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JoshuaDTV is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted for it. I believe in love and a lot of my content reflects that. I'm also a Singer, Husband, Triple Espresso over Ice Connoisseur, Actor, and Momma's Boy. Be Nice to People.
- Hillary_8 2 4: Why can't she have colored braces?
- JoshleenTrash 123: Omg are you cheating on colleen with Jojo?? how dare you 😂
- Ashley Kait-Lyn Khoo: I didn't Jojo wore braces but I had a feeling she had to
- SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: So it's come to this.............A ball of air.....Sad. Very Sad..............◕_◕ P.S. 😂😂😂
- Taco ._. Queen: First like
- xoo elly: she aint annoying she is being herself and thats her personality
- YeeYee Brothers: these videos are so basic and boring
- Nyasia Belin: it golw
- OLivia: R.I.P Headphone users 4/19/17
- marley wilson: Why did she stab it 😭😭
- The Vampire Diaries is life: Early
- Loretta Jenkins: JoJo is the sweetest thang ever JoJo can I have your number please
- I. Love you. His. Eyes Husbands: I love your views and i love all of you
- Maia Stevenson: Wait Josh has musical.ly
- shayda. xc: I love jojo.
- Maniyah Guthrie: don't say my name again
- Emelyn 101: i have braces and they dont hurt
- Peyton Crowley: trust me you don't want one when it gets tighten it hurts so bad don't get one 😬😄😬😬😡
- Alayna McQueary: Can you by me 1 pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
- courtney ivster: i love you guys x
- girl plays / big smiley fan: nice bracesjojo
- Ariana Campbell: +Rachel Haskins does it matter 😂😝😒😜😒
- Emma Mckeever: Haha I actually had one of these once and my sister burst it and I was so annoyed😒😂
- Ellie Andrews: JoshleenTrash 123 WTF
- Hope Cochran: Josh is going to make a great father (in the future, obvs) his future daughter is gonna be so lucky!
- Josephine O'Connor: My name is Josephine lol
- Jäsmîne: Why's u pop kt
- Winter: Sorry, Josh...
- Tixiana Ferrari: I just wonder where Jojo's parents are lol
- Alpha Wolf: Love you all plz reply
- Kobiie Cruz: why is Matt wearing a tutu
- Angie: |-/
- Alexa Edits: Loved this😂❤️❤️
- TwennyFo: Haha looked like a massive neon titeh.
- Payton Hodge: I had braces I got them off October 10 this year
- Amy Tinay: I love Josh
- Melvy Sorial: 3rd
- HaloMomma 33: 3rd
- Tife Sparkle: Yay I'm special
- Antonia Knappstein: I have braces and just yesterday I got rubber bands. My teeth are killing me!!!
- Ben Tamala: RONIDO
- Sophia Conn: Josh is wearing the same tut as Rachel did in the dance moms challenge on Rebecca zamolo channel
- Dolan Twins 2: what us jojo's real name plz tell me someone!😊❤
- Diana Petruhina: snapchatting the comments? P.s I'm seeing your wife tomorrow!!!
- Scarlett White: cool;-)
- Aura Catalán: Why where you
- Terez Baskin: My middle name is Josephine
- Leo Bustamante: jojo siwa
- Olga Pea: 3 adults who are friends with a child... not weird at all....
- Mel M: I also have that glow bubble thing but you agtually don't need to but some thing on top it just closes from it selve just to say /:
- Lashanti Nyakambangwe: Yeah true
- Alex Colley: SHe probably though it was a 10 blade😂 greys anatomy joke
- Margaret Lauren: First unlike nah jk
- YoungMoneyyy: Josh would enjoy a daughter!
- Unipug Ruby: haji bibi she isnt on dance moms anymore
- Meray Ghobrial: Jojo looks like the type of 11 year old who goes on musical.ly and grinds w/ her bf jk. no hate.
- kaitlyn grace: +Eve People don't talk about her voice anymore her voice sounds better since she got braces.....Im not going to long paragraph that's useless
- KatherineDoesGF XD: They talked more than josh
- makayla marie: snacchat fam ok thanks;))))
- Israel Montoya: Glozell green
- Whateverable111: Love you Josh, but please don't do videos with that kid anymore...
- Amanda Bernal: I had a wubble bubble when I was seven years old but it was really beat up hard just like Joshs neck after Matt puncht him LOL!
- Madison Caple: I have had 19 wubble bubbles
- Karyme Reyes: I did not notice jojo with braces
- Derpy Kawaii Unicorn: That reminded me of jackcepticeye
- BTS Army: Josh be like..... "Don't put a knife at josephina's head!" 😂😂😂
- logan l.: joho goes at it with a knife "stab,stab,stab,stab" "nono it feels good"
- Crystal Westman: enough with the Jojo colabs...
- Lana Hartmann: I badly want to smash it into someone!!!😅😅😱❤️
- Drewxcooper: Never been this early lol
- Angela Wellman: ??
- *That_One_ Ravenclaw*: Jojos name is joelle not josephine
- itslcki lcver: Goo JoJo I love you JoJo I wish I could meet you
- Tessa Schultz: jojo i have had 5 retainers NOT FUN AT ALL!!!!!!!
- Jolly Rancher: Omg I'm on time lol
- coolgirl 99999: reatainers are not cool sorry!
- Joyce Callender: Alysa Spivak shut up
- GAME OVER "WE HAVE EVERY PIXEL COVERED": it's jacks septic eye?!
- KKthekaolabear Harris: you do not want a expander
- Themepark International: +• Brina • 04 • they didn't for me anyway. It just felt like I couldn't talk properly
- Maria Adir: Did you now that the little girls name is jojo siwa so don't call her little girls
- Olivia Nicole!!!: it is jojo jojo ok
- Hudl Tablet: l have braces
- Angie: They only hurt for like the first two days. Also when you take them off your jaw feels better
- Tamar Alexander: good luck with that nice picture with Josh
- Rylee Peck: I'm not being rude but I think jojo is kind of annoying
- Ariana Rodriguez: same!
- Crunchy Cat: Is she your daughter
- Drewxcooper: Hiiiiiiiiii
- Anigirl263: why?
- German Alvarado: Tell jojo retaners are better
- Ew: when you start the video just play it back over and over and it is so funny XD
- zach shamma: Trust me JoJo retainers are a GIANT pain!!!!!
- Ellie Gregory: Love the snoopy shirt
- The Beadles Family: I have a pink retainer
- Virginia Morgan: +Carly F omg seriously
- Abbi Garrett: hi
- Ava Barrios: Sorry but Jojo is so obnoxious and annoying😁.... why does she have to be in your videos?
- Meredith Hoffman: Love you😍
- Kamyah Cooper: nice toto Josh it's very pretty
- Avert Jenniferkins: You mean on time?
- Ariana Rodriguez: Anyone From Snapchat :))And Also You should do more videos with them :))
- Sarah Dewbury: Hey you guys/girls are awesome together😜🤗😎you people are so COOL
- Edie Eakin: LOL!
- Maddies Bow World: hahahaha
- jo bultman: josh said Josephine is Jojo name and that my name
- rodstraps: Is that Ivey
- BelloVita: why is Jojo so cute!?
- Seydi Clemente: YES
- Looca: Liar :)
- Kiera Siobhan: How old is jojo
- erin x x x: JoshleenTrash 123 still too early in december
- Badeshka R: lol it looks like a big boob😂
- TheBigBlack: i love jojo <3333
- Zoe Carson: i have bands and they hurt. sooooo bad
- Whateverable111: The fucking kid. Ugh.
- Emma Ferrier: Omg This Was Sooo Funny :3
- Sonia Torres: the beginning was funny😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Genevieve Mullens: why
- Hailey Ulloa: hi jojo
- Slayyy_ Nialah: this was so quick
- Kamryn_A Official: !!!!!!
- Christiana Lawson: Josh is going to be such a good dad!
- shahad Al-ashublowe: Hi
- Madeline's Family Vlogs: I came quick
- Kreative Bunny: +Carly F really??
- Gabriella Piva: I just want to get my braces off, I thought braces were bad than I got bands, OMG
- Jayde Quick: Why is everyone hating on Jojo she a little girl and half of you are adults, chill out!
- Eryn Happ: I need braces and I so hate it
- mochalps: THAT"S NOT MY NAME! ;) Love the Video!
- Eve: +Kaitlyn Sartorius Its still opinion whether or not her voice is annoying. Did you read any of what i said before?
- The Jellybean Sisters: Jojo always wanted retainer to!!
- SuperUnicorn 71004: I replayed the beginning like 10 times
- Lightning QuickYT: jojo really i hate her boii she is 11 and she is still bad! jeez
- makenna garcia: Why is Jojo always with josh and Rebecca?!?! like is Rebecca her aunt or something? Please someone reply back so I'm not so confused😂
- Jason Wilson: it also good Matt
- kailey avila: omg whi wood you do that
- I: Josh replaced Colleen in his videos for an obnoxious 13 y. o. Which basically fits. Colleen 2.0.
- Elaina Aleshire: My favorite channel EVER
- Soccerkaysee: yay i wanted to have one but my didn't work
- katie: Good luck with Braces btw. I had them for 3 years. I was excited for the retainer too, it's not all it seems to be lol
- Eva Robichaux: Jojo you look like beccas daughter no offence
- Vicki Ayres-Benson: I got my braces off on October and I still have to wear retainer by the way Jojo bands are horrible I have themNo I had them sorry
- Potato Potato: JoshleenTrash 123 this comment makes me sad
- Kiley Jones: "I'm wearing a tutu people get over it!" 🦄👗
- Anigirl263: because they can also why wouldnt they, it's JOJO!
- Savannah Baker: And I know I'm special enough to be on snapchat. Just do it, josh. It's meant to be.
- ryansg9: i feel bad for saying it, but i really dont like jojo. she irritates me
- Katie Metcalfe: Greys anatomy is the best but I finished it
- Loretta Jenkins: I'm just kidding you do not have to give me your number
- marley wilson: I was going to say the same thing I got rubber bands and lace yesterday and it hurts 😁
- Tasha De Jesus: i did not know jojo had brace
- Bailey 11: Hi, like the video!!
- hope bauman: His tutu tho
- itsmelauren x: Happy Middle Child Day to the middle child's out there 😭👍🏼
- Haley Bailey: Hi Josh!!!
- mggmchugh: IM SO EARLY OML
- Positivity-Prevails: Josh I don't know what it is either an I'm 15
- krizel belo: is really funny
- Emma Casey: Omg Jojo grays anatomy is my all time fav show❤️❤️❤️
- Kim G: Best collab ever
- Manuela's DIY, Beautylife hacks,ask me: busty 😑
- Hope Eliana: If Jojo wasn't in this video, I bet Rebecca, Matt & Josh would have so much fun with that thing 😂❤😊 (not hating, just think it'd be better)
- Megan Muench: Josh..
- Ariana McArthur: Her name is Joel Jones Siwa.
- Kassidy Leach: I had a normal one and it popped but the point is they dint pop
- teal & Purple: jojo and colleen need to do a collaboration
- What_The_Guck?!?!: Omg I just saw that
- Emely Picazo: that's. cool
- Sigrid Borup Friberg: lol i have the rubberbands now
- Jennifer Miller: sorry they r being mean to u
- Eve: +Kaitlyn Sartorius it's a matter of opinion whether or not her voice is annoying. Personally, it drives me up the wall but if you don't think that, I don't mind. People have been talking about it a lot that a grown man doing a video with a teenager is okay. I don't mind that but some people think it's wrong. My paragraph isn't lies, it's opinion and to think my opinion is a lie is pretty selfish.
- Chrissy L: TBH I'll be a little uncomfortable bc I'm handing out with ppl that are like freaking in their 30's
- AJ Malone: Why is this grown man always making videos with this child??
- Awkwardgirl_ 54: Twin I got braces on the 5th of August
- Rachel Hall: Matts so calm
- kay hendricks: Braces and rubber band are not fun at all
- Ellie Seutter: Jojo is excited for retainers? Retainers are terrible!!!!!
- C and a and r vlogs Chantelle Alissia Ryan: I don't know
- Jojo's Vlogz: I hate it when people call me josephine
- Karol Bryant: I have 20 not has popped yet hahahahahahahahahahahahah ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 . you must be going like this 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 how did you get that many?😉😉😉😉😉😕😕😕😕😕🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- Heidi Christensen: Yeah why was Josh wearing a tutu???🤔🤔🤔
- giraffegirl gaming: I have a retainer
- heyitsalli13: I literally got braces yesterday
- ariya nath: Jojo is so tall
- Shelly Rayne: OhmyJOSHi'mDUN she's 13
- Mara: Josh wearing a snoopy shirt and a tuttu... *get a guy who can do both*
- xxJennyxx: They need to stop making videos with Jojo because she is ANNOYING!
- Catherine Joven: i personally think you slayed that tutu
- Amelia Faubert: I had clear braces too!! I thought I was the only one
- itsmelauren x: OMG YESS
- Stacy Forrest: The intro😂
- Zaviar Siddiqui: IM FROM SNAPCHAT
- Syazwina Putri: I keep doing the intro!
- blanca.sanxez 6: lady: "kids dont try this at home me: try it at a friend's house
- Jordan Purrington: dad
- Savannah Baker: Josh just got like 20 times cooler bc he's wearing a tutu. I mean.......
- Kreative Bunny: ikr!!!
- Nichole Cooksey: I am a fan
- Marie McDonald: Jason Aldean it is wearing a tutu
- Sparkle World: OMG Josh are you oh ok and JOJO is so pretty and Rebecca.
- hafsa: he would never replace her. are you joking,??
- Jenna Freeman: I been hit with a medal bat on my head today
- Emily Faith: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
- Dillon Jensen: Hi
- Angie: +Tyler Chimento same
- Katy Salinas: when you put it sliw motion that was funny
- itschasity alvarado: Jojo your are smart to blow it up l
- Lauren Halley: Sparkle World what abt Mat
- Jordyn Harlow: I have a retainer
- Mariah Sandoval: Does jojo have braces oh he just said she has braces
- ParlaPie: Why are u wearing that?
- Twiztids Chick: dont 😖 kill jojo
- Rachel Larson: I still don't understand why all of a sudden Jojo is in all of their videos......
- JustJordyn: Loving the tutu josh😂👌
- Allrighty Then: I had to get braces in third grade. man my teeth were messed up
- Dawn Holmes: Man I hate braces I have some
- Ayiri Anita: 2:20 the ball has a pair of eyes and a circular mouth . Who else sees it comment down a like
- Anna: Im sorry I love you guys but Jojo annoys me. Sorry.....
- Whateverable111: Why is the kid so arrogant, annoying, and she acts like she's 20. What the fuck. Love you tho Josh <3
- Savanna Jo Belle: Do you now that dinglebarry means something nasty
- Logan Figueroa: JoJo I love you
- Brandy Buckley: Thar ward it four times
- amazingdolls 44: H joshed sc
- ashley bishop: Yeah why is gosh wearing a tutu
- shamefulshimma: I Have braces!!!!!!😝
- Mia Tabor: Are you snapchatting comments? Ilysm
- Syazwina Putri: I keep doing the intro!
- fluteloops22: Her and Rebecca met and they've done collabs ever since.
- Larkeezy: 2:43 Jackcepticeye 8)
- Laura Bott: Legend has it if you say Josh's name 3 times he'll reply Josh Josh Josh Hope it works 😂🙏🏻
- Jocelin: Why did she stab it she should just give it to me 😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵😵
- Gissella D: why was Josh wearing a tootoo
- mooo 420: am I the only one that thinks that josh looks like Ellen when he does his face expressions 😂 I can't be the only one come on now
- Alaura and Chloe: Yea
- coolgirl 99999: i just got my braces off
- Viviana Thomas: Hi
- Nikki Gaspan: I love jojo
- Seydi Clemente: +OhmyJOSHi'mDUN did u read it all??!!!
- Kenzie -: +fluteloops22 did she get clear ones so it looks like she does not have braces on
- Sydney Caamano: sending love to Rebecca 💕
- anisa wilkins: i have it i seen the cummersial on teen nick sorry if i spelled tyhat word wrong
- Emily Ann: I know Jojo is still a kid, but GOD is she annoying! She's sweet! Don't get me wrong, but she's so obnoxious!
- Maeverooks123 12312: Josh and Coleen got devorsed
- Maddy Berry: I think Jojo was jealous that Josh got the Wubble Bubble and she didn't so that's why she stabbed it with a knife.
- Jordan Purrington: JOSH HAD BRACES WHAT
- Matthew Haus: I`m going to finish watching this vid in the hope I get to see The Mouse get socked.
- alicia j: I'm sorry but Jojo is really annoyingggggggggggggg
- gabriel_cpda02: you had to put the lube to get the pump in
- Leila Cadena: I love you jojo
- Ama60255Aj: Guisha she put the um winky face at the end "hint hint" :T
- Sian Dubar: woooooooow
- vanessa chan: When they put the wubble bubble in the dark it literally looks like jacksepticeye's eye logo 😂😂
- Eve: I agree
- Shuli Cohen: I know how you feel!! It WILL get better, it just takes some time
- Hayley Larkin: Your Colleen's husband
- PrincessPiggy17 17: HIW DO YOU LOVE RETANERS??????!!!!!!!
- cheryl wu: Grey's for life !!! i love that show so much also
- rama soboh: stop hating on jojo #hatersbackoff
- gtfolaila: Too early
- InTheLife OfMolly: omg me and jojo both watch greys antomy
- Alicia K Official: Why did u guys wear the tutu
- Haji Bibi: Leah Hill she is 13 is on dance moms is the top musers in the world and has 3 MILLION subscribers
- itslikecrystajuliette: Alexa Rodriguez Jordan
- Flowerddox: Why'd Jojo stab and put holes in it. That seems like a waste of money
- Hannah Banana tv: I have colored braces
- Makenna Blakely: it looked like it was going to pop
- Audrey Rose Music: rebecca was so annoyed by jojo
- FadedCanine AJ: THIS IS AWESOME :O
- Leanne Hayes: I love those things so much
- Mika Mccg: +Aneesah Olivia Well I don't mean to judge to early, because I haven't really seen much of her on YouTube, but here's what I got from this video: She's a bit of a show off, she barely let anyone speak in the whole video because she was talking so much and she just stabs and breaks the wubble bubble at the end, that didn't even belong to her! 😂🙄
- SUPER UNICORN: josh has a tootoo
- Aya Taliani: +Sophie Trench DUDE THATS SO COOL
- Mariana Thacher: I used to have that but I poped
- Jaylin: I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!
- Zachary Khan: Um what country does Jojo live in because where I live aka the U.S wubble bubble balls are a joke
- Eve: +Kaitlyn Sartorius there actually been a lot of hate toward them for being in Jojos videos because there full grown adults in a young girls videos. It's not right. And her voice is annoying, she's full of herself and she things she's the best.
- kylie !!: are you tryna say Colleen is annoying? and btw, neither Colleen or jojo is annoying
- Liv: im so early
- Paula Alatorre: I love grays anadame
- Josephine Ramos: my nickname is jojo
- Anigirl263: she has a name and if you don't like her then don't watch her pluss what do you have to judge people how would you feel if someone said that you were really annoying!
- Mama Newts: Last Christmas I gave you my wubble but the very next day you said it had died
- Haley Bailey: First
- Deerflame Creator04: My braces never hurt at all!!!
- Elsa Rodriguez: They popped a perfectly good wobble bubble
- Puppy4Life: jOjO'S LIFE THO
- Brooke Bullock: Matt punching you in the throat was my favorite part
- Sophie _Y: OMG I saw ur musical.ly together
- Margaret Lauren: Hi
- Jolene Seah: nice
- Mousa Mansour: Why was it so short
- Keagan TM: hay
- Nicole Pica: Jojo is so annoying
- Francisco Abdulla: Having a tutu gives me confidence ........dead😂😂😂😂😂
- Nardos Alemayehu: jojo and rebecca you are the best
- Lauren s: no offense but I don't like jojo so if there are any videos with her I skip the video
- leah Charles: I have turquoise and baby blue braces
- The Sloth Gamer: retaners arnt cool
- fluteloops22: No she's from Rebecca's favorite show, Dance Moms.
- Hannah Bernal: Can u guys in more videos
- Alexa Soden: are you snapchatting comments ??😏💜 love ya!
- April Bennett: hahahahahahahahahahah
- Terri Fenwick: I have a feeling Jojo is going to be the kind of child Josh and Colleen will have.....
- Sabrina: The first days of elastics/rubber bands does hurt. It feels like they are trying to rip your teeth out.
- turquoise Girlpowerbgp: That is JoJo name
- Loretta Jenkins: why
- Grace Moore: I'm early wow... Snapchat?💜
- Lps series Sisters Double trouble: When Matt hit Joshsehp in slow motion I laughed so hard
- girl plays / big smiley fan: idk if she has brace but it looks like it
- Maddison: im getting a retainer
- el: Ok this is going to offend MILLLIIIOOONNNSS but I'm not the biggest fan of jojo so when she said "Halloween episode of grey's anatomy" IM HER NUMBA ONE FAN 😂😂😂
- Unicorn Joselyn: soraya - stop
- Lily May: i love the intro XD :D it made me laugh !!! :D
- Chayenne Gatt iPad: hername is Jojo!!👸🏼
- Anigirl263: theres nothing wrong with it!
- Paige Kuerze: Nice tutu josh
- Megan: my thoughts exactly
- Arienne Danielle: Will this be on snapchat? I love you Josh!!! "It's going to be cool looking I think" -Josh 😂
- Robyn Holly: Awe OMG jojo Matt Rebecca and josh are best friends and are also super funny together 😂😂😂
- Anigirl263: why because rebecca is jojo's 'mom' because she had to be the mom of jojo with matt then here comes along jojo's mom
- Ronda Wilson: Jojo is 13 love you Jojo
- Maša Krašovec: It looks more like a boob😂
- Jamila Dasana: Hey dingleberries 😂😂
- Liliana Glodowski: OMG so cool I want one
- Amy Tinay: don't kill jo jo
- Sophia Testani: Josephine is my middle name
- Club Nails Owner: 10th
- SuperUnicorn 71004: All of a sudden jojo is in rachel's, josh's and rebecca's videos
- soraya -: " bye mom just gonna hang out with my 30 year old friends for a while"
- Lauren Dean: Jojo is taller than Rebecca
- Madelyn Jauss: How do they know jojo
- Kaanu Achoo: josh is wearing a tutu because he did a video with rebecca thats why
- Random Person: Your an idiot why it's because she's only 13 and still a child so stop hating on Jojo and just back off #HATERSBACKOFF
- Jessica P: I love u
- Ayiri Anita: 2:20 the ball has a pair of eyes and a circular mouth . Who else sees it comment down a like
- ryan branch: I want that
- Sophie Trench: omg I didn't even know this was a day!! I'm the middle triplet
- Audree Carafoli: Glo
- Cladie15: Is he related to JoJo ???
- Maddie Midgley: TuTus on FLEEK
- MARRIII 679: Why did she stab it thats dumb
- Teresa Wong: you can make it a lot bigger
- Bridget Guilford: ???
- Angelica Guerena: I have one but it's blue but it's packed up because I'm moving
- HAYLEY SOLORZANO: why is josh sill wearing a toto
- Bleach Of The Clorox: Jojo just walks in like nothin' with a knife and just starts stabbing it like no one is there😂😂
- russell vlogs: Can I be on Snapchat or is it too late?
- Adagio Dazzle is the best: How old is JoJo?
- Haji Bibi: Leah Hill don't you dare say that to jojo
- America Gonzales: jojo l have rtaners
- Kate Heidenry: DID JOJO MEET THE DOG??
- Mackenzie Miller: I have rubber bands right now and they are awful
- Best Vlogs: Y R U wearing a Tutu just B your self & don't wear crazy tutus
- Lara Gillan: hey josh I love your vids and I watch your bids every day and I think u should name your dog wander
- Nicole Benton: please show on your Snapchat I love you so much!!
- AshleyZ: some one said on ur boomerang video that ur the mean one and the bully 😥😥😣😣😣😮🙁🙁😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢
- Deerflame Creator04: 😬
- Georgia Costello: OMG jojo im totally with you! 'i've been pumped for a retainer forever!!!!!!!
- Grace: How does he's know jojo
- Anisa Salihu: I love all of them and the tutu is standing good on Josh☺😂
- RIEYA & Shay: good job jojo
- It’s Always Seleste: i love you all .!
- Madison Dyer: 12th!
- shahad Al-ashublowe: JOJO
- Rachel Haskins: it's pronounced tutu
- Amber Morales: clear braces are more expensive than colored braces
- Tyler Kirk: #spoiler alert Derek dies in an accident caused by a truck
- Kara Mireya: who watched the begging over and over again like 50 times XD lol
- vanessa chan: ALSO TRUE 😂
- Dylman Riddle: how
- Łàÿä World: colleen kincaid and if her what of thinking is big enough is ok because age doesn't matter like for me I don't hang out with girls same age of me I always hang out with girls younger because they understand me more
- Ava M: why is Jojo excited about the whole braces thing? that is TRAGIC
- Lps series Sisters Double trouble: Yep
- fluteloops22: +Makenzie Taylor Yep they're clear!
- Lindsay LA: ok
- Lindsay LA: show us your fav dance plz! i love you say cheese
- Laura Rayne: 😂😂😂the tutu
- Taylor Palladino: I have color braces
- Matthew Haus: Dude in a tutu? Not on my ranch.
- Haley Sheehan: ALL MY FAVORITES IN ONE VIDEO (but I wish colleen was there)
- Themepark International: The rubber bands don't hurt!
- Alannah Osborne: I love how josh is just like "I really wanna slam this into somebody " 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'd so try that !!!
- Charlize Ramos: I just got one today
- That Anime Geek: josh..never take that tutu off..😂 idk how to spell tutu btw)
- Ava Carson: You don't want a retainer trust me I he'd brasses and now I have one there horibel
- Rehanyn Noelle: Ilysm
- Phoebe 21: OMG I love Greys Anatomy!!!!!! I just watch the episodes when callie and arizona r in the car crash and the one where the get married!!!! sorry about spoilers 😷
- Jazzy T: #83 I LOVE THIS VIDEO
- Kim And Pete Wright: love it
- Alguisha: when did she say that
- Mika Mccg: No, their kid will be way less annoying😂
- Dimitris Spyrtzis: 1stttttttt
- Kenzie -: I did not know jojo had braces
- Meaghan Kehoe: Forgotten children unite
- Mo Lu: I have the same shirt
- The Chi-Town King: FaceTime me 7739963415
- Chayenne Gatt iPad: sorry forgot the space
- Valerie Collier: Y'all should make videos together more often
- Syazwina Putri: I keep doing the intro!
- Life With Marion: so early
- kaitlyn grace: +Eve her voice isn't annoying......how is a group of 20-30 year olds in a video with a teenager wrong....... why did you write a paragraph about a lies.........
- Josefina Bullock: if you said josefina, that is my name.
- Alysa Spivak: PLEASE get Jojo out of these videos! PLEASE.
- Bubbles De Bubbles: trust me hon, I have braces right now, and they were tightened two days ago, and they flipping hurt
- Katie Sheldon: they made it so small lol
- maria zuniga: LoL 😂 😂 😂
- angelina: everytime Jojo said crap they were like little girl!? what are you saying
- Sameah Covington: when i get my braces im getting colored bands
- Brataidie Doyle: I hate jojo she is always saying " I nailed it" when she does nothing but she does have way a lot of self confidence which is good😊 but she thinks to good of herself😁
- Arthur Marquez: " a᷉᷈f᷉᷈t᷉᷈e᷉᷈r᷉᷈ w᷉᷈e᷉᷈ b᷉᷈l᷉᷈o᷉᷈w᷉᷈ i᷉᷈t᷉᷈ u᷉᷈p᷉᷈ w᷉᷈e᷉᷈ c᷉᷈a᷉᷈n᷉᷈ t᷉᷈u᷉᷈r᷉᷈n᷉᷈ o᷉᷈f᷉᷈f᷉᷈ t᷉᷈h᷉᷈e᷉᷈ l᷉᷈i᷉᷈g᷉᷈h᷉᷈t᷉᷈s᷉᷈ a᷉᷈n᷉᷈d᷉᷈ t᷉᷈h᷉᷈r᷉᷈o᷉᷈w᷉᷈ a᷉᷈t᷉᷈ t᷉᷈h᷉᷈e᷉᷈ d᷉᷈o᷉᷈g᷉᷈s᷉᷈" 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- idk •: Josh is so attractive holy shit
- Aubrey renteria: what did jojo say
- awesome saucer: woooooo
- Carly F: Yeah it's Joelle. I knew her growing up
- Amanda G: the tutu really brings out your eyes
- Lauren Beckley: Guys does anybody get the twenty one pilots reference on his shirt or is it just me
- Marit Pauwelyn: Heyyy snapchat sent me!!! Can u show this comment on snap? Love you all the way from Switzerland😍❤️🙈
- Esther S.: "Having a tutu gives me confidence." - Joshua David Evans, August 2016.
- Sophia Elisabeth: Jojo got braces on my birthday😜😜
- brianne richardson: +Rachel Haskins sorry that's what I ment
- clara: jojo annoys me
- Angela Johnson: #haters
- Sophie: No just friends
- Andrew Daily: Jojo murded the glow thing
- Brooke Cox: ilysm😂💛
- Maddie Romanoff: does Jojo only talk about greys anatomy
- Jeffery Martin: Jojo I have braces for a long time and I really want my return so bad
- Hey Its Anthony: I have a joshleen shirt from when they came to Phoenix
- Sophia doppitydopp: I got a super wubble ball for my birthday!
- Sara Landaverde: jojo is the best
- Lea J: Jojo you just sinned when you said you wanted braces. Got mine on October 15 2014 and I just got screws in my mouth for them yesterday. To be fair I was excited when I got mine on to.
- Jordan Purrington: Josh can we do a collab for a video??
- Nida Chotani: The beginning was so incredibly cute!!! Who else is watching it on replay?
- Miranda Brown: never been this early
- max is skinny: JoJo then went on a killing spree but instead of humans she killed wobble bubble
- Camryn Cobia: I just got my braces off
- Phoenix McElroy: in the dark it looks like an eye ball
- Soccer LOL: I love your bows 😜😜
- FadinqNiki: They didn't make it that big thats why it didn't bounce.
- M Shann: Who's Jojo is that Rebecca's daughter or niece
- kate johnson: Jojo talking about Grey's Anatomy is me😂 I love that show
- Shari Smith: hahaha me lol i love you josh
- Alexa Edits: Hi Josh 😊💜
- Anisa Salihu: and the snooby shirt
- Scarlett Jean: Josh. Please do me a huge favor and shave your beard.
- Ilmi Rahman: Idk why but it looks like a nipple lol
- OMG.ITS. MOLLIE: no jojo
- Marisol Bruno: who knew matt was a child abuser
- Imogen Lewis: Jojo is soooooso tall
- Dance moms XOXO: U r saying jojo's annoying and that's mean
- Belle 7: Omg when she came in with the knife I was laughing so hard
- Rowan g: +Carly F that's bull shit
- Eh K' Paw Tamla: Why do you call Jojo Josephina
- not in use anymore: I love your tutu 😂
- Olga Kancir: did anyone notice Jojo is not wearing her hair up in a ponytail
- Kelly Lodes: Is Jojo adopted
- Jocelin: IKR I was like noooooooo
- McRblArt Sue: I kept clicking the wrong collaboration😂😂😂 post this on Snapchat
- xXitzshayXx X: I got a glow wubble bubble
- Iman Aburubieh: Yay
- Katie Rose: He has a wife
- Camryn Cobia: I have a retainer now don't get to exsided
- Drewnino2: haha when jojo said hey jingle bears with josh it was so funny i played it like a billon times
- Queent Chicken: are u reading snapchat comments??
- jthrn: she fits in so well with them!
- Aneesah Olivia: +Mika Mccairley she's not annoying
- Julia Maier: ^^
- Michelle Hernandez: Matt don't do that Joshua I think you are like a dad to noon
- Braden Blucher: I have three of those
- Josephine Ikanih: my name is josephine
- Sidney Anne: That's it?
- MickeyC236: Me jojo with new braces
- AriPlaysMSP: Wait so JoJo's full name is Josephine??? And JoJo is her nickname? 😂
- Summie: I don't know what josh was more afraid of getting punched by Matt or jojo come'n at him with a knife. Lol
- colleen kincaid: im not trying to be a hater or rude i just want to understand why these adults are hanging out with a little girl. like someone explain that to me because i genuinly dont understand. im not trying to be rude, i just dont get it.
- Keisha Iqbal: I'm meeting Miranda I'm Birmingham !!
- violet livv: Omg my uncle invented the wubble!!!
- Genevieve Mullens: summer rose : why because their like sister
- Sophie: +marley wilson honestly when you et rubber bands off its the best day of your life (at least for me lol)
- Hevin Harvard: ok Josh I saw you wear that toto on 3 other videos
- Joshua Pedroza: Why
- Edie Eakin: IKR!
- Ally Stack: I have your poser in my room
- Kat’s Universe: Matt plz answer love u
- Maniyah Guthrie: don't say my name again
- Summer Lofland: She said rubber bands
- fluteloops22: She just got them last Monday
- Emma Johnson: i lost my retainer in my room somewhere
- Angela Rose: SNAPCHAT CREW
- Alicia rose: Jojo reminds me of my neighbors dog, Young, talkive, and kinda annoying
- Juliet LaRosa: i love wobble bubble ball
- xoo elly: why is everyone hating on jojo. Shes just a kid and jojo isnt annoying shes being herself thats her personality
- Tamar Alexander: +Jordan Purrington good luck with collabing with josh and I like your picture with him
- Caroline Conway: Jojo: it was tha thang
- Queens Nails Isabel hernandez: because they did a makeup video
- Mitch Vorobets: once i had one, then my brother popped it.
- Lex_ 207: Tell JOJO Retainers hurt so bad
- Itsteyajundi Jundi: I have a wuble bubble and Glo bubble
- idk •: +Katie Rose im aware lol
- Taylor Lynn: Look at Josh's face at the time 3:35
- Lesliee Gonzalez: This video was pretty dumb tbh 😒
- person ayy: Jojo is awesome
- Queen Kayla: Does jojo still do dance moms
- triya hilts: omg i left for a second a saw this video
- Katie Mulvenna: Why is Jojo here ,like what is the connection ?.
- Sunshine_ dancer17: I have a retainer and I hate it!!!👹👹👹😤😤😡✨💖✨
- Mishawaka Post: What did the dogs think of the Wubble Bubble.
- Unicorn Joselyn: Lauren s I love Jojo and if you have something mean to say don’t say it
- Bubba Chubs: I have braces jo-jo and I can't wait to get hem off they r so annoying after a while
- Anime Kitty Girl: When JoJo said "Wait , this side looks better" i burst out laughing 😂😂
- Rebekah Ballard: if Josh and Rebecca ever had a baby in a million years it would look like Jojo
- Kylie: her name is Rebecca it says it in the title lol but relateable
- Shuli Cohen: I know how you feel!! Don't worry, it WILL get better, it just takes a while
- Loretta Jenkins: that's so cool jojo
- Jojo's Vlogz: Josh sounds so much like hansel from zoolander#⃣best film ever
- Seydi Clemente: Then why are you here then
- Leah Hill: Sorry, but that little girl is really annoying
- LovelyLani: I got my braces last Monday to
- shayda. xc: I love Joni.
- Lindsay LA: do a then and now with with all the junior ahlete team and the mini ahlete team plz
- Brooke Kerr: Ilysm 😍💘💘
- Ashley Vela: Why' a toto
- Maya Sandfuchs: LOL
- Josh The Ford Boy: That was funny.
- Layla OMG LAYLA: wubble bubble are crap they pop so easilly watch the evantubehd one
- Emily Klein: I have a regular wubble bubble ball and I don't have to put the seal on the air hole. It holds by itself.
- Samantha Mae: Hiii
- jariah j'nae: Jojo got out the knife like WHOS GOING DOWN TONIGHT
- Genuinely Gage: Anybody else think kids toys are extremely weird nowadays? :S
- Meray Ghobrial: +Cara mc g wow she does not look 13
- girl plays / big smiley fan: or not
- DuaFatema Meheralli: It was funny that Josh was wearing a tutu .
- PaxArsenal: That was such a short videos no hate.🤔🤔🙂
- DancingFreak 67: joshua:im joined here by josaphena 😂😂😂😂
- Alexa Soden: all of my favorite people in one video👌💜
- RIEYA & Shay: good job jojo
- Daisy and Rae: I used to have brayces and i hated them. Mine hurt my mouth and when they got tightend the hurt so bad :(
- Watermelon 0015: I love you Joosh <3 You make my day everyday and I'm in love with the puppy, he's the cuuutest thing eveeeeeeeeeer
- Mitch Vorobets: you realize that you just waisted a perfectly good wubble bubble ball. you know it costs a lot of money
- Nanine Collins: That was so funny
- Rachel And Ethan: that Start tho
- makayla marie: hi I love you
- Ellie Blanco: Same!!!
- Dallas Castro: lol
- Mara: I'm proud of you for posting at exactly 2PM PST :)
- jasmine cheng: rip joshleen 😭😭
- Lauren Troudt: She was a fan of Rebecca, and Rebecca was a dance moms fan so they contacted each other for a video and have been friends ever since
- Lindsay LA: do more videos with miranda sings
- emily grace marquis: I had that
- hey_you: omg I love that little girl 😂
- Alexa Reuer: Please adopt me upon are the best youtuber ever 😍😍😍
- Jordana McCloy: They were just punching it and Jojo just goes I GOTTA KNIFE
- soraya -: lol im not even hating, i had friends that were 22 when i was like 13 too. this was a little fun comment . calm down.
- tito reyes: Marting joshy lol he so funny
- logan l.: jojo*
- Olivia Wiggins: hi
- Abigail Stanwood: You are one of my inspirations!
- Elly Apitz: Jojo watches Grey's Anatomy and I like her even more now
- HAYITSYDNEY !: Jojo I have always wanted a retaner too literally I am not joking
- Cruz Talamantez: Fuck jojo
- Olivia Xxlove: JOJO!💟😃👍
- Jackie Wallace: Idk about you guys but "eyeball" is not the piece of anatomy I thought of when I saw that thing.
- Lxlly: just realized jojo (13) hangs out w like 20-30 yr olds xD
- Courtney Rose: Did anyone else keep replaying the very beginning of this
- Alguisha: +Kennicia Ryan wait what why. i was just asking when she said crap...
- Ms. Phalange: ok i do not like this jojo kid. she's so precocious
- Lia Bear: Oh I am starting phase 2 of my braces they do hurt so much
- Kelcey Smart: If you don't want to watch Jojo watch a different video and stop hating on bedsheets a teenager for cry it out loud. Most of the haterz are teens or adults so grown up and just skip the video.JoJo can be friends with adults because she haves friend unlike the people hate on her because if you had friends you would not sit down and hate on a teen
- Catie Orr: Omg I was wearing braces like a year or 2 ago then I had retainers and now I have braces again
- Kaitlyn Perez: I'm getting my braces off next month
- Sean The Bunny: JoJo mocks Joshua 0:01 😂
- Lucy Lawes: How does Josh know JoJo? Anyone know? Xx
- Randy Mounelaphom: You did that video after you put make up on him right
- Teresa Wong: you can make it a lot bigger
- Marina Christine: Oh my god I'm dying 😂
- Josie 9000: my names Josephine😂
- Clorox Bleach: +DAQUEEN 101 Does it matter lol
- KM Davis: I LOVE when jojo and josh collab
- Samara Walker: Jojo is so annoying
- The Pawsome Skit Sisters!: I'm wearing a retainer lol
- ah297: I've never been this early
- Aezyah Sings: its geekly102
- Laney Wilson: Will this comment be on snapchat??? 👻
- Talia: JoJo: *Pulls out a knife* Everyone: Whoaaaaaaa!! JoJo: *Starts stabbing Wubble Bubble* Josh: Okay, that's enough stabs! That's enough stabs!! xD xD <3
- Deyse Padilla: the punch at the end
- Kennedy Carter: I know you'll never reply but.... I love you josh💙
- fluteloops22: Skip commenting too 😋
- Jordan Purrington: +Tamar Alexander what?
- ghostcepticie 2: Jojo from dance mom's omg
- kayla: jojo just comes in with a knife and kills it hahahahaha
- Queen moon ♕: very annoying !!!
- Hxox: Hola snapchat :)
- Erica Evert: Jojo got braces where have I been this whole time
- Mara: The snoopy shirt makes me happy
- Sk 218: It's not my birthday but can I have 100.likes for no reason at least I'm being honest
- Mia Roldan: Yassss Matt I got that tshirt reference
- Sapphire Smith: Aw.. Joshua looks genuinely happy here 😕💔
- Amazing grace: am I the only one who can not stand Rebecca lol in feeling bad but really she is just nails on a chalkboard to me. is it just me!!??
- Firoozeh Nourizadeh: is forever and always your new thing
- Emily Klippel: When you realize this came out 58 seconds ago so you go back to leave a comment also where my snapchat people at???
- Lilliana Harris: oh her braces are clear cause I was like "where are her donuts (that's what the doctors call the color rubber bands) and brackets??? mind r not clear but when I first got the rubber bands that hold ur jaw it killed me for 2 weeks
- Bereniz VLOGS: because they were singing, disney songs
- Delaney Sumlar: Isn't Jojo's real name Joelle or did Instagram lie again (Who knows what's real on Instagram TBH)
- Megan: +Katie Rose his wife hot too wtf
- Kat Joy Isaacs: ❤️❤️❤️✌🏻️
- brianne richardson: did anyone else watch there musical.lys with them wearing there skirts
- KC's Corner: These 4 are Goals!
- dielle bean: BAHAHAHA
- Jenna Aus: .
- Kylie Konton: I got a retaner
- Ava M: I like your tutu by the way
- Diana Petruhina: You did nail it Jojo 😉
- Mac Variety: I'm WITH Josh, I have braces (get them off in Febuary) but rubber bands are THE WORST when you first start using them. But they're fine once you wear them often
- Alice Reed: I watch greys anatomy too
- Best Vlogs: Subscribe to JayCee Prather's channel
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GLO WUBBLE BUBBLE BALL // GLOW IN THE DARK (w/Jojo Siwa, Rebecca Zamolo, & Matt Slays) | |
13,527 Likes | 13,527 Dislikes |
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People & Blogs | Upload TimePublished on 12 Aug 2016 |
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