PUPPY'S FIRST BATH!!! - joss stone new bond 007 video game

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 3, 2019


  1. O. Holdeman: Confused^^
  2. Luna Song: +Robloxian Girl Yh they r ten minutes difference
  3. Bobgames meijer: miss the vids is there something wrong?
  4. Just Cheyanne: On the bright side, at least Shadow is a dog; because getting rid of fleas with a cat is MUCH harder considering you're not really supposed to give them bathes...lol Good luck with everything! :))
  5. Oliver Marukelli: Why no videos?
  6. Vanessa Lamas: Miss you Josh :( hope you're gonna be okay
  7. Victoria Garcia: Hey my dog has flees what can I use to make them go away
  8. Lizzy's channel: awww
  9. owen gleeson: in future dont put flea treatment until 3days after bathing them
  10. Chasen Brown: Poor Shadow 😥
  11. sheenabeena: Taking a break from social media. He was hurt by comments people were posting about his marriage. He posted a video explaining that everything was ok (questionable), then deleted the comments after a few days, then deleted the video altogether after that. He's been absent on snapchat and twitter. Colleen is also slightly absent, but she has been in santa barbara with family for about a week, without Josh it seems.
  12. Chloe Wilmot: I have a little dog who doesn't like being dried with a towel but loves the hairdryer 😂x
  13. Mini Aphmau: Rebecca Pelsser not here
  14. kayleigh harris: My dog Mollie is 7 month old and she hated her first bath but now she jumps in our baths when we are running it because she loves water so much she also jumps in the river no matter how deep it is
  15. Stephanie Salazar: Adorable! 💕
  16. The Maddie Carnochan: SO CUTE😍😍😍
  17. Anyssa Mills: awweee my puppies do the same thing its terrible :(
  18. Leah Hall: I miss you 💚 I really miss you. You make me so happy everyday. I want to see you smile, but I know that you haven't been smiling lately. I know you don't want to fake it, and neither do I. I fully appreciate your honesty. I can't wait for you to come back so I can love you even more (if that's possible). Take your time Josh. I love you so much!! I pray for you everyday btw 😘
  19. Empty Inside: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooooooooo cuuuutttttttteeeeee
  20. Hipst3r Pug: What's going on? Are they like mad at each other?
  21. savannah strickland: I love how josh is wearing his swim suit
  22. kendall hart: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  23. Galaxy floof: What breed is shadow.
  24. BJB _panda: Erin Trost it was josh’s dog anyway. He took it.
  25. Rylie Woolcott: YOU HAVE A DACHSHUND I LOVE IT
  26. Go Away: There are rumors that you & Colleen are fighting, is that true? 😬
  27. India Barnett-Beau: Shadow is the cutest puppy I've ever seen!!!😍
  28. Brianna_ Dance: When I try to give my dog a bath he won't even go in the bathroom and if a get him in the bath he jumps out and runs under the bed😂😂😂
  29. Donna Marie: Josh, your hair looks amazing, please leave it like that thanks
  30. Kerry Frost: Dawn dish soap works wonders for fleas!! Let him sit in it for like 5-10 mins. And get a seresto flea and tick collar! (Coming from a dog groomer)
  31. Deeanna: Is it true you reply to early dingleberries. P.s. It was recently my birthday!
  32. youngzenosyne: I miss you loads! I hope you come back soon <3
  33. Sally Mohamed: you just got a new dingle berry <3
  34. Olivia Aamundsen: Josh where is your content going? You never post and i makes me sad :(
  35. Julie Matty: Tea tree oil baths
  36. ces lilly: What breed is he?
  37. Sarah Smith: dawn dish soap work the best for fleas, kills any and the eggs immediately . and leaves the dogs coat shiny and soft ☺
  38. Emily Simmons: AWE such a cute doggy
  39. O. Holdeman: Everyone's getting new dogs I'm so cod used which one is my favourite😂😑
  40. FoxesAre DaBest: +XO_Esmee oh thank you for telling me
  41. sheenabeena: He did. He fixed him shortly after this video.
  42. Kelsie Walcott: This is the most cutest thing ever
  43. twentyonepoots: Whenever I bathe my dog i keep the bath unplugged and use the shower head to clean her, because I heard digs dont like having their feet in water and it creates less splashing lol. Shadow is so adorable I can't even
  44. Madison Elizabeth: What the hell is on your snapchat story?
  45. Larissa van Doorn: Shadow is so cute😍💗
  46. Audrey Poirier: Josh's french 😍
  47. Vukašin Erceg: Josh is moaning so much in this video... He's making me uncomfortable hahahha
  48. Rhiannon Fletcher: You're better off using flea tablets. The stuff you put on the back of their necks doesn't last very long, plus as he is inside he'll likely rub it onto your furniture and it'll get on your hands when you pat him.
  49. BocaGrande: Grace Sawin well it's Joshua's dog so he will probably keep it
  50. Jord 4c: 'When in doubt, splash the D.' - Joshua David Evans, 2016.
  51. Funniest Videoclips: OK im sorry there is alot going on ,but you dont stop posting videos
  52. izzyokee: try bathing a cat😳
  53. Juliette Del toro: hope you can post videos soon
  54. Katelyn N: Why isn't josh posting anything
  55. Daniel: I WANT A DOG SO BAD 😭😭😭
  56. Colin Hirschman: Tyler Getz yeah I totally agree but who knows maybe they will change there mind it seems unlikely to happen but there is a possibility it could a lot of that stuff happens
  57. Lauren Sharp: Their marble bathroom is so pretty
  58. Mangodingbang: Don't get water in there ears! It can give them ear infections just like humqns
  59. Lexa Gaumond: Does anyone know what breed shadow is?
  60. Kaylee Ross: Josh, just so you know, the ointment that you use to get the fleas ash makes dogs act all weird and not them selves. I hate when I have to do it to my dogs.
  61. Tara Starburst94: his sister lol
  62. Denise Lambrichs: First *day
  63. Freakout: Of course I watch this video and immediately start itching.
  64. Anel Rodriguez: Hi
  65. Adventures Of KatChat: Hey ! I do admit I started following with your channel only today after watching it on and off since you started. I know this comment is on the wrong video but I want to say you handled yourself amazingly in a crappy situation. Stay strong, be proud of who you are, your journey and future to come. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and you my YouTube friend are as strong as they can get. Talking bout the situation and not being the blubbering mess that I would be, makes you that. Your friends and family are there to be lent on. Try and find one positive in every day. Love and Peace Kat.
  66. damytitnedi: why are there no more videos and why did he delete the last one?
  67. Harvey Pulford: Just a tip Put a tea towel on the bath floor and then fill it up and the animal won't slip when being baths
  68. Rachel Dyer: anyone know what kind of hair gel he uses?
  69. Cloudy Films: Dude chill, you have no idea what is going on in his life and you obviously would if you watched his video he posted today. So friggin insensitive to what's going on in his life. Jenna Smith, go away. He's struggling and seriously in pain, let him deal with his sadness in his own way. Just leave him alone and don't comment stupid stuff like this.
  70. shygirlnow2011: that was cute.
  71. Dezh22: Our puppy had fleas too. JOSH, YOU NEED TO WASH EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE! Vacuum all of the rugs and the couches. And wash all of the sheets and pillow cases. I'm serious. WASH EVERYTHING YOU CAN AND VACUUM THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!
  72. Nancy Maestrecampo: "Pippin it's ok" I'm dying :))))
  73. rachaelc2007: Owning a dog is certainly a learning experience. I would recommend buying your flea meds from a vet, as I've been told that the store quality isn't the same and not as good. I could be wrong, but just thought I'd pass that along.
  74. bailey: Josh's love for shadow is so amazing😍😭
  75. Sholliesforlife: I have a 10 week old German Shepherd boarder collie mix
  76. JessaJay: Please don't create rumors....Okay?
  77. Stephanie Jones: i recommend Trifexis to prevent fleas and heart worms, get it at your Vet or pet store. okay hope that helps. btw i love you Josh!!!
  78. Viktoria Jane: "it's okayyy"
  79. Gabriel Lewis: What happened to shadow does josh still have him!!!
  80. Tori Jill: Put this on snap?? I love yaaaaa 🐶🐶
  81. Julia: Where is Colleen?😫
  82. hello: SO KAWAII
  83. Caitlyn Pederson: He's going through stuff right now. If you saw his recent video you would understand
  84. TH3R3ALNYCOD3: How old is Shadow?
  85. amber l: The other dog will get fleas too FYI
  86. tanya: JOSHUA REPLY PLZZ
  87. Sara Sides: We do the same with our dogs and cats we don't have fleas anymore
  88. Tori Jill: You're supposed to do flea medicine right after he's dry 🐶
  89. Lindsey Lujan: That shampoo won't work. The medication drops will, but only after you've watched his bed in very hot water and soap in the washer and you've used a flea shampoo and a flea comb and physically combed/picked every flea out.
  90. Colin Hirschman: Tyler Getz well your answer is right who else had no idea that this was coming I was so shocked
  91. Rachel D: I heard Erin say not to rinse his head, but in fact you should wash and rinse a dog's head. You don't have to worry about getting the shampoo in a dogs eyes. That is why it's 'tear free,' which means it won't hurt the dogs eyes. The head can be just as dirty as the rest of the dog. Just a tip😊
  92. Kaylee Qůėėň: u have to do it every month just saying josh
  93. eimear: By the way Josh treats Shadow you can tell he will be a great Dad😂❤️
  94. ελλεν V.: your bathroom is sooooo beautiful
  95. Juliana Johnson: On tour
  96. Chuck Leeman: Josh is finally realizing what we all have been thinking. He's gay
  97. FoxesAre DaBest: wait who is that girl were is collin
  98. kk owens2: big fog
  99. Clarissa Fox: Does he have worms too cause flees and worms normally come together, I am a zoologist so I am trying to warn you
  100. Alaina R: Lmao when he said CHI wrong
  101. Sarahnessoyeah: PROTIP: Dawn dish soap works well for taking care of fleas and leaves fur super soft
  102. alexis marie: josh, your recent video makes me nervous.. i hope you and colleen are good, and all is well. no matter what, ill stay with you😭😭❤️
  103. DirectlyHere: I'm happy Josh got shadow so that he has a friend all the time.
  104. Americas Harrington: Joshua are you continuing YouTube you haven't post for 3 eeeks
  105. FLORES 24: +Catalina Dawn hope it's not relationship problems or something worse
  106. Sophia Leach: Did he call us "dingleberries"?? For real?
  107. EmmaIsAdorablyCute: Blue dawn dish soap for 5 minutes after you get him wet then after the 5 minutes rinse him off the you can use the chi shampoo :)
  108. lydia moore: Aw so cute! I have 3 dogs.
  109. KorinaKina: That bathroom is goals
  110. Amy Hudson: Yea the one on the back of the neck is good Coz they can't get to it to lick it off
  111. Tovi Phan: I love you!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  112. Miranda Hoekman: 63rd comment
  113. ItsMe Bet: Cute dog! Also Jesse McCartney in the background 😍
  114. Savanna Dee: It sucks because this was the video before the divorce
  115. Meghan Cuozzo: That house is literally incredible!
  116. Julianna Coppola: my dog is literally his twin. he asks the same way and looks the same way.
  117. Jasmin !: Shadow is amazing Josh 😘😘😘😘🐶
  118. nicole 22: my name is ERIN
  119. Daniella Rodiles: you need to fumigate your house, fleas hide all over.
  120. Noah doesit: Why you no post anymore
  121. Bryanna Zarate: I had to give my cat a bath and he hated it too! I had to hold him and wash him at the same time cuz he would not stay in the tub lol.
  122. Baconater 28: I LOVE YOUR BATHROOM FAUCETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, maybe just your whole bathroom design... Or house...
  123. The Carolyn Show: No
  124. Gilma Bonilla: MAKE A VIDEO
  125. Ben McQueen: I love when u do things with your sister its fun 🙂🙂🙂 ilysm
  126. Kelly Johnson: wash his beds n blakets to
  127. Abigail Grace: is his name shadow then?
  128. Limelight // XXX: Last vlogs and he didn't even know what was coming a few days later 😭😭😭😭
  129. INFI: Do not get water in his ears!
  130. Silent Noise: no lol she's on tour
  131. Destinee C: Dawn dish soap dries out and kills fleas.my family has been using it for years and then give them a bath a week or so later with puppy shampoo and it usually does the trick
  132. Patiance Gardner: awww
  133. Kayleigh X: We don't get to see shadow grow up 😢
  134. samantha curry: I say this in every vid, but shadow IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE😍🐶❤️💛💚💙💜
  135. Sara Terracciano: WHO ELSE LOVES ERIN❤️❤️
  136. Molly Ivey: Most dogs under 50 lbs hate baths I know my dog does. Poor shadow. All you can do is try to comfort them when your bathing them.
  137. Rhonda Bernard: Topicals are bad.
  138. Serafina The Rainbow: Just advice, Make sure the water is a bit under luke warm :)
  139. nicole wilson: who is that girl
  140. Francesca Tozer: On the bottom of the bath to grip
  141. Carolyn George: Soon Josh is gonna leave Colleen for this dog...😂😂😂 JK JK!!
  142. Lexi Taylor: HIIII
  143. tyler 09: CrazyColin i know right. i just can't stop thinking about it. it's heartbreaking to see the couple you've looked up to and been jealous of fall out of love. i watched them fall in love, followed their entire love story, and very often thought about what it'd be like to watch their videos as they get older. i knew somewhere along that road they would go over some bumps, but i never thought they'd crash. i've always thought about them sometime starting a family, having kids and us being a part of that life. i never would have imagined this ever. i really hope this is the best for both of them, although i can't seem to wrap my brain around any of this right now.
  144. It'sMeElena: 00:28 At first I thought he said "Colleen" 😂😭
  145. honey bunches: guys stop telling josh and colleen that they need to tell us what's going on. they don't need to tell us anything yet if they don't want to. clearly something is wrong between them and we need to support them no matter what happens.
  146. Ashraf Youssef: 😍😍😍😍cute😢😢
  147. Mikay Mouse: Just make sure pippin doesn't stay in the house too much cause he will also get fleas real fast
  148. Sarah Lafever: When you put the flea medicine on him,put half of the medicine on his neck and the rest of it where his tail starts.You need to do this because if you just put it on his neck the fleas run down to his leg area and thy feed there so make sure you put half on his neck and half where his tail starts.:P I LOVE YOU GUYS!
  149. Tiffany Marte: Hi
  150. Deeanna: I guess it is not true. :(
  151. Sims4supporter: janelle s WRONG Colleen just got a cat
  152. TacosAre TheBest: Aww his dog looks exactly like mine! Mine is only a bit bigger! 🐶🐶
  153. Natalie Nelson: OMG did you do something to your hair, I love the blonde highlights!!
  154. Nicollette Jacobsen: Erin's dog
  155. forlorndreamer: The stuff that you are getting to put on his back works really well when we put it on my dog it was hilarious there were fleas flying off of him everywhere😂
  156. Cateeee8: Is josh alive
  157. Alyssa Walin: he's so cute
  158. Lauren Spearman: I haven't watched his videos in like 9 months. Who is that girl? And where is Colleen??
  159. Kayleigh D.: Bellatrix Lestrange shadow is small you don't need a bunch of shampoo to clean him. like my dog is so much bigger than shadow and we don't use a lot of product on him either. that's a good amount of washing they did.
  160. Puppylove9225: Samuel Colin maybe... but he didn't have it on afterwards either :(
  161. Clara Di Ciero: BudgetsNBeauty he is away from social media :(
  162. Laasya Akunuru: how old is he?
  163. Destinys Puppy house: name him dingle barry
  164. Tonya Hedden: I use the hose part of my shower/bath like that too, it's actually how thy would do it at a groomers, in a giant sink like thing with a hose thingy attached.
  165. Chloe Ng: Hahahaha so cute!!!!!! Luv your family josh!
  166. crittyb Bartels: why haven't you been posting
  167. Dawn S: Lol my lab cried during her first bath, it was pretty sad
  168. Laura S: poor little guy has fleas 😥
  169. Dani Attias: awwww shadow
  171. Angelina morales: the dog shampoo "chi" is pronounced {cheeeee} not {ch-eye}
  172. Tracey Lynn: Shadow knows his name now...awesome!! 😊 xoxo
  173. slab slayers Babygirl: I LOVE U SHADOW!! oh. u too josh😕. jk I love u too!!
  174. Katherine Boyle: My little brother was watching this video with me and he said"awwww I wanna buy dat doggie, he's so cute! Can we get him?" He really likes shadow😂❤️
  175. Strange Gabby: My cat just got fleas.... your not alone.
  176. Abby B: he is soooooooo cute
  177. Nirupama Jayaraman: Do you reply to comments often Joshua?
  178. Charlotte Ashley: My dog acts the same way around the pool, he just doesn't know what to do so he just freezes. We have a special dog towel and we play tug of war with the towel after taking a bath. We make it a game and he gets super happy when it's bath time them.
  179. Mickey Mouse: Josh D Evans Famous words "Splash the D" ! He He He ! Get him puppy flee coller ! Is Erins dog is Pipin ?
  180. Alyssa Lujan: yay
  181. fluteloops22: I just want that awesome shower in the background
  182. Kayleigh X: +Toochie me?
  183. Erin Trost: What's gonna happen to the puppy since they are getting a divorce?
  184. sara mite: You have to clean his stomach
  185. Thatiana Gonzalez: Josh you need to get him K9 advantixs 2 it's kills fleas for like 5 or 8 months
  186. Richard Bouska: awwww shadow is so happy after his bath.
  187. Sophie Crawford: No she been on tour for weeks
  188. Tespo yahoo: if the ointment you are talking about frontline, tha n you have to be be sure not to touch with your bare hands, and if you do, immediately wash your hands with soap and water, also make sure that shadow can not reach it to lick it or ingest it, it's best to place it in between his shoulder blades. ;)
  189. Kyle Hanna: Josh Dawn Dish Soap works perfect to get rid of fleas it sounds stupid but it's true it worked for my two dogs!😀
  190. Lauren H.: You need to take him to the vet. He should be on monthly heartworm, flea, and tick prevention year round. He may need vaccines and you should discuss neutering if he is still intact.
  191. Madison Peckinpaugh: Poor shadow! You could see a little flee crawling on him before he got in the bath
  192. Makeup By Hertta: i gotta say i dont like most dogs but this one is sooo adorable it makes me want to get a puppy 😭🐶
  193. Sierra Plays: Daniel Mezquita get one then
  194. Amanda Esteves: Just for future reference, chi is pronounced as "chew" 😊😊🙏🏼👍🏼
  195. Normaq Camarena: Your dog is so cute❤❤🐶🐶
  197. Happy Pandas: no colleen gave birth to one
  198. theopenmind05: People really need to quit asking questions and speculating on what's wrong. It's none of your business. When Josh is ready to talk, he will.
  199. Stardust Cosmos: +JoshuaDTV Hey Josh! A suggestion for Shadow if he ever gets fleas or tics again, is to fill the bath water to his height so that his back and body will be underwater. This drowns the tic or flea so that they die. After or during the time you are washing him, you can submerge his whole body under the water (except for his head of course). Hope that helps. 😃😉🐶🐕
  200. Bethany Quimby: What my husband and I do is tell our dogs if they are good during a bath they can get s treat. and everytime we give our dogs baths we give them treats.
  201. Stacey Tlucko: Good job Josh. Just one well two tidbits I'd like to mention. First one is to put soap directly around Shadows neck this will stop the fleas from running to his head when washing. Plus don't forget to treat your rooms and furniture to kill any live fleas then their eggs. I live on Vancouver Island and was told it's a bad year for fleas. Your doing a great job!
  202. Megha Kamath: It was kinda random but he went like guys dont worry about me, there are some stuff going on in my private life, in colleens private life and things are being rumoured, dont worry it'll be sorted.. after that no new vid or tweet nothing :/ +Shelby Schott 
  203. Rebecca Conley: so stinkin cute !!
  204. MariahTheBudd: My dog is called pippin! my boyfriend named him after the lord of the rings after the hobbit pippin. :D Also, my dog is a rescue dog so he very freaked out when getting in the water when we give him baths. he shakes when he inside and tries to come out also. all you have to do (what we do usually) is hold him till he almost fully dry then let him go run around in the house get his scent on everything & himself then give him a treat for being a good pup.
  205. Charlottegymnast17 char char: Awwwwww so cute
  206. Lola Picelsberg: I think your dog is a chaweenie 😀😀
  207. Ciara Mitchell: my dogs name is shadow
  208. Brandi aka Loser: When are you gonna post again?!?! Love you! And Shadow is soy cute!
  209. Amneet: No vids anymore
  210. Colleen Miranda: Don't worry!! Haha! All dogs act like that when they get a bath! My dog is 11 years old and she still acts like that.
  211. Stevie Camille: Ch-eye 😂😂😂 Ch-eee 😄😄😄❤️
  212. Slade Rice: your dogs name is shadow? mine too! haha :)
  213. Savannah P: If you ever get another dog I hope you get a female and let her have one heat before you get her fixed because they could get cancer sometimes if they get fixed to early plus it is good for development! :)
  214. kk owens2: do does my dog bath ouch
  215. JessaJay: +Estere Briede :(
  216. S. Silv: Get in the bath with him, so he knows it's fun for the whole family.
  217. I C: Hi!! About one year ago I got my dog. We started using the flee and tick liquid that you would put on the back of their neck. Later our vet told us that flees and ticks were getting adapted to the "solution," so about 6 months ago it stopped working. Soon after using the liquid my dog had about 6 ticks on him that we found and multiple tick bites. After that we got a Seresto (I think I spelled that wrong) collar. It has been working great!! We haven't found one tick, flea, or tick bite on him since, even though every weekday we go to a nearby forest with his dog friends, and give him a one hour walk there. Brady - my dog hasn't had one tick on him after we went on that walk, meanwhile almost everyone of his puppy friends has had many ticks on them after the walk. Just trying to inform you so Shadow doesn't get hurt! Love you and your family. Keep up the great work!
  218. basically ella: Sean he and colleen are getting a divorce :((
  219. Thicc Asmr: why you torturing this little puppy jk
  220. Kelsey Femi: Random thought. My parents have that exact same tub and it may or may not be the only reason I go over to their house haha jk
  221. Lotta Niemela: Shadow is so cute! I had Chihuahua named max who died this year but he was 15! Shadow reminds me of Max :)
  222. Ellie anderson: So dogs poo when u put flee stuff on there neck so make sure u don't get mad with him because he might b scared x
  223. XO_Esmee: +Foxesforlife 12 the girl is his sister Erin
  224. MondlerForever123: He responds sometimes
  225. Bethany Roberts: The liquid stuff works well. You can also get a pill from the vet that protects from fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. They have different. My dogs use Comfortis and Trifexis. It protects them for a few months at a time.
  226. Dana Brickmeier: Joshua do you know Michael Christianson from College in gerigia
  227. vamplouise: You can use a hairdryer to dry him, lots of dogs like it
  228. Random Fandoms: Little Shadow ❤️
  229. MariaB2ze: Erin with a puppy omg the cuteness is unbearable.
  230. Siobhan KEEN-SCOTT: Shadow I had a cat called shadow
  231. Carys Ann Wesley: I love you josh and I was inspired by you❤️❤️
  232. Morgan Mcintyre 0_0: When you have flees lather the suds around his neck first so they don't go in shadows ears and rub his fur the opposite way to draw out the fleas
  233. Olivia Jean: Miniature pincher
  234. Amanda G: SHADOW IS MY LOVE
  235. Jaime Brooks: How is Jesse McCartney in the background of this?
  236. The Carolyn Show: They call it his dog bc she was only with it for a few days before she had to go on tour and he has been the one taking care of it but when she gets back they are both going to take care of it I'm pretty sure.
  237. olivia rae: What type of dog is shadow?
  238. Amanda Wakuluk: He'd never give up on her
  239. Darius Gray: +Gingerlily yeah ik they're married still dw
  240. Luna Song: There is one hater
  241. sm1135ster1: Finally the puppy!!
  242. Leslie Farley: Shadow is SO cute!!  <3  And I love how you were listening to "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney in this vlog too!!  I love Jesse's music and have been a fan of his since he was in the band Dream Street back in 1999.  :)
  243. Nick B.: This was so adorable I can't stand it. HAHAHA
  244. Michelle Merritt: Jaretzy Perez He's gonna come back tomorrow!!😀
  245. Caitlyn Pederson: It's because she's on tour for her show and she's been working on her new TV series
  246. tiffany wilkins: If the flea ointment does not work, I suggest getting a pill that he takes monthly and they go away! I do that with my dogs and they haven't had fleas since. Good Luck!
  247. Chris and Kelly 5Life: We just got a puppy and about do his first bath too. What kind of puppy? We got a Lab Shepherd mix, his name is Kyon.Shadow is sooo adorable, I want to cuddle him as he was shivering poor guy! Dont listen to everyones advice on these comments...you're doing what your vet said which what good pet parents do! -Kelly
  248. Brothermunk: Something is going on, i'm not going to try to guess what it is because i don't know. I feel for the guy but he has made his living (or part of it ) from youtube, this is thanks to his fans that follow him on his social media platforms and I just feel that he is disrespecting his fans a bit by just leaving them in the lurch here with no real updates here. Clearly his fans love him and are looking out for him. At least just advise whats up, no need to go into personal details as these are not the business of anyone else but him. Just advise if or when you may be coming back, if your ok. True fans (not the haters) will understand and will be here to welcome you back when you are ready. I subscribe to this channel and enjoy it, im in my 30's and love his content, its funny how you can feel connected to people through the internet, its awesome actually. Hope to hear from you soon Josh, Take care.
  249. sydney livermore: How is he so adorable?😍
  250. Essa Dobashi: I hate you I'm jealous Colleen is my bae I'm only 11
  251. Sierra Plays: Daniel Mezquita get one then
  252. Smart Cookie: aww he's so cute
  253. Marigolds1997: Dude, you are a nice guy and all. . . But you're 30 years old ... Take the hair down an inch.
  254. Cary Meyer: Get rid of that lame trendy haircut
  255. Denise Lambrichs: I was about "We need to stop making things up about whats going on" I love joshleen. but if he doesn't want people to make stuff up.. just tell whats going on. The title said "Opening up"... But he didn't say anything.. it was kind off pointless. that's why he deleted it I guess
  256. Ninja Warrior: Soo cute😊
  257. JORDAN VLOGZ: Josh I love watching your videos you are such an amazing person and husband I keep refreshing my subscription box waiting for you to post I'm 12 so no hard feelings colleen but I love you Josh ps I'm from Macon Georgia too
  258. Elizabeth Melton: None of my dogs have liked water and looked tortured but once done they would run around like someone chasing them
  259. Lexie Pollon: Did you get divorced with colleen 😁
  260. Grace Sawin: What's going to happen to the puppy now that Colleen and Josh are divorced?
  261. Nerdy Bean 23: Shadow is so cute x3
  262. Buhtterfleh Fleh: Who's dat gurl?
  263. Miguel Estrada: i have dog like that
  264. youngzenosyne: I still love you and I still miss you
  265. zzzoe: Your the first one!
  266. Caroline Smith: If you really want to get rid of the fleas and make sure they don't come back, you should also wash his beds and the blankets that's he has laid on
  267. Siena Dunn: My friends dog looks exactly like shadow
  268. Laura Watt: My dog is called Shadow!!
  269. Chloe Sargent: Your doing a great job Josh
  270. Madison Elizabeth: Yeah she was in Europe
  271. mia mcintosh: FIRST
  272. Wofia3stormy2storm1storm Carpenter: I bet y'all a twix josh won't reply🍫
  273. Taehyung and Jimin's Baby: Did he get a dog?
  274. Kaylee G: How did he get fleas?! Maybe bc you joked about it several times already😂😂
  275. Sheri Schmidt: Shadow is so cute
  276. Catalina Dawn: Does josh even YouTube anymore? What are we, down to 1 vid per week max?
  277. Maya Erickson: please sub to me i would like 5 subs :/
  278. Ashlynne's reborn Nursery: If he doesn't like his baths put a towel or a few wash rags and cover the bottom of the bathtub and give him his bath, it will make him feel warm and secure and he won't slip, it works with my dogs😊
  279. sugar spice: they are not wierd it is a thumbnail of him giving shsdow a beard
  280. Cynthia Tomlinson: +Ultra K it was a rhetorical question not literal he obviously knew it said it on the bottle he's telling joshua it says tear free on the bottle for a reason jesus christ. Do you still not get it?
  281. Cris Henriquez: What type of dog is Shadow
  282. Kenna Henbest: its so sad :( everytime im happy the words "me and josh are getting a divorce" just pop in my head :(
  283. Alexis Lancaster: "don't freak out" *freaks out*
  284. Lindsey loves Blog: Poor shadow X hope better X
  285. Birdy Bird: wait shadow? like I thought they would come up with a better name
  286. __ itz.missy __: SHADOW IS SO CUTE
  287. Jessica Andrade: When Josh swaddled him in the towel omg my heart!
  288. Steff Valenzuela: When Shadow uses better shampoo than you...
  289. Elise Is Shook: Josh U GOT DEVORCED ITS GUNNA BE OK I'm not sending hate I love u but WOW IM SO UPSET 😭😭😭😭 I thought happily ever after
  290. The_Brave_Warrior_123: I feel like he is cheating on colleen idk why
  291. Rhylan Bradshaw: you need get him used to a bath so you can say bath time and he'll go jump in the bathtub. some dogs get excited to get a bath.and I'm thinking that's the type of dog you'll wont to have .I have a santbrand and she is huge and I have a nother dog .you all want to teach him how to :sit ,roll over,lay down , and to not get.
  292. Kenna Henbest: i miss his vids its almost been a month :(
  293. Emma L: The only reason he was shivering is cause short hair dogs get cold after getting wet I know this because I have the same kind of 🐶
  295. abra819: maybe she gave up on him, hm?
  296. FadedCanine AJ: omg your puppy is so cute it makes me love small dogs again :3
  297. Oliver Hudson: Its true but he only responds to ppl who have good comments, not asking to be replied to.
  298. Ke and Lo: My old dogs name was shadow, he turned 15 last month but sadly we had to put him down last week :((
  299. Michele Tribble: +Michael Denny nobody is happy about them getting a divorce. It just proves that being supportive of her career (which is also how HE became successful) instead of whining and crying about wanting her in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.... might have worked out better for him.
  300. mikayla mouser: I got a puppy
  301. Maya Jewel: And they are really bad for dogs they contain tons of chemicals
  302. Avo Vision: Joshua!!!!! Yoooo!!! Wassap! 👍🏻✌🏻💻📱
  303. Denise Lambrichs: Since you can't comment on the recent video I will comment here.. I am SO UPSET! Josh and Colleen. Whatever you're going through. You went to worse. Josh you said the first they you guys met : When I propose she's gonna say "yes ofcourse". She did say that !! without even thinking about it. You guys are meant to be. I've watched all the marriage vlogs and watched the Thank you California song 20 times... Please be okay (I dreamed last night that I met Colleen and asked if you guys were okay and she said : Yes ofcourse !!) please be okay. Please.. you Love Colleen because she isn't a story. She's real
  304. Francesca Tozer: Just a little tip when you bath your dog its safer to bath him with a towel so that he doesnt slip just a tip so he doesnt get hurt!!!
  305. Nathanael S: Josh if Shadow has fleas you should be taking him to the Vet and they will give shadow a medication in a needle or cream! My cat has had fleas and we took her to the vet they put a needle with some medication in I and the fleas went away the next day! the medication my cat got brings all of the fleas the the cat and when the flea first goes on to the cat the flea will die!
  306. Alguisha: my dog's name is shadow😂and i didnt even know their dog named shadow until i watched this video
  307. Vicky loves cupquakes: s731s sorry I just read all the comments above me but at least there are bug buggies here😀
  308. Alyssa Quinones: My dog looks just like him
  310. Zoe Patton: lol my dog is the same. however, she loves just lying down in muddy puddles of stagnant water. go figure. it must smell interesting to her. nah, Josh you care too much to rush in and do what some people might say is the wrong thing. you just keep on being an awesome dog dad
  311. Jess in king: fred's the same way and i've had him for years. some dogs just hate water and baths.
  312. Grace Czebatol: i ws going to watch this ear;ier but collen had a live streem
  313. Sjon Ashby: Jjtjtttttjyjttyyyyy. J j j. J j jj j. Jjjjjjjttjttttytttytttt ttt that th j TNT tttttjt jj jet tjj. Jj. Jj jtj. Jj jjjjjjjjjt
  314. Maggie Lawless: Just a suggestion...They make a little pill called Comfortis. It works great! Its easy to hide in thier food, it lasts 1 month, and he wont be rubbing flea medication onto your furniture! We use it on both our dogs and love it!
  315. ID K: If that was my dog in the bath he would not want to get out..... He loves water and swimming in my pool..... 🐶❤️
  316. amber maika: HI FIRST
  317. Holly Kendrick: Plz sub to me I'm trying to hit 50 subs I'm at 44
  318. Destiny Ram: She's in tour chill Tf and mind ur own business
  319. Emily alqudsi: early
  320. nicole 22: my name is ERIN
  322. Cecilia Barcenas: Shadow is adorable! If and when this situation arises again, use Dawn dish soap (the original) - it kills the fleas and it's the safest for animals. :)
  323. Charlotte: Shadow is so cute! He makes me want a dog so bad, i haven't had one in 4 years but my cat hates dogs so I can't get one right now haha
  324. Roeh Aquatics: videos of Josh and shadow are the cutest videos I've ever seen. he's the best dog dad ever <3
  325. StuffAndThangs: HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
  326. Vera: Wife*
  327. Autumn Estabrook: my uncle has a dog exactly like that and he named him Bacon
  328. Aimee Lou: Hey xx
  329. Gabby Ferrara: Zebra Shadow
  330. idk ataa: It is now... 😪😭
  331. Juliana Johnson: Colleen* spend time learning to spell jk
  332. Michael Denny: He doesn't know it yet, but she did him a big favor! One who is more focused on their career than marriage never works whether it's the man or the woman. I hope he meets someone capable of loving him the way he loves her and Colleen enjoys her life and career as a single woman for the rest of her life. No one should ever think they need a partner to be happy. Family and friends are enough for many people like Colleen. Fame and riches and people admiring you are more than enough for many people in entertainment. I hope they are both supremely happy in the future.
  333. issie: At 2:47 josh looks like a proud dad😂
  334. Sherry chen: ilysm snapchat fam all da way
  335. It's Nicole: legend had it if you're early he'll respond.... who knows if its true
  336. Chloe Joyce: Did you and collone Break up
  337. Katie Weis: Next time put peanut butter or something on the side of the tub so he will stay in the tub.
  338. Astrid Maria Dall Hardt Jensen: You given up collen
  339. Bum ble: I'm sorry I'm a little behind... is that Josh's new puppy or his sisters??
  340. do not feed the flame: Shadow 's nails
  341. Sarah Kendall: make sure you wash his bed as well otherwise it'll be pointless. 😊
  342. abigail margaret: Splash the D!
  343. kat x: Wait what's his name ??
  344. Connie Tun: You should use an oral flea control like nexgard only because it works well and you don't have to worry about the residue on their fur being rubbed on furniture
  345. Rhonda Bernard: Josh, Comfortis is pawsome!!!
  346. Chenoa JeffreysBaker: +Vanessa Azevedo so much!! And their coats are always beautiful afterwards ☺️🐶
  347. Eve Julia: I'm sorry but ur sister voice is so annoying I just can't
  348. [ Isaac ]: you dont know what theyve been through. stuff couldve happened between them that wasnt just them getting mad at each other, it could be something physical, verbal. im not saying that anything happened but if they were to break up dont say that theyre meant to be and its theyre fault
  349. Rose McEnroe: where is colleen
  350. Richard Carr: actually I can prove it. the dog had been castrated. it had a cone on and everything. the video here was before the fix.
  351. Katrina: Whenever you have a dog with fleas, bathe them with dawn dish soap! :)
  352. jamie lyn: When dog has fleas bath them in dawn dish soap. And you got to clean the house, bedding ect. I doubt that little chi bath soap did anything to kill the fleas. Since he has fleas you need to take him to the Vet. Most likely he has worms also. And not sure what they do out in Cali but in my area dogs and cats are a big thing when they are bred. All area shelters make you sign a paper and before you bring any animal home, the shelter will have them spayed or neutered.
  353. CountryTink: You usually wash them with dawn dish soap. It kills the fleas.
  354. sissy: josh took down his most recent vid😨😱😵😰😫
  355. Hailee Dunn: my fist bath on film^^^^^^^^^^^ i feel you shadow
  356. i just wanna let the sun in: My cousins dogs name is shadow. Lmao. No one cares
  357. Christian Reccasina: My dog look just like that but bigger
  358. Lexx Carney: it is relationship problems
  359. TheSammyShow: I know that i should just mind my own business and let him work through it but I love him and Colleen. If they aren't together their blogs won't be the same. I am extra worried because he doesn't have his ring on ugh i am dying
  360. Grace K: My dog acts exactly like that during and after the bath! But beware! He will start hiding when he hears the bath water soon.
  361. crush1979: Next time use Dawn Dishwashing soap, the original blue kind, it will kill flees on contact and is gents enough to use on animals
  362. Aji Kassama: Does anybody know what breed of dog shadow is?
  363. Therealhaley 03: Wait where's Colleen
  364. Ava Monagas: hi
  365. kelsey: So how old is shadow exactly? He's so cute!
  366. Sarah Darche: So early
  367. I Love Tigers 24: That girl as you say is his sister and Colleen is probably on tour
  368. youngzenosyne: I love you and miss you!
  369. I.love.cruises33: I use the same shampoo for my puppy😂 we also use the chi conditioner for dogs. I just bathe her in the kitchen sink though!😂😃
  370. Michelle Merritt: Ihona Wilkes he's coming back tomorrow
  371. j j: where else would you bathe the dog? not with a cold hose certainly.... all the fleas are washed down the drain
  372. Julia P.: Josh's hair looks so good in this
  373. Annie DaisyDot: SO EARLY!! Josh you're awesome!
  374. Vicky loves cupquakes: SweetTreats I see you everywhere on okbaby p.s probably we are the only bug buddies fan on this channel
  375. The Mia Channel: +Michelle Liu thanks for voicing your opinion, now it's my turn. That was rude, we could have gone without hearing that. Thanks anyways, The Mia Channel.
  376. JessaJay: Oh no :( But we shouldn't create rumors.
  377. Amy Myles: Me to I'm from Ireland
  378. Sasha Harryman: Make sure to clean his bedding as well as yours or where he lays they will come back if not. my parents put a flea collar into our vacuum (don't put it on shadow) and just vacuumed the house that way the flea will be sucked up and the collar helps kill they so they won't climb out of the vacuum.
  379. Kayleeann Richardson: omg that dog is so cute
  380. Juliana Johnson: Josh likes that name and that's all that matters. He called him shadow because he followed Josh around the house
  381. Andrea Enke: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  382. Catalina Dawn: +FLORES 24 😢
  383. Kristen Marie: Where did he go?
  384. Femke Elisabeth: This video reminded me of the time I played Nintendogs 😂😂
  385. Brooklyn Paetzold: Eve Foote fuck off
  386. Tabi Etten: Who else loves Erin's accent?
  387. Caroline Pochat: he's sooooo cute
  388. dncmddugj fjfodnsi: is he still together with colleen
  389. honey bunches: +Nicollette Jacobsen people are naïve....
  390. APerson TBH: wait a minute you haven't given. a bath in the first month you got him. why wouldn't he get fleas
  391. Alejandra D: Josh with shadow is just the cutest duo ever
  392. Rihasha Niroula: i know, i hope so too. But how much i miss him and his vids😢
  393. Carys Ann Wesley: How come josh replies to other people and never replies to me
  394. Ella Freimuth: cute
  395. theekruts: JOSH R U DEAD
  396. Jay xx: Shadow is just the cutest dog in the world😍 also josh is the best ❤️💪🏻☺️
  397. Rhonda Bernard: Take him in to have him milked.
  398. Kelisity: people who dislikes have no heart.
  399. Mack Kovach: Josh, I recommend giving him baths every 1-2 weeks while he's a puppy. Even if you don't use shampoo or anything at least put him in the tub with water and pet him. If you have any plastic toys, you can bring those in too (make sure it dries properly though so it doesn't grow mold) and eventually he'll get used to baths (note: this doesn't mean he's going to like them, but he will get used to them)
  400. Flower Power: He's sooo cute❤️but u r not supposed to put water on a puppy's 👂🏼... just 4 next time❤️💛💚💙💜
  401. Angela Armenta: My dog acts the same every time I give him a bath😂😂
  402. Emily Bava: he was probably bad that the shelter because he might have been abandoned with fleas and ticks just to let you know
  403. S&J: awww
  404. saray gomecita: I love after dogs finish getting a bath and like 10 minutes later when they're partially dry get super happy
  405. Grace B: 4 veiw
  407. Everything girls!: Aww
  408. Daniela Baptista: Next time be more careful with his ears because he is still a puppy and his ears are very delicate
  409. sophie uselton: Ikr I'm worried it's like he fell off the face of the earth
  410. Ventus313: Finally another puppy video
  411. Candy Girl: Fun
  412. Inspired By Thursday: I have 2 dogs and I've found that the best way to get rid of flees is to use Seresto flee collars. My dogs used to be covered in flees and then we got the collars and they stay fleeless for up to 8-9 months. +JoshuaDTV
  413. Morgan Flannery: YES!!! Josh doesn't always come on tour with Colleen!
  414. Nicola Hendrickson: The sink might be easier to bathe shadow in :)
  415. Patricia Garcia: Hi josh I'm getting a puppy for my birthday on October 21 shadow is so cute well yeah bye
  416. Banuka J: I love ur videos Joshua and I also love u
  417. Erin R: so agree
  418. NannyCam: Don't know if anyone else mentioned it but try not to get water in the little mans ears. Other than that, you aced it, daddy!!!!
  419. Brandi Reich: Hey just a lil tip most dogs can't have corn so get all organic dog food... I have a Rat Terrier and a Chihuahua mix ( Chihuahua, pug , and something else ) but if it does have corn in it the dog(s) will get itchy and sometimes dandruff
  420. Erick Martinez: Josh, you should do a "trying dog/puppy products" with Shadow. :)
  421. Nya Mair: Little did he know that the next video he would be making would be the saddest video he's ever put on the internet.
  422. lex vbosch 12: My dog loves going in the bath tube he thinks it a game
  423. Shelley Goddard: I have a suggestion. For fleas use tea tree oil shampoo. It works like a charm! It also helps for lice
  424. My Life is on the Internet!: Oh my goodness he is the cutest. and my dog always zooms around the house like a crazy after a bath. Although she acts like I'm trying to kill her when she's actually getting a bath. Hahah
  425. Hilary Hall: When he got abandoned maybe they torturers him with water
  426. ella: My dog looks just like him! except she is triple her size and like 4 months older
  427. Ella Hamilton: 245 comment
  428. Michel Aviles: 💕❤️💕❤️
  429. Queen Jewels: Where is Coleen
  430. Amelia: dawn dish soap kills fleas.
  431. Elizabeth Evans: Jesse McCartney playing at the end😩❤️❤️❤️❤️
  432. abrook22: You need to give the pup a flea bath.. and don't get flea collars!!! There the worse thing u can get your dog! And yes I have my bachelors degree in animal science.. I no my shit.. don't get flea collars !!
  433. Julie El-Deiry: My dog has fleas☹️
  434. sheenabeena: He claimed everything was ok, and that everything was going to be ok. She's been with family in SB since last week. Doesn't seem like he's with her though.
  435. Morgan Flannery: I think they probably will
  436. Nishat Rahman: you broke up with colleen
  437. Sarah Jones: Hey, not sure if you know but you want to start from their butt up when giving them a shower and be really careful with their face. Just a friendly reminder from a dog owner🙂
  438. Karis Horan: +Julia Wang same with my cat!!
  439. Deon Grant: here
  440. Gabby Ferrara: LIL MIDNIGHT SHADOW
  441. malwilhist: You may need to re-bathe him with flea killing shampoo.If Pippin is there, too, Pippin will need a flea bath, as well.
  442. mustang 123: when u look at the old video just to hear josh again 😢😢 I'm so upset about this I miss josh sooooo much and shadow we don't get to see either of them anymore😣😢😥
  443. Olivia Vasquez: I think this is so fucking stupid. Josh and Colleen clearly want different things. He wants marriage and a family and Colleen wants success and her career. Josh is a 32 year old man crying and whining at home that he doesn't get to be with his wife 24/7 (and doing absolutely nothing about it,) while his wife is off being super successful and building her career and has a lot more important things to focus on in her life than marriage. I have noticed this for a long time, even before they were married. Josh is also upset because he is a southern boy that is bummed his wife is the bread winner.
  444. Leah Chow: Have you ever met a dog that likes the bath?
  445. Courtney K: You should be giving your dog medication for fleas and other pests every month and also please get him fixed as soon as possible
  446. theopenmind05: charles L I'm gay and I can tell you, Josh is definitely not gay.
  447. Lexi: He looks exactly like our dog, Taro and hes a beagle mix? They didnt tell us what he was mixed with tho..
  448. Alli E: what did he say in the last video?
  449. • yeet •: Lol
  450. Susan Fentress: I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PUPPY SO MUCH!!!!!!
  451. KTnarnia: Speculators gonna speculate.
  452. Alexa Mace: My dog had flees too when i brought him home
  453. VN TV: Hi
  455. messy sister dawson: you're so gentle with him! omg this is perfect *cries an ocean*
  456. Kaitlyn Leber: I haven't watched him for a while did him and Colleen get a divorce???
  457. Sarah Benameur: I'm sorry I'm late but who's the lady
  458. Denise Lambrichs: No no I don't mean it like that... I just want them to be okay
  459. agustdeeism: What kind of dog is it?
  460. Jacqueline Is here my dudes: 16TH
  461. Justine Brandes: Does anyone else really miss the old daily vlogs? No hate!! I love this channel!
  462. Hannah Halliburton: He is the cutest thing ever omg💙💙😋
  463. Leah Madeline: Your sister (I'm guessing) has the cutest accent
  464. valerieannsmiles: Why is it when we give dogs baths we always say "oh yeah that's good" when we first put shampoo on them lol
  465. • Myah Denyse •: duh
  466. Caitlyn Pederson: He's not taking us for granted. He's going through stuff. Look at his recent video and look at his newest twitter post. He says he's taking a break from social media and youtube for a while because of everything that's going on
  467. nnathanjones: Please do a house tour!!!
  468. Dorcas Lam: CLEXAAAAAA
  469. Dani Andi: ALL OF THESE NEGATIVE COMMENTS NEED TO STOP!!! You don't know what they are going through! The hateful comments aren't helping, either. He could be going through depression and that is something very serious, whether it's if your cat died or if you're divorcing. Uplift him! If you're pissed, then BYE! This is not a reality show, this is actual life and he's tried to use us as an outlet for him and everyone is tearing him down! WHY???? What's the purpose of that?? Love one another and support each other. Stop this hate!
  470. Jaselyn & Alexia: Do u got a new girlfriend
  471. Grace: omg im so early!! Josh I love you!!!
  472. Jolly Rancher: I'm on time yaaay
  473. Rosa Bella: his dog looks like a miniture version of my dog and his dog is named shadow and so is mine like wth
  474. Cordy Vee: hope shadow gets better josh
  475. Sarah T: My friend's dog is the cutest. She's a dorkie, a doxen yorkie, super tiny. When we bathe her she shivers so much. What kind of dog do you have Josh?
  476. Jacquelyn Horton: Omg, I loved this
  477. Lanita Wilson: So cute
  478. Rk 2001: Kenna Henbest maby because they are getting a devorce 😓😓😓
  479. Meagan Mercer: who wouldn't give up YouTube to have more time with a cute new puppy. I hope he is happy.
  480. Sneaky: anyone else heard beautiful soul - jesse mccourtney in the background at the end?
  481. xXChumChumXx: and thats his sister.... little sister
  482. lemonlime Lizzy: <3 <3 shadow <3 <3 <3
  483. Tricia McClure: Shadow is so cute. I dont know, ive never had a dog, but would it be smart to wash his blankets and such? just to make sure there are no fleas on them? what about furniture too? I do know you'd wash with hot water.
  484. Dad's Tea: Good luck getting rid of the fleas. They always come back. 😭
  485. Hailey Brock: its his sister she is the one that will take over his channel if you are lost or confused of what im talking about go look at his last video
  486. Nicollette Jacobsen: +Stephanie Coelho yeah i saw now... and his too.. i'm so sad.. some people are saying they need to talk this through and i'm like, they probably have been for the longest time but just couldn't fix it.
  487. Mickey Estrella: SHADOW IS ADORABLE!!!!!
  488. Abbey May: First
  489. Cynthia Ortiz: +Brooklyn Paetzold why are you telling him to f off they have the right to say what they think
  490. Sheikh Brinta Siddiqa: If you just say hi,it will mean the world to me!
  491. gillian wright: t-e-r-r-i-f-i-e-d
  492. Allison jenkins: I have missed you!! I'm so glad you are back!!You did a great job giving Shawdow a bath!!
  493. Leanne Chapman: Yeah he has
  494. Marie Johnson: Many vets actually recommend once a month for dog baths because over washing can be very bad for their skin so he did good actually. Lol
  495. OlgaLilian77: haha it's pronounced Chi not Chai 😂 and it's like a higher end hair product line. Only the good stuff for Shadow right? lol
  496. abbie goth: Lmao 😂
  497. carolann mathieu: Your French is so good from a person who is half Canadiens and speaks fluently
  498. Raymond Foster: LOVE YOU DAD
  499. Robert Glisky: When I give my dog a bath, I make sure to be careful around the eyes... Also that the water isn't too hot, but lukewarm... I'm not trying to be baggy but that's just what I do lol
  500. Sydney C: SO ADORABLE!!💓
  501. TheOfficeFanatic word: Need more new videos of you and Shadow please.
  502. Casi Miller: Shadow is me when people try to touch me
  503. MegMegus: My dogs name is Shadow!
  504. Abigaelle Bellevue: Who is pippin
  505. Princess Emily: Maybe you can try the sink since he's a small dog, but either works of course! This video is too cute!!😍😍
  506. Mandy Nicole: My dogs vet said that the only flea medicine that actually works is nexgaurd (not sure how to spell it) and it really does work!
  507. Veronica Waid: No she is on tour
  508. aleena mir: dose colleen know about him
  509. Denise Lambrichs: I know right..
  510. Gigi sarangelo: He's so cute
  511. Lexx Carney: he is taking a break because him and his wife are rumored to be breaking up
  512. Rihasha Niroula: damn. i miss josh's videos... please be back soon 😢 lots of love
  513. Julia Sullivan: This is so frackle dackle-ing cute omg.
  514. Devon Nobliski: Next time u try a product like different candy can u please grade how it tastes 1-10
  515. Cassidy Cushway: JJ Cele_elite How is it spreading hate by asking where a dog will go?!
  516. lachiquilla01: What happened in his "Opening Up" vid? Was anything related to the current sad news? :(
  517. Alyssa Walin: the dog is
  518. Mykayla MacEwen: +janelle s Now she has Gus Gus, so that's not true. But I see you commented that before she got him.
  519. Kazziebot: What kinda dog is he?
  520. jackie ortiz: OMG the transitions 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
  521. SweetTreats: Shadow is adorable 😍 Too bad he has fleas, those are awful! :(
  522. Keira Hethcock: Early
  523. MrMarkymark005: I also use a topical flea medication called Revolution. It protects against fleas, their eggs, heart worm, intestinal works, etc. My little guy is INCREDIBLY sensitive & allergic 2 everything but this stuff has worked 100% on him & he's had zero side effects. Have to get it through your vet.
  524. EKS511: So when is it ok to stop posting videos? How much has to be going on for it to be alright?
  525. Anna: Shadow is adorable and josh is adorable and Erin is adorable and Pippin is adorable and I just can't handle all of this at once
  526. Bridget Paul: Don't worry Josh...he will get used to the bath and grow to love them.
  527. Paige G.: Shadow is a mix from the animal shelter, but I'm pretty sure is is chihuahua/terrier/maybe dachshund mix.
  528. Lilly Nelson: Don't rub the shampoo in it will make his hair follicles will start to hurt and that will make it HATE the bath!!!
  529. Briana Carroll: It's pronounced Chi(chee)
  530. Libby williams: I'm bathing my cat tomorrow
  531. Candace Friesen: Don't get flea and tick meds from a pet store.... You should get it from the vet!
  532. A Deangelis: Josh we miss u
  533. Sunflower: sweetheart <3 love this puppy :)
  534. do not feed the flame: Shadow's nails
  535. Abby Haase: What kind of dog is it
  536. Airelle R: Josh.... where'd you go???
  537. Maddy Mae: little did he know what his next video would be about
  538. Christina Vargas: to make him a little more comfortable during bath time u could also put a towel at the bottom of the tub so he doesn't slip around as much.....but ur doing great
  539. mustang 123: Josh where'd you go man??
  540. Tia Reynolds: who tf is she?
  541. Katelyn perry: Here is a helpful tip if shadow gets flees again flip him over on his back and look at his tummy and the flees would go to his stomach that usually works with my dog I don't if it will work on shadow but it is worth a shot hope it works
  542. Courtney Tremaine: if you use dawn the dish soap it will kill all the fleas just FYI you can even mix the chi with the dawn but the chi doesn't kill the fleas. just so you know I learned that after rescuing several of my animals. I wish I would have known that from rescue one. I love you and colleen.
  543. Jemma: Josh and colleen's
  544. Merlyn F-Vergara: you know when you like them I found out that once you start from the bottom of the fleas run up to the head she should have done the head also you're supposed to put on the flea medication before you bake them just so you know this is my advice you don't have to listen to me that's my advice
  545. Daniel F.: Love you josh
  546. grace: HEYYYY SHADOW!
  547. Jen is not the Killer: I just got out of school
  548. meliissaax0x: "this is CH-EYE for dogs"-- all the beauty watchers cringe aaha its pronounced CHEE:)
  549. Lily Crowell: I have a dog that looks like Shadow and I have a dog named Pippin
  550. Dan Tries: I feel so bad for him
  551. Abel Tadokera: My dog's name is Shadow!
  552. Emia Sesson: #snapfamwhereyouat
  553. willisimotisimo: Shadow is so handsome! You should make a video where you guys get him all hyped up and then throw a ball or toy around! Those are absolutely the CUTEST videos! How is Shadow possibly this cute! Is this even possible?! Haha xoxo
  554. Samuel Colin: It's maybe simply because he was cleaning the dog... well i hope :(
  555. dan flowell: Shadow's in Georgia with Josh's parents. He'll take Shadow back in LA if he gets okay
  556. Jessica Goncalves: my kitten's name is Shadow too :D
  557. Mik Mik: Shadow looks like a Houndour
  558. sam: Aww josh! He's so cute!
  559. Emia Sesson: snap fam
  560. Grace Palmer: who is the girl with you? ur sister?
  561. Savannah P: Shadow should be Bathed about once a month. So he stays clean and stink free! And I should know I have four dogs and have raised 5!
  562. Kate-Lyn Hughes: Don't worry Josh! MY fur baby always tries to jump out the bath when you bath him! And don't get me started on the growls when you wash his legs!!
  563. crazycatlady: im so happy you with with the name shadow same as my kitty..awesome and hes so cute
  564. Aniyah Moses: I love it when your sister is in the videos plz do a bunch more
  565. Caitlyn Pederson: He's certainly not cheating on Colleen. She's been on tour for months now and only got about a day to see each other. Josh, of all people in the world, would never cheat. Don't spread rumors
  566. Julia Wang: Surprisingly my cat doesn't mind baths lol
  567. Diane Lopez: baby purple plum yep!! 100% agree!!
  568. angel crush: you also have to spray and wash stuff hes on fleas get everywhere and sometimes you cant feel their bites gl
  569. Annabel Jordan: HEY JOSH I LOVE YOU
  570. TØP Dun: |-/
  571. allie morris: This made my day!!😄☀️🐶💜
  572. Becca Rose: The thumbnail is him giving shadow a bath????
  573. Teresa Rinaldi: my vet told me not to bathe my dog before applying flees medication because it uses the lipid film to spread.. but maybe you use an other type of medication.. (sorry if I wrote something wrong, I don't know English very well 😆)
  574. emma brianna: awe he's so cute
  575. mustang 123: its been 4 days
  576. emmaccoleman: i miss you josh!! please get better love you!
  577. Ana Caldas: I miss Josh so much. I'm srsly worried about him. Hope he's okay :(
  578. XxLoukiaxX: I'm in love with shadow !!!
  579. Missa Williams: best way to get rid of fleas is to sprinkle table salt all over your house. the fleas are attracted to salt so they eat it but it instantly dehydrates them and they die by morning. I had to do this with foster kitties I brought in... I locked them in my room, sprinkled salt all over my house and vacuumed it up the next morning... then that day I transferred the kittens to my living room and did my room. also, wash your dog in dawn soap... it 100% kills fleas and is not dangerous for him
  580. M Y: Me too
  581. It's just me: its lke my dog
  582. Kate and Bunnies: that's bad. you just got your dog and he is to young to go out so he got fleas. people like this shouldn't have dogs :(
  583. Cassiday Spelbring: There's special flea/tick collars you can get as a sort of preventative measure for the future. That's what the vet recommended for my dog after we got advice on treating her fleas once. Its nice because it can fit right under their regular collar and it didn't seem to bother my dog at all.
  584. Scarlett CC: You should buy a flees remover shampoo my dog has the chocolate smell one just saying for the future Because my dog is allergic to the fleas thing
  585. Tori Jill: +Kenzie Wagner true
  586. Chaundu Ly: whos aron??? Im new
  587. oli quinn: im expecting to see colleen crying in the comments 😂
  588. Rybo510: IF it doesnt work a temporary solution is the blue dawn dish liquid.
  589. Diego Andre Santizo Santizo: you are cool love your videos your the best
  590. no soul: I WANT ONE U LUCKY BCH 😂💖
  591. Madison Thai: Late squad where you at??
  592. Lavinia: Lol noo
  593. Clara Di Ciero: We miss you joshua come back
  594. Jade Phillips: can you give a shout out to jadephillips25
  595. Bec Mull: Exactly
  596. Kenzie Wagner: He's not old enough
  597. Alexspaingames: Adorable
  598. bob marley: Hey fam
  599. Chenoa JeffreysBaker: Yes! I actually use the same kind Josh was using on my three girls :) And they're all adults.
  600. Charlotte Xx: Prank Siblings he won't be uploading for ages now but his sister will be filling on for him
  601. Anna Trumic: Please stop taking advice from your local pet stores. Go to your vet.
  602. Anna Hester: Shave the beard!😂
  603. Jacqueline Palumbo: be careful when you wash shadow because if you wash him in cold water his tail can become stiff and messed up, just a heads up :))))
  604. Katie Rose: Hey josh! I think you can get flea tablets for dogs from the pet store to prevent fleas that's what my dog uses she's never had fleas :)
  605. ilovehanszimmer: Everyone is talking about how the last video was taken down and spreading drama. What even happened?
  606. Erika L: Pippin is his sister Erin's dog :)
  607. Erin: you should use flea pills instead they work better
  608. Steven Atwood: Peta Marama hell probs keep it
  609. Patience Dash: poor dog
  610. Katie K: Can someone tell me what the fight was about between Josh, Colleen and Rebecca? I saw a comment on his last post where someone said it was an argument on Twitter but he blocked for any further comments on that you tube video. I'm worried they are all not friends anymore.
  611. PalomaFaithFan: Shadow is more cute than Zendaya, just saying
  612. Austin Tayler: Josh, I miss youuuuuuuuu. cant wait for more videos. 😥💚
  613. Olivia Singletary: I can't tell what's more perfect, the puppy or that bathroom 😍
  614. ngrei d: did Josh delete the last video
  615. Falpal714 C: You have the cutest dog ever and I love your sisters voice oml
  616. Genaro Gama: My dog looks just like him
  617. Samantha lee: Awh he's so cute
  618. Samantha Riley: 💖
  619. Nathanael S: Uggg I hate fleas the reproduce like CRAZY
  620. Kristen Marie: What happened?
  621. Kaitlyn LeAnn: +happy pandas That's the best comment I've ever seen
  622. Lydia Lenae: josh, you okay?
  623. honey bunches: +Nicollette Jacobsen watch her new video
  624. Myles Leverette: When my dog hears the word bath he goes into hiding.. also his name is peanut like Rebecca's dog.
  625. Lisette C: 8 th
  626. Pia Kramer: Shadow is so cute!!!!
  627. Americas Harrington: +Lexx Carney they did break apart look at his latest video. Plus check out my instagram
  628. Faith: You will get used to bathing him and he will too... When I first got my baby girl she was from an abused home where she was beaten with a cane. so she and I had a lot of firsts together even though she was 8 months old. Lots of praise (good boy) and treats will go a long way. Also I would laugh so hard when after I was done drying her with a towel bc most dogs do go crazy and I think the laughter with praise helped her a lot.
  629. Heather Friedman: Shadow is so cute
  630. samo530: shadow looks like he's part miniature pinscher and terrier..I have a fox terrier/chihuahua and she's my baby
  631. Amanda Spinelli: Also there is this powder called boric acid that you can put on the floors in your house but dont let shadow eat any of it break up the balls and rub it into the rugs with you feet if you have sox on.
  632. Melissa Heim: Notification squad where ya at?
  633. Ava Noelle Mosley: I HAVE THAT TOWEL OMGG
  634. honey bunches: oh my god PREACH
  635. thatssochelsea: ILH OMG
  636. Potato_Shmo: HIS NAILS ARE LONGER THAN MINE AND MINE HAVENT BEEN CUT FOR LIKE 9 MONTHS ps use dawn as shampoo on him
  637. Amaris Yeager: Josh you can ask your vet about it but I suggest you get him a Seresto flea collar. They are around $60 but they last for 8 months and you can leave it on them when they get a bath. It doesn't get their fur greasy or get all over your hands if you touch it. I have one for my dog who is the same size as Shadow and it works super well. Hope this helps!
  638. Francesca Tozer: +joshuaDTV
  639. Makayla D: Shadow,Josh and Erin are the best trio ever
  640. Kathleen Bradford: 4:06 IS THAT JESSE MCCARTNEY
  641. do not feed the flame: U should really cut his nails it's too long josh
  642. Preston Martz: Luv the dog
  643. Ashanti landry: where is your wife
  644. Jasmin Burgess: If he gets fleas again you could try using dawn , it kills fleas on contact , and its gentle on a puppy or kitten, just get the original dawn , also if next time you maybe stand in the tub with him he may be less frantic, just a suggestion I struggled with my first dog and that stuff really helped!
  645. Improving: What is that
  646. Olivia C: You should get him a flea collar!! I have it for my dog and it works amazing!
  647. AMQUIN 123: ah this is so cute 😭 ❤
  648. Ana Cárdenas: hello!!
  649. Ashley Zamorano: my cat is name shadow
  650. Alli E: That's his sister....
  651. Lexie Pollon: Stop ✋ 😠
  652. Kylie Kyky: Aaaaawwwww. He's sooo cute!
  653. Puppy Love123: awwwww so cute!
  654. GageGamesHD: 3 Views 20 Likes??? Waaaaa
  655. Linda Paredes: doesn't fleas cause lice?
  656. Kenzie Bekkering: I know this isn't a question but can u follow me on Instagram, it's minimac_b, it's a privet account. You don't need to do that, f u don't want to can u atleast comment pretty please that would make my life
  657. Kelly M: Josh, flea and tick collars are cheap and actually really work and last for like 6months or something. Really helpful too
  658. mashleyfan1: Is the regular shampoo going to do anything? or would a flea shampoo work better? Also don't forget to clean the rest of the house so there's no more fleas or flea eggs in the carpet or furniture or anything :)
  659. skinnierthighs: when you can scroll to the bottom of the comments you know you're early I know how to grammar wait don't awnser that
  660. Nicollette Jacobsen: What does Rebecca have to do with this? Did she say something mean? I've never heard of any drama between them
  661. Lilian Thompson: Who's this girl
  662. Chieu Anh Nguyen: is it me or does every youtuber have kind of the same bath tub guava juice Joey Graceffa
  663. RCLbeauty 101: 3:07 lol look at the dogs face😂😂😂😂
  664. ben martin: When are u doing a nother video??????
  665. Angelina Leal: omg I'm getting a dog in a couple of days
  666. MyFlightExperience: The "D" word is coming LOL
  667. Donald Carroll: what kind of dog?
  668. Hannah McCluskey: what kind of dog is shadow
  669. Riley Insinga: Where is your wife
  670. Juliette Del toro: we miss you lots 😔
  671. Dana Beautiful: what a cute puppy
  672. Lucie Stablo: Il a essayer de parler français trop chou
  673. Angelique Brown: My pup was never that calm😂she would jump out the tub and run around the house away from me until I caught her😂
  674. Leslie: I would suggest giving him treats as you bathe him, if he'll eat them. My last dog would stay still and clam if we gave her treats as we went along.
  675. Emma Bunny: np! :)
  676. aleena mir: dose colleen know about him
  677. Ellie Bradshaw: Love you josh 😘
  678. Elaina Previty: He is so cute! 💙💙
  679. Frankie Joshua: his sisters so cute
  680. OllyThe Unicorn: Shadow is so cute xxx
  681. Kevinn: Use original dawn dish soap when you bathe him. It'll kill the fleas in an instant.
  682. Olivia Bradford: Josh literally bought the most expensive kind of puppy shampoo probably because he wants the best for shadow
  683. Hey Monster: Can this be on snapchat and thats sooo cute and ily
  684. Emily Meyer: Will this be on snapchat
  685. shook queen: He wont be uploading because of his and colleens divorce 😢
  686. Abigail Excellent: Josh: Look at me. Shadow: I'm mad at you right now.
  687. Mickey Mouse: Josh Really no more Videos ! Still Waiting !
  688. Stephanie Creel: Awwwwwww
  689. Jessica Smith: Fleas have been growing resistant to some OTC products. If the one they gave you at the store doesn't work, your vet should have something that will.
  690. Jessie624: No wedding ring...:(
  691. Bubba Taylor: this is my dog in the bath
  692. Rayne Millaray: Erin's accent. Omg. Lol.
  693. Lauren Spearman: +Emma Swan thanks for the info. I was confused 😂
  694. Katie Fites: Same, my dog hates baths so much but she's so insane that she bites the hell out of me and growls like crazy too after every bath.
  695. Sarah See: We miss you😭😭😭
  696. joey m: You are such a nice and caring person Josh !
  697. Anna and Abby Challenges: My puppies were the same way with bath time. But every time they behaved or got through a step of bathing we gave them a treat. We don't do it anymore though because the are used to it and are excited to get a bath.
  698. Ravvelll !: ikr
  699. Kamilla Wong: Omg i love erins voive and her south accent!!!!
  700. Elizabeth Martinez: they have Chi shampoo for dogs.. whatttt. i use that product.
  701. Cara Walker: Itza Samocracy he took it off to give shadow a bath ppl, geez
  702. Alaina 1: Josh since we can't comment on your video you just posted.. I wanted to comment on here and tell you that I'm so glad everything's " okay" . And I do hope that whatever your going through it gets better . But in till then I'll be praying and 100% backing you up . Like always but anyway.I don't know about every one else but I love you thank you for being such an amazing person .❤️🙏🏼
  703. Myhotpoptarts: Of course he had flees..you didnt wash him for 3 weeks! lol I washed my dog every week/week and a half. My dogs grew to love it btw maybe give him a little toy he can only have for bathtime. He'll feel kind of like hes being rewarded. Anyone else agree?
  704. Mya Harvey: That looks like joey graceffas bathroom
  705. Keara Cochran: Same
  706. Hollyweird Teens: Most puppies are more cute than humans but Zendaya isn't ugly by any means! Check out the video I did on her. I think she's gorgeous.
  707. Annica Wu: Hey!! I suggest you reading Cesar Millan's books! I read a few and now I understand dogs way better!
  708. Mrs. Gittens: make sure that you wash your sheets n any blankets shadow has used in warm or hot water. if not the flees will come back
  709. Tespo yahoo: and also, when shadow gets a little bit older, about every month or so you have to buy that ointment to prevent fleas and ticks
  710. American meets European: I'm sorry Shadow got fleas, but he's so cute getting a bath. We're lucky our puppy loves bathtime :)
  711. Holly McNichol: :45 I thought he sounded like Joey!! 😝😝
  712. Lala Cervantes: is he still with Coleen?
  713. Julia Vistorovskaya: Isn't this Colleen's husband
  714. Sara Sides: Also treating your yard helps too
  715. Rainbow Sparkles kid: Hi
  716. Charlotte Wellington: Shadow is so cute seeing him makes me want to get a puppy even more 💜
  717. New York Performances: What other small youtubers want to support each other? Subscriber for a subscriber😊
  718. Ihona Wilkes: Prank Siblings he not going to upload in a long time but his sister well
  719. Lynly Motoramo: i don't know why, but when i read the video title i thought it said 'puppy gives birth' .
  720. The_Brave_Warrior_123: I dont realy know so...
  721. Lance Stoffel: He hates you gosh
  722. Azure Belt: I saw you in alex wassabi's vlog
  723. Darius Gray: LMAO Fam it's been a year!!!! People just don't stay married these days anymore smh
  724. Jada VanTol: post more vids with shadow!!!! plz
  725. Nevaeh Kamile: I have the same kind of dog Evan though your dog is scared it won't jump out but then at the end there like IM OUT
  726. Wacky BFF'S: Beautiful soul playing in the background at the end 😂😂😂
  727. Leilani Zuniga: if he had no beard,he would look similar to Jacob satourias
  728. Brynn Blakesley: Josh will be such a great dad. well he already is. Ilysm!
  729. awesomeLONDON: so you want him to start using really boring thumbnails of just his face in different positions? i dont think you know this, but on youtube you have to spice up your thumbnails if you want to continue to gain views and subscribers
  730. Michael Anthony Butler: Shadow is so freaking cute!!!!!!!!
  731. Lourdes Rivera: cute af
  732. live4ever4022: My dog hates baths, but as soon as he's dry and you set him loose he prances around like he's the most beautiful dog in the world!
  733. Aly Haas: Did he rescue the dog or adopt it
  734. Kenzie Allen: When I give my dogs baths we use the blue dawn dish soap. There's something in the blue dawn that kills the flees and it's gentle on the dog
  735. SelenalovesTaeTae Somuch: Olivia Jean no it's not it's tail is too fluffy A to be one bc miniature punchers do t have that much hair or fluffy hair at all
  736. Jasmin !: Josh reply Plz ilysm 😘😘😘😘
  737. theeya loki: +Jaretzy Perez what no colleen and joshua are gettinga divorce no they are the cutest couple of youtube
  738. Chenoa JeffreysBaker: omg.. I use the same puppy shampoo for my dogs!
  739. Anna Lucas: Okay, I know this probably won't happen. Hit you are literally the reason I wake up in the morning and I want to know if you will subscribe to my YouTube channel. I know it sound really bratty but it would mean the world to me
  740. Anika Honaker: dont use that stuff. get him a pill from the vet. so much easier less messy
  741. sheenabeena: It was Rebecca's idea and it sorta stuck.
  742. Grace Nichols: hey
  743. Riley Rogers: I've never been this early !!! Love you josh
  744. Emily Poveromo: Look online for flea and tick collars amozon might have them
  745. Mamabean: Most dogs are terrified of water and will always act that way. Just have to grin and bear it. Be sure to give lots of treats and loving after =)
  746. Brittany Samples: One of the best things to use for flees is the Dawn dishwashing liquid soap.
  747. Monique jk: it takes no experience to push down a dogs ears when you wash their head. please learn about dog grooming before you throw a dog a bath.
  748. Júlia Piomonte: 26 views OMG love you soooo much
  749. Alexis Pfau: Josh i miss you.💗😭
  750. dschackkk_: who else cringed at how Josh pronounced "chi" I did lmao
  751. Queent Chicken: wow... theres 22,222 views 😂😂😂
  752. Sara Gershfield: josh is getting chubby again its so cute aw
  753. Movies with Matticus: You know what kills the shit out of fleas? Head and Shoulders.
  754. Shari Smith: omg my cats name is shadow mt dog did the same reaction p.s i luv u and your dog josh
  755. Bridget scahill: Josh where did you go????
  756. Funniest Videoclips: GUYSSSSSS he said ''Wen in dought splash the D"" BOYS Splash the D and maybe he will post a video
  757. Katie Ritchie: cute puppy it's so cute
  758. Maggie R: Next time you bathe him put the shampoo on his neck first and work down so if he does have fleas they don't run to his face and they go to his butt instead
  759. MMTM12: How old is Shadow?
  760. Ryan McMahon: Are Josh and Colleen divorced
  762. Riley Cohan: Cute
  763. Yukeena W: Yah
  764. A-positive-thought: There is a tree called the joshua tree
  765. Tovi Phan: Oh my goodness shadow is so cute!! Hope the fleas go away...
  766. Kirsten Comer: What's up!! This vid is adorable💙💙
  767. katarina rose: He gave him a bath the right way! I mean it is his first time!
  768. lillyanna rose: Important question what breed is this adorable puppy??!!!
  769. Tomboy Style: I love Shadow ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  770. Nikki Pandita: Pippin was probably thinking that he or she would get a bath too
  771. Princess Emily: I don't know, maybe. It's normally where I bathe my dog. xD
  772. Fiona Luke: Cuteeeeeeee
  773. Keely Stricker: The reason I watched is I wanted to see you happy one more time intell you get better hope you get better josha
  774. Nubia Flores: Me Ow In old videos, Colleen has said that she wouldn't of become a Full-Time YouTuber if it weren't for Josh showing her that she could make a living out of "Miranda Sings" videos. Prior to meeting Josh (on YouTube), Colleen had no clue how to move herself around in the YouTube world.
  775. Lexx Carney: he is taking a break because him and his wife are rumored to be breaking up
  776. Maya Ballinger: Shadow is so ridiculously cute😍😘
  777. MrMarkymark005: The shampoo brand is pronounced Chee. 😉😄 I use their dog products on my dogs too, really great stuff. The only issue is the perfume additive, it's really strong & for more sensitive dogs, it can cause some reactions like 1 of mine did.
  778. Kawiwi KOALA: Hi
  779. Richard Carr: Yeah it had comments disabled and was about him opening up. he mentioned people making stuff up about him and his life and he needed a break. it was up for a few weeks I watched it tonight and then it was gone.
  780. x: i can't wait till i have my own dog❤️❤️
  781. mylie taylor: Whatever you do don't give hike oral flea medicine it gave my dog my aunts dog and my friends dog epilepsy, they all had to be put down. If you don't believe me check it out online. There have been many studies that explain why and what I'm talking about. I just don't want shadow to get hurt
  782. Hannah Davis: umm Josh y did u wash him In the bath that's kinda gross considering he had flees
  783. Tammi Oldham: I work in a pet store and what you're doing is exactly the right thing to do. Get a flea treatment and make sure you apply it monthly (I'm Australian and that's how ours all work, I'm not sure about the treatments you guys have in the US). If you're not giving him worming treatments already then definitely start that up too or you'll end up with some hefty vet bills if he ever gets them. Just remember that if you're using the spot-on treatments that you apply to the back of his neck rather than a tablet that he eats, you need to make sure he stays dry for 48 hours before and after you apply the treatment (it needs that time to absorb into his skin and become waterproof).
  784. sfgrgfsf212: There was drama. 😕
  785. caiti curtis: Nubia Flores what was the "Rebecca thing"? Honestly so confused about what's going on lol
  786. Claire Cook: claire
  787. Jenna Smith: OK you deleted the vid u made after this "Trying to open up" which u did not at all.  CLICKBAIT.  U say u can't make vids bc u aren't happy but others can - is that a dig at someone we know?  U aren't on vid of ur fil's bday?  U signed up to b a Utuber, u know the comments r nasty sometimes, u need 2 get ur big girl panties on and deal with it.  Everyone who goes to work & has shit in their life has to slap on a happy face for 8 hours!  When someone dies u get 3 days bereavement - woot woot if its immediate family.  I'm really tired of this.  I hope someone told u to take that whiney vid down, but so many already saw it, it was pointless.  WORK out the problem - go to a counselor - and if this is clickbait drama crap I will never watch u again.  I already unsubscribed all my emails bc this just doesn't sit well.  U r a grown ass adult & kids r looking to u....I'm really mad about how u r handling this and I'm sure people will be mad at what I posted but its true.  Share it all or don't share it AND do your job since you are in your 30s and all and have a household to support.
  788. Maddie Midgley: #ErinsEvenings
  789. Roberto Saravia: Same they always try to jump out
  790. Jennifer Smith: I have the same dog as you and he had flies but s about a month later they were gone
  791. Katie K: Use flea shampoo lol
  792. Myrikal Pless: erin* and his sister
  793. Brooklyn Paetzold: BudgetsNBeauty he was getting a divorce with Colleen
  794. Courtney Lindsay: We use bravecto for our dogs. It comes as a treat and they eat it and it keeps the fleas and ticks off them for three months. This is the only treatment that has not bothered my dogs, and they are very sensitive to medicine. We live in a very dense tick area and since the dogs have been taking this medicine we have not found any ticks attached to them and have not had a flea problem since. This is just an idea of a medicine you may want to look into. My mom is a vet tech so she is very particular with what our dogs take for medicine. The oil treatment can work perfectly fine, it just made my dogs super sleepy afterword. The flea collars we never found one that actually impressed us. This is just a suggestion, I do not want to be pushy just some advice for a new dog owner. Also I would suggest looking into the only natural pet store (they have a online store), we have gotten natural dog food from there and our dogs love it. We also have used some anti seizure medicine for my dads dog who was 16 and it helped ease the seizures and decrease the frequency she had them. Before she went on that medicine it was daily if not twice a day, and after she got on the natural medicine she only had one or two a year. So I would suggest if your looking for a natural route on things to check out that store. I hope this helps some :D By the way you and Colleen are great doggie parents!
  795. honey bunches: +ValidVikes I know which is why I don't think they will stick together very much longer if they keep being apart. Plus, they both want different things. Josh wants marriage and a family and Colleen wants to be successful and focus of her career. If they truly loved each other, they would stop whining about how they never see each other and do something about that. (that mainly applies to Josh though)
  796. Erin Elisabeth: +Hava Meow idk. I was pretty upset when I first heard about it, but I'm beginning to think it's true. :/
  797. isaiah alforte: no more vlogs??
  798. Ashlynne's reborn Nursery: And he might not try to run away!😅
  799. montavia: fleas fringing hurt when they bite you both of my dogs had fleas and it was hell
  800. Jess Shonka: Flea collar works too
  801. Roy Angie: you would do more videos about shadow
  802. Jen W: I love that bathroom!!
  803. Chatterbox Charlie: My dogs shake the same way in the bath. At least he didn't shake water all over you.
  804. neve coolthing: awh shadows so cute have fun with him
  805. Jacob: Josh we really need to know what's going on
  806. Emily Carpenter: Shampoo made with oatmeal or any moisturizure can help with any skin irritation the fleas make. My dog got fleas and when we got rid of them, she still started scratching because the fleas irritated her skin.
  807. Tashi Wilson-James: Josh DO NOT give Shadow that flea medication, I gave it to my dog and awhile later she started having seizures and we had to put her down. This has happened to quite a few of my friends pets to.
  808. Hashim Ali: what type of dog is he
  809. Jenna P: He's okay I have had my dog for 7 years and she still gets scared of baths 👍😊
  810. II_chrissi_II: What breed is shadow?? He is adorable 😍
  811. Mascha Kisilenko: maybe check their latest videos..
  812. Emmy :D: because she can...
  813. Jordyn Woods: Josh just a helpful tip when my dog have fleas I bath her with dawn dish detergent and it kills the fleas on contact😊 love u and shadow 😘
  814. sheenabeena: Colleen is still wearing hers
  815. Emma sue: Aww I love shadow he's so cute.💗 And I have 3 dogs and have had over 30 dogs. Yes OVER 30 dogs. And when brushing their hair is the hardest cause they always Yelp.
  816. fabiola garcia: I know a cat named shadow
  817. __ itz.missy __: +Bellatrix Lestrange omg IM watching Harry Potter right now
  818. Hispxnic.shortyzz ;: That dog is so annoying tbh 😒
  819. Amanda Spinelli: Aww i love when they are done and you can bundle them up in a towel. Mine do the same thing when its bath time, but when they are all done they are so happy!
  820. Vanessa Bell Vanessa: poor thing
  821. Catherine Skelton: Ly❤️
  822. tyler 09: The Stabbing Girls ! everywhere. unless you see everything they wear
  823. Karli Granger: Four videos a week my butt
  824. julio: Pro tip: use blue dawn for fleas. scrub it and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Works so well at killing fleas
  825. Lily Smiles: You should do a cover of Can't Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
  826. MARIE JACKSON: he's so cute I wan't one.
  827. Wind Flower: Be careful of what your putting on him some of those flea medications can cause renal failure and burns. You can go the natural route and just put coconut oil in his fur, rub it in, it is good for him and if he licks it , it is still good for him. And it works I have a chihuahua, and do it to her, no fleas.
  828. Srishti Bajoria: I mean the next video
  829. Hashim Ali: +Princess Emily ya most ppl do that for small dogs
  830. Danielle C: Seresto collars are the way to go! Talk to the vet of course, but I have never seen a single flea on any of my dogs, they are pricey but last months.
  831. Daria Surowiak: Where is Josh?
  832. Jaylin: I have fleas too! jkjkjk 😍😎💩
  833. Nicollette Jacobsen: you're welcome :)
  834. steve b: Whenever he feels like it, apparently
  835. Kate Bo: I don't think josh would ever cheat but he's disappeared off of social media and I'm not sure why but it's worrying..
  836. marisa schuldes: Erin sounds like she's losing her country :(
  837. KatherineJuliana: If you want shadow to not gat anymore fleas, then get dawn soap and wash him with that first
  838. G Demi: 3 weeks and no Josh😖i'm starting to lose hope
  839. BrielleVlogs: Where are you??
  840. nicole wilson: +jordan meteor oh lol
  841. Emma Gould: I love you so much Josh ❤️ snap my comment? 💁🏻
  842. Emma Jarred: my cats have fleas and we have done everything we can do we have had the house spray we give them flea medison and we have had them for almost 5 years i think I HATE FLEAS
  843. MrShenhai: Shadow is adorable!!!
  844. ashley sanchez: I also named my puppy shadow
  845. Makena Marie: Josh are you okay
  846. NiamhGamingx: Are the rumours true about Colleen and josh
  847. KawiiUnicorn: HEY JOSH!! Hope shadow is ok from his fleas 💜
  848. Hazel Chavez7: Josh is so good to him too cute lol
  850. Liam O'Connell: Dawn dish soap kills fleas on contact
  851. Jasmine R: jk idle poor pup
  852. Tracey York: why was you whith her not coleen
  853. Double Chin Sisters: He's so cute!! Love him and all of your vids!! My fav is your cover of 7 years!!😍😍
  854. Katie Ebert: Bravecto is a great flea/tick preventative you can get from your vet. It is a chewable pill that lasts for three months and it has worked amazingly for our dog. We live in an area that fleas are pretty bad and our dog has not had a single flea since he has been on it. Also, idk what you're using for heart worm preventative but there is a shot called ProHeart that your vet can give him that will last 6 months so you don't have to remember a monthly chewable. :)
  855. Srishti Brahmbhatt: I wonder.......
  856. Lance Stoffel: Josh
  857. aly angel: use cedar tree oil for fleas it's non toxic and completely safe for your dog
  858. Lindsay M: My dog had fleas before and it's so annoying because you have to wash all your things and it just a pain
  859. What's up It's Annabelle: If he ever gets flees again just wash him with dawn dish soap and it gets rid of them I know it sounds weird but it works
  860. Sports Girl: Josh make a new video please😢😢😢😢😢
  861. Lindsey Kap: My dog tries to swim right before we put him in the war too. Anyone know that breed of dog that is? He looks just like mine
  862. Jack Owens: My cat had fleas so my mum washed her and she hated it soo much
  863. Shelley Hampton: Do they know what kind of dog he is? He reminds me of mine that I rescued and we think he's a rat terrier but his ears flop over instead of standing up so I think he may be crossed with something. Who knows. Looks like he and Shadow could be distant relatives tho (jkjk)
  864. Caitlyn Pederson: She's on tour. They would never give up on each other. They only got a day to see each other because Colleen has been making her new show and gone on tour for months. And Josh is extremely busy as well. If you were a true fan you would know that that would never happen. Don't spread rumors
  865. Orsrocks: Was that your sister
  866. Bree Zee: Watch this or Colleen's live stream? 🤔🤔🤔
  867. Sia Tsiranidis: Ur suppose to wet his head too but cover his ears
  868. that1chick92: As someone who has plenty of experience owning dogs and working with them you seem to be do everything right as far as the flea thing goes. I would just keep an eye out for any around the house. If he got them bad enough they could've jumped on to the furniture or something. Which if you do find any around the house spray the how down immediately.
  869. Kylie Flint: he is so cute
  870. j j: his sister... she's in tons of his vlogs
  871. Michael Daniels: Frontline
  872. Sad Duck: You have to go to the vet and get vectra
  873. Ivy Lueck: his
  874. Damaris Channer: you and shadow are so cute aw
  875. shelly nguyen: JOSH SPEND TIME WITH COLLEN!!!!
  876. Kay L: And now you have your answer
  877. Brooke Woodworth: SO CUTE
  878. Wesley Cunningham: Are y'all mared
  879. Kaitlynne Walters: To answer all the same questions in the comment section. Yes, that is Josh's dog. Yes, Colleen knows about him. His name is Shadow
  880. Andrew Johannen: After watching his heartbreak video I had to watch something happy
  881. Jodie Francisco-Realtor®: When did you get a puppy???
  882. Kōketsuna Koton: Such a good dad.
  883. Katie: my dog does that all the time don't worry it's a very natural thing for those type of dogs
  884. Monica Parmer: your puppy is soooooo cute oh meh gawd
  885. fluffynicole: when I had to bathe my puppy for the first time, she acted the same except for when she was in the tub she didn't want to stay in. I'm 99% sure that all dogs shiver after being in water.
  886. Ren McPherson: fleas back off
  887. crystalwolf2006: Nexgard not topicals for my dogs. Too many horror stories of chemical burns and neurological crap happening to dogs. Hopefully the topical stuff doesn't make Shadow sick.
  888. potato barrels: am i the only one that chases my dog around the house screaming "BATH TIME!" yes...ok
  889. PressPlayForTay: I love you josh
  890. Thomas Grantham: Wool wash and brown vinegar should fix it 1:1
  891. Yoo It's Bree: How old is shadow? Please reply 🐶❤
  892. Miggy_elito Romero: 1st
  893. Megha Kamath: He deleted his recent video on opening up but still no clue :/ I hope they're okay ..
  894. Lily DeLeon: post more videos
  895. Martha Martos: Oh no i didnt know im so sorry i really love them together too sad ..
  896. rafa: She's on tour...
  897. Melany C: flea collars are terrible products. There are a ton of chemicals and with it staying on the dog on their neck their skin can get damaged around their neck. The medications such as Revolution that you put on their neck is better as it is balanced and gets absorbed into the skin without staying in one place. Also, a oral medication such as NexGard is another option which is good for not only for fleas and ticks but also for heartworm prevention.
  898. Gemma Hanly: my dog woody does the same thing hes a jack Russell btw
  899. Lucy Arthur: Awwwww
  900. Nicole Manhoff: I love u and miss uuuu I hope everything's ok
  901. naiah hernandez: After his fleas r gone DO NOT use oatmeal shampoo because it will dry is skin and he'll be itchy
  902. Kathy Haynes Peters: At our vet they have pills that kills flees and eggs. I hope you get him out of his misery and check everything in your house for flees. I hate them so bad.
  903. Genesis Happy: you need to play with him more
  904. Emily Vlogs: EARLY
  905. s731s: +Vicky Batres bug buddy here too but I guess you didn't read the comments above yours lol😅😊✌
  906. madelynss: Alsoooo you can get this heart worm medicine that has flea med in it. We use it for my dogs once a month idk if they make it for puppies but I know for bigger dogs they do
  907. Rachael LeBLanc: When I worked at an animal shelter we had to wash the puppies that came in. We used to wash them in the sink and put a towel at the bottom of the sink so they had some traction. It also saves your back from having to bend over in the tub!
  908. Ren McPherson: aww cute but we just use the shower
  909. Bec Mull: I KNOW RIGHT LOC
  910. TRUEE REPORT: That's for older dogs puppies are too sensitive to have flea collars
  911. MacKenzie P.: Awe, he looks so scared, poor bby. It's not that bad. :)
  912. Rebecca Pelsser: EARLY SQUAD WHERE YOU AT
  913. Jaelyn Nicole: Please come back Josh!! we don't know what's wrong, but we all love you so much!!!!
  914. Sylvanas Windrunner: you tube is his job, I don't care if he's sad or bad mood he gets paid for it, but ofc earning a lot of money gives him the privilege to not work, it's like an average man decides to stop working for a while just because of his personal problems but then at the end of the month who will give him bread to put on table for his family ? So I find his behaviour childlish and careless. You can hate me and insult me now, I won't care, that's my opinion even if harsh and I won't change it.
  915. Franziska: use dawn dish soap but only the blue one, that stuff suffocates fleas!
  916. Ninja Warrior: Top 50
  917. Jordan Marksberry: My dogs name is shadow!!!!!!!!
  918. Ashelyn Phillips: joshua is ready to have a kid i think he would make a great dad
  919. Bilingual nerd: Get well Shadow !
  920. Cara Walker: JessaJay its an opinion. And probably most true fans can agree with this comment.
  921. Ashtyn McGee: Josh's dog has better shampoo than me...
  922. Tay Tay's World: I have that towel
  923. B.F.F.L: When my dog had her first bath, she jumped out and fell on her face. 😂😂😂😂😂😂💩🐨🐨🦄🦄💩💩😂❤️❤️❤️💩🤓🤗
  924. Bb: Why hasn't he posted a video??? Whats going on??
  925. Missing Vibe: If ur gonna wipe shadows ears use a dry tissue
  926. Jameson Jones: I'd like to give Josh a bath! 😋😍
  927. Jeridan Remy17: Omg, I was watching an adoption network show earlier, and Josh was on it! He was adoption shadow, I was like OMG
  928. Niveditha Muralidharan: If Josh has a human baby he will be the best daddy ever spoiling his little kid. 😂
  930. lluvia g: Try using shampoo that kills fleas as well ! And remember to wash your rub after taking your dog a bath ! My mom makes us clean the bathtub after we take our dog a bath :)
  931. Zeriah: So is that him and Colleen's dog? I'm not caught up. Lmao
  932. Stevie Camille: I was thinking the same thing!!! Lmao
  933. Isabella Johnson: My dogs love having baths. Do any one else's dogs like baths?
  934. Kaelaniii C: Be careful of putting to much shampoo because he will get dandruff my dog got it from that so be really careful!!!!!
  935. Lisa Fickenscher: If only he new about the divorce
  936. JessaJay: That's just a rumor though...we shouldn't say that unless we know it's true.
  937. Erin Smilley: My old golden retriever died of lung cancer his name was shadow 😞
  938. hayitz gen: How old is shado
  939. Grachu: his name a shadow now?
  940. Srishti Bajoria: Major withdrawal symptoms We miss youuu josh
  941. Dana Brickmeier: The reason why is because I know Michael
  942. Kathleen Bradford: What kind of dog is shadow?
  943. Casey Gagnon: hey
  944. Ella VanDenburg: Where did you get shadow. HE IS SOOOOOOO CUTE
  945. Heather Kincaid: Omg beautiful soul at the end tho
  946. Katelyn Kyrkos: We love you
  947. Anna: 14th comment cool!!!!!! Subscribe to my Channel thank you!!
  948. Kate: My dog had fleas the day we picked her up. Poor thing.
  949. Courtney Cip: Lol shadow is the cutest! A lot of doggies hate baths but if you do it every so often he will get used to it. Also I know you don't want us to throw opinions at you but the ointment for their neck is more to prevent fleas. You should wash him with a flea killing shampoo to kill them. It's super weird too because they die right away and you see them in the water sometimes. It's pretty gross
  950. Kayleigh X: I agree with some of your views. If it is to do with the comments he should man up but if it's a serious personal matter like one of his family members are ill id understand although he could tell us and we'd understand why he's not posting whereas now we r all extremely worried. We all no that colleen was upset to and now he hasn't posted for 3 weeks it's awful. Why won't anyone tell us anything. There are teens that come to josh and colleen to survive cos their lives r horrible I'm scared for them to so josh if ur reading this please tell us what is going on. If ur quitting
  951. olivia wyatt: my dog /family had fleas like for 3 weeks or a month , he might still have fleas , hope shadow gets better soon
  952. Emma D: My dog has fleas to and I was wondering if that shampoo and medicine works?? Btw your dog is sooo cute
  953. Andrea Reyes: Shadow is cute, Zendaya is pretty, there problem solved
  954. Kira Klo: Josh just so you know, when you are washing him try to use your hand to stop the water from going into his ears, just a tip x
  955. joshua simango: Shadow is meant to get ointo his bath gradually
  956. Happy Pandas: +Kaitlynnn LeAnn thanks :-D
  957. joymarianna: get a flea caler sorry if l spelled anything wrong
  958. mx2000: if you want to check him flees go to the warmest part of his body so check hie belly,but and under his leggs
  959. Joni Kroll: I have that same type of dog a miniature pincher mix
  960. SEYEBONOMUSIC ♪♫: the quicker the bath, the better! ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
  961. Vanessa Azevedo: +Chenoa JeffreysBaker so true
  962. Amy Hudson: He's like um dad I don't like it 😂 he's so cute 😢😍
  963. Jackie Kesler: of you still have issues with fleas you can spray your yard with some stuff they sell at lowest or home depot. we have to do that
  964. Giselle Rivas: I can tell the future ..... You....you....your mmmm...getting...divorced.... In...2 months I think
  965. Paola carbajal: use dawn the dish washer liquid. i know its for dishes but it helps for fleas. tryit. u will see
  966. Catie Hare: Dawn dish soap is a really good way to get rid of fleas too! Just use it as a shampoo on him
  967. Shanzey Burki: YASSS LOVE YOU x
  968. Alexa Moore: I feel like you answered this already, but how old is shadow again?
  969. Ded Wardm: I think It's time for a haircut
  970. 416.shayy: +Bellatrix Lestrange stfu, it's his first time cleaning up a dog, allow him to get used to it geeZ
  971. baby purple plum: When Joshua has kids he's going to be the BEST dad ever.......colleen is really going to miss out on a perfect dad👌
  972. Lily Fields: I gave my puppy her first bath a couple days ago, and she didn't really mind it as long as we wet her butt first.
  973. Caeli McMahon: I love erin!!!
  974. Lilly Nelson: Don't rub the shampoo in to him it will make his hair follicles hurt and that make him anxious and scared. So rub the shampoo in the way that his hair lays to prevent this from happening!
  975. trayleemia: I love watching your "first dog owner" journey! It's so awesome to see you learning things about not only dogs in general but also about Shadow's personality! :) You're a great father!! ❤
  976. FLORES 24: I know right :/ and on Snapchat Josh said that he's having problems with something..
  977. soflofam: Aww, poor baby! Hope those fleas are gone!
  978. Emma Rose: I literally watched this right after I washed my dog
  979. genegirgamer genesis: do the twist challeng
  980. Amneet: Well they got a divorce
  981. Kay Martin: Subscribing for the puppy!
  982. Viola Chasety: I wish Joshua still vlogged everyday. I came to see if he posted anything but there wasn't any and I'm okay with that cause I know he has his own life but I feel like we're not apart of it anymore😥
  983. username: oh how right you were
  984. Jacob: Josh we don't want to cause anything we just want to know what's going to be going on with your channel while this is happening
  985. Just Jill D: +JoshuaDTV Josh you are doing just fine with the baby.Just be Consistent.Patient and keep a good solid routine and both you and the pup will thrive.
  986. Jordan Purrington: SHADOW IS MY BF
  987. Ibby Z: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! His name is BUDDY!!!! You know what, I give up. Hey Shadow, nice name.😒😝
  988. mustang 123: I have a cat that looks like a skunk and he's name is peppa🐱
  989. Helen Sandoval: 😂
  990. TheSalisburyFamVlogs: Hahaha poor Pippen in the background... I bet his little dog thoughts were: "Oh no! Shadow got a bath?! I'm next!"
  991. geordan: He looks like a miniature pincher but I'm not sure
  992. XOMUA __: ya...saw that coming a mile away
  993. Beth Robbins: What breed is he???
  994. ava victoria: omg I'm so early😂 btw shadow is the cutest!🐶
  995. Arizona Iddon: +C-locbta no if you truly loved your pets you would get them done it can prevent them from testicular/cervical cancer etc
  996. Jennifer Taylor: next bath put a towel down in the tub so he will feel more secure. :)
  997. Brenna Cordeiro: Not me!
  998. Mia Castro: Duuude im commenting for no reason:))
  999. Tasha Moore: Dawn dish soap works GREAT! I use it on all my dogs even if they don't have fleas!
  1000. Lia Y: The good thing about washing them is that there soft after lol. Shadow's adorable
  1001. Abbercaddabers: Come back josh 😭
  1002. Catherine D17: Josh have you ever been to Europe and will you ever bring Shadow on you travels?😊😊🐕🐕
  1003. 20 ICA: What breed of dog do u have JoshuaDTV
  1004. Gracie fance: ❤️😂😂😂❤️😂😂❤️❤️
  1005. Jaylin: omg!!! Josh is perfect!!! He is such a great dad to his dog!!!
  1006. MissJill Grab: It takes 3 months for a flea population to go away...Keep him on Frontline Brand or K9 Advantix year round, forever! PM me with any questions, I'm a vet tech.
  1007. Madison Cook: I can't believe this YOU GUYS ARE GETTING A DIVORCE
  1008. Grace: +Robloxian Girl I don't think that was me.. Or maybe it was.. I have really bad memory but I don't think I've seen that video 😂
  1009. Jenna D: What video did Josh delete??
  1010. sizematters: the advantage and frontline flea drops that you rub into the back of their neck have never let me down for over 20 yrs. never had a problem after i started using them, both dogs and cats. the price has never changed either ..a 4 pack for 40.00 dollars and i re-appl every 3 months, so that's pretty good i think.
  1011. Cynthia Tomlinson: +Ultra K lmfao wtf? Hes saying its tear free so joshua should wash his head. What the hell are u goin on about?
  1012. Izzy Leclerc: Please make sure not to hold the hose on the bath too far away because to dogs skin it feels like pins and needles
  1013. Allison Dow: sending you so much love Josh 💙
  1014. Vic: XD 😂 when he tryed to run out of the bath XD 😂
  1015. Nya Mair: Little did he know that the next video he would be making would be the saddest video he's ever put on the internet.
  1016. sophie uselton: Did josh fall off the face of the earth? Where did he go?? 🙁
  1017. Diva ASMR: My puppies got fleas and we had to bath the a lot😭😭
  1018. O K: Poor dog...
  1019. playlist maker: Are you going to keep him or Colleen? Sorry if I affended you, because I didn't mean to
  1020. Emily: What a beautiful bathroom!
  1021. Eimear Dempsey: Josh where are you !?!? you've been missing for a week 😱😱 time to take out the missing person posters .... 😂😂 💜💙💜💙
  1022. Sarah Beth Webb: I think all puppies/dogs who don't like water shiver and hate baths because my puppy does that same thing
  1023. Emie _Tuesday: Definitely check around your house to make sure no fleas got on any of your furniture! lol been there lost a bed because my dog had fleas once lol
  1024. Cassidy Cushway: Daniel Mezquita samee
  1025. Natalie Funes: My dogs name is shadow and i got him two years ago as a puppy
  1026. Jasmine ღ: FiRST
  1027. Mimi Grace: I have a German Shepherd and it's so hard to give her baths 😂
  1028. V Brown: WHERE HAS JOSH BEEN
  1029. Madi Marie: Hi
  1030. Sommer Ballinger Evans: Aw adorable!How does he smell now?❤️❤️
  1031. Zoe Stafford: when he said f you sexy thing shadow gets it from his dad
  1032. Ilysa Emerson: Josh please stop using these weird thumbnails and use what you did last year and such? You didn't seem to fake anything back then
  1033. Bubble Gum: cute!
  1034. Think Vibrant: Triggered
  1035. Cake Brain: Get frontline plus
  1036. sierra johnson: Get him a collar for that stuff it keeps them away like a flea collar
  1037. Hero Of The Moon: my dog also has fleas around this time, and his name is shadow
  1038. KTnarnia: Was there one?
  1039. Jessica Bennett: Are you gonna fix shadow?
  1040. Sophia Jeansonne: No, josh got him and said that he his NOT her dog.
  1041. syd gustin: UGH!!!!! I MISS JOSH SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭
  1042. it only takes one: Beautiful soul was playing that's my jam!!
  1043. Madawi al saud: Did u get a DIVORCE!!??
  1044. Anya Merrill: I have bog like that
  1045. Rachel Farella: puppy pointer! if you talk to Shadow in a baby voice and saying "it's ok", he will then associate bath time as something wrong or something to be scared about. talk to him normal and encourage him that he is a good boy and he shouldn't be so shaky and scared! good luck, love you Josh! ❤
  1046. Livyloo: Can't wait to see you in DC at play list live ilysm😊😊❤️ and your viedos😂
  1047. Daisy Singh: You're supposed to wash his head too!!! Just put cotton balls in his ears and he'll be good to go!
  1048. Richard Carr: What happened to the video that was after this one?
  1049. Camy George: ERIN SHOULD VLOG!!!😂😂😂😂love you guys!!!!!!!😘😘😘😘
  1050. Crãzy. Kãrrã: I love this video I love all that videos you do
  1051. Jayden Sanchez: Where is Colleen
  1052. Steven Atwood: My dog is a Yorkshire terrier mixed with a dash hound
  1053. 123454321 123454321: have you got a divorce with colleen
  1054. Jacqueline Palumbo: What is josh talking about with his newest video called opening up??
  1055. tess rzeszutko: thts so weird my dogs name is shadow!
  1056. Sarah arvizu: I know how you feel. I have a silckie terrier. And when ever I give her a bath, I feel so bad.
  1057. Roger Krinic: Can you do a popping cooking with Erin?
  1058. honey bunches: +JessaJay they aren't rumors. They're opinions.
  1059. Ebony Sanchez: u should get a flea collar
  1060. SRON Productions: "When in doubt splash the d" I died 😂😂
  1061. Kristi W: I didn't not think fleas could live out here in California I thought it was too hot. My dogs haven't ever got fleas
  1062. Brooklyn Paetzold: I never thought the next video he was going to make was telling us that he was getting a divorce
  1063. American meets European: Our puppy Barney was the same. He was scared at first, but now loves water. He loves to jump in the river too!
  1064. Emily Walker: if he has fleas use dawn dish soap to wash him it kills the fleas
  1065. Ello Uwu: +Francesca Mariani he hasn't been posting because him and Colleen are getting a divorce he's lost and doesn't have peace right now and if he'd post then it wouldn't be real
  1066. Jess xox: Tøp clique where you @
  1067. Mishawaka Post: Still think Shadow is going to have to start his own YouTube channel so that we can get regular puppy updates.
  1068. Puppylove9225: Anyone else notice that Josh wasn't wearing his wedding ring? 😰💍
  1069. LivvLaugh Love: Have you heard of JW that's an awesome religion
  1070. GRC: You might want to de-flea your house also. The carpets, rugs and sofas may have fleas because of him
  1071. JessaJay: I hope he stays away as long as he needs to.
  1072. If I had house, I'd make every window glass: Shadow is so cute😍😍😀🐶🐶🐕
  1073. Ella T: 100th like is my biggest accomplishment today
  1074. lidsman22: You have have to to wash his head also. Why do you think the shampoo is tear free?
  1075. charleigh carrig: Omg I'm so early 😄😄
  1076. Ella Hamilton: 100 comment
  1077. The Mia Channel: Splash the d
  1078. Veronica Anderson: I keep coming back to hoshes channel to see a new video but nothing:( hope him and his wife are okay :( miss seeing them
  1079. Madawi al saud: WHERE IS COLLEEEEENNN
  1080. M L: shadow was my cat name
  1081. Shelby Schott: Megha Kamath can you give me a run down on what the video was about I never got to watch. It
  1082. Ashley Casiano: He gave him a bath the WORNG way
  1083. Colleen Heniff: Who agrees that josh needs to bring shadow to all of his shows
  1084. ThisIsSuzLife: Josh, I'm a dog groomer in Ohio and I work in a vet's office. I recommend you ask Shadow's veterinarian about flea protection. You want to make sure you are using a safe product on him. there are many different kinds. Some you apply topically and some they can take as chewables or pills. I think you did very well introducing him to his first bath. Just always make sure all the soap is rinsed off. I have enjoyed watching your videos with him. I love seeing rescued dogs find their furever homes!
  1085. Seneca Hill: make sure you clip his toenails! those things are so long. not trying to criticize, just want your pup to be as comfortable as possible :)
  1086. Destiny Cendejas: You should put some on his head,neck and stomach
  1087. AMQUIN 123: I MISS JOSH!!!:(((
  1088. Rufaidah Thabet: U guys, including u josh, since very one is complaining about ur white hair on ur beard. here is a fun fact. and a relatively young age, white hair indicates that u have more sense of realisation and responsibility and it also indicates that u have a great health.( relatively young as in 30s ish)
  1089. Srishti Bajoria: Guys why are the comments disabled for the previous videos
  1090. Maggie Specht: where'd you go, post more videos
  1091. Allyson: So early!!
  1092. xxjoon7 -: He's so cute!😻❤️
  1094. Caroline !!: I wonder y he hasn't uploaded in 3 weeks and he didn't even go to his father in laws birthday so I wonder what's going on
  1095. Samantha Posos: I thought he was getting rid of his hair
  1096. Tale Røseth: Heyy
  1097. Niousha Tork: oral flea meds work the best. I use nexguard on all my dogs. you can get it from the vet and it works great
  1098. Texas Tulip: Are there any updates? Is he quitting YouTube????
  1099. Iris Jackman: what type of dog is shadow
  1100. Trina Evangelista: Hi Josh!
  1101. Larissa Lang: Josh please tell us what's going on! We are all so worried :( Whatever it is I'm sure we can understand..
  1102. Mia Tabor: Hi josh ily
  1103. Leah Hall: Darius Gray This is exactly why he's taking a break. So many people are making up rumors, and making him look like a bad guy. We don't know what is actually going on so we just need to give him time, not make it worse!
  1104. Anya Mejer: X
  1105. DarkJoy00 Roman: You should take him to a veterinarian hospital and ask for a flee pill. If he takes it every 3 months he won't get flees again. 😉
  1106. sophie uselton: Same
  1107. Jeff Mitchem: why do dog's hate water so much and cat's hate water so much too
  1108. Tammi Oldham: Also make sure Pippin is treated for fleas as well since they've been playing together and wash your sheets and any of Shadow's bedding. That's where the fleas will be breeding, so you need to clean them or you could end up having the same problem all over again.
  1109. thatssochelsea: 😂😂😂
  1110. blurryangelus: So beautiful!!😭🐶
  1111. Fox43656 Games: Poor shadow ;-;
  1112. dancersingerlover: I use to have a dog about the size of Shadow. It works a little better to wash them in the sink instead of a bath tub. Also to get them more comfortable, cuddle with them for a while after the bath so that they look forward to after bath time. But especially with rescue dog sometimes the past owner do stuff that causes the dog to be scared.
  1113. Alyssa Nelson: Is he gonna get puppy support?
  1114. Badeshka R: when in doubt plash the d lololololol
  1115. Sabrina Moske: How did you come up with the name Shadow?? 🐕 He is so cute...💙
  1116. Abby Danielle: CHI HAS DOG SHAMPOO? LOLOL
  1117. Carina Swanson: Fun fact for those who have dogs: Dawn dish soap (blue kind) kills fleas. Just make sure you don't get it in your dog's eyes because ouch.
  1118. Danny vanisher63: Give the dog a bath twice a month to keep the fleas away and use a shampoo set that takes bugs and kills them then was the normal and that what we did and my dogs don't have flyes
  1119. Devon: Please come back we misss you <3
  1120. Sean: Why is he sad tho? He has a new house, a beautiful wife, a puppy, over a million subscribers... I mean, c'mon. Everyone is allowed to be sad sometimes, but his sadness seems to be borne of not having enough, his career, etc. It's like be grateful with what you have. However, maybe has a genuine reason to be sad like someone he loves is ill or something.
  1121. Gabby Ferrara: Peace love shadow
  1122. MondlerForever123: Yes, she's just busy on tour.
  1123. Luna Song: I saw your snap chat of shadow he was so cute jumping up at you
  1124. Kelsey Michelle: ❤️❤️🙌🏻
  1125. Siobhan: He's sooo cute 😍
  1126. Brianna 2018: I love Erin's voice
  1127. Júlia Piomonte: When there's 0 dislikes
  1128. clmcal 44: I love you, Josh and Erin, too
  1129. Morgan Garber: Love you josh! 💜
  1130. chrissyzcreationz: If you use Dawn dishwashing liquid before the puppy shampoo it kills all the live fleas on him so that he stops scratching and biting immediately. It really helps to give them relief till you can put the gel flea meds on his neck tomorrow! And yes, it's safe, vets and animal shelters use it all the time. Just regular old blue Dawn dishwashing liquid! Try to keep it away from his little eyes though!!
  1131. Olivia Mack: even though the medicine will work for the fleas The fleas might still be in your house so make sure you get some things for your house
  1132. Lauren Cat: The French though!!!
  1133. Emily Behymer: Tip: when your dealing with fleas apply the shampoo to the muzzle, ears, and rear first so fleas cant hide there then shampoo the rest.
  1134. Yael van den Brink: He Josh! if you put him in the bathtub without water and with a toy, and you repeat it a few times he wil probably like it more! I did it with my dog and now he loves showers and baths :)
  1135. Avery McGill: It's pronounced Chee and that's the brand😂 just thought I'd let you know👌🏻
  1136. Christina Hadjivarnava: So cute
  1137. missmerry xoxo: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Yx4QgK_xEfE WATCH THIS VIDEO PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!Like if you want josh to watch.
  1138. Katrina Schmiege: Josh you are the sweetest! i can tell you love your dog so much!
  1139. summit shaw: hi
  1140. Sydney Little: Blue dawn dish soap works as a flee remover as well. We use it on my dogs. (We meaning me and my mom)
  1141. Charlize Forbes: You need to wash him in the sink it will be less intimidating
  1142. Amy Williams: Just a tip! Put your legs in the tub with him and don't be afraid to get wet. Also if he gets super cold, go outside with him. Also wipe out his ears after a bath because since his ears are a tiny bit flopped down, it could trap the water in and cause an ear infection. Just saying!
  1143. Calvin Pittman: Hey Josh you should check out the dog whisperer for total dog health
  1144. quesadillo: Here
  1145. Sofia Donato: Puppy is adorable😍❤️😘💕😍😍
  1146. Annie Coyne: Uhm, he's human and in a public light 24/7. He doesn't need to tell the Internet every single thing, or every single issue he has. Some things are none of our business.
  1147. • yeet •: Umm 30 likes and 3 views?!
  1148. ChelsyB09: Hey josh. Do you have a po box?? I have something to send you and colleen
  1149. corrine nolan: please get him fixed
  1150. Lauren Seville: You will spend your whole life with a dog trying to get rid of fleas!!!! If you find them off of a dog, the most successful way to kill them is by getting them and slicing them with your finger nail!! Shadow is gorgeous though!! 😍😍😍
  1151. Cutie pie: " Look at you sexy beast!" I love u josh !
  1152. Vera: Were is your wifi
  1153. McRblArt Sue: Hey want to put me on Snapchat??
  1154. Emma Sanchez: Shadow is sooooooo cute!!😍
  1155. Julia xx: My dog is the same exact way in the bath😂😂
  1156. Abigaelle Bellevue: thank you
  1157. Erin Benn: It's not just about their eyes, which you do want to protect, but also their ears. It's not good to get water in a dog's ears. Please Google it.
  1158. Logan Orr: josh your best bet to get rid of the fleas and do not allow fleas on your dog again is get the prescription nexguard for him. it is safer and works the best
  1161. Jacqueline Is here my dudes: HI
  1162. MrPiglet: Why just why Dingelberries really?
  1163. Helideth Sanchez: aw poor puppy fleas suck. I use the medication and flea collar on my dog and he hasn't had fleas ever since we do the flea collar
  1164. Jordan Purrington: AWW POOR SHADOW
  1165. Hannah Bartlett: wait has he got two dogs?!?! It just one
  1166. Temparnillo69: Oh what a long journey you will be starting!!! Its just the begining! So cute!
  1167. Bec Mull: Why did you delete your last video? I hope everything is okay! :) <3
  1168. Emilee Turner: I love him so much
  1169. Jesus Lopez: Josh, Colleen, and Rachael have not been posting a lot. I feel like they have been growing away from YouTube a lot.
  1170. Kiersten Charney: get a seresto collar no fleas ever again
  1171. michaela_: 1st comment
  1172. Jamber McWilliams: 😄😝😜😔😒😉😚🐽🐒🐽🐺🏣🌆⛪⛪🏩🎃🎄🎒🔮🎄⛪🏩⛪🏩↘🔤↘↖⬅🔤🔼🌉⛲🚁✈😇😻
  1173. Simply Shannon: Its so cute! The way Josh talks to the dogs! 💜 Its just adorable! 😍👌🏻
  1174. Brooklin Bosco: I have 5 dogs and they all hate the bath. His reaction was perfectly normal. ✔️ I LOVE YOU!!
  1175. amber maika: shadow is so cute
  1176. Amanda G: First
  1177. Anita Mahajan: Why is Joshua not posting anything on YouTube anymore? I miss him..nd I don't know anything cause my phone broke three weeks ago:(
  1178. Emily Brown: josh, dont keep the soap on him. make sure you get it all off because shadow is gonna itch like crazy.
  1179. Lexi: Shadow looks exactly like our dog, Taro. The shelter told us taro was a Beagle mix!
  1180. Anonymous: its true
  1181. Mimi Al yousefi: Ohhhh so cute
  1182. Hashim Ali: i think he's a little too big for the sink XD
  1183. Kaitlyn LeAnn: Ok let me take a second and say I HEARD JESSE FREAKIN MCARTNEY IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!
  1184. burnthisguitar: Core message
  1185. Alyssa: My dog had fleas when we have had him for about 3 months...it was horrible. My parents made me and my brother CLEAN THE ENTIRE HOME FOR 2 MONTHS EVERY SINGLE DAY. But anyways, make sure that Shadow doesn't have contact with other dogs, don't bring him outside all the time (only to go potty) and to clean the couches, carpet or anything that fleas hide in with borax (it's okay my dad called our vet and said it was fine). My dog had fleas under him, on his stomach/crotch area didn't know that dogs don't usually have fleas there but my dog is special...I guess.
  1186. Liat Radetsky: Do you guys live by Joey Graceffa? Your houses are similar styles!
  1187. theekruts: COME BACK
  1188. Queen black lighting Martinez: Take how long u need 2yrs 5yrs how long u need we with u and well coll
  1189. Rhonda Bernard: All canines should be milked during a bath.
  1190. makayla s: fleas are really bad for puppys
  1191. Lindsey Miller: When you give him flea medicine get stuff like nexguard it I more expensive bu it works on all dogs and is known to be one of the best flea medicines
  1192. Dandra Creer: Joshua : look at you you sexy beast. Me : why thank you....oh wait he's talking to the dog never mind
  1193. Lauren Tedeschi: He's so cute!!
  1194. Kristin Browning: awww Josh is such a great doggy daddy <3
  1195. Carys Ann Wesley: How come josh replies to other people and never replies to me
  1196. Jasmine R: he has been bathed once
  1197. Natalie Funes: He looks like my dog look ay my photo
  1199. Emily Tuba: Just a tip, dogs hate having their feet in deep water (at least my dog because she moves to the shallower part) so I recommend keeping the water level low.
  1200. Cassidy Xiong: ur boring im unsebscribing
  1201. Jessica Orndorff: If he is under 14 weeks I believe he cannot have flea medication on him. Dawn dish soap will take the living ones off and kill them. :) Puppy parent of 3 🐾✌🏼️
  1202. Peta Moon: When they divorce what is going to happen to the dog?
  1203. Jordan Purrington: PUPPY
  1204. Heather Pittore: awww
  1205. Tara Starburst94: his sister , Erin
  1206. Sam Childs: I wonder how old shadow is🤔 he is so cute😄
  1207. brazenbasil 16: *dislikes just to spite*
  1208. Psimple Gamer: A lot of dogs act like they hate getting baths but when they get out and can run around they have the time of their lives so don't be too concerned.
  1209. Sadie Silent fall: is josh quiting you tube
  1210. Katrina Collins: Can someone please tell me what breed of dog Shadow is??
  1211. Shelly Lambert: MY DOGS NAME IS SHADOW!😀
  1212. joshua simango: Awwwwwwwwwwwww so cute
  1213. Annie Kate Kane: Ilysa Emerson are you joking he's literally bathing his freaking dog which was in the freaking video
  1214. Shelley Hampton: Wait they make chi for dogs lol
  1215. Crãzy. Kãrrã: please keep making more
  1216. Alice O'Donnell: omg love you so ok much Josh
  1217. Jake Mumblesteen: i
  1218. Lori Fahan: What is Joshua's uploading schedule?
  1219. Dad's Tea: I know the neck stuff you're probably using. I'm letting you know that it really is horrible. I ended up getting nextguard for dogs from my local vet. Best stuff ever. Took my dog to the groomers about a week ago and she shaved him and everything, said she didn't see a single flea on him. It's worked wonders.
  1220. Melissa Pitts: i miss josh
  1221. Tina Mureilla: Thank you for rescuing. I always do 🐶💖
  1222. Kaitlyn LeAnn: +Foxesforlife 12 Colleen is on tour
  1223. Bum ble: +WydJemma thank you!
  1224. November Moon: Does Josh still have his doggy??
  1225. XOMUA __: well it's pretty obvious something is wrong and I am definitely curious about it, Ive noticed colleen has been back for a while and she hasn't even been home, she's been at her mom's or sisters In the videos she's posted
  1226. Emma Hawkins: Did no one else hear at the end they were listening to Jesse McCartney. That made me love them so much more.
  1227. Aidan Thornbrough: My dog is so small we just give her a bath in the sink 😂😂. Ik it sounds weird but its easier because you dont have to squat down or have them run away in the bath or shower
  1228. Valeria Martinez: splash the D 😂😂😂
  1229. Hope Eliana: OMG my dogs always go hyper after the've had a shower 😂❤
  1230. Hailey Brock: he stopped making videos because of the divorce
  1231. Taylor: It's pronounced "Chee" not "Chai". Lmao.
  1232. sdw5080: What breed of dog is shadow?
  1233. Max Campbell: Who's the girl in the video?
  1234. Lydia Lenae: you need to clean your carpets because the eggs are still in there, and flea collars work best on my dog he is a fat version of Shadow lol. when you give him baths but dove soap around his neck first so you don't have to wash his head and so the fleas don't migrate to his head. the dove soap is okay for his skin and makes him smell super clean and good
  1235. Katrina Collins: What breed is he?
  1236. Lori Fahan: Come back josh 😭
  1237. Oh never mind its just me: Snapchatter Xoxo it's Joshua's sister
  1238. Marie Arana: What breed is shadow
  1239. mustang 123: come on Josh VLOG!!😠
  1240. Joseph Caraballo-Lugo: My dog is 7 months old and my dad has to get in the shower with him!!
  1241. Katie Ponsonby is cool: Who is that girl and does Colleen know she gonna be mad if she don't know that girl @joshuadtv
  1242. Dory Gean Cunningham: Josh, you may want to talk to your vet for month flea and tick Meds to help future times. Also, you may want to look into a spray for any furniture were fleas lay eggs also. We had a horrible flea infestation on our dog Coltrane when we had fostered another pup that we were told didn't have fleas.
  1243. Ava Zay: He ain't faking anything. Stop lieing to your self saying that your comment actually is something Peopel care about.
  1244. Erin Elisabeth: Yeah, I heard rumors that they actually got married last year. Rumor has it their love transcends the physical distance from each other that their jobs require. Pretty sure it's true.
  1245. Adopt Don't Shop!: Please use medications for Shadow that are Veterinarian recommended rather than pet store recommended.
  1246. Jacob: He took down his video and his tweet
  1247. Diana and Aldo: Ashley Casiano but you spelled "WRONG“ wrong.
  1248. Carys Ann Wesley: Never been this early anyone else?😂
  1249. Beat Bri: u cant wash his ears
  1250. Caitlyn Pederson: Josh is not taking us for granted. He's been going through a lot of stuff in his personal right, and his supposed "fans" are spreading rumors about what happened that aren't even true. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't want to post for a while. People keep trying to figure out his personal life, when none of it is our business
  1251. Tigergirl1987: Joshua, you're doing everything a proper pet-parent should do and you're doing amazing! Just be glad Shadow is not a cat...now giving CATS a bath......-_-that's a whole other ball game! For your flea situation, definitely keep with what the pet store is saying. If I may, I would look into purchasing Cedar chips and I believe my pet store said eucalyptus oil...fleas hate those scents! I would place the chips randomly like under couches and rugs so that way Shadow doesn't get to it, but it will still affect the fleas Also look into a flea comb and once in a while do a decent combing, but make sure you have a bowl of hot water with a splash of alcohol or nail polish remover. When you comb and you pick up any fleas or eggs, dunk the comb in the water to clean the comb. The mixture helps to kill fleas and eggs. Thanks so much for all you do and Shadow is super lucky to have you!
  1252. Stephanie Torres: 😃😃😃😃😍😍😍
  1253. gaming no crime: i always wash my dog with the hose on the side of my house
  1254. WhatKindOfBlue: splash the D(TV)
  1255. Maia Stevenson: 239 !
  1256. s731s: +Me Ow now that we know what's going on, I wonder if you look back on your comment and consider the thought that maybe you were a little harsh. Regardless of who has done what, they are both in a lot of pain. This is a difficult time for them and even Josh himself said he wants to fight for their marriage, but it's Colleen who doesn't want to. Not that I agree or disagree, or place blame, or consider it my business, but I hope that we can all give them love during this hard time :) hugs from Canada
  1257. kaelyn: this video makes me happy
  1258. ilyAri: "Peppin it's okay!" I died at that part AHHA
  1259. Ava-jay Mellor: I lv ya all
  1260. Griselda Alfaro: 💖💖💖
  1261. Mack Faith: I have a wiener dog and he is 7 years old and he does the same thing in the bath!
  1262. Vic: Adorable little Shadow!
  1263. Vanessa Azevedo: +Chenoa JeffreysBaker isnt it always better for there skin!!!
  1264. Vanessa Azevedo: when shadow is much older you should always use puppy shampoo, because its nicer on the dogs coat and fur. Older dog shampoo can be to strong for dogs since they have sensitive skin!!
  1265. Alley Chabot: Woah hey I'm wicked early
  1266. abigail: Hey what's up Joshua I know this is a old video but I just wanted to let you know when you bathe a dog with fleas you want to get the head really good because when there body gets wet the fleas try to get away and go for the head (don't think dirty plz)
  1267. Karlie Vezzetti: because he has fleas, your whole house probably has them.
  1268. Femke Elisabeth: What breed is Shadow? He's adorable! ❤️
  1269. kayleigh bergold: dogs like baths better if you use plastic cup to put water on them and with a smaller dog i would recommend a bath in a kitchen sink
  1270. Makayla Musgrove: I know you don't want a lot of advice, but edible flea and tick treatments work better
  1271. Izzy's zone: Awww ur puppy's so cute my dog had flees before and me put the medicine on her neck i forgot what its called but it work then we gave her a bath wash to clear the flees off
  1272. Abigail Rose: It could be that he was abused by his old owners in water like they would make him go under water for long periods of time and so he's scared of having that happen again. That's what happened to my old dog.
  1273. H a l e y M a y: Where have ya been Josh ??
  1274. valerie Green: AWE your such a good daddy ! given him a bath :) makes me excited for my dog
  1275. Pale Vampire: I had a cat with fleas once so I asked the person I got her from if she was old enough for flea treatment, she said yes; turned out the cat wasn't old enough and it died a few hours later. I was devastated
  1276. Anastacia Aguilar-Aguilera: dawn with lemon juice mixed works perfect for fleas with one to two baths!
  1277. Staceylwolf: Miss you and hope you are doing well!
  1278. Lotte Xx: I couldn't handle all the sadness so I came this video for comfort
  1279. Gabou small: JOSH talk French Hahahahaha 😂 Merci beaucoup
  1280. Chloe Mc: Adorable puppy!
  1281. Amy Myles: Me to I'm from Ireland
  1282. jen johnston: Your dog is cute and stuff but.... that bathroom <3
  1283. No one interesting: 😢😣😦 SHADOW IS SO CUTE!
  1284. Ciara.: This is the earliest I have been!!!!!😂😂
  1285. Erin Benn: Yes, we give our dog monthly flea and heart worm pills in the US. That's what everyone should do here, but judging by some theses comments, it doesn't appear everyone is. Either that or they're mostly just young kids commenting. 😆
  1286. Michael Denny: WOW! I guess all the Josh haters are happy now that Colleen is divorcing him. Sad!
  1287. gymnastics flexible.sistersx: aww
  1288. Lily Smiles: EXCUSE ME, but from what it seems, he is going through a rough time. You are trying to say that he needs to do things that he shouldn't have to do. He might be sick in the hospital for all we know, and do go to school/work when you are sick. Also he does still get money from merch, and still gets more views, comments, and subscribers everyday. He also might have picked up another part time job, or wui. Please stop being rude and mean to Josh, as he obviously needs some alone time. We are assuming too much and it's not fair to Josh. I don't care about haters, because everyone is free with their own opinions, but please, don't assume.
  1289. Libby Hughes: He's so cute❤️I remember my dogs first bath and he was terrified to🛁
  1290. Jessa T124: Cutest thing ever.
  1291. Koree Jennifer: You should sprinkle diatamatious earth on your carpets to get the fleas out of the carpet you should also clean whatever type of fabric he was on so like your bed and couches
  1292. Maya Jewel: I thought you gonna breeder but instead I heard you got on for the shelter good job you saved that little pup
  1293. Popularmmos 101: is the do urs or Colleens w y devorced 😢😢
  1294. Rachel D: +Erin Fay I'm aware that getting water in a dogs ears isn't good, but there are ways of washing a dogs head and face without getting water in their ears. When a dog's eating, especially puppies, they can get food in their fur around their mouth and should be washed. It was just a suggestion, they can do whatever they want.
  1295. May Love: Use Dawn Soap (the blue; original kind). Lol I know it's sounds dumb but when my dogs had fleas, my vet told me to do that and it worked! The stuff in the soap kills fleas but won't hurt there body. Then after you bath him in dawn soap you can use regular dog soap so he will smell good😊 just a tip, cause it helped my puppy!
  1296. sugargliderlove123: is he a rat terrier? great video
  1297. Saba H: My rabbit does the same thing when I give her a bath!!😛😝🐇
  1298. Addict With Twenty Øne Heathens: IVE NEVER BEEN SO EARLY!!!!!!!!
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