Will Our Dogs Be FRIENDS or ENEMIES??? - joss stone new bond 007 video game

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 3, 2019

Will Our Dogs Be FRIENDS or ENEMIES???

  1. Lily Murray: For having a dog the first time your doing great!!
  2. Alex Coop: try to get shadow on a feeding schedule it will help a lot I have had my puppy for 9 weeks and that's what we have done and it's very helpful :))
  3. Stacy Helget: Lol i dont really feel guilty when leaving my pets cuz i dont think they take it personally and they freak out cuz theyre so happy when u come home!!!
  4. Ellyssa Richardson: Not for dinner but like when I leave for school I see my dogs face
  5. halley goben: I think Shadow is really cute but I really like the name south
  6. Firoozeh Nourizadeh: yes
  7. aquenita27: I can completely relate to that guilty feeling of leaving your pets, plus I foster, so I feel worse for leaving them lol It's normal, don't worry. I'm glad you have an animal companion now, it truly changes life :)
  8. Hayden Rivard: If shadow is having trouble eating the hard food sometimes you could put yougurt of milk in it
  9. Ashton IRL: I love he name shadow and I love your guys bond
  10. Emma Collins: CALL HIM ROUGE
  11. Alicia Ramos: My dog is so cute but is so mean and aggressive ugh
  12. Karen Laflamne: josh, you call Shadow "Shaddy" for short
  13. Lexa Rose: Make sure to never over feed your dog (feed him twice a day morning and night with treats in between) you never wanna over feed your dog because it can cause him doggie bloat which can cause death because it stops blood flow to the heart, or can tear his stomach.
  14. Ian After Lucas: He should meet Junior someday
  15. Roger Krinic: Can you do the sourest drink in the world challenge with Erin please?
  16. lluvia g: Omg you live in the same neighborhood as me ! I know that park !
  17. Hannah rose: guys**
  18. Chloe Hampson: You'll feel less guilty of leaving your dog at home when you get used to having a dog, and they know you'll come home eventually.
  19. Olivia Thompson: Josh i love your daily vlogs plz do them again
  20. Jordan Wong: You should name him Shay short for shadow
  21. Adopt Don't Shop!: He doesn't need any canned food, it's absolutely unnecessary. He is  old enough to have dry food only.
  22. Lillian Brunk: What kinda dog is it?
  23. Yvette: Aweee
  24. Grace Rawlett: I felt guilty to leave my dog when we first got him, but then we got used to it, and so did the dog. My dog just sleeps on the couch all day. One thing we do that makes us feel less guilty is leaving the radio on so he can still hear a human voice.
  25. Anna Karston: With the thing were you leave the dog, I've had so many dogs so I know that in the beginning you do, but after a while you get used to it, all they do is sleep the whole time anyway
  26. Jaden V-S: When I'm gone for long periods of time like it I go vacation or have a 2 day cheer competition I always feel bad for leaving my dog
  28. Nathan Creek: I only feel guilty if I leave them for longer than 24 hours
  29. el penn: Jk I love it
  30. Ariana F. 800: Pretty plz name him Rex!!!!!!
  31. Ginny Zealley: With what you said, all dogs are different so some need different training and if that is the way your training you dog thats great but my dogs are different breeds so needed different training which is also fine! Love you Josh and Shadow(and colleen)
  32. Rice Menace: lol don't feed him McDonald's, then drive home.
  33. The Mia Channel: Name the dog "Rebecca's bestie"
  34. Caprice Nesvacil: Yes when I leave I'm so dispersed and my dog is so sad
  35. Mia Jetton: Spencer
  36. Adrian Maggiani: I hope all of your future vlogs are just about your dog
  37. Sophia Testani: Does shadow step out of the shadows?
  38. Teaghan: legend says if you are early, josh replies🤔🤔
  40. Charlotte Haselroither: Dusty
  41. Hay Asky: you always call him little dude so why not that?😂😂😂
  42. Heather Miller: It's unconditional love, once you are both attached, you will definitely feel bad leaving the house lol it gets easier but you will always miss him when you leave. Think of it like a relationship and you are in the honey moon period lol
  43. Angelina Winn: Never been so early 😂
  44. Laura Boscan: NO NOT SHADOW
  45. maddie gebhart: He knows how to raise a dog, you shouldn't be spanking a dog, and, he can talk however much he pleases to his dog. He's not a clueless owner, and has clearly done lots of research on how to take care of Shadow and has a great vet that can also give him advice if he really needs it. He doesn't need to be listening to someone who thinks spanking a dog is okay.
  46. Jordyn Bingham: find a blanket or a dog toy that they like and train them to grab their toy or when you say bed they will go to sleep on their blanket
  47. Em Maddox: +Claire Thompson I didn't even listen to him
  48. All Benjamin Drake: Josh you should do doggy vlogs where you say what you think Shadow's thinking. That would be so cool and funny your so funny and awesome and remember be nice to people!
  49. Joginder Mann: I wish I could have your dog
  50. Miss April: I don't feel bad when I leave my animals at home. Maybe when you leave set up a camera so you can see what he does and that might help you to know he is probably playing and sleeping.
  51. Flowerddox: 0 likes so far yay! Love
  52. reginaldo urrutia: I do feel guilty when I leave my dog at home 🙁😶
  53. Luna Song: 0:44 ha ha lol I literally laughed so much
  54. Clare Cat: u should get Shadow steps so its will be easier to get on the bed and yes that is a thing
  55. Virginia Noblet: I miss my dog whenever I leave the house too haha
  56. htx Tina: Buffalo Wild Wings is my fav fav fav fav fav restaurant
  57. J246 C81012: Yeah
  58. Angela N.C.: Make sure you take the cap off of the water bottle though otherwise if they rip the sock open it could be a choking hazard
  59. vanessa: just a suggestion: some people with puppies/young dogs will put food out in the morning, take it away, and then put it back in the evening and then take it away again, so the dog gets used to a schedule and doesn't randomly poop around the house. The dog may not eat at first put you have to be diligent and set food out at set times because eventually the dog will get hungry and figure out that it will only have the chance to eat twice a day. it also prevents an overweight dog because it won't constantly be eating throughout the day
  60. Elizabeth Gonzalez: I hate leaving my dog too! I cry when I go on vacation :( lol
  61. Fiona Queen: Yes!! I feel so bad when I leave my puppy❤️He always whines so badly when I shut the door😭🌺
  62. kylee: Every hour or so you should bring Shadow outside on the grass to let him do his business. And if he pees in the house take him outside and say something like "No Shadow, you pee here." Or something. That's how I trained my dog
  63. Laura Rayne: Love u ur dog is so cute x
  64. Ava Henseler: yeah sometimes we leave my dog alone for like 5 hrs and i get really sad for her
  65. Anna Marie: Here's some tips on how to parent your dog, - when training them to go outside, you want to praise them, because puppies only really have the memory to remember something for 30 seconds - while their a puppy, make sure to train them before they become an adult dog - slowly let them venture throughout the house, just one room at a time, and if they do something bad, then put them in their normal area - have them go in the crate a lot, their crate is basically their room to them - you should walk them at least once a day and let them outside every hour
  66. Bella Guge: Hi happy to be here early ❤️
  67. purplechicken86: CALL HIM CHUCK
  68. Abby Danielle: SAME YAYAYAY
  69. Ruby Esparza: luky😇😇
  70. VannaRose: Doggy walking advise: keep him beside you or behind you, train him well, my girls still need walking training o.o
  71. Fancy Carter: I used to have a pet and I felt horrible whenever I left him alone. I wanted to spend my entire life with him
  72. mollymiccee: Thanks, Shadow, for making Josh want to vlog on a consistent schedule again :D
  73. Dezh22: Yes we hate leaving our pup alone! But, you should get a Nest camera and hook it up to your wifi. Turn it on when you leave and you can watch him on an app on your phone! You'll see that the pup is fine and mostly just sleeping plus it gives you some peace of mind. Our dog is 3 and we still only leave him alone for 6 hrs max. Check out Nest!
  74. Izzy Wild: I feel bad just going into my room sometimes I love the name
  75. el penn: Can I be on your snapchat cause I love you so much. And I met you at the stress factory comedy club.❤️
  76. On my grave write Death by BTS: convince shadow to poop outside the house by always saying poop and pee outside
  77. Lia K: YoUR CErmet wiLL nOt grOW iF hE iS THreateNed. PLeasE dO NOt thrEATEn yoUR ceRMEt
  78. Jonathan Monaghan: What kind of dog is he? He's really cute!
  79. Quwerty101: My long haired gets a bath weekly. Some dogs smell too much.
  80. Vanessa Fenton: I always feel guilty about leaving but at the end of the day he's a dog and your a human
  81. paige: i did too i sang along
  82. GuitarAngel1975: I work with my mom at her house so I bring my dogs to work with me every day and I always feel awful when I have to leave them. I usually bring them with me on car rides to go to the store too because I hate leaving them alone. They're like my children. So no, it's not just you lol.
  83. Pusheen xx: NAME HIM BUDDY :(
  84. Aryanna Mateo: Older*
  85. Shaijah Wolf: They do. Get him a playmate. I got my male a female companion after 3 months cos it's not cool leaving him all alone. <3 Loving your new pet and your new passion for vlogging him <3 I like Buddy cos you and Colleen both called him that naturally.
  86. Teresa Rinaldi: I feel bad too.. dogs haven't the sense of time and they feel abandoned every time you live them.. you should take him out with you if you can :)
  87. Tiel Haven: @JoushaDTV  youll get use to leaving shadow alone it takes a couple of weeks
  88. Lisa Lorenz: Ok one tip is train him EARLY in life if you dont training will be ten times harder.
  89. Caitlyn Fawley: OMG MY DOG'S NAME IS SHADOW AHHH
  90. Sydney: Puppies are hard and no one does it "right" its hard! Just love them and those dogs need discipline:) make it a lifestyle thing!
  91. The Ellie Show: When I was at school my dog witch was a 5 month old black lab we had him in a crate and he ripped it apart wires poking out all over and pools of blood were below him
  92. The Riggins: i left the my 3 dogs for 1 week I missed them so much and now I am so happy to be back
  93. Zoe Churchill: Name him Bandanas
  94. Paola Lizama: I thought it was funny his name is shadow and my cat is shadow but I have dogs too so if u ever get a cat i guess it work even if the cat is crazy with the dogs
  95. Niecey 03: you should do a video adout train him plzzzz
  96. Shea Hennessy: I always feel guilty
  97. Sarah 5: In the beginning I felt guilty but ofter awhile you stop feeling guilty
  98. Gabriel Guzman: I love the name shadow
  99. Felicia Page: My old dog was name shadow 😃
  100. Mich G: I just think you should make that dog as happy as life can be spoil it so it can be the happiest dog alive
  101. Dog Lover 3: tip make sure the shadow does not have fleas
  102. laura stewart: 😍😎💩
  103. Kayla Boyd: I LOVE the videos of him!😍
  104. disney movies: dont feel bad about leaving my family has a dog and when we go to school/ work we leave her for 7 hours and shes fine so your dog will be fine :) @JoshuaDTV
  105. Shelby Presley: It happened to me when I got my dog but, ounce you start getting into the swing of things it won't bother you as much.
  106. Amber Octaviano: I like the name!!!!!!!! Your gonna do great raising that little dude don't worry about it your amazing your gonna do great😍😍😍😍😍😜😜😜😜🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
  107. Allissa Miller: When one of my favorite youtubers mentions my favorite singers Dan + Shay >>>>
  108. Quinn Edmonds: I used to but my dog was a yellow lab and she had a tumor on her foot and it grew bigger and bigger everyday and it got so bad we took her to the vet and it turned out she had another one on her side and had cancer so one day it popped and we had to put her down in May I think and I can't get over it so I used to feel bad and then as she got worse I wanted to skip school and stay with her but the sad part is that I didn't get to say bye and advice is spend as MUCH time sad you can with him because that didn't happen with my dog so please don't be like my family even tho I wanted to bring her everywhere but we couldn't she was to big and shredded a lot
  109. Lauryn J.: What's the breed of Joshua's dog?
  110. Brandi aka Loser: I really like the name Shadow. He is so cute!!
  111. jenna&stella: I always feel bad
  112. ChelseaM.: my dogs cant make any dog friends cause she always barks at them and at people but once the people pet her she stops barking I dont know why but we tried training and nope nothing she still barks
  113. K & A Sisters Forever: You should name him Flash or Max ! Like if you agree 👍🏼
  114. BeautyxBabe03: If he keep peeing in the house or if u have any problems a good suggestion I have is getting pee pads and leaving them around your house.
  115. Ally Anger: When you walk him, make sure he is always by your side and not ahead of you. It takes a lot of training, but in the end it's worth it. Right now my dog is just over a year old and we don't even need a leash when we walk him because he learned to stay by our side and not ahead. Also I recommend bringing him to a training program. It teaches basic stuff and it helps you as a dog owner too.
  116. Shaylee Mccormick: When I first saw your little puppy I just pictured him being called Kyle😂 I love that name for the little dude
  117. Gigi: You'll feel really weird about leaving him at first but after a little while both of you will feel better about it
  118. Emma OBryon: When I first got my dog we (my family) felt bad leaving him but you get used to it and know that he's okay and probably just sleeping. Now we just feel bad if he's left alone for more than like 3-4 hours lol
  119. Ali & Enzo: NAME THE DOG SNICKERS!!!!
  120. nicky j.s: Welcome to the world of being a fur baby parent......I think we all miss them when we're out. I hate leaving my baby's for too long.
  121. Nathan Haberling: And some dogs have to stay in cages when people leave my dogs have to
  122. Carly Ganley: I feel bad tooooooo
  123. Greta Chase: name him TUCKER :)
  124. Olivia Parteka: Yeah sometimes I have 2 dogs and one cat
  125. Tori Jill: From The Ground Up-Dan & Shay is my song with my boyfriend and I'm so happy you're doing a cover ❤️
  126. Ryan Brown: give him a lot of atenchel
  127. Princess Emily: Don't feed him whenever he's hungry because he will get sick (throw up)
  128. Nic Mason: if u had a baby what would u name it x love u
  129. Ibby Z: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! His name is BUDDY!!!!
  130. Amanda G: OMG I can't believe he jumped on your bed. My dog struggles to even jump on the couch 😂 shadow is the perfect dog and I am obsessed with him. In so glad you adopted him I can see how happy he makes you and how happy you make him :) OH I'm also super impressed that he hasn't pooped in the house. go shadow!!! :)
  131. Hailey Clark: Oml he's so cuuute!!!!❤️❤️❤️ You're awesom josh!!!!
  132. Kayla Kim: 265th comment
  133. Morgan Is phan trash: He is the same as my nans dog frank she just follows me around and she just sits still when we try and walk her she just sits still and barks at everything and She looks the same as shadow except she has bits of silver on her head but I got her to like me by talking to her like she's a baby and calling her name so she will sit with me on the sofa and I give her treats and things and I hate leaving her she cries and it sounds like she's shouting mam she is so cute
  134. Reina Pawlak: He looks like an Echo though :)
  135. alicia j: Please name him bandit short for bandana
  136. a person: i think his name should be kettle
  137. Jessica Hall: BTW you should be careful when he gets up and down high furniture because I have a small dog and she hurt her back really bad once because she jumped of my bed (it's kinda high. we had to make her a dog ramp, so just be careful not to let him jump from high places. PS you're the best ilysm!! 😍😍😊
  138. Lps Reeses: the dog kinda remindes me of s'mores so i kinda like the name "s'more".. idk shadow is cute too!
  139. Samantha Daily: Shadow is cute
  140. Um idk: I'm sad I can't give u advice bc I have a cat oh well
  141. Amy Hudson: Josh the crates (cage thing) are really good. Our dog has slept in his crate since the day we got him and people thinks it's mean but he loves it Coz he knows it's like his bedroom and when he's tired at night he will asks him self to bed and in the morning when we get up and open the door he will just stay in there and sleep more and come out when he's ready. It's his space and no one else including the cat is allowed in it so he knows when he wants to be left alone that's his space
  142. Fashion Tori: I have four dogs in my house and EVERYTIME we leave they chew everything and make a mess so we have to ask our family to watch them or check on them every 2 hours or so
  143. Irene: yeah Josh, I was just gone for 2 WEEKS and left my puppy with my mum. I think it was worse for me than the doggie
  144. Camy George: Omg that dog is so adorable 😁
  145. Rebecca Salazar: What kind of dog is shadow?
  146. Holly Goodall: That's not my dogs name but I call ten that anyway 😂
  147. Snsnsnjsjs: first
  148. jdoskcn Idkckd: Cute
  149. Samantha Alicea: Also, puppies eat more frequent than full grown dogs that's why he was still hungry lol.. Everyone raises their dogs differently just like children and it's most important you find what's right for you so never take the criticism too hard as people have trouble being open minded about things like this ❤️
  150. Hay Asky: No no no no please no shadow that's so cheesy and cliche
  151. Channing Sparks: No no! Don't feel guilty, because when they see you again later it builds trust knowing you will come back & he'll be so happy to see you again!
  152. JoanaRose: THIS IS IMPORTANT
  153. Ramiro Felix: NAME HIM BUDDY PLZ PLZ
  154. Sweet VW: yes i always feel sad when i leave my puppy
  155. Sydneynoelle: Just a little advice :) when you give him his food just like out your hand in the bowl and play with food so he doesn't develop food aggression also, if you give him a bone just take it away from him and then give it back. He's super cute! ❤️
  156. Lily Sampson: JoshuaDTV don't give your dog and canned dog food or dry dog food or, it will rot its teeth out
  157. Jett wright: Josh stop flocking talking about your new pet cat geez.
  158. Alli Rykal: I think you should name him taco for Taco Bell or cooper or buddy
  159. Brooke Smitson: yes I do!! I have two labs a brown one named copper and a black one named jet and everytime me and my family go out to dinner or a party I just want to get home cause I always feel so bad😭😭😭
  160. Alana Lynn: You should make an Instagram for Shadow!!
  161. Georgette Roty: precious
  162. Sweetnesspanda: You really should name him Little Dude, I already feel like it's his name.
  163. Rachel Haskins: I always feel bad leaving my puppy
  164. me and the three: Same
  165. Natalie Abbott: *"Sounds like a diaper" XD*
  166. morgan ceurvels: He should do a video only and all about shadow
  167. Keira Dickinson: are so cute 😘😘😘
  168. Starr D: JANIEL ok bye now
  169. adam mac: +Oreo Emesis ohhh.. wow that is sad. Thanks for the info tho.
  171. Madison Morrow: We leave for few hours make sure put a bucket over the cage do say we're going so he know that came back
  172. Kristi W: Are vlogs becoming regular again?! I love it!!!
  173. Ying Ang: ❤
  174. Ashlyn Jones: Rover
  175. phoebe switzer: On your next tour, will shadow go with you ?
  176. Gracie: NAME HIM BUDDY
  177. Lizzy Carlile: I kinda liked Buddy....
  178. Julie Abitbol: You should bathe him once a month
  179. Zoe. per: Hello
  180. shishtar schnapped: +Vinny Dupree firstly please read through my paragraph carefully. I stated "Please get training" not "Get training". Allowing your pet to come on furniture allows him to sit at the same level as you, which therefore makes him think that he is the alpha in the house, but in your case you don't seem to care, which is totally fine. Dogs need to have borders, they do not think at the same level as us. I know you're trying to help but most of your statements are your own personal preferences and not everyone's households are run like that. Most dog trainers have different ways of training and I only shared what I was told by mine. So telling me that "I know you think you're trying trying to help" is just completely obscured! I put up that tip because usually no one wants to sit and sleep where it is layered in dog hair and covered in claw marks, and again if you're fine with that I don't care, that is your opinion. So please rethink about what you have just wrote and reply back. Thanks.
  181. Caitlin Lmao: NAME HOM DINGLEBERRY
  182. puppylover5556: I have an idea! If you want you could buy like a staircase type of thing for dogs and it would be easier for them to get over things like the bed just a thought! :)
  183. Mia Rannells: PEANUT IS THE NAME OF MY DOG! 🐶🐕🐩
  184. Sarah T: i have a dog that was supposed to be a lap dog, but he is medium sized. he is a cavashon. we think he may have lab in him too since he is so big. I love him so much!!
  185. Gabrielle slade: shadow is making josh so happy, it's really nice to see
  186. Rebecca Power: Omg yes let Kermit marbles peach meet shadow
  187. Fatima Leiva: i have been waiting who else
  188. Divergent life: Please go back to do vlogs
  189. crazycatlady: thats how i named my cat shadow he follows me everywhere..and i heard you say possibly peanut too and that was my nickname when i was little being from georgia and all lol..hes a cutie
  190. Gracie: I like JC "Jaycee" josh and Colleen
  191. Rand Tarazi: Call him shadowww 😍😍
  192. Payton Olson: They moved a long time ago
  193. Ashley Greene: NAME HIM KODA!!!!!
  194. Rhylan Bradshaw: you're gonna feel like that it's actually good. I have two dogs and I've had them for like a year and i still feel like that some times. and it will get better as you go .
  195. Caitlyn Gerrish: Hey Josh, just a friendly tip from a dog owner, I would recommend not letting Shadow eat after 7pm... thats what I have always done and it really helps with accidents!!:) I will let them eat before but after 7, just water:)
  196. Erin: omg sledgehammer by 5h is playing at buffalo wild wing
  197. sockandlisa: shadow
  198. Lydia Bashore: Shadow!! That's gotta be is name!!!😍
  199. Alexa Varela: I dont like the name shadow.......
  200. SergioTheGreat23: Lol country music sucks dick
  201. hi eh?: just a suggestion make sure that you walk your dog behind you so you're in front of your dog just so that he thinks you're his leader
  202. Katie Gagle: Josh - I suggest trying to train your dog, Shadow, to use a bell when he wants to go outside to use the bathroom. My dog uses this bell system. We hang a bell on a rope by our back door and when ever he wants to go outside, he rings it to let us know. Make sure to train them young and tell them what to do and what not to do. Young dogs pick up on things better when training than older dogs!
  203. Sophia Pantoja: Yes 100% I miss my dog when I'm at school
  204. Captain Swan: My puppy doesn't know how to fetch either, when he gets it he just lays down and chewed it
  205. Sara Fruhling: Guys i have a hamster who's soooo spoiled. He's very particular about how he eats and sleeps, the hygiene of his cage and his play time. He obsesses about getting out of his cage at night (bites the bars to no end until i let him out). So he plays out all night. He has an extra wheel outside and I keep his cage open so he goes in and out (in to eat, drink and pee.. and sleep). The Problem//: I'm traveling for a month and I have to leave him behind. I'll put him at a vet's clinic but they're, of course, not as particular and I'm scared he'll lose his mind nawing on the cage bars ×.× I'm so worried that I'm thinking about taking him with me which would be the hugest hassle :( so Josh, YES, i feel guilty leaving him behind and guys -any advice? ×.×
  206. triwizchamp07: i feel guilty maybe 75% of the time i leave lol
  207. JelloowB: YES, I feel really bad leaving my dog when I'm out for dinner.. even when I'm out for a half an hour or something...
  208. N Jeanne R: Be frends
  209. NotDeadJustYet: and I absolutely don't mean this in a harsh, hateful way. but dogs need to get used to being alone slowly, starting with a short amount of time.
  210. Sara Gustafson: I dont like shadow.. You should name it Bubba,Charlie or Cookie.
  211. Jade Vila: I do feel guilty each time I leave my dog at home in his crate. He gets scared so easily and he freaks out when he hears thunder and lighting (the usual) but try to manage my time outside and only leave him in his crate for at most 5 hours but I always feel terrible if I go over:( but try to leave Shadow at home in his crate for at most 4 hrs cause he's just a puppy and try not to leave him home alone during storms or he will freak out and mighty damage your house! But I know you and Colleen will do fine!
  212. Grace MacIntyre: Hey josh quick tip I have a little dog like him! Personally we don't like poop all over our yard we have a little fenced in area at the bottom of our porch so my dog can just go there! Also if you are picking up poops in your yard and don't want them just sitting in you're trash since shadows little you can take toilet paper and pick up the poops and flush them down the toilet!! Love you
  213. Oran Elliott: And I love shadow ☺
  214. Kaitlyn B: Your dog is so cute OMG
  215. Lindsey Decker: I did at first but I got used to it (the guilty thing) u realize that they are ok
  216. Hannah's Vlogs: When you went to all of their dog videos and commented "name him nugget" and he already has a name in mind/picked out 😭
  217. Valentina Varona: did you post it?
  218. KatieandBella: No don't name him shadow....... ROBBIE!!!!!
  219. Peyton Wilson: Yeah I feel really guilty when I leave my dog alone
  220. Olivia Gymnast: What kind of dog is shadow???
  221. nicole: Search up images but dachshund and you'll see pictures that look almost exactly like shadow.
  222. sarah sixkiller: I would like to leave some advice. when I first got my dog whenever we would leave he would spill his food everywhere but also at night after a certain time u should pick up his food because u don't want to over feed him.
  223. Meg Gallagher: Lenny!!
  224. Paige Fagel: I think you are doing pretty good!
  225. Jumxia: I liked and I think that video is amazing ps cute thank you for posting this 😍😍😍😍💖💖💖🐶🐶🐶
  226. Michaela B.: In my family We barley ever feed our dog "people food" because it upsets his stomach so If you end up feeding shadow "people food" or drops something on accident Id watch out in case he has a sensitive tummy.
  227. Emily Catherine Kay: Call him Shadow
  228. Sophia Rohatynsky: Josh you need to get a leash like Eric has because they are amazing. You can let him go far or keep him close by with that leash.
  229. Calvin Pittman: time to watch the "Dog Whisperer"
  230. Bff Emma is Yoda's: My suggestion is if he starts barking don't say it's ok and pet him just leave him to bark so he can calm down. Thanks. ❤️
  231. Rosie Davison: Please respond im a huge fan!!!
  232. AJ H: I love that part where it's like a dog on a leash simulation
  233. jordan slootweg: He so cute
  234. XOXO Ry: I have 3 dogs and I think that josh is doing the right thing and his dog will tern out to be a nice friendly dog
  235. Katie McHugh: Josh don't feel bad when you leave the dog... While you are gone they just sleep the entire time 😂😊
  236. Abby Nolt: Helpful tip you should make a food schedule for your dog
  237. Kyle Thomas: Shadows a cat name, I like diesel, bandit, or Brutus
  238. Julia Shields: I do feel bad because one of my German Shepherds has separation anxiety
  239. SANDRA RODRIGEZ: ahahhhh ily
  240. Tyler Chimento: +JoshuaDTV just curious, what type of dog is he? 😆
  241. JazzyTalks: Or Jet
  242. Amber Walker: I'm*
  243. ZILLA: Also sometimes I feel guilty when i leave my pets at home and go somewhere...
  244. Christina Stroup: Please tell me your gonna get him neutered, it will help with him not peeing on things in the house.
  245. Katherine Odell: With Shadow's food schedule,in the video, you said you just fed him and then he was eating again. There are two different types of dogs, a dog who eats whenever there is food available or, whenever it is hungry. When you figure that out, you can base its eating schedule around his eating habits.
  247. Leanne Hayes: I feel guilty when I go on holidays
  248. Elle Baker: I found a stray girl dog, which we looked for an owner and never found them, the council in australia recognizes her as now our dog and she looks exactly like your boy, I think she is a min pin X toy fox terrier do you know what shadow is?
  249. you and freinds masters: feed him twise a day morning and tea time
  250. Karina Lizet: shadow is so cute I'm so in love with him
  251. Natasha Weird: Same when I was younger I had 4 cats 5 dogs and 2 rats xx i love you so much josh
  252. Lulu Binando: Josh I always feel so bad because I have to go to school and my dog sits at home alone😞
  253. caleb15_: You should do a montage on Shadow
  254. Sydney Schultz: Yes it's so sad
  255. adriaxxna: For a minute I thought you were talking about shadow. 😂😂😂
  256. Tori Grace: You do you josh don't listen to the haters you are a good doggy daddy
  257. Kayla Parks: From the ground up is my favorite song!
  258. Hero Of The Moon: MY DOG'S NAME IS SHADOW
  259. Sara G: Josh you should look at Zak George's videos to train Shadow
  260. Aryssa Lyndsie: I want your dog!
  261. Nadira Basir: lol my dog is racist and barks at all black people lol..😖😖😫😫😩😫😂😂😂
  262. Addie McAughey: Yes I hate leaving my kitten home
  263. Anna Frey: Very important!!!= dogs can NOT have chocolate! A lot of people say that a little won't hurt but it can!
  264. Analise: Its worse when you go on vacation and have to leave them with a dog sitter. I always leave them with one of my friends though I don't trust other people and I feel so bad and miss them.
  265. Luna Song: 3:58 he might be celebrating jk
  266. Ellie Bradshaw: YAS
  267. Cort cat: I leave my two cats at home when I work 10 hour days and I feel so bad.
  268. Jami: watching u have dogs makes me miss my dog (my dad put him up for adoption) even More then I already do
  269. Jill Jules: Yes I feel guilty and sad
  270. Amalia Messick: Here are some names bandit and sean
  271. Courtney Pinchin: I have a chihuahua like him name Lucy except her colour is more white as she has eyebrows too like him
  272. Emily. Beltz: Start training him now so when he's older he's good but I have a German shepherd so he might have different training things
  273. Ember Caldwell: everyday I have to leave to go to school for 8 to 9 hours.
  275. Sarah marrison: I feel sad wen I liv Cooper
  276. Jordyn kueneman: My oldest dog is 14 and I still feel bad every time I leave
  277. maddie gebhart: It's OK 😂
  278. Tovs 2: I think you should call him Cinnamon or Ginger! Those names suits him better! But you can call him Shadow if you really want to
  279. Haley Metzger: Joshua don't worry about being the dog thinking you have neglected him you have one his trust so he will trust you no matter what think about it you adopted him you will never neglect him and he knows that
  280. Monika Groth: The beard makes u really goodlooking 😍
  281. presley burnham: If he ever eats anything bad or that you think will be bad it happens (for example dried bacon grease or chocolate) give him hydrogen peroxide to make him throw up whatever he ate it sounds bad but it works
  282. Hi boo boo: Hi Joshua you probably aren't reading this but you know when you said you felt bad for leaving Shadow, if I was you I would take the dog out for a nice long walk so he's tied. (BEFORE YOU GO OUT) I have a German Shepard he's about 1 year old but when Shadow grows up he will understand that you aren't leaving leaving him forever you'll just be out . Love you lots and I hope this might help you in anyway 😀😀😁😋
  283. Mary Donnelly: If your account is private I don't think he'll see just a suggestion:)
  284. Sangavi Suresh Kumar: +JoshuaDTV call him dingleberry
  285. Nicole Fisher: My cat we had to put down Monday 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢
  286. Wallflower Kitten: ya that is the best name for him
  287. AlbinoMexican99: NAME HIM DANNY! PLEASE
  288. Juliette LaMarr: hey! I was wondering how you're going to spell his name. I know someone named Shadou, and I really like that spelling. But Shadow is more recognizable? Idk, just curious :) He's adorable!!
  290. Emma Poulton: I imagine that the shelter and the pet store the day he got him did all his shots. Like when I rescued my dog he had all of his shots as well.
  291. Lily Sampson: canned dog food (or wet don't know how to explain canned dog food) rots out dogs teeeth
  292. lovely kassy: +Daisy Sugg no it works for my dog.
  293. Carson Richards: I think you should name the dog budson because he's Colleen's bud and your son
  294. Kyra Johnson: You could get a retractable leash like Erin had. They let the dog run around more but still stay by you.
  295. Noelle Silvia: I used to feel really bad when I first left my kitties at home. But I couldn't do it if I had one. I have two so they're always together and never lonely.
  296. TypicalTeen123: I noticed that at the park he ran a lot and the lead looked like it was pulling so i recommend a long leash or a retractable leash so that he can run but still be on a leash
  297. Brittany Samples: He's so cute!!! I love seeing your vlogs with him, and you seem so much happier with his around. And I do worry that my dog feels like I abandon him everyday when I go to school, so it's not just you. A good idea, especially since Shadow is still a puppy, is to get him on a feeding schedule and by doing that it'll get him on a poop schedule. It's a big help with house training a puppy. My dog is 5 years old and we just put him on a feeding schedule this summer because he was gaining weight and now we know almost exactly when he needs to go out everyday.
  298. h o n: IM THE 70TH COMMENT
  299. Emily Newman: What kind of dog is he
  300. • Holly Rose •: I love the name shadow!! I think it's cute but if you don't want it to be shadow I would go with timber🐶🐶🐶🐶
  301. Luv You: They already called him shadow
  302. Amber Walker: I feel so bad leaving them
  303. Briana Rocha: Same thing ever time I leave my dog to go somewhere I feel guilty
  304. Bradley Polston: yes
  305. Bianca Cobb: I have 5 dogs
  306. Melissa May: Don't call him shadow that a big dog name !!! Call him buddy
  307. Jesskate: I love you and your doggy
  308. Sweetpea Fad: @JoshuaDTV you need to have a doggy play date with julien when him and jenna get back from london. I think peach and shadow would have a blast.
  309. Gabriella Rodriguez: +Julie Woelfel oh and also I hope u have a very fun time with ur new dog once she comes ❤️❤️❤️
  310. Natasha Rainey: I feel bad when I leave my dog
  311. J3lly B3an: I bet Colleen misses lots. 😢 I'd miss him too if I were her. He's adwable! 😁
  312. AnimalLoverXoXo Auroraathenaandnarutolover: yes i feel so guilty
  313. Blake Berggren: You shouldn't just let that much food just sitting there because then he will eat it all and get fat. Try to find out how much he needs.
  314. Morgan: josh for future reference, whenever introducing your dog to any other new dogs introduce them to each other in neutral territory. while also on a leash until you know how they are going to react. if you don't introduce the dogs to each other in a neutral territory the dog on his home turf can get defensive and not be nice to the other new dogs
  315. Faith Sierra Lorencz: i dont feel guilty when i leave my dogs at home because i have 2 so that they wont be lonely when i go out so
  316. Victoria Cisneros: I feel bad when I leave my dog, especially in bad weather but Atleast she's an indoor dog so I always know she's safe
  317. Amy Shamblesx: I went to London for 2 night and cried like a baby leaving my 2 cats. And then when I went to Florida for 2 weeks I spent my time missing them and facetiming them 😂
  318. Merryjayne: Can anybody do gymnastics I can
  319. Kenzie Stewart: Josh has gray in his beard lol
  320. Anna Greenwood: If he is ever eating too fast, his stomach might "turn" and it's very dangerous so a way to slow him down is to get a bowl with little "obsticles" or put a tennis ball in his dish so he has to eat around it :)
  321. Silly summer7: My dog barks at his reflection to btw I love you new puppy my dog is about the same size as yours a used to bark like yours does now also my dog looks like a similar type as your my dog used to wear a harness like yours but he chewed them😍😂🐶😜
  322. Dominique Eykma: I have a dog too ( a golden retriever) and i always feel so bad when I go out
  323. Bonzy: When you said he just ate and he was eating again, make sure you don't feed him straight after you just did because it takes dogs a lot longer than us to know they are full so you could make him sick.
  324. Kimberly Schwarz: Hi Josh, it's normal to feel a little bad when you're gone, especially when you just got the dog. But keep in mind that dogs live in the moment and they don't care how long you're gone, it doesn't matter to them wheter you're gone 5min or 3hours. Shadow'll just be happy when you're back home, but he can handle a little bit of alone time. :) I think you're doing pretty fine so far. Keep up the good work! All the best from Germany!
  325. It's _ Becca: I feel bad everytime I leave home in if I have to leave for the night I cry lol
  326. Americas Harrington: Joshua don't feed the dog after its dinner. Or it will have a schedule of eating at that time you feed it every day
  327. Jaylin M.: I HAD A DOG NAMED SHADOW!!!! He lived for 17 years
  328. Liat Radetsky: I'd recommend taking his food and water away after like 8 or 9 pm so he doesn't have to use the bathroom after midnight
  329. Laci Johnson: Call him buddy??
  330. Jesslikesfrogs: Whenever you leave or just in general it's good to put a piece of your clothing like a shirt in the crate so they have your scent and feel comfortable. Do that for my dog and when I come home she's cuddled up in it.
  331. 라미레즈조슬린: I find it hilarious that so many people are giving Joshua unnecessary advice. Like it's his dog and I'm pretty sure that he has done many research on how to take care of a dog. It's really not that difficult. I'm seeing so many people saying to not let the dog sleep on his bed and to only let him sleep in the crate. Like I said it's his dog and theres nothing bad about his dog sleeping on his bed. My dog sleeps on my bed and she doesn't have any problems. Doesn't mean that his dog is the same as mine but just let him be. He will figure it out soon and if he needs help then he will ask for advice from a professional. Other than that stop telling him what to do with his dog
  332. Amy K: Yes I do feel like that a lot ...one time I couldn't see my cats for 6 days!!
  333. Katie Block: JOSH I LOVE U AND UR DOG
  335. Eva Rebol: You'll get over the guilty feeling in like a month😂
  336. LJ luvs: I agree!!
  337. Nathan Haberling: When you keep him for a while they grind out that your always coming back
  338. Kayla Buhl: When shadow goes to get a shot or when he has tummy trouble boil him so chicken and brown rice and mix it in his regular food. Also to get him to take a pill when he gets sick dip it in peanut butter or wrap it in cheese. That's what I do for my puppy.
  339. Rosie Davison: I love watching your videos!!!! I think u should name ur dog teacow
  340. Aoife Cailin: Yes I feel so bad when I leave my dog at home, she is more mature than a puppy now because she is really old for a dog we don't know how old cause she was a rescue but we've had her for 12 years and we love her!
  341. Mickey Mouse: Whats your Dogs name ?????? OK , Shadow ! Use baby voice to get Special Attention , I do !
  342. Rhode Mulamba: Does anyone know what type of dog josh has????
  343. Cat Gemmerson: i like dingleberry
  344. Clara H: Yikes please don't call him shadow
  345. hannah: +rodri vp y e s
  346. Mercedes Brooks: If he teeths give him a binky
  347. Danielle Polomka: He looks like a Ben to me, like I Bentley or a Benny
  348. Briana Spence: I have 2 pitbulls the girl is Bella she is 3 years old and are other pitbull is like 10 or 11 months old we just got him when he was 5 weeks old his name is zeus and we have a fish and he has been living for a year and he is still alive
  349. Lina Mostafa: 8th
  350. BeckyLee B.: +Jessica Bishop Presumably a 4 week old puppy wouldn't be "alone" because they and their little mates can't be separated from their mother until at least 8 weeks, usually 10-12 weeks. So the mother will be monitoring and nursing them. The breeder or rescue will begin weaning and potty training as they grow, but they don't need 24/7 surveillance.
  351. Qwerty Uiop: no woman no cry
  352. Emily Smith: I love your and Colleen's videos! both of y'alls vlogs are litttt
  353. darwin watterson: Here's a really cute little story about my dogs , so basically they are brothers right? Because they are both part of my family pretty much but once my dog had a cone thingy around his neck for a couple of weeks and my other dog reached his head into the cone thing and they starting dog kissing ( friendly brother way) but it was soooo cute 🤗
  354. xCountingStarsx1: Did shadow have a previous owner? I thought he'd be nearly potty trained at 6 months I'm just curious he's doing a great job as a first time dog owner! I've two dogs male 1 year and a half old and female 3 month old puppy
  355. theFlynnFamily: what type of dog is he
  356. Jessica Smith: +lizzy lila Oh my god yes! What are this part 3!
  357. Heather Byerly: don't keep shadow's food where he sleeps. we keep ours in the kitchen for our dogs.
  358. Jodie L: I always feel guilty leaving my dog so now we have a dogsitter
  359. Ellaxchoi: I feel so bad for my puppy too
  360. Katie Taylor: Dogs are great! Hope you're having an amazing time being a dog father to Shadow! currently my sisters pug is sleeping on my lap, he's so cute
  361. chloe rudd: Ikr... Aren't pet crabs great?
  362. Stephanie Roe: shadow is so cute 😍
  363. Morgan Scott: my only advice for shadow is to try and keep him on an eating schedule. don't leave food out all day and give him the recommended amount of food on the bag for however many times a day it says at around the same time each day.
  364. Olivia_Shae13: Hey! What I did to train my dog not it poop inside I feed her a treat when they used the bathroom outside.
  365. Sara Gustafson: NO
  366. The Indicator: don't u live with Colleen?
  367. laura stewart: snapchat? 💩🙊 love you
  368. BFF's Forever: Have trained him like sit and roll over
  369. Sasha Teplish: You'll get used to leaving Shadow at home
  370. Val Hdz: Josh I have a puppy as well and so a small pice of advice is you can buy some dog pee pads just incase he does pee or poo inside and that's also a great way to potty train just give him a treat when he does it on his pad words of encouragement 😊👍🏼
  371. That Anime Geek: SO KAWAII!! anime refrence 😏 kawaii = cute
  372. Jessica Herring: Yes. I feel guilty when I leave my dog
  373. Megan Mathews: "I'll play with my self, same" Joshua TMI....
  374. Brigette Cook: Miniature pincher
  375. Amelia Larsen: Rio would be so cute though
  376. Crystal Boven: Shadow is a good name he is adorable best wishes with you & him
  377. Holly Ware: Friends
  378. Brooke Valyou: Yes I hate leaving my dog
  379. Olivia Parteka: advice: give him as much attention as possible you don't want him to feel neglected also try not to feed him too many table scraps
  380. Petik Tangikyan: Sledgehammer in the background :)
  381. awesome Rachel: it's a chihuahua and wiener dog mixed
  382. C-locbta: Always feel bad about being away from my dogs🐾💜
  383. Erin Slusher: Yes I feel guilty too 😂 But they survive
  384. nayelli Acosta: I am glad u called him shadow I like that name
  385. Sarcastically_me: When mine was a puppy I definitely felt guilty leaving. But after a while and after they kind of learn your routine, they know you're gonna come back. Plus an hour to you is like 5min for them, no concept of time, wouldn't that be nice? Lol. LOVE that you're vlogging all this. Thank you. ❤️
  386. Rosie Davison: Oh, lol I didn't see any other comments
  387. Kari Griffin: Hey Josh!! If you leave a tshirt you've worn in his crate when you have to go out, your scent will help soothe him and make it easier for him to be left alone:):) I started doing this with my pitbull Zeus when he was having separation anxiety and it helped so much!☺️👌🏻🐶
  388. Jordyn Smith: hey josh! when i got my dog i found it helpful to get him on a schedule. he goes out for a poo in the morning when we wake up again around the middle of the day and once before we go to sleep with a couple of little pee breaks in between, and 3 years later he is still on the same schedule! he gets fed once in the morning and again at dinner time. he doesn't eat too much considering he is a fairly small doggy. hope my experience could help!
  389. Ann Jennett: when shadow does something bad make sure he knows that he is not supposed to do that or e will never stop it be strict with him for the first month or so.
  390. Edwin Hernandez: I always feel bad when I leave my dog
  391. Jenna Marville: dont feed your dog food from the dinner table this an unhealthy habit to get him into
  392. Ashlyn Jones: Or dingleberries
  393. Tiffany Hansen: You might want to consider a feeding schedule instead of free feeding. It puts them on a good potty schedule and helps to not create any food bowl aggression (not that your dog has any). Just a thought on something you might want to research. It's what I've always done for my dogs.
  394. The DUBS: hi i love ur puppy
  395. Daniel O’Donnell: Josh maybe don't keep food out at all times because some dogs eat until there isn't food in front of them anymore, most of the time it's bigger dogs but sometimes small dogs are like that as well
  396. Jenna Barrickkk: What I do when I leave the house I give my dog a little toy but it's empty inside so we put peanut butter in it so he can play with that when we're gone
  397. Sophie k: Guys it's not even THEIR dog it's Joshua's.. I don't really get why they r married and it's only one of their dogs and COLLEENS always away so a kid wouldn't work out
  398. MissRWilson 7: Isn't it both Josh's and colleens dogs it's just cause he says MY dog a lot and it's just cause isn't Colleen shadows mum
  399. Lizzy Carlile: From what I've experienced (my first puppy is over a year old now), you're doing everything right. You want to neuter him, which is SMART. You have him on a potty schedule. But most of all, you're SOCIALIZING him. That was my fall back with my dog. I did at first, but I got lazy and now she's kind of... not really mean but off putting with strangers. She's getting better since I live at my boyfriend's mom's and there are constantly people coming and going, but she still has a long ways to go. Keep up the good work Josh.
  400. Aubrey Pluta: Dogs don't have a concept of time so they won't realize how long you've been gone.
  401. nanny Rodriguez: i feel guilty too
  402. Pusheen Pusheen: I got two Bulldogs two English they r so ADORBLE one dog is 3 and one is 1 my baby one got trained fast because my bigger one helped him I put mine in the crate for about 5 months HE LUVS sleeping with me English ones r well trained
  403. Faith: Shadow is a very good name for him! So cute!!! Keep up with socializing and general training you will do great! ✌
  404. Johana Nunez: yes yes I do feel guilty when I leave my almost turning 1 husky and rottweiler. Their my babies 🐶🐶=👶💙💙
  405. Louise Anne: i literally searched for a comment that pointed it out jdskdjskdjskdjs <3 HAHA
  406. Katie Dalton: I have two dogs a pomche (a chihuahua and a Pomeranian mix) and a boxer and I feel really bad because I go to my dads on the weekends so I have to leave them☹️
  407. Caroline Hayden: hi
  408. Sweetie 3.141592653: I miss my cat every time I go
  409. Amber Chambers: I definitely feel guilty when I leave. I have 3. They try and act like they didnt hear me tell them to go to their cage lol.
  410. Janiel and phan: what did you end up naming him
  411. Emily N: he's already 5 months old and got all his shots.
  412. Vls Lulu: He looks exactly like my chihuahua so that's my guess
  413. Happy Days: Hey Joshua if you don't already I believe you should buy a pee pad so when you leave for a long while he can do his business on that. Its also great for when it rains! just lay it on the floor and u are good to go
  414. Samantha Camryn: Ya I always felt like that when I first adopted my dog but that kind of stops after you see their reaction when you get home❤️
  415. angel crush: hes the cutest! shadow is a perfect name just never ever give him chocolate
  416. brighton petch: She was just joking! Rebecca is an amazing friend to josh and would obviously let josh name HIS dog with no doubt, like honestly!
  417. queen wolfiey: I'm trying to give u some help....when u find out his name and your trying to say good boy and bad boy don't say boy say his name if u call him boy his going to start responding to boy and that's a bad thing...and what type of dog u got ? my dog looks just Like him ? I'm trying to figure what type of dog I have ik I have the same one as u... but mine is smaller bc mine is almost 3month's
  418. Jamie Massingill: what kind of dog is shadow
  419. Kristen Nicole: Shadow looks like my dog which is a Chihuahua/Miniature Pincer
  420. Aina Giedra: u should call him buttons
  421. OMG Its Us: Don't give him food right after he eats because he will eat that food and then he will get.... Fat XD
  422. Abby Coffey: my dog is 8 and I still feel bad when I have to leave but she has my other dog to hang out with when im not there
  423. alissa meadwell: my puppy in general loves playing and chewing on empty water bottles 🐩
  424. Alyssa Danielle: is shadow going to be the same size as black Jack or be a big dog when he gets older
  425. Leah Johnstone: If you ever need a dog toy you can get a plastic water bottle be sure that the paper and cap as well as the little ring have been removed. They will enjoy it and it is extremely hard for them to bust it.
  426. Jessica Townes: I feel bad when I leave my dog for lone periods of time. like I'll leave for 8-10 hours at a time yet he's always happy to see me because he knows I would never leave him and he's happy I'm back
  427. Siena Hajer: Try not to leave his food out all day, have like set times you feed him, so he doesn't get fat
  428. Erin Slusher: "I'll play with myself. Same" Omg I'm dying
  429. Kelly Carr: if you want to get him lazy do play with him ok that works with me and my dog
  430. Peyton Pinault: yes
  431. BrittanyMae_xoxo: My family was building a house so we had to stay in a hotel for 4 months... I had to leave my dog with a family friend and it was so horrible.. We got to see her a few time but when we reunited it was amazing but I felt like she didn't know we were her owners still;( but it's all good now! She's the best dog ever! Always there by my sad when I'm sad and I need a buddy
  432. Grace K: Today I ran inside to grab a Popsicle and had to run back over to someone's house, my dog ran up and dropped a tennis ball at my feet I felt so bad for leaving her I almost wanted to cry!
  433. Aly Marie: Definitely make sure to expose him to as many people and dogs as possible. Go to the pets store just for the sake of socialization.
  434. Luna Lune: Have fun on your new journey. <3 R.I.P to your old dog. <3
  435. MrMarkymark005: We feel guilty EVERY SINGLE time we leave our dogs......Even after years & years. It became a little dysfunctional, we would take them everywhere or not go anywhere. It impacted our lives in an unhealthy way & caused our fur babies to develop separation anxieties so we've had to make some deliberate changes for us & them. Also, having a scheduled feeding schedule is really good for you all, rather than letting him eat at any time throughout the day, it could lead to too much weight gain, etc. You're doing awesome! U got the love & that's the most important thing. My aunt & uncle are Veterinarians, my uncle a general & my aunt is a Vet neurologist. If you have any questions/issues please feel free....I'll call them up. Wish u Good parenting!
  436. Sara Singh: Name him buddy
  437. Desiree Rebelo: My dogs the same size as shadow and looks like him my dog seems to bark at his reflection to its cute and funny lol💜❤️💜❤️
  438. Ellis Scott: He I miss my dog all the time she really is a tie some times u just gotta do it
  439. Katherine Elizabeth: my mom had a horse named shadow
  440. Linette Nguyen: You should make an Instagram account for Shadow!
  441. BEAUTYSLIFE 101: some advice is don't give him human food it is bad for dogs. get him all of his shots/get him neutered. close all doors so he does not get into anything.make sure he knows were to go to the bathroom.
  442. Elz :D: You should call it dingleberry!!!!!!🐶
  443. Shelbi D: I love shadow🐶
  444. Kay Smith: I thank God there is so much love.
  445. Jennifer Pena: bff me obey_jenny07
  446. Petik Tangikyan: Sledgehammer:)
  447. Stella Jackson: I hate leaving my dogs and cat
  448. Lauren Dziwulski: I love shadow
  449. B C: Same
  450. J246 C81012: When u potty train him if he pees/poops in the house stuck his noise in it and tell him outside. And take him out
  451. TBNR Jake: Call him rustle
  452. Zoe G.: My dog was a rescue who was abused and then abandoned by the owner, and we think he was a police dog. I always feel bad leaving him. As long as you know that they will be safe at the house then you should feel a little better.
  453. Ava Brennan: Omg yes I feel so bad all the time When i leave my little pup
  454. Heicam 1234: I think buddy was bomb but shadow is cool
  455. DesiredVlogs YT: I love yours and shadows relation ship ❤️
  456. Brittany Norman: Make sure you feed him at simultaneous times. Like if you're feeding him at 6:00 am make sure to feed him at 6:00 pm. it gets the dog into more of a ruitine. It's just my personal preference!
  457. Chase Sanchez: Yes josh I do feel guilty sometimes but they have toys and they always take naps when your away that's one reason they are usually hyper when you get home if you have more questions ask
  458. Haven Norman: Large spank for a small dog? I don't think that's right...
  459. Kate Rieger: yes omg
  460. Cupcakes 03: He's name is shadow omg so cute brownie is also a good name
  461. Kerringtyn Davis: its normal I always feel guilty
  462. Madelyn Reyes: You should get the leash your sis has so you don't have to run after your dog
  463. draw_music_sleep_repeat -: don't spoil him to much because then he'll give backtalk and don't be hesitant about getting mad at him 😊
  464. oni: Yes I fell like that
  465. Asia: Training will help you a lot right off the bat, since you're worried about him liking other dogs and people. And even though it will be tempting, you should probably give him a while to adapt before you introduce him to very many people and other dogs because it can be super stressful, even if he doesn't act stressed out. And honestly it's not a big deal to let your dog sleep with you. As long as you do have some limits and rules for the dog, I wouldn't worry about it. I can tell you're going to be a really good dog daddy 💕 and of course you'll make mistakes, but you've got a lot of great friends that are veteran dog parents to help you out!
  466. Bec: We have a Shadow. She's the black pupper in my pic. ☺
  467. Holland Raming: I think it's normal to feel bad when you leave him because he's new but once you have him for a while you won't feel as bad because he will now that you are coming back!
  468. princessangel4evr: +maria i thought it was cause in the previous vlog colleen mentioned that ever since she met josh they talked about getting a german shepard. but who knows until josh says the breed
  469. kaitlyn bechand: yes I always miss my dog when I go out
  470. leah gabrielle: you're such a great dad, josh :)
  471. Trina Evangelista: 3:40 Fifth harmony's sledge hammer
  472. Jacqueline Dazzo: My advice: don't be to serious or strict on how to do things right. Make it your own thing cause it's your kid and you can do what you want with it
  473. Ava Diaz: You may want a little blanket for the couch so it won't start to smell🐶🐶
  474. Megan Smith: Hey guys I wrote a song for Colleen and josh please like this to get this to the top so josh so might see it. I really want horn to hear I'm sending it tomorrow on my insta @meg_smith136
  475. Kristen Satchel: Early :D
  476. Cami Gomez: Name him timberlakeee
  477. Alyson Turner: I have 3 dogs and one of the things u should do is feed him around 6 or 7 in the morning. and then 1 or 2 in the evening and then if your still up late at like 11 or 12 is fine for him to eat. Idk if it's only my dogs that don't care about those times but you should try it!
  479. Victoria Cisneros: Sorry I keep leaving advice but take him on random drives, even if it's ten minutes long just so he doesn't think every time he gets in the car, it's to the doctor. That can make dogs get sick so just keep him enjoying car rides and walks too!!
  480. Kel C: It's normal to feel guilty when u leave the house, but dogs don't have a very good consept of time, so they really don't know how long you're gone. I love the name by the way :)
  481. Ä: I feel bad if we're gone all day because she has to stay in a cage, but we got her a pretty big one and there's lots of blankets. All she does is sleep anyways
  482. Cashel Gietzen: weren't you guys gonna get cats??
  483. Olivia Vizza: MAX MAX MAX NAME HIM MAX MAN
  484. Julia Connor: I don't like shadow :(
  485. Sydney: Make sure to give him the parvo vaccine!!
  486. Bigbang628: Don't let the dog sleep with you because once they get older if they go blind or deaf, they'll get scared and lost, its best to keep Shadow in his crate.
  487. adiah olsen: Im not sure if you left his food out, like just sitting out, we did that to one of our dogs and just had his food sitting out all the time and he got really fat so... lol
  488. Me_ Hallie: Yes!!! All the time when I leave my little puppy bailey May💜🐶
  489. katie: Or if he rolls in grass and smells like shit, then you should wash him😂😂
  490. Justin Avery: were you at at the park behind costco???!!! at girsh park??!!
  491. Alojz Hauptman: what kind of Dog(breed) is Shadow. Answers on Snapchat,please.😃😃
  492. Amber List: Dogs are so fun! There are so many amazing things you can do with them! The best thing is to find their favorite treat and use that treat only for training. The name game is fun for puppy's too, you say their name and they get a cookie this way they can learn their name. Good luck with your puppy!
  493. Emma Miller: I think shadow
  494. hendrix Ailve: he is SO CUTE I love him...awe...
  495. Rusted Magnolia Hay and Holly Days: rosco
  496. XxDeeDee xX: no I will just have fun
  497. 123456 123456: HESSSS SOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I'm doing dog research so I can convince my parents to get me a puppy
  498. Anuja That’s Me: You must 1 teach him his name. 2 Housebreak him 3 and socialize him That's the basics!
  499. Firoozeh Nourizadeh: IKR EVERY TIME!!!!!
  500. Emily Shook: Same
  501. goodgirlxo: My dog is the girl "Shadow" :) reason: she stares at shadows/lights on the wall all the time. XD
  502. Olivia Vizza: Now that you said he has never pooped, he will poop in the house
  504. DMAJOR 2K: I love the name shadow!!!
  505. Vanessa Hates Emma k: Wait does Coleen know about the dog
  506. KerraNicole 9601: Yayyyyy I love the name
  507. Aubrey Hudson: I like the name shadow
  508. Sammy Nieuwenweg: +Oreo Emesis Mine does that to haha
  509. Sophia Melgarejo: ~~~~~ Josh plus do a video of shadow doing tricks!!!👍🏻👍🏻. ~~~~~~
  510. Rumi Lai: We all learn how to take care our babies along the way. I believe your an amazing dad! Btw, leaving your pets home sometime during the day is an important training for both us and them!
  511. Madison Chase: The gray in the beard!!!!!!!!!
  512. jessica is a god: Shadow is a terrible name please don't name him that
  513. Katrina Daly: It's good that you exposed him to other dogs at a young age, then he will be okay around almost everything later on. 😀
  514. Felicia Annette: I always feel bad leaving my pup, but I love how excited she gets when she sees me come through the door. There's no better feeling than that. Welcome to the pawrent life lol.
  515. Trash: What kind of dog is he?
  516. Wdw Avery2004: What is the dogs name
  517. Laina Rae: It was a great idea to walk with him, with other dogs. Shows him what he is suppose to do! I think you're doing a wonderful job.
  518. Sad Boi: +JoshuaDtv don't ever let ur dog pee where ever they want especially the males and if u get ur dog fixed aka neutered they live longer and make sure that he has all of his shots so he doesn't get sick and die and u hav to be strict with ur dog in order for them to learn and be a good doggy
  519. Amelia: I typically feed my dogs twice a day and I don't free feed (leave food out all day) because you can kind of schedule their poop times and helps with potty training. I like watching your journey with him! :)
  520. kayla grace: when i first adopted my dog i felt so guilty leaving her especially since she had been abused and still didn't trust me all the way. i learned i couldn't put her in a crate (she got out still don't know how there was no damage to the crate she threw up everywhere she was so nervous) she's so much better when i just let her chill in the house. ive had her for almost 2 years now, she's not as skinny and not as timid and it feels so good that i could give her a home. the most ive left her is for 10 days and i was so sad to leave her but she didn't hold a grudge ((:
  521. Matteson Mahlmeister: dogs only have long term memory so if you go outside for like 5 minutes and come back in the dog with think you left him for a long time. it's kinda funny haha. your pup is so adorable oh my
  522. Benji: I think Lucky would suit him because he's so lucky he has a wonderful and caring owner!!!
  523. Americas Harrington: Joshua when are you going to go get shadow dog tags
  524. Ew: 1:21 when i scratched my puppy's belly he used to kick in the air like he was scratching himself it was so cute and funny
  525. jose soto: I feel terrible when I leave the house without my dog cause I feel like he feels like he's being abandoned again cause we dumped in a field with a cocker spaniel when they were both three month in front of an animal hospital and they didn't find him until a few days later so we adopted him and he was so happy but I get really sad when I leave
  526. Rea Mitchell: josh you can help him learn to sit by putting the toy above his head I hope this hope this helps
  527. Kayli Hern: Don't change his food on him or he will get sick it happened to my dog and we had to pay a lot of money
  528. Lauren Cainey: I always feel guilty when I leave my dog to go somewhere but when we come home she's so happy 🐶
  529. Karolina _0304: 0:42 I died laughing
  530. Piper Queen: I got new kitten and he is 11 weeks old and I feel so bad
  531. E Gon: if his nose is dry take him outside to eat grass grass is medicine for dogs
  532. Paige Leslie: some advice.. a good idea is something yousef does for his dogs, he leaves like a box type of thing with grass in it in his dogs cage so they can use the bath room instead of peeing on the floor. you can use that or of course doggy pads.
  534. Niks G: Wait, what????? If you do, i am jealous to pieces, can we swap lives?
  535. Laura Boscan: DONT NAME HIM SHADOW
  536. DannyGirl: I feel extremely guilty when I leave my 4 month old puppy at home! Even to go out to dinner, as you said. However, when I get home it warms my heart to see him get so excited about seeing me! 💙🐶
  537. Ashley Berreth: get a girl dog
  538. Alice Ledford: OMG my dogs name is SHADOW❤️❤️
  539. Hannah Nguyen: You should get shadow a dog pee pee pad ,my dog uses it
  540. Atiya H: I love that name for the dog
  541. Lesly C:: my dog is named shadow also
  542. Megan C: Can you please introduce him to Jenna and Juliens dogs?
  543. Davin-Mario Rickmann: Am I the only one who's not the biggest fan of the name "Shadow"? Idk, he's tiny and fun...Shadow sounds so dark and something you'd call a big, black dog that's there to protect, like a Pitbull or something....Something cute that fits his personality would be better, I think. But hey, it's your dog...just my two cents on it :D
  544. Sophia Vasquez: I like the name shadow I think its perfect and cute!🐶💖💖
  545. A and J: Name him happy!!!!
  546. debby ryan's fav: No no don't call him shadow that's lame no joshua. Call him smth else homie
  547. Candace Elese: My sister named her dog shadow for the same reason
  548. Madison Auguste: I feel thesame
  549. Rachel Stefany: I always feel soooooooo guilty when I leave to go anywhere because my dogs look at me like take me with you
  550. Meredith Rose: I also used to have dogs but we lost him in a car accident but when ever we left him he would break out of his baracade I LOVE LOVE LOVE SHADOW!!!🦄🐶
  551. Shannon DeGeeter: Josh, I would recommend using piddle pads or old newspapers, and place them down so when you are gone Shadow won't have to wait to go outside to do buisness😂 my dog learned how to go on them and now she doesn't go to the bathroom on the floor.
  552. Jessica Stanczak: Omg shadow is so cute ! You should learn to teach him sit and when he does give him treats and all that ! Ily
  553. burnthisguitar: Checking out the comments and seeing all the dog experts
  554. Kenneth Soriano: I am exactly the same with my pup! I cannot go a second without being with him:( Glad you named him shadow!!
  555. Alex Sandoval: the fifth harmony song at 3:50
  556. Isabella Payne: i feel like that even know i have a hamster!
  557. Angie Asriyan: Best BWW location! Sherman oaks galleria aka my neighborhood! so sad I missed him :(
  558. cupcake queen: you are going to be a good baddy for a kid
  559. sophia r: One thing that I strongly recommend is to keep him socialized with humans dogs cats ect because my dog as a puppy love everyone and everything so we assumed we didn't have to make an effort to socialize him but now he is super aggressive and can't even be in the same area as another animal without flipping out
  560. Jackie Reil: The shadow knows! 🐶🐶
  561. Aleksandra Dzierzak: PLEASE Call him Snoopy
  562. Nora. Trembley: I feel guilty, but he needs to learn how to be alone and that you will always come back for him. It builds trust.
  563. Adelaide0984: kind of surprised you didn't think of the name MJ for Michael Jackson or Jackson
  564. Jennifer Muncy: name the puppy BERRY!!
  565. Sarah Elizabeth: When you take him out always have a schedule. Take him out in the morning to do his business (both) then around 6 or 7pm take him out again. And even if he doesn't do his business always feed him cause if you don't he he will get off schedule. And feed him after you take him out as a reward
  566. Riann Nicole: When he teeths or if he like to chew get him plenty of chew toys so he won't chew furniture or shoes
  567. Kenzie Wagner: I work at a pet store and the other day it was almost one hundred degrees out and a lady left her dog out in the car w/o the car on and the dog was literally halfway stuck out of the window because it was trying to get out of the car because it was so hot. Like lady? Um? Fight me? But the lady luckily left because we had to tell her that the dog was stuck outside of the window smh. I'm pretty sure one of my co-workers called someone 😂
  568. Berry Blossom: +Rebecca Zamolo Don't worry Rebecca, we know you wouldn't do that❤️ Love ya
  569. TutuCute: When I was younger we had 7 pets in our house and every time I left the house I would feel super bad😂
  570. Michelle Carrera: My cats name is shadow
  571. Sahalee DeLorey: Tip for Joshua: if he pees on the carpet use paper towel to soak it up then use a towel and a cleaner after.
  572. Jen Evans: What breed is he? he is adorable!
  573. Tate Perry: Also, dogs think that they need to be the protector when you go for walks, so try not to let him walk in front of you to also let him know that you're the master.
  574. Grace Valentine: I Always feel guilty because we have to leave my dog in the cage because she will go to the bathroom all over the house (I tried once leaving while she's in the house) and it's too hot outside so we have to leave her in the cage
  575. Samantha Simone: can I get an I love u on sc!!??
  576. Ashton Schwinn: It's not a German Shepherd. It's a small breed dog. Remember the other day, Colleen said she was surprised that Josh chose a small breed, since he always said he wanted a big breed? Also they may not know the breed because being that he was a rescue, they may not have any info on his parents. Will be neat watching him grow to see what breeds are noticeable.
  577. moofriends awn: josh u should get shadow Jordan's lol 😂😂😃
  578. Tori Booth: I feel bad every time I leave. my dog acts like I'm being so mean so I mostly travel with my lil baby princess
  579. Taylor Ferrara: I feel so bad when I leave my cats at home alone!
  580. wig gone: Aww he's so cute and his ears are so derpy and floppy
  581. Jacy Le: It sounds so weird when he says don't argue down there.
  582. Gard: When I leave my dog just for five minutes I feel like I have betrayed him
  583. Sarah Llambias: I don't like shadow call him buddy
  584. Becca Rose: Colleen hasn't been here much soooo
  585. Brianna Herring: What kind of dog is shadow?
  586. Gemini Coven: LUV The Sound of Music, childhood
  587. Elise Paterson: I always feel that
  588. Ashley Zamorano: but my cat is a girl
  589. Lorelai Burton: Don't feed shadow human food or other dog food cause my dad did that to my dog and now all he eats it human food which is really bad
  590. Misa Pham: They will not be friends or enemies they are frenemie
  591. Carrie Marazita: I recomend to teach your dog to ring a bell when he has to go outside. When my dog has to go outside he rings a bell thaf is on the ground bg the floor. By the way i has a miniature poodle named Pepper.😘
  592. Emily Bava: Shadow is so adorable where to get Shadow
  593. Haleigh Fry: Your dog is so cute I wish I could have him.
  594. katiesee123: I was a full time student and worked full time when I got my dog. I've had him for almost 2 years and I still feel terrible every time I leave the house.
  595. maggie: SAME ITS AMAZING!!!!
  596. Lizzie Myers: early squad where you at?
  597. Camren SarahCabelloJauregui: at 3.17 i got so excited cos fifth harmony- sledgehammer was playing!!!!!!!!
  598. KateH_ 137: You should call him Tonto
  599. Candace Bruce: You should check out barkbox! My dogs love it and wait for it every month!
  600. ThatInternetTeen: I feel bad for leaving my dog too.
  601. Life_With _Ella: U just got him but like in 3 months ur not gonna csre
  602. Miranda Montenegro: What type of dog is he?
  603. Clo Tay: Make sure you give him all his injections before you take him on walks, he can get illnesses!!<3
  604. Sarah Marquez: I don't feel bad or guilty because you have to know that when you go home you get lots of lol from them and they love you
  605. Nyah L. St Cyr: Love you
  606. x.bryana.x: My dog likes water bottles. Maybe u should try it! Also u should make an ig acc to Twitter for him!
  607. Jamie Bol: I have some advice! :) 1. I would put him in the crate for 2-3 thirty minute sessions per day. Dogs don't like to poop or pee in their bed so doing this will help him house train 2. I would also try to teach him sit and etc. soon before he gets too old. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. He is such a cute and sweet dog!
  608. Bella Sky: So thrilled for you guys that you got a dog and adopted so so sweet, a dog is a best friend for life, plus can't wait to see more doggy vlogs, so keep posting more of him so sweet
  609. G Equine: I meant a great job
  610. Alexa Varela: Exactly! I feel like it's too cheesy and I really don't like cheesy names.... I do love the puppy and josh's vlogs though :)
  611. Daniella Bonanno: MY DOGS NAME IS SHADOW
  612. Valerie Guerrero: does he have a family ?
  613. omgitssaul: Try not to be nervous when having Shadow meet other dogs or people because he'll sense your anxiety, and he'll get anxiety and want to attack or bark to protect you
  614. Lola Kitchell: love you joshua so happy you got a dog i have a dog they kinda look the same except she's a girl
  615. Krizia-That-One-Person: Who else that watches David Dobrik Vlogs was hoping to see Dom in the background while Josh was at Buffalo Wild Wings
  616. Maisy Towner: Skittle
  617. Dore Z: I'm leaving for my introduction for university tomorrow and will be coming back the 22nd, and I am so sad for leaving my cat for 8 days. I feel you.
  618. Morgan Flannery: 89th like!
  619. Angela Castruita: I ALWAYS feel bad when I leave my dog
  620. HeyItsAli: i had 2 camps last week from 830-4 or 5 and my mom would bring my dog for the ride and she's whine once i got out of the car and i felt so bad
  621. Jordan Purrington: Your vlogging again and I'm loving it❤❤
  622. Xadea Green: U should clicker train him. Btw ur such a nice person and dog owner.
  623. ArtJourneyUK: Dogs will eat all day long if you let them! Put food down at set mealtimes and then remove any uneaten food after 30 mins.
  624. Lila Capparelli: The guiltiness of leaving your dog wears off after a little while, just make sure to leave them with toys and water and they will be fine! Filling up our dogs water dish is an extreme pain so I recommend buying a self filling water bowl that you fill about every four days. If it feels like Shadow is not responding to his just keep at it and he will learn it eventually. It is also ok to give him a nickname he will not forget the other as long as you keep calling him Shadow. He should be going through teething soon if he isn't already so his teeth we get super sharp. You want to get biting out of his habit ASAP otherwise it will be harder to break same goes for barking. Make sure to walk Shadow a lot. Dogs and puppies have a lot of energy and going for a walk really drains it. If you don't walk him he will be running around the house bark and biting you. Don't give him table food because that will get him to start begging. I hope this helps
  625. Taco Shell: Pls shave
  626. Robyn Bradford: and btw my dog is 3 and Bday jan.4 and we taught him well : )
  627. Cashel Gietzen: +Psycho kittens I thought they said they were gonna get some in June
  628. Galilea Ravelero: You should change the water every morning as soon as you wake up so there water won't get dirty infected and thick
  629. Laura Boscan: DONT NAME HIM SHADOW
  630. GuitarAngel1975: You should also get him fixed as soon as he's old enough. My male dog, Jagger, stopped eating for nearly three days because there were dogs in heat around my house and he got so skinny. It was terrifying so I took him in to get fixed right away. He's soooo much better now. It'll also help with marking territory, especially in the house. Jagger has peed in my house and on people a few times before I got him fixed so watch out for that.
  631. Laura Boscan: Early kinda 3min
  632. darwin watterson: +Jennifer Rebutoc yeah it's like that in England as well it's terrible that people sometimes do that 😭
  633. Erin Hunt: when you first get a dog you get scared about leaving it because it's not used to being alone, after a while you won't feel that anymore because he will grow up and get used to it.
  634. maggie: JOSH! Im so excited about your From the Ground Up cover, I love Dan and Shay and that song! Its so good,!!!!! OMG IM SO EXCITED! WHEN DOES IT COME OUT!!!!
  635. Austyn Jayde: What we do with our dog we feed her two times a day
  636. MariaB2ze: Dogs make me so happy!
  637. Chloe Chloe: When you leave the house for a long time give Shadow a big treat to chew on. This will keep him occupied for a long time!
  638. Shaylin Wagoner: when is shadow going to meet peach, marbles, and kermit??
  639. Daisha Arbuthnot: Yes
  640. Cassidy Eryn: Are you snap chatting the comments
  641. Katie Metcalfe: I feel guilty just when I go into the room next door
  642. kayla judds: Are you gonna teach him tricks?
  643. radda triova: Shadow is Joshuas dog bcs Colleen is away.most of the time
  644. Madison Blair: I have a Chihuahua pit bull mix and a chihuahua Docksin mix and we give them dentist sticks everyday so there breath dose not stink.P. S. There names are Albert and Einstein
  645. Lulu Dre: After a while of having a doggy you don't feel too guilty when you leave:) Love you!😍😎💩
  646. Claire tiggs: Your doing fantastic with Shadow he's obviously happy, having had dogs growing up we found repetition and rewards helps hugely definitely and you already have a firm no that he's responding too when you want him to stop so I think y'all guna be great xxxxxx
  647. Sasha Teplish: The reason he is eating so much is because he has a little stomach and gets hungry fast
  648. Tori Morton: Adopt don't shop is wrong he feeds him of camera and also I mite be wrong and you mite be wrong but I just think it's rude to say that like if you Agree
  649. Laura S: we'll see him grow with u!
  650. RBtheCRINGEY 05: So Rebecca named the dog shadow. (You would know that because of the last vlog)
  651. Alisa Ebel: Advice: I wouldn't sleep with him because if you go somewhere and he has to sleep in his crate. He won't sleep and he will cry because he won't be with you. That's just my advice! Take it if you want:)
  653. marissa munroe: I would suggest getting an automatic dog feeder, because it constantly feeds him, so let's say you're away and he gets hungry he won't have to wait until you get back. It also lets the dog know that he will have a constant supply of food. And if you get a second dog (in the future) it also shows that they don't have to fight for food. Just a suggestion, I've had 5 dogs my entire life and currently have two atm, and we've found out that it's easier to have an automatic dog feeder and automatic water container too!
  654. Elizabeth Napier: From the Ground up!!!!!!! Omg I'm soooooooooo excited!!!!!
  655. emmalewrocks: Yes be happy Josh! SO happy that you and Shadow are happy!
  656. jake ramirez: Sledge hammer by fifth harmony in the background😂😂😂
  657. BeautyxBabe03: Otherwise from what I've seen your doing great! Keep it up doggy dad!
  658. paige egner: Rumor has it if you're early they reply...... Probably not
  659. cheery oats: I know this is super old but wowie people saying "You have to show who's the alpha" and all, I hope you guys know you are very wrong. Dogs do not understand pack ranking. Caesar Milan's training style is not universal and is much better suited to wolfdogs. Normal, domesticated dogs don't care nearly as much about the ranking status as their wolf ancestors. They know who feeds them and takes care of them, and for most dogs, that's enough to respect you and listen. Of course every dog is different and has different temperments, but universally, alpha-dominance training is unrequired. It scares the dog more than helps them, and usually people have no idea how to properly integrate dominance techniques without terrifying their dogs. Dogs have the same mentality as a 2 year old. They are mischevious and will get into trouble, but the way *you* react is far more important than the entire situation. If you positively reinforce good behaviors and teach your dogs that bad behaviors result in zero attention and a sharp "no", you will have a much easier time training them. Dogs are very sweet, amazing animals and strict training doesn't help unless you've got a rambunctious canine that refuses all other methods. A normal house dog who stays indoors with family really doesn't need intense training. They are very intelligent and will learn from your tone and body language what they should and should not do.
  660. yelhsayee: nooo not shadowww
  661. Taylor Wilson: You should name him Coby.
  662. Abbie Larson: How I taught my dogs to be potty trained is giving them a treat when they go pee or poop outside
  663. Angie Rodriguez: don't leave him to long by himself
  664. Jefte Vega: I've been waiting all day for this video!!
  665. Erin R: yas
  666. Martin Cs: Does shadow sleep with in bed
  667. Themepark International: I don't feel bad cause I leave my pet at home all the time :P
  668. Hannah E.S.: My cat just died and she died when i left for vacation and i felt terrible
  669. games with chloe 101 boyd: call him buddy
  670. Holly Goodall: ROMAN ATWOOD
  671. Cara H: Your doing a great job so far. I've had 2 dogs so from what I've seen your doing things right and just keep him socializing with other dogs just like you did in this vlog!!🐶❤️
  672. Rebecca Spurgeon: I freaking love from the ground up!!! It's my favorite song rn im so excited!
  673. Gurrdy Stienbacher: I'm also curious. My dog only eats dry food. ?
  674. Colleen Pahlow: when I first had my dog I left to go to school and all I wanted was just to go home, I felt so bad for leaving her at home but at the same time my dad stays at home and I would be back in the afternoons. then when I left my dog for 4 days I kept asking to see pictures. BTW boyfriends get really annoyed really fast when you do that. 😂
  675. Oliver: I may not be an expert, but when you take him for walks do not let him pull. When he does pull, stop walking until he corrects himself, then keep walking.
  676. Xx1030Xx: yeah name him shawdow
  677. Cece Rose: I had a dog when I was little and her name was shadow. She died at age 1 for multiple bee stings. She was allergic to them. It would mean a lot if you could name him shadow. Thank you
  678. Lia K: Get him puppy treats and teach him tricks!
  679. The Meme Queen: You should have a scudule like when you eat at home he eats
  680. Ava Perez: Yes I feel bad when I leave my dogs
  681. Joely Hatcher: |-/
  682. Katie Stumpf: does Colleen know??
  684. Jeanette Brmn: ups i didnt watch till the end sorry😁
  685. Ava and Jaxi: I don't feel that guilty. My dog has to learn to be alone. He just sleeps. If you have a place to be, go. You have a life to live
  686. Baylee Gretsch: if you don't already have pee pads for him, you should get some so he doesn't pee in the house when your away or at home
  687. Lauren Claytor: You should name him Bandit!!!
  688. rhys osbon: Don't worry about leaving shadow beacause he will get used to it and needs to be able to be on own for a bit, but eveytime u get a new pet your scared to leave them so don't worry
  689. Sofia Welch: my cats name is shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  690. Lily Gassmann: Ps I love your vids
  691. Irrelevant Isabel: I love you so much please snapchat me nicki_isabel
  692. Riley A: What type of dog is he
  693. Maria Ocampo: Name him brownie
  694. Naomi Allen: I always feel really bad when I have to leave my pet
  695. Julia Salvador: ABSOLUTELY! I got up this morning with my family to go move my brother into his first apartment and I decided to stay home because I couldn't stand leaving my pup at home she looked so sad!
  696. Sabrina T: I like the name shadow
  697. Gracie Duffy: Just a tip josh! How ever many months the dog is...+1 is how many hours they can stay home alone. And as long as you give them toys, they should be fine! And I think shadow is a great name!
  698. Kiersten Marie: I always feel bad for leaving my dog for a couple hours 😂so you're not the only one
  699. Fox43656 Games: Maybe name him buddy or bandit
  700. Morgan Gaudet: I have a kitten and he cries whenever he can't see me and I feel so bad when I leave for school😣
  701. Rebecca M: Also when you or colleen get up out of bed and let him out of his creat he might go really hyper and lick your face to death because he sees you as his dad and colleen as his mom!!!! XXXX
  702. Ellah Metcalf: YASSS PREACH QUEEN!!!!👸
  703. Emily N: +Gabi N now i know the exact breed: he's a pincher x terrier :)
  704. Kaila Skye: I feel bad bc we have to put him in the garage but he was the radio water food bones bed and air conditioning
  705. Amy Elizabeth: Everyone says don't leave the food bowl on the ground but it relies on the dog if he's kinda a pig watch how much he eats by picking up the bowl if he's picky or not piggy you can just leave it down
  706. Pooge: Yes I feel so guilty, because I wonder if they think we're leaving them forever and not coming back and when I get home and see how happy my dog is when he sees me it's the best thing ever. But at the same time he's huge (English Mastiff 257lbs) and it gets annoying when he tries to jump on me
  707. Emma Jade: Yes I always feel guilty but when you get home he will be so so so happy
  708. Lucidus 1st: Only if you're dog will eat every time you fill up its bowl. Only feed it breakfast and dinner. Only if your dog eats every time you fill up it's bowl. We have to do that with my dog too. But my other dog we feed it every time she runs out of food because she doesn't eat a lot.
  709. II P For Paradise II: Please do more videos with Shadow!!
  710. Emily N: he's definitely not a rottweiler. probably a pinscher x dachshund (mix) ooor a pinscher x chihuahua.
  711. Oran Elliott: I love the name bandit 😀
  712. Glitter Beauty Lyndsey!: Your dog is a 100% way better at fetch than my dog
  714. Kya Mai: omg Erins dog is named Pippin!!!??? Thats my cats name!!! i love my Pippin so much and i take her on walks and she loves it!
  715. gab: shadow is absolutely adorable
  716. Lauren Munar: Buddy!! 😂😂👏🏽
  717. Charlatte: They were but Joshua visited a dog shelter for a show and he fell in love with Shadow so he talked to Colleen and they both agreed to get a dog
  718. Tori Johnson: hey there Joshua
  719. HeyImkk: here is some advice I learned and every time u leave the dog ur suppose to add more time little by little from a 1 hour alone to maybe 2 hours alone because u want shadow to be use to being alone and if u stay with them all the time and u barley ever leave and ur always with shadow he will get separation anxiety...
  720. Jazmyn Morales: 😍😭🐶
  721. MissRWilson 7: +Devon Kinney I know she's in London but i just said that cause he always says my dog. But anyway I can't think straight cause I'm tired cause I lived in the u.k
  722. SupernaturalSimmer: Yess!!!Shadow!!!
  723. usernamethathasnothingtodowiththeirprofilepicture: +Rebecca Zamolo OH SAGVGE REBECCA IS A SAGVGE BOI U GOT ROASTED
  724. etan2005: you should get puppy pads so he could pee inside
  725. Rachel Frediani: Same with my dog we use "front" instead of come
  726. Brianna Cabrera: Totally
  727. Natasha Aiken: Is Shandow going to meet Jenna and Julien's dogs?
  728. Eliza: I still like JT better
  729. solo pasa en chile CTM CTM AWEONAO: i not ingles :'(
  730. Zionna Johnson: yes
  731. Carly Herron: I always hate leaving my dog even if we just go to dinner
  732. Julianna Vinci: I have to leave my dog and cat for a week
  733. Zoey Elizabeth: When you have a new dog, it's most important that they get used to you accationaly leaving, when you leave for longer that 4 hours they might get bored, so, you should have a companion for them whether it's another dog (like me and my family has 2 dogs) or, you could always drop them off at a friends house with other pets or just people in general. Obviously you need to know how those animals get along with Shadow. I've left for 8 hours to go swimming, my dogs are fine with that, yours might not be.... Again when you leave for long vacation your dog should be dropped of at a house that will take care of him. this has been ~Advice from 11 year old Zoey!!
  734. YouSlay: What breed is shadow
  735. Christina O'Connor: A little. But when they see you it's fun!
  736. Linda Oh: Josh your pup cute bum when its running is hilarious and soooooooooooo cute! Your pup should be Shadow, plus he loves belly rubs i can see that.🐶❤️
  737. Coqui: next shadow needs to meet the iggy's and marbles when jenna and julien come back from london
  738. Coqui: +Starr D'Amato 😂😂 if only
  739. Kate Whyte: If this is how josh is with a dog, imagine him with a child! :)
  740. Laura Boscan: NO NOT SHADOW
  741. Lauren Gooding: I had to leave my dogs for 2 WEEKS and it crushed me I miss them sm
  742. MissRWilson 7: I mean isn't Colleen
  744. Keira Turnbull: Some ur dog I'd my dogs twin they are like. They look at lot a like omg
  745. Aej 18: My first dog was named Shadow do this is special to me 💜🐶
  746. TRICKSHOT NATION: Yasss josh
  747. Eloise H-B: don't worry about the feelings of guilt. they will go away the more you get used to having a dog. and congratulations on the fact that he hasn't pooped in the house. it means your doing something right when house training him.
  748. Emily Cowley: Using a clicker to train shadow should help with commands
  749. Kristie Carpenter: You'll get used to leaving shadow alone while you go places, it's just because he's so new in your life, you feel guilty for leaving him, but after a while, you'll be able to leave and not worry about it or feel guilty :)
  750. Lanie taylor: You may already know this but if shadow starts to chew on things replace it with a toy and make it a HUGE deal when he poops outside that's how I potty trained my German Shepard and btw our dogs both have the same collar😂❣
  751. Funny Things: Yes
  752. Jenna Someone: I love the name shadow
  753. JeanLouise: no matter what you name him he's gonna be little bandana Bandino to me haha <3
  754. Guitarbuddah1: I am loving the fact that you are vlogging again, especially now that you have Shadow! U are such a good Daddy to him. Makes me Happy!!!!!!
  755. ashley phillips: Oh yeah! That's a really good name, +XxZoey4LifexX
  756. Birdy Bird: Shave.
  757. Gracie B: NOT SHADOW
  758. Oopsiees: I love the name Shadow. I got my pup when he was 6 weeks old(he's now almost 3 years old). His name is Pugsley Liam 😁. He's my baby boy. I crate trained and he slept in the kennel at night and while I was at work til he was a year old, now he's a covers thief and roams the house while I'm gone during the day. My husband comes home for lunch and is off work by 4 so it worked out great while training. Their brains are little sponges right now so I'd recommend starting some kind of obedience training. Most you can do at home, we did with Poo. 😁 Congrats on becoming a new daddy! He's beautiful 😄🐶
  759. BFF funTIMES: 65 person to comment
  760. Ava Costa: Ur the 33rd I'm sorry to tell u
  761. Love Bug: You have to walk the puppy every day. I love you videos!!! Shadow is soooooooooo cute!!!!
  762. FiFi Bella: The only way you can go wrong with a dog is NOT treating it like how you would treat and love a human
  763. Mehak Dutta: name him shadow
  764. Madeline Pagnier: name him Buddy jeez
  765. Ashley Argueta: I'm pretty early 🤗🤗
  766. Starie Mahanes: yes
  767. Madison Fittro: your dog is so cute💗💗💗💗💗
  768. kylie !!: shadows bark is so cute!💗
  769. Nice Tree: PLEASE DO A HOUSE TOUR!!!!!!!! 💕💕
  770. Megan Riley: As far as treats go, DOGS LOVE CHEESE! Remeber that for the future! My dog goes INSANE for craft singles and spray cheese. Also, I'm sorta in love with the name shadow. Keep it!
  771. Audrey Gilzow: yes i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  772. Gretchen Day: I feel guilty all the time whenever I'm out because when the car drives out she pokes out the window!
  773. Mollie's World: Shadow and peanut could be twins or siblings like if you agree
  774. Simonerwilliams: Yeah
  775. Carmen Mai: Shadow is so freaking cute!!
  776. Jesse Martinez: Shadow is great 👍🏻 i feel guilty when I leave my dog alone to
  777. Kayla B: my advice would be to get stairs for your bed/couch, I have a small dog who is 8 and all the jumping has hurt his back and hips over the years.
  778. SKEERRTTT: shadow is so cuttteee I want a dogs like that what kind of dog is that
  779. TeamCap Buckybarnes: He is SOOOO cute! (Not as cute as my dog, but close to 1st place!)
  780. Amanda Perez: what kind of dog is he? Like is he just a mutt, or do they know the breed?
  781. Sophia Elisabeth: Your dog voice is amazing
  782. Jaylin: +Caralyn Calabrese lol
  783. Kaylie Does: my dogs name is shadow my youtube picture is him actually
  784. Patty Ruiz: Some dogs are different and like to be alone and others want someone with them.
  785. Laura Cooper: I am currently on a trip and I miss my baby (my dog) SO much! I feel guilty even if I know she's in good hands.
  786. Taylor George: BRUH shadow is my dogs name😂😝
  787. Malia Leah: Yes I feel guilty
  788. Lauren P: Beard on flick
  789. Emma N Corey George: SHADOW🐶
  790. Lizzylu13: omg! my friends cat did that once!! I thought it was the only one. lol
  791. Savannah Duffy: Lol i went into my subscriptions and it said this was posted 57 seconds ago what good timing lawlz
  792. Matthew Teal: when you leave you should leave the tv on so he feels like he's not alone
  793. laur sharpe: NAME HIM BERRYYYYYYYY!!!
  794. Kylee S. A Fan: A name could be sparky or Kyle.
  795. Desirae Goldtrap: get shadow some doggy stairs for the bed
  796. Ayana Hibbert: I have a white dog named Fluffy
  797. hipoops: what is this the youtube dog squad?
  798. Kayla Brooks: 4th btw 3 people just wrote first comment lol
  799. Silent Noise: my puppy's name was Shadow but we had to take him back to his old family because my mom is allergic. :( And I'm very sorry for your loss.
  800. katie gouldby: yes i feel so guilty especially because we got him from a shelter and his previous owners abandon him at the vet
  801. Emily Duffer: If you don't want him to eat at night take it up and the water they will release when to eat and you can give him ice cubes instead of water at night
  802. Kasie Goldsborough: my dog has this fear of tools and loud noises (he's a bull mastiff) and I wasn't home while they working today and he won't come near me now unless I hug him
  803. Abby Haus: JOSH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! 😘😘😘
  804. audrey bates: hey josh! you're doing a great job with your new dog! the one thing id tell ya is to make sure you don't "free feed" him which is when you leave his food out all day and make sure you have a set time for his meals so you don't have to worry about having to take him out to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. with my dogs I give them one big meal in the morning and leave it out for 20 minutes then I give them smaller portions throughout the day until about 4 or 5 so they do their business before bed lol. hope this helps! I love you!
  805. Dana O'Donnell: They do feel abandoned. It's a fact that whenever u leave there nervous u won't come back. That's why there so happy when u get back
  806. Yadira ponce: thank god you named him shadow i wanted you to name him shadow
  807. egg: What breed is he I neeeeed to know
  808. Melissa Grande: No chocolate its really bad for dogs
  809. HannahClaire: He's so cute
  810. Caralyn Calabrese: Seriously?!?
  811. Sarah Clark: Yes
  812. SkinnyGopher404: What if you named your dog S'mores
  814. • Brand-name •: Shadow is a really cute name! If you need another name option, I think Cookie is a pretty good choice. It's a cute name, and Colleen likes cookies!😋🍪
  815. John W: Make sure you run the vacuum so when he is older he will be ok with it
  816. Katelyn Shay: I like buddy as the name cause before he was named he listened to buddy cause u always said "huh buddy!"and it's a suitable name for him but so is shadow
  817. Mikaela Rose: You need to tell him he's a good boy more. He needs reinforcement. But don't tell him when he doesn't do anything. Lol. When he brought back that toy for you, you should tell him he's a good boy (: I call my boy dog "handsome boy"
  818. ChelsyB09: Yea I always feel guilty when I leave because I can hear him barking from the outside of the house......
  819. Candy Girl: Haha
  820. Ruby Wilkins: when he sleeps the best thing is to let them sleep in a cage for the first 2 weeks
  821. Delaney Galindo: You should name him Buddy like Buddy from Secret Life of Pets
  822. harrison mabjish: I feel guilty so much and I love my dog so much I feel the exact same
  823. Marsha Marion: He looks like a Ricky!
  824. miner girlgames: don't give him grapes just a tip
  825. Caroline Sinopoli: It's been about 7 years that I have a dog and I still feel guilty for leaving her alone to go out
  826. Jean Bean: p.s. i love the name shadow
  827. • Holly Rose •: And just be careful for what you give to the dog because dogs cannot have chocolate raisins grapes onions spinach asparagus avocado and a few other things.🐶🐶🐶🐶 and make sure to give the dog all of its shots so that way it doesn't get ill
  828. Keydee rodriguez: Yea I do feel bad when I leave my dog at home.
  829. Kaydin Fredinburg: When you leave dogs they think that you are never coming back but the more you guys bond shadow will start to know that you will so you will not keep feeling guilty.
  830. Despina Southas: Make an Instagram for shadow
  831. Rose 866: u should let him interact with someone new or a new dog
  832. Cate Mueller: Omg yes my dogs are like 12 years old and I feel bad leaving all the time
  833. Sydney: Can I be on your snapchat story
  834. alexis miles: im not trying to tell you how to raise your dog but here is a tip. pick up shadows food at a certain time so he dosent eat late then end up going to the bathroom on the floor.
  835. koalaxedits: I'm sorry about your dog, but you are right! Josh should raise his dog however he'd like to, with tips.
  836. Renee S: Whenever I stay over at a friends place, I miss my dog soooooooo much
  837. madison love: yes
  838. blanca.sanxez 6: +JoshuaDTV you should buy him a bed cuz if you let him sleep with you often it will get used to sleeping with you and then it will cry when put it to sleep somewhere els (that happened with my dog)
  839. Grace S: Josh I feel u! I just got a dog like a month ago and I always feel bad when I leave! I'm just like: LEMME GO SEE MY DOGGYY!!
  840. Annee Steck: What breed is he?
  841. Olivia Bradford: Yeah same here
  842. Esma Kangül: what Kind of dog is he?
  843. Salome Bowen: Yes I feel really sad when I leave my puppy
  844. Kaitlyn Kylie KeKe: Name him ralfie, biscuit, or Alfie
  845. Ariana Osorio: You'll get use to it
  846. Emma N: How big is Shadow going to get
  847. Madison Card: Hi 😊
  848. Kylah Zuniga: I feel that to
  849. Breisly Gonzalez: put an egg in his food and it will make your dog stronger
  850. Sister Squad: show loooots of live to shadow
  851. Elisa soemopawiro: I'm sorry if I'm too late but you should learn him play football because he's little so I learned my dog sins little to play football but he is dead a care got crashed and so the care got him
  852. Caroline Bowling: Omg I feel so bad when I leave my two stander poodles one is named uri and he is 12 and I just got another stander poodle and her name is pepper and she is one
  853. Maddie Stefanowski: I absolutely love shadow and I'm happy you got him you seem a lot happier with shadow
  854. Thomas Player: yes i feel bad when i have to leave my doggies
  855. Rachel Bobst: NOT SHADOW
  856. darwin watterson: Does this happen to anyone else's dogs 😜😍🐶
  857. NowadaysBus170: yeah I hate leaving my pets
  858. Phil M: If shadow ever does something bad, give him discipline just not enough that he won't love you or be scared of you
  859. Liz: Shadow should be fed in the morning and at night
  860. Georgia Amacker: I have had dogs for my entire life so i dont feel bad to leave them there.
  861. Rory Barlow: don't let the dog sleeping in bed become a habit! have him sleep in his cage as much as possible :)
  862. Brynn Moss: You should get an attractable leash they are a lot easier to walk with and your dog can go farther out or stay closer to you then with a regular
  863. Neve Kaitlin: Awh Shadow is a cute name. 😊🐶 Maybe CJ for Colleen And Josh 😄
  864. Kelly Johnson: my dogs name is shadow
  865. Merryjayne: I feel guilty when I go anywhere without my 5 dogs and 3 cats and I like dogs better than cats
  866. Faith yoho: Jacob or Parker are the names i would pick
  867. Hana Mandour: The dog is so cuteeeee
  868. Payton Olson: The dog is fine, it won't die. Taking it to the dog park is a good way for the dog to get exercise and socialize.
  869. Madison: you can put shadows bed in your room and he can sleep in that <3
  870. Mark Scott: YESSSSSSSSS
  871. Mommy and Teacher 2: My 7 year old loves watching this little guy! He's such a cute puppy! ❤️
  872. Kierra: Lol I love internet experts
  873. Baylee Carpenter: Where is collene
  874. katie: I have three dogs, all rescues and I do feel bad sometimes. They do get really excited when they see you. I'm always afraid that one of them, who has a heart condition, will pass away bc we are gone. My old dog died when we were gone. They all act like they were waiting the entire time for you to come home, they get all excited but the truth is, all the really do is sleep. Most of the time, we just let them loose around the house. One sleeps by the door, another sleeps on the couch and the dog with the heart condition sleeps on the tile. We learned this when my parents were out and I was the only one home, I stayed upstairs for a while until I went downstairs to see that they clearly didn't know I was home. It's okay to feel bad, they just get super excited to see you. My dogs are crazy haha, at one point my dog would jump on the table every time my mom left the house. Hope this helped :)))))
  876. Ella Luepann: When my dog was a puppy she did like pretty much everything shadow did
  877. Bridget Murphy: I have two dogs and when I first got them I felt the same way
  878. Melanie sings and vlogs: Yes I do feel guilty
  879. Aaron Andrews: I always grew up with pets and hopefully you'll get at least another dog and a cat so it can be a nice little family in the house. So proud of you Joshua 😭😭😭😭... I'm so proud ☺😂
  880. Lilmonster !: if u want to teach him a trick use small treats
  881. Katie Per: With our dog we designate voices to different commands... Just a to you should try it
  882. lauren: omg I swear he's the cutest thing ever!!!
  883. J246 C81012: I sometimes feel guilty
  884. Rain Check: Get a little scoop or Dixie cup and measure the food so u get the same amount every time
  885. Rand Tarazi: LOVE YOU JOSHUAAA
  886. lily louise: Don't go to far cuz he will hate it
  887. Sarah's Bowtiful World: Name him Winstin
  888. Skye DeLuia: ur doing everything right
  889. zach shamma: Tenth
  890. A M: i have a cat. He does not care if I'm home or not. As long as he has food and water, he doesn't even know I'm gone.
  891. koalaxedits: I suggest putting those little pads all over his area in the house, so if he pees or poops you won't have to wipe it yourself, you just take the pad and throw it in the trash and get a new one. Magic. (:
  892. katie80: my dog's name is teko which reminds me of teacow
  893. koalaxedits: Well, we don't know if they'd be good at doing a child yet. I mean, they JUST got this dog. Who knows what will happen...all I know is that he's gonna be the new start of the channel! Soon, a child. (:
  894. Louise Fogarty: You let the dogs clean the you know so he won't get sick and don't really keep your dogs in brushs because they will get ticks
  895. Maddie Psaila: I don't know if you've already said this, but what breed is the lil guy? Shadow is such a cute name too! <3
  896. Lizzi Luminate: I'm sure you already know this, but make sure to be soo overly excited whenever he potties outside to help with the training
  897. The_Cool_Basketball_05: He will get used to u leaving all the time
  898. slab slayers Babygirl: shadow is so adorable💗💗
  899. Hallie Henderson: To keep the ticks and fleas away they have this flea and tick collar that works really well
  900. Barbie On Crack: 3:43 fifth harmony in the background tho❤️🙌👌
  901. Ava Costa: +Rosie Davison that happens to me sometimes and people r like ur not the first I was
  902. Diana Andrea: yep, the feeling of guilt will never really go away but that's fine :) it means you genuinely care about your pet
  903. Andrea Hillmer: He looks sunburnt 🤔
  904. rebecca jayne: what kind of dog is blackjack?
  905. Erin Tolbert: When you scratch right above your dogs tail and down his spine he will love u forever cause all 4 of my 🐶🐶🐶🐶s love it
  906. Kaila Skye: I meant has and he also has wee wee pads too he doesn't stink either
  907. Sundus: such cuties!!!
  908. cossy p.: I think ur doing everything right, just do what you think is best for Shadow, and he will luv u and the house he's in. Also, I was watching ur last videos, please no one get mad, but I dunno if driving with a dog in ur lap is illegal or not… I usually put my dog in the back so I don't really know but that might be something u wanna check! 😊😘 Luv u! 🐶
  909. Ninja Warrior: Name him buddy
  910. Katie Brackley: +Ashton Schwinn so can mine 😄 unfortunately dinner time is always when I get home from school he doesn't let me get changed and he is always really loud and hyper
  911. Rachel Richards: Every dog owner feels bad for leaving their dog at home, that's just an effect a dog has on their owner 😂😂😂❤️
  912. Areli Ceja: you kinda get use to leavening him
  913. Maalini Oof: Whenever someone say fetch, I think of fetch with ruff ruff man. 😂😂😂
  914. Sara Singh: Omfg my dogs called shadow!!!
  915. Rachel Riley: You should name him taco
  916. K Dopp: He will poop within a half hr after feeding. Feed same time 2 times a day, then take away. No free feeding. This will help you potty train him faster. Always a treat when he potties. ps- neuter
  917. May Kale: NAME HIM SHADOW
  918. Tammi Oldham: I work in a pet store and own four dogs. You're doing just fine. Make sure you're stern with him and consistent in the way you train him otherwise it'll be a lot harder for him to learn. Make sure you're giving him regular flea and worming treatments too and that he's always up-to-date with his vaccinations so you don't run the risk of him getting anything like parvovirus (you definitely want to avoid the vet bill for that, not to mention just the stress of it). There's nothing wrong with letting him sleep in your bed as long as he knows that you're the Alpha and that what you say goes. For the most part, just enjoy it! He's gonna have an amazing life with you. :')
  919. Julia Lebron: MORE DOGGY VLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
  920. TheAlyssa458: YES shadow is so cute
  921. rubymimosa: Get him a chocolate lab rescue friend then you won't feel guilty!
  922. SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: Little dogs rule park! Area residents in awe! ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
  923. mrmagic3394: yeah my pup is only 3 months and she doesnt have all of her shots yet so we cant take her out. also, since two of her siblings and another dog from her shelter came down with parvovirus combined with the fact that there are an abnormal amount of stray cats and dogs in our neighborhood we cant even take her outside to go potty. she already had an extremely mild strain of parvo but we caught it early and she is on antibiotics so shes gotten through it.
  924. Miss. Jade: Ur dog is just like mine when we leave my dog we fell bad and it's hard for her to make friends our dog
  925. Ava Brennan: Can u please do a house tour
  926. Lizzie ponce: my friends cats name is shadow
  927. Alec Garcia: my grandmas dog is named shadow
  928. Cat Elizabeth: I feel bad too
  929. wierd sli: Yes. My grandpas have 2 dogs in there farm and I didnt say GoodBye 'till Next yr. 😢
  930. Imogen s: Make sure you get a training least so he can get let of the lead and will come back to you
  931. darwin watterson: Yes I agree I would hate it if my dogs suffered from that 😭 I think it's illegal I think
  932. Laura Boscan: DONT NAME HIM SHADOW 😡
  933. Kaitlyn Kylie KeKe: If a dogs tail is down it means he/she is sad if it's up its means he's happy but sometimes if they are tired there tail is down
  934. Chloe Sibrel: So cewt ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  935. • Daiseh •: I would usually name a dog after how they look or act. For example, if it was a gray dog and a female I'd name it Misty.
  936. Sarah O' Connor: Josh you should get a lead that extends because he can go further and you don't have to run X ilysm X
  937. Becca T: crying because my cats name was shadow and we literally just put her down a month ago 😩❤️
  938. Lauren The Editor: i feel so guilty leaving my dog but soon your puppy will understand that u will leave but will always come back 💕
  939. Hippiebyheart: my dog likes other people but she's scared of other dogs :(
  940. Emily Shay: NAME HIM COOKIE!!!
  941. 06.isabella: I'm so happy for you, u found a dog that u can have for when colleen isn't there and just in general u have a bestie and u love that dog so much 💜💜ILY JOSH U ARE NY IDOL I have a insta fan page for u: the.queef.is.colleen
  942. spencer: +Em Maddox I had to re-watch that clip over again because I zoned out listening to the song.. oops
  943. Bethany Linhares: No,you just have to get used to leaving Shadow alone.So don't worry. All though,you did just get him and your very attached to him and he's your first dog so it's normal for you to feel that way about him it just means you love him!
  944. Hannah Fiveash: I feel bad when I leave, but my dog knows I'm always coming back.
  945. Aryanna Mateo: Teach him tricks/discipline early so he'll listen to you when he gets early.
  946. Smiley Annabel: I left my dog of short periods of time at first then stared to increase the amount of time we left her alone for
  947. Catie Morgan: I like the name shadow but I really like the name George😍💕
  948. Zoya Gorfe: You should totally have Jenna and Julian's dogs meet your dog
  949. Vinyl Scratch XXX: I think your doing great with your dog it's really good to socialize them at a young age I didn't with mine and my dog is not good with other dogs because mine didn't socialize.
  950. LWTR: You will eventually become more complacent with your doggy and life will become familiar, and that's not a bad thing. Our girl likes her crate when we get ready for work she goes and lays down and waits. She loves us and she knows she's in a safe spot when we are gone and doesn't get mad or angry. Enjoy your fur baby, dogs are amazing! We love having ours in our vlogs. You are an amazing family for giving Shadow a home.
  951. unicornsaraa: I called her shadow cuz she scared of her own shadow😂
  952. Emily Kraus: From an experienced dog owner (I currently have 4 myself lol) you are such a bad ass dog dad
  953. chilli red: how old is he and when is his birth day so i can pin it in my calendar
  954. Heather Byerly: yes, we do feel guilty when we go out. we hate leaving them behind
  955. Emily Duffer: Only like one or two ice cubes
  956. Ashlynn Skettls: Puppy pads are the best
  957. Alisha's Weird world: How many dogs do u have and what are there names
  958. WilliamL 137: yah I do get guilty sometimes but you get use to it after awhile and know their okay
  959. Cassidy Brewer: My advice to u when u leave your dog alone is to always leave him something to do. Like chew on a bone or, I see how Shadow likes to play fetch. Get him a fetch machine thing. He will use it until he falls asleep. And something else, dogs have no recollection of time so u can be gone for a week and they might think u were gone for an hour. And one last thing. Don't take Josh time away from yourself and your friends because you r a father. Being a father is supposed to be fun 👍🏼 your doing great
  960. Arlene Caraballo: You will feel even guiltier wen u leave them alone on holidays
  961. Ellah Metcalf: when he rolls over he wants u to rub his belly and the best part is that it means that they trust u cuz the easiest way to kill an animal is by clawing at their stomach area
  962. Julianne Reneau: I used to feel guilty leaving my animals but u will get used to it and your dogs really don't care they will miss u but it's ok
  963. Kristin Browning: Aww youre such a great doggy daddy 😍♥️
  964. Ariana Vargas: yesssss I always feel guilty
  965. Bella and the bulldogs: cracks up at 45
  966. Lucy Chambers: i love this can i be on your snapchat
  967. the champ: Yes
  968. Lexie Madz: Vaasu Sharma my boyf just adopted a puppy through work (he's a vet tech and the hospital works with the state SPCA a lot. Sophie was very lucky that she was surrendered to the MSPCA bc she was bought from a litter advertised on Craigslist and the woman who surrendered her was going to use her as a breeding bitch. Also her bills for her vet care this far into her little short life-she's about 4.5 months old-have come to $5k. Sophie is worth every cent but I think if she hadn't been surrendered she would've been PTS. She's a teacup chihuahua, not quite a purebred but mostly. Actually she looks a helluva lot like Shadow, it was weird seeing a Sophie lookalike, but she's tiny. She just hit 4.5lbs and is cute as a button!). She's been shunted around to a few homes before my boyf adopted her, so now she knows who her dad is she gets separation anxiety if he's out of sight even for a minute or two. We're working on teaching her not to nip people, and we've given her a bunch of toys to gnaw on, but her favourite is actually frozen carrots bc she's teething. She's been very good at getting toilet trained, outside or on her puppy pads, and we're crate training her too. We do let her come up and play or lie down and snuggle with us on the bed or on couches but only if we say it's okay. She's starting puppy kindergarten next Saturday actually and it's going to be a big help bc we don't want an obnoxious landshark who nips at people and has no manners. One thing I've noticed about chihuahuas and other tiny dogs is that their owners don't bother to train them and it's just off-putting to a lot of people when they think about the breed. Sophie is a little cutie pie and a bundle of energy and we're thinking about doing agility classes once she's trained so she can get a lot of energy out. Sophie is our first puppy for either of us, and we've both always wanted a big dog (my dream dog is a chocolate labrador. Boyf is very very aware of this fact lol I may only get to have one lab in our life bc they're stomachs with 4 legs and a tail and he's seen how many labs end up getting surgery bc they eat everything!) so our next dog may well be a pitbull from a shelter bc they're wonderful animals with unnecessary bad reps. From what I've seen in this video, I think my only gripe would be that Shadow sleeps in his crate at night and not in the bed, at least not when he's so little, bc he needs boundaries and to learn that his crate is his bedroom and his space. There's no point in having a crate if you're not consistent about using it. I think your advice is very helpful; Josh is learning alongside Shadow, like we are with Sophie. Puppies are so much work but training them correctly now means not having to undo any bad habits later. Sophie is learning limits and we're trying to restrict the word No! to when she's done something naughty and we catch her straightaway. Boyf is also using present tense positive reinforcement which sounds really funny (hilarious actually) but it's teaching her commands, so he says things like, "Good Girl Sophie do kisses!" Or "Good Girl Sophie do peepee!" Hopefully we don't mess up with Sophie or can undo anything we may have inadvertently taught her bc eventually I want to have a dog I can take to hospitals to visit patients. I had a major surgery a couple years back (I'm coming up for round 2 of the surgery actually) and I had two dogs come visit me while I was staying in afterwards. It made me feel so much better than any of the painkillers I was on, and I want to pass that on eventually with a therapy dog of my own, so I want to learn how to raise a puppy correctly so I can have a dog that can do that. This was an especially long comment and I write novels when I'm sleep-deprived so I apologise. I just wanted to thank you for your tips bc they do help other people like myself. I hope Shadow is helping Josh a lot right now... I don't think a lot of people understand just how therapeutic animals are during trying times and I am sure Shadow is helping Josh out a ton. Anyway, I'm ending the comment here or I'll ramble on until this really is a novel. Give your lab an extra cuddle and a treat from me. He sounds like a giant sweetheart and is lucky to have you as his mom 😍😘😘😍😍🤗🤗
  969. Kasey James: You should name him dingleberry
  970. Sonya Bokor: I misread it! I thought it said HOMIES not ENEMIES! 😂😂😂
  971. Johanna W: Josh what type of dog is it?? I NEED TO KNOW😩😩
  972. Kat Pom: You can always try leaving the radio for Shadow when you leave him, it helped our dog stay calm when he was left. Our vet told us to build up to leaving Dex alone by going for short bursts of time (5-10mins) and then coming back so they start to trust you. For toilet training we made sure we used the same phrase when we wanted him to go outside to the toilet so he started to learn what it meant effectively and now he will go out whenever we say it. Congratulations on your gorgeous pup, have loads of fun with your new pet!🐶
  973. Chloe_wakeman: So glad he's bringing you such joy!
  974. Potato_Shmo: Whenever I leave the house I hug my dog for like 5 minutes until I have to go and think about him the whole time
  975. C B: Josh, of course you're going to feel guilty for a while! I felt guilty until my puppies were a year old. Now they just know I go to my college classes and come home at the end of the day 😂 seeing their faces light up when I get home is the absolute best part of my day.
  976. Happy Pandas: love the doggy!!!
  977. Fishnetfreud: He is such a precious little dog. And love the name! I just have one little thought... Puppies are not supposed to jump (or walk up stairs for that matter), it's not good for their legs/bodies. I hope it's okay to let you know if you didn't already. Can't wait for more videos with Shadow!
  978. your girl Taj: I think u should name him shadow and I love u
  979. Maggie R: Please tell if they moved because that's a different kitchen please!!!!!!!
  980. Hannah Davis: +Laura Boscan I kind of like it tho 😂
  981. Shaina Ponce: You feel guilty for leaving him home at first but when he gets a little older he'll get use to it and you want feel guilty The best part is when you get home and see them at the door waiting for you :p
  982. lwl 2k: shadow is really cute
  983. Jazzy J: I feel like that all the time! not to mention I feel like I left my best friend alone for an hour or so,.....lol
  984. that rlly butters my egg roll: I laughed when you called the thing on your camera a "Vloggy string" xD
  985. someone: This is how a trained my dog to GO outside: we took her outside in our backyard every hour or so, she then learned that that's where she does her business,now she just sits by the door and waits for us to take her outside .
  986. Cake Brain: +rodri vp Yea because that's not normal they will learn if you use them often its normal and when they do it you say good boy, however they won't just poop on command
  987. that one girl with the poofy hair: +Adopt Don't Shop! It actually is necessary. My dad gets our 5 month old puppy canned wet food and it's all natural and extremely healthy and she eats it with her breakfast.
  989. Gabi N: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
  990. natalie: Shadow would be the perfect name for him.
  991. You're Art Okay: Sad story. I went out for 8 hours (I was forced to go to my aunt's.) and I felt bad for leaving my dog because he was sick, REALLY sick. When we (me, my sister, and my parents) got home, he was wagging his tail and my dad took him outside, holding him up because he couldn't walk and 7 minutes later, my dad ran into my room and I heard my sister crying. My dog passed away. I thought he was lying so I laughed and said "Yeah right," and he shook his head. He actually passed. I couldn't believe it. I screamed at myself and my dad "Why did we have to leave him? Why couldn't have I stayed?" So yes, I always feel bad for leaving my dogs behind, even if its just for dinner. I fear they won't get to say goodbye for the last time and vice versa.
  992. Jean Bean: i do feel bad for leaving my puppy, but when i come home i'm the most excited i've ever been
  993. Luv You: Stop at 6:13
  994. kelsey ewing: Yes!! Dan and Shay! ❤️
  995. Evie Murphy: Alfie suits him a lot!! If I had him I'd call him Alfie :)
  996. shistar sol: Will joshua see this comment?... Lol probably not
  997. mia's life everyday: make sure u groom the dog and DO NOT STEP ON THE DOGS TAIL I DID IT BY ACCIDENT MY DOG BARKED AT ME if the dog chews up something you show him was he chewed and hold it make sure the dog is looking at the item and you say no! mine don't touch then you put him on time out for 5-6 mins my mum did that. for my dog orion but we trained him by our self
  998. Keileyy: I feel guilty when I have to leave and put my dog in the backyard and she just stares at me through the door
  999. RandomRebel03: My grandparents have a dog named shadow for the same reason 😄
  1000. Taylor Putnam: My fiancé saved a little mutt for me a few month ago. She is the sweetest baby ever! She is my child and I would kill for her!!! I hate leaving her at home alone but she gets car sick so I can't exactly take her places with me, but she is great! Your baby is so cute!!! So glad you and Colleen got your own little baby!!
  1001. Molly MD: my dog is the best human lover but he is aggressive to other dogs
  1002. Caitlin Dixon: make sure you dont leave shadow for too long otherwise he might get seperataion anxiety
  1003. Alyssa Fogg: You should name the dog cookie
  1004. Kayleigh Stapleton: I'm actually in love with your new dog ❤ my heart melts when I see puppies ❤
  1005. Haven Norman: I agree. I've never understood why people want to call their dogs by a name of a food, my dogs' names are Eli Ella and Mason
  1006. tazman5296: Dude, you are a sweetheart.  The way you love that dog is awesome.  And from my years of owning multiple dogs my whole life you are doing things the right way.  A puppy is a puppy and so far he seems like he will be great.  Keep doing what you are doing Josh.
  1007. Gina Graney: I'm sorry
  1008. Petra π: You should not fell guilty of leaving him at home he will be happy when you get home and that's my favourite part of having a dog 🐶😍😘
  1009. Joie Buxton: I LOVE SHADOW!!!🐕😊
  1010. Sophia Melgarejo: Plz plz plz do a video teaching shadow doggy tricks
  1011. Bern on Cars: Noooo
  1012. Jessica Bishop: You would leave a 4 week old puppy alone for an hour??
  1013. Megan K: Hey Josh. I understand your feeling of feeling bad for the dog when you leave him home alone. I felt that way for a while when I got my dog. We would rush home so he wouldn't be scared. But eventually you can build up their tolerance, so to speak, of being home alone. Each time you come back he feels more assured you won't leave him there. Fact of the matter is, they are happiest at home. And they will soon realize that you aren't going to leave them there.
  1014. Allison Schawe: I do always feel guilty when I leave my dogs I have two and they always cry and bark and whine whenever we leave it makes me feel so bad i hate to leave them😢😢
  1015. Nicole Little: What kind of dog is he?
  1016. Sophia Simoni: I love the name Shadow, but I still like the name Kyle
  1017. Skylar Yen: Yessssss I did it all the time when I had cats and dogs
  1018. Sarah Mae: Lol I should be on your snapchat
  1019. GCJoni: Shadow is adorable
  1021. CKat: I think his name should be Chico
  1022. Not Your Average Person: You should name him buggy
  1023. Lena Carr: Yes all the time
  1024. Elizabeth McNamara: Raising a puppy is like raising a child (albeit hairier), everyone has an idea of the right way to do it. In the end, we're all just trying to do a good job. Be nice!
  1025. Sierra Hernandez: do a house tour please
  1026. Snowflake Smasher 86: At 4:03 when he was at Buffalo Wild Wings I wasn't really listening to what he was saying because I was singing sledgehammer that was in the back round.
  1027. Cat G: It's also a good thing to leave your dog alone occasionally, especially at this stage of your relationship. It makes sure that he doesn't expect to have you around 24/7, and he can find good ways to be alone, as opposed to crying the entire time or destroying your furniture.
  1028. Kayla Houston: I need you to do a doggy date with Jenna Marbles❤️🐶
  1029. Joseph Liu: these puppy vlogs are now the highlight of my day
  1030. Maddie Roberts: I always feel guilty
  1031. Lance Stoffel: I personally think you should schedule walks, feeding times, and of course play time then he will adjust to the schedule and know about when he will eat, go for walks, and play
  1032. Bianca Cobb: I have 5 dogs and I know they love to go to the park to play with the other dogs
  1033. Jacqueline Burton: yes I feel bad for my dog when I leave aw
  1034. Ms2013Liberty: how old is Shadow
  1035. Bria L.: How about Coco or since your last name is Evans maybe name him Evans
  1036. madelynss: Just make sure you give him enough chew toys and attention so he will be happy and not pee and chew every where also you can buy this bitter spray to spray on things he's not suppose to Chew
  1037. pitchpart2: If you want you let Shadow run with a bit more freedom, you can just let go of the lead but leave him on it that way he can run around but if he starts to go too far you can just step on the end of the lead. This works super well if you have a very long lead. Also,
  1038. MissJill Grab: I'm a vet-tech! ask me any questions.
  1039. Emma Saunders: I think the name jinx will be cute for him !!!!
  1040. The 4 Queens: At 3:21 when josh gets to Buffalo Wild Wings "sledgehammer" by fifth harmony is playing in the background
  1041. FLORES 24: is shadow gonna grow? and what breed is he?
  1042. Kennedy Freeman: Dan + Shay!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
  1043. Tasia Lockhart: NAME HIM TOBY
  1044. Cacti: Dude just make sure you neuter him to prevent him from getting too hyper/possibly aggressive and to help stop him from peeing all over the house
  1045. ciara fox: You should give Shadow treat when he does something that you want him to and then he'll keep doing it p.s Shadow is adorable 😍😍😙😙😀😀
  1046. Roberto Saravia: LOL THIS CRACKED ME UP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1047. Dogerilla Barks: frienemeies
  1048. Dogerilla Barks: where is his house, I want to see shadow
  1049. Hannah: Hey Josh you're doing a great job taking care of Shadow! Dogs can be raised a bunch of different ways just like people! You're feeding him, walking him, and loving him and that's what matters! ❤️
  1050. Mackenzie Paton: SHADOW
  1051. meow: Make sure to feed the dog canned food and dry food
  1052. ThatVeganWhiteGirl: Hey josh! While he's a puppy you might want to transition him to meals a few times a day kind of like humans. That way, you can keep track of how much you are feeding him and when he will poop so you won't have to worry about him eating at midnight and having to go out. As a puppy, you can probably do like 3 times a day spread out and a certain measured amount of food each time and then slowly spacing it out to 2 time a day as he gets bigger. With snacks in between of course :-)
  1053. Aaron Andrews: You're doing such an good job with Shadow!
  1054. Amy Elizabeth: I love my dog and I promise it wears off. I use to cry when I left the dog! My little Gibbsy is my best buddy!
  1055. Piggie Sparklez: Wish I had a dog
  1056. Jordan Purrington: If your not snapchatting comments you should start bc it would make my Day if.i was on your sc❤❤❤
  1057. MochaGurl90: where's his ring?
  1058. Mario Alarid: don't give him grapes there bad for his kiddneys
  1059. Capxhal: hey you should take Shadow a bath because he just came from the shelter. Like so Joshua can see it :)
  1060. Sarah Calbaum: I would introduce water to shadow to know whether or not he would be a good swimmer. Btw the dog is so cute 😍
  1061. wayne myers: When he goes to the bathroom say something like go to the bathroom or go outside so he knows when you say that he needs to go to the bathroom
  1062. SmileyMel: I have several cats.... don't really want to admit how many. Just know some of them were rescued from my backyard. Anyways the only time I ever feel bad about leaving them is if I'm gone for most of the day.
  1063. Evy: carrots are really good for dogs teeth and breath. ☺️
  1064. K Kool: What type of dog is that?
  1065. Georgette Gulley: Yes
  1066. Jayden Dow: What are matts and rebecas dogs name?
  1067. aloha makena: This might sound like a weird name and I know that you named him Shadow (Shadow is a good name to) but please consider Angel. Angel for Los Angeles
  1068. Tara Eybs: I always feel sad when I leave my dog. I think your dog is so cute. Shadow is a cute name. I have 5 dogs myself
  1069. Axel: That's the first few days❤️😆
  1070. Salem Imhof: Name him Dude
  1071. awesome Rachel: yes of course I feel bad because he was abandoned when he was born cause he was the runt but he was rescued and he looks exactly like shadow his name is cookie he is a chaweenie a chihuahua and wiener dog mixed
  1072. Shuli Cohen: I'm so glad he makes you happy! When my dog was still alive, we put him in a kennel that's bigger than him for the nights so he would learn when bedtime is and not make a fuss. But the kennel or cage should not be too big cuz you don't want him going to the bathroom in one corner and sleeping in another. Just big enough that he can move around and not feel too squished.
  1073. Karl Horton: What dog breed is shadow
  1074. Hailey Tomaka: Yess Your Doing From the Ground Up!I love that song!
  1075. alicia j: OMG YESSSS
  1076. Ariana Osorio: You'll feel kinda guilty and you'll steel but right now you are starting and it feels bad
  1077. JoanaRose: The clique is everywhere |-/
  1078. Kadee Ann: I love that you got a dog you must be so happy
  1079. Paupau 1519: Hi
  1080. Lily Hamel: Name the puppy shadow
  1081. Sienna Panice: I feel so guilty
  1082. Ally Gracee: 1. get him neutered. trust me it'll calm him down. 2. give him all of the love and attention he can get. it makes him feel very loved. 3.feed him regularly, and if you want him to be REALLYYYY heathy, almost as healthy as a running dog, feed him only 3 times a day, lunch, dinner, and breakfast 4. keep your rules sturdy. if he pees or poops somewhere let him know not to do that by simply having him smell it and tell him no. or take him in to get trained. 5. keep him up to date on him worm and shot stuff, that's an obvious one. 6. almost everytime you go for a walk with him, afterwards, check his whole body for flees. 7. ALWAYS have water for him. every second of the day. 8. if you guys go on a walk, I suggest bringing a water bottle and a bowl, just in case. I love you josh! hoped this helps!
  1083. Rebecca M: Hey Joshua, shadow is soooo cute! I have a red toy poodle called ginger and just a word of advice to encourage shadow to like go to the toilet outside, when he does go to the toilet outside reward him by giving him cuddles or (the way i used to do it) give him a treat!!! Also ginger is now 6 months and she has no accidents now so yeah also keep your back door (only if you want too) open at all times so he can run in and out whenever he wants!!!! Puppy's tend to have a mad half hour rush! So when shadow gets hyper he might run the full length of his little area or the full length of the house but the good thing is that it is adorable to watch!!!! So yeah have fun with you new member of the family and congrats on becoming a dad as I am a mom to my pup!!!!👍🏻 xxx
  1084. Ashley Caminiti: Josh please shave...
  1085. sydney- harmonizer2020: is it bad that when i heard sledgehammer i started doing the choreo
  1086. Nichole Smith: Yesssssssssssssssssss😩😩😩😩🙁🙁🙁🙁
  1087. Baby Baby Yeah: Totally get your guilt. Out of your love to this little thing.
  1088. koalaxedits: Midnight's a good name. I'm pretty sure he named him Shadow already though.
  1089. HashiMadara: 0:41😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1090. liv mendel 011: Name him Snoopy, Josh!!!!!!!!!!
  1091. Kelly Ingram: my dogs are named after food Reese and oreo
  1092. prettywayarreaga: You're dog is the cutest, but my dog just passed away yesterday she looked exactly like him :)
  1093. Bridget O’Neil: I don't feel guilty because my dog is used to it. He just sleeps
  1094. Kat Pom: Oh and you could get him a harness for in the car, someone stopped us once to warn us that the airbag in the dashboard would really hurt a dog on the front seat so we put him in the back linked to the car seat belt to keep him safe. I don't know how true that is but I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm wrong!!😂
  1095. Skye arsenault: U can't let him not sleep in his cage because if u let him get away with that he'll think he can get away with anything and btw I like the name shadow
  1096. Madeline Sam: +Ciara Pershall lmao
  1097. Joely Hatcher: my friends cat is named shadow too!
  1098. Chloe Coale: I am on vacation and I been gone for a week
  1099. Amber Walker: In on holiday in Australia for 23 days and I can't wait to be back and see my 3 kittens!!!! Neighbour is looking after them! Also my cousins dog is soooo cute I can't wait to see her!!!!!!!
  1100. unicornsaraa: My dogs name is shadow!
  1101. Joseph N: +rodri vp yea they won't really understand it but they will recognize the formation of words/noise and they can respond. So you could tell a dog to go outside and it would, and dogs have been trained to get things when told to
  1102. gabriel_cpda02: name him shadow
  1103. Chloe Reynolds: I love u
  1104. Zoey: You should have called him bandana and maybe bandit for short Ik it only kinda matches up but still
  1105. Eden :3: Colleen uploaded a vlog today and in the vid it seems like she's really in love with Shadow... Not sure about the name though.
  1106. sofia: no i dont really feel guilty because usually they just sleep the whole time youre gone. usually when my dog was smaller we left the tv on to like the news or something because then they hear the voices and dont feel as lonley. also i love the name shadow i think its adorable.
  1107. Alejandra Harmon: name him little dude because u aways call me him that
  1108. Foster Yt: yes
  1109. Gabby Nixon: Yesssssssss
  1110. Dora Vranic: Yes I feel bad to leave my dog
  1111. Hayley Dolan: Two videos in a day???
  1112. Rosie: Register him as a therapy animal so you can bring him on trips with you. You're lucky to live in a state where it's really easy to do. It's not fair to leave him home alone for extended trips :( I have a dog named shadow too, my first dog, and I named him that for the exact same reason!
  1114. Amelia Nomura: Yes canned food helps them get more moisture in their diet if they don't drink enough water
  1115. Wolfe Chan: Josh you are doing every single thing right with shadow.I had a dog but it was way bigger. KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING JOSH
  1116. Addilyn Crockett: Well Then I have one word for you TOUGH nobody said that YOU had to like it
  1117. Kortney Herkert: Josh has gray hairs on his beard!
  1118. Anna is Average: I got my dog when I was four and I loved her so much that I would cry when I had to go to preschool but now I don't fell guilty for leaving her
  1119. Skeleton BLG: yoyoyoyyoyoyoyooyyoyoyoyoyoyyooyoyyoyoyoyoyoyo
  1120. Everything Cheer: NO NAME HIM DINGLE!!!!!!
  1121. Positivity-Prevails: Yes I do feel guilty about leaving my doggy home
  1122. Alexie Romanelli: Josh, My family got a dog about a year ago and some tips are to start training it early and get some training treats for when it does a trick for something good. All I do feel guilty about leaving my dog in the crate and I also feel guilty putting her in the crate
  1123. Bella Licea: Love the name shadow!! He's so cute!!!!😍
  1124. Sarah T: Yeah Rebecca was just joking around. Maybe she gave Josh the idea, but he made the decision on his own. Everyone else was suggesting names in the comments. Josh really likes the name shadow. Love you Rebecca!
  1125. Kristen Deiley: I feel guilty when I leave my dog, even after I've had her for 4 years 😂
  1126. Laci Culley: at night or while you are out u can get doggie dipers for shadow
  1127. Anna Claire Patey: What did he mean by the"YouTube Meaning"?
  1128. kaelyn: man, colleen and Joshua will be great at taking care of a child. am I right? I mean. they take suck good care of this dog. I love it
  1129. Anna Valenzuela: You should call him dingle berry like if you agreed
  1130. Lane Murphy: i got my dog the day before christmas, and then when we went to church on christmas morning she pooped in the living room but now shes fine when we leave
  1131. Rachelle Ocampo: 7:24 "My biggest fear is that my dog won't like people and other dogs," YUP THAT'S MY DOG 😂
  1132. M Branch: I don't really like the name shadow
  1133. Davis Hechmer: How are you today Joshua????
  1134. Haidee Ruiz: Joshua, you should buy training pads just in case you can't take him out
  1135. Khiara Burgos: If shadows tongue is white he got stung by a bee don't take him 2 the doctor just confront him oh and if is a little off READ IMPORTANT
  1136. Sydreece8: I feel so bad when I have to leave my dog Duncan home😢
  1137. Hazel Cullen: call him KALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1138. Nicole Benton: YAYAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH can I be on your Snapchat!?!? love y'all
  1139. Shannon Cara: +Chaddie Walker not free you got to pay
  1140. Elizabeth Workman: not shadow
  1141. your favorite: i just noticed everyone from vlog with me [Josh ,Arnold,and Julien ] have dogs now ...that makes me happy
  1142. Miriam Cavazos: Who else heard fifth harmony in the background of Buffalo Wild Wings?
  1143. Alivia Johnson: I took into experience that don't let your dog teth on things other whys he will be eating your socks and underwear
  1144. Lily Gassmann: Dogs don't have a sense of time so they don't know if you've been gone for 7 hours or 2 minutes
  1145. Lili Ponce de Leon: wdym by shadow has a YouTube meaning?
  1146. madison love: yes
  1147. Chloe Nichols: if you don't name him shadow you should name him flash
  1148. Renee Chandler: I have two small dogs. Watch his weight is the best advise I can give. 😚
  1149. Alyssa DePina: I always feel bad when I leave my chihuahua at home by herself but she burrows into a bunch of blankets all the time
  1150. Arianna P: Make sure to keep introducing him to more people and dogs
  1151. BrookeLee.xo: DINGLEBUDDY would have been such a cute name for him
  1152. Kate Wolfhard: It's good to feed dogs peanut butter it's healthy for them....DONT FEED THEM CHOCOLATE OR ONIONS THATS DEADLY.
  1153. Kyra Elizabeth: one of my dogs is like a shadow, he follows you everywhere!! Make a noise...he's there, come home.... he's at the door. He can be sound asleep. and if you move he'll wake up to follow you. He is about 5 now and has done this since he was a puppy. His name is Bailey and he is a 92lbs labradoodle
  1154. Ferdaous: Nane him bug or bubba
  1155. Emma Ball: You should get him into a schedule like with him eating at midnight isn't that bad cuz he can most likely wait till morning but feed him twice a day and once he seems uninterested take away the food so he can't eat it whenever he wants throughout the day that way he also gets into a poop schedule and he'll be less likely to pee or poo inside but you seem to be doing great with him and I like the name shadow :))
  1156. Lilly Bug0_0: I feel guilty when I put my dogs in their kennels too
  1157. Erin: 😘
  1158. natalie marie: I had a dog that passed away and she looked exactly like him! We named her Twist, because of the mix of colors. We also had another dog that looked like him, and her name was Schatzi (treasure in German), which has several variations, like Schatz, Schatzilein, and Schätzchen
  1159. Grace Garcia: Iv'e had a dog for about 1 year now and it is unbelievable how any pet makes you feel. I can't imagining living without my daisy. Josh your going to have ALOT of ups and down but Shadow loves you and you love him and thats all that matters.Always remember that.
  1160. Jada Ogorman: a good thing to do is teach him tricks and everything before he gets older do when he's small PS I'm I'm talking about the dog
  1161. Delainey: Name him Bandit
  1162. Maranda Creel: I have had my dogs for 8 almost 9 years and what i have learned is that when dogs see food, they will eat even if you just feed them. Also, the best time to feed your dog is when your eating, because they feel part of the situation when your doing something . Btw your dog reminds me of my dogs too. Josh, if you ever want to see what they look like let me know and i will twit a picture to you.
  1163. Arla Brandsma: Pets make people happy! :-)
  1164. Maggie R: You can put a water bottle in a sock and tie the top of the sock for a toy
  1165. Lizbeth Rosete: Make sure he dosent eat that dried up grass it's bad for dogs and he can get sick by it so make sure he's only on green grass
  1166. laura: I do feel bad
  1167. Justice Thornton: my dogs name is Shadow because she would follow us like a Shadow
  1168. Aries Meyer: I wonder how Miranda will react to shadow lol
  1169. Schlemmer 21: What kind of dog is shadow?
  1170. Sarah Marie: Aw, Shadow! Cute!! So glad Shadow, Pippin, Blackjack, and Peanut can be great buds! When I saw the image, I knew he wanted to play! It's funny, when people get a pet or have babies, everyone seems to want to tell you what to do or what not to do. As if everyone suddenly becomes a dog trainer, vet, or the owner of your dog. lol
  1171. Tedi Pajeva: I guess if you like shadow you can keep the name but shadow is a very popular name for dogs. I was thinking something a little more unique. It's not a bad name though.
  1172. Mackenzie Kirby: I left my dogs for a month it sucked I was on vacation
  1173. Carly Walkup: Some dogs don't realize when their stomach is full so I would recommend not keeping Shadow's food dish filled, because dog obesity happens more often than you'd expect. I would suggest feeding him at scheduled times, that way he also poops at scheduled times and doesn't have any 4am accidents from eating at midnight :)
  1174. Rainboe's gaming channel: he is so coot
  1175. minkyung x: when I heard pippin I was just like "hey, where's percy?"
  1176. Sydney Russell: SHADOW IS SO CUTE
  1177. snoopy brown: what breed of dog is shadow
  1178. Abby Garten: Yes I feel TERRIBLE ☹️
  1179. Genevieve Quinones: My dog Shadow sadly passed away but she aways slept in my bed and we grew a great bond that I'll never forget. She trusted me with her life and I trusted her with my life. After a while I never walked her on a leash. She walked me to my school bus stop and walked her self back home. She died of cancer.💔😭 I think Shadow is a great name it will still make me cry but it should be used for a dog that can be trusted by you and should trust you. So Shadow is a perfect name in my opinion 😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  1180. Psycho kittens: That's what I thought! At least I'm not the only one.
  1181. FiFi Bella: What breed is shadow
  1182. Soraya Prajzler: Maybe it's just me but when I hear the name Shadow I think of a black lab rather than a small dog ahah
  1183. Cesar Rodriguez: yes
  1184. Allison Davis: Name him Mason
  1185. Kimbree Christiansen: It's normal at first to feel guilty when you leave. Some people always feel guilty. I guess it just depends.
  1186. NotDeadJustYet: imo, 1,5 hour is a little long for a puppy that age.
  1187. Just Fin: OMG same I only have 2 pets 1 dog and 1 cat!! So whenever I leave my dog looks out the door and I feel so bad!
  1188. EveB: Too cute
  1189. kayla judds: KEEP HIS NAME AS SHADOW
  1190. awesome Rachel: he's doing great for a beginner honestly
  1191. Jaimie's Cute Toys Girls rock: I am sooooooo guilty everyday
  1192. Purple Rose: Ducky Donut theydo in fact have a s naw of time! FYI..
  1193. Chazzles: Shadow is a perfect name and he is such a cute dog!! I'm happy that your happy Josh!
  1194. Angela Castruita: ADVICE: If you want him to know his name, call his name and when he turns around, give em' a little treat!😄
  1195. Linda Sharp: Ok, I have to say something about all your empty cabinets. Put something in those suckers! Lol
  1196. Psycho kittens: They did, but josh now has that little goober. If josh is happy that's all that matters. ;)
  1197. Megan McBride: Hey Josh, I just wanted to let you know not to feel bad when you leave the dog alone!! Most of the time when I leave, my dog just sleeps or looks out the window or something haha! Also, it's good for both you and the dog to be away from each other for a little while so that the dog doesn't get too clingy(: What kind of dog is he?
  1199. Jett wright: +Tosha Brown Josh said no arguing little girl
  1200. Romy videos Channel: What is the breed of dog
  1201. Katie Harris: Maybe when you go out without him you could leave some music on for him so he's distracted by something and so he doesn't feel all alone? We do that with our dog :) he's so cute ❤️❤️
  1202. mozzarella: Yea I do feel guilty my doggie is like my baby
  1203. unDead_ Artist34: I am so happy you got shadow. I think you are taking care of him and he seems happy so that's what matters
  1204. Lindsay Reichert: He should have a routine for when he eats, give him like a cup in the morning maybe lunch and dinner. He probably shouldn't have a food bowl out all the time for him to eat anytime
  1205. Bryanna Oliveira: You can leave him alone for 3-4 hours
  1206. Fluffy Unicorns: How about Milo? HE SUITS IT!
  1207. Ash lee: Sorry 2-3 times everyday at the same time
  1208. RadioDragon88 _: Yes I do feel that way but only when I am away from home, I can't leave my little Shadow his name is and he follows me EVERYWHERE
  1209. Brianna Jones: it means that you love your shadow
  1210. Renee Sadler: Shadow is goals
  1211. Fox43656 Games: My cats name is shadow too
  1212. Sarah Hayes: keep the same food all the time because if you change it he could get sick.!?
  1213. Aoife Cartwright: Don't give out to shadow if he does a poo or pee in the house because he thinks your giving out to him for doing a poo or pee and will be afraid to do so, so just praise him when he does one outside☺️
  1214. Riley Jason: I love the name shadow
  1215. Julie Woelfel: Just raise Shadow however u think will be right. U might need to look up a few pointers along the way, but otherwise, just do it however u feel is comfortable! I just adopted a 4.5 month old puppy from a resume shelter on Sunday. She doesn't get to come home till mid of September☹️ my last dog recently passed away on July 4, and she was one yr older than me. This will sorta be my first time raising a puppy too, so we'll kinda have this journey together
  1216. Emma Bauman: Im telling you, i choose not to crate train and i regret it SO MUCH dont sleep with him. Youll regret it when you have kids and colleen is in town
  1217. Rosie Davison: Omg!!!! I'm first comment
  1219. Psycho kittens: I think he might have some beagle in him. But he is definitely not a German Shepard. They are usually the size of a pretty big dog, but I see how you could have thought that. ;)
  1220. Jackie Kirby: Don't feed him to much
  1221. Alyssa Fogg: No I don't ,but your dog is new to you so that might change it
  1222. Emily Tuba: I still can't get over the fact that you're vlogging again. I'm so so glad you are because I've missed you and your vlog style. Shadow is such a cutie :P I take it that Shadow is more your dog than Colleens atm? Is she cool with Shadow as his name?
  1223. Janis Chelsea Miranda: Our dog's name is also shadow!!! ❤❤❤
  1224. Camille Rowlett: Sameeee
  1225. Aurora Mahan: I ❤️💛💚💙💜U❤️💛💚💙💜
  1226. livea _gryfindor: Don't worry about shadow when your gone! When I go to school my dog just sleeps!
  1227. Sydney-Leigh Ballard: +JoshuaDTV Which breed is he!?! Btw he's the cutest little thing <3
  1228. Layla Wadee: Ur so funny and I Love ur videos
  1229. djepic Vlogs: BUDDY CALL HUIM BUDDY
  1230. Gingy L: Yes!! I always feel guilty when I can't take my dog Fiona with me. She becomes extra cute then does the "in the arms of an angel" commercial look at me, whines and yips. It is very sad, and I miss her and worry about her while I'm gone and feel guilty. She is so spoiled and I love her so much!!
  1231. Rebecca Power: Not realy my dog is used to me leaving
  1232. TitoSilver: NAME HIM BUSTER
  1233. Smart Cookie: you should name the dog Joshleen
  1234. shishtar schnapped: +Jessica Bishop 4 weeks old isn't even the legal age to own a puppy, that puppy should be under the mothers care 24/7.
  1235. Dora Gonzalez: +BeckyLee B. Hmm good idea!😆
  1236. jenna wells: Call him shadow
  1237. Zain Srouji: Call him Jordan 😍
  1238. Asia: I rescued both my dogs and even with it being five years since I adopted my first dog I still feel guilty every time I leave them home when I go to dinner or to do something fun 😭😭
  1239. Chloe Durand: Did you teach him stairs yet
  1240. Samantha Simone: SNAPCHAT!!??
  1241. Katherine Elizabeth: i feel super bad leave my dog, Bud, his birthday was on Wednesday so i got him a toy
  1242. Abood Khalid: Thank you for bringing back the memories Joshua I had a dog called shadow and forgot about thank you man
  1243. Kir Pilgrim: yes i feel guilty too hehee i always want to leave a camera when im out to see if any "secret life of pets" party kick off😉😂😂
  1244. Abby K: Josh name him KERMIT!!!!
  1245. Phoebe Alice: Yes
  1246. VeganVintageGeek: Its good that you think about your dog when you go out. And do n't want to leave him alone for a long time. I was that way when I was a cat mommy (my 2 fur babies passed from old age). It never changes and it should n't, Alfie says in his vlogs he does not leave Nala for longer then 2 and a half hours.
  1247. Patience Dash: yes that's how I feel
  1248. Payton Olson: A technique to know when he needs to go outside is to use a bird bell, I do this with my dog and I love it! You can buy the bell at pet smart, get a big rubber band and use it to tie the bell around the door handle on the door that he usually goes out of. You can train him to ring the bell with his nose to tell you he needs to go out. To train him, ring the bell the in front of him many times throughout the day, then put the bell by his nose a couple times making him ring it himself, then when he does ring it a couple times, let him outside eventually he will learn he goes out side when he rings the bell. Sry if that doesn't make sense, you can DM me on Instagram @payton.olson.34 with questions😉
  1249. Shayla Ngo: Hey josh your doing good
  1250. Simtaysia: My cat's called Peanut :D
  1251. Gabi Gonzales: is he a mini pin because i had a min pin named shadow
  1252. dlara: You should call him bud you already call him that and it fita perfect
  1253. Laura Boscan: +Thepurplepizza Doge ya BUT NOT that doggie
  1254. Julie Park: I love u josh and ur dog
  1255. Jesse Williams: +Bubble Gum Mermaid Queen lol
  1256. Gaming Beth: My rabbit is called Shadow that is amazing I am a big Fan and your Puppy Shadow is so cute😘😘😘😘
  1257. Breahna Reedy: yes
  1258. Geovanni Lopez: Your entire vlogs are of your dog walking in circles .
  1259. William Wilshire: Feed him at the around the same time every time.
  1260. Lexi Seas: have them eat at around the same time each day and also give him lots of love and treats and make sure he has a healthy body and teeth are very important
  1261. d: call him sparky
  1262. Maryam Nayef: Why not a cat ?😭😭😭😭
  1263. Windsire: "I'll play with myself" "Same"
  1264. Syd B.: Love the dog name
  1265. shishtar schnapped: +BeckyLee B. Yes. Thanks for correction. I forgot the word :)
  1266. CINNAMON883: Name it Coco!
  1267. wierdo 101: ilysm 😄😄😄
  1268. Caylee DeMil-SMith: Even though you basically chose the name Shadow, what about Bandit?
  1269. lydia johnston: Josh you and Colleen are so so sweet and I'm sure no matter what you do Shadow will be happy and healthy.☺️❤️
  1270. isabella oseguera: name him Zeus!!!
  1271. eclipse4957: I just got a new kitten like 1 month ago and every time I leave I get so guilty and a little seperate on anxiety. It's totally normal
  1272. Danielle hazleton: Josh gets no views or likes anymore it was better when he did the vlogs he has deff died down but still all support ❤️❤️
  1273. Emilia Strozak: Oh my god I ALWAYS feel guilty... Whenever I leave my house I can hear my dog whining and barking through the door and it's just ugh
  1274. KerraNicole 9601: ILYSM and stay positive always cause you are a beautiful person with a great mind
  1275. Thea Benson: What type of dog is Shadow?
  1276. Alexandria Jochems: I feel so guilty when I leave my dog at home!
  1277. Whateverable111: YESSSS DAN + SHAY!!!!!
  1278. Tara Peterson: Ok, I'll play with myself... Josh- "Same" 😂😂😂😂
  1279. Peyton Biesiadecki: Just a little advice... I have a dog too and we trained him not to go in the bathrooms in our house. He still sometimes sneaks in there but other than that very rare occasion he never goes in, so if you have to take a poop or a pee he won't follow you in. I know it's not that big of a deal but I just want to let ya know that it is a good idea
  1280. rosie 8th: Aww! I just can't get enough of him, he's too cute! <3
  1281. Alyssa: i just like looking at the dog
  1282. madi howell: i left my dog for two days {ive have him for 3 years now} and i started balling when i left him
  1283. Abigail Jean-Simon: Josh literally looks like a father
  1284. Nicole The Vloger: Adopt Don't Shop!
  1285. Marissa Loveberry: one thing you NEED to do is make a routine with him.that is key.😊👌
  1286. Isabel Mendoza: "I'm his master." 😂
  1287. Clarebear.7: One more tip, you probably have them but when you leave and Shadow is in the corner, get doggy pads so that if he pees you can try to get him to pee on the pads!
  1288. Maddog K: Don't feel guilty josh it's okay
  1289. Ariana Amazing: I sometimes feel guilty about leaving my puppy
  1290. Livie Mill: Um don't feed him more than two or three times a day and they will eat what ever you give them exempt if they don't like it of course but trust me I have a dog and have had it for about two-three years
  1291. Luna !: Omg I always feel bad leaving my dog😭😂😂
  1292. Trish Kadish: Yes!!! I used to feel so guilty leaving my kids to go out, but parents need time away, so we can be good parents! 👍🏼😊 Shadow is such s cutie!
  1293. karina murison: i hate leaving my dog too
  1294. Melody: You should get a cat😍🐱😂
  1295. Averey Courtney: what type of dog is shadow??
  1296. Grace K: Make a box and fill it up with all his toys
  1297. Jett wright: Jk have fun wit you're new pet goldfish please don't drown him.
  1298. Leander: Hiiiii Josh!! Love your doggie, he's so freakin' cute!! <# Love from Holland!
  1299. Constance Polcari: Yes i feel sad when I leave the house
  1300. Grace Rose: Smaller dais tend not to chew their foods as much as bigger dogs so try to keep his teeth as clean as possible. Since they don't chew as much stuff tends to build up on their teeth so just try to keep them clean if u don't want stinky do breath! 😉
  1301. Caitlyn Pederson: Hey Josh, congrats on getting Shadow, He's soooo cute!!! Here's a little advice if you want to feed him any human food: - Try not to feed him any fruits or vegetables, mostly fruits, because it can make him sick - Don't feed him any chocolate - You should change his water every morning because it could get dirty/infected if not I have 2 dogs and had to learn some of this on my own when we first got them
  1302. Zora Gregory: I've had my dog for like three years and my cat for 5 or 6 and still every time I leave I feel really guilty
  1303. Kylie DeVall: I think u should call him s'more
  1304. Brooke Laserre: im just saying that dogs only hear 1 sylable worlds so to him his name is shad.<3
  1305. princessangel4evr: +Psycho kittens I thought it was a german shep but as a puppy not as an actual actual dog. I know those types are usually huge later on in their dog life but I just thought that because of the colors and what not. It could also be a pinscher mix too. But who knows since he is a rescue and if Save Our Shelter knows.
  1306. adam mac: What's the YouTube/Shadow connection?
  1307. Giraffe Lover: I feel so bad when I leave my dog at home
  1308. Lilly Holmes: Well I got a puppy and a day later my family and I went to a water park and left him all alone in his crate. I felt soooo bad when we left because he cried all day. But he turned out ok. He needs to sleep in my moms bed still and can't last a minute away from her but other than that he's fine. I still feel bad about it though.....😁
  1309. MariahTheBudd: Hey josh! if shadow has anxiety or is stress there is something called rescue remedy for dogs :) it helps a lot you can either give them little tablets or do couple drops into his water. it all natural so there no bad chemicals in it. you can get it at amazon, spourts, some walmarts and cvs! you said he gets nervous or shy sometimes when he goes on walks or when something happens he seem nervous so i thought i just share it with you. there is also version for humans!
  1310. lily T: when i first got my dogs I felt guilty but later I got more comfortable with them alone. but that might just be me
  1312. Lydia: Yes I have literally the same size dog and her name is Rosie and I always feel bad when I leave her because I can't leave for literally 5 minutes to go outside without her whining, she's so sweet and I've had her for 8 years❤️
  1313. Emily 22: i think a good name for him is champ!
  1314. Crystal bh10: Josh I really do feel bad for leaving my dog
  1315. Faith Sierra Lorencz: +Mollie Read King i dont think she should get another one right away lol
  1316. Stanley Sings: Clark Charles or Charlie
  1317. Anna Miller: Hey Josh! Obviously this is totally up to you, but it's not always best to just leave Shadow's food out all the time. It's easier for dogs to become overweight, it's less sanitary, and they never really learn to form eating habits. I feed my dog after his morning walk and his evening walk. I don't mean to sound demanding or anything. It's just something to consider:) Welcome to the dingleberry fam, Shadow!
  1318. MarioSeok: Cute dog
  1319. Jessie Kobe: Name him bandit please
  1320. sammaayy !: yes
  1321. jj k: What I do with my dog is only feed him at 5, Put the bowl down at 5 and leave it down until 6 that way you can regulate him, and also he knows when its time to eat.
  1322. Robyn Bradford: give shodow a bone he can eat like a small little one because it will make hime not bit you but when he's older and you play rufly then he'll bit a little and I dont know if it will work on your dog but it worked on my pug Otis
  1323. Royal Doggies: I have 3 dogs
  1324. Tiffany Doyle: If you grab yourself a handful of his food and while teaching him how to play fetch you give him one piece when he brings it to you. They also sell small tiny bite size treats made to use for training. Some ppl use hot dogs but raw hot dogs just doesn't seem right to give to my dog never mind a puppy. Pork period I don't like to give. Some times real bacon but it's cooked so crispy and I don't give him the fat and if it's hot dogs it's the ones I buy at the deli and I grilled them and only give half a hot dog max. You can train your dog yourself, you work from home, you have the time and you're dedicated enough to stick with it knowing repetitiveness will click in. Use this time while Colleen is working to train Shadow and it'll FLY BY!! Watch some YouTube vids, read some books, google and try, try, try, until you find what "method" works for you and go with it. There's a clicker device, there's treats/rewards for positive reinforcement, whatever works for you.🙌😃🙌😃 🙏Good Luck🙏
  1325. Ciara Duffy: Try not to pick him up so much because he needs to build muscle in his legs and learn to walk, jump, run properly when hes still a puppy <3
  1326. Rachael Clarke: My dog barks at me because I'm playing the XBox and not paying attention to him
  1327. Mckenzie Hefferan: I always deal sososososososo bad when I leave my dog Bella home
  1328. Audreylynn Serdahl: Not to be rude but you probably shouldn't let him eat after nine at night so he doesn't poop in the house just an FYI
  1329. Amber H: I don't usually feel bad when I leave my pet at home but I feel kinda scared when I leave her for a long time! Or i miss her heap!! Shadow is such a good name to call the pup!
  1330. Hannah Dean: winston,rocky,and max i hope you like them
  1331. The Maddie Carnochan: Shadow should learn to be home alone (just a bit of advise cause I have a dog)
  1332. Mer Mer: Call him mikey after Michael Jackson!
  1333. Jess B.: I love you Josh :)
  1334. Bronagh Elzy: If you noticed in this and the "he was choking" vid shadows tail was curled up and wagging but in the first vid with shadow he's tail was down so he must be really happy so you must be a really nice daddy<3
  1335. Emma moroney: if you let your dog let sleep in bed with you they get too attached to you and that causes crying when left alone in the crate
  1336. Audrey Mendoza: Pls pls pls do more videos with coleen in them
  1337. Hannah Banana: I love shadows bark
  1338. Ellie Beder: One thing, don't wait to train him. You should schedule training, he is a very great dog but dogs do need training
  1339. Lucky Luch: pls name him Bandit he's so cute! little bandit
  1340. Berry Blossom: That's what I was gonna say
  1341. cat_ninja_warrior 74: I feel bad sometimes, but what really helps is telling him where you are going every time you leave
  1342. Oda Aronsen: Yes I feel guilty when I leave my cat
  1343. Scuddles6841: Dogs and cats growl at their own reflection because they cannot tell that it is them. They see the reflection as a different animal and that is why sometimes they freak out.
  1344. Nieves Huaman: I definitely feel bad when my dog is home alone. I work from home, so he's used to me being there. So when I go on vacation or just out he gets really sad. I want to get him a companion so he has a forever playmate
  1345. Kayla Bacon: I feel so bad when I have to leave him! We just got him it's Rhodesian ridgeback luv you Sammy
  1346. Braedan Jennings: +HufflepuffCat 6 lol nope luckily
  1347. Aspie Answers: Congrats on naming your dog Shadow. I hope that your journey with Shadow
  1348. Natalie Todtleben: I have 3 dogs so I'm not going to say anything even though I want to
  1349. Ashlynn Poisal: Trust me my dogs got it and it was not a good part of there life for them.
  1350. VeganVintageGeek: Its good that you think about your dog when you go out. And do n't want to leave him alone for a long time. I was that way when I was a cat mommy (my 2 fur babies passed from old age). It never changes and it should n't, Alfie says in his vlogs he does not leave Nala for longer then 2 and a half hours.
  1351. Helena Liu: Oh my gosh I am so sorry dear did I mean to disturb you while you were shamelessly opening up rude and unkind feelings? Hate is a very strong word dear
  1352. J V: Omg YESS!!!
  1353. Laura Boscan: NO HIS NAME IS NOT GOING TO BE SHADOW 😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡
  1354. Kathryn Kellye: The more time you have the dog the less you feel guilty about leaving😊 shadow is adorable btw💖💖
  1355. Kailey Nelson:
  1356. M :D: hi❤
  1357. Anabel Fitzgerald: Just a little advice: try using his name more so he knows it's his name
  1358. Constance Polcari: My dog follows our family around all day😂
  1359. Hannah graxie: My dogs name is shadow
  1360. Hasnain Ali: Listen yo do NOT be too nice to your dog you gotta b strict at times at show him that you are the boss if you dont he wont listen to ya
  1361. Sarah Ottesen: Percy Iggy Elvis Buster
  1362. Cat G: Josh, one thing you should do for sure is make a set time or times to feed your dog. Dogs don't stop eating if they're full, so you should set up a routine of when and how much you feed him. It will help a lot in the long run, keeping him at a healthy weight and it can also help you know when he typically does/will need to go outside to do his business. It might take some getting used to for the both of you, but I promise it's the best way. Once everyone's used to the routine, it really isn't a big deal to mess with it every once in a while, if you're busy or traveling.
  1363. ElizabethChristine: Josh, I think you are doing such a good job for a first time dog owner, I have 4 dogs and it's still a learning process everyday!
  1364. Cake Brain: IM SO EXCITED YOU GOT A DOG not that there is anything wrong with cats... BUT OMG DOGS ARE MY FAVORITE THING EVER!!!!!!
  1365. Madison Chase: His tail is soooo long lol
  1366. Shaylah Hernandez: my dog is named shadow
  1367. Aphmau 2: Yay shadow i love it he reminds me of my dog named chip only chip is a rebel but i still love him
  1368. Koree Jennifer: I feel like him having a dog is just proving he's going to be an amazing dad.
  1369. Tiffinie Stockbauer: I feel guilty always thats why I dont leave my house also me and my parents dont have a car
  1370. Veronica Butt: Please joshua can we have a house tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1371. Patience Dash: chiwawa
  1372. Bobbie Stoltz: Be careful!! I already saw shadow pulling at the carpet a little bit, my nanny family's dog did the same thing and now she's torn up the majority of the carpet. Also please be careful introducing shadow to other dogs, make sure he has his vaccinations
  1373. SarineBez: Anyone know what kind of dog this is???
  1374. alexandra coger: I read that in Jenna's voice
  1375. Avahorselover: is shadow a miniature pincher?
  1376. Jk Cooking: Everyone feels guilty josh or maybe it's just us i didn't read the comments yet or ever really asked that question please no one hate on me
  1377. ZILLA: When you were playing fetch with your dogs that reminded me of my dogs they do that they will like drop it a few feet ways from me so I have to go over there and grab it in order to throw it and stuff like what your dogs was doing Lol
  1378. MCM Music: When you leave Shadow you'll get used to it
  1379. my channel !!!!: name him shadow😘
  1380. Sophia Pantoja: It's been a while since you moved so can we finally see a house tour
  1381. Simone Young: He needs to meet Peach, Kermit and Mr Marbles please!!!!! When Julian and jenna get back from the UK. xxx
  1382. D3 Tv: Don't take the puppy to a dog park please.. it can die of parvo.. all my puppies did bcuz we took them to a dog park too early. Parvo is a disease that can be passed on by older dogs to puppies so please be careful with him around other dogs
  1383. holdenbeach4ever: I think Shadow is a great name!! And I think he is going to bring back your love of vlogging :)
  1384. BaileyGirlGamer: I have 2 dogs and one of them if afraid of grown men lol
  1385. Melissa Sneed: your doing great Josh. I know its hard for me to go to work sometime. my dog will give me this face like "your leaving me". you'll get the hang of everything real quick.
  1386. mallory c: Make sure that shadow has all of his shots, and a good immune system if / before you go to a dog park with dogs of people you do not know, just in case they have something! That's my little piece of advice but you'll do great (
  1387. G Linné: I can relate to your feelings about leaving your dog alone so much! The first time I left my dog alone I kept thinking about her all the time, and everytime I saw another dog I missed her even more. That's pretty good though, it's a sign that you love your dog and care about him/her :)
  1388. Rachel Hosch: You should get stairs that lead up to the bed in case he falls and hurts himself while trying to get up.... My cousin has one and she and her wiener dog love it because it's so easy for him to get up on the bed!!🙂🙂
  1389. Jessica Friauf: I think ur doing great
  1390. Hailey Bruce: I feel so guilty when I leave my dog!! She gives me these eyes and I'm like, I'm so sorry I love you I'm coming back for you I promise okay be good leaving now before you convince me not to. 😍
  1391. Jazlyn Habib: You should name your dog midnight
  1392. Therese G: Plz consider the name Leo haha
  1393. Jess Riley: LOVING THESE VLOGS JOSH!!!!
  1394. Brooke Rose: +Claire Woods fake
  1395. lexi: The puppies are so cute
  1396. Martin Cs: What type of breed is your little shadow
  1397. Kayla Foster: sledgehammer in the backround :)
  1398. maggie: YESSSS ITS SUCH A GOOD SONG!!!!
  1399. Kailey Nelson: 1coment
  1400. Sandy Evans: He looks like my dog
  1401. Madison Brown: make sure you only feed him one bowl a day. I feed my dog half a bowl in the morning and half in the evening
  1402. Sean Scott: I feel guilty when I've been on holiday for 10days 😰😰😰
  1403. Ashley Buckley: I LOVE all his Dog vids!!😘😊😍👍🏼
  1404. Maitland Johnson: I have a big Ole baby, she's a German Shepherd. I'll take her to the dance studio with me and no joke after tying her up to a chair I'll walk across the floor and she'll miss me. She has super separation anxiety so that makes me miss her all the more. I just recently moved to California and my baby is in NC until I can bring her out... I miss her more and more everyday. Congratulations on being a doggie dad!
  1405. tyler 09: are you kidding
  1406. Lily Fitzpatrick: It's ok to leave the dog alone but just not for longer that 4-5 hours and your dog is so cute 😍😍🐶
  1407. Smiley Sophia: I love the name Shadow🐶
  1408. lillyanna rose: WAIT!!! don't call him shadow why don't you call him cloudy or midnight or moonlight or mister snuffles!!!!!
  1409. Jeannette Miller: yup
  1410. Niamh farquhar: When you train shadow you only reward them when they do it either 1st time or on if they do a trick 2nd-3rd time!
  1411. Deirdre Begley: he is a cute dog
  1412. maddie murphy: Don't feed him whenever you want only breakfast and dinner and maybe lunch not good that he eats at midnight because he will have to poop in middle of night
  1413. Harper: Totally. It's normal for you to miss your dogs. I still go to school I miss my dog every day but now I don't feel guilty just sad
  1414. rebeccajns: Again, luv'n the new vlogs with your new Shadow 🐶
  1415. Abby Greiner: I love shadow❤️
  1416. WolfieTheWolf 0100: Name your new dog Jack
  1417. Anna Sinclair: Shadow is adorable. You should get him neutered just because it is better. So not as many more dogs are born without a home
  1418. Christina Haddad: name him shadow it nice name
  1419. L.K Studios: What kind of dog is it?
  1421. Ca m: My parents r divorced and I always miss my dog when I go to my moms his names pogo
  1422. Madison Alvidrez: You should name him Shad instead of Chad,Shad it would be a shorter version
  1423. Kenzie: No it's okay if you leave it's okay
  1424. moutaz cosstantini: Call him YOUTUBE
  1425. Lou Dec: The struggles of having senior dogs and a puppy. One has too much energy, and the other one just wants to lay on the couch😂
  1426. Vintage Lana: Shadow might have separation anxiety if you don't spend time away from him. He might be a little bored in the long run, but even though he's a puppy he needs to be alone at least once everyday at home to build the right relationship with your dog. ❤
  1427. Riky G: I dont mow if you ddot his but try having a feeding schedule and not just feeding him ya know?💜
  1428. Holly Goodall: I feed my dogs in the morning and at supper. And in between they often get a treat
  1429. Ginny Zealley: When I leave my dogs I worry about them but I know I will see them soon. Also when they were puppies i was always worried and know how you feel when you get your first dog!
  1430. Clara Pelusi: Your dog Joshua has the CUTEST bark
  1431. Mrs. Gittens: you feel bad leaving em at first but as long as they have water n a snack n you let em out before you go then they are fine. i have 2 dogs n it gets easier with time
  1432. Anastasia Mermigka: I always feel guilty when I leave my house.
  1433. Vania Lezama: I feel guilty too
  1434. Kate Is Da Bomb: I'm thinking about getting a dog I can't decide between and pug or a one like yours i have another dog not mine but it's my brothers he lives with me and what are some good names
  1435. Tania Munoz: he brings so much joy to Josh and colleen I'm happy for u guys🤗
  1436. Brooke Bullock: hey hey hey
  1437. Camila Jimenez: I hate the name shadow
  1438. liz c: I believe if the dog or animal is happy and healthy that that's all that matters.
  1439. Brook Hampton: Cute dog❤️🐶🐶🐶
  1440. Anne Onymous: Where is Colleen?
  1441. Victoria Shelton: cats you don't feel guilty leaving but with a dog and especially a new dog there is kind of a wanting and longing for it so it is not just you
  1442. Ashlynn Poisal: I have 4 dogs....If you go out of town or something I would prefer taking them to a friends house to babysit because if you take him/her to a public dog place where the vets take care of him for you. The thing is there are lots of dogs that get "kennel cough" which is basically a bad cold from sitting in the kennel that some dogs did that were sick before.
  1443. Lesley Medina: Yes
  1444. Mattison Hess: can you start doing daily vlogs again???? I would really love that!
  1445. Ivette O: He's so cute!!
  1446. Kim Parker: maybe u could call him coppper
  1447. Scarlett Jean: I used to feel guilty when I first got my dog
  1448. Chloe Mc: Josh basically has a dog vlog from now on but it's amazing lol 💚
  1449. Sophie Rocks: I always feel bad when I leave home without my dog in the car with me
  1450. Gymnast 586: Yes I hate leaving my dog!!🙁😕😭🐶🐶
  1451. Brianna Sivak: When I first got my dog I felt bad leaving her home when I go somewhere but after a while you get used to it. I also love the name Shadow for your little puppy.
  1452. Eva Gronewold: We taught my dog how to ring a bell when he wants more food, attention, or wants to go outside
  1453. Caroline Colella: On the bed you should put a towel at the foot of the bed so he thinks it's his "spot" 😂😂 good luck joshleen 💜
  1454. Kelli dague: I feel bad about leaving a dog that I just got today in its creat for the night
  1455. Livia Trivia: yes I feel so bad leaving my puppy😢
  1456. Adwoa Appiah- Boateng: 96 comment
  1457. Diana Puelles: don't make your dog sick
  1458. sydney kalmar: My dogs name is shadow too :)
  1459. Danielle Cardoza: Keep the food down for 30-40 and then take it back. If you keep it out all day than he will poop more than he should because he just keeps eating. Never give him anything after 2 hours before he goes to sleep except toys. If u give him stuff after 2 hours before the bedtime he will definitely wake u up in the middle of the night and that is a bad habit to get into. I hope u use my advice and it is helpful in the future. I have a lot of experience with puppies. I can't have a dog but my aunt had a puppy and I learned from that dog who just died in May at the age of 6 from kidney failure. Her name was Lucy. Than my aunt fostered three puppies and I help out a lot. Hope I helped! Love u josh❤️- Danielle
  1460. Janiel and phan: nvm I saw that part now but hi
  1461. JohnG500: OMG!!!!!!! I love "From the Ground Up" by Dan + Shay. That's an amazing song. Cannot wait!!!!!!!!
  1462. n h: +ILOVENUTELLA me too! :D
  1463. Anal Mik: You should introduce Shadow to cermeats
  1464. madelynss: I don't feel sad when I leave my dog Because they are in a nice place and spoils af lol
  1465. Adopt Don't Shop!: Just a friendly bit of advice to make your life and your dogs life easier: Feed him at regular times (as much as possible). Put the food down, if he doesn't eat it within 15 min or so, remove it. Offer it again at the next scheduled feeding time. He will become accustomed to this schedule and as such, you can more easily predict potty times. Also, this way you can avoid attracting bugs into the house. I know California doesn't have the same bugs as we do here in Louisiana but guess you have some! I find it so much easier to have scheduled feeding times rather than "free feeding." Again, congratulations, he is a doll! <3
  1466. yrb. lex: I like the name Russel!🐶😘ilysm
  1467. wildgirl1022: The easiest way to potty train is when they poop/pee outside... Give them a treat right after they potty (outside- don't wait until they come inside) but shadow is so cute
  1468. Charlotte Edmonds: 0:14 sounds like the gun shots in one dance by drake
  1469. Danielle the Ginger: something to do if your dog shadow gets allergies, he will start scratching alot! if he does get dog shampoo called Natural Oatmeal shampoo and clean him every weak on the same day. Trust me I have a dog and she has really bad allergies and she has prescription eardrops so I use it and it makes her fur grow back and makes them stop itching and will have no pain. just keep this in mind just in case ok?
  1470. Alexa Cavka: Do not worry abaut shadow when you leve because if you always take him were ever you go he will be a puppy brat🙀 like my dog😔
  1471. Nomorechancetofail: your house is such a dreeeeeeam Josh n Colleeeeeen!
  1472. Jaylin: Yesterday my cat quacked...i think she's turning into a duck...
  1473. Rachelll Soh: I LOVE FROM THE GROUND UP BY DAN + SHAY !! ^^ Cant wait for it Josh!!
  1474. Morgan Smith: I feel so bad when I leave my puppy alone because he follows me everywhere, and he cries so much, even if we go away for 5 minutes!!
  1475. Sweetpea Fad: Crazy that people are arguing about it. Its his puppy and its nice giving advice but he did a good thing adopting a pet and he should be given respect. So far he has been an excellent dog owner and will he make mistakes maybe but he personally never owned a dog so he is learning. I think Josh and Colleen having a dog is a great thing especially once the dog is used to everything and everyone. I think Shadow will also make Colleen feel more comfortable if Josh is out of town knowing that shadow is there to protect her. Keep up the good work Josh. Shadow is so cute and you are doing great. How you are as a pet dad proves you and colleen will make excellent parents to your own children someday.
  1476. Sophia Elliopulos: Hey josh this is just advice but I would recommend bringing him to training and only feeding him 3 times a day and not having it out all the time and lastly I would recommend crate training him but when he gets older you can let him sleep in to bed once and a while
  1477. Jesmery Fell: I feel guilty to when I leave my dog at the house
  1478. taylor durst: The few first weeks I had my dog I felt guilty leaving her but after a few weeks I was fine with leaving her except when I went on vacation after about a year tho u don't worry as much or feel guilty as much
  1479. Werewolf pals: Yes
  1480. sissy: you should fence your yard
  1481. Julia Reeves: Josh i got a cat and A German Shepherd and a French bulldog and Bearded dragon(lizard) and a fish pond and I am only ten
  1482. Hyounis 101: Yes
  1483. Anastasia Botros: Can someone tell me what breed of dog Josh has? He's so cute😍😍😍
  1484. FiFi Bella: Me and my sister went to England for a week and whales for a week as well so we had to leave our dog we had quilt so much for leaving her
  1485. coleworldalese: Has Rachel met shadow yet??
  1486. Dramaqueenprincess2.0: Advice:Keep him meeting more and more dogs and more and more people that will keep him used to other dogs and other people and he will be friendly!!!! ;)
  1487. Donna Marie: Such a cute little puppy! He acts just like my dog, he's 8 years old but only 13 pounds and he acts like a baby
  1488. Mishawaka Post: Aww, Shadow's first doggie play date. Shadow is definitely a people pooch.
  1489. AG tv: now all the vidios will be about the dog
  1490. thatgirl 264: God shadow can jump! My dog is like 10 times that size at least and she would be too scared to jump that high! (She's a scaredy cat)
  1491. Yvette: @joshuaDTV what type of dog is shadow
  1492. Cara Colter: first comment
  1493. SaucyyNoodles: So excited for your new adventure with your new pup! Everybody has their own way of doing things so do whatever feels best for you and you'll learn so much :)
  1494. Craycraycupcake Preety pumpkin: Yes I have a 8 week old puppy and when I go to school I feel so bad
  1495. Yeira Herrera: ADVICE: If he starts biting lots of stuff its because his teeth are not fully grown yet so buh him things that he can keep on he can chew on but if he doesnt bite things believe me he eventually will. btw i love u josh
  1496. Alayna Hunt: when are you and Collen ganna have kids?!!
  1497. billie bernhard: it's very normal for a small dog to eat in the middle of the night as long as he does not eat an extra portion ( I was also concerned about that with my dog but my grandma told me this and she has had like 10 small cute doggies) 😄👍👍👌
  1498. BrittneyKay8417: you should take away food and water at like 8 or 9 so he doesnt go to the bathroom at night
  1499. Gabriela Jara: Hey josh I love your videos and your new dog so I have a little tip for you • when ever you leave your house and leave Shadow alone you can leave your radio on and it will keep you dog Company. I really hope you read this love you
  1500. ThatDJStreet1: Don't give your dog grapes or chocolate or it will make them very very sick
  1501. Alejandro Ortega: Can Shadow meet my dog 🙂? and puppies eat,sleep and pee/poop a lot😅
  1502. Marjori Olivares-Lima: Fifth Harmony in the backround
  1503. Amber Ray: You should try snapchat filters on your dog
  1504. Kate Is Da Bomb: You are such a good doggy daddy
  1505. Positivity-Prevails: His little dog is fitting in quickly
  1506. Jessica m: dog advice: 1.NEVER give them rawhide (it ruins dogs' teeth) 2. grapes and chocolate can kill dogs 3. if scared of thunderstorms, a. wrap him in a TIGHT blanket, b. block the sight of the thunderstorm (close the curtains), c. desensitize them by playing the sound of a thunderstorm (on youtube) once a week for ten minutes, d. combine all of the above for best results. your welcome
  1507. jane: Yo, I heard 5H
  1508. Briana Gonzales: you should probably get puppy pads for him at night.
  1509. Sadie Silent fall: you won't feel guilty after u get use to leaving
  1510. K Dopp: No cheese he'll get constipated. No people food till you talk to your vet and see what he says about it.
  1511. dancer4evr1000: I feel SO guilty whenever I leave my cats. The older 2 don't really care, but the youngest one will just stand at the top of the stairs and give me the saddest little meow whenever I leave and it breaks my heart!
  1512. Maddy Knapp: A fun thing to do for Shadow to keep him occupied if he gets a bit antsy is to get him a toy that you can stick a treat inside it and then he can try to figure out how to get it out. I do that for my dog, Bella every day pretty much and she loves it. She's really smart though so it doesn't take her long. Also if you wanna train Shadow to do tricks like roll over or high five (my dog can give me high fives lol) clicker training, personally, I think is the best method and if you can/want to you can hire a dog trainer.
  1513. Club Nails Owner: first
  1514. Laroy Dillard: his name should be smore
  1515. Laasya Akunuru: how Old is shadow?
  1516. Vaness Gallant: same
  1517. Hannah Greig: call him dingle for short but when you are really mad at him call him dingle berry
  1518. Katie Brackley: +Alex Lipp no fat is over weight and obesity is more serious
  1519. Gloria Hemam: please do from the ground up i love that song
  1520. Addy_attitude16: Oh my god Josh you should name him bandit!
  1521. Iszabella Magallon: whatever you do don't feed him grapes or chocolate because it could kill your dog and you would have to go to the vet because I know because it happened to me and my mom actually my dad had to like pay a bunch of money for Angus and so you do don't do it. I just realized your your dog looks like my dog a little bit. and I have another dog and she's like bigger than your dog a little bit she got really fat.
  1522. Isabel Rebeca: Yea, I feel awful when I leave both of my dogs and they're 14 & 5
  1523. Ashley Zamorano: my cats name is shadow
  1524. court durg: patiently waiting for you & julien to introduce him to peach<3
  1525. Hannah Jolley: I feel so bad when I leave my dog at home like if I go to the store I have to bring her back a treat cause I feel bad😂
  1526. TBRTea Time: i don't feel guilty leaving my cat lol even when I had a dog, I didn't feel guilty
  1527. Watermelon 0015: Haaaaaaaaaai I'm an Algerian Fan, Love you Joosh you make me happy all the time
  1528. Gabriella Gonzalez: I feel really guilty but you can't take them in side a restaurant and leaving them in a hot car is animal abuse so leaving them at home is the best option but I love seeing her when I get home😊
  1530. Tegan Connors: Does anyone know what breed he is? Don't think it was mentioned
  1532. Cambree Clifford: Make sure that shadow doesn't have access to stuffed toys, little plastic pieces and anything that he should not chew on while you are gone. That happened with my dog, and she got obsessed with chewing on socks! We would have to buy at least 2 packages of socks a month! So make sure that he is in a safe environment while you are away! :)
  1533. Hanna Sizemore: Does Erin have a yt channel yet??
  1534. Megan Smith: +Valentinababe 24 I didn't yet but I'm dirk thinking about it. I might just send the lyrics but Ik he'll never see it so what's the point right?! And I'm a terrible singer
  1535. Allie Soto: Omg he is so freaking cute!!! You guys will have a good time together!!💗 I have 3 dogs and I have got attached to them all so much that when I see their little faces as I leave the house it makes me sometimes bring them in the car😂 but I think you guys will develop a man and dog relationship 😂💗 btw ILYSM!!!!!!!
  1536. The A club: shadow is so cute
  1537. Sophie: Please see this comment! Don't you think he looks like a Alfie, Finn or little Hunter! Thumbs Up this comment if you like those names!
  1538. Makehna Evelyn: Buffalo Wild Wings is my favorite resturant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1539. Wendy Duong: I love the name shadow
  1540. Gianna .Kfoury.: tip make sure to give the dog some sort of exercise a day
  1541. Shelby Heinisch: If he has wrinkles on his face make sure you clean them after you bathe him
  1542. Jess Willms: 2:22 3rd wheel 😂😂
  1543. Rach O: I feel the same way!!
  1544. Grace Rawlett: I felt guilty to leave my dog when we first got him, but then we got used to it, and so did the dog. My dog just sleeps on the couch all day. One thing we do that makes us feel less guilty is leaving the radio on so he can still hear a human voice.
  1545. Ash: Anyone kinda feeling shade instead of shadow?
  1546. Sophia Pantoja: My dog does the same thing she eats at midnight
  1548. Esther jennanda: I don't know anything about dogs, I'm just gonna watch him grow and be a part of the family!
  1549. kalgal5: Regardless of people judging you or applauding you, you're giving a sweet puppy a loving and dependable home. At the end of the day that's all that really matters.
  1550. Saylor Kambree: Your one of my favorite YouTubers.😋
  1551. carlyrae: I miss you vlogging
  1552. Fsockey2003: What kind of a dog is shadow
  1553. AGstarlightstudios: What kinda of dog is he??
  1554. Angelina Tran: Fifthharmony song in the background when he was at Buffalo Wild Wings
  1555. Damaris Channer: I'm so happy that you've been vlogging a lot lately yayyyy
  1556. Abhishna Yogarajan: If you think he should call the dog Shadow Buddy Evans get this comment to the top so he sees it!!
  1557. Lupita Ramirez: I don't want to fight but search on ehow pets here on YouTube you will find some good videos on how to care for a new puppy its funny to cause I just got a puppy
  1558. Unicorn D.j: hello Josh I'm stalking you
  1559. Melissa Martinez: When he's eating DON'T touch him
  1560. Xd: Everyone is saying first comment when there not...
  1561. Mia Vernasco: Your doing great with him! I don't know if ur already doing this but what I do not with my dog is I say goo pottyyyy or something that you always say when want them to go potty. I have a little dog as well and it really helps.
  1562. Megan Davis: From the ground up is my FAVV SONG!!! PLEASE DO IT!!! ❤️💕❤️💕😍😘
  1563. Kaileigh_17: What type of dog is shadow??
  1564. Jeanette Brmn: is that his dog now? all these fangirls dont be like o my gooosshh you didnt watch'ed his last video😂😂 no i didnt sorry😂❤
  1565. Tiel Haven: @JoshuaDTV
  1566. moonlightbae natalie: Hey, call you dog Joshleen
  1567. MmmmDorfy: Ugh I feel you on the guilt. It's so much worse when you know they don't feel well and you have to leave for work. Probably the worst feeling ever. Like you betrayed them and stabbed their mother.
  1568. Briana Spence: And Zeus dosent like other dogs and other people
  1569. Fatima: shadow is actaully and his cute he remainds of my dog his a puppy too
  1570. Mariah Sandoval: At least you have shadow to comfort you while Colleen's gone we'll Rebecca and Matt have been going to your house a lot
  1571. Brylie Singleton: 156th like 😍
  1572. Reagan Abrami: A good way to train your dog is to only put they're food down 3 times a day, and wait 15 minutes every times they eat to take him out. I hope all goes well with your new puppy😊
  1573. Lorelei Wade: Go on daily walks with shawdow
  1574. Sally Wildhaber: you should name him dingleberry
  1575. Puppy Lover911: +Alicia Jokhoo I really like the name bandit
  1576. Ydaline Bautista: Shadow is so cute
  1577. Ella: Aww he's so cute
  1578. Up on that rise ?: lol
  1579. Emily March: What kind of dog is it
  1580. Megan Smith: *him to hear
  1581. Acacia Griffin: Poopy
  1582. Aimee Fordyce: My old dog was called Shadow 😍😍❤️
  1583. Shauna TeenYears: What breed is he? He looks like a Rottweiler
  1584. m00dykayden: Please please please don't give your dog rope toys my moms friend lost her dog because of a rope toy
  1585. sophia Bruce: So sorry for your loss
  1586. emily moran: Shadow is so dang cute
  1587. Ash lee: It's good to have dogs on schedule because it makes them regular. Feeding 2-3 days at the same time everyday will help you avoid having messes in the house at night. Shadow is a super cute name and the way you look after him and make sure he is getting well acquainted with other dogs and people is fantastic!
  1588. Kritter: Shadow is sooo cute!! I so wish i had him!
  1589. yummy veronica: Hey Janiel! JANIEL FOR LIFE
  1590. GirlyGurl Reviews: NAME HIM BANDIT
  1591. Georgia Maddox: If you find a tick you have to kill it so it doesn't come back
  1592. Dawn Liedtka: Yes I feel bad
  1593. Lynna Bui: i love that vlog that was amazing good job on youtube
  1594. Zoey: I don't even know why this made me laugh so hard😂😂😂😂
  1595. _Valll _Palll: When you take shadow on a walk make sure that you are in front because the owner has to be in charge not the dog. Jut some advice😊
  1596. Julian Fern: Josh what is "Shadow's" breed???? I was just wondering ;)
  1597. Michelle Romero: Feed him at the same times everyday then don't feed him anymore. Pick up the bowl if there is any food left. This helps establish a routine and trains him when to poop.
  1598. Andrea Makubuya: Jordan
  1599. Alice Norman: Btw I have seven dogs and 3 cats
  1600. koalaxedits: gg
  1601. Wallflower Kitten: josh,i was wondering if we could send shadow some stuff when we send fan mail josh your alsome
  1602. Gabi N: Josh what breed is him? Do you like the name Oscar?
  1603. Hannah Davis: Hiiii Josh shadow is such a cute name and shadow is cute in general I'm in luuuuvvv 😍😍 Can I be on ur snapchat I haven't been on ur snapchat b4 😂😃
  1604. Gamer Becky: Ur doing great cuz ur awesome
  1605. KA M: You should name the puppy.. Bruno,Dash,Jax,Milo, Cooper,Leo. If you choose one of the names I thought of, give me a shoutout
  1606. Michael Denny: Now you need to make a video singing that old show tune Me and My Shadow with Shadow in the starring role!🐕😄🎶
  1607. emily: I don't feel guilty leaving my dog but at first I did.
  1608. kanggix: Have you taught him how to respond to his name and dicapline?
  1609. mia: I really want a dog😫But my brothers have autism and they are horrified of dogs😞
  1610. KathrinaC4: name him zorro PLZ!!!
  1611. sheridan butler: make sure to take him on lots of walks and go to the dog park to be social so he will love dogs and people! it will also train him to be a sweet dog throughout his life! he's so cute and I wish you all the best of luck with him!
  1612. Retaj Mustafa: Make his nickname dingleberry or babooshka plz ps love u 😘😍
  1613. Vinyl Scratch XXX: Call him ninja
  1614. Emma: Every time I went to a friends house my mom told me that he gets really lonely 😞 but now I don't have him anymore
  1615. Manisha Saini: same
  1616. BeckyLee B.: +Jessica Bishop Basically if you bring home an 8 week puppy, you need to be prepared to take it out every 2 hours to go potty. It's a general principle to go by but every dog will be a little different. You also want to take your dog out to poop after it eats because most dogs need to poop within 30 minutes of eating. If you take the dog for a long walk before bed and make sure they go potty, they will usually be tired enough to hold it for longer. Lots of new dog owners aren't prepared to have to take their dog out 1-2 times a night for the first couple of months. They also think they can get a new puppy then leave it while they go to work.
  1617. JazzyTalks: Call him Shadow
  1618. peyton richards: Yes I feel bad when i leave to
  1619. Sky Blue Pink Home Decor And More: i have 2 min doxies. a long haired and short haired. i think i know what they look like. they also have wirehair. he isnt long enough to be a doxie. mine were long as soon as they were born. he also looks like a min pin. but thats ok. not going to argue about dog types.
  1620. Jack Stewart: If you haven't named him just name hi shadow
  1621. Matthew Teal: call I'm shadow
  1622. Kylah Zuniga: my dog is a German Shepherd black lab to you know that he is going to grow taller than your couch
  1623. Samantha Alicea: Your guilt for leaving shadow is totally normal and it's called BEING A GOOD DAD! Same thing happens when you have a kid and go on your first date night. Your doing great 👍🏻
  1624. Riley Moriarty: Spunky is so happy here! I'm glad you guys adopted her from Janette she a great person and her shelter is wonderful. I love volunteering there
  1626. lele lele: I wish I had a dog too good and train dogs
  1627. makenzie .2803: What kind of dog is he
  1628. Julia Laney: my dog we live him in a cage and he shakes so bad and when we get home he's a little dog he runs around jumps on you and has a bad hip and is half blind poor dog but we still love him
  1629. Venus M: Tikka is a name that would be cute for him too. It means "bit/piece", and considering that he is so tiny, that is rather appropriate. And additionally it almost sounds like "Tea-cow" haha
  1630. Victoria Cisneros: Start training him now because we taught our dog how to sit and all that when she was a puppy
  1631. Marissa Bogden: Shadow was my old dogs name!!
  1632. Just being Angie: I always feel bad leaving because we leave to go to the store for 20 minutes and when we come home my dog acts like he hasn't seen us in ten years
  1633. Karmen Hines: My neighbors dogs name is Shadow
  1634. Gurjaan Jagat: I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH HES AHSHEID DUDHJD ILYSM wittle Shadow Yes I do that's what I was gonna name my cat if I get one so YAY what a cutie
  1635. LifeAsMnK: Name him max or Maximus and call him Max
  1636. Amelias Animals Life: Tip make sure you should put him on a set feeding schedule and not just feeling like a set schedule for like bed feeding stuff like that
  1637. Megan Smith: +Mary Donnelly oh thanks. I'm a terrible singer so I'm not sure I'll send it but I did wrote a song
  1638. Lily Smith: And he is SO CUTE u should call him brownie
  1639. Abby Boergert: I always feel somewhat guilty when I leave my dog, but the look on her face when I return is priceless and makes up for the fact that I did leave. He is so cute.
  1640. nicole: +Brigette Cook +Sky Blue Pink Home Decor And More I don't think its a min pin. Min pins are more bigger. But I could see how you would think its a min pin since its a mix of dachshund and Italian greyhound
  1641. lovely kassy: When you leave, there are these small red toys that you can stick treats in. What I do is stick peanut butter in it to keep my dog occupied.
  1642. Jada VanTol: yess i feel soo bad when i leave my dog
  1643. Ashley Greene: Name him koda!!'
  1644. Simran Mangat: Name him Blue
  1645. Chloe Cole: I always feel bad
  1646. Temparnillo69: Lots of luck Josh! It will be the best journey of your life taking care of that little guy! It will be funny and scary but you will learn everything along the way. I had two that Ive lost in the past year, but they lived until 15 and 13 years old. Ive been through everything with them and wish I could give you advice everyday. Lots of love and luck!
  1647. Brooke Anne: I love Jenna's dogs too❤️❤️ check out my fan page on Instagram @an_cermet_guides
  1648. Zoya Gorfe: Name him buddy pleeeeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee
  1649. Jeff McFarlane: He looks like Recies peanut butter cup so you souls name him recies
  1650. Cassie Acevedo: i think buddy would be a good first name then shadow as the middle name but shadow is good too, your dog is also sooo cute!!
  1651. Maggie Loeffler: yes that's what happens to me
  1652. A google user: Let's play a game.... Every 5th like dies
  1653. Michelle Roberts: You should for sure watch Cesar Millan!! that way your new puppy will be the best he can ever be!
  1654. C B: Oh, and just a few little tidbits: 1) get him socialized with at least one or two cats while he's still young. 2) since he's small, it's not really a good idea for him to jump down off of things, like the couch and your bed. It's fine for him to jump up, but try your best to help him down while his bones are still growing. One of my dogs liked to jump from the back of the couch to the floor when he was a puppy, so his front leg bones grew to be permanently dislocated. His ankles are completely sideways now instead of straight, and he's only 2! 3) last thing - when walking him on the leash, force him to walk beside you or a little behind, but never in front of you. Hold the bottom handle on the leash pretty taunt. Obviously don't pull him so it hurts him, but don't allow him much slack. Hope that helps! Not trying to be bossy haha. Raise your dog however the heck you want! But since you asked for advice, I thought I'd give you some since I am a dog trainer 😊 Keep up the good work!
  1655. Shannon_Alexis: Omg I ♥️dogs there so Kawaii and this video is heaven to me🐶
  1656. Maya Erickson: Shadow suits him also love the video
  1657. DarkLED444: Make sure you always tell him he's a good boy when he goes outside to potty! :) it'll help him understand to go outside rather than inside.
  1658. It'sonlyizzy: PLEASE NAME HIM DANNY
  1659. Retaj Mustafa: Or bandana
  1660. CØURTNEY WƏIMƏR: when u leave it helps if to leave a shirt you wore so the can have your sent
  1661. Erin R: same with my dog!
  1662. kelsey ewing: Also, dog parenting isn't easy. You will learn as you go and are doing great. Happy to hear about an adoption story 😂
  1663. Alexis Mcnally: How many people are you subscribed to
  1664. Pinki3_Ells: Call the dog "Matey"❤️🙈🌸
  1665. Domestic Goddess: I ALWAYS feel guilty! Always! It makes me sad to leave them but I know they are safe and they sleep the whole time I'm gone. I like his name, I had a dog named shadow and she was the best thing EVER.
  1666. Marie Steinum: And yes you feel guilty at first, but you get used to it,
  1667. Livvcakee: I feel so bad when a leave my pets 2 dogs and 3 cats
  1668. Maddi Weber: phone number is 479-202-9532
  1669. Trinity Leyva: I always feel guilty when I leave my kitty at home by him self
  1670. BeckyLee B.: Just FYI, I'm 32 and I have two Papillons, one is 4 years old and one is 2 years old. I made a lot of mistakes/learned a ton with the first one and I thankfully had a great trainer and groomer who helped me learned a lot about dog ownership and training.
  1671. Angelica: Leaving your dog for college is the worst
  1672. Gabrielle Lewellen: He soooooooo cute
  1673. Alejandra: Aye fifth harmony in the background
  1674. howiebrant_: +Ashley Kate LOL i like who you let them down nicely 😂😂
  1675. Annalise Bowman: My advice is start crate training also sitting so if he barks at another dog you can use sit which will train him not to get aggressive
  1676. Emma A: Josh don't worry about shadow not liking other dogs or people as long as you socialize him he'll be fine. Also, dogs tend to mimic their owners personality so he'll be just like you! (Well for the most part lol)
  1677. SorrowLane: My cats name is Shadow because when she was a kitten she was terrified of her Shadow, she refused to walk in the light for months!
  1678. awesome saucer: You should have named ur dog ninja 😂😂😂
  1679. Louise Stoker: Yes I do feel guilty when I leave my dog alone. Even just for a hour I still fell dead bad.😭
  1680. Lucy Baker: Name the puppy Max!
  1681. Haziling Hailey: No
  1683. Beast6001: Josh,can you give me a shout out and what you can do to make shadow helthy so he does not get sick of get fleas is give him monthly checkups!!! Good luck with him!! <3
  1684. Sabrina T: 4:00 yes I do I feel like I am abandoning them
  1685. Retaj Mustafa: Or bandana 😄
  1686. nathan almeida: At night you can pick up shadows bowl so he doesn't have to go out in the middle of the night
  1687. Icemann97: Josh that's why you shouldn't have gotten the dog because now you are going to push your friends away to hang out with your dog. I'm sure the dog will need a break from you sometime
  1688. Kendall Henry: You will get used to leaving him alone after a little bit. And also he might like staying alone too so he can just relax. But just remember after being away from him for a couple hours or so you will still get to see his face and cuddle with him when you get him.
  1689. Syniya Lucas: yes I always feel bad
  1690. AcklesGotHisSnackles: What breed is he?
  1691. Rachel Mars: this is the most early i have ever been!
  1692. Ellie R.V: do you know if he likes rain storms or not.
  1693. Jess Wilson: hahahaha i have an indoor mini lop eard bunny named felix and the first time i left him to go and do my groceries... i felt sooo bad... hahaha love the name shadow btw 🐶🐰
  1694. Kaitlyn Klippert: I need a video of him meeting Julien and Jennas dogs!! lol
  1695. Liam Robinson: Who here is a CAT PERSON not a dog person but loves dogs but likes them but doesn't want to own one?
  1696. Jess Swimz: Josh, it's a really good thing that he's meeting new dogs and people at a young age because he will be more confident when he's older! #Shadow
  1697. Becky Austin: I just wanted to bring something up dogs can't wipe there selves so they exadently wipe with your bed EEEW get some baby wipes
  1698. Soren Isobel: I love these puppy vlogs
  1699. Needsumzzz: I hate leaving my dog at home
  1700. Misha: Ya, you do definitely feel guilty about leaving them even for a short bit of time! It's normal! :) But they're just the best thing to happen to you, ever. And good for you for adopting!
  1701. Leigh Otten: My dog is a rescue and although I've never really heard him whine when someone leaves, we were on vacation recently and my parents left, leaving him in the kennel and I was asleep. My parents had literally just left the house and he was whining and crying and worrying. I live on my own now and I always feel so guilty whenever I have to leave him.Sometimes I think new rescue pups might think that they're going to be left again. So long as you rove to him you'll always come back, things get better. Shadow is adorable! Things will get so much easier and you'll pick up on his personality so quickly. It never gets easier leaving them! It looks like you're doing great :)
  1702. Tabi Etten: I love how his dog runs!!
  1703. Cayla Campbell: Tip: For less of a mess find a dog place mat and put it under the water and food dish, this mat should absorb water and help with less of a mess!!! Love you and Shadow!!💖
  1704. Taylor Graham: I ALWAYS FEEL AWFUL WHEN I LEAVE MY 3 DOGS!!!- 😖😖
  1705. khaki tomatoes: I don't feel bad living my pets alone at home because they like to sleep, but my dog is going to the dentist in two days and I have to live her there for a few hours and I feel soo bad 😣
  1706. Faith Sierra Lorencz: we let our dogs out side in a massive area but its fenced and inside we let them go where evr and my dogs sleep with me and they are potty trained so the poo and pee on paper and they have food bowls every single floor in the house nd they have a toy room
  1707. Olivia Adams: I felt so bad on the first day of school and when I got home I snuggled her for hours
  1708. Allanah Dalbec: My dog loves to be rubbed behind the ears u should try it with shadow he might like it
  1709. princessangel4evr: +Ashton Schwinn Yeah since he is a rescue they may not know for sure unless it was said at Pet Smart like when Josh was going to pick up the dog or if it would be mentioned on Rocky's show
  1710. Shifa Ismail: ya I feel guilty
  1711. Cass Messinger: I love the name shadow and so does josh and a lot of people. That's what he chose .
  1712. Heicam 1234: did he name him shado
  1713. Sarah T: What breed is your dog?
  1714. iWantRoyceVlogs: The separation anxiety is so real when I leave my pup I have to make sure he knows I'll come back if not I feel super guilty
  1715. Reagan Dr.: Friendly advice: you are doing a great job socializing him with other pups b/c that's very crucial at his age, also whenever he pees in the house u NEED to Inforce, that means it's a large spank the the butt and u immediately take him outside, and say POTTY OUTSIDE! If u find the pee is old from a while ago u take him over to the pee spot and say, naughty, shadow potty OUTSIDE and point to the door. If u don't want shadow to grow up barking all the freaking time, whenever he barks, u need to tell him, "no bark" sternly, if he does it again u spank him and say again more sternly, "No bark!" Then repeat everyone he barks. I know all of this because my family has just recently bought a 4 month old German shepherd Pup and we do all of these things with him,m. Some more advice; if u want shadow to listen to you, u need to not talk him to death, for ex, your giving shadow a bath, and he squirms and crys and yelps and whines u can't just keep talking to him, u need to get the bath over with
  1716. Vanessa Aiuto: Be careful when you walk him if my dog and sees something so will pull as hard as she could. I also LOVE Buffalo Wild Wings. And I feel horrible when I leave my dog at home
  1717. Chloe Ng: If you see shadow eating too quickly, you can add a tennis ball in the bowl to take up some space.
  1718. Shelby Hamilton: Your dog is so cute
  1719. Desirae Goldtrap: When I had 1 dog i feel guilty, but when i had 2 dogs i didn't because they had eachother for company
  1720. Hailevaranex: I'm sure someone has already suggested this, but if not, you can also find a nice doggy daycare. My dog used to go because there was one about a mile away from my job. She was an older lady and wasn't that interested in playing with other dogs but she enjoyed just being around them and all the staff so she wasn't just bored at home.
  1721. ew.: What type of breed is shadow???
  1722. sparkles19711: I'm going to have 2 soon, I don't feel bad either thoe because when we leave we put her outside with all her toys and balls and she distracts herself and has easy access to clean water and food 😊
  1723. Courtney Wagner: hey about feeding - you should set up a feeding schedule instead of leaving food out like that all day just so hes not eating all day
  1724. Queen Reem: Noooooooo NOT SHADOW!!!! Browser!
  1725. autumn manes: wouldn't tim be like the BEST collins in rent omg i can literally hear it
  1726. Alexa Soden: are you snapchatting comments??😏 love you!💜💜
  1727. Angelina Leal: whenever me and my family leave our dog is always either waiting for us by the door or waiting and sitting in our big from window
  1728. Adrienne Turner: I tell you what, the first night I had my dog I had him sleeping in the floor next to me and I hung my hand over to pet him while he was sleeping. Anyway, he woke up at like 2am and needed to go out side. I took him out, and when we came back in he was sitting at the edge of my bed whining. I pulled him into the bed and he cuddled up next to me and now he sleeps in the bed with me every night and I love it! I think it really bonds us closer and it's kind of a safe space for him when he gets scared or nervous.
  1729. Ciara Pershall: Talking about joshua btw lol
  1730. Emily Neumann: Yes all the time but we leave for hours or weeks at a time
  1731. Marti Believes: hey josh call him king or shadow or chase please
  1732. Katie Jacques: Omg your dog is so adorable!! To answer ur question, I really do feel bad when I leave my dog at home alone and I've had her for three years. I love ur vlogs josh!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🐶
  1733. Jill O.: OO IM EARLYYYYYYYY :)
  1734. sydney xo: when you call his name give him treats so he learns quicker! i had to do that with my dog and within about 2 weeks he understood what his name was!!😊
  1735. Sydney Schneickert: i was crying the first time i left my dog and we only went across town and my dog is my picture
  1736. Kaela Jade: +Laura Boscan agreed
  1737. Lauren Power yh: no not shadow. little dude! 💜
  1738. Ally Terese: they moved Jan 1, 2016
  1739. Alicia Goodman: My cousin just got married to that song last weekend, it's my fav omg
  1740. Gabi N: +Emily N Oh thanks that's exactly the one xx
  1741. Bryedabrye: Then she can make a how to care for your cermet 3 ft. Shadow
  1742. Soraya Prajzler: Hey Josh you should name him Jasper! :))
  1743. Brooke Bullock: I'm so pumped for the cover of From the Ground Up
  1744. Laura Watt: Max would be a cute name for him
  1745. Ally van Haaren: No, maybe it's just because you are new at this and aren't used to leaving him at home.
  1746. Angela Castruita: HEYYY snapchat!!!!!!!
  1747. Jordy Holzer: I have dog to !!!!!!
  1748. Kayla Tucker: josh what kind of dog is Shadow. Like what breed
  1749. Vinny Dupree: Keeping your pet off furniture does nothing for the dog's obedience. It is literally a preference. If you are in a household where you allow your pets on the furniture, like myself and many people I know, it's perfectly fine. If you want them on the furniture and to sleep in a bed with you, there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't want them on the furniture, then train them that way. But to tell someone they HAVE to train their dog a certain subjective way is just asinine. I know you think you're trying to help, but some of your tips are your own personal preference, and not everyone's houses are run the same way as yours.
  1750. 4 real Challengers: What happened to colleen
  1751. andrew hunt: Never worry to much about going out for a few hours to go eat or hang out with friends but do make sure you have him around other dogs to help him be more social with people and other dogs.
  1752. Marek Biczynski: Name him Brady
  1753. J Budde: MY DOG'S NAME IS SHADOW
  1754. Megs Cats: I can't give a lot of advice but.... please don't hit your dog with sticks or trap it in a box. my dog's first owner dressed her up and hardly fed her, her second didn't let her inside the house, he other hit her and put her in a box to make her panic... we found her on the streets and took her in so... please be nice
  1755. K45arina: lmaooo
  1756. Marie Steinum: I love that you named him Shadow. It really suits him.
  1757. Cassidy: Hi
  1758. Eric Buchheim: I felt bad when I had my puppy, you just gotta remember that he (or she) will be okay
  1759. Erin_Pearce04: Have a big selection of toys
  1760. Catherine Hanson: Shadows is a cutie
  1761. Ryan Curry: What about Jenna's and Julian's dogs
  1762. Jessy B: Yeah i feel bad when I leave my cat like I was at a friends house for the 3rd day and came back a while ago but I don't she minded.
  1763. MissRWilson 7: +Oreo Emesis but she is kind of his mum because Colleen and josh are married and all so she should be
  1764. Jennifer Dolinski: I agree
  1765. Nancy Madrigal: I don't know why but I feel a little mad at Rebecca because in the other vlog Rebecca was like I'm naming him shadow I'm not calling him anything else besides shadow and is was always like his new name is shadow and was like not letting josh pick the name himself but he had to pick shadow because Rebecca had told him that his name is shadow
  1766. Jesskate: You are great at talking care of Shadow
  1767. Kerri Ann Campbell: I own 2 dogs and I do not feel guilty leaving my dogs. it helps ur dogs so much being alone and I trust my dogs so course I miss them but ik there fine ☺️
  1768. ecarg8 Hogg8: you are doing get
  1769. Sarah Lafever: Make sure if he ever does any thing wrong you say no.but don't come back to him like a couple mins later and be all sweet,also if hes does anything wrong put him in his cage and put no toys in the cage. I loe you stay awesome !!!!:DDD
  1770. Olivia Woolverton: You should give him food 3 to 4 times a day put him on a scedual
  1771. BeckyLee B.: I know he is your dog and you are so excited and have good intentions, but remember that you are a new dog owner and have only had him for a few days and the pros/rescuers/trainers has him for 5 months and they know what they are talking about. Letting puppies do things when they are young (like sleeping in your bed) seems like a great idea in the moment, but the first year is crucial to developing good habits and behaviors. It will be easy to be defensive about YOUR dog, but remember that professionals and long time dog owners have a lot of knowledge and solid advice. Please let me know if you have any questions, I want you and Shadow to be successful! ❤️🐶
  1772. Freja Palsdottir: call him dude like
  1773. Im Nayeon: The dog is named Shadow
  1774. Julie Ayton Yates: Shadoe...my first dog's name. yes, spelled that way. uh hun.
  1775. Hannah rose: love u gusy
  1776. Madison Miller: dont worry later when you have shadow for a while you wont feel as guilty leaving
  1777. Reagan Dr.: +Briana Le I love that name for him!
  1778. Shadow Creator: 🤓
  1779. Aubrey Rash: How old are you
  1780. Britt Bardman: what breed is he
  1781. Carlee McCallister: You will feel guilty at first after a little while they will gain trust and get used to you coming back and you won't feel guilty!! It just takes time he loves you Josh you will do great!!
  1782. Ava Hillman: +Maddie Gebhart ohh I didn't know 😂
  1783. n8g 8f: i have 👌
  1784. xXWRedWolfWX x: what type of dog is he cuz i want to buy a dog like him
  1785. Sophia Loves Puppies: Call him shadow please!!!!!!!
  1786. Ashlyn Conrad: when i first got my dog (yorkie) she barked at her reflection a lot but after awhile she stopped and now she only does it occasionally
  1787. Alyssa Tria: "He's like 'imma play with myself'.......same" uhm Josh
  1788. Magdiel Vera: It's ok josh I feel bad when I leave my dog alone at the house
  1789. Poppy Robinson: every time i leave the house, her ears go up, her head tilts, and her eyes ask why I'm leaving her. i put her on the couch and tell her I'm coming back, but every time I'm close to tears. dogs are amazing.
  1790. clarissa lolz: Just remember than he's just a part of your life but for him, your his whole life
  1791. itz what ever: teach to go up and down stairs
  1792. Cupcakewingbat: Lol
  1793. Cristina white: make sure you don't feed him more than twice
  1794. Jaylin: 😍😎💩
  1795. Marlyn Ruiz: I love the name Shadow. This kitchen a living room area are huge
  1796. Elwae By Nature: Shadow is just the cutest lil thing ever....
  1797. Melea Elisabeth: When we first got my dog that night we all were awake... We had carpet in all of the rooms and my dog chose my brothers room to go poop in
  1798. Hshhxhxhc Xjdjjdxndndjxnmsmsjs: When my fam went on vacation and we put the dogs in doggy day care and one abandonment issues it so sad we are never going to do that again
  1799. Mathew Nino: Do what you think is right for shadow. Do you boo boo. You'll love him in the end either way.
  1800. Concetta Gagliano: Josh instead of saying " u need to go pee and poo?" Just say " shadow u need to go potty potty shadow" and get him really happy and then lead him to the back yard door and that's it ILYSM ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  1801. erynn pope: My advice is you don't teach him to jump up unless you give him permission. I have three dogs and we regret letting them on the couch on our bed as now whenever they go somewhere else they jump up. Also when lots of people are over they jump on there knee and clamber all over us when unwanted xx
  1802. Bavisha Thavarajah: U should watch The Secret Life of Pets
  1803. Gymnast Natalie: U should name it dingleberry
  1804. Taylor Sky: Yea
  1805. Livi Gandolfo: hope you're having a great day!- a small YouTuber
  1806. Meredith Rose: I don't feel bad leaving my cat at home because I have had him for 10 years
  1807. GalaxyyGall xox: Your dog died on my birthday 😭😭 Sorry for your loss
  1808. LIBERTY SEVENSKI: It helps if u feed ur dogs the same time that u eat that way they are kinda on the same schedule u are and they don't do there thing in the middle of the night
  1809. The Lucy Channel: OK so Josh this is your first dog well your first dog your first dog so what you're just gonna freak out at the first moment then you'll get more used to it I I have 4 pets I mean about 15+ fish in my pond and I have a turtle I have a cat I have a dog and my sister has one hamster and I so I
  1810. Fassassin Gamer: When I go away from my dog I get really sad and I cry... Yes I'm that sensitive
  1811. Leslie Kamoto: Call him Shay for short!
  1812. Ciara Gallagher: yyyaaaaay 1st comment
  1813. alicia j: +Puppy Lover911 Ikr I really like it too
  1814. Tosha Brown: +Jett Wright why you being a bitch about it
  1815. Caralyn Calabrese: Lol my grandma's cat's meow sound like a duck quacking
  1816. LynnetteNadine: Yes I feel so bad, I have to leave my little chihuahua at home for about 8 1/2 hours a day while I work and it makes me super sad, I work at a vet and every time a doggy walks in I think about my Nacho (my chihuahua's name). It's amazing how attached you get to your fluffy kids. Thank you for saving this little nuggets life, we need more people like you to adopt. Good luck with everything ☺️.
  1817. Izzy Monroe: omg:D so cute and so wiggly. I am so happy for you guys!!
  1818. Molly Knight: I think that youre a new dog owner, you aren't used to leavin Shadow but once youre used to it, he will get used to it, and it will all be ok. :)
  1819. Ellie Glover: They were playing fifth harmonys song sledgehammer yayyyy
  1820. Lydia Sanders: A really really good thing to do that worked with my puppy and lots of friends puppies. All you do is hang a bell on whatever door your going to take him out of and then every time you go to take him out you take his paw and have him hit the bell and the eventually he will hit it by himself.
  1821. Candy Cake: Please please name him Bean
  1822. shishtar schnapped: Joshua please get training asap. Training is an essential and will make your life so much easier as Shadow grows older. I'm guessing that Shadow will stay about this size. Try to keep him off the sofa and beds, make him sleep in his crate. Do not keep his food bowl full all day, set food timings currently should be 3 times a day. Socializing at this point is really important which you have done so✅ that off. This puppy is really well behaved apart from some corrections that should've been done throughout some parts of the video, at this age I recommend getting him a trainer or a behaviorist. :)
  1823. italia bro: First of all, I love Shadow, and I have a tip. What we did with my dog is we put a bell on the door so when he has to go to the bathroom, he can just ring the bell.
  1824. Phyre Gonzales: when I first got my puppy I was gultiy at times but now that we have had her for a while I dont. its something to get used to. thats for sure. I think shadow is perfect. your doing a really good job training him. everyone has there own way and it depends on the dog.
  1825. litt like trin: second
  1826. Lisa van der Eik: The Dog is so cute😍❤✨
  1827. Lainie Alexandra: you should name him dingle-brows, because his little brown eyebrows look like dingleberries and since you call your subscribers that, you can say "come here dinglebrows"
  1828. Stevie Jimenez: yes I feel so bad im just like can we hurry up I want to see my puppy
  1829. Falpal714 C: If you need a way to house train shadow, you can get this thing that's basically a bell on a string. Hang it on your door and whenever you take the dog outside, ring the bell with his foot. Eventually he will ring the bell when he needs to go outside! My dog looks similar to shadow and the training works very well :) ❤️
  1830. grace duncan: Ground up by dan and shay is one of my favorite songs
  1831. Maile McFadden: Idk why but he looks like his name should be Jack to me
  1832. Meena Hosaisy: My dog was abandoned by her old owner😓and now whenever we go some where like in the car she always wants to go with us😂
  1833. i am char: luv u
  1834. Sky Green: When I first got my dogs I felt bad at first but after like a week i didn't cause I felt like they knewi would come back
  1835. Morgan Flannery: I always feel guilty when leaving my cat even for like an hour!
  1836. Oliver Marukelli: How old is shadow
  1837. Bella Mendoza: honestly the guilty feeling doesn't really go away. I've had my dog for 10 years and still feel bad
  1838. ThatVeganWhiteGirl: Also, if you are working on potty training, a great way to speed up the process is making a device to put on the back door of your house or whatever door you would normally take him out. You can go to a craft store and buy single Christmas bells and tie them on a string to hang from the door handle. Put a little peanut butter on the bells and every time shadow goes to lick the bells take him outside. It will get redundant and annoying at first but after a while he will realize that he needs the bells to make noise if he has to go outside. I have trained all of my dogs that way and they will be house trained over a weekend.
  1840. Ayla Condill: OMG yes I feel sooooo guilty when I leave my dog!
  1841. Ann Iren Kvam: You can call your puppy "Vloggie"!
  1842. Jezz: Omg josh that's the cutest name ever
  1843. reranger21: I love the name Shadow and all the power to ya if you like the name, but now I'm going to be reminded of Homeward Bound every time I see the puppy D:
  1844. Stprincess: I see what you mean! I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, but she planted a head seed, and he ran with it. I was hoping he'd go with "Kale." I love that.
  1845. Emily's Corner: Don't feel to bad of leaving him home he will just sleep I recorded my dog and she slept the whole hour
  1846. Jasmine R: Nah
  1847. Angela Castruita: Aww cute, you said he's always by you and his name is shadow so he's your shadow!🙀❤️
  1848. Wendy DeLaney: I take my dogs with me whenever I can, but when I have to run errands where I cannot take my dogs (like even the grocery store) I feel guilty about leaving them at home. :/ It's normal.
  1849. G Equine: One piece of advice is that you learn from mistakes and you are doing s great job
  1850. Shannon Nearhoof: Yes when I leave my dog I always feel bad but they will be alright and I always think u will be home sooner or later
  1851. Kelsey Truitt: Don't feel to bad when you leave!!He will get use to it and he will learn that the more love you give him he won't worry Becuase you always come back and he will know you always will!!
  1852. Kelby Byrd: give him TLC
  1854. Kittiesarecute07 AJ: Josh by the way if you spend more time with shadow and pet him alot he will get used to you more and love you more
  1855. Alec Garcia: he's so cute
  1856. Emma Stanley: Still can't get how freaking cute he is!!!!! Shadow is sub a cute name for him!!!! I love you!!!!!!!! (As in like not in love but you know like the friend type of person you look up to kind of love... I know you know what I'm saying so...)
  1857. rebecca mortimer: Yeah you do and I have two dogs a lab and a staff cross and a cat
  1858. Alicia Goodman: Initially, when I'm walking out the door and my Benny is standing in the kitchen watching me, I feel kinda bad. But after 5 years of having a dog, I know that you can't let the dog be in control of your life. Dogs forget you even left after like 5 minutes and take a nap anyways.
  1859. Madison Nelson: Name your dog Shadow!!! That's a cute name!!!
  1860. Sarah C: Hi I'm a really big dog lover and would really like to know the breed of Josh's dog if anyone knew it would be great thanks
  1861. Boonk Gang: What kind of dog is shadow
  1862. Frederric Kelada: I'm just asking u for one thing don't let him eat dirt of the ground because both of the dogs I know in my life have done that and gotten very sick. Love u😊
  1863. JoshleenTrash 123: 2nd like???
  1864. Gamer Becky: call him cookieberry because u call us dingleberries and colleen calls us cookies and it goes great together
  1865. A Olson: My uncle used to have a dog named Shadow when I was little and she was this giant German Shepard and even then I remember loving her even though she was bigger than me. I thought of that because I've always like small dogs, and in one of your previous vlogs you mentioned wanting a big dog but getting little Shadow and I just remembered that story.
  1866. Tate Perry: If he ever starts biting you, hold him down firmly (without hurting him) until he stops struggling. It shows him that you're the master, therefore stronger than him.
  1867. Melchie Elumbra: I know that feeling josh....
  1868. Emily N: he's probably a mixed breed :) quite sure he's a pinscher x dachshund. A pinscher is definitely in him!
  1869. Abby: Don't worry u get used to leaving your dog home. The best thing is them getting so excited when you are back
  1870. Richard Bouska: Shadow is a good name for your little puppy, he's so cute.
  1871. Aurora Tripp: no it's not just you!
  1872. Isabella Zaldivar: Tips: • never feed him chocolate or raisins • even if he is potty trained it is always good to have a pee pad for the middle of the night or when your gone and he has to use the potty
  1873. Madeline's Family Vlogs: Hi josh can u plzzz say hi
  1874. Maria Maria: You should give him a name from a musical!! LOL! I named mine Dorothy. she looks like Toto but she's a girl. She's black, I didn't call her no shadow! You should name him Timber after JT or Jagger, or something cool!! Come on Joshua! Don't let Rebecca name him this is your dog!! <3
  1875. Emily Birk: So cute! I definitely felt bad at first for leaving my boy alone when I first got him. But it gets easier.
  1876. Claire Kelly: how about dallas ,scout,bear,jax, or kai these are just some names that were in the running for my dog!!! have fun love ya guys
  1877. Kaylie Paugh: Since Shadow is a small dog, he might shed a whole lot. So, you need to make sure it does not get on pillows. It will make all of your sinuses ( if you have any) act up. Very badly
  1878. lillyanna rose: or mister shady
  1879. Sami Zappella: I have a 3 year old dog and whenever I leave he barks and I feel so guilty I hate that too lol
  1880. nevaeh hayes: how about chase cause he chases you around
  1881. Macy Bratcher: I'm more of a human name person when it comes to dogs, but I GUESS I approve of Shadow since you like it.
  1882. Courtney Spicuzza: What kind of dog is he??
  1883. Christie Randazza: I love his name!! It reminds me of Homeward Bound :)
  1884. katie !: I feel bad when I leave my dog alone at home even if I'm in the other room I feel bad 👋🏽😂
  1885. el penn: Are you gonna shave your face soon?
  1886. Daniel Schefer: You should have a time where you take his food away, like after 7pm for example, so he doesn't get used to getting food whenever he wants and has set food times.
  1887. Myles Leverette: People are used to leaving their pets as they have work and school etc. I only feel guilty if I leave for an extended period.
  1888. Gabriella Rodriguez: I really like that you sleep with your dog because I'm pretty sure it makes him feel loved 🐶❤️
  1889. Aysia Mitchell: I still like the Jasper... But also, I kinda freaked when I heard Fifth Harmony in the background at BWW...
  1890. Maher Sandhu: I know he's set on Shadow but i feel like he looks like a Buddy
  1891. Katie Cookie: Instead of telling shadow "no" for doing something wrong, you should be happy for what he did right
  1892. Amanda R: my dog used to love bigger dogs but then my great grandpas dog got a little territorial and attacked her now she doesn't like that many other dogs
  1893. Cassandra Cadillo: Also when you said that his toy sounds like a diaper, dogs actually like that sound. I don't know why but dogs like that sound.
  1894. haley Stansell: Josh I am so happy you are volging again and shadow is so cute
  1895. Nadia Snyman: what breed is shadow?
  1896. Linette Nguyen: Too bad sucka!!!!
  1897. Emily Birk: Don't get me wrong it's always hard, but not as hard.
  1898. Emily Shook: No guilt cuz my dogs play together all day and pretty much just sleep the day away. Remember that after their puppies you can leave them home alone cuz they don't have a sense of time. Your first dog is always the hardest your doing great Josh. Keep it up!
  1899. Chad Piecewicz: Every dog is different.
  1900. KennaDeMiner: I feel guilty whenever I leave my puppy
  1901. pablo: first
  1902. gigi jade: At night there was a dog in a car that turned the car lights on.... The owner cracked herself when she came out the shop!
  1903. Kaylathe._.bumblebee: a friendly bit of advice is when he does something wrong say ah uh instead of NO because he hears no everyday like "I know..." or "no I don't want" and he could get confused
  1904. Ariana Leiner: I always feel guilty when I leave my puppy to go to work. Mostly because she cries... every time. I think she'll get the fact that I will come back .... I hope so. lol
  1905. Yadira ponce: thank god you named him shadow i wanted you to name him shadow
  1906. Amira Ahmed: Oh yeah I do to but I would not disturb his house so ehhh
  1907. Alana S: Some advice is to put his food up after they eat dinner but keep the water out so they can maintain i eating schedule
  1908. Kayla: When will mirandaSings see shadow
  1909. Abby K: Kermit!!! Name him Kermit!!
  1910. Gabriel Guzman: I'm so sorry. He/she will be up in little cat heaven watching over you.😢😩
  1911. Maria Rivas: you should name coal
  1912. Cameran Rae: Yeah I do too
  1913. Gila Bloch: I feel bad when i leave my dog too 😭
  1914. denisedemuccio: Remember to fix him so he can't have babies with another dog lol
  1915. Lara Puutaatoo: Wheres ur wifee i dont understand ur relationshit
  1916. Isabel Hernandez: Is Erin's dog a boy or girl?????
  1917. Fat2Fab 2018: our puppy name is Lucy...that is what she was named but it stuck with her lol she is the cuties....love the name Shadow....fits him very well
  1918. Ali nerd: yes I do but all they do is sleep all day
  1919. Rachel Asriyan: You need to buy him wee wee pads so he can pee and poop if he its bad weather like a storm or if you don't have time
  1920. Laurel Trey: aww my old dogs name was shadow
  1921. Kassadie Manukas: What kind of dog is shadow
  1922. Brooklyn: You and shadow will both get used of staying home so don't feel guiltily🐶👍🏼❤️
  1923. Ronnie Galvan: He is such a good dog.
  1924. Brooke Weis: You do feel bad at first when you get a dog and leave them at home but you get used to it I guess
  1925. YoungMoneyyy: me either... it's okay but I feel like it's more of a character name
  1926. Emily Schickfus: U should name him Mac
  1927. WeepingWidow1973: Josh you are doing amazing. He is so cute . Congrats.
  1928. Julie Marino: Try to get me to 1,000 subs without posting any videos
  1929. kevin palma: I would recommend taking his food away late at night that way you don't have to wake up extra early to him wanting to go potty :))
  1930. iiFrenchfryGirl Addy: my cat just SLEEPS
  1931. Emily Murslack: I think you should name him Bear or Teddy:)
  1932. Rachel Asriyan: *if he needs
  1933. Hilda Gonzalez: YAASS JOSH BEARD STILL HEERE!!
  1934. missbrittneyann: PUPPYYY
  1935. Bobbi X: Call him olly
  1936. Cassandra Cadillo: At first when I first got my dog,I did feel bad. But now I don't. It changes over time.
  1937. Hala Arkoub: YESS SHADOW
  1938. Kylie Williams: One time, me and my boyfriend had a dinner and movie night and stayed at a hotel. I made him leave at 5am so we could get back to the dog lol
  1939. Bella wasi: I have two dogs so I don't have to worry when I leave them because they have a buddy
  1940. Anna P: Bit of advise, I know you're getting a ton if it, but this is really important: make sure you're constantly introducing Shadow to new people, dogs, and places while he's still a puppy, like you did in this vlog! This way he'll grow up accustomed to these things. You do NOT want to end up like me - my dog didn't receive enough socialization as a puppy, and now he is aggressive towards other dogs and gets nervous around some people and loud noises when we're in public. You're doing a great job so far with it!!!!
  1941. Crystal Cordones: Fifth Harmony at 3:30
  1942. Lauren Rose: of course hes with rebecca while colleens gone
  1943. Josiah Vlogs: That's my dog name shadow.
  1944. Ydaline Bautista: I don't have a a dog but I've always wanted a golden retriever and I would feel bad to leave ur dog.
  1945. JoanaRose: You feel guilty about leaving them at first but then you don't care cuz you're just bros
  1946. Caylee DeMil-SMith: Or maybe, possibly, Skittles because one time my moms and my sister were driving home and we saw a dog on the side of the road (that looked just like your dog) and named it skittles.
  1947. Tina B.: I have three dogs and your doin everything right love ya josh
  1948. Lj 23: Make sure to keep your shoes away from him 😂
  1949. Lacey Krueger: You should call him Timber
  1950. Leah Loo: 832th like
  1951. Americas Harrington: I always feel guilty when ever I leave my dog Joy at home in her kennel alone. She is a Chegle. my dog is a Mix of a chuwawa and a Begle. When we are gone her chuwawa comes out and attacks her kennel or collar.
  1952. Isley Gebman: you should get one of those retractable leashes bc that lease looks a little big for that size dog.
  1954. Ashley Sheehan: I LOVE HIM/SHADOW!!! ❤️
  1955. Mei Zinner: I don't feel guilty when I leave my dogs at home bc I know that they'll just sleep the whole time
  1956. Ibby Z: Yes. I HATE leaving my dog
  1957. Zulma Martinez: When Josh said who barked at you i honestly thought Tim was gonna say you 😂😂😂
  1958. Ashley Bellstrom: i think his name should be cooper
  1959. Sienna Panice: +Gabe Galaxy Productions ?
  1960. Freddyhlb X: My doggie gets super sad when I leave him and hides... What I try to do is check out where he's hiding, pick him up and put him on his usual chair/doggybed and tell him "i'll be back really soon" after a while he'll understand (at least mine did!) there's no denying they miss you like crazy but when they understand you'll be back it'll be more relaxed! As they grow older they sometimes need some me-time too so don't worry about it too much!!
  1961. Rose 3357: Yes all the time
  1962. Zenah Large: You should have named him rocko or rockie
  1963. Chasen Brown: Shadow rules!!!
  1964. Abbie Lang: Don't worry u will only be sad about leaving the fog for a little bit!!
  1965. Alyssa May: I love shadoey
  1966. Boucherjumping: name him kid
  1967. Melissa Mathews: In my experience, crates are bad. They use it as their own area, and you are not welcome there. The dog shouldn't own you, he should share the whole house with you
  1968. Rosie Davison: I know teacow would be PERFECT! Blackjack,peanut and teacow the three musketeers! LOL
  1969. Brooklyn Clum: I really hate to leave my pets home when I go somewhere....but I did hear that dogs can't tell a difference in time. for example, they can't tell whether they've been alone for 5 minutes or 5 hours.
  1970. Fire Bird: You should not feed your dog after12:00
  1971. Laura Boscan: NOT SHADOW
  1972. Erin Smilley: My old dogs name was shadow 😭💕
  1973. Kaitlyn Watson: As he gets older, you can leave food out all day, but it's not the best idea right now when you're trying to housetrain him :)
  1974. JustMeAldo 15: I feel so guilty when I leave my dog
  1975. Can we get 1000 subs for reason ?: When ever we leave my cat he's like YAS I GET THE HOUSE TO MY SELF XD
  1976. Laura Boscan: NO NOT SHADOW
  1977. Tia Dray: Your dogs so cute !! 😍 and smaller dogs don't have a big Blatter so you can't be gone for that long
  1978. Emma Nicole: I don't feel bad only because the only thing my dog does when we leave is sleep and I always think about how happy he gets when I get home and that Makes me feel better.
  1979. Julianna McCabe: Sledgehammer!
  1980. Zelda Reben: what kind of dog is he??
  1981. Karen Laflamne: my dog is a year old and he has been sleeping in my sister's bed since we got him and he trained as much as dog can be
  1982. Poniies: Just a tip, He might beg for food, but that doesn't mean he is starving. Just feed him on a schedule and nothing more or else he will get greedy and fat... thats defo not good.
  1983. Raj Malhi: It’s me to I get guilty
  1984. Sian Hughes: Me and my boyfriend named our dog before we even got him haha was like choosing a baby name! I'm loving the updates of how you guys are bonding and growing together :D!
  1985. Dabing_ Cupcake: Yes i have
  1986. Mjr Magnificent: I feel so guilty when I leave her alone
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Will Our Dogs Be FRIENDS or ENEMIES???

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