Let me tell you why 2018 wasn't so bad :) - joss stone new bond 007 video game

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

Let me tell you why 2018 wasn't so bad :)

  1. Jessica Waldo: I got pregnant with my second baby who is due in July!! And I got a promotion!
  2. L.: +Theresa Lackey I know but it's totally worth it because I love my subject (maritime archaeology), all the best! X
  3. oui: ✌🏼️
  4. Bobbie: Sorry 2018 sucked I was diagnosed with MS sooo......hoping 2019 is way better
  5. Toochie: I hope nothing but awesome things for you & the beautiful Pamela in 2019! You deserve it so much!!
  6. E. Stickels: You look better with some meat on you
  7. Roxanne Dee: Love you Josh... all the way from the Philippines. 😊
  8. Valerie Linares: Hey Josh, First, I want to say I am SOOO happy for you and Erin and all the good things that happened for you guys in 2018. I know you went through a lot in the past and I'm so glad you are at a place where you're happy and healthy. So, if I were to generalize 2018 for myself, I'd say it was pretty hum-drum. However, one good thing that happened was that I reconciled things with my best friend. From the end of 2016 through the beginning of 2018, our friendship experienced some difficulties due to some strenuous situations. I was hurt for a long time because of some things that were done and said. But, 2018 was the year I finally began to truly forgive him, and began to heal from the hurt that was caused. Today, our friendship is miles better than it has been in a long time. So, I'm glad for that.
  9. Julia Morrison: i starting dating the love of my life
  10. Bean's House Elf: Dude, come back on the regular! (And bring Pamela along with you.)
  11. Di Life and Style: Girl, you don't wanna be with someone who doesn't want to be with you! You deserve so so much better than that!! Much love to you in 2019. Make it a "me" year. ♥️ 😊
  12. Harry Krinkle: 2018 was fairly horrible in terms of society as a whole (Though Democrats taking back the House was definitely a positive), but for me, personally, it was one of my favorite years. I'm a writer, and in 2018, I finally wrote things I'd been planning for years or even decades. None of it has seen the light of day (Yet), but just having written it was the most amazing thing.
  13. Theresa Alvarado: In 2018 I finally decided to pull myself out of a 4 year slump, started actually leaving my home again. And started the process to see a doctor.
  14. Tobilover: 2018...I met the love of my life. I shed some toxic people and environments. I started building a house. All in all...I can't complain. :) I'm glad 2018 brought you so much joy Josh.
  15. Nicole Melendez: Ughhh Rice Krispies treats and cookies
  16. Tempa Haines: In 2018.... My husband and I became certified for foster care, we brought two daughters into our home, and found out we were pregnant with our first baby 10days later!! Due in 2weeks :) I LOVED 2018!
  17. Nathan Walker: Josh, you needed to gain some lbs. You wear it well.
  18. Candice Stover: His face looks swollen lol
  19. lusi ñuña: Started my dream job. Got promoted within 4 months. 2018 was not all bad
  20. Dolores Walme: Good luck!! 2018 i lost more than 60 pounds cause i had a heart attack.. i want to achieve my weight goal this year too
  21. Gwendoline Valles: Graduated from college and have been taking some much needed "me time" since. It's the best decision I've ever made. Loved 2018. A year of New beginnings and growth.
  22. Brandie Ownby: I went to my first tattoo convention in October and won 3rd place for best color tattoo. I was not expecting that.
  23. Rachel Mateya: I worked for a dance school for 4 years, the director drained me dry of creativity, my technical dance knowledge, and paid me far below what I deserved. This year I was able to join not one, two, but THREE dance studios and I have never been happier in my career. I feel loved and valued by my student's, directors, & entire dance families. I had to find my self worth and walk away when my loyalty was feeding the problem not finding a solution. 2k19 is about knowing my self worth as an artist and as a human being and not accepting less then MY best product for each new task at hand! Love you Josh, can't wait for the next update 💖
  24. allegedlyally: In 2018 I got my associate's degree, finally got my drivers license (at the age of 20 lol), bought a car, started working full-time at my job, and paid off my student loan debt so that I am now debt-free. It was one of the best, most productive years of my life!
  25. Abbie Hamby: Josh! I want to meet you! I started watching more of your youtube videos in 2018. I love ya! So glad you are happy!
  26. Sylvia Candelo: I never comment but I just wanted to say i love watching your videos. You are very handsome and talented. I am glad 2018 was a great year for you and I hope that 2019 is even better. Something great that happened to me in 2018 is I got promoted at work. The step up wasn't a huge pay raise but I felt like I accomplished something and that felt good. I also watched my little brother(who I raised) graduate high school and I couldn't have been more proud! I HOPE YOU READ THIS.
  27. Jen Einstein: So happy for you!! You and Pamela are beautiful together. 2018 was great for the same reason 2017 and 2016 and the last part of 2015 was good-- I got to be a mommy to the most amazing little girl.
  28. fifi Aspis: I had my second child in 2018 💓 Wish you all the best Josh. Say hi to Rose
  29. Dustin James: Clearly you’re starting 2019 off with such a positive bang! 🤔
  30. Lauren Farris: That intro was so cringe
  31. Dr Reeves: +something wicked thank you he's a big ham and 13yr old named Casper
  32. Kimberly Mitchell: I love your encouragement for others to also be positive and look at the bright side of things. It's so refreshing and truly makes my heart happy to see people putting good vibes out into the world. My happy things in 2018 were that my husband and I bought our first home, and in doing that we got to move close to friends and live in a place that suits us much more than where we were living before. I also got a new job that is definitely a step up from my last job. :)
  33. Mommies&Makeup: 2018 started with my 2nd miscarriage and 2019 is starting with a healthy pregnancy/baby/mama...it literally turned from one extreme to the other and I am beyond grateful. Also 2018 marked the start of our families journey to finally owning our own home, thanks to an incredible organization who along with several other companies custom built and GAVE us our forever home. My husband is a disabled veteran and our community came together to give this amazing gift to our family. So 2018 was great for our family, it had its bumps, but through faith and love, here we are!
  34. Dwight Turner: Outstanding!
  35. Shelly Pedrick: In 2018, I was able to finally get a job with health insurance! Aaaand my husband and I found out we are expecting a baby boy! Best way to top 2018 :)
  36. Katherine Lindsay: Some positive things of 2018. Is that I published two books which I was nervous about but it sparked me to write more. I got into university, I went to New York for the first time in which I fell in love with, my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer but she had surgery to remove it and now she is cancer free. It was tough year but I’m thankful that my mom is okay above all else she is the best I could not imagine loosing her.2018 was a tough year and one of the most challenging emotional years of my life because in the same week my mom was diagnosed, my grandmother passed away. It was crazy how everything happened but I’m grateful for 2019 because I see this year as a year to accomplish a lot of my goals and to focus on health, prosperity, happiness, and wealth. May 2019 be a great year for everyone! Happy New Years! :)
  37. Ana Turcios: Happy for you two!
  38. Char Bar: My aunt has cancer and she survived another year. She was given six months to live and she's survived 3 years 😊😍😘
  39. Shruti Shinde: I am so glad you are so happy . You deserve it and so much more .
  40. Erin Portine: I met my wonderful boyfriend. I learned that it's okay to not have total control over things. I learned to enjoy the little things in life again and laugh at the silly stuff. I fell down a few times, but I continued to fight and stand a lot taller now than I did. 2019 - I will be getting my bachelor's degree and starting my master's program! Looking forward to 2019 being just as amazing as 2018!!!! Keep being awesome Josh! <3
  41. Joaquin Gonzales: Debbie Dattilo he addressed that a while ago...
  42. Crystal Boven: Man your wife is feeding you well I like husky men especially in the winter time to snuggle up to you still look good !! 2018 I had eye surgery on my left eye I couldn’t see much out of that eye it was scary after surgery I saw colors I saw everything such a big difference I cried & I hugged my Dr ... in 2018 I finally got my smile back thanks to a fantastic Dentist name Dr . Love I told him my story & how I wanted to look normal & he made me look normal I got choke up when I smiled & I had to renew my driver’s license you should of seen me I had the biggest smile 😊 the lady said you have such a pretty smile omg I lit up lie a Christmas Tree & it felt awesome to hear that !!! I also lost 35 lbs due to me not drinking caffeine anymore aka soda pop I’m so happy !!!
  43. Staceylwolf: ❤️
  44. Artartbaby: <3 <3
  45. Danielle King: In 2018, I became pregnant with my first child, married the love of my life, gave birth to my baby girl, was in the snake pit while seeing Taylor Swift and my gorgeous niece was born. It was an amazing year!!!
  46. AbbyOlive: Chloe _ go you!!!
  47. Shaijah Wolf: Chickens are fiberless dead animal corpses with e-coli. Try vegan chickun’ wings(?) I used to get sick with colds n flu all the time b4 I went vegan 12 yrs ago. Good luck ❤️
  48. jenn g: I got engaged to my high school sweetheart after 9 years of dating 😊💕
  49. Nancy Fernandez: My husband and I bought a house 😊
  50. glitter_ queen: Happy new year Josh! Also u and Pamela are the cutest couple 😍 Edit: in 2018 I got a new dog💜
  51. heyoshenanigans: I’m glad you’re doing well buddy!
  52. Rochelle Bjorklund: In 2018 I was saved and born again. Also, my husband and I decided to start trying for our first child. Hopefully 2019 brings us a new family member :)
  53. Sheena Aikins: The most meaningful thing that happened for me in 2018-December 10th 2018 was one full year since I had a panic attack! I feel like my Anxiety & Depression are FINALLY under control! Also, Josh, you're still cute, weight gain or not :)
  54. Elizabeth Rose: 2018 was a major year of success for me. I advanced so much in school and my relationships. 2018 was a pretty good year for me, and I hope it only gets better from here!
  55. Sofia Melton: I love this positivity. It legit made my day.
  56. Pooh & Stitch: I finally found happiness and contentment again...maybe really for the first time in my life. I'm happy with me and my life. I found peace again. :)
  57. Amber Evans: I got pregnant with my first baby and it's a girl!!! And the best thing that will ever happen in 2019 is she'll be born!!! January 29th can't come soon enough🤩🙌😁
  58. Remy James: 2018 Experiences: Graduated from undergrad receiving my BA in Theatre Performance Got accepted to a graduate program and started my path to get my MFA in Acting I got to be a camp councilor at one of the greatest christian camps I've ever attended I was in like 5 shows this year and joined an improv group IT WAS SO GOOD
  59. dutch2061: I’d like to see Josh do the Hot Ones challenge with Sean Evans.
  60. JennyB2004: I survived breast cancer. I’d say that’s a pretty positive thing about 2018.
  61. Jordan Nurney: In 2018 I realized I can walk away from toxic people and have felt very free by doing so.
  62. JoshuaDTV: heck to the yeah
  63. Amanda Nicole: I got engaged
  64. adorkablefatty Piedra: I lost my brother in law on may 17th last year, It has been very difficult but I have to say watching my sister get through this has been a positive thing. I miss jose so much and can only imagine how my sister feels and the kids. Although it was horrible, everything finally seems to be falling in place for them. they deserve. Anyway, I hope this year brings you even more joy.
  65. CuckooaliceASMR: I flew on a plane for the very first time with my beautiful girlfriend to Poland twice had the most delicious dumplings 🥟 ever and my beautiful baby niece was born when I got back
  66. Elizabeth Marino: I. Need. More. Of. This. I LOVE YOU TWO!!!!
  67. Allison S. Sunflower: I’m proud of you Joshua. You have overcome some pretty big things and are headed for eternal bliss with someone who is centered around you and making a life with you. I wish you both nothing but the best.
  68. CarrieDreams: Like you and Pamela I’ve been able to reconnect with a guy I had a relationship with five years ago... we’re together now and closer than ever, he’s truly the love of my life! I turned 25 in July and even though it was the last month of 2018 I finally graduated college with my bachelor’s degree!! 😁 #2018NotThatBad
  69. Mark Estes: Stop triggering my Alexa!! lol
  70. esaplllovatic: +rachdeeful thank you very much!
  71. Britt's Life: In 2018, I started going to therapy and have been doing some amazing work that has really made an impact on my life.
  72. Izzy LC: I turned 21 and got engaged at Walt Disney world! 2018 was a fab year for me and I'm so glad it was great for you too Josh x
  73. Allison Terrey: I moved to Spain for four months and learned Spanish! Now I’m continuing with Spanish and I want to use it in my future career as an occupational therapist :)
  74. Chloe _: Looking back, I think the highlight of my 2018 was walking out of school on March 14th. I'm only 16, and until then, I felt like all I could do was sit back and arch my country crumble. That day, I was on top of the world. I'm not going to get into becuase I don't wanna upset people...but before that day, I had never been more proud of my generation 🧡
  75. axebel: In 2018 I fell in love again 💙 after thinking I wasn't gonna be able anymore.
  76. Madison Telfer: My all-time favorite food is sushi. 100% without a doubt sushi
  77. Alie Smith: I love you so much! Your existence itself makes me so much happier so thank you. You are the absolute best. 😍❤
  78. Melissa Buday: I had a lot of ups and downs in 2018 but my favorite was meeting my best friend Marissa in October in New York for the first time. We’ve been waiting 3 years to meet and it finally happened and that’s a memory I’ll never forget
  79. Bree Ariaz: 2018: I moved up to a management position where I work. Got engaged to my best friend of seven years. Chose my bridesmaids. Found out I was going to be an aunt! Got a new car. Overcame depression, and most importantly, grew closer to God and discovered new ways to bless others. Thank you for sharing this video! It has made many realize the good things life has brought them.
  80. winnieheart's adventures: I just realized you look like Ryan Cabrera!
  81. Caitlyn Ann: I love how you made your ad entertaining and fun to watch
  82. Harry Krinkle: Definitely. Congratulations.
  83. Nicole Daemen: 2018 for me was a great year :) I graduated from the conservatory, I got my drivers license and I started playing in a new cool band. I also found the time again to take up guitar lessons for the first time since years. I am composing my own singersongwriter songs and making piano compositions, and I learned how to work with photoshop and adobe premiere. This was a year where I learned a lot and I am very greatful for 2018 :) (Sorry if my grammar or spelling is wrong, english is not my first language)
  84. JustJay: This was so sweet! Wishing you all the best in 2019. :)
  85. 0622MJ: Happy New Year! Let’s see...good things...Seasons and your cover of Say Something. These songs were on heavy rotation during my travels around Europe this year. And that travel to see my closest friends was wonderful.
  86. Haya kay: I made a documentary in Portugal this summer and I got engaged to the love of my life in December.. 2018 was wonderful!
  87. Karina Lazo: Wishing for you and Pamela to have another amazing year!
  88. Nic Leach: I’m happy 2019 is here it will be a better year for me and my family as 2018 was a year off loss for us
  89. Lizzy Haddrell: Dat weight gain
  90. LadySapheira: There was only two good things that happened in 2018 for me. 1 I went to monsterpalooza and met kane hodder, my favorite Jason vorhees actor, got a picture with him and autograph, and two I got to see my mom, sister and nieces a few times.
  91. Sydney Christman: In 2018, I graduated high school and moved to college. Still adjusting and it can be something I don’t always enjoy but I’m excited to be in a new chapter of life
  92. Jules Noname: I’m glad you’re gaining weight. You were too thin. You look healthy and happy now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  93. reina721: You can do it!!!
  94. Chris Hunt: My beautiful granddaughter turned one!!! I think you look great Josh!! You and Pamela are perfect together!!! Much love to you both!!!
  95. cynthia sanchez: Chick fil a
  96. Stacy Rivera: Hello, Joshua. For some reason, I can't comment on your instagram photo. I just wanted to say, you look like you could be Lochlyn Munro's son lol 👌🏻
  97. Ruby in the crutches: Being disabled and wanting to get a job is hard,but in 2018 I was able to get my first job ever! So ,yay!
  98. lizbware: It's so good to see you happy! Where one door closes another one opens. <3
  99. Sandy M Rosado Mercado: 2018 completely changed my life and in huge part because I met one of the most spectacular women I've ever met. After a very long and difficult time of unemployment and devastating hurricanes leaving us in the dark for months on end. When the year started, we hated the call center job we both happened to get out of pure necessity. She asked me to come work with her at a great local shop in Old San Juan and that was that. I got to go on vacation to Canada with some of the people I love most in the world. I got to go on a work trip to Shelter Island in New York. I started working at a family members medical practice. And after over a year of apartment hunting and reconnecting with my childhood best friend, moved into a great new place. I got to ring in the new year with my two best friends in pijamas.
  100. Laura Sue: So cool that you have a friend like Charlie! My closest friend and me are EXACTLY the same - she’s born 14 days earlier than me and our mums were friends and still are until today, so we became friends from day one. I was her maid of honor last year and clearly can say those kind of friendships are so so special, you go together through so much and you can be very proud that you kept this friendship. Have a great 2019 Josh!
  101. Amy Rohr: JennyB2004 💗🎉 Congrats!!!!!!
  102. Brianna L Buckner: My dad was healed from cancer and I recovered from a difficult breakup. These two hard things turned into something amazing and I’m so thankful ❤️🙌🏻🙏🏻
  103. JoshuaDTV: you got in? WOOOOO!!!!!! awesome Joanna
  104. Kristine Lescano: anyone else peep the Hillsong There is More album when he scrolled down i tunes ;)
  105. Emily Bickel: I got into my major of Special Education and Elementary Education in 2018! It has been so nice seeing you so happy in 2018 and I hope that continues into 2019.
  106. tozzilil: I lost my dad to cancer in 2017 and lost my ability to have children in 2018. I’m not feeling too hopeful for 2019. Sorry, I can’t be positive right now.
  107. TraciK: Great to see you so happy! I'm one that was glad when 2018 was over, but know 2019 will be a much better, sweeter year.
  108. JoshuaDTV: love you too!
  109. GallatinGirl13: One hard low was our family dog, Evie, had to be put down. That completely destroyed me for a while. Some of the celebrated highs were: going to Chicago to visit 2 close friends, getting to see Maroon 5 live, and attending 2 weddings for beloved friends and celebrating the future with them 💜💜💜
  110. RichH: My kid passed his exams and my wife got a brilliant promotion at work. 2018 was pretty awesome.
  111. Jessica Nunez: Highlights of my 2018 were I finally learned how to drive and I was blessed with another Niece. ❤
  112. JoshuaDTV: THIS is amazing. So happy for you!
  113. Éva Tóth-Bumberák: It was the best and the worst year at the same time. I got married to the love of my life, but we lost my little nephew after he was born. I wish for a happier 2019. 🙂
  114. Emily buckley: Congrats Josh so glad you found chicken wings lol and pamela
  115. Shevala Jo: i'm so happy for you and your sister
  116. Christian Chacon: :)
  117. Emily Bickel: I was so excited when I saw that you posted another video, just know that we appreciate the content from you and that it brings so much joy just to see how happy you are.
  118. Katie Lee: In 2018, I... - started my last year of high school - traveled to many places (LA, Mendocino/Fort Bragg, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Bodega Bay, Museum of Ice Cream, Chico, probably forgetting other places) - I managed to get straight A’s the first semester of senior year while taking 4 AP classes (4.57 GPA) - I hit 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel I’m so grateful for my family and friends for supporting me and loving me❤️
  119. Michele Charlston: As of September 29, 2017 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and in January 2018, I went into remission May 22, 2018 my sister gave me her stem cells for transplant which I am fortunate...Still to this day I am in remission, So I have alot to be thankful for!!! And been through alot, not only me but my children and family my sister's are dear to my heart... Good luck with everything you do Josh and Pam...
  120. Hanan Miles: I prepared to get a fish I spent a lot of time with my baby cousin I baked...A LOT I went to Little People of America. Yeah. It was a pretty okay year.
  121. KatsObsession: My 2nd child, my daughter came into this world in 2018! And I decided to stay home and give up my career to be with both my kids. It was a fantastic world wind year.
  122. joyofdawn: Our first year as homeowners. It's been fun watching things come together. We have a long way to go with house remodeling but it is nice dreaming up plans. Love our new flooring and kitchen cabinets!
  123. JoshuaDTV: I'm loving all of the positivity and moments you're sharing in the comments. Keep them coming and know I love ya!
  124. reina721: kcallamajaji it took me 2 years to conceive my son! Hope your appointment is good!!! ❤️
  125. Nikkole Perez: I lost 80 pounds in 2018, I finally put myself first 😌😌
  126. Andrea Pait: I connected back into Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Except for negative comments...I'm so glad that I did. I also scheduled my spine surgery which is a complete success on my 3rd day of recovery. 2018 was successful for me otherwise. We all can't be perfect in health, but there are many people who are much more worse off than I.
  127. Lacy T.: Wishing you an amazing 2019! 2018 had do many ups and downs, but finding the positive where you can makes tough things much more bearable!
  128. Dalia Barraza: I started putting short covers on Instagram and I’m so proud cause I love to sing ❤️
  129. holyspiritfirefall: 2018 was tough for many reasons BUT more importantly----to wake up to a new day each day makes it a good year! Happy your year was SO awesome, Josh! You have been missed and sure love you and Pamela, Josh<3 <3 <3 Here's to 2019 and all the blessings God has in store to you and Pamela and ALL Dingleberries <3
  130. Jada Truong: I made a new best friend
  131. Maria Turinetti: In 2018, I moved to Tennessee. Really though...almost the whole year felt like prep for the move and the latter part was settling in after the moved. Moving states ain’t no joke, as you know. I’m proud to say I’m starting off 2019 strong. New job, new friends, happy, healthy & ready for all life has in store. Thanks for taking time to reflect on the good. The world needs more of that❤️
  132. Grace: So happy for you Josh, wishing you and Your Beautiful wife the Very Best for 2019!!
  133. Mary Baker: The birth of my son in April. Had to have a c-section on his due date because everytime I had a contraction his heart rate would drop... but he is healthy and getting so big too quick.
  134. Krystal Gill: 2018 was just about me growing as a single person and focusing on my two daughters. And so ot was good year overall. Ps. Am i the only one hoping for a pregnancy announcement soon from these two?!?!
  135. Joel Feiock: now that they are married can Erin do her erin's eats again I have been writing down some of the recipes
  136. Jabbachan: In 2018 i got myself out of financial disaster and i have leanered to love and appreciate my mother even more for the things she does in my family 😁
  137. DrDeepity: You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries? Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard ’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin’ in my own backyard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. Maya Angelou
  138. Jordan Nurney: In 2018 I started going and seeing a therapist which has been the best decision I could’ve ever made for myself!
  139. Mommy and Teacher 2: Weight is temporary. Enjoy life and happy 2019!
  140. Kalee Johnson: My son was born Jan 15 2018. The labor, delivery, and everything was a dream. Since he was born in early 2018 the entire year was full of all of his firsts. First smile, laugh, foods, rolling, crawling, waking, tooth, 5 more teeth, every holiday, and so many more amazing memories. 💜 2018 was the best!!!
  141. E Thibbs: I moved about 45 minutes away from multiple people who were toxic in my life. Since then, my life and outlook on it has been totally different. I'm definitely more mentally and emotionally stable because of it.
  142. Felicia Bourque: Happy 2019 to you and Pamela. Hope this year is going to be a great one for you
  144. Christina Lopez: Happy New Years josh! I like the extra meat on you. Still looking good !!!! Wishing this year is ten times better then last year and time to make new memories with Pam.
  145. Kate Castleberry: Hi random person. 2018 wasn't that bad, think on the positive side! I just want to spread happiness and joy to everyone. One like = more chance that I will start a channel!
  146. mslisalorge: 2018 was the year I finally faced my fear of flying (and did it alone!!!) ((twice 😱) and I got my first tattoo that I had wanted for a looooong time.
  147. Jessica Rayner: My boyfriend and i moved to another city with actually affordable housing and brought our first house, i got engaged, we started trying for a baby and i discovered you! :)
  148. Soft ASMR Tonight ZZZ: She is so much prettier than, erm, other people ...and stuff. Yeah, that’s the way to put it. 😏
  149. Elizabeth Miner: I love wings too, but with no breading. It might be what you re eating with the wings that's making you put on weight, Try naked wings with buffalo sauce on the side, Salad, and 2 tablespoons ( not heaping ) of Dressing to use for both wings and salad. That 2 total. It the carbs the are killing ya.
  150. J H: I went through a break up of 5 years at the start of last year. I was in such a weird place and so much of my life had to change because of it, it wasn’t a great time. But I pushed through it and learned a lot about myself because of it. Then at the end of this year I met someone, I wasn’t expecting to find someone but I did and he’s truly a great guy. I think when I look at where I’ve been these last few months I’m genuinely the happiest I’ve been in a long time. 2018 for me was all about growing and I really think I found myself.
  151. Alexandria Hayse: Thanks for the reminder that even tough years still have happy, joyful moments. In 2018 I got to see and meet a super influential speaker with my dad and my husband, my daughter turned 2 and we got to take her to the zoo. My husband was offered a new job so we got to move from Dallas back the Midwest, much closer to family. We had an incredible vacation, started new jobs and I became pregnant with my second child! There were plenty of hard things about 2018, but it was also pretty great.
  152. Ain Lerato Michele: No more dingle berries man!!! 😂 Gross. Every year has the potential to be good, depends on how we choose to view it.
  153. Alisha Hummel: My husband and I had our first baby after 3 years of trying!2018 was an amazing year for us!!!
  154. JoshuaDTV: good luck! don't forget to have a little fun
  155. JackieWarner13: I went to America with my sister and friend. Week at Disney World/Universal in Orlando, went to New York for the 3rd time and got to see broadway shows & explore more. I got to be in the audience for the tonight show Jimmy Fallon worth camping out from 4am to get a stand by ticket 😍☺️ I'm a huge BTS fan & they released so much amazing music & they've reach so many milestones. Got to meet Joe Jonas who I've loved for 13 years. Went to 2 Taylor Swift Reputation shows in Sydney & Melbourne I touched her hand & had the time of my life dancing at the concerts. Went to vidcon in Australia & got to meet some of my fave creators like Thomas Sanders & got so inspired to create more content. Sad thing that happened Nick Jonas started dating, got engaged & then married 😜😉😂
  156. becky villa: Has josh gained weight? Lol
  157. A-J: We miss Erin!! Please send her our love and it's so good to hear she is well 😊❤
  158. Kim Mitchell: In 2018 I got a new puppy, and named her MARVEL! She’s the best.
  159. EveMara9: In 2018, I got cast in a play after not acting for a year and a half due to going through a terrible depressive state in 2017. It was the most amazing theatre experience I could have ever asked for; it was possibly my favorite script I ever worked with, the cast was perfect, and I met some of the most wonderful people while reconnecting with others. As a long time viewer, I'm so happy for you! Cheers ❤️
  160. Kirstine: I got married in 2018!!! And moved to a new state, which I'm not so happy about, BUT my lovely husband makes life so much better! Sending warm thoughts your way!!
  161. ohsnapitznat: To be honest my 2018 was very rough. A lot of loved ones and family members had major health issues. I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 & 1/2 years. There was a lot things in between all that. Its really hard for me to look at the positive things that happened. One good thing that happened last year was seeing my idol demi lovato in concert, and getting my associates in college.
  162. Carolina Orellana: Ooh Josh... you are looking like a married guy. I guy who married a Latina and food is good lol. Sorry but it's the thruth. Hahaha I'm glad u are happier and gordito! :)
  163. Theresa Lackey: +Di Life and Style Thank you! :)
  164. Christina Bloom: I also got married! Also, my favorite food is carne asada fries. Holy crap they are the best things in the entire world. I'm from san diego so I get the best lol. Chubby, happy married club 😅
  165. AnnalynRose 27: In 2018 I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy!! It was a great year!!
  166. leonardwharris: Had a baby 👶 2018 so it was a great year.
  167. Jonas Flynn.: Happy 2019, Josh!! ❤️
  168. Gabriela Diaz: becky villa that happens a lot when you get married and are happy
  169. remsey: I had my first baby and I got married! Such a great year, even if I got no sleep. 👍 I’m so glad you are happy. You deserve it!!
  170. Tiffany Ludena: 2018 was a great year for me! I graduated college, went on my dream vacation to Paris and got my first job as a teacher. 😊
  171. Kristy Joy: Josh you’ve gained weight! Your face really shows it! Looks great though!
  172. Laura.Uzarski.Roeters: I also got married this year!!!! 😃
  173. texanne88: I love Pamela! Her smile alone brings so much positive energy and love. I am so happy for you two! Congratulations. xo
  174. SuperMom: them cheeks though
  175. JackieWarner13: Yasss that's incredible!! So happy for you
  176. Theresa Lackey: I graduated and received my PhD degree... so now I’m Dr. Lackey. crazy but it was hard work.
  177. Katelyn Cole: Hi!! I love you! One positive thing is I started college, I got my first job, I officially own my car, I turned 18, I even got your “Be nice to people” sweatshirt and so much more ! I’m happy you’re looking at the positive things instead of the negative. You’ve grown so much! I love you!
  178. elias winters: josh  do more vids this yr plz
  179. Elizabeth Marino: Also, I’m not getting your notifications!!
  180. Katerackley14: I became a member of my church 😊
  181. Kelly M: This makes me so happy and gives me so much hope❤️
  182. Oceans Rise: You are 10 years older than me.
  183. TheOfficeFanatic word: Very thankful everything turned positive and a blessing for you. You deserve it. 2018 was not bad for me. I have two children who are my world.
  184. esaplllovatic: this year my husband divorced me -- a very bad year for me, but you helped me get through it! i just don't know what to do anymore :( i wish you the best though josh!
  185. Miya Lafreniere: He lookin old and chubby
  186. TAYLOR GESSLER: Douche bag tendencies hahahha
  187. Kimberlee Vroom: My mom survived cancer in 2018!
  188. Ericka Dawn: Got my first job in 2018 #employment
  189. Meggy G808: Congrats Candice :)
  190. Sepi Sh: We miss you ♥️
  191. conversepunk14: I graduated college and helped my grandma move 2 states to be near me ^_^
  192. Lisa Marie: feel better Josh <3 Im so happy your year was incredible, Im happy you found each other
  193. ScarletAddictions: At the beginning of 2018 I broke up with someone which caused me to move out alone however, this home has become my sanctuary and at the end of the year I fell in love. 2018 gave me a home and love. <3
  194. Emma Nakhla: i love pickles!! 2018 was good cause i learned a lot but i learned from some not so great situations. I am glad i learned something though!
  195. WeTheBorchards Charlie-Evie: I got married to the love of my life!!
  196. Tina Davies: Aww josh has gained alittle weight. I think I kinda like him better at this weight.
  197. Heather Byerly: My son told me he was trans 😊! My husband got a new job and we had to move from North Carolina to Florida!😊 2018 was an awesome year.
  198. adam mac: Ok, but in your defense.. wings ARE delicious. Haha #flats
  199. Rama Hanvi: I‘m truly happy to see you happier than ever :) i hope this year brings all the happiness and joy to you and Pam ;)
  200. Rebe Ruth: Today's my birthday💜💜
  201. Candice Smith: After a traumatic event making me quit school 5 yrs ago I finally started back in Aug 2018! On my way to finish nursing school finally!!!
  202. Tina Pesina: In 2018 me and my husband finally moved into a house and out of an apartment, not the biggest accomplishment in the world but we were so happy, also I had a niece and a nephew be born which made me the happiest auntie in the world! 2019 is gonna be a little bit of a sad year because my husband is getting stationed in Korea but during that time I will be goin to college for nursing! I love your videos josh and I am so happy that you’re happy! ❤️
  203. Teri Burch: Best part of 2018 for my family was taking my 15 year old to Universal Studios in FL for his birthday. Harry Potter World was a huge highlight of the trip. It wasn't a perfect trip, but it was fun.
  204. Ashley Rodgers: I had a baby in 2018 after trying for 3 years!
  205. TinkerbellKat: 2018 - my husband and I decided we would start trying for kids! No luck yet though so i'm hoping the best thing about 2019 will be holding our baby before the end of the year!
  206. Colleen Babin/dance: First things first @2:08 the "gawds" sending you guys a subliminal message as you are saying "it will cross" is a child running in the background as you propose is one thing. However all I have to say is your presence on here with your videos and on the socials is a positive light for me. #nottosoundsocorny #butjustbeingthankful happy for you. Appreciate you as a sincere open positive person and looking for more to come. 👍🏻😊
  207. Jennifer Bure: 2018... bought a house in a new city, got a puppy 🐕, found out I'm pregnant with my second child... yeah it was an ok year for me
  208. Nicole: I planned my wedding for March 2019. I got a new pet chameleon. I got my health back on track. Thanks 2018 now lets make 2019 amazing. Love ya Josh and I hope u have a amazing 2019 too. 🎊❤️🥂❤️🙏.
  209. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: No massive mile stones in 2018, but I finally embraced my single life. If I meet someone someday, that’s great. But I am enough. Sure, I want someone to love and to love me back, but I’m okay that he or she isn’t here yet. If it’s meant to happen, it’ll happen. Anyway, whether or not I meet someone in 2019, I’m sure it’ll be just as great as 2018 was. Whatever this year brings, I’m excited for it.
  210. Rikkiticky Tavy: - My son started walking -You featured my question in your video ! -You tweet at me. ;) -One year wedding anniversary -Went to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HARRY POTTER YASSSS -I met Ghost Adventures’ Zak Bagans ON MY BIRTHDAY Love you! See you soon! - Rikkitickytavy
  211. Emma Sharps: I got engaged, so 2018 was great in my book, despite all the crap, I said yes to some one who is my partner and is incredible.
  212. Hope Robinson: +reina721 Thank you so much :)! I really appreciate the encouragement :). It means a lot.
  213. Amy Rohr: I've noticed when you're really happy and in love, you gain a few pounds lol I know I did and so did my hubby. We enjoy having a junk food day once a month. It's wonderful! Hmmmm 2018..... The absolute best thing that happened in my life for 2018 was my youngest brother and his wife adopted my nieces and nephew! It's amazing to me that children who are not biologically theirs, fit soooooo perfectly into our family. They were the missing puzzle pieces. Our whole family bonded with them the instant we met them. They were meant to be ours. There is a lot of strange things and coincidences that led them to us. This whole experience has sparked a fire in my heart to consider fostering to adopt! There are too many wonderful children in the system that need forever homes and families to love them. Some of them have never experienced love and that makes me want to do this even more.
  214. Rocco Maniscalco: Josh- I have stage 4 cancer and neurological lyme disease, I'm so grateful to still be here, everyday. I'm in pain, but hey, look what the alternative is. So glad your happy and with someone as wonderful as your new wife and family. Love, forever duchess's momma
  215. L.: this comment made my day, all the best to you and your loved ones!
  216. fluteloops22: Aw congratulations!!!! Happy first birthday to your son!
  217. Rebecca: You say you gained weight, but seriously, you look so good, healthy and most importantly happy!!
  218. Sheena Aikins: Yep! You win 2018!! Congrats!!
  219. Rebecca Monteith: I miss Erin's cooking videos
  220. that girl in okc: I went vegan in 2018. I did it for my health and feel so much better. Lots of good and bad happens all the time but being aware and appreciative of the positives makes the negatives seem smaller!✌❤
  221. Leslie: I never comment on YouTube videos but I just have to say this. I am so incredibly happy for you. I admire both you and Pamela so much. I don’t watch many people on YouTube, but I will never stop watching you (for as long as you choose to make videos). I just am very happy for you and I’m very inspired by your journey. I hope your 2019 is as great as your 2018 was. Lots of love and happiness to you and Pamela. 💕
  222. Rocio Correa: Started marriage counseling and we are stronger than ever. We were headed towards divorce but now we are so much in love and laugh all the time.
  223. Bonner Tyburski: My daughter was born in July ❤️ i always considered myseld a boy mom and had NO idea how different a daughter would be. Now I have my little man and my little angel and life is good.
  224. Jacqueline M.: I changed my major to my passion, theatre! In that same week I met my love! I also went on the best vacation I’ve went on in a long time and I got to spend a lot of time with good friends!
  225. Melissa Molina: 2018 was a very hard year in my life but I think one of the best years
  226. Kandi Fox: Though my Dad passed away this year, I did find the love of my life that was my friend for years, we got engaged and I took a great new career path. Thanks for all the positivity!
  227. Mary Loves Makeup77: 2018 was BRUTAL but in the spirit of positivity I’ll give it a go 😉 I finished my cycle of chemo on December 4th and am praying it was my last one and I can leave that in 2018. Here’s to 2019 and hopefully growing eyelashes back 😊♥️
  228. Andrea Sinclair Paz: Did my fist semester of college and also became obsessed with a star is born the movie and soundtrack and is your cover of shallow with Pamela going to be uploaded ?
  229. Natasha Aiken: Miya Lafreniere don’t be rude
  230. MssLieze: In 2018 I married my best friend #180818
  231. Alyssa V: Let see... 2018 was the first year I applied for internships and I got one! Moving away for the internship was one of the best things that could’ve ever happened for me. Mostly mental health wise but also, it was so much fun and I met a couple of my good friends there. I started thinking about transferring to a different university to get better education in a field my current university doesn’t teach and I’m going to be applying this month😊 Halloween marked one year since I left an extremely toxic, negative, and un healthy relationship with someone I had grown up with and my life has just been improving since. I also got to go to Puerto Rico for a week with my family over Christmas and it was absolutely amazing. I’d go back in a heartbeat and it was really cool being able to talk to some people in their native language. There’s probably some things I’m forgetting but those were the major highlights of the year
  232. Cassandra Leffew: Aw! That's my son's birthday is also January 15th, he will be 8 this year! They grow fast, enjoy it!
  233. Amber Evans: That's so amazing! I admire that kind of strength and resilience.
  234. Laura Grimmer: Thank you so much for spreading positivity! Just came back in to check and see how you've been doing,, and oh my gosh! You got engaged, then married! You look so happy and i am so happy for you! Also your wife sounds like literally the sweetest person on the planet. I'm really glad that you are so positive and just spreading happiness cause goodness knows the world needs more happiness so thank you! I hope you have a good life 🌿
  235. KBBEAUTY: Let's see .....in 2018 I Moved into a new house Got a new bunny Took youtube more seriously Got you to tweet me happy birthday Died my hair purple Hated it and died it back blue And I think there is more but those were definitely the highlights
  236. Tammy’s Florida Treasure Quest: What’s up with your dad?? He just disappeared.
  237. Rum Flake: Its not just the heaps of extra weight. Its the sad eyes. Its the blunted personality. Its the rush to get married again. Its the eagerness to tell us all how 'happy' and 'healthy' he is. Such a shame. But such a car crash. :(
  238. Hope Robinson: I lost 35lbs :)! I am so proud of myself. I plan on working hard to get to my goal weight this year, and maintaining it :)!
  239. Sarah Jane: 2018 review... I lost work and my home due to hurricane Florence . The upside is that we are moving into our new home in 20 days . Whoop whoop 🙌🏻 I also decided to start my own business which is going well so far 🙌🏻 I lost someone very near and dear to my heart almost a week before Christmas . It broke my heart and I was in a deep state of hurt and sadness. The upside is that I learned that my boyfriend is a very kind hearted and loyal human being, even more so than I thought. Considering the person I lost was my young self’s first love from age 18-22 , my boyfriend didn’t think twice about holding me and listening to me go on and on about the memories and our friendship that lasted long beyond our romantic relationship . Not an ounce of jealousy or hurt or anything from my boyfriend. He has just truly truly been there for me. I am so grateful for him♥️ Another upside is that my boyfriend had a dream about my friend and in the dream he said he was going to miss me . How cool is that?! In 2018 I learned that in even the most tragic times and times where you feel completely defeated, there is always something to pull you through. There is always something positive in EVERYTHING, you just might have to look for it . Things get tough but without those tough times, we’d never be able to truly appreciate the remarkable ones. Peace and love to everyone and I hope EVERYONE has a beautiful 2019 💕
  240. applehead_gang: Please spread the news about Michael Jackson right now bc I know you're a fan. He was an innocent man who deserves defending and understanding. Please speak up if you can. Love you 💖
  241. Catherine Storing: What? I missed a video? I’m SO glad I did my random check just in case. 2018 was both hard and the best year ever. Lots of growth. I found my thing, the one thing I want to spend my time doing and it feels amazing. Here’s to an even more amazing year!!!
  242. Sarcastically_me: My husband and I bought our first home in 2018! We’ve been together for almost 14 years, he was in the marines for four years, and we went through the hardest times ever when we came back home. We struggled for many years, living at my parents, living with his parents, always stressed and fighting, almost divorced at some points, but we got back on track, and after a couple years of happiness we were finally able to buy a house. I’m so grateful for 2018 and hoping 2019 is even better. So happy for you Josh, and I know everything happens for a reason whether you know it or not. 😊❤️
  243. Amber Bowen: The best thing that has happened to me in 2018 was I got to see my favorite band Why Don't We and their best friend Eben who opened for them on tour. That was genuinely the best day of my life. (You follow me on Twitter so I'm sure you've seen my tweets unless you muted me and that's okay) Another great thing was knowing I could tweet you asking for advice and you responded with some that I used for my performance in musical theatre. So thank you!! Also, your amazing wife followed me so that's pretty cool. I hope 2019 treats you and your family well Josh. Thank you for everything!! Much love💛
  244. Lillian C: Josh you are loved.
  245. Dolores Walme: +Hope Robinson yes!! Im not expecting a bikini body cause its impossible but i want to go swimm and not having ppl looking at me xxx
  246. Emma Lee: In 2018, I did two things that scared me a lot for a really long time. The first thing was getting my license. I know that this is something that doesn’t seem super significant - most teenagers get their license and are VERY eager to do so - but the idea of having that much control is something that always scared me. But in August, after one failed attempt, I got it! I still don’t drive very much but it’s good to know that I can if I want to. One of my goals for 2019 is to keep driving and growing more confident in myself so that I can do fun things with my friends and gain a little more independence. I also started my freshman year of college in 2018, and successfully survived my first semester. Although it terrified me, I decided to live on-campus, and I’m happy I made that decision - it helped me to learn that sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to make the choice that is best for you.
  247. Speak the Truth: 2018 was a mixed bag for me. Anyway, it's a new year with new hope. Glad you married your sweetheart and Erin and Adam got married. Continued good wishes for the Evans family. 😊
  248. Grace Wright: 2018, I moved states (Australia) from Sydney, NSW to the Gold Coast, QLD with the love of my life and I've never been happier. My partner and I also spent a month overseas travelling the US, EU, UK and Hong Kong, I completed my nursing degree with flying colours, I made some of the best friends that i've ever had (had some traumatic friendships in Sydney so its a welcomed change) and so many more little things happened. I had some bad stuff, like being kicked out of two homes because of crappy real estate and I was attacked at work and broke 3 bones in my foot but honestly, all that negativity has nothing compared to the happiness I've felt. I've never been happier in my entire life.
  249. Сергей Комаров: The ring, dog and bride are gorgeous. Joshua is NOT SO BAD as well ;)
  250. LAV dur: Hi Josh! 😉
  251. Taylor Stewart: My husband and I had our first baby in August!!! We also celebrated New Years in New York City which was awesome.
  252. Jamie Scott: I’m so glad that you are happy, you deserve it. I was able to get surgery allowing me to eat real food instead of feeding tube....very exciting for me.
  253. Mel Acosta: ❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I’m so happy for you!! Here’s to a wonderful 2019! My biggest moment was going back to college at 42 and being a straight A student after being a not so great student in my youth!
  254. EMERYTHEQUEEN SKINNYLEGEND: Nah man 2018 sucked
  255. Ashley Denny: I got married too!
  256. Nicole Melendez: Oh man! 2018 was great for me! I graduated high school, went to Disney world, started college, made Texas All State Band, played Medea and Lucy (Charlie Brown), did a Madrigal dinner in college, and I came home and had a great Christmas with my family!
  257. Joanna S: It was the hardest yet most fulfilling year of my life. I worked a lot in order to be accepted in the University I wanted, moved to a big city and made some great memories. Here's to new beginnings ❤ Congrats on all your achievements, your marriage as well as Erin and Adam's! You are an amazing human and I wish you the best. ❤ May 2019 be filled with love and happiness!
  258. Rebe Ruth: I lost my dad to Alzheimers in 2018, but he's now in heaven with my sweet mama💜
  259. Sarah Molitor: It’s so cool to see you go through so much! Hears to a great 2019 to you Josh!
  260. Bex Bundock: Josh looks so much healthier now. His face looks so filled and happy.
  261. Ev Ye: He looks great at this weight. He was super duper skinny before.
  262. Ashley Wright: I chose working on my mental health and personal growth in 2018 by dropping everything comfortable and moved to a different city. Cheers to a joyous 2019 filled with much more personal growth!
  263. Joey Wisdom: In 2018, I graduated and then had my son a month later. We also went to halloween horror night for the first time. It was fun.
  264. Bella Sky: 2018 was a good year other than my 5 year old niece got diagnosed with a brain tumor, I reached out to multiple big youtubers on twitter just to retweet my tweet as they would have bigger platforms just so it could be seen to help raise funds for her medical treatment, not one responded, if you could possibly even retweet my pinned tweet or share my video on this topic I would be so grateful just for it to be seen as we really do need help to help her. She is 5 years old and the medical bills are crazy high and the family are doing everything we possibly can so all I need help with is for either the tweet or video to be seen would you possibly be able to help with this Joshua? Been watching you for years and wonderful to see how you evolved after all you been through you finally look content and happy. So happy for Erin please congratulate her as well, God bless
  265. Millena De Moura: Yay love me some Pamela and Joshua ❤️
  266. kcallamajaji: Excited for more music vids from you!
  267. Dajsha Sanders: The most memorable experience that happened to me in 2018 was when I met my bae tywee James I love him so much , another thing is when I decided to live with my bae and another thing that happened was when you came back to YouTube and glad things are good with you ......I mean your new wife pamula seems really good for you , another is when I got my hair straightened again after a while and another is when I went to the mall with my bae and another is when I went to Philadelphia to eat at the restaurant and another is when I took the train all by myself and that is a few of what I am happy Happened to me in 2018 👌👍
  268. Louk E: 2018 was tough for me. I got lied to, cheated on, left for someone else, and said to be the faulty and crazy one. At least I left all this negativity behind on the 30th December. Can't wait for what's to come this year and to soon smile again..
  269. reina721: Ashley Rodgers congrats
  270. dschackkk_: I still can't believe you got engaged at Avalon park. I was just there yesterday with my boyfriend and it is so cool knowing that you got engaged there!
  271. rover F: yas eat them wings 🤙🏼👏🏼😂
  272. abigail osorio: I graduated from Respiratory Therapy in 2018!!!! Goal in 2019 is to become registered by passing my 2 state exams!!!
  273. Debbie Dattilo: And that shuts down the rotten vicious rumor that josh gave Pamela Colleen’s old engagement ring. So there haters!
  274. Raj Malhi: The whole year was great I can’t pick
  275. Julie Huebner: So my 2018 was pretty good, not only did my work situation improve but I joined two awesome RP sites with my husband.
  276. Kimberly Dhanraj: In 2018 I got into and started graduate school for mental health counseling :)
  277. Nina The Wizard: My mom survived both uterine and cervical cancer and is now cancer free! We are so thankful. <3 2018 was her treatment and her healing. And we feel it was hard but also a miracle. <3
  278. Periwinkle Dee: I survived 2018 and there were good times mixed in with the bad. I look forward to great things happening in 2019.
  279. Theresa Lackey: +L. Thank you! Wow! Congrats! It will test you and take you out of your comfort zone, but it's so worth it!
  280. Christi Seneri: Hey josh
  281. Hope Robinson: +Dolores Walme I'll be praying for you! We can do it :)!!!
  282. Kristi Hughes: I just love Josh 😊
  283. Chloe _: 4:29 guess it runs in the family.
  284. L.: congrats Doctor! hopefully in 4 years I get to say the same for myself (starting my PhD in 8 months) x
  285. rdidri: Pamela is gorgeous.
  286. kcallamajaji: Congrats! The world needs more amazing nurses! Good luck in all of your future endeavors!
  287. Dustin James: Got engaged. Built my portfolio. Sold our house. Graduated with my second bachelors. Moved to Seattle! It was ok 😜
  288. Britney Haywood: I had my 2nd daughter 7 weeks early. However she came out breathing on her own with no machines or anything extra. She is now a perfect healthy almost 1 year old ❤
  289. Cami P: Sweetest love story ❤️gives me hope
  290. Lilac A: let me tell you that you should have done this video sooner bc were already halfway into the month
  291. Anna Hutchinson: I met my best friend after letting go of some toxic friendships, I graduated high school, I got my first job doing something I love- working with kids, I decided to take a gap year, and I grew closer to God and my family.😊
  292. JoshuaDTV: Dang bro that's awesome. Congrats!
  293. Thanya R.: I think when josh says things happened in his life, I’m pretty sure he’s talking about his father!! He always post his mom but his dad hasn’t been in recent Instagram post. Wow I just wanna know now 😔
  294. Yogirlisha: I really want to comment something right now but imma hold back
  295. Samantha Trujillo: Hi josh! I love you
  296. Brooke Lee: I also got married in 2018 ❤️
  297. Kimberly K: I fell in love with the perfect man.
  298. Brigitte Hunter: 2018 was pretty amazing! My husband came home after months of training for the Air Force, I became pregnant with my handsome twins and gave birth to them in December!
  299. Sally Anne: My son and I got our citizenship to England in 2018 and wings are Amaaaazing.
  300. adam mac: Alexa, show me a relationship I can only dream of having.. Woah! It worked!! 🤯😁
  301. Dr Reeves: i think youre hott at any weight just please do stay healthy and take care of your self. we want you happy
  302. jazmine kong: Finally got to study classical music which was something i have looked forward to for many years. Also managed to get into the desired school i wanted to study music in and school has been really awesome so far!!!!!!! Glad you had a great year too Josh!!
  303. Lindsay Stoesz: The biggest and best thing that happened in my life in 2018 was giving birth to mine and my husbands 3rd child, Charlotte Brielle, in August. Nothing tops it.
  304. Jess Reardon: I can relate Josh In 2018 I got engaged to the love of my life and could not be happier. I feel like I live in a fairytale by how good of a guy he is. ❤️getting married this September 😊
  305. KristiannaStephani: Josh you are looking FANTASTIC!! You and Pamela are a gorgeous couple, inside and out. Congrats x1000 😍 I also married my best friend this year and we honeymooned on a cruise! We’re 2018 wedding/honeymoon twinsies!! *high five*
  306. kcallamajaji: Congrats! That gives me hope. We've been TTC for 2 years. Finally have a dr appointment this month. Hopefully things will move forward for us. So happy for you!
  307. Jennifer Bure: Also, as someone who grew up in Buffalo NY I approve of your love of wings!! My favorite comfort food ever!
  308. H.S.: Omg, the intro is the cutest 😭 also, you don't sound corny, I too think she's an angel! Edit: l also believe she's your Muse 😍
  309. Terri Fenwick: I love wings. No apologies 🍗
  310. rebeccajns: I'm SO HAPPY for u & Pamela! Here's to a fabulous 2019 🍻 🎉
  311. Linda Dick: Potato chips and coke. Also is Erin coming back
  312. MissJane777: *Also.... I can't wait until you have kids!!!!* ☺
  313. Belleissoawesomelike: 2018 i got engaged too
  314. Theresa Lackey: +L. oh that's awesome! :) My peers were just surprised at the amount of work and so I just like to advise anyone doing it.. I'm more than sure.. you'll be incredible! x
  315. JoshuaDTV: dem wings doe
  316. cynthia sanchez: Went back to school passed college math 😁
  317. rachdeeful: I hope 2019 will be a beautiful year for you! Keep going!! ❤️
  318. Bethany Lehnen: I had a baby!!
  319. Anna Sanfino: graduated high school and then over the summer i flew to ireland, by myself, to meet my boyfriend of two years for the first time, he lives there and i live in the US, we aren’t together anymore, long distance is hard! but are still best friends :) started college too!
  320. JoshuaDTV: back at ya Jonas
  321. Alie Smith: I had a rough 2018, but I guess the positive is at the end of it I discovered a lot about myself I had lost, like my passion for music. :)
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Let me tell you why 2018 wasn't so bad :)

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People & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 12 Jan 2019

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