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Snapchat: ErinElyse1130
Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwGzA...
Mystery Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIObL...
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Follow Me on Snapchat: DingleKing
Business Inquiries: JoshuaDTV1@gmail.com
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Up Angles Shirts & Phone Cases, Be Nice to People Shirts, #Swerve Snapbacks, and much more!
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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. I'm also a Singer, Husband, Triple Espresso over Ice Connoisseur, Actor, and Momma's Boy. Be Nice to People.
- Eshla DAY: I'm from England, poppet is another way of saying honey or sweetie but is older and is nowadays only really used on little kids
- Lauren Tedeschi: God dang I love when you guys make videos together. 💜
- FamilyGathersHere: she is too cute jeje
- Jeff Mullins: I live in Virginia and love your sister's accent. I work with a young lady with a similar accent. I wrote the part about Virginia because we have a very similar accent.
- Madi casteel: The sweatshirt touch was amazing
- Aubrielle Robinson: Brother Sister GOALSS😩😍👫😭✨
- Nouhaila Lamsiah: we miss you Joshua
- Natalie Nelson: Have you ever heard of an accent? Btw I love her voice
- Katherine Frank: She is so cute with her accent
- Kryzle Gwen Ochoa: i hate it i love it i hate that i live it 😹😹😹😹
- Lydia Newsom: I am 😂😂😂
- Subby Vang: Erin is such a cute, & caring sister ❤❤❤ :3
- heyitsautumn19: Nooo don't shave, you look hot with the beard lol
- Chloe Kurlander: Poppet is a name for a doll (at least it is in The Crucible😆)
- Mason Bailey: Erin likes what the piece of paper looked like😂😂😂😂
- Todd Johnston: i hate that noise two
- Naydelin Estrada: the fact they put jacob sartourius sweatshirt now im HAPPYY
- Hollyweird Teens: You shaved it cause Colleen is coming home and she hates it, huh? lol
- Israel Montoya: Jacob 😄 song
- Itzz Kenzz: 100th like!
- aarockw123: shave.
- Superwoman306: Tell Erin to make a YouTube channel
- Dezh22: Ughhhhhh it's PUPPET
- mashawn ford: Why does she have an actsent and you dont
- mlg account L. v. B.: Can anyone tell me what happened to BandanaMan? I've discovered that channel yesterday, I watched few lessons about speaking English with southern accent, then decided to look for more new videos and the last one was created 2 months ago. What happened??
- Kaila Lee: lol poppet means doll
- Indi Mist: They are now broken up
- jmoncada71: hiiiiii
- Joe Is KEISHA: yay no more beard
- Marissa Thompson: Illuminati has 10 letters Joshua has 6 letters Erin has 4 letters 6+4 is 10 Josh and Erin are in the illuminati.
- Emma Pacheco: Snapchat saw it first😂💘🙏🏼
- Dana Walton: Poppet's just a little pet name
- Candice Boyd: This is EVERYTHING!!
- Hailey McManus: Notification fam!!!
- _ Twila: Lol Jacob Sartorius song was played😂😂😂
- jesselen: Do not shave it I love it
- Ruby Rube: It actually looked kinda cool lol
- Edward Rodriguez: Her voice is so cute
- Laurel Trey: Josh grows such a nice beard
- Sofia-Lucia Paquette: pop·pet/ˈpäpət/ nounnoun: poppet; plural noun: poppets; noun: poppet valve; plural noun: poppet valves1. Engineering a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod.2. historical a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Mariah Sandoval: Poppet means a mushroom or witchcraft
- Not Your Average Person: It's hello puppet
- Jill N.: Snap saw it first
- messy sister dawson: jochua you're kinda chubby YOU'RE DAMN CUTE LITTLE JOCHUA BABY PIE
- iiFrenchfryGirl Addy: noooo don't shave it i like your beard
- aura: YES
- J Rose: Early and Idl what to say😂❤️
- Giselaa ayee: meee
- Ashley Badger: Why do lateeeeeeeee
- V Brown: who cares he's an awesome dude
- Liz P.: I actually like the beard!
- Scarlett Jean: Mobile-friendly - Poppit! is the classic prickly puzzle game that will make you burst with fun! Pop groups of two or more same colored ...
- Jaylynn Black: sup
- michellebelle: I lovvvve the beard! Take advantage of it while you are away from Colleen!
- Vanessa L: #PRIDE🌈🌈🌈
- Fiona Luke: Plzzz
- Liberio Gonzalez: will erin ever have he r own youtube channel
- Scarlet McDermott: Poppit is a nickname for cute manly people's kids it's a British thing 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧♥️♥️♥️
- Merslaydez/Mercedez Benz: I LOVE YOU JOSH!!
- Brooke Bullock: that grocery bag bib is so fashionable
- Pizza 1996: SWEATSHIRT!!
- Makayla D: What a crazy challenge!! I love Erin and Josh collabs :)
- Sophie Gregory vlogs: Yes
- natasha ramirez: are they British they kinda sound like it
- Finlay J: Poppet is a British sweet/candy
- Searr Marae: Dad
- Jaden Mansfield: Hehe
- Fiona Luke: I love you josh
- Kelisity: Lovely English accents! 😂😂
- lightblue moon: It means witchcraft.
- Nicole Amy: Macy C Well, it ended up that you were sooooo damn right. And the person who wrote the comment was right. It's funny how people argued with you, and you totally knew something was wrong.... when you watch someone for sooooo long, you pick up on stuff like that.
- Abagail Wooddell: Could anyone else listen to Erin talk all day ??
- Rime Khalfi: BUT I LIKE YO BEARD 😭
- Bryony Bradleydocker: I love when you and Erin do videos together ! I'm from England and was laughing so hard at you guys saying poppet but I don't know how to say what it means ! It's just something you call someone 😂
- Briana Carroll: He's saying "hello puppet"
- jmoncada71: show me in your snapchat please
- Aggie Lowe: When you played sweatshirt I died that was so funny ❤️
- Erin Scott: My name is Erin
- RishDiva: Is this good enough for Snapchat?? It probably isn't!!
- Yanna Boo: you don't post post plz (please)
- Kellie Bartle: she is hysterical.
- Jackson Swift: hey, you are an awesome person. I have been a long time fan of colleen and yours for a long enough time to start commenting.I love y'all. Awesome vids
- M Baylor: I looked up poppet and it said it is an old British word meaning small child or doll. It also said it is an older spelling of puppet from the Middle English popet meaning small child or doll. In British English it continues to hold this meaning. Poppet is also a chiefly British term of endearment.
- Julie Gray: poppet 1 an endeariling sweet or kind child 2 a small figure of human being used in socery and witchcraft
- Emily Richards: I love his beard
- Kelsey Lyn: what kind of video idea is thiiisssssss dam gurl
- WhiteMeve: I'm sorry, but your teeth are too white
- Silvia Frg: +5sos and Drake Bell because *
- Anika Amin: erin is so adorable!! I love her so much!!💖💖 like if you love erin and Joshua videos more than colleen and Joshua video!👍
- Laura S: that beard just reminded me of rainbow shave ice!
- hello: +ashley *Fartorius
- Morgan Mahoney: cute!
- Kacey Bush: Love you josh! You make me smile!!! I hope you are smiling and healing during your time off! Praying for you and hoping to see you smile again soon!! ❤️❤️❤️
- nayelli Acosta: I love your beard like that
- Brendon whatley: Erin kinda reminds me of marzia
- Adagio Dazzle is the best: OMG JOSH'S SISTER GIVES ME LIFE!!!
- Alex Smith: Poppets are a British sweet :) They are little bits of toffee covered in chocolate :) x
- Katy O'Hanlon: Poppit is like a cute British pet name
- Anna Miller: "Poppet" is basically the same thing as the word "puppet" and is (or was idk) a British term of endearment, which makes the scene from PotC even creepier.
- Rogermuru: Is it just me or is Josh looking slightly crossed eyed? Has it always been a thing? Is my life a lie?!? Not a read. I love you josh. But I just feel crazy.
- ilovegoodmythicalmorning 77: roses are red violets are blue dear Josh I love you 💋
- snuggle bear 2000: It's a weird way to say puppet
- Rafael Villa: Say Hi to me!
- Rochel Chaya Lotwin: pop·pet ˈpäpət/Submit noun 1. ENGINEERING a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. 2. historical a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Xadea Green: Her accent is a lot stronger than Josh' but i love it!😍😂👌🏽
- Carys Ann Wesley: OMG I LOVE YOU JOSH!!! 😻
- Tori Jill: Heyo snap family where you at right now 😏
- Lauren Sharp: Erin is so funny
- melvinx01: erin, I know your reading this, would you mind adopting me?
- eryn hosey: ur sister has the same name as me but I have a y in my nmae😂😂
- JackBummie MinHobi: "Oh that's your neck" I love Erin 😂😂❤
- abby williamson: I'm so early!
- Giraffegirls10: I love you so much! You're amazing!!!!!! Wow I'm impressed with my grammar. <<
- Ellie Allmond: Erin is so beautiful
- reina721: ❤️Erin melts my heart!❤️
- Jordan Purrington: 8 MINUTES BAM WHAT
- Blake Ferrante: So early
- puff Ball: I already seen it on Snapchat
- Gill R: Did anyone else read rainbow bread.... fml
- Elyse Campbell: my name is Elyse just like Erin's middle name!!
- K&S TV: The word poppet is an older spelling of puppet, from the Middle English popet, meaning a small child or doll. In British English it continues to hold this meaning. Poppet is also a chiefly British term of endearment.
- jorane vaillancourt: At the beginning when he said "bobette" it actually mean underwears in french😂
- Dana Walton: Like when you call someone babe, or sweetie etc
- Corinne Young: i <3 your sister
- Kaitlin M: Erin is so adorable and sweet. She needs her own channel. I love her accent too. I can listen to her speak all day.
- Izzy Starry: I'm so early!!
- ella pemberton: waching this 2 months later...... Missing Josh :(((((((((
- Ludadarick: My channel feels lonely
- Miss April: My husband is 40 and his only grey hair is in his beard and his hair on his head not one freaking grey hair. It pisses me off lol.
- Roblox Gaming-With Kristen Juarez: That Jacob Sartorius sweatshirt moment tho😊
- Emilynn Henne: AND THATS NOT WHAT THATS FOR!!!!!!!!!
- Amy Clifton: It's puppet not poppit!
- matthew knapp: I LOVE ERIN OMG ❤️❤️❤️
- Court’s Life: React to a channel called runforthecube. Please reply guys if you think!!
- Abbi Moore: the color in his beard really brings out the color in his eyes.
- Sophie patterson: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧📻☎📻📻📯🎷📞🎷🎤🎶🎵🎵🔈🔊
- cailie gagnon: ❤️
- Colleen Miranda: 230th like!
- Karlee J: I actually love his beard 😍😂🔥👌🏼
- gisela camacho: snapchat squad
- Joel Feiock: where is shadow
- Ralph: I love erins accent
- Maia Stevenson: 248 like!!
- Eowyn Rowland: I love erin
- dolly llama: Poppet is a middle English term for child.
- LiveMe Exposed: I love you Joshua
- FOREVER ARMY: If u read this ur beautiful <3
- trinitysinker: Love u josh
- Martina Ralenekova: love youu ❤
- Mole Rat Boi: I made Miranda in Sims 4 and with my Sim married her and she is pregnant
- Tori Jill: I think it's "puppet"
- Lela Sheikh: it's not popet is puppet like saying hello dolls instead of that hello Poppet it's just because of the accent
- productionby MJay: At Playlist and I can also talk like Miranda sings
- 24Craft Productions: good luck on the divorce the video is on Colleens channel
- Brittany Morton: i love her accent
- Brenda Nunez: Who was there on snapchat 😂😂
- Weirdo Mc Weirdos: love you
- Heythereitskahlan: Btw he's says hello puppet but ya know with a accent thing
- Izza A.: Joshua Does: Another what's up internet episode...
- Longhead Centenario-BNR: Give ur sister a channel
- Knowledge Of Lamborghini: Why does she seem to have a western/British accent while Josh have an American accent
- Kayla Knight: Omg I love Erin so much
- - mikayla -: Poppet A mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. A small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft. I got this off of the google dictionary!! Ilysm
- sister kenzie: 3:02 IM CRYING😂😂
- McKenzie Wilsmann: I think rainbow looks great on you 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼❤️❤️❤️👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
- Gabrielle Samson: hello puppet
- MsAlbino18: I'm pretty sure the pirate says Ello Puppet haha
- Lane Murphy: poppet is an old fashioned way to say puppet in british english, they still use the term though
- coleworldalese: Snapchat saw it first
- Sarah: This is what poppet means(according to google) - an endearingly sweet or pretty child (often used as an affectionate form of address).
- Moonlight Mermaid: It's puppet xD
- MeghanTalks: I LOVE when Erin is in your videos!!! You guys are so awesome together!
- EveB: don't look at it haha
- Sophia SHARP: poppet a name you call someone you love
- Brydie Mason: "We missed some spots so it's 'paytchy'l 😂😂
- jackie ortiz: I LOVE HIS BEARD :(
- Ava Fisher: Ava&Ari have awesome videos so go subscribe!!!!!!👍🏻
- Danica Dunn: Early
- alexis: Does Josh reply to comments?¿?
- Wealoo: lol how to roy g biv
- Gloria Berihun: Poppit is an older meaning of puppet.
- Maite Polanco: wtf josh?! i love it but wtf! lol
- A Boy: F**k Jocab Saggytits
- Amy Nguyen: Hi Joshua and Erin Luv U
- Emma Sanchez: h
- Emma Sanchez: hi
- Olivia Beckus: I LOVE YOU!!
- Tia Buchanan: I miss you and hope you're doing well
- Silvia Frg: wat ?
- AintGotNothinOnUs: +Mari G I agree. He looks better to me since he bulked up a bit. Kind of weird for any of us to be talking about his weight, though.
- shafia bhatti: when you miss joshs face so you watch this
- Michael: does anyone else think he looks like Rick from twd with a bear
- Kitty Haart: what!?
- Chrissy: I love his sisters accent😂😂😂😂💜💜
- QueenNoTeetha151: Oh she is the sweetest! I love her!
- John Hodgdon: Yo guys the phrase is ello puppet, not popet, just fyi
- Ke and Lo: When someone says "Ello poppet" they're actually saying "Hello, Puppet" because puppet is a popular nickname
- clEVer: anyone wanna be YouTube friends and support each others channels?? :)
- Naylah CS: I like Erin's shirt
- lily mowrer: 3:44
- Jacy Hecimovich: love you josh
- Abbie J Vlogs: 1 in a million
- Dana Chadwick: His beard is so beautiful
- LiamMcfarlane13: Now that it's winter, can Josh grew this beard back because it made him look fine as hell! 😍
- Danielle R: He is actually saying puppet, but with the acent it sounds strange.
- Toby Siu: Erinnnnnnnnn so cute ❤️
- Hannah xox: pop it means babe in England
- Ashley White: did anyone else die when sweatshirt started playing?
- Samantha Brown: She looks a lot like Lacey Sturm to me.
- evakorte: ellooo poppet. its just puppet with an accent. You do know the word puppet in american, right?? like doll, wooden doll is a puppet??
- Phoebe Davis: poppit came up with a load of weird online games!
- Crystal Boven: Umm your married to a beautiful woman so Colleen please excuse me for saying I think your husband looks quite handsome with the beard he keeps it trimmed not messy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻😄👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
- Nath Paris: AU REVOIR ERIN😘🤗
- Vicki: Katy O'Hanlon- I thought it was puppet...
- Amber Pennicott: poppet I like doll or darling
- BruisedUpDollieNails: Nooooooo, Looooove the beard!
- Amber Frink: I'm not trying to be mean but why does yours sis sound like that
- Jenna Sin: I didn't know he had 💙blue💙 eyes😍😍😍
- Eloiny' n ' Belle: My name is Erin
- Amber .S: poppet is like sweetheart
- The_Neon_Nerd: Bleach anyone?
- J Rose: Idk*
- Leticia Palomino: Your little sister is cute
- Adelah Vlogs: 🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🇸🇦🇸🇦
- Eline Lie: Keep the beard! It looks good!
- Falsetto Soprano: Sweatshirt 😂
- Shannon Samson: your sisters accent is the best thing I've ever heard!
- Hellcat VonTrashCore: I miss when colleen was so much more like all over josh and now she doesn't ):
- Denise Hernandez: subscribed from nicks channel🙃
- Richard Bouska: All my sisters love your beard!
- Skeve: Anyone else think of Poppet from Night Circus?
- my channel !!!!: ahh Jacob Sartorius ( if I spelled it right)
- Olivia Beckus: AYE!!
- Annika Noel: According to my drama teacher Popit means fool.
- HeyitsHattie!: Poppet is British😹
- faiths_ baes: If you see this please put it on snapchat
- steve b: Well, Joshua has officially jumped the shark.
- Kayla B.: I LOVE UR BEARD!!!!
- Sophia Testani: I'm not sure why I watched this because I already saw the picture
- twelge15: Josh, you have a perfect beard. No bald patches. It doesn't go down your neck. Don't listen to the whiney tweeny bopper haters, and do what you want.
- jessviolet: Your sister reminds me of Jenna Coleman (doctor who fans stand up)
- Elise Weber: It's another word for something like "sweetie" or "honey". Like " hello poppet" dad said
- sispring: poppit is an English term of endearment like saying "sweetie" "darling" "cutie" :)
- Julie Ouellette: notification squad
- Sophia Nicole: 1:17 "Don't look at it!" I love Erin. She's so cute!😘
- Simmi G.: Why is everyone complaining about grey hair in his beard? HE'S HUMAN!!
- Strider Blast: ❤💙💚💛💜WHAT DOES AU REVOIR MEAN??❤💙💚💛💜
- gymnastics.gal.7: why josh, why?
- Elvira: Snapchat squad?
- ASMR Morgan: +jifw1 dingleking
- Sara Stiltner: I liked the beard. Ain't nothing wrong with a little gray. lol
- caylyn schell: I think it is just the beard
- Jasmin !: Josh ilysm reply plz
- JustJay: So... by "later," do you mean that Erin is gonna make her own Youtube channel later? :D
- Rita Yan: That beard tho❤️
- Essa Dobashi: Boo I love Colleen its no fair I'm a child your married to Colleen I'm only 11 I deserve Colleen not you. You suck
- M Campbell: hi
- Lian Wang: Damn, I'm pretty early
- Jade Maranon: I feel sorry for ur divorce with Colleen 😔
- Jada M: I loved your beard!!!! You should grow it back!
- Jamie Reynolds: what's that accent they're doing at the beginning
- Klassnine: I didn't know josh groped a beard
- Kat Roes: omg I love erin you should do more videos with her😍😎💩
- Jo O'Brien: Moonlight Mermaid no, it's poppet. It's British slang, means sweetheart etc.
- -. 08: 3:02 TRIGGERED lol just kidding i don't want a bunch of kids yelling at me
- Kass Shrum: No comments??
- MarisaTube: This should've been with Collen
- Marleah Ubarry: I like your beard
- Jamie Abbott: Hello
- Brooklyn Hill: Omg I saw this snap
- Elaine Aylesworth: Wow! I'm on time!
- Lostpuppy 123: Joshua your sister is pretty
- Bella Baby Caringci: how come your sis has an accent but you don't
- Ava Fisher: Go subscribe to Ava&Ari
- Katie Daugherty: She says "dangleberries" 😍😍😍 soooo southern! Josh has like no accent compared to his sister.
- Cheyenne Davis: I hate it
- TCG1334: hi
- ss: rude
- Catherine Grace: SNAPCHAT SQUAD!!!! I LOVE YOU JOSH!!!!!
- Mia EB: could have used a trash bag
- Max Shadow: I LOVE the beard! Don't shave.
- Sarah Kelly: :)
- Sharee Chavez: i love Erin. shes so cute i can listen to her talk all day lol
- Missy M: i have never noticed how beautiful your eyes are and your sisters.....sparkly xo
- jesselen: I love it
- Catherine Joven: i like your beard
- hailey irwin: omg Josh ily!😂❤️💛💚💙💜
- Camy George: I love the thumbnail 😁😘
- Jim Waters: Sad.. this is how you celebrate your wife leaving you
- Ben Orth: Erin sounds like the southern version of Marzia
- Carys Ann Wesley: Does anyone know the name of the vlog where Parker runs up to josh on Chris's birthday??
- Landyn Howard: Hi
- Gabby Ferrara: Did I hear a wild Jacob snotorious. SNOT. get it?? ha ha ha
- Popularmmos 101: they played sweatshirt
- Kathia__ 0511: I like your beard looks awesome
- Avery Vaughan: I love you
- Lexie B: FAVE COLLAB ,, other than with Colleen❤️
- Kya Mai: by the way your grey beard hair is lovely! grey looks fantastic on you❤ dont listen to the trolls! the trolls are trolls for a reason! love love love the grey!
- Tj Stanton: He had grey hairs on his beard before he died it
- lily tucker: A small figure of human being used in sorcery or witchcraft
- Mickey Mouse: Yeah !
- Kayla Donovan: Lol I loved the beard!!! Fun times
- RandomEntertainment: When sweatshirt played omg
- squish: Omg Ilysm!!!!
- Danyel Koger: go to 4:00 and pause it😂😂😂 look at both of them
- maddie lane: popping in England means darling
- Sophie patterson: Erin is so cute
- Beatrice Cheung: Damn Josh looks good with facial hair
- Mackenna 235: Hey
- Koalas Are Kool: It was for 2 seconds!!!
- Adelah Vlogs: Hi from🇸🇦
- Maddy G: 262 comment
- Emily Rowe: It means likkkke ummmmm sweetie, or love, or Honey.
- The Amanda: nooooo silver fox no shave!
- Mahle: Wow I'm so early. Your awesome josh <3
- lenathewannabetop: Test girl products with ur sister
- taylormarietom: Is this snapchat worthy?😂😍
- Emily: I think the beard is very nice
- BubbleSparkle14: I miss daily vlogs
- Angelica Woods: I love your sister!! her accent is awesome
- Nicole Benton: Snapchat saw it first! love y'all
- Michael: bleaches beard just to use spray food coloring
- Emma Leigh: No clue too lazy to google it sorry lol.
- Aisha Osman: someone teach this girl the colours of the rainbow
- Winyan Chong: Funny movie 🤗🤗
- mrivera902: oh look at his eyes, they changed color
- Kendall Harvey: Here
- Mahle: That's where I came from lulz
- Kaitlin Goode. B: JoshuaDTV yaaaa you got it confirmed
- Happy Pandas: I love his sister!!!
- Kenzie Allen: Who else wanted to scream when sweatshirt came on😂
- Gabi Eslinger: Yes!!!!! I love you guys😍😍 We are currently doing a giveaway on our channel! Watch our recent video for more details!!!❤️❤️
- Mickey Nagy: i love josh and colleen too! im wearing a be nice to people shirt for my first day of school!
- Fiona Luke: I like ur beard
- Amy O'Hair: It makes his eyes pop
- Stephanie Morales: I LUV UR VIDEOS 😍 hi btw
- RishDiva: Ew Rolf
- Molly Coleman: I could listen to Erin's voice for hours 😂❤️
- Mia EB: I like Josh with a beard
- Jessie Paden: Lol, it's, " 'ello, puppet". not "poppet".
- Janna Daya: #early snap chat cam were you at?
- Kadie Bachman: I LOVE HIS BEARD HE SHOULDN'T SHAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ashlee B: Thumbs up for Josh using food coloring spray on his beard. At least it won't taste horrible if he got it in his mouth.
- Ciaran: It's used alot in the UK :) Poppet: *an endearingly sweet or pretty child (often used as an affectionate form of address).*
- Ship 758: Will you neuter shadow
- Nadia Fox: arron is so cute
- Matilda Wyatt: Poppet is like darling it just British slang
- Nicole Montgomery: a mushrooms shape valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod is what a poppet
- Martina Ralenekova: #notificationsquad
- TØPanic!Crybaby TRYXE: me
- caylyn schell: I LOVE THE BEARD
- Naomi coder: I LOVE YOUR Sister
- Allrighty Then: pause at 2:11
- Riya George: oh i looove your sister's accent
- Ileana Morales: I like you
- ichbinbells: She is so cute i cant handle it
- Ashley Jade: Hey, that ended up looking pretty damn cool! :)
- Hannah Whitney: i love your sister! :)
- Angelina Leal: NOOO i like the beard i don't want him to shave it
- Rachel Lott: Poppet is a nickname for a girl. For eg. Hi sweetheart is Hi poppet
- Grace: poppit is just a british word. we use it the same as like hi love or hi sweetheart. hi poopit
- Virginia Noblet: It's Ello puppet.
- noelle imbus: Snap fam where u at
- adorkablefatty Piedra: I love love love the beard. bring it back for autumn.
- Rubie: You look so much better with the beard!
- heidi G: she is Southern that's all go to the south
- Keira Sawyer: Erin please become a YouTuber!!
- Pride Panda: Sorry but I totally hate the beard
- Bryony-Rose Music: Poppet means 'little one' or 'hunny' 😂❤️
- Anna Elise: I don't like this... I can hear Erin losing her accent! I'm crying.......🙁🙁😣
- LittleBigYoutuber: Who just loves Erin so much???? I LOVE HER!
- Mykenzie Morgan: Erin is fricking adorable
- Ariana Amazing: I saw his snapchat already😙👑👏🏻
- Tabitha Hay: Poppet is a word usually used as a cute nickname usually given to small children " hello poppet how are you" 😊
- Shaijah Wolf: Poppet = dolly (poppie in Dutch)
- Kea Lynn: love the beard but WHERE IS ERINS CHANNEL? ._.
- RishDiva: Also Erin needs a YouTube channel ASAP!!
- Missing Vibe: It's a British term for greeting a young child (female)
- Nico Felich: Can anyone tell me why Colleen isn't with him at all anymore?? Are they broken up or what?
- JessMadd32: Josh looks so attractive😍😍
- person person: Hello
- Breanna Estrada: Illuminati confirmed
- Madeline Ross: screw you idiot
- 2Sage Farm: a poppet is another name for a voodoo doll lol
- Gloria Berihun: i think, thats what google said
- Silvia Frg: +Sonali Rana case she is on tour..
- Kandie: In love with how his sister speaks
- Nova Hubbard: Hi josh please awnser back to this comment I love you your wife Colleen Miranda Kory rachel and Christopher it would be a real honor if you replied to this comment
- Emery Begaye: love her. :)
- miner girlgames: I love this vid
- Kat Joy Isaacs: 🎈
- BTS: Who loves Erin
- Abby T: Tbh I actually kinda love it😁😂😂👌🏽🎈
- ItsMeMadisonH: I LOVE HER ACCENT, I'm Southern, but I love hers! It's different!! Looveee ittttt!!
- Ada Hall: I love your beard Joshua
- Psimple Gamer: Pretty sure you can get cancer from spraying all that stuff into your face. Poppet is British for dear or maybe doll.
- Kylie Flint: I can't believe he dyed his hair and shaved it
- Sophie patterson: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧📻☎📻📻📯🎷📞🎷🎤🎶🎵🎵🔈🔊
- Jordyn Coats: "puppet"
- Tori Johnson: Oh Joshua
- Makenna Hartzell: I like how he put sweatshirt in that one part😂😂
- Jocelyn Wood: SHAVE
- David Eliazar: josh looks .... fuller in the face... . but I like it
- alexandra coger: Anyone watching with socks on
- LittleBigYoutuber: When Sweatshirt came on I almost screamed, of happiness!
- Graces World: Yaaaaa
- heather liaz: Joshua looked like Scott Disick with his brown beard/ gray.
- Sofia Prendiville: Erin's losing her accent😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Gabby Ferrara: unfeared beard. it rhymes.
- Gabby Ferrara: no need to fear, joshua's beard is weird. IM KIDDING
- Sarah Llambias: I love u but u look old with any kind if beard
- RainKaythielVEVO: you look like Scott Disick
- Bubbles De Bubbles: I laughed so hard at this!
- Mia Rose: lol
- Miranda Brown: yasssssssssssssssss
- Dina doska: "oh thats your neck" ahaha 2:36
- Malusi Mtshali: Poppet = BRITISHinformal an endearingly sweet or pretty child (often used as an affectionate form of address).
- Anestasia's Kitchen: When is she going to get her own YouTube channel?
- kaitlyn: josh your hot
- Kathleen Carroll: JoshuaDTV you are awesome cool and amazing I love you
- Jenna Aus: why does erin have a bigger accent than josh
- It's Mel: you are first! congrats
- Meagan Donovan: Shave
- Gabin Mendes: On time!
- Sister Snake: Me
- Yeet: Who loves Erin?
- Shelby Hessel: I love the beard!
- Tovi Phan: Josh when Colleen comes back from her tour... Can you do a who knows you better your sister vs your wife? I love you!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Maria: "Oh that's yo neck" 😂😂
- Rags13005 Smith: My mum said if this gets 1000 likes or josh responds she will quit smoking plz help
- Jadyn W: Pretty sure Erin has lived in the south all her life, and Josh moved away so he kinda lost his accent, even though in some bits you can hear his accent
- lil e: Hi
- Delaney Christensen: Hi
- demilovatofaith: you know what's scary they're really good at british accents... but it's mostly cause southern accents are drawn down English accents....
- Amanda G: The signs are all there smh
- Jonathan Monaghan: RIP Beard. You'll be sorely missed. :'(
- Koree Jennifer: Hi Joshua!
- Kandace O: When sweatshirt came on...
- Chrissie Borra: So happy that Josh is back. Even though Erin was AWESOME
- Emily Thomas: I apologize for this comment in advance... but did josh and Colleen get a new house?
- Hannah Hagerty: A term used to greet friends in a fun way......ELLO POPPET!
- Forever Alone: not being gay but your sister is so cute I love her voice
- øhsnapitzyen: Video was good until Jacob Saggytits music came up 😂🙄
- Jonathan Monaghan: HEYOOOOO!! (Said in Rico's voice and if you don't know who Rico is YOU HAVE NO CHILDHOOD!! Or you're just younger. XD)
- Hope Lee: love your videos
- dino goat: What's his snapchat
- CamIsACactus: omg lol haha
- skinnierthighs: MEEEE
- Trouble Life experiences: Hey josh
- EthansDead: i love your beard, dont shave it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- leah gabrielle: your beard looks AAAAAMAZING
- Delilah Salinas: Resembles Scott Disick
- Karolina Montalvo: Snapchat saw it first
- Claire Felipe: oh the things you do for a video😂😂
- Jacob Faapito: His head looks Niger for some reason but I'm not Haven he is still super cute
- LAUREN DUGAN: we can only watch when Josh is really happy now 😞😞😞
- Felina Y: I am literally so obsessed with Erin
- MariaB2ze: The things he does when Colleen isn't home 😂
- Swim Star: So early!
- Kyla Providence: yeah illuminati comfered
- Kya Mai: BBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG YOUR ORANGE BEARD IS HILARIOUS! And then Erins face when she saw it she was like "eeewwwuhhhh" hahahaha
- Jess Wiblin: Poppit is like another way of saying honey or baby.. 💖 like a nickname
- Leah Darbyshire: I'm from the uk and my dad calls me poppet it's just what daughters get called by there dads
- Liz S: Erin's accent is the best!!!
- bixspiderbeck: The colorful beard brings out the blue in your eyes!! Seriously! Haha!
- Bron: I love Erin's accent! Hope she never loses it :)
- Martina falkenberg henriksen: No makeup put some sweatpants on...
- gabriel_cpda02: what an interesting color of rainbow
- aura: i love erin
- Lanae Benavidez: omg
- Katie Morrissy: I love Erin so much
- Gabby Ferrara: RAINBOWWWW SHADOWWW🎶🎶 I'm funny
- blue only: Its another word for say ur significant other or daughter it's usually said towards girls.
- Potato *wink wink*: WHY?!!! Out of all songs to put in your video u choose sweatshirt😩😩
- Potato Gaming: Has Joshua gained weight?
- TaylorBailorVlogs: PLEEEEEEASE tell me your sister is going to make a YouTube channel soon! I seriously love her!!
- Jacob Martinez: I thought it said bread.
- Taco ._. Queen: AYEEE
- tara-valeria Tanganagba: NOOOOOOO!!!! THE BEARD IS GONEEE!!!!!😢
- Sophie patterson: a pretty child
- Rufaidah Thabet: Now that you've shaved it, go talk to tye😂
- Do not Need to know pedophiles: please keep your beard i love it just keep a pocket fan with you lol
- Dog Lover Girl 123: Haha I laughed so hard with this video.
- Gracie O'Brien - old: I love her high-pitched Texas accent 😂🔐
- Evie Proctor: when he played sweatshirt i was like YAS 👌😂
- Life with Zoë: Who else saw this on Snapchat first?! :)
- Zenin Sabah: Erin is reallly cute
- nicole Hamilton: Poppit means a mushroom-shaped value with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod
- Lauren P: I like that look on you. I wouldn't shave it or dye it again. It really brings out your eyes.
- Nick Ragucci: lmfao u said we were gonna hang out when u went 2 Taiwan😣😣
- Scott Lee: Roy G. Biv does not approve of this rainbow.
- Sandy McConnell: Love the beard!
- Marissa Nelson: ELLO POPPIT
- bella: omg, you look sooooo goood with a beard! marry me. please!
- Lilly Leigh: lol when u put the song sweatshirt on 😂😂😂
- Queent Chicken: under 1,000 views!!! yay
- alaina: 1.a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. 2.a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft. or a moshi monster
- Raeann Gavin: "Oh. That's yo neck." -Erin 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- KarmaMoon: Last time i was this early, pigs could fly.
- The_Neon_Nerd: I think he looks better with a shaved beard but he still looks good with one tho.
- Anna C: I love her voice!!!!!
- Kylee B: Love when Erin are in your videos!
- Marisol Calderon: When the rainbow beard makes his eyes pop out more 😍
- Jay Montes: Erin needs to make a channel or collab channel with Joshua
- Sophie patterson: emoji mad
- Alley Emond: You guys should do a qna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Modernity has failed us: Josh is turning into a lumber jack. Colleen would HATE IT if she was there. Shave the beard bro😂
- Bridget Packey: I'm pretty sure it's puppet... But I could totally be wrong.
- It's Shawnieboyy: R.I.P Beard!
- Fabiola Cruz: I like your beard
- Cravedecent :.*: When he put Jacob sweatshirt I died laughing
- Doggie Developer: He's saying "Puppet" with an accent...
- Corga: U should do. A video permanently dying your body hair
- Jayel K: You are a bad person
- Zane Reinholde: Erin has a really annoying voice, but I like her.
- sushi: When Josh went to acting school (or something like that) he was taught to suppress his accent, whenever he goes back to Georgia you notice that his accent comes back a little
- Ava Josephine: What do you need to say to get on his snapchat? Hello? How are you? HELP
- CharliKJ: Who would even complain about grey in a beard?!?! The grey is attractive!
- Crystal Westman: I love when josh grows a beard..
- Emma Baker: I have the same shirt as erin
- Dreaming Diamonds: Hello!
- sweetheart20091: I wish Colleen and Erin would make a video together! That'd be awesome! Oh, Erin and Miranda should make one too. Lol
- Alyssa Tomsik: was Erin mean to you when you where little
- schloop: he is calling his subscribers fecal matter on anal hair of an animal😑😏 just thought i let ya know
- Carrie Jones: +Marleah Ubarry yesss
- Cutie Pie: Erin needs a YouTube channel!!!!!!!!!
- That Anime Geek: am I the only one that does the outro with them 😂😂😂 aurimua *peace sign*
- KayleeKakes: It's "Hello puppet"
- twelge15: Dingleberries sounds better in a Southern, Erin accent.
- Taylor Harris: Josh looks 10x sexier with his beard 😍
- Jiselda Aragon: legend say if ur early he will comment on ur reply
- Martina Ralenekova: can i be on snapchat ? ❤❤❤
- Jazz xox: Poppet*8*** -_-
- Phoebe Davis: I have no socks on! :)
- that one girl with the poofy hair: If it is I wanna be on snapchat so I'm disrupting your comment
- Asia Hill: does it not bother anyone else when people don't do the colors in the right order? doesn't it go red, orange. yellow, green, blue then purple? lol, no hate. I just like it in order so it blends perfectly
- SKEERRTTT: his sis has brown eyes and Josh has blue eyes
- Kaeli Ann Marie: shouldn't shave it tho, I like it 😊
- Sophie Enright: Josh why would u do this ?😂
- Iman Aburubieh: Early squad?
- caroline clark: hiiii
- Katya Rosenbaum: I loveeeeeee the beard
- Karly Ray: love you
- It's Em: Love it!!! Poppet is a British term of endearment. As in like Hey Sweetheart.... Hey Honey..... Hello Poppet xx
- Emma Verma: pop·pet ˈpäpət/Submit noun 1. ENGINEERING a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. 2. historical a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Daisie M-T: We have chocolates called poppets here it might be linked to that
- Lance Leichtle: you look like josh in the 60s
- Amy Hudson: Shave the beard
- Ella B: poppet is an english word that we use to call someone. e.g "Hey poppet! I haven't seen you for a while." sorta like kid, mate, baby, sweety, that sorta thing. A close friend of my mum used to call me poppet when I was younger. I think I explained that ok?!
- Andrea Sigala: Was that food dye?? Hahahah
- Trevor House: I love Erin's voice
- Akkad Sisje: who else died when the Jacob song came on
- Motivation Theory: The grey has worked for me, lets do this!!
- Lovely Lexi: Lol sweatshirt at 3:01 haha ;)
- Asdru Hernandez: Why he look like Scott Disick
- Nasehra Begum: Erin is soo cute
- Kitty Haart: no!!
- Bianca Perez: i think he looks fucken hot with the beard. sexy af
- V Brown: She's so cute I can't handle it
- Crumpled Oreos: I love everything about Erin
- Renegade Gaming: When Jacob Sartorius came on I screamed for some reason. Cringe cough cough
- Damaris Channer: I love how you used food coloring to dye it haha
- aubrey: i like the grey hairs but im the odd one out apprently...
- MDZS: Anybody watching at the time your watching
- _noxious_: Never this early... wtf XD
- Mia Christopherson: Snapchat saw it first! ;))--
- The Amanda: #siblinggoals
- Taco Shell: Last time I was this early joshleen were together 😭😭
- Colleen Heniff: Is this good enough for snapchat?🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈😍😎💩
- Stephanie Haugan: I love your beard!!!! Keep it!!!!
- Noon Ella: JoshuaDTV a
- Hannah Reitman: She's in Europe
- Natalia Szostek: An endearingly sweet or pretty child
- Brittaney Ann Hart: It's ello puppet
- James Palmieri: HIIII!!!!!
- Cutting With Us: Today is my birthday yayyy!!!
- slab slayers Babygirl: I'm loving the colorful beard 😂👌
- llo43: poppet=puppet..... duh! 🙂
- Austin Vaughn: i dyed my hair with that last week and my hair turned orange and is SOOOOO dead
- Wendy Martin: 134
- ashley: Sartorius*?
- Sami Hatcher: I love Erin so much!!!
- Joaquin Arredondo (579joaarre): How is this a diy?
- Huskyy Pwow: to diffrent shave the beard
- Sheikh Brinta Siddiqa: IF he just says "hi"..........!
- Jemma: OMG WHY JOSH! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PUT JACOB'S SONG IN *laughing emoji, cuz im on my laptop*
- R Echevarria: JoshuaDTV lol u are awesome your sis is soooo cute
- ItsMe Bet: The blue in your beard really brings out your eyes 😍😂
- Molly Duffy: Saw this on snapchat first 😏😂
- Natalie: It wasnt a rainbow..... :( but it was colorful so i approve also YOU LOOK WEIRD WITH A BLONDE BEARD NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YA HEAR ME JOSHUA EVANS!?!?!?! NEVERRRR
- Khush Aagman Duggal: I am first
- ashley: I was really into this video until you played Jacob Sartorious.
- Subhan Alawan: Erin's accent is so cute i am dying 😍
- Crystal Midkiff: Q
- Jaylin: 😍😎💩
- Berry Blossom: Hey Jooshwa's snap!!!❤️Love ya!
- Justine Belanger: Will Erin ever make a YouTube channel?
- Yashii Night: his sister is adorable
- Donald Wilson: Ur beard is so cool don't shave it
- Maggie Speight: SWEATSHIRT WHY
- Caris: NOOOOO! I loved your beard! Screw you internet, look what you did.
- Rhode Mulamba: Josh why Jacob tho???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Ani Ortiz: isnt there special beard dye
- Ryan Maldonado: L
- Esleah Alura: Erin accent is the epitome of a southern belle accent! Love it!
- Charlaine Wong: Who liked Joshua's tweet so this can be posted early?
- Gandalf Odinson: I like his beard
- Lalyst: Saw it on snapchat first 💕💕
- Lostpuppy 123: HI Joshua your awesome
- Ghost Girl: sweatshirt?
- Jess in king: lololol loooove the bro sis moments. :))))))))
- Silva Saul: ok
- AnniePinkSox: Yes he looks really hot... BECAUSE HES SWEATING XD
- YuneePug: What if Josh tried just shaving the sides and leaving the mustache and chin? Like just a small part maybe under the lip
- Mrs. C Cruz: WHY JOSH WHY MY EARS DIED AT 3:03! 😁
- Jenna Aus: +Jonathan Monaghan HANNAH MONTANA DUH
- UNDEFEATED: Don't shave your beard noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
- Rags13005 Smith: Erin's voice is so cute
- Flipper AJ: i copyed this The word poppet is an older spelling of puppet, from the Middle English popet, meaning a small child or doll. In British English it continues to hold this meaning
- Layla Pearle: Twitter fam where you at????
- LiterallyMorgan: Erin is losing her accent. 😭😭💗💗💗
- EM MA: I feel as though josh got dared to put Jacobs song in there
- Kiara Masters: does he still do youtube
- Jord 4c: I've said it before and I'll say it again... ERIN NEEDS HER OWN CHANNEL! :)
- Jess in king: i'm itching for some baby updates. how's shadow doing and you doing with him?
- Iman Aburubieh: 😂
- Josh The Ford Boy: That's hilarious.
- vanessa chan: SAME OMG WHERES THE BLEECH??
- Manuel Romero: I live in NC so I'm well aware of the southern accent and to be honest it's not really something I really enjoy but the way she said dingleberries absolutely swooned me. Incredibly cute accent from your sister haha
- ThoseBritishGirls: poppet is just like a cute little nickname, people I know have always called me it throughout my life
- Lauren H: I've really liked your look here lately. The beard makes you look your age. And your videos have felt like they've been geared more towards your older audience. As one of your late 20's viewers, I appreciate it!
- Bijou Loveless: lol she is the most country ever lol how do they talk so different tho?
- Becca Boo: She so rayed him with food spray 😂😂😂😂
- alicia posthuma: um josh... erin, its not "ello pop it" its ELLO PUPPET" puppet as in a term of indearment. HOW. DO. YALL. NOT. KNOW...
- Lena_Rose Beifong: your sister is adorable!
- Amy alley: Love your sister she so cute and oh ps love the beards
- Banuka J: love your videos
- Ella Boe: Right here
- Lisa M: Erin is so cute
- Michelle Elston: I want josh to see this comment
- Zoe Gould: poppet means an endearingly sweet or pretty child or young girl (often used as an affectionate form of address).
- Sunshine Josephs: her voice is so cute and her accent
- Makenna Is bae: Nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo don't shave it
- Faith Adegboye: 😂😂😂
- Amy Clifton: I love how Erin said "quite vibrant"
- hello: +Jacob Faapito ?????
- princess nuncio: josh is back!!!!!
- Samantha Lopez: Omg lol 😂😂 me and my brother would totally do this too 😂😂
- Daniel Lopez: Anybody watching with no socks on !?🙂
- Charlaine Wong: Hi Joshua!
- asdfghj !.!: Snapchat saw it first
- steve b: The same right that gives you the right to post what you did.
- Lauren Judkins: THE BEARD
- kaylynn betts: I hate you for doing this. but I still love you❤️
- Mackenzie Heerdt: oh Joshua I can't believe you put "sweatshirt" on one of your videos...
- Bridget Paul: Josh, will you be posting again soon? Praying for you and yours.
- It'sCarissa: I ❤️❤️❤️ your beard Josh. Do not listen to the haters cuz what they say doesn't honestly even matter. "Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate!" - wise words from Colleen Ballinger Evans
- DMAJOR 2K: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo imma do the same to my beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok that's enough of that................but wait there's more!!!!!!!!!!!!!wwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- ema b: Your sister is so sweet.
- Israel Montoya: His sister is so funny 😄😂😆
- Cecelia Vergara: I love how they use spray food dye instead of colored hair spray
- Rachel Paul: Poppet is like sweetheart
- Jadyn W: Yeah a country version
- Pikachu star 64 Hd: I cringed so hard when that stupid song came on
- courtney erin: Lol I like never wear socks😂😂😂 yea I'm not wearing socks
- Bryant Mendez: beans beans beans beans beans beans
- Horrific_ Dream: Poppet is like a voo doo doll used to control or hurt people.
- ItsJustTris 12: his face at 3:47
- Katelyn: I love how she talks it cracks me up
- lovely _jde: My new favorite video 🙌
- megan randolph: OMG 53 seconds ago lol.. Who else is early? 😂😂
- Beccagui: The beard died platinum reminded me so much of the hair mishap that happened before. Love memorizes.
- Hayes Brewer: Hey josh! Your videos are amazing!!! Keep up the AMAZING work!!
- Unicorn.slave Yass: Are u And collen still together
- Swim Star: 20 seconds ago!!!
- Molly Fruchey: Josh just saying I used that exact hair dye to Ombre my hair and it did nothing so I'm surprised it did anything
- Maddie Midgley: #ErinsEvenings
- jnbg61584: I don't know of it's more of the lighting in this video or the beard colors, but his eyes look extra blue
- Emily Kraus: Josh 100% has been drinking when they recorded this lmao
- Maddie Barnes: This would have been a great vlog!
- Michelle Hernandez: Your sister should do youtube
- Kiaz _Galaxy: 1:22 lmao 😂😂😂
- Summer Rayne: 3:02 was so Weston of josh
- Carys Ann Wesley: Why aren't you posting much videos??❤️
- C̷a̷s̷p̷e̷r̷: why dose your sister have a accent
- Makayla Collins: I love you so much josh!!!!! Also, I love Erin!!!
- Haylee Rey: @JoshuaDTV it's " 'ello puppet "
- Natasha Ortiz: Wrangle the Internet
- alicia j: 2:11 please someone make that a meme😂😂😂😂
- K Dopp: She is such a sweetheart! you souls do videos once a week together!
- Lana Hassan: Nice beard
- Ian Neha Vlogs: He looks bigger with a beard
- Saamiya Mohammed: im earlyyy
- Honestly Andrew: Put me on your snap, KINGleberry!
- Yuki ZUS: WOw, she sounds like Marzia
- Faith Adegboye: mee
- Gabby Bowes: I love her accent
- Brooklyn Hurley: after he said "lets break free" i thought he was gonna sing Breaking Free. also once he said "i am the man i wanna be" i thought he was gonna say "I AM THE ONE"
- Abby Koskinen: I love the blue
- Weirdo Mc Weirdos: yas
- Mia Appleton: Poppet is a british term of endearment
- Macy C: ikr, what did I say.. I've literally been a fan for so long lol that I can just feel when something is up. josh just didn't seem himself
- Lexie B: YAY
- Tedi Pajeva: Omg Erin's so cute! She's like the stereotype little sister in my head.
- Erika Redfield: She is so cute and funny, I hope she starts her own channel, would love to see more of her!!
- Joshua Zamarripa: lol
- Isaac digiamberdine: Oh god leave a trigger warning when u play sweatshirt
- productionby MJay: I saw you with MK- Mary Kate
- Caitlin Sweeney-Jones: Erin should make a YouTube channel like if you agree 😏
- J3lly B3an: I love her voice! Lol and his beard
- Chloe AnnE: I LOVE HIS BEARD:( but what ever makes Him happy!:)
- christina otter: My boyfriends beard is bigger then yours so dont feel bad josh it's all good
- ss: Thats rude
- Maisie Bradley-Hurst: Popett is like what people call each other in Scotland 😂
- Erin: My name is Erin to and i have a big brother 😆 #twins
- Choccymilq: Daniel Lopez yep
- It's Kaela: Shave the beard
- Morgan Olsen: ° /_\ uh... this doesn't look like the Illuminati
- Moonlight Mermaid: A long time ago on Disney Channel the actor said the line for some kids and said he was saying puppet
- Princess Mahek: hey joshua.. can u do a video on 100 layers of makeup
- Emilynn Henne: Poppette means doll or child
- Care Tap: 9
- 0o0_kewwl: I LOVE THE BEARD!!!!!😂😂😂
- Ellah Metcalf: PIRATES AND THE CARRIBEN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- AyeitsTrisha: I stg If I hear sweatshirt one more time
- Valerie Olivares: dang 1 minute upload never been this early
- Alicia Kingfisher: Erin needs a channel
- another lost human: he says hello puppet :) not poppet hahaha
- Crazy Niqabi Muslim Youtuber: LOVE IT!!
- Lexis Castillo: are u gonna shave after u do this?😂
- musical-gamer obsession〈3: I think they say ello puppet
- russell vlogs: pop·pet ˈpäpət/Submit noun 1. ENGINEERING a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. 2. historical a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- margo walden: Well now they divorced
- Ellie Strums: Lol that beard totally gave you dad vibes. It was like, "Hey man, I'm Papa Josh and I cut all the wood and I can carry a bow and arrow!" Totally hated it but it fits you if you ever did decide to go lumberjack again.
- Carolina Montgomery: Ello poppet is like a "sarcastic" term of endearment. I'm sure somebody else already answered just don't feel like reading all the comments.
- Hilda Gonzalez: next time you let your beard grow die it all red!!! and let it be for some time...maybe a week idk
- Deirdre Begley: your sister should have a channel
- Firecast 04: Check out my Chanal it cool
- Corinne Slutsky: I don't understand what gives people the right to talk/comment mean things about celebrities and YTers?!?
- Aniela Aragon: Why are u spreading negativity. Be nice to people! :)
- Fiona Luke: Hi
- Angelica O: im just curious.... how come she has just a strong accent and josh doesn't?
- Charlaine Wong: I wonder what Colleen's reaction is😄
- Aurora Mahan: I love you so so so so so so so so much I'd die to meet you❤️💛💚💙💜
- Brit: from snapchat ❤❤
- Abby Koskinen: I love the blue
- Shelby isabella: Daniel Lopez me.
- Kalee King: Josh is secretly a Jacob Sarorious stan
- Meg Nicole: But why the Jacob sartorius music 😂
- Jiselda Aragon: first comment
- Nadiah Tejani: Poppet: noun 1. ENGINEERING a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod. 2. historical a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Taylinn Leigh: hi I love u guys soooooooo much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️❤️😭❤️❤️❤️❤️and I could listen to Erin's voice all day long
- Michelle Mackey: She needs a YouTube channel
- Evy: poppet means cute
- Rachel Carson-Lecuyer: don't you fucking dare play Jacob Sagtitties
- Stacie: Erin is amazing and I love these josh does videos lately
- a.a: snapchat saw it first. Snapchat squad where you at?
- Caroline Everett: Hi
- Brooklynn V: She has a southern accent. Josh and Erin are both from down south
- Jennifer Clementson: This is so funny!😂
- Commander Wolffe: "We know you're here, poppet!"
- Lainey Croghan: 2nd
- Fiona Luke: Can you do a tour in Canada
- Cheyenne Bishop: I love you so much Josh! You have introduced me to so many youtubers from you and your wife's channel. Thank you so much for all you do for us. I'm so proud of you. Please like and comment so he sees this.
- Kaylee Butler: I always thought it was puppet
- Mishawaka Post: I suggest that Shadow start his own YouTube channel so that we, his fans, can get regular Shadow updates.
- Carly McDonnell: hi
- Alexis Mcnally: I loved your beard and thought this vid was awesome
- Jilllybean S: I love y'all.
- Ask Ray Ray: She sounds just like my aunt well my aunt is more high pitched
- Diana Harwood: YAY ITS ERIN
- Cheyenne Bishop: Snapchat?
- Shivani Ranga: yasss sweatshirt!💓💓😘😍
- SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
- Faith Adegboye: I love her omg
- Music: I love your sisters accent 😍😘
- mustang 123: Erin is the best!!!
- heidi G: can you please not like their heart broken leave it alone why is every one so horrible
- fuck off: Me and her have the almost same exact voice😭😭😭
- Ellie Townend: +Brooklyn Musquiz like you then.
- Emma Graves: I'm loving the beard
- Alfredo Osorio: I love Erin
- Alyssa Crossfield: Me 😀
- Tara O'Donnell: Erin has the cutest voice ever <3
- dana long: POPIT MENS A**HOLE
- Heather Long: she's cute
- Solei's Wonders: Please do not shave you make my mad
- GavinPradd: just ask, is erin and josh is step-sibling. I mean different mom or different father? cause josh looks like pure white with a blue eyes and erin looks like tan and dark brown eyes is she half mexican or something..
- Zoe Carter: I hope Erin (sorry if I spelled that wrong) knows that the rainbow colors she used is for food
- Joanna De Souza: an endearingly sweet or pretty child (often used as an affectionate form of address). this is wht poppet means
- Carly Adams: heyy
- JAB Channel: Erin needs a YouTube Channel! It would be the best!
- Rija: Josh the internet really misses you. I hope all is okay with you. PLEASE COME SOON, NOT SEEING YOUR VIDEOS EVERYDAY FEELS SO WEIRD!! :( #WithLostsOfLoveFromPakistan <3
- Natalie Nelson: Have you ever heard of an accent? Btw I love her voice
- Never 2 Old: poppit is the name of my son's teddy bear.
- Katie T: I love Erin!
- Olivia Lee: i love u please shout me out i ur next video
- Jolly Rancher: Snapchat saw it first like if you saw it on Snapchat
- Janna Daya: Fam**
- Supernatural Fangirl: Poppet: a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Alyssa :333: Haha came here from Twitter LOVE YA JOSH😂😂
- S Mumford: Lol so the moral of the story is don't try to dye your beard rainbow colors
- Jacey Anama: 😂😂 saw this on sc
- Kiersten Ashlea: Not me
- Catherine Joven: erin should start a channel
- Molly Kessler: This made me happy (:
- abbie clare: love u
- Jade Firestone: "Don't look at it!!" 😂😂😂😂
- Morgan Olsen: DUH DUH DUUUUH
- Bubbly Bee: I love the beard ❤️
- bethany chubb: Just saw your latest video ❤ support you. Erin will be AWESOME to run the channel!!
- Silvia Frg: +CompletelyCute 😂😂
- Emily Watson: Poppet is like another word for sweetie. An affectionate term basically 😂
- Kiara Colegrove: I love Erin and Josh videos please do more
- Si Davey: Erin rocks!
- Tiffany Chen: erin is great
- Jojo Bear: Waiting for the first vid without a beard to come out. POST IT ON SNAPCHAT I WANNA SEE FIRST. 😂
- Emilee Creed: There's a squirrel in his face😱
- Faith Zarume: BRITISH informal an endearingly sweet or pretty child (often used as an affectionate form of address). "‘Here you are, poppet,’ the nurse said" (thnx google)
- Morgan DeNutte: A poppet is a doll. Like in the play The Crucible.
- Allison Tocci: poppet-a mushroom-shaped valve with a flat end piece that is lifted in and out of an opening by an axial rod or a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.
- Jaylynn Black: sup
- Haylee Taylor: Ello Poppit!
- Lisa Kins: I absolutely love your sister. She is so adorable and so beautiful.
- Kitty Haart: right heeeeeere!!
- alieda landeros: omg
- RubyCooper Xo: Josh cos aaron said poppet in an English accent I'm from England and poppet means like kinda darling or sweetheart in English 😘
- Cadie Cleghorn: He says puppet. Lol he is calling her a puppet. :)
- Tan Yeong Jen: erin is secute and josh is so caring towards his sisterr
- Dino the milkshake: Who else saw this on snapchat 😜💁🏽
- briarrose456: It's hello puppet.
- Mistie Bagel: Josh! it's puppet not pop it
- Corinne Young: lol
- WolfBlitzer: Oh, the beard looked terrible before the spray.
- natalienoodlebop -: puppet, Ello puppet
- Serena Balan: lol cool
- Christa Bitar: I LOVE his beard it looks great!!
- Navneet Benipal: 100th like
- Abigail Letson: aw man I liked the beard
- genegirgamer genesis: do the song challeng
- Paupau 1519: Lol
- a bowl of clam chowder: Popit: What you do before you LOCK IT!!!!!
- Rabail Makdoom: living for the facial hair 👌👌
- Koko Zapari: Daniel Lopez I just took them off before I saw this
- Court’s Life: poppet means ummmm... I guess its a British nickname for kids and stuff.
- Angeline C.: not first😃😃😃
- Ciaran: That's the official definition btw I didn't just write that haha :))
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RAINBOW BEARD DIY // Josh Does | |
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People & Blogs | Upload TimePublished on 24 Aug 2016 |
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