Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GESL7...
Mystery Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDxoj...
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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. I'm also a Singer, Husband, Triple Espresso over Ice Connoisseur, Actor, and Momma's Boy. Be Nice to People.
- abrielle: Either Colleen, Rachel, you, Rosanna Pansino or Chris or Jess or Parker or Bailey or Jake :)
- Sarah and Caitlin The Memes: why am i watching a grown man lip sing to Celine Dion? Because he is Joshua David Evans.
- Ava Pileggi: Joey graceffa because he is amazing and his dogs are so cute!!! Btw I love your hair and I think it would look good purple.
- Hello Du: Do u watch IIsuperwomanII
- mally cat: I like who i am but id want to be friends with all the people im subscribed to
- Tryinglittleleg: NO PLEASE GO BACK BROWN
- kidfromthehaven: Agree with picking Mamrie. My first pick would probably be Grace Helbig. For the same reasons you said about Mamrie. They both are incredibly witty & are are both so funny.
- Mya Warner: I would wanna be either Channon rose or Colleen for sure
- Chad Tropic: Have you ever had sex with Miranda
- Rachel Schultz: +Ramona Chandra just because he's gay doesn't mean he's a bad person. and who cares if someone's gay
- Georgie Vlogs: Zoella or Thatcher Joe
- Trinity Mast: His hair is almost the same color as his eyes... AWESOME!!
- Carolina Cortez: And Daniel
- Morgan Elizabeth: plot twist at the end woah
- Kimmie Coker: Julian or Jenna for sure
- Madison Biehl: I would be Miranda sings because she is so funny
- Joely Power: I would be rclbeauty101
- Drewerbiebs 160: I might go to ur kansas city show
- Dorienne Miller: zoella sugg
- Jazzy DeFehr: * Ballenger
- Superstar123: Rachel ballinger
- Shannon Beckloff: Jelly and day is who i would be
- Lesliee Gonzalez: i knew you were going to say drew lol
- Maci Anderson: it's my birthday
- Éva Tóth-Bumberák: I would love to be Marzia Bisognin for a day :)
- Justice G Gdog: lilly singhs because how can I not
- Talon Jade: I'd be Gabbie (The Gabbie Show) because Duh
- Marina Smith: Josh, are you a hamilton fan, and are you a christian?
- Satan Lucifer: I would be Coleen
- Kid Average: Parker Because he's so cute and I love him :)
- Maggie Merse: ILLUMINATI.
- Cassandra Monsour: U
- CuteAndKawaii: Miranda sings
- Daan: I lurv youuuu
- Toriexlove: I'd be Rachel ballinger because she's so funny and doesn't care about what she looks like on the camera. She's so herself I love it!!
- crazy eyes kammie: I'd want to be miranda sings because she is so funny ilhsm
- Jillian McCullar: Shane he is so halarious
- Tatum Wolford: I would wanna be the gabbie show or drew
- Bhavneet P: I'd be SUPERWOMAN💙
- Cate C: I might be able to come see your show and I AM SO EXCITED!!! ILYSM😘😘😘
- Macie Brady: I don't know about you guys but every time when one in a million plays at the end of each video I never click off I have to sing along and get hype 😂😂
- this is my life: for the color to last longer u will need a color shield shampoo.
- Rainbow tribe: Your*
- Kenz: I would be Ted or Fredd
- Grace Herrmann: if I were a youtuber for a day I would be jenna marbles or ricky dillon because they are both super funny and smart
- Jordan Gardner: Dantdm because he's british
- Kgirls 48: Maranda sings
- h al: i would be fouseytube so i can play with my dick all day sorry not sorry
- Emma Nakhla: 4:06 LOL
- Daniella Militello: Colleen because she is married to u HAAHHAHA No but seriosly
- Chrissy D: i would want to be @iisuperwomanii or @ShaneDawson
- Payton Belcher: Jacksepticeye
- Katie Slavova: your hair is so good♥♥♥
- Sarah Kobeissi: for your next #DingleMingle this is my question what was your favourite moment with Colleen💞💞
- Shelby Howell: STACYPLAYS!!!
- ilovethesailor: same
- Quinn Wisniewski: I would be Superfruit for at least a day
- Trupti Teggi: I'd be Lilly Singh
- Victoria Santiago: do you see this? if you do, i love you <3
- Skylar Alexis: Isn't there a Celine Dion song in Colleen's show? If so what's the name I've been trying to find it?
- Alice Still: ZOELLA!! ❤️❤️ I love her so much!
- Nyla Colyer: eb family
- Morena D: +Shaytards lyf thank you I bet that will be awesome!!!
- ShaeLynn Marie: ZOELLA
- Gemma Carroll: lol
- Erica Parker: You ... Because your funny. 😎🤓 ILYSM ❤️❤️
- charlotte ann conlin: I'd be zoella because she's beautiful and amazing or I'd be Joshua Dtv because he is so funny❣
- Jill Kwi: I would be Rachel.
- Rhiannon Giles: joey graceffa
- Kapena Ah You: the mystery video isn't working for me
- Lyanna Mormont: Therese Lindgren is bae!!!!
- chloe blaney: I would be colleen because I love her and because she has a wonderful family 👪 💝
- Sophia Nicole: I would want to be Zoella because she is beautiful, funny, talented, and she has a lovely accent. ;)
- Amanda Grace: I would wanna be either Colleen, Jenna Marbles, or Zoella
- Psycho Women: Do you want children? What would you name them? #dinglemingle
- WolfBlitzer: I doubt any of you know who this is, but if I were any YouTuber, I'd want to be Nintendo Collecting because he has the coolest collection of all time in a room he calls the Nintendo Room. His collection is huge and awesome if you're into Nintendo and everything.
- Macy Shah: you probably won't see this but if you specifically buy sulfur-free shampoo, the dye won't run out as much or as quickly
- Paris C: I would be You, Colleen, or Joey Graceffa because you all seem it have a fun life and I love Joey's dogs too Wolf and Storm are adorable!!!
- gymnastgirl lover: if I could be a youtuber besides u and Colleen I would love to be Rebecca bcuz like who wouldn't but outta anything I would pic u
- Amanda: i would be shane or bunny
- Misa Pham: If I could be a YouTuber I would be heart or the merrel twins because they're so inspirational
- Sophia Bertolino: @JoshuaDTown Who was your first celebrity crush? Why? I love you so much!😘❤️😍
- savannah moreland: I would be you, because I watch your whole family, so if I'm you I can meet and hang out with them all!
- Tina B: I would want to be casey neistat. That man's vlogs and movies are so well put together and awesomeeee
- Eliana Nachman: I would be Dan Howell because he has a killer fashion sense and he gets to see Phil every day
- avriltheduck 1: youtube girls who dye there hair r so pretty but I hate it on boys I love their natural
- Ashwakiee: +Tia D oh lol
- Riky G: I bet 90% of people are gonna say they want to be josh.... and I 100% agree
- Preston Martz: Conor Franca or Joey gracefinicaifica
- Astrid Ramirez: +JoshuaDTV Celine am I right
- Crazygirl108: rclBeauty
- Lucy Futcher: Probs you or colleen 😂😂
- Magen Villarreal: Genius you tube video idea for you and your posse.....The Ultimate Lip Synching Challenge! Omg! That's be pee your pants funny! Your Celine was legend. You're welcome! 😁
- Its Braxtonmg: joey graceffa is bae
- DIY Life: The dye will stay in longer if u don't have salts in your shampoo or conditioner that's what my hair dresser says especially the ocean
- Nicole Hammond: i would be tyler oakley becase i want to be the one thats tells pepole to be there self
- louwt.donny91: I think I would either be Zoella because she's literally perfect in every way (and has 10 million subs😉) or I would be Shay Carl from the Shaytards because he is just awesome and so positive and happy always! I love them so much!
- Ramona Chandra: U want to be gay
- Andrew get out my face: im the best go me!☺☺😑😇😇😇😇✨🌟✨🌟🌠🌠🌠🌠✨🌟✨🌠
- ZoeyCT: For hair
- Christina Shin: 🎈🎈🎈🎈
- karan t toor: Superwoman aka Lilly singh
- Raeyan Bradley: if I could become a youtuber for a day I would be Joshuadtv or Psycosoprano Colleen and Josh😍😎💩 #Joshleen
- Lauren Myers: I would be may baby she's so sweet and adorable and gorgeous
- Amal Abdin: Colleen because she's fun and nice and i would want to know how it would feel to be like 2 people Miranda and her & it would be nice to be Miranda too. lysm☺
- Scarlett Belle: When the Celine Dion song played I just thought of Arianna grande
- Hockey Highlights: Romanatwood or JoshuaDTV
- Yoselin Rosas: shane Dawson because he's always eating food and I love food 💖
- Bella Arguijo: Olivia from smosh
- Martha Chestnut: Collen Evens I love her do much I an a girl don't worry not trying to cheat josh I love you too
- Amber: miss remi ashten and rclbeauty because they are beautiful
- Ally Honeycutt: Kian lawley
- ID K: i would be Rebecca Zamolo
- Raeann Gavin: Miranda...duh!!😏😏
- korean woman's whore: OMG PURPLE'S MY FAVORITE COLOR!!! 😱
- The Gorls: I would want to be you or Colleen!!!!❤️☺️
- Maddie Hill: I would be Colleen because she is so pretty, funny, and nice gahd I could go on forever 😂😍
- Kristen Trzeciak: Colleen because she is so beautiful
- Noelle H: I would be you because that hair though....
- Alexis Centeno: It would have to either Roman Atwood or Jessie from PVP SAN
- Samantha Simon: you were livingggg during the celine dion part😂
- Jules A.: I'd be Miranda sings 😍😍
- Ana Caldas: Zoë 100% too ❤
- Sweet Like Sassy: Zoe and Alfie are the ones I would like to be for a day
- Leah Tricoli: Zoella Sugg and or iiSuperWomanii or Colleen Ballinger idk they all would be cool
- Emily Cooper: 🎈
- Allyson Fearnow: Miranda sings
- Renee Shelsky: I so agree with you for drew it would be amazing to be him for a day hahaha
- Olivia Arvedsen: can u and colleen do a parody of how u two met
- Tina G: I'd be colleen because she so amazing
- CarmenDenise: you're a dork and I love it.
- Nadia Momo: If I could be a you tuber I would be you or Colleen because duh
- s l: I wanna be Miranda!!!😍
- Khadiza Ahmed: jessii vee
- Emma Benkendorf: Colleen
- aleena: I would be rclbeauty101 she is so Funny and really creative in all her videos!!!!!!
- katie80: likes update faster than views
- Maddy Hill: I would be colleen because, she is so amazing and she could transform into Miranda like that. she also has an amazing family that I would die for.
- Áine Gleeson: Alfie deyes because he is such a positive wonderful person that I will always admire
- larki miller: Shane Dawson or Trisha Paytas
- rita. right. now: I love Drew
- Lucy Arthur: I'd be COLLEEN!!!!!!
- 8ay8ee: OMG! YES to the Celine Dion Scene and song choice! 😍
- Zaripé: when Colleen come back from Canada you two should come to Spain aaaah @JoshuaDTv_Spain
- infinitetopsiders: adam saleh.. any adoomys here????
- Grace Bowen: At the end where you actually singing? Hahha 😂😂😂😂love ya ❤️❤️❤️ I met you in Arizona on January 10 this year and I was so happy and when you came out for the meet and greet I cryed😭😭😭😭😭 love you and Colleen burped right next to me and that was the best moment of my life
- Molly Patzuk: Hi 😂
- Camikinz _Love: If I could be any you tuber I would be Coleen because I always wonder, since she's always so busy how does she get everything done
- cloverdollstudios: Nah twitter squad
- L Cap: Yassss drew monson is amazing
- natalie wolf: I would want to be you, colleen, Miranda sings, Rachel, rebecca, matt, kory, and the ballinger family!!
- Trin: I would be Baby Ariel because she has so many followers on musical.ly 😂
- Yaniris Huertas: I would be Joey graceffa
- Zoe Stafford: I would be Colleen because she has you
- Jackie Hooks: I would be Chance Rhoades or Joey Graceffa
- Artisthicc: I wanna be miranda
- Oh never mind it's just me here: Drew and MAMRIE are awesome because they are the funniest and most original but of all the best they have the least subscribers which sucks cause they are the bestestestestest (u too😘)
- P..._...P: I clicked because I saw my guilty pleasure, drew. 😞
- Vincent Girani: I would want to be Colleen because she is so successful with YouTube!!!!
- Corga: I love it when people dye their hair but I think after purple you should do blond
- superflyriri: You and Colleen should react or reenact your proposal! (if you've already seen this on your other vid[s] sorry D=:)
- Rachel Larson: can everyone agree with me please that Josh is in the top 10 hottest youtuber, if not the hottest ever?
- Claire Felipe: if I could be a youtuber for a day, it'd for sure be Rebecca!!
- Jen Fro: You or Colleen!!!! Ily!!!
- Grace Bowen: If I could be one YouTuber for one day it would be joeygraceffa, Jenna marbles, zoella, shaytard, Miranda sings, Colleen, or of course Joshua❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Emily Slater: I would want to be these people you, Joey, Meranda, Ricky, Colleen, Glozell, and Rachelle
- Emily Kraus: drew monson is seriously soooooooo funny
- Ivette Rivera: Rachel Levin 😍😍
- Eva Caston: Twenty second
- Sanaai Dakoda: I would be Joey Graceffa because....why not!
- Chloe Barsoum: notification squad?????
- Vikis flowers: Superwoman because she is an inspiration and I love her
- Beth Jewitt: Miranda , Colleen , you, or Rachel most likely Rachel sorry 🙁 but at lest she is related to you
- abbey butscher: you and Colleen cause I want to know how it feels to be a god or goddess
- Goodwill !!: I agree
- Angie Cruz: I would be you or Colleen
- April Rivas: I WANT TO BE MAMRIE SO BAD BECAUSE SHE IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL!!! Sorry I got a little excited. 😊
- Ayden Levine: Hehe i was in your show that day!!! Those lawyer people were sooo loud. From my perspective I had no clue they were bothering you so you played it off well. By the way I may have screamed and texted all of my friends screenshots of me being in your vlog from that day… I enjoyed seeing you a lot. I'm a huge fan and watching you and Colleen everyday makes me soo happy.
- tia_num 1: Roman atwood
- ann keefe: Illuminati 6:34😱
- Kai gamer: #dingle mingle who is your favourite top 2 youtubers 1 boy and 1 girl you can't say phycosoprano Miranda sings or joahuaDtv
- Brandi Lewis-Morgan: JoshDTV is mine secret obsession ;)
- Makaila Irwin: I would want to be Colleen bc she's so gorgeous and perfect
- SarahItzelle Granados: or shane dawson or joey
- Michelle Marlow: oh and josh....tip with the dye washing out....wash hair every Couple of days instead of everyday and wash in cold water!
- Megan Plays: What super power would u choose if you could only have it for 1 day!? 😀 BTW I LYSM,
- Crumpled Oreos: I would want to be Colleen because then I could do the Miranda voice in public😂😏
- Sophie Williams: When can u come to Wales ps ilysm
- Chloe King: I would want to be Tyler Oakley because why the heck not
- Vian Spies: I would be Miranda bec I sound just like her and then I would be zoellas brother ( forgot his name)
- Camila Rosa: where's my notification squad at
- Riley Johnson: I would be dan
- Jenny Mullis: I would be Alisha Marie because her life seems awesome!
- Adriana Santiago: That ending was spectacular... <3
- Ashley V: I would be Colleen because of how positive her out look at life is and how much it's helped me to be that way in my own life or I'd be Ollie from the daily bumps because come on that kid is the cutest sweetest little thing ever and he always is doing fun things with his parents. 😜
- alexalovesnatalie: Having colored hair means not washing your hair much. shower caps are your friend. :)
- Kandy Dewey: Shane Dawson and not for obvious reasons
- Angie Combrink: piink sparkles or the gabbie show
- Hey It's hannah: I would be Zoella 😋😆😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
- MEGASAURUS: +ButteryPanda15 YASS HUN
- Lindy Wise: My cat has an obsession with Celine Dion and as soon as it started playing he ran in from the other room. I wish I were making that up. When he is hiding we literally sing this song and he runs to us.
- ohsnapitznat: Rebecca is like your protective older sister, she can be annoying to you sometimes like any sister but she's got your back when you need it.
- Sarah: If I could be a youtuber I'd be Missy Lanning because she's perfect
- Ashleigh Sinclair: the youtuber I would be for the day is colleen because she is awesome
- Cayman N.: I would be Miranda Sings because it would just be great to act and talk and look like her for a day
- Munty Carlo: i would be colleen and robecca!
- Anagha Ravi: The "up in the crevices" joke went a far far way......... P.s. I would be Lilly aka Superwoman because she inspires me more than anyone else. Her work ethic and positivity is unearthly. I love her.
- Idées Sur Papier: The QUEEN Miranda, because... i mean DUH!
- Jayden K: I LOVE ALL of your videos!!!
- hayden randall: Hannah hart
- Maddie Whitford: Colleen
- Gary Prater: I would be Miranda because she nice ,fun,and funny .My name is Emily
- Candice: I would definitely have to be Josh, but only to hang out with Erin because she is the cutest human being to ever walk the earth <3
- One Love: I would be Lilly aka superwoman because shes bae and i wanna know how she can hustle that hard ❤️
- Bmankelley5: I would be Mini Ladd
- Karin Simons: THE GABBY SHOW
- Adriana R: 42 views
- kylie dolan: OMG YAASSSS that's where I live and nobody comes here
- Lauren Edwards: Yassss
- brianna m: I would be you or Colleen because you help me through tough times and inspire so many people and I would just love to do that. I would also like to perform because I love performing but I get made fun of because I like to do that. Thanks for getting me though the toughest times in my life ❤️
- Just Olyvia: Omg PLEASE collab with Drew
- Karla bb1212: aphmau I love her videos and ldshadowlady there both awesome 😜😜😜😜😍
- selena: I would want to be you/miranda/colleen/superwoman
- ria: TBH... I would totally be HANNAH HART.
- Arianna P.: Joey graceffa
- Erin Adams: Zoella
- shyia yyang: tip: if u dye your hair like a certain color blue ; purple whateverrrr don't shampoo your hair as much . (my uncle is a hairdresser or whatever they're called if they dye hair)
- Angel Horse: I love these so much😂
- Ami Norneby: Collen love her so much or miranda sings aka collen❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Ella Rachel: +Joely Power YASSSSSSS!!!!!!
- Aimee X: U ,Colleen, Rachel, Chris, Jessica or LDshaddowlady
- Ryan Jerkins: I'd be you if I was a YouTuber for a day. You have an awesome life!!
- mijjybear: You!
- Aimee Riddle: What kind of cat are you guys going to get?
- Grace: I would be you because I want to see what it's like to be cute
- Kaitlyn Ryan: I'd be Hannah Hart because food and booze and a half shaved head would be a sensory overload.
- Sammy H: Am I the only one who noticed when he was talking about the red balloon he closed the chest thingy and put his hands in the form of a triangle... Triangle=illuminati=red balloon
- Niamh Minchin: rachel or collen
- Hannah Price: I would be Jenna Marbles!!
- Kylie Martin: I would be rclbeauty101 because she is so talented and smart and creative and I just love her.
- Qui Lon Ging: YES! DREW!!
- Emily Dunford: I would be Colleen or Rachel
- Rachael Kurian: Colleen she's awesome! !!!
- TheCaraElizabeth4: yes josh! that is my favorite Celine song also! btw you did amazing lipsyncing to it. :)
- #gaga girl: Miranda and joey
- natalie weaver: I would be Colleen or Cory cause they are queens👑❤️
- Carolina H: I'd be Joey graceffa tbh
- shmella 1234: i would be miranda
- Tia Buchanan: I would be Colleen so I could spend a day with you :)
- Sophie Campbell: I would be Dan Howell, Phil Lester, you, Colleen, or Rachel Levin
- louwt.donny91: +Morena D No worries :-) It will be! I can't wait to see it 😄
- Jennifer Maggio: Is colleen coming to any of your shows
- Abby Haus: I would be Colleen or Miranda!! QUEENS
- Olivia Corpus: I would be Miranda sings she's my hero
- Catie McGrath: I was at the second show in NYC!! it was so much fun though!!!! don't be discouraged!!!
- HeyItsAli: *Grace
- Rose: 🎈
- ImKrispyCat: i would definitely be JOEY GRACEFFA
- adriana tigani: I would be you because your so funny
- Julie: Really digging the new filming techniques you've been trying Josh! Love you! keep it up!
- Jason McMillan: Grace Helbig!!!!! I for the life of me cannot figure out her brain and need to know then document it and sell it to National Geographic because inquiring minds!!!!!!!
- Drew Hersch: It's a struggle
- samantha fitzgerald: Iv never been this early for a video ever
- ohsnapitznat: if I could be any YouTuber for a day I'd be Jenna Marbles because I really want to know what goes on inside her head. also I'd want to be around her dogs.
- A K: *and
- CastMemberLove: I would definitely be one of the thingamavloggers! I would love to be able to go to Disneyland whenever!
- yikesonbikes: I would be Troye Sivan because he's so sweet and amazing.
- RileeDaBoss 21: Superwoman, and Colleen or Miranda or Zoella
- Sara Yergey: um any of the the Ballingers/evans+friends😊❤️ ilysm
- Valin Pedraza: Matthew espinosa
- Bo Arendall: You
- Ruthie Weeks: YOU BC ILY
- Elle'n'Elou: I Would be Ryan higa cause he's AWESOME and SOO Funny!!!!! You should do a collab with him!!!
- jackie ry: I'd be Joey coz Wigs is funny af 😂
- Bethel Asefaw: Tana Mongeau you might not know her but she is the best I recommend watching her if your looking for something new to watch
- Aidan Wilcox: Miranda sings.....
- Charlotte Simpson: Will you ever do another episode of whats up internet i loved it so much! Love you and colleen aswell 😄
- finna yeet: Dan or Phil because I love them
- Oh never mind it's just me here: But I love your hair!
- Saige Ruud: I would be Shane Dawson.... cause why not.
- kenzie brooke: i would want to be sarai jones or aspyn ovard
- Nancy Ramirez: Are you going to be selling Kale Yeah shirts at your show?? I really want one!! Love you see you next month!
- Alison Sanchez: I would want to be Tyler Oakley cuz I love him
- Zoe Nicoll: you need to wash your hair with cold water not hot water, the hot water is burning the colour out
- Gannon Noakes: Loved the video Josh
- Aaminah Eir: Don't get me wrong I fucking love josh but just saying 😂❤️
- Kat Joy Isaacs: I would like to be Todrick Hall for the day, because I just want to know what it would be like to be that fabulous👑
- CHARLES ZIEMBA: i would be iisuperwoman
- TwoWeirdGirls 12345: Same
- OMG ishipit: I would like to be Colleen because I'd know Ariana Grande and I'd be able to kiss you all day... jk
- Zoe Heavner: ILLUMINATI
- Tima Fay: i would totally be miranda, u, or superwoman because all of ur so amazin
- Morena D: whats colleen doing with Netflix?
- MultiSuperkalel: I'd be Toddrick Hall, either of Sup3rfruit, and agree with your choice of Drew. I'm new to your channel and enjoying your humor, talent, plus the emotive Celine lip syncing in this one.
- Rebecca Koszkulics: I would be Colleen because she is really funny and it would just be really fun
- Tasha Freeman: I'd be Mike Falzone, I think he's an underrated youtube genius.
- Mina Hernandez: I would be Jenna marbels because she is so positive and Awsome
- leah gabrielle: the editing of this video was INSANELY good! I love you so so much Joshua! Thanks for making me so happy!
- Emilie M: I would want to be Jenna marbles for a day because she always makes my laugh. If I couldn't be Jenna I would want to be Colleen because she also makes me laugh a lot but I'm allergic to cats so that might not work out to great
- Hello Du: Hahahah
- Cara Jackson: Miranda sings
- LarsHeat: I love Céline Dion!!! I was recently the best man at my best friend's wedding and concluded my best man's speech with a quote from her book!!! My favourite is "To Love You More". No one asked but now you know!!
- Roudaina Haddad: love your hair
- alexandra coger: I would want to be Alisha for a day❤️
- Ishipishixx: #JoshDoes #Joshdoes #joshdoes (I'm not sure which one :p) Try minecraft :D :D
- Myla Grows: Any crybabys here when he said bittersweet think of melanie 💖💖💖💖💖💖💧💧💧💧💧💧💧👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼
- Tina Nguyen: I would be
- Bakery Addiction: I watch rclbeauty101 she is fun
- C Guillemot: most of my fam doesn't live near me and it's pretty hard😭
- Eve McCall: Are you going to do anymore vlogs? I love them and they make my day?
- Anna The unicorn: ldshadowlady because she is awesome, funny, pretty and more
- ItsMeErica: I mean I could but why would I want to 🙏🏼
- Gianna Miceli: Lol same also because Colleen is BAAAAAE ( say it the way josh says it when you read bae)
- Ashwakiee: Go away Jk, me
- Rachel Adderley: Rachel, Colleen, you, Chris
- Kayla Till: Love you so much!! You're so cute!!!
- Holly: I would be Zoella or Colleen
- Mariana Garcia: I would be u because u sing awesome then I do
- DANIII: I would be Joey Graceffa! Because his dogs are so cute and Daniel is so funny! I just love that family so much <3
- Morgen Nimmo: I'd be Joshua so that I could know what the red balloon truly means! 🎈
- Madalyn Bremer: 200th comment
- Videos and other things: Jenna marbles or Shane Dawson ❤️
- Paige Ganzer: Well obvious choice I would want to be the dingleking but those are big shoes to fill so prob the YouTube King Tyler Oakley duh!!
- Lindsey Young: I would be bratayley
- Erin Button: i have a pellow pet named tea cow. p.s i cant spell really well
- Brock Withers: I just realized- your hair really brings out the color of your eyes- you have really nice eyes! : )
- Jayson Pease: Superwoman because she great, Jenna cause Kermit,marbles,and peach, or finally grace helbig because amazing 😂
- Allison L.: I'd be Rosanna Pansino or one of the Merrell Twins. I'd be Rosanna, because baking is so fun and I would absolutely love to make baking videos on YouTube and just experience what she does for a day. I'd be one of the Merrell Twins, because both of them seem so cool and fun and I always wondered what it was like to have a twin.
- Sam Biro: if i coul be a you tuber for a day i would want to be joey graceffa you colleen ihascupquake pewdipie grav3yardgirl or jacksepticeye
- Zoe K.: I would be Colleen because I think it would be so neat to spend a day in her shoes...and I would get to meet you and all the family ;) ps love you sm :)))))))
- MyNamesTrey&IGotABasketBallGameTomorrow: Shane Dawson and Joey graceffa. Shane because i want to be funny 24/7 and always eat food and have amazing friends. But also Joey because he has 2 huskies which i want to steal from him lol ( i won't) but he also has a really nice house and a really nice life and he is in the best relationship with Daniel.
- Kayla symons: I would be Heart Defensor or Colleen👍🏼👍🏼
- Ruby Vazquez: Miranda 💄
- Susie Sophia: *an
- Cmj2070: I would be Dan or Phil so I could come out to phan
- Bron: 6:29 Illuminati confirmed.
- Efthimis Mavrikos: Guys I just started my life as a youtuber and I just uploaded a video. It would mean the world to me if you checked my video out, give it a like a comment and subscribe to me. Thank you if you do💖
- Polly Lower: I would be you
- Krysteena: I love drew so much he is my favorite person ever
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: Okay the end scared me. Josh are u okay
- rayana ibram: Oh my god your hair is AWESOME!, I love you ♡
- Cheryl Messenger: I would be zoella because duh she is gorgeous 😍
- Harper Clarkson: I'm not just saying that, you guys are my life. You make my day every day. And make me happy:)
- Iman Aburubieh: Yasssss lavender!!
- kidfromthehaven: But it would be fun to be Miranda too. You could do all kinds of crazy stuff & get away with it. lol
- Natalie James: Can you and Mamrie collab please
- izzy and lizzy: you because ilysm
- Poo Jellyfish: zoella
- Faiqa Ahmad: My thoughts exactly.
- Erika Whitney: There is a lot I would want to be
- Alex O'Brien: hey you're cool.
- alexis morales: Colleen
- Brandee Beckham: Josh love u soooo
- Johniece Patino: I was laughing on the floor when he was singing
- Joaquin Gutierrez: joey gracecffa
- Tia D: Don't be mean!!!
- If I had house, I'd make every window glass: I would be lily singh
- Hannah: +JoshuaDTV
- Hello Du: I would be Pewdiepie
- Karina Destefano: I would be Coleen or jeana from pvp!!
- B.A.PDreamcatcher: Love you :)
- Jill Barkley: I would be Colleen, Eva Gutowski, or SUPERWOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( aka BAE!)
- chrisdude5150: Asmr before even waiting for the ad to end don't lie
- Jitske Roelofs: I WANNA BE COLLEEN
- Zenny Anne: Ill be miranda or colleen
- Juliette van veen: I would be colleen because she's perfect <3
- paulina s.: Hi
- Steph19: I would be Glozell! 💚💚💚💚💚
- ItsMeErica: Who's going to his Syracuse show? I am✌🏽
- Mara: I'd be Colleen Mae Evans.
- Volging Maniac: I would be Joey Garceffa for a day
- Kinsey Poe: Colleen because she is awesome
- Teresa: i would be Colleen
- Oh never mind it's just me here: I love your hair ! And I really like the purple too
- Hannah: +Twenty Øne Piløt Clique no, I'm not. she's just hilarious and so giving.
- My Life is on the Internet!: this led me into a 3 hour Celine Dion YouTube marathon. that's my favorite song as well. Ugghhh the talent. and as for being a YouTuber for a day either Trisha or drew cause I love me a hot mess exspess or a turtle loving genius. lol
- Bessy Wheatabix: Colleen
- Jessica Dominic: I love your channel! Please check out mine sometime. I'd appreciate it :)
- Sophie Parker: Rachel Ballinger
- Ashley Kuhn: Colleen
- Sydney Tarbuck: I'd be Colleen because she's perfect and I love her so much. 😻💜
- Dylan Krapf: 1,713 views
- SquiffleNoses: Sounds like Rebecca Z is even more awesome than I knew! I would be her!
- Abigail Howell: Oh and btw it sounds like Rebecca was about ready to beat those guys at your show up :)
- Vanessa Eliz: I wanna be u josh
- Riley Lowe: i would want to be lilly aka super woman!!!!!
- luis isaula: you pained your hair :o
- Skipper The Cat: Shaaanxo
- Nanci Martin: I've never really wanted to be inside a youtubers head but my assistant director for Theatre sounds so unfiltered even in class and it's hilarious, I would love to know what kind of jokes his head comes up with that he doesn't say out loud
- Eileen S: Sorry, stopped watching at 4:43 to put on some Celine and perform All Coming Back To Me Now - the 7:37 minute version! - by my lonesome
- Riana Rae: I would want to be you or Colleen but that's to obvious so I would be pewdiepie because I could shoutout myself. ILYSM!!!❤️❤️❤️ also tell Colleen if she has time to do a meet in greet in Vancouver at science world❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😘😘😘😘
- Eva Basile: Trisha or Zoella lol ...
- Bug Luv: #dinglemingle how long will colleen be in canada
- Adrian Silverio: I would be joey because I like to play minecraft
- Nicole o keeffe: I would be Colleen for a day so I could see you everyday and get a hug everyday 💗🙈
- Sophie Quinn: I would be zoella I loooooooove her
- Sofia Hassounia: YAAAAS JOSHUA! GEDDIT! Celine would be proud. I think I would be Zoella and/or Colleen.
- Tess Armstrong: Im going to your show in kc!
- Janis Chelsea Miranda: 42nd viewer!!!
- Astrée Romano: If I were a Youtuber I would like to be Colleen ! She is an amazing singer, she is beautiful, so funny and talented !! And she is everything I want to be as a woman. She created a wonderful character that is a kind of caricature of what society want women to be and I think it's pretty hilarious !!! P.S : Thank you for your amazing content Joshua, you are one of a kind !! <3
- A girl has no name: dingle*
- Terry Randall: i would want to be colleen because shes miranda sings and shes is SOOOO pretty
- Hailie Knol: Same
- Ella Jolie: holaaaaa
- Elias torres: i would be joey
- YouTube Slays: I would be Miranda bc then I would see Joey g , Connor f , and Ricky d
- Abby Pøtter: I'd want to be Colleen because she is super funny! I just love both of you guys!
- John Sousa: Hey josh, what's up. Why am I even writing I know your not gonna answer 😂😂😂. No offense to you tho!
- Zebasil Ayalew: I would be Tyler okleay and flula
- Emily Kenny: If I could be a YouTubers for a day . I mean besides you or Colleen, Miranda, Rachel or Chris. I would want to be Tyler Oakley or Connor Franta. Tyler because he is just himself and loves himself. Tyler seems like such an amazing person and loves his fans to death! Connor because he is such a smart person. He can be hilarious at the same time as giving a great message. Connor is such a loving, caring and sweet person! But I love Josh so much!!!!!❤️
- Ashlynn G: Miranda/Colleen and YOU (soulja boy)😂
- Rachel Carson-Lecuyer: to keep the colour in your hair try dry shampoo. I heard Tyler Oakley and others use it.
- Ayeitzterica: rclbeauty101
- Atkia Maisha: please keep the blue Josh!
- The Sammy Show: And that is why I love Rebecca!
- kylie dolan: Who did I get?!?
- Eliza Portees: DUH I WOULD BE YOU JOSH
- Kayla Maxam: Prob Colleen or Rachel or u because y'all r just so funny and creative and it would be cool to see what it is like:))
- Nonbinary Cactus: Colleen, or Shane Dawson or Amazingphil
- Maria Blornge: Illuminati lol jk
- Tay lor: When your early and you don't know what to say
- Jess Dover: Jenna Marbles
- Jennifer Gerez: ❤️.... Red balloon
- Khaya Dlaminin: Awesome vid Josh
- SMD.T.V: 60th like
- Jasmin T: How is hair gay? Because I don't remember seeing a video of the hair saying he/she was gay
- Sonai Haghgooie: Can you and colleen come to Ottawa Canada
- Khaya Dlaminin: Awesome vid joah
- lyrics Y letra: could you sub to me
- mackenzie sutphin: I would be annie from bratayley if I could be any youtube for a day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME BTW!!!!!!
- Cassidy Petryshyn: I would be Zoella!
- Tina Schmidt: Joey graceffa
- Aimee Lucignoli: I would definitely be Colleen, not just because of how talented and successful she is, but because it would mean that I could experience true love 😍
- Madison Miller: If I could be a youtuber for a day I'd want to be Ingrid Nilsen
- TheCaraElizabeth4: yes josh! that is my favorite Celine song also! btw you did amazing lipsyncing to it. :)
- Amber Olivier: That's my fav Celine Dion song too!!
- Marli Rose: My favorite color is purple too cool!
- Michael Mc: I would be Mark Miller half the day and Joey the other half.
- Gianna Miceli: Your the first comment I think
- Sophia Nicole: Definitely.
- KaylaVlogss: Probably thatcher joe cause he's hilarious
- Zahra Islam: I would be Rachel you Colleen Joey Graceffa and Ryan higa
- Esther jennanda: JOSH I CAN'T HANDLE YOU AND COLLEEN TALKING ABOUT BEING LONG DISTANCE AGAIN!!! But you'll make it, your realtionship has grown so strong in the last years! YOU GOT THIS! You two love each other so so so so so much!
- Esther jennanda: I think your hair looks cool right now!
- The girl with the unexpectedly long name that has nothing to do with her profile pic: JOEY GRACEFFA!!!! cause he's AMAZINGGGG!!!!!
- alyssa kleimanlee: joe sugg or you
- Yoga Cats: Flula because he's the funniest person on earth
- Eli Haafkens: I would wanna be Jenna Marbles because she's my comedy queen 💖
- Tequila Mckay: I would so be iisuperwomanii I admire her work ethic so much and she is so darn funny and pretty hot too 😍😍
- Brea Barton: i would be colleen or you
- myranda mongeau: I would want to be Tyler Oakley cause he has sooo many good friends or Colleen cause she is so beautiful and is inspiring and I would want to be like that (and she slays of course)❤️❤️
- Sophia 29: i would be miranda for sure!
- Bella Straw: Amen!!! to the long distance relationship stuff
- Yvonne and Ivette: Colleen because she is awesome 😬😁😍
- Molly Jones: Rclbeauty123 she really cool and really good at doing makeup
- Hannah Slankard: mmmm I would would honestly be Colleen because she is queen.
- Brooke Nicole: I would be Zoella honestly. Or Queen Colleen.
- Shanyal Zafar: those two bunny teeth... <3
- zoey moore: Boy would be Shane Dawson Girl would be ally hills
- Emily Bourke: I love rclbeauty101
- Ashley Brzezenski: Not really, any one can do whatever color hair they want
- Emma k: I would be Lizzza
- Laura Orozco: New sub
- Dan and Phil meme trash #1: okay here is your theme song for dingle mingle "We ask him are Questions And he replys his answers are lame but at least he tries dingle mingle" Its like colleens
- Dezh22: Dammit Josh, that outro...
- Kelsiesmith55: Either Miranda sings or Coleen
- Kirsten Comer: I'd be Annie from bratayley
- kylie noelle: I would be iisuperwomanii
- Lucy and dales gameplay: id be you because your awesome
- Faith And Ava Productions: OMG did I just find a huh A nonsponsered video wow
- Brooke Smith: Colleen
- ErinDean 73: I would be Shane Dawson, cause he's just awesome!
- AJ Bach: JoshuaDTV and his wife
- mackenzie frecloud: Either Colleen or SuperWoman!
- Frantastic Youtubers: You should definitely do a celine dion cover! :)
- Kylie Marie: JOSH!!! You need to put your BNTP sign up!! :)
- Eric Murnane: Joey Graceffa or Todrick Hall Or JoshuaDTV ,Shane Dawson ,Miranda,Colleen Ballinger, kory Desoto they are all my favourites every five minutes I look at all their channels to see if there's new videos
- Tatiana Santacruz: Colleen because she's my life when I'm grounded I watch her
- Abbie Trombly: I'd wanna Jenna or Julien solely so I could snuggle with Marbles, Kermit, and Peach.
- dancing bellisario: i have a question!! who's coming with you on tour?
- Kyla Lopez: I would be u
- Taylor Maxwell: joeygraceffa
- Susie Jones: Amazing Phill HE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! 🙇🏻
- k sav: lily Singh
- Stacey Dani: +JoshuaDTV I love you so much,my Inspiration, you are phenomenal
- Bakery Addiction: But I would be mylifeaseva or Colleen or Megan rienks
- Sydney Belanger: I would want to be zoella because she amazing and I love her 💜
- Carly Watson: I would be Miranda or Joey
- Maskppk 7: Red balloon
- Kris Light: I would be Rhett and Link!
- Hannah mcGovern: No it's Arnold's
- Andrew Fan: Same
- Kata 101: I would want to be either Colleen or Jeana from BF vs GF
- Brittney Whelihan Irwin: I would want to be Jessica (Christopher's wife) for a day. She's amazing and I am inspired by her as a wife and mother.
- Cailyn Knight: APHMAU and LDSHADOWLADY
- Lxila: if i could be a youtuber for a day it would probably be either Dann Howell or Phil Lester because I'm phan trash oops😂❤
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: I'm coming to see you on April 19 you excited
- Gianna Miceli: It would be awesome if josh replied to me
- Tan Qiu Miao: i would want to be ryan higa becus his crews are awesome!! Can you please please please make a video with him? 😄😄
- Tina Nguyen: I would be Jen from popularmmos and one of the merrells twins
- Yazmin Trujillo: rclbeauty101
- Hailee Lundblad: I would be Miranda Sings or Colleen.😉
- Louisa Pound: Dan howell
- Spicy Taco: I love u ❤️❤️
- Alyssa Win: I would be Miranda because she is AWESOMEEEE AND BAE
- Frozen Flipflops: Miranda sings
- Mary Flores: gosh darn it, the red balloon MUST mean something!!!
- Gabby Estrada: And superwoman
- Kiara: I would be Colleen because shes gorgeous and can her voice is beautiful, and other than her i would be GloZell because its obvious GloZell is hilarious! and i enjoyed your lip syncing it was 100% on point
- Rebecca Silver: BfvsGf!!!! TOTALLY
- candycanesyay: I would be Ryan Higa😄
- Lily Doyle: I love you so much josh!!! write me back!!❤️❤️
- natalie deluca: Joey Graceffa because he is smazing, or Miranda Sings because shes perdect, duh.
- Liliana Rene: What song was that? The Celine dion one.
- Madison Cochrane: will you ever write a book
- Sharissa Nicole: I would want to be either Colleen or Lilly. They're both creative and hard working and are surrounded by loving/supportive people.
- Lana Michele: Coleen heart
- Natalie Bink: Ok let me just say I love your name!!! And I am also obsessed with Joey!!!!!
- Hale the Hero: Mamrie Hart, that woman is amazing.
- Alc18: I would want to be kory because he's AMAZING! he's so funny and awesome to!
- Leila Tapé: I would totally be lily singh plz respond josh!
- Ernest Bernard: I would like to be Jacksepticeye or Markiplier.
- lilycal: Girl Youtuber- Colleen Boy Youtuber- You 👌 You two are amazing
- Carla Morales: Awwww I love that Celine Dion's song too!!! Actually I love all her music. I would love to see her show at Las Vegas. One day, hopefully.
- Anezka Marwa: I'd be Dan bc come on🙌🏼🙌🏼 (danisnotonfire that is)😍
- Morgan Gaudet: I WOULD BE COLLEEN
- Cassidy Hylton: I would be Joey Graceffa!
- Carleigh king: I would be your sister in law Rachel Ballinger
- Andrew Fan: And Daniel. Yes Daniel. DAMN DANIEL FK MEEE!!!
- Elise Is Shook: I watch you and you brighten up my day lysssssmmm I also llllllooooovvvveeeeee colleen I just watched miranda and joey and I died of laughter I watched u eat crickets and it made me so upset that I can come meet u and colleen when u do your amazing shows because I'm two young and I don't have enough money 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😥😥😥😥 love u josh ur my fave you tuber keep been awsome
- Miranda Siegan: I would be you because your cool😎
- Aaminah Eir: I love you but the hair is Kind of gay...
- Hannah Rogers: Zoella xxx
- Zoey Jacqueline: Tyler Oakly
- Mary Stoiana: I would be Roman Atwood
- Hey_Itz_Emmzie: Rclbeauty101
- fernanda saldivar: how to prank it up
- Carolien DC: Joey graceffa because he's so perfect and he have everything he want in his life and ofcourse wolfie and storm😍 I just love him and he is so awesome
- Lydia Pearman: Miranda or ldshadowlady
- Asia Alvarado: Shane.
- Maddy Whiskey: I would want to be Shane or you
- Kat Helfrich: If I could be a youtuber I would be you so I can see what it's like to be cool
- Emily Haggart: I would be miranda/Colleen then I could say you nearly everyday. ilysm
- Alison Harbinsky: I WOULD WANT TO BE COLLEEN! Because she is so funny and u could also see what it would be like to be Miranda
- Angelina: * inspirational
- abbie pope: the caption didn't even do what it said! NO YOUTUBE CRUSHES IN THE VIDEO!
- Kelly Corcoran: What makes u think it's okay to tell him how his hair should look and wtf gay hair? Ok
- amber Jaden: Lizzza 😍😘 I love her so much so funny!!
- Hailey Annibell: THANK YOU FOR PURPLE
- Toffelin: If I should pick one youtuber to be for a day I think it would be... Hmmmm.... Ingrid Nilsen... Because she always makes me happy and she is so funny and cute and she seems to be a genuinly nice person. ❤
- Monica Robinson: Umm SassyTheSnappingTurtle or LaurenzSide or Joey Graceffa
- Hello Du: +Kurah Hawco I want to be so many youtubers. I can't choose
- Natalie Caposello: I would be todrick hall because he is so talented and funny
- Savanna Maneritch: Colleen bc she's beautiful and she married to you. Duhhh😂😂😂❤️
- Gianna Miceli: Yeah lol
- Tamia Tudor: I would be Shane Dawson our Joey graceffa
- Hannah Potter: I would be MITCH GRASSI (THE QUEEN)
- Kat M: Miranda cause I wouldn't care about anything 😂
- Camryn Tomlinson: The female youtuber(s) I would want t be is either Yammy_xox or LDShadowLady. The male youtuber(s) I would want to be is either Joey Graceffa, Markiplier, or Jacksepticeye.
- KittyKat Simmers: Can you do the draw my life
- angelina colabello: I luv u and Colleen but u need to do a YouTube video with pvp bfvsgf
- Gabi S: Hiiiii. I would be Colleen bc I'd be married to you ❤️❤️😂❤️💖
- Bailey Olson: First of all, this is my favorite YouTube video ALL TIME!!!! (Love you josh) and second of all, I would either be josh or Miranda sings! Josh because well duh! He's awesome and Miranda because she's SO BOOTIFUL!!!!
- Undertaker: The Meat Loaf version of the song is better.
- Madison Lynn: I would be Rachel because she is so cool
- Kgr2002: I would be you because your so cool and fun, plus I love your family
- burnthisguitar: Also I would be Jenna Marbles!
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: DINGLEMINGLE
- Kaeli Vondra: You cause ur hilarious!!😂😂
- Shannon Gibson: Start washing your hair with cold water and it will last longer 😊
- Serg119: I would be Colleen because she has such an awesome life
- Madison Weber: Joey Graceffa!!!!!! I love him so much
- Audrey Del Curto: You
- Anastasia Ochoa: colleen
- Gurrdy Stienbacher: I would be Shane so I could be hot for a day
- Hannah Laughner: If I could be a YouTuber for a day I'd be Rachel. She's awesome and then I could see all of you guys
- Lindsey Mulhall: Rachel
- Paige Warrender: Die it purple please 😍😘😎
- Imani Michelle: I I could be any YouTube then I would be Miranda/Colleen or Alisha Marie
- Milica Novakovic: My birthday is in 24 DAYS im turning 9!!!!!!!!!!!
- Liz Casey: I would be Gabbie
- JAA PRODUCTIONS: Superwoman because she is awesome!
- Catherine Grace: i relate so much to the smurf murder scene in the shower thing
- Ariana Ramos: I would be either Joey or Ingrid because they are so inspiring but also hilarious
- Kelly Smith: His hair looks so bad... Not trying to be rude but ......😁😁 I liked his hair before he dyed it.
- HeyItsAli: Connor Franta, Bethany Mota, or Grave Helbig bc they are the first three youtubers i ever started watching.
- Hannah Kifer: shane to make all those diys and eat all that food that he trys
- Olivia Dempsey: That's my fave Celine Dion song too!
- U̥ͦI̥ͦC̥ͦO̥ͦR̥ͦN̥ͦ F̥ͦḀͦR̥ͦT̥ͦ: Miranda sings because she so bootyful
- Madalyn Bremer: Do a show In east Michigan
- Megan Langford: I would be Colleen (psycosoprano) or Lilly (iisuperwomanii)
- Sabrina Potter: I'd be Yolanda gammp from how to cake it because I love Baking and baking is amazing.. Love u Josh plz respond
- Maddox Leininger: Joshua is it true u are 31
- Evelyn Rosa: I love his new hair but I do agree. I kind of miss his brown hair. But his hair ya know
- Abby Thompson: all of them
- BryBryan Ho: Nikki Limo because she is funny, real, and pretty.
- Grace Johnson: Oh yeah!!:)
- The Mendes Show: Joey cause he cool Colleen cause she's papulare
- GREEN SZ: In the thumbnail Rclbeauty101 looks like she's about to murder someone
- Kinsey Jayne: I think I would be you or Colleen (sorry if I didn't spell her name right)
- Faith Badgley: I would be you or colleen because you guys are sooooo amazing you talk about really good topics and yah
- Darrian DeKezel: Colleen or Rachel because they are funny and awesome
- Faith Badgley: I love youuu
- Madalyn Bremer: You need to re-dye your hair!😄
- Millie Eggleston: I would deffinatly be lizzza koshy for a day because so is so funny
- Makis 17: Colleen🙌🏻
- A K: I really like yours an Colleen's whole family of course, but also Grace Helbig is pretty awesome
- Kendall Gutierrez: I would be Joey Graceffa or Jessii Vee
- Alyssa Potenti: I would want to be you ❤
- Lexi - Bug: Zoella ,Colleen, Rachel , iisuperwomenii because they are amazing people and they inspire me and I know when I'm haveing a bad day I can whach there videos and it will cheer me up
- Katie Slavova: same
- Bella E: I love you so much it would mean the world to me if you replied! Can you tell Colleen hi for me! I went to both of yalls show in Austin Texas
- Rebecca D.: Parker because i wanna know his secret of how is he so cutteeee
- Eva Da Savage: i would be Miranda
- Kaiya kay: Omg yes finally I found someone that agrees with me!!!! I love Kian and Jc!!!!!!
- Hannah: I would be Hannah Hart. P.s. I have missed the Dingle Mingles, @JoshuaDTV keep them coming!
- Mykey: can anyone subscribe to me <3 goal:600 thank you guys ! won't waste your time !
- Nicole Mahoney: if I could be someone for a day it would be maybaby
- Bailee Long: rclbeauty101 because she is so creative
- BEAUTYSLIFE 101: on snapchat you had a cat is that your cat?
- cloverdollstudios: Ly
- Sophia Castellino: THEY NEED TO COLLAB
- grace konchan: I would like to be you because I would sing ALLL day😂 I can't sing for my life so it would be amazing to sound like an angel 💙 I would also like to be your amazing wife colleen because she is flawless- you got VERY lucky!!
- Ruthie Weeks: YOU BC ILY
- Eber Gonzalez: Hi
- Hunter Black: Shane dawesone cause he's crazy and funny
- meg: I fucking love rebecca
- Tyler Judson: 42,000th Viewer :)
- libevime: +Mireya Ipina ya you guys also have to see that she struggles with anxiety and thats not too cool. i love her too, and I see where you come from, but she has her own struggles
- rachel rupp: Joey Graceffa and Zoe Sugg
- JustGrant: I would want to be Jenna because she has so many subscribers and I would tell them to sub to me.
- Chris Eliades: I'd have to be Mamrie as well. She is hilarious and down right great. I would also get to drink a lot, so... 😆
- Yaritza Sifuentes: that's my favorite song from celine dion fam!♥
- Chloe Prior-Hardy: I would be Zoella 💕 lysm
- Nia_evans5: Miranda sings because...duh
- Khalea Hatfield: I would be iisuperwomanii she is queen
- alyssa compoattaro: Or I would want to be Dan or Phil
- Katie Creswell: 💗❤️
- Michael Harper: I would be You, and Joey Graceffa's Dog (Storm)
- rainy shalom: I would be rclbeauty101
- Savannah Goodman: Stacyplays
- THE living Doll SEASON1: who's your vav rhianna song ?????
- penelope glitters: i would be either ricky dillon or shane dason because they're both so funny and nice and amazing!
- Aidan Wilcox: I like your hair like this. Purple will be cool!
- Jessica Lizama: I would be Colleen bc she's goals
- artmbranco: Yasssss mytoecold is the best! 😜😜
- Taragh Casey: Hi Josh since you said you were reading comments I would like to say I think your amazing and you would look great with lavender hair😊I'm from Ireland also🍀please reply😢
- Lucía Prommel: I´m the 5,000 like! I hate to be this girl, but i feel great XD lol
- Hey it's Ben: Keaton Keller from techsmartt and lew from unbox therapy
- Alicia: Where's my notification squad at??
- Alea Gnaly: im sooo early
- Nataly cookie: i would be mranda sings she is so funny and cute
- Nafisa Raima: Superwoman because she is amazingly funny
- Yasmine Belhadj: I would for sure be you or Colleen or Rachel Or Christopher or even Parker 😂 i know this is an obvious answer but i really do love you all 😊❤️
- anna marie: Duh... I would be Miranda Sings
- Trlr: I would be Dan Howell because Phil Lester would be allll mine...
- vikacakes: I would obviously be Dan or Phil . WHERE THE PHANDOM ATTTT
- Areej Khan: early
- Camila Gavilan: I'm feeling the brown hair again oops I'm boring
- A K: Lol
- Jennifer Clouston: I like the brown
- Roblox Gaming-With Kristen Juarez: i would want to be missy lanning for a day because duh.
- WolfBlitzer: I doubt any of you know who this is, but if I were any YouTuber, I'd want to be Nintendo Collecting because he has the coolest collection of all time in a room he calls the Nintendo Room. His collection is huge and awesome if you're into Nintendo and everything.
- Georgia G.: I would love to be zalfie's dog nala. I know she isn't a YouTuber but it would be awesome :p. Love you Josh, keep rocking :)
- Gaby B: I would be Colleen because 1. She's the funniest most dedicated YouTuber I know and 2. She's your bae
- Viktorija Kukite: i wanted to be roman atwood
- Jana El Alfy: Mine is RCL beauty 101,u,Colleen u guys are like the best YouTubers in the universe 😍😍😍🤑🤑🤗😍😘😛😝😜😇😇
- LivingSimpleWith LivAndSarah: React to Melanie martinez
- avriltheduck 1: youtube girls who dye there hair r so pretty but I hate it on boys I love their natural
- Becky's Dead Sorry: grace helbig and thegabbieshow
- allanah: Hey Joshua I saw your tweet so I'm here to see if you will reply but the chances of that happening are slim😞😂 I Love you, that's for always making me smile.💜💕
- Atkia Maisha: I would totally be Colleen because i want to know how it feels to be loved by you! :D
- Breanna Ellis: I love you so much Josh I would be Colleen bc duh I'm obsessed with her❤️👑🙋🏼💕😊
- Gabi S: Omg how?!?!??
- Lilianna Guffey: I would be........Colleen because she is so awesome and she is amazing!❤️
- Nikita Shah: I would like to be one of the merrell twins
- Reagan: If I had to be any YouTuber for a day, my obvious choices would be you or Colleen, but for a not so obvious answer, I'd choose Lilly (iiSuperwomanii) or Grace Helbig :)
- Eva Caston: 22
- Pupcake 1215: I would be rclbeaty
- Millie Carpenter: Probably Colleen p.s I love you so much xx 💖💎
- awesome person: U should die your hair purple and also I would be Lilly Singh cause she's my idol
- PositivePanda: The purpley sivlerish lavender color you want to do your hair is basically the exact same color mine is right now! 😄
- Emma Bates: you so I could what's up internet hey dingleberrys PS my dad called me a dingle berry all the time I love you and Colleen so much
- Kacey Whitfield: Colleen because DUHHHHHHH
- Keira Ingram: Superwoman because why not 😊😊🦄
- Carson Richards: Joey garcaffa be I'm in luv with him yes I know he is gay and yes I'm a girl
- paige: Josh's Celine Dion faces tho LMAO 😂😂😂
- Juliana Khamo: nm
- ThisIsMeJequeson: hollaaa
- Carlos Lopez: Joey graceffa or iisuperwomanii because for it looks likes everyday for them is like awsome💯😉
- MacKenzie Lyons: I'd want to be Aspyn Ovard/Ferris cuz she's so petty and creative and talented!
- Rainbow tribe: Plz explain you vlogging schedule 😩 I'm so confused and I miss the vlogs so much
- Haileigh Chase: iiSuperwomanii
- Mackenzie Daugherty: Joey graceffa, because duh
- Ally Sprow: I would be Colleen because I want to be able to burp and fart like her, quite honestly. 😂 #sorry #but #goals
- Sadie for life: You look like Joey Graceffa with that hair. I do like the blue hair on you 💙
- kate gauthier: Bratayley
- klara očko: I would like to be you <3
- Gablynn123: How many you tubers have you met,GO!
- kat mak: You have to add fudge in ur hair
- Em :p: I would be Colleen so I could meet all the Ballingers (+Zamolo,Evans,Bentley...etc) btw love u josh😘😘🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Shelby Lee: I'd probe be cahleen
- NaSheka_: I love your YouTube channel ..colleens.. Rachel's ..romanatwood..and bfvsgf aka jeana and jesse
- Morgan Elizabeth: HI I LOVE YOU A LOT
- nadia peres: 1- awesome lip syncing skills 10/10 shantay you stay 2 - you're so loving and sweet to everyone!! you're really worth it of love an happiness :) 3 - drew and mamrie!!!!!! nailed! funniest youtubers ever 4 - maybe red balloon will be our always 🎈🎈🎈
- Patily cristy: I'll be pewdiepie becuase his really cool 😁😁😁 or mirinda she is just sooo funny 😂😂😂
- Maren Ingram: Is Colleen okay with you dying your hair all these colors?
- Jon Guerra: joey graceffa I think he's amazing!!
- Storm Bennett: Tenth comment yay love u josh
- Natasha Edwards: I would want to be Miranda because... HELLO SHE'S THE QUEEN
- Abbey Falk: You should pull a Ricky Dillion-like style with your hair. #swerve
- Michelle Marlow: hmmm Jenna Marbles or Julien Solomita.
- Faris Fashion_Design: Joey because my peplum in school life like joeys and i think that joey can be my bff in my life i just want to talk to him online i cant reach him bc i live in jordan and i think that joey will like mee
- Rachel Schultz: Roman Atwood because I love his family and his life
- Ivona Lazar: i would like to be Miranda or W2s
- Piper Queen: I would be you because you are the coolest you tuber on the world
- Ella Kain: Colleen wants babies do you
- Angelina: I would be Lilly Singh aka IISuperwomanII because she is smart, beautiful, hilarious, hardworking, inspiration and so much moree 😍
- Ronda Eastman: RCL beauty 101
- Kyla Laura: I would be coleen because she is so pretty and really funny
- Amisha Das: we love you...
- Kenna Equall: yess to that Celine song! my best friend and I sing it ridiculously loud in the car.
- fluteloops22: I would be Joey Graceffa because Daniel is hot AF.
- Allayna Wirebaugh: If i could be any youtuber it would nia rader from sam and nia!
- Trinity Oman: i would be you are awesome
- Amanda Lohmier: mir anda singa
- PurpleHorse26: Use cold water and don't wash your hair every day. Helps the color stay longer :)
- Tori Booth: Loren Gray.
- Micah Alexandria Reglos: If I could be a YouTuber for a day I would be Lilly Singh or IISuperwomanII because I would like to experience to have an amazing life with amazing people around and how to deal with negativity and stress. Also because I would like to experience being a motivational speaker and an entertainer :)
- Sakura Lepiane: Me and Colleen have the same favorite color. 😮😮😮😮
- Gianna Miceli: Hi
- Emma Bates: do purple
- Goda Riškevičiūtė: and probably Jenna Marbles because she is Queen :)
- Megan S: josh, bruh, dood, when you gonna come to the good 'ole state of Kentucky. we'd love to have ya. well I would. anyway, just a suggestion. ty ily k bye
- Lacie Appleton: If I could be a YouTuber for 1 day I would be you because you're my favorite YouTuber EVER!!
- Kgr2002: Or I would be that guy from paint were he does those cool music videos +JoshuaDTV you should check it out
- søfs: when i saw rachel on the thumbnail i was like: i need to watch this
- Mr.Mumbles: Mathias bc he is amazing
- Radhika Sharma: YES
- Cassie's channel: MIRANDA
- dino goat: I would be you for a day
- Harper Clarkson: If I was a YouTuber for a day I would be you or colleen
- Hannah Slankard: I don' think that Celine Dion part could have gotten better.
- Michaela Matheson: if i could be a youtuber for a day i would be rebecca zamolo cause she is amazing and so inspiring
- Kayla Lee: I'd want to be Colleen or Rachel if I could be a YouTuber btw I love you Josh 💕
- Ciara Raymond: I would be Ryan Minaj because he is funny affff
- Miss April: I would be Pew Die Pie. cause $$$$$$
- Marbella: I would be Rachel Leven aka rclbeauty101 because she ie always so happy and cheerfuland kind!!!!!☺
- Brianna_ Dance: I'm a new subscriber and I love your one in a million song and I was wondering if I could download it or not? And if I was a you tuber I would be Colleen
- Gabriel: I love your vids but damn you look like a 80 y old with that hair color
- henderegui: Was I the only who screamed in the first question because of LAUREN?
- Nathan Jones: Hi josh
- Mme: Joey Graceffa because he is so cute and adorable.
- unicornlover 69: my favorite YouTuber is Rclbeauty101
- Holley Butkovich: Go Rebecca! The more I watch her the more I realize what an incredible person she is. She has a very sincere heart!
- Katelyn Dawn: I would be Joey graceffa because I wanna hug wolf and a storm forever
- Will Hunt: i would be Natilie from Communitychannel or Colleen
- Gabrielle Schmidt: I live in canada yay
- JumpForJ0y: theyd both be down who are we kidding
- Esther jennanda: RED BALLOON
- arisha rehman: LILLYYYYY! I want to experience the hustle😂
- Shakeyla Watson: I would be joey graceffa
- Iman Aburubieh: I would be Colleen for a day or you or Rachel levin
- Alton Dunn: The mystery video is not working for me!! Help!! 😭😂❤️
- It's Shawnieboyy: I'm jealous of your hair 😍
- Jennifer F: I would be you because your just perfect ILYSM Josh you have inspired me so much
- Abby Jane: I would be Tyler and Colleen because they are legit taking over the Internet and world 😂😂❤️❤️
- Emma Strong: What is your favorite co Dr you have done? #DingleMingle
- LiterallyMorgan: Colleen or rachel
- Kat'n' Rainbows: 1.)superwoman 2.) collen 3.) every youtuber I subscribed to but did not mention ..
- Alondra Rosales: Well now it's not a secret lol
- McKenna Hardy: JOSH!!! I started doing vlogs on my other channel #TheSaltyMutantEats and realized that deaf and heard of hearing people can't watch YouTube videos unless there are captions! Please put captions on your videos from now on and use the tag #WithCaptions to let people know there are captions so they can watch!
- charis mendes: same #zamfam
- BEAUTYSLIFE 101: Oh thanks
- Courtney Paige Kingwell: You should totally make a book about love. "You just have to keep choosing each other over again" 😢so cute
- Liam payne9801: OMG SAMEEEE
- Septiplier and WWE SUPERFAN: can't wait to see you Joshua !!! I bet your personality is as funny and great as you are on YouTube!
- Isabel Ryan: I think I would be Miranda Sings because she is awesome.😀
- Crazy K Butler: It's actually a group that I'd like to be a part of, but they have a lot of funny, family friendly videos. They are called Studio C.
- Katherine Buckett: I would be you because you are really fun and funny and you also seem to have a special connection with your viewers. You are also just a really nice human being.
- Erin Clark: +Seth Joseph Oh hey...there you are ha!
- ella polites: do lavender purple or like dark dark dark brown not black but very dark brown
- Alexa Hernandez: I would be BF GF because there funny and they prank each other
- Zoe-Ann Newman: I would be joey graceffa because I love him so much
- Ramona Chandra: and miranda because I'm partly everything of her
- ____meh____: Mamrie
- A girl has no name: +Alex O'Brien I know I am just saying
- Leah Goodman: I love you Josh when will you come back to NYC I miss you and need to give you more kale!!!!!!!!!
- Meghan Xo: My favorite Celine Dion song too!
- _.kc.fh._: (I mean rclbeauty101)
- Lauren Edwards: Yassss
- Amanda Betts: 10 seconds into the video and Joshua already said "crevices." I'm obsessed with him. I would be Josh and Colleen because they're both legends.
- GalaxyTurtles: I would love to be Dan or Phil
- Queen Gianna: I want to be Bethany mota for a day 😂
- Denisa Tofanel: #zamfam rebbeca for the win because she is strog and funny
- Trin: Hi
- Greg Gregory: Joey Graceffa
- Athena N.: Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart, and Zoella ALL together 😂
- Emma Bradimore: HI JOSH!
- dreamar1e: I'd love to ne Zoella just for a day to take a walk through Brighton and have such a big and loving audience
- wig gone: I'd want to be Joey Graceffa bc he's majestic and gorgeous ✨
- The Daily Critic: 219th like!
- Gabby Marie: I'd probably be rachel. she is an amazing person, but i wish i could hang out with colleen and josh for a day😍
- a_wuuu u: I would be no youtuber
- Krystal Huffman: i'd be hannah, so i could hangout with grace and Mamrie
- Shannon Hall: If I could be a YouTube I would be Colleen or sprinkle of glitter or Zoella xx
- Kgr2002: Or I would be that guy from paint were he does those cool music videos +JoshuaDTV you should check it out
- CINNAMON883: //plays illuminati music//
- wonderfullylps: +Seth Joseph man now you can get one too
- Sydney Cooper: if probably be you so I could pull of everything...... lol....😂
- Hannah Hagerty: Colleen!
- Sienna Macnamara: Colleen and grace
- Ciara KD: When he was like " it's just a red balloon!" I was sitting there like "mmmmmhhhhhhmmmm suuuuurrrrreeee Josh" 🤔
- Nancy Dziwulski: I would be Lilly for a day
- Anne Mush: Superwoman
- allanah: Hey Joshua I saw your tweet so I'm here to see if you will reply but the chances of that happening are slim😞😂 I Love you, that's for always making me smile.💜💕
- RedBrandy Cherries: josh why ur so bloody handsome.. i gonna freak
- BO$$2021: Hi
- 8750sek: Idk if you will see this, but Josh, you are one of my favorite people on this Earth and you're amazing. You are so funny and inspirational. Thank you. Also, I would want to be you or Colleen for a day.
- Erin George: colleen because she is perfect and amazing and the best person anyone could ever be
- Jack West: I would want to be Alexis g zall
- Amanda Drobes: I would be you for a day because you are my favorite YouTubeer
- Sparkles Gaming 18: I want to be you!
- kylie dolan: OMG look at 8:37 OMG
- Ashwakiee: I said 'jk' ....
- Kylie Marie: I was trying to think of a really clever joke to come up with and put in the comment section. my love life
- Meghan Malecki: youuuuuuu
- Amy Jo: I understand about the long distance relationship thing! My boyfriend was overseas in Iraq in 2005-2006 for 16 months and got one leave! It's well worth it to stick together though! At least she will be safe and you'll know it :-) Plus a lot of access to video chatting!
- Ella H.: I would be pewdiepie bc he is my fav youtuber and he is so amazing!!!!!
- The Plush Parody: hi josh
- Autumn Collins: I feel bad for josh about the distance , I'm extremely clingy my BF and I both r , and if we can't talk for a day then like the world is ending . Clinging as hell Don't care 😂😂😂😂
- Hello Du: Lol. My name is Celine
- Taylor Hardy: I'd be Joey graceffa he is so funny and cool and awesome I could go on for ever lol
- sarah white: I would be ryan Higa, Jennamarbles , or Shane Dawson
- Natalia Sikora: I love Mamrie and Drew so much! They're my favourite youtubers!
- Kylie Johnston: "It's just a red balloon........just a red balloon " LOL
- Ashley Hernandez: I would be Miranda cause why not
- Angela Willson-Conrad: Is there a schedule anymore or did I miss some announcement? It would be great to know what videos to expect.
- Julia Fisher: I love u so much and i want to meet u!!!!😘😘😘😘😍😘😍😘😘😘😘😘
- Kaddie's Life: Joey Graceffa because he is so cute and famous i could be dating daniel and have dogs
- Alexa Soden: If I could be a youtuber, I would be you or colleen cause you guys are perfect
- The Sammy Show: I love your vlogs!
- David Eliazar: that illuminati hand sign at the end thou
- Bethie White: I would be u or Miranda Sings and actually her if she was a real person not. a character
- Jennifer Clouston: Sorry about that
- Aqsa Shafiq: I would want to be Colleen so I could kiss you...yeah I kinda love you🙃
- Jeanie Tramontano: I would be Colleen cuz I want to be her😂😂😂
- Artisthicc: How do u buy tickets and how much is it for josh's tour??
- Fria15: That ending was everything.
- tori: if I was a YouTube for a day it would be Josh colleen Julian Jenna Matt or rebecca
- Milica Novakovic: i would be joshuadtv youuu
- Alea Gnaly: josh im going to see you on april 25!! i would be...(no offence) i woulxd be colleen😊
- maple syrup girl TV: I will be rclbeauty101
- Chloe Barsoum: 100th like
- KiddBandino: JoshUA! REMEMBER ME? 😂😂
- Jordan Purrington: I would totally be you, colleen or rachel!! Why? bc your awesome and ilysm❤
- SarahBear: i would want to be liza koshy she is insanely funny. and so talented
- Carli O: I love you so much josh!💘💘💘
- Sophia Bertolino: @JoshuaDtown Who was your first celebrity crush? Why? I love you so much!😘❤️😍 #dinglemingle
- Danielle Kyriacou: Illuminati at the end tjoygh
- Carolina Cortez: I would be Joey graceffa or Miranda sings
- Syd & Gill: Colleen bc she's my god
- I love u Bae: I would be Joey graceffa
- Jsjsndn Sjsjsjsn: I would want to be you or bella because you both sing wonderfully if that's a word
- Kristen Eldar: i love you and your wife colleen josh#YOUARESONICE
- Pepper 05: RclButeay101
- Saslaya: Colleen and Joey graceffa
- Jack Eliason: i would be roman atwood
- Kaitlyn W: I would be... Hmmm... Oh I know! JOSH EVANS Ilysm. You inspire me and help me through bad times! Love ya!😂❤️❤️❤️
- Adyson Curley: Joey graceffa
- Sundas Awan: please do a photobooth challenge with colleen again . it's cracking me up , every time i watch an old one 😂
- Arielysss Roman: you should go to Canada as a secret and surprise her
- abby decker: If I could be a you tuber for a day I would be you or Colleen
- Lauren penksa: rclbeauty101
- Katelyn Drew: Where is da nonfiction squad at?
- Kylie Marie: And that's my favorite Celine song, as well!! :)
- Gabby Estrada: Josh and Colleen oh and Miranda because they are awesome
- Jodi Lin Raepple: I love your face and hair and this video and you..I love you! 😘💞💛
- Chrissy Brozosky: I would be you Colleen and miranda
- maddie and kenzie: Rcl beauty 101 is my favorite youtuber
- JoshuaDTV: Celine though
- Jen Fishman: Hey josh
- Baby Girl: I would be jeana from prank vs prank because she has fun all the time pranking jesse and plus I love nylah and bambu they are silly cats
- Dexter Hailie: If I had to be a youtuber for a day I'd be.. This is hard, I have a couple: Trisha, Drew,LaurDIY or Colleen.
- Esther jennanda: "We just know that we have to keep choosing each other every single day" THE QUOTE MY HEART JOSH
- Daycray: I feel you. Every time i take a shower my blue washes out a little bit
- Sarina Donahue: 200th like 😂🙄🙄
- Nina Demirs: Omg I was in New York that day and I didn't know who u were
- Charlotte Emma: I would be you Colleen and Rachel cuz duh
- Katie Rene: I would probably be Grace Helbig because FIRST OF ALL she's insanely gorgeous, and also she's incredibly talented and just a hilarious person. I love grace. And also she has Chester See for a boyfriend... Who wouldn't want Chester See for a boyfriend?
- Meghan Mitchell: I would be thatcherjoe
- Jess in king: EPIC lip sync
- mh61638: Does anyone know how long Colleen will be living in Canada for??
- 4everkaitlyn Vlogs: My fav youtuber is Roman Atwood he is my insportion
- Kelly Klein: hey Josh are you and Colleen in a serious relationship
- Tatanka: You should wash your hair with cold water, that makes the color stay in longer ;) That's why I always wash my hair over the bathtub so I don't have to have a super cold shower :D
- Mia Catherine: I'd be you, Shane, Joey, or Colleen
- Amber Olmstead: his hair is the same color of JOEY GRACEFFAS am i the only one that noticed
- I'm a fan of Rhett, Link and Janiel: Way too late, but Rhett and Link are my 2. And why, maybe because I'm obsessed with Rhett and Link. Just look at any of my accounts, they all have the word "Mythical" somewhere in them.
- Karla Davila: It's a RED BALLOON!!!!!🎈🎈😂😂😂🎈🎈
- Janna Hadaya: I would be you because dahhh
- Ninja Charlotte: I would be danisnotonfire or AmazingPhil
- Cassie Lloyd: Is that rcl in the thumb nail..?
- Patrick Skinstad: Illuminati comfirme 😂
- Raych: Love ya x
- Holly Wood: I COULDN'T HELP BUT SING ALONG TO CELINE WITH YOU! There's just so much emotion and power behind her songs!
- Janis Chelsea Miranda: BTW its already 3am here in The Philippines. ✌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
- Devina.: ohh jotchuwa...😁😂
- Bianca 14: i would be RCLbueaty101 because she is awesome or iisuperwomenii
- Emily Rain: Red ballon
- Emily Jane: I would be Alisha Marie or Rclbeauty
- Emili: I thought the same thing lol
- Violet Sanders: I would love to be Zoella for a day.
- Helena Hernandez: would you rather fart pop corn or sneeze milk and why?
- Whateverable111: I have NO idea why but Josh reminds me of Geronimo Stilton sometimes wtf
- ellihens169 SNS: Love you josh❤️❤️❤️
- Mary Washlick: I would want to be you or Colleen because you too inspire me more than anyone💚
- Aya Elassaad: josh and collen
- Phan is not on fire: I'd be the Gabbie show
- Beccagui: I would definitely be josh. 100% Joshua
- ellihens169 SNS: And thats ok because he's married and not gay- and if he was that wouldn't matter, anyway you can have colourful hair and not be gay....
- Natalie !: Probably Joey graceffa. Because he was the first person I ever subbed to
- Maia Thompson: I would be Colleen because she is hilarious and a great person!
- Abigail Howell: Thanks for taking my question!! Love you💜💜
- Syerin Aurellia: i would be Pewdiepie
- Holly A: UK tour?!?!????!😭😭😭😭😭💗
- XxItsHarleyxX: I would definitely be miranda sings because she is very funny sometimes she is creepy but she is funny
- H A: yessss drew!!
- makeup_kween: Colleen or you or Rachel
- Renae Drew: I would be Shane or Coleen because they both make me smile 😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂
- Lifeful Life: Drew tho omg!
- Rebekah B: I'd be you cause idk you're cool
- angelinamariemusic7: I would be Zoella
- madi howell: i would be colleen so i could hang out with you all day
- A girl has no name: no offence but will you please make that intro short... again not trying to be rude :)
- Madisyn Haye: miranda or meg from maybaby
- Hannah Ballard / TheMakeupCatt: I'd be you. I'm not just saying that because I'm commenting on your video, but if someone random asked me what youtuber I would be, I would say you. You're the most hardworking, talented, loving and nice person I've ever met. You're so creative and genuine and I hope to be like you one day. I love you, Josh!!
- Kiya Busby: Colleen. So that I would be able to see how it fells to be loved by Josh soooo much.
- Jeanie Tramontano: Red balloon= illuminati
- Cat Girl: hi josh!
- courtney erin: I would be Troye Sivan because he is so cute and he is just like the best person on earthhhhhhhh oh yea his music is amazing too
- Areli Martinez: I remember that show on December 2 the one you were talking about I was sitting behind those people and I remember when Rebecca sat on one of the tables and I saw how much they were laughing.😭
- Morgan Maddox: lol. I'd wanna be you for a day
- Joshua J Connell: I am pretty sure that Mamrie would be totally fine with you being all up in her crevices. She is one of my favs because of her PUNS!!!
- Abby Mae💛: I would want to be colleen cause she's colleen😍 And she has a great husband that is one of my favorite people and she has amazing friends and family. Plus we have the same middle name
- Charlotte Emma: ILYSM
- justacrazywoman: If I could be a YouTuber, I'd be Casey Neistat. 💜
- Lily Farrell: Red balloon
- barbara Mckelvey: If I could be a youtuber for a day I would be you or Collen because you guys are awesome.
- Molly Laverty: I would love to be zoella for a day because to be like her would be amazing but I know its better to be myself than anyone else ps lysm
- allies outlet: You because you are awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
- Kassi K: I would be Miranda bc she is so funny and amazing and I can do a pretty good impression of her (one time I FaceTimed my friend dressed like Miranda and she called me mini Miranda)
- Radek Joseph Jester: I would also be Mamrie because ALCOHOL, DUUHHH
- jesss the messs: +Hannah Andrews No hating I have nothing wrong with them NO HATEEEE are you lesbian like her??
- Savannah Russell: MIRANDA. SHE IS THE BEST!!!!!
- Isabel Karin: I would be Miranda Sings
- Lea Rivera: 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Jocelyn Blassingame: I think rclbeauty101 , Collen (I don't know how to spell) 😂 and you all because y'all are all good people and y'all have great personalitys and btw don't judge me for saying y'all I'm from Tx 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- katieisboredyay: It's All Coming Back to Me Now was definitely my favorite song when it first came out when I was 6 and is still my favorite Celine jam #celine4ever
- Emma Hildner: Zoella
- Alea Gnaly: no i dont think so😂... i wish
- Zaviar Siddiqui: I would be rclbeauty IDC if shes a girl SHES DA BEST
- Kylie Davenport: I would be Matthias because he is hilarious and with you he is one of my favorite youtubers
- _ mylifeashammy _: Love you!
- Hallie Keppen: Joey graceffa
- Molly Billo: use cold water to shower! it will lessen the color loss!
- alyssa compoattaro: Probably either Alexis G call or JC
- Josephine Walter: Niki or gabi
- megra zen: I would be amazingphil because I wanna be the actual sun for a day
- Alicia Tivoli: I would be Annie from bratayley or emmi from shaytards
- Raeanna Petersen: Phil 💩
- Grace Campbell: I love the purple colour it will look great!
- Sophie Candler: Eh bee family because i LOVE them.
- Sunnyfranceska: Joey graceffa because he's HOT or (basically eny YouTube I watch that lives in LA I really want to live in LA
- Jordyn Joseph: You because your hair!!!! Duh!🤗💙💩
- Wendy Torres: Colleen to other one just her❤️❤️
- Brynn Martinez: I'd be Colleen or Rachel ❤
- Savanna Maneritch: I love you Josh😊
- Drewerbiebs 160: Hi i love you please reply
- Shayla Walters: rclbeauty
- Shadia Hammitt: Poplarmmos because I love ther vidos a lot Bro Lollolololololzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- bettybaboy: miranda sings
- Jovelle Ng: im sorry cuz your father died :(
- Dinokid 1432: Tyler Oakley
- Christina Rodriguez: I like it blue but i like it before when it was brown
- A Zouain: #redballoon
- Raeanna Petersen: I would be Daniel because then Joey is my Boyfriend YASS
- Felicity A: if i had to be a youtuber it would be thegabbieshow,shane,joey graceffa,or colleen
- Alex O'Brien: +LiveLove it was only 13 seconds lmao
- Brooke Bullock: Celine is the best aghhh😍 and I would be Miranda because duh
- A.g G.a: Jeana from bfvsgf her laugh Is so cute
- Amber Muller: Colleen or Shane Dawson
- Clare Bear: Be*
- YounS GameZ: I would be miranda sings for a day I REALLY REALLY Love miranda sings :D :D and Colleen OF COURSE :D
- Erica's arts And crafts: Rclbeauty101 because she is awesome
- milika polstra: haha genius!
- Kender576: Illuminati confirmed
- Huevo Haynes: Daniel preda so I can date Joey graceffa
- Kaiyah Backus: I haven't watched in forever and his hair is like blue. 😔 Nooo
- Keltie Mahura: I would also be Jen
- Andrew Fan: And for Daniel. I'm being Joey for Daniel😂
- Isabelle Pitrowski: #shanedawsonalltheway
- Kerri B: Rebecca is amazing <3
- emma ricke: I would be Miranda or Collen
- Just A Space Kid: its just a red ballon *stares majestically into the distance*
- Madi Castor: Rachel because shes awesome or Christopher because pb&j are the sweetest
- Kendall Plautz: I would be GamingWithJen 'cuz she is my all-time fav youtuber. (No offense)
- Keara and Lauren: Alright I am going to be straight up, I love Josh.. A LOT. I'm seeing him on his tour.. But idk maybe its just be but ever since the new year, he has changed. I don't like his some of his new content.. In a way I really miss him doin everyday vlogs...
- burnthisguitar: I love how your hair color is and was .. Looks great!
- Lynn Russell: I'd wan't to be Cory 😂
- Rajkumarie Singh: i would want to be superwoman
- Edreana Guerrero: RclBeauty and Coleen psychosoprano
- Bailey Hubbard: Joshua I have been begging my parents to let me go to your San Antonio show I am so glade you are coming to tx I am raising so much money so I can go ilysm
- Rex Douglas: hi joshua
- Ashley V: I am !
- Zoe Amber: I hate hearing jhosh talk about other girl youtubers because im like nooooooo talk about coleen !!!!! :)))))
- Aberdeen Rappleyea: I would be iisuperwomanii 😚😚😚♥️♥️
- Mazzatron14 Wilson: I died my hair blue and the die has washed out so much that it looks green
- Lindsey Beth: I would wanna be Colleen because she I look up to her so much. She is so caring and funny and talented. I would also love to be Grace Helbig because she seems so sweet and her comedy is so good while always being kind hearted.
- Lejla Dakaj: joshua my birfday was on the second day of the nyc show (sep 5) but i couldnt make it AND i live in ny
- Sophie Williams: When can u come to Wales ?
- davidx1286: josh and colleen
- Courtney Smith: Josh and Colleen Ilysm and ur whole family
- Inês Wecker: i don't really like your hair cut right now, the colour is fine, but the hair cut... meh. i preferer the old one.l
- Abigail Barrow: i would want to be colleen. because she is so talented and pretty.
- Susie Sophia: Miranda. Looks like a blast to play a outrageous character
- RvcoOne: Oh Josh... I loved you lipsyncing to It's All Coming Back to Me. LOL. Is there any song of hers you would actually cover?
- ZoeyCT: I honestly think that it is guy tang and the products he uses, because he did Joey's and it was terrible too
- Iris Kreen: Connor Franta because he is soo inspireing😊
- Leyna Chiem: I would be Judy from itsjudyslife cause she has the cutest kids❤️
- Stephanie lore: I'd be colleen because she is awesome
- Jamie Rackley: I LOVE YOU
- Hello Du: I would be Pewdiepie
- RyanRoss PanicAtTheDiscoTrash: Joey Graceffa because he's the most amazing YouTube in in the whole entire world and I love him so much😭🦄💕
- reina721: I would me shay Mitchell
- Louisa Hausslein: Ok I cracked up when Josh randomly sang "Digging a hollee" THIS WAS A FUNNY VID, I LOVE YOU!!!!!
- Hillary Robertson: Drew and Shane would be fun to be but honestly I would want to be you or Colleen :)
- TheNooby Gamer: i want to be Sqashiey Quack because she is so enthusiastic and pretty and successful.
- Jada Enrici: I would so want to be Liza
- candy lover: I would be Miranda because she is awsome
- Lex Bray: I would probably be Rachel because I just want to see what it's like to be tall for a day. Also I could visit Colleen and you for the whole day which would make me the happiest person in the world.
- _.kc.fh._: My only thought looking at the thumbnail was," Dafug? I didn't know Jochua knew Rachel!"
- Renae Drew: yassdd same
- KittyKat Simmers: Same
- Leonie westgård: I would be zöe sugg, because then I would get to hang out with the Brits, especially joe and alfie.
- katie80: I really want to go to your show in timmonium and I live 2 min away from the venue. it is 4 days before my birthday too! I REALLY REALLY want to go, but my mom told me I have to pay myself, the problem is that I don't have enough money.
- Sara Roberge: if I could be any youtuber for a day I would be you because you get to spend time with all the people that I look up to or Miranda cause duh.
- Kaci-elise Wakefield: you,or collen or,rachel i love your,videos
- Hope Huyser: dye it red because the giant hightop is red
- Melissa Dara: Hannah Hart! Not sure you'll see this, but just felt the urge to put my answer in the comments! Really enjoyed this dinglemingle!
- Mack Kovach: Drew is so great
- Terri Siferd: jennxpenn because she is funny and Christopher because he does magic and I want to see how he does it
- Lilybelle GW: #zamfam
- Yasemin Gungor: I would be PVP Jeana or Coleen😍😘😻😍💎😘💋💝
- Alie Smith: I would be Natasha Bure. :)
- Kyriell Blaise: Why did you die your hair 🙍🏽🙍🏽🙍🏽
- Jeanie Tramontano: LOVE U❤️❤️❤️
- Ariel Matula: Shane
- Anna Sobczak: I would want to be Colleen!! She is so famous!!!!! ❤️ (or you)(≧∇≦)
- Goda Riškevičiūtė: heyy , i love youu! I would be Colleen( i can be Miranda at the same time ) or The Gabbie Show because of her laugh :) hope my grammar is good :)
- Gabby Ferrara: Celine Dion is my fav
- Faith Oxford: I would be Joey
- Mirna Jiménez.Hernández: That ending😂
- LittleShortyHolly: I would be Tyler Oakley
- Swiftstyles II: Colleen cause she's funny and beautiful
- Chloeshep Music: I wouldn't be joshuadtv because he is always nice and funny and sweet.
- Olivia Hayman: Superwoman
- Luz Medina: Joey graceffa because he is so nice and funny ✊
- Hello Du: And Miranda
- Lana Michele: You
- Michelle M: Miranda sings
- Sarina Donahue: Your are supposed to wash colored hair in cold water josh
- Hey It's hannah: I would be Zoella
- harriette hoyt: I would be superwoman
- Kurah Hawco: I would be Miranda Sings because she is so funny and cool I just love her so munch
- Kim Larocque: Drew! great choice.
- Ashley Stadnicki: I would be Alisha Marie because she is so dang pretty!!,
- Astrid Ramirez: +JoshuaDTV Celine am I right
- Liz Franks: i would be colleen because i think she is so beautiful. i would touch myself the whole time
- THE living Doll SEASON1: do another bit of this plz if you do this is my comment
- Erika Joy: Todrick hall
- Katelyn Gluck: Josh, if you dye your hair purple, Colleen will be jealous
- Yasmine Shahin: I love looking through the comments and I realized that you usually answer your comments which makes me EXTREMELY happy. I have no idea why but it's just nice that you take the time to read your comments! @JoshuaDTV please answer me!!!!
- alyssajohnson: UPDATE ON THE CATS??
- Emma The Singer: Miranda sing
- twitchy out: Zoella or you
- Em :p: Since you'll be reading comments for the first hour, can u respond to this one? Btw love u😘😏😂🎈
- Dakota Dolan: If I could be a YouTuber I would either be Kian lawley or jc Caylen❤️ ilysm Joshua please reply to this comment
- Tatanka: I feel you with the long distance struggle.. I'm going to go to California for 6 Months in September and I hate the thought of not seeing my boyfriend for so long but I know we can get through that. (I'm from Germany)
- Gabriela O2L: I'd be Tyler Oakley because he is friends with a lot of other youtubers I watch
- Amy Khlegen: Joshua was the show half empity or half full?
- Emily: I would probably be Grace Helbig because her on-the-spot sarcasm is crazy good!
- Partial Raptor28: If I could be a youtuber for a day I would be Joey Graceffa so I could play with wolf and storm 🐶🐶
- Maddie Vindhurst: Joey graceffa
- Anastazya Merza: Do a collab with Drew josh!!
- destany graves: Rclbeauty101 is who I would be
- ImKrispyCat: +Ramona Chandra i dont but he has a great personality and he is so funny and confideny and if u make fun of gay people one more time i will be so pissed
- Shelley D: I knew that'd be his favorite Celine song! Heehee. Mine too. :-)
- Gretchen Rozie: I would be Ellen. She helps so many people every day, while being openly gay. Ellen is a rule breaker (not in a bad way) and is never afraid of letting go and dancing a little
- Kelsey Phillips: JOE SUGG OR COLLEEN
- Secret People: +Sarah Zakreski oh thx for replying!!
- Jennifer Rodriguez: Ldshadowlady and jacksepticeye
- Chasity Hallman: like you hair color
- Kate Keast: Josh I would love to be your wonderful wife for a day because she's beautiful and she's married to you 😚🎈
- M&M M: Omg when he sings
- Earls Family Vlogs: My husband and I were long distance our entire relationship until we got married and since he is in the army we are still apart a lot
- Hiplike Lola: I'd probably be someone from bratayley or zoella
- Terri Fenwick: I'm with ya' 'bout Mamrie ... she is brilliant :)
- jayjaysocool channel: i love that song
- Softball Is life: My would be collen and Rachal .... Collen bc she is so awesome and when she's Miranda she is so funny .... Rachal bc she is cool and she hates Siri like I do
- Adison walker: GloZell because she is so funny
- Leigh tee TV: that's my favorite Celine Dion song :)
- Tia Bright: i would be colleen because she is super cool not that u are not😆
- Lindsay Simmons: jc
- Clorox: Omg SAME
- THEBLUEWOLF 11: I would want to be you or Colleen! Ilysm!!!!
- Aisha Reginelli: I love you and colleen but I would want to be Rachel she is fucking awesome!
- Amya Livingston: Ricky Dillon 😍😍😍
- Naylah CS: I would be Glozell cuz I'm crazy , I like green , and I wear weave Lol jk
- Ruby Joachim-delpoio: Mine would be these really cool families named the Balligers and Evens don't know if you have heard of them
- Tia D: I know!!! lol
- Savy Aresthi: My fave color is purple too!
- ErkaTheVegan: Fancy seeing you here
- Jazzy DeFehr: I would be superwoman or Rachel because they're so smart, cool, funny, awesome...
- Kaylee Snyder: LDshadowlady or Rosanna Pansino
- sam: love u josh
- Mia C: rebecca and celine my fav video yet
- vanessa: joey graceffa💖
- thebelleandbeau: +Emily Alison low key same lol
- Jeena Mathew: I would be JennaMarbles or The Gabbie Show bc they are some of my favorite youtubers!
- Drew Hersch: The competition to get into a Dingle Mingle is tougher than getting Donald Trump to stop talking.
- Hunter Van soelen: Tom cassel
- Kailee Zimmerman: I would be you josh
- Emmy Powder: I love u so much u have keep me happy all the times I've been sad have a great day
- Anthony Tyger: +Candice V Yuuuuusssss!
- Yasmeena Sedhom: You Josh because you're amazing! I'd love to live your awesome life and have many cool family members and friends!
- Emma Leigha: It'd have to be MissTiffanyMa or MyLifeAsEva. Because they're both so beautiful and funny!😎❤️
- Ethan !: I would be you for a day like why not..
- Guitarbuddah1: I would be Tyler Oakley
- Abigail Kennell: Miranda, because I want to know what Miranda does when the camera is not on her 😹😹😹😹
- Liat Radetsky: i would want to be you because you support being nice to people, you are insanely talented and are extremely funny and outgoing!
- Anistyn Honey: I would be Colleen because she's freakin awesome and gorgeous!
- Kaitlyn K-C: Colleen she is my favourite person in the world
- God -: a YouTuber i want to be is Rachael or smosh (Anthony and Ian)
- Catherine D17: Illuminati confirmed
- Zeke dufresne: What do you do in your show
- Danelys Dilone: IISuperwomanII
- Daniel F.: Joshua, will your album be on streaming?
- V: for me it would be Drew as well, just so i can be in daddy's glorious body.
- Ashire Marie: I would be either Tyler Oakley or Mark Thomas because they are both amazing and funny and weird and adorable😂😂❤️
- angel cookie: zoella or ldshadowlady
- h al: the background music is too loud josh :/
- Aaaa dsdfsvs: I looooove Miranda, so I wan't be her.
- sylvia w: i would be joshadtv
- Ashley: if I could be a YouTuber for a day I would be rachel levin from rclbeauty101 because she's so smart, beautiful, and creative☺❤
- Rachel Adderley: Oh and Miranda duh!
- Glam Girls: Probably be Zoella coz she's great xx
- Helen Zhao: Where is Colleen moving to in Canada? Sorry, I havent been catching up. Thanks :)
- Hanna Granger: I live in New York do you know how frustrated I am
- Andre Zavala: JackSepticeEye, Markiplier, or PewDiePie. Where's the fandom?!!!😏😏😏
- The Daily Critic: I would be Colleen, you or Aparri aj
- Maya Brow: If I could be anyone I'd be Dan cause who wouldn't wanna date Phil for a day.
- Jhaven Meade: you Colleen or Miranda
- Team Arrow4Life: i'd be Dan Howell or Phil Lester
- Suhaymah Sajid: I really miss your Brown hair not to be a hater
- peachy kamyar: Joey Graceffa
- CharliKJ: Hey Josh, I'm sure someone has said this to you before, but just in case, if you have dyed hair the best thing to do is wash your hair in cold water, especially when you use shampoo, it's not that fun but you can turn it straight back to hot once it's washed, and then if you condition also cold or luke warm as it isn't as bad for the colour as shampoo is. I'd recommend buying a coloured hair shampoo and stay clear of any anti-dandruff (or similar) products as that is designed to take skin off your head so it destroys colour. Using heat on your hair can also strip colour (I didn't realise this for awhile so I had a perfect line around my head where the colour had been stripped out from using straighteners) but I'm not sure if that affects you in anyway! Hope this is helpful and not preachy :') I love the light blue/silver though, potentially more than the denim! But both look incredible
- Noelle Giordano: Rachel Ballinger because she is honestly the coolest person ever, and has the best sense of humor. Btw; I really like how the hair color turned out, it's different but still chill😀👍🏼
- Te'a Olivia: Connor franta, tyler oakley
- Carson Rafuse: you.
- Jamie Braithwaite: I Loved it!!
- Sakura Lepiane: I will be you
- Zoe Mehdi: 2nd ilke!!!!1!1!1!!!
- yasmin shams: Your hair is lovely but your own hair is better ❤️
- Pesty Chefs: Agree
- Kristi W: That Celine lip sync though!! 😂
- Julieta Bustos: I WOULD BE LIZA KOSHY
- Honour Lachanse: I would be Superwoman or Colleen because like duh!!! love you Josh
- Aidan Henri: joey graceffa
- Madeline Gertsen: I would be Alexis g zall cause she's hilarious and cool :))))
- Fleur Williams: I would be Colleen because She is so stunning so inspiring and she is doing amazing things and I love hrs so much I am a mini queen 💗💖💖💖💖💖💖
- PoopXD Aj: +JoshuaDTV lol
- Kelsie Whitehead: Omg it only has 47 views!! So early! And I would be you!! BC you have the most amazing g friends and family and a beautiful loving wife❤️
- ella polites: would you rather hear spongebobs laugh for eternity or watch the 10 hour version of the pikachu song
- M. D.: i know like the half of my family lives in another continent
- Ava_ 20: I would be Miranda or Colleen cause they are so funny and hilarious
- katie minnick: Zoella because she has the perfect lofe😘
- Hannah Ballard / TheMakeupCatt: I love you!!!! <3
- hellapreda: I would be you because you're amazing and so funny and you and Colleen are goals. ❤️
- Jordana McCloy: I'd be you or colleen❤️
- Emelie: I LOOOOVE the colour your hair is now!
- TimberArt 28: I would be Joey graceffa
- Mason H: I would be... "Joshua DTV"
- Tamia H: i would be Joshuadtv because duh who wouldn't
- Keleol Titabe: ID be May baby
- Ashlyn: happy birthday
- Emily Finkergins: I would want to be you because your so funny and smart I just wanna walk in your shoes for a day ILYSM
- Grace Dudich: Id be Joey Graceffa cuz he is so fabtabulous and freaking hilarious and amazing XD
- Grace Johnson: To tell you the truth I would probably want to be Rachel Ballinger for a day! Because she seems so active and always wanting to do something! LOL! Oh and Josh me and a lot of people have been wondering, where did the vlogs go? It seems you don't want to vlog much anymore! Love you Josh!!! ❤️❤️
- Hillary Cecelia: I would be Colleen ballinger because she has an alter ego and has a great husband and family and always doing exciting things and going different places.
- im okay.: I would be Coleen, but without the pain, cuz she has an awesome family that I watch like every day, (because I am sorta new here, with their YouTube channels). Coleen will.....................
- Megan Fischer: Cullen and Katie
- Grace Griff: When I hear 'red ballon' I start singing 99 Luftballons
- Autumn Lafferty: Drew monson on the title pic 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- Zada Berry: I hate your hair!!!
- Kaitlyn Bougher: I'd be aspyn ovard ferris for a day!😍
- Natalia Ivanoska: I'd be either Lilly Singh or Liza Koshy! I mean come on...
- Sister Snake: I loved it when ur hair was really blue I don't like it silver even though it's not my hair I really liked it when it was blue
- Hiba Shaikh: Superwoman because she's very funny
- Emma Vig: Rclbeauty101 she is awesome!!! that's the YouTuber I would be!!!
- Alexis Baldini: RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- AmoonlightG: Illuminati confirmed! 6:33
- Lila Carr: You and Rachel
- Lilybelle GW: I would be Rebecca ☺️💞💞
- Mura: Do a reaction of colors by halseyy plss ... I'm from venezuela😻😻
- emily blair: Joey
- Ingrid Esther Engelbrekt Nordborg: I love that Celin Dion song too!!! :)
- Danielle Fleshood: I thought your camera was inside the toilet during the joke thing 😂
- Jenna Earp: "It's just a red balloon" * checks on urban dictionary what a red balloon means * "JOSHUA DAVID EVANS "
- Nicole Santos: i would probably be grace helbig or colleen bc they're the ppl who never fails to make me laugh so hard 💗
- AbbyMaclean: Zoella
- Chelbi Robinson: oh my gosh I LOVE Drew and Mamrie! they just make me laugh so much they're raw af
- Grace Johnson: Josh your the cutest human being!!❤️
- Kayla symons: Your eyes match your hair 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- shannon !: I see you Josh. ◀
- Jill Stewart: You
- vinu: same josh, every video i watch of drew, i'm like damn what's going on in his head right now and how does he come up with it.
- Laura Spradlin: Zoella
- Lexi B: I would be Grace Helbig or Mamrie Hart
- Gianna Miceli: Who else wishes josh would notice you like if you agree
- Kat Howelter: I love you so much Josh! I can't wait to see you in Boston! ♡♡♡♡
- I'm Scout: Yes. Yes.❤️💛💚💙💜
- Amanda G: Those bankers were so incredibly rude. Rebecca is my idol for how she showed them who's boss. You did such a great job that show though, you made it funny and you kept going and we couldn't even tell you were shaken up. you're a true performer <3
- katie80: I want to be Rachel or shane
- Kenz: Wait did I make the hour
- Septiplier and WWE SUPERFAN: josh the youtuber I would be is you because your going on tour and I wanna see what vlogging is like and what living with colleen is like I bet you have a good life
- Colleens Cookie: Long distance is hard I've been away from my mom and daddy for about a year they went to America and left me and my older brother with my aunt uncle and cousin but they are coming home on Wednesday only to go to Romania for 3 months And I'm only 11
- Lacey Frieden: I would be kickthepj for a day because I wanna know how his mind works
- Kelli Allen: Is red balloon a hint that Colleen is pregnant?
- Kat: Id be Jenna Mabrles because she is hilarious and I'd love to get inside her mind. Also I'd love too see the effort her and Juilen put into the podcasts, twitches, and Wednesday videos!
- I Really Tried: 😍👍✋✋😂
- Courtney Smith: Josh Colleen or Rachel because u r all AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
- Vanessa Moreno: I would be Colleen or you because you guys are one of the greatest people ever
- Lone Wolf: that ending though 😂😂😂😂
- Rufaidah Thabet: 1) I would love to be u josh. not cz I love u like hell. but cz u spread positivity in so many ways and ure so loving and caring. 2) how is ur stomach? r the worms and crickets gone?
- Gabriella Cobian: rclbeauty
- Joey Graceffa For life: I would no dought I would want to be Joey Graceffa for a day ilysm
- Etharah for Life: 51 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!
- Dylan Krapf: if I were a youtuber I would be JOEY GRACEFFA who wouldn't want to be him!!!!
- Kylie Ellen: Where in Canada is she moving
- VanessX22: Sneak into their crevices!! Sneak into their crevices!! YEAH!! ;) So, FINALLY #DingleMingle is BACK!! My favorites would either be Rachel Levin (RCLbeauty101), you, Miranda Sings, Eva (MyLifeAsEva), Colleen, Rachel, Christopher, and many more to name!! :D
- Brianna D: Niki or gabbi
- makenzie .2803: I would be Colleen
- Kya Mai: it got weird at the end, Joshua.... hahahhahahahaha!!!!
- Ericka Willcox: I would want to be Rachel Ballinger or Colleen Evans or joshuadtv because they always put a smile on my face.
- Charlotte hussell: I would be me because I don't need to be another youtuber I can just be myself 😊
- Gayperson: You
- Hailey R: +zoella I'd be zoella because of he amazing personality
- Madeline Grant: What was the first thing you noticed about Colleen? I Love You So Much!!!!!!!!!!!! Please put this in your next video!!!!
- Meg: I would be trevor moran, idk why, i just would
- isabella kragness: What is your favorite word love you😍😍😍😍!!!!
- Abby Mae💛: Do you see meh???1?1?1?2?111
- God -: because their funny
- Sarah Knupp: I would be Shane all the way
- Mya Rose: Colleen or Roman Atwoods girlfriend
- Yeya: I would be zoella!💙
- Makena Marie: If I could be a YouTube for a day I'm I would want to be Colleen because she is just an amazing person and is awesome most of all she is someone who always makes people smile😊And I'm all about making people smile and brighten there day😊
- Alex O'Brien: You killed me with that subtle illuminati reference.
- Baseball King35: Would you ever be a drag queen for a Day
- Allyssa Rose: probaby joey bc of wolf and storm😂
- aryana art: why do you say half empty and think posotibe and say half full and be greatful☺☺☺
- ProphetSurya: i would be Jesse or Jeana from bf vs gf cause they are awesome!!!!!!!!!
- liv¿?: Colleen
- Breanna Harvey: colleen because she is married to you
- Adriana R: 86th like!
- why dont we fan4life: i would be joey graceffa
- aléjandra estrada: I would be Rachel cuz she's so funny and sometimes she makes me laugh even though she didn't do anything funny
- mrsaj789: that's my favorite Celine song too
- Rami Altahan: I would be superwoman (lily singh)
- Stephanie Garland: grace or mamrie for the same reason that you said
- brooke nicole: can you please daily vlog again? i miss the vlogs so so so so so so so so so much :((
- Maria Mojica: You 💘
- Dan Frederiksen: Rebecca is gangsta. She has the bullet hole to prove it. I wouldn't want to be any youtuber for an entire day, that would be too freaky. But listen in to their thoughts for a little while could be interesting. Even though I sort of feel I know them all already.
- Michael Marks: Joey Graceffa because he is an amazing caring thoughtful person
- Alli E: Josh I know how you feel about the long distance thing. My husband is military and I have been in a relationship with him since before he left for basic. He was gone two months. Then four months. Now, our first deployment has had him gone for six months, but he gets home in a week! I think long distance is hard for sure, but it has gotten a lot easier for us each time because we know we will always be waiting for the other to come home. It was harder for me when we were dating.
- Cassie Smyth: I love Drew soooooooooooooooooo much!
- Rosie 37: that joke was funny Joshua😀 lol😄
- Tianna Lecander: same she's so awesome, smart, and inspirational.
- liza: it's not just a red balloon
- Madi Ignacia: Josh I love it's all coming back to me know. I love that song. Glee did a cover
- Kierra Wilson: Connor franta
- Tori Beary: I would want to be trayed sivan because he has the best voice ever (not that yours bad) but I love his songs. He has been very successfully
- Jessica Kennedy: I would be Roderick hall
- Avery Hattie: Joey Graceffa and iisuperwomanii
- Kinsey Poe: And pretty and smart
- Randi Crandall: You need to use different shampoo that won't strip the color, as well as use cool water.
- Sofia xoxo: i would be Ldshadowlady because she is super pretty and funny
- Shian Choate: joey graceffa because he is so inspiring and because I would also want to meet his dogs :) ilysm
- TheDifferentShow: If you wash your hair with cold water the dye will stay in longer I know because 1. My sister is in hair school and 2. I got blue high lights in my hair
- Cassie's channel: Colleen, you, (everyone like you guys) Shane Dawson, Trisha Paytas, Rachel!!!
- Morgan Blevins: notification club!
- Emma The Singer: do the Miranda
- Mr. Casserole: You're not supposed to wash it when you dye it like that.
- Averee' Murray: I would want to be Colleen because duh! She is positive and funny which is something I want to be! Also I'm a blond and I want to know what it is like to be a brunette. Finally I want to do the Colleen burp that you hate because I laugh ever time!! Plus Colleen is just an awesome person❤️
- Hannah Laughner: Your hair looks really cool the way it is now. Silver/grey with blue in it.
- Melanie Wilmart: The color is coming out of your hair because you shower with to hot water. ILYSM💖💖
- Ananda Nelson: Sorry but the best youtubers are Joey graceffa and Tyler Oakley sorry bout it
- revolution 2017.: You colleen
- Sophia Testani: If I could be a YouTuber for a day id either be Josh or Colleen because Colleen is really pretty and she's so funny and id love to work for Netflix. If I was Josh I'd love to be Josh because he's so cool and he's really talents because he's a really good singer. And I'd want to go on tour. (See you in 4 weeks and 2 days)
- Gabriella Couto: Lovin your hair😍
- Katrina Mayler: Why did he remind me so much of tyler oakley at 6:46
- Catherine Rae: Actually obsessed w your silver hair atm
- chrisdude5150: Lavender is so original n dope
- Shannon Carthy: at 4:33 OMG
- Paige Ganzer: If you don't like it then keep it to yourself!! Did you really have to take time out of your life to make someone else feel bad!???
- Mia zec: I would be Colleen because she is cool and nice to everyone she meets
- Sunny S.: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- Bailey Hubbard: +Joshuadtv
- Abbey Prickel: I would be Colleen! Duh
- Esther jennanda: Lip sync skills tho
- leelyyy: 2 views
- Jayden McFarland: The end though 😂😂
- Hello Du: My name is Celine. But not Dion
- Nina Demirs: +JoshuaDTV omg hi I wish I knew who u were then
- 3 pieces: i would be Liza Koshy
- Chloe B: hey Joshua after the purple do hot pink
- Kayla Wilson: 51 views?!?
- The Daily Critic: +Snowyclaw349 AJ lol
- Sashh: 6:34 ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!?!!?? Jkjk 😂😂😂 idek
- Britney Karn: I would be Jenna Marbles because she is hilarious and she is so funny and pretty and she is one of the many reasons I started a YouTube channel!
- Adesewa Yusuff: rcl beauty coz she does good life hacks
- simran mann: Lilly Singh because she's bae and I want to inspire people just like she inspires me everyday!
- Caroline Walls: Joey graceffa
- lol who?: I would be Joey Graceffa because he has hot boyfriend lol #IloveMyLife
- Wendy Victoriano: I would want to be Rachel Levin for a day
- Heidi Smith: Is this like a Q&A
- Zikes: I would be Todrick Hall ;)
- suezihere: Joshua... if you use dry shampoo on your hair the color will stay in longer!!!!!
- ayeitsgianna: I would be Kian lawley or Jc caylen 🔥👍🏻
- Marina Seawick: now it is a inside joke lol
- Savannah Yeager: hey Josh!!! I might be able to come to ur show in San Antonio!!! Really looking forward to it! Is Bandana Man gonna be at any of your shows? 😍😎💩
- hey_its_mel17: I would be markiplier. He does so much good for charities and I really admire him.
- Katie .N: I would be iisuperwomanii
- sophia klein: did u always like miranda sings
- Jennifer Clouston: I like the brown
- Sophia Beckmann: I'd be Nash Grier and kill myself
- Violet Bieber: i love drew
- Maya Dilts: I would want to be you because you do so many cool things I would love to see inside your day more than you vlog!
- JackieWarner13: Lol red balloon 😂🎈🎈🎈🎈
- Vikis flowers: or joey
- Amanda Fernandez: uuuhhhm duh I'd be coll freaking leen
- namjoonbaby: Glo because I want here confidence and she's hilarious, what more could you want.
- Jurassic Zombie: Lavender. I'm digging that! 👍🏻 any pastel colours are generally hard to keep up! But if you wanna stay grey that's a little easier as you can get purple shampoo and it corrects your hair everytime you wash it
- Hiplike Lola: Lol
- Idk Idk: I would like to be Tyler Oakley and Joey Greceffa
- Jayani Patel: I feel like I'd love to be Lilly Singh just because she is always happy and she just amazing
- taylor lay: LDSHADOWLADY!!!! She is so sweet and her job is amazing
- lyrics Y letra: could you sub to me
- Natmcg: I love you Josh please tour in San Diego
- Starfish Life: awesome
- rita pombeiro: I would be Mamrie to she is amazing. Joshua you should make a video whit Ana Free
- Josh The Ford Boy: I would want to be tevhrax because he is so rich and destroys iphones and Samsung.
- justeen sneed: Hi +JoshuaDTV
- Caitlyn Lopez: I would be Colleen because she seems like such a good loving person and who wouldn't want to be her she is so amazing and talented and beautiful and the most amazing person in the world so that is who I would be. Also I would get to be married to josh and he is beautiful so yeah😄
- Kate Simpson-Hallas: I would be rclbeauty101 because she is so funny and is a great inspiration to me
- Gracie Cassar: Ninja hm nnnnnooooooo j
- Ella Miller: I would want too be Connor Franta!!! Even if I'm the opposite gender. That sounds kinda gross!!🤗
- Erika Gamboa: I wanna be zoella for a day to know how it's like to be rich haha
- Alyssa Ann: I would be kian or Jc if I was a YouTuber for a day
- Rudegirl672: a red balloon is in the sixth sense! Do you see dead people?!?!?
- It's me ST Xxx!!!: I'd be u coase ur my bea lysm xxx
- Kimberly Salazar: i would be colleen because she's amazing and pretty and aye idek i love her and you!
- Grace Anderson: 900 comment lol love you josh
- Julieta Bustos: The people that are saying the same thing yall are my fam
- Jenasc!a King: 0:57, Gorgeous! Honestly she is all the goals that not even Beyonce can reach. Okay, I'm lying but gosh Josh, did you have to go for the effortlessly beautiful side by side. Got my brother here drooling, do to the fact I paused the video XDDD
- Abby: If I could be any YouTuber for a day I would be Joy Womack. She's an amazing ballerina in Moscow but also has an awesome YouTube channel! I wish I could be her for a day,
- Kaela Hawkins: Todrick Hall or Kingsley because THEY ARE LIFE!! Not that you aren't though. I'm going to stop now
- Jayna Bates: if could be a youtuber I would be jesse wellens or jeana or RACHEL BALLINGER
- C Guillemot: I would be colleen for a day!!!
- Stevie: Or maybe Emma blackery, Colleen, or AHH I DONT KNOW
- Sarah Summers: I like your brown hair more but your new hair is very nice too!
- Hello Du: I watch Colleen Rachel Chris And you
- ICY_TOO_ COOL: i would be ryan higa because he is very random
- madison fimple: i'd be miranda
- Muffinlover Awesome: Superwoman hmmm rclbeauty she does good ones like Google hmmmm to many Meghan McCarty hmmm tu many Rachel ballinger collens awe sis and her to so mano
- Felicia Perez: superwoman all the way
- Shana Jorna: The youtuber I will be would be lilly Singh aka iisuperwomanii or colleen because there awesome people
- Stevie: If I could be a YouTuber for a day I would probably want to be dodie
- Michelle Pedersen knudsen: i really don't know which youtuber i would want to be, you are all so Unique in your own way. well i followed jenna marbles the longest and love her crazyness but i love you and colleens crazyness and heart. i really don't know.
- Jeanette Chan: I was crying when I was watching this because I'm having a bad day
- Grace Johnson: I would be Colleen and have a great husband like Josh, cuz duh. who else agrees?
- Ray Collier: Rachel Ballinger
- tiffy0917: HA! Celine doe!
- Sanaai Dakoda: I would be Joey because....why not!
- Alex Perez: Shay!
- Trey Schwartz: I don't have a Twitter what is red balloon
- Seth Joseph: I would be Miranda because SHE HAS SO MANY BAES
- Tiger Lily710: I would be JOEY GRACEFFA!!!!!!!!!!
- Makayla Ashlynn: if i could be any youtuber for a day i would 100% pick Zoella... not because i'm obsessed with her or anything... #girlcrush
- Matias Ponce: I would want to be Shane Dawson because he is hilarious and his platform is very open
- emily moran: If I could choose to be a YouTuber for a day u would pick YOU!! Because I would have the best fans & family ever. Plus I'd be married to the MOST AMAZING WOMAN ON THE EARTH
- sam sekeres: Either laurdiy or superwoman bc they're awesome (and Canadian)
- Michelle Norris: If I could be a youtuber for the day I'd either be Colleen, Rachel or Lauren Cimorelli. They all have very different personalities to me so I'd love to experience them and they are all such funny and amazing people I'd love the experience their lives <3
- Brandi aka Loser: I would be Colleen or Miranda, or Joshua or Joey Graceffa! My favorites!
- adoreballinger: I would be you or Colleen because you guys are just amazing! I love you guys plus I'd love to do a tour❤️💗
- July Emoji: Wait so Colleen is moving there forever?
- SARAH ALLDREDGE: red balloon
- Emma Causey: Colleen Ballinger forever b/c she is perfect!
- Audrey Del Curto: Or ricky Dillon
- vikacakes: Janiel for life❤️
- Yuliet Figueroa: When are you going to have a baby ps ilysm
- SarahItzelle Granados: I would be drew
- yeahitsme_neil: thats such a good song! :D
- Kenz: ....??? hope I did I love u so much .. your the best and I love every one of ur vids
- Bakery Addiction: +santiago issazadeh no no no I would be Avia from the shaytards
- BATMAN 21: Miranda Sings
- Alli E: Fun fact. Drew and I grew up in the same town. Good ol MoTown
- Funny cat Vines: I would be Ricky Dillon and JC caylen
- Savannah James: It would be really cool to be Flula and see what his brain is like. (Also Pewdiepie and Markiplier are pretty cool too)
- derik poo: I thought you were gonna say colleen so you can kiss your self
- Jordany caba: I would like to be miranda sings
- Kaylee Benson: +JoshuaDTV ilysm!!! you are such an awesome role model
- Juan Oviedo: I would be Ryan Higa (nigahiga)
- alyssa kleimanlee: or lizzza
- Rylee merrell: Can this comment get over 120 likes
- ILY JOSHLEEN: YOU but obviously you want us to do other than u and Colleen. I would choose Shane bc he's really funny
- Melanie: I would be colleen because she is beautiful, amazing, and she has so many great things in her life like Netflix and a awesome family
- Alicia Desjarlais: I would be shay Mitchell for pretty little lairs she I awesome and she's from Canada
- Maeta Christian: Rcl beauty 101 because her videos are so amazing and I love her. @rclbeauty101
- aubrey: i'd be flula for a day, so i could stare at myself in front of a mirror for hours, probably naked
- Abby: I would be shane dawson because he is hilarious
- Jenny Johantges: omg the red ballon joke I could cry thanks josh 😂
- POTATO: miranda,tyler,superwoman! cause why not!
- Abigail Kennell: SAME 😂😂😂
- Madison Diamond: I would be u bc u slay my life
- Clare Bear: I would b ether Colleen, Rachel, or Josh (you) because you are awesome!!!!!
- Taylor Harris: lol Rebecca is a straight up G!
- my self: I would be heart defensor because she has a beautiful heart
- macaroon 101: I have purple hair please tell coleen to check out my chianil macaroon 101
- its ciara duggie: soz but ur a bit cheesey but I still love you
- Megan Pritchett: I would want to be Jenna Marbles! She's so witty and the amazingness that comes out of her brain: I want a piece of that! Also, SOLID Celine song choice. I was doing my own emotionally charged head movements to it haha
- Scientific Santonian: I would definitely be Drew Monson for a day... Or Jenna Marbles.
- mt music: oh my gosh the lavender color will look so good in your hair
- Ryan Bain: how does this video get 45 views and 189 likes?? lol
- Heather Tibbetts: mamrieeeee!
- Cassie's channel: Maybe Joey
- kylie dolan: I would be Colleen/Miranda and YOU!!!!! I LOVE YOU AND COLLEEN SO MUCH!!!!😆❤️
- Rubygirl300 Rodriguez: I would be you
- Hey It's Emily: Ngl was low-key hoping it was me when I saw the title. Low-key playing it cool...
- Infinite Pixels: Is the red ballon really just a red ballon Josh. And I would want to be Colleen for sure. She's amazing and beautiful and I love to be her for a day.
- Audrey: i'd be troye obvi that voice tho, and being Australian
- Majah Miller: hey Josh I thought your hair still looks really good silver or any color Love you and Colleen!!
- Tia D: Who pushed on this video really fast??
- Ryan: Omg that's the color I want to dye my hair
- ashleigh johnson: So early
- Lorena Victoria: iluminati!!!!!
- M: YASSS I'd be drew because he's hilarious
- De'Ajah tv: everyone
- Dee God ιѕ мy everyтнιng: I agree. He is very talented & inspirational. ☺
- Courtney Kennedy: The first person that came to mind was Joey Graceffa but it think it would be really cool to be colleen and pretend to be Miranda
- AlaskaGrey: IIsuperwomanII
- Joana Guerrero: Pewdiepie or BF VS GF
- Makenzie Jones: id be Colleen or Zoe (Zoella) cause if i was colleen then id have an awsome husband lol and if i was colleen id be an awsome person so who wouldnt want to be her. and id be Zoe because shes British and lives in London and has an awsome personality.
- Ramona Chandra: ikr
- Pickled Onion: Zoella because of her baths and lush collection and obvi Joe
- Zhenya Brown: 6:32 though
- Bridget F: I would so be Zoella! Who else wants to be Zoella and hug Nala and have Joe sugg as your brother!
- sprinkly pinky: I'd be Parker Ballinger cause everyone loves him! I'M WITH MY FAMILY!! 😂😂😂😂
- KK Shaw: i would want to be zoella and colleen
- Jaylin: I get to meet you on April 20th!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! 😍😎💩
- Grace Phillips: Probably Dan Howell, Zoe Sugg, Mitch Grassi or Colleen or Rachel. Wouldn't mind any of them 😂😂💜
- Life With Brenna: I know how it feels because I live in New York State and my dad lives in Arizona
- Cara: Welp, Josh lip syncing to Celine did things to me I was unprepared for.
- Nope Nope: *be
- lyle bobert: can he just do a video of him lip syncing? most entertainment I've had all day 😂😂
- Jessica Farrell: Mines Zoella
- Heather Hokanson: Red Balloon🎈
- Vivian: Id be JoshuaDTV because he's AWESOME
- Samantha: #dinglemingle Will u ever come on tour to London
- eLIZAbeth: I would be Miranda cause all of her boyfriends are my favorite YouTubers
- Maddie Cantwell: I love Rebecca 😊💗
- Amanda Fernandez: aka colleen
- Alyson Petrie: I want to be Iisuperwomenii or Shane Dawson
- j: Superfruit, you&your FAM, Lilly,Grace,Troye,Connor,JOEY, Ricky. Honesty I just want to be everyone 😂
- Khalea Hatfield: 😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Alex O'Brien: MAMRIE IS MY QUEEEEEN. I aspire to be at least half as witty and funny as she is.
- clare kiely: I'd be Troye Sivan or Lilly Singh because why not
- Kelly Cannon: If I could be any youtuber for a day I would be Kory Desoto or Tyler Oakley because they slay LOL
- Cassidy: I think I would be Colleen because she is so confident, an amazing singer, and funny
- Jenna Kraft: if you want the dye to stay in longer. you don't wash your hair everyday. purchase a shower cap and every other day you wash your hair. it also helps to when you get out of the shower to blow dry or straighten your hair.
- Juliana Clark: I would wanna be either Colleen, You, Rebecca, Mamrie, Grace, and Hannah. You are all such amazing youtubers that I look up to and admire so much.
- Meagan McKinney: when it has 51 views but 221 likes
- martyna cx: Any YouTube? Hmmm.... Probably Zoe Sugg because I'd like to just See how it feels like to be .. Her! XD
- heidi G: KING
- Amber Muller: Maybe even one of the o2l
- michael: 6:32🔺🔺🔺🔺 ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED !!🔺🔺🔺🔺
- Ramona Chandra: I'd be colleen cause she's so successful and Christopher because it would be so much fun experiencing how to be a magician and playing with such wonderful kids.
- Eneo Gaming: u josh ur life is so cool bro
- Adriana R: I'm so early!!
- Mykey: new video tomorrow <3
- fancy girl: only 46 views so early
- louwt.donny91: She's getting her own Miranda Sings Show called 'Haters Back Off" which will be a Netflix original series. She is still in the process of writing the script but eventually she will be temporarily moving to Canada so that she can shoot the show!
- Avery brenneke: If I could be a youtuber for a day I'd be Joshua
- kylie !!: I would be Colleen (obviously)
- Shannon Gibson: I would either want to be Colleen, you, Markiplier, or Jacksepticeye ☺😄
- Katie Cullison: iisuperwomanii and Colleen
- Jaeden Barlett: JOEY GRACEFFA!!!
- MusicalSim: You should totally do a dramatic lip sync to songs! Maybe like a challenge with Julien!!!!!! Who else agrees?
- robin denner: Under 100 vieuws club?
- Bellissimo: I would like to be miranda, maybe not for a day, but maye for like 1 or 2 hours
- Gillian Rose: ❤️
- Sabrina: If I were a youtuber for a day I would choose Connor Franta or Troye Sivan. I would be Connor because he is so creative in his bent of mind, and Troye because he is so small, intelligent and overall nice.
- sam: I would be u or Colleen
- Kevin Jimenez: connor franta because he's so creative
- Sophia Bussone: I would totally be Alisha Marie because... Duh... She's awesome and I watch all her vids and she's very funny and weird and gorgeous... Or of course Joshua or colleen🔥❤️❤️
- Anna A.: I'd be Rachel because I'm so use to being tall, and she is so hilarious!
- cathies_corner: loving Superwoman Fun For Louis & Casey Neistat
- Sophie Hammond: i would be superwoman... Love you!!!!
- Mohamed Ismail: to stop the colors from coming out of ur hair, use shampoo without sulfur
- Erin Cox: Joey graceffa cuz he is bae
- Tia Knox: Joey graceffa
- Jaelyn Frye: uhhhhhh Tyler Oakley or Alexis G Zall
- Sydney Tarbuck: Josh I'm coming to your show and I'm so excited!
- Emily Ann: What YouTuber would I like to be for a day? Well, I could say something obvious like you, or Colleen, but going outside of the obvious, I would like to be so many! I'll shorten it up to Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire), Peter Hollens, or Mykie (Glam&Gore)--- Dan because he's funny, lives in London, and we are practically the same person; Peter Hollens because he is an amazing finger, has a beautiful wife, a very handsome son, and is such a down to earth person; Mykie because she is such a spunky and beautiful girl who does special effects makeup along with regular glam make up and just makes me smile constantly.
- Gianna Miceli: Up in where up in here
- Kaylyn Cazares: Why did u dyed your hair like that u liked better with ur hair blond and are u and Colleen married because it doesn't seem like it.
- Joy Hansen: Yay for Rebecca for giving those jerks the evil eye!
- Anneka Fane - madeupincolour: Definitely my fave Celine song too. I hope I get to see her live one day.
- Melanie Hernandez: Here is a tip Joshuadtv don't use conditioner in the shower if you wanna keep your hair color
- fancy girl: i would be miranda because shes funny and cool because she has lots of baes
- Erin Clark: +Mireya Ipina OH YEAH totally! I mean come on she is like perfect! She is my fav. There is something about her that is sooooo relaxing to watch and I mean how inspirational she is soooo young and a millionaire.
- Olivia Leasure: I would be Miranda sings
- ErkaTheVegan: You or Colleen because duh
- Hilary Shirley: I would be you Josh.
- Jiayi Tai: Joshleen stay strong 💪🏼❤️
- Haz & Elz: I'd totally be Colleen for a day! She's gorgeous, and funny and she's got a great personality! She's just a totally great person!
- KBBEAUTY: lilly singh
- Jon Guerra: Yeah I love them both!
- Louise Walker: Zoella because she bake cakes and cookies and cupcakes
- Nope Nope: I would be Rachel because I just would like to see how it's like to e rachel
- Jada Enrici: I would want to be Liza
- JuliaNicole: I would be either iisuperwomanii or Jenna marbles because I would love to live in their busy heads
- eLIZAbeth: I live in Canada🇨🇦
- A girl has no name: +Alex O'Brien n I mean the "Watsup Internet, hey single berries" that sound is annoying
- Michelle Larzazs: I'd love to be Amazingphil or Danisnotonfire just so I can experience their unique friendship that they have. They've done so much together I want to see what it would be like to be one of them for a day.
- hiplikeapril: 🙌
- Ertyez: Welp.. That's no secret anymore.
- Eric Yu: I would be Casey Neistat cuz why not? he just so sick!!!!!
- Charlotte Lingenfelter: Rachel Colleen Miranda i don't know you
- Janis Chelsea Miranda: its either Grace or Hannah. 😄😄😄
- -The Music Project -: tayler oakly or zoella or eva-MyLifeAsEva
- Gwen Kendrick: you should do a video with drew ⚠💦✊✊👜😢😢😝
- Kenz: I would be Ted
- Sanaai Dakoda: I would be Joey Graceffa because....why not!
- Lauren: Same
- Lauren Power: I'd be Drew too!
- JoSsshBoxx: Shane Dawson :)
- Ella Jolie: w h y a r e n ' t y o u c o m i n g t o p h i l l y
- Lydia Lenae: I would either be Miranda, or joey... orrrr...... zoe... or stacyplays. yup all of those
- sarah white: Julien*
- Mina Ćirović: I would be Rachel...Duh...
- Carmen Vavra: I would definitely be Jenna Marbles because she's so pretty and great and funny and gah! 😍
- Alaura and Chloe: I would be u or colleen
- Mia Shields: I don't like you dying your hair. DONT DYE YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!
- Jill Stewart: Because I love you and Colleen
- TrisTenor: For me, Rachel, jacksepticeye, Miranda, or Superwoman
- Starfish Life: awesome
- Aubrielle Robinson: This video was so funny😂 but if I could be one YouTuber it would either be Mylifeaseva or SuperWomen💖😩😍
- Patrick Lefevre: Joey Graceffa and Shane Dawson!Shane because I him for about 6 years straight and Joey bc he is my favorite YouTuber of all time
- Janelle Raney: I would be Collins key because his magic is amazing!
- Jennifer Clouston: I don't like your hair
- Bo Arendall: Josh I would be you or parker
- H Baek: Niga Higa because he's always super creative and his "crew" is amazing and so funny but also chris because magic obviously and I would be able to meet you guys and also be with PB and J for that day!! Also for your next video, how long is Colleen coming to Vancouver? And why not just move here permanently if Donald Trump wins (unless you want him to then..)
- Janie and Natalie Smith: Loved the end! Just living life and jamming out to Celine! Perfection!
- Ella Moran: i would be joey graceffa, one hundred percent. joey is bae
- McKenzie Wilsmann: I think lavender would look great, but I miss your brown hair. you'll look good either way though. Also being apart is hard but it makes the time you have together so much more valuable. I love you and everything u stand for keep doing what your doing. ❤️❤️❤️(🎈?)
- Frantastic Youtubers: I just really love your haircolour tho
- DEADMAN YAKKIN': dantdm cool right
- Logann saus: I would be JOEY GRACEFFA ♥️
- Math Lover: Oh geez. Tyler... You're contagious.
- Catherine Dooley: That was the first Celine Dion song I ever learned! I love it!
- Kelia Clark: I love the Celine moment😂
- Adrianne Burkard: I'd be Rachel ballinger because stay awesome possums
- Bly: You do t give yourself enough to credit...your funny and smart😹💓
- Logan Forehand: 42 views
- Brianna Town: I would be you or rachel
- funkypopsicle: josh do you like cookies or cupcakes better
- Alana S: joey graceffa and miranda sings bc joey is just hilarious and miranda is just unique
- Jess 1: Lizzza Koshy or Miraaaanndaaa
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