you josh. Stay strong! You have so many people in this world that love you. All your fans, followers, and family! Hang in there! We all love you!!!! 💚💚
- Yo yo yo My name is joe: O2L and Jack And Jack's 21 Piløts m why the fuck would you support the dumb ass
- Courtney Jackson: Still Crying😭😭😭😭😭😭 LOVE YOU JOSH
- frøya torp: This is so beautiful❤️
- Tara Joy: +Ayanna Mae WHEN DID I EVER SAY THAT
- Molly Hultberg: 💕💕💕
- naoise brennan: Hey um is someone cutting onions here, anyway Josh and Erin SLAAAAYYY
- Molly Carle: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Sophia Yee: We're all here for you Josh and I know your going through at tough time but we're all here you and Colleen are the best
- samnfred: Glad you are back Josh.
- Sadfuly: Can y'all stop raging like damn. What's the point if I'm just going to delete your comment? (:
- little miss bliss: never herd joshuadtv sing like that before
- tozurie: 100 views from me later, and I am still a wreck
- Xtreme Youtuberz: Joshua, you'll make it through this time!! Your voice is so amazing. You're an awesome singer.
- Mikel Cristobal: wow
- Puppies are my love: They probably wont.
- Martha Teague: Your voices are so beautiful well done, this cover is great
- Lucy Croxall: I'm glad to see your happy again and I hope your journey can be happy .Are you happy ?Please reply josh
- laura flowers: This is so beautiful!😍😍 I hope your doing better Josh!❤️ we love you!💓💓
- blonded: Marina White some peoples comments were no big deal but i hated the others like "poor josh he's having such a hard time but colleens having the time of her life" and its just so rude to me
- Ireland Robinson: My name is Ireland!
- Roxie Snchz: I dislike people defending Colleen. She gave up too fast, if you knew this was gonna happen then why accept in getting married first place. I guess. No one in reality will know the real truth about everything and all we have is our own opinions. Stay strong Josh!
- Mariel Rodriguez: love this!!!
- Brandi Reich: He doesn't deserve this pain😔😢
- Rachel Boucher: when josh started to cry I broke down
- Thomas Thoburn: so much passion. Not usually a fan of your music or when you sing, but this nearly brought me to tears.
- Kayla Knox: Joshua, It is so nice to see your face again. I love the relationship you and Erin have. This cover was amazing. It's one of my favorites now. You've got this and you can get through anything. I love you! <3
- JoshSkellington: I'm not crying. YOURE CRYING.
- Ice Wolf: Max Zam this is probably the longest comment that I've ever read and, I'm happy that I did bc it is so true
- Kayleigh Papagelis: Josh.... All your fans are here to support you😭
- Macy Weatherford: Oh my gosh josh is back!!😊❤️
- Emile Schenck: For the people that disliked this shame on you!
- dzia millatina: oh josh i love you! and i want to see your happieness for next videos ♥♥♥♥
- Emma Iannella: Yeah josh I back we missed you and your sister did amazing
- Ella Mella P: Omg who else thinks Erin is a good singer
- Shannon Lewis: So much love for you Josh <3
- Samantha Stanton: Sarah Nicole well said. And I agree 100%
- Nina The Wizard: This was beautiful. I'm crying because I've been so moved. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes for your future... <3
- Elizabeth Chartuk: This song always gives me goosebumps! && who would have guessed that Erin could sing? <333
- Makeupro2: Love from ireland💙🌟
- M O L L I E: It's cute how close they are..they have the same trainers which is cute❤
- Constance Ericson: This made me realize that there is always someone there for me
- Crystal Villanueva: This song was beautiful. No one should be blaming both of them colleen might look happy and over it but, I don't think she is maybe she ain't comfortable talking about it still or anything probably still hurts her as it hurts him. I know they still love each other very much though and they can always become friends when they are ready.
- Jmoney Is lit: Was this for Colleen and whoever Erin was with
- CoolBlueWolf: ashley gonzales didn't u watch Colleen full video. She said Her and josh didn't have much in common and stuff
- TakeLifeBack: LuLwa AlH muhahahahah dam you beat me to it
- #thebeauty Diy: So happy to see you on YouTube josh we've all missed you I'm not gonna rush take as long as you need off YouTube but I'm happy you could post this i love seeing your videos your sisters been great company for this channel will you've been gone
- sodiumpastry: Welcome Back Josh ❤️
- Aurelie Ma: This is so sad.
- Melissa Rojas: JOSH come BACK plzzz😿
- THE DIAMOND SHOW: Welcome back Josh I started crying when he did omg!
- Alexis Grage: Cried omg
- Leanne Hayes: i missed u so much😢
- sophie: Their voices compliment each others so nicely
- TimothyWarwick: amazing. i just made a cover of this
- Kristen Ianni: I adore Erin's voice. It makes me feel so calm and at peace...
- Lucy SL: I was aktley not sopposed to wach that video but i liked it so much so i subskribed
- webecci: ❤️❤️
- Tessa Jenkinson: so brave 💖
- Sterling C: Ugh I'm crying wtf.... I love Colleen and Josh!! Ah!! And why so much hate on Colleen? You only see 10 min of her life, she is probably very devastated... you can tell she is trying to distract herself with friends and family. Honestly wish they would just get back together, I don't understand
- Videos with Resharna: ❤️❤️❤️😘 I you guys so muchGood luck 💙😔
- Ivey Mclaughlin: This made me cry and I can't stop!!!👎👎👎😭
- Ava Susan: ❤️❤️❤️
- Lilly Bowman: Owwwww my heart
- Ibrahim Fanous: Man this song made me feel all sort of feelings
- Sabre Visuals: Straight to the heart !!! R.E.S.P.E.C.T
- Hanna Miller: It's beautiful that Josh's family and friends have helped him heal, and all the emotions in this song are displayed so greatly and even though it comes from a place of pain, it's beautiful how raw his emotions are and that he can express this through music, it makes it so much more significant and impactful
- Kaylie Nicole: josh I admire you and what ever happens in your life you will never be alone and you guys have the most beautiful voices😂😘😍😚😗😙😇😇😇🎩👟
- Danielle Mulqueen: :'( <3
- itsmelauren x: Ok... This was really good and I loved how Erin was in it!
- holly atomic: CRINge
- Cat Girl12561: I started crying when they sang I last saw you laughing'
- Olivia Byrd: MY YOUTUBE DAD don't worry I love y'all so much and I know y'all still love each other and u don't want this but know if u and my YOUTUBE MOM gets back together KNOW I'll support y'all forever joshleen will always be in my heart forever
- Nadia Godinez: Valaya Hart omg literally same!! just came back from watching it ❤
- Peyton Petersen: This was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Thank you josh for everything you do!
- Sandy's Box: this might be a great cover but why I exactly heard the Justin Timberlake feat Anna Kendrick version on this one?? Correct me though, but it is still a good video-cover. Good job.
- Jennah: 3:10 I lost it.
- Jz B: This sounds exactly like Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick
- Lance Leichtle: Joshua that was beautifulYou and your sister make great duetThat made me cry very touching keep making music videos True colors is one of my favorite songs
- Niamh Morland: wow your voices together are beautiful and such emotion amazing video love you guys xxx
- Clarisse Metzger: Literally cried:,) you have all our support josh !
- TheNorthPrairies: soooo beautiful😭💕
- Gabriela Torres: Is anybody else crying? no? just me?
- silverbug3: this sounds just like the originaal, it even sounds like it, impressive!
- LifeWithEm: I love the song! I think you both have amazing voices!
- Kristel YT: AM NOT OK ...😢😭
- Kendra parrish: Idk why but this made me cry:) like in a good way to see how you guys are there for each other like a brother and sister should be and how you guys were matching💕💕 love you guys:)
- Sierra Bobo: I hope you find peace Josh and I pray for true healing and happiness. You've got this 💗
- Robin freeman: ERIN!!!!! youcan fucking sing!!!! More recording!!!!
- Megan Schulz: Your raw passion is felt and heard Josh, thank you. I know there is a lot that is going on but you are so incredibly lucky to have your sister, brother, mom, dad and of course Shadow. People my let us down and show true colors that we didn't know were there BUT the people that are there will paint over those colors we find unpleasant and help us see beauty. I'm so ready for the new Josh, the one who is honest and caring and has such a depth of his soul he can go through it with eyes that have a knowledge and help others. Don't give up Josh, you've got this!
- SuperLinz21: So glad to see you're back! You & your sister both have amazing voices (I teared up & I rarely cry). Also, Erin did an awesome job filling in for you! I hope you have found just a little peace within yourself. I've never been divorced, but have had my heart broken & it took a long time to find my "normal". Take it one day at a time & know we're all here to support & love you.
- Bethany Larson: That was beautiful
- cmd: Stay strong josh!!! We love you
- Grace Neps: I feel like Colleen is putting her career first..
- Aamina D: They're tears ; no ones chopping onions or whatever. Just admit that the beautiful singing brought tears to your eyes while witnessing this amazing, most wonderful man and beautiful woman singing their heart out. We love you josh. stay strong ❤️
- Danette Rodriguez: yay you're back!
- Jennifer Hobson: sadly beautiful...
- LadyB: Still breaks my heart to see someone hurting so visibly. But it takes great strength to turn pain into something so beautiful.
- Kitty Potter: It sounds a bit like high school musical
- Desiree' Turner: Stop it you guys are making my face leak!!!
- Daris lek och roliga videon Videos!: great Josh keep it up man !
- xXWRedWolfWX x: beautiful...
- Michelle: oh my gosh... i love it 😭😭😭💙💙💙 i have to cry i ... its beautiful💜💙😭
- Kati Hendry: Tommy Meli Yep!
- LiliA: So many things to say! First off, Erin, I had no idea you could sing. Your voice is gorgeous. Second, both of you are incredible people and so strong. Thank you for sharing your stories and expressing your emotions through tis beautiful musical gift you both have. Although my heart may have shattered while watching this, my heart is also so full of love for you two and I am filled with hope for the future. Glad you're back Josh! We've missed you. We look forward to future videos...which can include duets with your little sister... :) <3
- Lovegood: I'm so saaadddd. I really hope Josh and Colleen find peace. I still support both of them.
- Ashley Kayy: I just want to hug Joshua
- Lana Donovan: 1.Erin is an amazing singer 2. I cried twice
- Chiara McGowan: They both have such a beautiful voice❤️❤️❤️
- panda bear: this song made me cry a lot when i saw joshua cry
- Sillencee Official: I came here to cry.
- Earls Family Vlogs: This was so beautiful, I could feel the raw emotion behind it! Thank you for being vulnerable!
- Nicole Bryant: Beautiful!
- CRN: Damn. This is beautiful. Love you both. I'm happy to see you back, Josh.
- Naomi Vanderveen: the matching sweaters are everything
- Estefania Agosto: i just subscribed and let me tell you Im in love with your voice.
- Queen litlle: I'm not crying there's just something in my eye 😭😭😫
- Awesome Libby: Why did you and Colleen get devorsed
- Amanda Perez: I adore this. Thank you Josh.
- Sophia Sporsen: Josh thank you for this❤️ I just went through a really hard break up and I know it's not as hard as yours has been but this really helped me smile again. We all love you so much and we're so happy that's your back!💕
- Emily Redford: makes me realise how much I miss my brothers. you two are so inspiring. <3 love you
- StellaElla: I have goosebumps 😍
- Chrystin Joelle: I feel so sad! The pain in his eyes made me lose it and when Joahua and Erin started tearing up I just lost it! 😭😭
- Starrtunia: This song reminds me of my childhood~ TuT so beautiful~
- Em Chappell: So good to see you back! Josh, we missed you so much! This is beautiful and you guys broke my heart when you started crying. So, now it's your fault that I was balling like a baby and now have tear stains on my face. You guys touched me so much today. It was so brave of you to come back. Love you guys!
- Jenna Rujawitz: They need to go on tour together
- Patricia Alvarado: I love this song that it made me cry😢
- Lillian murphy: OMG I LOVE ERINS VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHES SO PRETTY AND SHE HAS SHUCH AN AMAZING VOICE I LOVE ERIN SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️💖💖💕💕💓💓💞💞💗💗💚
- GracieFilms: Love this song, and I love you both. I'm so proud of you and Erin! It's good to have you back ❤️
- Maddy 10: I have so many things to say about this 1) I am currently crying 2) JOSH YOUR BACK AND IM SO HAPPY 3) I never knew Erin could sing 4) I have played this so many times AND FINALLY 5) love you guys both
- Annalee Digiovanni: Amazing josh! And wow I didn't know Erin could sing so good😱😱😱 you should post a lot more videos singing with her! You sound amazing together!!!
- Amanda Rose Littlejohn: I didn't know how pretty Erin's singing voice was.
- Ana Maria: +
- Se ?: Where they lip syncing from trolls or is it actually them
- Mea Garza: this is so stupid guys. please don't pick sides over what content someone posts. colleen literally said she's not broadcasting her sadness because she doesn't want her pain to be something she makes money or views off of. and same goes for josh, he can express himself how ever he wants. colleen says in her vlogs that it's been ruff briefly, she doesn't need to make a video sobbing to y'all. chill out, why can't y'all just care them equally? why does this have to be a debate? why do y'all suddenly hate her after she's divorced? just because they were your 'otp' doesn't mean y'all get to throw a hissy fit when they break up. you don't know their lives behind the scenes. get over yourselves. the world doesn't revolve around you.
- CeCe P.: WE LOVE YOU JOSH💚💚💚 I hope your doing ok!💚💚💚
- Crystals: Well done josh.. This is amazing,I'm so sorry for what happened :)
- Maggie McCulloch: This is sad and I'm not an emotional person but I think it's because we know who it's about
- Shubhekshana Matkar: Everything will fall into place. We promise. And what an amazing song man. Keep it up and good luck. Love.
- erica barefoot: This is so beautiful.
- BekahShiloh: I can' tell you how much this video meant to me. It meant more than you will ever know. Thank you.
- Juicy M Makeila Gravy: what
- Stacie75: This is beautiful!! I can not even imagine being your Mama and watching this. ohh the feels. I just want to hug you both.
- Mirtha Middleton: God bless you! ❤️
- AA- Gamer: Sing it boy! SING IT let it all out!! "Why do we fall master Wayne? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up." Sorry I'm a nerd but it's true. We're all here for ya man.
- Taylor Greenwood: thx
- Ginasbeauty 101: Much love❤️ stay strong
- MageSutek: CatandHanTV She is also getting counseling, which is a very healthy thing to do at times likes these. I don't know if Josh is doing the same thing, but he should not walk this path alone; sometimes we need impartiality in the throes of sorrow and strife. Sometimes it takes a stranger to get to the crux of the deepest pains in our lives. It is clear he is in pain. No one should have to go it alone.
- kate young: This is literally the only time I've been emotional over a YouTube video. You got me in all the feels, Josh. Seems you've got a pretty great sister, and I imagine you're a pretty great brother.
- Iris Huseby: perfect❤❤
- Melissa K: JOSH IS BACK
- jessica chambers: This was absolutely beautiful and really touched me. I cried and I loved seeing the real and vulnerable emotions that you felt while performing/recording this. It really shows how amazing you are and how real you are with us (your fans). I know that if I was going through a hard time my older brothers would be there for me so I related to this on a personal level. Thank you for sharing your story, I love you.
- Melissa Heim: Gooose bumps
- IzzyChu: this video made me tear up its so sad I really hope things get better but his sister is so amazing and how supportive she has been im so glad he has someone like her and their so fricken cute
- Julia Berman: Amazing, you both are so great and I love you both❤️
- Tara Joy: Poor josh...colleen broke his heart 💔
- Megan Thomas: I cannot imagine how much you are hurting and I am so very sorry. Keep continuing to heal and remember to get better not bitter. ❤
- Lama Abdullah: Josh! Remember that everything happens for a reason and the difficult times that you been through is not the end but the beginning for a new and hopefully a more beautiful chapter in your life. Saty strong and I love you 💜
- megan sco: i love you
- Teresa Calderon: I thought the same, but this version is so beautiful because they both put their feelings into singing this song.
- Minecraft Kids: Poor josh at 3:10
- Hermione Granger: My eyes are now a waterfall, oh Josh my little heart! So nice to see you. You both sing beautifully! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😪😭😭
- pbelizabeth: This was honestly amazing. I hope you are doing better and we all miss you. We all support you and you should know that you are not alone❤️
- Chrystal Adams: This gave me chills.. ❤️ beautiful
- Nick B.: No I'm not crying. You are!
- Abs K: I am not upset about the split at all. He is SO much better off. End of story.
- Kelly Hope: Thing of beauty...
- Liz Kandi: Damn Erin, you got an amazing voice right there! Josh, as always, it's a pleasure to hear your awesome voice. Nice one, guys!
- Taylor Motley: I've come back to watch this so many times. when you first uploaded it, I didn't want to deal with any of the breakup drama, so about a week ago I came back and I watched this. this song makes me tear up each time I watch it. Erin and Josh, you did this song justice
- TheAlyssa458: Josh this was beautiful. I'm so sorry for what's happening in your life but I hope you know that we all love you. This was expertly done, and to be honest your voice had grown so much in the time you've been gone. I'd like to let you know that I truly believe everything happens for a reason, it burns like hell now but I promise there is a reason and a light at the end of the tunnel.
- Nicole Deller: First of all, I had no idea Erin could sing she's amazing! You both are! Second, I completely broke down when the black and white faded into color. I've been watching you guys for years and this whole situation is just terrible. I love you, I really hope you find happiness again josh❤️
- Sandy Gutierrez: You guys sing amazing 💙 when josh cried 💔😢 ily
- Grace Smyth: Josh take your channel back we miss you so so much get back with Colleen please
- Rosie Loveless: Bleh you made me cry you guys thank you I needed that
- ally Anderson: the end
- Abby N: Stay strong. I have watched this video about 12 times. I love it.
- Ansley Townsend: 😘😘😘😘 I've followed your journey and one thing I have learned from you is to be nice to people and I know you are very good at it so just stay strong 😘😘
- Eve Zandt: I am sorry for you and Colleen don't get a devours pleas 😥😢😫😭😰
- Jenna Satchell: Josh I know this is late but I just want you to know that I truly am praying for you during this dark time This song is beautiful you and Erin nailed it in fact you did better that Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake did ❤️
- tabbie: Wow. I tried so hard to hold back the tears but this was honestly amazing. I never realised how talented you and Erin are. We all understand the pain you are going through but you need to fight Josh. If she's what you really want go get her arms open and all. I see all this negativity towards Colleen being happy and Josh sad but it really isn't like that. Colleen wants to spread happiness even though she is heartbroken too whereas Josh and Erin want to inspire people that when the going gets tough you have to stride with pride. We're all here for the both of you 💜
- Catherine LeBlanc: So happy to see you back Josh. Just know that all of us who stuck around over the last month were here because we love you and want to support you in anyway we can! I truly hope you were able to do some (because there is no way your done yet) healing over the last month. Things won't seem easy for a long time, but just remember all us dingleberries (spelling?) are here for you <3
- Gabriel Chavez: Still completely heartbroken. Every time I see this video.
- HaleyB: Im crying so bad ): Im happy he has his sister by him for support its a beautiful thing
- Darcie Zudell: we are all glad you're back
- Katherin Gonzalez: had me in tears we love you josh ❤❤❤❤❤
- rmcbeigh: WOW one of my favorite songs!!! AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!!!
- Emily Butcher: wow this is amazing <3 I'm so proud of you and you will get through this <3 you and your sister are so so amazing at singing this gave me goosebumps <3
- Emily101: You will get through this:) we are here for you.:)
- Emma: Beautiful
- JennaSprinkles Lee: Joshua, you are so amazing and I have now watched for a year. I have grown to love you, and Colleen. When you started to cry I realized how much I love you guys.
- Aly W: She sings good her and josh should sing more
- Tia Bennett: Omg best duet ever👫💂👩🏼👨🏿👨🏽
- Allison Reyna: Coincidentally I too got my heart broken right around the time every other social media "goals" couples relationships started taking a turn down a similar path. Shows that everyone is real and raw, regardless of the "following" and the money we are all human, that feeling you expressed is something I too have felt and felt once again with this video. I thank you for this from the bottom of my heart, it showed me I'm not alone. 💕
- Crystal Eade: Im so heartbroken for Josh, just keep going! Love you
- Persephone Gibson: I listen to this song, and I see and feel all the love that you have for Colleen. I'm so sorry that you two are both in so much pain. I know you have both found some sort of peace with this, and I hope that y'all continue searching and don't give up. I love you both. And thank you Erin for being there! He couldn't have done this without you. You have a beautiful voice.
- nicole benjamin: +Sophie Malek not everyone is against cursing.
- Kalee King: Beautiful
- Dani_Pedulla: This is absolutely beautiful yet, heart-wrenching. I rarely comment on Youtube but this needed to be said. My heart smiles so big at this for so many reasons. Gah...beautiful!
- Marcux: U guys didn't sing this u phony I saw the movie 2 days ago and this is how it sounds in the movie so u r a phony
- Raylisha Godbolt: this whole thing is killing him and I know his sister is in pain watching him go through this :(
- Flawless_ zooki: I love this song 😭❤
- Lene Kristin: I am still crying every time I watch this. It´s so beautiful and raw! They are SO talented!!
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Jessica Lovescatsxox How is he upsetting her? There was nothing in this video about colleen. Also How did her break her heart she was the one who wanted the divorce.
- Courtp333: Stay strong Josh love ❤️
- Samantha W: Beautiful!
- sarah doumel: Hope all is well with y'all stay safe joshdtv
- amychicketano: im so sad
- Emma Reid: Can't stop listening to this on repeat love it
- gemma loye: Hope you are ok josh we all love and miss you
- Pugs&Kisses: So glad to have you back Josh! You and Erin are beautiful together! 😭
- Heidi Marrero: is this about colleen
- Ashlen Marie: When they started crying i lost it 😓
- Tanasia Council: wow I couldn't have said it better than that .I love Josh and his sister. I'm still a big fan of Josh I pry that he heals and gets back in the game and do what he loves .be nice to people bye Internet 😢😘😘
- Life With Dallys Velazquez: I love!!!!! I cried, love how it's josh and his sister. Head up always.
- Lord Shade122: This song will go down as the one song that will always make my heart feel good. It's such a powerful song and it's one that needs to be spread far and wide cause there are definitely people who haven't heard it who need to.
- hello friends: The end hit me hard man 😢😘 stay strong xxx
- lillian dover: both of you; this was beautiful. i love you both. stay strong.
- Anna Kay Blair: Left me in tears 😢
- Jessica: 💙💙💙
- rando: You got this Josh <3
- Joanna Guo: You and your Erin's voice is amazing. I love this song so much! It really makes me happy. Thank you! 😭😂😭
- John Smith: I feel so embarrassed for him. Be a man and do this in private, but then again anything for the attention hey
- Nina Marie: I feel bad you can see/hear how he spilt his emotion out when he sang this song 😭😭 ps you guys sound so good together
- Junior Langlais: I know this song. Someone at my school sang it for a concert
- Laurcake8: It's from trollllllls
- Sofyan Bayu: keep it up deadpool.
- Lexaa Reese: Why are people taking sides no one knows the whole story. I don't think josh would want us choosing sides. it's actually none of your business Tbh .
- Natalie Gregg: This made me cry.
- Jessica Pyke: both of their voices are beautiful but I never new that erin could sing so beatifully
- Nece M: I'm so happy to see you Josh. Hang in there buddy.. We're all here for you <3
- Alyssa: This was beautiful.
- Imene_DZ: Miss josh and coleen 😢😢
- Brandon Slimp: Omg her voice I want to listen to her everyday seriously everyday
- MJ: Anyone else cry 😭
- Kay V. D.: Well this has become my breakup-song as well. Being in a quite similar situation as Josh, but the breakup being more recent, I just long for the moment when it starts to get better. When I can start to heal. I'm broken and I really don't know what to do. I try not to give up on love. I really do try! But it's so hard...
- Futuristic Dreamer: so saddening
- Sydney P: We love you josh❤️❤️
- Layna: My heart breaks for you and your family! I know with the support system you have you'll pull through!
- Emily Hulen: Welcome back Josh. We loved watching your sister.That song got me with a little bit of tears. You and your sister sing great together.Can't wait to see more videos. Welcome back!!!!
- Taylor Ranae: you have a beautiful voice
- ThatVeganWhiteGirl: Aaaaaand I'm crying. So glad to have you back, josh! We missed you!!
- Nooticus: I got shivers listening to this is was so emotional <3 push through the darkness josh you will come out the other end <3 (btw Erin you have a very beautiful and unique voice)
- Alex Neuzerling: This was beautiful, Josh and Erin. No words <3
- Jamie McNeil: I love this so much. You both have amazing voices and honestly, I teared up a little bit watching this. I had to watch it 3 times. I love the relationship you and your sister have, Josh. Having a brother/sister bond like this is something very special. And the song is perfect.
- Rach O: OMG this makes me so sad
- Cari Di: Beautiful!! please do more duets, your voices compliment each other <3
- Kezia Patel: This makes me so sad 😞😭💫
- Caitlin Webber: Going through so many emotions listening to this and I didn't know Erin could sing so great and the combination with you too is phenomenal please do more songs together please
- Haley: Guys, I promise, my contacts are just bothering my eyes. But in all seriousness Josh and Erin, this is beautiful. The passion and pain behind every word gave me shivers down my spine. As siblings you understand every bit of each others pain, and it is evident how much you love and care for each other.
- katie b: 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Paige Randolph: I lost it when he started crying omg 😩
- Erin Klausen: am I the only one who Erin reminds me of Emma Pillsbury from glee?? like looks and vocal wise?
- Sophie Gibson: welcome back Josh❤❤❤❤
- shelbert99: Simply just so beautiful. Great work.
- Elle Kelyssa: me myself and I oh trust me i have my opinions on this but i'm not going to share them. everyone is different and he's choosing to take his time to heal and she's trying to please everyone. we only see the side of her in camera not in real life. we don't know how she's actually dealing with this.
- Caitlin Looney: He is back!!!
- katie80: omg their voices are so angelic. This is so beautiful! I love you both so much! 💕
- Lily Hayward: Cute that you and your sister sang it together. You. Oath have a great voice👍🏻
- Taylor Grove: People who are saying Colleen is having the time of her life and shit in her vlogs, A.) a vlog is a peak at their life we dont see everything and B.) everyone has different ways of healing, where Josh's might be crying and making songs now and being good later Colleen's might be having fun and trying to forget but crying and being sad later
- Ashley Buckley: Bubbly Bee I agree with you 100%
- Sofia Thomas: You and Erin have the most beautiful voices and hearing you sing this song together then reading the description made me cry so amazing
- Penguin: I love this song it's so touching and its with brother and sister so cute <3
- Amanda Finney: I didn't expect to bawl watching this, wow
- sydney clements: i love this honestly
- Jaina K: Stay strong josh we all love you so much ❤️️😘
- Chelsea: Be strong. You will get through it, I am so proud of you. One day you will get a partner that will worship you and treat you how you deserve. God Bless.
- Jose: <3
- Nikki Monique: 💜💜💜
- Lis Houser: oh my lord
- Gary Luggman: Chris is bisexual.
- Taylor Daniels: So I was wondering how old josh was so i looked it up then I remembered he proposed to Colleen on his birthday......😭 hopefully that dosnt Ruin his birthday every year......😭😭 DONT WORRY JOSHUA WE ARE HERE FOR YOU AND MY BIRTHDAY IS IN APRIL TOO YOURS IS THE FIFTH MINE IS THE THIRTEENTH WE CAN CELEBRATE TOGETHER❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘 I LOVE YOU!!!
- Mallory Beresford: Am I the only one who cryed when Joshua started crying????
- Jasmine Hinkley-Owens: This is beautiful
- Marija Ličanin: Wow, I didn't know Erin can sing... I'm glad you are back.
- JanJandles: My opinion on all of this is Colleen got a big head with the Netflix show (which is beyond ridiculous,I never finished the first epi)she was in Canada Josh was alone,she came home at one point and Josh was not home,no marriage is going to survive being apart all the time. She wants fame and adoration,Josh is fine with being Josh. Which leaves the question, why didn't Josh go with her. Unlike a military separation he could have spent time with her,did she tell him no??? I have unsubscribed to Miranda and Colleen, I believe Josh is heart crushed and Colleen is making her way just fine.
- Nobby Bobbinger: From what I know, divorce shreds your heart into pieces. Josh truly looks broken. I hope he can stay strong because it'll all be worth it when he finds happiness again....and he will.
- DiskoPlague: So many feelings while watching this. Mostly tears though.
- Gemma Gilbert: HE IS BACK
- Nell Urso: But I cried hard tho
- Jasmin Klask: Breaks my Heart 😔
- Kayleigh Templeton: People who cried during this are: Music lovers The heart of music Love josh Love Erin
- 2007dalin: probably cuz colleen was in it for money.. after this happened i see her true colors and her videos disgust me.. she never even showed much sadness other then what was put on
- Anabella White: you guys should date
- Krystal Chavez: My heart goes out to you, Joshua. I'm so sorry about you & Colleen.
- omoGaming: this is depressing
- Inbaayini A: New favourite song. It made me cry. And also Erin has a beautiful voice. She should start recording songs and stuff. She'll be a hiy
- Bella S: UM SAME
- Sónia Carriço: Josh, you are amazing! Your voice is just as beautiful as you are inside...!
- ThisIsEvan717: It's not that Colleen isn't having a hard time either, she just isn't monopolizing off of their divorce, she would rather keep her channel content as it was instead of having every video relate to their love and divorce.
- bobbin1211: hmmm ....
- CandyKane: I don't usually comment but some of these are making me angry. This song is absolutely beautiful and I feel so much pain for Joshua. The only thing I want to bring up is that is it really a crime to be happy? We only see about 5 minutes of her day so please don't assume things. Just because josh chose to take time away to repair and Colleen didn't, doesn't mean one is better than the other. Colleen chose to keep making videos Becuase it cheers her up and makes her and you guys happy, josh chose to take time off so he can relax and do other things to cheer him up.
- Leander: This really hit the core!! Just beautiful, Josh and Erin!! <3 <3
- Laura's Angel Ruiz: Wow...the emotion in their voices and faces...I can feel it.
- Superbe100: Obviously bout coleen
- Clarrie: Oh man, lovely song but the video is making cringe so hard.
- Alexa Prok: Sibling goals!! Love you guys! So happy Josh is back!
- Yvette Gaytan: +Harry Krinkle This had been happening on and off for the past 8 years. She said it herself, they only showed us the good parts, Who knows how they were towards each other off camera. Crazy schedules and tours have caused them to break up before when Josh was in that one boy band
- kingsleyarandia: Welcome baaaack ❤️
- Siobhan: This is soooo good. This really touched me! I loved your duet with Madison, but this is so special too! It gives me shivers! Your voice is really improving too :) it's so good!
- hannah elizabeth: Ok who sent the onion ninja to attack me again 😭😂😭
- willow falls: So happy josh is back ily so much josh.💕 it's a same he had to go through this
- Harry Rusin: The tears!!!!!!
- Kateland Estrada: Omg .. this is very cute .. shes a very good sister for being there for her big brother
- Zora Angelovski: You can really see the pain in Josh's eyes. We all love you Joshua. I feel like he dedicated this video to Colleen and Erin.
- Lan-Ding Zone: Omggggg! I keep listening to this when I'm down. I FRIKIN love it! I love y'all soo much💘
- TWIN TV: They tired so hard not cry
- Ladyoftheshadow: Who else cried
- Aleah Bednarz: This made me cry 😭
- tiny little smol bean: erin's voice is just perfect! and i cried
- Annie Fleming: 3:10
- Haha what: What am i doing With ny life so much pham
- Aurora Osborne: Josh we all love you I'm glad your back. It's good you took your time.
- Emma Green: Erin has a beautiful voice
- Sillencee Official: Update, still crying.
- Emily S: 3:52
- Adamarie Alegre: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💖💖💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💘💘💘💘💘💘💝💝💝💝💝💝💜💜💜💜💜💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💔💔💚💚💚💚💚💚💜💙💙💙💙💙💙
- Ellie: So glad your back Josh!❤️This is so beautiful honestly i swear someone was cutting up onions infront of me😭😭😭
- percybeth05med: this made me cry...
- Daisy: Wow😭❤️
- Andie Wilson: You've been back for half an hour and I'm already crying
- LifeWithLeigh: This is one of the most real and vulnerable covers and I physically hurt because it's so pure and beautiful
- Neil Glover: Why did they have to get a divorce 😢😔😪
- James Chiriboga: Josh keep your head up. You are so inspirational
- Sweetzo: 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
- Jordan Paul: I swear my eyes are just sweating!
- Sheila Rae: ya he's back!!!
- Jessica Ramirez: For all the people that say omg Colleen is so happy and josh is sad Colleen is a slutty whore, let me tell you something Josh only wanted happiness in his life, and Colleen tried her best to help him make him feel happy but one day she realized no matter what she tried or did she knew she couldn't make him happy she knew she wasn't enough... And it's sad to see all the hate on Colleen cause everybody knows Josh doesn't want that... But you do it anyway ALL OF YOU ARE HORNY BITCHFACED SLUTS... Don't ever comment again cause you just make this harder for him bitches, and to all the people who are gonna hate think twice I will destroy you ...
- Natasha Littlestar: absolutely beautiful.
- Djihane Damoo: I don't understand why colleen is so happy while he is so sad
- SheReadsBooks: Beautiful
- Gabi Bore: I feel so bad for him colleen is partying and he is struggling
- Margaret Race: Jane Review me too. It's horrible but true.
- K: Two beautiful voices. Simply gorgeous. Crying.
- Kelly Vaught: Oh man guys, this was from such a pure place. Thank you for sharing.
- Essi Salmensaari: ❤❤
- Rochelle Stroh: This is so beautiful. Thank you for being so vulnerable in front of us.
- Julia Katharina: ❤️❤️❤️
- random kitty HD: Sierra Harlow same
- tiffy 895: I started balling to this song!! I really felt the emotion in this song it was so amazing. Erin is such an amazing sister Josh you are so lucky to have her in your life. God Bless you both.
- Melanie Villalobos: josh we will always be here for you i cry in this video cuse it remember me that this word make me crazy . this world just wants us down but we CAN fight fo the pain if you are down josh and your family we will always be here for you we love you so much don't forget that we all here for you God bless you and your family and friends. ps:can we have more of brother and sister songs please you both sing like angels
- iTzTrishia - GFX: This sounds like it's from the movie trolls
- Jolie Buschlen: He came back to us
- Grace Hutapea: "For me, this song is about finding peace within myself. Sometimes life isn't going to be perfect. It may even break every part of you. Things won't seem fair. At times you'll want to scream from a rooftop hoping for justice. That being said, this song taught me to focus on the beauty that's inside all of us. So allow yourself to feel the pain, then heal from it. People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you. No matter what, never give up on love. There are those out there that won't give up on it...or you. Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors." this is beautiful, joshua. i've been there too. just enjoy the pain, it will end anyway. and you'll be happy at the end. if it aint happy, then it isnt the end yet.
- Chloe Cooper: I love you Josh and I am really sorry you are going through this because your videos are the ones the got me out of my own darkness and brought a smile to my face and I wish I could return the favor I love you so much!
- iEnjoyIt: I'm still listening to this and get pee in my eyes...
- Latisha Farrar: Much love ❤️ Joshua it's sad to see ya cry like that and I see the love in you little sisters eyes it's nice to have someone close to you to help you through a tough time I'm glad to see you back on YouTube hope you find peace real soon love ❤️ you both god bless
- luke fule: wow love this song so good cover
- Amy rose: Sending all of my love
- aundreah winter: STELLA NATOR exactlyyy this is like the tenth time ive listened to it😊
- Emma W.: Thank you for sharing your voice. Both the sound you produce and the message you share are beautiful things. Simply expressing them does so much. Thank you. :)
- Lily: obviously if you're not uploading daily videos of you crying you're not going through any pain /s
- Bristlesprout: Everything will get better Josh! I promise! This is just a milestone to a new beginning ♥️ I hope you all are well, I loved this video ♥️♥️
- Hannah Nicole: He has given so much love to people and somehow, He doesn't care too much about getting that love back, he just--loves. <3 thank you for teaching us that. :) Josh doesn't act like this is his job, he left leaving it to friends and family and literally jeopardized loosing money! but he's back stronger, and him leaving made it all real.
- Psalm Peck: So beautiful 💓💓 Both of your singing voices are so raw and melodic 💘 Love you both 💕💜💜💜
- Raianna Graboyes-Reed: You guys sound soooo good!!
- Kassandra Fletcher: Oh my gawd this was so good!!
- sandilovee: ❤️❤️ lost it when he started sobbing 😭 people need to stop blaming colleen everybody takes heart breaks differently he obviously needed time away and she gets through it by distracting her self with work and such none of us know why they broke it off and it's not really none of our business.
- Kübra Obuz: welcome baaack❤❤❤
- Nick La Grua: Beautiful Josh!
- KBOB: Erin's voice is so... innocent, like a child's, but it's also got that definite element of maturity to it... Beautiful
- Jacob: Keep strong josh. You will find love again. I love to watch you and I hope you can post more, but now I know you need some of your own time
- Kimberly Rider: So beautiful! Love y'all.
- Sarah Blevins: That was actually really sad 😭 made me tear up 😢
- Grace Fuller: So proud of you ❤️
- hannah602252: Josh you are so worthy of being a strong man. You are stronger than you think you are. Life is hard. God gave this mountain for you to climb because he knew you could handle it. Keep fighting❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- burnthisguitar: Josh I hope you are finding peace within yourself and in your life. You and Erin made me cry this song was done so beautifully by you both and I'm so glad you have your sister there for support. It will take time but you will be okay .. stay strong sir! You deserve happiness and peace 🎈
- Maddy Sims: I just cried a freakin river! Love you josh and Erin stay strong! I promise you WILL get through this tough time❤️❤️
- Bella Payne: we need bloopers for this
- Caroline Hummingbird: I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING😭😭😭
- tori heater: So glad your back xx
- Josh Lewis: That is a solid sweater
- Ellen fukkink: i just cried like a baby.. oh my.. thankyou for this! stay strong! 💕🍀
- Karli Burgett: I swear I cry every time I watch this video
- InfinteDeadEnd: Awww
- Helen Davies: does this mean that josh is back now??
- Devon: Erin is so good!
- Nidhi Lakhera: such a beautiful words and words expressed by you josh in description for you sis...👏👏👏💕stay strong...god bless you
- Seren Welsh: This was amazing, you both are so talented! You brought a tear to my eye. Love you xx
- Victor: great song
- Emma Pastis: That was freaking gorgeous dingle berry family!!
- its me paige: at the end Josh was crying i fell his pain
- Savvy Avery: Erin has a great voice omg!!
- Adriana Guerrero: I'm sobbing ! I just want to hug him 😭💗
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Fatlinda :D I agree :)
- Crazy Rags: when this video started I was like..... josh get over it... Colleen did, it's just a divorce BUT then I realised how much pain he should be in cause any given day loosing one's loved one is so painful...... so painful like that of ripping your heart out and squeezing it tightly. Josh I wish that I could hug you and tell you that everything is gonna be alright but physically I can't but through this message I can.... Joshua everything is gonna be alright. If she is truly meant to be your's then she will find her way back to you...... back to your love. I hope that if my life is destined towards marriage or love I would get someone like you as my better half, my life partner who would love me unconditionally for the person I am. Don't loose hope. Don't stop loving cause love can conquer all..........
- Pippa Massam: Why were they sad
- Madison Melancon: Still cry to this video. Love everything about it. Hate to see josh hurting though. I would love to know what really happened... because marriages just don't end and they seemed so good...
- zatia noxanet: y do ppl assume that if a guy shows emotions, he's gay??????? evryone has feelings. .. some people are just better at hiding .. I believe those who show theirs without a care in the world are the strongest people on earth .... Josh u r strong buddy.. I pray u go through this time ... as I said b4 "one day u r gonna wake up and all these pain will be faiding memories ..." love zatia❤❤❤❤
- Margaret OSullivan: I love this duet so beautiful
- kate giorgio: this is truly beautiful. thank you for being so strong joshua and giving this piece of art to us <3
- winterprism: Dang! Should have had kleenex handy before watching this! K, well, I am gonna go off and sob in the corner for a bit now...
- Logan Sanders Vlogs: fred bob neither one of them are at fault so STOP ✋
- Maddie Beechner: Wow this was so beautiful 😭😭😭
- Captain Evans: We definitely know who this is for
- Caitlin Rapp: you are greatest singers ever Erin and Joshua I am sorry Joshua it is terrible you and Colleen divorce but you get better don't have to be sad I loved you
- Singalong54321: THAT'S Erins singing voice?! 😱😍 So pretty!
- Jvega26: Brigitte Diaz I wasn't tired but I teared up a little
- Katy. h18: 💕💕💕☺️☺️ #BeNiceToPeople
- Charlotte Robinson: That was about Colleen😢
- Menzie Lea: I'm coming home I'm coming home tell the world I'm coming home
- Jeffery Jefferson: Lol is it supposed to be obvious that hes lip syncing idk
- Alice Fennell: this made me cry honestly , i am so sad for you but i know that you will hopefully be ok in the end x
- Dion'Ya L.: My absolute favorite part is when they sang "I last saw you laughing" 😢💗 The way she looks at him says it all
- Jessie Flowers: 💖💖
- Kimee: beautiful.
- Tate S: ❤️❤️❤️
- Moon Goddess: beautiful collaboration
- Alex Lopez: I know but it's weird to explain. I feel like I need to be hurt to feel loved idk
- WESTCOASTITCH: I'm just sitting wondering about all your moments in life, and hoping that you and Colleen can find each other again, but a part of me also believes that some people that come into our lives aren't always meant to be with us forever, and thats ok. Life is rough, love is harder
- Xo_Sthorn_oX: Nice
- audrey bates: IM NOT OKAY
- Jivs Elgin Rivera: Who's still watching this? 2018??
- Ava Lilkee: i love you
- quinn: this is amazing. stay strong. love you ❤️
- Heather White: This will probably just get lost in the mix of comments but I gotta say it...Josh this video is absolutely beautiful. I don't know if it was meant but the symbolism of you sitting next to an empty chair and Erin then appearing there is insanely powerful, I couldn't help but lose it. This is the best thing I've seen in a long time. You're an amazing person, Josh and you WILL be ok. You have your family and friends who will always be by your side and you have your Dingle berries :) Healing from such an intense heartbreak isn't easy, but I promise you, every day gets a little easier. Thank you for sharing this Josh. ❤
- Kierra Wilson: Erin's voice I've never heard and it's amazing
- Heather Erickson: Erin can sssiiiiing!!!! You guys. Making me cry over here. This is so beautiful. You both are so amazing. Stay strong. Love you! ❤️
- Marco Rodriguez: Brenden very clever
- Emery Begaye: I can't believe anyone could do that to him. my gosh I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I know you said not to be angry with Colleen but I'm finding that difficult to do. I'm sure she's hurting too but I doubt it compares to this, since she's the one who called it off. I love you man. I'm glad your back. I appreciate your sister for all the help she's done. I really hope she keeps growing in YouTube. It's a happy surprise to learn that she can sing. :) I love you too Aryn. (sorry if I spelt your name wrong)
- lkus662: yup. all the feels
- jjuni: love you❤️
- Superstarlight867530: carla ajami - I'm baffled, what about Josh reads as 'gay' to you? His 8-year commitment to a woman? Trust me Colleen was not his 'beard'.
- Kate Dubay: Hits me right in the feels
- valerie Green: oh wow you both are so beautiful I love the relationship you have with one another brother & sister bond is the best xo <3 josh I am praying for your heart & healing ;)
- Katie Marie Duck: I lost it when they started crying, slowly dying inside :(
- grace sales: 420
- naomi seaton: omg i am crying 😢😢😢😢😭😭
- curly frei: I love my phamily
- Adrienne Hartzell: JOSHUA!!!!
- Leah Santiago: Bowwwwwwwww
- hullo people: josh always has the power to make me cry at the snap of a finger.
- hagajaj jajaja: crafting so much right now ;(
- nooks & Crannies: this song made me cry i feel bad for colleen and josh and erin
- Abigail Maver: U guys r amazing I love u guys so much can u do a cover of Sad Song?
- Emily lozier: Read the description 😭😭
- katarina petrova: Danika Boissonneault actually make that 400 times 😭😭😭
- vivian choeng: 😭😭😭
- shadow games roblox: wow they cried
- Jurassic Zombie: I'm genuinely crying in the middle of my kitchen watching this! So proud of you Josh for making this video. It's great to see you back even for a little bit :) keep your head held high and remember you are a strong and beautiful souled human and we love you
- Maria Katrina: We love you Josh! We love you for YOU! And Erin is amazing too! Wonderful video! Forever a dingleberry! ❤️
- Letitia Y: Love you Josh!! you sound amazing and you really moved me with this. glad you have Erin during this hard time :)
- Diana Wilson: i love dis...
- Angelika.R: love you both! Stay strong! ❤
- Newzie Xx: Trolls took the song from you or you took the song from trolls
- Valentina Peddis: Anyone else crying with me ......probably just me
- Mäx: I just can't stop listening to this! Sooooo beautiful and sad at the same time but you're voices are perfect for this song 😍 And then seeing both of you starting to cry is giving me the full heart break :(
- Jaclyn Daupert: I've always loved this song, but wow. This gives me such a new appreciation for it. Beautifully done guys.
- Lina Elessawy: I know it is not my business but i am sorry i had to say this it was killing me
- Johnna Mallery: I love this and you! So glad you're back, Josh. ❤️️
- Singing Trash: Your sister looks and sings like that girl I just noticed that
- Maria Raftopoulou: amazing ♥
- Sage C: I'm so touched by this song and what has happened you have a brave and beautiful mind set to things keep doing what you love and never give up ❤️
- Chaika .1: I love you Josh. Everything is going to be ok. From Russia 🇷🇺 with love ❤️
- Kaleigh S: I hope your better Josh! You did nothing wrong and neither did she. I hope you are happy and not as sad as you were! I love you josh!!!!❤️😘
- Jessie Johnson: I'm on my sisters account but its my name
- Chey B: Erin, the amount of support and love that you show towards Josh's experience is truly inspiring. The way you can feel his emotion and the way you hurt from his hurt. The bond that siblings have is so strong, and when losing the love of your life.. it is the most piercing pain.. but with someone so close to support you it makes a world of difference. It's beautiful.. and so are you, inside and out. Josh, only someone REALLY strong can go in front of a camera during such a hard time and sing a song like you did. You are one of the most inspiring people to me. I honestly did not expect you back on the internet so soon.. it is a brave and strong choice. I love you and so many people do.... i can not wait until the day i can see your true smile again. It will be an amazing day for us all! <3
- Razyle Contreras: "can't remember when... i last saw you laughing." 😭💔 take all your time to feel better josh 😭😭😭
- a nutting jimin: CatandHanTV You never know tho... a lot of people fake their emotions and frequently act like they are okay when they really aren't.
- Lauren Mcmurray: Is he crying?!?!?! I'm crying!!!!
- iSpyhinx: bridget jannnene after
- cookieland 1156: Hope I feel better josh
- Eliza May: I love that sooo much. soo many memories came to thought love you both xxxxx
- Crystal Reed: Its so beautiful to have someone by your side even when life brings you sadness. I cried so much. They have beautiful sibling relationship. And they have such good voices and its emotional song. I love both of them. 😭💕
- Kirstyn Powell: This is so beautiful.<3 Welcome back, Josh. We missed you!
- Ariana Grandé: Erin Emiko yep
- Summer CTV: Brother and sister there amazing at singing like if u agree
- aka Ash: They have the most AMAZING VOICES!!!MY HEART MELTED!!!😌😌😌😌💕💕💕💕
- Cortney Turner: I just cried like a baby. You can really feel his pain in this song. You never know what is going on in a persons life behind closed doors.
- Savannah Yeager: SO PROUD OF YOU
- Ashley Phan: Does anyone else think that Joshua looks so freakin different
- It'sme: Your so strong❤️ I love you josh💙
- Amina Begum: Thank you , Josh for making a video! And Erin your voice is beautiful! True Colors♥ 💩💩
- GOOFY GAMING: it is so hard for him to get over all this. of course it is hard it is so hard not to cry I said this to pickle boy only tough men cry
- Mrs Vera: Beautiful and emotional
- Kailey Fountain: I love you so much Josh, I loved this so much! I cried in front of everyone at basketball practice, but anyways this is a great song. Don't worry about the rude people out there don't let them bring you down. I bought this and its on repeat you don't understand how much you mean to me and remember through everything I will always love you!!!
- Macie Delr: shivani gopi same
- Jennifer Vaughn: All of the feels.....tears....hugs....love.....Eric your voice is so angelic!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
- sara radouane: I love this
- macsienna plays: Josh, your amazing at singing and your such an inspiration to boys AND girls!! Keep doing what your doing X :)
- Typical Cassie: Joshua! You Came Back!😭
- TheDolphingirl20: Bethan Yates they are there for each other Erin went through a divorce as well
- TheDaisyForce: I really hope that after the divorce is over and done with, that Josh and Colleen can still be friends, and still hang out and go to each others parties and be in each other's videos and stuff. Unless what they went through was really tough. I love them both and will forever, it just hurts to see them so sad and distant.❤️
- ocia newton: Victoria Marie how rude
- Sawyer: Had to disregard my previous comment, I want to post positive words on here for you not negative things. Don't assume or jump to conclusions he is throwing any kind of shade towards her, his words aren't said to hurt her, he's putting out there what he went through, describing what he felt happened to him, that doesn't meant its "shade". Love you Josh, welcome back. So glad you took your time to heal 💜💜💜
- Kelsey: Always supporting you Josh, much love :)
- sarah tomboy: Can u answer
- Alicia Scott: Thank you. That was beautifuly done.
- C C: This was amazing
- krista marie: We missed you
- Emily Yip: 😱😱😱omg best duet I've ever seen
- Vicki Friend Schweder: You both did amazing job with this song it really pulls at the heart strings.
- Brittany brattny: Great song good message I'm glad your back
- Jeanette Rossi: 3:08😰😰😰😰
- Lucy Brennan: WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx missed you ILY
- Rylee Reynolds: It's cyndi lauper
- Ashlyn Sparham: That was great
- Kat B.: i never knew they could sing... btw Joshua, hang on okay? you'll make it through. I wish you happiness, both you and Colleen.
- Sim S: I missed you so much Josh!! Your positivity, humor and amazing smile❤️ I'm glad you're back just remember to keep your head up and know things will get better in your life. This cover made me teary🙄
- Liz S: So beautiful. Made me cry! Thanks for being you and for being vulnerable. So glad to have you back! You got this, Josh!
- Gemini Coven: That's when😢
- Emma Kiley: Omg I feel so bad cuz its obvious who's it is about love at Joshua
- Briana Springer: my heart 😖
- Eugenie Solano: 😭😭😭😭
- addyson kay: Welcome back. We embrace you with big big hugs.
- Stella Curtis: You sound axactlly like the actual song
- BirdieGirlAZ: Do more of this if for nothing else but to keep healing. I've got 3 brothers one is my best friend & the one I run to when I'm in total dispare. He helped me thru a divorce the loss of my first soul mate then together we stood when not 1 but 3 of his best buddies growing up all died before age of 22 (all separately) it's so clear she's a rock for you so don't be afraid to lean!
- Ruth H: welcome back Josh <3 and beautiful duet xx
- Aureum: Love you Josh!!💕❤️
- Toni Jade Griffiths: welcome back! weve missed you, your lucky you have Erin as a sister shes being amazing i love you both very very much, Xx ( btw im not crying just got something in my eye)
- TinaShay x: That was beautiful
- Katie Holland: I absolutely love the pure heart and soul put into this. Well done.
- Curtis Griffin: Oh bugger, Josh i feel your pain. You are my most favourite person on the internet. We stand with you bro!! Peace to you
- Lindsey Lyles: erin!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- taylor johnson: WE LOVE YOU
- Gary Mijangos: stay strong Josh I have nothing but love for you expressing yourself with this beautiful song great job !
- Bridget Parker: Camilla De Cicco my Instagram is @_bridgetparker_
- Destiny Jones: They sound beautiful together... I feel so bad for you Josh... but know we are all here for you.
- Paige Elliott: wolfe storm Coleen is not selfish!!!!!!!
- Silver Moon: Erin and Josh i love ir singing and dont worry Josh everyone goes through hard things in their life dont worry everyone is here for u! <3 (:
- Krys WeBB: Going through a really tough time myself right now. This made me cry. Very moving, thank you for sharing this.
- lizzy4liz: Beautiful song. <3
- Brandi aka Loser: I love this so much💖Erin is such a good singer! Both of you are so talented! I missed you Josh!
- Nat: I think its amazing you are letting your vulnerability and emotions show. Heartbreak is one of the most painful things you can feel, but no matter what, keep on living. you both sound amazing
- mademoiselle alec.: This is so beautiful and Erin is so talented! I never expected her to have such an amazing voice... I guess it runs in the family.
- Jordyn Duckworth: Erin's voice is so beautiful 😍
- amwayltd8: Beautiful job to the both of you. you both have great voices and it is great to see how much you both are there for each other. Sibling bond is so strong. I have a strong bond with my brothers so I know you how it is.
- Meghann Cleary: Right in the feels! I'm sobbing. Beautiful you guys.
- Audrey Gutierrez: you're so lucky to have amazing family and friends to stand by you. ❤ I love the bond you and Erin have
- Peggy Hancock: Just beautiful! More Josh/Erin duets, please.
- kate: Omg. Erin's voice is so pretty together with Josh's voice. 😊
- Jessica Donovan: I still love this so much
- Takunda The Skittle Queen: Bianca Nicholson well if you divorced someone you wouldn't keep mentioning their name you would seem desperate and people would hate on u cos u divorced them and now u keep talking about them
- fatchickens: I broke down when they started crying 😓
- mandyyjayyy: This made me cry so much <3 <3 Love you Josh.
- Meg R: Was very amazed by this cover. Not only did I not expect it to be so good. But I didn't expect to cry with these two. I commend them for having the courage to sing in front of the world in tears. These two are so very strong amidst what they're going through and I really wish I could give them each a hug... :'(
- P!nk Fayg0: Hello Reader! This is a motivational comment. There Is Always Someone In The World That Cares About You. If You Don't Feel That Way, Let Me Tell You Right Now, I Care About You. Have A Great Day! 💙😘😀
- ThePunk Polkadots: Joshua please know that you're not loved any less than you were a year ago. it doesn't matter who you're with our not, you're still loved. always.
- Hansa Frederiksberg: So beautiful! ❤️💔😪
- Camille Kobelin: this is so beautiful I love you both so much❤️ so happy you're back I've missed ya :)
- Lily Douglas: I was so excited to see this video pop up as a notification. I clicked on it as soon as I saw it. We missed you a lot Josh, and we're glad to here your voice again. I don't have words for how blown away Erin's voice was. Thank you so much for coming back! This was beautiful!
- Heather Perez: Joshua U need to Come Back Cause We All Miss U and When I saw This and Heartbreak I was in so much tears But we can all get through this together as a family #BringJoshBack
- Kayla Head: Vi K some people just aren't right for each other
- Jay Kay: ilysm josh we support you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- xoRawr Mirandaox: I think it's disgusting that people are doing #TeamJosh or #TeamColleen No one has any idea what happened behind the scense, they just see what they have shown us. So leave them both alone. Let them move on without the hate. They are people just like us. We all go about things different, stop the hate, just like he says, be nice to people. Fuck man. Grow up kids. -_- Josh, things will get better in time, try and take it easy(:
- Hailey: Funny how you have to delete the truth Josh! Do you want support or not?
- Putri Caroline: ❤️❤️❤️ this is SO beautiful. You have a big, genuine and selfless heart. You and Erin. Thank you for being so brave.
- Erin Gray: I cry every time I watch this! I wish I had an Erin in my life! Love you both ❤️
- beautyontheinsidex: this made me cry! my two year old and i have watched this at least 5 times already. she absolutely LOVES Josh. ❤️❤️ so glad he's back!
- himynameislotta: Abbi Jones what makes you think he hasn't tried? You can't change someone else's mind just because you feel differently, you can't make someone stay in a relationship with you just because you want them to. Real life doesn't work that way, sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't make it work. I understand it's sad, and I'm really sorry if their divorce has affected you in a negative way. But really I feel it's disrespectful to say things like this, try to think how you'd feel if someone said the same thing to you. Not trying to make you feel bad though, just let's try to stay positive :)
- Martina Ralenekova: I love this song ❤️️I'm crying 😭 I love you ❤️Bye
- Gina Perry: Soooooooo good!💙
- raybans&suntans ': such a raw and beautiful duet ❤️
- shelby: Let's spread positivity during this hard time...that's really want Joshua needs. Dumbass reports and rumors are demeaning and disgusting!! #BeNiceToPeople ❤️❤️❤️🎈🎈
- Corbyn Bentley: So glad to have you back Josh. All the best luck to Erin on her channel too! I'm glad to see that you are trying to heal, and taking your time with it. I love you, and wish nothing but the best for you!
- Elisa Morales: Becca~G she went through a divorce as well it was made to represent their similar background
- Wendy Herron: Erin has a good voice 😍 she should sing more with her brother they make a good singing group 💘💝💕❤️👫
- Alicia Marcantonio: Erin's voice 😍😍😍😍
- Riley Gregory: We ❤️❤️you Josh missed you
- CM B: Auw Josh and Erin :(.This is so beautiful and sad at the same time x
- A. Farragut: Welcome home Josh.
- Mate C.: I actually cried.
- Dorothy Gale: this made me start to cry
- Michelle Dzbinski: I'm not crying..you're cryinf
- allieskellington: This is beautiful.
- Hayley Dolan: I literally cried💔💔😭😭😭
- Anna Hull: I found this video on here after my son had a very bad break up. The quote at the beginning was perfect. This video helped him more than any words I could have said to him. Thank you!
- Marissa Lee: absolutely beautiful😪
- Kara F: this was beautiful, We are here for you Josh. Erin did such a good job singing! She made such good videos while you were gone!!
- Adepe: you shuld sing another song together!!!😁😊😚
- Viltė G: I wonder.. will colleen watch it
- Lorrie Anderson: I told myself I wasn't gonna cry but 3:30 got me bad. 😔 I am so sorry you're hurting, but I am so glad you have Erin to help you through this. I cannot imagine how hard this is. Much love from Tennessee. ❤️
- Judalon Thelma: I was first to reply to you... Why did @Joshuadtv only get a "omg"? 😩 Now I just feel irrelevant in life 😂 Joshua can you "omg" me so I feel important again, like my existence means something like yours does?
- Monica Parmer: they both can sing but don't worry josh I will always be there and remember "show your true colors we love you" you have people who is there for you💖
- Hero Pepper Prince: Based on these comments apparently none of you guys like josh that much cuz very few comments are following his plea to BE NICE TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
- Virali S: Some of the comments are seriously irritating. Just because Josh uploaded a heartfelt video depicting his emotions doesn't mean that even Colleen has do to the same thing. I understand that we comment upon the stuff that we see. But come on there can be two sides of a situation
- anna mckinstry: I like how you put the part where people could even abandon u
- Miko Galang: I cried. I feel joshua. But i cried when her sister looked at him like she feels what joshua feels. Seeing a loved one get hurt is just so painful. 😢 hoping for the best for you josh
- CITY GIRL COUNTRY GIRL: crying with you - sending peace to you
- Emily Mason: We love you!! Thank you for being real with us. I will always be here to support you two!❤️
- Mollie Williams: Welcome back josh ☺️💜
- Amanda Rodriguez: This duet was honestly so beautiful, I cried really hard.
- KathrinaC4: i didnt know erin could sing like that.
- Melissa Huck: Absolutely beautiful .. I am sorry for your pain😢 you had me in tears... when I go through heart breaking circumstances I tell myself " this to shall pass" my heart goes out to you Josh . Erin your a great sister 😘😘
- Ammar Rosdi: omg..this is so heartbreaking... 😭😭
- tugba630: Wow. Amazing. Made me cry. Love from germany
- serena green: she is such a good singer and so is he
- Rene Smal: Wow.
- vlogs with cierra Maynard: I love this song❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Bailey Dundas: Wow you guys both sing beautiful💜 I'm so happy you're back. I'm so proud of you💜
- Mikey Uliano: when the colors showed and they were crying.....😥
- Heather Heotis: I cried...... AGAIN I am such a cry baby man!!!!
- Gaby_ SW: Omg I cried
- Isabel Johnston: I feel like she's healed a lot quicker than him on the outside
- stepanie bonilla: love it
- Jennifer Jepsen: Josh you have no idea how much this reminds me of my real life. Thank you so much for making this video. I missed you so much on the channel and Erin was amazing too. Please post more of these sensitive songs but we all are here to support you and so thank you. Be Nice To People And Oorvua.
- Ester K: LuLwa AlH wait who did Erin get a divorce with ?? I fell so bad Defoe them I broke down for this video 😭😩
- Antonia Breen: I thought that if you use an official cover of a song you had to give credit to it because this version of true colours is from the official soundtrack of Dreamworks trolls with Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake singing it, is that not the case?
- Just Sierra: This song deserves a hug. This song is love. I love this.
- Charlotte Robbins: I can't believe how strong you both are both having to deal with divorce ! Its incredable! And Erin's voice is so good! she should sing alot more!
- lydia moore: Omg I love this josh and your sister is really good at singing. Of course you are too though😉
- Justine Kowalski: Absolutely stunning, there's nothing else to say.
- Melanie Strouse: this was amazing ❤
- Fa heema: Clearly shows*
- Bailie June: this was heartbreaking. it seems like he's the only one upset
- Amy: Okay apparently everyone on the Evans family is talented as hell and I'm wondering what kind of super gene they have???
- omfgdua: +Kati Nicole Ik they didnt I just used that as an example, but later on after their relationship and a break shane decided to date a guy. So i just used that as a deference
- Erica Stearman: I'm in tears🙏🙏 Y'all were amazing.😘😘
- Hayley Butcher: This is truly beautiful. Both Erin and Josh have experienced heartbreak and this is their way of dealing with it.
- Tara Sooley: agh i missed you so much!!! 💝💝 ily ily ily
- Jamie Scott: That was beautiful! I hope music can soothe your soul my friend. Try and hang in there! Lots of love.
- justina lamboi: Did you( josh) gain weight
- sya sya: I teared up 😭
- Sarah Newman: we love you josh ❤️
- TAYLOR GESSLER: i hurt for you
- LilyStar40: ocia newton Victoria is right, she's just stating her opinion and that's what we all do in the world right?
- Silver Kitsune: Omg I'm in tears oh god guys Erin you can sing and Josh I'm glad to hear your voice again This became my fav fast
- KennaDeMiner: t-t-this song is beautiful. This song must mean a lot to you because your emotions looked so real. This song is gonna make me cry. You guys really did a great job on this. This is probably going to be my new favorite.
- Talitha Muggeridge: This makes me so sad😢😢
- Midnightlightss: Crying seriously so beautiful ❤️
- Sasha Ramirez-Robles: Anyone else feel like this was meant for Colleen?
- The Best: But what happened????
- Vanessa Torres: Idc
- no: Sad 😢😢😢
- Marie Mai: So beautifull!💖
- PhillyJilly: Thanks for making me ball out crying thru whole video! I saw when first came out. But, means more now. Like fine wine. ❤❤
- Taylor Muth: Diniera Hasna i agree
- Marlenny Delgado: Omg! This song makes me cry! I'm so happy you're back! And us your fans are going to help you get thru this! We love you! Be nice to people!
- Pender, Party of 2!: Wish this was on ITunes. Love your voice and also wish you would sing more. Both of you together are amazing. I know you will probably never see this comment but this is beautiful. Thank you for this.
- __ itz.missy __: Love u Josh 💜
- Heather Kincaid: I've really missed josh
- EL & MELA KAVAVLOGHAN: Omygaddd Josh😭❤️
- Rebecca Hall: I love Colleen and Josh just as equally, but while Colleen has been on the Internet making videos, Josh has still been hiding in what seems to be a really depressing corner. It must be so hard for him to see Colleen getting on with her life especially with Haters Back Off! out. You can just see it in his and Erin's eyes Erin must mean so much to Josh.❤️
- Abby Costello: Erin has an amazing voice and with josh it sounds even better 👌👌👌
- Farrah Rene: I ball my eyes out every single time I watch this. They did such a beautiful job with it.
- Karly: ❤️❤️❤️
- Kelsie Rudichar: Wow. My heart hurts... This was so beautiful. Love you guys so much❤️
- l s: +marc turiano LMAO this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. If that was the case we would all support her, but people assuming things like this is exactly what she doesn't want
- Yippikay: Cried.
- xSevenDevilsx: When he started crying I started crying. Holy shit.
- Amelia Teabo: I cried sooo much. We love u josh. Stay strong! Just know that things will get better eventually. Pain is just temporary 😭💗
- Julianna Jameson: Awe I love this
- Emma and Murrin xoxo: Can we just point out how much they sound like anna kendrick and justin timberlake like if u agree
- Iverdialis Tirado: Thank you both! Honestly people I can look up to and aspire to be like. This song made me cry. You guys did amazing ❤️
- Jessie _: Does this mean josh is coming back or...... Josh we all miss u and I hope u come back to utube soon😉☺️
- Kelly G.: I have missed you so much josh and I hope that you are feeling better or at least that sometime soon you can be happy again
- Rhea Linan: my heart😢😢 we're here for you josh. we loveyou!💜
- Emma Apple: I love Colleen and Josh, but Colleen has proven that she is just as happy now as she was with Josh. Josh is proving Colleen was a part of him. Idk honestly what Colleen is doing.
- Rebecca Wilson: This is a beautiful piece of art coming from such a raw, real place. Everyone involved with this did an incredible job... And I think this is the best video you have ever put out into the world. This shows someone who keeps moving even when the wheels have completely fallen off- and the love of family and how strong a support it is. Thank you for allowing yourself to be so vulnerable in your art- and to give a glimpse to everyone of what real life looks like. You're an inspiration, Josh. Sending so much love and support your way. ❤️
- Panda: I know it was hard for yall
- Kayla x: So sad.. I'm crying! 😭
- Anoniem Anoniem: I miss my ex boyfriend so much right now :(
- Sunset Jess: Josh. I love you so much. it hurts to see you guys cry. I'm crying with you guys. I love you guys so much, with all of my heart and soul. I love you.
- Amy Yarrow: Joshua is a very strong man and i wish him the best
- James Tee: Everyone should stop playing who's the victim here for crying out loud--
- Amy Lie: I'm wishing the best. Don't know you, i will never meet you but i truly think that you are a amazing person. Hapinness can only be with you, never give up
- Wombchild Penister: I love you sm Josh!! Keep pushing through!! You are so strong!!!!!!!
- Willow Bear53562A: Watching this 5 months later and still crying
- Steve Bryson: Joshua David Evans don't be discouraged cause people like me will help you rise from this .God bless you
- Gianna Ferazi: Silvia Bautista Me too 😭
- Mary Anne Coutinho: I'm not crying, your crying
- Lilah Eich: aww their crying :(
- Abandoneddreams: You can see the hurt and pain in his eyes.... My heart hurts 😭😭💔💔
- Megan Smith: Sssooooo ggooooodddd 😍😍🙏🏻🙏🏻👌🏻👌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻
- SabinaAle: with such great support and people around you, with time you will find that peace inside that you need, and also the strenght to keep on going!
- Julie Huebner: God, I just want to give them hugs! Beautiful song, made me cry.
- Strugaru Catalina: Is this meant for colleen?
- Jasmine Leigh: Pretty sure I'm not the only one who started crying. But GREAT song 10/10!!
- Tessa McCahill: I missed u so much!!!
- Alison Ren: I can't get over knowing how heartbroken Josh is, and watching Colleen live life seemingly just fine. I'm sure she's not, but it's hard to watch. I wouldn't be able to function for a while if my husband broke my heart and left our marriage. I'm so sorry for Josh.
- Carrie Jones: No it was originally performed by Cyndi Lauper in the 80's
- Joanna Jackson: beautiful <3
- Ashley Picanza: I have no words to describe how beautiful this was.
- kaeleigh anne: This was the best thing I have heard in a very long time..... I'm sitting in my room crying because it touched me so much!!! p.s. Welcome back Josh!!!
- re re: madison lambe thank you
- Ellie Allmond: absolutely beautiful. please do more.
- Debby Martinez: hold up.... they're matching...boy then looks over to a girl, maybe admiring them....true colors/rainbow. as in be yourself, true to yourself......true to others. show yourself.... anyone got the same vibe as me. pls tell me in wrong
- Adrianna Cortez: fr
- Kimi-Jin808: Roisin garvey literally fuck off.
- Jules: wait actually tears are happening...😭
- Gina Pagel: stay strong Josh, glad to have you back <3
- joegenova: Omg the drama
- Lindsey Corrigan: Erin's accent is the best while singing 😂😂❤️❤️
- Gacha_studio Uploads: I am so happy your back,i have sufferd a divorce with my parents...thank you I love you you have saved me I'm crying <3 I love...you also just a note #benicetopeople
- FuadHirwan: sibling goals 😍
- Cameryn H: Amazing
- Susie Sophia: Beautiful <3
- Emma Lea: She is making the biggest mistake of her life if she leaves this man....My heart breaks for you. 😕
- AngryBeaver30: Claire Shi Her career is shit and she has no talent. That's coming from an unbiased perspective.
- Fangirl Life Always: I love your voice Joshua keep healing 😊
- Lo McGaff: This song needs to be on iTunes. I would buy it.
- Kelly Jo Gillan: Guys stop causing drama. Divorces are hard and NO ONE wants to go through them. They are lots of money and stress. When someone gets one it's for a reason. I'm sure they had proper reason. We don't know everything so stop assuming
- All Animals Here: He looks like a dramatic ass fuck-boy ass lil white chipmunk
- Makaila Carpenter: Josh and Erin, you guys have no idea how much I want to hug both of you right now. I met you two in Atlanta over a year ago and both of you have the sweetest souls I've ever met. This video radiates that. I'm so beyond proud of both of you. Josh, keep your head up. We're all here for you. And Erin, keep being the best sister ever, we love you too! Thank you guys for being so real and open with us. We all love you :)
- Jesscant cooke: So so beautiful
- Cecilia Christina: ♥♥♥♥♥♥
- Emma Hogan: I love you Josh. We all love you. Even though this was shot 8 months ago, we still know what your going through. I saw the pain in your eyes... i cried! But, its okay to cry:)
- Mya 1311: katlyn goode not all girls are sensitive about breakups obviously he's is so that's a feminist comment good day
- Poonam Shah: Way to go Josh! This was beautiful. I'm glad you're back because it kinds means that you're starting to be okay in some way 😘 Erin has a GODLY voice. Your bond reminds me of something special. Keep doing your thing 💁🏽 love you always ❤️
- Samantha: 😭😭😭😭
- Kat Konz: AHHHHHHHH, so happy your back, and all of your fans absolutely adore how strong you are.
- Ashley Bigard: <3
- Kate Creasey: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Bella Sky: so beautiful thanks for sharing. ..hang in there praying for you....trust God above all things....loved the song u both shone brightly amazing Erin and Joshua xxx lotsa love
- Lina Boskla: when colleen is going to watch this shes going to cry
- Emily Barkley: When I saw this music video I thought it was beautiful.
- Jessica Jones: please do another song with your sister
- Celeste dos Santos: my heart 💔
- Katharine Davies: I have never commented on a video before but I had to on this video. So beautiful and moving. Thank you.
- BREANA SMITH: what hapend
- Factually Ally: amazing and im glad your back josh <3 stay strong <3
- James Wright: Both parties are hurt. Plain and simple. Josh did a fine job and thank god for Erin creating this video along side him. I don't think he'd make it otherwise.
- Classy Chloé: I love josh and his sister
- LouMasi Lott: me either
- Bella King: this is so sweet but sad at the same time like i have a tear rolling down my cheek
- mackenzy Mars: I was not prepared
- kristin / kris: Well she said she left him for fans , not her job. I thought she meant that she left him to gain more fans
- Sophie Davies: Josh you have no idea how brave and strong you are ❤️ You have 1,443,293 people all here for you! We love you Josh xxxx
- Diniera Hasna: Sabina Zahiri lol wot
- Sophie Serpis: I'm going to be honest, I've never cried at a YouTube video till now 😭 stay strong Josh. I love you
- Anna Pham: missed you so much josh!!!
- olivia faith: I'm so happy you're back Josh!! You both did an amazing job!!
- sid the fucking sloth //: i'm crying rn this is so emotional and Erin's voice is amazing
- Red Roses: I'm so happy that your back
- Clorox Bleach: I know it's horrible to say but it kills me to see Colleen so happy and Josh so upset
- Kateryn Gutierrez: Nika Zia Nicho TRUE
- XxNygeriaxX: Well now ima take a while to get myself together after I just cried a river
- Bonnie Berry: Josh, your voice gives me chills. Amazing. So proud of you.
- Glen rees: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Erin is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good wow!............. so is josh always
- Tabethina: I love this so much. We're all here for you. 💕
- LekicMixyMiki: This is really fucked me up... Especially because reminds me so much on my love situation... So emotionally...
- Jordy14: Oh, these? These aren't tears, my allergies are acting up...really, I mean it.
- Hannah Dodson: Josh breaks down, I break down. This video was so amazing Josh, I feel like a proud mom.
- emily: This is so perfect 😍
- Alicia Medrano: 😪😪😪😍😍😍😍
- Maddie Estes: OMG ERINS VOICE IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! I was truly crying during this. who else did.
- Alloy: This touched my heart😢❤
- Jacob: Stop taking sides and hating, josh doesn't want that. And if your being mean to him you probably don't know what he's going through and even if you do just click off the video and don't leave rude comments
- Yuli P.: You guys got me breaking down. It's been almost 3 months since I called off the engagement, & ended things with my ex fiance bc he cheated on me while I was pregnant with our 1st daughter. This song came on a few years ago when I was falling inlove with him, & just hearing it again & seeing the pain in your eyes really hit me hard. This was beautiful, good job guys.
- Alana Jorgensen: Erin you have an amazing voice!!!😍😍😍
- winifred xoxo: ...ew
- Holly Valentine: Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful josh and Erin!!❤️👌🏻
- Samirah Fathimah: lol it was easy to collen to come through his dark of time she had realise her first netflix show been of jimmy fallon and all her friends are w9ith here her life is just getting better but in the end she choose the divorce but i feel bad for josh so much like i legit cried so hard you know everything happens for reason and god knows why
- barbiesalessa1: what a beautiful way to come back! we all have been praying for you and miss you like crazy, Josh! So happy to see you on youtube again...it just didn't seem nature without you! 🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Itzel V M: That sister brother bond and love during the second half was what made this music video the best one in this whole damn website.
- MyLifeAsLouis: Love the matching outfits!
- Aaron Edwards: this was truly beautiful and i respect the brother sister bond this two have. Josh And Erin you guys brought me to tears i love ya and be blessed my friends
- J.K.C: i busted up laughing the first 5 seconds, i cant with this man! lmao he is so extra. Like why would you exploit your personal love life situation into a corny music video.
- Nathan Trieu: lol
- Sarah Showalter: So happy you're back, love the song and you ❤️❤️
- Daisy K: That is one loyal sister that loves her brother dearly!!! My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine how difficult this must be to get threw.
- burnettunicorn112: This is beautiful. Stay strong Josh
- Kiersten Marie: Are you staying tho?.....
- Sparkasaurus: Oh, beautiful hearts
- Lindsey MacNeil: This was really beautiful. I'm glad you have such a strong support in your sister. Sending you strength and love during this difficult time!
- Alexandra Reading: I love this so much! you guys sound great together!
- Kaylin Kreikemeier: This is so BEAUTIFUL!!! i had no idea Erin could sing! Love the song and im so glad your back Josh!!! <3
- Victoria vickk: Erin is soo good at singing!!!!!!!!!
- Tania Munoz: I love joshs voice😊....he's a good person we love u josh!!!💗💗🤗
- Unicorn: I still remember singing this in my primary school leavers assembly and everyone crying there eyes out for leaving and now that I see josh singing this and then the face that it brings back memories of my own just made me even worse ❤️Stay strong Josh❤️
- Army RMJD: Wow....
- Jon Yawt: omg Erin I didn't know ur voice was so bootiful
- sara mite: I sang this song in 5th grade (last year). To my principal because she was retiring and I cried
- X20My Love02X: We love you Josh!
- Amber Wilson: Beautiful. You're so real. I can feel your pain. Praying for peace.
- blushingbrunette: 2:50 to 3:17 :'( :'( "Can't remember when I last saw you laughing" - that line really got to me...take care Josh!
- Kimberly Broom: Gee, you think?
- Pusheen Cat: This is so beautiful 😭
- Jazmin Flores: Anybody else just lose it when Erin reached out to Josh? I love y'all!
- JT Me: true colors.. this shows coleens true colors of who she really is. how easy for her to get a divorce.
- Kiwi of the Bird: kumoki read the description... it's for Erin
- Isabelle Jennifer: OMG Erin is such a beautiful person and singer 😊😌😘😍😚👸🏼
- Eliana Brown: This is beautiful
- morgan osullivan: MeganBennett1588 um no it wasn't miranda was made because it made Colleen happy. I bet Colleen crys and crys behind camera just cus she doesn't want to post loads of vids crying cus she doesn't want to be pethetic
- R. Jones: Jorgiana Jenkins it's so true
- Ivan Aguirre: Matthew Brown is my current choir director at MVC in California and his the person that arranged this piece, when I heard the choir version I went into tears, it means so much to me and I appreciate more then I even thought of before and I'm greatful for that
- memle: Wow........... I cried..........this gave me chills. You sound so harmonizing together, stay positive!
- I J: Anthony Rivera Lmaoooo
- gamewildkid: Erin has got some pipes on her, helluva duet.
- faith msp: hES BACK, BACK AGAIN
- Creative Casey: Erins Voice thou
- Rebecca Aloysius: I feel like I need to unsubscribe.... I'm sorry..... it's not that I hate u josh...REALLY...
- Frantastic Youtubers: Watched it like five times and kept crying and crying, but when I finally stopped I read the description so now there's a waterflood of tears in my room. Love you Josh and Erin.
- Arm An Ri - Band: Wow!!!so much feeling !!
- Michael Harren: This is really beautiful. <3
- Owen Murphy: wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
- Laura J: the way it went from black and white to color was genius I love this
- courtney _: This was mad sad but I bet all ur dislikes are Colleen
- Tegwen Gregg: Wow Erin's voice 😍 so glad you're back Josh
- Emily Morgan: Seriously melts my heart!!! Love you josh and Erin! Don't be discouraged ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being an inspiration
- Ruby Hassall: I am literally crying right now.
- vania calista: I remembered their marriege while listening to this
- Keeley Maynez: I have a lot of respect for Josh because he took his time and healed in private instead of being petty or pretending like nothing happened. I think he's handling everything pretty well and I'm glad he's back. 💖
- Brenda Bravo Morales.: Why doesn't he just keep it to himself or people involved its such a personal situation to be exposing so much. It seems like he just wants attention.
- Gabrielle Fleur Delevingne: I love Erin's voice
- Laurie Beth H: Cass Rough right. What made me cry is when she looked at him helplessly and started crying too.
- Dite A.: nice song
- Estelle Granié: You with the sad eyes don't be discouraged, though I realize it's hard to take courage in a world, full of people you can lose sight of it And the darkness inside you will make you feel so small Show me a smile, don't be unhappy I can't remember when I last saw you laughing If this world makes you crazy and you've taken in all you can bare You call me up- because you know I'll be there But I see your true colors, shining through I see your true colors, and that's why I love you So don't be afraid, to let them show Your true colors, true colors Are beautiful, like a rainbow I can't remember when I last saw you laughing If this world makes you crazy and you take in all you can bare You call me up- because you know I'll be there And I see your true colors, shining through I see your true colors and thats why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors True colors, are shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors Are beautiful, like a rainbow
- Average Msp: Lord why are you so good at singing.
- Sadie Caldwell: 😭😭😭😭😨😨😰😭😭😪
- Ay Gee: This is gorgeous!! Xx
- MSC Waterville: so glade u r bake 😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💜
- mally cat: Fav part is when the color faded in
- Rylie Tobin: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💖💞💟💗💙💚❤💓💜💝💕
- PinkCoke Sugarbear: Maggie McCulloch Colleen who left him for fans
- Eleanor Gillett: So beautiful!!!
- Sian Whiting: Your voices are amazing 💫❤️
- Koo coo ACE: JOSH!!!!!! I can't describe I have no words😛😛😂😝😝😋😘😘😘
- Lene Kolodziej: The shoes!!!! I'm so in love with this whole video 😍
- BloodReaperZ27: Beautiful Song Josh and Erin in perfect sync. <3
- jessi: And Erin's voice is so good
- Alani Lagoa: STARREDGE amen
- Emma Vela: Love Erin's voice ❤️😍
- Ari: Omg I can't stop crying. love you both 💋💜💋 #truecolors
- Sawyer: Thank you so much Josh, for showing your family of subscribers who you REALLY ARE. Not afraid to hide the sensitive side of you, I'm currently dealing with a 1year + break up, and this song speaks to me. ❤️❤️❤️
- The Queen: Such a beautiful song!
- Margaret Brown: That was the MOST. BEAUTIFUL. THING. IVE EVER SEEN OR HEARD.
- Sophia Poo Fierro: Wow this song is my song that always keeps me happy😊😊😊😊
- Jazmin Garcia: Just doesn't look like josh anymore 😒
- Catherine Graves: josh can I just say that in my opinion, this is the best you've ever sounded
- Mattie Priester: Omg Erin does not have her accent when she sings I love her accent
- Brenna may: welcome back josh
- feenix.ccp: I know exactly what this song is about. I cryed....I am so sorry for both josh and colleen.
- Mariana Yarritu: Loved it!
- Crazi Singer: Wow guys that was really good. 👍
- Janet Colbert: Beautiful!!!!
- Katie g20: Josh and Erin this is true beauty in one song. seeing how much emotion you two put into this for the different stories you have been through. Just know I am strong and positive because of you both❤ thank you
- Jess Wiblin: I feel like josh is acting like a normal person in this case... ik we only see a few mins of Colleens day and she probably has upset moments outside camera view... I just feel like josh is really taking this harder than her by taking the break! I LOVE ERINS VOICE SHES SO LOVELY ❤️❤️
- Rachel Nichole: Alex Lopez If and when you actually go through it, you're going to wish you weren't. It's awful
- Delie Šťastná: Erin, you have a very beautiful voice! I loved the video, even though it made me cry! Thanks for this video guys! ❤️
- Marina Boshra: i can't stop crying. i love you so much Josh. you don't deserve any of this. i love you so much Josh❤️💔❤️
- harry potter lover: so great to see Josh on YouTube again stay strong Josh
- Erika O: So beautiful Josh. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I'm so glad you're back!
- Shelby Chapo: Jocelyn Marie I thought the same exact thing WOW
- charli12345: I love you Joshua ❤️❤️
- It’s Just Kendra: #BrotherSisterLove
- YFlowers808: Erin's voice is so different when she sings!
- Kay Keimig: I'm not crying someone is just chopping onions around me
- Charly CC: Superbe voix ! J'adore !
- jeidjdjd bloop: Erin and Josh sound so amazing singing together
- Jenna Balbaa: Tyrese Samuel forever peeling tho😭👌🏼
- Ella McNulty: What happened him why he's crying
- Cana Elizabeth: This is the most beautiful thing ever. I love you guys both sooooo much stay strong 💜
- Yazan STAR: this really made me hate collen she doesn't care about him she always laugh , making videos for miranda sings' channel and he all in pain and cries for her
- Kahlen Douglas: His pain kills me 😔
- Tegan Woofter: Erin has such a beautiful voice!!!
- Chan & Fam: This was amazing!!!!
- Nicole Dennis: Erin and josh have such wonderful voices Colleen and Josh were so perfect and Erin is the perfect sister for being there for Josh love u both xx Thanks for everything
- Jill Connolly: so endearing & beautiful
- Farrah Chung: Both such beautiful voices, this made me cry BUT stay strong Josh! Everything will heal in time! You have all our love and support ❤️
- Jasmine R: Did anyone else cry when Joshua broke down and started crying just me ok 👌😭
- Darcy Manning: I just want to give them a hug right now 😢😢
- Madison Lamb: I love you so much Josh and I've been praying for your healing ❤️
- libbydibby dooda: you are such a good singer and a miracle
- The Yakes Kids: This is amazing and I am so sorry for your loss. This made me cry, why do you babe to be so amazing
- Gamergirl15: I think Colleen watched it and burst in tears because you both still have love each other
- aamer shaikh: I love this. Good work Champs.!!
- X.amber.03: Erin voice is AMAZING!!!!! this made me cry so much 😭😭😭😭😭❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
- Yessenia Rodriguez: RosesareRed38 okay? I never said anything about their divorce did i? No! I said that people keep saying stuff about Colleen like they know her... josh keeps posting stuff on social media and letting everyone know hes sad but Colleen isn't and she explained why....
- ChezRae Best: Wow! Amazing song, amazing video. I doubt I'm the only one that cried 😭👏🏼🙈 I'm glad to actually see josh! We love and support u, always!
- Michelle R: This music video reminds me of High School Musical😂 (ps. HSM is amazing!) Love you Josh💖 Like if you agree!
- yo 117: 😅😅😅 U GO GIRL 🙌
- Hannah Michel: Really? Because he showed emotion after he got divorced from his one true love?
- The_Neon_Nerd: Josh is in the illuminati!!!
- Louise Campbell: this made me cry
- Kat: I cried the whole time. This is truly beautiful
- lynsie cabrera: keep being strong Josh we're all here for you :)<3
- tessa eastman: Still gets me every time😥
- CHUNXJIANG: Erin and Joshua voice are goals !!
- Sarah Seeley: you're incredibly strong and so immensely missed! That was beautiful!
- 12katelyn1: Beautiful Josh and Erin. Stay strong we will always be here for you
- Genevieve Quinones: 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
- Ranishka Demelo: you'll get through this Josh ❤
- Dana Beautiful: wow you're the best I love your song
- USB Cable3.OH: Felt that shit.... :'(
- Jacqueline Mennenoh: Exactly...yes, they have beautiful voices and sing a good version...of the exact version of Trolls ;) Sentimental and wholehearted...maybe?...we can all relate to heartbreak, and lyrics can touch deep...but really, this is simply a replication of JT & AK. (we all know the original is CL)
- Bree: Did anyone see how many times josh was about to brace down it made me so sad 😨
- Isabella Cooper: Jyler Dunseph Potato| he is going through a rough time .OKAY. so how bout you stop making him feel bad and if you dont like it.....STOP WHATCHING!!(only say thing when you have something nice to say)
- Sheena Mae Gismundo: Oh my! Why am I crying?
- courtney_: Whose watching this and shedding actual tears 😭? I feel so sad for him and Coleen. Everyone should stop taking sides and writing rude shit under both of there social medias though just sayin. I know we are all entitled to our own opinions and they both put there personal lives on the internet and blah blah but, we should all just keep our comments to ourselves. Especially with the topic of there relationship and divorce. Let's all "be nice to people" 😬. And Erin, not only are you such an amazing sister for sticking by your brothers side during this shitty time for him and taking over his channel for him you should also know that your voice is so pretty! I guess talent just luckily runs in your family genes! Such a beautiful video you two. Looking forward to possibly seeing more videos of you singing on your new channel Erin?! Hope so! AND WELCOME BACK JOSH! Sending lots of love, happiness, and positivity your way! ❤️ #iLoveTheEvansFamily
- Your Ego: That's a beautiful quote in the beginning.
- basic: Bengals Why would you even compare the two? The music they sing is totally different lmao
- anika nawar: joshua.... u always remind me of my special someone. U r just such a great person. I still kind of hope you and colleen would get back together 😖 I'm sorry 😣
- Moriah Smith: Josh, you inspire me. I'm praying for you
- thiwegrandishy: i love erin's voice❤️
- buck Buxton: why Is it called true colors but its In black and white
- Alexa Barrios: i can't not think abt that trolls movie though
- Katie Lush: One word amazing xx
- Mary-Kate Applebee: fred bob We don't know what happened behind closed doors! Please let's not judge it isn't our place! Let's watch the language! Let's spread love not hate!!
- Carla: was so amazing and touching touch my heart and I couldn't hold back my tears deserve the very best and I hope and pray that you are happy more than you ever been
- Mikaella Taylor: Gave me chills. Absolutely amazing duet.
- Raeann Gavin: ❤️❤️❤️
- Wolf_ Lover1540: I mean each other
- Anna Solorio: i miss #JOSHLEEN but anyways i hope you feel better and stay strong joshua
- nekita lightbourne: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Sabrina Twyla: +William Phillips Technically this is a cover of the Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick version from Trolls, because its the exact same harmonies from it. But just as beautiful 😱😭
- Julia xx: This was incredibly beautiful. No other words for this.
- Angela French: Is there a single person who watched this, and didn't cry? If so, you're made of stone.
- Natasha Hiebert: The fact that both of these beautiful people have gone through such heartbreak is so sad... but seeing them lean on each other and stay strong is amazing. Love you Josh and Erin <3
- Dec. 27: I just think that if you're heartbroken, you'll be taking some rest out of Youtube... That's all.
- Ashley MacMillan: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻that was amazing!!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻great job!! that is my 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻new favorite song!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
- ForeverAngels: this made me cry too much xx
- Connor Gartland: Speechless. I can't even define how beautiful and heart touching that was.
- Nick Brown: Caitlan Sidwell It literally says it's dedicated to Erin in the description..
- Ally: sania vakilzadeh Colleen is mean? You should be thankful she's happy. You don't want her being sad everyday. Even if she seems happy in her videos you dont know what's going on in her life.
- Prim_Plays: I'm literally balling. I love you guys so much.
- Emmah Rose: Gaming Pro haha they both might sue him... you never know
- Clara Elsner: OK i missed josh so much! This made me start crying though!
- ProudStanz: Love this so much ❤️❤️ <3
- Adriana Rodriguez: Yey! Josh you're back ❤️
- charlotte: Why is everyone hating on Colleen for moving on? Is she supposed to stop her life? Everyone deals with break ups differently. Colleen focuses on the bright sides of life right now and Joshua can't see those yet. They are both in the divorce. No reason to hate on either of them.
- Atomic Dominick: Everyone grieves and goes through things in a different way. if colleen wants to make a damn chip flavor video that's her business. her life. her marriage. you people need boundaries. have a bit of respect. just because she's not crying on cam doesn't mean anything literally relax you see such a small part of their lives.
- Brynne Gulley: I cry every single time I watch this
- Deanna Jersey: This made me cry and I didn't wanna cry tonight lol I honestly loved Josh and Colleen together but I feel like he loved her more than she loved him. But also, I feel like she was just so focused on her career that she didn't have time for love and that makes me sad cuz they were adorable together
- Wayne Vlogs: killed it josh!
- TheOfficeFanatic word: Jessica Nicole yes. Josh has a amazing heart. he poured his heart in that relationship and she doesn't care. she just showed her true colors. Josh deserves better anyways.
- Emm- N-Em: Dam ninjas cutting onions around here
- Batyabelle: Is it wierd that I am crying right now for Colleen 💋she and josh deserve better
- Rebecca Stilley: Her voice is really beautiful and unique.
- Alexander Hamilton: It seems like josh is taking it way worse than Colleen
- Lisa Le: When josh started crying I fuckiing lost it.....SAD ANGRY CHARIZARD ;-;
- Lucie Entwistle: When the music started I got emotional this is one of my favourite songs thankyou for doing it justice
- AngryBeaver30: +Baxter You can be successful without talent. That Miranda Sings character is horrible and lacks any entertainment value whatsoever.
- Grace D: Aw this is amazing!! I love you guys. You'll get through it we have your back Josh.
- Priscilla Proud: Made me cry...beautiful song n great job!! I can feel ur emotion.
- ivy: Wow this was so dramatic 😂😂sounds amazing though great job though guys
- Puppies are my love: She's sad and heartbroken. She's going to therapy too outside of Youtube. She copes differently then Josh. I don't think you understand she tries to make her channel filled with happiness ONLY. She wants to set an example for happiness. Joshua is a great example too, but Colleen is staying happy on camera. But she also stated behind the camera she was having breakdowns. So stop hating on her. You don't know anything behind the scenes.
- hi my name is [landry]: its so good to see Josh again
- Steph B: Welcome back!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Kerri B: this is so beautiful. thank you josh for showing me how beautiful love really is, and that heartbreak is just another chapter in life. you are a truly incredible person. and Erin watching you come out of your shell has been inspiring and so fun to watch. Your a beautiful person. Family is everything and you are both like family to me. I love you both always <3
- Clém Porro: That so beautiful!!😱❤️
- Khaled Jean: THE DRAMA
- iconi ccc: yep,yep hes gay
- MrsIRox: OMG this made me cry. I hope everything is okay.
- Daniela Freitas: Lindo demais!
- Rachel King: this made me cry when josh started I couldn't stop
- Sophie Watkinson: That was hard to watch, let alone film it. You two have such a strong brother and sister bond. Reminds me so much of me and my brother. Y'all can get through this. It may be hard now but don't give up. Love to you both
- Alice B123: Glad to see you back😊😍
- Solainy Peguero Plasencia: Im seeing alot of hate in here and i just want to say that it is nobody's fault. It isn't Colleen's and it isn't josh's. People are saying that Colleen doesn't care and that is absolutly false. She is hurting just like josh is and all of us. If she is posting stuff and doesn't talk about the divorce its because she said it herself: " Making videos makes me happy ".They are bot really heartbroken and we need to let them heal in peace without judging them. Im not saying everybody is hating but i can tell you they are a lot that are and its really sad. Joshleen, we love you so much and you may not ever be together again but in our hearts you will.💜💜
- Jenna Paige Lively: Stay strong josh
- Undertale Music: The whole video is *BEAUTIFUL* and all of your videos!!!!
- Adrienne Hamlin: Amazing so glad your back josh and so glad Erin started a channel lots of love
- Harry Krinkle: I cried. I cried, because I understand that bond. That unshakable bond from one sibling to another. I could see it between you, plain as day. It's a comfort to know, despite whatever else is going on in your life, that's something you'll always share. Nothing can break it. Erin, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are a luminous soul. Josh, my friend, I want you to know that, whatever happens in the future, I'm here for you. And I always will be.
- Олег Валеев: Wonderful
- Kaitlin Sings: I wish COLLEN was singing with him
- Emily Pal: Also, Jay amazing as always
- Inez Lee: Omg that was sooo good. I cried soo much. I didn't realize how much I missed Josh. I love you Josh stay strong! whatever you wanna do we'll all support you.
- Brian Larkin: Michelle Ruck Gurl no....
- Emma Houghton: Erin's voice is so pretty!! Missed you Josh!
- Jana Thompson: Oh my heart ❤️
- Kristin Rawlings: One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen or heard on YouTube.
- Dana Jantjies: Damn, sorry he had to go through something like this.
- Esther Muniz: am so happy that your back
- Steph: Your bond is amazing. Erin looking at you and smiling makes me cry happy tears 😭❤️
- Savannah Muldrew: The description. ❤️️ thank you Erin so much, for keeping us entertained while Josh was away. And to Josh, I'm so happy you're staying positive and finding your light at the end of the tunnel through all of this. I don't know what it's like but I'm sure it is so hard. We are all here with you, and to support you, and love you. Things will get better. I hope everyone is staying positive and keeping it nice and positive on this channel! If there's one thing Josh has taught any of us it's to Be Nice to People & lately I have lived by that alone. Be nice to EVERYONE. You never know what they could be going through. I know you're going through a hard time Josh because it breaks my heart for you - but thank you for showing us that it's gonna be okay. We love you very much! ❤️️
- Devon Verret: I didnt know Erin could sing that well! So good
- Laura M.: I am probably not right but and it's non of my business but relationships often fall apart when one person's traveling so much and it's ment for 2 people not for the whole yt
- SAMANTHA KEMPER: That was so beautiful Josh and Erin!
- Staci Pierce: this made me tear up and I don't know why. I have so much respect for josh. he's never been afriad to show his soft side #realmencry
- Arianna Moya: 💕
- Gabija Ivanovaite: Omg I tried so hard not to cry 😢 I love you joshua! Stay strong ❤️❤️
- jake vb: welcome back josh
- Brigid Slevin: this cringey shit is why colleen left omfg
- Gabby Leba: Chills. Simply put.
- Ashleigh 94: who else cried especially when they cried 😢😢😢
- Ariana R: Invisible 0215 plz no hate
- Alexis Avina: 💙💙💙
- LovelyLaura: I wish I had a relationship with a big brother like Josh does with Erin 😭
- Meeks!!! #HTD4LIFE: ❤❤❤❤❤
- Sophia Cat lover: I love this song you guys are great 👍🏻 I love you ❤️
- No Name: Hey josh missed u soooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH And yea IM NOT CRYING JUST UMMM MY UMMM SIS PINCHED ME😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Round Earth: I feel like Joshua got hit really hard.. maby because he still loved her
- sarah lin: <3 Happy that he's got such an amazing supportive sister
- Brittney Terrell: ❤️💛💚💙💜
- Maria Turinetti: So happy you're back. Sibling bonds are strong forces no one can mess with. 👊🏻 This was beautiful. Thanks for picking him up and dusting him off for us Erin. You're a fantastic sister. You look great Josh! We missed you❤️
- Elise AM: Beautiful!
- Jessica Evertsen: Josh i love this song so much, i know you both worked hard on it and it amazing love you both Erin and Josh
- Wililjam: I was not ready for the end. God damnit. This was beautiful in every way, the only thing that could've been added was someone twerking in the background. Especially in the end. Because damn, I was not ready to cry tonight.
- life with ASAAD AND ERIN!!: Who would dislike this it's amazing all his videos so who ever disliked your haters it's not good to hate
- Lindsey Lu: I can't stop watching this💜
- Glenn Dallas: Is it weird that the part that got to me was seeing them both in high tops?
- CesshireCat: i hope all the happiness. i mean TRUE happiness for you Josh. you deserve every good things in the world. stay strong. thanks Erin!!
- nicole marek: i dont because he said colleen is leaving him and they would still be married if it was fully up to him
- Brooklyn Katrina: Moved me. You two are beautiful souls.
- Lydia Chakko-George: He's bacjjjjkk💖
- Samara Bostic: I definitely burst into tears when Josh started crying oh no :(
- LarsHeat: I didn't know Erin could sing like that!! I'm impressed!!
- Paola Salas: So sad😭😭
- Payton Hope: Omg you guys had me crying love you both ❤️❤️
- Pauli S.: ❤❤❤❤
- Samantha hope: This was so touching and sweet. It made me cry. It breaks my heart seeing y'all cry. Love you guys. Praying💝
- Jackie Flores: Who cried 🙋🏽
- Kathy Defensor: WOW! so talented, so heartfelt, so genuine! Thank you both for sharing this!
- Charmaine Lee: Is this for Colleen?
- Ruby Ronayne: This looks like an ad for fucking starving children
- Melanie Martha: YAY!
- Tianna McManus: Love this song it's in troles
- Kate Is Da Bomb: This is in trolls!
- Sadie M: Erins voice is amazing
- Anna Rolfe: :(
- Veronica Dab: Dang they should make music together
- Gabrielle Sibagariang: watching this cover, hurts so bad
- CarL_Nasro II كارل: i've been watching both of *JOSHUA* & *COLLEEN* together since 2013! *DEAD* sure this song is dedicated to HER #SORRY_JOSHUA
- Emily Joye: This is literally the best... I've watched it over and over and have cried every time... am I the only one?
- Lilly Tran: This is so good!!
- King Aime: i knew josh was the one that hurt the most
- Netflix & Music: Cyndi Lauper wrote this song
- Mia C: This is beautiful and I love you but I can't bear your pain...
- Brittney Danielle: This is beautiful, I love it so much!
- spurlock je: So.. Umm, I'm crying!!😞😭
- Jacklyn White: is he coming back
- Ayla Todd: Joshua, I can only imagine how many times you had to re set or stop recording because of how emotional this was. I'm happy to see that you're back. You will get through this and it will all be ok eventually. I don't know when or how, but it will be ok soon. I hope to see more of you and Erin singing together cause her voice is beautiful. You'll get through this. Lots of love❤️🙃
- Gwenyth Caroline: Omg so beautiful 😢😢
- Aimee Marie: Dianna Ysabel omg same
- Serina_ 2002: Love you josh 😭💗
- Lori Fahan: Ilysm I'm glad your back
- Amanda Kate: Alicia Allsop the comment section is here for a reason, for people to give opinions but not for people to fight with each other. I simply gave my opinion back and I respect your opinion but some of these 7 year olds are taking this way too far and blowing up my notifications so everyone needs to calm down and let her opinion go.
- Auto R: This was beyond words. The talent, passion, emotion, & honesty shines through this video. I can't wait to watch your content from now on. I know that it'll be hard, but I have a feeling that you're going to show a side of you that hasn't been shown before, & more honest than ever. You don't have to share all of your personal business, but we sure do appreciate the rawness that you can present in your situation that is all too similar amongst people.
- Vanessa Holland Vlogs: ❤️❤️❤️
- Erin M: This is by far my favourite song you've done. The pain that you've been through in the past month or so has really brought out such emotion in your voice. I hope that you find the happiness you've been looking for, because you deserve it ❤️
- stephanie ramos: I feel sad and I feel like this is for colleen from after there divorce
- Chloe Gray: Jen W
- Hoan Lee: We want to see BTS of this video please! shitttt, not again! there are something in my eyes . . . . Love
- LocalPhaggot: This honestly broke my heart. I love you Joshua💕 stay strong
- Megan Elyse: Sadly.. I never liked Colleen. I always thought Josh's heart was 5x bigger than hers was. Not positive about this, but wasn't Miranda developed from her making fun of bad singers she'd seen on Youtube? I have never liked Miranda either. Remember everyone, this is just my personal opinion I am sharing. It doesn't mean anyone else can't like her. She is obviously very popular.
- mintho: My heart. My soul.
- greenbeanasserole: Good to have you back, Josh!
- Meticulous Mary: Love you, Josh.
- C. Gott: "Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors."
- Danie Burns: I want to give him the biggest hug ever 😕😔 and also I think josh is hurting more and needs more time than Colleen because Colleen is the one that chose to end it and they both still love each other so much but josh didn't want this and he still wants to be with her so he needs more time to heal
- Oren Shiri: You make me stronger everyday every time, I love you!💗
- brooke young: Madeline Goguen oml same😭
- Shahbs Mysterysecretx: Stay strong x
- Brit Brats Corner: I was genuinely crying through this your both amazing. Love you Josh and erin.
- Madison Nelson: Guys lets please not spread any hate or negativity about the situation. Lets just all show love and appreciate how wonderful this video is and be supportive :) I love you Josh, I am so glad that you are back and we missed you so much. I'm glad to see that you are being strong and still being a wonderful person. Keep your head up and enjoy life :) 😘🎈🎈🎈
- Kelsea Henderson: We love you Josh! ❤️❤️
- instagram: imbetterthanyoubaby: I can't watch this cuz I'll non stop cry bye
- Reagan Elaine: love you❤️
- Allyson James: The honesty and vulnerability that came out in this video took my breath away! We all love you Josh and know you'll get through this hard time. So proud of you!!!
- lizette vences: Colleen's a B I'm surprised anyone still likes her
- Nick: damn colleen.....
- Emma M.: OH MY GOD!!! All the feels...!! 😭😭😭 This just took my breath away and made me cry!! 💛💛💛 Just going through a break-up, too ...and I can relate to how you feel so much... It is very brave of you to also show the weekness and the tears!! In times like this you will find your true friends and soulmates!!! 🙂 Sorround yourself with those people and the pain will get better!! Believe in yourself!! ✨🙂 Your voices are amazing!!!!! 💛👍🏼 (love that you are wearing the same pair of high-tops!) A BEAUTIFUL DUET!!! ✨💛✨
- Jeannette Abitante: Who else cried?
- Brooke Braswell: Awwwwww I love you josh! 😘
- wolfe storm: Miranda is the 'real' Colleen Ballinger - a nasty and selfish girl. The Colleen everyone knows in front of the camera is just pretending to be nice
- Mini Aphmau: You should do more of these..
- Megan Muench: aurora barcenas How do you know she still loves him
- Kiersten Marie: I am crying so hard right now... I love you so much josh stay strong ❤️we will always be here for you
- bbykay18: Everytime i watch this 😢😭😭😭💖❤
- Ashley Poper: Molly Kenny Colleen said in her video "this is awkward...i won't force you to stare at the pathetic girl crying". i think she really just doesn't want to be so vulnerable and let everyone see the pain. I know i wouldn't.
- The 2 kidz: Alain Bruno same
- Ava Costa: Who else cried through the whole video?? ME I love u so Mich Josh and Erin!
- Miracle West: Gary Luggman really now ?😒
- xlotusgirlx x: same gurl the tears just started pouring halfway through the video
- Britni Mychelle: I can't give this enough likes!! This song is so touching and true for you and many people right now. Thank you Josh!!
- Ayla: josh is going to find someone who loves him just as much and just as hard as he loves them. Colleen will find success and get money and come home to her cat, that's all she really wants so I guess that's okay for her. But Josh is going to end up happier.
- emily waters: I love both of y'all so much
- Monica jk: two questions...how does Josh look different? and HIS SISTER SINGS AMAZINGLY!?!😭
- lps stars like love: COOL i like It
- Frankie Sulla: I've watched this video like a million times and I still cry overtime. Love you Josh, never forget that <3
- Destiny Baker: I know we don't know the whole story behind this divorce but there has to be something wrong with Colleen because Josh is like perfect. He acts so sweet and vulnerable and I can't help to think why? I miss Josh and I hope that he will come back when it feels right. we love you Joshua.
- avery grace: I thought he was married to her. Well that would've escalated quickly.
- Suzannah M: I love you!!
- Courtney Brown: God this was beautiful
- Zoey Grace: this made me cry
- Ruby Atarah: IM CRYIN TEARS THIS ENTIRE THING IS SO BEAUTIFUL GIMME A MINUTE OH MY GOD first of all the shoes. second, the way it faded into color as it progressed third, the tEars aOmHygAwd and their voices omg pls resurrect me
- Christina leshak: this made me cryyy
- Alexis Auger: Okay I'm crying
- Krystelle Diaz: Awww.....Man down :(
- XxannabelxX: I was thinking of unsubscribing but after this I changed my mind. I used to only watch this because of Colleen but now I see why I should stay. We love you josh ❤️
- Cheyenne Evans: I am dead oh my gosh that was....extrordinary
- Feemailgamer: Hello self from last year u suck
- #KaraFrank: that was beautiful Joshua & Erin! I felt your pain.. the hurt in every tear. I love you man! I know it's very hard, but our life must go on to brighter tomorrows!
- Mafalda Mota: <3
- Melissa Carmona: Crying... 😭
- Cora _shell: I llove you and Erin so much I hope you can remember we are with you for your tough times and Erin is too. Also she has so h a great voice
- Kay Smith: Omg you two, honestly awesome. ....And a song worth it. Well done.
- Jenna Leigh: How about everyone stops assuming how Josh and Colleen are coping with this hard time in their lives, and just enjoy the content their producing? Just because Colleen is looking happy in vlogs doesn't mean she's moved on already, and just because Josh took a break from YouTube for a while doesn't mean he's locked himself in his bedroom and sobbed this entire time. Enjoy the content they produce and stop assuming.
- jenna v: ❤️❤️️
- Toni Jade Griffiths: Erins voice! wow who knew
- Skye Chapman: don't worry Josh you got the rest of you life to live so dont be sad you have us subs we love you and will always be here for you
- Sofia Isabel: All the feels😭🔥
- Rebecca Amaral: u guys have the most beautiful voices glad ur back josh
- Lyric Hess: Erin has a really nice voice and so does Josh great job guys
- 16kirsy: SO BEAUTIFUL
- malenedominic: I've watched this a million time. Still cry eeeeevery time :'(
- tozzilil: Ayla well how bitchy and ignorant are you? I hope you never find yourself in an unhappy relationship and have to make these types of decisions
- Rebekkah Nandi: Absolutely beautiful. Honest to God this touched my heart.
- • Лошо късо: Beautiful voices, you made me cry. JUST WOW!!👏🏽👏🏽💕🌹
- Alma García: In 7th and 8th grade I had a theatre teacher who helped me through all the crap I dealt with being bullied and then having to go into high school knowing no one. For 8th grade promotion he put this song in our class video and I cannot thank you enough Josh for reminding me about the support I have had to get to where I am now. Thank you for sharing this and your life with us.
- Sorimar Ortiz: Josh I'm so extremely proud of you!! I love you so much and how brave you are! Such an inspiration! ❤️❤️
- Arnika D: Absolutely gorgeous Josh and Erin!!! Lots of tears!! My 💔 hurts so bad for you!! We all love you!!!
- Sarah Hall: +watchingvidsnow I couldn't agree more. I'm getting married next year and have been with my fiancé for 5 years. When I say for better or for worse - I will mean it! I thank my parents for showing me what marriage truly is.
- Riv Racost: why? at this point I don't think getting back together would be healthy.
- idk I'm bored rp: Beautiful ❤️❤️
- model mom of 6 kids tenn: My heart goes out to Josh. It seems his ex has moved on. I like them both both my heart just aches for Josh. Josh your fans are going no where. We love you. I've been going through alot as well. My 13 yr old tried to commit suicide the day after his bday on the 20th and we have had a rough life given to us but you are so inspiring. Please keep pushing through. I'm a supporter 100% ♡♡♡♡
- julianne lonczynski: he makes everything into a big deal
- p e y: am I the only one who watches this over and over but still tears up? :'(
- Daisy the Meme Farmer: sheela monjardin she is handling it differently and you only see 19 minutes of her day. Do you really think it would make josh feel better if he saw people hating on Colleen? She's also going through a divorce, but she has chosen to surround herself with people who love her. You don't know if Colleen spends most of her days sulking in a corner, she chooses to put on a happy face for the sake of the millions of people who love her.
- Fidelma Wallace: I cried I love you so much
- BrazilianBoy25: God bless you! Stay strong ok 👍🏻😀
- RandomnessLOL: Wow.
- HowToArt: It's so lovely to see you and Erin so close, I had no idea Erin could sing!! Both incredible:)
- Sonika Tahiliani: I love you so much!! so happy youre back josh you have no idea how much ive missed you :(
- Sara Brock: Love you Josh💕
- BabyOrangeSlice VLOGS: so good👏👏
- Ruth-Ann Barker: Today is the anniversary of my grandmas death and she loved this song. I'm crying so much.
- Awkward Girl: I can't stop listening to this! I love this version of the song.
- Kori Rochelle: bit of a grab for the victim card...
- Julia.501: I'm crying sm rn😫😫
- Adam Corcoran: Omg I'm done this is to good omg Erin's voice 😍😍
- wiNIKE: I love this so much
- Liani Sanchez: Wow that was so beautiful
- Joshua Archer: I love this so much😊
- Audrey Serrano Vlogs: When they started crying i started crying
- HARRY OOI: Feel like CRYING......
- Paula_H_Pastor: Praying for you Josh, you'll get through this!!! We're always here for you.
- sam: Sibling goals,
- Hi Hello: doing this song in vocals class at school! it's one of my favourites :)
- tiff thomp: DAMN HIT ME IN MY FEELS! This was amazing you guys!!! I don't comment often but when I do it's Bc I'm moved by the video!
- Neringa Keteriute: i actually think ur discusting
- Elizabeth St.Germain: So glad to see you back josh, we love you so much ❤️ stay strong bud
- Abigail Howell: Thank you for this❤️❤️ I'm so happy youre back
- ςαѵαηηαհ: Omg they are amazing together!!! Erin has a beautiful voice!
- ċѧʟʟ мє ɱơơŋყ: I love how he DOSENT care about what people say and he expresses himself
- Kari H.: that made me sob like a baby ... so heartfelt ... hang in there Josh... itll all be ok ...
- Kyra Loverin: Trust me you wouldn't wanna be heartbroken it's awful and painful
- KillerQueen87: This was so beautiful! <3 I love you both so much, and I'm so happy that you have eachother <3
- Christine Dysart: Absolutely beautiful! I just cried my eyes out! Groups can sound great together, but there is NOTHING that compares to family harmony! Thank you for this video/song!
- IZZY W: This is gorgeous ❤️
- Scrapmom68: Beautiful...both of u. So glad ur back Josh. Definitely true colours sadly:( Lin
- Tabitha D: Wow. You can just feel the emotions when he sang.
- the robotic creator: this makes me want to cry, i love this
- Kacie: <3
- Yoyo 000: That was by far the best video from josh. This is the most raw Ive ever seen you. Please have more videos like this. I love you and its ok to cry. Just know yoyr true fans will be by your sad. ilysm
- Mya Nicole: Wow this video has me in tears. You can see the pain on your sisters face when she sees your hurting.
- EKS511: This so good! I knew you could sing Joshua but I didn't know Erin had such a lovely voice.
- Ihsaisha Johnson: absolutely beautiful
- Sacha Doucet: Beautiful and emotional cover of the song, Joshua and Erin
- Clark jR. Lemke: 👏👏👏👏👏👏
- Jill Connolly: you're both trying to make me cry!!
- ashley18owl: this was so beautiful. I really needed this today. thanks for sharing
- Kale Ling: (((Joshua and Erin))) --A minute into this video, it's on my playlist. :)-Damn, that harmony!
- Katie: I wish for peace for his heart💕 I cried watching this, simply because I empathize w the heartache he's feeling. He's hurting, but he's thankful for his sis who's truly been there for him in this dark time..
- giavonna garcia: It makes me sick , they said don't pick side and here yall are picking sides. I'm pretty sure this doesn't make them feel any better. Shame on yall
- Summer is v bored: This is so sweet
- SummerSimmer: I love dis song cuz of trolls I saw it yesterday!
- Claire R: Ok, you made me cry…
- María Cristina García: Crying here, im glad you are back the internet miss you.
- Sally Mitchell: This is just beautiful. I've missed you being here and I'm happy you're back but can tell you're still hurting. Thank you for sharing this and I hope your healing continues. We love you josh xxx ps...Erin 😱😱
- Chelsea Dawn: Melissa Atteberry I just become frustrated with her because between Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube etc....Its like an overwhelming amount of COLLEEN right now. I understand people deal with things differently and everyone heals in their own special way it's just hard to see both parties healing and one seems happier than the other. I appreciate your positive response, it's hard to have a good conversation in this comment section sometimes.
- Miranda Collins: This is absolute beautiful. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful support in each other.
- Dana Dilegge: Wow!!! Beautiful but you guys made me cry! ♡♡♡
- Laura Johnson: Beautifully done bro & sis! Much love to you both! <3 Welcome back, Josh!
- Grace Naegelen: Amanda kreepy
- Gilayah McIntosh: I love how you are open about your pain and you showed it and you took time for yourself I felt like Colleen just patched it up like this was over I know I just have a small window into both of you guys' lives but your window seem so much bigger than it actually is and thank you that you and Colleen have my support
- Kyra: I love how they stick together in life and are each other's shoulder to cry on that's what makes me cry I want that in my life
- Katie Rene: Welcome back josh!! Love you and glad to have you back. 🎈
- Abi: I wasn't ready to cry Erin you have an amazing voice
- Angel Ridenour: I got cold chills watching this. So beautiful
- maria kay: he's gained weight...
- Sarah Aljamal: nooooooooo!! am crying i want joshleen back!!! 😢😭😭
- Vanessa Torres: Ok then that is Not my fault
- bloomism: no I'm not crying. .i just have a flu
- Carmen Velez: I'm so glad you're finally back!!!! I LOVE YOU JOSH!!!
- Katia Guyler: Your sister is the actual double of Winona Ryder - actually scary man
- Sara Patti: I am so happy that you are back Josh. I hope you are well
- Joe Streets: on Twitter Josh dedicated this video to Erin. so it is about how Erin was always there and vice versa. they showed their true character by being each other's rock. they cry about the heartache they had to endure and cry about the love and bond they share.
- Guadalupe Cruz: I cried 😢 great song ❤️💕
- Cacharelle Jada: +RM Aquatics how do you know that she's not hurting. As shared in her life update video and her vlogs she chooses to put the happy moment in her videos rather than bad moments
- HollyDollyDonut: this is the saddest video i feel so bad for josh i cried the whole way through i love you soooo much josh i hope you are ok about it xxx always here
- Elise G: THE duckyc I hope you're ok 💖
- Jilllybean S: I can't even begin to express my love for each of you and this wonderful, beautiful and emotional video. I have watched it 27 times already and I cry each time. My heart hurts for you Josh, but you are strong and I know you can get through this. I hope my brother and are as close and supportive of each other like you and Erin are. Love you both forever and ever <3 I have much love for both you and Colleen and I truly hope that you both overcome this heartbreak with time. Also, is this available on iTunes because I need it in my daily playlist xoxo
- margaret butters: Absolutely Beautiful Be nice to people 💖
- Sister Julie: Ilysm, Josh u can get through this we're all here for you
- Jessica Nicole: Does anyone else find it odd how sad Josh is then they see Colleen having so much fun and laughter over on her channel?
- Dennis 2526: am I the only one who read the description?? im in shock wow u.u
- Elisabeth Hopkins: This was an amazing music video the first one to ever bring me to tears. Guys please stop sending hate we loved Josh and Colleen when they were together we should still love them when they're apart especially in their time of need. This was no one's fault and it's definitely none of our business. If you're true fan of Josh or Colleen then you'd be spreading their biggest message which is spread love not hate and to be nice to people. Josh I hope you're doing better you'll get through this love and respect for you and your sister ❤
- Julia B: Beautiful.
- TheDolphingirl20: Jamie Wickham it’s called putting up a front
- 4 Teens and a Baby: 428 people disliked this because it made them cry...and they're too tough to cry...made me cry but not afraid to admit it :)
- maddy k: They both cried and I feel sooo bad for Josh also it looked like they were holding hands
- Kagami_Chan: Yes he's back! Let this get 2 over a million views
- Jenna: It's going to be ok Josh you'll get through this and never loose faith❤️
- Renae Siler: this is like my 7th time watching this and I still cant get over how good erin is
- Kaylie Shedd: beautiful and welcome back Josh
- Elizabeth Smith: Good to have you back you back Josh! We all love you and are rooting for you!
- Bella Martindale: When Josh broke down, I held back my balling😭 that was so sad but so good. Thanks for that Josh and Erin.
- Lianna Gonzalez: I am so sorry you had to go through that Josh and it hurts to see you so sad and Colleen only have one grieving video
- Art Roj-Ter: I don't usually give my opinion in this kind of issues, but let me explain it to you. When you're in a relationship and it breaks up, of course you got hurt. However, if one heals first, everybody starts saying that person never loved the other, etc. But the fact is that recovering depends on every person's emotional structure. If Josh decided to stop uploading videos, that was HIS way of recovering. Colleen decided to keep making videos, but let's get real, how do you know that isn't her way of recovering? In my case, when I'm broken, I usually work twice and try to do many things. Others don't want to get out of bed, and that's perfectly fine, and we must learn that. It'll be useful for future relationships. Now, what really pisses me off a little is the way both handle this to the public. When Colleen made her video, she kept their privacy. She always talks about "we" because when you break up, *both people break up, not just one of them*. On the other hand, Josh's video was completely different. He was always saying "Colleen's decision" every time, even at the end of it. So, if you want to say it was a TWO-RELATIONSHIOP, believe me, that's not the appropriate way to do it. And now, the description of this video is the same. Everything's Colleen's fault. In my case, if I break up when my partner, why trying to blame one of them? I mean, keep it to yourself. Why the need to blame one, if the realtionship fails is a two-fault. Well, my opinion in the matter.
- anthony fracalanza: He is back and holy Erin can sing what?
- IamAboe3: That was beautifull <3
- Gissell Hernandez: Man! Seeing him like this makes my heart break! 😭😭😩
- Lis1799: I didn't know Erin could sing! They are both so talented! But I still feel so sorry for josh, this divorce has obviously hit him harder than it hit Colleen (that isn't throwing shade to her it's just an observation) he loves Colleen dearly and Erin has been such an amazing sister and has supported him through it all. Love you guys xxxx
- Anna Shegol: I love you guys
- Elwae By Nature: Beautiful
- Vinny Rocks: I love you Josh. I feel what you're going through right now... (Not nearly as extreme but I still feel it...) I'm glad you're back making videos again<3 I've missed you dearly and I want you to know that happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light- Albus Dumbledore.
- Ross Lynch: I LOVE YOU JOSHUA DAVID EVANS!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- Robyn Mendenhall: that was beautiful. and, I am bawlin' my eyes out. I hope you are healing, Josh. sending a hug.
- Darcy: Everyone deals with heartbreak differently. Please stop judging colleen and josh for their reactions to this situation. Let them grieve on their own time and in their own way.
- janet: I wonder what colleen would think if she saw this...
- jennie riffel: Wow. I didn't think I'd cry. And damn Erin!!! Nice! Siblings are the best aren't they?! My sister is my best friend
- Carrie Dayton: This is so beautiful. You're both lights. 💛
- Maria Margatina: I see your pain, then I look at coleens videos and she seems perfectly fine... this shit is tearing me up 😞
- Mei May: I wasn't a fan of the song. but this version is just warmth my heart and is so beautiful. you're singing this with all of your heart that's why it's really beautiful..
- Kakes Lynette: this was beautiful!!!!😍😍😘😘
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Jason Wasserman I hate that people think that these days. Yeah life sucks and sometimes you get your heart broken but true love still exists but for it to work you need two people meant for each other and you need for them to fight for each other. not just one person fighting. you need two. I wish people wouldn't be scared to love. :(
- Love Ballet: ❤️
- octavia -: I may be crying but you are too
- Mary Henderson: People deal with pain differently and plus we don't see what happens behind the scenes. We only see what happens on screen. I support them both.
- Milton J Acosta: I never heard of Joshua until recently. But whatever the reason of the divorce was, he should know that people will support and love him once he comes out of the closet.
- Violet Langdon: the description box tho
- Haley Niece: hang in there Josh we all love you stay strong
- Abigail Network: 2:10 I had tears in my eyes. I was reading the description while watching the video and I just couldn't hold it back. This is such a powerful video. The fact that they had the strength to make this video is amazing.
- lollie Chevier: 😢
- Maya Rose: OMG this was GREAT we'd love to see more of Erin 😀😀😀😀👍 amazing job
- Camilla De Cicco: +Bridget Parker Ok cool
- Slytherclaw Gal: It's so petty of you Josh, to make a video of you crying so you can make Colleen feel bad, when she has every right not to. You're acting like a 2 year old
- sarah v: This was so touching and beautiful! I know its so hard that your feeling sad and hurt. But I am praying for you in this difficult time. Take care of yourself. Im so glad your back on youtube. Thanks for sharing this wonderful video.
- shianne friese: This breaks my heart seeing the way she looks at him with such meaning in her eyes and when they cry oh Jesus
- Aurora Bringsli: EDucating Shanny omg Shanny I love you so much!!💗💗❤️❤️ I was crying throughout the whole video
- Jazmine okeeffe: Erins voice is great☺
- Claire Felipe: I'm in tears. i love you both so much
- roxy 1: omfg he is crying..😭 This song made me cried too..Love u a lot Joshua..
- gamer _ girl: NIce song guys
- Erik Fritsch: This. Is. Beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. We will always be here for you man. Stay up🙌🏻
- Cupcakelover 1220: So sad but happy😭😖🤗😭
- alyssa johnson: you look like my dad and his name is josh I never even realized
- Elana: beautiful. may you find healing and happiness soon.
- Colleen Johanna Garcia: I love this
- Alison Mcgrath: This is the most stunning, raw, inspirational and haunting song I've listened to and video I've watched. We love you josh❤️
- Sonia Lol: +pruthvi chavan XD
- Elaina Witt: I’m still so completely in love with this.
- duckyduck: :))))
- Rozeta’s World: So beautiful I'm crying❤️
- Hailee Crawford: Please put this on amazon prime, iTunes, and whatever else music down load app there is!!! I want to listen to this everywhere!!! But I don't have 4G or money to buy it, I'm so sorry. Please for free!!!! Please!!!
- Frankie Anderson: Very classy. See, this is how you're supposed to act when going through a difficult time. Very, very classy. Glad you're back.
- Krystal Gill: Beautiful
- Elena Duffy: *mom comes in* THERE'S AN EYELASH IN MY EYE TRUST ME
- Tavleen Brar: I really want to just hug Josh and tell him how strong he is! My respect for him doubles every single time I watch his videos. I know Erin has been constantly posting on this channel for him, but hearing Josh's voice at the end of the video just made my day. Love you Josh!!
- Kimi-Jin808: These people are fucking nuts. 😂😂😂
- Mary Smith: My eyes are sweating. WHY ARE MY EYES SWEATING?!?!!!!
- Cookie: I'm in tears 😭😭😭. Welcome back ❤️😭
- Rachel Turner: This made me cry😭❤️
- nathalie furlotte lalande: beautiful
- Sara T: Beautiful
- Marnie Shat: I love it though, I hope everything gets better❤️
- AnLa Trapp: Oh and I have to add : you made me cry very hard with this ! Beautiful to see what a strong bond you guys have !
- Lily Brancato: It feels amazing to hear Josh's voice again. 😘
- rhondizzle: :(
- Sabine Maas: You guys are such beautiful people. This made me cry so hard
- Tori KellyFanGirl: 03:10 broke my heart!! It's so hard for me to see you cry Josh. I know I don't know you personally but I still feel really close to you as a fan. Ily😭❤
- Alesia Jean: Welcome Back Josh!!!! <33
- random kitty HD: im sorry dude
- lps bella: cried like a baby...
- One Two: guys go check Erin's channel.. she's amazing ♡
- A Gibson: This is so beautiful!!!!
- Abinaya Kalpathi: This is so beautiful. <3 Stay strong Josh. I love you <3
- alfie9254: This right here is AMAZING!!!
- Mikel Cristobal: great cover guys! keep it up!!!!
- Katie Per: When they faded to "true colors" from black and white and I saw his tears...i bawled. My parents when through that. I hate to know both of them did... 😭
- Steffanie Judson: I love you Josh and you have been so strong❤️ Don't let anyone get you down! To everyone who is saying this is all Colleen's fault, it wasn't there were so many hard times they didn't show us because they wanted their channels to be positive places for people to go if they needed to. They didn't show us the stuff that hurt them or got them down. They both said that they love each other but it just didn't work and there were mutual feeling involving the divorce. It wasn't anyones fault. It just didn't work so stop blaming Colleen. Shes staying positive for her fans and it hard to when there are so many people hating on you.
- Victoria Eachus: Josh, my Uncle is also going through a divorce and it has been really hard on him. He resorted to drinking and has now become an alcoholic and it has become very hard on us. But I am so glad that you are staying well and you're staying healthy, and you are not taking drastic measures to forget about the tough things. Keep powering through the tough times, and you'll find the love you need.
- Roblox Gaming-With Kristen Juarez: You both did a great job especially Erin
- David Ceeya: It hurts when someone you love decides to leave you. Not just losing the person, but wondering Why. Why was I not enough? Why couldn't I make you happy? Why did you give up? What is wrong with me? Why was I so naive? That's the tough part. Sometimes the issue isn't with you, but them, or neither. Sometimes people just want different things and that is a okay. It gets better. :) Remember the ones who care and are still around.
- Shaylin Wagoner: i love the harmony
- courtney trost: Beautiful song, Josh. ❤️
- Kaila g: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😪😪😪😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓omg awwwwwwww your voice is very beautiful this made me feel to cry ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- Mackenzie Guidry: Can we talk about Erin's voice? Like DAMN SLAY GIRL
- Iona Colquhoun: That gave me chills! Loving the duet! Stay strong josh! We are all behind you supporting you everyday!!! Xx
- its_alizabeth _here: Kylah McFaull in a good way
- Iman Almeer: BybianaGamer 123 Justin Timberlake ?
- Grisilda Vaz: If you think he's acting, you should watch Colleen's video about the divorce 🙂
- alex: Erin's voice is BEAUTIFUL
- Maddie Barnes: Love you, Josh!!! We are so happy to have you back.
- Nikkita Smith: I've cried every time I've watched this. you can tell it hurts Erin to see her brother hurt as bad as he is now
- Jenna Z: Laurie Beth H That is true, but we really don't know exactly what happened. I mean we can assume and guess but all who really knows what happened is Josh and Colleen. I just hate that everyone has to fight and pick sides.
- Kaitlyn Sharrock: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Ellen Joy: that was soo beautiful... i was literally in tears😍😍
- Aaron Ruddick: So this may sound stupid but did job write this because I thought he did then trolls used it so...?
- srea scow: I wish josh could be truly happy again. Just seeing him so sad brought me to tears.
- Depression: OMG I WANNA CRY RIGHT BIW ;0;
- Haylie 59: I've watched this video about 1527427894138 times. I love it. Great job, Josh and Erin❤️
- Sierra Leahy: He's finally back!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😄😄😄
- Rosie 37: Maja Mijanovic I agree with you, I feel for Josh.
- Colleen Edits: ¨YAYAYAY
- Briza Arreola: i truly thought that this song was for colleen );
- re re: luv u.
- Christine C: And shoes
- Abby Irwin: This was absolutely breath taking. You guys are amazing, and I'm glad you're back Josh💜
- Anne-Laure Cffd: OMG this is so beautiful !! your voices <3
- Sarah Galley: ❤️❤️❤️
- Krystal Wu: Elle Tee thanks
- Art Roj-Ter: +20Unbelievable06 I get it. Josh never said that. But let's face it, for me, watchinh Josh's video in this matter was a little bit confusing. The video and the end of it, when an image with a message appeared. That image repeated constantly Colleen's name and full of "she" and "her". So you can say one thing, but with your actions, you're telling me another different thing. You see what I'm saying? All Josh's messages (few) have been very confusing, on one side you said it wasn't a perfect relationship, but at the end of the same video, you say that you don't get Colleen decision. That's my problem with this guy. If you got hurt, fine, but why trying to run away from the responsibility? I mean, suck it up man, I don't think that decision came out of nowhere, right?
- Daydreamingisfree: Absolutely beautiful
- Erin Elisabeth: all the feels
- Grace Supreme: the display of such love for each other warms my heart. i am so happy you two have each other. erin is such an amazing sister.
- Amy Belbin: Amazing but your not singing
- Julie P: I can't really begin to even describe the month that has passed.. At first I was so sad, then angry. I just felt so confused, I've been watching Colleen and Joshua for many years and I just began to assume that things could have worked. in order for things to work, both parts need to be willing, sometimes it's better said than done though.. I understand where both parts are coming from and I truly truly just want both to be happy. I love that they both try to be optimistic, they are a bundle of positivity. I can't even fathom the amount of hurt that they must have felt. I don't think that this is the point tho, I think what they want us to get from this is that you can overcome anything, it may seem impossible, but you can do it. Thank you Joshua and Colleen for giving me hope. I hope you both have amazing lives and I'll do nothing more but love and support you guys through everything. I'm genuinely sorry for everything.
- Lilly Holloway: Who else cried?? Joshleen lives on😢😢
- Loretta Neustaeter: Beautiful song, the true emotions put into the lyrics are so heart touching. I cried along with you. Love to you
- Aamina D: I can see the immense pain in his eyes. We love you stay strong❤️
- Alezandra De Freitas: My eyes were watering I nearly cried
- marendahlsundsbø: I really just want to hug you both.... I love you josh.. U will probably not read this but it will Get better and you have over 1m people helping you and your sister! And friends and family.. I love you so much josh. Remember, God has a plan
- SarinaSloan: beautiful! ❤
- Davika: He loves her more than she loves him. He always have loved her more. I hope you find your peace in this messed up world Josh...I hope she realise soon that it's always gonna be her for you and you for her. omg this is so heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time ❤
- Jumxia: Josh is back that's great BTW i felt emotional when i heard the song but josh you are so strong and i love you cuz you're amazing PS i love your voice
- karamarinara: Dear Lord, that was beautiful. Love you two beautiful humans, all the love my heart can give to you guys! 💜
- SoBeautylicious: That was absolutely beautiful and i felt each inch of emotion and feeling through every word sang. it was amazing! Its very inspirational. we love u joshuaa!!
- Jennifer Wild: My heart hurts so much for Josh 💔 it's so clear that this divorce is so hard on him
- Dance Songs: I'm never emotional, but when I saw Josh start to cry I started to tear up. Anyone else?
- Skylr: Erin is an amazing singer and an amazing sister
- Heather Smith: Josh I'm so sorry! I have been your biggest fan since day one! If you are ever back in Ga, let's go to Biguns! I'm not too far from there! Keep your head up! Any girl would be lucky to have you!! 😘😘😘
- Sydney Smith: There is so much hate against Colleen in this comment section and it's making me so ashamed of Joshs fans. Colleen was and is the love of his life, you really think it helps him to see people bashing her? And just because her coping is hanging out with her friends and being on the Internet to distract herself doesn't make her horrible either like so many of you think so. just because you see 10 minuest of her being happy doesnt mean she doesnt care. It is so immature and disrespectful to sit here and think you deserve to even have an opinion on how they're are dealing with one of the most difficult points in their entire lives. You are not entitled an opinion on another human beings marriage. It is none of your business and you obviously don't really love either of them if you are picking sides.
- New Channel: I feel so bad for him :( he and Colleen were the perfect couple.
- natasha nadine: i cried the sadness was raw xx
- Abby Winer: I can't stop watching this. I believe I speak for everyone when I say this touched all of our hearts and most of us cried.
- Jenna Neufeldt: Josh and Erin are so so cute. It warms my heart.
- starrynight 13: wolfe storm Wow!! You just have to hate her!!! They divorced because they had problems, can't you respect that? Colleen is a kind, funny, talented and accomplished woman She decided not to post a lot about it because she was truly hurt. Watch there videos together p, watch Colleen's videos does she seem nasty???
- Regina Lopez: aww! beautiful voice you two!
- Ben Arters: That song was in trolls
- fiedeltje: Joshua was going through a divorce yeah..
- Savannah Storm: This absolutely broke my heart.
- sam: i am currently sobbing this was beautiful.
- Brooke Bullock: so beautiful, love you guys
- destiny aparicio: 😢💕
- lolguitar: this makes me feel inspired. I think I'll post a cover on my channel :) Stay strong Josh xoxo
- Katheirne Mason: WHY OKKSOXQ This is so beautiful. I felt all of it. I love you Josh and Erin❤
- Vanessa Lynn: Beautiful voices, but damn, does he always need to be so obviously depressed?! Like take a break from YouTube if you're that sad.
- rockstarhs7: That was absolutely beautiful xx
- Kayla Keplar: This is so freaking beautiful
- Jessica Vowles: gave me shivers. amazing!!! 🖒💕
- Miranda Kolodziej: I cried!😭
- Abby C: I love how they both got teary eyed. Sibling goals. We Love you!!!
- hope alamia: this made my heart hurt.
- Malin K: When they both started to cry I was like "Okay, Im done." :'( <3
- mgoode: My heart just exploded. Erins smile is the brightest thing I have ever seen.
- khadijah ali: I keep rewatching
- mel: josh, taking you back to your "photograph by ed sheeran" cover id like to share with you that i had a close friend pass away at the end of 2014. she was 17 years old. & passed away in her sleep. "photograph" was played in remembrance of her. this was the worst chapter in my life. but this song. taught me that, life is short & things hurt sometimes. love hurts sometimes. but love is what makes us feel alive. we share love for our family & close friends. without love. where would we be? who would we be? would we be heartless? cold? lost? in life we need to love, love allows us to appreciate ourselves, life & the people in our life. we need to be loved, being loved makes us feel important & it makes us feel like we have a purpose. however. sometimes love hurts. but that doesnt mean we cant continue to love ourselves, life, people, etc... when bad things happen & it feels like the whole world is on your shoulders pull your family & friends close. tell them how much you love & appreciate them. you never know what day will be their last. life is short....NEVER stop loving. there is so much in life to love. somedays are hard. but thats ok. feeling happy, sad & angry is what makes us human. hang in there josh. you have all your "dingleberries" right behind you.
- Sharon V: s731s edited for that reason. Thx
- Shannon Brock: I know this song
- Reagan: this is so precious. i love you so much.
- Elisa Ruden: That was beautiful! Very fragile and vulnerable. You really touched my heart. I hope you find peace in your life again. ❤
- ThatWeirdGuy: This was so beautiful Josh and Erin. It's nice to see you back. Apna khayaal Rakhna :) <3
- DerpxGirl Plays: Yup Colleen may be happy on her videos but i feel like she cried all night from what happened. She is trying to be happy even though deep inside she is not. I just wish nothing of this happened and they were still happy
- Rachel M: Ahh this made me cry
- that1chick92: It honestly breaks my heart knowing both Josh and Colleen are hurting so badly right now. Although some believe Colleen doesn't care, I couldn't disagree more. She simply has a different way of coping with pain and there's nothing wrong with that. Just because we get to see 10 minutes of her smiling doesn't mean she's not hurting. It may not make much sense to some people considering I don't personally know Josh or Colleen but I beg of everyone to please give them the respect and comfort they deserve. It's ok to be curious but they will speak about it when they are ready so please don't try and force answers out of either of them. I've literally been around divorce my whole life as far as family and friends and it's something that takes time to heal and the best thing any of us can do for Josh and Colleen is continue to support and comfort them and send them love.
- McKenzie Hall: Colleen left Josh got work get a grip cookies she's a brat and it's done
- Addie H.: That was so beautiful. Thank you so much for this video, it has not only inspired me, but other people too. Thank you Josh and Erin. You have inspired us to show our true colors.❤️
- Sara Vetter: Erin's voice is so pretty!!!
- Trisha Kanadi: sheela monjardin Well,people cope differently. Colleen has said that she wants to spread happiness and positivity on her channel. You or anyone else are not entitled to what she puts up online. And if she is happy, why should she be criticized for it. If she moved on and is going on with life well, why should she be judged for it? must she be mopey for the rest of the year. She has said that she wants to show us that we can choose happiness even when things get rough and make the most out of it. Please spread happiness, not hate.
- Sidney Awbrey: Don't cry, craft.
- Invisible 0215: This breaks my heart soo much.. I just hate colleen soo much now! She's such a bitch!
- alex catherine: i am so sorry for what you are going through josh. this made me cry, you are such an amazing singer and i love this video. i hope you can get through this rough patch, and know that we love you:)
- Jade Saylor: I soooooooo happy to see you back on YouTube, I missed you sooooo much❤️I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much 😘 I cried watching this😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😍😍
- Joselyn Garcia: this song mad me go to sleep becuse i was crying so much i culdent eny more i cried so much im amoshanal sorry josh im sorry fore your davorce with collen:( :( :(
- nilmotijnu: THE FEELS!! 😭😭😭😭
- Duc Bui: there both realy good singer
- April Riggs: This was absolutely beautiful! The emotion that was felt really touched my heart!
- emma lynn: i've missed you josh. love ya. 💕
- Mother Terezzza: That was probably the most beautiful, real video I have ever seen. And it moved me....
- Lucy Ruth: so powerful. truly amazing. love you so much. both of you.
- Lilli Hannah: This is the best duet I've ever seen. Both your voices are so lovely and calming. You guys are they cutest siblings. Erin you are so loving towards josh and I am so proud of both of you for going through what you guys have been through. I may or may not have cried while watching this. Stay strong xx
- LuluMary JKI: 😢
- tazdiginez: Repeat, over and over.. I know that you are in pain Josh, but oh my god! I needed this as much as you did, I think.. BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you!! Thank you so much!
- Veronika Buckwell: Erin's voice!!!!!!!! And this is really sad xx you can tell it's all about colleeen and Erin's heartbreak xxx love you both xxx
- Robin Spector: crying... this is phenomenal. josh and erin, the love and respect you have for each other really shows me how strong your bond is as a family. stick with each other. you are a great duo.
- S-Scratchers-VA W: 😢
- Johnny Boy: So dramatic lol, sorry what happened happened but hopefully now Josh can let his "true colors" show if you know what I mean :)
- Uber Vegan Movie Guy: Josh, Don't forget to mention this is a cover version of Phil Collins' song which later became world renown famous when Cyndi Lauper released her cover of it. I'm just keeping it real that this song is not new but rather around 35 years old.
- Shelley Holtmann-Schnur: This is so beautiful guys! Well done.
- Mellanie Ferrer: i cried so hard 😭😭😭😭 it still breaks my heart tho.. 💔
- Haley Penland: I am SO, SO proud of you Joshua! I know this is hard but you are a strong human being and everything will be okay. I promise.
- isabella x: I'm emo but 4:20 blaze b
- LiliA: Let me put my two cents in...can we please focus on the fact that this was beautifully made by Josh, Erin, and Jay and it made us all feel the feels. All of us love Josh and Erin and the majority of us all still love Colleen. Yes, Colleen posts a lot of upbeat, happy content, but we don't know what's going on when the camera isn't on. None of us know the full story and we probably never will. Please stop spreading hate and taking sides. The last thing the two of them need is to see mean comments directed at them. This is a beautiful duet and I hope to see more like them in the future. We love you!
- Gigi Rodriguez: 😭😭😭😭
- Maggie Adderley: This is the only song that I have ever cried of and I mean that when I write these words there are tears coming out of my eyes I never knew josh and Erin were so close like that😭🙏🏼
- Lottie: This was beautiful done and very respectful :)
- ally szotak: Josh I see YOUR true colors and they are BEE AY YOO TEE FULL ☺️
- Emily Jacskson: .love love love love love love it!!!
- Natalia Lipscomb: totally crying.. this was beautiful!
- annie: I really really love josh!❤️ and of course his great sister, Erin!❤️ amazing job this is now my new favorite song. I will love and support you Josh every single step of the way because you are amazing and I love you! I also love and support you too Erin!!!
- omfgdua: Tbh I don't care about the hate lmaoo its quite funny actually. I love Josh and I've been apart of the 'family' for fucking four years. I would never try to hate on him any way what so ever. I'm just saying, how pissed people are being because I brought up the idea of him being gay is fucking sad. What if he really is gay then what? You're gonna hate on him due to his sexuality? It doesnt matter if hes gay straight or bi, as long as hes happy Im happy and we all should be happy. About the whole assuming hes gay cause of the song talking about colors no thats not why I said it I thought out of all videos where I wish to comment it it would be this one. For a while I had like little questions of him being possibly bi. But that doesnt matter I just think you people are going over the beyond of call of duty because of a fucking sexuality. Geez +Think Vibrant
- Dazee: I wish I had a brother sister relationship like they do...they truly care about each other..😢
- TOTAL RANDOMNESS: Totally agree
- Angela Henning: Beautiful. ❤
- Sophie: My school sings this song
- Alia Khan: Its almost been a YEAR now. I feel your pain, I broke down listening to this.
- ssophiab1 1210: Omg I am cry this was so beautiful I know this is so hard for you Josh we are here for you or I am😊😭
- Tia Spelger: This song made me cry Josh.
- V Brown: still crying over this. come back soon, I love you
- Daisy Arriaga: ;)
- Noreen Cambay: mattyb
- Madison Rose: I cried😔
- Nivea HeartsBeauty: beautiful😘😘
- dancer2989: I'm not choosing sides. I love colleen and josh and I will continue to watch both of them. No one should hate on colleen.
- Brianna Lewis: so buetifal josh you can get through don't give up ly from one of your biggest supporters
- Anna Marie: This was beautiful! I hope you both find peace and happiness ❤
- Glitterbean: Zeney Steyn and that's why I love it!!
- April Corriveau: I just rewatched this and cried 💔 Beautiful song, beautiful singing voices, and I'm so very happy you're back! Erin is the sweetest and I'm glad she's such a great sister!! Sending love from FL ❤️❤️
- K G: your voices are amazing
- Louisa Carter: People who are saying that Colleen doesn't care and just cut josh out of her life just because she's not crying in front of the camera? You don't see her 24/7 you maybe right but unless you know her personally you don't know so don't judge
- Fearless Lindsay: I feel you josh cause I lost a loved one, my grandma and he lost his love of his life. To be honest I wonder why things take forever to heal but I do show my "true colors"
- Lici Bitch: omg Joshua 😭😭😭😭 you guys did amazing like omg 😱😱😱😳😳😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤ No words can explain how good you guys did!!
- Kayla H: I love you welcome back💜💜💜
- lexi fortner: It will be okay josh! we are here for you! this makes me so sad. I hate to see you go through this pain,but all pain ends soon.
- claudia: I think its raining on face haha love you guys
- franklyn flores: Play this in a wedding and everyone will cry :)
- Lo McGaff: We love you Josh! Beautiful video. This just means there's someone else out there for you. Keep your head up.
- Lily Hunt: 3:23 really shows that Joshua is still hurting from his devastating divorce with Colleen!! No one was prepared!😭💘
- hipoops: Okay that was super well done.
- Mariam S: We love you Josh.
- Katie Mac: I'm so happy your back josh we all missed you. You and Erin have such beautiful voices together❤️
- Ayla: Sophie Amara thank you for backing me up as well, you both get where I'm coming from. Thank you very much it's very appreciated
- Two vs Gamez Gamez: This was sad 😭 But yous are great singers😘and I hope you heal from your divorce💖💖😭
- Krista Commanda: this was really sad...I just want to say it gets better, you'll look back on this josh and think "how silly i was to be crying over her, I got something wayy better"
- Melody Pearse: Kat's Pick Jewelry Awww I'm so sorry praying for you xx stay strong we all have suffering for a reason ❤️
- Alicia Rockness: I've been waiting for this...we all love you Josh. Don't ever forget that.
- rae rae: im in tears right now. im engaged and so hesitant to get married because this divorce has shown me that people grow apart and im so scared to be there. I feel so sorry for josh..
- Izzy Glover: Erin has a great voice
- Siobhan Rose: Just because it has hard work put into it doesn't mean it's not cringey. It's the taste of the viewer and if that's how she sees it then that's fine. You don't have to agree. And honestly I agree with her comment 100%! Nobody knows what went down and it's crazy to me that people still want to butt into a relationship they had nothing to do with.
- Hayley Lane: Josh is now roowind now is haven't got coleen
- Kathryn Mombourquette: oh this was beautiful <3
- Youtubers Slay: It's 2018 and I still cry with Josh when I watch this
- Kelsey Teter: My heart just broke and came back together. Thank GOD for Erin. Y'all are so lucky to have each other. Just keep swimming, Josh. It gets easier everyday. ❤️❤️❤️
- Amanda Escalante: Aaahhh, I cried! DX
- Ava Graziani: I started crying when you did! I LOVE YOU!! I'm so glad you're back!!
- Surfin Jerzy: Wow. Always see her as so absolutely adorable. Lights up my heart watching her. But this one nearly brought me to tears~
- Carla DAngelo: that was beautiful
- Charlotte Keller: Josh!! Stop making me cryyy 💜
- 1rosemary2005 Flores ponce: I love you josh
- Hannah B: If Colleen was watching this I think she would be crying this is so emotional why did they brake up
- jayleen Sandoval: Aw this was so sad I actually started crying
- Grace Frickenstein: You both are absolutely amazing! Its great to have you back Josh. I hope now that you have taken some time to heal by yourself, we can help support you and create a bright future. Ilysm ❤️
- Allegra Grace: Stay strong 🙃
- Miranda R: This video is beautiful, Josh. It really shows that you and your little sister have a really special bond ❤️
- Harrison Johns: I want Erin to keep making music videos. Her voice sounds so amazing. Glad you are feeling better Josh, we all missed you.
- Kiya Kemmer: This made me happy💜💜
- mpcmary: "They may abandon you...or try to erase you. " Straight at Colleen
- futuregrl123: welcome back josh! I've missed you
- Jadde Aponte: Erin and Joshua's voice sound so good together
- TheCamidamy: Love you Josh & Erin! This made my day, keep going bud we love you!
- Addy Mae: Colleen don't watch this
- wickedly4: i love you. i'm glad you're back. you deserve everything wonderful in the world and it will come.
- Isabel Veitch: +Stephen Evans commenting on someone's weight even if they don't mean it in a bad way can still be offensive
- Wasup Bros: Josh this made me cry. You have always been beautiful in many ways, this has inspired me so much I have missed you on YouTube so much and I understand your thoughts and feelings. I just have one question. How can I mend my broken heart??
- Multimedia Sepuluh: tf. the actual sibling goals
- Top Notch Stuff: I just wish i could help him, i just feel so bad
- Morgan Ratliff: Having a kid is not a way to save a marriage, because if it doesn't work that kid will grow up to feel like a disappointment all of their life...trust me I would know
- lilly craig: i love you so much joshua❤️ your heart will get better i promise
- asa3wynne: This made me cry so hard! Thank you for the beautiful message! I hope all is well and wish you both the best!💗💗
- Jasmine Mangual: i love this sooo much. im glad your back
- iris: bruhitz lindsey Colleen actually said she called the divorce.. it just didn't work out anymore...
- John Slaten: This was extremely Painful to watch... My heart breaks for you! You did beautifully on this song!
- Judith L.: Loving this version!
- Kelsey: Welcome back, Josh! We've missed you! This was beautiful. :) ♥
- N M: This is honestly beautiful
- Westielover2012: I love you Josh. Things may be so hard but you've got a pretty amazing family to help you get you through it. And you have us. We love you Josh!
- Grey ellison: MY EYES SWEAT EVERYTIME I LISTEN (wich is everyday)
- victoriaaa: Oh my gosh! I love your voice Joey, but I never know Erin could sing! Amazing video 😊
- miraclegirl: Josh- I want to let you know that I went through a very similar divorce. I was married to a man for six years who, I thought, loved me unconditionally and who I would be with forever. I waited so long for him. However, he didn't see it that way. And out of the blue he wanted a divorce. I spent a month wondering if I could have been a better wife, what was so wrong with me that he didn't love or want to be with me anymore. You will get this a lot but it does get better. Your heart does heal and you do realize that you are enough. You will realize that the person who wanted out wasn't strong enough to fight for the relationship. And you will realize that what awaits you is so much more than you could ever imagine. Keep the faith. Be strong. Love yourself. And continue to "Be Nice to People."
- Samantha Ross: this is so beautiful and emotional ❤❤
- majo ramirez: it was beautiful Joshua💕 and so cute, your sister did a great job I don't want her to leave😢
- Hoshi: Omg...amazing you have the greatest sister, my little sister is always there for me..but we fight but at end we always know we love each this beautiful song
- Adriennelovesya: Wowwww you guys sound incredible together! 😍 I just balled my eyes out! Love you both! ❤️
- Aimee Marie: I have tears falling from my eyes. I don't usually cry but I have been so worried about Josh for months now. it's so good to see that he is getting the love and support he deserves.
- Caroline Whilden: Josh is so strong. Major respect to him.
- Lina Elessawy: I am sorry I love colleen and Josh but I have to say this: Why did colleen just move on like this in less than a day she was posting on social media with her friend as if nothing happened. Even though she broke an over 4 years relationship with a man who loved her and it has been a month and he still can't even smile so i think if there was no problem in your relationship you should fix it so both of you should be happy together
- Lauren Michelle: You're the only Youtuber than can actually sing lol
- Abigail Meinke: This made me cry
- Sandy Lu: you both have an amazing voice you inspire me
- Haylee Mae: Absolutely beautiful. This whole time you've been gone I've been telling my sister how glad I am that Erin loved to LA, because you need someone. You're relationship is so beautiful with her. Everybody keeps saying that they don't believe in love because of this divorce, but this proved how strong love really is. So glad you're sister is there with you, Josh. Beautiful song. 💕
- Cami Rathjen: I love your two. You are a good pair of siblings. Erin Thad a really good voice❤️
- Luciana Sulpizi: It's hard to believe that they got a divorce. This song makes me cry. Josh you are an amazing person! Don't make the divorce break you down. You will still have Colleen with you even if you aren't together anymore. Everyone is supporting you during this situation. I was told that my crush never liked me he likes my best friend! When I heard this song I started crying and reminded me that things can happen but don't let little things bring you down! I support you with everything josh! Don't worry your family, friends, and fans are supporting you during this situation. You should love your sister so much for what she did for you! You have an amazing sister supporting you! We love you Josh! Stay strong!
- Rachel Thorpe: Amazing.
- zatia noxanet: yap.. they don't have a life so they just find peace in finding faults in others i guess...
- Billie Porter: Josh just keep your head up even know it is a hard time be positive you have us let your true colours shine through love you
- Mourin Youssef: This is beautiful ❤️️😌☺️
- abbymunroe: Welcome back. We missed you💜
- Philli May: The most beautiful cover on youtube. I wish I could sing a duet with you... But mostly I wish I could take away your pain... I'm so sorry for you two.
- Grace foley: I cried I miss Joshua voice and him in general
- soso 03: You both have an amazing voice ! And welcome back hope you feel better don't forget the fact that we love you ! ❤️
- Laci Bartholomew: making me sad. i got the feels so hard. it's hard seeing him so sad.
- Nia x: Erin sounds different when she's singing to when she's talking (that's a good thing)!
- Kroid: I was not mentally prepared, most beautiful video I've watched this year
- Peytin Vela: Wow I'm now crying
- Chamunè du Plessis: I cried much. 😢 He's hurting so bad you guys 😢
- Abbie Bain: erinn 😍 josh & colleen keep fighting through this hard time. i believe in you guys and wish the best xxx
- Ruby Jade: yes he's back its celebration time everyone pray that they will get back together
- Fabian Leon: you guys rock.
- Keorah Moore: they really broke up
- Aine O' Driscoll: who's chopping onions? 😭😭😭 I love you Josh ❤❤❤❤❤
- Madison Maner: I got the chills. Great duet! Wishing you both the best.
- BiebMez: This is so beautiful. So happy to see Josh's face again!!
- Courtland Leigh: Josh, I love you so, so much. I am so proud of you and this is the most beautiful I've ever heard you sing before. I, and all of us, are here for you.❤️
- Thomas Norton: That was very good! I didn't know Erin could sing that good.
- Alyssa Pipino: This was absolutely amazing and heart-wrenching. Not much more to say, it was beautiful.
- Ritzygirl05: I am so happy you look so much better
- Chelsea Pennell: This cover beautifully shows the love between siblings in ones time of need.. love it xo
- chukabucka: the description is truth
- DRLU17 LALI: What a beautiful cover! I keep replaying it! I believe that you can get more than one soul mate in your life and for sure the first one are our siblings! Xo
- Natalie Maher: This song gets me every time. So beautiful.
- Patricia Baptista: It's ok.. It might not mean much from people from the internet, but we're here. Either to make you happy, or to cry with you, we are not going anywhere. Stay strong. We love you and wish you all the best <3
- chris keene: could you have imagined how powerful this song would be if asked coleen to do this with him....
- Ella Ward: are yo back because i miss you
- Alyssa Cirillo: I love this video Josh! I and praying so much for you and your family!🙏🏼❤️💕😊
- Sydney Robinson: Came back to watch this after the election and it has taken on a whole new meaning. Thank you.
- HeyItsKarina: love you Josh
- Robyn x: Léna A. Same
- Distroyer124 Aj: Joshua can you help me with a problem this boy in my class is really funny and sweet but I don't know what he thinks about me and I don't want him to think I'm weird or anything so what should I do
- Hayley Perkins: Who else is hating how Colleen is practically shitting on Josh right now?!?! #teamjosh
- Erin Callahan: This made me cry. So beautiful. I love you guys!!
- katrina maniscalco: Where are these angels Josh? I wish they'd show up for me too!
- Jennifer Browning: Bless O No one has time to sit here and read every comment, but you really should take your shade elsewhere. This is a beautiful video and I'm sorry that your heart is too cold and black to see that. Be nice to people.
- Jouseline Soto Gaud: LOVE IT. Josh you are awesome. Don't let anyone put you down.💙💜💕💕😊 Erin you are so great. Both of you are awesome. Keep doing what you do best.💜💙💕😆I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!💜💜😢😆💕
- Naim Hastings: Okay people. I get that y'all feel for Josh, I do too it breaks my heart to know he's in pain. But no need to drag Colleen down, Colleen suffers too. She just can't afford to stay in bed crying all the time, otherwise all of her hard work for the last 10 years would've been for nothing. And also, people have different ways of dealing with sadness, just because YOU don't understand that. It doesn't give you the right to hate on someone.
- Stefany mejias: 2018 😢
- Shannon Knight: Did anyone else sob when they saw this? I missed josh so much!!
- JoshSundquist: Welcome back, fellow Josh
- Tinyaan Chan: Josh.I love both you and Colleen.I support both of you.I love you.Just stay positive.We love you.We are always here for you.💓💓💋💋
- KG: Just looking at him makes me cry😕😭
- joeva gurrea: Josh can you please tell Erin she has an AMAZING voice.....I'm also so happy that you're back!!
- CoolBlueWolf: Lauryn T ikr exactly that's what I thought
- Rohan O'Donnell: Jane Review I understood what you were saying up until now... Smh
- Daniella Arroyo: ahhh they're so amanzing😍😍😭
- Alyssa Schorr: I love that they are wearing the same shoes :)
- Frauke Weber: You make me cry happy and sad tears at the same time.
- ca: This video gets me everytime ;((
- shadow claw199: they are sister and brother right?
- • nathalia •: Wow beautiful duet❤️❤️
- Michelle Woodfall: Yay your back!!!!! I love the message that this song gives
- forevasmiling1989: This is lovely! I'm so glad u are back! U are going to be just fine!! We can see u have an amazing sister and great friends around u! I'm glad ur back! X x x
- VictoriaJ: 😢❤️
- Minsuh Cho: Now that I realize... Josh is going through such a hard time while Colleen is out there and seeming perfectly fine like nothing's happened, like everything is ok. I love Colleen and Josh so much but I sometimes think that they gave up too early. Love is not something you just pluck off the ground, but they gave it away when they could have tried a bit harder. I support their decision but this is just my opinion. I love them both so much and I'm so glad that Josh is back!! I dare you to watch this video and not ball your eyes out!!
- it’s eve: Josh i missed u welcome back. so sad :( crying in my heart when i saw them crying
- Tazzaspaz77: Josh you are amazing and life can be tough but things always get better, no matter how hard the situation, I love you, we all do, stay strong!!
- Caroline Crouse: JOSH YOU ARE BACK ❤️❤️❤️❤️ snide backs ckfenc owl I'm so excited!!!
- Gemini_pearl -_-: i wasn't ready for this im crying so hard right now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- daniisaurushax: Kat C okay so the answer is that you are here to try to rustle jimmies for a laugh? It just is strange to me that you're spending time on something negative. I'm only commenting to see why some people are certain ways and see if I can learn anything from it.
- roseyree: and I feel vulnerable because I can't do anything about their divorce and I just want to do something about their divorce but I can't ....😞😞😭😭😭
- Old man Fuck your pussy: U CANT SING MATE
- Shelby G: This is so cute
- Delaney Walker: I am so sorry. I'm literally crying while you are.
- Ruby and Jemima: Josh your back ❤️❤️❤️!!!
- Random Regigi: love this song so much
- chelsea whitfield: YAAY you are back!!!!!
- A.J. Beck: Erin has a great voice
- Everything is Peachey: I'm crying
- Pau Rogelio: Reminds me that of Colleen Ballinger.
- Jesi Moore: Incredible
- Leanne Garner: wow I literally had every hair on the back of my neck stood on end listening to this! what a beautiful version of an amazing song 💗 and what a beautiful bond you guys have! much love to you both... keep smiling josh xx
- Laci S: wow they have amazing voices together I think the should be on the radio
- iMynxii: I too just went through a break up and this song is it all ...😭
- Melanie M: yThey wrote this song?! OMG this is so good.
- Michelle Merritt: i absolutely love Erin's singing
- Katie Gonzales: That was beautiful ❤️
- Ferrari and other cars: We love you Josh., Keep praying God hears our pain. I divorced from my husband then remarried him 5 years later, total different relationship better than ever, those 5 years helped us grow and realized we were made for each other an no one else completed us the way we complete each other. We have never been happier going on 6 years this second time around and looking forward to the rest of our lives together. Colleen will realize there is no material thing or fame that can ever replace the unity with your spouse and the family you were building. Hang in there, good people will find there happiness. ❤️
- Skie MC: I cried great song love it come back josh
- jessica duff: This is really helps me my friend is going thorough some really rough times right now and having some dark thoughts! Thanks. Pray for her
- Kim Larocque: That is the most beautiful thing I've seen all day, and today is my birthday.. What an amazing gift you both gave me. all my love to both of you. xoxox
- Taylor Betty Ann: I absolutely love this. it made me almost cry
- PinkBabyGlam 6989: Made me cry 😢💗 your voices are amazing.
- Lele Boudreaux: Absolutely Beautiful! 😆
- Ken Richmond: Sooo good guys!!!!
- Ronalee Stone: I sang this song in choir. It was hard to perform because of how powerful it is
- Stevie Leigh: Oh my goodness I have all the feels going on right now!! I feel like my heart was just broken!! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
- Everleigh Fawzi: So beautiful
- Heather Dille: I started crying within like the first minute. So beautiful. I hate what you have gone through and it has made me see people's true colors. I'm sticking with you. #truebeauty
- Teo Kifer: SO BEAUTIFUL. You are both amazing people.
- Sarah Edits: I am not crying, I'm just cutting onions😭
- Suzy Moon: Welcome home Josh ^^
- Alain Bruno: They both have a good voice.
- VISARAH LEIDEN: Abby Bjorn me.
- XxQueennnFlamesXX: I love you Josh This made me Tear up so much Who else.???
- Victoria Claesson: sooo good
- Pooja: Mackenzie Buchter me too. It will be okay. :)
- Jeanna armas: that was amazing. had me sobbing like a baby. I'm glad you're back Josh.
- Hannah Townsend: Silvia Bautista i thought t i was the only one
- Nicola Hendrickson: beautiful amazing and incredible song. so much love to you Josh and Erin, definitely sibling goals
- Lene Kolodziej: You did such an amazing job! Thank you for everything❤
- Sheba Sediqi: joshua u are very lucky to have a wonderful sibling relationship with your sister ❤ my brother is very rood to me but wen i saw this it made me happy to see u with your sis anyway hope u feel better soon take care josh and be nice to people love from dingleberry and just do 1 thing please come back to utube i miss u just forget about the past and start a new chapter "just because the 1 u loved is gone dosent mean u will never find some1 else ." thank you
- Felicity Del Rosario: All kinds of feels from this!
- Malia Ginocchio: S S I KNOWWW
- Bella Lee: this was amazing. <3
- Taylor McClure: So beautiful!
- Jozsy Jozsy: 😢💔 felt every word of that xx
- Maddie B: That was amazing I started crying when I saw you guys crying
- Cam Cordola: beautiful song ❤
- Skyler Ann: You two are adorable it's great that your close me and my sister are close too which is amazing. Tell her she has an amazing voice and that u two sound great together!!!
- Nicole Rodriguez: omg i totally cried!!!!!! love love this sooooo much!
- FallingMiraculously: Absolutely beautiful. We missed you Josh
- Jadan Harrell: Beautiful
- Twentyonechole: I love Erin's singing
- Riyuuji: This is really beautiful~ <3
- Friendsmakelifegood: i love this
- Sarah Brydges: Those Jordan's tho
- Lily Underhill: YOUR BACK
- Luna !: +Jacqueline Dao I think Erin's and Josh's duet was perfect❤️😍
- Kirra Jade: This was Beautiful guys! Well done!
- kristin / kris: ^ she didn't leave him for fans -_-
- dreamingsof: Im so happy ur back...ur songs inspire me so much...ur music is so beautiful, this song made me cry 😍😭😍😘💕
- Audrey Devries: LOVE YOU JOSH!
- Ruby Miller: You happy am happy
- Misti Stallard: This is beautiful and heartbreaking Josh and Erin! You both and beautiful voices. The sadness in both your eyes breaks my heart! Josh if you aren't ready to come back please take your time to heal. We understand and love you. Your beautiful soul shines brightly in this dark world! Erin so glad he has you to lean on!
- whatever: Alex Lopez why would you
- Emily Watson: Nice to have you back Josh, we have all missed you ❤️ (also, may I say that was a beautiful duet, and both of you have stunning voices)
- Pixie_Parker: you guys are crying I cant handle it
- Richard Hills: This video is as long as david dobrik's vlogs
- שירן בוכריס: wow,i cryied a lot.
- Dennis Romero: damm his sis sing so goood!!
- Timmy Cook: powerful even thru the hurt, which will turn into beauty!
- maddie: I loved how they were matching💓
- Emma Pacheco: Yayyyyyy Josh is back💘💘💘💘💘
- Christina Russell: "Who's your idol?" "Duh, Joshua Evans..."
- Blade Harrison: but it's cute
- Michael McCarthy: ERIN HAS AN AMAZING VOICE!!!
- Kirstein Stephanie: That was wonderful Josh ! We love you guys ❤️
- Ana Laiginhas: ❤❤❤❤❤
- Jade Leoncio: Beautiful. We missed you so much Josh.
- Lily Chalfont: I crying
- Maddy Muche: Erins voice <33
- Naomi Shaddick: My heart 😞❤
- Sarah Trop: this is beautiful.
- Press Play: Come to me Joshua I will treat you right 😘
- AlbertO: Anyone have some wine to go with all this cheese? Thermal shirts! FFS.
- Olivia Carr: it was beautiful
- Valaya Hart: So glad I'm not the only one! I was trying to explain it to my family but the emotion just didn't come across.
- Steph Watkins: BEAUTIFUL!!
- GK Lorenzo: this made me cry too😢 ...God and family will never let you down💕
- Hope Lee: I glad u came back Stay strong TRUE COLORS
- Rachel Buenaseda: Love you josh, you deserve better!
- Eirena Ewert: Well. Open the floodgates. Cause everything just spilled out. What a beautiful song. What beautiful people. What a beautiful message. What a beautiful relationship these two siblings have. Goals.
- Jenesis Waller: love u I mean❤❤
- Crystal Star: This is beautiful! Nice job you two. Great song, and lyrics. It's such a blessing to have siblings who can be there for each other through ups and downs of life too. Praying for you all during this difficult time. May God bring healing, love, peace, comfort, and hope. Keep singing, and following dreams and passions. God will work all things for good. <3
- Emily Chen: I love your guys version of the song, but you made it so sad. It makes me want to cry😭😭
- Miller hagood: Erin's voice is so
- tweet hilder: I don't know how to feel about this.
- lauren williams: This is such a beautiful cover, I will always fully support you Josh as well as Colleen and this cover blew me away 😍😍😍
- Hana Wilson: +Nico Nico Still she could be depressed no need to be an asshole to her, she wasn't happy and neither was he! They had to, there not gonna pretend just to make views and make their fans happy..so chill, also she is really busy too.
- Dave: That's soooo f...ing amazing Josh and Erin! Good work! :) ♥
- Casie M: Tears......So Beautiful!!
- Christinamay123: Honestly, I think they were always a weird couple. They met on the internet. The IN-TER-NET. Yeah internet. Usually the internet is a weird place. It's hard seeing josh cry while Colleen has a kitty cat and is laughing and being happy everyday. Josh should get a new girl. And Colleen should stay single and happy. They were different. That's why they didn't get along.
- Gabrielė bucelyte: this is so cute
- Slidetotheleft: This is so sad. Josh, it will get better. I hope you find all the happiness you deserve.
- Anna Hargrove: This makes me sad their both crying.😥
- Taylor Daniels: 😭❤️❤️I can not stop crying ❤️❤️😍
- Hellen Zaragosa Tino: I disliled this vidoe but nice jordans dudes
- chogiwa chanyeol: Oumou Kesso Barry some people spell it color some people spell it colour its not a big deal :)
- AnnaZmijewska: im crying :(
- Carly Creaney: 😘
- Maddie Nakhla: Oh my gosh! I love how they are both wearing hightops...so much love!! ❤️😪
- Sylvanas Windrunner: kyana m girl, you're so so so right, I totally agree with you.
- HotKarma29: Before I watched this, I already knew that this was going to make me emotional. But, what I didn't expect was to be full blown crying from it! You two did an amazing job with this song. Josh, just know that I've missed seeing you on here, and, even though I've never met you, I <3 you.
- Erika Lopez: cant stop crying.
- Nadia Haines: OMG Erin, you are litterally one of the best singers I've ever heard please sing some more on your channel
- KatieDidd: This was STUNNING!!! <3 Stay strong Josh xoxo
- Vincent Winston Ii: Who else didn't know Erin could sing.
- Laura Fuentes: We all love you Josh ❤
- PTX JUNKIE: This is so raw and beautiful Josh. We missed you.
- • Av: Here come the theories that josh is gay
- xxobrittanyg: Be strong, boo
- Seanan Hickeyyy: Josh tell your fans to stop commenting on Colleens YouTube video saying "True colours"
- Justina Klasauskaitė: crying
- max: Theres a 99.9% chance you wont ever see this but i'm so proud of you both (Josh and Erin) I love you both so much! You both are so amazing ♥️
- Rylie Mirenda: love you josh 💜😞
- Lexaa Reese: Evan Wetzel also I was saying " saying Coleen Isn't hurt is horrid" I THEREfore was NOT saying "colleen isn't hurt" I am saying people SHOULD ( does not mean they HAVE to , just stating my opinion) stop saying she ISNT hurt because they have no idea how she feels . Both Colleen and Joshua are (probably) really hurt rn - again just giving my opinion- . And you said "everyone has a opinion" I was just giving off my opinion so clearly you read my comment wrong and you need to reread it .
- One Two: ♡ <3 <3 <3 ♡
- Liv Lynnea: more singing vids iwth errrrinnnnnnn
- jamie curless: I love you so much 😍 omg you guys have the prettiest voices ever I'm jealous gorgeous song.
- Ted Cruz: why is this in my recommended
- Chloe Madison: They need to get back together 😥😪😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😪😪😥😥😰😰😥😪😪😭😭😪😪😥😥😰😰😰😰😰😰😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😪😥😥😥😥😥😥😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😥😥😪😭😭😪😥😥😪😨😰😥😪😪😥😰😰😥😪😪😭😭😪😪😰😰😥😥😪😭😭😭😪😪😥😥😰😥😥😪😭😭😭😪😪😪😪😪😪😥😥😥😪😪
- felicity flores: I'm dead😭😭😭😭😭
- ColeyAdams7: YES
- Camilla Sondresen: Both have a hverry good voice love di songs
- Ginger Sades: Erin reminds me of Winona Ryder a little...
- Victoria Lovesyoux: I was trying to ho,d back the tears but as soon as I saw u both crying I was gone... good job josh and Erin you're doing a very good job. Remember to make the most of life, and most importantly BE NICE TO PEOPLE❤️❤️
- Dawna+3: I wish they get back together ;(
- NotDeadJustYet: Colleen even wrote in the description of her first video talking about the divorce that it was the hardest decision SHE's ever had to make. if it was a mutual decision, she would've written we. with that I'm not saying Josh did nothing wrong, of course he did, he is a human being, we all make mistakes. and Josh never said he didn't have any part in it either, just that it was her decision, which, as I said, even she wrote herself.
- Hannah Koerner: And you two are wearing matching outfits awwww! Even the high tops 😉
- Sophieee X: So glad you've come back!!
- Hannah Maynard: I agree
- Leila Kramer: I'm so sad I love this song so much!!! I'm so happy!!!
- Addielovspizza Ships: this maded me cry
- Beth Howard: I know right.
- Regine Benton: wow beautiful
- Chandler Hinton: Bea Smith Are you a fucking sociopath?
- Arte do Revestimento: Melhor versão de todas
- Jade Healy: ERINNNNNN
- Hannah Kelly: What an amazing way to come back with a bang
- Dionicio Cardenas: woah! Great stuff.
- Kim Dimension: Very well done! Josh you will get through it. Hang in there!
- Heidy Cardenas: Stay strong Josh something like this is hard your doing an amazing job at life never forget that we love forever and always ❤
- Kris Hag: Has Josh put on a little weight? By the way this song is absolutely beautiful! You can feel in your bones
- KelseaMajestic: <3
- Natalie Morris: who else cried? 😢💙 I've never heard her voice before, she's amazing. Josh I promise you it will get better. Stay strong brother!😘❤
- Denisse Barria: Lyrics???? Please :(
- Nattie Grace: This was beautiful. You both are so talented and inspiring. I recently allowed myself accept sadness, but not let it overcome me. And although this is a painful time, I'm grateful with how you have been dealing with it; never let the grey times consume you completely. I love you both so much. Thrive❤️
- CrypticDyke: in light of resent events I have really taken this song to heart. for all my brothers and sisters out there who are so afraid right now now you are not alone and we will show that even though things are dark right now LOVE will always win over HATE. As long as we all stand together and spread LOVE we will get through this. I may not know all of you but know I LOVE you and I am here you are not alone!
- Autumn Escamilla: Today is my birthday day I love u Josh
- Veronica Law: So beautiful brought me to tears I'm glad you two have each other and are there for one another
- Bruhitsrosslyn hey: is it just me or josh and erin started crying u teared up
- Lyla Prescott: One word describes watching this vid... hurt... but the thing about the end of something is, there is always a new beginning, a new adventure waiting. So when you are ready pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do what you do best coz there are so many people waiting for you to put a smile back on your face.
- Saima Nayen: I love this so muchhhhhhh
- Jessica Townes: this was so beautiful. Erin your voice is beautiful. Joshua nice job as always. there was so much emotion put into this and that's what made this come together so well. beautiful😍
- Thrill Project: And Erin has an outstanding voice just like her brother. I love you both so much! I'm still here and always will be.
- 01FireWolf: I'm not crying I swear
- Kaykay Jackson: Wow I'm a mess I'm cryinggg so hard
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Abul Asad Khan Her name is Erin.
- Leena Abdullah: Wow, this is so emotional, the pain in his eyes is just... i can't 😔
- Emily Lloyd: Josh, your amazing. Keep moving forward. You got this bro! That was extremely beautiful.
- Crazypotatoe 123: When I saw the tears I started to cry
- LipStickLover 28: this was beautiful bit might just be me or did other people find it kind of awkward
- Lydia Johnson: Simply beautiful
- Kiwi of the Bird: ALSO THE DESCRIPTION
- Chloe Largent: This made me cry so much but you are the sweetest and most amazing siblings I'm praying for you Joshua
- Anna Jones: this is really beautiful
- Jessica Hernandez: LOVED this so much, loved how raw and beautiful it was. I cried lol, love you Josh. Glad you're back ! ❤
- Cara: :( <3
- SquishyEclipse: Josh, if you ever feel like crying, just cry. Don't hold it back at all. Just go to a family member or friend (or be alone) and just cry your eyes out. Yes it's sad, but it's better than holding it in. And no, crying silently with a few sniffles is not crying your eyes out. Throw a fit if you need to. Let it all out. We love you <3
- Candy Beltran: i know they both had it rough but there is really nobody to blame because they could've done so much things to fix there relationship but they both gave up because collen filed the divorce but Josh could've stopped her but its There life and they chose how to live it. , be nice to People and spread happiness no matter what there both going though right. now all we can do is show our support to both of them and not pick sides
- jordan castell: this is the most beautiful thing ever, thank you and Erin loved it
- Lily Smith: It's going to be so hard but you will get through it you have so many wonderful people around you to help you get through it💘
- Bella Payne: I am so HAPPY that they make eachother happy
- CurlyProductions: You two sound great together. I'm whiping the tears away.
- Eleanor: This is so beautiful.
- Maggie Murray: Erin is amazing at singing
- lily: Josh u are so strong singing this with everything going on ❤️ love you !
- Madi Rose: I love you so much josh. I am going through a huge heartbreak as well right now. I can't even imagine how you must feel but know that we love you and are keeping you in our thoughts. You will get through this!
- Balsam Mudathir: Definitely your best cover yet!!!!
- S. Jonas: c Natalie - I highly doubt Colleen is genuinely happy at this moment. Yes, she is happy in the sense that her career is currently blooming with having her 3rd YouTube channel hit a million subs and her new successful Netflix show but she's most likely putting up an act to make both herself and her fans happy and give positive vibes even in dark times. People handle situations in different ways. Colleen's way of handling this is by making videos and keeping herself busy.
- captivations: everyone's talking about how colleen 'moved on' way faster than josh. people cope in different ways, some get and stay sad over what happened, others however want to be the happiest that they can be in life. it's sick how many people are attacking these two. they showed the parts of their relationship that they wanted to. imagine if they were having an argument and josh or colleen just whipped their camera out and was like 'hey guys, so me and my partner and arguing right now, wanna watch?' and just filmed it. that's not what happens. people share the bits of their life that they want to, and as very famous youtubers they really needed to screen out the bits that weren't so good, as role models for many young people. so stop atackingn them, we don't know the half of what was going on between them. (p.s. colleen has been posting online still, but not sad videos about how her divorce is really hard. in fact, she hasn't directly mentioned it once. so you can probably guess who i agree with most in this situation.)
- kristina crook: I'm crying so hard right now 😭
- Galactic_ Panda: Erin you have an amazing voice! So do you Josh! I'm praying with all my heart that you feel better Josh! I know that your going through a tough time right now, I really do hope you feel better soon! We would all love to see your face and see more of your videos soon! Love, Gabrielle :)
- taylor: OH MY GOD ERIN CAN SING TOO!! This is so beautiful Joshua. Sending love and happiness your way 💞💞
- Shelby Sasseville: Totally not crying rn 😭😢😭
- undreiia: 3:13 i was cryingg
- Kay V. D.: Brigitte Diaz Cried all day today and yesterday. Life is shit and hard and really not fair!
- Kimi-Jin808: First of all this video was amazing and I cried my eyes out. When Josh started crying I couldn't hold it in. Second of all y'all comments are stupid. If you're gonna be on this channel support Josh. If you wanna be all about Colleen then go on her channel. No one give two shits about yalls opinion on who is sadder or who's better. Just be here to support Josh.
- gramps2matt: Oh man totally AWESOME performance by you two. The harmony and chemistry is outstanding. Josh, Erin and you need to do MORE music videos. You were both so honest in your expression of emotion. God has truly blessed you both.
- Se ?: When they cried it was so sad
- Mark R.: Jaysea oneal NO.
- Paola Cardona: If you didn't cry during his baby just like he did if not more, you're not a real fan & you really don't have the minimum amount of understanding of what pain he is going through. I love you Josh! You'll get through this. You're beautiful inside and out!
- Kelly C.: How come this isn't on I tunes?:)
- Nathalie Gibson: I'm actually crying, that was absolutely beautiful. I love you Josh and Erin!! 💘
- Michael: another youtuber that thinks they can sing
- Charya Lon: Love this version! Wishing you the best Joshua!
- Janelle Hickly: How can Coleen move on and leave you like this😭
- farley6691: He is just ACHING :(
- Unicorn Bae: Josh! This was so BEAUTIFUL! Everything you went through is only the beginning, there is so much more things that will hurt you and you're just going to GET BACK UP! It's just LIFE. We're here to support you! and whatever happens we will always be by your side!!
- ayah: Well done Josh! Your so lucky to have such an amazing sister helping you so much! I love you <3
- Noelle Deel: I love you and Colleen.I know it's hard for both of you. Stay strong, Josh:)
- Stephen Renda: KaGamer123 ty
- Tori Olmstead: 😍😍😍❤️😭👌🏽
- Cynthia Carpenter: What a voice Joshua...God bless you and stay strong...you will meet the one that will never ever leave your side and that will make you happy...
- Siân Benson: Broke my heart when Josh started to cry but it's the best cover I've seen in so long, stay strong 💜
- ๔єlคภєy: Never knew Erin could sing!
- litzy: PLEASE Be Nice To People there is no need to be hating on anybody!!!!
- Oumou Kesso Barry: SOS for pointing this out but they spelt colour wrong they spelt it like this ' colors, like totally wrong but oh well he's going through a difficult phase 🤗😋😊
- GEORGIA HERNAMAN: This is so beautiful it made me cry I love it ❤️🔐😭
- Morgan Cummins: I'm in advance dance at my school and we just finished a dance to this wish we can do this version
- YourBiggestFan: Özge Bird when I changed to color you see that Josh was crying it okay
- Erin Portine: I wish there was a love button for this beautiful duet. It truly was a wonderful way to express the things you've been feeling Josh. Sending you so much love and peace. 💜💜
- Steve Bryson: you are th only reason I have killed my self yet from depression . my grandma died and I just hated life from there no one could help it was depression but I watched one of your videos because my grandma loved you so I tried and I fell in love .One day I will go to one of your shows if you do one. Please don't stop please don't 😢😑😔😘love,Samantha
- Bea Freitas: I cannot even begin to imagine what you're going through. I can't imagine your thoughts or your emotions but I really hope that you find the strength to be as happy as you once were, matter of fact, no, I hope you find the strength to be happier than you've ever been before. This was a beautiful video; hang in there.
- Shep Shep: This is a dumb question, but did his parents help him through the divorce or did he do it with his sister...? Sorry for wasting your time reading this stupid question...
- Melanie Almanza: I'm in actual tears that was an amazing song and really talked about the things that have been happening in your. Stay strong and always show you true colors: )
- Liesje Lake: why do i get the feeling that coleen is the one that desided to get divorced ??? cuz josh seems more hurting in all of this. coleen's just going up and about with her life ! i feel bad for both tho.. cuz they were soo great together. but everything happens for a reason right.
- Serenity Carey: he's back
- Kristeena M: Josh, this is the best I have ever heard you sing. So raw, and geniune! I'm proud of you, this song seems to really resinate with you. Keep going Josh, youre doing great
- elovescandy !!: OMFG this touched my hart i love you josh and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel
- Enrika Katkeviciute: This song is amazing! I Love This Song!
- Jaqueline Sanchez: i cried so bad ❤😢
- Sara Alonzo: This was so beautiful I'm crying so hard rn 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ So much love and respect for Josh. 💕💕💕💕
- PurpleMaevery: Can everyone please stop with the hate. Everyone deals with grief in different ways, some more outward than others. I can't speak for Josh or Colleen at all, but I'm sure that both of them are completely devastated, and the reasons behind the divorce will never be known to us. We as a community need to surround them with love instead of pointing fingers and taking sides. The way to help the situation is to support them with everything we have to give them ❤️
- Yanie: Ok but erin is a great singer... ever thought of making a cover?
- Shiyndeay: dang you got me crying and I'm a brick wall man. My heart breaks for you.
- Delaney Elliott: but the CUTEST brother sister duet ever!!!!!!
- Caitlin Kinsley: this is beautiful
- georgia -: I love u josh❤️❤️❤️x
- Michelle Iturbide: Such a beautiful song!!! Made me emotional! You guys have a beautiful voice! & Josh you will get THROUGH this and you WILL be stronger. We all love and care for you deeply! I say it once and I'll keep repeating it, you DESERVE BETTER and God will bring her! We are so happy you're back!!!
- Sherbz: I'm not the only one that cried right ???
- Louisa Tusk: STOP.... You're making me cry.
- Nicholas Gundy: You did well both of you!!! Josh & Erin you wont begin to imagine how many people will feel a sense of hope with this tune!
- Karina Walker: i cried like a big baby watching this. josh, we love you and we're all here for you
- NinjagoLover!! Ninjago 4 Life: Josh said in the description " ..if we continue to get back up after being knocked down... what can stop us from being the best version of ourselves? " So for all the people that are saying Colleen is to put together or trying to be. is that so bad? NO
- Snoogles: Josh you're so amazing and brave. You have an amazing sister, family and friends!
- Stephenia Maldonado: Great country voices, OMG as a country fan I can tell you if they had the right connections they could be big!!
- Norma J: So much drama in the comments.. Cant we just enjoy this amazing song and not bicker?
- kiran12346183: Glad to have u back man
- Carol Rodríguez: i love this song
- HelenXox: :'(
- ASMR - Makailyn: conor wilson I hate u
- Katariina M: guys why are you saying Colleen is too happy just because she doesn't post depressing videos?? I think both Joshua AND Colleen are acting not-so-well in this situation. The right way is not to post depressing videos on youtube so people can feel bad just for you. The right way is not to just put on some sassy dance videos after a divorce. But some people act very differently when it comes to pain. Some people let it all out and tell it all, and some ppl hide their pain as much as possible. It doesn't mean that somebody has less or more pain than the other! Can't we just all let it be and hope them both to be happy again and not to choose sides?
- kitycat anna: Mara Hammers I did to.
- Pia Bayer: First likee❤❤
- Adopt Don't Shop!: Colleen is just a self serving bitch. that's my opinion and has been for a long time. That's why I unsubbed from her long ago. So damn self centered. Yuck.
- stef: This is fucking beautiful
- emweeriot: I love you Joshua 💖💖💖 Welcome back xoxo
- Yarielys Ocasio: Awwwwwww ❤️❤️ I'm so glad your back!!! WE MISSED YOU!!!
- Tammy Saltmarsh: Amazingly beautiful! The bond that you and your sister have is unbreakable, and when times are tough, you do see the true colors in people and in yourself. You will rise from this situation and be an even better human for it. Sending you big hugs and lots and lots of love. xoxo
- Janette Hunt: That was beautiful. As someone who has lived through a divorce just know that with time it really does get better. I love you guys.🤗💖
- heidi crawford: this made me cry
- Cynthia Zapata: Lowkey Josh's face bothers me
- Lissete Escalante: te amo joshua pero hubieras editado la parte donde lloras
- Wendy Lung: I LOVE IT!!! SO DEEP THOUGH! ❤️❤️🤔
- Jagoda Stochel: *crying
- Emma Yvonne: Josh! glad your coming back!💖
- Maddie Look: Erin has such a good voice
- Matt O: You both have amazing voices!! I hope that u(Josh) heal from this hard time.
- Marianne Hanssen: Are I'm the only one who started tearing up when josh did
- Julianna Valenzuela: This is the most beautiful thing I've ever listened to. I started crying of happiness the second I got the notification that this video had been uploaded, and continued to cry the whole way through. You and Erin are incredibly talented.
- Brittanie D.: Omg.... had me crying, this was sooooo beautiful!! What beautiful siblings!!!! All the best to the both of you. 😘
- Elisemackenzie: This video is so raw and real, I'm glad they both didn't try to hide their feelings. A truly beautiful bond they have.
- Adriana Hernandez: I'm crying 😭😭😭 seeing Josh cry with his sister Erin really hurts my heart. I promise everything happens for a reason Josh... I love you so much
- Jordan Stapley: Well that brought a tear to my eye! 😢
- Wanqi Loh: Well, this video was excellent. I cried when I saw both of them crying also. However, I would like to appeal to everyone to stop picking sides and hating because we do not know what actually happened. Someone who seems happy may not really be. Both of them are still hurt and are still trying to heal so I hope everyone will just support the both of them. I hope there'll be more covers by the two of you! Erin's voice is freaking awesome. That harmony both of you did right there!!
- Hannah Dockerty: Both have beautiful voices 😭😍🌍
- Yocabeth Campbell: Josh I just want to let you know that the dingle berry fan is here for you we will help you go through these tough situation I love you so Mich and nth I started crying when you did Josh when you cry I cry when you laugh I laugh I love you so much you can go through this I know you can I believe in you Josh God always has a plan for you don't forget that
- Victoria Barrios: such a beautiful song !!!! you two did amazing and its so great to have you back Josh. Can't wait to watch Erin grow on her channel too !
- sumant jaiswal: Lol.. so dramatic josh :p
- katarina petrova: omg I died when they were crying 😭😭😭😭 awww josh we all love u
- GirlsThugLife 101: why do I have to be that person who cries easily?!!?!?!? 😭😭😢😥
- Miriam S: loving the quote in the beginning!
- Makenzie: This video made me cry omg. Erin your voice is amazing. I feel bad for josh he's so upset Colleen was the love of his life. I know they think they made the right decision but I really think they should have given themselves one more chance at least that's what josh wanted. We need to stop picking sides. They both tried in the relation and no one should show hate to Colleen. Like if you agree
- Hi Person-: Lemme guess... AutoTune! No? I guess I'm not good at making jokes on the saddest videos...
- Ella Berman: This is so beautiful! Welcome back josh, thank you for sharing this beautiful song with us
- omgomgomglolol: That was beautiful, so much talent in both of you. <3 Good to see you back.
- Eve Cool: Oh Josh you and Colleen when you were together you had this vibe don't fight with me you know you should get back together Colleen needs you and you know you need Colleen plz
- Pyscho Sketcher: There's a new troll sound track album and true colors is one of the songs on it and the voices and the song tempo sound a lot like this song
- Xiann: Oh josh 😞❤️
- Madison McCrindle: Awww. Made me cry
- Susanna Langdon: This is the most beautiful version of this song I have ever heard, I could feel all the emotions, I was all in my feels, stay strong josh! You have so many people supporting you and so many people who love you. Keep your head up!
- Harper Lee: Truly beautiful...
- Max skinner: That got me . . . BEAUTIFUL TREATMENT !!!!! Truly blessed to be so close to your sister in dark times . . . can relate !!!
- Megan ?: Ahhhh crafting crafting crafting !!!!!!!
- Becci Wright: ok. now im crying.
- Nikita xox: Stay strong 💜 your doing good 💜 just remember you have all of us to talk to💫 we love you 💖
- madambec55: wow. so vulnerable and heartfelt.
- leahmitchell7483: You are a douche. No one cares about your opinion.
- Paige Haddox: 😭😭😭
- Ashley Jones: This actually made me cry because of the video Erin posted before this! I wish this divorce never happened! Josh's mood changed completely after the divorce I'm glad to see him again!
- Shannon Dawes: I can't stop watching this video, it's so beautiful 😍
- Katy Justice: Why did they have to divorce 😔😫
- Stephen McKerracher: Do you have an album?
- Natasha Tomlinson: I'm bawling, so many emotions. When josh started crying I lost it. Such a beautiful video. 😭😭
- saffron: +Sophie Amara She thought it was the right thing to do, they were arguing a lot but they decided not to put it on camera because they didn't want their relationship to be/look negative. She didn't want it, she just thought it was the right thing to do. Just watch her life update video.
- Tonya C: Natalya Roberts it was a joke.
- Rachel Arrigo: Okay people! This song is beautiful and they're trying to spread peace and love in the world so that's beautiful! Don't bring Colleen into to this. She said she doesn't want anybody to make a big deal out of it. If you realized you need to get a divorce it's hard and you wouldn't anyone to make fun of you for it. God bless and please be nice to people! Smiles make the world go round not hate!
- Evelyn Rico: so sad I love you two keep on beliving
- cludincludin: This has deeply touched me. I logged in and subscribed, I wish you nothing but the best and may your hearts and souls heal with every day. Its beautiful to see you both standing side by side, what a strong bond that is.
- ellie oloughlin: There's just something in my eyes . i promise
- Maxine O: that was really beautiful you two, well done <3 xx
- Tiffany Steinke: I love this so much its so inspiring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to spread love to colleen and josh even more then ever
- Anna O'Brien: wow okay just going to ignore the firs part of what I said that's cool. anyways again you don't know me or anything I've been through so again stop making assumptions. I'm saying he was crying for the camera to make the video dramatic. I know what acting is. he acts in most of his music videos and hes doing I in this one as well. I'm sure he is sad but I highly doubt he just couldn't hold it together for the video
- kaci _donnelly: I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- keb1618: Ok, I honestly like Coleen more, that is just me, but I also like josh. It kind of sounds like he is talking about Coleen, and people are going crazy about it calling one or the other a bad person(mostly hate on Coleen) Rachel Ballinger said in a previous live stream that they had been to counseling and therapy and nothing had been working, so what I think happened was josh was still willing to try and didn't want to let go, but Coleen did want o let go but she didn't feel like the relationship was best for them so she let go to give him a better chance at love before they were both 40 with kids and very unhappy. Coleen was showing the good parts of her days in clogs, and I think she is still sad, because when she plays the ukulele it makes her happy, and it seems like she has been playing more than usual, what I'm trying to say here, is read between the lines people, it is no ones fault, if a relationship doesn't work after being together for years and going to therapy, there probably won't be a happy ending, so it is better to get out of an unhealthy relationship
- Taehyung Trash: This is amazing ❤️❤️❤️
- Andy Ochao: it was so sad I never thought this would happen
- Jade C: WOW
- Suzy van Ek: Rach davis *their
- Sydney Jones: Erin should sing more often. She's so talented.
- Carla Aitken: Beautiful. I wish you all good things.
- Mollie Frankum: Erin has such a beautiful voice so does josh this gave me chills hope you 2 feel better
- thechar_way: this is stunning josh! made me tear up! you will heal and find your true happiness. So blessed to see your journey.
- Viry: I broke the replay button I'm crying 😭❤
- n h: it isn't that "men take longer"..perhaps you don't know women who have been in his position or you think that those who are it is normal for them..i agree i hate any comment that some made mocking his valid emotions..typical stereotypes.. but many are positively applauding him.. i assure you that the negative responses will happen to a woman in his shoes..and she will be told shes "faking it..overreacting using being a woman"..etc. anyone who gets broken is devestated and takes sometimes years ..if not a whole sad life.. to try to overcome pain. personally speaking.. and some negative people who have no heart or understanding will laugh at that pain being strange and exagarated to them.
- Heyyy Maya: Josh and Colleen are both going through a lot right now and are dealing with it at there own pace, both of you are in my prayers and take as much time as you need to get back much love for both of them 💞
- Emily Bickel: this is beautiful! I love you Josh!
- Megha Dagar: Awesome song josh and erin you did great.i love you both
- primos bello: Didn't he used to have like 4 million subs or am I making that up?
- Leah_143: All these stupid dumb and idiotic people saying *please say in stupid bratty voice* 'OH MY GOSH COLLEEN IS SUCH AND IDIOT I'M NEVER WATCHING HER AGAIN! SHES THE REASON THEY BROKE UP SHES SUCH A BRAT!' or they say 'OH MY GOSH JOSH IS SO STUPID NOW I'M NEVER WATCHING HIM AGAIN HE'S SUCH A CRYBABY I HATE HIM' *end stupid bratty voice* but honestly they are both amazing and talented people and I love watching them both. Also Colleen is NOT the reason they got a divorce they got one because they felt unhappy together and they felt all their heart wasn't in their anymore. which you would know if you watched all of Colleen's video or all of Josh's video. SO PEOPLE PLEASE STOP CHOOSING SIDES IT IS RUDE AND CHILDISH JUST LOVE THEM BOTH!! anyways great song Josh and Erin amazing voices!
- Madison Telfer: wh else cried?
- Lazy Duck: Why did people dislike this they have no heart!😱
- Elizabeth Ramirez: noт cryιng ι ѕwear
- Sophia Bach: This made me cry 😭😞 love you josh 😘
- 786sami786: +Kimberly Broom Neither.
- Vengeance: This was absolutely amazing.
- Rubi English: Josh has gotten a little chubby ;0;
- olivia.: Super Giggles I love how people are just looking are just like "same!" To actual meaningful comments it's really sad what economy has come to.
- Lexie B: The caption you put in your description... I love it a lot and can relate to it. I just got out of a two year relationship, which I know it isn't as long as your past relationship, but my ex is trying to erase me completely. It hurts a lot and I'm really trying to move on and stay positive. Keep doing you, Josh! We are all here for you during this difficult time.
- Rachel 101: Nicole Gibson I Know Right
- Nicole: 1:52 the way they look at each other!! I love how supportive and loving Erin is being towards josh during this hard time ):) Xx
- Rucha Richie: Wow this was very very good. I dont usually like teh boy band type stuff Josh makes, but this was soulful, beautifully rendered and definitely struck a chord. I hope you continue on this journey of self discovery and come out a more mature, put together person. May the universe bless you with opportunities and love.
- Eden Hoolahan: This is so beautiful! I got goosebumps every note xx. I love the messages Josh and Eryn send out to us💗 music for a good cause
- Jordan Purrington: JOSH I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH❤️🎈 this is absolutely amazing! I'm so happy your back! You'll get through this. Love you so much!
- Daniela Olarte: This is just beautiful.
- Kelsey .Waffles: Skipper yeah and Colleen is just choosing to show us the happy parts of life. She has mentioned that before
- katie: josh is just so sweet and nice and i'm still upset about the divorce. :/ i cried during the wedding video...this video is so beautiful and josh has such an amazing personality. i wish the best for both of them :')
- Brittany Thomas: she also just had a Netflix show premiere. she can't just go dark on the Internet as that's happening. it's not your place or anyone else's to speculate and decide who did what and who is hurting worse. you don't know all the details.
- isthis reallife: your colors are beautiful Josh 👏
- Isabelle Kaplan: It is so sad. I do t like to see people cry
- Ali Anderson: wolfe storm why spread hate?
- #soylemoner: Qué gay
- joeys _tea101: This is the cutest and saddest thing I've ever seen
- Alesia Ramdyal: Omg that is the song best ever I wanna cry well done guys
- Adrian Velazquez: beautiful
- missashleeymarie: This is SO beautiful!
- If you hate bts then. QUIT LIFEU: Amazing singing josh ur an amazing singer! 💖💖💖💖😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖😘😘
- Britton Owens: Welcome back Josh!
- Kierra Wilson: 2:15 when she smiles at him is adorable
- Emma Elizabeth: 💕
- Michelle Forrest: Love you Joshua.
- Liska XO: Awesome wow
- bushra Tasnim: wow its so beautiful :) such perfect siblings :)
- Julia Grace: This made me cry. So beautiful!
- futuremeira diva: amazing
- A Young: I'm sorry but he looks like a walnut
- Hazel Somerville: I wish we could have a happier video :( but its a good song tho ;)
- kizzy: Am I the only one who couldn't take this seriously?
- Sarah Edwards: at 3:11 i started crying with josh! My heart is breaking for him......i love you josh ...I always have
- cardfight100: I’m vegan
- Zoe_Moore_ Isn't_Cool: Jane Review and also your precious josh is using auto tunes
- Jessica Martinez: I'm so glad you're back, Joshua.
- Grace Dudich: Omg here come the tears 😭😭
- Peter Brown: The love, the pane, the honesty in ur eyes guys... so deep and so emotional...
- cait: This is amazing, Josh. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you for being so strong. You are so blessed to have someone like Erin in your life to support you and get you through this. Remember we will always be here and your never alone, you always have us 💕 glad your back
- Mar Koshy: i swear Im crying
- Winter Wolf0986: Lance Leichtle same here.
- CoolBlueWolf: Cat Girl12561 oh so ur basically saying josh has no friends?! And just a sister? Boi maybe he went to his friends and family off camera u don't know that!
- Annie Moore: Harry Krinkle they have not t made it official yet but I think in there minds it's official
- Rebekah Julian: That was absolutely beautiful! ❤️😭
- Baylie Dell: His hair is on point! 👌🏻
- Chesney Da Pirate: first thing whos cutting da onions and second ATTENTION ALL JOSHUADTV FANZ PLZ CAN WE START A #WEAREWILLJOSH????
- It’s.0nly. G: I was crying for josh did you
- Jais Green: Omg😭😭😢😢😭😭😢This literally had me crying my eyes out😭😭😢I'm really glad your back Josh and I hope you feel better. You just need to know you will get through this.I know it's hard trust me.But we all love you and know you'll be ok💖💖💖💖😭😢😢😢💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖But your the one who has to remember that we are always here to support you💖
- nerdifynoob: Erin has such an amazing voice!!!
- Lucy ᦟ: The pain on your face Josh is hard to see. All your Dingleberries missed you.
- Heyitsbella: Seems like he's talking this way harder than Colleen😢
- BOT EzPz: I'm sure Josh didn't make this video to attack Colleen, so why are you guys hating on her? We know nothing of what went on behind the scenes. Regardless, I'm so proud of you Josh and Erin for making this video. I hope it made you feel better <3
- Bugar Jones: +Devon Kinney Yeah that could be what happened. What's your point though?
- Simply Mia: You guys are amazing singers it's a really touching and moving song keep it up you guys are the best.
- Letty De La Rosa: stay strong! ☺🎈
- Tanner Kerns: The feels are hitting me.
- Laura Bueno: So glad to see you back Josh! You're such a sweet person! Life can get so crappy sometimes but you got this!
- loveCGFG: this was so beautiful, Josh! I got the chills. I'm really glad to see you back, welcome back! we've missed you ☺️
- 786sami786: +Siobhan Rose That's not my name but nice talking to you.
- jessi: Both of them are so special Erin and Josh are both so special and I love them so much
- Sofia Giordano: I feel so bad for both of Colleen and Joshua so sorry this happened to you both of you should just live your life filled with love and happiness
- ErikaDanielle: I'm crying
- Tabitha Paganelli: I can't stop repeating this song. You guys are amazing together. These lyrics are so powerful. The most beautiful song I've ever played!
- Lauren Yates: Is anyone else just thinking of the trolls movie with this song in it
- Jannah Quintanilla: I just want joshleen back I keep crying when I watch them be sad😔😭😭😭
- S. Jonas: Seems like it was inspired by and dedicated to the people that loves him and are there for him in the darkest of times like his sister, who has also experienced a young divorce, and family members, close friends and, his fans.
- Scomiche _forever: ❤️
- Angelica Morales: I'm crying 😭😔
- Random Account: I cried x
- ayla: Alain Bruno Yeah! Erin's is greaattttt so is Joshua's 💜💜
- Lamija Lisic: i loveee it
- Jess Urban: I dont usually comment but... wow. This was amazing Josh and Erin. You are so strong for putting yourself out there. I absolutely love this ❤️
- Hannah Williams: I missed you josh! This is amazing xxx
- Marisa Melluzzo: This worked my emotions in ways that I wasn't ready for... so touching
- Lisa HouseCat: I'm so glad you're back!! More duets please. I loved this 🙌🏻
- flamingarrow123 !!!!!!!!!!: Joshua atleest you tried 😃
- vlogs with cierra Maynard: Hi
- Winter: The feels....❤️ Can I say this for the third time? Colleen ended the relationship because neither one of them were happy. Even from the beginning, since they've met. There's always fights/arguments/conflicts in relationships. Colleen said she wanted them to both be happy with who ever they are with. She said they'd always been unhappy and she didn't like that. Yes, it's depressing, but very true. They even said that they didn't record any of the hard parts. There were a lot of hard parts. Stop choosing sides and let them both be free. People get over things differently, Colleen seems to have already gotten over the divorce. It takes time. I'm sure we're all super glad to see Josh come back. Slowly, but surely. Good to have you back, bud. We've missed your beautiful self being. ❤️ You'll be alright with your wonderful supporters, family and friends!!!
- Allison C: 😂😂😂😂 yall are ridiculous
- Crystal Pare: You are. Way better off without colleen like if you agree
- Crazy K Butler: Welcome back Josh! You were missed greatly!
- Julie Reilly: I really hate seeing josh like this 😥 especially since what happened between him and Colleen 💔 I am really supporting both of them 💜💙💚💛❤️ LYSM ❤️
- Ari Bo: Courtney Anderson omg you just said everything I wanted to say 👌🏻
- Noah Alejo: I love u both so much -Stay Humble😌
- Mayliza V: Monica Ravinera ugh people just wanna assume stuff and calling her names when they don't know what happened. smh. haha.
- Ana S.: welcome back josh!!!
- Naomi McIlvaine: Look up Cindi Lauper.
- Cassandra Gorum: Welcome back, Josh ❤️
- Mary Vue: Her voice tho get it girl
- millie_14x: You have a great voice Joshua, I love you!
- Kathy Nicole: Love you so much, Josh. Extremely happy to see a new video from you!
- Gatorgirl27: Look what you did Colleen... wow
- razrv3lc: It's been around way longer than that though. I know Cyndi Lauper sang it in the 1980s. I don't know if she covered it or if it's her original song, though.
- Christina Pilch: I love you guys<3 you guys have beautiful voices❤️ love ya both
- Eve O: Omg! Amazing! I felt your pain through this video. You are awesome and brace to still put yourself out there like that. I was great to see you again. Stay strong!!!
- Charlotte Whysall: in tears
- Erica S: is there an app so I can 'like' 5 million times? This is so beautiful and universal. <3
- Nunya H: This was beautiful
- Melany Giron: We are all here for u
- Bethany Bell: to anyone watching this , remember josh says be nice to people, so please leave positive comments !
- Connie Morris: so beautiful beyond words..so glad your back..and Erin you have such a good voice 😍😀
- poppy sowry: OMG Erin you are so good and Joshua
- Ashleigh Meltz: I love this video. So much. This is a beautiful song and they made it even more beautiful.
- Hidden Junkie: This is so beautiful, I'm crying!!! It's so honest, and so just beautiful. In my opinion, it's like he's taking everything in and letting it go in this song, starting off clean, like a cold rain after a blistering afternoon.
- Amy Mtz: speachless.... *tears*
- McKaela Walker: Please sing with Erin more! you guys have beautiful voices! love you both!:)
- Michael Daniels: Wow Erin can sing! Very nice guys. Chins up, dry your eye, never let them see you cry.
- Else Strong: Why does love have to be so complicated, I just want them to be together but I know it won't happen so yeah I love you all Erin Josh an Colleen. But I feel like Colleen isn't that sad anymore, just my silly mind. I love you Josh, YOU'RE AMAZING
- Lianna Zamudio: Your voices are so good!!!😭😜😝
- Olivia Gregor: Omg he just came back after having to recover from the divorce. He came back to make his fans happy and to make himself happy too. Yet now, all he's hearing about is how "terrible" Colleen is. He's just getting over it, and now everyone's reminding him. I'm sorry I brought it up again, but just be fair. Their lives don't affect you, but what if your words affect them? Just stop. It's sad.
- One Two: ❤💚💛💜💙💗💘💝💟
- Ella Marie Koehling: Wow this gave me chills. You are both amazing!
- BubbleSparkle14: Who else wonders if Colleen has seen it??
- Ryn: What a powerful, beautiful song and cover. Love you always!
- Flashbackmary Akableach: Elyse has a beautiful singing voice
- Ariel Sanders: Fa heema this video was not to put colleen down it was about in times of sadness show your true colours lmao read the description it wasn't disrespectful towards colleen at all
- Jady Solano: You are making me cry too with my memories with my cousin
- gamer _ girl: Nice song guys
- Haley Seymour: this was beautiful. remember that pain is just a part of life. it will end.
- Jade The Derp: Still come back and listen to this all the time❤
- Shari Rogers: I LOVE this
- Laurel Britton: Beautiful
- Shereen: im beyond amazed who ever would of thought Erin had such a beautiful voice
- Velu Rodriguez: This made my cry for reals
- Maggie Delligatti: So beautiful. You guys did so well! I love and am praying for you!
- Patriots Girl: Josh is back !!!!!😃
- Bradley Williams: this may be a dumb. question but did he do this cover for coleen?!?!? someone PLZ answer!!
- Maddie Nakhla: Please put this on Spotify!!
- Dani Montalvo: So emotional ! 😢😢😢 I love u Josh, you are going to be fine.
- MagicWithRubberBands: Madeline Nettles same 😢😢
- Jessica Edridge: That was beautiful, thank you for sharing ❤️
- Ashley Brzezenski: I never knew Erin had such a great voice!
- Larahannah 23: The part when they looked at each other 😭😭❤️
- jesss queen: -grabs a tissue and wipes eyes- I can't---- the look in his eyes is just so----- sad
- Kelsey Maria: So amazing
- HELLO PEOPLE: They got this song from Trolls. But I think Josh's is better
- Roisin garvey: I don't get why u said Coleen was devorsing u she said that u both thought it was right u selfish little bitch trying to get people to feel sorry for u u should regret saying that in the divorce video u know Coleen is to nice to do that u selfish little fuckboy no one feels sorry for u
- The Helicopter Mama: 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
- Witty Gabby: people always say boys don't have feeling or they don't cry this video proves otherwise
- Tara Fae Burke: God bless you. we're all wishing you happiness both in your life and career. we've missed you so very much, but understand you needed time to heal. Now it's time for God to show you you're next adventure❤
- KaylanMarie123: Y'all made me cry! Erin's voice is so pretty!!
- N3w4ddlct: are you doing this for collen i love you
- Rohan O'Donnell: I love this so much😥
- Olivia: Happy birthday xx
- Ellie-may Valentine: you and your sister are amazingly talented singers I love both of you <3 xxxxxxx
- The one where I couldn’t think of a name: Anthony Rivera omg I can't
- Emily faith: Josh I just want to say you are amazing! This cover is amazing!!! I am praying for you that you find happiness and I already see you become happier, I love both you and Colleen!!!❤️️Also Erin has an amazing voice!😋
- Kyriana Granner: the tears are legit the pain is clear
- G_Rivera: Welcome back Joshua, this was truly moving!
- Ella Reid: Perfect song with the perfect people😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜
- Joey Gervais: Erin has the voice of an angel
- Rozeta’s World: Your very good at singing guys😍
- Sarah Gies: Sometimes music helps us express feelings that we can't put into words otherwise... I'm exactly the same and pretty much every sad song cover on my own YouTube was recorded when I was going through something tough and it's how I worked through it. If you're going to be hurting you may as well turn it into something beautiful right?! Hope the process has helped you in the same way it's helped me many a time! Chin up :)
- Molly Goldberg: Am I the only one who cried when josh started to cry? I love you so much josh!!!!
- LUCINDA SHERROD: Did anyone else notice that the video was 4 minutes and 20 seconds? And I'm sorry that Josh is having to go through this..
- iSpyhinx: While listening to this song I just realized how beautiful my life is (Literally Crying) every time all of my problems stack up on me and weigh me down I have these people who will care for me even if those people are just my family I wrote this comment while crying and I cried because all of those words were me I don't care if this is lost in the sea of comments and cannot be seen by anyone but I know that I released a lot of my worries and I was reminded of the people that need me in their lives.
- Peyton Ortner: woooooooooooooooooooooooooo Josh is back
- ThatGirlAgain: My heart hurts so fucking bad. Why is it common today that when something is broken you throw it away instead of repairing it... My parents' generation (40-45 y.o.) is a mess. I don't know ANY couple their age that didn't divorce. It's making me sick. It's selfish, but I kinda need Josh to hug me and say it's not that dark as it seems. I am so afraid. I live my my boyfriend for a year now, we love each other like crazy. I am so fucking afraid it will be ruined in a few years just like Joshleen has. God, it hurts.
- Nikita Preston: This is absolutely beautiful Josh, I'm in tears because it's perfect and you've expressed how you're feeling so well! I never even knew Erin sang, so to see the both of you singing so well is amazing to see! Stay strong Josh, you'll get through this❤️ And to all the negative comments and hateful things I'm seeing. #benicetopeople
- J. Scaffnetti: What an insanely awesome duet!!
- ImJustMe: forever. bm that was the only part I cried during that movie hahahaha. my daughter laughed at me
- Michael Edward McFee: This rendition of True Colours is one of the best I've ever heard. It pains me that something so beautiful had to stem from such sadness.Yet, I'm glad you both were able to channel your emotions in such an artful way. Thank You.
- Sam Q: Love the song 😍
- Sarah O’Brien: Crying. Love you <3
- Kaity Baker: Perfection.
- Victoria Hartje: this might just be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and heard.
- ElliesTutorials: I'm not crying I swear someone's just cutting onions😫😫 Love you guys!! Never knew Erin can sing so well to I love your voice girl!!😍 And stay strong Josh!!!❤️
- Mara Ortega: love you guys, Gbysm
- This Werido: At 3:47 a tear falls down both there face at the same time and it so so sad i have been crying since the first 10 seconds
- mona TVD: That was the saddest song I've ever heard 😭😭😭😭😢
- Weird Girl: WHOOOOO
- Semmol Gaming: Listin this at the end of 2018 still very good!😍
- Brooke Braswell: Oh the feels!! Erin is wearing high tops, they match, she's such a good singer!!!!! Omg I'm so sad but so happy for you two.
- Unicorns4 Life: I can tell that Erin was crying
- Candace Mae: So Beautiful!
- Amanda Rose: omg great voices!!!!!
- Maria T: So it sounds like traveling distance has caused the relationship
- MaryKate O'Donnell: Miranda Laycock SAME!!
- SimplySophie: Love this so much you two should sing together more often you are sibling goals #jerin ❤️❤️
- CoolBlueWolf: Omg u guys sing perfect together I love it!!
- The Nopeness: Man, that was beautiful. Got me crying. :/
- Eunice Juarez farfan: Very beautiful josh!! Very proud!!!
- Rachel Tan: Hi im only 10 but both you and Colleen inspire mee so much♥
- Bluejays Beast: Love you bro
- Bridget In Wonderland: this deserves so much more exposure
- therealliviedawn: I am, absolutely, crying. That was beautiful! Continuing to send love and prayers to you both! <3 #StayBeautiful
- Nur Atiqah: Verse 1: Justin Timberlake] You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged, oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all The darkness inside you Can make you feel so small [Pre-Chorus: Justin Timberlake & Anna Kendrick] Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy Can't remember when I last saw you laughing This world makes you crazy And you've taken all you Can bear Just, call me up 'Cause I will always be there [Chorus: Justin Timberlake] And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you [Chorus: Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, together] So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful I see your true colors Shining through (true colors) I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow Oooooh oooooh oooh like a rainbow [Pre-Chorus: Justin Timberlake (alone) & Anna Kendrick] Can't remember when I last saw you laughing Oooooh This world makes you crazy Taking all you can bear Just, call me up 'Cause I'll be always be there [Chorus: Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, together] And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid (don't be afraid) To let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow (Oooh) Like a rainbow Oooh
- Danielle Jessome: we missed you Josh☺
- Veronica Darancou: don't worry it'll get better we love u josh and know your loved
- Irene PatonCrabtree: *cries*😅😪
- Disha Khan: love you.We know you got this.Stay strong
- crnchy: Was this inspired by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick's cover?
- Rossi Jimenez: this cover is good in the bathroom
- Maggie Calder: Omg I am crying he is never gonna see any of them as much anymore bless your heart ❤️ love you josh and erin❤️❤️✌️️😘😍💩💩Colleen will always love you 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️never let any thing bring you down about her you two are still in each other's life don't worry love all of you ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️love this song by the way.... there will always be people right there for you and all the dingleberrys inclueding me😍😍❤️️😘😍❤️️❤️️😘❤️️😍❤️️😘❤️️
- Jeanie Tramontano: I love you so much you mean so much to me and I'm going through a tough time with friendships and you help me so much
- Jessica Lemonides: Everyone like this comment so josh can see it Everyone toward this to Colleen noooowwww
- Grace and Kate’s YouTube: Right my new obsession
- jlandry1314: Stay strong ❤️❤️❤️
- Stephanie Wright: Couple goals!!!!
- Neil Glover: Colleen and josh life is sometimes not fair but you can fight it peace out love you and Erin is a special sister
- TakeLifeBack: talk about cringe.
- Georgie Holt: I wish i could take away all the pain you are going through ;-;
- Carol Cotton: This is just beautiful!
- Anvi Divekar: JOSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
- Lauren Ziegenhorn: AAAWWW!
- Annjeanette Renee: This whole Divorce Suckss!! i love you both so much and i dont wanna take sides but Josh my heart is so broken for you 😥😥😥 i wish you so much joy and may the lord help you during this healing process. just remember 1 day at a time pumpkin❤ praying for you😘
- Rebecca Goins: Idk if you'll read this but you're amazing and strong. Beautiful job, Josh. ❤️
- Kati Hendry: This is beautiful! Amazing job! ❤ #musicheals
- Gabriella Gonzalez: amazing video josh you can get through this i know you can we are here for you as soon as i started watching i wanted to cry your an amazing person and erin thank you for helping him get through this difficult time josh take some time off we get it we really do we all love you stay strong
- Arwa RoseZahid: You guys are like Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake
- David G: Please post more stuff like this. I know you are hurting but it's very real and youtube is full of so much fakeness and it turns me right off people. Seeing this side to you and being able to show it to the World has actually made me like you a lot more than I did. Not because you're heartbroken because you're brave enough to admit your pain to the World after trying to deal in private. It will be there for a while, don't rush it, allow it and move forward. And so nice to see you getting strength from your sister. I wish you lots of healing and good luck with your life! :)
- -CrystalDreamsMSP-: you are the best. im going to use this song whenever i feel down.
- Alan Nilson Sousa Lima: Emocionante demais
- Janya Daniel: no josh is older
- [ NightcoreYuuki ]: I love everything you both have the best voices
- Soraya Gillam: woooooooo😇😇😮
- R McFarland: This was great and Erin has a really nice voice. Love you both
- cantcomeupwithagoodun: i'm glad you're back
- khadijah ali: The gaming Den yepp
- Meriem Tr: you made me cryyyyyyyyyyy :( that was perfect miss you josh <3
- sadé power: I feel like they are too close...
- delaney evennou: When you start crying when they do😭
- HeyitsHattie!: Galxey Girl I hope you are ok! Get well soon and keep happy!😍🙈💎💞
- roadaroom: LOVE Phil Collins!! Was literally just watching all of the recent press he did for his new book and new singles album. :) This was perfect timing Josh for a HUGE message in regards to what you are going through right now and for Phil Collins' return. :) Love you guys so so much!!
- Emilia Cieslak: I can't believe this is happening, when he broke down I just lost my shit...
- Molly Thorpe: Y'all should do more duets coz this is amazing!!x
- Elaine Nguyen: It so good and sad I'm crying 😢
- Melanie Diaz: RebelliousWarrior ikrr😢😢
- IDK Halie: he sounds his best he ever sounded. his voice is so true to the lyrics, it shows through
- Lisa Pruett: same AlmaGuter
- Think Vibrant: +mC PRO What we're trying to say is this is not a coming out video, Josh is straight, if he was gay that would be perfectly fine but he's not there's so many reasons why he is not. You're getting hate because you are just assuming this is a coming out video because he is singing a song about colors when in reality this song is about someone's mom, look it up.
- Cesar Funez: This is beautiful!!!
- meagan healy: This is so beautiful and touches my heart so much! I can absolutely relate what you are going through right now because I am as well. 💜💜💜
- Raven Heart: Josh, you are one of the sweetest guys that are on youtube and it hurts to lose someone and to see you taking time to heal shows how much you love Colleen and I wish you two were still together, but things happen and you can't control it. Erin you have a very beautiful voice and it's amazing how much you care for your brother and did this for him when he was healing. You two are the best and I hope that I get to see more of your true colors <3 Love you guys!
- Demi Dalton: #StayStrongJosh
- Liz M.: Hearing this song reminded me from a line from Les Miserables and i think it's fitting for your situation... "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." Happy to see your "sun" rising again. Keep surrounding yourself with love and light!!! Glad to see you back!!!
- Chewchew Dog: omg this made me cry i hope your okay x
- Cat: How old is Erin
- NaTTalie Christina: Lauren Adderley I'm so sorry I can't even imagine that I kind of pain❤ just know you are amazing and you will get through this tough time and it will get better❤❤
- IamKris411: to have**
- Ryder Hill: He is so good.
- Kati Cibilic: I know but its about colleen too
- Santos Perez: You guys made me cry!!!!!😢😢😢😢😢😢 sooo beautiful
- Norie Apacible: You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged, oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all The darkness inside you Can make you feel so small Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy Can't remember when I last saw you laughing This world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear Just, call me up 'Cause I will always be there And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful I see your true colors Shining through (true colors) I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow Ooh ooh ooh like a rainbow Ooh…
- ktrsmom: Beautiful. What a blessing that you two have each other. My heart hurts for Josh. It's true that we don't know the whole story but it sure seems Colleen is living it up while Josh is hurting.
- Kayla Decker: That was beautiful!!! Erin and Josh you guys rock. Amazing job. <3
- Crtr Grl: Tearfully beautiful! Much luv & strength to you, Josh. You have loving & supportive peeps by your side. Hang onto them until you can stand on your own again. <3
- sunny sunny: his sister got a nice voice
- Avacado foley: I keep watching and it make me cry every time
- Mackenzie Wilhoit: Love you so much Joshua. You've been such an inspiration to me and my heart breaks for you. This is beautiful and it's so amazing to see the happiness you're gaining back.
- Alysha Myers: I think it's funny how Josh's accent shows up when he's singing, but Erin's goes away completely
- Kgap10: Yayyyyyy josh!!!!!!!!❤️😊
- Kenya'sperfect hacks: this was very touchy and I also cried and am sorry for this if read this can you share this on a video plz god bless you ❤❤❤
- molly: at least the 10000 time I've seen this video❤
- Laura Rumbolt: Got goose bumps with this video. your both truly awesome was crying at the end.
- Kiara Gates: me it's so sad 😭😭😭
- Noel Livingstone: I cried so much it brought back so many memories of all the people that I lost
- Lauren Woolhouse: Omg When Josh Broke down :(
- naomi hayes: I can't believe how beautiful that was wow
- johannaaxd: 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Kristen Lewis: Amazing job on one of my all time favorite songs. Thank you Josh and Erin for your bravery in showing raw emotion. I have so much more respect for someone who can be honest with their emotions instead of avoiding them. TMI: I watched this while in the bathroom and my wife walked in on me bawling which immediately turned into an uncontrollable hysterical laugh/cry. Thanks Josh, I needed that.
- Kendall Karnes: I swear I just heard this version on the radio. Do they play it on the radio?!!
- Lore Martinez: zatia noxanet lol
- Derlin Hardy: Their voices are amazing
- Poppy Burns: I actually started crying :(
- Erica G: this version makes me cry, but not the original one..😢
- Mika: ❤❤❤❤
- Lucy Hannah: Nana Vela I am in actual shock at how little respect you have! Did you even think about what he has been dealing with or put yourself in his shoes and thought about how that might affect him before posting that comment? Having experienced separation from the person I love - I can tell you it is the hardest thing to overcome and it takes a lot of courage and confidence for both of them to post a video as raw as that. So josh and Erin have my fullest respect and I suggest that you dig down deep and try to find even an ounce of respect because I'm sure that if it was you in josh's and Erin's positions, and you got a comment like that, you wouldn't be happy, so think before you post a comment like that again.
- Madelyn Flanagan: why doesn't this have more views????????
- Danielle Meier: I wonder who he wrote that for
- Denise Nguyen: YAY
- Your local Trash can: AHomemadeGirl ^
- Bella Payne: Totally got the chills
- So Far Away: I'm not a cryer but I couldn't help but to cry because Josh is showing his feelings when he is ready. And the song is so beautiful
- Robyn Bailey: Just a reminder for us all to focus on josh and Erin and leave anyone else involved out of this. This is about josh and Erin healing and growing from tough experiences and coming out stronger than before 💜
- Jessica Logan: Beautiful! There should have been a disclaimer that tears will fall. I am crying like a baby at work!
- MariahTheBudd: WHY IS THERE 1,050 DISLIKES ON THIS. WHAT THE FREAK. hang in there josh. we love you <3 thank you for slowly coming back and expressing how you feel. <3 also, people take different approaches to dealing with these type of things. some people such as colleen show it with smiling & laughter with also needing to work to get her mind not thinking about and having friends around her. if you have noticed in her snapchats, Instagram and vlog videos she has been hanging with friends probably because she can't handle everything happening right now and it only way to distress about it. josh is doing his own way of handling by being with family and staying away from youtube till he is ready to come back. different people have different ways to handle certain situations that happen in life. you don't fully know what is going on behind the youtube videos & social media. they have their own separate ways of dealing with this time.
- Stella Shippy: Man, I’ve been cr.... i mean... sweating from my eyes for HOURS
- Urickea Northern: I was crying to this song
- Ally Kat: Ever since this was created its been stuck in my heart and soul, love you Joshua and Erin, this song touches my heart everytime I hear it and sometimes when I think I'm completely lost I listen to this and cry, and find my peace, so thank you both for creating and putting this content out for people to cherish like myself.
- grace louise: argh this hits me for the 63672783728th time 😭
- Hannah Roquemore: You are crazy talented!
- hellolaure: im crying gosh
- Pine Apple: Beautiful!!💞 wish you and the family the best... praying for you...
- Angela Lee: He has such a loving sister. I can see that she's really hurt to see her brother in pain. God bless you guys.
- Danya Dalling: I am glad you are back Josh but if you want to take more time off that is ok. You still look a little sad. Your sis did a good job
- Liron Reuveny: YAYAYAYAY
- A M: nope. i think it's for erin.
- Emmaline Lamb: I can't tell if that is actually Erin's voices
- Alexandra Berrios: Wasnt prepared for this.Currently crying😭
- Lene Kristin: I have no words!!!! This is so beautiful, Josh <3 Wow!!
- Emmali Mitchell: +JoshuaDTV It was so beautiful and I glad your back
- wakeupand smellthecoffee: This was so beautiful
- Kim Love: 💜
- ocean of galaxies: Wow this is beautiful. ✨
- Jennifer Ziegler: You guys were AMAZING
- Rae Ann: Tommy Holland dude you literally know nothing about their relationship. It seems like Colleen just wants to do her own thing right now. But again, no one actually knows.
- Mari Mayn: Truly wonderful and heart-felt rendition!
- JessLeeS_: Love you josh ❤️ stay strong ❤️ we are all here supporting you ❤️
- T L: I'm glad he has healed enough to put out a video for us subs
- Toni Reagan: I love this version that +JoshuaDTV done. I totally felt their pain. And it was heart breaking. The song is absolutely beautiful. It has a way of making people feel if sang by the right people and I thought Josh and Erin did that. They were amazing. Just remember keep those heads up. People see your beauty (true colors) and that's 1 why they love you. Yall are simply amazing. ♡
- Orie Lavie: that made me cry
- soprano: Erin's voice is nothing like her talking voice.
- Georgia Fay Feekins: Oh Josh I wasn't ready this is beautiful
- Chicken Nuggets: We are all here for u josh we will support you for ever and always this made me cry Xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo
- Yxkbdnd Hdjhmsh: I cried while watching this
- After Infinity: this makes my heart heavy
- Reina Ramirez: I'm so glad Josh is coming back. He has gone through a lot of pain but he will work through it like he always does
- Xoxo C: Did anyone else start crying when Josh broke?
- Sandya: So if someone does not agree with what's going on, doesn't get why one of the two is behaving a certain way, please respect that opinion and don't fight over it. Express your opinion, agree/disagree with others. Just don't try to berate someone because of what they say, as long as it isn't hurtful.
- Erica Bergmooser: This is beautifal
- YFlowers808: I wasn't ready for them to cry now I'm crying!
- Light Paris: 😭😭😭
- brooke 03: This is so sad😪, but Erin is such a good signer
- Heather Benson: This is the most beautiful arrangement of "true colors" I think I have ever heard. Beautiful. And so powerfully done. Great job guys!
- Eugenie Chau: I luv u both so much I can't even explain it. u r both so talented😍😍
- Hannah Genevieve: I feel like josh will always have a space in his heart for C but she just takes josh outta there and forgets about him. Do you get what I mean
- Amina Begum: Abigail Network thank you for making my day, as well as Josh
- Aloha Liko: I'm balling my eyes out
- Danielle: This was so good!!! Sad tho ☹️☹️ glad to see you back josh!!!!!
- Felixleonard: omg Erin! I, I can't even
- Karlie Miller: SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK
- Rachel Odle: Jeannette Abitante No I just got sand in my eyes
- 1fielda: ❤️
- sweetbabygurl34: Excuse me while i cry :( wonderful song,beautiful love it and WELCOME Back Joshua :)
- sponge pap: blown away by erin! her singing is so beautiful!
- MunchkinMagic 88: I'm not sobbing...I just have...allergies...
- Joey Gervais: Welcome back to the channel of love Josh!
- Cescafied: Aw. Wonderful video, I like this song. I first heard it a few months ago. It's hard to see Josh this way, but at least it's a healthy way to deal with loss of love.
- B Marie: Stay Strong Josh 💗
- Jade Hoozky: You guys did absolutely outstanding this touched my heart. Josh i hope you come back soon.
- Becky Jay: The love you have for your sister is inspiring as is her love for you. You are both so blessed to have each other in your lives. I wish you all the best Josh. Sending positive vibes your way!
- Teased Me: What an amazing cover. I was balling 15 seconds in. Stay strong and remember you have all of us here supporting you. Oh and Welcome back!!❤️
- Hailey Mander: I love you Joshua<3
- Sarah Chiricolla: Hannah Mitch Colleen's just coping differently
- BBG 09: don't cry or you will make me cry 😪😿😟p.s you are the best .😗😘😍💑
- Elevenomaly: ❤️
- Evie Macpherson: 2 years. Wow
- Grace Yanda: Man this dude has balls.
- Marshmellow Gaming and more: Madeline Goguen same
- Rose Coxs: love you josh i'm praying for you 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- michellebelle: Also, thank you for the tears. I love you, Josh. I hope you find a girl that deserves you :)
- Cheryl Messenger: I had no idea Erin could sing!!!!
- Sarah Boone: Heart-wrenchingly beautiful.
- Makenna Gish: When josh broke down I just broke😭❤️
- Iliketoargue withpeople: this is where our strength is. our endurance. our ability to continue living while knowing that there is a bleeding hole inside where our hearts used to be. to feel the pain and still go on. it isn't uncommon to just stop and give in to the pain. but when you stand back up, when you feel the pain instead of numbing it out. that is when you'll know that you are stronger and better and can go even further. even when your colors dim to a dark hue.
- Tori Helfrick: They're wearing the same shoes😢😍
- Mackenzie Heerdt: He probably has. He's getting a divorce and having to put an 8 year old relationship behind him. I would sure as heck gain weight too. Just leave him alone. He already has enough crap to deal with without everyone being jerks to him.
- Andy D.F.R: go on xfactor
- Be_niice24: beautiful
- Caroline Lieberman: Great job hope you are healing
- Valerie: Welcome back. There are so many words of wisdom here, take what you can from them and try to heal and find peace. Surround yourself with family and friends and keep smiling. Life is too short to be unhappy. xo
- Brooklin Bosco: AHHHHH HES BACK!
- Heather: Kati Cibilic You completely missed the mark.... It's about his SISTER & other friends/family being there for him in his darkest days.....
- Mariane Pellerin: Beautifulllll
- Tina Miller: I cried cause you and your sister were both crying :( But you both sound amazing!
- Wicked Sanctuary: I'm not crying at work, something flew in my eye. These dusty conditions are unacceptable! I'm glad you are back. Stay strong. There is a sunrise over this hill.
- Flower's Corner: BEAUTIFUL rendition of this song. God give you peace Joshua! love you!
- Dollydaydr3am: You both have such nice singing voices x
- Jaylin: I didn't know Erin could sing too!!! you guys are amazing!!!!
- Hollie Benson: Every time I watch this and josh cries I ball into tears
- Hannah_ Welch: Y'all sound beautiful 😖
- Samantha Zoltak: I told myself this video won't get to me, I won't cry. but the minute Josh first looks at Erin in the video, I got chills and lost it.
- somethingABOUTHALEY 47: I love this song soooo much it made me cry it is soooooo sweet and amazing and I just love this song so much
- Vivienne Nelson: please stay strong Josh and never let anyone tell u are not an awesome person because you are. Also don't ever forget your love for Colleen because I hope you both love each other still.
- Jennifer Oli.: I am so proud of you. keep fighting, you are amazing!
- Anna Ciaudelli: Omg u guys have the voices of angels 😍😍😍
- Ella Monksey: Awh Omg my new fave song x
- Kate G: Josh I love u sm thanks for always spreading positivity💜💜
- Beth Jenkins: OMG BEAUTIFUL❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
- Jess Cornes: I sang this at my school choir and only went and won it
- Jennifer Butler: Josh you need a woman who can love you whole heartedly. Like your sister!!! She is amazing.
- Madelyn Llehn: I love Josh, I met him when he was in Kansas City, he was so amazingly sweet and I genuinely hope things are better for him now that time has passed.
- Holly Dickinson: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!
- Maddie Nakhla: Oh my goodness! I just realized that it begins black and white and then turns into normal lighting.....true colors...get it!? That is so beautiful!! This whole video made me cry!! I love you Joshua David Evans!! and Erin Elyse Evans!! You guys are amazing! You inspire me so much! This video made me so emotional!! Thank you for this! Keep continuing to inspire people forever...I love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Amanda Ragan: prayers ♡ your both beautiful people, I hope you never forget how inspiring you are to so many.
- Julia Katharina: this is truly the most beautiful and emotional video I've ever seen! It's so real and just so so so beautiful❤️❤️❤️😢
- Elizabeth Smith: I can't even see out of my eyelids anymore. Oh gosh. I'm so sorry Joshua.
- Sarah Guthrie: So beautiful.
- Jamie Magsakay: No more wedding ring. :(
- Drama Tenor: Yes Erin! Your amazing!
- marc: Ronald Lopez yes but do you ever think making videos for her fans is making it better? what if she wants family time without having to vlog? you ever think "making videos for you guys makes me happy!" is just an excuse? this is her career she has to do it. maybe she actually did want to take time off from YouTube but she can't cuz it pays the bills.
- jessi CuRLz: this had me in tears ...so freaking beautiful !!
- McKenzie Hall: I hope your divorce weeds out the kids in complete denial that
- Jerry Knife: This song... I feel physical pain just looking at them. Especially in tears. You can not even start to understand how much I value the fact that you shared these emotions with the world. And with me in particular
- Mariah :3: is he back for GOOD?
- BigGinger KC: Aw I can't handle this, man....
- Miki Deluca: So beautiful
- Lemon Curdz: It's so good to see Josh again! I just hope that he can find happiness after a tough time like his sister. TEARS!
- Animal crazy 365: I love you
- Young Bonds: Is anyone else crying?😢
- Annabel Adams: I MISSED YOUU
- Diana Wilson: This sibling relationship is so beautiful!
- María Alberto: Are you ready to come back we really miss you and I wasn't crying I was cutting stuff onions
- Destineyy Hall: Omg this made me so emotional😭 Josh lots of love, I'm so sorry that you're in pain right now but i am so glad that you have some amazing people to guide you through the dark and to the bright side again because you deserve happiness! 💗💜
- Maci Rae: Gay
- ItsJessLynn: so happy to see you back on here!
- kirsty leeannon Robinson: Stop blaming both of them you guys and leave them alone. Their relationship is their bussiness. Yes they showed us it but honestly let it be. I know what josh's going through. ive been divorced and its not a fun thing. what him and colleen both need is love and support and not mean comments. What happened between them is noones bussiness but theirs. Love you josh <3
- Lylyona: What i hate abt their brake up is that Joshua is so sad that he can't even post vids so he asked his sis to do them whereas Colleen is still posting vids herself and doing collars like nothing happened. Why thou? (I still love colleen)😡😭😡
- Halsey Shelley: WE LOVE YOU JOSH <3
- Kate Twiss: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟💓💞💕❣️💗💖💘💝💟💙💔💞💕💙💕💞💚💕💞💛❤️❤️💛💚💞💕💕💘💗💗❣️❣️💕💞💘💗💞💞💝💙💝💟💟💞💚💛💞💝💘💕💙💘💖💗❣️❣️💚❤️💞💞💘💖💗💘💞💙💙💚💚💛❤️💛💙💙💕💖💗💖💕💞💝💘💖💗💘💞💓💝💘💘💕💕💖💖💘💓💞💘💘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- Bryonie Corby: Literally crying it was so much emotion and love gone into that I love you both and that's a great brother sister bond xx
- Megan: This made me cry more than I've cried for the actual movie scene
- paige falcioni: This is truly amazing💙💙
- Laura S: Both gorgeous voices 😌 You are both so brave and beautiful and you will get through this 😘💙
- Emily Jago: OMG
- ramelep: Josh!!!! Josh !! Josh!! That was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
- liveyourlife510: omg Erin, you have such a nice voice and the two of your voices together, so good. I want to cry, holy f
- Bayan Mutier: Stay strong Josh 🌸
- Abbi Brewer: I just balled throughs that uniter thing I love them so much and I'm so happy that he is back
- A Gaming: I think he's gained weight out of this divorce
- Tiffany Johnson: My heart just broke for you all over again. This is so touching. You can get through this❤️
- Amelie Lemercier: I actually am crying😫
- Michael Fisher: I have never cried so Much in my life
- Charlotte Harmsworth: is this about colleen? I pray for both of them
- Phiona Bernice: 😭😭😭
- Hailey Faith: I cried while watching this because it's beautiful and because I am sorry for josh but I know he will get through it
- Desiree Loredo: I absolutely loved this!❤️
- tori: Jètt wriyght ok
- Siobhan Judge: most beautiful rendition of this song <3
- 心软ains: I'm not crying, it's just pouring on my face.
- alyssa bucher: this is so sad
- Makeup By Melanie: This made me cry. So beautiful. I love you both. And your both so talented
- katia chavez: Joshua ❤❤❤❤😍😍
- Lexie B: This is such an amazing cover. I know how difficult it can be and it's different for all of us. I love this and we are all here for you.❤️
- Leah Webb: Josh come back! We miss you!! I still adore Erin tho! ❤
- Kristine Taylor: this is the sweetest thing ever!!
- Sydni McClanahan: Love has been horrible to me so I don't believe in it. I don't trust it..
- Camilla Roages: I love you Josh
- Mariah Cx: This was beautiful. Jesus. I cried a lot and have the biggest lump in my throat.
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Aya Jaber What would be acting? the fact he's sad and heartbroken about the divorce? because I'm pretty sure that's real.
- Kaleigh v.: started crying at 3:09 😢
- AliceLikeKurt: love you
- Emelsons Book Author: Is that Erin shes such a good singer wooooowwwww love erin pls make your own chanel
- Sophie Rogers: John Cage it actually doesn't sound computerised bc it sounds really natural
- Jodi-Lee Hunt: my heart is breaking for you Josh, feel your emotions through this song!! gorgeous duet, both Erin & Josh have gorgeous voices!!
- Molly Dycus: The same thing is happening with parents so although I don't completely know all the pain you're going through I know a lot of it. Things will get better I promise it'll just take time and it's good you have Erin. My mom tells me all time she would be crazy without me. I would really suggest going to see a therapist or a counselor of some kind that's really helped my mom work through some stuff. I love you Josh (and Erin..duh)💕
- Ceeelk: This is beautiful and touching. Thank you for posting this peaceful and amazing cover. Much love and support to you, always.
- Jay: This is one of thee most beautiful duets i have ever heard <3 so raw, so powerful, so real :') I loved it! You guys are amazing :)
- XmcxO: i love u josh❤
- Jasana Mahone: Jazmin Rodriguez how do you know she's not affected by it? do you know her life? have you seen what she does when the camera isnt on???? did u see how much pain she was in making the video talking about the divorce? do u think she would make every single video of her crying????? do you know her outside of her youtube life??? she's trying to recover from it by spending time with family and friends! have you seen one vlog after the divorce where she's by herself??? no you have seen her with family! shut the fuck up and stop giving her hate! she's not as sensitive as Joshua is first of all second of all she hides her pain! you just don't see it! you can't notice if someone is truly happy or not
- Yoselin Arias Lizarraga: the video didnt even start and im already crying
- delicately blessed: tears why? great job
- Lil Brat Queen: that made me cry
- It’s Just MK: Some idiot ninja hid onions under my bed while i was watching this amazing, beautiful, touching video. UGH.
- Tracey Lynn: Yes the tears came...beautiful voices! Thank you for sharing your gifts during your difficult time, Joshua. I didn't know Erin could sing. Sending love and hugs. 😊❤ xoxo
- Nok Johnston: good singing
- Anika Sykes: If you and Jenna ever break up I'm so outta here no more internet friends for me nope nope
- Jane Review: Copycat from Timberlake/Kendrick version on Trolls
- Caryn Helton: Welcome back Josh!! Stay Strong!!!
- Lorenz Jane Abengoza: I am sobbing. I love JOSHLEEN so much, I cannot go through with this :(
- Kylah McFaull: az grace oh ok I was a bit worried.
- Heidi Cowie: keir ramsey Erin also went through a divorce
- Natalie Williams: Am I the only one who cried😂😭😭😭
- Olivia Huntley: We are so happy you are back Josh❤️
- Gemma McPherson: I'm happy your back I hope you didn't rush into things\i hope you are ok with coming back and you two are brilliant singing together x
- Brynn Oros: The description....I cried....
- caelibarnhart: There is so much emotion in this. It's beautiful! I did a cover of this song over on my channel and I'd love for everyone to check it out! Unfortunately I can't get my brother to sing with me...
- Sussie Eriksson: 🙏❤️💙🙏
- Jacqueline Rosario: This is beautiful ❤️
- Katie Talbott: josh... cant wait to continue watching and see you grow and be a happy successful man. ♡
- Samantha Mutuc: Very heartwarming never let anything beat you down always believe in yourself
- Buddy Buds: oh lord -_- people (Colleen-police) it won't change MY opinion. I cant stand that woman. Dont think she's funny at all just wants attention. No need to comment. Not gonna go back and forth like a bunch of teenagers.
- BadBlobby: Raw, real and ridiculously GOOD! Josh, your pain is evident. You will come out the other side of this. Just one day at a time.
- HowToArt: Josh simply doesn't deserve this.
- NannyCam: Beautiful. Welcome back. We missed you.
- Kenzie Z: Who else started to cry when Joshua did?
- Laura Rosa: Beautiful😊welcome back josh
- Alissandra Cuevas: God bless you for doing this!!!!
- Leanne Weston: ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍
- kristen brennan: That was beautiful!! Stay positive Josh❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Svetlana Davis: Erin's singing is so beautiful ;-;
- Siobhan Rose: A video of him singing a sad song isn't going to change the fact she's getting a divorce. This isn't a teen movie this is real life.
- Pretty Polar Bear: This was one of the best thing I seen in my life so glad your back on YouTube keep your head high and stay strong x
- FernBotUSA: Thank you
- Michael Pablo: OMG amazing
- Alli Bee: So happy you have each other. Blessed.💞🌈
- Tiffany Campbell: I've watched this a thousand times and I will watch it a thousand more! so beautiful!
- Justin Scott: damn, erin can sing..
- Joyce Idowu: so emotional. so beautiful.
- Dina Safadi: ... cried like a baby
- happy night mime: Be nice to people
- Danielle DeGirolamo: Love you so much!
- Emma Cooney: This made me cry, I could feel the emotions throughout the whole song😔 this is amazing. Stay strong Joshua, you are so lucky to have an amazing sister like Erin by your side through this hard time. I love you both❤️
- Christina Shin: AHH YES HI JOSHUA WE ARE SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK ❤️❤️❤️ loved this
- sabree wall: This is for Colleen 😊
- Tommy Myself_forever83: Not being a hater but I like how the vid is 420 long 😅😞😩 still sad for yous tho 😭😩😣😞
- Cassie Thatgirl: You can see the pain in his eyes💔. Erin has a beautiful voice.
- Tori Rojo: I AM CRYING 😭 my eyes out 💔💔💔💔💔
- Natalya Rodrigues: this made me cry so much 😭😭😭 feel better soon josh 💕
- Allyson Saravia: ***much
- Dead Man and the Bullet: great song....ruined
- Autumn & Anna: I love how supportive Erin is of Josh..........watching this video I feel the sadness he feels....then when Erin gave him that comforting smile it made my heart melt😍😍😍
- Tanya Willis: Sweet babies. I am truly sorry for the pain that you and your beloved are growing through. Wishing you all peace, comfort, and love.
- Qui Lon Ging: When Josh started crying, I lost it. This video was so touching. ❤❤
- BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA: I don't want to bring it up for you josh but please get back together with Colleen because I miss your smile
- melody black: This was so good I really cried it was a ad song but Erin your voice was heaven
- Malorie & JR Thomas: Beautiful! So glad you are back!
- Marah McNeil: Sonia Lol I did I love it
- Betch Betch: I'm crying so much, this was so beautiful
- Irma Cruz: Love! Sending you hugs.
- Josh Richardson: This Is so beautiful stay strong josh we are all here for you 💜💜💜
- Kelly: awe Josh this was amazing
- Elyse Mansfield: 💜💜💜💜💜💜
- Auri H.: This is beautiful. The rawness and the clips of him and Erin breaking down really hit me. I'm crying. Absolutely gorgeous. Love you all with all of my heart. Orevwa. ✌😍😎💩💜
- Cheri A: Nana Vela STOP don't you dare say that! You have absolutely no respect
- paige Finn: Stay strong josh❤️
- Emma Christina: I can't say anything else because I'm speechless, I love you both
- Saneeya Khan: Erin looks at him and I see pure strength and she wants that for him. she's like "you'll get over it not right away but you sure will" Erin is beautiful. this is the first time I'm saying this I see this comment always because of her looks and southern accent, but as the black and white clip ends and she's all red just as josh and I'm here like damn Josh is hurting and she can feel the same thing happening to him what happened to her. n she gently places her hand on his leg trying to pass the strength. Josh sending you all the positive vibes and love and hugs and kisses <3 😘
- CatieBVB1419: I've watched this twice already, cried throughout the whole video both times
- Sherri Ward: Absolutely beautiful! I was crying with you, and saying a prayer for your heart. Love you guys.
- Marissa Smith: Welcome back josh. Keep your chin up. :)
- Seize CD: Absolutely beautiful you two. Erin so glad you were there for him through this!
- Harry Krinkle: +MooTelevision But Josh hasn't been the one that's been gone for most of the year. He went on tour, yes, but they ended before long, and there didn't come one after the other after the other.
- kennyeh momoh: I cried
- Chanell Heeter: Joshua ❤️
- samantha avila: When they both lowkey started crying dooooooood😫😭
- Chloe kiernan: that was beautiful
- Mena Khaled: #findyourtruecolors 💜💜💜💜
- Mara Ge: why are They cryin'?
- Mollie rose Scott: Whoever is watching this i hope you are having a great day
- Kris Carrier: This is easily the best piece you've ever done. Praying for ya during this time of healing
- Kylie Mukai: This is an original?
- Loriann Noguchi: Missed you Josh! I'm so happy you're back and this was so beautiful
- Rebecca Amaral: josh and erin i support u guys no matter what 💫🌟u guys mean the world to me i hate to see u in pain 💟 and i just want to say im not choosing a side i love u amd collen dearly 😳
- Kaitlin M: This was beautiful, Josh and Erin. I missed you so much Josh and was so worried about you. Erin did an amazing job. What an amazing sister. I hope all is well. Us dingle berries are always here. xoxo
- curly frei: Amy hey Pham
- Gurl Please: I am crying 😭 ❤️❤️
- Jazmin Rodriguez: PinkCoke Sugarbear obviously she didn't , she was with him when she was on tour😂 you wake up
- Laura Gass: I am so happy for you Josh that you are feeling better I wish you the best luck with you and thank you Erin for filling in for Josh I am happy to see your video hope all goes well
- Hannah's Edits: XD
- Vanessa Silva: I am so happy you're back Josh! Woo freaking hoo!! You are amazing and we all love you so much. Here's to our new beginning ❤️❤️❤️
- sarah zawacki: It breaks my heart as well she is going through a divorce 😔
- crazy cookies days: Not to be mean but joshua move on you have way more fish in tue sea look at colleen yes she might be broken in side but shes moveing on shes living her life shes not in depression joshua be happy and move on ok what ever happened happened not move ON
- BrookeK Vlogs: love this!! you guys had me crying right along with you! 💕
- Alexis Messina: Tears!!! ❤️
- Charlotte Lucy: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Grace Singler: Omg this made me cry when he started crying
- Ella Papineau: For some reason every time I watch this I'm cutting onions
- Amalie Mathilassi: Love you, and i love this!
- Mini Winner: i was fine until Josh started crying then i started crying
- Bubbles02 Flag: I love you josh keep your smile on😅😄
- vivian aguilar: how sweet brother and sister 💕💕💞💕💞💖💟❣👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👌👌👌
- Katelyn Bruce: you're amazing and strong and so admirable for putting something this vulnerable public. this hurts me on a personal level, too, so i can't imagine what it is for you. good luck, josh.
- PinkNova: Rhea-Divine Perry yeah.... IM JUST SOO SAD!! 😭😭😭😭😭
- ATSSINI: so dramatic
- Raven Price: Josh! We are so happy you're back! This was beautiful. Love you both!
- Bridget O'Leary: Amazing voices♥️ love you both
- Alecia Bennett: WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Hailey what does that even mean?
- Dancerella-Vic: You two sound so AMAZING!!!!!!! I didn't know that Erin really sang so when I heard her voice i was like "WOW SHE SOUNDS GREAT" And as usual Josh you sound great too! So happy your back Josh!
- Gianna Renee: Honestly the comment makes me cry it's so beautiful
- Caitlyn Mansfield: Beautiful
- Lauren Tedeschi: I missed you & I love you. Welcome back !
- Emily Martínez: Family is everything. You will both heal and find the light again. I'm so sorry for both of your losses.
- alyssa barboza: this was just amazing! so glad yall did it together!😊❤❤
- Tatiana Tannous: 😭😭omg this is so beautiful❤
- Sandy's Box: from the date of its release they use the song from Trolls
- Amaris Dominguez: no words. this is absolutely beautiful ♡
- Olivia Baslee: Crying right now omg
- Annie Guo: I'm singing this song in school ❤️ you guys are really inspirational I love you thanks so much for everything! Xxx
- Emilia Chabukiani: My heart broke a little at 3:14. 😢😢 beautiful song. Erin is such a good sister
- random kitty HD: this is better than the original song
- Analu G: You guys are so talented
- cornvlogs: Just came back and watched this glad to see you’re doing better now and happy :)
- Crazy K Butler: I really just want to hug you both. You have such amazing spirits within you.
- Gianna King: The way they look at each other makes my heart melt
- Angelina Mejia: I absolutely love this 😻 but love you even more Josh... so inspiring
- Kendra Marie: OMG You're Back! I Missed You And I LYSFM!
- Soraia Cavaco: Stay strong, Josh and Erin. We love you both very much.
- Olivia Brookes: This is beautiful.
- Jade Larson: All of the tears😭
- Breanna O'Hehir: Ahh I still sob watching this a year later I’m so glad he has found himself again now he deserves all the happiness in the world xxx
- Jasmine Danielle: Everyone talking about how emotional this was. BUT WHAT THE FUCK ERIN. THIS DOES NOT SOUND LIKE YOU, THIS ID A,AZIMG YOU SLAY OMfG
- Gracie Mullins: beautiful duet😆
- Valia Stratogianni: Welcome back josh missed you a lot!!!!!❤️❤️❤️Hope everything is ok and you're healing!!! I love you so so much
- Yadi Carranza: Glad to see you back! This was beautiful and definitely made us cry.
- liane_right_now: Really pretty duet. Nice job.
- Naomi Babcock: This was amazing!! I can't wait to see more vids!!! With you and your sister! You guys are amazing! ily!❤️
- kmS: Can half of the comments stop being about Colleen? I mean, she probably did what was right for her. You guys don't know what goes on behind the computer/phone screen. They did share half of their life with us, but that doesn't mean you guys know everything. Theres still another whole half that we didn't know about. Plus, it's not Colleen's or Joshua's fault. You guys are just hating on Colleen just bc of this divorcing. You heard Josh, he doesn't want any hate going toward Colleen.
- Madi Moo: We love you Josh and Erin
- Noelle Star: So many chills, so many tears💗💗
- Sabrina L: This done fucked me up
- Viktoria Yeager: Omg that made me cry😭 I'm glad to see you back I've missed you so much, it's so sad seeing you both cry💜💜 we are all here for you, stay strong buddy I love you💜💜
- Garrett Collier: Josh, please don't cry. We're here for you 24/7. Tweet on Twitter, we'll be there in a blink of an eye. (We will for Colleen too!) We love you. Please feel okay...💚💛💙💚💛💙 With much love, Garrett 💛💛💛
- Idoj Jodi: its the version of the movie Trolls
- Bethany Manning: Ugh breaks my heart Josh
- Jade Estell: They both can sing!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!
- Tyla Rae: I love how Erin cares so much what Josh is going through😢❤️❤️LUV U JOSH!!!!
- Lanee Beth: I have watched this like 100 times and I have cried every time
- Sara Tyson: Oh my gosh JOSH ILYSM AND I AM SO SORRY but you will get thru all of the hard times! I hope you know that I am here to support you right now! I know I don't know you or live anywhere near you but I feel like we are best friends (as wacko as that sounds!) and I wish I could give you the actual BIGGEST HUG RIGHT NOW! But anyways I hope you feel better soon!
- Mirte & Cathy: You can get through this Josh! This was so beautiful :(
- Alberto Oregon: Omg you did a great job both of y'all this is my new fav song
- Elizabeth Juarez: Welcome back Josh! Even tho u came back making me cry! But I wish u nothing but purée happiness keep ur head up! Know you can get through anything ! Looking forward to seeing a new beginning in ur life and all ur new videos coming up! It's a new journey for u! Know that u have so many fans by ur side! God bless you Josh ❤️❤️❤️ and god bless your sister for being there through this hard part of ur life ! ❤️ bless u both!!!
- Abbie Samingburg: Melanie Espinoza me to
- Julie Hague: despite the circumstances, that was breathtakingly beautiful...
- Staceylwolf: Love Love Love this!!!!! made me cry. Love you both! :)
- Abby Bjorn: Who started to cry when they both did
- Gloria Caro: This song means a lot to me. I can't believe that in this moment you're able to sing such an intense lyrics. Thank you for making not just me, but so many people smile in the hard times. You're so strong. I send you all my love from Spain ♥
- Allison Nichols: I love this so so much. The love that you two share is amazing. I love how fiercely loyal, protective and loving you are of each other. I am glad you are so close. It makes me smile and reminds me of my older brother and myself.
- Allison jenkins: Welcome Back Joshua!! That was beautiful!! I cried all through it!! I could feel your pain! You and Erin were perfect together!!! We are all here to support and love you!! Love you so much!!!!
- Kayla Cooper: 100% the best cover you have ever done. I'm sorry you're going through this Josh, but you will be a better person for it!
- Andrew Shearin: The description is so sad though.
- Dancing Hippos: Jessica Hernandez
- Vivi Schwartz: This is so beautiful ❤️ I'm happy you're back your sister did a great job but it just isn't the same without you. Hope you're doing better but even if you still have to cry sometimes everything will get better. Let time heal your wounds ❤️ This song will forever make me cry thank you Josh for being an honest person and even showing your tears ❤️ that's why I loge you! ❤️ Be glad you have such an understanding little sister and family and friends❤️
- Kc Grace Octubre: i know one of the viewers is colleenn
- iluvjensen1: Well dang... you guys sounded so good together. It was beautifully heartbreaking under the circumstances. You guys need to make singing duets a thing. Maybe some Christmas / holiday songs.
- Del Primaria: dumpinthecar why you get married if you arent prepared to settle down....is beyond me. but idk, maybe she just doesnt put alot of thought into marriage.
- Riley S: Good to see you back josh
- Gayatri Vasudev: ??😂??
- Amanda Arroyo: Crying my eyes out right now... 😭
- 416.shayy: dead 😂
- Anjali Nair: oh man.
- Everleigh Fawzi: there's a little a hope inside me that they wouldn't push through the divorce
- V Covers: I didn't know erin had such an amazing voice
- Katelyn Tokunaga: I'm crying😭
- Floppy bunny123: Omg I'm crying 😥💧💦
- Brittney Ross: I love this video so much!! And I'm so glad to see Josh's face again!! Love you guys so much!!
- Téa Jones: Theres so much hate for Colleen in the comments which isnt fair. But why aren't more people talking about Erin singing, its so good.
- maybeme8: That was beautiful <3
- Mariah Hilliard: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 so beautiful
- Sugarcone Edits: Ayla kys
- clmcal 44: What a beautiful relationship they have. ❤️
- Summer Afualo: I'm just going to say that I don't think it's fair at all what people are saying about Colleen and her loosing josh because apparently he's such a good guy and she will never come across someone like him again. That is something so huge to say when you've really never met these people and don't take part in their daily life. Yes Josh seems sweet and amazing but that's only through a computer screen. We don't know what went on behind the scenes when doors are shut and it's just them home. They both said they shared everything with their fans but did they really? Think about it all of us are half way across the world and they would never recognise you walking in the streets. Don't get your undies twisted about their break up and throw shade when you don't know neither of them personally. 😊
- becca flood: Welcome back Joshua, we missed you ❤💙💚💛💜
- tyler 09: Emma Waffle both of the people in the video got divorced
- LarsHeat: All the love to you both!!
- R: ahhhhhgggg!!!!
- Alyssa Vincent: Crying with you. Josh you are so strong.
- Wonder Life58: You have to read the description
- Ameen Shahid: 999k
- Mary Espinosa: welcome back josh missed you. this was beautiful and sad at the same time you both have amazing voices
- Emilee1200: Welcome back 💘💘
- Haley: Josh this was so beautiful!!!!!! I was balling my eyes out the whole way through. Just know that I and everyone of your true supporters love you! Be nice to people!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈💩💩💩💩💩💚💚💚💚💚
- Katelyn DiTommaso: This is made me cry y'all are amazing ❤️
- Jillian Parker: this was so pretty
- anirudh: Erin's voice😍 who knew?!!
- Usedbookcream !!: Thank you so much. This is amazing. I hope you are/will be okay.
- Aqua Fun: Is this video made to throw shade on colleen?true colors is something you say if you see who that person are,usually in a negative way.......
- Epl 128: 😞❤️🙂love yall
- Simona El Haddad: it's better than the original one
- Lisa Wise: Beautiful! And I am so happy you are back! I heart is with you while you heal! Erin what a pretty voice! You should sing more often.
- Breanna O'Hehir: Omg I was sobbing before I even started! This was so beautiful.. you can see the pain in Erin's eyes for her brother and of course Josh... when they started crying together I lost it. This is amazing! Stay strong Josh, you will see the light eventually and this is the plan for you're life. There are bigger and better things out there for you I promise. Xxxxxxx
- Lizzie N: ...that got me good 😭
- Mrs. Jimmy Leach: am i the only one who thinks josh resembles jimmy neutron?
- Mia Nathan: You guys are so good at singing
- Jessica Lee: Love your profile pic
- Zabe: You sound so beautiful together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you both
- Biksola: It is very sad that only love can't fix everything !
- Jdawg J: aw i'm crying
- Gabi Miles: I couldn't help crying I'm still heartbroken💔 but ily Josh :)
- Grace Parsons: erin has the prettiest voice 😍😍
- Maria Davoodian: The song is absolutely beautiful. You two are both loved and appreciated bright colors for so many of us. Thank you for everything you've done, every laugh and every cry yo let us experience with you. Thank you for your true colors. I love both of you sooo much! Stay strong and take care of yourselves!
- Connor Gelvin: Thank you for sharing this. We're all here for ya man!
- ZalenaMoo: Stunning and breath taking. Erin is amazing. Much love to you both.
- Grace Miller: Josh we love you!!! Stay strong
- Paulina Gonzalez: Incredible. Loved this!
- Christarn Koleeyan: OMGGGGGGG!!!!❤️❤️❤️
- Ruby D: I had no idea Erin has such a beautiful voice too!!
- niki tanureva: I'm sorry for you Josh
- Libbi and Tori: JOSH I LOVE THIS😍you are such a trooper I love you❤️❤️
- Jacey liz: so glad your back
- Ashley Deann: oh my gosh i couldn't help but cry when he started crying, i think this was a beautiful song though!
- Zuyhanny Gonzalez: I'm crying but love you joshhhh❤️❤️❤️
- Liv: Brett Hart you can't say colleen's a bitch when you've only seen what she's posted online. believe it or not, she does actually have a life and feelings outside of the internet.
- leila caraos: this is truly amazing. so proud of you both.
- Кристина Ароян: I send love and happiness to you. And I think you have to fight for your serenity✨💪🏼
- Lauren Xoxoxoxoxo: Omg I cried😔ily josh, stay strong💖
- TheSulaiman Q: Dangit
- Mackenzie Music: I'm glad to see that he's back. We love you Josh.
- LeahGrace Walker: omg so happy to see you back!
- kylie floyd: i'm really sorry about colleen i have been watching u guys for 4 years😘😘
- LouMasi Lott: I'm crying
- Mihela Taseska: the feels deep in this song...
- Gm M: Wow Erin sounds so good 😩
- Christina Thomas: I lost it when they started crying...I've never seen josh so sad and confused my heart breaks for him.
- Laura Tuller: Aw,e, that was so beautiful! But it made me cry though. I feel your pain, Joshua. Going through the same thing, only I have children.
- MoreOlivia: this is beautiful
- xDarkAllure: WOW! This is beautiful!
- Sammii M: The gaming Den no duh
- Hannah Inghamn: I can't stop crying.
- lifewithrachel: im so happy you're back! such a beautiful song. love ya josh❤
- Brianna Matuszczak: I'm in tears right now
- Erin Schmarian: The amount of pain in this video is beautifully heartbreaking..
- Haley Elizabeth: Absolutely beautiful. You and Erin are wonderful. You deserve to be so incredible happy Josh
- Ruth Clark_x: This is so cringe worthy 😬
- Ayla Williams: I love this version. I need a lyric video
- Denise: Love you guys!
- Adriana Guzman: Welcome back Joshua
- darya -: y'all need to remember that everyone heals differently
- Khylil Showers: Erin and Josh you guys are amazing
- Faith Timmons: ❤️
- Lulu Dre: Stop comparing Colleen and Josh! People cope with things in different ways and you shouldn't pick sides! Beautiful😭💚 I will support you know matter what!😍😎💩 #dingleberryforlife #cryingsomuch
- Ronit Marco: JOSH
- Jani Bakos: Wow 😳😱 amazing and beautiful 🎤👏🏻
- Kayli Bossard: Just started but emotional !!!! Welcome back josh !! We love you so much !!
- Michele O: Beautiful. Hang in there. You will get through this. You'll get stronger with each day. I'm rooting for you.
- Myka Mateeff: i lost it when Erin started singing😭😭
- Chloe Sibrel: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Courtney Dobbison vlogs: i hope josh is ok he looks a little bigger im not being mean i hope colleen and josh get back together
- ferdynand2402: So beautiful
- Mia Perez: I'm not crying I just have sweaty eyes 😭😭😭😭
- Frank Mödinger: So beautiful!!!
- Morgan Flannery: I really think we should stop with the assumptions. In Colleen's videos the reason she seems happy us because people go through divorces all the time, but they still need to do things like work and put on a happy face even though they are still very hurt and sad. She just wants to take attention away from it. Not every video Is her being sad. And the whole thing with her replacing josh with her new kitten? COME ON! What the hell was wrong with her getting a cat? Josh is just coping in a different manner.
- Se ?: Kathleen Smith it was so beautiful
- Jasmine Avo: Josh, I love you! Erin, I love you! Y'all are two beautiful souls. I hope the best for y'all. My heart❤️
- Andy Ochao: 💔💔💔💖💖💖💖😿😿😢😢😭😭😭
- Judalon Thelma: Kyla Jones you owe me an "omg" 😝
- Brandi Sabol: ❤❤❤
- Elana: can u guys do more songs together?
- Cilla Marie Music: I love that he has such a close bond with his sister, especially during this hard time. I find it odd with Colleen and quite off putting which sucks cause I use to be a huge Miranda fan. Now it's just 😕🙄😑
- Immy Lyons: Colleen better see this and cry😭😭
- snowmanpanda3: Who knew that Erin could sing?! This is amazing!
- Katie Yocum: Good 😊 job josh we will always support you even though your not making videos I will still always care about you and your sister I'm in 6th grade I just dumped who I loved because he's in 7th and his dads my 6th grade gym teacher do you have any advice for me to talk to him
- emmi angelina: audrey bates your profile picture is the cUtest
- Carrie Benson: you can see the pain in his eyes.😭😭 we are here for you Josh. We love you and hold on, pain ends. Life is hard but its gonna be okay. 💖💖💖
- Dulce Torres: It’s breaks my heart seeing Joshua cry 😓
- uutuber431: colleen is happy but josh is singing sad songs in black and white lol
- clarewithnoi: this was so real and beautiful...he's back and I am so happy <3
- Hannah: I didn't know y'all sang so well? Great job and I know josh is going a rough time but JOSH LISTEN TO ME you're gonna be more than amazing. Time heals and you're very blessed to have family around you, especially Erin
- Kayla Jackson: You've been so sad since the divorce 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Lily & friends: Please get back together with Colleen I don't want this to happen please
- Taylor Jeurissen: Love you so much Josh. I'll always support you no matter what ❤️
- marina budilovsky: thank you for not only taking the time to let yourself start healing but also letting us in. this was so raw and beautiful. my heart breaks for you. you will get through this!
- Mari Bella: My heart goes out to you josh! It sounds cliche but each day gets better! Much love!
- kaisie lynn: this song brought tears 2 my eyes so true he sing such encourging songs
- Egyptian Princess: beautiful u n your sister make a great duo.. things will get better.. god speed
- Chelsea Busch: I LOVE YOU
- Ana Laura Meraz: Why Colline isn't singing there?:((( That would have been quite the reveal. It don't matter what happened, it's all in the past, let reconciliation come!!! please...
- Cayla Welchlen: you are a wonderful person and I wish you all the happiness!
- Onya Rosales: Oh my god .. My heart sank when he started crying 😔😔😔
- Shannon Fagan: So incredible and moving. Truly spoke to my heart and I'm sure to many others. Thank you for sharing this with us. <3
- Jeryn Phelan: Kylah McFaull yes
- Miriam Cooper: From the info box: "people will let you down. They may even abandon you...or try to erase you." It breaks my heart how this has been so hard on Josh, but Colleen seems nearly unaffected (on the internet I mean, and I'm sure things are hidden online.) but I heard someone say in a video related to their divorce, "we (their viewers) were never given any hints that their marriage was rocky or difficult. Online it was shown as perfect. But in Colleen's video, she said that "their marriage was always rocky from the start". What the youtuber was saying was that: if you are going to say that you "put your whole life online" and that you "tell your audience everything" it's not really true if you hide something like that. But then the person also said that it's hard to find the line between having privacy, and also sharing your whole life online. This whole situation has been messy and heartbreaking, but I hope that they both find peace and happiness in their lives once again.
- Shannon McCreary: Beautiful. I'm crying. Love to you both x
- Grace Singler: This is so sweet😌😍
- PieCrustProductions: That was beautiful! I'll be praying for y'all
- Eleanor j: Yeah it looks like josh is the sad one and Colleen has moved but you lot are so stupid saying I've unfollowed colleen because she's happy wow really josh has his channel to spread happiness you guys don't know what's happening colleen is definitely not happy she wouldn't post a video of her being depressed people need to use common sense. She spends time with family to help her through and josh goes of the Internet that's his way and that's colleens way. Eventually they have to move on and why don't you accept it and move on with YOUR life's.
- Allyson Saravia: **ily💕
- HUMERA MOHI: This is so soulful!!! I used to love this song but this version is so touching 😍👌 love love love it
- Louise Vessey: So so sweet, wow. You two are lucky to have each other to depend on. Everyone just be nice to everyone. Imagine a world if that actually happened? All the best to you two and to your exes. xoxox
- alllie hansol: This is so beautiful cover.... My heart feels heavy with so many emotions filling up in me. No matter what you're going through, there's always someone beside you in your heart, who gives you hope to carry on. Don't let your true colors fade! Keep shining love. ❤💕
- Ishipishixx: anyone know the guitar chords for this song????
- Terézia Tomišová: this is so beautiful! i'm speechless ❤
- Hawa Ileaasu: Colleen is going to cry when she sees this😢😌
- Foxy 19: I was so sad and I think everyone was to
- Hayda25: Oh my goodness - it was amazing 😢
- Amanda Cotrich: cried the whole time...you will find happiness soon Josh keep your head up! we are here for you!
- missisdewi: That was beautiful you guys. 💕
- rachel clapham: I love this
- kolli/ /: is anyone pissed that Joshua didn't get to be there with Colleen for the Hater Back Off premiere?
- Alicia Gibson: glad you're back ily💙
- Kate Roberts: am i the only one kind of thinking his voice sounds better? not because he's sad or heartbroken, it just sounds more masculine.
- Ruie Merican: not even gonna comment about everyone's rudeness... but amazing voices guys
- TwoAgainstFive: I love that your sister is so connected to you that she can feel your pain and share such a moment with you. ♡♡♡ with time is healing.
- مودل وردا Model Warda: I just finished watching the Troll movie, and when they started singing this song.. your voice and Erin's just started playing in my head instead of Justin and Anna's !!! So I immediately came here ^_^
- ChristianGirl 14: I hope that Josh and Erin both find true love again. 💙
- Cailean Layton: Sending love, supportive hugs & healing energy to you Josh. It's great to know you have the unwavering love & support of your family, friends & fans. Take the time you need to heal completely & seeking professional help to counsel you through this very difficult time could be very helpful. God bless.💞💞💞(P.S.)You & your lil sis did a fantastic job on this song. It was very touching & heartfelt.👏👏👏
- Allyson James: Matthew De Matos Agree 100%! Colleen's video today made me realize I was judging a situation and person I know nothing about and although that wasn't my intention I feel badly and will be more careful from here on out. Much Internet love back to you as well.
- _jordyyn lora_: Ugh you guys got me in my feels 😫 We love and miss you Joshua !!
- Hayley Perkins: This is just beautiful. The pain you feel now will always be a reminder that you are a true person with a huge heart.. I hope your heart heals well Josh. ❤
- Lynn Zhi: please put this on spotify 😭
- Bugar Jones: +Ali Anderson Fuck you right back Ali. It's called an opinion. They're like assholes, everybody has one. Last time I checked this was the comment section.
- terry crane: Josh, I am 62 and so have had a lot of life experience. I want to encourage you that in one year from now as you look back over this whole painful situation you will see that both you and colleen will be in a better place for both of you. Hearts break and hearts can mend if you chose that....Josh, chose that. Don't keep any stored up negative energy in your body...and for you I suggest you sing it away...yes...sing your emotions and thoughts and let the energy labeled pain poor out of you and you will be wiser, gentler, more forgiving of others and a generator of much peace
- Kevin Backalive: I wish I had a supportive sister like Erin and a bro like Josh
- Eli Fraser: I rarely comment , but that was truly beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
- LovesRain: This made my heart hurt and heal. Beautiful.
- ccoke & aped: I love you.
- Elizabeth Alanis: You two are amazing singers and amazing in general. <3 Favorite rendition of this song!
- Stephanie Tucker: 💘💘💘💘
- brianna mclean: 3:59
- Ian Neha Vlogs: I miss all the lisstick
- Jason Wasserman: This is what love always ends up doing to you. All of you take this as an example. Heartache.
- Renee Scott: hey bud we as a fan Base love you dearly. I believe in love. hang in there we just a click away. 🐥🐥
- jill P: Beautiful
- Liv _: I have nothing to say 🙄
- Natalie Long: I love this and love yall. Stay strong❤️
- katarina petrova: awww and Erin is such such such such such an amaaaaaziinggg sister and an amazing human I respect her so much, she started crying bcuz she saw her brother cry awww god bless her 💕💕
- Riana Trevino: I love erins voice
- maiah giampietro: it's takes a lot of strength to share your tough times with the world. we love you so much💕
- Alexis Cantergiani: Dear Josh, I hope you see this. All of us are going to be here for you. All of us care about you and want the best for you. Its OK to let your emotions out and talk about it. We arent gonna judge you. We want you to be happy and whatever it takes to help you get there, we will try to make it happen. We know and understand that you are still grieving, It's hard to lose a loved one.. some of us might still be upset with you, But all that matters is that you are happy. You have us and your family. This video truly showed how much Erin loves and cares about. I can tell she is your rock.. she is whats holding you together. and that's ok.. we will all be here to help. We live you Josh and we/I will be here every step of the way!❤️😘 ~Love from Idaho!❤️
- Samantha Overly: i seriously cried in this video. it will be okay josh. stay strong💙
- Emma Sams: ya your back !
- Tina Phillips: <3
- ACTION CAT: Extremely emotional and beautiful duet❤ Love ya💪
- MakeUpByMe 456: This was one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I had tears in my eyes two minutes into it. I know life is not easy believe me, I know. I've been through a lot and I hope that everything will get better and I will heal. Thank you Josh for coming back and thank you Erin and Josh for sharing this beautiful and amazing song
- Juliette Munn: You know Josh's motto is 'be nice to people' Colleen is a person too 💜💜💜💜
- Hey ItsLinda: This got straight to the heart. So here I am crying. The power, emotions and just everything that you guys showed throughout this video is wonderful. I hope you will find that peace in you. Life isn't always easy but you're trying to make it work. And I'm just happy to see your face again. Thank you for this song. Made me think about the small things in life. I love you very much, take care 😚🎈 oh btw I need more of these duets cause your voices fit perfectly together and I'm obsessed. Okay bye
- ms desiree: keep your head up josh you will get threw this okay and it will just take time just try to make your self happy..
- Lauren Msp: I almost cried 😰
- kennedy: awh this was so emotional
- Ainsley Gibson: They both sing like angels... wow.
- Nicole Jackson: This is beyond beautiful and was so worth the wait; Thx Josh + Erin!!
- Molly Dickson: josh, you sounded exactly like branch from "trolls'" when he sang that song/ true colors
- melinda white: I could not help myself but cry. Joshua and Erin, you both are beautiful ❤️
- AlexisHappySnuggle Raby: We're they crying? I was! 😢😢😢😇
- XxMinecraft playerxX: Awwwwwwww their voice is goalssssssss
- Kelsin Attacks: the whole situation sucks, but there is beauty in every tragedy. you just have to find it. this is by far my favorite cover of this song.
- korean woman's whore: This is so beautiful! I'm glad you're back Josh, YouTube just isn't the same without you. I hope everything is well with you and I look forward to future videos.
- Hannah Sophie: I'm in tears this is SO beautiful
- victoria p.: i did this song in quire one year, amazing cover btw
- scififreakmi: Actually crying. We love you so much, Josh. And Erin, your voice is beautiful. Please sing more!
- Abigayle Almada: Omg i cried so much!!!!😭😭😭😭
- Kassie: you have a great voice
- pier ser: who originally sings this song
- BreeAille Stowe: Brooke Jacobs Amen! thank you!
- Mimi Law: Welcome back buddy💕🎈
- gringa079: That was beautiful ❤️ welcome back!
- Anna N: Joshua! This is the truth, you cannot find peace within your self or in this world. It can only be found in our Lord. He is Love and our only hope and light. Jesus is the light that shines with us!
- Renee Jaenecke: She reminds me of emma pillsberry (however you spell it) from glee
- Anika Nazhat: Josh is so sad..😔 colleen seems to not care and happy
- Cristina Serrano: I'm a waterfall, help please 😭❤️
- Jane Yick: carla ajami not that we know of. From what I gather its a no.
- Maddy Ren: Beautiful…
- Nur Batrisyia: This was beautiful Josh and Erin. Thank you
- Emily Koumakis: her voice sounds a bit like a kid...but he cried!!!😭
- Ashley A: when she looks at you and say I can't remember when I last saw you laughing. make me cry every time
- Cherryl Hernandez: why Colleen
- Kaleigh SLAUGHTER: Aww I love u both u inspire us
- Abby Freeman: You guys are the really good singers
- Unicorn Nation: Omg u guys are amazing. Josh i love you and so glad that u r back!
- Lucy Maurin: did they write this song?
- haley debnam: Terribly beautiful!
- Layne Elizabeth: I'm crying😪😪
- DeeGarza15: This song couldn't have came out in better timing..ive been going through some stuff that I just felt like i waz losing myself. losing my focus..but now I understand. I need to find the real me and take the time to heal my scars and pain. People go in and out of your life but it's only to help create the best version of yourself. Stay strong Josh and thank you for this💙
- H B: I haven't been invested in Josh and Colleen's relationship like everyone else... But watching this I definitely shed tears. You can see the hurt in his eyes. Even the hurt in Erin's too for not only Josh's divorce but hers as well. You will always have a place in your heart for your first love. I feel for them. Stay strong guys. You're both amazing.
- Hazel Chavez7: you can marry me Joshua ❤️😭 I'll take care of you
- Brit Brockway: 😢 I instantly loved this song when the remix of it, was on Save The Last Dance with Julia Stiles. & now seeing them singing it together, you just know that they have that brother/sister bond. 💟
- Emma King: I love you Joshua! ❤️
- Kelly McCrea: I never knew that Erin could sing she is beautiful.
- Emma Kunkel: i loved it i cant wait to see what else happens
- Ellie: josh i miss you and i miss you being happy
- Dev Pink234: Wow you guys are amazing and I missed you josh this made me cry
- Britty Coker: Aweeeee 😢🙂❤️️ that was amazing
- Katie Steene: I love this song. You guys sounded so incredible ❤️❤️
- Lauren Hernandez: That brought me to tears. Beautiful.
- Braygthecray: He's here😍
- georgia -: This was beautiful. I'm crying. I love u josh.❤️
- Tiana G: This made my cry I love u so much I will always support u prayers coming straight from God on to ur family xo
- Allegra Grace: You guys send a powerful message 👏🙃🙂😉
- Amy-Louise Moore: If I could like this video a million time over I would, the harmonies are simply beautiful, you guys are so talented! Welcome back Josh💙
- nana candy: 😢😢I cried.. ugh that was so amazing you guys... and Josh!! hope everything goes out great for you.. and you'll get through this hard time stronger than ever and you'll be happy again.. and you'll find the right person for you ... hope you find your peace 💜💜 and Erin's beautiful voice I was surprised for real..
- Sarah 31: I cry everytime I listen to this, it's beautiful ❤
- Janessa Werlein: I wish they could work it out😢My heart breaks so bad for them. I want them to be happy and I hated seeing them cry in their videos talking about the divorce.
- LMD: this melted my heart I love it so much its beautiful 💚💜💙
- E Reyes: Love to see you back. You are awesome! You are beautiful. And you always make me laugh. I live for your videos! Don't ever leave again or I'll die
- STARREDGE: yeah i didn't mention any names y'all get rattled up way too quickly....also i'm not 10 years old like most of you i've been in a real long term relationships just like theirs and even though everyone has different ways of coping....patterns still emerge.
- Grace Smyth: I watched it about 1,0000000
- courtney leonard: omg so beautiful when they sing together... wanted to cry with them <3 <3 xx
- LittleMissAva: Look please don't get me wrong, I love josh but I am seeing comments saying that Colleen doesn't care as much or that she is to happy. She is probably not very happy but she wants us to be happy so she is still doing videos not only to make us happy but to help herself cope as well. Please just don't pick side because if you remember neither one of them wanted us to. I have my own opinions but for the sake of respect I am choosing not to share them. I suggest that everyone does the same.
- The Tide Family: Oh Lord, this was so beautiful. Love you, Josh. Still praying for your strength. Thank God for Erin <3
- Angela Allen: That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
- EXO-L ARMY: at first i thought hes gonna annonce he is gay wtf i thibk because of the thumbnail too like the colourful lettering
- Cathrine A. Aagaard: This made me cry like a little baby. You are great and crazy strong, josh! This is so powerful. I'm with you all the way.
- Stephanie MacDonald: That was so beautiful. I could feel the emotion through the whole song. AMAZING !!! Keep your head up. God has an amazing plan for your life
- golden1577: Uke And I The video ends at 4:20
- Ella .B: I'm early!!!!!
- Karineleah Chan: omg i am so sad i never thought that colleen and josh would get divorced..i send my love and i hope it gets better josh
- Faith Dykla: Erin is an AMZING singer🔥💙 this made me cryyyy
- Rachel Hunter: Erin's voice is amazing 💙
- Ava Costa: When Josh started crying and Erin my heart Broke even more
- Niveditha Muralidharan: This made me cry. Josh, everybody but Colleen love you. We all realise your true worth. You're an amazing man, anybody is so lucky to have you. And you are so lucky to have a supporting family. I will always be there for you Joshua! You make me happy. :)
- Tommy Seffron: wow just wow that first time i just cry to a song :'(
- Mandy May: Erin and Josh have such pretty voices!
- Magdaléna Porubská: so so sad.. but amazing I love it.. true emotions.. Head up Josh..
- Ally Sutherland: So any chance this will be on itunes
- Alaina Hays: that was absolutely beautiful! love you guys!
- Gabriella Baccari: JOSH
- SHaeZyy: When she grabbed your hand I lost it.😭
- Monica Ramer: I love the quote in the beginning, JoshDTV. You deserve happiness, Sweetie. And you'll find it again. It'll be different, of course. But once you realize it, you'll say to yourself: where has this been all my life. Patience, Sweetheart. You'll happen, take it from me, I've been there. And now, I'm so happy, I can't even remember what happened in the past. We love you, Mr. And we support you. Have courage everyday. Courage. Courage. Courage. Courage to wake up. Courage to get out of bed. Courage to go thru the day. Courage to do it again and again....everyday. Till the pain is gone. Courage. You deserve it. It's yours. Claim it.
- What do i do: Why is he making this way more dramatic than colleen
- Nora Stack: They're both so incredibly talented, I just can't imagine what it must be like for Josh to watch Colleen move on with her life seeming so enthusiastic about everything going on around her. Josh is obviously much more affected by this, I've never seen someone this hurt over a divorce before, he obviously really loved her.
- Jessi Preast: One of your best videos to date! You and your sister sound wonderful apart and even more incredible together!!!
- Lilly Bogue: This was so hard to watch without crying. I feel so bad for him and Colleen. This was so touching and It hurts like hell to to see Josh cry like that.
- Kayla Ting: Missed your wonderful voice Joshua! I love you so much! Also Erin sings so well! You both are great!
- Tori KellyFanGirl: I really hope Colleen sees this...😔❤
- Jamie Kinteris: Im so glad to see your face. I missed you Josh. Ive been having a hard time this year with alot of people. And seeing this video that you made with Erin is making me happy that you still care. Ive learned that life has its dark turns and that there are always ways to get through them. Stay strong Josh
- samantha fitzgerald: I teared up not gonna lie
- Noemi Felix: I keep watching this over and over again. We love you Josh!
- scarlett bazah: this is so beautiful, hope you'll have a happy life cause you bloody deserve it
- Jordan Grubb: This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard
- Sophie1723: This is beautiful josh💔
- Zoe 787: i thought that you said you wernt going to be on youtube for awhail
- Matthew Sylvester: that was beautiful.
- Izzy Bizzy BumbleBee: I love this so much 😭💕
- Nora Alyse: I just bawled through this whole music video. It was beautiful, Joshua and Erin. Stay strong. <3
- Jenna Besh: OMG HE"S BACK!!
- Lindsay Anna: Well damn it. This was beautiful. I have had a bad year dealing with the sudden loss of my dad and I haven't been able to cry much, so busy dealing with the aftermath of the situation. I know the loss you and I are feeling is different but this just got to me immediately. I hate crying but I feel like I needed it. Thank you. I am glad you are back.
- Portia Carney: This is so amazing!! I'm with you Josh.
- Steph Hosack: I send my heart and all my love ❤️ it might not seem like much but it's all that I have.
- Reborn babies: Kat's Pick Jewelry I am so sorry I know how it feels when you lose a loved one. I lost my Aunt to cancer she had breast cancer then she had bone cancer . The cancer when all over her body . She die in the hospital I was at school . My mom called the school I got called to the office . My mom said that my Aunt passed away . I went back to my class I was trying so hard not to cry. But I couldn't keep it in I cryed for the rest of the day. I hope you feel better soon. 😢😪😥
- Gloria Berihun: OMG I actually cried at the end of the song because I feel like this song was about colleen and Joshua's divorce. And the fact that you expressed it through a song made it even more emotional for me, I really am gonna miss the both of you guys together. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JOSH <3
- Ryleigh Garrard: oml😭
- Laura S: aprapo indeed.... bravo :)
- brynley: all the emotions in this are so beautiful
- Harry Krinkle: +Hannah Nicole People keep saying it that way, and it makes Colleen seem like a sociopath. Maybe you're not expressing what you're trying to say very well, but that's the way it sounds.
- suhana zafar: I love you Joshua David Evans forever ❤️
- Bonnie Di Marzio: I've missed you so much. This made me cry, love you Josh ❤️
- hqcatherinehq: josh is a huge duche
- oof chimin is a soft baby: This was beautiful....😊
- Kaci 34: I can't believe this. He is back. I am so excited. I love u Joshua u are such an amazing youtuber. I am so glad your back. I can not wait for u to start vlogs againg. Remember everyone Be nice to people
- Leonely De Los Santos: Cindy was always a sombre Singer for me. As a child this song along with Time After Time would be my go to songs when I wasn't in the right head space.
- Hailey Maxwell: It's sad that you can see his pain
- Rebecca Zavier: I've been feeling down, this had me in tears. It's beautifully done, guys. I hope to see u again together. How sweet.
- Katrina Collins: Colleen looks happy, but Josh looks depressed. 😢
- Meghan Harvey: I love Josh and be happy😊
- Live Laugh Lanie: ❤️
- Sarah VanDeBogert: Beautiful, Josh.
- Banana15 Fruits: I cried
- Autumn Lauren: 💔 my life in a nut shell 💔
- faith woods: Josh is back
- Its_me_haleyrose 33: THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL! LOVE YOU!
- Casey Magas: I love the matching shoes
- Shelbij23: Find peace Josh❤️
- Amanda Bear: OMG Erin has such a good voice for singing and this song mad me cry its so beautiful.
- Laura Elizabeth: losing someone who was part of your life for so long is the hardest thing to go through, you have to rebuild yourself and rediscover what makes you...you! you are stronger then you will ever know. look after yourself and I look forward to seeing you and watching you again... xx respect o your little sister she has looked after this channel for you xx
- Michelle who works at a comic book store: Dang these onions
- griffin Kay: Oh wtf erin can sing! !!!!!????? SLAY
- Whitney TheExPat: This actually made me cry.
- Felicia Kathryn: This is absolutely wonderful. 💜💜💜
- lyan em: l heard it 100 times ♡
- Jordan Purrington: JOSH
- Phoebe Liz: 😪nice 😪
- Pupcorn 63: youll be ok josh
- Jordan Grubb: And seen
- no thanks: Hahaha, god no. It's a song that became famous through Cyndi Lauper. Cyndi's original recording is perfection.
- Noelle and Mckenna: This is the best. I'm literally crying. I love you and I will forever. Thank you for everything you have done for me in my life. Thank you for everything. I love you🎈😍😎💩
- Sarah Parker: I love this so much! So glad to see you back :)
- Aleece McLeod: I see and hear the pain that he is having
- Lizzy Busy: amazing
- Daithi Shevlin: they are waring the same clothes
- gracie panda: I'm crying and I guess joshua is really hurt
- Isabella Studios: im cryin :c
- Elle Paul: we love you x
- Jojo Millen: Missed you ❤️
- wow098: This is infinitely better than the original song...
- Veronica: Love You Josh! So good to see You again!
- Julie Aronson: Really beautiful. My heart breaks for you to have to go through this, but even broken, your heart is bigger than most. I know you will find happiness again and if you're not meant to be with Colleen, there is someone out there who is and will fight for love like you do. You deserve that.
- Danielle D: I love you so much. You inspire me every single day when you were posting videos everyday and when you were taking a break you always encourage me to be the best possible version of myself. I know that you probably won't read these comments cause people can be so ugh. but no matter what thick and thin, happy, sad, anger, excitement, I am here, I love you, and thank you for just being you. & To Erin your beautiful sister, she's such a light and I am so happy you have each other. love you forever and always.
- Kyla Dior: Hey josh it's okay you will get through this and I know the divorce was hard and I hope you are doing well and you and your sister have amazing voices.
- Annie McLaughlin: ;( I feel so sorry for him and Erin! Both of them went through a divorce! I think they did this for their exes! Oh sh*t Josh is crying! Don't worry Erin and Josh you'll find someone! ;( P.S great cover!!!!!! I CRIED! JOSH AND COLLEEN WERE MY FAVOURITE YOUTUBE COUPLE
- trisarahtops: I can't stop listening to this
- Starr Flowers: ❤
- Larissaxoxo: I love you so much Josh thank you for remaining an inspiration even during your hardest times, you're incredible don't let anyone tell you different. I'm so glad to see your face again followed by a heart wrenching song but it is truly beautiful! Such passion and love shown through these lyrics and video, I wish you nothing but happiness! 😚
- Anna Massey: So honest. So brave. So wonderful. Glad to see you again, Josh. 💞
- TheHorse316: I'm sorry to hear about your breakup, but just know that you are always going to be strong enough and capable enough to take whatever life throws at you, Hope all is well :) <3
- Cindy Alvarado: 15 seconds into the video and I'm already crying::
- Kristie Ubere: Josh... this song made me so emotional and I totally loved it. It is so beautiful and meaningful. Also you're voice is beautiful and Erin, your voice is appointment gorgeous! I love you guys!
- Heather Anne: Welp... just bawled my eyes out....
- mexicangirl139: My older brother and I are extremely close especially because of our alcoholic parent. He moved to Seattle a month and a half ago and it has been so hard without him.
- CyndyKated: heartache is the worse......
- Georgy Roacho: I love you buddy. Did t worry I will always support you ❤️
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Jianna Valenzuela That's their business. Not yours.
- Sïstërs Sïstërs: Josh and Erin have a beautiful voice 🙂
- briana cano: This makes my heart melt so much, I'm crying 😭 I love you josh keep your head up we all love you ❤️
- Maria Paula: OMFG! This broke my heart! :'(
- Paula Beyer: i'm crying with you....
- Éva Tóth-Bumberák: One of the hardest things about this whole situation must be that they had to lose contact with each other's family as well, whom they obviously loved. And now Chris&Jess are having a new baby... and Josh is left out of it all... It must be very very difficult to cope with for both of them :(
- Claudia Mobbs: Erin's voice is beautiful ❤️
- Connor Monaghan: he is back yay
- Sumaiya hihihi: cheer up forget about the past now foucs in the futrue i feel soooo sad right now. i feel ur pain Josh
- foshothebest: kind of profiting from tragedy.... You are a talented singer though. I wish you just focused on your career in that way.
- Joe Hof: Why is he trying to gain views from his divorce lol
- razrv3lc: You don't know anymore than the rest of us what happened so it might be wise to not act like you do know. You've got no idea what was going on when the cameras were off. Something was clearly badly wrong.
- Agdolls1.2.3: Who knew that Erin has the voice of an angel!?
- Nic Gordon: Hey Josh, I'm so glad that you're back! This was so beautiful and I am gonna listen to it on repeat now. Thank you for sharing your life with us, and thank you for this song. You mean a lot to a lot of us. Much love. 💕💕 I hope you're doing a bit better.
- kristen sharp: ive had this on repeat for an hour and still have not got sick of it. freakin amazing guys!!! and welcome back Josh!
- Brooke G: The tears are flowing ahaha that was absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️
- Takunda The Skittle Queen: Vanessa Concepcion how do u know she hasn't been crying bhs she doesn't have to post everything on the internet and make herself seem like she wants us to feel sorry for her
- eden vids: great... the video recommendation after this video was husband does my makeup. Don't make me cry YouTube 😭
- Hailey Ballinger: Josh, i love yoj and never forget that😘
- Anne Stough: I have heard this song a million times and then some. I have never loved it so much. I have never heard or seen so much emotion in this song.
- リズLiz: That was beautifully done, I watched it at lunch today, and again tonight. You guys are lucky to have each other. You voices sound so good together, Erin absolutely kills the harmony. You will heal, it just takes time and family.
- Nanda's Adventures: Made me cry! Josh we love you! I wish you nothing but the best! God bless you
- Hannah: holy shit josh
- neomi van otten: love it😍😂😆
- undreiia: Omg i miss your face
- geminiinthesky859: What a sweet tribute. Welcome back, Josh. We're rooting for you and sending you good vibes. <3
- Madi Pitre: We love you so much Josh. Stay strong. You'll always have us no matter what. ❤️❤️
- Leanne Rose: Heart goes out
- Meygan Soto: that was so beautiful 💜😔
- Demi Dalton: Do worry josh don't worry we will help u stay strong
- Tia Bennett: I wish it never happened because I love them both and together they were amazing
- Naomi Shaddick: Wow... :'( i really feel your pain josh :( xx
- matalie cortes: Hear*
- Lauren Nicole: I love you SO much Josh ( and you Erin :) ) I promise to never ever leave your side... I'm so proud of you and this song is absolutely amazing... I feel so lucky that I have you in my life.. Thank you for all you do for me and thank you for being the perfect example for me to look up to. Thank you for always being there for me when I need someone most. I love you and promise to never stop loving you. You deserve all the happiness in the world.... I LOVE YOU!! And I hope you're doing okay❤️
- Tina Woolard: 😥💗💔
- Kasey Wilson: This so soooo good 😍😭
- M & M: why is josh and erin crying? Then i started crying.
- Yaffa Kornsgold: Truly beautiful. We're always here for you! Can't wait to have you back on YouTube!
- Kelli F: Love this ! Love you Both
- Lejla Dakaj: robyn kearns they still follow each other on sc and twitter, she probably has, they still support each other a lot.
- jimbi: i think this is my favorite video of the internet❤ please sing more duets together
- Maryam Dayala: Was I the only one that actually cried?
- Becca Esten: +Vicky Laithwaite ikr ill miss Joshleen
- The Kitten922: I cried.
- Ahtziri: FUCK. I LOVE this but I HATE that Colleen doesn't want to be with him! I feel that this in a way referees to her. They LOVE each other so freaking much! If you agree with me, plz like this and show your support for other of them!
- Sara Maria: This made me cry, it was such a beautiful song.
- cuckoobananas101: I'm in awe josh. You're unbelievably strong and I'm so proud to be a fan of yours. You spread positivity in the darkest of times and that is SO important. This brought me to tears because of the emotion that's behind and the message of unconditional love. Amazing. You and Erin made this incredibly beautiful. So glad to have you back!
- Unicorns4 Life: Erin's voice is beautiful
- CSKberido: Their voices are so soothing.. Josh, I put my phone near my tummy while listening to this song and my baby started kicking and moving. Your guys voices just makes him so happy😊 I know you're in a tough place right now, but you still never fail to bring us happiness❤️ WE LOVE YOU!!
- Panic! At the Chemical Time Low: This was so beautiful💕
- Aryanna Little: I'm sobbing omg
- Tommy Meli: lmao what a world isn't it
- Bibi Panda: Miss Colleen
- Lana Zawiti: i cried
- Kateryn Gutierrez: Daisy M. Same
- Rosie Lowe: I didn't even know Erin could sing. Omg. Both me and my dad were sobbing. He doesn't even know you Josh, or anything you've been through, but both of your voices were so beautiful together and just omg. I'm so happy to have to back😢😭❤️❤️
- Doctorfunk5: This brought me to tears!
- Felicher 13: Sheena Lederman yes
- Princess Random: This was beautiful. Your voices were in perfect sync. I can see the pain in your eyes and can only imagine what you're going through.
- Morgan Lyon: So powerful to feel your emotions through every word you sang. My heart is breaking for you.
- Ashley Poulsen: OMG Joshua Erin has a really good voice she is really talented
- Emma Vela: shivani gopi same
- cheyenne ruis: I'm crying
- S F: That was beautiful.
- Kareena Sidhu: They sing so perfectly together love u josh and Erin subbed to u both ages ago
- Birgit: Oh, I'm crying... Beautiful, just beautiful in every way!
- Stacy Bruin: ❤️💛💚💙💜 all the feels and all the love
- Elvellon: Oh no. Here comes the flood 😭
- Jessica Bryanton: the feels are real. pulled every heart string I have. glad to see you back Josh. keep your chin up
- lexi love: didn't know I needed a good cry...
- Katie Beirne: Who has listened to this song 100 💯 times
- alexandra eaton: Thank you
- hailee o'brien: love you, man. stay strong ❤️
- Penny Hanlon: we are here for you Josh...we love you!
- xIsobel Dobbiex132: Does anyone know this is from trolls?
- Madeline Pryor: Who else broke down when Josh started crying and Erin grabbed his hand?
- Matthew Cormier: Joanna Wiśniewska watch yourself, this is beautiful, you may have an different opinion than everyone else. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. Thanks
- Gracelynn Denney: when Josh started crying, i did 😥❤️❤️
- Sami Valles: I never knew Erin could sing! Glad to have you back Josh. Love you, always.
- Tabatha Hall: Tara Monks your comment was nice ignore the child
- Hayley Marie: you guys are so inspirational and strong and I can't tell you how much I look up to you. this made me cry because of how raw and real and emotional it is, and I just wanted to tell you that you both did such a good job on this song and are putting across a wonderful message with this video. I appreciate this and you very much. all my love + hugs xx
- Just Grace: I LOVEIT!
- darcey dezutter: OMG I started sobbing because it's so beautiful. We are so glad to have you back Josh ILYSM
- Kayla P: im crying. this was beautiful. Love to both of you!
- Nika Nicho: For all the ppl crying in the comments, at least dapgo is coming out tomorrow ☺️
- Selina Räth: so sad :(
- Aliyah Haun: So glad you're back Josh❤️ this was beautiful
- Veronnica Watson: Jennifer Fteim I feel sorry for you.
- Rohan O'Donnell: Brett Hart you need to respect both Colleen and josh in what's happening because none of us but them know the full story.
- Aurora Bringsli: I have cried all the times I have watched this. Sending you all of my love and support❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Victoria Arechiga: 60th time watching this video. Love you Josh!!!
- Ana Rivera: Literally started crying he he was crying 😔. We love you Josh ❤️ welcome back
- Amie W: This was amazing I can't stop listing to this. This touched me so much thank you for doing this. This made me realise my true colours and I hope everything is okay. Just remember we are all here for you love you so much 😍 It will be hard but just remember you have fans and family the most important part in your life 🤗 you don't have to share everything but it's good to let it all out and then we can help you. This was amazing you should do more of these. ☺️ Don't be afraid We Love You 😀
- chelsey gallier: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Christmas Bunny082: when Erin sings I think she sounds like Kurt from glee 😂😂😂
- Dan.86 Sil.52: So awesome.. you both are amazing singers !! and both can do so much better then what u have been through
- Jordan Vlogs: love them made me sob but still proud of y'all keep it up with the great work much love,Jordan
- Annie Fleming: Oh Josh!! We missed you so much!! It's so good to hear your voice. And tell your sister to never stop singing she's amazing!!!
- Peacehome: Just beautiful in so many ways <3 Erin, I hope you put out more music... your voice is really stunning and unique :)
- Connor Lassiter: 3:09 damn, the feels man :(
- Marta Núñez-Samper: Josh crying in 3:50 is so sad:( we love you, be strong, life is beautiful and it's worth it :D
- Lily Jameson: You're an idiot. The lyrics say, "Your true colors are beautiful." If you had paid attention to the Anna Taylor quote at the very beginning, you would know that the "true colors" he's referring to are a positive thing, and they refer to people who are there for him, like his sister Erin. DUH.
- OhSN4PitsLOUI3: who else started crying when Josh started crying 😢💦
- Iris Freddie Mercury Rock'n'Roll Girl!: I love this song ❤❤❤❤
- bellapalmera: ...no, YOU'RE crying.
- Soccer_ _Bubble: Jessica Nicole Also realize people hide their pain different ways, like josh had, staying away from publicity and being reserved, while Colleen tries to be happy and live with the pain.
- Sad Duck: 4 months into 2017 and I'm still watching this and tearing up every time
- Addy Simons: OMG Erin does not sound like herself in this video!!
- Kimy Amaya: i miss joshlin
- Chané-Louise Bornman: This is beautiful😢
- Eden Abraham: I cried I'm sorry
- Sebastian gamerzz: we missed you Joshua glad to have you back dude its been so long but were glad you recoverd hope to see more awesome videos
- Rachel Thomas: All the emotions I can't I'm bawling my eyes out. Josh, I love you so much. Erin, thank you for everything you've done. ❤️❤️😭💓
- Gemma Louise: This is so beautiful.
- Mariah Horine: i love this so much I cried a couple times
- Laurex xo: People have a different ways of healing, Josh asked her little sister to keep up his channel well he heals and Colleen likes to be with her friends and family when she is in a dark place
- Skylar Mireles: I love u Josh, 💖💖💖💖 and Erin💞💞💞💖💖
- Kathryn: I'm really upset that no one warned me of the exact time when he broke down. Thx guys. My eyes suffered water works.
- Megan Elyse: Erin!! We have the same middle name! Elyse! Love you.
- aassbbcc: You deserve better. You're always very happy. She's always thinking too much. Someone like her will always make you have a hard time, albeit not deliberately. Find someone happy go lucky and easy going too.
- Little Miss Sunshine: Glad you're back! Who needs Colleen anyway!
- Claire Zehntner: So much hate😭
- The KGirl: beautifully arranged and very touching.
- Unicorn Goddess: JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Right?!)
- Liana Friedel: Wow Erin has a truly beautiful voice
- Ashley and Jessi: They are so good!!!😭😭😊❤️
- Modern Rizal: TROLLS VERSION
- Chloe Jane: just saying this song has a meaning to it and it can be sad to some people so just saying be careful with what you say because you can hurt some people :( also if you watched the video where he talks about him getting divorced you will understand why it's sad :(
- CV Atia: MRstampyCAT meeee😭😭😭
- Laurice: still makes me cry
- Chelsea Bacon: This is so beautiful. It gave me goosebumps. Joshua, I can't imagine the heartbreak you're enduring but things will get better. You're an awesome person. 💗
- sam: I'm crying so hard because this song relates to me on an emotional level
- Riley Buchanan: Dang I never knew Erin could sing! This was great!
- Casey Turner: all the feels.
- Mia Laudien: Joshua thank you soo much for always supporting us we love you and we know that you have been through a lot my parents went through this just keep fighting you have a huge heart love you
- irene melikyan: damn, this is really beautiful!!
- Karah Pluma: Guys stop hating on Colleen please. She has surrounded herself with happiness. Every single video she's made has shown her picking something to do, so she can stay happy and keep her mind off of the divorce. Plus these two don't hate each other, things just didn't work.
- chukabucka: Hang in there Josh ... you've got support and lots of best wishes coming your way ... just hang in there
- kate sidney: This made me cry again!! You guys are such good singers
- Julka Julka: I just still don't get it, my mind can't ubderstand that they are divorcing...
- Maria Garcia: Josh I love you so much for thinking about your divorce but you sometimes have to let things go. Now don't lie you do miss her!hah but seriously I feel bad for what has been happening in your life lately it has been 1 months since what has happened. I have seen Colleen be happy now she made a video with the Gabbie Show. And you're still reminding your self and that won't really do any good for you so i want you to grab that camera and press the record button it doesnt take much to do as long as you try. Your sister is amazing I love her for supporting you. lysm. Stay Positive dude:}
- Jacob Cowley: I love this so much! Erin your voice is amazing!!!
- Elise Xuereb: I unsubscribed to Miranda Sings & PsychoSoprano a few days ago. When I saw this video, I confirmed that I made the right decision. I don't like to hate on people but seeing how Colleen seemed like she got over the break up really quickly than him made me realise why am I really subscribed to her in the first place? All of her videos seem really stupid right now. Josh seems so hurt and all she did was keep uploading videos like everything is back to normal after a week or so. I hope your broken heart heals as soon as possible Joshua! :)
- keir ramsey: yea i know its horrible... :(
- 0Swanky0: I don't know if this was a one sided divorce, but this video really shows how emotionally deep and just amazing josh is; sorry mate.
- WhoLance: I'm going to bang my head through a wall, I'll update after my concussion.
- Bonnie Gates: I hardly ever post on here but, I had to for this one. The honesty and truth that you share with your fans says a lot about how you feel towards them. After reading comments the last few weeks tells me that they feel the same about YOU. Prayers for your continued healing and lottsa love - You are not alone in this and I love love love to see the sweetness of the relationship between you and your Sister - it was genuine and real and I appreciate it for that alone - but the singing was fabulous too. I think you are going to go far and I am excited to watch your journey - best of luck and love.
- Julie R: Niamh Donnelly nope I did too
- R: I'm also going through the hardest point in my life with my health. We'll all get through this, together. Peace & love.
- Emma: I felt so bad when josh started tearing up :( if your reading this Josh, know that your whole family including your YouTube family is supporting you through all of the things you are going through 😘
- Konstantina Kordwni: It really hurts seeing you like that...I'm sorry for both of you and i hope that you truly find the peace and happiness in your life :) Love you lots <3 Amazing cover btw :)
- Bethany Russell: I have been where you are now and I have some advice for you: rely on family because that's what they are there for. Though after watching this a few times through, I think you already are. Be safe and take care of yourself Josh!
- Nela Palada: Every person in this world goes through some hard times in their life...It's so hard to watch a person as good as you this heartbroken and in this much pain...I admire you. I admire your strenght. Because I know I'll never be as strong as you. I'm also going through hard times and it seems like pain will never go away. But when I see you and your sister being there for each other through the worst I don't feel that weak just because there is this comunity of people who give so much support. I hope you'll get better ASAP because life is waiting for you,so are your friends and family. It's not the end it's just the beginning. "Every difficult road often lead to a beautiful destination"
- Sofia-Lucia Paquette: I song lyric pranked my friend with this song! Love you, Josh and Erin! <3
- hailee earnhardt: the amount of sadness and hurt in his face kills me on the inside man i love him.
- Courtney Whitmore: I think I know why he broke down crying it might of been cuz of Colleen Balliger he misses her dearly
- RobloxAdventures !: Josh and Erin's love for each other is VERY STRONG.I love you Josh
- Jenna M: Like if Erin is a AMAZING sister to josh❤️❤️
- Maria Estrada: His sister has a beautiful voice
- Tiffany LaRue: This is absolutely beautiful!
- Stephany Casillas: I really hope he finds someone that deserves his love ♥️
- Se ?: Moon自殺. Colleen already said she still loves him and always will and I'm sure he feels the same way but it doesn't mean that they will get back together. They both already said they didn't want to get a divorce but they don't make each other happy anymore but I'm sure they will always have a spot in their hearts for each other
- CursedWingsx: I'm legit sat crying my eyes out... aw... I really hope you guys are okay. Keep smiling. Things will get better, I promise. It's just a passing storm, it won't be here forever. I send my love and best wishes. x x
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Tonya C Haha this would be great. But I honestly hope colleen would never do that. I hope. I'm not going to put all my trust in it though Haha
- sam: anyone know the chords for guitar???
- Xrer Kuku: yay you are back!!!!
- Charlotte Wellington: 😢😭 Beautiful 💜❤
- Lilayyy: Lora Smith stay strong 😊😊❤️
- Marina Smith: 👍😀
- Jackie Guadarrama: i fimd it sad that he was holding his arm the arm the hold time like he was trying to keep himself together from falling apart.. hurts😢😔😭
- fab_four: omg Erin's voice is so good
- Kristie Ubere: Josh... this song made me so emotional and I totally loved it. It is so beautiful and meaningful. Also you're voice is beautiful and Erin, your voice is appointment gorgeous! I love you guys!
- Amber Leijgraaf: THIS IS AMAZING 😍
- Grace Naegelen: Amanda jk
- Kt Barnham: I can feel Josh's pain. Sending lots of love and smiles xxxxxx
- NiHa Moo: In his merchandise, the Joshleen shirt still says OTP. :(
- Emelie: This is sooo beautiful. Erin is such an amazing sister to him.
- Jill Connolly: +John Cage I totally digress. In the music industry there is a process called mastering. And for the Final Cut of the song it does smooth things over however, I completely disagree and no that she can probably sing on demand as Josh can as well.
- Allison Phelan: I hate to see you in pain. This was beautiful and so you. I knew music would be your outlet for the darkest of times. ❤
- MinTsukki: a bit of autotune?
- Ryuugamine Mikado: #2018 baby!!!! I don't know why i can't forget this song
- Lupis Villarreal: I had never heard Erin sing before and I am in SHOCK. Her voice is angelical!!!
- Edits for My loves: I started crying right in the middle of the video😭😭 this song hit my hard I'm still crying typing this❤️ josh I hope you feel better and Erin you have a beautiful voice🎤🎧 I'm literally about to watch this video again❤️❤️
- Kiana Gomez: on repeat :(
- RoseGold: i doubt he was saving a cry... perhaps something brought it up for him again. like the lyric he was singing. are you framiliar with grief? grieving is complex. one thing to trigger a memory or emotion and it could bring you to tears. but it's okay think what you want lol.
- courtney Lavoie: This was truly beautiful ❤️❤️😘😘 it will get better Josh!! We love you 😘
- Korrina-marie Keeney: THANK YOU so very much I finally am realising that I can show my true colors after all the pain I have went through and I thought that I was never going to get over and so thank you for making me realize that you have to go through pain to be able to go on even if it hurt so much that you don't want to face a day so I love watching your videos cause it is just real so thank you
- Rowa Makeup Artist: uh am so sad it made me cry :,( Luv you josh <3
- Tiana Young: What an incredible bond between siblings
- Alex's Brain at Night: Erin can sing?!? Welcome back Josh!
- Neve preston: I've had this song on repeat for 2 hours straight! can't get enough of it, beautiful voices. Remember that everyone in this world is beautiful. xx
- Abraham Salas: Most wonderful cover of this song I've ever heard. You guys should do more of this!
- Singing Trash: That girl from glee who dates will
- Velouria: awwww , beautiful
- Ella Jessriel: "People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you. No matter what, never give up on love. There are those out there that won't give up on it...or you. Find your worth. Find your beauty. Find your true colors."-Joshua David Evans
- Kenna Keene: I didn't know your sister could sing!!! I love this
- Indyanna PerryTV: ~Crying~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Kavya Ashok: We love u Joshua....❤❤❤
- Dave Tugwell: +justdreaable you basically said the same thing here either way you don't know shit
- Cassidy Pittman: This sounds so beautiful!💕
- Eva Basile: Beautiful and Love 💕
- Cute Dog: Can you go back to daily vlogging?
- Stephanie R Hughes: I like how her country accent disappears when she sings
- StrawberryKook 97: Erin sing so pretty
- Crystal Pare: I hope you feel better and you will find the perfect person
- TheCrazykidz group band: About colleen is crying
- leshy: So glad to see Josh))
- Monique Gaxiola: this was so emotional, I'm in tears.
- ceraaa: I don't know what to say. I've missed you so much josh. This was beautiful. Erin- wow, I never knew you could sing and your amazing! you've been so helpful during this tough time and you've been fantastic. If either of you ever need a talk, my instagram is _xxcerysxx_ I will continue to look up to both of you until my life runs out, but when it does, I want it to run out, listening to this. Your true colours really showed. I love you Joshua David Evans and Erin Elyse Evans xoxo
- LetsBeHonest16: ❤❤❤❤❤
- McKenzie Chalmers: I'm crying
- Just Niky: when the first second came in... i cried like a lot
- Ellie Brown: This is absolutely beautiful ❤️ sending you so much love xxx
- Sophie Claire: Joshua, You and your voice are amazing in and out. Where ever you are your fans are always there too. We all have the right to make a decision and make it final who ever you are. I live by Your moddo Be nice to to people every single day because a single word can make someone evil or happy. We all need a moment sometimes to get back on our feet brush off the dust and be with the people we love. That's what you did and we will be the happiest people on the earth now that you are back. As one of your fans, I will be ecstatic to see what we used to see from this channel. Nothing will ever beat 'Josh Does' or a good old 'dingle mingle' or most of are favorites the classic original songs or covers. I do support any decision that you make and always will. Thanks for listening to my rant. Much love from Illinois.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💜💜🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 -Sophie
- lhopeb: You are so strong Josh!! Keep going, we all love you x
- shelby: I love you so so so so very much, Joshua. We will be with you through absolutely everything. We aren't leaving your side anytime soon. You have been a huge part of my life for so long and it absolutely breaks my heart to see you broken and sad. You still get through this. You will come out of this. You are strong, and we are here when you need a helping hand. Everything will be alright, Joshua. I love you more than you will ever know. Sending you millions of hugs through the screen...🎈🎈❤️❤️
- Kierlie Cunneen: this song is about Colleen 😢😢
- Lifes OfLer: Is this josh sister
- Erna Wiemer: this song was in trolls
- Ariel S: This is beautiful <3
- Smshn Pmpkn: Beautiful & heartwarming. 🎃 Stay Strong! 💪 #BroAndSis #Family
- raegan: Oh my amazing <3
- linmeini: I'm crying so hard right now ;(
- charlotte Morgan-Bowers: This is so beautiful x
- TheJeffhero: Lol this dude gay
- Kezzia Dee: i love you so much, i cry every time please try and stay positive even tho life is rough now but everyone is here for you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Shauna McKey: One word: AMAZING 💗 Another word: Beautiful 💖
- Kelly Parker: simply beautiful.
- Random Regigi: omg erin sings so goooood
- angeelove: ❤❤❤❤
- Lauren Huffines: Made me cry! So beautiful. Time and only time will heal! Much love Josh ❤️
- Kirsty Rosie: This song means alot to me this was lovely the emotion was so touching
- Ellie S: This made my day. 😊
- TheMrsCotton: I cried watching this and idk if it's cause I feel your pain or because I see you on the other side of the rainbow standing tall and even stronger than before! You have such a beautiful soul and I hope you accomplish all your hopes and dreams. I pray for you!
- Lauren K: Omg this is so good
- LifeasJodancer P: Thankyou josh for opening up this made me cry so much. I loved it ♥️♥️
- Giraffegirls10: Josh I love you so much my support is here. I love you!
- keel. yy: This is beautiful Josh and Erin ❤️️❤️️
- Nisha Schweitzer: I just cried. 😭😭
- Melissa Minotti: I literally cried the first 5 seconds in. This is beautiful Josh!! Erin you have a lovely voice. Josh you are so brave and so strong. Keep on keeping on my dear. This is amazing!! Let those true colors show and keep healing!! ❤️️💚😘
- Lecia Willbanks: Your description in the drop down menu is truly beautiful and poignant!
- Vic Vic: The singing is awesome
- Ellie Richmond: 😭this is so good
- Cara Walker: Heather Perez he's posting every wednesday
- Jamie Barton: I'm sorry
- Ciara Castiglione: The reason why the majority of us come back to watch your videos and support you during any time is because we see your true colours. The majority of us don't pick sides between anyone and are here to support you until the end of time. The reason why I say 'the majority' is because there are always going to be haters no matter what anyone says or does. We all love you for the amazing person that you are we will forever be grateful for you sharing your story and your message. We hope you continue to find peace within yourself and just know that a lot of people love and support you.
- skids fishing: When you in the car with your family and you burst in tears while watching this
- Bexaboom: just saying he comes back to youtube finally and the only comments on his video aren't about how excited you all are that he is back. It's attacking Colleen and only talking about the divorce. Totally the thing he wants to read and hear all about. Everyone's saying how Colleen is selfish, but geez, she's not the only one you guys. Chill out and let him breathe.
- Rebecca Goslin: Josh that was great! I love that song and the way you sang it. Stay strong and be you you've been an inspiration to me and will continue to be ❤❤❤
- CuckooaliceASMR: I'm crying this is perfect and couldn't have been done more beautifully josh were so glad you're back and stronger than before you have your dingleberries and family beside you ❤️❤️ carry on being yourself because that's who we love ❤️
- Gia Xoxo: This made me cry😭 Stay strong josh we love you!
- what now: finally Joshua is back from his heartbroken self
- Hey Bee: just... wow...
- Timmy Marquez: Erin has a beautiful voice!!! OH MY GOD I LOVED IT! Its great to have you back Josh... we've missed you
- Zoey Gillpatrick: Erin is really good!!!
- Lizzie P: Eran Gabay if your going to insult someone at LEAST get your spelling straight. get off the internet dumbass, no offense.
- Megan L: that was absolutely beautiful and touching.. stay wonderful--both of you!
- IfyouBelieve: In the beginning. I thought this was aight but now I keep coming back over and over It's a deep and nice song
- Lololol Lololol: They both a really nice voice
- Natalie Skoczylas: when he started crying... oh my heart. 😓💙
- Freya Peavot: I hope colleen sees this...
- Rhonda Baker: I cried so hard
- Georgia Whittaker: im crying x
- Mark Reed: This is so much on repeat for me.. How did you guys get through this, how long did it take to film?? I would have lost my S### This is amazing and the words speak to me for my particular situation right now. I can't Imagine how you are dealing and I wish I could just give you a phone call.. I would answer if you called me. My problem "because I make everything about myself" I would answer.
- Níamh Duffy: Yours and Erin's voices sound beautiful together. Welcome back Josh ❤️
- MadPro: 4:20 vid length. Respect
- Adepe: I've watched this like 100 times! And now i know all the song!😄😍! and btw you shuld sing another song together!😘🙂
- Alia Khan: It’s been 2 years and I still cry.
- Saz: i lost it when josh started crying 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Christian Annette Longoria: I have nothing but love for you and your family Josh. I pray that you find your true happiness.
- Already Bored: He is back!!!!😁😚😁😁😁😂😂😂😂
- Quincey Sparks: I started crying. And I barely ever cry. This was so beautiful and I'm so happy that you took time to heal from this time Josh. We all love you so much please don't ever give up on yourself because we will NEVER give up on you. 💙✨🌹🌊
- Victoria EC: So proud of Joshua and Erin💕 so strong and amazing.
- Jakob Costello: This video makes me so emo and sad but I absolutely love it.
- georgia peach: Blessings!
- Meera Hussain: Physically I'm hurt But Emotionally I'm bruised But For Josh's voice I'm very happy But the pain in his eyes Broke me apart The tears in his eyes killed me But the fact that he's back Made my day ILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU JOSH
- Claire Lloyd: Lovely to see u back Joshua. Hope ur well. Sending a big hug to u xxxxxxxxxx
- V.L.D Famm: Yayyyy josh is back xx
- Kutiee's Krew: it would be awesome if Miranda was singing this song
- Heidi Mayana: 😢😢😢😢
- Hafeeza Baksh: I could feel your pain and that you're is hurting a lot just from that song.....i wish i had that courage in my own life to let go.. you will make it through this especially with such caring family...
- Random Subscriber: Erin Is Always There For Josh Look At Her She Held His Hand When He Began To Cry... And P.s YOU TWO ARE THE BEST SINGERS EVER SCREW TAYLER SWIFT AND WHATEVER!
- Melody Valentin: this is so beautiful! for those of you saying goes he should move on, they both been through a long relationship marriage and divorce and they connect so much to this song. relationships hurt no matter what and it never goes away it heals within time. I love this come back❤
- ang grilli: this is amazing and you're so lucky to have erin by your side. you two are brother and sister goals! keep your head up things can only get better <3
- Maddie Baker: Ani MM erin is so incredible!
- Delaney Walker: llysm Josh!!!😍😍😍😍
- Kaitey Chervenak: I love hearing siblings sing together, and you two are inspiringly beautiful ❤️
- Exploding Pancakes: I cried
- Dr Hornswaggle: Shit this just tore me apart .... beautiful
- ItsJames_ Mc: This amazing love you both So happy your back josh
- Artsy Hassan: Is it bad I kept on crying ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT, REPEATED LIKE 589303847553145 TIMES.
- Ice Wolf: cuppajess I already am
- Bryan Jovel: I got chills going up and down my body 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I'm so happy you're back.
- Daz Brown: You are both amazing and the bond yous have is something else, I wish you both all the love and happiness in the world
- Elizabeth Epperson: Why is it that josh is still hurt and Colleen isn't??? Like did she break up with him or
- Chasen Brown: Beyond Epic 👏👏❤️
- Amy Miller: Erin you are amazing, Josh you are amazing. Love you both x
- Bella S: this makes me want to cry
- chelsea whitfield: Erin you have a beautiful voice
- KelseyTheKhaleesi: I'm blown away, I love you both so much...Josh, my closest friend went through a divorce as well. He's not the same but he gets better all the time and you will too. My heart goes out to you Darling.
- Jacob Kent: Soo soo moving! I am crying! So beautiful!
- Kim Larocque: I am old enough to be a grandma! hahaha I am 51!! :)
- Skye Chapman: when Josh broke down it just 😥😥😥😥😖😩I can't talk Im just really crying still Josh don't worry your wonderful I love you and one day you will have the best relationship of your life and it won't go wrong not all relationships have to go down
- Bre: I wish none of this ever happened and things could go back to were they were happy and together
- Miss Maya: You just made me cry! So amazing♡♡♡
- Brooki eDew: The feeeels. Didn't expect to try cry going into this
- Soph B: That was absolutely beautiful josh
- Lila Carr: I missed you josh. It makes me so happy to see y'all sing! Stay positive josh! 😘
- TheUnicornQueen: When the color came and I saw they were crying I broke
- chris marie: I see a lot of strength in you, Josh. By expressing your emotions inspires me to be more honest with mine. ty
- Josephine Price: These two deserve to have all the happiness in the world. Such a beautiful song and I'm glad you and Erin have such a strong relationship. Keep making people smile, Josh. It's what you were born to do.
- Jess Esposito: lol why are all of you guys saying that josh needs to stop showing his emotions on YouTube? this is was his first video back since the divorce, he didn't even post anything regarding it
- Colleens Kittys: Why was Josh so sad what happened
- Emilio Cardenas: I love you Erin...Josh...get over it please...you have a whole life ahead of you...take control and move on...
- very good: Aya Jaber then he's a damn good actor give the man an Oscar
- naomi hayes: like wow
- Drama Tenor: I hear this cover with you guys in Barnes and noble and it's so good
- aquenita27: This is a beautiful rendition, thank you for making & sharing it. For myself, this year has been nothing but loss and pain from the get-go. It has shown me, however, who I can count on. Who will offer comfort and support, who will hold me up on days I cannot stand. I suppose, as much as 2016 has kicked me while I was down, it's a blessing in disguise. My best to you folks.
- Amanda Nolan: I'm at choir, but as soon as I get home I'm going to listen to this! So glad you're back, we all missed you so much. Love you 💙
- Maggie Gilin: It just doesn't seem fair that Colleen is getting over it so easily and then Josh's eyes just make me cry😢
- Kristina 1411: +MrMentalackack LEAVE THEM BE PLEASE
- Brooke Rose: How can this video have 49 dislikes. OMG
- Lauren R: their voices are absolutely beautiful
- Megan Atkins: It's in the description if you want s direct link xx
- Jillian Roppolo Jacobs: Well, Josh, not gonna lie, this one made me cry. This project was so well done, it peaked my curiosity, how much time did it take to shoot the video and how did it compare to the time it took to complete the editing process?
- Nana Torres: I was crying
- Hannah Cassidy: made me cry. so much feeling ❤❤❤ absolutely loved it!
- Paige Tillotson: He had 7 million and now only 1 million just really shows u who really cared about him and not just that he was popular
- Of The Gray Home: OKAY, who's cutting onions?!
- GracieFilms: Also, this video was beautiful and absolutely brought me to tears
- De todo un poco: 😢😢😢. He is suffering so much. And Colleen is like nothing. 😕
- Sam Northwood: this is beautiful!!!!
- Isuhhbelll: soooo good. love you josh! ❤️❤️
- Tiffa Alaniz: My heart breaks for you Joshua..
- The Wizard of Ros: Nope. I'm not crying. Seriously I'm not :,/ This was amazing, music is amazing in it's ability to let feelings flow. Welcome back Josh :)
- mighty kodakk: sweet
- Kate Elise: This is so beautiful! Your voice is incredible Josh
- Stacey Knight: This was beautiful Josh and Erin us dingleberries are always here for you
- Ahmed Khan: Is this for colleeen ?
- Miranda Lor: 2:30-2-:50 favorite part
- Veronnica Watson: Eran Gabay this comment makes you fat and ugly.
- Matthew Laverick: IM CRYING HAHA
- Angela Zhu: you don't know if she's having the time of her life or not because you're not Colleen, and you don't know what it's like to live her life. she just chooses to deal with sadness away from the camera and chooses to put happy content online because that's what she wants to do. just because she's smiling doesn't mean she's all recovered. you can't just tape/glue/staple a broken heart back because it takes time to heal and her way of healing is spending time with her family and friends and spreading happiness.
- Becca Rose: My heart😘❤️
- Ananya: I'm not going to blame anything on anybody. Joshua,You just have to know that I love you.Not just Me,millions of others too.You'll get through this, sooner or later. You're strong and brave, Don't forget that. And for other blaming colleen, everybody processes hurt differently. Just because you see 10-30 minutes of her life doesn't mean you know what she does the other 23.5 hours.Shut the hell up and don't be disrespectful.
- Angelica Cruz: This makes me so emotional.
- Emily Zeigerson: I'm crying!!! I love this so much
- P!nk Fayg0: Phan trash #1 You're Welcome 😊
- MissJane777: justina lamboi Actually, he's very skinny in person. If you want to judge his looks, this doesn't do justice because he's the farthest thing from anything but skinny and mega healthy. How do I know? Because I've met him very recently in person. Lay off of him. He's perfect the way he is.
- Jessica Hodges: Holy Sugar Honey Ice Tea erin!
- trisarahtops: MAN that was so beautiful!! You both have amazing voices & you can definitely feel the immense brother/sister love in this. <3
- Abagail Phoebe: Much love to you, Joshua. You own the heart of so many.
- Andrea: My heart aches for you, Josh. I don't even know you on a personal level and yet my heart aches for you. I started tearing up while listening to you and Erin sing such a beautiful rendition of a beautiful song. It's apparent to everyone that you're hurting so much right now and this video made me feel maybe a fraction of the pain you're going through. Josh, I've said this on videos of your before and you may not read this, but I want you to know that I have been and will continue to pray for you. I hope you find healing during this tough time. I hope both you and Colleen find the healing that each of you need in your lives.
- Arzo Aria: This is sooooo good
- z allayne: i never knew erin could sing😱 YOU SLAY GIRL
- Griselda Alfaro: Touched my heart <3
- TheBAM1579: This was so well done. Hoping you two have plans for more music, love your voices together.
- Ada Hall: 👏So beautiful and heart breaking😢💔. We love you Joshua 💗💗
- Chloe Smith: gosh darnit josh you made me cry
- Liliana Sanchez: Live goes on .. you're amazing dont forget that ❤️
- Erika Gamboa: I think this is my favorite version of the song already!!!
- Gummy Bear Lover: beautiful
- The Reaction Cousins: I LOVE THE SONG AND THEM,but when he broke down i felt sad
- Taylor Paris: So beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. 💔
- Luci Staff: 5 words: Sad beautiful intense inspirational amazing
- Weirdstufff 9001: Erin doesn't have an accent when she sings but it sounds cool
- Mariann Sawyer: The strength that you and Erin have and display is the most encouraging thing I have been able to witness. I love you both so much. Welcome back dingle king <3 Though, if you need more time, take all the time you need. Also Erin, I had no clue you also have a beautiful voice. Wow. May I request that you both do more covers together? Music heals. It is a very powerful thing. I am going through a very scary moment in my life right now, and it is where I take refuge in. This cover helped. So thank you.
- Tyler Hutchens: Not going to lie, I shed some tears. This was really moving
- Ella Jessriel: PLease dont cry you are tearing me apart I wanna die
- Haley Sullivan: Queen Oneekah - I started crying too
- Bitsy13Night Stars: this song is sad but it cheerd me up cuz my ant is going to get married agin and i dont want her to so thank you
- Momma Bubbly: Love it💜
- A. Dore: Erin's voice wowowowowoowowow
- Emily Cronan: I cried so hard. This was so beautiful. Welcome back Josh, and thank you Erin for taking over, you are truely wonderful! Keep your head high and smile hard!
- Melaney K: I'm crying omg that is so beautiful I hope he is feeling better I wish him all the best I still love you Joshua huges and kisses <3 bring happiness to the world
- Faith Johnson: This honestly is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and heard. It made me cry. Going through my family being torn apart and having no dad and living off of nothing, this helps me a lot. I love you both so much and so many people support you and love you both. I wish you both the best in life because that's what you deserve. 💙
- Jordan Potter: This genuinely choked me up. Very beautiful Josh and Erin.
- Megan Holly: This honestly breaks my heart
- ke: honestly Colleen's video seemed like she was acting, fake crying it did not seem genuine. she moved forward so fast, yes its fucking true she left josh for her fucking gayass show, miranda is the most annoying character ever i don't understand why the fuck she would waste her time on that shit. i believe colleen is a good person but she's just blinded and shes being selfish.
- Eva Edwards: STOP
- Angel Yang: sung beautifully...💜
- flufferduff007: omg this was incredible. the most emotion ive ever seen in a video.
- Rosie 37: just beautiful,👏 love it! made me cry. you will get through this horrible time Josh, stronger then ever. hugs from Michigan💖
- Erika Gutierrez: Panda Palooza his soon to be ex wife
- Ariana Asbury: I'm not crying... I just, uh... I'm just sweating, that's including my eyes... That's all.
- Maya Wallace: Cried😭 love you Josh I hope you find happiness
- Joseph D: Erin is so good!
- Mia Doyle: You are both really talented I hope everything is ok because you are just amazing That goes for everyone ❤️💛💚💙💜❣️💕💞💓💝💘💖💗
- McKenna Murphy: Welcome back Josh!
- Claire Leever: I felt his pain through this video. It's so interesting to see how differently you and Colleen are coping and getting through this. Love you Josh, I will always support you! Glad to have you back! ❤️
- no name: Beautiful.
- Ali: Colleen moved on, she's happier! Stop hating on her. In my opinion, this video is just too dramatic... well, Josh in general...
- Pandalicious: She is great at singing, you should add her to most of your Cover songs...and also sorry about the divorce..
- Brittney Whelihan Irwin: Perfect words description too. I don't even have anything else to say. Amazing.
- Brooke Bowers: You and Erin should keep making songs! Your voices harmonize so well! Anyone who disliked this video is crazy and I think this moment in your life brought you and Erin so much closer.
- Bree Wemple: beautiful video Josh, I'm glad your back ❤
- Sharon Diepeveen: wow.... just wow
- littlebird96: Cyndi would LOVE this!
- Lindsey P: I never comment or like a video on YouTube, but this was beautiful in so many ways.
- AllowUsB.: Stay Strong❤️❤️
- Mia George: This is beautiful ❤️ wasn't expecting erîñ oh my gosh love you both
- J:)CKSYVV: This just made me cry...
- Mini Aphmau: I heard this song at Barnes and Nobel today. I almost cried...which was bad because I was buying the Capitol out of legos
- Samantha Ramos: awwww u poor josh I just wanna go in the screen and hug u forever
- OoF oOf: I was there from the start i really feel like a part of the family this song was so beautiful I cried and I'm so glad josh is back!!!!!!!😢💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤
- bucky barnes: this is racist
- Megan Schofield: Omg! I'm sobbing, Josh I've missed you so much. I'm so happy your back. Your dingleberries will always be here supporting you. Your amazing and I love you 😭🎈❤️☺️
- Liat Radetsky: Welcome back Joshua ❤️
- Grace Davis: Josh your voice is amazing. You will get through this. We love you and support you. Your life will be happy again (:
- Karina Yumi: my heart.
- Jade: erin is so good!!! i didnt even know she sang at all!!! she should do covers more often.
- Derek.cao: lyshia rodrigues why would that be mean😂😂
- Lexi Weiss: love u!
- Liz: I Love it that you guys are matching 😍 & this such a beautiful song I loved it
- Ashlyne Piro: It feels so good to see josh again and I hate to see him sad😰
- Haileigh Simpson: OMG I'm literally in tears😭 Josh, we are so happy to have you back and I am fully supportive of what you're going through❤ even though I am only 13 and my parents have never split up before I still understand your pain and wish nothing but the best for not only you and not only Coleen but everyone going through this😊 God bless.
- THE3MAINS: I think I broke down the replay button 😢 but I cried when I saw Joshua break down 😭😭
- Abby Stone: This played in Barnes & Nobles today. I almost started crying in the store
- Jessica Amor Dulce: I love you! <3
- Elizabeth Williams: It makes me so angry seeing comments taking sides. There is no side. It was two people in a bad situation. There is no bad person and they both deserve our support. So we need to support them both as separate people.
- Jasmine Wickham-Green: I literally cannot stop watching this, constantly singing this song now! My 4 year old asked me "why is he so sad" such a raw personal video. I cant get enough of it <3
- Mads Mo: JOshhhhhhh Omg You dont need collen your such a beautiful person inside and out.I love you soooo much and cant wait to watch more of your videos!!!!!
- Alyssa Morgan: Bengals nahh bro u just dragged it
- anna marie: I missed u glad ur back!
- AshleaY: I love you, Josh. Stay strong and heal with each passing day. We are all rooting for you. ❤️
- amor macayan: Please fight for colleen!!! fight for your love !!! :(
- sarah shuster: The emotion and heart and pureness in this video is just shattering! It's beautiful and real and I have so much love for you both, especially you Josh! xoxo you are an amazing man! Hang in there!
- April Graham: So sad! My heart goes out to you both!!
- Jason Cavazos: Thought this was a Kesha and Kedd cover. Also for all you fucks bashing Colleen for being "happy", shut up. She didn't plan this from the start. So her feelings went away, what did you want her to do? Keep going with the marriage even though she wasn't happy? She had to do what was best for her, and he wasn't it. Get over it. If he wants to post a video of him crying, he can. If she wants to post a video about her having fun, she can. He's hurting but he'll heal. Colleen has every right to be happy like he does.
- Ashlyn Threatt: Josh, keep on going I know you are in a lot of pain right now. and wow Erin what a voice!!!
- lyshia rodrigues: guys look whom I commented it for
- Dezh22: I know that life is shitty for everyone involved in the divorce (and probably will be for a while) but this is my favorite song that Josh has done...!
- luz quintero: so beautiful made me cry, hosh i hope you get over it soon
- Sarah D: I love this soooooo much better then the original
- gracie panda: anyone else feel this is for colleen 😭😭😭😭😭
- Alyce Baird: Very pretty guys
- Erica Tram: like if you agree
- Whitney G: Loved this so much.. I'm crying... Ya'll are awesome!
- Maia Yokoi: I missed you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Steve G: It's time to let go and show happiness. Be relevant, make peace and we will enjoy your new life with you. Me and my familyI respect you and enjoy who you are
- Vinz Trebor: Vicky Laithwaite No one has the right to judge someone in such a cruel way. I don't know where you're coming from but I hope you understand that people deal with pain and heartbreak in many different ways. There is a lot that we dont see behind the camera. Colleen is a very strong person and she always has her friends and her sister around to make her even stronger. I admire both of them, but Josh is acting like he's the victim here. I'm not taking sides, don't get me wrong. I know it hurts for him a lot more, but they were in this relationship together and only they know what was really going on. Only they know how it feels. For all we know, Colleen was forced to go on YouTube to promote her show because of Netflix. Horrible timing, yes but that doesn't mean she's not hurting and I hope we all understand. Peace ✌🏼️
- Akatet 13: This Made Me Cry.
- danjames819: Yay Josh we missed you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
- CindyGVideos: Like other people commented this brought me to tears. This is a beautiful rendition and knowing the background makes it even so much more emotional. I will be sharing it with my own two grown children because it shows how much a brother and a sister need each other. No one knows you better than your siblings. It is so great that Erin was there to help you through your tough time Josh. Glad you're back can't wait til you can make us laugh because it will be good to see you laugh.
- Pyscho Sketcher: My hurts so much I like when we see them cry
- Alyssa Dey: Brooke Jacobs amen
- Shannon Daly: every single time i watch this i cry
- Trinny 567: Did this make anyone else cry like a baby too????
- 켈시: Abigail Network same
- Jael Said: this was very touching and is very amazing Joshua you have greatness in you this is simply amazing Erin Elyse thank you for bringing josh back i love both of you a lot if you love them a lot comment wewillstandbyyou
- Kristine Braddy: I rarely comment on videos but this was truly gorgeous. I was amazed
- Nat’s Life: hi i love this it has made my day i am 11 but i love this song so much so all i can say is thank you'
- valerie skrak: This is so beautiful❤
- Shannon Daly: im crying literally
- boogeronmyfinger: I love this so so so much!!!! Great work Josh & Erin!
- Sydney Pieper: Erin is so amazing
- Sarah o: we love you Josh 💗
- mommiesblessing5: beautiful! You both sound so good together. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts of your voices.
- RAISING TWINS !: ughhhhhh 😭 chin up Josh you will get through this oxoxox
- Creative Confident: I love u
- jme: I’m not crying, you’re crying. 😭😭😭😭
- Kristina Sutherby: This is beautiful ❤️ thanking for taking your pain and turning it into something that can touch other people. It's incredibly brave.
- Wowza Pop: Laughter Life Clevver News 😒
- AnonNonnyMouse: Either someone's cutting onions or I'm allergic to something. Dang.
- Lizbeth Zamora: Both of you guys have beautiful voices this song is amazing couldn't hold my tears back. We love you Joshua be strong you will always have our love and support
- TheDolphingirl20: TwoAgainstFive she also went through a divorce
- justina lamboi: HollyWould777 I don't mean anything bad I was just saying, he looks like he gain weight to me but I don't mean anything bad , peace okay.
- Serenliv X: That is absolutely beautiful 😭😭😻💜
- emgirl517: Well I'm a sobbing mess at this moment..... <333333
- Glitterpop785: Josh is always amazing! But Erin! You Angel!
- Brenna: good lord no one is even talking about the actual video. when is the internet going to realize that it is not our business what happened in their relationship. Neither colleen nor josh need your criticism. leave them and their relationship alone.
- na.london.: Watching this every now and then, just so beautiful.. Wish this version was on spotify
- Shamsisnothere: not hating but 427 people must have been colleen fans or trolls
- Hannah Borko: I was fine up until it changed from black and white to color and then I lost it.
- Teea Hietala: Love this! Loads of virtual hugs 😘
- Nikkita Robinson: beautiful!
- Sam N.: I'm not sure who these people are but just saw a few of his video clips. With all the things he's going through, divorce, accusation of being gay. I can only imagine his pain and sadness. I came out when I was 21 after my divorce. It was the hardest thing I had to do. Josh, keep your head up. Happiness is just a mile away. Drive to it.
- KristyLeigh: And.. this is why she feel in love with you as a young man but you STAYED this way obviously. Geez
- Chloe Rarity: cannot wait for more Josh video's please make more music videos
- Az4angela: Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!
- Cindy Mae: You can really see the pain in his eyes :'(
- KaGamer123: He probably moved cus he got shocked from the sudden sound that came out of no where
- Joanna R: I cried before they started, this is so beautiful.
- Angelic Firefly: Just wow.. That was truly beautiful.. So much emotion.. I cried with you both.. Love you guys so so much.. ♥♥♥
- Cirno Baka: ;'(
- Kinch Garth: I can't help thinking that this duet might have been planned for both Josh and Colleen.... #TrueColorsHasBeenShown
- Ayla: Bugar Jones thank you man, I don't get why I'm not allowed to have my opinion and everybody else getting mad at my comment is, it's ridiculous but miranda/Colleen fans are just standing by the "be nice" while they aren't being nice to me or anyone who agrees with me. It's a double standard and I didn't even say anything but josh is going to be happier because he's love oriented, that brings the most happiness. So everyone pissing at me can just cool it. Thank you again for backing me up.
- Kaeli: This gave me goosebumps... So good! Glad to see you back... You were missed! ❤️😘❤️
- Misstuffy2 Tuffs: Dang never knew Erin could sing & JOSH IS BACK
- OhhMyAnnie: This is absolutely beautiful! I bawled my out 😭 Definitely subscribing to Erin now! Also, any of the hateful negative comments on this video, ignore them. I know you're an adult and realize not to take them too seriously, but I've learned from experience that negative words durning a hard time can just add on to the weight of it all. "Time heals almost everything. Give time some time."
- Ellen Weir: So beautiful <3
- Ryann Riley: I hate when he Cry's it makes me sad
- Emma Suplizio: I'm not crying you're crying
- Brynlee Carlson: I'm sending all the love in my heart to you, Josh. I hope you're doing okay <3 I love and miss you bunches.
- Rowan Meyer: love you josh welcome back we all love you so much!!!! 😢
- tess gillies: So glad your back💖💖
- Soumili Basak: i know that everyone has opinions regarding this divorce- colleen seems too happy, josh needs to suck it up, etc. but guys, we're doing the exact thing they told us not to do .... please stop picking sides, and let this be something that is between husband and wife ya. let's use this section to show josh some love instead!!! keep pushing through josh- you'll be happy again one day.
- Patota blue: Been replaying this the entire day. Never failed to cry each time. I dont know why, but I'm very emotionally attached to the story behind this song, especially since Josh and Erina re the ones singing this...
- Zoe McIntosh: This is 500th time listening to this.
- CaseyBrinleeMusic: So, so beautiful!!!! The raw, authentic representation of two people who've experienced the same situation, come together, and resurface stronger than before. Josh, you are an amazing person, and don't forget that! You've survived, and will continue to thrive throughout your life, because you have your family by your side, especially your sister Erin. You've been blessed with a wonderful sister who took on the responsibility of filming videos for your channel to give you time to process what you've been through. I've enjoyed her videos, and had no idea she could sing! She has such an incredible voice!! Your harmonies are perfect and yet, so simple. I love the song, "True Colors", so thank you, and y'all are such an integral part of my life, your videos share a message, and that is what is important: to shed a light, YOUR LIGHT, to the world, and you are doing just that. I applaud you for gathering the strength to create a beautiful masterpiece of a song. You're getting through this, one day at a time. I'm proud of you! ❤️😗 I've learned that life has to break us in order to create a new beginning or a new self. So, this is a new beginning, and I am here to support you! Love you Josh and Erin!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ P.S. - I already subscribed to Erin's channel and watched her 1st video. Congrats Erin!!! 👏😊
- Arianna Holguin: Did anyone else cry like a baby??? AMAZING
- Veronica Perez: Such a beautiful song! I hope you find your inner peace through your darkest times Josh.
- Vlad S.: не стоит раскасать, все наладится)
- Seneca Hill: Beautiful song Erin and Josh, hope you both are doing well ❤️❤️ the healing process is slow but sure.
- Aleena Aneela: sheela monjardin everyone has a different way of grieving.
- mylifeasavery13 13: raybans&suntans ' agreed
- Gillian Riley: HES BACKKKKK YAS
- Kelly Pribble: Okay I just cried my eyes out I love u sooo much
- I'm just me: wow!
- Anna O'Brien: I guess I'm heartless but I just felt like this was a tad dramatic
- Courtney Anderson: they were both crying and now I am crying
- JuneKitly: Why don't you just get back together. Ugh full of hope here 🙋🏽
- Taylor Law: I literally started crying
- Emma Leigh: 💚🎈
- Kamryn Greer: I'm not crying there's just something in my eyes
- LEXI THE DANCER: zatia noxanet I'm the same cause sometimes it's addicting
- Yanni The Unicorn: Don't worry guys,all the dingelberrys are here to support you and help you get through this
- Tapprincess45: Stay Strong Josh! 💪🏻😍
- Kylie Adams: ha the videos 4:20 long!
- Tiffany Lu: Guys please dont leave hate. Josh is going through slmething sad right now and you guys are attacking both colleen and josh with hate. The reason they divorced was so they could go their own seperate ways. If you guys leave hate, it shows that you clearly are making them even more unhappy because in their videos about the divorce they clearly said it would break their heart even more if you leave hate.
- Peyton Jenkins: That was incredible❤️
- savannah strickland: I've been waiting for those blue eyes💜
- Liz_ 420: 💖💖💖
- Hannah Ballard / TheMakeupCatt: WE LOVE YOU, JOSHUA. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lada Zakharova: You two are very nice people:) Love u two! Btw, Im so happy that you are back, Josh:) Hope you feel better;)
- Andrea figueroa: YASS
- Kaci Smith: Erin sort of sounds like the orphan Annie new version
- Daphnetjuh: ❤️
- Katie: Stay strong Josh,I know I may seem like there is no moving on from this but you will find happiness again someday, and you need to use people like Erin who are your lights to guide you there.In life we have many soulmates and yes of course Colleen was one, and although it feels like she was the only one, she wasn't, I truly hope you will realise that. Love you josh, stay happy and think positively💙💙
- Nikki Hampson: I was reading the title and I honestly thought this is going to be awful but I swear to god I was wrong 👎 um your sister is a shineing singer she should go on all the singing shows u need to do more songs with your sister xx
- Angie2283: Joshua can you release this song on iTunes? I would love to purchase this song.
- Alyssa Clarke: I am so so so so so happy u are back we miss u so much love u and Erin so much
- Nikkita Long: Actually cried watching / listening to this! I truly feel so sorry for josh, he did not deserve any of this at all he truly has a heart of gold. He deserves someone a thousand times better than colleen, someone who treats him with respect and actually makes him eternally happy just like he should be right now. 😢 what a beautiful cover 💔
- Caroline MCCarty: Why is it a sad video 😔
- Achazzy !: I guess colleen didn't have true colors? (srryyyy I luv you josh)
- tiffany wilkins: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- Ani VB: WE LOVE AND MISS YOU JOSH💗💗💗💗💗 PS : love both of the vocals
- Leanne McGowan: This was so full of emotion I am literally balling my eyes out.
- Brittani Davis: This video is absolutely amazing, Josh! I can't imagine the pain that you're going through but I admire how hard you work even in your darkest days. I know that to you, we are strangers. But to us, you are our friend. And we're all wishing you the best and a life full of happiness. I admire you! ❤️❤️
- Brenda Gomez: erin voice!!!!! 😍😍😍😍
- Skinny Penguins: CHILLS DOWN MY SPINE ❤️❤️
- Jakob Costello: Erin has a voice!!!
- Sydney Collins: i'f i could i would like it a million times xx
- Natty Bean: If he wants to see her happy then I'm sure he would be happy to see she isn't spending time being sad in front her fans because he knows her fans are his fans and he wouldn't want this to tear him,her, or us apart. I'm sure she's still having a rough time,she just isn't putting it on display
- olivia: I'm not crying I promise
- Elizabeth Brookes: I had just finished my make-up. I'm unimpressed with the fact you made me cry. I love you Josh. I'm gonna go grab my ukulele and go see my brother this weekend.
- Brittany Butler: Thank you for pouring out your hearts into this. I cannot speak for anyone else, but my heart goes out to you both - to Colleen, to everyone. You're all hurting and I hope you all find peace and strength from your family and friends. I too send my love to you all. <3
- Poppy’s Corner: Love you josh you have the best voice 😍 I am so happy you're back 😘💙 stay strong joshua 💪💪
- Teresa Mercado: Omg I'm in love with this song
- Anna Williams: this was so cringy. I love josh and his sister and I know he's still going through a hard time, but wow
- mirren kerr: this is really beautiful nearly crying love it xxx
- Gillian Brooks: You inspire me! I love u!
- Sandra Kane: A beautiful song with such profound words. I found your vlog when you announced the end of your relationship. I just wanted to give you a big hug and a shoulder. I sadly know that pain. I live in a loveless marriage ( a prison so to say) for the sake of our disabled child. I know this pain seems like it will never go away. I live it daily but your beautiful song reminded me that my suffering is so worth it for my child. For you, the pain will get less, you'll heal and go on. In what way no one knows but you will go on and the cloudy days will turn to sunshine. Just look in your heart for those " true colors" I do everyday. TY for sharing your beautiful voice.
- Lisbeth Minchala: Sooo wise 😍
- Tami Sharoni: OMG
- audrey bates: emmi angelina thANKs
- Michalina Smydra: whoever disliked this hasn't got a heart😑
- Megan Dring: i cried when they both broke down, i love this song. it reminds me of when i was younger ad what i went through. i love thir version of it the best. xx
- Zozenbean Fangirl: OMG JOSH IM SO SORRY RIGHT NOW IM CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Rachel Odle: loobie's channel678 SAME
- Ro: kaci mckayla this song was in the movie but it was the short version in the movie and this song isn't by Joshua, it's by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick (btw I watched the movie 17 times lol)
- Labiba Hossain: This is so pure and so beautiful. I love this and I love you both.
- SARAHMB17: Absolutely beautiful!! Glad you're back and glad to see you have an amazing supportive sister by your side! You can make it through anything! Smile- you're alive! God Bless
- Nína Sørensen: amen
- gabrysia: It's sad how Josh cares about the whole situation and Collen behaves as nothing ever happened. I mean, the point is not that they have to worry about it all the time but Collen really surprised me
- Indi chilby: i love them they are amazing
- Rebeckah Arriola: The pain in his eyes is killing me I can't stop crying
- Livlifes: YOUR BACK!!!!!
- Duha Amasha: Ok colleen fans, this is Josh's way of showing his sadness or maybe letting it all out/go. Please show him some respect and stop saying that this masterpiece video is over the top or so dramatic! Gosh
- Dang dlr: joshua 😢
- funkuchen2: strange profil pic.
- Ridha Mohamed: He's not himself anymore i hope we can help him get through this...
- Jasminehope_ Love: Aw my heart! You never deserved this, God has a plan.
- aubrianna braddy: I'm NOT crying my eyes out
- Sarah Schofield: If only they weren't siblings, they would be a great couple tbh
- Adepe: This song is so beautiful! And you sing beautifull. you shuld.sing another song together!😄🤔
- Ruthee Dewald: You two harmonize so sweetly. Love you
- courtneys life: I said I wouldn't cry but I did
- Sameera Faizy: His voice 😍😍😍😍
- Sydney Offerdoll: I love josh.
- lindsey Marie: I love this made my day!
- Jordyn xo: this made me cry oml
- Craig Thompson: awesome. can I use this in my video project on Facebook. please let me know. thanks.
- Crazy Christmas: Josh please come back 😭
- jada phillips: pause at 3:18 lol
- Hannah Doran: I absolutely love this💙 I love you josh and stand behind you. I hope that you continue to heal and are able to find your light again. Just know that prayers are coming your way. Surround yourself with those who love and value you (which I know you have done). Take all the time you need. I, and many others, will be right here for you when you get back. Much love❤️
- Ashley Michaels: beautiful! lots of love to you both!!!
- evie_35: It's been so long and everytime I see this I still cry
- Rhianna Priestley: That was beautiful loved it
- Freja Lindskog: My favorite video on youtube.
- Aaliyah Mercer: im happy to see josh again
- Gamergirl15: I wish this is on Spotify so I can listen to it on repeat and cry
- RosesareRed38: Miriam Rodriguez no it's spouse and family THEN career. Also they were married for such a short time you shouldn't rush a divorce. You should only divorce if it's really serious. Her excuse was petty.
- CrystalArtJewelry: SAME
- missC Smith: i break down every time i listen to this
- banannabelles: That was incredibly beautiful...I'm regretting doing my makeup right before watching this.
- Luciana Sulpizi: I'm crying
- Ava Rivera: It's ok Josh
- Sam Kanterman: yes
- Yvonne Murphy: This almost made me cry
- yareli juarez: Andrea ! dang
- Jessica Ramirez: This shows me that your ready for a new life wondering all of the life and full of the people maybe make you feel so small but it's ok because your perfect the wayyyyyy you are and no June can change that I SEE YOUR TRUE COLOURS AND THATS WHY I LIVE YOUR CHANNEL YOUR TRUE COLOURS ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE A RAINBOW!!!! Beautiful.... Forget about the past this is the future this is the present this is life it'll happen but just never forget I'm here for you! :)
- Emma Rose: Yay!!! He's back!
- reilli byrd: +Kati Hendry I wasn't saying that it isn't OK to believe wat you wanna believe u said that and I was arguing with that
- Kelsea Whiting: this brought me to tears!
- Eloise Hutchinson: this was beautiful
- tyler 09: Josh and Erin, this is actually so amazing!! i didn't know what to expect for your first video back but this was as both impressive and emotional as possible. I'm so glad you're back and that Erin will also be making videos in the future. It may be hard to come away from this Josh but no matter what happens I believe you can move past it and find a new light in your life. Keep on living and don't be afraid to show your true colors... cause they're beautiful like a rainbow :D🎈
- Kirsten Victoria: 💖💖💖💖 hugssssssssss
- Haitann: Aaah, I teared up immediately. I hope you're ok Josh. This was so beautiful, and you two sound so amazing together. Wish you both the best<3 You deserve happiness
- TheDolphingirl20: niggasjit it was a mutual decision
- Goosy Gaming: I love Erin so much I cant
- • yeet •: Erin is such a good singer
- Saskia Lawler: Meanwhile Colleen is doing *yet another* stupid and boring chip tasting video as if she hasn't a care in the world.
- The Lancasters: I cannot tell you go many times I've watched this since Josh posted it! And every time it's in the recommended under a video I watch it again lol. I seriously just love it!! Oh and I cry every time as well...
- Quinn the Unicorn: Great job
- Hannah Fiveash: This literally means so much to me. I love this song. I want to play this at my wedding. lol
- jozie: the harmony between your voices gave me chills😭👏🏻😍 sibling goals
- Saralynn Myers: I love it so Much welcome back
- Will Katartzis: I'm sorry
- Kye Wells: I listen to this every morning and night, your so inspiring. I hope your heart gets filled with love and support from your friends and family.
- ASMR - Makailyn: My *dad left me
- LilyMay: I wasn't physically or mentally prepared going into this
- Libby Gwartney: I never knew Erin could sing so well!!
- Brynn Wright: He sounds just like Justin Timberlake
- Claire McGuinness: I don't know who put onions in my room but my eyes are so red but this song is so beautiful and I put the divorced thing aside because I'm still going to support both of you and make sure that I don't think any different of you guys even though there is a big bump in the road. I love you to them moon and back
- Henry Alfonso: Meanwhile the C is having the time of her life. happier than ever. No tea no shade, all tea all shade.
- Dylan Valdez: I wonder where josh lives
- lissajoy4: Josh you are an amazing person and you deserve nothing but happiness. Im so glad your back but i hope you are truly ok please dont feel like you have to come back if your not ready yet. Take care of yourself josh we all love you here.
- Equestrian 572: We missed you Josh!!❤️
- Ella .B: JOSH IS BACK!!!!!
- Lola Lara: I love you josh! As I do Colleen too! I wish this wasn't so hard for you guys! I hope everything gets better! Erin, your a great sister! And you did a great thing by being there for josh and being a big help while he goes through this! Love ya both so much!
- Brittany Olson: Love how you turned hurt into art, you guys sound awesome, and Josh you are amazing and you are LOVED😘
- David Parker: ❤️😻❤️😊☺️😊☺️❤️❤️😻🐶😎☺️☺️
- Bailee Marie: His jaw has widened, idk I think I need glasses 😂
- HB Honeybunny: Seeing u guys crying made me have a face full of tears. I really want to support and hope that u and may find your true love!
- Ange Blake: dont worry josh we are here to and i cryed too when watching this i feel so bad for him ): we love u josh like if u agree
- Kristin Alexander: Inspiring to see something so beautiful result from such heart ache ❤️ wishing you nothing but the best.
- ella hager: This reminded me of Caleb lablonc's death and he was from bratayly and I so dearly miss him💜
- xx_Kayla13_xx x: This is beautiful josh and Erin
- Thelifeofshellyyy: You two :( This is beautiful xx
- Maren Wallace: My middle name is elise and Erin's middle name is elyse. My name is maren her name is Erin
- Shookus Pookus: Litterly cried😭😭it was beautiful❤️my birthday was yesterday and this is the best gift ever😍
- Colleen Malvina: I'm not crying, my eyes are just dusty
- Yo yo yo My name is joe: 2nd time I watched this and I'm still crying
- Angela L: Praying for you! You'll get through this 😊❤️
- snowflake__kisses: I literally just burst into tears. 😭😭😭😭 Josh I love you so much. And I love Colleen too. I'm so sorry to about what you buys have been going through. 😭😭😭😭
- Elly Dydekova: This is beautiful beyond words!
- Nicole Montana: no my heart :(
- Marnie Shat: OMG the channel description!!!! Just @ her next time lol
- Callie T: I understand that people cope differently, as do many of the people who have commented on your video, but the way you Josh have handled it shows your kind and loving heart. I'm not going to stop supporting either of you. I've enjoyed both your videos as well as Colleen's for a long time. I loved seeing you two, happy together; but things are always different out of the public eye. Know that there are still people here who want to show you their love and support. We're here for you always. Much love.
- Layla Livingstone: they both have a butifull voice x
- Dorothy Carson: ✌️🙏🏻👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌🏾️
- AshleyK Marks: I love Erin's high tops I didn't know she wore them
- Katherine Bessire: Beautiful
- Esther Park: This is about Colleen
- Rebecca Elder: This really hits me because my brother has always been my favorite person and he’s always there when I need him. This love between siblings is so beautiful.
- Ersin Ilbay: Erin is an incredible sister. Joshua is an incredible brother. this is so important
- Lv _hawkins: Erika Lambe he is amazing at singing xx
- Bethany Lammers: Tenth time watching and cried everytime. Love you both and I am having you in my prayers everyday.😃 stay happy and be nice to people and you know it will be ok.
- Lauren Bazid: I'm not crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- erubisantiago1: People need to stop making everything about Colleen. It ain't about her anymore so please keep her name out of this channel. They're done, he's coping, move on. Thank you.
- Anna O'Brien: um yeah you don't know me or my views on divorce. I take divorce very seriously being as how my mom has been through it and I know how painful it is. also I left a comment when the divorce videos came out saying I wish they would try harder to stay together, so maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions or make assumptions :). obviously their both hurting but he can handle to make a video right after their breakup without sobbing (yes I know he did tear up) but a month later your telling me he cant get through a music video without looking like hes going to have a break down and then sobs at the end. I believe he is hurting but he was obviously being over dramatic for the video, its called acting.
- Shaya Gavin: i'm crying so hard
- Chloe Madison: Mykenzi Bellin SAME!!!!!
- Jennifer1216: Um nope I think of Joshua 😂
- Mackenzie Crane: Beautiful. ❤️
- Bridget In Wonderland: powerful stuff. brought me to tears
- laarxxxx: 💔❤️
- talia michaela: 💕💜💕 such a beautiful song. you can hear the pain as you sing, but you also hear strength. Self care is so important especially now. I have a great comforting words.... we will experience many loves. some of the loves will make you feel different. but be patient, your true love.... it's out there. you will find it again.. all I can do is watch ur videos and leave nice, caring and super comments. I'm so sorry for what you're going through
- Rachel Kim: I love this so much... Erin is such a good sister.
- Vania Nyarko: Beautiful song . best duet ever
- paige candy: I cried
- BetyBenz: Good luck Josh
- Brenna underwood: Y'all are amazing. Welcome back, Josh!!!
- Eliana 22: 20 seconds into the video and I'm crying 💔
- Jasmin Perez: Hailey Clark same
- Mia Rannells: 💛
- Emma: I love you guys ❤️😢
- Joya Luna: This was beautiful ❤️😇
- Jayla Hunter: Bravo encore I can't stop crying that was beautiful
- Elli Kirkpatrick: Beyond proud of you Joshua. It's great to have you back. Keep being an amazing person and don't be afraid to be you.
- Ruby Shallom: Erin's voice is amazing as is yours josh xxxxx
- Rachel Hasson: Love you guys so much!!! Kisses and hugs from Israel 😘😘
- Aoife Browne: welcome back Josh!❤❤❤
- Grace Coady: welcome back Josh we missed you and hope your doing well and will walk with you every step of your recovery 😁☺❤❤❤
- Cece: Josh. Just know that all of us will always be here to support you and Erin. We love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Macy R: Stay strong buddy. :,(
- Cheryl Smith: This was so beautiful! Hang in there Josh! Erin, you have a pretty voice! I would love to see you both sing more duets.
- Kate-Lyn Hughes: Beautiful!! I love this so much!! Josh I am so glad you have Erin at your side!!
- Cecilia Penso: I AM NOT CRYING, OK?! Josh, little dear, I wish I could hug you so bad. I know you heard this already, but I know exactly what you're going through. Please, stay strong. Love from Italy.
- Jenna Moody: I'm you want to get married let me know! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Mariah Calvert: Colleen's missing out yo
- StEpH ZeChEl: this is so sad :(
- Peighton Beacom: This is the best song ever!! I loved this song since I heard of it!!
- Aimee Smith: He looks like a broken man, so sad. ☹️
- kim w: Wow such a beautiful song, such a beautiful cover, such beautiful people. I paused the song in the middle to read the discription and the line 'she truely is a light in my life' got me. This song was so emotional. I felt the tears. Not only sad tears but also happy tears about the beautiful relationship Brothers and sisters can have. It's inspiring. You're lucky to have eathother and jeremy ofcourse. I find this the most beautiful cover you've ever made. Your voice was so pure and true. A lot of respect for Erin for doing this, and doing a great job! That is, like you said very brave. I wish you peace, light, happiness and strength 🌠 Xx kim And your dingleberries 🍒
- Lauren Wrigley: it's so wonderful to see your face josh
- Ellie R.V: I wish I had my mom to cheer me up but she's gone
- mzchristinaz: This is so sweet and heartfelt.. I keep coming back to watch/listen. <3
- mahisha Probha: He's gone fat
- Gretten Vaga: it's so painful for me...a strager....couldn't imagine what they felt 😭😭❤❤
- Elicia Medina: Omg 😭😭
- Ragan Wilson: THE HIGHTOPS!
- Gabby Arianna: I'm glad I haven't started putting my makeup on yet I'm legit about to cry because this is just beautiful and inspiring! Josh glad to see your face and I'm so glad you have someone so supportive like your sister she always has your back I know what that's like I'm close to my sister I will probably come back and listen to this over and over
- Becca T.: please tell me im not the only one who cried
- Emma Johnson: LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCH!! <3<3<3
- Sonia Cox: Josh...so many feels. So so beautiful. So proud of you and how you are handling your life. This was incredibly moving. Thank you for finding and expressing such love despite your pain and keeping it real. Much love from Alaska.
- jaslynn: hey! this song is from trolls 🤣
- Molly Quinn: This is by far my favourite song ever sung by u two I never knew Erin was so so so good at singing I already knew u were though josh stay strong everyone is hear for you xx lysm
- Sarina Donahue: Im not crying its just been raining out 😭😭
- Meghan Quinlan: amazing to see you back Josh! I know things don't feel right right now but there is a light at the end of every tunnel. Keep on leaning on those who love you most, they will see you through. I've been divorced 10 years and everyone's story is different but I can definetely empathize with you. you have a lot of love around you.
- Sharon farbarova: 😢😢😢😢
- Lizzie S.: I cried so bad. Hate when people hurt. Awe so precious. My heart...love the come back Joshua.
- Kadee Hallett: I love you so much! This made me cry! It will get easier! Stay strong ❤️❤️❤️
- Ameen Shahid: This song is sooo beautiful erin and josh make such a good duet! Love love love this song!
- Olivia Tunnell: This was so touching!
- Empowered April: 100% support and love
- monica palafox: This made me really cry.. I lost my brother almost 10 years ago, and he was the best big brother ever.. we had such a loving relationship and he is still getting me through the hard times.. I hope you start to feel like yourself soon. But let yourself be supported through this hard time.. that's what family is for.. 😘❤️❤️❤️😍
- Lyndsee Hope: Joshua we love you so much and I'm excited that your back!!!🎈🎈❤️
- Abbie D: thank you for this it was beautiful
- LanieBug08: Divorse
- Jaycob Johnson: Who do you think you are making your videos 4:20 David fricken dobrik!?!?!? Lol just kidding love you Josh ❤️
- Dominique Allen: praying for u both love yall
- Kayla Snelling: I'm sobbing- amazing job Josh, we love you
- Gnarley Marleigh: Josh :) WE MISSED YOU ❤️❤️❤️
- Dyllon Garner: damn bro that was amazing
- Krizzy Oiler: true colors are nice
- Silvia Frg: Josh you are the most inspiring person ever !!We love you and Erin had a voice of angel!!!💕
- Vanessa Correia: Beautiful cover, well done you two 😙
- Nyrie Kathryn Hadnot: this is so beautiful josh! what a good and precious moment between two siblings
- Sadie M: feel so bad for Josh
- Jade Elbasri: it's okay Josh I know u both loved each other so don't worry everyone is here for u
- Eve Xxx: this hit me straight in the heart
- Kaja musikk: they should start a duo
- heather liaz: When they both started crying i lost it.😭😭
- Mackenzie Heerdt: Weeelllll its a dedication to his little sister because she had been there for him when his whole world is falling apart. She's been there form the beginning.
- Monica Cardoso: OMG JOSH 😭😭😭 AMAZING. I LOVE YOU! 😍
- Carlotta Ciao: painful and full of pain
- Rebecca Murray: We are supporting you Joshua 💝💝💝 we love you so much!!! We are all here for you through everything.
- Adrija Sanyal: I am going through a bad break up and this gave me courage, thank you :)
- Black Tiger: I think I ONLY need Erin's voice...
- E Wall: Josh ur so much better at singing then Colleen
- Saima Nayen: This is so beautiful I watched it so many times!! ❤️
- Katheirne Mason: we all can cry together
- Stefanie D: JOSH!!!!!!! ❤😍😢
- Ashley Thomas: Breathtaking. One song that they sang just translated into thousands. It was beautiful.
- Jennifer1216: Batya Mockin but u should cry for both of them :\
- Brave Kuda: #modernsociety U is trying too hard dude :3
- shonteal shields: Sounds so close to trolls
- Jeana Snyder: This was sad.. but Erin's voice is so pretty!
- Beth Razz: This version of this song is so amaze.
- KourtneyH_: so hard not to cry
- Jiya Singh: We will always be here for you. Don't let anything put you down, Josh. They're not worth it. We love you❤️
- tori: Your back!
- Sagemarie DiOrio: I love you Josh, we are so sorry for what you are going through <3
- Thebean: this is so beautiful im crying
- CeCe P.: 3:12 😔😔😔😔😔 I love u so much it breaks my heart to see u sad💚💚💚💚
- erubisantiago1: I'm in love with this cover 😍
- Unique Shehee: this was amazing and i am speechless
- Amy Patrick: You guys sound amazing!!
- Sarah Murray: you two are so talented and I love you both so much! Sending my love and hug and support!
- miracle Johnson: Erin's voice is beautiful
- Ally: Currently crying :'(
- Abigail Conaton: you are so strong Josh. ily<3 stay strong
- audrey k: this is such a beautiful song. I wish all the best for you josh. I hope you find peace
- Mikayla Schmidt: stay strong ily both x
- Kaylee Jayde: i would like to know how her family and his feels about the situation....hers seems like nothing's wrong when i know her niece and nephew's loved him.
- Kaede Farrell: When Josh broke down I started to cry 😭
- Natalie Martens: Poor Josh
- Dorothea Linnaeus: did not expect to cry :´(
- Ian Jenkins: I hope Colleen can't stop watching this.
- Erin Watkins: Love it
- Lene Kolodziej: These aren't tears. I'm sweating out of my eyes! 😢
- CreaMundi: Subscribe to Erin everyone! 👍🏻
- Rif Kids: Good thing I was alone because when he broke down I cried so much
- bethany harries: love you guys ❤❤
- Morgan Rector: Josh!!!!we missed you!!❤️
- Andrea Godoy: Aw man I´m in tears right now. Just know the ones whove loved YOU for YOU are hurting for you still and share your pain Josh. Youre an incredible soul with such an open and transparent heart! So rare in this world! I love you and know thhere are people who dont know you on a one to one basis but see you for who you are. And thank you so much for that. Thats so much more than the majority of people can say for themselves. You have so much love to give, and we are here to receive it and share it with you.
- Kaitlyn Worthington: The gay rumors might be true maybe it's his way of saying he's gay
- Madison Edens: I'm so heartbroken that they both went through a divorce and this was super touching for some reason
- Dj Ne: I can't believe this is happening 😭😭
- Kimberly Slone: tell Erin we want to hear her sing more song's ;)
- Mackenzie Stroer: This video makes me sad.... he looks so heartbroken :-(
- Kaitlin Beckett: Same
- Natalie Marie: I have never commented on your videos before but i had to this time. Finally you are back.... you are so brave and such a lovely person inside and out. It's going to be hard to cope with life in general at first... life is never easy...but you are so damn fine you remind me of Nico Tortorella from younger and you will find true love again in the future. You're passionate, intelligent, and super talented.... and when you decide to date again remember the first one will always be the "bad pancake"(line from younger). But don't get discouraged cause there is someone out there for everyone. Good luck in life josh....luv ya always true fan here!!!
- Natalie Lynn O'Brien: I can't imagine how hard it was to record this song and shoot this video, but it was truly beautiful and touching to watch! I feel so sad for you, Josh. But you have so much love and support here on your channel and that's definitely not going away! Thank you for showing so many people out there that it's ok to be open about your feelings, and that no matter what you can persevere through even the most painful situations! We love you!
- Lindsay Gallardo: awwww you can see he was depressed he definitely gained wait you can see it in his cheeks
- Julie Salako: I'm at work with no volume on my computer and I STILL bawled my eyes out. Dammit.
- Tigergirl1987: Absolutely outstanding. So many feels. This is why I am honored to call myself a Dingleberry. Love you both!
- Angelina.Star_3 Star: i wish collen and Josh did not get divorced😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Brandi Spry: Tears tears tears
- Jourdi Blyth: this gave me goosebumps. this is beautiful xxx
- Layah XO: This is amazing ❤️
- Gabi Rees: I cry every time I watch this
- Vino sitas: ah well.. its clear colleen broke up... and instead of working on their relationship she gave up becausse thats the easy wway. ihope you find someone who is willing to fight for love, josh!
- Cameryn H: Hes back
- briannsandywilson: I've watched like 10 times today and I love it more and more every time I watch it 💜💜💜💜💜 Josh and Erin sound soooo good and the matching shoes are adorable😘
- Wendy D'Souza: Brigitte Diaz I definitely tired up, been a long day
- 7thButera: I love you and I wish you the best Josh. Hope you'll feel better soon!💗
- Tracy Tallman: My heart just broke. His face and the feelings he is showing us all. Unreal.
- AnonymousGirl: Awwwwww 😭
- Bell Myob: you guys are amazing! I love you guys ❤❤
- namjoonbaby: Lilyona M People cope differently, just because Colleen is posting and working a lot doesn't mean she's not in as much pain as Josh is.
- Shep Shep: I just came back from Trolls... this song is in the movie ;)
- Zoe Does Life: I feel like he's trying to reach out to her :( Hope you're okay Josh!
- What are we doing with our lifes: It's ok not to feel ok
- Arienne Danielle: Josh I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
- Mariano Akiki: if colleen's seems over this thing that because this is what she's showing us on her videos because that's what makes her happy but it doesn't mean that she's truly over it behind the scenes
- Raynee Branch: Absolutely beautiful, raw, real, genuine love! That's the good stuff right there! In the midst of the hardest heartache..........true colors of family and friends will keep you standing tall with incredible love! Josh, you're going to look back a year from now and have EVERYTHING to be proud of! You're doing this hard time well! I was married for 20 years and my husband had an affair with my granddaughters mom......I know......but it was the biggest gift from God! How can I say that? I met the most amazing man who loves me in ways I never thought a person could be loved. There is always a rainbow at the end of every trial. Chin up my friend. Sending lots of love and comfort until your rainbow finds you :)
- Valeria Zamora: 😢
- Hills White: This was beautiful.
- Tiffany Grace: That was beautiful ❤️️
- Randomness TV: Josh you will be able to get through this and we're all here with you and so is your family and friends
- alikat: I couldn't help but cry 😰😭
- Jenna Morris: I'm literally crying rn😿
- Marie Desil: I hope you find a rainbow through the clouds!! 😥🙏 🌈
- makyla pfuhl: Crying
- Kylie Andrew: This gave me chills. I wasn't expecting this!
- ABBeauty 505: Honestly am obsessed with this cover I love it better than the original. So deep love you guys
- Bailey Jorgensen: You guys have amazing voices
- Anna M. Mallon: this is soooo amazing Josh. you and your sister are so good at singing. I hope you are getting through your divorce well
- Nino Grishikashvili: I see so much pain and grief in his eyes... and in the eyes of his sister,who knows perfectly what he is dealing with.. I am so sorry for him ..
- Isabel Flores: You're a very good man Josh. I hope you're doing okay and surrounding yourself with family and friends!
- Average Alex: Wow that was amazing both Erin and Joshua are amazing singers we love you Joshua
- Megan: This video is beautiful, and so are both of your voices! And welcome back Josh, we missed you, and we'll always love you!! 💛
- Rebecca mulholland: this was beautiful, I cried my heart out, I literally have no words. Joshua, erin, I love you both 😭❤❤
- xMyLittlePrincessx: You had be crying 🙁😢 I hope things get better for you ❤
- Danyelle K: I don't even watch josh that much, but I was in tears watching this, I think I've never seen such a honesty don't heart touching music video in my life
- Husky Pup Gaming: 3: Husky is sad
- laura wallace: Harry Krinkle 🙄 the only person taking my OPINION personally is you and no I don't watch every single day because I have priorities like children and a family that comes first so I watch on my down time. I'm being presumptuous about nothing merely stating my opinion and if you don't agree that's your problem not mine. Sounds like you still have some growing up to do yourself 😊. Have a nice night. This convo is done on my part.
- Mya Webb: such a beutifal song i miss u josh when r u coming back i know your going through allot
- Julia Sullivan: Omg Erin is better than Josh!!
- Paloma Mayrany: 3:14 breaks my heart 😭😭😭
- Stephanie Vella: this makes my heart hurt
- Jocelyn Avila: I cried along with you, stay strong. We love you ! ❤️
- Erika Fennell: Beautiful and heartbreaking 😢😫 *sending hugs*
- Allison Rose: Tonya C I'm laughinh out loud
- Quintaija Barber: Tears
- beth v: +Joely Plays you get that you just made all that up yourself right? You see AT MOST twenty minutes of her day, she could be bawling her eyes out every other minute of the day, Im not saying she is but you can't really believe after such a long relationship she would just be perfectly fine, her friends and family are around so much because shes obviously not fine, she needs their support, how do you know his friends in LA are not talking to him? Has he told you that? From my perspective these are two completely different people who deal with their pain in completely different ways but it doesn't mean they're not both in pain. Hope they both are happier in the future
- Makayla F: This is beautiful! I am speechless.. Both of you are not only amazing people but also amazing singers!
- Melody: 💜🎈
- Alexis Romero: I'm not either just my eyes are watery..........(goes and hides while crying)
- Stephanie Nieto: I love you so much!
- pinkcinderella07: It's barely been a month! You do realize that right?
- fun. gaming. vlogs and. more: I started. crying 😥😥😥😥😥😥🎤
- Joshuasdtv Newwife!!!: I know we are not supposed to choose sides however I feel that colleen is just blowing off the divorce Josh is more aware of what is happening because I feel he was more love I only hope that they both live happily ever after again whether together or not I just want to see them happy especially Josh I have love you Josh ever since I met him he is such a sweet guy and I couldn't imagine my life without him
- Cindy Flores: Amazing !!
- Eli Fraser: Yay! You are so very talented! Thank you for replying ❤️
- Divya Kamaraju: ah one thing i can't handle is Josh crying 😭
- gbriank1: Josh, music is definitely your outlet. You've made something awesome from your sadness and pain. I'm very glad you've reached out to your family for support. I hope you move out of the house and back to being with friends that are close by.
- mia: It's so inspiring that you've both had the same experiences, and support each other so much. It's really astonishing, the fact you love each other so much as siblings. You both are also breath taking singers, even though Erin harmonised mostly. I'd just like to say, I see YPUR true colours. You're both AMAZING, and Inspirational people. <3 I love you so much it's in believable! I'm just a little stupid 10yr, and you're both successful and truly amazing people. :* I can't stress how much I love you both! It's in-speakable. I'm 10, as I mentioned, and it made me cry so much. It's very touching how you both have each others' backs while going through something. It also helps that you've both experienced it, and can help each other through it all. And, I don't know how people are hating YOU over the matter. It was clear that Colleen loved Josh, but she divorced and not him. I just lysm! <33
- Celine Russ: I miss you josh
- Grace Wright: Look where you are now Josh <3
- okklanaa: I kept thinking he was gonna cry. and I feel like this is for Colleen. this is beautiful. this song should be famous. and I wish they would at least be friends... ugh. I cry. :(
- Sarah: 💖💖💖
- Leilah's World: Does this mean josh is back
- Filomena Spectre: this is embarrassing. like we get it, your hurt because your marriage didn't work
- Zinah G: This is so beautiful because that's how Joshua started his channel. He made videos with Erin and now he is back to his roots. Proud of you josh, keep swimming !
- Alexia Suomalainen: I love this song You are amazing
- Kyrianna: conor wilson Why is it wrong for him to deal with his pain in this way? How did this ruin your day? Spread love and kindness not hate and negativity.
- Samantha Smith: I forgot who Erin is and then I thought is that his new girlfriend? I realized after I saw her that's his sister.
- Jessica Jones: Love ❤️
- venessa grossan: Jas G stay strong !!!!
- Matthew Benson: fab! sibling goals of a whole new kind! so talented, and so glad to see you back Josh. you're a trooper and be proud of yourselves and each other!
- Chloe Lawrence: omg i cried so bad LOVE U JOSH XX
- Kayla Mintz: ❤💪
- Addy_attitude16: OMG 😭😭😭😭
- Darylene Hinze-Lent: When someone can post something this beautiful and make me cry, they gotta be pretty special!ove and miss you both Josh and Erin.
- justina lamboi: I love both of you guys so much
- Abi James: Stay strong Joshua! I love you so much! Erin has a great voice!! :)
- Lauren Thayre: You 2 should do more singing both amazing
- Sophie Webster: This was beautiful ❤️ so heartfelt and real, and who knew Erin could sing like this! Love you both xx
- Kaitlins25: woah I started balling my eyes out at 2:50😕😭
- Jakki Hatchett: So beautiful and heartbreaking. I can't stop watching it.
- Kelly Nguyen: beautiful family duet!
- Danielle Eskdale: <3
- Dulce munoz# CandiIOS: You guys stop it is annoying
- The Helicopter Mama: I have watched this like 10 times. Cry every single time. You guys are amazing.. stay strong. There is beauty in your pain. ❤️
- Jordan Dickstein: JOSHUA 😫😫💗💗
- Dynasty TheStar: I cried a little😢😢😢😥😥
- MissJane777: Panda Palooza No one important.
- Campbell Wright: Dang!! I didn't know Erin could sing!! She's good! and this is beautiful!!
- Riya Sringari: I miss Josh and Colleen:'(
- Amaya Bell: it hurts to see them both cry!!!!😭
- Nayantara Batra: We love you, Josh and Erin! ❤️❤️❤️
- Gabby H: I love you so much 😍
- SuperGmann10: Absolutely incredible! I got goosebumps. Amazing voices. Absolutely beautiful!
- Jim Fritz: I wonder who is trying to erase him?
- Amina Begum: ☺😊😍😚💋👁#$mil€
- Muhammad Kamal: 2:50 dat look... xD
- Ash: Erin has a beautiful voice!!!! I love your voices together!
- Allison Rose: Gary Luggman uh they hardly hid any of their relationship?
- Sierra: This is probably one of the most beautiful, well written, and beautiful songs I've ever heard. You are both amazing people and I'm continuously praying for y'all. God bless you both and your family
- Utami Lukita: lipsync? it has the same voice with justin timberlake & anna kendrick version
- Rosey: This was amazing!
- Kermserner: Same shoes
- Marina White: Joshua you will be ok I prodic a bright future for you dont have to keep going on with Youtube if it is to hard for you Colleen shouldn't of let you go but your a wonderful man you are doing great i dont mean to offend Colleen in any of this your both doing really great xoxox love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕
- Julie Houlahan: You guys sing like Angels😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
- Alexa Ocampo: I cryed
- A Ma: meghan dalaba I didn't call you one either. It was Beeps A. I think you got our names/comments confused. She or he is the one that called you psycho not me. 🤗👍🏼
- Lucy T: Colleen showed her true colors and they were ugly affffff
- cc reilly: I will love you forever♡
- Nicole Cicio: Absolutely beautiful!!! It's great to see siblings who are truly there for each other through hard times. Keep your head up Josh !!! You have an amazing sister to help you get through this tough patch.
- TJ: Hmm... wonder why Erin's voice didn't have a Georgian accent.
- Meg Lttlejohns: This is amazing 😢 so full of emotion
- KnHaT: Welcome back! <3
- Anna Szabó: This is beautiful❤😭😖
- Elizabeth Moravek: WE MISSED YOU JOSH ♥
- Lisa Hickson: This made me cry. I'm so happy to see you back, and I'm rooting for you 100%. You have so much incredible talent, but more than that, you're genuine.
- Humphrey's Handmade: This is one of the best videos I've seen from him in a while... great duet
- Lulu's Adventures: Anika Sykes Why say that ?
- AEA Tennish: Please everyone spread happiness, be nice to people! We have NO IDEA what was going on in Josh and Colleen's lives. They are both hurting and they both express it differently to us, and that is ok! Colleen needs just as much support as Josh, but people are ripping her apart. I personally was so happy to see that Colleen was able to find some happiness in this devastating time of her life, and I'm glad that Josh has found some happiness from Erin. Right now we need to come together and support eachother, love eachother, and stand together. Colleen should not be shamed for spreading positivity, and Josh should not be shamed for sharing his feelings. Everyone! Please spread love and positivity :)
- Mary Rose: I watch this at least twice a day I just love this video and feel for both of you
- Sacconejolys Fan: Loved this although it brought me to tears in front of my family ❤️ josh we support you and Colleen in this time and to Erin your the best sister anyone could have I sadly lost mine in a car accident this year and when I see you two with each other it brings back the memories I had ❤️stay strong and NEVER give up ❤️
- Assunta Carnevale: This was SO emotional <3
- Dylan Arochas: Beautiful! I'm hoping that you're finding peace inside and that you'll be okay. You got your fans who love you and are here for you. We love you
- Natalie B: This video makes me so sad. We can all obviously see that josh is in so much pain from the breakup. And I feel like Colleen has gotten over the divorce pretty quick. Although, She is probably dealing with the divorce on the sidelines, it seems like josh is more hurt than Colleen. I'm not trying to pick sides or anything but it pains me to see him like this when Colleen acts like everything is fine. No hate, just my opinion (:
- Kayla Bloniarz: i love you joshua
- itsGinaMarie: Everyone grieves differently. We shouldn't criticize either party for doing what is best for them. On that note, this is so beautiful and so heartfelt. What a perfect duet.
- Emma Lea: To all the people saying, "Oh he's milking this" or "oh the shade"....Go away...He is healing by showing 100% transparency. He is genuinely sad...Divorce is hard and it hurts...bad...Show some compassion...He is being genuine with himself and his viewers....
- Lindsey Hammond: JOSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Celine: So beautiful... :') Happy to see you again... ☺️😘
- Chloe O'Neill: This is so beautiful!!
- Taz Rocks: Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
- Makayla Vandergrift: Love love love this!!
- Vasia Kotr: ❤
- lil Madi: Im so done 😰😢😥😪😓 this made me cry. I have only one question why did josh take hit harder then colleen she did so well and posted. However Joshua really was hurt💔
- Claire Nguyen: Josh, you're sister is an amazing singer
- Emily Bauer: Great job josh!
- holly gibbons: I can't listen to this song anymore without thinking of Seth MacFarlane singing it as Peter
- Ian Neha Vlogs: josh got bigger
- Iris Garcia: You guys should make a cover on Little do you know Alexa and sirre
- joey m: love youu !!!
- Rach Bart: Ok this is my third comment but they're each about different things. This song just speaks. I live in Des Moines and we are having this thing with the police officers right now and I just feel more at peace when I'm listening to this. Just peace.
- ItsJustTris 12: I know I never heard her sing in a video yet until this vid.
- NS BL: not sure why you and your wife are not together anymore but if she didn't value you... I'm a 1,000% positive someone else will in a way that you've never imagined. Much love your way!
- Grace N: The love between them touched my heart..💕
- Melissa Atteberry: Aroosagulnawaz Aroosa She also came back to YouTube earlier, because YouTube makes her happy, and she appreciates us. You guys are saying it like she is just like "well I don't got a husband so I'm free!" and that's not it at all.
- Rachel C: wow... 😭😭😭😭 we love you Josh..
- NyceVisionsTV: ❤️❤️
- Alina C.: this sounds so beautiful! 💕 love all the emotions.
- Maricruz Martin: I just want you to know that a simple girl from Houston is rooting for you. You are such a PURE, GOOD soul who didn't deserve to be put through what you did. I looked up to y'alls relationship and to see you be put in this position of not having a choice (because I know if you could you would choose her) it's not fair. I truly believe things happen for a reason. Although unfair and painful. This will pass and BETTER things will come to you josh. I admire for how you are handling things. Stay strong.
- Holly Benoit: My heart breaks for him. I hope he finds happiness and continues to stay happy and positive.
- ItsMeJuliaV: this is beautiful!
- maybelll AP: It was so beatiful so it was a moment where I closed my eyes and started crying and when I opened them again I saw them crying so I was like why are everybody crying here and cryid even more
- Sara Roberge: i'm sitting in class and i started crying
- Shae Hutchinson: ❤️ This brings my happieness back ❤️
- Cyn Wilson: I cried the entire time, you two are such beautiful people and deserve nothing but the best. That was absolutely amazing and touching.
- Emelsons Book Author: +Chloe Park what?
- Se ?: Krissy Hughes it's so beautiful
- Erika Lynn: Omg!!!! There are some sort of water flowing from my eyes!!! That was so beautiful Josh and Erin!!! I love you both so much!!
- Emma Oval: Guys. Stop calling out people. Colleen decided that she wanted to end the relationship. It wasn't "for her career" and she wasn't "being selfish." She didn't want to do it. I've never myself seen Colleen so emotional, so it must be hard on her. No one can fake a cry that well. If she could, she would be the biggest actress on Earth. They both felt just as much pain over the relationship. It's just that Colleen tried to surround herself with good people to make herself feel better, and Josh excluded himself from the world. We all know that Josh is an emotional person. He's just taking it differently. So, STOP POINTING FINGERS. They're not the ones who caused each other pain in these times. What caused them pain is the people who are immature enough to call them out for it, labeling them as liars. So, clean up your glasses. Make everything clearer. Look closely at their emotions, and actually have some sympathy.
- It's me, Maddie G: Love you Josh❤️💔
- maria rocker: JOSH!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
- Marilyn Gross: They both sing so beautiful
- xns4ver: 😢
- Ember Shade: Love you Josh! its good to see you man. Your making it. One breath at a time and one step at a time can eventually take you anywhere you need to go. Your colors are breathtaking and inspiring even in the hard times.
- Maddie: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Chayne Kinniburgh: you can hear his pain 😭❤
- Sophie Allen: I actually can't handle this video, no matter when I watch this it never fails to make me cry. My heart breaks every time both of them start crying. The song can be perceived in many different ways and it's so relatable. Still amazing and I've watched it every week since the day it was posted ❤️
- RAKS 8: i never cringed so hard in my life
- Aleisha Beisha: love ya josh. you are amazing hopefully you will get back to yourself <3
- Dani0Jo: Josh and Erin - this is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I am glad you guys have each other <3
- Samantha squires: John Smith So Don't Watch Him . Instead Of Commenting Rude Comments Just Go To Another Channel . No One Is Forcing You to Watch Him. Personally I Think He's Amazing But That's Just My Opinion. #BeNiceToPeople 😊
- Juni Das: What a BEAUTIFUL comeback, the song is just so touching :') gosh it made me tear up <3
- Meghan Dalaba: Beebs A. That's bullshit, you must be a child, I love my husband and children unconditionally! I have been with my husband since I was 15 and I'm 29 now, he's still. my best friend and i will love him forever, and i have two beautiful children who i will love UNCONDITIONALLY FOREVER
- marriedmrs_88: I enjoy watching your videos Josh because they are true, raw and you. You have a fantastic voice, and the emotion is this video is something else. Just like the song, showing YOUR true colours! 💚💜❤
- itsbellzo: that was beautiful. honestly when erin reached over and took your hand i cried. it was just so nice to see yall being there for each other i guess. josh i love you so much and although i dont know what you are going through, i know that it is hard. you are so strong, and you are just such an amazing person. <3
- Cat Durham: This is so beautiful, and words can't even begin to describe how wonderful you both are. Two gorgeous souls sharing each other's pain to lighten the other's load. I listen to this at least once a week. I cry every single time I watch the video (as does my sister). Thank you both for opening yourselves up for this. It has obviously touched so many people and continues to do so. Love you both! PS - this version kills the one from Trolls PPS - ECK foreva
- Hannah cunningham: I feel bad since you can tell how hurt he is by his facial expressions I wish I could jump into the video and give them both a big bear hug.
- Bethany O'Connor: Your voices are beautiful together Josh & Erin, this should go viral .
- Don Toni: so happy you're back
- puntin princess: beautiful!
- Cas Harris: It's called being FUCKING PRIVATE. Jeez, people! When you guys feel sad do you put it all out there on the internet?! If the answer is no then you were not sad at all in those moments and you were perefectly happy and fine.. see how stupid that sounds? Then don't fucking say it yourselves.
- Jafer Araim: Ppl stop hating on Colleen you don't know what happened to them also Joshua you're throwing stones at Colleen so stop that she didn't make ppl attack you unlike you josh ppl don't know anything and they're hating because of you also if you think Colleen is the bad guy ppl explain me the Rebecca situation something happened but Colleen didn't want to throw hate on you so don't try to do the opposite thing to her that's just rude also ... Stay strong
- Kevin Garand: the version of Justin and Anna is better to be honest.
- Payton Hartman: Your back!!!
- Kaci 34: I'm not gona lie I'm crying. When josh started to cry I lost it. I am just so happy he us back. Like this comment for josh. #be nice to people
- Noreen Mirabel: Beautiful.. one of the best version...and Joshua David Evans is a great singer..wonderful voices of the siblings...!!!
- Jethrin MacDonald: cry baby
- Melanie Rousseau: Joshua!!!!!!!!!!!! I started crying when u did. Joshua you've helped me so much. I love u, never forget that.
- TwinMom: All I can say is WOW! So beautiful and heart felt! Had me tearing up! Love your brother and sister relationship!
- Alexia Miraya: MADE ME TEAR UP OML
- s731s: Some of you guys act like you have never watched Josh before, when he says "be nice to people". This original comment was posted in love and respectfully gave their opinion and point of view. What's up with the Internet getting so but hurt and needing to defend their YouTube idols anytime someone gives an opinion that doesn't match their own? Guys let's all just be nice and spread happiness ;) it's OK to agree to disagree ✌
- Afiq Amin: I make a cover for this video, so check it out
- Natalia Gomez Vazquez: I'm going to be honest and say there was always something about Colleen that didn't "sit" well with me. I'm not trying to be hateful and it's easy to say that after something like this happens, but truthfully I've always felt some sort of apathetic side to her. I just feel like she's a bit self-centered, and maybe that's just her being a workaholic, but it's something that I've always noticed. Kind of seems that she's a bit fake. I feel so sad for Josh right now.
- Macy Mccracken: We love you josh! ❤️
- Alayna Grace: I read the description and I lost it...
- Ameen Shahid: Can people stop talking about their private lives already let them live their lives! What happened was really heartbreaking and now its all over please get over it!
- Olivia Bel: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Harry Krinkle: +Yvette Gaytan A. 7 years. Josh first messaged Colleen in June of 2009. B. They didn't break up when he was in the Boy Band, they were pretty effective at being Long Distance then. They broke up sometime in 2011, when he was living in Michigan and she was in California. And if that is the case, I find it to be sad. It's all just so, so sad.
- Maddie Zap: aw josh 😭 I love you, this was so beautiful
- Thamiris Muniz: Omg! :'( I didn't know his sister could sing too ♥
- Trisha Kanadi: Audi20 Well,people cope differently. Colleen has said that she wants to spread happiness and positivity on her channel. You or anyone else are not entitled to what she puts up online. And if she is happy, why should she be criticized for it. If she moved on and is going on with life well, why should she be judged for it? must she be mopey for the rest of the year. She has said that she wants to show us that we can choose happiness even when things get rough and make the most out of it. Please spread happiness, not hate.
- Already Bored: Noooooo😭!!!!Do not cri plz.
- k kade: Joshk ,work it girl.
- Lila Carr: Your back!
- Angela R: everytime Erin looks at Josh 😍😭😭😭
- Charlie A: holy shit... this is amazing. omg stay strong Joshua(: Erin... your voice is such a bless, love it!! ps. please do more covers ><
- Wolfindian: Love you josh find happiness and surround yourself in love
- Jennika Leubner: This is so beautiful. So raw and real, well done.
- merissa macias: Be nice to people
- throughmyeyes: BRO. YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU AND ERIN SING SO BEAUTIFULLY TOGETHER!!! Love you Josh, I know it might be hard to heal from love sometimes, but life will go on. Thank you for inspiring me. I love you, Josh.
- Lauren May: good to see you again josh :) keen to see you make awesome content again
- Shannon Moran: My support for both of you will never end
- Kayleigh Templeton: But josh and colleen got divorced
- Lindsay Ingle: I love you Josh. stay strong millions are looking to you. we love u . your a true hero! take time for yourself to heal!
- Christina Wong: It's takes a lot of courage to put that kind of vulnerability out there for the world to see and judge. That was beautiful ❤️
- Daisy Miller: literally in tears
- Dillon Stevenson: That was so amazing. And extremely applicable to my life right now. Thanks Josh
- V Covers: When joshua broke down , started crying , at the time erin did too
- Venora Bergquist: My heart just broke
- Luv Jishwa: and here come the water works😭
- thomasrobson03: Such a beautiful video
- Courtney Jackson: I'm crying 😭 😭😭😭😭😭 Get better josh take as much time off as you want
- Lucile Marlorme: so glad to have you back!
- NyceVisionsTV: Lets keep this at an even amount of likes & If Youre Not Subscribed To Me Subscribe !!!
- Emma S.: Huw Palmerh she has one
- Michelle Leigh: This still makes me cry.
- Kloeci Monje: Courtney Anderson I cried a lot
- Laurie Beth H: Lama Abdullah everything doesn't happen for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks. But he will move on and find someone deserving to be loved by him.
- Shanna Berry: Loved this video!!
- Sanguinette: Sandy's Box what do you mean have you seen any of josh's videos i watched him almost everyday for a couple years and i know for a fact that it is so obviously his voice
- Maria Lemperis: I love you josh. And I love Colleen. But I feel as though she is not acting right. She's too happy for what she just went through. Divorces are hard. Especially when you are the one who doesn't want it. We are all here for you.
- Alaura and Chloe: InkXoxoXSpelled no she didn’t. Tf you talking abt?
- shakebuttercup: Joshua and Erin really did the song justice. The raw emotion really brought tears to my eyes, and I ended up feeling a lot better afterwards, so thank you Josh and Erin, for helping me get through the day.
- Ruie Merican: when the colours started to appear and i saw them crying :'(
- ashley cruz: i love this so much omg
- Napoleon Contreras: Bubbly Bee copy and paste that and recomment it plz, preach
- Ava deboard: When I watched this it made me cry cause it made me think of my dead pop😖😪💀
- ~Anniek: Rianne Zijlstra I am pretty sure the dog is from Josh and not from Colleen. I don't follow them very closely so I may be wrong
- Ruby Marshall: I hope colleen sees this to show how much he is heartbroken 💔
- Julia Madrigal: Priscilla Leng me too!
- molly m.: love you josh😓❤
- Harry Krinkle: +Catherine Vartain I've seen that, actually. It's a positive step.
- Megan Rose: This is so beautiful you guys thank you for sharing ❤️
- Bombshell Kell: oh great, now i'm sobbing like a baby.... that was amazingly beautiful with SO MUCH feeling
- aoibibble: I'm not crying I swear.
- Jianna Valenzuela: What r u and colleen gonna do about the house
- Jefte Vega: Can I have just 1 like
- Chelsea Lester: Honestly I love both you and Colleen, but josh you NEED to stop making this seem like Colleen is in the wrong, all she wanted was for both of you, in the long run, to be happy. Please stop making Colleen seem like a bitch.
- isabel sherry: you guys sound so beautiful like love this
- Jessica I: OMG she sings so beautifully
- S M: 1 day later back at it again... can't stop listening to this! Love you Josh and I'm glad I've got to know your sister a lot more x Stay strong buddy your dingleberries are here for you ❤️❤️
- Flora R: I admire that you decided to come back. I know you're having a hard time. Coleen was your life. She still probably is but I think it is brave that you are at least trying to not disappoint your fans and do videos even if they're different from normal. Because you are always being yourself in your videos you are now crying on camera, not because you want people to see your sad or anything, but because you are sad right now. I'm glad you have people in your life who support you and show you to not give up on love no matter how hard it is.
- Briliz H.: Joshua, you should focus your career on singing, I can see that's your true passion and if you give it your all you will be very successful :) Take care.
- Bobbie Stoltz: This is absolutely beautiful. Joshua I'm so happy you have found a light in this darkness. I know it is so extremely difficult, but you have so many people supporting you.
- SMY12: Oh my lord when the video changed to colour I started bawling! The meaning of the song must've just all hit me at once when it happened, love you guys <3
- Lauren Marrs: This is beautiful
- rachel teter: Aww I just want to hug him and his sister is beautiful
- Random Paris: I loved this it was very emotional 😭 and came from the heart ❤️
- Olivia Louise: I love you josh❤️❤️
- Kadence 98: hannah aww
- Eszter Fekete: Hana invarian She is actually feeling pretty down she say's it in her vlogs
- Olivia Mellor: Josh is upset because coleen wanted the divorce and she's happy because this is what she wanted
- Kearsty Jackson: This is so beautiful. Stay strong Josh! All your fans love you and support you!
- Hollyrackliffe: His voice is beautiful!
- Sama r: This is no doubt one of THE toughest things that can happen to you. But a year on and you will realise nothing else can break you if you can make it through this! You just seem so genuine. You will be OK ! X
- Eva Papadopoulou: he gay???
- cloin wickoff: cute
- Intimate Flow: I love you bro!!!
- Isabella Alfaro: how do you get your songs to sound so great?
- Teddie Quinn: Your voices are amazing!!! Erin needs to sing more often!!!❤️
- Casey mack: I so glad your back I was wondering if you would ever come back
- EasternTies: i'm not crying you're crying
- Heatherette Babe: adriana morales 😳 Screw off.
- Jessica Hernandez: I want to support josh here so use the hashtags #JoshsTrueColor to support him
- sofia foulks: I wasn't prepared. ILY Josh and stay strong
- Abbie Augustine: This is beautiful. I love you, Joshua. You're incredible.
- aurora barcenas: I know it has been hard for you pull through she trying to the best for you she still loves u
- Emily Christman: anyone else crying?!
- 렐리스멜린다: I just cried in the middle of nowhere. He put his feelings in singing this song. I wonder if Colleen watched this.. :'(
- Savannah Hall: Wow! You are both amazing!! Love this song 💜
- Harry Krinkle: I had held out hope, that they could work it out, that this would be a speed-bump, that they weren't thinking it through. But if Joshleen well and truly is over, I'm intensely disappointed, and not just because of the "OMG I SHIP IT" thing. One of two things is happening, either one of the parties -- and again, I think it's Colleen -- is rushing this and it's the biggest mistake of her life, or, and this is looking increasingly likely, they shouldn't have gotten married at all. Which, again, I find intensely disappointing. Colleen should have known better, should have not just told herself that everything would work out, before she, frankly, wasted everyone's time. I'm back, and I'm going to try to make a concerted effort to watch Josh's videos, but it's going to take me a while to return to Colleen. I might even change my pick, which would be intensely depressing. But this whole damn thing has been intensely depressing, so what do you want.
- Brianna Wallace: I cried with you guys... Love you guys!!! Stay strong!! 💕💕
- linnthefreak: This was so beautiful.
- Rosh x: Sillencee Official same.
- Allie Daniels: Time heals everything Josh. I love you and I am constantly praying for you. Healthy mind, giving heart and ears to hear your laugh and also for you to listen to advice people give. I wish for all of the smiles that the world has to offer you. I love you.
- guineapiggylove: Omg! I love you so much Josh! I'm so happy your back😊💗
- Adrina crotzer: I am so glad Joshua that you did this song and I love you and stay strong ok ❤❤❤ and tell shado I said hi he so cute
- Tara Monks: Way to go Josh and little sis. Show the world how you can rebuild your life after a devestating time with class and integrity. Beautiful duo. Keep giving people going through something like this hope. You are amazing!
- Unisjemandy: That cute Cat I mean some people front happiness, we don't know if she's really happy or fronting
- Ruby Whitaker: 💙💙
- Annalyse Huff: Cass Rough same😭
- Emma Kittay: stay strong Josh!!! love you
- chanyeology: My heart is crushed :( My hopes and support go for the both of them. 😭😭😭
- Jake Osborn: Is he gay?
- Mar Moon: Welcome back Josh!! That was a beautiful song... Erin is a sweetheart! Both of you were awesome singing this song.
- Rocky _: we watched true coulers at school amd we wrote what the message was
- lizette vences: OK my bad then u guys are right I'm sorry
- ilovejesse43: Beautiful <3
- Rena Ash: I'm so glad you're back Josh, you guys did a terrific job really touching
- Gemini Coven: Ikr this and the video of the divorce was heartbreaking I cried during both lol
- Tia Bennett: They both have good voices
- Amy Davin: all I could think of is Joshua and colleen 💔😭😢
- Carly Nichols: this is gorgeous
- SrslyBored1: The way she looks at him <3
- ARTHUR PENDRAGON: well done josh for putting your own wellbeing before your career
- kneecole.: so is he back? been a long time since i was here sorry....
- Deedee McGee: i completely lost it when they started crying. i love you both. stay strong babies because you guys deserve happiness <3
- denise jimenez: This is too cute❤😭
- Emily Weiss: We are here for you, Josh, no matter what. Keep being you ❤️ We love you so much - such an incredible, job you two 😍
- beamzy2011: This is truly beautiful and deep ! Hoping you heal fast from this heart ache but you have the greatest support system right next to you in this video ..Erin ..btw your voice is so beautiful!
- Angel Bustos: Everyone saying Colleen is not sad because "she's having the time of her life" in her vlogs needs to stop. People deal with things differently. If Josh wants to show his feelings... that's his choice. You don't know what Colleen is going through and you definitely don't get to dictate how someone suffers. Unless YOU have gone through a divorce you don't.
- Reagan Elaine: this is such a great duet wowowow💜
- Chana Miriam Sputz: This is fucking beautiful ✨
- Bridgette Smith Lancaster: Don't worry you can and will get through this I love young Erin and I hope and pray you will get through this hard time just know you are a awesome person and you will spring back from this love you Josh
- WolfGuy: Honest question is this his way of coming out true colors lol ? I know he was married to Colleen
- dumb bitch: Awwwe I just wanna give him a hug😭❤️
- Raquel Madureira: Really amazing!!! <3
- Dana D: omg the way his sister looks at him at the "I can't say the last time I saw you laughing" I chocked up...you can tell she loves her brother *<3* very sweet
- MakinziLove: I loves this so much. So much love to you Josh and Erin.
- Sophie Rogers: tHe7 dOrKs I watched it so many times I lost count❤️❤️#benicetopeople
- Rainbowflamingo279: LuLwa AlH who got divorced? I'm new.
- HuMMi: It made me so emotional :(
- chocolateooohyea: welcome back josh! love you, hope you keep healing and quickly. we love u!
- Kezzia Dee: omg Erin is so good ive never listened to her sing and I hate it when u both cry, I love you guys so much xxxxxxx
- Alicia Quello: I've never head him sing like that
- Eloise Mae: There is something in my eye 😫😫😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
- Anna Trumic: Keep your head up!
- makayla maffei: I hope u feel better just so u know we all are here for u
- thebrainybrunette: Told myself I wasn't going to cry... definitely cried when Erin did. And then I read the description, and my heart broke for Josh. "People will let you down. They may even abandon you....or try to erase you." UGH!!!!! Joshua is clearly in so much pain and I hate that he feels like he's been erased. Sending good thoughts his way.
- neha singh: You know honestly.. it's very not cool on their part to not tell the reason for divorce.. because you say we are like family and you tell us everything but in reality you don't.. just tell us everything or don't tell us anything.. and not knowing is the reason There's so much hate, speculation and team taking..
- Charley howard: Still constantly listen to this. Such a beautiful, genuine video that shows pure emotion. It’s okay to not be okay x
- bchad28ify: Hahahahaha.
- Heidy Peterson: Love you erin and josh. Great song to choose
- Leah And 26 Letters: This is beautiful and so heartbreaking. You two have such talent. My thoughts are with you Josh!
- Tee Lee: Ugh, my heart is still breaking for you. And that was absolutely beautiful. Erin has an awesome voice! Of course you do Josh, but this was beautiful.
- Audra Smith: OMG I was about to cry... and why did they get a divorce they are a perfect coup,e and they loved each other!😭😢
- Vanessa Salcido: its so weird how Joshua is still crying When colleen is acting like nothing is happening but still i choose colleen
- Samantha Plasky: The love that the two of you share is so evident. What a blessing for you both. It's beautiful to witness. I'm heartbroken for you Josh and Colleen. The pain in your eyes is just so sad. Praying for you during this time. You have a treasure in a sister. I've enjoyed her so much.
- Fiona Ghebrehiwot: AMAZING
- Alieh Renae: take over fear before it takes over you you are beatiful no matter what anyone says stand up to people. Be nice to people. Peace out✌✌
- H L Palmer: Erin has an amazing voice
- Lexi Bug: People handle things differently. Give Colleen a break! Who said she doesn't cry everyday or when making videos have to stop and fix her makeup! She is showing us and herself that she can get through the roughest times and that's the best way to go! But Josh is handling the way he needs to for himself
- Chel Rus: i was crying i feel so bad love you josh !
- Anita Almendarez: So many feels... I would be lying if I said I didn't cry with you... Stay strong
- DerpxGirl Plays: Yup i know right. Eberyone has their own point of view of this. they dont even think what colleen has done. what if josh is now happy and making happy vids and colleen is crying her eyes of. people just dont get it....
- xpoeticdreamz: I really enjoyed the arrangement guys. The choices you both made with your voices were beautiful. I didn't know Erin could sing and I loved her voice matched with yours. It was really different and of course the background of both of yours both you now and her in the past singing this and supporting each other made it even more special but ... I truly want to focus on how beautiful your voices were. I miss this type of music from you. Can't wait to see you back. All the support.
- Isabella Ro: cringe
- Tori Howe: OMFG ERIN your voice is so beautiful. I have never heard you song before but OMG tho... and you too Josh lol. love you two bye <3<3<3
- Chloe Amber: Who else is watching cuz of Trolls?
- Twilight show By Kyla ans Cooper: Josh,you are such a good singer,I wish i could sing like that.(I know how to sing though)Thankyou so much,after I watched this video you make me open up my heart to my dream.THANKYOU
- Lauren Nicole: TRUE COLORS LYRICS you with the sad eyes dont be discouraged oh i realized, its hard to take courage in a world full of people you can loose side of it all the darkness inside you can make you feel so small show me a smile and dont be unhappy cant remember when i last saw you laughin this world makes you crazy and we take in all you can bare just call me up cause i will always be there and i see your true colors shining through i see ur true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful and i see ur true colors shining through i see your true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful like a rainbow, oh like a rainbow oh cant remember when i last saw you laughing ohh this world makes you crazy you take in all you can bare just call me up cause i will always be there and i see ur true colors shining through and i see ur true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful like a rainbow oh like a rainbow, ohhh
- Tammy Schmit: In Japan, when something is broken, it is said they fill the cracks with gold because the damage is what gives something its unique beauty and value. This is gold.
- Grace: So I watched this like 2 months ago and I was thinking about it earlier, then I go and watch Trolls cuz I wanted to and I FRICKIN THOUGHT JOSH AND ERIN WROTE THIS LIKE THANKS MAN
- Cynthia Banza: Oh my gosh. This is amazing. Josh you are amazing. Same with Erin.
- Joy Manzano: lost it a 3:10. i love u guys and im glad to see you back joshua yoh guys are amazing
- Molly Dumont: This makes me cry everytime I watch it
- Bree Amanda Clissey Houlihan: is this because of you and collen
- Prateek Sachdeva: this is still a bad dream ... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Surfin Jerzy: Don’t think I’ve ever actually ‘fell’ for any personality on YouTube, but she truly makes me melt~
- Alexandra Ramirez: I cried 😢 this beautiful ❤️
- Carolyn S: 😭😭😭😭😭
- Sophie Rogers: Lu1x1to wtf is wrong with you?!?!
- ant venom: Meanwhile colleens acting happy as hell
- lol: ❤️❤️Best Duet💙GLAD you back josh!!!
- Cara Misuraca: This is sooo good
- Jasmine Danielle: Is no one gunna talk about how they have matching high tops. That's so cute
- Salma Nimry: I wasn't prepared for this At least give us a caution that we need to have tissues next to us
- eimear: JOSH😭💙
- JR19: OMG! It breaks my heart 💔
- Chris A: +Life With A.B Yes, yes he is.
- CatTee V: Colleen has said she's in therapy now and struggling a lot with depression. She has and to promote her show and act all happy. It's very bad timing. Some people hide away some people use coping skills
- María Alberto: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏
- Puppies are my love: Not true, Colleen copes different. She states in her vlogs that she tries to be happy on camera, but behind the camera she is sad and upset. Shes trying to be an example not saying Josh is a bad one at all. Just saying, shes trying to encourage people to be happy during tough times.
- EmJMars: Joshy!!!! You're back!!!! I love you so much!!!! Y'all sound so good!!!!!!!! I always love your voice and Erin's voice is so pretty too!!!!!!!<3
- Lida Najafzadeh: do u still believe in love?
- Princeza :D: Cute
- TheMorningglorytaffy: Congratulations and welcome back!
- Princess Sease: I feel bad I understand that Miranda is using her coping skills but the fact that she is happy and he's not makes me so mad I kind of hate Collins because I remember they were so happy with each other.
- kay M: Bengals Try again
- Milan Chuganey: Sonia Lol if you notice, the black and white changes after
- Ava kidd: is that the same way they did it in the movie the trolls but if it is or is not I still love it 😘😘
- Maddie Goh: The 1K people who have this video a thumbs down r pieces of sht with the worst heart because this was the best (and heart breaking) thing I've seen in a very long time.
- Emily Grace: Stay positive (:
- Amy Clements: I'm going through a lot of stuff right now (nothing compared to you Josh!) and this song is so beautiful and peaceful. Thank you for that❤️❤️
- danielle louise: So so happy you're back Josh. This video was so powerful. Love you
- Chantalle Charette: Why does this video only have 99K likes? It should have millions! What a beautiful rendition... kill'em with kindness Josh 💘
- xxsavage. kayyxx: i started crying when josh started crying erin could hide it very well
- April Buscomb: I'm so sad😢😢
- Katelan Hamilton: Love you so much, Josh. I wish you the best in all you do.💚 missed you and glad to see you're back. Keep being you.💚 Also, I didn't know Erin's voice was so pretty.!
- Star: me too.
- Calvin Pittman: beautiful
- melody priscilla: Awwwwwww 😢😢
- Jess Guariglia: I was not mentally prepared for this!😂😰
- chillious bithrious: my sweet sweet josh i dont even have the words to describe how much I admire you <3 you're on your way out of you darkness buddy, stay strong.. And you Erin, you did an amazing job with the channel.. You got your brothers back better than anyone ..You guys are awesome, my heart is with you <3
- Ahhw E-Any: u can tell when white ppl get emotional, bc their faces always turn bright red :/. sorry, i had to. but nice!!
- Xandria21: My heart broke. 💔 I wish the best for him and Colleen wherever life takes them.
- Wassabi Jore: 😍😍😍
- Tyler Epperson: That sent shivers down my spine. That was beautiful. I'm glad to see you're back josh. At least for this one video. And I hope you're doing okay. We all love you here on your channel
- Asma Shaikh: I hate d ppl who disliked dis video..r u all heartless???
- Nadiya Ve: Me:*sees the thumbnail* oh shit its going to be a sad song and am sure am gonna tear up *brings tissues before watching* Me:clicks it..*tearing up;(* wait..its still buffering:| why am i crying when i havnt watched the video?!!;( #staystrongjosh❤️ and also..#staystrongtears(me..)
- wilson: Welcomed me back Josh!! We missed you😘
- Kristin Rawlings: Mrs Joyful Jones Vlogs look in the mirror and smile sad girl :)
- Tylerr: yall can both sing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? :)
- Jayme Hollidge: My heart has been shattered into a million pieces :( this makes me so sad
- Ella Volz: this song has so much meaning. Welcome back Joshua, we've missed you greatly, and we all love you so 💜
- Puppy _lover: Welcome back we love you so much and no matter what
- Sydney Zachary: so proud of you
- Lorelei Bodenbach: It is so good to see your face again Josh☺❤
- Mae Gray: 💙💜❤️
- Vanessa Torres: you bouth are goals brother and sister
- Hey it’s Taylor: Hang in there josh everything happens for a reason but everything bad will come out good love you 😘 hope u are doing okay
- Kiera Sweet: ur on the radio RIGHT NOW
- chrissy yang: loved it! let's help Josh and Cullen move on and no negativity! we don't know the story we only see what they want us to see! let's support them both! either way it's hard for them both!
- Nune Manasa: If you can't make someone happy.. it's better to keep quite than making them unhappy. None of us know what has happened behind the cameras. So stop the blame game. I always loved and will always love you both ❤
- Chloe Dinwoodie: Isn't this song in Trolls?
- Josh The Ford Boy: :)
- marifer Suárez: 😍😍😍😘😍😘😍😍😍😍🎼🎵🎶
- Sam Carit: This made me cry
- YOitzOlivia X: Awhh hope your ok love u , your amazing I know what u have been through and it broke my heart ❤️ love u cxxx
- Lauren P: This video gets me every single time.
- Bob Ross: Good job guys Erin did great Go on American idol...Your great too You to would make it on American idol
- Cathal Finnegan: This is beautiful ❤️
- C B: I didn't know Erin could sing so well! 😍 I absolutely loved this duet. Y'all both have a real gift. Continuing to pray for you, Josh, during this time.
- Hazel Blue: This is gorgeous
- Gabby H: Erin you have the prettiest vocals😍😍
- Jessica Hardwidge: That video honestly killed me it was beautiful and Sad at the same time so gutted about everything xx
- Yaneliz Baez: They cry
- Lily Richards: I'm crying 😭
- Cort cat: holy crap josh. this was beautiful. So emotional. love you guys.
- Fangirl Life Always: Aryeh Goldner read description
- Nick Adams: They have such a sweet relationship.
- Calei J: This better be on iTunes!!!😂😌😚
- Bethany Smith: Well I didn't hear the rest so my bad.
- holly parker: 😭😭😭😭
- Maria: I cannot remember the last time I was so moved, this was absolutely beautiful. My heart aches to see you cry but don't be discouraged, we love you <3 and we're here xxxx
- HollyJo: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the emotion I could feel from you both towards the end was beautiful. Made me cry. Praying for you, Josh.
- Eva Chupp: I love this so much I could cry. You're a good person.
- Olivia Oldford: 1:51 broke my heart ❤️
- KingdomKeyHD: this was a great video and and things will get better for you I know it and I'm glad you have someone to help you through it you have a great sister there for you
- Elizabeth Roof: I have said this in different vid but I feel SOOOO bad
- Sylvi 3333: This was truly amazing. I still can't get over them crying though😢
- Grace: oh wow now I feel dumb lol ok
- Cierra Dove Loves*: And this is your first duet together?!!? #domore #beautiful # ilysm #ilovethis
- Maddy and Colleen: WELCOME BACK JOSH! WE LOVE YOU 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Chloe Jane: stay strong josh i know you are going through a tough stage of your life so just do something that makes you happy like making video's and talking to us and family <3 Always here for a chat just to be another person listening :) hugs to you all <3 from Chloe xox
- Brittney Brown: Josh you have been missed and we all love😘😘😆😆❤️️😍
- Upasna: **goosebumps 😢
- Shiyndeay: Listening to this song on repeat because I'm just sad today (Nov 9th) and I need to cry
- Life With Jennifer: Abigail Network good not agree more with you... ❤️
- Laney Smith: I have watched Joshua's journey with Colleen and when they divorced it brought me to tears. When Joshua broke down crying at 3:14 I couldn't help but stop the video and ball my eyes out. I hope he gets better he is one of my biggest inspirations ever! Love u❤️
- fayemiyu: Honestly everyone giving Colleen shit because she's not posting pathetic depressing videos should really duck off. YouTube shouldn't be a place to air out all the dirty laundry, and I really think she's taking the high road and trying to focus on herself and be healthy. She was unhappy, got out of an unhappy situation and now she's trying to move on
- Cherish Collins: This was so touching. Beautiful job, hang in there, Josh.
- cassandra vartanian: i love this
- nicole day: This was BEAUTIFUL! I'm sorry for your heartache but this is why I love music. To express how you feel and know you're not the only one feeling a certain way. Amazing video! Welcome back Josh! We have missed your creativity
- Amy Surname: Dramatic much
- Laavanea kitty097865: josh I hope you r doing better now
- marpizza: I was excited for Josh to come back, but I wasn't expecting him to bring all the onions D:
- Matty N1X: same here i feel so sad for him
- The Pollock Productions: arin was amazing I love her singing❤ and Josh!! omg they sound amazing together !!!
- Bailey Albrecht: I love this so much. Not only are your guys' voices amazing, but the message is too. I just lost my great grandma and for some reason I feel this relates, and it made cry but I think I needed it, thank you for this amazing cover. Love you two ❤️❤️ So happy to have you back Josh, Erin you're amazing 💜💜💜
- Lily Rasnick: Awwwww omg this made me Cry I wish a had a brother to shared my love with😘😍😘❤️
- Darcy Phillips: Oh my god this song is so emotional!!!😭❤️
- Stan: I AGREE
- Divina Ísis: lindossss
- Jordyn Berke: I love you both so much😍😍 this is amazing take your time to heal josh
- Julianna Devorah: So beautiful and touching this made me end up in tears
- katiegee: I hope you both find happiness and love
- Hannah Sheridan: I've never seen someone so heartbroken ❤️
- Allie Nold: When he started crying then the colors came back and I noticed they were both crying, my heart sank. Stay strong, Josh!
- Maddy P: Just wow THIS WAS SO AMAZING
- Kelsey McSorley: love you josh
- Pastel Bunnycake: Melanie_Martinez 601 It's a cover.
- LucyLetty: Was not mentally prepared for this
- Melanie Hoinle: This is so beautiful 😢
- Grace Chmielewski: Josh, you are amazing, you went through a hard time and were between a rock and a hard place. But, you still decided to come back to what you loved, even if the other was involved. Josh your a true example of faith and love. Thank you Joshua, for showing us your followers how to come back no matter what
- Ally: So sad for Josh :( I hope he finds happiness again very soon.
- Jessica Ramirez: heyitsautumn19 sorry I can't listen to dumbshits
- Hollyrackliffe: Her voice is very pure, too! =)
- Kolso100: D: this song made me think of him and Coleen :(
- Gretten Vaga: stranger*
- Gluecksmarie: This is so beautiful!
- Raquel Antoinette: +erica yes
- Nocturnal Flare: Stay strong, Josh. We're here for you. You're amazing in more ways than you should ever forget (and Erin's wonderful too). Sending positivity and a lot of these ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Jordana McCloy: I'm balling but so glad you're back❤️ 🎈
- Paul Chillemi: ERINS VOICE IS AMAZING TOO!!! Omg This gave me the feels welcome back Josh!!!
- xtrin: This was so touching... 😭❤️
- Oh never mind it's just me here: 1) this is adorable and so sweet and my fav song 2) people who are saying hateful things to colleen and josh remember what Joshua motto is. They're both handling it in their own way.
- Diana Rashidova: the boys is real hard to cry
- Abby Rouse: ERIN. THAT VOICE THO <3
- McKenna Miller: Erin. Your voice is beautiful
- theshimsters: Anna Taylor ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- brownashlynr: No I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating....
- Izzy T-H: Colleen looks so happy even after this.nand then look st josh.
- Lucy Noble: It's so good to see you back josh I've missed you please do more singing with your sister
- Chris Meekel: I didn't know she was such a good singer
- Stephanie Bogart: I saw the comments and I was like, I'm not gonna cry. Welp, I was wrong
- Hannah Jenkinson: I'm glad your back josh Erin did an amazing job I love her and please do more covers with her she is an amazing singer xx
- Lyric Brooks: I had never could think I would see Josh again
- joe: IM SHOOK 😍
- Ela Letur: transforming the pain into Art, God bless you 💝
- Shauna Maher: I love u josh
- Larry David: this is so sad josh and Collen were so amazing together😿😿
- Joy Trembley: I wish I could like this video 100x
- Lexie Hotrum: So proud of Josh and Erin for sharing such raw emotion and being so vulnerable. The way you two portrayed this song is so powerful. ❤
- Gracie Zimmerman: You're ugly
- Aberrant Artist: I actually understand what you mean. Some times i feel the same way
- Marcella Hessels: Wow! love you for being so pure while recording! Really touched me! ♡ You will get through this Joshua
- Abrah Christine: Awww love you both!
- Lucy Kap: I was listening this song the whole day but by different artist (Jasmine Elcock) and suddenly now came with it Josh. I am in heaven. 😍
- Breybrey Troy: This is so beautiful💖 Love you both so much, sending hugs!! I support both Colleen and Josh, they're both amazing people💋
- Telly Ann: This was AMAZING😩✨
- Karleah Rendell: 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
- AGstarlightstudios: ERIN BEAUTIFUL VOICE
- Danielle Glickstein: so proud and happy to see josh finding peace in himself and is this not the cutest brother/sister relationship ever
- mintea: i'm crying at how beautiful your relationship with your sister is. such a blessing to have a sibling bond that strong and that supportive.
- Marissa Stout: I was not prepared for how much this made me happy and broke my heart at the same time. That was beautiful, and you guys are so very lucky to have each other. Sending nothing but love your way.
- clara: did anyone else notice that the video is 4:20 minutes long
- Becky Skelding: Ah so emotional! The amount of emotion put into singing thing from you both, the sadness in Josh's eyes :( love both of your voices 💜
- Sandy's Box: because they use the audio
- nina macchetta: My heart😩💝
- Shells story: That's how you know they're professional when you cry but sound immaculate,....phenomenal
- Morena D: Emma Webber why do you say that
- rojina a: omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Sophie Morne: im crying...................
- Randa: This Was Simply Amazing You Guys I Cried My Eyes Out ❤
- maddie ehat: ❤️❤️❤️
- Sunny: this is so beautiful
- Malina 123: This was heartbreaklingly beautiful ❤️ It takes time to heal, but you will get through this..
- Bethany Redd: I started crying when the video went to color.
- Isabelleking: Please can you and Erin do a duet with the song hold on the girls in dance moms did a dance to it
- AngeliqueP28: lol
- Sarah W.: Awww :,) So sweet! You two are so kind to each other... Thank you, Erin for supporting our Josh! :)
- Geovanni Lopez: Colleen is posting all this happy stuff and having all her friends hang out while josh is posting depressing ass shit !
- Katie Griggs: This was beautiful guys. You had me in tears. Awesome job. Keep your head up both of you. you are good people and Josh you will find the one! Just take time to heal.
- Violet Strumph: so cute and beautiful! ❤
- chlxet: I'm rewatching this and I'm bawling just like when I saw it ILYSM❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- mustang 123: Great work 😀😀 so glad ur back!!!
- Melanie Flowers: Omg where is that Love button when u need it?! This was too good for a Like, it needs a Love! Way to make me cry guys, tears and goose bumps galore!!!!! That was so sad yet so beautiful!
- Johnny Reatz: Wow.. All I can say is that was beautiful..
- Eden Abraham: 💕💕💕
- Lexi Grove: Why does everyone have to mention Colleen on something like this. We don't know who this is about. This song could be about his dog for all we know. I doubt it but still.
- Phantom Harmony: lol he looks fatter (not being mean, just making a comment u overly butthurt people)
- maddy leandro: JT and Anna Kendrick aren't the original singers though lol.
- chris: he's gotten fat
- 55Girl Gamer: this is the cutest!!! xx
- Renegade Gaming: PinkNova she isn't happy about what happened, she doesn't show us she's sad when she makes videos
- Jackie Smith: omg
- Nayeli Valadez: oh my god I am crying I miss you josh you guys sing so good
- Techgirl: adrianna rae SAME😭😭😭
- Abby Duvall: i love this so much💜
- Reagan Elaine: you're so strong josh I hope you're doing well. You are forever my dingle king💜
- tiny little smol bean: josh's cover is better the original song
- JustAmy: *claps* *wipes away fake tears* BEAUTIFUL!!!
- Emilia Wróbel: Beautiful. Sending lots of love and strength ❤️
- Shiann MC: the pure emotion and message behind the song gives me chills
- Sophie: Josh so glad your back :) your my favorite!! Your dingleberries are here for you❤️❤️ be nice to people
- Sydney Markham-Gallegos: Yay!!! JOSHUA'S BACK!!!!!
- Anna Brooks: I love this so much. Stay strong josh, I know you can <3
- Meagan Roellig: So happy that josh is back
- Kate: We missed u josh! Im proud of u for coming out with this song
- Ashley Sanchez: I feel so bad for Josh
- Tori Frasca: I'm speechless! This was the most beautiful cover/duet ever created. I'm so proud of both of you for being able to let out your emotions on such a heartbreaking topic in such a beautiful way. We all love both of you, and can't wait to see how much more you both grow! xoxo
- Ølivïå Rødzøn: Anyone else cry?
- Rebecca Mamallapalli: Wow I love you
- Macie Niles: This song is so good.....but it makes me so sad
- Dianna Ysabel: I'm actually sobbing so happy your back you were missed and you are loved 💓
- Sam: What you put is horrible. It implies that you know what they went through. You don't know that they didn't fight. For all you know the entire year they were married was a fight that Colleen tried to get through. For you to say she didn't try is judgemental, a symptom of a bad Christian.
- angela farey: Wow had me in tears....
- Laurie Beth H: Brian C lol where have you ever seen anything showing he didn't support the show? I've seen nothing like that. I've never seen interaction about the topic at all, but what I have seen is how little time she actually put into her marriage. That's something that can be proven. It's not needy to want to see your spouse more than a few times a year. And he's not wrong for wanting that. Their marriage failed because she didn't care enough to make it work.
- elizabeth flores: You and ur sister sing Beautiful
- Brandy Dockter: Kylah McFaull I agree totally
- Simply Felicia: So glad to see you back online Josh! This is beautiful ❤️
- Burnt Shake: 3:29 When I started crying
- 1 3: i did too
- Gymnasticsvidz5193: This made me burst into tears. First I feared up when Erin appeared then when u started crying I couldn't hold anything back. This is beautiful. We all love you josh stay strong you are an amazing person 💙
- Olivia: WLCM
- Renegade Gaming: William Phillips she is sad about it off camera and when she isn't doing shows
- Floramybingbang: this is beautiful!! stay strong!
- MelanyMoeller: This has nothin to do with this sweet sweet video.... but in the first few seconds Josh is like the spittin image of Michael Bublè. Am I right?!
- Melissa B.: People are giving Colleen so much shit. Clearly they both cope differently. Colleen prefers to deal with her emotions about the situation out of the public eye, we don't know what happens off camera. We see such a small portion (minutes compared to 24 hours) of her everyday life. Josh is more public about it which is completely fine too because this is how he copes. Just let them be my god.
- Katie Hartley: Shit... What a way to make a comeback. Welcome back, Josh. We certainly missed you!
- daniisaurushax: Damn, all the name calling. I didn't have to call you one name. I never said you weren't allowed an opinion, I was saying that you are trying to stop me from saying mine. Reread what we have been saying. I've had only decent arguments and all you've had were insults and still no good reasoning. I don't even know where the victim stuff came from. But I see you have nothing good enough to say back and that's why you're taking trying to take the power in the conversation by ending it. Have whatever opinion you want, this is merely a conversation on a youtube video.
- Christine R: For a guy with some stupid videos.....this one really got me. Good job guys :)
- Kimberley Sacré: This is amazing!
- AMargaritaMA: wow.....beautiful yet heartbreaking......hang in there Josh....time will be your best ally. Things WILL get better and with your amazing heart you will find Love.
- CarrieDreams: As much as I've been ready for Josh to come back, I want to know he's truly ready because he feels he is and not because he owes us anything. Yeah Through pain and sadness we become stronger and have a better knowledge for life... you both have been through a lot. Of course it was most recently Josh who went through it but you're both so strong because it. Sending love and support to you both ❤️
- carter vickers: we miss you!!
- Ruby Marie: I'm going through a breakup right now!! Its one of the worst things I've been through 😢
- charley boo: Josh and Erin are amazing its good to have him back though
- Professional Fangirl: It's so good to have you back Joshua 😢❤❤ I hope you're doing okay. From now on we shall only focus on the positives. 👍 Life is gonna be good again. Love you.
- Riv Racost: It is talking about letting his inner light shine through. when used in a negative way true colors wouldn't be called beautiful like a rainbow.
- Rose Girl 52: Good singers!!! this song was defs about colleen
- Rachel Blades: there was a lot of hurt in the song but it just shows that you have a great family and great friends to help you through x
- Catherine O' Donnell: Welcome back Josh ❤️ Erin's got a great voice x
- Inspection Negross: is the a 'coming out of the closet' song? I think Josh's breath might smell like penis
- Lashanti Matondo: ‼️
- jenny chan: favorite video
- KristyLeigh: Less attention on you’re hair gel and trying to be Justin .. you’re actually talented and gorgeous... with out the hair products
- Austin: where did her accent go?! this is perfection!!
- Emma Elizabeth: I love this 😩💗
- Emma Campbell: its just when josh first breaks out in tears thats when i sob
- Natasha: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 sending all the love over to you Josh
- Burnt Shake: Their singing voices are better when they sing together... I'm crying...
- Dave D: amazing, nothing more to say
- Emilee Roy: As always, a beautiful cover. I know how hard this time must be, and what a perfect song to thank your sister with. I am so happy to see you back, and so happy that you took time off to heal. <3 <3 <3
- Maria N: Utterly Heartbreaking
- Raina TL5Y: I'm feeling all the emotions right now....
- Natalie Hodges: love your profile pic ;)
- Olivia: OMGGG
- OrbitalAngel Nebula: wow that was Beautiful and Erin you have a really great tone to your voice. i tried not to cry but, i did.
- Glen rees: I’m crying 😭
- Christy Nguyen: I love you so much josh, This song is so beautiful and touching 😭❤️️❤️️❤️️ your voice and erin's voice is so good 😍 no matter what keep on going youre gonna get through it no matter what and we supporters are always here to support you no matter what decision you take in life YOU ARE AMAZING ❤️
- StrawberryKook 97: Erin should make a YouTube Chanel bc she has a cool accent and an amazing singing voice who agrees
- Mark White: Look more like partners than siblings in this, kinda awkward. Erin has a great voice though. Anyone want to just hear her sing the whole song?
- Emalia Graham: you both sing really good!!
- Cynthia Rubio: Literally cried. It reminded me of my recent struggles and idk how I made it through them, but I did. Made me cry happy tears. thank you Josh. we love you.
- Caitlan Sidwell: Ok so everyone saying it's dedicated to his sister it's dedicated to colleen,well STOP. SINCE WHEN DO YOU KNOW EVERYTHING HUH. By the way josh I love you and all of us are here for you
- Holly Bronwyn: ... beautiful. truly.
- Veronica Dab: love you josh!!!!!!
- Miss JulieAnne: Wow. So beautiful.
- yoyizzle24: This was beautiful!!!!
- Sammy Ann: So glad you are back!!
- Will Katartzis: it was unnecessary for the countdown but great video! love erin
- Beccagui: Radio Rocky Kid joshuas is going through a divorce and his sister is hurt seeming him like this
- Maria1ILY: ❤️
- wellhellomy nameislocaandimaspecialpug: im not crying, your crying
- dschackkk_: Tara Roshdy i agree. seriously.. she let go of an amazing guy
- sarah!: I love this nice job guys :D I know ur feeling down right now I can't blame you, don't listen to the other stupid comments of calling you a baby and of Colleen just not caring about you. Us true dingleberries unerstand what you're going through. We love you and are there for you. Oh and welcome back :)
- Victoria Drew: Ugh. Chills. I have a knot in my throat. I love you Joshua.... Stay strong. You're an amazing man to everyone you know and who knows you. You are very loved.
- bear rawr: I thought this was him coming out...
- Julissa Del Valle: This is a Beautiful song ❤️
- iinfinitydolans: All I can say is this was beautiful.
- amy dixon: Welcome back Josh!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Julie Rodriguez: I couldnt stop crying to this song, you both are a definition of real ness and humble brother & sister. This was truly amazing, thank you to you both for always putting a smile on my face.
- Elizabeth Weisner: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I was crying so hard during this
- Abbey whitaker: I love this and you guys so much. Thank you for being so strong and amazing Josh. You are a real inspiration to so many people. Please do more duets with Erin!! You both have amazing voices!
- Oh never mind it's just me here: Eek I'm so excited to watch this it's my fav song
- Sharifah Rahiel Hannah: this is so beautiful. joshua, we wish you all the happiness in the world and erin, thank you for everything you have done for joshua and this channel. we wish you success and happiness with your channel and life. you guys are amazing. ❤️
- Cooper Harvey: Waaaaaaaaaa like if you cried
- Morgan Conover: I never thought Erin could sing like that. This is by far my favorite song And I'm so happy u r or soon will be back
- - jennifer: you and Erin's voices are beautiful
- really gay: I was joshleen af... I hope they find someone good for them, it's not to late ✨✨✨
- K K: Cried to this while eating chips
- Flowergirlblogs: OMG ERIN 💕👍🏽👍🏽
- Terry Hickey: Oh my gosh!! Such a beautiful video!! Brought tears to my eyes! Welcome back josh! 💕💞
- Bhavna Rao: i really didn't understand this video but now i understand and really you shouldn't blame colleen.. like she is a human being and if she is uncomfortable she will back out and making a song on it will not make a difference josh...
- Meeka xoxo: Beautiful song.
- Nicole Lem: Awe welcome back❤️️
- Sammie V: This is beautiful
- Amy Mcmastet: they are amazing
- Brittanni Elliott: i wish I could hug you in person. you are amazing and in time will heal and find peace. ***hugs*** 😢
- Isabel Cheung: Josh, you are inspiring me every day and I'm so happy that I found you here are YouTube. I will watch your videos forever and ever! You make me happy every day and to see that you got through this really dark time and still put time into inspiring all of us means so much. I forever love you and your videos❤️💜
- Cara Walker: Quincey Sparks oh like you could sing better than him. He's better than some professionals.
- midnightthougts: this is incredible. so much love and respect for you guys! much love from germany. <3
- EHJT . TV: Great to see you back! We've all missed you! You two sound incredible together and nailed this song! 1:53 was adorable showing your matching shoes! So sweet ❤️
- Agnete Olea Skeide: This version is so beautiful! It's by far my favorite!! I tear up at the end of the video.. So many feelings! Stay strong <3 I love you
- Olivia Beyer: This is beautiful
- Tanu Parmar: Amanda Kromrie same
- Matthew and Ash: why am I CRYING 😭😭😭😭
- Faith Lesuer: I literally started crying this is amazing😭
- Ally Sutherland: this song is incredible josh!!! Hope you are doing okay
- Selina: this was beautiful, i'm speechless.
- Larissa Jones: love this song josh and Erin u 2 did a great job
- Sophia DeMatos: im in tears this is so beautiful
- Falpal714 C: We love you guys.
- HeidiTheChubbyBunny: the description.. Josh really hates Colleen now
- Lea Glasnović: Elizabeth Epperson he didn't wanna divorce. she was the one who wanted it.
- Coisa Minha: Those two are really nice people, the world would be better with more thoughtful people like them. I wish, Josh could not feel hurt anymore, and proud to be a beautiful person instead. Josh, there are so many comments, I doubt you will see mine, but I used to watch your videos randomly, now I'm gonna sub, cause I know I will see a good person healing and getting stronger, and that's a beautiful thing to see. Youtube is worth because of things like this! (now let me dry my eyes, oh god!)
- Sophia Nicole: I've never clicked so fast in my life
- Owen Armstrong: It didn't stop those Hillbilly Mutants in 'The Hills Have Eyes'. So why should it stop them. Love is Love..
- Abigail Lyons: So glad ur back Josh welcome bk
- Jenna Horan: this song is perfect. thank you so much Josh, we really missed you. hope you feel better, it takes time to go through hard times.. We're all with you. Courage.
- Susan Trent: So beautiful. You wear heart on your sleeve and thats ok. We all love you and are thinking of you in your hard times. Glad to see you back. Your sister is amazing and so glad she has a channel starting soon.
- Sarah Donnelly: Juliaa Kuchler you'll come out the other end it'll be okay
- 琬琳Aveline: Damn it, my eyes are sweating. the support in joshs time of pain from erin is so touching..
- Haloa_juju: That makes me cry 😞Joshua I'm so bad for you , even if I really like Colleen I'll always continue to support you 💗💫
- Rink456: Aww i just read the description Erin is such a nice sister
- Olivia Soto: Oh... In so sorry I didn't mean to be mean
- ChicHulaGirl: I think this is your best cover!!!
- Isabella Rodriguez: This makes me so sad we missed u so much josh ily
- i a: I'm sobbing.
- anna rochon: Slytherclaw Gal he is hurting and this his way of dealing with it, learn to grow up and don't leave unnecessary comments to upset people. Also this is his channel and he can post what he chooses to, if you don't like the content then leave. Also if you read the description it says it's dedicated to his sister, it didn't say Colleen once.
- Alex Richardson: This is beautiful
- kingsleyarandia: When Erin starting singing I got so much goosebumps
- Alyssa Schmidt: That was so beautiful!!! You both sounded amazing. It brought a few tears to my eyes... Im glad to have you back Josh I"ve missed you!
- jasmine render: I LOVE THIS SONG
- Neha parekh: I stayed up late just to watch this one video and I swear it was worth it. I've never cried before watching a YouTube video. hit me right in the feels. I love you so much❤
- Gracie Kerr: I'm glad the are both taking their own personal time and ways to heal. Remember just because something isn't what you would do, doesn't mean it's wrong.
- Sri Vogt: I was actually crying! It took my heart away
- Kenz Kenz: I heard this song on Trolls the movie
- anjelxbaybie 9: watching in 2017 and this cover still makes me cry. hope you are doing well Josh. stay strong. 😘
- HumpheryLin: oh my god! this is so so beautifully covered! love it so much!! I'm crying now T_T Love you Josh and Erin
- Gina Esposito: 😱 imma cry 😭😭
- Chloe Styles: Who else cried!??
- elissaarosee: i wasn't expecting to get emotional yet I'm sat here in college crying and a strange boy is staring at me... maybe he thinks I'm the strange one? :s
- Bec Mull: JOSHUA
- Kayla Tapia: Ahhhhhh why did they have to break up😭😭😭😭
- cheychey: This is so beautiful
- Gillian Rose: When he breaks down crying 😭 I'm just omg❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- charah B.: aww Josh I love you! be strong and I hope you found your inner peace! I applaud that you took time off the internet! welcome back my friend! I feel that you are an old friend of mine! I truly love you
- zepedro 15: this guy looks so fake xd
- S M: The thing is if Colleen divorced him for her career obviously he wasn't as Important to her as her future... and I think Josh deserves much more than that! Before you comment anything, just know that I'm not taking sides I'm stating the obvious
- Amy C: Steven Palomo same x
- Natalia Koskela: 😢 It's going to be better. Hang in there ❤️
- Tala dela Peña: WELCOME BACK 😘😘😘
- Little House of Stitches: My heart breaks for both of them and the pain both siblings have gone through so early in their lives... Watching the pain in Josh's eyes was unbearable 💔 Josh, if you ever read this, don't lose hope in love. I know you have always been a believer in love... Just know it's still out there and it's still real 💜 you deserve nothing more than happiness.
- rae anna golderer: We love you Josh 💕 I know life is hard right now and it's not fair, but you can get through it. We know you can. We all are super proud of you and we see the good in you. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU 💕🌸
- Rachel Boucher: when josh started to cry I broke down
- Kate C: I cried so much..
- tess gillies: Omg I love you!!!
- Ali wonderland: I legit cried when she looked at him. keep your head up Josh😌
- lora hernandez: Love you josh!!
- That One Mistake 0-0: Can't wait to see u this Wednesday!!! keep up the good work!😘
- Kaitlyn Nolan: miz Chandar I'm sorry for your loss:( stay strong!
- Tara Fox: I don't know if you'll see this Josh. I wanted to say that I love you. Been a big fan for over a year but I fell in love with who you are as a person, your light shines so bright and you have helped me go through some dark things. I lost the man I loved so much so in a way I understand all of this. He thought he wasn't good enough for me. Thank you for coming back. This is a beautiful cover. Keep strong and keep smiling Josh. 💖💙
- Flora R: the description made me cry :(
- Anna Milam: Absolutely beautiful!! So glad you are back! You and Erin are both loved by so many!!
- rjewell: I don't usually make comments on videos, a few here and there, over the past two/two and a half years following you. I've really felt for you in this time of your life and I'm glad you've decided to return. This wasn't what I was expecting from your return to YouTube but it was extremely moving. I'm glad you took time to find out who Josh is and time away from social media to heal. I looked at this video as okay another video where josh is going to sing....but the passion in your voice moved me to tears. I do not know what it is like it go through a divorce but I am married and I hope you continue on your path to finding yourself! I'm honored to be apart of your YouTube family and that you'll share your journey with us. Keep moving forward Josh!
- Colleen Slays: Tears. Tears because I know when they are crying it isn't acting. They aren't trying to get views or a gig. The tears are real. They are 100% real tears. Especially with Josh. May he find happiness and love.
- Shelby Greenwood: I think that most folks who publicly break up need to each other a little kindness in letting one another heal instead of just acting like the other one never existed! He is getting comfort from his best friend his baby sister! Colleen has replaced Josh with a cat 🐱 a cute one , but a cat!
- John L: I hate him
- ZERLINDE Tutuila: Love her voice
- Faith Culbert: this was so good!
- Victoria Hennick: thats not rude just my opinion i an entitled to state my opinion, she just isn't interesting any longer
- joy b: This hurts me so much because it's obviously hurting Josh so much that this happened and I love collen but this lowkey makes me a little mad at her.
- fabrizio Peddis: not very prepared for this 😢😢😢
- Brisa Yoder: WHO ELSE IS CRYING!!!! I love you Josh and I'm glad ur back
- Andie1221: 2:25 I started crying. 3:27 it was even more emotional. I love you, Josh and Erin. I support you both 100% and I looking forward to the videos with Josh
- Olivia Rockwelll: My chorus sang this last year! Let me say.. It's amazing to have you back Josh! We've missed you.
- Landon beaton: I love this song
- Bailey Smith: Wow didn't know Erin could sing! Beautiful. Both of you. I hope this dark time passes you soon Josh.
- Samantha Khan: This is truly amazing and inspiring that you can be so strong but yet see your hurting just goes to show you don't now what tomorrow will bring 😀 you have an amazing support system
- Kay Tincher: Am I the only one who didn't know Erin could sing like omg this whole family is talented as head Also WELCOME BACK JOSH!!!! WE MISSED YOU 👏🏼❤️
- Joey Liu: My choir sang this as a song in front on like 5 other schools
- Lana Duncan: We a supporting you so much Josh . We have all been through tough times
- Tania Mullins: so sorry about the divorce
- Valerie Corpus: Did he write this? 😭😭
- MemeTastic: I've listened to this song many times... but only with this video I have listened to every word
- · vrticlocomotive ·: This is so beautiful, I'm so glad you're back Josh and you are so blessed to have such amazing and supportive people in your life who will always be there for you. Much love from me and all your dingleberries, Skye
- harnoor hir: This made me cry stay strong Josh love you so much
- Cindy O: literally crying omfg that was amazing :')
- Madi Bailey: This video makes me cry so much because it has such a beautiful meaning to it and I just love seeing both of you together and doing this. I know that both of you have gone through some hard times in your life but you can always get through it because you two just have the strongest heart. Watching you two both break makes me break into so much tears of happiness and sadness and I love this video so much I hope you two can do another one together😍😘❤️ I love you guys with a passion
- gloria styles: Wierd Stuff By Lauren who said this song was about his divorce at all
- Royal Paradise: I hope Colleen sees this a hope she thought this was a mistake
- Barbara Beaulieu: Your amazing
- Abe Lincoln of Mouth Whores: Addy Chesney she will see the video before she would see this comment
- Cole W.: Now I'm crying. Great.
- Gabrielle Keeley: u both r so good at singing
- Julie: This is amazing. So glad that Josh is coming back, and I'm definitely subscribing to Erin!
- AmandaLinnéa: I loved this cover, so emotional. Definitely the best i've heard from you <3 hope you're doing well
- iris: Heather Perez This is his video for the come back! as far as I know (I'm sorry if I'm wrong) he'll make some videos again now
- Julia Vunk: Erin is also getting a divorce
- K8 Flynn: Erin reminds me so much of Emma from glee in this...
- Sophia Fielding: i love this song comment if u do ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤✌✌✌❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Kelly Moores: Josh my heart breaks for you. You and your sister have a beautiful relationship. You're so lucky to have each other. Hold that close to your heart❤️
- Anna: i cried so much the song is so heartfelt
- Adventures With Joshua: Omg you guys both sound amazing I love you both so much 😍😘❤️
- BDE98: All of you are so hostile. Take a page from Colleen's fan's books and learn to respect others.
- Tammy 0721: Why do they have to sing this song when it is sad it is even sad because Josh had a divorce😥
- Kyrianna: Hugs love and prayers. Your soul is so beautiful and I know there are no words that can take away your hurt. I'm glad to have someone like you to look up to. I'm glad to see that you have such a strong bond with your sister and that you're trying to pull through. Your voices touched my very soul. Xoxo
- Jackie Nehra: Lol it ends at 4:20
- Natalie A: Josh and Colleen are going through such a hard time!.... stop the hate :/
- mia elisabeth: I'm in tears
- Madie1coco: Erin's voice is so pretty she should have a singing channel
- Br. Gregory Joseph, CPH: I don't remember if I commented on this before, though this is my second time watching and listening to the emotions, which flowed out from the song. I can picture you and your sister performing a cover to "Say Something".
- maysie: Josh I want you to know no matter what nobody chooses to go through things like this and it happens to the people who need it the most it happens to make themselves better and right now probably all you can think is why me or how or why could this happen but think into the future and I'm sure you'll see what's next and a thoughtful caring person like you are willing to try as hard as they can to think about the things that life has prepared you for and what it has stored away for you unfortunately I'm not saying bad things will never happen again but expect surprises in life that not everybody understands only you will. 🌑➡➡☀🙏
- JacobOfTheElite ,Bruh don’t question: when i saw them crying i cryed i love this song
- Natalia A: It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be mad. But that always passes by. Rainbow always comes after rain. Happiness always comes after sadness. We love you, Joshua and Erin. We will always be here for you. We aren't going anywhere. Love you, guys. 👏💟💟
- ASoulJuxtaposed: I just cried my face off! I love you and Colleen both equally and I am so sorry you are both going through this. I know you have an awesome support system and I pray for your peace and healing. Be nice to people. 💗
- Esther Davis: is this a dig at Colleen???
- Katherine Spahn: I'm sobbing. This was such a beautiful video and I could literally feel the love between you and Erin. So glad to see you again but so sad you're going through this. 💙 Sending you love and strength.
- Carley altergott: yo... im balling😭😭
- Gabriela Teodorescu: am I the only one who cried?😅😢
- Bethany: Your English is great
- nimniimm: I'm bawling, this was beautiful and emotional. I loved it. Thank you Erin and Josh! Welcome back Josh, you were missed.
- Ramona: 💛
- _ xoangy: Stay strong josh ! We love you ❤️
- olivia lynne: Josh thank you. This song and your words are so touching. Please continue to do what you do best and don't forget that you will never be alone.
- Colby Hess: Oh my gosh I had no idea Erin was so good!
- lena brb: He looks like Dan from Lucifer👔
- Abby Haus: Dani Sis probably
- MelissaAnn 1986: so proid of you both. thank you so much for choosing to be so open and honest. not only with us but obviously with yourselves. you're both truly an inspiration. welcome back Josh. youve been deeply missed by so many!
- Grace Wright: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
- Angie Wesson: omg are they lip singing it?????
- Carlyn Prato: WELP, I was in a good mood! All the feels! Beautifully done.
- rae ann: I love these two to death and when they started crying Erin was like crying a river and Josh just had one tiny tear lol
- Titilade Vlogs: I'm not crying :))) my eyes are just sweating :))))
- Ella lamont: This is soo cute I love it😭❤️
- Olivia Bel: so powerful omg ❤️
- masha glisic: I'm so glad you are back but I still don't think you are ready if you need more time we will wait for you 😘 I love you so much Joshua ❤️❤️
- Ashley ward: omg i love this
- Claire Zehntner: This video was all about Colleen and josh and their divorce and it makes me cry.
- Kimberly Broom: I wish I could like this a million times
- Disorto123: I almost started crying when Josh cried.. I didn't know how much I've missed seeing him until this video..
- Erin Moore: I don't know why people are so mean to Josh about what has happened. The man Is going through a really bad time. So give the man some peace.JESUS
- Jenny Said: The song was so beautiful. You and Erin made it amazing. keep doing what you love.❤️
- Raven Willow: Absolutely beautiful. I've waited a week for this and it was absolutely worth it. I would say this version is better than the original. Can we expect more duets?
- Audra Pearson: Josh, you are such a beautiful soul. Thank you for showing your true colors to us. Thank you for being vulnerable and allowing yourself to grieve and sharing this beautiful and difficult process with us. I have so much respect for you. You are also very lucky to have such an amazing and supportive sister and family. Listen I know you don't want to hear this, but I do not agree at all with the way Colleen handled this. It appears she didn't even try. Haven't y'all ever heard that "the first year of marriage is the hardest?" It truly is and it deserves to be fought for! You deserve to be fought for! Why is it okay to be there for the "better" but as soon as "worse or hard" kicks in people just quit?! You never get to experience the rainbow after the rain when you give up. (Not that you gave up, just speaking in general) I have been married for 10 years (also have 3 kids) and believe me we have had some lows. But we have never lost sight of our goal. We always fight fair, we never put each other down and we never give up on each other. You deserve someone who isn't going to give up on you. And let me say this "nice guys DONT finish last!" You are a nice guy. And my husband is a nice guy. My husband and I are total opposites. (Not that I'm not nice, I'm just a little spunky for lack of a better word :) I am very outspoken and can be a little difficult sometimes. We are Christians and I believe y'all are as well. I believe that their is a woman out there who will love, cherish and fight for you as much as you do for her. My husband has taught me so much about compromise and not giving up when things get hard. And I have helped him find his voice and stick up for himself. He sometimes has a hard time telling me how he feels. But I have always been very careful to not take advantage of his kindness and have helped him find his voice. We compliment each other. It is just my opinion, that it takes a special person with a good heart who isn't self consumed with fame, material items or "worldly things" to make a great marriage work. You are that special person and you deserve the same. I am so sorry that Colleen broke your heart and broke your vows but Josh I promise you God knows what He is doing in this. Please keep your faith and do not allow others to put you down or make you feel bad about yourself. I sincerely hate the way Colleen is handling this, acting as though it doesn't matter but I believe that everything is planned by God (good or bad) before it happens and that there is a master plan behind it. I promise you one day when you are sitting around the dinner table with your beautiful wife; who adores you, and your children having dinner, you are going to smile and remember me telling you this. You will find your happiness and one day you will see this as a good thing because you will see that you are being respected, treated and loved far more than you could have ever imagined and with someone who is willing to fight for you and your marriage. I sincerely pray you read this and feel encouraged. I won't say a bad word about Colleen because I know you love her but I do feel like you deserve better than the way this has played out. I am praying for you. I love your heart and I hope you will continue sharing it with us. Sincerely, Audra Pearson
- Victoriya Martsenyak: ERIN IS AMAZE BALLS AT SINGING!!!! 😄😍😗😚😙
- Katie Marie: omg really
- Lillie Shippy: Amazing. Just amazing.
- Isaac digiamberdine: Oml I cri
- Johnson Tigger: Amazing ❤️️
- Subscribe to Pewdiepie. Fuck Tseries: this just broke me into little pieces 😧
- Heidi pianoblue: YAYA U BACK
- lostmiddledistance: I simply can not explain how this makes me feel!! I LOVE YOU BOTH !!!
- Rhea Khanna: Josh is hurt. u Colleen fans will justify even wrong. honestly she doesn't give a shit. I saw her video but she isn't upset at all if u see her on social media. stay strong josh we all love u ❤ this made me cry! man Colleen doesn't deserve u.
- Naomi Sweeney: This made me cry 😭 ilysm josh ❤️
- HP FOREVER !: the tears have fallen!!!😭😭😭😭
- Amber Kavanagh: i really want to send you something but I don't know your po box. I have a lot of faith in both of you. You can get through anything if you are together. My dad told me no matter what happens always get up and keep going. I really love this channel and I would hate to see it get taken down so I'm happy that you got back up Josh. And Erin your a really big roll model for josh because went through the same thing. Love you both. Keep going. Keep your heads up high. xx😘😘
- Queen mn: omg i cried so much and my dad saw me cry!😂😯😢
- Gena Parker: there should've been more communication as to why this happened because she wanted to make him happy and he said that he would've stayed to work it out because that is what would make him happy so i'm confused...
- Delle Beltran: Very nice . Welcome back Josh👍👌👏
- Melody Faull: That was very good.
- Melanie: I love this so much. Joshua still looks so sad though :( I wanna hug him through the screen. Also, I'm so glad Erin is getting her own channel. This was so beautiful! <3 Welcome back Joshua! *HUGS*
- Claudia and Natalie: That was just beautiful and touching. I feel his grief so much more in regards to the divorce. I wish him all the best in the world.
- Meet The Presleys: God has a plan for everyone :) so have faith keep it burning bright :) and soon enough you will meet the woman your planned to be with I have gone through heartbreak in my past really bad ones and than years later I started a family with a new man :)
- Kenzy Hayes: I love you so much Joshua and i'll always support you. <3
- Lennon Webb: This is honestly so beautiful 💗 I teared up quite a bit. Your voices sound amazing together! So proud of you Josh! 🙌🏼💗💗
- ASMR - Makailyn: Josh, you have such a supportive family your sister has been with you through it all and just because times are tough right now you are so loved and honestly I wish I could hug you and really talk to you and when I saw you crying I wanted to just be there I honestly wish i was part of your family because I know how hard that is my left me and so I know how you feel with someone leaving you I love you and I hope that you heal and Josh all I have to say is if your not ready to say "what's up internet" than don't because I fully support you
- I s a b e l l a Xx: stop picking sides. Josh and Colleen are both amazing human beings. In the end it's there life and no need to judge what they thought was best. Everyone is very sad about this but all us really fans have to support them no matter what!
- Cyntina P: omg this was so beautiful😭😭
- Imanima Mehra: im cry
- Brenna Critchley: You two are so good at singing and josh I know you are still healing from the divorce and I promise it will get better ❣
- Manda Smith: this is so pure and beautiful and so emotional
- everydayluna: OMG i love you guys so much i am now krying
- Brittney Whelihan Irwin: Love it!!!
- brittany fallica: I'm so sorry for your pain... this video brought me to tears. What a way to turn something so painful into something beautiful. Life has struggles, pain, heartache... but if you can still see the beauty at the end of the day, that's true strength. Head up Joshua, I promise you will get through this.
- Nya Lawrence: I've at least watched this video at least 1000 times since it has come out
- Katie Jackson: beautiful
- That tall girl Amanda: I ACTUALLY FRICKEN LOVE THIS
- Amy M: try getting married to the love of your life after 8 years of dating and not imagining life without them then all of a sudden they're just gone , they gave up on you and now your life is empty and nothing like you have planned ...then talk about being dramatic
- Dave Tugwell: do a lot of you pathetic people not remember when they said no nastiness/picking sides after the split?
- Ally Sims: So amazing. So inspiring. I admire you and the direction you took with your comeback. Spreading hope and love is the best therapy. We are all here for you. You have no idea how happy this video made me. Smile Joshua. You have changed so many people's lives with your bravery and big big heart. Never let yourself doubt what you deserve. Thank you for this video. The perfect representation. We love you. We missed you. Welcome back. ❤️
- Karen Robles: 1k dislikes all those heartless people
- Lucy Sigman: Wait so is Josh officially back?
- Malachi Hager Ryan: and thank you josh this song is helping getting through my pain
- Tabatha Hall: Logan Halley - ignore the troll posting over & over. Anyone with brain knows what happened she left him because she fell out of love and in love with her job he didn't fit into her life
- Dahlia Moslim: This was beautiful Josh xx
- Ellie: This is so good, stay strong Josh ❤️❤️
- emilyrose1405: holy shit i'm a mess
- Mark Said: Am very glad to see your face again, Josh. This song sung by both your beautiful and soothing voices bring out tonnes for feelings. Thanks for this experience, and for the video, mates.
- nina B: Your voice😍😍
- Jackie Aguilar: Elise MusicNerd Its that she doesn't want to show negativity on her channel stop hating on Colleen both Josh and her don't like us talking about it. He took some time to heal but her she heals off camera, she doesn't want her viewers to feel negativity and dark feelings so that's why she does that
- Thrill Project: This is absolutely amazing. The emotion and passion in this video had me smiling from ear to ear. So inspiring and wonderful!
- Carly Goehring: Linds&Liv me
- Felicity Isabella: This has got me through a really hard week, and I thank you so much. I can't imagine how you're feeling but I have had a taste of it myself this month. So happy you have such amazing people surrounding you. In return for touching me the way you have with this song, I wish you every happiness, in everything that you do. Everything happens for a reason, what will be will be. X
- sam: Thank you Josh.
- Reva Rum: Omg my heart😭
- Stine Iversen: Hi josh i dont even know if you see this but i just want to say thank you so much for this ❤️
- Vintageart1994: I think this is actually how he is feeling right now. And colleen even said that Joshua was a more emotional person and sensitive. He wants to show his fans how he's feeling and obviously he's hurt. Now colleen doesn't have class she's just more private and doesn't want to show bad things in her life. He's different so let him be.
- gabrielle zontini: Read the description
- BrittanyMae_xoxo: I'm crying😭❤️ Joshua I love you so much😭
- Haley Andrews: I love you so much josh, you are so inspirational, I hope everything is going ok and just know we love you, you and Erin both
- JoAnna Sturm: Erin you have a beautiful voice!!
- Wynter B: is this song about Colleen
- PixelPlay16: Sad. :(
- Pritika Beerjeraz: Happy to see you back Josh. Love you so much. God bless 😇😇
- Emme Rivas: I just pray that Josh and his family get that peace and comfort they need , it's not easy letting go of someone you love ... I hope everyone finds there happiness
- Bou Sarah: i cried like a baby ! i think we all can relate to this thats why it hits so close to home !!! everyone of us has been through a heartbreak ! im so sorrry Josh !
- Jenelle Ullrich: I still love this duet!
- Anni schumacher: We will always be there for you Josh❤
- Courtney Doyle: 😭😭😭 josh if u see this I love u so much don't worry I will be hear for u 😭😭😭😩
- Evelyn Revolorio: this so beautifull 😢😢😢💔💜 love it
- anasianperson: Now I'm Going to watch some sassy dance by colleen now. lol.
- LDShadowLady Fan 〈3: +Amanda Wilson "im tired of her making excuses" Im sorry when were you ever apart of their marriage or divorce? never. you don't know anything lmfao you're the bitch here.
- Kasie Goldsborough: this song is truly amazing, you two are both amazing and its a great thing to see how close you two are. but for the people I see in the comment section. saying its Colleens fault, its truly not. sometimes people grow apart and people deal with things differently. josh decided he needed to step back and take a breather and it turned out amazingly because now we have Erin. and colleen had just made an incredible jump in her career and she couldn't take a step away but everyone also needs to realize they try to show us the happy in their loves and josh didn't want to bring us down so he stepped back. this was a long and rambling comment but I support the both of them and hope that their pathsboth end with happiness because there is always a light at the end of the dark
- CoolBlueWolf: +HATis watermeloon i wasnt rude that just proved u didnt even watch josh videos before that OBVIOUSLY.
- Carolyn White: love y'all you both have such an amazing voice I can see how you are siblings I hope you both find a way to fight the pain away with each other I hope this made you feel better
- PlanetExplorer: So proud of you both 💕 this video gave me goosebumps
- Carlin Voong: There is so much hate towards Colleen. Joshua and Colleen never showed the bad parts of their relationship, right? Now, Joshua is kind of exposing Colleen and showing his emotions. Maybe he's more expressive. But Colleen hides it, she's probably hurting inside and doesn't want her channel to be more negative so she plays as an actress and pretend to be happy. We can say for sure unless one of them says it for them self. But I hope they are still good friends.
- Shiloh Hartshorn: I CRIED !!!!!! Did anyone els
- CassandraLouisex31: This broke my heart. Happy to have you back Josh. Remember, if nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies! You'll get through this. You have an amazing support system behind you. Sending love your way!!
- Kristina Faith: Wow. I have no clue what to say after that. My eyes are leaking.
- Kelly Weingart: This was beautiful. There's no love better than your siblings. So glad to see you back Josh. You're an inspiration to all of us. You will get through this. So many people love you ❤️
- Adriana hada: I wish nothing but happiness upon both of you.
- Katey Louise: What am i doing With ny
- Emma Molloy: when the color came on and I seen you two crying I balled my eyes out😙😙😙😙😢😭
- Jakira Alexis: hi
- Alexandra Gutierrez: OMG I JUST WANNA HUG YOU RN😢
- heyoshenanigans: This is really amazing, Josh and Erin...I wish more people were as brave as you guys are, to say it's OK to not be OK. Amazing.
- JinMei Williams: Wow that made me cry at the end, so sorry josh and your sister too, love you guys your tough and brave, show people you are true color, happiness is a choice and :) love you!!:)
- PurrPurr: Wow...amazing! I totally was balling...just like I did when I watched Trolls I didn't get to partake in viewing your relationship...but just watching both of your announcements of how heartbroken you both are...that really truly breaks my heart...finding love (even friendships) has been impossible for me - I have just accepted that I'm just going to remain alone...my heart is just much too weak to ever allow anyone in
- Noemi B: #bomb #benicetopeople
- Kate Diam: So good !! nice work guys : )
- abigail perez: that is beautiful i love it ♡♡
- julia kim: I support josh and Colleen. I will miss them together but hopefully they can remain friends? They're both hurting from this divorce. We don't know what there situation is life that they're getting a divorce. I really wish this wasn't true,but I think if they're moving on I think us fans who support them to stay together should move forward because they're be sad if they see comments get back together wit Colleen or josh. I think they already got enough hate from this divorce announcement.
- Klayre Nohlechek: I hate seeing Josh this sad and upset. Stay strong bud. Love you guys
- Estephanie Rosales: When josh started crying it killed me 😭😭
- Taylor Kedi: YOUR BACK JOSHY
- Colleen L: I am so sad😣❤️
- kjamison05: Absolutely beautiful! (as I sit here with tears rolling down my face)
- adara: i think that people really need to get over themselves. i'm not even a fan but i know that josh and colleen have SPECIFICALLY said not to attack the other, and just be supportive. some people seem to think that they know the entire story, and exactly how the two of them are feeling, but that is blatantly untrue. to take sides in a situation that you don't know anything about and doesn't remotely involve you is not ok.
- we love cookie swirl c: Josh is back yayy like if your happy
- Mack J: Keep going josh. Don't give up. Have a great day. Hope you feel better. Im proud of you. #respect
- Breeanne Barnard: I love this song and all the emotion u put in it...... keep doing what u love joshas
- Coco slime Pow: Josh I hope you feel better soon
- Equine Elysia: This is ALL because of Colleen, Think About it, Colleen Fans, shut up for right now and i'll tell you why. Josh is an amazing man and Colleen decided to focus more on her job and money than Josh, then she DIVORCED him, thats just a rude thing to do. Meanwhile on her channel she is having a great time, acting like she never was divorced, Josh on the other hand is so broken down. But atleast Josh will find someone that loves him as much as he loves them and Colleen will have no one but a cat and her job. Josh is just going to turn out better, I am not picking sides by the way, its just the obvious truth. I just hope Josh is better. Be nice to people <3
- Summer Hale: * when they started crying*
- Gabrielle Radic: So amazing love you guys 💖
- Shelley Roper: PEOPLE Joshua and Colleen are both amazing people who just aren't meant to be together. ALSO BE NICE TO PEOPLE
- Ash Serfs: U guys have the same ralacantipt like me and my brother they will always look after u
- dinoh tauli: you cried in the vid aww
- Stan: I didn't see anyone bring that up until i saw your comment. His hurting doesn't seem like he's crying for a boyfriend even if he is Gay or Bi there's nothing wrong with that he's a great guy who's heartbroken.
- chicken 101: ur back ??? I like u no mater what
- lindsey akins: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! <3
- Jennifer Llanes: Left me speechless. All I can say was that it was one of the most beautiful videos and voices I've ever heard in my entire life. 💖
- Allison Garcia: oh my god josh I really missed you erin was great i loved all of her videos
- Estelle Azincourt: awesome. Your voices melt perfectly ! MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
- Julie Abaci: My eyes are sweating
- 0mgtessa: YIKES i cried
- Angel Haren: I support both of you. Josh you're a wonderful man can wait for u to be back 💕💕 you have flaws just like any person but they help make out who you are. it's truly a blessing you have so many supporters, because a lot of people feel really alone in this world like I do but, I love the duet, your voice is amazing and love youuuuu so so much 💯❤
- Jazmin Rodriguez: Ayana Salkey dude , I just said that she probably breaks down behind the camera
- Roxyhart: Beautifully done. :-) Praying for you in this time of healing.
- MissElemanda1: ❤❤
- Natalia: Literally crying 😭
- Kimi Smith: 🙋
- Family Wars!: That is my fav song this is beautiful xxx
- SS: OR.. maybe Josh has the same support but doesn't feel the need to emphasize it publicly>?
- Toniie: You've never sounded better Josh
- Greg Chamarakis: they are both crying in the end😭 i feel so sad that joshua has to get over the devorce so much more difficult😢
- Divya Sookun: i'm crying 😭😭😭 love you josh <3
- Lynette Demar: +Amalie Kahr-Højland Thanks Amalie, that was very sweet of you to say!
- Gøłden Eggrøłł: This is so good 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
- Lily Elizabeth: Started crying before the video started. But the matching shoes made me smile. 💗Josh we love you stay strong!
- Tallulah 27: Erin voice is so beautiful, and Josh's to.❤️
- Miriamxoxo: Right when Joshua started singing i Just burst into tears 😭😩 but this is so touching ❤️️
- Hannah Michaela: Im so glad Erin is there for you right now btw I love erins voice its so soothing
- apparentlychristine: woooow 👍🏼
- Marianno dejo: This was so beautiful..and must not have been easy.
- Janna Haseeb: I feel soo sorry for him😭😪
- Addie Breedlove: We love you Josh❤️
- Julie Ayton Yates: bro, she's gone. she's special but you will move on and do better.
- Robyn kearns: I wonder if Coleen has seen this
- Carla: Brandi Lewis-Morgan you can buy it look in the description there is a link were you can buy it and other songs of his as well
- Angella Morgan: My heart hurts for you Josh. I am so glad that you have a loving and supportive family that will stand behind you through all of this. Stay strong. It will get easier. This song is one of my favorites, you guys did a great job!
- Scrapmom68: Erin's voice...like an angel. Why can u only hit the like button once??!!!
- peyton west: this makes me emo goodbye world
- Sara S.: Aww Erin loses her cute accent when she sings haha but I LOVED this!! Amazing!!!
- Carmel Daly: Josh and Erin, this was so very beautiful. It's sad that you've both been through pain, but how special it is to have a sibling relationship where you support and lift one another up. Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your pain, your hope and your amazing talents. I hope that you both find peace and happiness <3
- Lorissa Carrasco: I love your voice!!!!
- Miss Elefanté: I am so sorry about Coleen you are amazing
- Callia Pusey: Who else got chills watching this it was so beautiful 👏🏽😊
- JessLeeS_: Erin your amazing ❤️ like brother like sister ❤️
- Jagoda Stochel: I'm cying
- Mc Jamea: this is so cute yet sad❤
- Scarlett Jean: This is the sweetest I can't even
- Megan Evelina: Honestly can't stop crafting! I love you Joshua and Erin xx
- Chelsea Dawn: Melissa Atteberry but you have to understand that's how she's ACTING. Colleen is acting like her life got BETTER leaving josh, do you not see that?? It's extremely obvious if you don't. Colleen is posting more on every social media platform than I have ever seen her post....EVER.
- Erica Christiana: Özge Bird yeah
- Melissa Sabine: MY HEART! ♥️😭
- Myka Mateeff: Buddy Buds wow. really? you can't just go and say that colleen was a "cold brick" when you don't know what their lives were like
- Riley Enocksen: 2:40 her voice 😍😍😍
- Cindy Lake: gorgeous!!!
- Quinn Gray: Beautiful! ❤️
- C J: Yay bae ur back!!!!!
- Infinity_girl shot: Joshua will always love colleen 😢😍💖
- Miekjeswereld: OMG! 😢😭 i wish that i could give you both a big warm healing hug. this song is my favorite song of old times. and you two brought it up so beautifull. and btw who knew that your sister could sing like that 😮😯. amazing work. and thank you for this song 💔 💝💖
- dolphindancer777: this is epic and Josh you got your sister to wear high tops! you both are beautiful! life will go in due time. I was divorced too. know exactly what your going through. Prayers for continued healing Josh! hang in there
- thomasrobson03: So proud of you josh just keep pushing forwards we are all here for you
- MoKhaib21: #%!? Goals
- Maci Rae: This is so stupid and cringy omg I hate this
- Marta Núñez-Samper: I've been looking forward to watching this video the whole week :""") Great job Josh, I'm happy that you're feeling better and healing!! Best wishes for what life has prepared for you!!
- Faith LaVoie: Stay strong ❤️ I love both of you
- Valaya Hart: OH MY GOODNESS I JUST WATCHED TROLLS and having only heard this song from this video, when they started singing this song, my heart just exploded.
- Olivia: no she doesn't
- Jonathan Lindamood: Omg this was surprisingly really good! Love his sister and how strong she is! Josh definitely seems more sad than Colleen does
- Alyxandreia Szario: Beautiful!
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"True Colors" // Joshua David Evans & Erin Elyse Evans // Brother-Sister Duet | |
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