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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. Life isn't always fair or kind...but if we continue to strive for the good...if we continue to get back up after being knocked down... what can stop us from being the best version of ourselves? Don't just survive...THRIVE. Be Nice to People.
- Summer Rose: 2nd
- Anya Anya: Sounds like your healing better Josh ☺
- Lilli Ferro: erin's accent is so cute omg💓😍😍
- Bickies and dip: ERIN!!!!!!!!....... Oh no... She's gone... Oh well I tried
- Belen Osorio: Clara B. Agree! My heart hurts for Josh! I he finds happiness soon.
- Rachel Smeith: Queen E she hasnt moved on, she is coping in her own way.. keeping her mind busy. that is in now way moving on
- Nicole Morgan: miss you Joshua
- Samantha Trujillo: "Steve I'll be watching you."😂😂 Even though Josh hasn't been in the videos he still makes me unbelievably happy and always puts a smile on my face. Josh I love you! I hope to see you happy and healed soon.
- Katie Doggett: HelloSunshine〈3 me too!!! i love all them both 💙
- LightsCameraKelly: Love you Josh! ❤️ (And Erin and Steve) ☺️😘
- Liam Pierce: i freaking love her accent lol
- dschackkk_: lol my bf would killlll me if i did this with another guy
- Halle Berry: I'm so happy Josh sounded happier this week I miss seeing him I hope he's doing okay! Love you Josh
- Jaylin: Oh my lord...
- Abby T: Yeah me too😂 also she's in a relationship so I feel like it's really weird😂😂
- Violet Odio: josh the world misses seeing your face come back
- Maleia: josh!you sound so much more like yourself now! I'm so happy!See you soon!
- Janette Hunt: was I the only one who thought the wax lips looked like Miranda
- Drew Hersch: He is LITERALLY the non-German version of Flula
- poiewhfopiewhf: "I don't believe I care for this flavor" yesss
- Beatriz Guzman: I miss Joshua ( I'm not a hater) ❤️❤️❤️
- Grace Krock: wait is Erin dating Colleen's cousin still???
- kay grace: Awwwwewwww she's so cute I love her
- Kenzy Hayes: I do
- Heather Nicole: Love you so much, Josh! I hope that your day is as awesome as you are! Miss you so much!
- Kamry Joyota: Can't wait to have you back ya ol' canucklehead! sending all my love and prayers!
- MsAsb1990: Dear god they're joking around
- melvinx01: oddly surreal, but funny.
- ashlish01: the puss in boots part legit killed me 😂
- Simone Keen: Missy M he needs time. He'll be back when he is ready
- Cassie Deamud: ❤️❤️
- Simone Kempenaar: omg erin's got a channelllllllll🎉🎉🎉
- TheOfficeFanatic word: oh my gosh, he says he will see us soon. I'm so happy! !!!!
- PearlsandJeans !: Have always loved Nikki and Steve, never seen Steve cut up so much.. Love it.. Even more mad respect for them for helping Josh out.. They have great channels, everyone should check them out... Great job Erin and Steve.. Much love for all...
- annasparkles: I'm so happy he said, "I will see you soon!" Love him sm
- Stacee Tink: I have a feeling by the next 2 videos, we will have Josh back! that's why I am hoping
- Diana Calderon: I wish joshleen was still alive
- Rowen Tews: My names blurryface And i care what you think I saw that but AWW JOSHY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
- Rachel: Where's joshua
- Kevsta Plays: lmfao
- Kya Mai: No! Our sweet innocent Erin! lol!
- Nick Adams: Erin sounds funny saying 'willies' XD
- Marianna Hammerstrom: I really appreciate Josh taking time for himself, I feel uncomfortable seeing Colleen all giddy happy.
- Deepak Menon: +kevin G1 you said colleen is completely unaffected? That's not an observation that's what you think.
- twelge15: I feel like Erin is losing her Georgia accent, and I'm depressed, haha.
- margaret butters: that was great! thank you Erin 😎
- Melaina Wolfe: Maria .301x he and colleen got a divorce so he's taking a Break
- Grace Coghlan: where is Josh
- Saga Ad: You said "See you soon!" I hope to do so we miss you Joshhyyy❤
- NayukixKisho: LOL when she looked at nikki XD loved the video :) gonna miss you erin. Hope youre doing well Josh <3 miss you man
- Twilight fan: Aww Erin your so cute!
- Ada Hall: omg Erin and Steve did great. Hey Joshua
- TripleDrink: Omg!!!?!
- MegF: They were really funny.
- Walter: That guys horrible
- Shannon Gilbraith: omg
- Amanda G: This video made me happy! Great job guys!❤️
- janet plays/vlogs: weres joshua!
- Bella Jack: steve is so hilarious and I love how cute Erin is
- Amy Jo: JOSH AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great video :)
- Rachel Smeith: Professional Fangirl from what i have watched they both have different coping mechanisms. josh needs to step back and feel this pain privately to oneday start to move on. colleen keeps her mind busy and surrounds herself with positivity and distractions so she doesn't have to feel the pain, cos when she stops her mind goes crazy. im upset for the both of them, its a hard time 🙁
- Amina Ali: omg this guy CRACKED ME UP. "I wouldn't ever leave you alone, not for one minute" i laughed a lot
- Erin: Diana Calderon me too
- Savanna Mcgaw: Sorry but I am so used for you to be in the vids unsub
- Hawk Moe: Josh, get back on that horse..
- TheMorningglorytaffy: Wow how nice to hear Josh sounding upbeat. Healing takes time but you'll be better than ever I promise.
- Liv-Mae: 😂😂😂
- Maddie Romanoff: When Joshua said he would see us soon, it gave me some hope.
- Camy George: 😂😘
- Heather Erickson: Joooosshh!! i miss you! I knew you edited these things, they just have your editing style. hope you are doing okay, come back soon! Erin, you are my favorite. :)
- Marlyn Ruiz: This is wrong on so many levels but hilarious
- Samantha Jo: lol shes like this is so awkward..
- Yasmin E: Where's josh
- Maria Tanski: Erin needs to make her own channel. She's so adorable!!
- Allison jenkins: It was so good to hear Joshua!! He sounds so much better!!!
- AnyaLovato: Fotini Philippou how old are you
- A Deangelis: hiwvcome she had the lips upside down 😂
- Taylor Pirie: Love this video lol!!!!
- Anya Anya: No I know but he sounds a little better which is good
- 1980goblue: Crystal Josh is still in mourning. Colleen has moved on, he should too
- Mal Mal: I his channel hacked who is this making this video
- Terri Fenwick: Erin eating sex candy is like an oxymoron.
- faith woods: where has josh bin this is still his chanel right
- alyssajohnson: This was hilarious! I just miss josh so much :(
- Kelsey: Erin is doing a great job! I hope you're doing okay Josh. We miss your face.
- Terri Fenwick: We miss you Josh ... !...!...!
- CM B: ok here's the thing . I love Colleen and Josh, they are both great people individually but I just find it interesting how different they are handling the situation so differently.. Josh is clearly broken hearted and yes she is too but whilst he's taking a break she's filming partying with her friends, it just make her heartbreak seem less genuine. Anyways this is just a thought of mine no need to hate p.s this video was funny ah keep going Erin! ! :)
- _jcjojo __: i love it 😂
- Jayme Gordon: I hear josh is gay
- JulieAnn: Late to the party but how much did I LOVE that this was soooo innocent by today's standards yet "view discretion" was advised. Absolutely in LOVE. Hurry back, Josh!
- Tammi Caputo: Janette Hunt same
- Mia's world Xoxo: Chloe Fernandes he's just taking a break from what happened
- Anna Cohen: josh sounded a lot happier this week
- Stephanie Dela Cuadra: It's nice to see and hear Josh in the videos even if it is just little captions and voice enslates :)
- The Weird Berry: u looked like Miranda in the thumbnail💄💄
- faith woods: WonderingCat i have bin in a divorce and It dose not help when u just feel bad for your self
- Brendan 203: Josh you have to come back man .
- Melody: Grace Krock well they are not gonna just brake up because Colleen and Josh did
- samnfred: Cynelyle Erin has a channel. Link is in the description.
- TheOfficeFanatic word: we love and miss you Josh, I hope and pray you are getting your happiness back! 😀😁❤💖
- janet plays/vlogs: Giselle Mojica first were not sepose to say stupid u dummy because its just mean ok
- Sazbear 391: Really?! Yasssss!!! Get innnn! Thanks so much :D
- Miranda Liang: "I WILL see you soon" -Joshua!!!
- Louisa Zemmouri: Miss u josh❤️
- Kellie Brown: Laura Nails Him got a divorce with colleen so he is taking a break from social media his sister is taking over his channel for now
- Emily Thomas: Oh my goodness I love Erin for doing these videos for josh. but just in case you're still reading some of the comments, I just wanted to say I miss you so much Joshua, and I genuinely worry about you. I hope you're doing okay❤❤
- HarLee Vasquez: COME BACK JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Elliott: Good job enjoying that a little bit Steve.
- Silviala: hi erin :) i really love that you doing this for your awesome brother. kisses and hugs from germany to all of you 💜🎈
- kat: joshua sounded a bit happier in the outro my heart is so full wow i miss him so much
- Jennifer Bard: please come back soon.
- Ashley Buckley: I miss Josh.😞😭😞😭
- faith woods: Penny Wilson thanks 😘😘😘😘
- Mando N.: LMAO!
- Travis Ti: Thank you.
- Allyson Gail: doing it now!! :D
- Paige Sleepystreet: Where is josh 😥😥😢
- Amy Herberg: faith woods maybe not for you but maybe it's helping Josh. Seriously, you can't just tell people when they can and cannot get over a divorce and how not to feel.
- Nicollette Jacobsen: His video "Heartbroken". Her (Colleen's) video is "Life Update"
- Hero Of The Moon: I love erins videos. They're so funny
- I am KC: Her voice is so adorable
- LifeOf Lili: Miss JoSH
- BriNguyen: from the thumbnail I thought she was mocking Colleen/Miranda..... but then I was like ohhhh.... nvm lol
- Qwerty123g: Tommy Myself_forever83 she has one look in describtion
- Saturday in the Kitchen with Grandma: I miss josh
- adam mac: ERIN! You're not supposed to know what any of that is! You're too sweet and innocent!
- Kaiya Steyskal: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you isn't Erin doing this with her bf???
- Lulu Dre: Omg Erin😂😂😂 You're doing an awesome job with Josh's channel!😍
- LittleBlueBird95: The little messages from Josh at the end of the video are so important to me. I always get super excited^^
- Elena Georgoulas: I love how her brother had to edit this.
- Jessica Hannabel: did anyone else notice how the candy lips were upside down. i love her😂😂
- Jeanne Adele: ahahahah you're amazing guys
- Tommy Myself_forever83: Erin should totally make a YouTube channel !!! She would slay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💙🙏💙
- Angelica Dawson: I used to eat slap stix as a kid all the time...that's a sex thing? 😭😭😭
- abrielle: joshhhh i miss you😭😭💗💗
- Chloe Fernandes: Where is josh
- RandomGirl&Co: In 4 videos comments have gone from "We love you Josh, take all the time you need" to "We love you Josh, come back" C'mon guys -.-
- Molly Goldberg: JOSHHHHHHH I MISS YOU COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!
- Taylor Ellis: Hi ❤️
- Anjelina May: Hey guys use this hashtag please thumbs this up so he can see it #BringBackJosh
- Brooke Braswell: This is a whole other side to Erin I have never seen before 😂😂😂
- Rowen Tews: Wheee did josh go:)
- Georgia’s Angels: Fotini Philippou that is certainly none of your business.
- j kg: what am I watching
- Havenxox :p: Yay I'm so early
- bravescatz: Josh appreciates his fans and their loyalty and patience. He will be back, grieving and healing is a process and takes time. Thank you to our beautiful Erin for filling in for big bro. Our shy little Erin, love you sweetie.
- Fabi skrrr: where is josh please reply
- Sazbear 391: In the underpants :D She hasn't uploaded any vids yet but hopefully soon :D x
- starstruckgurlus: Miss your face josh!!!! Give us a snap or some tweets 😊 hope you're doing well.
- Stephanie Blake: I click these notifications so fast just in the hope josh is gonna show up in one.
- Simone Kempenaar: yesss that's what I saw and I'm hoping she will😊😊
- Loveitorhateit: Adam is Colleen's cousin and yeah, they're still dating
- Beccagui: i love erin so much.
- Kacey Bush: Josh sounds so much better! I am praying he is healing and taking care of himself! We love you Josh! And I love watching these videos with Erin! She is a great sister!!!! Love you both!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Jessica-Blue Probert: ashleigh femmer he said it at the end of the video :)
- janet plays/vlogs: Ok but i just want to know ok
- Felicita Corona: Erin keep up the good work ! You are so cute and your collabs are funny 😂 😍!
- MLB519 DOES MSP: wares josh
- Louise Barrowman: Your sis was so great in this vid. She's a natural :)
- dancingwholeness: So silly!!!
- Calvin Lau: When's josh coming back
- X MÃTILDA X: Second!!!
- Maria .301x: Why doesn't Joshua do vids anymore
- goldglitter04: that botched ending! LMAO!!!
- bailey anna: oh my goodness. the miranda show ad came on before this video.
- Nuri Armes: see when u first click the video she looks like a wana be Miranda
- xxxBadVibesxxx: someone plz tell me where joshua
- Queen E: Rachel Smeith 1980goblue I mean no but she has moved on a lot more than he has I mean I'm not trying to point fingers or sound bad honestly but in her video she said she was going to take a break from YouTube she took like a day off besides her Miranda stuff I get that you have to promote but idk I'm not them... you just can see who cared more everybody heals differently....I could go on and on but you can also read body language and see when people are genuinely happy or sad
- Nami Swan: I bet her bf or whatever hates him😂😂😂
- Kenlie Jewell: what happens to Josh
- Brittany McGowan: I just hope that Josh gets a laugh out of these videos.
- emliy ress: I'm sure the had sex after this
- Celeste Jacobson: Where is Joshua??
- Deepak Menon: what do you want colleen to do? sit and mourn and be depressed for the rest of her life? also she is probably crying right now.You will never know what's going on behind the camera. People like you....smh =.=
- Kiwi unicorn: I AM SO TRIED OF people always in the comments of every video josh posts is like omg Joshua and Colleen are divorced blah blah blah I can't watch these vids without crying, like girl keep it to yourself. Josh had his sister make videos to keep his channel happy, so just leave it at that. 😶😐🙃
- OliviaMarieABC: Shelby Love no all Shane does is spray disgusting aerosol colored spray on food.
- Queen E: 1980goblue I mean no but she has moved on a lot more than he has I mean I'm not trying to point fingers or sound bad honestly but in her video she said she was going to take a break from YouTube she took like a day off besides her Miranda stuff I get that you have to promote but idk I'm not them... you just can see who cared more everybody heals differently....I could go on and on but you can also read body language and see when people are genuinely happy or sad
- Holly A: I miss you buddy ❤️ great job Erin!💜💜
- Lillie B: I thought I would be seeing Josh and then I realized it makes me sad
- Jaylin: I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
- Elise Is Shook: 50 views and 60 likes how??
- Esther jennanda: You have no idea how happy it made me to hear you being your silly and joking self again Joshua! Can't wait to see you SOON! Don't worry if you're not ready to come back tho, it's okay! LOVE YOU!!
- joshua Robinson: Who is that guy that is not joshua
- Brandi aka Loser: Yayyy I love Josh checking in at the end of the videos!! Love you Erin!
- Malorie & JR Thomas: Missing you Josh! Your sis is doing GREAT! Can't wait for you to come back.
- Hoseok Is bias ASF: Your so cute
- kristina rodriguez: Pointless Sundy Colleen isn't recovered. She came back cause it makes her happy and she needed a distraction.
- GenSyDiaries: It's just sad - While colleen is out doing all these things, josh is actually the one sticking to his hiatus. I feeeeeel so much for josh. Happy for colleen doing the most on media right now but my feels and thoughts are with josh
- Nickole Vlogs!: Best video
- PointlessStuff: who misses Joshua like if u do
- Tesla Model3: Doesn't mean he has to. He can take as much time as he needs.
- Tamsin Vidal: Erin kind of reminds me of Nancy from Stranger Things... but southern
- Lizzy and Family: Yay I'm early where are you all watching from we're in California on our way to Disneyland and we're vlogging 🙌🏻
- Nareesa Parmanand: Sorry beathany r that comment was an accident
- Emma Hensley: It's so funny watching such a sweet girl like Erin so this
- Janies_ Dreams: dear Joshua I love u please come back to youtube
- Katelyn Cardenas: Why isn't josh doing this
- Jessica-Blue Probert: LOVE YOU ERIN AND JOSH 💖
- OliviaMarieABC: Queen Passey then hers isn't yours.
- Jasmine R: Early squad where you at?!? 😜😜😜😜😜😜
- Michelle Leigh: "I will see you soon." Did you guys sigh with relief? I know I did. Phew. He's okay. #seeyousoon ♡
- Jurassic Zombie: Haha gummie dicks! Josh hurry up and come back so I can watch your videos and Erin can start her own channel! :)
- Lyndsee Hope: I love this I laughed so hard 😂😂😂😂
- Janine Jolaine: "i will see you soon" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Maddy and alice: wheres josh?
- Sammy Ann: Miss you Josh!!!!
- dancer4evr1000: Charlie Marie in one of julien's recent vlogs (forgot if it was today or yesterday), he said he had lunch with josh and the two of them were working on something :)
- Tina M Fam: she had the lips in upside down haha
- chanise kane: Over the last 2/3 years I've been watching Joshua's video this is very different than what he normally posts definitely not family friendly but it was funny I liked it😂 he should post stuff more like this for sure 😂🎈
- Lauren Tedeschi: I love you Josh.
- Moon Lunatic: This had to be so uncomfortable for Josh...
- Kimberly Simkins: Erin is such a doll. i love her so much.
- pier ser: well your right but it just confuses me that Colleen is posting her videos and Josh isn't, like what does he need to take a break from on YouTube. how is posting videos heartbreaking or remind you of your ex
- Sarah Stout: I love Erin! She's so cute and funny! We miss you though josh! Hope to see you soon :)
- Queen E: 1980goblue that really sucks because she really did and we can pretty much see who cared more not trying to mean or anything but it's the truth
- Elizabeth Martinez: josh please come back
- AresGOW: Please keep saying down in the underpants in your outros, it's so unique that I like it.
- JORDAN VLOGZ: Am I the only one who starts smiling uncontrollably when I hear Josh's voice at the end? And Erin you are such an amazing little sister
- Paul Chillemi: I love Erin so much 😂😂😂
- Edith Owusu Mensah: lol
- Catriona: Ellie 1809 Nope, Erin's boyfriend is called Adam (He's Colleen's cousin- going to make family get-togethers a bit weird from now on!). Steve Greene is dating Nikki Limo, who you can hear in the background of this video
- Ruby Miller: Josh I hope you ok
- Brother Covers: Where's josh
- Moonlight Mermaid: She's so adorable!! I can't ❤️
- Ella H.: Erin is the cutest being ever. Like, how? Of course, Josh is adorable, but Erin is just so perfect. I hope Josh comes back to his channel, but I want Erin and him to co-host the channel.
- Griselda Alfaro: 💖💖💖
- Alexus H: Oh my gosh. Josh sounds more cheerful than in the last video and he said he'll be back SOON. I can't wait to see that gorgeous face again.
- Bethany Redd: +Kate For my part in this all I said was Josh sounded happier here.
- jamie yu: Love you Josh! 🎈
- Ashlyn Elizabeth: Hope you are doing okay, josh. We all love you. By the way, this video made me so uncomfortable so I'm right there with you josh! 😂 much love to you right now ❤️
- Savannah Ferraris: Steve was having too much fun 😂
- Don’t_Mind_Me _I’ll_Be_Over_There: Nope that cat at the beginning I'm done...😂😂😂
- Simone Kempenaar: Sazbear 391 I just saw it in the description❤😘
- Emma Stacey: I miss josh 😢
- hay h: hahahaha she is hilarious
- AManNamedSam: Samantha Trujillo Are you related to the base player of Metallica?
- Aqsa Shafiq: ERIN IS SO CUTE OMG
- Tenaya D: So hilarious! love it haha
- Cassie: Josh sounds more positive and the mystery link is more positive! Yay! Keep your head up, Josh, you have people who love and support you!
- mouthbreather: Erin is so cute!!
- Abby Wise: 😂😂😂😂
- king Raven: that guy is eating dick
- brainfarticus: Erin's adorable lol.
- ashleigh femmer: Jess Probert where did he write that? :)
- Tessa McCahill: I miss him so much
- sheyanne〈3: Grace Krock wait who is Colleen's cousin??
- Savanna Acree: this is so weird
- Gabrielle Robbins: 2nd
- Ange Blake: i felt un comfortable with this video
- xxxBadVibesxxx: Laura Kornberg I know he broke up
- Lauren K: 10th comment
- Sophie Stuart: First comment LOVE YOUR ACCENT❣️❤️
- BOUKE03: Freaking hilarious and Erin made it better she's so sweet and innocent through it all
- kevin G1: I swear Colleen is completely unaffected by the divorce
- Aayushi Astha: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Miya Bieber: Cool video
- QueenBell13: GenSyDiaries yea same at first it kinda hurt to see that she kinda moved on cuz I didn't see the video on the vlog channel saying that she couldn't stay away from the internet
- Jess Emma Rowe: well at least we know josh is still alive
- Missy M: Desperate? Hmmmm, no! I really enjoy watching his videos.
- pier ser: I think Josh is overreacting. how is it that hard to just do YouTube. Colleen keeps posting videos and I'm sure she's as heart broken as him. I get that he is going through a divorce but still post videos if not for you at least for your fans
- Bethany Redd: +Tammi What? This is still HIS channel.
- Josh The Ford Boy: Lol. That's pretty funny. Weird but funny.
- Mother Terezzza: Does anyone know how Josh is doing?
- MariahTheBudd: COME BACK SOON JOSH <3 :D we miss you!
- Allyson Gail: 3:57 !!!!!!! DIED!!!!!!
- Amber: hahahahahahaha
- Katrina: what the heck dude
- Mia's world Xoxo: just call me Mal he's sister and Steve
- Ellie Tasker: is he Erin's Boyfriend?
- aimee w: Did she call us dingleberry's . Oh
- Vintageart1994: Well I mean can you imagine being with someone for 7-8 years, asking them to marry you then after a year of marriage she wants a divorce. She gets to the house while you have to go back and live with your folks in Georgia. Then she gets a new cat acts like everything is wonderful in the world while your just heartbroken and sad because you want to work out the marriage till death do us part (like they said in their wedding vows) but she just wants to act like mirandasings and go on tv and make videos about her new cat. Like if that doesn't make you depressed idk what will. And im sure he doesn't want to come online and see pictures about his ex wife who's acting super happy without him like he never existed. He will be back but don't say how hard is it tto do youtube, its hard to do youtube when you want to be REAL and act real for your fans. Colleen is just acting fake and happy I wish she would be real with her fans.
- Belen Osorio: Pointless Sundy yup
- Esther jennanda: HAHA LOVE THIS VIDEO!
- Sarcastically_me: This is one of the best videos on this channel! 😂 Love you Erin and Josh! ❤️
- DMAJOR 2K: I watch these to hear Josh's message at the end! WE MISS YOU JOSH!!!!!!!
- Emily Hunsberger: I think josh sound happier in this video!
- Delaney Jones: Jess Probert he's been saying that after every video
- Alyssa Bladzik: You guys!! He said he'll see us soon!
- Kathy O'Brien: Had to fast forward to the end just hear Josh's voice.😢
- jennifer setchell: lavende12 youmix are you kidding. If you actually watch his videos you would know that he and Colleen have split up and he needs some time...
- Jordy In Pink: Omg he's actually so funny! 😂 I love him! And you Erin!! ❤️❤️
- Jasmine R: Wow was not expecting so many likes... Lol
- AA Fox: claire benn yeah that's right Lol
- magicbox: Where is her accent from? I'm new here. haha
- MsAsb1990: I laughed way to hard to this. Lmaoooo
- Hannah Martini: Did anyone else think that guy was josh
- Naomi Hoeg: I miss you so much Josh :( Hope to see you in a video soon. Sending you many hugs :( <3
- Lauren Gooding: Hi Erin! Love you and tell josh I miss him💜
- Brittney: Laura Nails his sister is taking over while he heals. Him and Colleen are getting a divorce in case you didn't already know.
- No one interesting: Lol this must have been awkward for Josh to edit
- Cami Lee: I love her. lol. she should mJe more videos
- Ester: Colleen has to upload so she can promote her show Haters Back off...
- Michelle Merritt: Unicorn Bae yes he's coming back tomorrow
- aurora heavanly-joy: dead😂
- Aly K: "I will see you soon" me:AHHHHHHH Family:Whats wrong? Me:s is uvhd
- Janiel and phan: Like for good luck
- Nicollette Jacobsen: What was he at?
- Alesia Smith: Yeah who is her cousin?
- Creative Confident: I miss you Josh!! Josh I think about you everyday <3 I love you <3
- Raquil Morgan: What? I used to eat this cigarettes as a kid from the ice cream truck.
- Lara Cormack: I get those cigarette candies for Halloween except they are in a superman and batman box
- NotDeadJustYet: I WILL SEE YOU SOON! <3
- Andrew Robertson: Oh... ok.... so that happened... Btw love u guys! Miss u Josh come back soon
- Misterlivs: freaking hilarious lol
- Michelle Dawn: Josh I miss you. please come back.
- Unpolished: Oh I got pure enjoyment out of this. LOVE this!!!
- KAITY M: σиє мσяє συιʝι α∂😡
- life7777: Steve hasn't made a video in ages...
- Katerackley14: Southern bells are perverts lol
- Fotini P.: How old is she?
- Kelly McGinnis: Hahahaha! So funny
- Username: Everyone copes in different ways
- Peggy: Love listening to Josh's outro :) so happy he said he'll see us soon
- Melanie Rousseau: Erin is cute!!!! But I miss Josh!
- Sebastian B: Josh you weirdo, you watched this twice! one time while editing, and one time laughing your ass off. :-P
- Kaitlyn G: Josh sounds a lot happier at the end then he did in the other 3 videos hope he comes back soon!!!!
- Nick Martinez: 4 episodes into this hiatus of Josh's and Erin has already taken the channel to sex candy, bondage, and cursing. Sorry Josh (and all his 9ish year old fans) but I think she has made the channel a little more inclusive to an older audience, a place where I always thought the channel should be.
- Deleted Channel: josh sounded much more happier this week im glad ur omimg back soon (hopefully) love u josh
- barbiesalessa1: this was by far the best video I've seen in a long time 😂😂😂 I'm laughing so hard my cheeks are hurting...not thoses cheeks 😲 ...the cheeks on my face 🤔...oh wait I'm making it worse...get your mind out of the gutter you sicko! 😉😂😆😄 miss you josh come back to us soon🎈
- so chlo cities: were is joshua
- Sophia Morell: Yay I'm so early
- Stephanie Farfan: YAY STEVE GREEN
- Beth Wallis: I LOVE Erin. 💜
- soph karps: i assume so, they did a video together on this channel
- EricaKennedy: Where's josh???
- Emerson Doerflinger: I have that shirt Erin
- Laura Watt: Whait I'm not really sure what's happening why is josh not in the last video and this video ??
- Nareesa Parmanand: Bethany R
- Ruby and Jemima: Stephenie Tam same it's what I love in each video
- Anna Miller: Distraction is not a recovery. She could still be in pain and we would never know because she doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
- chloe tindell: I hope josh gets well soon and I love his sister but I feel bad about everything
- Grace G: miss you Josh❤️❤️❤️
- Sarah Fields: Keeping you in my prayers, sending love you way ❤️
- Tori Grace: Love Erin but miss you lots josh
- Kaitlin M: Josh I love you so much and I'm sooooo worried about you. Although I cannot wait for you to come back, take as much time as you need.
- Helen Rose: That slo mo tho 😂👌🏻
- Nayeli Valadez: I miss you josh
- LuAnn Riker: taking a break from youtube. Josh and Colleen got divorced.
- Dasia __: Y'all are talking about Colleen being "recovered" and saying "she's not hurt". Y'all are upset because she's sad and then you're upset because she's trying to be happy and positive. Okay listen, people grieve differently, Josh is grieving differently than Colleen but they're both hurt. Let them live please.
- Liat Radetsky: Ummm
- vickys shows of the year: kid
- Jose Perez: Josh your sisters doing a great job just wanted to let you know that and that I miss you but I will be patiently waiting dude hope you're feeling better
- Saracha: It makes me sad not seing josh while he's talking its weird I hope he gets well soon
- Reyne Kaiser: I had my doubts - but too funny! Josh we hope you're doing well and miss you! Your sis is doing great!
- A I: her voice makes my asshole clench
- Staceylwolf: Shane would have been perfect for this video!
- Kayla Donovan: lol Erin love you I could feel how uncomfortable you were!!! Love you josh!!!
- Samantha Stewart: I had a dream last night that Josh was back on the internet and I happy cried, but he's not, BUT that "I will see you soon" gives me hope. I truly miss you, Joshua. <3 I love you!
- Sawyer: The last time I saw him was with his small ex GF. X
- Evan Smash: Beebs A.
- Magical Unicorn: This is so funny good job guys!
- Missy M: #BringBackJosh
- Summer Rose: Or am I 1st
- MissJessa Marie: Clara B. I just think its the wrong time for Colleen, she has a new show that came out and I'm sure Netflix could give a shit and they need her to keep her presence on her social platforms so she can promote her show. I don't think she's enjoying it, I just think she's doing what she has to do.
- TheeBabyDollJenny: I love Steve
- Lily-Jo's World: IT'S NOT THE SAME WITHOUT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😣😣😣😣😣😣😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😥😥😥😥😥😦😦😦😦😦😦😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
- Darth Raider: I love her accent
- hell in: I will see you soon!!! Eeeeppppp
- LuAnn Riker: i noticed that too!
- Crazy K Butler: What did I watch?
- Felicita Corona: I hope you are feeling better, take all the time you need to be strong!
- Alphabet Boy: lol ikr
- Elise Is Shook: Aww she cute
- Its Sofia: I miss you Josh, we all do:)
- Ty Roper: Who else thought the end with Josh saying "Don't worry, I WILL be back soon" and the epic music went together perfectly?
- Bhavna Rao: Missy M don't be desperate, he'll take time and then join back.
- Dena Bahrin: iluvjensen1 hahahaha ikr!
- Chloe Rayburn: I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Erin, you need you're own youtube channel! You are adorable, hilarious, and so so sweet! Thank you for doing this for your amazing brother and us! <3 you both!!
- iluvjensen1: I'm sorry, but when he said "thank you for having me so much" I couldn't help but go to the gutter and think Freudian slip. LOL!!!!!
- The Kindred Witch: lol! omg so funny i fell off my chair!
- erwin artap: im so mad. now josh isint posting just beacuse colleen and josh broke up and now these people are doing it
- Sarah Barrette: Erin... your lips are upside down. gurrrrrrl. <3
- Cj Vloggers: He said he dose not know if he is coming back
- samo530: miss you lots josh and hope you are doing well. looking forward to seeing you back. Your sister is the bestest sister for helpin out with ur channel. <3
- Mindy Stewart: Katie Doggett every single time. so excited that he's coming back soon!!! I will miss Erin, but she will have her own channel! double the Evans! :)
- the robotic creator: I SWEAR IF ERIN DOSEN'T START MAKING VIDEOS... she would be a really good youtuber :D
- Kaelyn Jones: Josh I still pray for you every day. I pray for you to have strength, to find joy in each day, and to have a calming peace. looking forward to your return to the channel. Erin, cool video. didn't know all of that existed! get your own channel girl. 💜
- Kaiya Steyskal: is Erin mormon???? COOL!!!
- Ana Caldas: Hearing Josh's voice makes me so happy! I miss him so much. Hope you are doing better, we love you Joshua! ❤❤❤
- Rebecca I: Josh, I hope today was better than yesterday and that tomorrow will be better than today. As corny as it is, time does heal all wounds.
- Ani Pie: Great job! Loved watching it!
- Tays P: Yay josh you sound so much happier in this outro 💜💜 take time to heal will welcome you back with hugs 💜💜
- Amy Rohr: Oh my, this is so hilarious and disturbing at the same time!! Lol 😜
- Travis Ti: "YOU KEEP THAT IN YOUR MOUTH!" Trump would be proud.
- Allison Marquez: Love you Josh
- My Life is on the Internet!: I mean really Josh... we should collab and try these out. ya know a second opinion is always recommend
- Ana Garcia: Maria .301x he's too sad so his sister is taking over for a while
- Brittany McGowan: "I WILL SEE YOU SOON" YAY JOSH
- Aeryon Reed: We misss you joshhh💙😭
- Bethany Redd: Josh sounded a bit happier this week. A bit. (Good thing!)
- Holly Goodchild: Tate lips were to make fun of Collin
- LunasDaughter: "I WILL see you soon" instead of "I hope I come back soon." YAY!! And when that time comes, I hope Erin gets her own channel so I can keep watching her stuff, too. <3
- ledell30: LOL she said I wanna bite the head off
- mh61638: I always get super happy to hear josh at the end!!
- DaveMusic: Never seen this side of Erin, haha so good
- 1980goblue: Josh is still in mourning huh? Colleen moved on dude get over it she has.
- life_is_great: to soon😭😭😭😭😭😭
- AMQUIN 123: Omg hahahaa this is so werid but good
- Kimberly Broom: :)
- Nobby Bobbinger: "I'm gonna bite the hood off" 😂
- Ramona: It was so good to hear a little more joy in your voice Joshua! I'm so looking forward to seeing you again :) Take care and stay safe! xoxo
- Zoe Mehdi: he got a divorce and is taking a break
- gaby 101: i miss josh
- shelby: Omg when I got the notification I thought it was a Shane Dawson video .... lmao
- musicluver9154: Lol thanks for another fun video Erin!
- emily: First one 😁
- Sam steads channel ,: I saw them in a shop. jelly boobes. cola willies. and sexy jelly men. inopropreat sweets
- MMTM12: BAHAHAHA this was to funny! 😂😂 can't wait to see josh soon! 💖💖
- Erin: If you saw his video "Heartbroken" you would know that after the divorce he became really depressed so he left YT, Erin is his sister
- Anna-Frances Wilson: Josh I miss you! Please come back soon!
- Nicole Rust: bothered me how her lips were upside down lol
- Kaila Skye: There likes went down since Josh left
- SladderBux: So when does Erin break out.... maybe she finds out, or accepts the fact that she has a huge fan base, and create's her own channel, only to find she has a huge fan base to subscribe and support her.
- Edith Owusu Mensah: no
- Deepak Menon: +kevin G1 you don't know what's going on behind the camera so you can't call it an "observation" Smh people these days....=.=
- Jennifer Schoonover: Did anyone else notice Josh said "I WILL see you soon" instead of hopefully? I sure hope this means he is returning soon! ❤️
- Penny Wilson: faith woods you are an idiot
- Jordan Purrington: Erin is to cute for the title of this video.
- Nicollette Jacobsen: You're so rude...
- Taylor Courtney: Josh sounded like his spirits were higher. Hopefully he is on the up! I've really missed him!
- Bianca Nicholson: Pointless Sundy Of course hes hurt :(
- Katie Talbott: yeeeesssss!!! see u soon josh!!! can't freakin wait to see u back man! ... but Erin is the perfect evans fill in :)
- Lilly Esco: First
- Merlot _: what happened to josh.. he doesnt post anymore!
- Curtis Griffin: Yay Josh!! Not only is your sister so sweet. but i hang out for the endings so i can hear your outro..
- Julie Bee: I watch mostly to hear josh's little message at the end. Miss him and hope he is well ,and back soon!
- Rowan Meyer: when will josh come back
- Candice Teets: See you soon!!!!?!?!?!????!!!??!!
- Lillie Erickson: Erin!!😱she was so innocent😂😂😂😂😂
- jorgia smith: I miss Josh he needs to come back
- Ky Noelle: Your badd
- jjuni: love you joshua!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Rebecca B.: Yeah.. He is going through a divorce. He is taking a break from the Internet cause it is a hard time for him. But gladly we have the lovely Erin :)
- Lynx Vlog's: uh...so..I think sh should make her own intro....
- Maddy Pooh's World: Colleen has seemed to already move on
- Ruby starfox: nope X3
- Zoya Khan: josh would never do this
- Louisa Kelly: Miss you Josh! But Erin you are slaying 💁🏼 come back soon josh😩
- niggasjit: What kind of "sex" candy is this? Looks like its bought at Hot Topic
- Kya Mai: Hi Joshua! Miss you and love you! I hope your feeling better!
- Rachael: "ya so baaaad" xD
- Sarah Kendall: Words cant describe how much we miss you Josh 💓
- Reem Aldhafeeri: You are funny
- AA Gaming: This is not josh
- Rachel Smeith: 1980goblue she didnt move on she is coping by keeping her mind busy. thats not moving on, thats distracting yourself from the pain
- Ana Luiza Catalano: omg LOL! "you're so bad!! yeahhh i'm bad!! why am I bad? How bad am I?" Hahahahaha
- Jaclyn D: I love Steve so much like ohmagod
- Samantha Trujillo: Josh said "I'll see you soon" does that mean he's coming back!?
- Jaidan Garner: I love her accent😂
- Jessica Perry: josh i love your sister shes awesome but your totally missed .... way to go erin!!! come back josh
- Madison Wilson: AWW JOSH YOU SAID OREVWA! I know it's kinda silly to point that out but you just sounded an it more chipper today. We dingleberries will be here, supporting Erin and what ever decisions you make. We love you to the moon and back, forever and always! 😘
- Emma Iannella: Love you girl miss you josh
- Casey Pavlicek: I laughed SO hard!!!! 😂 loved it!!!
- Crystal Marie: Love Erin!!!! Seriously miss Joshua though
- Abidzymaster88 Dimintri fan account: Colleen recovered in a week and Josh is still gone. Wow, he is rlly hurt 😭
- Adorable Bae: She was wearing the wax lips upside down😶😐
- Mica Crestana: Where is the divorced?
- Christina Long: ew guys😂
- Subby Vang: I love when joshua talks at the very end. it shows that he's OK.. maybe not alot of OK but at least a little OK.. ❤ I love you Joshua. be strong💕✊
- Danielle Wittsell: This was hilarious!
- Isabelle Grace: Janette Hunt guys I'm not trying to be rude but don't think that josh doesn't read these he might get upset because Miranda is Colleen so just stop it he's quite sad probably
- Creative Confident: Hey I am supporting both Colleen and Josh. I have watched there videos since 2014 and to be honest its non of my or anyone's business to suspect and see who was "sincere". I love Colleen as much as I love Josh. I can't take sides. In this situation, all there fans need to buck them up equally as they BOTH deserve happiness. I am showing support on Colleen's channel and also Josh's channel. Spread happiness and Be nice to people <3 <3 <3
- Maddie Baker: hearing josh's voice in the end slate makes me so happy😊
- Simone Kempenaar: Sazbear 391 she got a channel it's Erin elyse
- Walker Matthews: WE WANT JOSH BACK
- SwampHick: done
- pisey rong: I will see you soon Josh!! Be happy and healthy
- dylan caraballooo: Wait why is Josh not filming videos anymore?
- kml51891: Josh is back in LA! he's in Nikki Limo's latest video, where she's at Rebbecca's birthday. Just thought everyone would want to know.
- Bryanne Owen: hearing him at the end of this one he did not sound as bad as he has been love u and can't wait to see u back on ur channel
- Dulcinea De Leon: I really hope Josh comes back
- Hannah Parker: Where is josh?
- Natalia C: we miss you Josh!! bunches!!! 😊
- Jill C: fun! miss u, josh ;0)
- Faith Hendy: He sounds in much better spirits in this one and I love that the mystery vid is One in A Million. Love you Josh, stay strong and we will see you soon. <33333
- Hunter Dugas: I want ALL of that candy. Like now. All we have is fucking salad and cheese.
- Melon Swanson: This is the funniest thing ever. 😅😂
- Travis Ti: Yes I am. I will kill myself now and its all your fault. Damn you mean internet person!
- stephanie prokop: Josh sounded better than the last few videos.
- kevin G1: +Deepak Menon my observation is that just because I have a different opinion than you, you're ready to judge. Think about this way for a sec: A couple, that has been together for so long, gets married, and then they divorce after a year. They both make videos about their divorce, and they both say they're going to stay off the internet. 2 days later, one is already back and posting and showing that shes having the time of her life, while the other, seems that he's truly sad and mourning his loss. & like I said this is just an OBSERVATION. This is just what I've noticed and I don't really know all the details, just what was presented. In the end, I truly and genuinely wish them both happiness in their futures.
- K Dopp: Josh..We miss you! Me the hubby and boys love watching your videos! You are the kindest, sweetest most caring and loving individual! There aren't a lot of guys out there with all those qualities! My friends who are still dating meet some real winners..(barf not really) They look good on the outside but their insides are all F'D up! Keep being an example of how to be a man. Lord knows my boys need it. Look who they are going to look up to as president...barfff
- Professional Fangirl: It kinda bugs me that Josh is so broken and upset that he isn't even filming videos anymore, while Colleen is filming and looks so happy in her videos and living life like nothing happened. Makes you question a lot of things.
- Silvia Frg: her voice kinda remind me of Marzia (personal thought )
- mariellajaceyy: SOOOOO EARLYYYYYY!!!!!
- Stephenie Mendes: I live for Josh's voice at the end of he video💕
- Kim: Does anyone else go to the end and listen to Joshua first and then go back to watch the video?
- Ryan Stevens: i miss josh hope he's ok and come back soon
- koalas are cool: You know Josh's videos are targeted towards younger viewers
- Andy R: josh how much longer you gonna be?
- rmcbeigh: love the music at the END AWESOME!
- NovaLaMason: Ew.
- Sharee Chavez: hilarious. but i sure do miss Josh. keep smiling josh!!
- Mark Joseph Bonion: Where's Joshua??
- Tesla Model3: Exactly...However everyone handles things differently but it still makes you wonder.
- Abigail Hastings: Kids watch this.Just so you know.
- Anon: Erin's way too innocent for this omg 😂
- king Raven: lol
- twelge15: I remember when Steve joined 'The Station' (later - Maker Studios) back in the early days of YouTube when it was still black and white.
- kevin G1: HENCE IT'S CALLED AN "OBSERVATION". It's just my assumption. You're trying to prove what I already said, I don't know everything, this is what I've seen so far.
- Camryn McGreal: Wait why is Erin doing it
- melvinx01: glad to hear folk still think about him during what must be the hardest time of his life. go back to his wedding video and see which of the two were being sincere :(
- Lindsy Ilene: This was hilarious. So glad to hear you'll be back soon!
- Nicola Hendrickson: great video, so funny
- aer1386: Nikki laughing in the background is the best!!
- Emily Scott: This is a little weird 😂
- fluteloops22: I know Julien is filming something with him....
- Alexandra Posa: When Haters Back Off was the ad
- Britta Olson: You two are so funny & I loved hearing Nikki laughing in the background too! Keep up the awesome work Erin! Miss you Josh. ❤️❤️
- Doc Trower: Can someone please, PUH-LEEZE, give Erin her own channel because she's just too damn cute?
- Kaylee Radford: One he said he WILL see us soon and Two he actually did aurevoir!!! Hope it will be soon!!! I can tell he has changed!!
- Sarah T: ....................
- John Haggett: You should make a YouTube channel after josh comes back
- Wei Wu: love to hear josh's outro, hope you're feeling better, looking forward to seeing you soon on this channel!
- Meghan Booklover: I loved every minute of that!
- Raz Tube: steve is so funny
- Mae Martinez: The wax lips were upside down 😂😂😂😂
- Anna Banana: Angy Time nobody told you to watch it....
- Vanessa Lamas: Josh: "I WILL see you soon" awe omg
- Zoe Mickelson: I love this video
- Harmonizer 97: This was kind of creepy but funny
- Kylieoconn: He said " I WILL see you soon" what does that mean😲
- bella: Karissa Seepersad lol, what else do you wanna know. that's all we know buddy
- Hannah: Miss ya Josh ❤️ Life just ain't the same without you 🎈
- jamie yu: So many comments mad at Colleen... 🐸☕️
- Blade Harrison: hahahhahah
- Darth Raider: Georgia I believe
- Annabel Adams: Hii
- Worst Gamer ever: I love you erin
- Frauke Weber: Please get a channel of your own when Josh continues, you are awesome!
- GaLaXySlAyS pLaYz: Is it a mocking of mirandA by wearing the wax lip??
- Erica the red head: Steve's fiance was in the room with them...it's just fun.
- Katie Doggett: does anyone else look forward to his little messages at the end of these ?💚💚
- kevin G1: +Deepak Menon and what's the difference? Lol
- xxxBadVibesxxx: way the fuck
- Xiann: He looks related to jack black lol
- Hannah4prezzie: Have a great day everyone! I love you all <3 Be kind and nice to people and spread joy <3 Much love
- Carmen Pennisi: 😂😂😂 you should do more videos like this
- Unicorn Bae: +Samy He is coming back, wednesday next week? IN the video erin talked bout her divorce? video called Divorce and healing.
- Kate-Lyn Hughes: Guys! Josh said 'I WILL see you soon!" unlike his "I hope I will come back soon" guys! I'm so glad hes feeling a little better, even if it is just a little! I miss his face so much!!! WE love you Josh!!! Forever and Always!!
- JustJay: This video made me laugh too much. XD And I used to buy those candy cigarettes all the time as a kid. They used to sell them outside my elementary school, which looking back on it is probably not something that would be okay today.
- Elizabeth Rhein: I love watching Erin on this channel but the thing I look forward to the most is the end when josh says thank you for watching forever and always be nice to people
- Rochelle Stroh: Aw there was a little light in Josh's voice at the end this time!
- Katie Treadwell: hey
- Victoria EC: "I will see you soon." He sounds a little bit better than last video (-:
- angelica: Allyson Gail she has a channel look at the description it says "subscribe to ERIN??"
- happygoldfishblender: "there's willies on the floor"
- Rosie Scott: Josh we love and miss you😊💜
- Samantha Trujillo: JORDAN VLOGS I always smile and get so happy when I hear Josh's voice!
- fluteloops22: +Charlie Marie ^^^^^ what she said :)
- Dj Ne: ERIN SHOULD HAVE A CHANNEL! Hope you feel better Josh
- Sorcha Arkins: Is it me or does that remind u of mirianda 😖
- maia perez: Miss you josh ❤️
- TheGiggleMagic: Lmao Erin said " better watch out Adam", well Nikki better watch out too haha (yes i know she was joking& Nikki was in the room lol.)
- faizan baig: I want josh back
- Lena R: I love how Erin put on the lips the wrong way.
- kiwi kiwi: love Jooooosh🙌🙌🙌👑💋
- Aintyellow: What does she say at the outro?!?!
- sweetheartcastle: Miss you!
- leila fontano: Aw her voice is so cute
- my names Lucie: 3:08. Wrong way Erin.....
- LuAnn Riker: He was saying that he was hoping he would see us again soon. This time he said I will see you soon.
- EveyBadWolf Wombles: I live 2 hours from Macon in Augusta and I'm still so amazed by her accent. I'll twang every now and then but I sometimes wish my accent were thicker if I could sound as sweet as her.
- Sazbear 391: Don't get me wrong I want Josh to heal and come back when he's ready, but I'm a gonna miss Erin so so much.
- Crazy Niqabi Muslim Youtuber: Josh.. we miss you so much !!! when will you come back to us ????
- crazycatlady: so funny..miss ya josh hurry back
- Asia Sarracco: shouldn't she be doing this with her boyfriend!!!😝😝 or is he her boyfriend😕
- Cassidie Crebs: so early😋
- Cassidy: faith woods you try getting a divorce. Would you heal in a week and just "toughen up"
- Kira Vega: I think her voice is way to annoying!!!!
- Janies_ Dreams: try Burger King stuff
- Ky Matlock: lol I was literally watching Gabbie and Shane's videos when I got the notification and I was so confused
- Dasia __: Awe Erin's little warning
- Auto R: Let's get Josh to 1,500,000 or better, 2,000,000!
- Paige Addington: #yoursocute
- Ashley Forever: I love your shirt where did u get it
- Prank calls With Madi: Love ya josh ❤️
- Belyee: 😂
- Kimberly Lords: I love hearing your voice at the end of the videos. I miss you so much. I'm looking forward to your return. Love you!
- Laura Kornberg: He got a divorce and he's taking a break from the internet to recover
- Sarah Buckwell: he said "I will see you soon" this time not might or maybe or hopefully.
- Charlie Marie: fluteloops22 oh really? How do you know? :)
- Casi Miller: I'm so glad he talks a little in the end. I can't wait for him to come back.
- Leah W #1: whereas Josh!
- xxxBadVibesxxx: Soli Bella hi? um? I
- 截ち切る: What's more sad is she never took his last name legally after they got married, she never changed her home address, etc. She kept everything separate. So 1 year of marriage was probably the max she can be married because she was never an "us" person. Decisions in life when married has to be "is this good for us" and "will this be good for us". She never tried to think for the both of them, just her and her own happiness which is why Josh said in his video she was the one who thought that divorce was the best decision and he didn't want it. She's a narcissist with multiple self youtube videos. You can't run that many channels and work on marriage at the same time which is why she chose career and not her marriage.
- Cheryl Ngow: Hey
- Toby Siu: It's so awarded seeing Erin do this thing 😂
- TheKurtGlee: miss u josh :)
- Liv-Mae: 😂😂😂
- Brooke Boydx: Where's josh
- Abby T: Why doesn't he ever smile...😂
- Southern_belle74: I miss Josh. I love Erin she's such a cutie! But I just want to take away Josh's pain now 😩😩
- Ailsa McCairley Greenwell: 1980goblue she did it cause it makes her happy and she said she needed some happiness in her life
- valerieannsmiles: You're sounding better which makes us happy! Love you and we're all here cheering you on!
- Laci S: OMG Steve you used to hang out with SHANE DAWAON didn't you lol
- Nicollette Jacobsen: What is this Rebecca/Colleen situation about? This is the 2nd or 3rd comment related to that..
- juwayriyah101: josh I miss u when r u coming back to youtube
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Trying SEX Candy (with Steve Greene) : Viewer Discretion is Advised | |
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